#Financial Manna
eelhound · 1 year
"The transition from [the barter system to currency] is hard to understand; how can human cravings be fetishized into pieces of metal? The answer is elegant because it reveals not only the origin of money, but its character even today. Money was and still is literally sacred: 'It has long been known that the first markets were sacred markets, the first banks were temples, the first to issue money were priests or priest-kings.' The first coins were minted and distributed by temples because they were medallions inscribed with the image of their god and embodying his protective power. Containing such manna, they were naturally in demand, not because you could buy things with them but vice-versa: since they were popular, you could exchange them for other things.
The consequence of this was that 'now the cosmic powers could be the property of everyman, without even the need to visit temples: you could now traffic in immortality in the marketplace.' This eventually led to the emergence of a new kind of person, 'who based the value of his life — and so of his immortality — on a new cosmology centered on coins.' A new meaning system arose, which our present economic system makes increasingly the meaning-system. 'Money becomes the distilled value of all existence ... a single immortality symbol, a ready way of relating the increase of oneself to all the important objects and events of one's world.'
If we replace 'immortality' with 'becoming real,' the point becomes Buddhist: beyond its usefulness as a medium of exchange, money has become modern humanity's most popular way of accumulating Being, of coping with our gnawing intuition that [the ego does] not really exist. Suspecting that the sense of self is a groundless construction, we went to temples and churches to ground ourselves in God; now we ground ourselves financially.
The problem is that the true meaning of this meaning-system is unconscious, which means, as usual, that we end up paying a heavy price for it. The value we place on money karmically rebounds back against us: the more we value it, the more we use it to evaluate ourselves."
- David Loy, from "Buddhism and Money: The Repression of Emptiness Today." Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International Symposium, edited by Charles Wei-hsun Fu and Sandra A. Wawrytko, 1991.
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athingofvikings · 7 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 56: Perils Of Popularity
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Chapter 56: Perils Of Popularity
Compared to the drama of dragon-dug underground canals and dragon-forged skyscrapers, the Financial Revolution in the century and a half after Hiccup Haddock's taming of dragons is generally overlooked, but is perhaps even more fundamental to an understanding of the economic structure he left behind.  Prior to the taming of dragons, bullion currency was comparatively rare; while gold and silver coins were certainly in circulation, as witnessed by the famous bride price paid for Hiccup's wife Astrid, overall, the Europan economy was cash-starved and functioned primarily on the barter economy at the lower levels.  After the taming of dragons, however, an even more scarce commodity currency entered the economy in the form of dragon scales. 
As is common knowledge, dragons shed their skins each spring; prior to domestication, they used these materials for the construction of nests for newly hatched young.  Under human auspices, however, the shedding amounted to the annual input of pure currency into the economy.  Properly treated and cured, dragon leather and dragon scales can last for decades of use before wearing out.  While the leather itself acted as a trade commodity, the single scales from hide that wasn't of sufficient quality to be made into leather were not worthless.  On the contrary, they functioned as currency, quickly displacing bullion metals as the currency material of choice. 
In this role, dragon scales offered numerous advantages, including being nearly impossible to counterfeit or debase, being easy to substantiate as genuine, and naturally removing themselves from the money supply over time as they wore out or were repurposed (such as for industrial use, decoration or even insulation).  However, even with this removal, the most productive gold or silver mine could not hope to match the net output of dragon shedding, and the resulting injection of funds into Europa's economy—spread by the effects of the Dragon Mail and the existing trade network—caused rampant inflation, averaging between 3-8% a year over the next century.  While this would cause problems to the modern developed economy, in the cash-starved environment at the time, it was an economic blessing, allowing for a rapid shift from the barter economy and feudal taxation system to a market economy and currency taxation system, giving even the peasantry access to funds with which to pay their expenses and taxes and receive payments. Increasing per-person productivity from Haddock's innovations and the agricultural impact of dragon labor pushed urbanization, as demand for labor—human and dragon alike—exceeded the available number of hands and wings for most of the next several centuries…
—The Dragon Millennium, Manna-hata University Press, Ltd. 
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The Hand Of God
“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.” Matthew 6:25-26
Another way God provides for you is by His mighty hand. Joseph took care of his family for many years, and for a long time, they had nothing to worry about. Pharaoh was their source. God used the hand of man as their provision in that season. But then the Bible says, “And there arose another Pharaoh after he died that knew not Joseph nor his God,” and everything changed. Suddenly, all the resources they had put their faith in were removed from their life. 
You may be in a season where you feel like suddenly the source you had been relying on is now gone. Maybe you’ve lost your job, lost a big contract, or have become unable to work due to an illness. When a big financial shift occurs in your life, God can teach you a principle. People may bless you in many ways, but do not become reliant on them as your source. They were a faucet that the source flowed from, but you only have one source, and that is God. The ravens and the widow who fed Elijah were just a faucet to pour out God’s provision, but they were not the source. 
God doesn’t want you to fall to pieces every time your financial situation changes. He wants you to know that He is your source in that moment of change. In Exodus 16:14, God sent manna from heaven in the wilderness to feed the children of Israel. There are still miracles of provision today. God can and will bless you supernaturally when you have a need. Declare today, “My God will supply all my needs according to His riches.”
In Matthew 17, Peter was in need of money to pay his taxes. Jesus tells him, “Go down to the lake and throw in a line. Open the mouth of the first fish you catch, and you will find a coin. Take the coin and pay the tax for both of us.” Jesus could have just had some rich follower pay the taxes, but He wanted Peter to witness a supernatural provision so he would never forget who his source was. 
Take time today to look around and praise God for all the blessings you have that you may have never dreamed you could have. He opened doors no man could shut, and He paved the way for you to have what you have. But you’ll never be blessed with more until you become grateful and give Him the glory for what you have now. God has been good to you, so give Him thanks today!
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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27 April 2023: Queen Rania visited the Jordanian offices of Flat6Labs on Wednesday, where she spoke with a number of local entrepreneurs and startup owners about the opportunities and challenges faced by their growing businesses.
Upon her arrival at Flat6Labs’ offices at the King Hussein Business Park, Queen Rania joined General Manager Rasha Manna, Founder Hany Al Sonbaty, and other members of the firm’s management team for a conversation on its operations, services, and plans for the future.
A regional startup accelerator and seed fund management firm, Flat6Labs works directly with promising entrepreneurs as a corporate partner, helping them expand their companies and target markets across the Middle East and North Africa, Sonbaty explained.
Since it was first established in Cairo in 2011, the firm has expanded to six more locations, and plans to enter additional emerging markets in the future. (Source: Petra)
According to Manna, the firm’s Amman chapter, launched in 2021, provides early stage funding and support services to promising Jordanian businesses, with a particular focus on technology and innovation. During its first five years, Flat6Labs Jordan aims to invest in more than 90 early-stage startups in technology-driven fields such as education, healthcare, gaming, electronics, renewable energy, manufacturing, agriculture, and finance.
Manna also briefed Her Majesty on Flat6Labs’ training and support programs, which provide non-financial services to help accelerate startups’ growth. The firm connects participating entrepreneurs with a network of hundreds of business mentors, investors, and corporates, facilitating business and learning opportunities to promote their advancement.
During her visit, the Queen met with a number of entrepreneurs and startup owners who have previously benefited from Flat6Labs programs to hear about their experiences as business owners in the kingdom. She also sat in on a training session attended by the firm’s current cohort of entrepreneurs.
In addition to its Cairo and Amman chapters, Flat6Labs operates in Jeddah, Abu Dhabi, Beirut, Tunis, and Bahrain. Managing a number of seed funds valued at 85 million USD, the firm has supported more than 370 startups and 1,000 entrepreneurs across the region to date.
Flat6Labs is supported by more than 25 institutional investors across the Middle East, allowing it to provide startups with funding ranging from 50,000 USD to 500,000 USD to support them through the early stages of their businesses.
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williamkergroach55 · 1 year
The CIA sets up Daech in Afghanistan
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The Central Intelligence Agency's control of the international heroin market was the main reason why the boys got killed all those years in Afghanistan. The sale of heroin provided a hidden financial windfall to America's real bosses on Wall Street. The secret weapon that the globalists were counting on to help them cope with the worst stock market crisis in their history were the poppy fields of Helmand. But, snap! The Yanks got kicked out of Kabul! Fortunately, Langley (CIA headquarters) found a new opportunity to do harm: to create a new caliphate on the doorstep of China and Russia.
The "godfather" Karzai
After the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, all was well: opium production in Afghanistan had resumed dramatically, overseen by "President" Hamid Karzai, a dedicated CIA agent. Washington had military bases in Helmand, Herat, Nimrouz, Balkh, Khost and Paktia, Bagram, Kandahar and Shindand, in Herat, only 100 kilometers from the Iranian border. They were within striking distance of Russia and China. But since the Taliban chased American soldiers out of their country, nothing is going to happen anymore: Wall Street will not be able to count on the manna brought by Afghan heroin in the face of the stock market tsunami for which it is responsible.
A promising pipeline
The so-called war on terror, led by the United States in Afghanistan, was the usual American politician's blabla. It was all a pretext to threaten Central Asia militarily. The U.S. air bases built in Afghanistan were positioned to strike Russia, China, Iran and eventually the oil-rich countries of the Middle East if they strayed. Afghanistan was right in the path of the oil pipeline that would carry oil from the Caspian Sea to the Indian Ocean. The U.S. oil companies, Unocal, Enron and Halliburton (the company of vicious Vice President Dick Cheney), had arranged a juicy deal: they had managed to secure exclusive rights to a pipeline that would carry natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to Enron's natural gas-fired power plant in Dabhol, near Mumbai, India. That's where the American Deep State was! Happy as a piranha in troubled waters.
Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, a flop
Al Qaeda, too, was a "brilliant" idea of William Casey, the CIA director - Ronald reagan's campaign manager in the 1980s. The idea was to pick up the most fanatical Muslims from all countries and send them to fight the Russian troops in Afghanistan. It was hoped to create a "new Vietnam" for the Soviet Union. The CIA financed the Taliban and Al Qaeda equally, as long as they broke the Communists.
Yet despite the dollars, al Qaeda had recruitment problems. James Jones, President Obama's former national security adviser, was forced to admit under oath to the U.S. Congress that al Qaeda's presence in Afghanistan was "very small." With only 100 members, no more, in the entire country, and not even an operational base, al Qaeda simply did not exist. The "terrorist threat" in Afghanistan was therefore bogus.
Islamic destabilization
After its defeats in Iraq and Syria against the Russians, the CIA is now striking back with a new terrorist state in Afghanistan. Islamic State sleeper agents, are being flown into Afghanistan by helicopter from Pakistan, Iraq and Syria as we speak. Since September 2018, Russian and Kyrgyz political officials have been warning about the arrival of these Islamist troops in Central Asia. The objective of CIA strategists is to sow, as usual, the seeds of trouble in the region. The installation of an Islamic state in the middle of Central Asia would be a new threat to the Russians and the Chinese. The United States is very happy about this, because it will never give up on Central Asia. This region is too important for its destiny as a world power. To achieve this, they need to find an instrument to destabilize the region that serves their geopolitical goals well. An Islamic State is the ideal instrument. 
Islamic State, the American know-how.
The American deep state has a long experience in building terrorist organizations. One recalls that to serve as cadres for the Islamic State in Syria, officers of Saddam Hussein's army had previously been opportunely released from prison by the American military. Washington had then released an obscure preacher named Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi from Camp Bucca, the American prison in Iraq, around 2009. Al Baghdadi was to serve as a messianic figure for a Muslim world heated up by the attacks and massacres in Palestine. Iraqi officers, in particular the former Iraqi intelligence colonel, Hadji Bakr, had designed the structure of Daech. So the Iraqis kept the store running until our scum got Russian bombs on their bearded faces.
Today, the Islamic State is redeploying to Afghanistan. Daech's forces in Central Asia are estimated to already number more than 10,000 men, in Islamist movements such as Hizb ut-Tahrir in Uzbekistan, or Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Islamic Jihad Union in Pakistan. Many of the fighters of Daech in Syria and Iraq come from Central Asia.
Divided Taliban
The Taliban in Afghanistan are divided against this new "Made in America" threat. It is a country of clans. And among them, there are the conservatives, who want to remain among the Pashtuns; the Pakistani agents; and those who favor an alliance with the Islamic State. The latter believe that the Taliban must "modernize" the jihad. The Islamic State in Khorasan (EIK) seeks to absorb the latter to lead the fight against enemies... That Washington will designate for them. Right now, the targets are Iran, China, Russia and their Central Asian allies.
It is in this context that the recent assassination, proudly announced by the Taliban, of the head of the Daech cell responsible for the attack on the Kabul airport, which cost the lives of 13 American soldiers and nearly 170 Afghan civilians in August 2021, takes on all its importance. The war between the Taliban and Daech-K is raging in the newly liberated country.
Daech, an existential threat to the Taliban
Since its inception in 2015, the Islamic State-Khorassan Province (ISIL-KP or ISKP) has taken hold in Afghanistan and has carried out numerous terrorist attacks against government forces and religious minorities. With the Taliban coming to power in August 2021, the group found an opportunity to reorganize and regain ground, particularly in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. But the Taliban quickly crushed Daech's men in Farah, Logar and Zabol provinces. As a result, Daech is retreating to urban terrorism, targeting mainly government forces and religious minorities, such as the Hazaras. Since the departure of U.S. troops, EI-K has already committed at least 119 attacks, mostly against Taliban officials and fighters. Although the Taliban are Sunni of the Hanafi rite, EIIL-K calls them infidels. Daech also, of course, attacks Shiite minorities, such as the Hazaras. The Islamic State thus seeks to challenge the doctrinal purity of the Taliban, in an Islamist overkill familiar to those who know these circles. Although the Taliban have, for the moment, a superiority in terms of numbers and weaponry, the EIIL-K remains an existential danger for the new Taliban government.
That said, despite EIIL-K's offensive in Afghanistan, the Salafist ideology advocated by the terrorist organization is struggling to gain a lasting foothold in the country. The fanaticism and universalist vision of the EIIL-K are repulsive to an Afghan population that would like all these foreigners to finally leave them alone. The Taliban have set up a counter-terrorism campaign in Afghanistan which shows that they know how to deal with the problem: Salafists are eliminated without trial.
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prju77 · 24 days
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On Earth As It Is In Heaven!
I am Love and my Kingdom is a realm where love thrives, abounds and permeates every single being. It is a place of abundance, laughter, kindness and never-ending resources. The daily manna for my people in the desert was but a glimpse of my Kingdom provision.
There is no space for hate, bitterness, judgement, greed and envy. In the world, comparison erodes your ability to become the shining jewels I have made you to be. That is why I am asking you to come up higher and see for yourselves what heaven looks like, my beloved.
The purpose of my sons and daughters is to encounter me, mirror my Kingdom and show the people who don’t know me who I am through you. Jesus shed his precious blood so that in him you could be spiritually at my right-hand side in heavenly places while you bless, heal and deliver on this Earth.
I want you to lavish people with my extravagant love and generosity. I want you to push beyond human standards and shock even yourselves as you find out and demonstrate that my Kingdom is endless, and there is room for everyone. You do not need to rely on your own strength. So give even what you seemingly don’t have. As you do, joy will bubble up in your spirit and more oil will flow through you. Yes, as you partake of my plentiful supply, I will give you beyond worldly comprehension. I promise I will amaze you because my generosity is unmatched.
Sit with Holy Spirit and ask him to highlight aspects of your heart that don’t comply with God’s character and Kingdom. Has your heart been greedy or fearful to lose something or in competition with others? If so, repent from having partnered with anything he reveals. Then allow the Lord to show you in what area or to whom he wants you to give - whether time, resource, friendship or financially. Ask Jesus if he wants you to begin a project or process related to that and ask for specific revelation and strategy - start writing down the main points he reveals. Then take your time in the next days or months to pray over what has emerged, and take steps to action them in obedience.
Luke 6:38 (AMP) "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return!"
2 Kings 4:3-7 (NLT) “And Elisha said, “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbours. Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled.” So she did as she was told. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after another. Soon every container was full to the brim! “Bring me another jar,” she said to one of her sons. “There aren’t any more!” he told her. And then the olive oil stopped flowing. When she told the man of God what had happened, he said to her, “Now sell the olive oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on what is left over!"
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mannabibleinstitute · 30 days
5 reasons why Manna International Bible Institute is your top choice
While some international bible college have accreditation, a large number do not, it is better to enroll in a school that is accredited due to multiple reasons. This organization has conducted a thorough evaluation of the institution. The school is required to demonstrate effective management and dedicated to ongoing enhancement. It will undergo unexpected visits and an annual assessment of its financial stability. In order to maintain a favorable reputation, it is required to adhere to the rigorous criteria set by the accrediting body. Read more: https://mannabible.institute/reasons-why-manna-international-bible-institute-is-your-top-choice
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callieramics · 1 month
Hiii new friends again ❤️ welcome ❤️❤️
The ceramics class I attend just began again yesterday (my GOD i love dirt 😤) mentally I am thriving financially not so much ahaha...
So if you are simply here to see my little guys, that is awesome! They are for bringing joy and I truly appreciate that they are liked 💜💜💜
If you would like your own lil guys, i have several up in my shop callieramics.art (Manna Dolls) along with other peculiar stuff, or I'll take commissions! I'll also be putting the flower crowns up in the shop once I make two more :) Plus, I have more stuff I need to dig out and photograph to put up. If you see anything old you're in love with, let me know, I'll see if I still have it 😌
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mannawealthmanagement · 2 months
Who is the Best Crypto Advisor?
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Cryptocurrency is more than just a buzzword now—it's a full-fledged financial revolution. But navigating this digital frontier can be tricky, which is where a crypto advisor comes in. So, who is the best crypto advisor, and what makes them stand out? Let's dive in.
What is a Crypto Advisor?
A crypto advisor is a financial expert specializing in cryptocurrency markets. They help individuals and businesses make informed decisions about buying, selling, and managing crypto assets. Think of them as your GPS in the wild world of digital currencies.
Importance of Choosing the Right Crypto Advisor
Choosing the right crypto advisor can make or break your crypto journey. The right advisor can help you maximize gains, minimize risks, and stay compliant with regulations. It's like having a seasoned captain when sailing through stormy seas.
Qualities of the Best Crypto Advisor
Deep Knowledge of Cryptocurrency Markets
The best crypto advisors have an in-depth understanding of cryptocurrency markets. They stay updated with the latest trends, news, and technological advancements. This knowledge is crucial for making sound investment decisions.
Proven Track Record
A solid track record is a hallmark of a top crypto advisor. Look for advisors who have consistently helped their clients achieve their financial goals. Past performance isn't a guarantee of future results, but it's a good indicator of expertise.
Strong Analytical Skills
Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile. The best advisors have strong analytical skills to interpret market data and forecast trends. They use these insights to guide their clients' investment strategies.
Transparency and Trustworthiness
Trust is paramount in any advisory relationship. The best crypto advisors are transparent about their fees, strategies, and potential risks. They build trust by being honest and upfront with their clients.
Client-Centric Approach
A client-centric approach means prioritizing the client's needs and goals. The best advisors take the time to understand their clients' financial situations and tailor their advice accordingly. It's all about personalized service.
Regulatory Compliance
Compliance with regulatory standards is non-negotiable. Top advisors ensure that their practices adhere to all relevant laws and regulations. This compliance protects clients from legal issues and potential scams.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
The crypto world is ever-changing. The best advisors commit to continuous learning and adaptation. They stay ahead of the curve by constantly updating their knowledge and skills.
Top Crypto Advisors in the Industry
Crypto Advisory Firms
Manna Wealth Management
Manna Wealth Management stands out as a leading crypto advisory firm. They offer comprehensive cryptocurrency advisory services, including portfolio management, risk assessment, and market analysis. Their team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
Individual Crypto Advisors
Famous Advisors and Their Achievements
Several individual advisors have made a name for themselves in the crypto space. These include early adopters and influencers who have successfully guided their clients through the crypto landscape. Their achievements often set them apart as industry leaders.
Services Offered by Crypto Advisors
Portfolio Management
Crypto advisors manage clients' portfolios to optimize returns and mitigate risks. They balance various crypto assets to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients.
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Understanding and mitigating risks is crucial in the volatile crypto market. Advisors assess potential risks and develop strategies to protect their clients' investments.
Tax Planning and Compliance
Taxation of crypto assets can be complex. Advisors help clients navigate tax laws, ensuring compliance and optimizing their tax strategies.
Market Analysis and Insights
Regular market analysis and insights are a staple of a good crypto advisory service. Advisors provide clients with up-to-date information and trends to make informed decisions.
Educational Resources and Training
Education is key to successful investing. Many advisors offer resources and training sessions to help clients understand the crypto market better.
How to Choose the Right Crypto Advisor for You
Assessing Your Needs
Start by understanding your own financial goals and needs. Are you looking for long-term investment, short-term gains, or a bit of both? Knowing this will help you find an advisor who aligns with your objectives.
Evaluating Advisors' Credentials
Check the credentials and experience of potential advisors. Look for certifications, professional affiliations, and a proven track record in crypto advisory.
Reading Reviews and Testimonials
Client reviews and testimonials can provide insights into an advisor's reputation and effectiveness. Look for patterns in feedback to gauge their strengths and weaknesses.
Consultation and Initial Meetings
Schedule consultations with a few advisors to discuss your needs and see how they respond. These meetings can give you a sense of their approach and whether they are a good fit for you.
Choosing the best crypto advisor is a crucial step in your cryptocurrency journey. By considering their knowledge, track record, and client-centric approach, you can find an advisor who will help you navigate the complex world of crypto with confidence.
What is the Role of a Crypto Advisor?
A crypto advisor helps clients make informed decisions about buying, selling, and managing cryptocurrency assets. They provide insights, strategies, and support to optimize investments.
How Much Does a Crypto Advisor Charge?
Fees vary based on the advisor's experience, services offered, and the complexity of the client's needs. Some charge a flat fee, while others may take a percentage of the assets under management.
Can a Crypto Advisor Guarantee Profits?
No, a responsible crypto advisor cannot guarantee profits. The crypto market is highly volatile, and while advisors can help manage risks, there are no guaranteed returns.
What Should I Ask a Potential Crypto Advisor?
Ask about their experience, track record, fees, services offered, and approach to risk management. It's also important to discuss how they stay updated with market trends.
Is It Worth Hiring a Crypto Advisor?
If you're serious about investing in cryptocurrency and want to optimize your strategy while managing risks, hiring a crypto advisor can be a wise decision. They provide valuable expertise and guidance that can enhance your investment outcomes.
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cyntoken · 5 months
Like Moses Parting the Red Sea, CYN Token Splits You From High Bank Fees
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Ready for a financial miracle? See how CYN Token miraculously parts you from the sea of high bank fees, just like Moses did with the Red Sea.
Ever wish you had a Moses to part you from the Red Sea of high bank fees? Well, hold onto your staff, because CYN Token is here to perform that miracle. Just as Moses led his people to freedom, CYN Token is leading a mass exodus away from the tyranny of excessive banking fees. Let's dive into how this financial liberator is setting the captives free!
The Plague of Bank Fees:
In the realm of traditional banking, high fees are as prevalent as locusts in ancient Egypt. They swarm your transactions, devouring your hard-earned money with every swipe, transfer, and withdrawal. It's a relentless assault that leaves your finances depleted and your spirit broken.
Enter CYN Token – Your Financial Deliverer:
CYN Token rises like a beacon of hope against the dark skies of financial oppression. Powered by blockchain technology, it's here to split the sea of fees and guide you to the promised land of cost-effective transactions.
Key Features of CYN Token:
Zero Exodus Fees: Say goodbye to the exorbitant charges for moving your own money. With CYN Token, what you send is what they get.
Instant Transactions: Like manna from heaven, transactions are nearly instantaneous, ensuring that your financial needs are met with divine speed.
Decentralized Deliverance: Free yourself from the Pharaohs of finance. CYN Token operates on a decentralized network, putting the power back in your hands, away from the centralized control of traditional banks.
Why Traditional Banks Are Like Ancient Egypt:
Just as the Pharaohs held the Israelites in bondage, traditional banks hold your finances captive with their towering structures and complicated regulations. They dictate terms, hold your assets in bondage, and make it nearly impossible to escape without parting with a significant portion of your wealth.
Splitting the Sea of Fees:
With CYN Token, the path to financial freedom is clear. It cuts through the waves of fees that have long drowned your financial aspirations, allowing you to move money with the ease and authority of Moses stretching out his hand over the Red Sea.
The Impact of Your Liberation:
By choosing CYN Token, you’re not just saving on fees; you're participating in a larger movement of financial liberation. You're joining a community of modern-day financial Israelites who are walking through the parted sea towards a future where they are no longer slaves to traditional banking.
Are you ready to part the sea of high fees and walk freely in financial liberation? CYN Token is your staff in the wilderness, your guide through the parted waters. Say goodbye to the bondage of traditional banking and hello to a future of freedom with CYN Token.
Call to Action:
Take the first step on dry ground today by visiting CYN Token. Embrace the power of blockchain and let CYN Token lead you to the promised land of low fees and financial autonomy. Join the exodus from high bank fees with CYN Token—because your financial freedom is waiting on the other side.
Cross into the land of financial freedom with CYN Token—where high fees are parted away from your wealth!
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amoqa · 5 months
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Προβολή FORAGERS και παρουσιάση ομάδων για μια ελευθερη Παλ3στίνη
(Scroll down for English)
Το Σάββατο 20 Απριλίου, στις 18:30 θα συναντηθούμε στο αμοκα (Μανουσογιαννη 6) με
<3 τα Filmakers4Palestinegr, Mothers Αgainst Genoside και BDS για να (ανα)γνωρίσουμε τις προσπάθειες αντίστασης που γίνονται, να εμπνευστούμε και να εμπλακούμε στα κινήματα αυτά καθώς και να ενισχύσουμε οικονομικά την πρωτοβουλία Gather4Gaza!
<3 Παρέμβαση από την Diana Sabri/DeeFlexTwice, performer και καλλιτέχνιδα από την Παλαιστίνη που μένει στην Αθήνα.
<3 Η βραδιά θα κλείσει με την φοβερή ταινία FORAGERS της Jumana Manna.
Το Foragers απεικονίζει τα δράματα γύρω από την πρακτική της συλλογής άγριων βρώσιμων φυτών στην Παλαιστίνη/Ισραήλ με ειρωνικό χιούμορ και διαλογιστικό ύφος. Γυρισμένο στα Υψώματα του Γκολάν, τη Γαλιλαία και την Ιερουσαλήμ, κινείται μεταξύ μυθοπλασίας, ντοκιμαντέρ και αρχειακού υλικού για να απεικονίσει τον αντίκτυπο των ισραηλινών νόμων για την προστασία της φύσης σε αυτά τα έθιμα. Οι περιορισμοί απαγορεύουν τη συλλογή ‘akkoub και του za'atar θυμάρι και έχουν οδηγήσει σε πρόστιμα και δίκες για εκατοντάδες που πιάστηκαν να συλλέγουν αυτά τα ενδημικά φυτά. Για τους/τις Παλαιστίνιους, οι νόμοι αυτοί αποτελούν ένα οικολογικό προσωπείο για τη νομοθεσία που τους αποξενώνει ακόμη περισσότερο από τη γη τους, ενώ οι εκπρόσωποι του ισραηλινού κράτους επιμένουν στην επιστημονική τους τεκμηρίωση και στο καθήκον τους να προστατέψουν. Ακολουθώντας τα φυτά από την άγρια φύση στην κουζίνα, από το κυνηγητό μεταξύ των συλλεκτριών και των περιπολιών, μέχρι τις ενστάσεις στο δικαστήριο, το Foragers αποτυπώνει την έμφυτη αγάπη, τη χαρά και τη γνώση σε αυτές τις παραδόσεις αλλά και την ανθεκτικότητά τους ενάντια στον απαγορευτικό νόμο. Αναδιατυπώνοντας τους όρους και τους περιορισμούς της διάσωσης, η ταινία θέτει ερωτήματα γύρω από την πολιτική του αφανισμού, δηλαδή ποιος καθορίζει τι θα εκλείψει και τι θα συνεχίσει να ζει.
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On Saturday 20 April, at 18:30 we will meet at AMOQA (Manousoyannis 6) with
<3 Filmakers4Palestinegr, Mothers Against Genoside and BDS to acknowledge, get inspired and involved with the movements of resistance around us while financially support the Gather4Gaza initiative!
<3 there will be an intervention by Diana Sabri/DeeFlexTwice, performer and artist from Palestine living in Athens.
<3 FORAGERS, 65min, 2022 OV with greek and english subtitles
Foragers depicts the dramas around the practice of foraging for wild edible plants in Palestine/Israel with wry humor and a meditative pace. Shot in the Golan Heights, the Galilee and Jerusalem, it moves between fiction, documentary and archival footage to portray the impact of Israeli nature protection laws on these customs. The restrictions prohibit the collection of the artichoke-like ’akkoub and za’atar (thyme), and have resulted in fines and trials for hundreds caught collecting these native plants. For Palestinians, these laws constitute an ecological veil for legislation that further alienates them from their land while Israeli state representatives insist on their scientific expertise and duty to protect. Following the plants from the wild to the kitchen, from the chases between the foragers and the nature patrol, to courtroom defenses, Foragers captures the inherited love, joy and knowledge in these traditions alongside their resilience to the prohibitive law. By re-framing the terms and constraints of preservation, the film raises questions around the politics of extinction, namely who determines what is made extinct and what gets to live on.
Jumana Manna is a visual artist and filmmaker. Her work explores how power is articulated, focusing on the body, land and materiality in relation to colonial inheritances and histories of place. Through sculpture, filmmaking, and occasional writing, Manna deals with the paradoxes of preservation practices, particularly within the fields of archaeology, agriculture and law. Her practice considers the tension between the modernist traditions of categorisation and conservation and the unruly potential of ruination as an integral part of life and its regeneration. Jumana was raised in Jerusalem and lives in Berlin
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twiainsurancegroup · 5 months
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katsgospel · 6 months
Taking a Census
We have been blessed in recent months by the Lord providing steady well-paid work for both Sam and I. The result? Increased income, more than we have ever experienced in our marriage.
I’m not sure when it happened, but I insidiously found myself becoming more and more obsessive about our finances with each passing payday. On Fridays we would get paid, the first thing I would do when I woke up would be to check our account and start calculating away- for money put aside for tithe, weekly expenditures and bills. However, I suppose now that I’m reflecting, I would kind of rush through these obligatory expenditure to get to the “good part”- how much we would be able to save. That may seem odd to some, but I suspect this is because of what savings represents to me deep in my soul- security in this world.
Sam has been unemployed for the last couple months and the anxiety within me around finances is indeed elevated- I’m afraid we will experience the “leanness” and scramble again like we did the last time he had a stretch of unemployment- having to limit our free spending and drain out savings. Maybe that is why I’ve been stressing about saving.
In an unexpected quiet time on Thursday morning before work, I was watching the Bible Project Video “David, the royal priest” and the video mentioned David’s sun in taking a census of his people. Immediately I felt the Spirit highlighting to me that my obsession with our paychecks came from the same place as David’s sin, a place of pride and sense of security by our own hand. I’m sorry God that I have in my heart been taking credit for all that you’re blessed us with- not only the financial blessing, but also the opportunity, our health, and your grace that has allowed us to earn this money. I pray that you forgive me for this pride and for the Spirit to continue to refine my heart and my eyes to see things as they are and be full of thanksgiving for your blessings AND to hope these blessings with open hands.
In the immortal lyrics of Benson Boone:
But I know the things He give me, He can take away.
As much as Sam is learning about the grace and trust that needs to come from receiving “daily manna” from you, so do I also need to learn the vulnerability of relying solely on You as our Provider.
Father, you know I do not wish for hardship in my life, but I also genuinely trust that if you have me undergo hardship is will ultimately be for me good and will free me of something that I am chained to that I may not even realize I am a slave to. I trust your gentle hand of discipline and for your refining fire to purify my heart in this area.
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collymore · 6 months
IDF - A feudal mafia with access to 21st Century nuclear weapons!
By Stanley Collymore
The entire IDF campaign in Gaza has been one long, war crime with clearly indiscriminate bombings of civilians as well as several residential areas. And as if this weren’t bad enough, the clear aforementioned are actually routinely compounded by the distinctively, specifically targeted bombings of schools and effectively hospitals coupled with the generally wilful starvation of the undoubtedly entire civilian population, and all of which are crucially and undeniably simply, demonstrable war crimes! What has happened recently with the evilly targeting and slaying of British Aid Workers has basically essentially clearly only caused a naturally unquestionably, muted furore very expectedly obviously from the customarily irrefutably quite distinctively vocal, Zionist ferally-supporting brainwashed sycophants; and simply, largely because those unquestionably very deliberately murdered Aid victims are white and crucially evidently from Britain which is obviously, and most ironic too very crucially a massive arms supplier, to rogue state Israel; while for public consumption claiming it wants a ceasefire.
The calculated and obviously thoroughly very barbarously ongoing wilful genocide of the Palestinian people is quite real; and nothing crucially is actually being done about it, because really there're far too many odious criminal western leaders and politicians obviously undoubtedly making a financial mint rather of their own by quite privately, turning a blind eye to what's going, on while publicly very dishonestly, pretending they are concerned but actually don't want to say anything that distinctively might exacerbate the situation! Effectively though nothing could be any further from the actual truth with them. For obviously, while publicly pretending to be actually concerned politicians and even statesmen or women that diligently, actually fervently support world peace, the opposite is clearly the rule of thumb with them. And is thus basically because clandestine wars and obviously genocidal ones like the Israeli situation are actually manna from Heaven very distinctly for these sorts - as key sources for enhancing their multiple, and quite illegal offshore, with no tax paying bank accounts! And why, it's really unquestionably high time, that the evilly Benjamin Netanyahu regime was essentially actually criminally held to account; and these simply very odiously, genocidal activities rabidly waged, against the people of Palestine within their evidently discernibly indigenous homeland by foreign and Zionist Caucasian genocidal settlers, ended forever.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore 4 April 2024.
Author's Remarks: There are rather obviously, loads of people who distinctly make a great deal of money from wars, but undoubtedly it's always the poor and essentially the dead who actually pay for these wars!
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stonewallsposts · 8 months
Obedience and Satisfaction 
I was reading in Numbers 11 the other day and in verse 4 it says: "The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat! ". 
I'm reading through the Bible for my 21st time this year, and I don't know that I'd ever stopped to think about this before, but they had meat. They left Egypt with livestock and flocks, and they sacrificed regularly from those herds. So they had beef and lamb to eat. The next verses give a little more insight: "We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. 6 But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!" 
So they mention specifically fish. And it’s probably true that they weren't getting much fish in the desert. But I was thinking about this in my prayer time afterward and of course the application for me in this story is that I can be (and AM) richly blessed and have all I need, yet still look at what I don't have and complain about that. It isn't that I haven't been provided for, I just want more. I would imagine this is a very relevant message for people like me, who live in a time and place in the history of the world where we have abundance far beyond what most people would have ever expected. And yet, we will tend to still look not at whether our needs are met, but we'll find some people that have more, and then think, well I don’t have that much so I'm not being taken care of! When I consider that for just a second, I have to admit it's such an ungrateful attitude. God has given me (and most of us in this modern, first world economy) an abundance. And yet I can look at what I have and still feel it isn't enough?? We are surrounded by influences that are designed to make us feel this way, in great part so that we will be emboldened to buy more. But while these influences are definitely at work around me, I don't excuse myself for falling prey to them. Temptations are always going to be around. But I've also been given the Holy Spirit, and, so I'm told in James 1, wisdom when I ask for it. But ultimately, as James 1 also tells me: "each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed". It's not just temptation... my own evil desires are just brought to the surface when faced with the temptation. 
I've generally considered myself a contented person. I'm not a particularly greedy guy and I am well aware that certain life-decisions I've made were made specifically with an aim for peace and happiness as opposed to financial gain. In other words, I chose paths knowing I'd earn less but be happier overall.  
That said, there have been other times when I should have been content and yet chose not to be. I chose to go after more than what I had been given. Effectively, I looked at the Lord and said: what you've provided isn't enough! Which is exactly what the people in the Numbers 4 story did.  
Why do we do this? Outside of just blaming it on a sin nature, I don't have an answer. It seems a part of humanity to just want more. OK.... but why do we, as believers, do the same thing? Well, of course, we are part of humanity, so it's innately in us too... but we should also have the presence of the Holy Spirit working against the flesh. So my answer is that I was allowing the flesh to have its way rather than allowing the Spirit to guide me. I have plenty of guidance from the Bible, and, unlike perhaps generations past, it is freely and widely available to me. So I don't have much in the way of excuse for not letting the Word guide my life.  
I wish I had a more complete answer for why in some instances, I give this place to my flesh, even when I know it won't end well. But I think it comes down to obedience and faithfulness. When I build up small habits of obedience, those begin to form a character of faithfulness. When I stop listening to the small things the Lord tells me, then disobedience... and dissatisfaction... begin to take the lead. 
The connection then is that if disobedience leads to dissatisfaction, obedience and faithfulness lead to satisfaction. 
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wolint · 9 months
1 Corinthians 9:3-12
The last part of a person to be born again and the first part to leave a church or ministry is usually their pocket ( money and chequebook). Are yours born again?
Christians, it would seem are unfortunately some of the most reluctant to part with money, they have a reasonable justification not to support ministries and churches, from what they have seen and experienced.
The Lord’s instructions for offerings in Leviticus 1-5, each were to serve a specific purpose and to provide for the temples, His work and the Priests.
God established offerings for the priests and Levites in Deuteronomy 18:1-8, a system of continuous provision for them since they weren’t allowed to work or own properties. So they could concentrate on their spiritual and kingdom duties to God.
The era of bartering goods, grains and livestock as offerings is over as everyone has bills to pay including the church and ministry offices, it is therefore imperative that we give to the work of the ministry and kingdom.
Ministry is an essential service and every service needs labourers. Jesus mentions in Luke 10:7 that workers deserve to be paid, which Paul repeats in 1 Timothy 5:18, going further to say oxen shouldn’t be muzzled, that it's both beneficial and fair for those who labour in teaching and preaching to be paid. This is primarily so they can devote their time and energy fully to the flock.
If the work of the ministry is not supported, who pays the bills for the buildings, offices, phones, etc.?
How can the workers care for their families and pay their bills if they are in full-time ministry?
According to Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:7-9, it's not wrong or a sin to charge for the work of God, if God directs serve and for others who'll need what is supplied.
Is there any reason why Christian ministers and ministries should not receive financial support from the people they serve? As Jesus said, if they did the work, shouldn’t they enjoy some of the fruit of their labour? In verse 3, Paul says no one should question the calling of others because of their expectation of material or financial gifts for kingdom work.
We know that there are unscrupulous few who use the gospel as a battering ram for their pockets and because of them, the genuine need for financial and material support for ministries and churches is neglected, ignored and ridiculed as greedy.
Have you ever blessed your minister or church with a gift, a free-will offering, or a voucher just for the sake of it? These are called the perks of a job, certain benefits enjoyed as God’s servants. The scriptural precept is for those who work hard to be rewarded for their labour.
Paul says if we receive spiritual blessings from ministries, pastors and churches, we should demonstrate our thankfulness to God for their service and labour in tangible ways.
Paul explains that it is a right to expect a reward but so many condemn and castigate churches, ministers and ministries for asking for financial support, billing for an event and raising funds, how do they expect to carry on the work of the ministry if the ones they serve ignore their needs?
Kingdom principle is sowing and reaping and Galatians 6:6 says when you receive the word you should share with the one who teaches the word.
Nehemiah 10:35-37 shows that ministry support benefits the ministers, the church of God, the church or ministry buildings and the body of Christ.
We are all called into ministry; some go, some pray, some give. Now, more than ever, we need to support the kingdom's work through ministries to reach more people and communities.
Our Pastors, churches, and ministries all need our support. The kingdom of God here on earth needs our support.
Become a Kingdom supporter today and don't miss out on God’s eternal reward.
PRAYER: Father, help me to share what you’ve so generously given with someone in need by becoming a kingdom supporter for you love a cheerful giver in Jesus’s name. Amen.
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