ladythylia · 1 year
1519 Take off that shyness and wear some red!
Outfit- Ricielli – Mandy Lingerie Red Hair- Vanity Hair::Blush HP browns Eyes-. MILA . Emory Eyes [Catwa/Genus/Mesh] MakeUp-[MJN] Souffle Matte Red {CATWA} MakeUp- Veechi – Smokey Shadow [Catwa] Jewelry- %.:EC:. Box Collar D’O ( Dari’s script) Jewelry- SDesign’s –LUE Septum Ring with Diamonds Jewelry- FINESMITH- Play Cubes- Blood Jewelry- ~YsoraL~Luxe Belly Piercing…
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topbanana-art · 10 months
Finally making an OC info post- by no means is this all of them, just ones that are most active and/or live in my head rent free.
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First up- Rhys (DnD 5e - Rime of the Frostmaiden)
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20 years Old, Half Orc, Half Elf (sweet baby angel) , He/Him
Fighter- Echo Knight
Absolute Ray of Sunshine; Rhys is from Icewind Dale; more specifically the Nomadic Reghed Tribe of the Elk.
He's unfamiliar with the outside world and even includes settlements in his own country
He's a Himbo basically a big dog.
This campaign lead him to leaving his tribe for the first time after an unfortunate accident which turned him into a small 'painted child' and searching for his missing sister. (both these are sorted now!)
*Rhys found an old oil painting of this child, blacked out and next thing he knew he was that small elf child. Her skin and clothing having the texture of painted canvas, and bleeds paint.
For a good chunk of the campaign he was just a totally normal elf- whose shadow didn't match with the body
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Dhalas (DnD 5e Annalor)
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36 Years Old, They/Him, Triton
Drunken Master Monk
Chill surfer dude vibes
Part of a travelling circus, They're a balancing act
Extremely laid back, Dhalas talks like they fight- dancing around, seemingly without rhyme or reason and occasionally clumsy.
Foxglove (BG3)
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138 Years old (tweaked her age a lil), She/They, Drow
Arcane Trickster Rogue
Guild Artisan Background- Locksmith & Apprentice Finesmith
Chill and sassy, that Tav who talks their way out of shit.
Skews Towards Chaotic Good
Presents Androgynous most of the time
Must lockpick everything- she's not actually super interested what's inside, she just wants to see the workmanship of the locks and trashtalk how bad they are.
Yeah she's smooching the vampire. (and Halsin)
Naturally cares for others, even at the cost of her own wellbeing.
Has a Phobia of anything touching/going near her eyes- so the start of the game is A Time for Fox.
Arslan Dhoro (FFXIV)
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21 Years Old (as of ARR), He/Them
Xaela AuRa
Dragoon - White Mage Main (All healer classes tbh)
Stoic, Resting Angry Face Himbo
He struggles to show emotion but he's just pretty shy and cautious about opening up to others.
From the Azim Steppe, he left in his early teens with his father after the death of his mother, to explore the world beyond the Steppe.
His Father Died in his late teens, attacked in Coerthas thinking he and Arslan were Dravanians.
He's extremely soft and protective for the Scions/his friends
Shiv (DnD 5e Saltmarsh- campaign completed)
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Awful, terrible lesbian
68 years old, She/Her, Halfling
Celestial Warlock - Unicorn Patron w/ a Baby Phoenix familiar, Toby
A piece of shit. Is an absolute asshole and wont let you know she cares.
Lowkey magical girl
Ex-smuggler, who's patron is literally 'I can fix her', 'she can be a better person'. Part of the 'Beyond Skeletons' Pirate crew, she's the medic of the crew.
Pymmyr Tathnel (DnD 5e)
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85 Years Old, He/They, Drow
Gloomstalker Ranger
Emotional Support Blink Dog, Princess Liquorice
This boy is scared all the time
Doesn't talk much, but speaks in a soft voice
Has disordered 'Sleeping' and Eating :)
His plague mask has tinted lenses to help ease the strain with how bright the surface is
I wont tell too much about them as a lot of their info is spoilers to other players. But this sad Drow just rocks up in my head on the regular.
Erebus (Anima Beyond Fantasy)
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AKA- My first TTRPG character! circa 2011-2 I think???
Real name Sho Yoshimitsu
22 Years Old, He/Him
Duk'Zarist Nephilim
Textbook 'strong silent and intimidating hot man'
But basically a big soft boy if you break past the mile thick ice
Tragic backstory™ , used to using his body for the job
He really enjoys cooking!
Also hopelessly in love with a small soft summoner, Caelum (the one hugging him), They're RedxBlue gays
I think I'll leave it there for now!
I may add more later, I hope it was interesting?? and I'm still pretty shy with yelling this much about my characters haha.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! 💜
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nicolos · 6 months
hi jui. i would like to hear abt ur bg3 oc x canon concept. i believe in you
HI hello this is thrilling. would you like to hear all about her here? i don't know much about dnd so please bear with me if something isn't quite right.
her name is passerine, and she's a half-wood elf warlock with a guild artisan (finesmithing) background. her bg is that she got rip van winkle'd (as a shorthand for the experience of time passing without you without the specific historical connotations) when she was very young and very foolish and made a deal with the archfey. the consequence of this make her a little bit insane by being overstimulated all the time, and therefore super isolated and kind of strange because she's living in an unfamiliar world, with which she cannot become familiar because it's so harrowing to exist in her own head. and it's all her own fault.....
until, that is, the tadpole! i don't really know all of what the tadpole does/doesn't do, but i do know that it gives everyone psychic powers and seems to be the thing that lets astarion walk in the sun, so she can have a special help too, okay. so it's the first time in 9 years that she's been able to experience things normally, kind of (except for the tadpole potentially destroying her mind bit)
now - the canon in question is astarion. im not a strong person, please understand. and well, because i can, i decree that she feels that there is Something weird about him - the being undead thing i guess?? - but because her sense of magic is so intertwined to her sense of nature (in the fey way) and that also trips her fey-granted inspiration-meter, astarion is in fact giving her a sense that in practice doesn't feel very different from how she'd feel, pre-tadpole, looking at a particularly pretty bit of armour, say.
for his part he thinks she keeps staring at him because she wants to fuck him (the thought hasn't even occurred to her). this is good and useful, except that he hates everything about it at a visceral level (i dont know if he is self-aware to recognise this at the time idk i'll have to play further). for her... well, his presence stresses out but he makes her want to make shiny things, and that's the only thing she knows how to do, but she hates how her life is dictated by her pact, but -- and so on
pls see:
As though sensing that he was being watched, Astarion turned and looked at her. He was no less sharp in the dim misery of this chamber than he had been outside, in the sunlight, a dagger at her throat. And after—with the worm’s connection flashing through her mind, when he had introduced himself… “Passerine,” she had replied, hand twitching at her side as she fought the urge to reach out. Touching him would certainly tell her nothing of the secrets of his creation. “But please, call me Rin.” His smile had been sharp enough to bleed on. Passerine had never been a weaponsmith, but in that moment, she had wanted to be one, if only to replicate the way in which his smile cut. “So, Passerine, do you know anything about these worms?” (Nothing, of course—except that they had stolen something from her, and would steal more in time.)
at some point she's going to tell him that her pact means she cant be normal about pretty things and that he seems to be the one thing that slips through the tadpole filter (as an explanation, separate from how she feels about him as a person at this point. but she won't say this). and he's going to feel ALL KINDS OF WAYS about it. and i am going to enjoy it so much
i have more thoughts and things, of course, but this is long enough already. THANK YOU FOR HEARING ME OUT and for believing in me 🥺~
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The Ballad of Kazimir Littlemoon, Part 2: The Surface (1/2)
"That was your son from the minute you set eyes on him.”
Kazimir, or Kaz, Littlemoon is a Dungeons and Dragons character, and now a BG3 Tav, of mine. This is his story.
Contents: Menzoberranzan (1/2) Menzoberranzan (2/2)
The Surface (1/2) The Surface (2/2)
Waterdeep (1/2) Waterdeep (2/2)
CW: some mention of anti-drow and anti-tiefling sentiment
Quindelline Littlemoon was born in Farwallow-upon-Dessarin, a small suburb of Waterdeep nestled in a foothill. Not more than 500 people inhabited the village, composed mainly of Lightfoot halflings. Unlike their brethren in the city, they had decided a more idyllic landscape was suited to their sensibilities, so broke off many years ago to form the town.
From a young age, Quindelline, or Quin as she preferred, had the taste of adventurer in her heart. She longed to see this realm and others for all they had to offer. Her father, Milo, gifted her the first shortbow she ever fired for her 8th birthday. And it was love at first shot. The little halfling girl found herself at home in nature, on the hunt. Beaming with pride as she brought home rabbits and squirrels to her mother. And when she was finally given the opportunity to track a troublesome coyote that had been tormenting their livestock, she knew that being a ranger was her life’s calling.
Her calling brought her to the big city as a young adventurer, itching to get her feet wet on contracts and jobs. She scoured taverns for job listings, billing herself as a skilled ranger and tracker. Eventually finding herself ingratiated with the others much like her. Fortune and fame seekers, do gooders and devotees of gods she’d never even heard of. And steadily, she learned of the art of horizon walking from rangers far more skilled than she.
Horizon walkers specialized in banishing beings back to the realms they belonged to, and maybe even travel to these far off realms themselves. And it was clear that this conclave of rangers was for her. Her line of work brought her to the Feywild, the Underdark, and even Avernus on occasion. Guarding planar portals and befriending the benevolent forces of other realms to aid them in keeping the balance between worlds.
But many of those valiant exploits would come later in her life, when she truly made a name for herself not only as a ranger, but as a friend to many other great adventurers. And as the mother of one very special son.
For this story, we ought to begin in the summer of 1371. Quindelline had freshly turned 25 in the spring, and the festivities of a halfling wedding had just commenced in the heart of Farwallow. Her wedding, in fact. To a fellow young halfling by the name of Rosina Tulriner. Rosina was a halfling of unique background, the Tulriner name traditionally belonging to gnomes. And assuredly, in her ancestry there was gnomish blood. As such, they were magnificent tinkerers and designers by family business.
Rosina was a jewelry maker, having inherited the trade from her mother, Ida. And her father, Kellen, being a finesmith allowed her unfettered access to a forge to practice her craft from the time she could hold a pair of tongs. She originally hailed from Waterdeep proper, operating out of her family’s small basement shop in the North Ward. But she traveled with her mother every year to the surrounding areas to sell their wares and attend artist’s guild events. And one of their many stops was Farwallow-upon-Dessarin.
There she met Quindelline, and it was as close to love at first sight as any real relationship could be. They met each other every year as Rosina traveled with Ida and steadily their close friendship blossomed into love. Rosina was a gentle, even-keeled presence that brought Quin’s fire-filled heart back down to the ground. It was like magic.
However, there was one question in the backs of their minds as they planned their wedding, and their future life together. Halflings put a great deal of importance on creating families. Both of them were no different, and longed to be parents someday. But didn’t take into account the possibility that they’d be marrying another woman. Making that prospect of children start to look slim. However, not impossible.
Halflings also bore a tradition of adopting children in need to supplement their large families. So Quin and Rosina decided that they, too, would look for children that needed a loving home. As it turns out, they wouldn’t need to look for long. Because life would seemingly drop a child into their laps.
Quindelline was contracted to delve into the Underdark that summer with a party of three other warriors, hired by a royal alchemist in search of rare ingredients. Her three companions were already familiar to her, other adventurers from Waterdeep. A half-drow paladin of Eilistraee, well-versed in the mapping of the Underdark and how best to fight when encountering drow. A tiefling rogue who still owed Quin money from their last card game. And a dragonborn fighter who had a penchant for picking Quin up in the heat of battle.
The quest itself was simple, and it went with few hiccups. The party traveled to a known planar portal into the Underdark that would put them in the area known to be abundant in the ingredients of their quarry. Once arrived, they camped for several days while searching and collecting. Off in the distance, the lights of Menzoberranzan glowed against the cavernous stones. So long as a distance was kept, and the party was strategic in their movements, the party would be safe from any patrolling drow in the outskirts of the grand capital city.
On the last day of their quest, finally having found a coveted mushroom that eluded them thus far, they heard a noise piercing the eerily silent underground air. It sounded like a baby’s cry. Before they went to investigate, Quindelline and the rogue swept the area for drow. Or any other creature that could have set the trap for unsuspecting do-gooders. When they found nothing, they followed the noise as it waxed and waned. Until they came upon a small cavern.
Laying at its mouth, in a woven reed basket covered with spider’s silk, was an infant. So new that his little wrinkled face was still bruised from birth, it seemed. And the remnants of his umbilical cord still clung to his bloated tummy. Immediately identifiable were the fine points of his ears. The infant was elven.
And finally, upon looking at him closer by their torchlight, they found he wasn’t bruised purple from the trauma of his birth. He was purple by nature. He was drow.
His cry was growing weaker by the second when the party reached him. Clearly hungry and tired and forgotten. Wailing out in a final effort to save himself.
Quindelline fell to her knees and cleaned the boy of his spider silk, searching for anything to identify him. A name or a note. But found nothing. Turning then to the issue of the boy himself. She held him to her chest to try and soothe him, rocking him and cooing to him. She reached to her pack and began to rummage for her rations.
“Quin, what in the Hells are you doing?” the tiefling rolled her eyes.
“What does it look like I’m doing? Someone left the poor thing out here all alone. He’s gonna die out here.”
“That’s my problem how? He’s a drow. They’ll make more.” she whisper-shouted to Quin in frustration, trying to get her to hurry up and move on.
“Excuse me?” the paladin crossed his arms, “This child is no less deserving than you. Watch what you say.”
The tiefling opened her mouth to fire back with vitriol, but no words came out. She realized how her comments sounded. She’d been told many times how the world could do with fewer tieflings. How unfair her judgment of the defenseless child was. She dropped to her knees beside Quin and began to search for something suitable to feed the starving infant. They settled on a small container of deep rothe yogurt that the rogue acquired from traders while they were camped.
The fighter stood watch as they prepared the infant for travel. Quin made it clear that the boy was coming with them to the surface, come hells or high water, and the paladin agreed. He helped swaddle and affix the infant to Quin’s back while he carried her rucksack. Once secured, they were off to the portal out immediately. They did their best to disguise the infant in layers of swaddling to not arouse suspicion.
Once they made it to the surface, the party let out a collective sigh of relief. They emerged in the forests of the Sword Coast as morning was just breaking over the hills. And Quin unwrapped the boy from her back and properly looked him over for injuries. Miraculously, he was safe and sound apart from being filthy and starving. She took him to the river nearby and gave him a proper cleaning. The paladin emerged as she was swaddling him back up to trek back to Waterdeep.
“What will we do with him when we’re back to the city?”
Quin sighed, and looked at the infant. His wide, pink eyes looked back. She got to work clothing him and wrapping him up.
“I imagine you’d like to take him to your people. Back to the Dancing Haven. Raise him up in the Church. Make him into a good, Eilistraeean boy.”
“I would like that. That doesn’t mean that’s what’s best for him.”
Quin still worked at swaddling the boy, letting the paladin continue.
“You just got married, did you not? That jewelry maker. Rosie, you called her. I remember you talking about her on the last job we went on together.”
“I did, this spring. Her name is Rosina. I call her Rosie. We just bought a home.”
“How many bedrooms?”
“Then it’s settled,”
Quin paused, looking up from the boy to the paladin.
“What’s settled?”
“The boy. He’s yours.”
Quin’s eyes widened. There was no way he was serious. A drow on the surface was usually a serious business, sometimes even grim. Keeping them out of Lolth’s hands and into Eilistraee’s was a tough job, and this infant could pose no smaller a threat.
“But what of Lolth? Why was he abandoned? What if we interfered with something much bigger than him,” Quin gestured to the now sleeping bundle, “He needs the Church, he needs you to protect him. I and Rosie can’t do that alone.”
“And you won’t do it alone. You have me, and you have the Church. I’ll be reporting on the boy, it’s part of my duty. They’ll always be there to protect him. But what he needs now is a loving home. The Church will have undying love for this boy, but it isn’t a proper home. I haven’t the time nor the skill to raise up a child.”
“What makes you think I have the time or the skill to raise him up any better?”
“I know you, Quin. You’re too utilitarian to buy a three bedroom home for all but one of those rooms to sit empty. You’ve a wife, a wife that doesn’t venture out as you do, where I remain regrettably solitary. 
Quin remained silent, looking at the now dozing bundle before her.
“And I know your heart. I saw the way you went to him. That was your son from the minute you set eyes on him.”
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Like many of you might have guessed, I've become obsessed by Baldur's Gate 3. I've wanted to introduce my Tav for a while now, but I feel too burnt out to draw myself, and it took me time to figure out answers for some of the questions on this template.
May I present: Athenaia Winterbreaker
She is the firstborn of Dante and Horus Winterbreaker, and the big sister of Kairon Winterbreaker. Athenaia lives in Lower City of Baldur's Gate, upstairs of her work place, Green Haven. It's her own "enterprise", where she mostly offers healing services ("everyone gets treated, quality is the same for everyone" policy). She also sells healing potions and remedies, books about medicine and nature, plus the place acts as a café and a safe space where everyone, including urchins, beggars and homeless, are welcome.
Athenaia has lived very mundane (some might say "boring") life, trying to make the world even a little less shitty place to others, until she got abducted by mind flayers, and was infected with their tadpole. Driven into this dire situation, she tries her best to use her skills to guide a party of fellow infected, find a cure, and get back to her family and friends.
This "bloody do-gooder", who also gets elected as the leader of the pack, alongside with her friend, Saga, leads with kindness, determination & democracy. She also may or may not end up in a "Pride and Prejudice" kind of situation with a certain Pale Elf she absolutely despises ("that arrogant snob", like Athenaia would call him at the beginning of the story). 😅
Note: Saga is the Tav of my irl friend, who also gets abducted by mindflayers, and a friend of Athenaia's since childhood
Ten facts:
Athenaia is biromantic demisexual
she plays flute, sings and draws well
Athenaia is a druid, who isn't devoted to a certain god, but to nature in general
lives in a city, but is an active member of a druid circle that operates in Baldur's Gate's nearby forests
knows how to fight, because Horus is a Manip at Flaming Fist, and has taught Athenaia
despite of living honestly, Athenaia is decent at lockpicking (Dante used to be a con artist who sold fake magical artefacts and whatnot, but nowadays leads an honest life as lock- and finesmith)
is exactly 1 year and 1 day older than her little brother, Kairon (a bard)
Athenaia is a sage, and hoards all the books she can find during her adventures
wants to adopt all the animals
keeper of the peace at the camp of "the Fellowship of the Brain Worms", but isn't afraid of backtalking to any of the members, hags, vampire lords or literal gods
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kimnowls · 2 years
Let's make a DnD character part 4.1
See below for the character so far:
Race: Dragonborn (Gold)
Class: Bard
Background: Guild Artisan
Base Stats:
Strength 11, Dexterity 11, Constitution 14, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13, Charisma 16
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daeron-dondarrion · 2 years
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BLACKHAVEN — Town map and locations
Blackhaven is the seat of House Dondarrion in the southwestern region of the Stormlands. It is part of the Dornish Marches, located in the northern Red Mountains close to the Dornish border, north of the Wyl River.
1. Blackhaven castle: Located at the heart of the citadel. It serves as the household for House Dondarrion as well as for the majority of their employed staff.
2. Main plaza: A place for gatherings of all kinds, a place that is especially crowded on the seventh day of the week after the people leave the sept. Street food is often sold here and it isn’t rare for musicians to delight the crowds with their songs.
3. The sept: The seventh day of the week is devoted to the Seven and so the town’s sept is the main place for the people of Blackhaven to gather for prayer.
4. The park: The largest green area in the town. A space for leisurely activities and for taking a walk.
5. The theater: Plays have been performed here for nobles and smallfolk alike. It is most often used for tablaos to watch flamenco dancers and enjoy their traditional music.
6. The guilds: This area of the town encompasses the workshops and shops of the guilds of Blackhaven. A long time ago, before the common tongue was adopted in the town, the guilds received Euskera names based on their purpose or the main materials they used for their work. These groups were called “houses”, a tradition that remains to this day. The Blackhaven guilds are identified as follows:
House of Egurra: Carpenters, roofers, and plasterers Woodcarvers, coopers, and bowyers Wagon-makers and wheelwrights
House of Janari Cooks and bakers Brewers, distillers and vintners Farmers
House of Natura Alchemists and apothecaries Healers, midwives and nurses
House of Harria Jewelers and gem cutters Masons and stonecutters Potters and tile-makers
House of Metala Armorers, locksmiths & finesmiths Smiths and metal-forgers
House of Janzkera Cobblers and shoemakers Leatherworkers, skinners, and tanners Weavers and dyers
House of Idaztea Calligraphers, scribes, and scriveners Painters, limners, and sign-makers
7. Bazaar: Located within the guild district. A great variety of goods can be found here with the exception of food, which is sold in the market.
8. Market: Unlike the bazaar, the market is dedicated entirely to selling foods. The members of the House of Janari sell their goods here.
9. Lace district: The area of town where brothels are found as well as spaces for dance performances of a very mature nature.
10 & 11. The city jail (gallows) and the constabulary: Soldiers in Blackhaven can be divided into two branches: men who are trained for battle and the militant branch that oversees that law and order are upheld in the city who operate from the constabulary. For all intents and purposes, they are the city watch. They work under the jurisdiction of a commander at the service of House Dondarrion. The city jail and gallows are located close to their headquarters.
12 & 13. First and Second garrison: Training grounds and housing for the soldiers of Blackhaven.
14. Orphanage: A home that is run by a group of septas. They receive alms from the townspeople as well as a biannual donation from House Dondarrion. They receive basic education so they may successfully become members of society when they reach adulthood. When they come of age, they are welcomed to be employed at the castle, to pursue a craft with the guilds, join the military or devote themselves to the faith.
15, 16 & 17. Inns: There are three inns in town which vary in level of luxury and cost. Wingarde Inn and Brightsong Inn are considered affordable, offering basic accommodation. King’s Quarter Inn is far more expensive, offering a more lavish service and larger quarters as well as a private courtyard accessible only by guests.
18, 19, 20 & 21. Tarvens and pubs: Good food and good drinks can be found all across Blackhaven. The Desert Hawk and The Sandstorm are frequented by all sorts of people from every social class, be it guild members, workers from the lace district, soldiers, and even some visiting nobles who want a taste of Blackhaven without any veils of propriety. The Copper Cup is considered a more family-friendly space, and the meals that Genara, the cook, serves have the greatest of reputations. Lastly, The Saffron is a tavern for those of more exquisite taste, offering both local drinks and cuisine as well as some imported delicacies.
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napiersworldzero · 1 year
Session Summary of 8/25/23
We began the session in Alamontyr. They find the city with fortified walls defending it, several watchtowers, and an oppressive atmosphere that seems to suck the magic out of the city. After talking to a local child about their opinion of the Griffon Knights, Rome approaches a Knight and is directed to guard tower that resides near the castle where the Shield Duke rules from.
When they arrive at the guard tower, they meet Commander Jerl Kriv who informs of them the current situation: there is a new thieves' guild in the town. They have stolen from everyone but the shops, focusing on the market. This had started three weeks ago and he does not know what ties them together. But he fears it is the Red Wizards trying to corrupt them.
After interrogating the Commander about whether or not he was involved and what to do if the party discovered it was related to the government, they set out into town.
There are large markets and vendors through the town along with the temples. They are finesmiths, woodcarvers, potters, glaziers, jewelers, and tailors.
During their investigations, they learn that girl clothing, toys, small blacksmith items, and green and blue jewelry have all gone missing except from one stall: The Iln's tailoring stall. They report to the adventurers that their daughter Preen Iln, a small, light purple tiefling girl, has gone missing a little over three weeks ago.
Rome had found a Griffon Knight doll walk up to the blacksmith's open forge, steal two scraps of metal, and then run off to disappear into the sewers.
Now, a little side adventure occurred that let Mavi find the girl. Mavi has a fascination with being a pirate so they bought a fish, took Ten's Miasma Wisp Stick (cite. TikToker @luckyinks), lit it and put it in the fish's mouth and pretended it could speak. Ten grew annoyed, took the fish, and threw it into the market square. Miasma gives the smoker two uses of Stinking Cloud. So, when the fish hit the pavement, it puffed out like a smoke bomb and filled the square with a stinking cloud.
Mavi was spotted as the source and ran, hiding away as an old grandma until trouble left. As she explored the back alleys, she found that the sewer grates had a green, cloud aura around it. So, she changed into small tiefling boy and slipped into the sewers, shifted back into a grandma. Following the green cloud trail, she found the girl, pinky-promised her that heroes would return and a magical green flash snapped in front of her when she did, before she then rushed back to her party.
The party then made a plan to explore the sewers, following Mavi's guidance. They came across a collapsed tunnel but when they looked up, the dirt ceiling was completely intact. They continued on, climbing over the rubble or using a spell to climb on the ceiling.
Among the rubble is splintered and broken wood, scattered metal pans and pieces of rotted and wet cloth. There are broken class and ceramic. They explore the decaying structure and find in the farthest, deepest part of the structure the body of a small girl. The child is Preen Iln. Surrounding her are all of the stolen items, creating a kind of border or treasure horde about her. The dolls appear around the girl's trapped body, standing a safe distance away. The girl speaks to the party, her green spirit trapped with her body as she moves like a ghost, trying to get out as if she is still alive.
They ask her what happen and she tells them a story of a strange, dark-skinned man promising to show her magic tricks. He had dreadlocks, metal in his head with strange stiff strings that went from them to under his shirt, and wore strange clothing. He brought her dolls to life, made her friends, made illusions come to life, but something went horribly wrong. There was screaming and crashing and horrible noises and then her house collapsed around her, burying her beneath the ground with her new friends. They survived but the man was gone; the dolls go get her toys and clothes as she called for help and continues to call.
As the talk to her and try to determine how to unbury her, Ten takes out his Cruor Blade and hold it towards the doll. He had taken it out to see what it thought of the magic being drained when they first entered the city and it shook violently so he put it away but now the dagger wanted to stab the doll. Ten managed to resist the urge and put the blade away.
Ever since the green flash bang, Mavi had been scared she was going to die at dawn. A doll approached her and held out its toy hammer where green letters were inscribed: "You Will Not Die". Mavi chose to not believe it.
Throughout this time, it is discovered that Mavi is the only one that can sense this green magic beyond Preen's spirit and that Preen thinks it's 1385. The party knows it to be 1398. So Rome hurries back to the surface to ask the guards and then Commander what year it is to which they all answer it to be 1385.
Rome visits the parents of the missing girl and learns the family had put out a call for someone to come train their daughter since she was having magical outbursts to which the strange man, they learned was named David O'Sullivan, answered. He would spend time with their daughter, teaching her what he knew before the horrible accident happened. The mother had been in the house at the time and after the house had calmed down, rushed to her daughter's bedroom to find David step out and say her daughter had run off, taking nothing but a painted doll. They all found it strange that he was questioned by the guard and then left town the next day, even after putting some kind of spell on the house. Rome reported that the Commander thought David was a family friend to which the husband claimed to have started that lie. David, to him, had just been a good man from Derlusk and didn't want him to suffer for his daughter running away.
Rome returned to the party and connected the two locations together, realizing the rubble was underneath the Iln's house. When Rome mentioned the missing doll, Preen informed them she had it and they asked to see it. Ten took it and stabbed it but nothing happened. Rome quickly mended it and returned it.
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inventorymessblog · 4 years
# Mili # 5597 por Mili Miklos Via Flickr: Blog: Mili Mix ■ Hair-DOUX - Danni hairstyle [BASIC PACK] + [DELUXE HUD] by Dam1710 ■ Hairbase❤LeLUTKA.Hairbase.c88.17 by Thora Charron ■ Mesh Head❤LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.5 by Jaden Nova ■ Scar--Lepunk- Scars III +BOM+ by Xandra Bianco ■ Freckles❤[theSkinnery] Nomade Freckles (BOM) by Umazuma Metaluna ■ Ears-UNISEX[MANDALA]STEKING_EARS_Season 5 by kikunosuke Eel ■ Eyeliner-. MILA . Flash Winged Eyeliner [GENUS/LEL EVO/BOM] by Mila Vanilla ■ Forehead Lines 1/Smudged Eyes/Nose Bleed❤[theSkinnery] WeAreNotWell FaceBundle (LeLutkaEVO) by Umazuma Metaluna @ Black Fair ■ Face applier❤[theSkinnery] Ruby (LeLutkaEVO) honey by Umazuma Metaluna @ Black Fair ■ Body applier❤[theSkinnery] Bom Body - FIT honey by Umazuma Metaluna ■ Mesh Body-Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5 by Onyx LeShelle ■ Body Freckles❤[theSkinnery] Bom Body - Freckles Light by Umazuma Metaluna ■ Veins-Izzie's - Body Veins & Blemishes by Izzie Button ■ Tan Lines-Izzie's - Bikini Tan Lines by Izzie Button ■ Tattoo❤Letis Tattoo :: Aryam :: F200911 by Leti Hax @ Black Fair ■ Bracelets/Rings-**RE** Zorah Bracelets & Rings by crashnoww @ Fameshed ■ Lingerie❤RIOT / Hedone Lingerie Set by Riot Banana ■ Wings❤RIOT / Cupid's Wings by Riot Banana ■ Shoes❤.BF. Strips Heels by Sonnya Finesmith @ Black Fair ■ Pose-STUN - Pose Pack Collection Bento 'Rina' #164 by patricksillver .......... Facebook Plurk Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Instagram
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https://www.flickr.com/photos/milimiklos/51033938378/in/photostream/ https://milimiklos.wordpress.com/2021/03/14/mili-5597/
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timetot · 4 years
I’m prepping to run Waterdeep Dragon Heist for some work friends and came across this NPC fire/water genasi couple:
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[ID: “...metal weapons, armor, and tools are made. The forge is owned and operated by a married couple: a fire genasi named Embric and a water genasi named Avi. Both are members of the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers. As an armorer, Avi also belongs to the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths, and Finesmiths.” /end ID]
my automatic thought was - naturally - make it gay, but Y’ALL
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[ID: “Embric tends the forge and is an expert weaponsmith. He claims descent from the efreet of Calimshan and is prone to extreme mood swings. He has the statistics of a bandit captain, with these changes:” /end ID]
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[ID: “Avi worships Eldath, god of peace, and uses his magic to quench hot steel. He is an expert armorsmith. Avi is laid back and speaks plainly .He has the statistics of a preist, with these changes:” /end ID]
it’s already gay and i already love them!!!!
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ladythylia · 24 days
1587 Stop asking why I’m a Bitch. I don’t ask why you’re so stupid.
Shirt- 4U. Lexie Crop Top – Pink Top- 4U. Lexie Fur Top – Pink Skirt-4U. Lexie Skirt – Pink Hair- OPALE . Anya Hair [Naturals Pack] Eyes-.MILA. Blooming Eyes [Mesh/LeLutka/Catwa/BOM] Lashes- AMBAR BEAUTY – ARIADNE EYELASHES Tattoo- Sacred Tattoo-187 MakeUp-VELOUR “VERSAILLES” EYESHADOW MakeUp- Goreglam ‘Bittersuite’ Glittergloss EVO X Jewelry–SU!- Medusa Piercing Jewelry- Limited…
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linkedsoulsblog · 6 years
Santa Luzia da Violette Zaks Tramite Flickr: Cяєdits øи ьℓøg Liиkєd Søuℓs
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lavendel58 · 7 years
GIULIADESIGN @ Designer Showcase- Eveline Outfit
Today I am wandering about the Limpopo area on the South African Sim at Amaryllis Dream Community. Passed the restless elephants and happened upon these lovely creatures! With the temps being warm in the sunlight and a bit cool in the shade my outfit provides both warmth and coolness.  My outfit of choice comes from the 7th Anniversary round of Designer Showcaseand is created by the Designer of…
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purrfecttouch-blog · 7 years
Share My Life….. IME so lost without you. Blueberry - Ime - Lace Dress  Maitreya !*Bliss Couture*! Laurenn Hat…
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natonebutfun · 6 years
Faction Missions - Exploring Waterdeep
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Between session 18 and 19 I had a few mini sessions with a select few of the party to speed up the chapter we were currently in. Due to having six players it could take a long while to get all these faction missions out of the way at the table and we decided to simply do them with the people separately before the next sitting. Here’s what happened on those.
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Raivyre - Order of the Gauntlet
Raivyre stayed the night as the Temple where she had been residing ever since their arrival in the city. Being a known face there and recently having been invited to become a member of the Order she was assigned her second mission to seek out the publisher of the Waterdeep Wazoo to dig a little deeper into the matter of the Black Viper who was reported dead long ago, and has now resurfaced and robbed several nobles. 
When arriving at the publishing house, Raivyre at first is asked to wait without much attention being given to her desire to see Gaxly Rudderbust. When the dragonborn Paladin however approaches the desk once more she reminds them of the urgency of her business and who had sent here. This speeds matters significantly and Raivyre is finally shown to the office of Gaxly, where she is introduced to the sleazy publisher.
The man initially seems to have no interest in the betterment of the city, or helping the order but heavily hints at the information being available for the right reward or payment. When he finally receives a hefty sum of dragons he doesn’t hesitate to inform Raivyre of the suspicions he has. Gaxly namely believes that the Black Viper is none other than the evil twin sister of Lady Ammalia Cassalanter, who hides her face because of a disfigurement. He does not know, nor share anything else which prompts Raivyre to leave and to follow up on his lead.
Outside of the publisher’s office, Raivyre is witness to a street scuffle between two halflings that are drawing a crowd. Wanting to intervene and pull the two apart she is bumped into by the instigator who evades her grasp. Shortly after the city watch arrives to take away the target of the running culprit’s theft. It’s at the temple after Raivyre delivers her report of the information that she realises that the family heirloom of Bahamut has been stolen, suspecting of course the halfling that got away.
Having been given instructions to follow up on her lead, Raivyre seeks out information about the Cassalanters, learning them to be a charitable noble family of good standing and significant wealth. Despite the much positive attitude towards the family she does struggle to hear anything more indepth or personal in regards to them in the long hours of her investigation. In the end she remains in a tavern near the market and asks the patrons that come and go, until eventually a slightly intoxicated elder man comes to sit with her. Introducing himself as Stan Lee, he confesses to once have worked for the family and that his son has now taken his former position.
The information in regards to the Lady having a twin sister invites amusement and laughter, quickly dispelling the possible clue with repeated denial. In the end, Raivyre returns to Trollskul Manor with heavily conflicting information and a missing amulet.
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Chester & Passion - The Zhentarim (Doom Raiders)
In the Yawning Portal, Chester & Passion meet up with Davil to inquire about the recent post in the Wazoo linking the Zhentarim to the Black Viper. It’s quickly clear that Davil is increasingly frustrated with the damage to their reputation due to the ongoing activity in the city, but he urges them to simply stick to the missions he assigns and that they will be asked to help if or when needed.
This day the duo are asked to pick up a delivery at Weirdbottle’s Concoctions, owned by a long term friend named Skeemo and deliver it to the God Catcher where a woman in a purple cloak will be waiting with a generous tip. Together they set off to find the shop and are introduced to Skeemo who appears to be a fairly unpleasant person initially when he hurries them out the door with the coffer holding the Potions of Mindreading. 
Passion carries the box as they travel through the city to the agreed upon location and find a private carriage waiting, the crest of a noble house engraved upon its doors and a beautiful young woman waiting. Over her head is indeed a purple hood that Chester recognises from briefly passing the woman at the Bent Nail. Meanwhile Passion recognises the crest due to recent stirring of the family name Rosznar having returned after their exile hundred of years ago. The noble family’s reputation stained with the criminal slave trade they once meddled in.
Upon receiving her package, Lady Esvele departs with a courteous farewell and a generous tip given to the pair who return to Skeemo’s where Chester spends a hefty share of his own cut on various poisons and venoms. Passion meanwhile was asked to wait outside but explored the nearby shops until stepping into a pet store where her own money went towards the purchase of a colourful parrot who she carried out in its cage and back to the Yawning Portal. Durnnan warning her severely that if the animal makes too much noise he personally will handle it.
Chester had also managed to give her less than half of the given tip and has Passion convinced that he had given up more than half to her after he’d already spent the majority in Weirdbottle’s Concoctions before he headed to Trollskull.
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Theryn - The Harpers (With Chester)
When Chester returned to Trollskull, Theryn was ready to head out and sell off some of the various items they had procurred during earlier adventures to be capable of funding the group’s endeavour for the tavern’s renovations. Together they went out to the jewelers guild where the many precious stones were appraised and weighted to land them a wealthy sum of gold. And a promise towards the young dwarf Hilda that she was invited to the opening of their tavern after it was apparent she was rather taken by Theryn.
Wanting to delve around the shops in the Trade Ward, Theryn too is drawn to seek out the pet store that Passion had visited earlier that day and was instantly taken by the trio of mastiff puppies that rushed at him. All three were subsequently purchased by an enthused Theryn eager to give them a home and an equally satisfied proprietor glad to see the three housed together. One pup was taken into Chester’s care as the other two remained with Theryn on their way to find Maxeene the talking horse. Who was currently supposed to be in the Sea Ward for this tenday.
Arriving there and tracking down the horse was not a difficult task for Theryn, who was quickly directed towards her. Maxeene herself lived up to her reputation of being a rather remarkable lady of high expectations but gladly informed Theryn about what she had seen or heard. But recently she picked up a moon elf and a half-orc who she brought to the Yawning Portal and overheard them talk about hiring spies to root out the Xanathar Guild. Her descriptions match heavily with familiar faces for Theryn who had been introduced to Yagra before and has seen Davil around as well.
After promising Maxeene he would encourage Mirt to seek her out soon, he and Chester returned to Trollskull where Theryn sent his report of the mission to Mirt.
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Nygarth - The Emerald Enclave
Having been invited to Phaulkonmere in the Southern Ward to join the Emerald Enclave, Nygarth travels there to meet Melannor Fellbranch the groundskeeper who introduces him to the purpose of the Enclave and its goals. He is told that they hire druids and rangers traditionally but that they aknowledge his own connection to nature and the wild as an asset they could use if he is interested. It is then hat he’s given his “introductory” mission to see whether or not he would indeed fit within the ranks and would be of sufficient capability to deal with the troubles they encounter.
Nygarth is asked to visit the outlying farms that are being terrorised by a scarecrow come to life. It has reportedly slain livestock and horses, as well as spooked the farmers. Luckily thusfar no people have been killed which is why the City Guard has not taken any steps to action as of yet.
It does not take Nygarth long to find his way to the fields surrounding the city and he passes the Snobeedle Orchard and Meadery on the way where various people are plucking fruits and enjoying a beverage in the last warm days of the year. Not much later he also finds the culprit of the reported slaughers and quickly disposes the scarecrow and removes the threat.
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Meanwhile at Trollskull Alley: Thirgrim
Holding down the fort and tending to the various Guilds visiting for the tavern’s repair, is Thirgrim who is introduced to the married couple Embric and Avi who own and work at Steam and Steel, the nearby smith. They visit Thirgrim after hearing of him joining the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths and Metalforgers as well as the Splendid Order of Armorers, Locksmiths and Finesmiths.  Avi and Embric ask for the party’s artisan’s help in their workshop, Embric needing to conduct various business meetings and visits and not being able to work the forge for the increasing number of commissions they need to finish.
Thirgrim agrees to help the couple and works several hours at the forge and receives a third of the shares of the profit made.
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syddsinister · 3 years
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[BODY] Hair: Unorthodox x Punklist- Bunny Hair – Tonio Harmison Body: The Shops! Legacy (f) (1.4) – MeshBody Head: LeLUTKA EvoX BRIANNON 3.0 – Jaden Nova Lashes: ~Shiny Stuffs~ Retro Flirt Lashes – Tarani Tempest Eyes: -SU!- Lizabeta Eyes – Eleanor Hexem Skin: [the Skinnery] Kia (LeLutkaEVOX) ebony NB @ Kustom 9 – Umazuma Metaluna
[TATTOO/MAKEUP] Brows: .:the-HAUS:. Chioma III BOM Eyebrows Scar – Princess Usbourne Hairbase: Sap ~ Half Braid Hairbase / EvoX / Tone 5 – Sapienta Tattoo: ((Mister Razzor)) Bella Tattoo 100% – MathewThomson
[CLOTHING] Top: .Beauty Factory. Wave Top Baby Black/Forest – Sonnya Finesmith Bottoms: Cynful Keeper Flare Pants – Cynthia Ultsch Shoes: REIGN.– FLIP FLOPS TIPPYS – KenadeeCole
[ACCESSORIES] Choker: e.marie // Priya Velvet Choker – Emiliana Nova Ear Piercings: RAWR! 420 HUMAN Earrings EvoX – Circe Boucher Rings: RAWR! 420 Rings – Circe Boucher Nails: RAWR! 420 Nails – Circe Boucher
[EXTRA] Poses: STUN – Vidorra Conundrum Backdrop: Crystal. Backdrop Marijuana plantation White – CrystalPoses
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