#Final Fantasy imagines
angelltheninth · 19 days
Cloud Strife Gets A Blowjob for the First Time
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Cloud didn't know where to put his hands. Should he thread them through your hair or set them at his sides? Do you even want him to guide you sincsme you were the more experianced one? He settled for one hand on the pillow, the other hand on your cheek, with his thumb rubbing encouraging circles on the soft flesh.
What about moaning, should he be loud or not? You always called Cloud cute when he was vocal but he didn't want to do anything to cut off the loud slurping and sucking noises you made when you pushed your head back down on his cock. Tried as he might he had to at least moan a little, moan words of praise and tell you to keep going.
He always liked to look at you but now Cloud found himself a little self concious. He was looking at you and you were looking at him, like always. But his blue eyes ran to the cock in your mouth, to the soft ring your lips made around it, to the mix of spit and cum that ran down his cock and your chin. That was a new, and a very appealing sight.
The biggest struggle Cloud had was keeping his hips still. When he fucked his hand or a sex toy he always moved with fast, frantic, needy thrusts. But your mouth was better than any of those two options. It was wet and warm, your tongue firm but soft in it's licks, giving but teasing. And while he couldn't fully understand you he thought he heard you telling him to come.
For that Cloud pressed both his hands against your head. He screamed your name as loud as he could. He looked deep into your eyes. He pushed his hips upwards, his entire leangth into your mouth, balls against your chin and nearly passed out as he heard you moan and gulp his cum down your throat.
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Dividers by: @/cafekitsune
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kyasarinkishinuma · 4 months
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Summary: Cloud comes home from a mission to find you pulling an all-nighter, and he agrees to stay up with you.
Pairing: Cloud Strife x Reader
Themes: Roommates AU, Fluff
AO3 link
Your apartment had long been plunged into darkness when the front door creaked open, admitting a late-night visitor. Or rather, a late-night homecomer, as this apartment was not yours alone.
Cloud placed his sword by the door, propping it up against the wall once he had shut the door behind him. He let his eyes drift to you, curled up on the couch beneath a blanket. You hadn’t greeted him as you were completely indulged in your study of the weighty book resting in your hands. It didn’t bother him.
“Hey,” he spoke offhandedly, not expecting a response as he stepped further into the humble apartment. You gave off a hum in response, brows knitted together as you committed your whole attention to the words swimming in front of your tired eyes. Cloud hesitated then at the hallway leading to your separate rooms then, glancing back at you briefly.
“Whatcha reading?” He asked casually, choosing to commit a moment longer to you, his roommate. It just so happened that Midgar was short on apartments for broke people, and it just so happened that you were one of the few people that he could put up with. You were quiet, calm and minded your own business. You asked nothing of him, only that he paid his half of the rent. He was fine with that. But over the weeks, living within the same apartment had inevitably led you to become more acquainted with one another. Talking became more natural, all while holding that nonchalance that had always been there. Conversations that didn’t mean anything. The easy kind.
Grateful for an excuse to get away from your reading if only for a moment, you let your gaze wander to Cloud, lazily stretching out over the couch. He was filthy. Cloud always came back like that. In the early hours of the morning, looking like he had just tumbled in the Midgar dirt. You never really asked him why, just like you never asked him about the massive sword he carried around. This was Midgar, after all. Nothing’s too weird to be true. The blonde had opened up to you about a couple things in time, though, as you had with him. “Oh, you know, the usual.” You gave a quiet groan, rubbing your hand over your eyes. They were burning from the strain of pulling an all-nighter. “University stuff.”
“Yeah.” Cloud nodded then, somewhat awkwardly. Like he didn’t know how to respond to that. He wasn’t big on talking. “You want a coffee?” But he was still very thoughtful, in his own way. You smiled at the proposition, nodding as you suppressed a yawn.
“Yeah. That’d be great, actually.”
“Give me a minute.” 
“Thanks, Cloud.” You called after him, but you got no response. Sighing through your nose, you curled back onto the couch, casting a wary look down at your book. You had been at it for hours, slaving away at your university assignments. It may seem silly to those like Cloud who were out there doing actual jobs. But to you, it was important. It was your chance at a better future than one in the slums.
You hadn’t realized you were falling asleep right then, nodding off as you fell deeper and deeper into your thoughts until Cloud came back with two mugs in his hands. “You okay?” He asked you, mako eyes burning into your face as you were startled awake with a quiet snort. You flushed in embarrassment but the mercenary didn’t even seem to notice it, handing you your cup of coffee.
“Thanks.” You brought the drink to your lips, feeling Cloud’s weight plop down on the couch next to you. He casually slung his arm over the side of the couch opposite of yours, making himself comfortable in his filthy state. You didn’t complain. “Did you get in a fight with Barret again?” 
Cloud’s gaze followed yours, focusing on a bruise on his arm, one too large to have been caused by a mere trip-up. He didn’t show a reaction, leaning back against the couch as he shrugged.
You laughed quietly then, shaking your headd. Sounds about right. It did kind of surprise you, though, that a guy as quiet as Cloud always seemed to be getting into fights. A silence fell over you both as you held your mugs in your hands, simply enjoying the cover of peace that only existed at night in this city. You could still hear the distant ruckus of breaking glass and drunken shouting from further down the street, sure, but it was nothing to how rowdy it would get during the daytime.
“You should really go sleep if you’re tired.”
Cloud’s voice broke into your thoughts as you looked over to him, finding him looking back. His expression was its usual. Neutral, unreadable. Except in time you had learned to pick up one small but crucial detail. His brows were furrowed in the slightest, eyes set on you intently. Like he meant it. He had shifted out of his lazy slouch, sitting up in the slightest. Attentive.
You showed him a tired smile then. Cloud was right. Some shut-eye wouldn’t hurt you. But you absolutely had to get this reading done by tomorrow. “I know. But these books won’t read themselves.”
“Can I help?” 
You had to admit you were surprised by the prompt reply, feeling his eyes burn into yours. It didn’t seem like he was letting up. Truth be told, this kind of attention was not something you saw everyday from your roommate. It was a side of him you got to see slowly, bit by bit as talking became easier. In a way, perhaps he was seeing that side of you too, ever since you had first offered to stitch up his wounds for him.
You shook your head. After that it was like Cloud hadn’t said anything at all, his posture relaxing as he laid back against the couch and turned to focus on the empty TV screen. But you did reconsider his offer after a moment. “Well… There might be something.” You heard him hum absently. “Maybe you can stay up with me until I’m done?”
Cloud didn’t respond right away. You figured he was giving it some thought as he leaned back further against the couch and crossed his arms. His answer came shortly after. “Sure. I wasn’t planning on going to sleep yet, anyway.”
“Great.” You showed him a grateful smile, making yourself comfortable on the couch. “Thanks.” 
And so you read, and so did Cloud, picking up some book he found laying around. ‘LOVELESS’. Ha. You hadn’t taken him for the type. Or perhaps he wasn’t. Peeking at him from over the top of your book, watching his focused eyes and tireless demeanor, you had to wonder if he really had meant to stay up or if he was doing it because you had asked him to. Regardless, his company was… nice. It made it easier to study this late into the night, knowing someone else was there with you.
About an hour in, just as you were nearing the end of your chapter Cloud slid off the couch, stretched his hands over his head and straightened out. “Going to shower. I’ll be back in a bit.” He told you from over his shoulder, blue eyes briefly meeting yours as you nodded. He left, the sound of the shower soon letting itself be known as you dove back into your reading.
By the time Cloud came back you were fast asleep, book held limply in your hands as your body was slumped against the back of the couch. He frowned a bit, examining the scene as he wondered what to do. In the end he chose not to wake you. Instead he moved the book out of your hands, marking the page before he placed a blanket over you. The nights were cold in the slums. He let himself observe you for a moment, shaking his head. He wished you had taken his words more seriously. At this rate you were working more than he was. However, it seemed sleep had gotten the better of you. In any case, it seemed that reading that was so important to you would have to wait until tomorrow.
And with that he shut the lights, dousing the apartment in the early morning darkness.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
I am in a constant state of Sephiroth brainrot so I totally get you, he’s just so beautiful 😭
Anyways, could I request some cuddling headcanons with him please? More specifically Crisis Core/pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth because I think he’d be more willing to cuddle, lol
He’s so tall so I feel like cuddling with him would be super comforting!
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This is probably ooc for him but we’ll live with it for the headcannon. Also idk if this is what was expected but here, have it. I tried.
Sephiroth, at first, would be likely unaware of the concept of cuddling until you brought it up to him one day. He wouldn’t be the type to reframe himself from indulging himself in something you considered a comfort…unless it’s within the timeframe of his missions then no, he wouldn’t be able to indulge you during those times. He’s a hero after all so his duty as one is top priority.
Other then that he’ll happily oblige to your whims -within reason of course- but other then that Sephiroth happily lets himself become your personal body pillow and heater with how warm he was which was one of the main reasons why you loved to cuddle yourself into his side; More specifically on those rainy days where he would be aloud some time off and catch up on some light reading with a blanket draped over your laps.
The first time you cuddled, Sephiroth was stiff as a floorboard. So much so you were scared that he was going to strain a muscle of his if he wasn’t careful. You lifted your head from his chest to stare worriedly into his cat like eyes. ‘Sephiroth, relax.’ You told him as you placed your hand against his cheek, your thumb caressing the skin stretched across his cheek bones as he hummed in content, almost akin to a cat purring, as his eyes drifted to a close for a millisecond under your touch before opening again to look into your eyes
his features softened in tandem with his muscles as they obeyed your words almost immediately. You attempted to put your head on his chest once again and this time there was a more notable difference. He wasn’t tense but he still wasn’t fully relaxed almost as though there were parts of him that couldn’t fully relaxed under any circumstance no matter how hard you try to console them. They were just. There.
However you couldn’t complain as you found your hand slipping from his cheek onto his chest where his hand then came up to press against him tenderly as his warmth seeped into your palm and your cheek then throughout the rest of your body. ‘You’re warm’ you hummed in content as your eyes closed as sephiroth’s warmth lulled you into a state that tiptoes to and fro across continuous and unconscious.
His presence already brought you to relaxation but once he allowed his other arm to cage your against his chest as he moved over so that his back was facing the door to the room you shared, you immediate felt a wave of protection come over you. With his tally frame, it was like a wall had been put in front of you, a warm, comforting, protective but strong wall. Some of his silver locks would fall from his shoulder and cascaded over you like a waterfall or a curtain equivalent but it made your first cuddle session with Sephiroth all the more magical in your eyes as his hair forced your eyes to focus on him and only him. Which you weren’t complaining.
After that, cuddling became somewhat of a thing you both indulged in on a plethora of occasions. Each time it was always with Sephiroth setting himself into positions where he could quite easily protect you from all harm. When you asked him about why he preferred it that way, his only response was so that he could keep you safe but also because of how he came to like how you felt cuddled up against his frame that he almost felt possessive in certain instances. He felt like your guardian angel, your protector and he kept to it almost as seriously as he did his job.
Yet I’d like to think there are moments where you got to be the one with Sephiroth cuddled into your side, despite how humorous that may look to have SOLDIER’s number 1 war hero with his face pressed deep against your neck and or chest with his arms clutching your waist with an iron grip like you were his personal teddy bear he’d like to hold after a nightmare.
As much as Sephiroth enjoyed being a comfort to you, you enjoyed being a comfort for him during his worse days. You don’t tend to speak during those moments as you didn’t want to dig up whenever Sephiroth tried so hard to keep buried within. However you do communicate through your actions as once he walks through the door and you could see the fatigue within his eyes, you wordlessly stand up from the bed and open your arms towards him and watch as he picks you up in his arms and brings you back into bed.
Where Sephiroth would quickly cage you in his arms and bury his head into your neck as his hair slipped off his shoulder and pools itself onto you in a silky soft heap that held a bit of weight to it due to how much hair there was on the man. How he maintains it you’ll never know. But you also found out that if you were to run your fingers through those silky tresses of his, he’d sink further into your touch and might -might- even fall asleep against you if he were tired enough.
As I mentioned before, During rainy days where Sephiroth got some time off, he likes to catch up on some light reading. When he does, you made it apparent in keeping him company as you both sat yourselves down on the couch that was strategically angled so that the light from the windows as the rain splatters against them would give the room a bit of an ambiance. Talking wasn’t a necessity for the two of you whenever you cuddled, no matter where ever it maybe, for what could words express that your actions couldn’t?
So you would tuck yourself into his side, other times you’d be sitting on his lap, face buried a giant his chest or against his neck as his shoulder acted as a makeshift pillow for you but Sephiroth always insisted that you’d pick a position that wouldn’t give you a crocked neck later on. You most likely never head his advice and he could only sigh in bemusement at your predicament when you did eventually get a crooked neck from cuddling him at an odd position.
Either way, you’d have a blanket tossed over you both as you sink deeper in his warmth as he read passages of his book aloud with that voice of his that only ended up making you sleepier then usual. Sephiroth would soon join you, though after he moves you both to the bed for more comfort before bringing you back into his warmth where you subtly cling to him like a koala which never failed to humour him.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
May I request Final Fantasy VII Sephiroth sfw and nsfw headcanons with a female s/o, thank you!
Of course!!!
Sephiroth SFW and NSFW Headcanons 
Warnings: Fluff and then smut. Slight blood mention (like only once). Pretty much what the title says 
Rating: NSFW under the cut
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So, Sephiroth is not really used to love but he’s willing to try with you
I can see his pet names for you being dove, my angel, and love
Every morning, he will make you your favorite tea/coffee and give you morning kisses to wake you up
He will read you to sleep. No, you cannot convince me otherwise
There will be soft nights where the two of you will just hold each other and sway to some gentle music 
Please be there for him. Our angel has been through a lot and needs a lot of comfort 
I can see him loving to bake with you. Whether it’s something simple or something complicated. As long as the two of you are having fun, that’s all that matters to him. 
Breeding! Kink! This man definitely would have one!
Pet play! MMPH! He loves seeing you in pair of cat/puppy ears and just being his cute little pet
Now, he is a soft dom, but if you push him the wrong way, then good luck walking the next day
Now there are some things that are just a HARD no such as:
bondage. Cuffs are okay but that’s it. Anything else just makes him feel uncomfy
Knife play. He’s always afraid of hurting you (hence why he doesn’t want to use ropes). Plus he’s murdered so many people. Blood just makes him VERY regretful. 
His aftercare is rocky in the beginning of your relationship but as time goes on, it gets better and better. 
He will give you an amazing bath with all of your favorite scents (or none if your sensitive to scents), make you your favorite food, pretty much just give you whatever you want 
Overall, he’s an amazing boyfriend and may be the perfect husband. But you didn’t hear that from me *winks*
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thatonedaydream · 3 months
Don’t really wanna be Elevator Buddies (Sephiroth x Reader)
A/N: Part 1 here. im suffering sufficiently at my current job that im leaving that i think i can write something because i need an outlet and i also want sephiroth to make it better. also, i am so much older than when i wrote the first part; as such, my writing probably reads a lot more different - better, worse or same is up to you. to those who have requested a part 2 and have waited literal years (its been 4!!!!!), i love you, i'm so sorry its so late.
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Staring at the message in your work inbox, you suddenly couldn’t summon the effort to care. Your mood instantly dropped and you needed to leave your desk. You kept your headset on as you wandered towards the small staff kitchen under the guise that you were still connected to a meeting and listening in, when really you just want to block people out. You didn’t want to be perceived.
You just wanted out.
ShinRa Inc wasn’t known as the best place to work, but the pay was good and it was better than any other options you had. 
The coffee machine rumbled as you waited for it to process your order. You didn’t even want to drink the cheap, watered down stuff, you just didn’t want to be at your desk looking at that stupid fucking request. There wasn’t much that could get your out of these kinds of emotional troughs bar one thing that seemed to always work.
You felt the vibration of a notification from your phone in your pocket. Knowing what and who it was probably from, you eagerly checked the new message that had come through. It was just a photo of blue sky with some clouds—the tops of greenery you didn’t recognise lined the bottom. It was very abstract and out of context, but you were used to it now.
Putting aside your misery for the moment, you typed out a short response.
I can’t beat that. This is my view.
You took a photo of the ceiling above you. Stark, stale and claustrophobic in comparison to the natural sky you were given. You sent it off and only a few seconds later, received a thumbs up in response. It made you laugh.
Sephiroth was a terrible at texting sometimes, but it was endearing in way.
When you had first traded contact details a little after The Elevator Incident, it had taken a while before anything was sent from either of you. You were too scared of bothering him and he was more than likely too busy or just didn’t know what to send. It also felt like trading personal IDs was crossing into an entirely different friend territory that wasn’t as nonchalant as impromptu elevator conversations.
The messaging ice was broken when, one day, you got a single image of chocobo out in the wild with no context. If you didn’t have Sephiroth’s ID saved, you would have wondered if someone had messaged the wrong person. Your response was a quick ‘I love chocobos, they’re so cute!’, and your reward several hours later was a picture of a sweetly sleeping chocobo in a stable.
Sephiroth was a man of very few words, but he still found ways to communicate with you and that honestly made you feel… Well, you weren’t sure you wanted to admit what you were feeling too much. You knew you had feelings for the man, that you were attracted to him, but those feelings had no where to go. You couldn’t tell him.
For many reasons, you just couldn’t ever tell him about your ever growing affection for him.
You just couldn’t.
You wandered back to your desk, completely forgetting about the coffee you had made in the kitchen. The message from the 1st Class Soldier perked you up way more than the caffeine would have anyway. You scrolled through your requests again and sighed. It was probably going to be another late night in the office. Maybe you’d just call in sick tomorrow.
You worked a few more hours, eyeing your phone and hoping for more messages, but none came. Sephiroth was often the one to initiate conversation as you still felt like you would bother him if you sent something first. Still… You kind of really wanted to talk to someone—to him, specifically. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to send one message?
Picking up your phone you opened up your chat and tried to think of something to say. You typed out several things, but kept deleting them. ‘Hello’ felt too formal, ‘Hi!’ seemed too chipper.
Is something wrong?
The message popped up before you could send something yourself.
!!! No! I was just about to message you. How are you?
There was a pause—and then a short voice message.
▶• ıll— “Are you sure you’re alright? Was there something else you wanted to say to me?”  
You could hear the smile in his words and you flushed upon the realisation that he must have seen your stupid three dots pop up and disappear constantly in the chat. You playfully hissed your own voice note back, 
▶• ıll— “Ohhh shut up, I just didn’t want to bother you!” 
Putting your phone down, you peeked over your divider and looked around to see if anyone else could hear you. It was fairly late in the office, way past usual business hours, so you could see some screens still lit up around the  space, but there wasn’t anyone near you.
Your phone pinged a few times, indicating new messages. Some more photos, but this time of more a familiar sight—the Midgar cityscape.
I’m back.
It had been awhile since he had left on his last mission. You were glad he was back safe, not that you’d tell him that now. You sent off a quick, mildly motion blurred snap of your desk and sent it off.
A question mark? A question mark to what? The photo wasn’t that blurry.
It’s my desk.
Are you still working? It’s late.
Ohhhh… You cringed; it was late. Honestly if you didn’t procrastinate with absolute loathing and low morale earlier in the day you probably could have been home already, but you couldn’t push through the negativity.
Yeah, its been a rough day.
You waited for a response, but none came. Sephiroth went inactive spontaneously during your conversations, so it wasn’t surprising. Instead you put your phone down and continued on a project that was behind on its deadlines. Technically all of them were behind, but this one you at least had the energy to push through for now.
An hour later your phone pinged a couple times. A photo of the elevator you used everyday to get to up to your floor and:
Time to leave.
You stared at the message, biting your lip. Even if you wanted to leave, there was still things to be done and—
Do I have to drag you out?
▶• ıll— “Okay! Alright! I’m packing up, hold your damn chocobos. I’m leaving now.”
Who knew Sephiroth could be so pushy? During the long elevator ride down to the lobby, you wondered if maybe he only showed this side of himself to people he trusted or cared about. The thought made your stomach flip.
It could also have been that people never really gave Sephiroth the opportunity to be himself. It was an upsetting thought. He was the 1st Class Soldier, a warrior that couldn’t be toppled, a man way above the norm. Untouchable. Distant. You knew what his public image was like, but still somehow you couldn’t fathom how people couldn’t consider that there was another side to him.
The side of him that you always got to see.
The same Sephiroth that you saw was waiting for you as the elevator doors opened. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He stood by the empty reception desk with his arms crossed, looking out the front entrance. When he heard your footsteps he turned to face you almost immediately. The man’s expression would have seemed stoic to others, but you recognised the warmth in his mako-infused gaze.
What if you were the only person he looked at that way? You held your smile steady even as your heart argued with your head to accept that maybe that’s what you really wanted.
It felt like Sephiroth’s gaze only intensified as you approached him. “...You look awful.” His voice was low, quiet, but still teasing. There was a chuckle in there too, somewhere in his deep tone. Sure you had heard it recently in the voice message, but it wasn’t the same as hearing him speak to you in person.
“That’s so mean, Seph. Not even a proper greeting for me? Wow.” Even though you were exhausted, you automatically matched his manner. “You look…” Oh, you couldn’t tell him how you really felt about how he looked. There were so many adoring and affectionate words, yet somehow still not enough. “...Like you?” You finally sputtered out after filtering all the other things that your mouth wanted to say.
The 1st Class Soldier gifted you with a short laugh and you struggled to hold back the burst of emotions that bloomed in your chest. “You are so mean to me.” This interaction wasn’t like the others. This didn’t feel like the light playful chats in the elevator. When did these interactions change? When did all the same words that you used to use before suddenly mean something different?
Sephiroth suddenly leaned closer towards you, a small smirk crossing his lips. “I am nice to you.” The way he spoke was next to a purr, ���Did you want me to be mean?” It felt like the mako glow in his eyes brightened for a moment; he was close enough that you could see specks of the otherworldly green in his irises.
You wanted to die on the spot. He was not flirting with you, no matter how much it felt like it. No way. However, before you could stop yourself, you replied quietly. “...I like it when you’re nice to me.” The look on Sephiroth’s face melted into something else—something just as warm, just as intense, but something so much more genuine and it immediately scared you. Before he could say anything more you let out dismissive laugh. “Phew, I am a lot more exhausted than I thought. I-I should probably get home.”
Maybe the fear was reflected in your expression. Sephiroth fell back into his usual cool and stoic demeanor and you wanted to apologise—it was hard not to feel as though you had just ruined something important. Casual conversation you could navigate. This? What was this?
Of course you’d find a way to make a bad day worse. Of course you’d ruin a good thing. Of course you’d—
A large hand pressed into your lower back and guided you forwards, interrupting your downward spiraling thoughts. When you looked up at Sephiroth beside you, he simply watched and waited for you to take the lead. Nothing in how he looked at you had changed from when you had first exited the elevator. “There’s a car waiting for you outside.” That voice you so adored, was steady and warm and sure. Still the same.
Quietly you stepped outside with Sephiroth in tow. He opened the car door for you, nodding to the driver who did the same in return. You sat in the back seat, with the soldier leaning outside on the vehicle, looking in to make sure you were comfortable. 
“...Bye Seph.” You really did sound tired.
Sephiroth didn’t respond right away, but the silence wasn’t as heavy as the one inside the lobby. He placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head. “Goodnight.” You knew there was something else he wanted to say, but he held his tongue. There was another pause before he shut the door for you.
You leaned back in your seat and let the butterflies run rampant in your belly, let the buzz run through your veins, let it hum through your body. You covered your hands with your face. It felt like there was still something left to say, a conversation left unfinished.
From outside the ShinRa building, Sephiroth watched as you were driven away out of sight. He stood there, holding what he really wanted to say to you in his throat.
It was frustrating for him to know he could physically conquer any fight, any conflict, except for whatever he could see going on in your eyes. Did you know that he could see you becoming more and more tired with each interaction you had? It frustrated him to no end knowing that people took advantage of you and your time and your efforts. Idiots. Fools. 
How could he put into words how you made him feel? Sephiroth was no good at words. He just wanted to keep you safe. He just wanted you not to be tired. He just wanted you to always smile when you saw him—a smile that said you were genuinely happy to see him. Not the 1st Class Soldier, but happy to see Sephiroth himself.
The man snapped out of his reverie as his phone pinged with a message. A voice note from you.
▶• ıll— “...I missed you, Sephiroth. Welcome home.”
Sephiroth stared at the screen of his phone.
And then he replayed the message, just to hear your voice again.
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zeroth-writes · 1 year
Fighting For You -Yandere!1st Class-
masterlist | request
Prompt:  What would happen if Yandere Sephiroth and Yandere Genesis, Yandere Angeal fights over the female reader
Pairing: 1st Class Soldiers x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
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When you first met Genesis you thought of him being a friend. Just a really good friend.
The two of you met at a bookstore. You somehow lost your one and only copy of loveless and needed to grab another quickly.
So after work you rushed to your local store and quickly navigated your way to the ‘poetry’ section. Once your eyes found the all to familiar white cover, they lit up.
A series of apologies left your lips as you weave though the other shoppers, occasionally bumping into them.
As you stood in front of the bookshelf, you reach out to grab the last remaining copy, but stop as another hand cuts in front of yours and grab the poem for himself.
“Hey!” Your voice was louder than anticipated, but it caused the stranger, and a few passersby, to stop and look towards you. The stranger raised his eyebrow in displeasure at you.
“You can’t just take the last book like that.” The man chuckles at your words before glaring between your figure, the empty loveless section, and the poem in his hand.
“Why. Do you wish for this? The hand holding the book rose to eye level. He watched as your eyes follow along and widen at the movement. A smirk rose to his lips.
“Well, I can’t give just anyone this copy. Why don’t you join me for coffee as we discuss this work of art?” His free hand motioned to a small cafe across the street from you. You took a moment to think before nodding.
For the next for hours. The two of you sat in the small cafe and talked. You began speaking about the poem you both loved. But that slowly morphed into personal talk. You learned a lot about the stranger, his name, where he grew up, and his occupation. You told him the same details about you in return.
The next thing either of you knew, the sun was beginning to set. As an orange hue overtook the blue sky, you said your goodbyes to Genesis, but not before receiving his phone number.
One night you come home to a mysterious wrapped package sitting on your doorstep. It was your name written in beautiful handwriting. Carefully you begin to unwrap the package and gasp when you see whats inside.
The Loveless book you and Genesis met over. You gleam over the pristine cover then begin to carefully flip though the pages only to stop just after the cover when he see a sticky note with the same handwriting on it.
“Dearest Y/N.
I realized after you left that I failed to return this book to you. I hope you can forgive me for tracking down your location this why, but i wanted to make sure this copy found its why into loving hands.
If you wish, I left my number if you ever wish to talk more. I would love to hear your thoughts.
- Genesis
You picked put the number in your phone and sent a quick text to both confirm the number and that you got the book. Within a few hours Genesis had responded.
Over the next several days, you and Genesis spoke nearly every day. He told you about his day and vise versa. You even spend a few hours a day speaking of your shared love for the epic.
It didn’t take long for him to fall for you. You were so passionate about something he loved, and for once he could talk to someone who understood his passion.
Unlike Angeal and Sephiroth who just dealt with his obsession - you understood what he was talking about and wanted him to continue, even after several hours.
Once the two of you got tired of speaking over the phone, he invited you over. Which is how you ended up meeting Sephiroth and Angeal.
The other two were suppose to be on a mission all week, leaving Genesis and subsequently you, all alone.
You expected to spend a full week alone with him, that was until his two colleagues walking into the room. The three of you shared awkward glances before Genesis introduced you.
For your next few visits, the mood between you and the soldiers slowly got better. Instead of narrowed eyed glares, you got a welcoming smile. They began talking to you more and including you into conversations instead of pretending like your presence was null.
Eventually they started inviting you to other activities. Angeal would ask you to cook with him, and invite you to spend some time in his personal garden where he would give you tips and tricks.
Meanwhile Sephiroth wanted to train you. He wants you to defend yourself. He also attempts to introduce you to other books, mainly to annoy Genesis, but also he wished for someone else to enjoy the books he does and to spend his quiet time with someone else.
At first Genesis was happy you and his two other friends were getting alone, but that quickly changed as he began to notice you spend more time with them and less with him.
Genesis tried to think of different ways to get you to spend more time with him, like getting front row tickets to the loveless play or ordering your favorite food, yet even after those you still made plans with the other 1st classes. 
The red head at first tried to blame you, thinking you were ignore him on purpose, but then after seeing how nice you are to others, he realized you were just to kind for your own good. Of course his friends are taking advantage of your kind nature.
So instead he took out his frustration on his fellow soldiers. He fought harder against them, took his missions more serious, and even tried to take control of their missions.
He continued this until Angeal and Sephiroth confronted Genesis on his actions.
Genesis stood in the virtual training room when Sephiroth and Angeal interrupted him. Angeal began asking his childhood friend about his recent behavior.
Genesis chuckled before telling them everything. About how they were trying to take you away from him,. That you were constantly wasting your precious time of them, when you should be spending it with him instead.
Within a few minutes all three men has drawn their weapons and pointed at each other.
Genesis and Angeal charged first, leaving Sephiroth amused at his stubborn friends actions. It didn’t take long for the three to commence a heated battle.
Sephiroth stood tall over his panting friends, their swords flung across the room during battle.
The silverette gazed down at his sword for a moment before turning towards each of the soldiers
“I’ll warn you once. Stay away from her.”
ffvii taglist: @asilverraven​​    
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octopotto · 1 year
Yandere! Cloud Strife Childhood Headcanons (+ lil’ blurb)
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*Seeing barely any yan cloud strife content*
Me: Fine… I’ll do it myself
Warnings: NOT PROOF READ, Mentions of: child injuries, self-dout, depression, and violence, Out of Character madness (even for yandere standards), Unhealthy behaviours, Yandere but not extreme but still—, Possessiveness, Kid Cloud is crazy protective, some stuff is inaccurate bc I’m writing this by memory.
**Will CONTAIN SPOILERS for the following: FF7 (original), FF7 Remake (2020).
REMINDER: Yandere behaviour of any kind is unhealthy behaviour. It should not be something to seek out for in real life. If you are experiencing any sort of inappropriate behaviour, please contact help/seek out help.
**The reader will ALWAYS be Gender-Neutral!
ps: first fic!
- Due to Clouds insecurities developing at a young age, he most likely won’t approach you first. You would either have to be the one initiating the conversation or Tifa has to introduce you two.
- Either way, it’s super awkward for the both of you.
- Lil’ boy is bitter because no one wanted to be his friend but here you are lol
- I think the best way to get Cloud to open up is for you to keep talking to him or approaching him first
- I believe that it’s those efforts that will help Cloud realize how much you genuinely want to become friends/closer with him.
- It will help him get out of his shell.
- Honestly, getting him to initiate the conversation FIRST is a HUGE development in y’all’s relationship.
- Kid Cloud: *Approaches you first* “Hi…”
- Kid You: 😧😧 —> 😃😭🥰
- It will probably be like that for a while, but it will do!
- It’s kind of his way of showing that he also now wants to become closer with you.
- But once you guys finally get out of the ‘awkward’ phase, Cloud will slowly start to become attached to you.
- He’s now more confident in expressing himself and approaching you.
- He even tried to hold your hand a few times because he saw you hold Tifas hand when playing
- At one point, you even made Cloud and yourself friendship bracelets.
- “It a symbol of how much we care for each other!” You expressed to Cloud.
- He never once took off that bracelet. It was probably the first time he received something that wasn’t from his mother.
- You would always see him with it on. Even if you guys got into a fight.
- But when time passed, he started to get clingy
- No like
- It’s to the point where you guys arrive to your house and you walk in to call it a night, HE ALSO starts to walk into the house.
- Kid You: *Confused as to why Cloud is taking off his shoes in your house after waving goodbye*
- Kid Cloud: *Literally just inviting himself in because wherever you go, HE GOES*
- I feel like his mother would look over this behaviour.
- Remember, Cloud never had any friends or anyone to talk to.
- So his mother was actually over the moon when he finally has someone who cares for him.
- She would probably chalk it up as him just being excited to have a friend.
- Your own guardian/parents wouldn’t mind as well as much
- They don’t really like the other kids as much (besides Tifa), so they were also happy that you made a new friend (despite again, being very clingy to you)
- Another mouth to feed too since he likes staying over.
- Cloud doesn’t understand these emotions but he does understand that he cherishes you and wants to be around you more often.
‘Kay enough with the slow-burn, time for the angst! :D
- If you played the original FF7 or watched it, yknow what’s coming up.
- Tifa’s mother died when she was young and thought she could reach her if she climbed up Mt. Nibel.
- You and Cloud followed her as you two were concerned for Tifa.
- Up in the mountains, you were fortunate to push Tifa and Cloud away before the bridge fell.
- The consequence? Yourself
- You fell down the bridge in place of both Tifa and Cloud.
- While falling, you heard the most blood-curdling scream you ever heard from both Cloud and Tifa.
- Thankfully, you survived the fall.
- But you still suffered major injuries and was unconscious for several days.
- Which resulted you from going outside.
- This deeply affected Cloud so much. His one and only friend, the one person he care for so much that he would do anything to prove it to you.
- It didn’t help that almost everyone in the town blamed HIM for what happened.
- Even with Tifa’s protests and defending Cloud’s innocence, no one listened.
- Your guardian reassured him and Tifa that it wasn’t their fault, that you wouldn’t want them to feel bad.
- But even with all of the reassurance from your guardian and Tifa, Cloud couldn’t stop the guilt and despair that kept clawing within him.
- Thus, he started believing the blame that people keep telling him, blaming himself that he was the reason why you’re in terrible state right now.
- With you being unconscious and not being able to go out, Cloud started to keep to himself again.
- If he wasn’t staying by your side to see if you would wake up, he was in his bed.
- Just laying in there, surrounded by his thoughts and guilt.
- Why do anything if everything that happened was his fault?
- Why go out if you weren’t there with him?
- He believes that he ruined the one good thing in his life.
- When you finally woke up, Cloud never ran so fast to your house.
- Even forgot to knock, just kept jiggling the door handle until your guardian unlocked it.
- He quickly into went to your room
- And when he got there, it was like he finally woke up from his nightmare.
- Because there you were, alive.
- Quickly went up to you and hugged you so tight that you thought you couldn’t breathe for a second.
- You couldn’t process what was happening until you felt something wet on your shoulder.
- Cloud was crying. He was so relieved, so relieved to see you awake.
- He didn’t know what to say, all he could say was incoherent mumbles.
- “Im so sorry… I’m so glad you’re here with me” Is what Cloud could say.
- Once you were able to process what was happening, all you did was hug him back just as tightly, not even caring if your arms were still sore. You weren't sure as to why Cloud was saying sorry for, but you began crying as well.
- “I’m glad you’re here with me as well,” You said back.
- All Cloud did was hug you even tighter.
- All throughout your recovery, Cloud was there by your side 24/7.
- If you needed anything, Cloud the Delivery Boy was on the run! 👀👀👀👀
- Made sure to hold your hand extra tight in order for you to not fall.
- If y’all were going outside for a walk, IT WILL ONLY BE ON FLAT GROUND.
- No hills, no bumps, no nothing
- He can’t risk you hurting yourself again because of himself.
- He also tried to carry you
- Never again lol
- Also super protective
- Wouldn’t even let Tifa near you when she wanted to see you again.
- Tifa was so mad he didn’t let her hang out with you. She was your friend too!!
- Kid Cloud: *Puts arm out to create a barrier between you guys and Tifa*
- “No 😡😡😡😡😡”
- Kid Tifa: 🙁🙁🙁
- Tifa On the inside: 🤬🤬🤬
- yan! tifa lockhart hcs??👀👀👀
- After what happened to you, Cloud swore to himself that he will be the one to protect you from any harm. Even as you guys grew older, he always protected you.
- He wants to always be by your side.
- He doesn’t want to leave you alone from now on.
- Because it might make his nightmares come true once more: You leaving him.
But what happens a few years later when he decides to leave for SOLIDER?
It was late at night and Cloud left a note for you, asking to meet him at the water tower.
It wasn’t unusual for Cloud to ask this because you guys usually hang out whenever one of you feels like it. As you kept walking to the tower, you can’t help but have a strange feeling as to why Cloud didn’t specify why he wanted to talk to you.
Once you got to the top of the tower, you see Cloud sitting on edge of the platform. It seemed like he was lost in thought, like he was still figuring out what to say. You smiled, always finding his thinking-face to be so cute. You finally approached him and tapped on on the shoulder. He flinched, he didn’t even hear you walk up.
“Hey” You greeted Cloud while sitting down.
Cloud nodded his head at you and looked backed out on the ground below him.
Your eyebrows furred together. Again, the same feeling when you were walking to the tower came back and sense that something was wrong with Cloud.
“You said you wanted to speak to me?” You questioned as you continued to observe Cloud’s facial expressions. It took some time for him to say something, but when he did, it almost disappointed you.
“When spring comes, I’m leaving town and going to Midgard.” He stated while not looking at you.
You frowned. You knew this day would come.
You hummed at Cloud’s response. “Not surprised… every guy here is leaving for work, even Tifa’s friends are leaving too..” You quietly said, still sad that Cloud was leaving you. Cloud jumped at the tone of you voice, quickly turning his head in order to face you.
“B-But— I’m not like them!” Cloud exclaimed, worried that you thought he wanted to leave you. Never.
“I’m not just going into the city just to look for a job… I’m going to become a SOLDIER. Like Sephiroth” Cloud continued as he confessed.
“The legendary war-hero huh…” You said quietly.
You heard stories from some the guys around town talk about how they would leave town to either look for work or join a military program named ‘SOLDIER’. It’s been something that a lot of kids dream of when growing up, and Cloud was apparently not an exception.
You knew it was selfish of you to wished that Cloud wouldn’t leave town for the program. But he’s your best friend. It‘ll be painful for you to see him move far away for a long time, in a completely different city.
You guys stayed silent for a few minutes until scooted closer to Cloud. He looked at you surprised.
“Okay…then promise me this” You said to him. “When we’re older and you become a famous war hero and come back to visit… you’ll take me with you on your missions.” You said as you had this serious look in your eyes. If Cloud was going to be able to go cool and interesting adventures, you wanna come with.
“You’ll be like my guide or something!” You laughed at Clouds reaction.
“It will be dangerous for you!” Cloud exclaimed.
“Nu-uh! Tifa’s father has been teaching me some moves lately! At this rate, I’m going to be even stronger than Sephiroth and become SOLDIER” You proudly said as you flexed your non-existenting muscles.
“Plus..” You started. “Since you’re gonna become a SOLDIER, you’re going to be able to protect me. I know you will. You know I trust you with my life!” You continued as you smiled at him.
Cloud gasped at your statement as his eyes widen in shock.
You trusted him.
You wanted him to save you.
You wanted him as your protector.
You wanted him.
You felt your checks warm up in embarrassment as you realized what you said to him. You then grabbed Cloud into a tight hug.
You felt Cloud slowly hug you back.
"Y’know, I'm glad I met you, Cloud" You whispered to Cloud, hugging him even tighter. He also hugs you closer.
You guys just stayed like that while looking at the stars above.
All Cloud wants is to become strong enough to protect you. Since he saw how much Sephiroth has done to protect other people and cities in the papers, he knew that he had to join. To become stronger, to be able to become the best version of himself, for you to see that the only person that you could come to for protection and rescuing, will be him. He will become your protector.
He swore to himself ever since you got injured because to his carelessness.
‘Y/n…You have no idea what lengths I would go through just to keep you safe.’
OCTO NOTE: This was supposed to be general headcanons but I went overboard (clearly lol). So most likely this will become a series.
This is my first ever fic that I’ve written for Tumblr as well as for Final Fantasy 7, so I deeply apologize if anything is inaccurate :((
Hoped you enjoyed these hcs! Again, Cloud gets no love in the yandere fic community so why not I just write some lmaoo
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suvidrache · 8 months
into the night
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 500 | Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: first date with vincent.
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Vincent never thought he would fall in love. He never thought he would find someone who actually made him feel something. He was a very private person and very rarely spoke. Very few knew him, and even fewer people knew of further details about him. He preferred to stay away from people, and he liked that his presence was enough for people to leave him be.
You were different, though. You approached him, and you weren't at all bothered by his coldness. You tried your hardest to have a conversation with him and continued to talk to him, even when he sometimes didn't reply. He enjoyed how happy you seemed. You were the complete opposite of him. Although, you also kept to yourself. He was only slightly curious why someone like you would avoid the other people, but he never questioned it.
You were the first to ask him out. He never rejected or accepted your invite. Yet, you held onto the hope that he would show up. You looked so happy and so hopeful that he would join you. He had yet to see you sad, and he didn't want to see it, nor did he want to be the cause of your sadness. He would have felt terrible for it. He arrived, and your face lit up. When you spoke, he was slightly more talkative than he had been before. Still, he talked in the same cryptic manner that he always did. If it were anyone else, they would have been unsettled by his speaking. You were used to it, and it didn't bother you one bit. He wasn't one to visit the public, let alone sit in a restaurant and eat. You were also aware of that before you asked him out. Instead, your date was in a secluded spot. Somewhere, no one would bother either of you, and you had brought some food that you made. Vincent could tell that you were trying. He would have smiled, but he didn't want you to question anything, so he remained emotionless, as always.
Vincent did try to put in some effort. Occasionally, he would ask you questions that he had, and he even went as far as to answer more questions than he had previously. You weren't expecting it, and he continued on as if this were something he always did. He knew that his behavior wasn't normal, but he trusted you. He believed that this could be something more. He wasn't the type to go into a relationship without the possibility of marriage in the future, but he never mentioned it.
When the moon began to make its way up into the sky, it was time to head home. He offered to walk you home, and you accepted. Even if you wanted to walk alone, he would have secretly followed after you to ensure that you would be safe.
When you made it home, Vincent kissed your hand, agreed to another date, and vanished into the night.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @phantomheiko, @imagineherbrightskies / Join my tag list here!
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freakkkkkkk · 2 years
Zack giving you the sweetest— yet dirtiest— smile as he leans into your ear, whispering…
“Use me, y/n.”
…Oh boy
And it was like a dream that this was happening to you. Was your intuition true? Was this the right decision?
To be fair. . .
Seeing Zack on top of you, his dick hitting against your stomach as he bounced up and down hungrily on your dick. Face and chest a tint of red, as he moans and gasps out your name every time he rolls his hips, your dick just hitting that spot that makes his whole body shudder. Pushing him down on the bed, taking over as you fuck him even deeper, Zack crying out ‘yes! yes! yes!’ and ‘right there, y/n!’ over and over again. Just watching his face twist in pleasure, eyes roll back with his tongue sticking out like he was some anime whore in a manga. Making him cum and watching him take your fingers in his mouth, his mako eyes filled with lust, staring up at you as he licked and sucked the cum off them.
Yeah. Best decision ever.
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evienorville · 10 months
He has her head smushed into the ground, her mask somewhere away from them after he had captured her. Sounds filled the forest as he’s fucking her like an animal, grunts are slightly muffled by his mask that’s still has on. She’s struggling to find words but nothing but babbling came from her mouth and not even he’s speaking, hours go by until the very cover of darkness comes is when they stop
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kyasarinkishinuma · 5 months
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Brisk Mornings
Summary: After a mission outside Balamb Garden (Y/N) is bedridden, and Squall's the only one who's available to look after her.
Pairing: Squall Leonhart x Reader (he deserves more love!)
Themes: Sick (Y/N), fluff
AO3 link
Ugh. Why had Dr. Kadowaki left him with her? Caretaking was barely his strong suit, hell, neither was caring about anything at all. Or at least that's what he told himself.
Her face was a familiar one. A SeeD who had also been trained at Balamb Garden. She had graduated from the program a few months before him and already gone on a handful of missions. Even if they hadn't been part of the same class, he knew her. In a place as small as the Garden, everybody knew everyone. Even a guy who kept to himself.
Well, those people who seemed to insist on sticking around him, Zell, Selphie, Quistis, they were definitely to blame as well, at least partly. They kept pushing him into interacting with others more. Especially Irvine and Rinoa. So he had greeted her a couple times in the Garden hallways, albeit hesitantly. She had always responded with a kind smile.
So why weren't they taking care of her? Clearly they knew more about that kind of stuff than he did. He wasn't a nurse. He was a mercenary. Trained to fight. Not trained to do... Well, this.
He had to admit though, the silence was nice. It was always quiet here in the infirmary, away from the bustling hallways and energetic students. She was asleep so watching over her wasn't that bad. It's not like he had to force himself to find something to say.
From what he had heard, she had been sick ever since she came back from her mission. It had been outside Balamb, so it wouldn't surprise him if it had been a virus that was foreign to her body. SeeDs were trained to withstand the worst of conditions, so something as mere as what seemed to be a cold shouldn't knock them down so easily. But alas, here she was. Here they were.
Watching her peaceful face, he did feel a twinge of protectiveness in his chest.
He had been so caught up in his trainwreck of thoughts that he hadn't even noticed her shifting around on the infirmary bed. Blue eyes darted back to her as she struggled to sit up, holding a hand to her head. The headache and stuffiness in her nose was just unbearable, making it difficult to focus on anything else. She hadn't been aware that she wasn't alone in the room, not until she opened her eyes and noticed a gentle but disgruntled presence at her side.
"Don't push it."
He was standing by her bed, his gaze as fierce as it always was, almost reprimanding. It's the kind of thing that scared others off the first time they met Squall, but in time it became clear that it was simply part of his demeanor. He was always so tense, attentive, weary, as any well-trained mercenary would be.
She tried to show him a smile but the wave of feverish heat that went through her was unbearable, making her double up with a groan as she grasped her head tightly. Shivering, she could feel a pair of gloved hands gently but awkwardly guide her back down on the mattress.
"I'm here."
A belated answer to her question from earlier. Eyes screwed shut, she pulled the thin sheet over her body as it was wracked by trembles. Truly, she was embarrassed to be in such a state from a mere cold. When she opened her eyes and saw Squall standing next to her bed it was like she was seeing him through a blurry veil, a feverish haze covering her senses. It was difficult to acknowledge any of what was going on around her and all she could really focus on was his presence. It was stiff, but calm.
"I'm sorry..."
She managed to whimper out with a cough, hiding beneath the blankets slightly. He only seemed more disgruntled then, shaking his head as he crossed his arms.
"Don't apologize. Just focus on getting better."
Right. She nodded weakly, shivering as she curled up, facing away from him. Even as she closed her eyes she could still feel his presence there, silent, watchful. In a way it almost felt like he was guarding her.
"Thanks for watching over me, Squall."
Without needing to see him she could practically feel him look off to the side, tightening his stance.
His response did make her smile, cold and indifferent as it may have seemed. It didn't take her long to fall back into an empty sleep, her body seized by fever. And so silence fell back over the room as Squall stood there, making sure nothing happened to her. It was calm, peaceful, a bit chilly.
A brisk morning, like the kind he liked.
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
Headcanons for Clive Rosfield with gn s/o reassuring him that he's a good man who does his best to help people despite everything he has gone through, they're proud of him, and they love him so much? With hugs and kisses too!
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Clive Rosfield had to be one of, if not the most strongest man you’ve ever met in your life.
Yet you’ve found that the stronger the man, the more broken they seemed to be in due to certain circumstances that happened within their past.
A past that could still be felt to this very day as it clung onto your beloved’s soul, it’s claws digging in deep into him that you worried that you’d deal him more damage if you were to pull them out raw.
You wanted nothing more then to help your exhausted lover and thankfully a time did come where Clive needed your comfort and sweet words and even sweeter reminders the most in the aftermath of a nightmare;
‘What if I’m an omen of death, destined to leave a trail of dead bodies, friends and foes alike in my wake?’ Clive admitted to you under starry skies. Yet despite how ethereal the sight above was…the topic at hand was anything but. ‘What if by the end of this I wouldn’t have had you gravely harmed, whether it’d be by my hand or others because of me.’ He adds sombrely, clutching your hand when he felt it involuntarily twitch.
‘I don’t want to have to watch that day come to pass.’ Clive was whispering now as though if he raised his voice any louder then something awful would take place, and it wouldn’t even matter whether the inherent danger were to take place five minutes from your conversation or even going as far as five weeks.
For as long as Clive could sense danger, he would always on a subconscious have himself somehow incorporated into it one way or another. He truly felt the one to blame for every wrongdoing that was committed no matter the scale of it, he just felt as though all bad things tie back to him in even the most minuscule ways.
‘Clive,’ you gripped his hand tightly, ‘not everything bad is inherently your fault.’ You told him but you weren’t finished yet. ‘You’re a good man, regardless of what the past speaks of your character. You’ve done a whole lot of good since those dark times and done a whole lot of good for the people who felt as though they had no hope to hold onto, Who felt like they too were deserving of the wrongdoings that have happened in their pasts because they felt as though they didn’t deserve better.’ You raised his hand and pressed a dozen kisses against the skin there as you decided to hold his hand close to your chest.
‘You’re a good man Clive Rosfield and I will not stand in hearing you slander yourself on the pretences of lies and falsehoods.’ You said as you tug him closer so you could bring your arms to hold him against you as you began to speak your words against his ebony locks. ‘For the Clive Rosfield I know is a brave, strong man of many talents, and he’s a beautiful man with a gentle, kind and caring heart.’ You felt Clive relax further into you, as though attempting to drown himself in your warmth and your scent with how he noses it’s way from against your collar bone, and upwards until his head is firmly flushed against your neck where he would then find comfort in your pulse point as his eyes began to drift off at the sound of your soothing voice.
A voice Clive would rather die then to never hear again, whispering sweet enchantments that you call encouragement into his ear.
‘And I am proud, so very proud of my Clive that neither words nor any form of expression can begin to accurately convey of the magnitude of how proud I am of him.’ You whispered sweetly, pressed kisses now and then again his hair or any form of exposed warm skin that was within your lips reach to douse in a plethora of kisses, leaving not a spec untouched by your lips, and even as you pulled away, you could feel Clive’s body writhe as it began to desperately miss your lips; considering how determined your beloved seemed to press himself further up against you, you’d think that he was trying to imprint himself onto you in some form of way.
‘His demons may want him to claim otherwise but I wish for him to remember that he isn’t what they say he is, Clive Rosfield isn’t a monster, nor a death omen, but I know my Clive Rosfield and my Clive Rosefield is anything and everything but those words. He’s generous, brave, bold, and yes I do have to admit, a little stubborn and hardheaded.’ You admitted, chuckling as Clive removed his head from your neck to give you a look. ‘But, even though he may often claim that he’s putting me in danger just for loving him.’
You pressed your forehead against his, nudging your nose against his, smiling when he wordlessly reciprocated the action. ‘I’ve never felt more safer then I ever have then within his arms.’ You muttered against his lips before closing the gap and kissing every ounce of love and affection you held for Clive into that kiss in hopes it’d make its way to his soul. Humming in delight as you felt him practically bruise your lips with the force of his kiss that burned with a fierce passion that at some points you felt as though you couldn’t keep up with him.
You knew Clive had a whole lot of love to give to the point where it became overwhelming and consumed every action he did, from the way he protected others, to the way he was currently holding onto you as though you were the last flicker of light in his life; which you might as well be. His grip was firm and strong but while also being gentle and cautious as not to bring you bodily harm, because god knows Clive would never forgive himself if he was the main reason you were hurt, as proven multiple times where you had gotten hurt saving his ass and you’d awaken up with Clive at bedside, holding your hand within his larger and warmer ones; it felt as though your hand was trapped within the depths of a campfire. Comforting and warm.
‘What have I done to deserve you, my love?’ Clive whispered against your lips upon pulling away but consciously choosing to stay within proximity of you in hopes that your words and love would continue to rub off on him like they have for as long as you both been lovers. You smiled, bringing your hands up to his scruffy jaw, enjoying the prickly sensation that kissed the pads of your fingertips deliciously. ‘You were just yourself my star, I was just merely captivated by your beauty and the way you treated others as equals and fell deeply in love ever since.’
‘What about now?’ Clive asked you.
You pecked his lips, ‘I’m still falling my star, I’m still falling.’
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
Reminder: Zack Fair NSFW ABCs
Just Sayin’
Thank you for that! I accidentally deleted the other one so I'm glad you resent it
Zack Fair NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: Mommy kink, pegging, edging, oral (both receiving). If you don’t like it, then scroll away and/or block me. 
Rating: NSFW under the cut. Proceed with caution
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(Zack how is it legal for you to be this cute?!?!?!?!)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Zack is the KING of aftercare!!!! He’s doing every page in the book!!! He’s giving you a bath, giving you massages, the whole shebang!!! If you want anything to eat, he’s heading out to the kitchen (or ordering something online) and making your favorite food. If not, then he’ll cuddle you and put on a movie
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Zack is the kind of person who doesn’t have a favorite part. Both on you and himself. He thinks everything about you is beautiful and everything on him is handsome (self love people!!!!)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Zack’s cum is kind of thick, but not by much. But at least there’s a lot of it!!!! His favorite place to cum is either on you or in you. But he’ll only do it in a condom. Unless the two of you are ready to start a family, it’s gonna be strictly in a condom. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s always wanted to be a femboy but he’s to afraid of being caught and humiliated. He even bought a dress and a couple of cute socks but never got a chance to wear them cause he’s that afraid. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
This I’m a little torn about. He gives me the vibe where he doesn’t know what he’s doing and his only exposure to sex is through porn. But he also gives the vibe that he does know. So I’m torn. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Zack never likes to be rough so his favorite positions are ones that he can be soft and gentle on you with. So that includes missionary, cowgirl (both reversed and regular cowgirl), and lotus. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
OH FUCK YES!!!!!! He loves to be goofy!!! He’s goofy all the time! When foreplay is happening, he always blows raspberries whenever he can. And he will giggle the every time you shriek and squirm. He loves how ticklish you are. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Oh yes!!! They definitely match the drapes. Unfortunately, he’s not that well groomed. He’s too afraid of shave cause the last time he tried, he accidentally cut himself. And he doesn’t trust any razor that says that it wouldn’t cut skin. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He takes intimacy to the MAX!!!! I’m talking, champagne, candles, rose, EVERYTHING!!!!!! And since I see him at a service dom, he’s making sure you feel good every time. You’re pleasure comes WAY before his
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Zack becomes SUBBY when he jacks off. There was one time you caught him in the middle of it and he accidentally came all over himself. And let’s just say his world was rocked for the next couple of hours
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Since Zack is a switch/service dom in my books, here’s a few kinks that I think he will have:
Mommy kink: this man whines it so cutely that you can’t help but giggle a little. Bonus points when he paws at you, wanting kisses. 
Pegging: He LOVES it!!!! He never thought in a million years it would feel this good! He’s almost addicted to it. 
Edging: Oh my god, he loves it. On both you and him!!!! He thinks it’s so cute to hear your cute little whines. And when he gets edged, he’s a squirming mess. He’s begging and squirming, wanting to cum so hard. But edging really happen. Again, he’s more about the intimacy. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will do it everywhere in your guys’ shared apartment but that’s it. Public sex freaks him out. He doesn’t want anyone to catch you guys. He’ll get so embarrassed. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you give him massages and massage around his ass. He gets so hard and he can’t help but grind into the sheets. Another thing that turns him on is whispering the most dirtiest things in his ear. The blush that appears on his face is so adorable!!!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He refuses to have rough sex with you. And he does not want to hurt you in any way. Even if it’s something as small as spanking. He’s such a sweet baby boy!!!!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves oral. Again, both on you and on him. But be aware when he eats you out, he won’t stop. You taste SO good to him. Also, sit on his face! He loves it
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He likes it nice and slow. Again, he loves the intimate parts of sex and not the rough. But if you convince him, he will go a bit faster. But being rough is off the table. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies are not his most favorite thing in the world, but if it’s a situation where a quickie is needed, then yeah, he’ll have one. Just don’t expect them to have them a lot. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Zack is not one for experimenting. Unless it’s position wise. That’s the only exception. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He’ll go as long as you want to, but the most he can handle is from about one to two rounds. Anything more than that, then his vision becomes hazy and nearly passes out. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys are questionable. He’s starting to come around to the thought of vibrators. But everything else is still questionable.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing he’s somewhat okay with. It doesn’t happen a lot, but when it does it’s so worth it!!! Both if he teases you and if you tease him. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
There’s two ways this can go, either whiny subby baby, or gentle service dom:
When he’s subby, he turns into a whiny, moaning mess. He loves the feeling of you in him. He loves having you stroke his cock and making him cum so hard while having the cutest face on. 
When he’s domming, he doesn’t make a lot of sounds. You’ll mostly hear him whisper sweet nothings in your ear and maybe a few groans here and there. And when he’s whispering in your ear, he’s stroking your hair too, letting you know that he’s still there. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
There was one time you had a threesome with Cloud. Through most of the time, you and Cloud dominated Zack. Was it worth it? Yes. Would he do it again? Who knows? 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s HUGE!!!! It’s shocking to see how big he is and yet how gentle he is with you!!! He’s almost 11 inches and has a fat girth. And he’s got some heavy balls too. Do with that knowledge what you will. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is in the middle. He’s not overly horny and he doesn’t have a really low sex drive either. To him, if he wants to have sex, then he’ll ask you (CONSENT IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE). If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t.  
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’ll fall asleep once he knows you’re cleaned up, comfortable, and asleep. And when I tell you this man gives the best cuddles!!!! He’s like a big teddy bear!!! And he’s like you’re own personal heater!!!
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200 followers event!
Thank you for all your wonderful support since I've joined Tumblr over the last few months for my various fandom x reader works. To celebrate, I've mashed this prompt list together from the wonderful creativewritingprompts. Really recommend fellow writers follow for inspiration! Fandoms I write for. Rules: Please send me the fandom and pairing you'd like in an ask. I write afab the majority of the time, so do let me know if you'd prefer reader to be gen neutral. Please select a prompt from the below and let me know if you want dawn (fluff) or dusk (angsty, can have elements of nsfw).
For example.... Stardew Valley. Sebastian x reader. 3. Dusk.
“You getting flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
“Get in there and under no circumstances come back out.”
“You’re much better off without me.”
“In order to keep you safe, you need to follow my orders.”
“Tell me what I can do to make you stay.”
“This is not something I normally like to do, but… I want to try for you. Or with you.“
“You’re so red all of a sudden. Did I say something wrong?”
“They won’t take you away from me ever again.”
“This was a mistake.”
 “No, you’re not allowed to smile at me like that.”
 “You’re so naive, it’s almost adorable.”
 “Are you trying to flirt with me?”
Thank you all so much again for your support! Love Ghostdog x
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zeroth-writes · 1 year
Frustrating Feelings -Noctis Lucis Caelum-
masterlist | request
Prompt: I would love to request a Noctis x reader where both of them fought non stop and the chocobros kept making jokes about the tension between female reader and noctis being a little NSFW and needed to fix it!
Pairing: Noctis Lucis Caelum / Fem!Reader
Word Count: 846
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“When are you going to do it already?” Prompto groaned out of nowhere. The two of you glared back to find everyone else staring at you with crossed arms.
“What?” “Excuse me?” Noctis and yourself spoke simultaneously before stepping away from each other. You both making disgusted face while stepping further way from each other.
Gladio let out a booming laugh before stepping towards the crowned prince. “You really outta just admit it. Before we all go insane.” The larger man threw his arm around Noctis, who looked up with narrow eyes. “We know you have a thing for her. All this arguing you do? It’s all the frustration built up from lack of action, and you just really like her. Just get over it and ask her out for something. Better yet spend a night alone together. Locked in a room, just the two of you.”
Before Noctis would disagree, out the corner of his eyes he notices you and Ignis talking in the corner. At first glance it was easy to tell the advisor was simply trying to calm your emotions. Yet he couldn’t stop himself from having a unwelcoming feeling of jealousy at the sight.
He shook away the feelings before turning back to Gladio. “Why would I even want that?” The shield’s booming laugh could be heard to everyone in the group, causing everyone to turn and look towards the pair.
“Come to room 4, please. There is something we’d like to discuss with you”
Noctis stared down at his phone and frowned. It was rare for Ignis to invite someone out this late.
Cautiously, Noctis left the confines of his rented room and traveled town down to the requested room.
A soon as the door unlatched and swung open, Noctis was turning on his heels. Standing on the other side of the bed, facing away from the door, was you.
The sound of the door caught your attention, causing you to spin around with a smile on your face. Yet that smile dwindled away once you realized Noctis was standing in the doorway instead of Ignis.
Unfortunate for Noctis, before he could sneak out the room and back to his own, your voice rang through his ears.
“Why are you here?”
“I was invited here, what are you doing here? Before Noctis could stop himself, a response fell from his lips.
You scoffed at his response. “No. I was invited here by Ignis, and he promised you wouldn't be anyway near here.” You folded your arms with a slight pout forming on your lips. “Well i suppose that’s the difference between us. I’m mature enough to be around you.”
Your eyes went wide at his words before they narrowed in his direction. A noticeable smirk formed on his lips at the all too familiar sight of your anger.
Before you could stop yourself a strong rebuttal flew from your lips. The smirk fell for a brief second before returning with one of his own.
The two of you continued to argue. Throwing words and arms around, point at each other. All until the voices stalled out and left heavy breathing in its wake.
For a split second you’re eyes met. All the anger that previously filled you disbanded, leaving the feeling of need and want.
Two sets of hands flew around each other as you both drew the other closer. Your hands inching upwards as your nails begin to dig into his soft strands before pulling slightly.
A soft moan left his slightly parted lips while his hands moved down your sides. Feeling your figure along the while before moving back upwards, taking the thin fabric of your shirt with him.
The only time the contact was lost was when you were removing clothes from each others body.
In a messy mix of passion and overdeveloped frustration, the pair falls on the bed. Rolling around the sheets as it begin to jumble up underneath your naked forms.
After several minuets, Noctis finally pinned you down on your back. Before he could pull back, a pain pulsed through his body beginning at his lip.
The prince jolts back at the shock before bringing a fingertips to his lips then into his vision. He left out a soft ‘hmm’ at the sight of his own blood.
His eyes peered down at the innocent look resting on your face. A smirk falls on his lips at the sight. “You’re gonna regret doing that”
When the sun finally broke through the darkness of night. the other members of the group slowly crept into the silent room. Each head peeking in through the small crack between the door and its frame.
Prompto coven his mouth to avoid a loud squeal from erupting from his mouth.
Ignis let out a long yet soft sigh, hoping that the long arguments and one-upping days are long gone.
Gladio simply smirked. His eyes moved between the two bodies laying together in the bed to his two friends on either side of him before moving back to the bed.
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
hello I hope you are well 🌹 I don't know if the orders are open but I can order a request of how the Turks would react when they find out that their partner the reader is a vampire?
they are! sorry about the late response i kind of forgot that tumblr had an ask box feature ^^; i'll only do 3 since i cant do all of them at once, but i can do more later if you'd like. hope you enjoy!
𝚃𝚞𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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𝚃𝚆: HUGE TW FOR BLOOD, brief suggestive content, slut shaming reno (affectionate)
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"Haha, very funny Y/n. Vampires aren't real, everyone knows that."
doesn't beleive you at first 💀
i mean why would he?? NO ONE thinks vampires exist. thats kind of the reason you've been able to survive for so long
you expected this response though,, and after a few minutes of convincing him that you're being dead fucking serious- you are a vampire -he seems to get a little... pale.
as in he looks genuinely fucking terrified
thing is- he's actually had a fear of vampires since he was a little kid??
im being so serious he was like,, genuinely terrified of them as a kid and hasn't ever fully gotten over it
i mean- its not a completely irrational fear to have, but how is he supposed to say that to you?? that he's terrified of your species and thinks you're all human mosquitos who prey on people in the night?
you almost regret telling him considering you've seen the look on his face a million times with others you've told, but it doesn't make seeing it on him any easier
part of the reason you loved him so much was because he made you feel normal for once in your life- like you belonged
and you almost feel like you've fucked that up for yourself as he looks at you, fears obviously turning in his head to try and formulate what to say
but before you can get any words out in apology he speaks up, taking in a deep breath beforehand to steady himself and looking you dead in the eye
"If... if you're being serious right now, then this doesn't change anything."
you blink at him a few times and he seems nervous when you tilt your head, a silent queue to elaborate
"It doesn't change how I feel about you. I still love you. Plus, at least you're not a werewolf. I hate dogs."
you both laugh at his comment and the air lightens up a little bit, and it seems that he was telling the truth about it not changing how he feels about you
i mean he's a little more conscious about what might be safe for you and what not be (like doing outside right before the sun goes down, making sure you have a good supply of food even though it makes him a little squeamish, stuff like that) but overal he treats you the same
expect mosquito or vampire jokes though. he already made shitty jokes but with your vampirism in mind he's going to be a fucking menace 💀💀💀
would probably be okay with you feeding on him but he might enjoy it a little TOO much and might not hide that he wants you to feed on him very well (dudes walking around with his shirt half open all the time but he gets sluttier trust me)
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for a second he thinks you're just messing with him and he's not catching it but he's pretty sure you're being serious and he's just ???
i mean it is kind of a weird situation, and why else would you pull him aside to talk privately when you knew he was working??
hes always been really perspective, but he's also very logical and so he passed the signs you were trying to hide off as something else
but now that you've told him and you dont look like you're joking in the sligtes, the dots start to connect
it explains why you hated going out during the day so much, and why when you DID go out you wore insane amounts of sunscreen and always wore covering clothing (he thought you just had sensitive skin tbh)
it explains why you barely every touched the food the two of you sat down to eat together. and why you didn't seem to like silver things that much. and why crucifixes bothered you. and why-
you get the idea
anyway he kinda just stares at you for a few seconds like he's just taking a second to process the information, but after a little bit (a lot a bit) of mutual silence he eventually speaks up and leans back in his chair
"Well, I'm not happy that you didn't tell me sooner."
you sigh in relief even though you'd probably have to explain why you felt like it was unsafe int he first place later, but for now you just felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders
tseng is already very attentive to your needs, and he approaches this new revelation like any sort of new information and treats it systematically since its how he deals with p much everything in his life
makes sure that you have an ample supply of food since he knows hunting can be a struggle sometimes, and he doesn't want you to catch any diseases (if vampires can even do that)
i dont think he'd be as open as reno to the idea, but that's mainly cause he's a bit nervous about the whole process and doesn't know the intricacies of it
he trusts you though, so he doesn't have a problem with you feeding on him when you're in a bind or need a little snack here and there
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"Oh, for real?"
she doesn't even bat an eye
yeah she believes you since she knows you'd never lie to her even though it is really outlandish
i mean, she says crazy shit all the time and you believe her so who is she to judge? that and she already knew
yeah even though she's kinda airheaded sometimes doesn't mean she's stupid. you're not very good at hiding your vampirism babe (her words exactly)
i mean she already had a vibe from the beginning anyway. you have that aura about you, you know??
she doesn't have a problem with it though. if anything she's actually really excited about it!!
if you've been alive for a long time she'd love to hear about all the things you might've seen and experienced and asks a lot of questions about it since she's only ever watched movies about it
if you have a darker style she makes an effort to match it so you don't feel as alienated considering she would think that you'd already feel kind of set apart from others because of your vampirism and wants to make sure you feel included
if your style is lighter or somewhere in the middle then that's usually where she falls, so it won't be out of the ordinary (she already makes you wear matching outfits with her so its not much of a difference LOL)
she's cool with it though!! i think she'd be WAY too enthusiastic about letting you feed on her since she's curious about it but would get grossed out by the sight of her own blood LMAO
[ 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐! 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚜 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 :) ]
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