#Flayed Billy Hargrove x y/n
sweet-villain · 2 years
A Feeling~ Flayed B.H
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Anonymous asked:
Oh. My. God!!! That flayed Billy was amazing!!!
Can I request a more softer version of flayed billy, maybe when he was regular Billy the reader was Billy's gf and even though he's flayed now he is still protective and super soft with her which confuses the gang
If you aren't doing request I totally get it but you're work really is amazing! Thank you for sharing your talent
Tagging : @woahlifehitsyahuh @cinemaquinn @pleasantlycrazyworld. @moonchildquinn @haileighboi @ceriseheaven @witchy-munson
" Would you quite your staring at him?" you hushed whispered smacking Steve in the chest while he stood frozen in his spot as he eyed Billy sitting on the grass. But this wasn't the Billy you used to know. This was Flayed. After everything that happened, Mind Flyer dying, you had managed to save Billy along with Max. Flayed never understood why you would save him, he has done so much harm and caused so much damage. Yet, you stood by his side.
" It's not normal that he's hanging around us, he's dangerous" Steve whispers looking over at you for a brief moment as he looked back to make sure Billy still was sitting there.
Flayed was very aware on how the gang felt being around him and yet he found comfort in being around them, spiting at them if needed and when they said something about you, he was hot on his heels and ready to fight.
" You don't know him like I know him" Steve scoffed as she shook his head. " What are you two ladies talking about?" Robin makes her way over to you as she sits in between you and Steve.
Steve glared at her for a moment before he answered, " That one over there." He motioned with his head towards Billy. He was busy watching Max skate on her skateboard as Dustin and Mike sat on the sidewalk.
" His name is Billy Hargrove and he's my boyfriend" Robin gave you a look staring at his back. " You know he's not the Billy you know and love. He's completely different"
You nodded, " I know. He trust me, he knows me and I believe there is a part of him that wants to be loved."
Steve snorted.
" He doesn't know the meaning of the world love" Steve mumbles.
" Last time I checked Harrington, you don't even have a girlfriend and haven't been laid in months" Robin gasps as Steve grits his teeth, fisting the grass with his hands as he glared.
You were about to listen anymore to Steve's nonsense as you headed towards where Flayed sat with his legs outstretched and his hands behind him. Once he felt you presence next to him, he turned his head watching as you sat down next to him.
" What's wrong?" he asks noticing the look on your face. You were all smiling and happy before you went over to Steve. " What did Harrington do?" Flayed was ready to sock Steve in the face if needed. No one was going to upset you on his watch.
" It's nothing" you shook your head, leaning your head on his shoulder. His scent hit your nose, it's much different than your boyfriend. It wasn't the Billy Hargrove scent you were used to. This was one was muskier, stronger but it wasn't disgusting. It suited him.
" I don't like it when you hide things from me, kitten" you shivered at the pet name. His hand came up to twirl a piece of hair in his fingers.
" Please don't worry about it" Flayed hummed, he dropped it but he was going to talk to you later about it. He wasn't about to leave the conversation like that.
A van rolled up on the opposite of the street and Eddie stepped out, Dustin stood up from his seat as he ran over to him to embrace him. Will ran over to help Eddie up while you laughed watching Eddie push Dustin away.
The laugh made Flayed smile as he glances down at you. Eddie makes his way over and stops before you and Flayed. His face holds a deep frown eyeing Flayed sitting right next to you. He scrunches up his nose at the sight of Flayed black veins still lingering after everything. What did you see in him? Eddie didn't understand.
" Is there something on my face, Munson?" Flayed asked. Eddie looked over at you as your eyes pleaded him to be nice.
" Why do you hang around us? You're nothing but a monster. Monsters don't have friends or people that love them" Eddie looks over to you watching as your eyes turn cold and a glare forms on your face.
Flayed face drops as he glances at the grass biting his tongue not wanting to lash out on him in front of you. If Eddie wasn't your friend then he'd be torn into two by Flayed.
You stood up from the ground dusting your ass from the dirt as you stood almost nose to nose with Eddie.
" Who gave you the right to talk to him like that? You don't know him. You're quick to judge him" Eddie rolls his eyes as he motions with his ring clad hand at Flayed. " He has veins on him, he doesn't feel anything and he doesn't belong here. Not with you. Not with us" Eddie spats. " Who knows? He probably wants us dead."
You hadn't noticed that Flayed had gotten up off the ground and walked off. He didn't know what came over to him but he feels like Eddie was right. He doesn't deserve you. Not like this. Not when he's a monster. He's not the person you love. He's not Billy.
" Oh look I scared him off" Eddie laughs throwing his head back. You turned to look over your shoulder to see that Flayed was no longer there. Your head snapped in all directions to spot him when you saw the back of his head making his way to the Camaro.
" Flayed!" you yelled, making a run to his car but he's already getting and starting it before racing off. Your shoulder slumped, stopping in the middle of the streets with tears in your eyes.
Your friends watched as you throw your hands up and walk in the direction he drove off too.
" She must really love him" Robin says as she stands next to Eddie.
You were digging into your father's tools and garage, looking for a flashlight and anything else you needed. The door to your house opened wide and you heard your name being called.
" Down here!" you hear footsteps as two heads peek into the garage. " Woah" Dustin says as he steps inside looking around. " This is so cool" you roll your eyes finding the flashlight finally. Your head turns to see Steve, Robin and Eddie.
" What are you doing here?" you asked. " Have you caused enough damage for one day?" Eddie winces at your tone as he looks away from you.
" Look we want to help" Robin says putting her hands up.
" Help with what?"
Steve motions his hands to you, " Whatever it is your doing. We are worried. I'm worried" you chuckled, shaking your head. " Listen, you don't understand. I love him. I don't care what you say or think. He means a lot to me. I can't lose him, I can't" your eyes become glossy.
Tears are running down your cheeks, " I lost him once and I'm not losing this Billy. You might not accept for who he is and understand what it's like having him around. But he makes me feel safe..."
" You really love him, don't you?" Dustin asked. You nodded wiping your eyes with your sleeve.
" He's my person even if this is who he is now" Eddie sighs.
" I'm sorry" he says.
" you shouldn't apologize to me Munson" Eddie nods.
" Let go find your lover boy"
" With viens" Robin adds, she shivers. She doesn't particularly liked that you were dating Flayed Billy Hargrove but one thing she knows is that he brings you happiness.
It was no use in finding Flayed without El's help, she knew where to find him. She had went into Billy's memories before and you were sure she could find where Flayed was.
Hopper opened the door when you knocked on it in desperate need of help. He frowns as he eyes the rest of the group behind you.
" What is it?" Joyce walks behind him as she eyes you. " Sweetheart? What's the matter?"
" We need to find Flayed Billy" Robin answers for you. You were biting the inside of your cheek, too nervous to speak out the words. Hopper laughs as he runs a hand down his face.
" Why do we need to find him? He's dangerous for what we know" you shook your head. " Please, Hop" Joyce rubbed Hoppers chest as he looked down at her.
" What's going on?" a familiar voice you heard step behind Joyce as she looked from her father to you. " Y/N?" she asked.
" Y/N here needs your help, sweetie. Billy has run off too and she can't find him" El frowns playing with the sweatshirt of her sleeves.
" Why did he go?"
You look back over at Eddie who shifts back and forth on his feet.
" He got his feelings hurt" you tell her. Her eyebrows shoot together in confusion. She is aware that this isn't the same Billy she saw. He was different.
" What does that mean? Feelings?"
" There is a possibility that he feels things that my Billy felt"
She swallows the lump in her throat searching your face seeing the pleading look on your face.
" She loves him El" Will says.
She nods. She was going to help.
El sits on the ground with a bandana over her eyes as she goes into her mind, the headspace in search for Flayed Billy. She turns around in circles not knowing where to start. Then she hears the familiar sound of a Camaro and sees the lights to it. The door opens and Flayed Billy steps out wearing a leather jacket, his hair isn't in usual curls and he turns to lean against the car with a cigarette in his mouth.
" Those are bad for you" he hears a voice speak to him. His head shoots up in confusion as he looks for the sound of the source as his eyes land on El. She found him.
" What are you doing here?" He leans off the Camaro as he stares at her, one foot in front while the other is behind as he carefully eyes her.
She walks over to him in small steps, hesitantly.
" I'm not going to hurt you" he tells her. He can feel her fear for him.
" Y/N is looking for you" he should of know it was you who would bring poor El into this. His shoulder slumped as he hangs his head.
" Tell her not to look for me, I'm not good for her" El hesitantly reaches out for his hand in her own not believing a word he says. He knows you love him and she can see there is something happening as she reaches for his hand. His eyes snapped towards her hand in his. It's warmth and comforting.
The only hand he had held was yours.
" She loves you" his eyes glass over at her words. It's really rare that he hears those words and he knows you use them quite often but he wasn't Billy. He can't give you the love that you deserve because he doesn't know what it feels like.
" I'm not her boyfriend" he refuses to acknowledge that he is anything like Billy at all. There is darkness in him and he is learning to live with who he is now.
" You are, this" she points to him, " this is you now. She knows it and loves you. I saw it. Her eyes. Her face"
Flayed tells El where you can find him and when El returns back to you, uncovering her eyes from the banana she nods telling you where he is. You scrambled to your feet racing out the door, but not before you rush back over to her pulling her into a hug with a thank you.
You had to borrow Steve's BMW to get to the location where Flayed was. It was dark and there was mist around the abandon building. His Camaro stood on the side. You slide out of the car, zipping up your jacket and taking the flash light that Eddie had gave you telling you that you needed it before you left.
It was quite and not a sound near as you closed the door of the car heading your way into the building where you think it's where Flayed is located at.
" Flayed?" you called out. It might of been stupid to call his name out without knowing if something or someone was going to jump at you. But you took the risk, he was worth it to you that much.
No response was given back to you. You continued to make your way inside looking over at the rusty covered in cow webs tools and closed cabinets. There was stairs going down on your right, they were black with what looked like blood as you flashed the flash light looking at it.
A cold shiver went down your spine as you took the first step. You paused as you heard someone walking up the steps. There he was as he turned to face you.
Flayed stood there with his blue eyes shining underneath the flash light, squinting. His black veins stood out as he licked his lips with his hand up covering himself from the light. His usual curls were matted down a bit and he wore a leather jacket over the shirt he was wearing with jeans that you usually saw him in.
Your hear raced at the sight him locking eyes with him, moving the flash light away from his face.
" Flayed.." the corner of his lips lit up in a smile hearing his name come out of your mouth. It flattered as he remembered your friends talking unkindly about him.
" I've been looking all over for you"
" You found me" he says walking up the steps but brushing past you. A pang of hurt fills your heart at the way he brushes past you.
" are you not happy to see me?" you asked. He looks at you over his shoulder with a grimace. He was happy to see you, he was getting used to the feeling of happiness. Normally, he didn't feel anything and found it really unlike him to start to feel this way.
You took his silence as he didn't want to see you.
" I-I'm sorry. I just w-wanted to know that your okay" He closes his eyes cursing to himself feeling his heart race at the way you care about him. You shouldn't.
" T-Thank you" he mutters out to your surprise. " Flayed?" you called out his name but he stands there like a statue not knowing what to do. His back is to you and you can't get him to turn. You walk up the remaining steps and make your way over to him. His head is hanging when you face him, shielding his eyes away from you. There is a beat of sweat on his face causing his face to glister.
Your hand raises to brush his curls away from his face and cup his cheek in the palm of your hand. You feel him lean into your touch and this is all new to you since he isn't the type to be like this with touch.
" Flayed?" His head raises meeting your eyes. For the first time in a long time it feels like this isn't Flayed anymore. It's your Billy. His eyes are brimmed with tears as he looks down at you.
" Go.." he whisper, shaking underneath your touch. You blinked not believing what you heard. He wants you to go.
" W-what?" he swallows as his chest raises up and down in panic. His eyes are wider than usual. " Go" he firmly says. " Please.." he adds.
" But I-" he cuts you off with a glare, " Go!" he yells out causing you to jump as you pull your hand away from him and back away. Your own eyes filling with tears spilling down your cheeks.
"I-I'm sorry" you mutter out turning around as you ran to Steve's BMW. Flayed stood there with his fist to his side as his body shaking, his heart feels like it's in two with the way he scared you and how you care about him.
What was happening to him?
You laid in your bed curled up in a ball, sleeping soundly when your window opens slowly and a figure steps inside. His musky strong smell hits your nose causing you to scrunch it up. Flayed steps slowly into your bedroom not wanting to wake you up. He shrugs off his jacket dropping it on the ground and turns to look at you.
His lips light up in a small smile watching you sleep soundly. But frowns seeing the dried up tears on your cheeks. That was his fault. He crouches down near your bed and brings his hand up to brush away the hair that fallen on your eyes.
The touch wakes you up. Your eyes flutter open as your vision lines up seeing Flayed there. You scrambled up in bed and moving back with your eyes widen. His heart aches seeing the frighten look on your face.
" I'm not going to hurt you, kitten" he says putting his hands up showing you that he won't. The bed dips as he sits on the edge of the bed turning his body to face you.
" Listen, I've come to realize some thing" you fist the bedsheets with one hand as your breath hitches as his hand reaches out to grab onto your leg. The touch causes a shiver down your spine.
" This isn't easy to say" he says licking his lips. " Kitten, I know I am not your precious Billy. I'm different" you nodded listening as he continues, " I'm not the one that will tell you those words you tell me." He closes his eyes feeling the need to look away but he opens his eyes as he pushes through what he wants to say.
" You know I am not the one who likes doing the romantic thing guys do" you nodded, " I did learn things about you, I want to be around you. I do. But I've learned that certain things frighten me, being with you for a long time, showing you feelings or whatever I am feeling-" you cut him off.
" Flayed? Are you joking?" his eyebrows knit together in confusion on what you mean. " How are you having feelings? I thought you can't have feelings" this has your attention now. This is pretty big deal.
He shrugs, " I feel things in here" he says patting his chest " think about a lot of things here" he points to his head.
" What do you think about?" He swallows the lump in his throat. " Future with you" you gasped putting your hand over your mouth.
" Flayed..." He shrugs again as this is his way of telling you that he wants to be with you, his way of telling you that your his and that this was for a long run. This was his way of telling you he loves you too.
" Oh Flayed" you wrap your arms around him. His cheeks are flushed pink and his stomach feels like someone is doing flips. He bits down on his bottom lip not knowing what to say.
" I want it too. I want you" you pressed your forehead against his, a smile on your face. Flayed matches your own with a small chuckle.
Things were going to be okay.
You stand in the middle of the living room with Flayed by your side as your friends sit around, looking over at him with double looks on their faces.
" Okay, listen. I'm going to have your ass if you hurt her" Hopper says pointing to you. " She's really special girl you have there" He adds.
" Beat ass" El says as she and Hopper do a fist bump. You chuckled watching them.
" I won't hurt her, never" Flayed says as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you to his side.
" Excuse me, I need to go barf into the sink" Dustin says. " Please none of that around us" he motions to the affection between you and Flayed.
" We are still getting used to this" Robin says as she motions towards Flayed. " These too" she points to the veins on his face.
You tapped your foot on the ground waiting to hear an apology from Eddie who's been sitting staring at his hands rather than speaking.
" Is there anything you want to say, Eds?" you asked him. He slowly rose his head to meet your gaze as he cleared his throat.
" I'm sorry man, about before. You know. I was rude and don't know you that well to judge you or whatever" Eddie says. You would take that apology any day from Eddie if it was like that. You knew he wasn't okay with you being with Flayed because of the whole Mind Flyer thing when Steve explained it to him.
" Thank you" Flayed says. Everyone in the room goes silent hearing him say that.
" That feels so weird" Steve says.
" Are you sure you're real?" Mike asks.
" I'm happy for you two" Will says, smiling. Joyce squeezes his shoulder, nodding her head along too that she was happy for you two.
" We're still not okay with this whole thing, but welcome to the gang" Nancy says.
" I still don't like him" Steve says.
" I don't like you either, Harrington" Flayed says, lacing his hand with yours as he pulls you closer making the room groan.
" I think it's cute!" Joyce says. More groans fill the room.
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sadhours · 1 year
Okay okay, I love your work and I was really thinking something w Flayed!Billy?? Ya know some kinky, dark, smut type shi if you’re into that sort of thing🫢 IF NOT just ignore my lewd ass, have a good day<3
i might be a little too excited at the idea. hope this tickles your fancy.
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warnings: 18+ minors dni, rough sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, consent is a tiny bit iffy in this, still consenting though!!! it’s flayed!billy so hey
taglist: @bbyhargrove
Something is drastically off about your boyfriend. At first, it isn’t outrightly obvious. It was almost like how he would behave after a particular brutal fight with his father. He would slip behind shadows and hide away from you, the walls you’d spent months tearing down built themselves back up right before your very eyes. And this was similar yet more sinister, like he wasn’t really there anymore. Billy still showed up at your house routinely, as he did every night on his way home from work but he started leaving early. You never knew what you were going to get; a grumpy yet normal Billy or a complete shell of himself who was quiet and stared off at walls like he could see something inside them.
Tonight, he doesn’t show up until really late. It’s after midnight and you’ve already tucked yourself into bed when you’re started by your window sliding open and a shirtless and barefoot Billy climbing through it. You sit up, bringing your knees up to your chest as you peer up at your almost unrecognizable boyfriend. He’s completely drenched in sweat, his eyes look terrified but his body language reads differently. Bruises scatter his forearm and there’s another small one on his cheekbone but they don’t look like normal bruises, they’re black.
“B-Billy?” your voice is weak, finding yourself scared of him while concerned, “What’s wrong?”
He steps close to your bed, grabbing roughly on your ankle and dragging you to the edge of the bed. Blue eyes beg you to see him and not the huge shadow taking control of his body. You stare up at him fearfully, gasping as he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you up to him. It’s all so confusing but you can read the arousal in his eyes and you’ve always liked when Billy was rough with you. You’d just wished he’d explain what the hell had been going on with him.
“Shh, baby,” he drawls out, pressing his finger to your lips.
Looking up in his eyes, you grab onto his biceps but he’s quickly grabbing hold of your wrists and pinning them against the bed as he straddles your waist. There’s something sadistically wrong in his touch but you find your body igniting in anticipation for it. Billy grabs your wrists together in his left hand and pins them above your head, his right coming down to your nightshirt and ripping it open. You hear the buttons scattering to the wood floor and then something shifts in his demeanor for a brief moment.
“Tell me to stop,” he mutters, gruffly.
Your mouth hangs open as you realize you do not want him to. This isn’t like anything you two have done before, Billy was never this aggressive but you like it, a lot.
“No,” you pant out, “don’t want you to stop.”
It’s like he’s possessed or he’s got split personalities the way his body language changes in seconds and he’s back to tearing the rest of your clothes off. His fingers curl around your throat, squeezing as his eyes bore down into your wide ones.
“Fuck,” he grunts, “I wanna do awful things to you.” like a curse, like he’s confessing sins.
A garbled noise escapes your throat as you struggle for air, the lack of it leaves you light headed and dizzy but makes your cunt pulse. Billy lets go but only to flip you over on your stomach, he grabs a handful of your hair with his left hand and scoots your hips with his right, your face shoved in your pillows with your ass up. His left hand doesn’t move, the other smooths along your backside before delivering a harsh, smack. The sound of it echos in your room and the impact stings, hurts in the most delicious way. You’re sure your asscheek has a bright red handprint scarring it. If it didn’t, it does with the second and third strikes. You feel completely out of control, totally powerless and it’s extremely freeing. Maybe Billy’s behavior change isn’t such a bad thing.
“I want to hurt you,” he admits like he’s ashamed of the fact, his voice strained and trembling.
Tilting your head slightly to make sure he can hear you, you spit out, “Hurt me, Billy.”
“I shouldn’t,” he pants out, squeezing his eyes shut before gritting his teeth. He looks like he’s trying to contain something from bubbling up to the surface. He’s never looked so conflicted and you wonder if you should tell him to stop. But you can feel your slick smearing down your thighs and he said he wants to so you think he should. You’d let him do anything he goddamn pleases. You’d let him choke all the air of you and say thank you the entire time. You wiggle your ass at him, looking back over your shoulder. Billy exhales sharply before delivering another merciless smack, gripping his nails into the flesh as he makes contact. You’re fluorescent under his touch, beaming and bright. Neither of you knew how desperately you wanted this.
He shoves two fingers into your dripping hole without warning, pumping his fingers recklessly and it’s painful in a gratifying kind of way. Tiny, uncontrollable yelps tumble out of your mouth with every punch. Billy uses his grip on your hair to pull you up on your knees, his fingers inside your pussy don’t falter for a second while he lets go of your hair and wraps his left hand around your neck. You can feel the sticky sweat on his chest on your back, you wonder what the hell he was up to before breaking into your window briefly before you’re once again light headed and brain goes all fuzzy.
“Billy,” you choke out his name when he pulls his fingers out.
He brings them around and spreads your slick all over your lips, then grabs a hold of your face. His breathing is erratic, almost like he’s growling into your ear. Teeth sink into your earlobe, biting hard before he’s shoving you face first onto the bed. Feeling his weight shift off of the bed, you quickly flip over to see what he’s doing. You need more, you won’t let him stop or leave. You’ll beg, cry, plead if you have to. He’s standing next to your bed, glaring down at you like he hates your guts and you feel yourself shudder under his piercing blue eyes.
Nimble fingers work at his pants, unbuttoning them before you even realize you’re doing it. He grabs your wrist, pulling it back and laughs at you. The rumble of it makes you gasp, looking up at him with hurt eyes. The hold he has on you is firm, teetering on bone-breaking.
“You think you have some fucking control here?” he chastises, voice deeper than you’ve ever heard.
“I—“ you swallow the lump in your throat.
“‘Cause you don’t,” he grabs your cheeks again, squishing them together, “Fucking none. Zero, zip, zilch.”
Billy’s smiling but it isn’t kind, laced with venom and disdain. You lick it up, reeling on how small you feel. He towers over you, smile falling as he pulls your jaw open with his hand. You watch as he gathers the saliva in his mouth and spits on you, most of it lands on your tongue. He allows you to close your mouth and you swallow, doe eyes staring up to express your eagerness to please him. He winds his hand back and brings it back to your cheek with a sharp force, turning your head with it.
Smack! The sound accompanying a cry from you that echoes throughout the dark four walls. You’re relieved your parents are away for the weekend but Billy has no idea that’s the case, it seems he doesn’t care. You feel the warm tears streaming down your cheeks, soothes the burning skin only briefly. Billy’s pushing his jeans down, revealing his lack of underwear and unveiling his hard cock. You whine at the sight of it, imagining the stretch of him filling you up.
He laughs again, then pouts his lips mockingly and tilts his head, “Poor baby. So needy for my cock.”
Billy grabs a hold of your biceps, presses your back to the mattress and positions himself between your thighs. Breathing heavy, you stare up at your altered boyfriend. His gaze softens, almost too quick for you to notice as he speaks, “You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?”
There’s something nefarious prodding the question. Whatever’s changed about him is why he’s asking. But it’s an easy answer. Billy can see it in your eyes, can dig through the devotion deep inside and exploit it.
“Yes,” you breathe, “Anything.”
Another laugh, more quiet but drawn from satisfaction. Sinks into the promise with it’s ugly, sharp teeth. You’ve got no clue but you regret admitting it.
Billy lowers his lips to your jaw, you expect a kiss but he bites. Continues biting, jaw to neck to shoulder. Each one shocks you to your core, deep and you’re sure you’re bleeding somewhere. Then his hands are on your hips, grip tight and harsh enough to leave bruises. You wince but Billy dips his fingers back between your legs and knows you like it. He laughs again, face in front of yours and for the first time you notice how different he smells. Panic subsides when he sheaths his cock deep into your aching walls with one quick motion. He usually takes that part slow, allows you to warm up to his overwhelming size. The sharp pain is welcomed by your frenzied desire. Yet another distinction that something is off with Billy is the selfishness of his thrusts, lets you know the act is for his own pleasure and he couldn’t be bothered to make sure you get yours.
But it’s Billy, just the fact of that is enough for you. You get off on him getting off. He bends your legs up, pressing your thighs to your chest while he holds the back of them and relentlessly drills into you. The sounds of his skin slapping yours makes your head feel warm and dizzy. He fixes his position just slightly and God. Each thrust, the fat head of his cock hammers against your g-spot. It’s excruciatingly raw and ugh.
You groan, low and guttural as you clutch at your bed spread. Billy’s fingernails scratch at your thighs, breaking skin and leaving pink, tender marks in their wake. His teeth scrape against his bottom lip, eyes sweet while the rest of him radiates raw filth. You’re his little toy, to use at his disposal. You’ll give him every little bit of you to abuse and manipulate how he wants. Billy fucking owns you.
“Billy,” you ache, all over but loving every second of it.
“You’re my little fuck doll, huh?” the filth dripping his words urge more out of you, arousal pouring out of you, coating his hips and thighs.
“Fuck yes,” you grit your teeth, walls tightening around his length.
“Say it,” he slaps your face again, not as harsh as the first but enough to sting.
“I’m your little fuck doll,” you pant out.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want to you and you’d still be begging for more,” he states.
You try to nod, you’re not really in control of your body. You’re somewhere else, on cloud nine, hanging onto the looming bliss of Billy fucking you raw and open. He’s pulling away, pulling out and you whine in protest, a pathetic sound.
“Oh, shut up,” he seethes, grabbing your ankles and dragging you to the edge of the bed like you weigh nothing.
He grabs a hold of you, forcing you to stand up with him. Your legs shake and you have to hold onto him so you don’t collapse onto the floor. Billy pushes you over the mattress, your chest pressed against it with your ass exposed. He delivers another hard smack to your raw asscheek and you fucking scream. It hurts, stinging that spreads all over your thighs. Billy does nothing to soothe the pain. He holds onto your waist, pinning you to the bed as he slams his cock back inside of you. Another scream erupts from you, hurts your throat in a delicious way. His fingers twist into your hair again and he pulls, forcing your back to arch. His hips jolt forward, rhythm building steady as shoves your face into the mattress which muffles the flood of moans and yelps boiling out of you. Quicker than you want, you’re coming. Your cunt spasms around his cock, but Billy’s thrusts don’t falter for a second. He’s fucking laughing at your orgasm, which just makes it hit you that much harder. It’s brutal, ripping through you viscously. Takes absolutely everything out of you and you tense up, body frozen while he keeps pounding into your raw pussy. You fall limp against the bed, crying into the comforter as he pushes you further into you.
Then he’s off you, hand pulling you up by your hair and shoving you to your knees.
“Open your fucking mouth, slut,” he orders.
Obeying like your life depends on it, you peer up at him eagerly and stick your tongue out. Billy stokes his cock, points it at your face and shoots his load all over it. He groans with it, low and coarse. His voice sounds like it’s about to give out, like he’s been yelling all night. He squats down, spreads his cum all over your face before smacking it hard. You whimper. It’s the hottest thing Billy’s ever done to you. You want more.
So when he throws your clothes back at you after pulling his pants up and says, “Get dressed. I’m taking you somewhere.” you listen. You wipe his cum off your face with your shirt before putting it on and follow him outside to his Camaro. He drives and drives. Pulls up to Brimborn Steel Works. This place hasn’t been open in years. Billy grabs a duffel bag from his trunk and ushers you inside. He drops the bag and tells you to lay down. You do and he opens the bag, pulls out rope. You look at him with uncertainty.
“You’d do anything for me, right?”
You nod.
“I have to tie you up,” he looks down at you, that evil look back in his eye.
“Okay,” you extend your wrists to him and Billy fucking hogties you.
He lifts you in his arms. He’s always been strong but seems stronger. He carries you down the stairs and lays you on the ground, lowers his lips to your ear.
“Stay very still,” he whispers and stands back, taking a few steps away from you.
You try to listen but when you hear the squelching steps hidden in the shadows, your turn your head and see a huge monster step into the moonlight. The being growls, steps closer as you sob. As you glance back up to Billy, he’s as stoic as ever, eyes glued to the multi-legged beast while you scream for it all to stop.
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saikokirakira · 1 year
Part 2 of 2: Pagtingin (Feelings) [Steve Harrington x Reader]
a/n: hello. it me. i definitely did not forget to post part two. if you would believe it, i was actually getting sick every week the past month because of the insane hours and workload of my new job. so, umm, probably not lasting long there... i wanna be pretty again and lose all the stress hives all over my body.
summary: based on this blurb on a hanahaki au/flayed!reader
word count: 12k words (big boi over here; i definitely bullied our girl throughout this entire chapter)
warning: barely proofread, only edited twice; no use of y/n; steve is an oblivious himbo (but i'll excuse it because he was the ultimate bbg in s3); ANGST TRAIN, hurt no comfort; moms of hawkins summer '85 (i have 911 on standby); billy "walking red flag" hargrove; unrequited feelings / pining; minor violence; body horror (it's hanahaki, what'd you expect?); writer's torture of a self-insert character; stranger things season 3 canon, but Alexei lives fyuck canon actually; metal goodboi cameo
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You despised summer. You didn’t used to hate summer, but working in the summer heat when your recently recurring childhood asthma gets triggered by intense heat wasn’t the best option for you. While you couldn’t pass off as a lifeguard at the Hawkins Community Pool, your neighbour and acquaintance, Heather Holloway, pulled some strings to have you manning the snack bar.
It wasn’t ideal, but it certainly opened up the opportunity to listen in to a lot of gossip all around town. Not your favourite pastime, yet Heather enjoyed the very juicy ones, something you noticed she most likely inherited from her father, the chief editor for the town’s paper. Every time her shift ended, so did yours and either you share interesting stories of the day while you drive home or to the newly opened Starcourt Mall.
“Ew, those women are either married or divorced,” your nose wrinkled in disgust at Heather’s favourite gossip topic, Hawkins group of moms. Specifically, their scheduled visits to the pool whenever Billy Hargrove would be on duty as lifeguard.
“He likes the attention, I guess,” Heather shrugged, “and the moms get to ogle eye candy.”
“Still a minor, Heather.”
“Uh-uh, he turned 18 a few months back,” Heather argued, though the distaste was apparent on her face. “The term is barely legal.” Then she suddenly giggled. “I’m still calling the police when they make a direct move,” she half-joked. “I know they call me a bitch behind my back.”
“You’re a menace.”
“And you’re a sissy,” Heather shot back. “When are you going to ask Steve Harrington ou— JESUS!” She clung at the grab handle when your foot landed too much on the gas pedal. “No need to take me with you to hell just because you can’t get a date.” Then with a cheeky grin, she added, “I heard Steve can’t get a date either, and he talks up anyone at that ice cream place.”
You slammed the brakes. “That’s it!” you exclaimed. “You’re walking the rest of the way to Starcourt!” The only reply you had was Heather’s maniacal giggles at getting you so riled up.
You and Heather parted ways when you arrived at Starcourt after telling you that she’d be getting a ride home with her date. You waved her off and headed to Scoop’s Ahoy. A group of girls were giggling as they were leaving when you got there. You also noticed the whiteboard that Robin, Steve’s co-worker, held up, adding another tally on the “You suck” scoreboard.
“See what I have to deal with?” Steve immediately ranted, jerking a finger at Robin’s direction. “If you worked with me, I don’t have to be subjected with workplace abuse.”
You and Robin snorted in sync. “You poor baby,” you cooed teasingly while pinching Steve’s cheek. “How can I ever live without the longer shifts, ridiculous uniform, and being your wingman?” You earned another laugh from Robin while Steve scoffed before shooting you a pout.
“Well, you certainly miss me since you constantly visit as soon as your shift ends,” Steve shot back.
“Sure, I’m definitely not here as Heather’s chauffer to her movie date,” you said, “or just hanging out at the comic book store.”
“You want me to come wi—?”
“Bye, Robin!” you ignored his offer yet still blowing Steve a raspberry to which he rolled his eyes at. Exiting the ice cream shop, you made you way to the pharmacy first before the comic book store. It was mostly empty when you got there, so it was a breeze in getting your prescription inhaler.
It’s been forever since you had asthma, the last one during your elementary days. Your wheezing fits had only come back since that occurrence in those tunnels that you still see in your nightmares. However, after the countless tests and screening from military scientists, they cleared it to just “your body shifting from all the trauma.”
You’d think after opening gates to other dimensions with monsters, they’d be able to create a cure for asthma.
The thought was highly amusing to you that you almost missed the fiery redhead that just entered the pharmacy. Your eyes watched Max Mayfield carefully as she walked through the aisles with her head low, trying to be inconspicuous. Grabbing your bag of prescription, you slowly followed where Max wandered off, which happened to be a shelf of bandages.
You almost let it go, knowing that her skateboard hobby always led her to a number of scrapes and bruises. But when she reached for the bandage wrap on the high shelf, her shirt sleeve revealed a hand-shaped mark wrapped around her pale wrist. Trying to be nonchalant as possible, you approached her and grabbed the bandage for her, ignoring how Max quickly put her arm down and tugged at her sleeve.
“Skateboarding mishap again, red?”
Max’s signature cocky smirk covered the surprise on her face. “It’s one of my better falls,” she said. Then her eyes wandered to the prescription bag in my hand. “Still have those? They said you’d be better in a couple of weeks since the incident.”
“Well, I didn’t, so here I am,” you shrugged. “Hey, listen, I’m heading out to the comic book store if you want to tag along. My treat.”
Once you were at the community pool. Though you resorted to buying your carefully as she skimmed through the new arrival stack. You didn’t really have anything worth buying since most of the comics you read are from Dustin’s collection that he recommends and lends to you every other week. Sometimes you get the appeal, sometimes you didn’t. Still, it was a great way to pass the time when things are slow from working the snack bar at the comic book store if you want to tag along. My treat.”
Maybe you should’ve offered to buy Max a cone from Scoops Ahoy instead.
“You got any good recommendations?” you randomly asked the guy who just walked in. You seem to have caught him off-guard, the look of surprise that you were talking to him. “Munson, right?”
“Yeah, Eddie,” he said after a brief pause. “Didn’t think you’d be the type to read comics.”
You thought so too. But you also didn’t think that monsters that live in an alternate dimension exist.
You shrugged. “I read almost anything to pass the time,” you said. “Henderson lends me a lot of X-men.”
Eddie was about to reply when Max approached you with two Wonder Woman comics. “I can pay for the other one,” she offered.
You scoffed lightly and ruffled the top of her head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” you said. “Didn’t I say it was my treat?” Before she could argue, you snatched both copies from her hand and headed to the counter with her trailing behind you. “See you around, Munson.”
You and Max wandered aimlessly around the mall. You offered to go watch whatever movie was in the cinema, but Max turned you down, saying that she had plans with the party later that week once their campaign planning was through. After you ran out of things to do, you offered to drive her home, which she sheepishly accepted.
Before you could even pull out the parking area, Max said, “I know you saw the bruise. You didn’t have to do all that to make me feel better.”
A surprised smile tugged at your lips, impressed on how quickly she caught up on your intentions. “I don’t really have any sisters to dote on,” you said, “so it isn’t entirely on pity. I know you can stand up for yourself, red.” You continued, “But promise me one thing?”
Max nodded.
“You tell me when anything gets too much, okay?” You held her hand to show your support. “I’m always going to be here for you.” Trying to lighten up the mood, you added, “Billy is a prick anyway.” Then you pulled the car into drive.
“He has it worse than me.”
You tried to hold in your composure, but you couldn’t help your eyebrows rising up at the unexpected information. You always suspected something going on with Billy. No one suddenly becomes an asshole overnight. That you knew from being friends for a long time with Steve. Aside from the horrible friends he used to have, Steve grew up with his parents barely around, and even if they were, his father was always either hard on him or emotionally absent.
“Well, it doesn’t give him the right to take it out on you.”
“I know.”
Later that week, you were at your usual spot at the snack booth. The heat was especially brutal that day at it almost felt that your lungs were constricting every time you tried to breathe out. Not even ice water seemed to help, and when the thin clouds cleared, the blaring sunlight only made it worse, even though you were under the shade of the booth.
“Hey, watch the stand for me?” you said to your co-worker who mostly just tried to look busy by restacking cans of soda and rearranging the chips as a way to avoid kids yelling out their orders. He sighed but nodded, getting up to man the counter. On your way out of the booth, you pulled out your inhaler out of your backpack and staggered into the searing sunlight to make your way to Heather.
As you took a blip of your inhaler, you didn’t notice the person near you and collided into them, sending your inhaler flying. “Shit,” you muttered, picking up the plastic case. “Sorry about that.” You looked up and paled upon the realisation that you bumped into Billy Hargrove.
Billy didn’t seem to mind and just grunted before brushing past you. If anything, he looked as disoriented as you, dishevelled and profusely sweating. He had an obvious stumble to his step on his way to the locker room to what you assumed was to get ready for his shift.
You had half a mind to approach him when you heard “Hey! No dunking, Curtis!” from the pool area. You were suddenly reminded of your current task and shrugged off the Billy’s concerning state. For all you know, he was still probably drunk from whatever party he was at last night. It was summer break after all.
You carefully avoided being splashed near the poolside as you circled over to where Heather was stationed at the lifeguard post. Unfortunately, you almost tripped from another dizzy spell again and collided with another person. Just your luck.
“Oh, dear,” a woman this time voiced her concern. “Are you okay, hon? Maybe you should stay out of the heat.”
You steadied yourself and stared into the eyes of Karen Wheeler. “I’m okay, Mrs. Wheeler,” you wheezed. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Drink some water!” Mrs. Wheeler called out before walking off.
Finally, you were able to tell Heather that you were cutting your shift short and that you couldn’t drive her to her dad’s office as you agreed on earlier that day. She waved you off and told you to drive carefully, assuring you that she could always call her mom to pick her up later.
On your way out, you noticed Mrs. Wheeler coming out of the locker room looking distressed and teary-eyed. She didn’t seem to notice you staring at her as she made her way back to the pool area. A few moments later, Billy came out of the same room, still looking as physically uncomfortable as before.
For the past weeks of working at the pool, it was no secret that one of Billy’s favourite moms was Mrs. Wheeler. But was there really some illicit affair between them? You probably wouldn’t put it past Billy, but the woman had three kids, for goodness’ sakes. You made a mental note to ask Heather what she knew about it tomorrow.
After a gruelling half hour drive while cranking your A/C up to full blast, you finally got home. You barely got a mouthful of ice water when your door rang. You wondered who it could be when the neighbours knew that you and your parents were usually at work during the entire day.
“Hey, can you drive us to Starcourt?”
You stared into the wild grins of El and Max, standing excitedly on your doorstep. Fifteen minutes later, you were back in your car, playing chauffeur for the two girls giggling from the backseat of your car.
“I’m telling you, El, boyfriends lie,” Max insisted. She poked you. “Tell her.”
You chuckled dismissively at their tween antics. “I wouldn’t know.”
Both El and Max paused and focused their attention on you.
“You haven’t dated anyone?”
“I’ve been on dates,” you clarified, “but I never really dated anyone.”
“Why?” El asked. It was more inquisitive than mocking or accusatory. She was very curious, that one.
“Because she has the biggest crush on Steve.”
“Oh, my God!” you exclaimed. “Does everyone just know about that?”
“Well, anyone with eyes, yeah,” Max said, rolling her eyes for good measure. “The only reason why he hasn’t caught up is because boys are dumb.”
That made you laugh out loud despite the discomfort in your ribs.
When you arrived at the mall, you expected to have them run off to who knows where while you hung out at the waiting area, taking advantage of the air conditioning, but those two dragged you to every clothing outlet at the mall. You tried to not exert yourself, but it was hard not to match their energy when they were clearly having so much fun. It was even so endearing to see El emerging from her shell, trying out outfits that she genuinely liked and not those lumberjack fits that Chief Hopper had her on all the time.
By the third store, you insisted to sit that one out and merely watch them try on a bunch of different hats. You giggled at them posing at the mirror as if they were at a fashion show. However, you only had a moment of peace before Max approached you with a sundress that looked way too close to your size.
“No,” you stood your ground.
“Yes, then we’re going to Scoops Ahoy to get cones after this.”
“Ask Steve out on a date,” El urged, smiling encouragingly.
“What happened to ‘boys are dumb?’” you said, raising your brow.
“He’s not going to ask you out first, so you will do it for him!” Max said. She and El both grabbed each of your arm and pulled you to your feet and into the dressing room then tossing in the dress and pulling the curtain shut.
You stared at yourself in the mirror and the dress you held in front of you. You hated to admit it, but it was a pretty dress. Even if you couldn’t score a date with Steve, at least you had a great addition to your wardrobe. With that positive thought in mind, you pulled your shirt over your head and hung it on one of the clothing hooks.
You carefully pulled down the zipper on the dress when you noticed something odd on your reflection. Peering closer on the mirror, you stared at your ribs, noticing the almost black veins that almost seemed to be moving underneath the skin. What the…
“Are you done?!” Max called out from behind the curtain.
You snapped out of it and quickly pulled on the dress. All your initial worries faded once you saw yourself in the mirror. For good measure, you pulled your hair out of your scrunchie and let your tresses fall out in waves over your shoulder.
“Wow,” El and Max chorused.
You didn’t even notice them pulling the curtain open.
When you made your way to Scoops Ahoy, Max and El apparently had already made plans that you don’t come in with them. “Let it be a surprise,” Max had said. It was almost ridiculous that you were letting 14-year-olds dictate you on how to get a date from your crush.
“Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry and then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream.” Steve paused and looked at the two girls suspiciously, especially at El. “Wait a second,” he thought out loud, “are you even supposed to be here?”
The two girls giggled, and El said, “A pretty girl drove us here.”
The words ‘pretty’ and ‘girl’ caught Steve’s attention. Predictable. “Yeah?” he grinned, leaning forward as if asking for more details. “She still with you?”
“You know her, silly,” Max giggled before running off with El. On their way out, they both flashed you a thumbs up and mouthed, “good luck.”
You stepped inside Scoops Ahoy with a newfound confidence. It was definitely the dress, and you hope it paid off. When Steve caught sight of you, his eyes brightened up and flashed you his charming smile.
“Hey, stranger,” Steve greeted. “I see the girls made you their babysitter and chauffer.”
You tried not to let your smile falter when you didn’t get the reaction you hoped. You laughed, trying not to give off the fact that your confidence was quickly crumbling. “Yeah,” you said, “my shift ended early at the pool.”
“That’s great!” Steve cheered. “Listen, Dustin just caught Russians on his new radio thing, and we’re trying to translate it. Spy shit and all.”
You blinked. “Dustin’s back?”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded animatedly, “he’s at back with Robin translating the tape. Well, mostly Robin. Didn’t even know she’s amazing at languages.” He continued, keeping his excited energy, “She already knocked down a couple phrases. Isn’t that cool?”
Then it clicked.
Steve liked Robin.
Too late again.
“Listen, we can use your help because there’s this music at the end that I couldn’t remember where it came from,” Steve said. “Robin and Dustin say it’s stupid, but you can back me—”
“Um,” you breathed out. You cleared your throat, wondering why you started to get out of breath again. “I still have to drive the girls home before dark,” you said, gently turning him down.
“Um, call me if you find something cool?” You didn’t wait for him to reply and turned your back on him. As soon as you left Scoops Ahoy, you pulled your inhaler out your pocket and took a blip, but it seemed to only make your lungs angrier and cramp even more.
As agreed upon earlier, you found the girls at the main doors of the mall, but they were in a heated conversation with Mike and the rest of his party. You sighed and quickly approached them before it turned into a full argument.
“I dump your ass!” El declared, making you stop in your steps. Lucas and Max were flabbergasted at the outburst, except Max looked somewhat proud. Mike just looked lost and was clearly at a loss for words. Will just looked uncomfortable enough to be witnessing the entire thing.
“Okay, that’s enough,” you interfered. “We’re leaving, come on.” You looked at Will who seemed to be the most aware among the boys at the moment. “You guys need a ride?”
He shook his head.
“You take care, okay?”
Will nodded.
The walk to your car between you and the girls was quiet. Though Max decided to break the silence when you pulled out of the mall compound. “What happened?” she asked.
You simply shrugged, ignoring the burning in your ribs from the simple motion. “Boys are dumb.” Then the car ride was silent again.
Later that evening, you laid in your bathtub in cold water, finally relaxing when you can breathe easily again. The summer heat fatigue really got you today, you thought. Suddenly remembering what you saw in the fitting room, you looked at your ribs again and was relieved when all you saw was nothing but your usual skin.
You were pulled back to your thoughts and remembered the beautiful sundress that was now laid discarded on the bathroom floor. You groaned at the memory of what just occurred this afternoon. You sighed and slid down to submerge the rest of yourself in the almost freezing water, leaving all your worries for the few seconds you had underwater.
Don’t be afraid. It’ll be over soon. Just stay… very… still.
You were scared. You couldn’t open your eyes, and the water suddenly felt too thick. The searing pain that was becoming too familiar in your lungs felt like it was begin to crawl out of your chest and into your throat.
But it was all gone in a split second.
Panicked and scared out of your wits, you immediately crawled your way out of the bathtub, not caring if you were curled up naked on the bathroom floor. You reached for the first thing you could grab to cover yourself, until you realised that it was still the same damn sundress. Suddenly, all the air just left your body, and you were starting to wonder if it was still an asthma attack.
You hoisted yourself up on the sink, both coughing and wheezing, trying to do everything you can to get yourself some oxygen.
“Sweetie? What’s going on?” the familiar voice of your mom came muffled from the other side of the door. When you replied with nothing but aggressive and painful coughs, the knocking became incessant, and her calls turned to worried cries. “Open the door!”
The same sensation of something crawling out of your throat came back. This time, you were more aware than your paralyzed state a few minutes ago. You stuck your fingers in your throat, feeling for any obstruction.
And you did.
With one forced cough, you were able to pinch out something smooth but foreign. You yanked it out, clenched it in your fist, and spat whatever fluid it brought out. You were initially worried that it was blood, but as you looked at the white ceramic of the bathroom sink, it was black.
When the bathroom door burst open, you quickly opened the faucet, flushing down whatever it was. Your mom rushed over to you and covered your hunched figure with a bath towel before pulling open the medicine cabinet behind the mirror to fish out your emergency inhaler.
“Come on, sweetie,” she carefully urged the inhaler in my mouth, pressing down to dispense a dose, but you could barely bury it down. “Let’s go to your room. You’re freezing.” She led me step by step to my bed and laid me under the covers, but the warm blankets only made me feel worse. “Your dad is coming with the nebulizer. Don’t worry. Just careful breaths.”
You didn’t remember how long it took for you to fall asleep that night, but you woke up the next day to your mom entering your room, already dressed in her office attire. She must’ve seen the panic on your face when you realised that it was way past your alarm.
“I called you in sick at the community pool,” your mom said. “Your dad will be picking you up after work to bring you to the hospital. In the meantime, just rest, okay?” She pressed a kiss on your forehead before she left the room, and you were alone again.
Then you felt the soft thing that you had in your fist the entire night. You raised your hand and held the foreign object over your head.
A black petal.
Panic bubbled up at the base of your spine, and you wasted no time in getting out of bed and getting dressed. You needed to tell Chief Hopper or Mrs. Byers. Or even just any one in Mike’s party.
And Steve.
Suddenly, it hit you. Dustin would still be around Steve decoding whatever Russian code they were on. The kid can easily call a code red for your situation. You grabbed your keys with the intent of going to Starcourt.
Just as you locked the front door, Max and El came rushing in their bikes, looking as alarmed as you are. They rushed to you, especially El who gave you a pleading look.
“It’s Billy.”
“As much as I appreciate you calling a grown up to investigate, this seems highly unnecessary.”
You were clearly uncomfortable as you turned the corner to Cherry Lane. You already gave them an earful when they admitted that they were spying on random people during their sleepover last night. Personally, you didn’t think that Heather would suddenly go for Billy when she just went on a date with someone else the other week, but maybe Billy was just that convincing.
“But the screams,” El reasoned.
“When Billy is alone with a girl, they make, like, really crazy noises,” Max argued, making you laugh at her words. Case in point.
“That’s surprising,” you noted. “I assumed that because he’s such an asshole he doesn’t…” you trailed off when you caught El’s clueless look from your rear-view mirror. “Never mind.”
“They scream?” El voiced out her confusion.
“Yeah, but, like… happy screams.” Then Max turned to you. “Oh, just that house right there.”
Your laughter came out in breathless snorts at this point. You pulled the car in park around the curb. “Okay, that’s enough,” you interrupted. “You don’t need to know about that yet, El.” You watched the house and hummed in thought. “His car’s not there. This’ll be easy.”
The three of you went inside the house and headed to his room. You knew that their family was very far from a loving one, but you tried to wrack your head for a reason as to why Billy’s bedroom door had a hinge lock from the outside. You barely had any thoughts about that little detail before Max pushed the door open.
“Why do I get the feeling we’re gonna find all sorts of wrong here?” Max said.
“Well, his tastes in music aren’t half bad,” you commented, flicking through his stack of cassette tapes by his stereo. You pulled open his bedside drawer and laughed at its contents. “Jackpot.”
Max rushed over to peek, only to see his collection of ‘printed ladies.’ “Ugh!” she exclaimed. “Gag me with a spoon.”
Then we heard El calling us from the bathroom.
We followed her to see empty ice packets around his tub. The unsettling feeling crept in again as you remember that you were also trying to keep yourself cold last night. But you weren’t the only one who was unsettled.
El, who was breathing heavily, stared off into the corner, and when Max and you followed her line of sight, there it was. Blood. You carefully opened the trash bin and pulled out a utility bag from Hawkins’ Community Pool.
“Let’s go.” You didn’t waste any time leaving the house and getting into the car.
Despite the darkening skies and thunder rumbling, you got there in record time. You ran to see a co-worker of your closing the pool area. Protocol. But he definitely wasn’t pleased to see you.
“Didn’t you call in sick?” he said, sounding annoyed. “You’re the second person to bail today.”
“Heather didn’t come in?” Max asked.
“Obviously. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing thi— Hey!”
The three of us ran back to the car to figure out what to do next.
“We can go back to my place,” you suggested. “Wait out until Heather comes home next door.” Then you remembered. “Shit,” you cursed, turning on your car before the girls agreed. “My dad is supposed to pick me up for a doctor’s appointment.”
Luckily, your dad wasn’t home yet when you got back. Probably due to the storm. However, the girls already had their own plans in mind when they walked over next door to the Holloway’s.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you hissed, jogging over to them. “Don’t go running off without me.” You looked at the now open front door. “Did you just unlock the door? This is trespassing!”
“She’s inside,” El whispered. She and Max entered the house, and you had no choice but to follow.
The three of you carefully treaded towards the voices in the dining room. There you found Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Holloway chatting away. The sight of your three by the hallway halted their conversation.
“Um, hey, Janet, Tom,” you greeted. “We tried to knock, but you probably didn’t hear us over the storm.”
“What on earth are you doing here?” Billy cut in, his eyes trained on Max and El.
“Where is she, Billy?” you asked firmly, staring straight into his eyes.
“Where is who?” Billy smiled innocently, but it didn’t give you any ease.
“Well, they’re a little burnt! I’m sorry.” Heather walked in from the kitchen, carrying a tray of cookies. “Oh, hey, girl! Is your shift over?”
“Heather!” Billy called. “This is my sister, Maxine.” He gestured to Max before his eyes landed on El. “I’m sorry. I did not quite catch your name.”
“El.” Eleven responded with her eyes pointedly trained on Billy.
“El,” Billy echoed, his polite smile turning into something menacing.
It definitely unnerved the three of us. Your hands held onto their shoulders and pulled them behind your back, leaving you to face Billy. “You guys weren’t at work, so we got worried,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health.” Billy turned to Heather. “But you’re feeling just fine right now. Aren’t you, Heather?”
“I’m feeling so much better,” Heather smiled, but there was something about it that didn’t seem right to you.
Max and El tugged at your hand. You looked at them to see them silently pleading at you with their eyes. You gave a brief shake of your head before turning back to Billy. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” you said carefully. “I’ll take the girls home.”
“Thank you for looking out for my sister and her… friend.”
You made sure that the girls walked ahead of you, and right before you passed the front door, Billy pulled you to him. You barely could get a noise out as he pressed his hand over your ribs.
“You’re one of us,” Billy whispered before he shoved you out and shut the door.
It all happened in a split second that the girls didn’t even notice the exchange. The fear stabbed you deep in the gut that you basically dragged them back to your house, forcing them not to look back. Only when you got inside your house that the tension released from your body but only just.
“I’m taking you guys home, and tomorrow, we’re meeting up with the party, okay?”
“You’re not going anywhere, young lady.”
You winced and found your dad staring you down with his arms crossed.
Damn it.
“As soon as we’re done here, you’re grounded for a week.”
You groaned and held back the urge to roll your eyes. You were in the hospital waiting area for your family physician, but because there were a handful of minor accidents because of the storm, the wait was a bit long, especially when you were not priority. It was fine during the first ten minutes, but after half an hour, you were starting to get cranky.
“I’m going to the restroom.”
Your dad made a move to get up, but you stopped him. “There’s literally a storm out there, and you drove me here,” you pointed out. “Where else can I go?”
Your dad just scoffed but leaned back in his seat, waving you off. “Bring me back a coffee then,” he said.
You walked down the hallway but turned to the payphones instead of the restrooms. You dialled in the number you were so familiar with and hoped that he’d be home by this time.
“Hello?” Steve’s voice rang through the speaker, sending relief through your body.
“Pick me up at the hospital,” you said.
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, and do it in half an hour.”
“There’s literally a storm outsi—”
“I’m also staying at your place tonight.”
“Hey! What is going—”
“Thanks, Harrington.”
Steve arrived at the hospital in twenty, still dressed in his sailor uniform. With your dad still busy with his coffee and a random medical pamphlet, you cocked your head to the side and sent Steve a signal where to wait while you made your escape. For the second time, you got up to your feet.
“I think I want a coffee actually,” you said. “Be right back, daddy.”
Your dad hummed, not even lifting his eyes from the pamphlet.
For a split second, your heart seized at the sight of your clueless father. You wanted to tell him and mom about the monsters and how they were this close to taking you, but they were better off not knowing. It wasn’t worth risking their lives when it could be just you.
With a heavy heart, you kissed the top of his head and walked down the hallway, heading for the exit and into Steve Harrington’s getaway car.
“Okay, but what the hell is going on?” Steve asked, pulling the car in drive.
You didn’t answer and just hugged your knees to your chest while crying silently. You’re one of us. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to level your breathing, which now felt like such a laborious task. Now that you knew the truth, it was almost like you could feel it all inside you. Taking every piece of you.
You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts by a warm hand clasping yours. You raised your head and looked at Steve, who kept his eyes on the road, but continued to squeeze your hand. You managed to stop crying and thread your fingers through his and bask in his warmth.
You knew it was just temporary. You knew who he really liked. And as if the universe was aware of your feelings, they decided to cut the moment short by sending your chest squeezing and blocking your airways again. You dropped Steve’s hand and clutched at your chest as you exploded into another coughing fit.
Steve panicked and quickly glanced between you and the road. “What’s happening?” he asked frantically. “Should I take you back to the hospital?”
You violently shook your head. “N-no,” you managed to wheeze out. “Dr-drive.”
“Where’s your inhaler?” Steve asked to which you left unanswered.
Finally, you managed to cough out a chunk of something, freeing your airways. You quickly shoved it in your pockets without checking before Steve noticed it. You exhaled in relief and leaned back in his seat.
“It didn’t use to be that bad,” Steve pointed out.
“Was that why you were at the hospital?”
“We should go back.”
“Doesn’t matter. We’re near your place anyway.”
By the time you got to Steve’s house, he rushed to his parents’ room to find you something to wear from his mom’s closet. “Go take a shower and warm up!” he called out from the second floor.
You dragged your feet into the downstairs bathroom and rinsed your mouth. As you spat out the water, swirls of blood and black goo circled around before disappearing down the drain. You pulled out the clump that you hid in your pocket and teared up at the sight of a fully formed flower.
It was cruel that something as hauntingly beautiful as this was killing you from the inside.
When you flipped the flower over, you noticed thin tendrils from where the stem should be. You were horrified that the tendrils were actually moving like tiny tentacles. It reminded you of that day when you were in the tunnels under the pumpkin farm.
Without any more thought, you dropped the flower in the sink. Remembering that they were susceptible to heat, you immediately turned on the faucet to its hottest setting. As the water hit the flower, your lungs were suddenly set on fire.
Out of instinct, you turned the faucet off, relieved that the flower immediately dried out and broke off into ashy flakes. The burning stopped as well but still lingered under your skin. Almost tripping over your own feet, you staggered over to the shower, stripping yourself of your drenched clothes and turning on the water to its coldest setting, and only then did you find relief.
You’re one of us.
It took over almost half an hour to compose yourself and figure out what to do from here on out. You put one of the fluffy robes in the bathroom and headed out to the living room where Steve was already lounging on one of the sofas, shirtless but with a towel hanging over his neck. He only seemed to notice your presence when the sofa dipped beside him under your weight.
“You okay?” Steve asked when you rested your head on his shoulder, not minding that his hair was still dripping wet. “Jesus, you’re freezing.” He moved to grab the throw blanket and pulled it over both of you then rubbed his hands on your arms to warm you up.
Meanwhile, you wrapped your hands around his waist and just closed your eyes at the sound of his heartbeat. You were mad that his was steady when you couldn’t even control the fast drumming of your own heart whenever you were near him. Still, you held Steve as if you were afraid to let go, as if he was your only reminder that you were still you. But why did it hurt, even physically, so much to hold on?
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Steve whispered, stroking the back of your head. “I don’t think we held each other like this since middle school,” he chuckled to himself at the memory. “When Vicki Carmichael took stole your partner for the Snow Ball and kissed him in front of everyone? You slept over and cried in my bed, telling me you hated her for it and me for going with Tammy Thompson.”
You wracked your head trying to remember what Steve was talking about. Maybe because it was a long day, but you couldn’t remember him holding you like this in middle school. Still, it must have been a beautiful memory if even Steve remembered it.
Sometimes it felt like you were the only one holding on so tightly in this relationship with him.
“Don’t you remember?”
You just hummed and snuggled closer to Steve.
“Okay, how about when Lewenski and I got into a fight because his girlfriend tripped you up and you skinned your knee pretty bad?”
This one, you remembered. “Your dad grounded you for a month, and you got benched for two games,” you chuckled softly.
“And you still cheered for me in the sidelines,” Steve said, sounding relieved that you were finally talking. After while a long pause, he said, “What happened? You used to tell me everything.” He continued, “I know I joke about it a lot, but I was really worried when you didn’t sign up with me at the mall. And you being sick all the time now?”
“Steve, just drop it,” you said, almost in a plea. “We’re okay. You never have to worry about me.”
Steve scoffed playfully. “That’s never going to happen,” he argued. “I’m always gonna worry about you. You don’t even notice how much trouble you get yourself into without realising.”
You tried not to think about it, but for the rest of that night in Steve’s arms, you almost felt like the vines were moving inside you, growing and taking up what was left of you that you haven’t already given to Steve.
“So, basically you’re a fugitive now?”
You chuckled and tiredly patted Dustin’s back. “Man, I missed you, kid,” you said. “And to answer your question, technically yes. I’m facing a lifetime of being grounded if I’m caught.”
“Let me get this straight,” Dustin began, his eyes trained on your plain black shirt that obviously belonged to Steve, “Steve snuck you out of the hospital, and you stayed in his house the entire night?” He leaned close to you. “And nothing happened?”
“Jesus, Dustin,” you wrinkled your nose at him. “People serve food here.” You gestured at the small cup of ice cream you were eating as breakfast slash brunch. Though you were wallowing your sorrows in cold, cold sweets, it did make you feel like a kid again.
“Steve is so stupid sometimes it amazes me,” Dustin thought out loud.
“I’m surprised you caught on. Seems like everyone in the world knows except him.”
“That’s because I’m me,” Dustin grinned proudly. “I bet the rest of the party doesn’t even know.”
“Who doesn’t know?” Steve entered the backroom with Robin in tow.
“Probably that you’re a dingus,” Robin snickered. Then her eyes trailed over to you. “So, we have another addition to the team,” she pointed out. “Who’s bringing her up to speed?”
“Dustin,” Steve said the same time that Dustin also said, “Me.”
Of course, it was Dustin.
While Dustin explained to you that the Russian military was most likely running a secret base right in the Starcourt Mall, you worried about El and Max, especially with not-Billy on the loose. Though they probably were already with the rest of the party right now and alerted Chief Hopper and Mrs. Byers. There was absolutely nothing to worry about.
“Got it?” Dustin finally said before narrowing his eyes at me. “Were you just zoning out the entire time?”
You snorted. “What do you take me for?”
“Fine, what did I just say?”
“Okay, I probably zoned out halfway through,” you admitted. “But your problem is pretty simple.”
Steve, Dustin, and Robin waited for you to continue.
“You just need the blueprints for the mall.”
“Why haven’t you called her the moment we were cracking the code?” Robin said, rushing outside and grabbing the tip jar. Ignoring Steve’s calls for her, she was off leaving us three at Scoops Ahoy.
“Touch my butt! I don’t care!”
“Can we keep it PG in here?” you frowned at the ridiculous show Steve and Dustin were putting by trying to get into the air ducts. “Just pull the boy down before someone gets hurt.”
“He can’t get hurt. He’s missing bones like Gumbo.”
“Like what?” you tilted your head.
“He means Gumby,” Dustin corrected, grabbing hold of Steve’s shoulders as he got hoisted out of the vent, “and that’s not how cleidocranial dysplasia works, Steve. I’m missing collarbones, not nerves.”
“Whatever,” Steve said. “We just need some else who could fit in there.”
Just as Steve said those words, Robin burst in the backroom, looking like she had an epiphany for the second time today. You were beginning to think she was the reason how Steve and Dustin had gotten this far. Behind her stood Lucas’ younger sister, Erica. Ah, the epiphany.
It only took the rest of the day of convincing her. The kid knew how to play hard ball. You’d give her that. She wouldn’t take anything less than ice cream for life. Frankly, you’d do the same.
You waited until the mall closed, though Robin and Steve cleared up Scoops Ahoy a few minutes early. So far, your parents were a no show, though you assumed that they didn’t think you would be hiding in the backroom of a very crowded mall. Frankly, they probably wouldn’t even believe you that you were infected with a monster from an alternate dimension and would rather help your friends with a Russian invasion than go to the hospital.
“Free ice cream for life,” Erica smirked smugly as soon as the thick sliding doors – actually odd for a simple storage room – slid open for us.
It didn’t take much snooping to find vats of glowing neon green vats of unknown substances hidden in regular delivery boxes. Without much thought, you grabbed one and made your way to the door. “Let’s just go before someone catches us.”
Again, the universe… just hated us.
“Uhh, which one do I press, Erica?” Dustin asked, insistently pressing the “OPEN” button.
Panic began to rise among all of us as mechanical whirring buzzed between the walls. Between that and the fact that we were trapped, we definitely knew we were screwed. While all of them fussed over the buttons that were no longer working, you stepped back, feeling something prickle under your skin.
“Just open the door!” Robin cried out, echoing into someone… something different.
Open the door.
Open the door!
Open the goddamn door!
Suddenly, you were on fire. You barely noticed your screams rising over everyone else’s. You fell to the floor, convulsing in agony as flashes of different people appeared in your head as if you were them. An old lady in a hospital bed, Heather, her parents, so many people who barely even knew in Hawkins… then Billy.
It was quiet with him. You saw flashes of a beautiful blonde woman calling out to him, her face concealed in a sunhat, then the beach with sand in between your toes. There was a moment of peace and tranquillity, and like someone playing a sick joke, you were in a dark place, standing in Billy’s place in front of people who were lifelessly standing still right in front of something. Something that you didn’t recognize but was so familiar to you, inside you.
He made me do it. It’s like a shadow, like a giant shadow. Please believe me, Max.
“Billy, it’s gonna be okay,” Max’s voice echoed in his head as if it were yours.
“It’s gonna be okay,” a different voice filtered through from all the noise.
“She’s unconscious. How is her inhaler going to help?” “I’m pretty sure that’s a seizure, nerd.” “Check for a pulse, Steve.”
Your consciousness fell right back on you like a pile of bricks. Your eyes fluttered open to see Steve hovering over you with your inhaler tucked between your lips. Once your eyes locked with his caramel ones, a huge wave of relief washed over his face as he pulled you into his arms.
“Oh, my God,” Steve gasped, clutching on to you for dear life. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Get… out.”
Steve tensed and pulled away to look at you. “What?”
You weakly pulled up your – actually Steve’s shirt up to your ribs, revealing angry black veins that were now crawling over your torso. You cried out and clutched at you. “Get it out!”
“Holy sh– what the hell is that?!”
You rolled to the side and fell into a coughing fit, your back hunched over. Your nails clawed at your throat, feeling something trying to crawl itself out. Whatever happened somewhere in Hawkins pissed off the plants inside you, and you can feel them twisting and curling throughout your torso.
With much straining and the remaining oxygen in your lungs, you managed to pull out the parasite from your oesophagus. The action made Dustin and Robin gag in the corner, while Steve and Erica warily looked at the slithering vine with a fully bloomed flower you dropped on the floor, leaving a trail of blood and black goo.
“You guys, by any chance, have a lighter?” you panted, pressing your cheek against the cold metal floor for any cool relief you can take.
Silence told you no. You hoisted yourself up with much difficulty and leaned back into the crate then immediately had an idea. Albeit, a bad one. With shaky knees, you got on your feet and lifted the vat of green goo that rolled away when you dropped unconscious. You looked for the right twist to open the container when Dustin stopped you.
“What are you doing?”
“We have to kill it,” you said nonchalantly. “I mean, I could just drink this to get it over with, but I don’t want to die that quick.”
“Are you…?” Then Dustin’s eyes widened. “That day. You were… because you saved me.”
“Wait, wait, are any of you nerds explaining what’s going on?” Erica interrupted.
You sighed. “Monster,” you pointed at the vine. “Infected,” you pointed at yourself. “Must kill monster with something. Preferably fire.”
“You killed one of those before?” Robin asked.
“It was smaller last night,” you shrugged, finding the latch to open up the vat. “Hot water took care of that sucker easily.” Twisting the lid a certain way, it clicked and released. “Aha!” you exclaimed. “This is gonna hurt.” You eyed the goo apprehensively.
Then Steve snatched the lid and sealed back the vat. “There has got to be a way to do this without you in pain,” he said.
“We don’t have time, and we’re stuck here in a metal box with a monster crawling towards Erica’s sneaker!”
“Why are you yelling?!”
“I’m not yelling!” you shouted. Then you turned to Dustin with a much softer voice. “How did Will get rid of his the last time?”
“Space heaters, a lot of them,” Dustin answered. “Anything from the Upside Down hates the heat, including D’Art.”
“Well, we’re not waiting until you cough all the flowers out, so I say we dump you into a hot tub and crank the heat to full,” Steve suggested, keeping the vat out of reach. “Once we get out of here, of course.”
“Boiling her alive,” Dustin scoffed. “That’s genius, Steve.”
“Or,” Robin interrupted, “we just use the same space heaters. It worked before, so it might work again now.”
“Thank you,” you said, pointedly looking at Steve. “At least someone is trying not to kill m—” Suddenly, your lungs were set aflame as you dropped into a heap on the cold floor, convulsing in agony with your mouth open in an open scream. You briefly heard Erica speaking before ultimately passing out.
“What? You only kept one of that green acid away from us. At least the monster’s dead.”
After passing out for the second time that night, you seemed to be sleeping much longer, but when you woke up, it wasn’t much of a surprise to hear Dustin and Steve still bickering. You opened your eyes to see Steve’s legs hanging from the ceiling. Again, not a surprise.
Probably nothing else would surprise you at this point.
“Shh! Jesus Christ!” Steve hissed before disappearing entirely to the top of the elevator.
Now that spiked your curiosity.
Robin was preoccupied with Erica, and both of them didn’t even notice that you were awake. You sat up and climbed on the stacked boxes leading up to the opening on the elevator ceiling. The burning in your ribs and your shortness of your breath was easier to ignore now that you were too lightheaded to actually feel the discomfort. Still, you managed to poke your head out the opening, accidentally ending up eavesdropping.
“I heard you guys talking all night,” Dustin whispered to Steve before his eyes landed on you. He winced and shot you an apologetic look.
Steve turned and saw you by his feet, making him jump in surprise. “What are you doing up?!” he scolded. “You scared all of us last night. I thought Erica killed you.”
“Gee, your welcome!” Erica called out from inside.
“’Last night’? It’s morning?”
Dustin smiled emptily. “Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve been trying to reach anyone on the radio since the mall is open. I think we’re too far down though.”
“Okay, take Dustin down with you please,” Steve said, facing the wall. “I’m gonna take a leak.”
“First of all, ew. Second, good morning,” you said, hopping back down with Dustin right behind you.
“This is one looong sleepover,” Steve called out before the sound of a stream hitting the ceiling echoed inside the elevator. “Two nights of being your personal pillow!”
“Two nights?” you muttered to yourself. “Was I with Steve the other night?” you turned to ask Dustin, who gave you a weird look.
“You stayed over his place, and he drove you to the mall, remember?”
“He did?”
“Hey!” Robin called out. “We have company.”
One fight with a Russian later, which Steve won – finally – you and the rest of the group snuck into the comms room of the secret Russian base and found out why your lungs had been reacting different once you walked further down that tunnel.
“The gate.”
You, Steve, and Dustin looked at each other in horror before turning back to the machine that was trying to pry open the gate that El had shut down last year. It was your first time seeing it, but the same dark familiarity was tugging from the deepest part of your mind. There was no reason to dwell on it, so you tugged Dustin and Steve, urging them to leave and quickly warn the others as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, leaving was harder than getting in. Guards were alerted, and all of us were sent into running. It ultimately sent us to the direction of the gate itself with Dustin almost running into the laser machine that was opening the gate if it wasn’t for you tugging the back of his shirt collar.
You didn’t like being that close to the gate. Between the soldiers yelling and Steve barking which way to run, a louder voice was whispering crystal clear voices inside your head. You surrendered to the voices for one second to try and understand what they were saying, which proved to be your mistake.
In that one second, you were teleported to an incredibly vivid memory of meeting Steve for the first time.
“Sweetie, say hi to Mrs. Harrington and Steve.”
Your hand curled into a fist on the hem of your mother’s dress. It wasn’t the first time you saw Steve Harrington. Your classmate pointed who Steve was when he passed you at the hallways of Hawkins’ Elementary. She boasted that her older sister was Steve’s “girl friend” after he kissed her during recess yesterday.
You didn’t know what any of that meant, but when you glanced at Steve Harrington, you thought he was the prettiest boy you ever seen. Steve Harrington was exactly what you imagined the princes looked like that your mother read to you at bedtime.
And now, you were at their front door because your mom worked with his mom, and Mrs. Harrington thought it would be nice to have her and you over for tea.
And Steve was still the prettiest boy you ever seen.
You were catatonic while staring up into the gate opening.
While the rest of the guards were chasing after Steve and the others, the scientists urged that the guards don’t touch you, seeing that your pupils had turned entirely black. Your exposed neck revealed raised veins that they could tell were black even under the dim, unsteady lighting in the lab.
Your blank state was finally broken when the Russians took you in a secluded room, further away from the gate. Your mind was wildly fuzzy as if you were in the middle of sinking badly in your own subconscious. You inner daze didn’t last long when the door opened again, and Steve and Robin were dragged in and also cuffed like you were.
“What happened to you there?” Steve said in a low tone. “You just froze.”
The soldier didn’t like the chit-chat and struck Steve across the face. The sound was loud enough to echo in the room that you winced upon impact. “No talking!” he spat in a thick accent. “Now, who do you work for?”
“I’m confused,” Steve said, trying to sound unphased from the hit. “Do I not talk or do I tell you who I work for?”
That earned him another hit.
“We have many stories of monsters from where I’m from.”
“So do we,” you groaned at the man pacing the room. “You’re not that special, dude.”
Robin and Steve were taken away over half an hour ago, mostly likely for their own interrogation. So far, on your end, this soldier has done nothing but talk your ear off about stories from where he grew up while you were strapped in an examination chair.
“I suppose you know about flowers that grow on lungs?” The surprised look on your face told him everything he needed to know. “No one knows where they come from,” he said, “… until now.” He leaned in close to you. “You are very important test subject.”
“Not for long,” you said spitefully. “I’m dying anyway.”
“Well, I suppose you will be buried in Russian soil by then,” he said, sending chills in your spine. “But now, I need to see the flowers itself.”
Your breathing quickened at the thought being sliced open.
They wanted you alive enough to bring you to Russia. That meant…
“Steve!” Your eyes widened at the sight of him as they dragged him inside the room and dropped him in a heap on the floor. Your heart clenched at the blood streaked all over his mouth and his eye swollen shut. “What did you do to him?”
The soldier and the rest of the guards merely looked at you struggling from where you were restrained while Steve remained unresponsive on the floor. The soldier looked displeased at the results before him and barked out another order. Soon enough, Robin was also dragged inside the room, and similar to you, she was as distraught at the sight of him beaten up.
Then… they just left the three of you in the room alone.
“What do they want?” Robin asked. “We told them everything, and you’re the only one not strapped with us.”
You gulped. “They, uh, they know what’s wrong with me.”
That gained Steve’s attention. With much difficultly, he raised his head and slurred out, “They’re not taking you, and we’re getting out of here.”
“Right,” you snorted. “Unless you have a way of getting to those scissors and cutting yourselves free, I’m on the next flight to Russia by the end of the day.”
“Those morons. They left scissors here?” Steve scoffed.
“I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap,” Robin said, her voice rising with desperation. “So, on the count of three, we’re gonna hop.”
You smiled as hope bubbled when they succeeded the first two swivels. But on the third, the chair legs slid, knocking them both on the floor. Robin, who had her back to you, began shaking. At first, you and Steve thought she was crying, until her quiet giggles turned into full-on laughter.
“I’m sorry,” Robin laughed, trying to contain herself, “but I just can’t believe I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, while his girlfriend gets shipped off to another secret lab in Russia.”
“We’re not gonna die,” Steve huffed, “and she’s not my girlfriend, okay?”
“Gee, we’re tied up and have no hopes of escaping, and you choose to correct that?” you snarked at him.
There was a moment of quietness, mostly just to collect our wits, but Robin was the one to speak up again. She talked about Mrs. Click, our history teacher. Turns out she had been in the same class as Steve for the longest time, remembering every detail about him.
Just like you.
“Do you even remember me from that class?” Robin said, her voice lowering into a whisper. “It didn’t matter that you were an ass.”
And her next words just crushed you.
“I was still… obsessed with you.”
There was nothing else to do but watch as Steve’s eyes — well, eye — softened. In that moment, you felt like you were in someone else’s moment, just an audience. But wasn’t that what you always have been in Steve’s life?
“You know, I wish I’d known you in Click’s class,” Steve said, a fond smile growing on his lips. “Maybe instead of being here, I’d be on my way to college right now.”
Last semester, you wrote two of his history papers just so his grades would be high enough for him to play during the basketball playoffs.
“And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet,” Robin chuckled, “and I would be happily slinging ice cream with some other schmuck.”
“Gotta say, though, I liked being your schmuck.”
And there it was…
The burning in your lungs intensified, sending you in a painful fit of coughs. It was hard enough not to curl over because of the restraints on your chest. There was no way to claw at your throat or to grasp at your chest from the twisting pain.
You were too engrossed in trying not to choke from blood and black goo that you didn’t notice the door open. A different scientist came in, this time more sinister-looking, and leaned over you. “I knew it,” he smiled. “He feeds the flowers inside you.”
“W-wha…?” you managed to gasp out. “P-please… can’t… br-brea-eathe… In.... inhal-er.”
In the midst of the black spots tinting your vision, you barely made out a jet injector and something bright blue before you heard Steve yell out and everything went dark.
“… up. Wake up!”
You opened your eyes to see Dustin’s face. “Am I dreaming?”
“Come on! We have to go!”
You were so groggy that you followed Erica and Dustin to a hijacked mini-truck with Steve and Robin giggling along. Both their antics only heightened when we finally ascended back up to the mall. Steve couldn’t stop booping Dustin, while Robin was saying stuff about food and death.
“Did they give you something too?” Erica asked me.
“They probably took something instead,” you rasped out, feeling your throat. “They baited one out and pulled it out while I was trying not to choke to death.”
“Where is it now?” Dustin turned to me, smacking away Steve’s finger from booping his nose again.
“How the hell should I know? I was tied up!” you scowled at him.
“We just saved your asses!” Erica and Dustin chimed back at your tone.
The bickering didn’t end until you were all forced to be quiet as you hid in a cinema that was showing ‘Back to the Future.’ Once upon a time, it seemed to be a fun movie to watch with the kids, maybe even with El, but now, you could barely keep your knees from fidgeting as your eyes constantly watched between Michael J. Fox and the cinema doors for any evil Russians.
It wasn’t long when your lungs began burning again. You didn’t feel the need to cough this time, but it didn’t stop for a metallic taste bursting in your mouth. You grabbed an empty popcorn bag nearby and spat into the paper. Even under the dark theatre, you could see that it was mostly blood now.
You were out of time.
“Jesus, you look far worse than El.”
You shot Max a very unfriendly look. “The girl who just pulled a monster out of her leg using your mind powers?” You glanced at El who was cuddled up with Chief Hopper while Mrs. Byers attended to the open wound on her leg.
“Well, both you are bleeding out of your noses, and you are also growing monsters inside you.”
“ERICA!” you screeched while furiously wiping your nose.
“Just the facts!”
“What?!” Everyone else in the party, including the adults, chorused.
“You’re dying,” Will said as if he could still tell. He gave you a look of empathy and a little bit of familiarity. You knew he went through a similar thing last year, and it somehow made you less scared that he was here with you.
You nodded solemnly. “I don’t have much time,” you admitted. “It grows faster the closer I am to the gate… or when I feed it.”
“’Feed it’?” Max asked.
“We don’t have to talk about that,” you waved her off. At this point, you were just desperate to stay alive. All of you were so, so close. “If we close the gate, we can cut off all connections, right?”
“Theoretically,” Lucas added.
Since there was no other option but that, we all based our plan on that ‘theory.’ A man named Murray, who also got into a tiff with Erica, came in with a map of the underground Russian base from a guy named Alexei. With the goals in place, everyone began splitting off into groups.
“You’re coming with us, right?” Steve asked.
You bit your lip as you shook your head. “I’m staying with the girls,” you said. “You go with Dustin and Robin to Cerebro.” At the sight of his worried look, you added, “I’ll be okay.”
Steve shot you a scowl. “Don’t die without me.”
“Hard promise to keep,” you smirked, smacking his hand away from ruffling your already messy hair. Your fingers tangled with Steve’s, and he ended up holding your hand completely. “Don’t die first, Steven.”
Steve chuckled and was about to pull away when you tugged his hand back.
“Hey, Steve.”
“I know you and Robin…”
When you trailed off, Steve raised his brows at you, urging you to continue.
You shook your head, waving it off. “You guys just got drugged,” you reminded him. “Drive safely.”
“You say that as if I don’t have any experience from partying.”
“That isn’t comforting at the very least.” Then... you let go.
Turns out that it wasn’t just the gate that was triggering the growth.
When the Spider Monster burst through the glass ceiling for Starcourt Mall, the flowers in your lungs reacted the same way when Billy had grabbed you at the Holloway’s. It was one thing to lead the monster away from El, but it was another thing to be hunched in the trunk space of the Wheeler’s hatchback with said monster chasing you down the road.
“The answer to a never-ending story…”
You laughed at the song number from the radio in between coughs. “That definitely takes the sting out of dying,” you said. You can only imagine Erica’s face during this whole ordeal.
“Don’t say that.”
You looked at Steve in deadpan. You kept eye contact as you spat blood and body matter into an empty soda cup you found discarded in the car. It was a low-blow towards him, you knew that, and he didn’t deserve it.
But you were so tired, and you were so mad at yourself for always being late, for being cowardly.
So, when Jonathan turned the car to follow the Spider Monster that turned back to the mall, you immediately hopped off and went looking for El instead of going with them to set off the fireworks. Steve, as expected, put up a fight, insisting that you all stick together.
“I won’t go near it,” you reasoned. “I’m finding El and getting her out of here, while you keep it distracted.” When he looked unconvinced, you added, “The fireworks will also distract Billy. It’s going to be okay.”
“That isn’t comforting at the very least,” Steve said, making you laugh at your early words being thrown back at you.
You turned to see Nancy Wheeler toss a bundle of fireworks at you. At your raised brow, she shrugged, “Just in case.”
Following a broken gate not too far from where Steve rammed Billy’s car, you found an employee’s corridor where Max and Mike passed out nearby with angry bruises on their faces. You rushed over for Max and shook her awake. Her eyes immediately shot open.
“Billy, it was Billy,” Max said, panicked. “He took El. You have to go. I’ll take care of Mike. Go!” She staggered to her feet, gripping the pipes for stability.
“I can’t go near him or that thing.” You hesitated leaving Max, but when she yelled at you again to go for El, you turned your feet and broke off into a run. Then the fireworks began…
“Fuck!” you screamed, falling to your knees. Every corner of your body was set ablaze. You cried out as the flowers inside you constricted with every blast.
Max and Mike quickly caught up to you, pulling you to your feet. Suddenly, it was quiet, and a wave of calm washed over you. You saw a beautiful woman in a sundress and a hat by the beach. It wasn’t your memory, but it was being returned to someone after being taken away. Billy.
“She was pretty,” you could hear El cry in your head. “She was really pretty.”
Taking advantage of the situation, you sped through the corridor and into the mall. You found Billy beginning to stand up to the Spider Monster. “When I make a run for it, you grab El and get her out of here, okay?”
“What? You just said you can’t face that thing!” Mike told you.
“Just do it!” You pushed your feet as fast as you could to face the monster.
“No!” Billy roared, grabbing the monster’s tentacle mouth to stop it from reaching El.
Seeing your opportunity, you quickly pulled the taped matchstick from the bundle and ignited the fireworks. Swinging your arm back, you flung it as hard as you could into the monster’s mouth. Right as soon as the explosive left your hand, you caught incoming smaller tentacles headed for Billy’s side, slinging two of them to your side from the crook of your elbow.
“I got you,” you said out of breath, seeing Billy’s surprised face. However, your fight had the monster targeting you, sending two other tendrils to your side instead. You barely felt it, even as its sharp tongue stabbed into your abdomen.
Touching the Spider Monster was as worse as looking straight into the Gate. You cried out as flashes of memories of you and Steve, growing up through the years, bombarded you, while the flowers inside you began crawling outside your ribs instead. You barely heard the last firework go off as you felt the vines throbbing under your skin.
An arm wrapped around your waist and pulled your unmoving feet, dragging you away. Your spotted, blurred vision could only see a head of dark blonde curls with a massive dark mass in the background screeching in agony.
“It’s over. It's supposed to be over!" you heard Max’s muffled voice say. “What’s wrong with her?!” You felt hands on your shoulder, shaking you to snap out of it.
“Steve,” you breathed out. You tried to focus on Max, but with a blink, you were trapped back in your memories. Steve telling you to go home every time as he led a different girl up the stairs to his room. Steve dropping you off while thanking you for picking out a gift for Nancy. Watching him smile ever so fondly at Robin. Seeing the smile that you so desperately desired every time.
All the memories of Steve breaking your heart, you felt all at once.
You continued to unconsciously call out Steve’s name. Even when the paramedics began wheeling you out in a stretcher. You vaguely saw them cutting your shirt open, exposing the gore that was concealed by the fabric.
The black vines had reached out on the surface of your skin. The outline of your ribs was exposed, threading black and purple angry bruises over your torso. The right side of your ribcage had completely sank, one rib twisting outwards and leaking a mix of blood and black goo. The damage was extensive, but the monster you grew and fed inside you seemed to be finally lying still, only remaining dormant once the gate was sealed once again.
“… -eral broken ribs and possible internal bleeding!” a paramedic called. “One of her lungs has collapsed. She's in shock!”
Then Steve was there. You couldn’t tell if it was a memory or if it was happening at that moment. He was struggling against two firemen, trying to get to you with one hand reaching out. With the last bit of energy left, you raised your hand, reaching out towards him too.
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roses-chaos-writing · 2 years
We Stitch These Wounds
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Warning: Mentions of violence, fluff, smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before tap it!), mentions of childhood trauma and abuse, sweetheart!Billy, Billy is not an asshole in this I swear!, Mutual pining
You held Max as she called out for Billy; tears streaking both of your faces as he was thrown across the mall by the mind flayer. 
That was almost two years ago; Billy survived being thrown by the mind flayed but he ended up in the ICU for a couple weeks recovering from his injuries. You stayed with Billy while the kids, Robin, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan went to go fight the mind flayer and vecna; Billy was grateful that you and Max stayed with him in the ICU. Billy was glad that you guys were there for him even if he didn’t show it the right way; he had grown up most of his life being shown that violence was the answer to everything. Billy was still learning how to not answer with violence; it was difficult trying to keep Billy from punching someone’s face in if they were talking shit about you, the kids or anyone else in the crew. Billy also took some sort of a liking to Eddie when we came around during Vecna’s reign; the two plus the older kids of the crew (you, steve, robin, nancy, jonathan and argyle) always smoke together and played truth or dare a lot which was about accurate to how all of you acted like children sometimes.
Today was no different than any other day except that literally everyone in the crew was busy except for Billy. You wanted to do a pool day in your backyard since your parents were gone for a month on vacation but they were all working until six o’clock which you didn’t mind since they said they’d come over afterwards but you were bored now so you decided to text Billy and see if he would come over
Billy Bee 🐝
You: Hey Billy! My parents are gone for a month and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and have a pool day with me until the rest of the gang gets off of work and comes over 
Billy Bee 🐝: Yea I’m down, I’m working on my car right now but I’ll over in about 5 minutes 
You: Perfect, I'll see you soon!
You smiled excitedly before getting up from your bed and putting on a normal black bikini with a pair of swim shorts over top; you jogged down the stairs grabbing a couple beers from the fridge for you and Billy. As you went to grab a bottle opener there was a knock on the door; you set the bottles down on the counter and walked over to the front door. You unlocked the front door and opened it to see Billy in all of his sexy glory; you’ve had a thing for Billy for a while now, you wanted to give him all the love he never got as a kid but you also wanted him to manhandle you and destroy you. Of course you’d never say that to his face, this was Billy Hargrove that we’re talking about the man is sex on legs!; you were staring at him for way to long when you saw him smirk down at you
“Are you gonna be a good girl princess and let me in? Or am I gonna bake out here?” He questioned, moving closer to you. You just about melted in a puddle right then and there.
“Right, I'm sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts.” You stated, stepping to the sides to let him in. 
You shut the door behind him and followed behind him grabbing the two beers and the three joints that you rolled and packed before Billy came over. You lead him out to the backyard where there was a deck and then after a couple feet was the pool; you set the beers and joints on the table before turning around to face Billy who was in the process of taking his shirt off. You grabbed the beers and one of the joints and headed over to the edge of the pool as Billy dove in; you sat at the edge placing the joint in between your lips and pulling the cap off one of the beers. You grabbed the lighter and lit the joint before taking a hit.
Billy’s POV:
God Y/N looked hot; the joint sitting in between her lips, the way her hair was in a half bun style with the other half of her hair falling over her tits. I don’t know what it is about her but she made me hard and made my heart flutter; I never knew how to express my emotions. I mainly spent most of my life hating the world and the people in my life. But Y/N was something different, she helped me get into therapy about all the trauma I faced as a kid and she’s always been there for me and for Max. I swam over to her, I looked up at her before pulling the joint from her lips and taking a couple hits before passing it back to her. We progressively passed the joint back and forth before we were buzzed and Y/N was in the pool with me; I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me as we floated around the pool, I stared at her music now playing in the background and the empty beers sat on the table. I dragged my hand up the back of her neck and threaded my fingers in her hair; she looked at me before leaning into me. I leaned in as well and our lips connected, it took a moment for her to kiss back but she did and it lasted a while. We pulled apart, our lips only a couple inches away from each other; we were gonna kiss again when five people jumped into the pool at once. Y/N and I pulled away as Max jumped on my back; I chuckled a bit as I pulled her higher up on my back. I looked over at Y/N to see her talking with Robin and Nancy; I smiled at them as I thought back to the kiss we shared no too long ago.
Your POV;
I stood in the kitchen with Nancy, Steve, Robin and Eddie, who were helping me figure out what to do for dinner. I wasn’t paying attention to them because I was thinking about the kiss between Billy and I; it felt like fireworks on the fourth of july. 
“Y/N! Are you ok over there?” Eddie questioned with concern
“Yea she’s ok, just thinking about Billy!” Robin cooed teasingly 
I rolled my eyes as Robin, Steve and Eddie started teasing me about Billy. It was kinda difficult to admit my feelings for Billy; we’ve been friendly towards him hoping that my feelings kinda flow themselves out towards him but that really didn’t happen. I mainly just kinda pine after him in hopes of finally telling him how I feel but that normally doesn't happen. 
“We all saw Billy kiss you in the pool earlier.” Steve stated as he wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist
“You saw that?”
“Yea, both of you were in your own little world and we didn’t wanna interrupt but the kids were too excited about getting in the pool.” Eddie chimed in 
You sighed before letting your head hit the island in defeat. You couldn’t believe that your best friends saw you and Billy make out; it wasn’t embarrassing or anything just that your best friends knew about your crush except for Billy. You looked out of the kitchen window to see Billy with Max on his shoulder and Jonathan with Will on his shoulders as they played chicken; you smiled at them knowing that things were better than they used to be. Billy looked over at you with the bright smile he was showing with happiness; you turned back to the four people who had smirks etching their faces.
“Why haven’t you told Billy?” Robin questioned leaning against the counter , arms crossed in front of her chest 
“It’s not that simple Robs, this is Billy we’re talking about. Why would he wanna be with someone like me?” You questioned, now sitting on the island
“Cause he likes you!” all four of them shouted 
“Who likes who?” You heard Billy’s deep voice waft into the room 
All four of them started making excuses about needing to ask the kids something and they quickly ran out to the back yard, you shook your head and looked down at the counter. You felt an arm wrap around your waist and a hand pull your face up to meet the blue eyes of Billy; you smiled up at him as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders pulling him closer to you so he was more in between your legs. 
“So who has a crush on someone?” Billy questioned softly, his grip on your waist making you feel secure. 
You knew that this would be the only time you ever got courage to do something like this. It was hard for you to speak out about your feelings since your parents barely gave you the time of day; you sighed solemnly before speaking 
“I like you Billy a lot. But I know you’d never date someone like me; I enjoy video games and reading and playing DnD with the kids and Eddie. I don’t wear makeup that often and my hair is always in a messy state.” You started joking around with that last part to try and lighten the mood a bit.
“Y/N, I don’t care if you like DnD or that you don’t wear makeup or any of the stuff you listed off. I like you for you and how you’ve helped me become a better person; I will always choose you Darling.” 
You smiled before pulling him into a kiss; you were in your own little world before you heard cheering from outside. You pulled away and peered over your shoulder to see the entire crew cheering you and Billy on; you laughed as Billy hid his face in your neck, you could see the blush creeping up his neck and over your cheeks. You pulled his face up and kissed him again as everyone ran inside to congratulate you on finally getting together.
“You know, we should order pizza for dinner! You can go ahead and get cleaned up while I order it.” Robin suggested before grabbing her phone and calling a local pizza place
You squealed as Billy picked you up and hauled ass upstairs to your room/bathroom; he sat you on the counter as he faced your shower and turned on the hot water. You grabbed the strap wrapped around your neck and started to tug on it when a bigger hand moved yours and took over for you. Your tits quickly fell out of the top as Billy pulled it over your head; you started to kiss up his neck when you felt his already hard erection against your thigh. You pulled away and moved off the counter to take your bottoms off; once you were completely naked Billy pulled you into the shower with him and kissed you deeply, pining you up against the wall.
He kissed his way down your body before he was kneeled on the floor of the shower, his cool breath fanning against your soaked pussy. He looked up at you before diving into your pussy; it took everything at that moment to not collapse in pleasure at that very moment. You knew Billy had been with other girls before you but god this man knew his way around your pussy; you looked down at Billy who’s deep blue eyes were staring right into yours. You came right then and there, a loud moaning ripping from your throat; Billy stood up from his position and pulled you close to him wrapping your legs around him as he slowly pushed his cock into you.
You probably could’ve come a second time right there if Billy hadn’t started moving at a fast pace; his name was like a prayer on your lips, each thrust made you moan loader and call out his name more. He sucked hickeys on your neck as his thrust became harder; you dragged your nails down his back leaving behind red marks as you came all over his cock. He thrusted for a bit longer before he stilled and came inside you; You held onto him as he set you down on your feet and holding your waist. He washed both of you before turning off the water and carrying you to your bedroom; he grabbed the shirt he was gonna wear and pulled it over your head and pulled a pair of pajama shorts on you before getting dressed himself. He carried you downstairs where the rest of the crew plus Jonathan and Argyle were sitting on the couch and floor trying to figure out a movie to watch; Blly set you down on the love seat before grabbing two plates with pizza on it and two cans of pepsi.
Everyone decided to watch nightmare before christmas, which so happened to be one of your favorite movies. By the end of the night almost everyone was knocked on the floor or couch; Billy looked over at you cuddled into his side. He picked you up and headed to your room, whispering a good night to Eddie and Robin who were still awake watching family guy; he quietly shut your bedroom door with his foot when you both were inside, he laid you down on one side of the bed before laying next to you. He kissed your forehead and pulled you close to him before being lulled into the best night’s sleep he’s had in years.
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「 Inside The Black 」 Part 2
Part 1
☾ Pairing: Billy Hargrove x (Fem)Reader
☾ Summary: Flayed!Billy attempts to bring you to the Mind Flayer, but is stopped by non other than our favorite group of danger prone kiddos.
☾ CW: LOTS of violence (and it gets pretty descriptive), angst, choking, lewd memories, is tragic fluff a thing? I'm making it a thing, regular fluff, crying, if I miss anything let me know ♡
🛑 18+ MINORS DNI 🛑
☾ Word Count: 2.9k
☾ A/N: It's finally here! I didn't expect so many people to actually want a part two. ♡ I promised Reader & Billy would be saved... I never said it was gonna be easy. 😏 Enjoy! ~ ✨️
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Your subconscious was a lot darker than you expected. At first it was a haze of dreamy events - some that have happened in the past, and some that you've fantasized. Faded out in sepia tint like an old photograph. A happy couple, far away from the hidden turmoil of mind controlling monsters and lab experiments. It was pleasant while it lasted. So pleasant, you were willing to accept this as the afterlife.
Then it all went black. Empty. Not a sound or anything around aside from a sort of watery liquid covering the 'floor' in a thin layer. That was where you sat, naked, rocking with your knees tucked to your chest.
The voice was so soft and feminine, clouded with concern. Your head shot up, turning to look for where it was coming from. To your right, slowly approaching you was a young girl. Familiar. A face you faintly remember seeing alongside Billy's little sister when she hung around at the mall. What was she doing here?
Slowly, step by step, she made her way closer to you. She wouldn't speak again until she was an arm's length away, trying not to look directly at you in your birthday suit. "Can you- can you hear me?"
"More than that, kid. I can see you." Flames licked at the inside of your throat, hoarse from the events you tried to deny. Billy… or something in Billy's body.. strangled you. A sob choked its way up to your lips. "Am I dead?"
She shook her head, kneeling down beside you. "We saw you. Saw when Billy…" The girl raised her hands to her throat, cringing while she demonstrated a squeezing motion. We? An endless stream of questions swirled around in your head, waiting for you to vomit them out. Like, how the hell is she here? Wherever here was. How did she see what happened? How much did she see?? Questions that would go unanswered for the moment. "Not much time. Billy is taking you to the pool. When you see Max, follow her. Run."
"Wait!" You yelled. Your arm shot out to reach for her, grasping onto nothing as her form vanished into swirling smoke. Within seconds you began to do the same. Watching in horror as your hands dispersed into smokey particles. The space around felt distant and floaty until-
The world around you tilts and jolts. Five heavy footsteps later a latch opens, bathing you in moonlight and humid summer air. Billy's stern face stared down into your eyes. "Sorry to cut your nap short, sweetheart." There was so much spite and disdain in his tone, it nearly broke you. To put it honestly, he was no saint. There have been plenty of heated words thrown your way during a disagreement. Still, there were lines he refused to cross. Things even he wouldn't say/do. Attempting to kill you, for an example.
Surprisingly you weren't bound by anything. No ropes, no cuffs, nothing of the sort. The only thing on you was the blanket from your bedroom, haphazardly wrapped around your naked form. It made sense. You didn't feel like much of a threat at the moment. Just weak and sore in some very embarrassing places, given the situation. He fucked you into oblivion, and now you had to wonder if that was also a part of weakening you.
"Where am I?" You croaked, barely above a whisper. Your only response was being grabbed by the throat and lifted out of the trunk of his car. No air left in you to cry out from the pain - white hot and unbearably intense. His fingers squeezed and dug into the bruised skin, only relenting when tears sprung up in the corners of your eyes.
"No more questions. I'm just here to pick up the little shit." The trunk was slammed shut, making you flinch and pull the blanket up to cover your dignity. You didn't want it - whatever it was inside him - to see you like this.
The encounter in your mind lingered, seeming like a dream. Was that girl really there? Everything she said so far was true. As Billy pulled you along by your arm, you recognized the entrance to the community pool where he worked. His steel grip was sure to cause another bruise, the way he yanked you so hard you could hardly keep the blanket snug around you.
The place looked closed down for the day. Dark and void of any human life. Until you catch a peek of red hair, sticking out from the entrance to the showers.
"When you see Max, follow her. Run."
Fuck it. Only thing left to lose was your life, and you had already avoided death once tonight. So you took the chance. Springing up the remaining bits of energy in your body, you brought your face down to the hand he had wrapped around your forearm and bit it. You bite him. Sinking your teeth into the flesh like it was your last meal. It didn't appear to hurt him as much as it caught him off guard. All the same, he ripped his arm away and set you free with a hiss. "Bitch!"
You don't stick around to find out how he'd retaliate. Bare feet sore from landing repeatedly on the harsh concrete, but you didn't slow. Only pure adrenaline propelled you forward, still clutching that damn blanket to your chest. The showers, get to the showers. It was all so dark, but you found your way. Choosing to tune out the distant pattering of Billy's steps chasing after you. He was far enough for you to be hidden by the darkness.
"Pssst! Y/N!" Someone whispered from deep into the area, beyond where the shower stalls ended. That long red hair was impossible to miss. The child you had only interacted with in passing was now your saving grace. Rounding that corner, you found more than what you expected. Less than what you hoped. Max wasn't standing with a police officer, or even a goddamn priest. It was just her ragtag group of friends. A bunch of kids. Including the one that approached you in that dark place.
"Oh my god, she's naked." One of them gasped, speaking with a slight lisp. Max thwacked him on the arm, furrowing her brows at him before taking your wrist in her hand. Thankfully a lot more gentle than her brother. "Come on, he'll be here any second now. I'll fill you in along the way." As if there was any way you'd retain this information in the midst of all this.
If they had told you something like this any day before today, you would've laughed it off. Maybe chucked it up to being a part of that D&D game the kids played - although Max wasn't really interested in it. It all seemed like something out of a Stephen King novel. To 'dumb it down for you' she only explained that your boyfriend was being possesed, mind controlled by a smokey spider monster from an Upside Down dimension. A spider monster that was expelled from their friend Will's body by extreme heat exposure, like a fiery exorcism. Simple. Reeeal simple.
The redhead peeled the creaky door open, guiding you into a sauna that was about the size of a walk-in closet. "Just keep him in here as long as you can. We don't know if it might've gotten into you too, so uh… we need you to get in too. Precautions and all that. Besides, he-" She looked away, shoving some sort of emotion down that you couldn't place. "-he cares about you. If anyone could help, it'd be you."
"Incoming!" The young boy who commented on your lack of clothing whispered, stepping back into the shadows with the others. You nodded and stepped into the sauna, bracing yourself. If this could work… if there was a way to get your Billy back, it was worth it.
Billy came barreling around the corner, stomping so hard it echoed throughout the room. His eyes searched the darkness until he found you, hugging yourself and trembling. A feline approaching a mouse in a trap. He strutted toward you, basking in the terror that filled your eyes the closer he got. The door swung open as he caught up to you, staring you down with a look that could devour you. Just what the monster wants.
A loud bang bounced off the walls of the enclosed space, ringing in your ears. Billy was even forced to stumble forward, almost falling into you as the door slammed behind him. That girl. The one from the darkness in your mind. She stood in view of the small window, holding up her right hand towards the door. Her left hand reached back toward the showers, straining and knitting her eyebrows until a metallic snap was heard. A metal rod flew in her direction, navigated by her movements to wedge itself into the sauna's door handle and under the pipe beside it.
For a second or two, he seemed calm. Maybe a little confused, and it lit a small bit of hope in you. That even for a second you might get a glimpse of your Billy. The heat started to seep in and immediately his first reaction was to turn and bang on the door. Pressing his face into the window, already beginning to bead with sweat. "Let me out!! Max, open this fucking door!" He screamed until he sounded hoarse, throwing himself around every surface in a blind rage. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME IN HEAR!!!"
You reminded him of your presence, risking yourself with a shaky whisper. "Billy… Billy, calm down."
His head whipped over his shoulder, looking like he genuinely forgot you were in the room. "Y/n?" What was first said as a question, repeated as a confirmation. "Y/n.. What did I do? WhatdidIdo-" His knees met the tiled floor, collapsing at your bare feet. A peek into the light, where the crushing guilt was waiting to hit him like a ton of bricks.
My Billy. Kneeling beside him, still cautious, you outstretched your hand for him to hold. How do you comfort someone in a moment like this? He wasn't all there yet - that thing was still inside him - but he has floated to the surface. Breaking down into heaving sobs that had his whole body trembling. "I didn't mean it, Y/n. I didn't wanna do it! I couldn't stop-"
"I know, baby. I know." Caution could wait. You wrapped your arm around him, palming the back of his sweat-soaked hair to bring your foreheads together. His skin was clammy and glistening under the orange-tinted overhead lights. The other hand was still holding the blanket, that was honestly heating you up more than the steam. "I'm here.. I love you. I didn't get to say it back, but I love you Billy. Stay with me."
Whatever clarity Billy was allowed for the time being, he cherished it - and loathed it at the same time. His actions. The one person he had already doomed to the Mind Flayer's sacrificial conquest, before he wound up at your window. The pain he inflicted on you. Stripped away and vulnerable, exposing what he always felt like on the inside. A babbling, crying, wounded child waiting for mommy to save him.
The air was suffocating, steadily rising in temperature. He's not going to like this. He sniffled, reducing his sobs to a hiccup. "You have to get out of here."
You shook your head, still holding onto his shoulder but putting a little distance between you, just to look at his face. The action of wiping away the tears raining from those precious blues, so familiar that it's muscle memory. Your hand rested there, at his cheek, stroking small circles. "I'm not going anywhere. If it gets me, then it gets me."
So be it.
Billy folded into himself, writhing and letting out a gut-wrenching scream. Shades of black inked into his veins, spreading over his body. It's working! Either that thing was getting ready to come out, or you had just seriously pissed it off. Probably both. He thrashed around, punching into the floor so hard that bits of tile broke off in splinters.
"Turn it up!" Max's voice commanded from the other side of the door. Her hand pressed to the glass, peering in at her brother. His knuckles were bloodied and raw. Hair disheveled, and black liquid staining the corner of his mouth. She gasped, unable to tear herself away from the sight.
Unfortunately, it likes an audience.
In your eyes, it all happened in slow motion. Seeing him stand there with his body facing the door. You couldn't see it dead on, but you caught it in the fog-resistant window's reflection. A sickening grin spreading across his face, before he captured your throat in his hand. It wanted Max and her friends to watch. Make the choice to watch you die, or interfere and ultimately set him free. Maybe this was meant to be.
You escaped it once. Maybe twice was asking too much.
Your feet lifted off the ground, toes curling and searching for a surface to stand on. All the while, he wouldn't even look at you. He looked at them. Raising a brow as you began to choke and whine. The blanket finally fell free from your body, taking a backseat to your frenzied flailing. To hell with modesty!
You would dig your nails into his arm until they chipped and bled. To no avail. You would kick at his side, and whatever part of him you could reach. Still to no avail. The battery was depleting, and somewhere - beyond the pounding rhythm of your heart - you heard your name. It sounded like home. It sounded like the rumble of your boyfriend's car. It sounded like his laugh, and the way he sighed when he wraps his arms around you after a long day. It was warm, welcoming and white.
"Do something! He's killing her!"
"No! Look at him!"
So you did just that. Hoping to at least die with the vision of him as your last. The lights flickered, but you could see him through the strobes. Head thrown back with an animalistic roar. The thing, a mixture of black ooze and particles forced its way out through Billy's mouth.
The window shattered, allowing the creature to exit the sauna and escape into the night. Leaving you both spent, and hitting the tile in unison. Red blotches discolored your vision as you still tried to get a look at him - the result of a burst blood vessel.
"Hold on, Y/n! Help is-"
We did it… You could die happy with that thought alone.
◇ - ☆ - ◇ - ☆ - ◇ - ☆ - ◇ - ☆ - ◇
Beep… beep… beep…
The world lit up beyond your eyelids, making you squint and turn away from the source. Everything ached. Not as much as you thought it would, but the annoying prick you felt in the crook of your arm might have something to do with that. You've been hooked up to IV's enough to recognize the feeling.
"Billy?" Your lips moved, but not much came out. A delicate squeak at the most.
"Easy, darlin'. Don't strain yourself."
The sound was unmistakable, but you had to see for yourself. You opened your eyes, thankful that your eyesight had been spared. Nothing could have been more rewarding than seeing this man smiling at you again. A weak smile with a busted lip, but you were still more than willing to kiss him again. And again. And again.
He brought his hand up to your face, meaning to stroke your cheek but he pulled back. Not before you could notice the bandages wrapped around it. It was the blink of an eye for you, but for Billy it had been three days. Three days of being bothered by scientists, signing nondisclosure agreements, lying to everyone (outside of those in the know) about what happened, and watching his stepmother mourn the death of his father - the one person he successfully gave to the Mind Flayer.
All those things were nothing compared to watching you lay in that hospital bed. Listening to the doctors list off every way he damaged you. Ankle fractures, damage to the windpipe, mild concussion, a burst blood vessel in the left eye, various cuts and bruises… It made sense, telling everyone that the two of you got into a terrible car crash. He had to sacrifice his precious car to make it believable. Still, that wasn't enough punishment. Now he has to face you, and see you giving him that loving smile. Beaming at him like he was your favorite person in the world. He was. That's what made it hurt.
"I did this…" He said, afraid to even touch you in case he managed to somehow fuck up the machine you were hooked up to. "I-"
You shook your head, crooking your bandaged fingertip to call his attention. You didn't need him to hear you. Just watch as you mouthed the words 'I love you', sealing it with a blown kiss in his direction.
We can survive this.
Billy took your hand, carefully locking your fingers with his. Ignoring the small pain it caused him. He may not deserve you right now, but if you let him, he would spend everyday making it up to you. Maybe it took almost losing you to see how much you meant to him.
"I love you too."
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☾ A/N: Part 2 has been delivered! My emo playlist got a reeeal workout while I was writing this one. 🤣 Comments and reblogs are always welcome. Feel free to drop some ideas in my Ask. ♡
Ao3, Masterlist ☆
Taglist: @and-claudia @eddieussy @amialesbianorindenial @gracethieved @loadivine @robunny127 @simpforcarlislecullen @dilf-loverxo @rosemarycupcake42
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
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summary: . . . the year Eddie Munson doesn’t give a fuck about not having graduated when he’s gotta save the girl so he can get the girl. (in which Eddie is in ST3 and reader is basically Heather Holloway) ┊ Eddie Munson x Flayed!Reader┊ Main Masterlist - Series Masterlist - PII - PIII
chapter warning: pining, billy hargrove, ‘unrequited’ love, angst, fluff, violence towards reader, insecurity
word count: 2.3k
a/n: yeah, so i started re-watching ST3 for Heather again and immediately started shipping her with Eddie after i started wondering if he had known her. thought about writing a fic for them but for now, i’ll let you have the honors of being in her place ;) i feel like, from what i interpreted, Heather was very eager to please for validation, the girl who wants to fit in (a lot like jenna rink from 13 going on 30 when she’s a teen) so that’s how reader is. don’t know if i want to have reader meet the same fate yet or not, so let’s see how this goes!
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“WHAT DID I JUST SAY, CURTIS?” Your voice boomed through the megaphone and the boy in question let the other boy he’d been holding under water back up for air, glaring at you.
“Menace.” You mumbled, adjusting the white oversized sunglasses on your face as your eyes scanned over the crowd to ensure no one else was doing anything obviously stupid.
You relaxed back into the life guard chair, happy to be out of the sun. It was getting hotter and hotter every year and all you wanted to do is seek out some air conditioning, but when your mom mentioned to you that Sarah Donahue told her the Hawkins Community Pool was looking for life guards, you saw o p p o r t u n i t y.
See, you had a lot of time on your hands. Your friends were all busy. With each other. They, uh, didn’t really like you all that much. But they were all you had. Clearly, this had been fate because you needed something to do, and the pool needed life guards. Win-win!
You’d gotten the job pretty easily, and for a decent amount of time, too. You worked Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday mornings. It killed you to be at work by 8am, but it was worth it because it meant you were off at 12, which would give you plenty of time to still hang out with Eddie.
And you actually enjoyed the job. There was something relishing about finally being the one people had to look up to. You could tell someone not to do something and they had to listen to you. The babies were pretty cute, too. The only unpleasant thing was the person who relieved you.
The watch on your wrist beeped, alerting you to your clock out time. You made sure your fanny pack was secured around your red one piece as you climbed down from the post, paying no mind to the married woman primping themselves for the eye-candy.
You knew he’d be on time. He was an asshole, but a punctual asshole. Billy Hargrove. You smacked your gum as the two of you passed each other, always with the usual stare down. Or at least, as close as you could get to having a stare down while both of your eyes were hidden behind sunglasses. You could see every girl doing a double take but you just kept going, eager to take a quick shower so you could be on your way.
Once you’d been scrubbed free of chlorine and you smelled like lemons, you rushed to get dressed, too impatient to dry yourself off completely. There wasn’t anything waiting for you at home, but you weren’t going to stay home. No, you had asked Eddie if he wanted to hang out after you got off of work yesterday, and he agreed. He agreed. Which meant you were meeting Eddie at his trailer as soon as you put your swimsuit in the washer. Once your shoes were on, you threw your backpack on and peddled home as fast as you could, so fast that you beat your best time. You’d just started the washer and were like three steps from the front door when the phone rang. Groaning, you rushed over, answering with a twinge of animosity on your voice, “Hello?” “Wouldn’t be happy to hear from me, either.” He laughed over the line. Your heartbeat rivaled a hummingbird’s wings flapping when you recognized the voice. “Eddie!” “Hey, Sunshine.” He breathed out, you could practically see that soft smile you knew he had on through the phone. “I was just about to head out! Thought I was gonna have to take a message for my parents for a second there.” You joked, twirling the cord of the phone around your finger like some stupid, love sick teenage girl. Which, granted, you were.
“That’s—That’s actually what I called about. I-uh—can’t meet up today. A few last minute business calls. I’m sorry, but I promise I’ll make it up to you. You free after work tomorrow?” Your shoulders sagged in disappointment, but part of you had known it was coming. More often than not, Eddie ended up having to deal during your special hang out time, and it usually ran past your curfew. “Yeah,” The only people who wanted to hang out with you lately were the ones in the soap operas you watched during your free time. And they had to be there. “I’m clearing inventory tonight, and I’m keeping my whole schedule for tomorrow clear. Wait—no, I’m booked. From the moment I get up, to the moment your curfew starts. Meet me at the bench. I’ll be all yours.” God, if only. And he really did mean it. Eddie woke up around the time you got off of work. But even if he woke up at too-fucking early o’clock, he’d wait for you.
“What if something comes up again?” Because it had happened before, too. “Then I will track you down the moment I’m free—regardless of where you are, by the way—and carry you off.”
It was easy to picture Eddie strutting right in the Community Pool, plucking you from your post, and then strutting back out. You could already feel your hope building up, but you needed something a little more concrete. Some reassurance. And Eddie was the only one in your life who ever gave it to you.
“Promise?” Your voice was small, but the barely contained excitement could still be heard.
“I promise.” There wasn’t an ounce of doubt left in you after he said that, the sincerity in his voice piercing right through those troubling thoughts.
“See you tomorrow, sunshine.” The rest of your day was spent catching up on your soap operas you didn’t know were your soap operas until you realized you were lame enough to be watching daytime television. Even the moms were out and about doing something. Friday had found you in even better spirits, despite the troll in the pool. “HEY! No dunking, Curtis. No. Dunking.” This kid was not about to ruin your record. First of all, you didn’t wanna ever have to give anyone at the pool CPR. You avoided the pool yourself because that was a bunch of piss water, and you weren’t about to put your lips on anything that had been submerged in said piss water.
Once Curtis wasn’t a threat, you went back to ignoring the way-past-middle aged women you kept feeling glaring at you. You knew what they said about you. 
How annoying they thought you were. But it didn’t phase you. 
See, they were just the grown up versions of your friends. Scratch that, they were who your friends were going to become. Eddie had pointed it out one day—and of course it was the one day he visited you at work that the Mothers Grimm chose to be a little bit louder than normal, you were so embarrassed—and you couldn’t stop seeing it. Knowing they were miserable with their lives like that took away any intimidation they may have had over you.
Your watched beep, and like clockwork, you climbed down the post and passed Billy. It was clear he was off his game, most likely hungover. Still, he was finally wearing a shirt so you tossed him a backhanded complimenting he didn’t acknowledge, and made your way to the showers. You were a little thirsty and you’d finished your water already so you were forced to wait in line at the snack bar. This meant your shower would have to be more rushed, just your luck.
As you were rushing towards the girls showers, you heard someone screaming in agony from the boys. It sounded like Billy. You dropped your water bottle and hurried in.
Sure enough, Billy was crumpled against the wall, still wearing his shirt, under the shower. He looked terrified. Sure, you didn’t like the guy and you thought he was a terrible human being, but you didn’t think you could live with yourself if you had the chance to save someone and you didn’t. Had he fallen and hit his head? “Billy?” He didn’t respond, just stared at you. You kneeled down to be eye level with him. “Billy, are you hurt?”
“What?” He gasped out. “I said, are you hurt?” He kept staring at you, like he didn’t understand a thing you were saying. “What’s going on? I heard screaming. Should I call an ambulance?”
Billy tensed up, his face contorting into something that scared you.
You didn’t even have time to wonder why you never seem to have any good luck as he threw himself at you, hand flying over your mouth to muffle your scream before he slammed your head once and hard into the ground.
- You woke up somewhere dark and scary, wrists and ankles bound by some rope that was rubbing aggressively into your skin. Your mouth had been duct taped shut, and you could taste the glue from it on your tongue. Despite the pain in your head, you moved it to the side and whimpered when you saw Billy staring down at you. 
Oh, god. Was he gonna kill you? 
Your brain switched into panic mode and you squirmed hard, trying in vain to break loose. Billy slammed you against the ground, and you winced as he leaned down, whispering into your ear, “Don’t be afraid. It’ll be over soon.” You were gonna piss yourself, you were so terrified. He was gonna kill you, that’s what killer said before they murdered someone.
“Just stay very still.” 
You swallowed hard, forcing yourself not to scream for help when he peeled the tape off of your lips. Billy stood up as you heard growling coming from the right of you. And then something worse than any monster you or even Eddie could have ever imagined emerged from the darkness. It shrieked and closed in. You screamed. And you kept screaming. 
Eddie sighed, fingers drumming over the dirty wood. A glance at his watch confirmed another half-hour had passed. It was 3pm. He knew your schedule better than his own. You set your alarm for 6am, but always got up at 7, then you’d manage to get your swimsuit on—and he was that swimsuit’s number one fan, — with those red dolphin shorts that left nothing to the imagination—again, big fan, he was lucky you were oblivious because he was terrible at being discreet—in under fifteen minutes, then you biked there (because you refused to let him give you rides), always arriving ten minutes or less before the Pool opened. Then you got off at 12, tried to be on your bike within 20 minutes, you’d get home around 12:45 because you seem to be awake enough to pedal home faster than you do in the earlier hours, and you’d be out of the house ten minutes later, always meeting him anywhere between 1:15 to 1:20. So yeah, you were a little late. 
He’d been trying to give you some leeway time, but his worry began to boil over. Were you mad at him about yesterday?
He felt like he’d made the wrong decision the second he agreed to it, but one of the basketball players was throwing a party and wanted some amusement. Eddie knew he’d be able to clean store in one go, which meant he’d have more time to spend with you. He had toyed with the idea of inviting you along, but he knew your poor excuses of ‘friends’ would be there, and it hurt him to watch them disregard you like that.
Eddie, like most of the town, knew how badly you wanted to fit in. Even back before the two of you had become friends, when you just knew of each other, it was obvious to him. You always chased the in crowd. They never chased you. However; they did keep you around to take advantage of you. 
But what frustrated Eddie was that you let them. After you two became friends, you had told him that you knew they took advantage of you, that they weren’t your friends, but you wanted to belong so bad that you didn’t care. He wished you could see yourself the way he did. In fact, he was gonna make sure you knew exactly how he saw you. Today, he was gonna tell you how he felt, finally confess that he’s in love with you.
That fondness at first sight during the talent show when you were younger had become something much more intense now.
He was ready for it, had a yearning for it. For you. 
He wasn’t stupid, he knew you returned his feelings. Had seen the way you stared at him when you thought he wasn’t looking, but it was your obvious mannerisms that gave you away. Like how you never waited until he had walked away from the door before you squealed on the other side when he dropped you off at home. 
You’d been waiting all this time for him to see you.
So, he could wait for you. What’s another half hour compared to the rest of your happy, lovesick lives?
You never showed up.
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mrtwizz · 3 years
The Plan - S.H.
Paring: Steve Harrington x fem! reader
Warnings: canon violence, not proof read
Category: Angst/fluff combo
Work count: 8.6k  
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Y/n had not planned to spend her entire summer with the group of young teens who called themselves “The Party”, yet here she was with Eleven and Max in Max’s room. They had spent the day prior shopping, Y/n had made plans to hang out with Steve Harrington later that day. 
“Oh! Yeah I’ll call you after my shift, and we can…” Steve didn’t know what they would do. 
“Go for a drive and look at the stars.” Y/n finished for him with a smile. 
“We can do that.” Steve nodded his head, wanting to spend time with the girl. 
To anyone else that was a date, but for Steve and Y/n? It was their usual, they would go out for a drive and Y/n would take him to a spot where you could see the sky and the stars the clearest. She would point out the constellations to him, over and over and he would always pretend that he forgot. Everyone thought Steve Harrington and Y/n L/n were dating, but they weren't, they were “just friends”. Friends who wanted more but would never admit it. 
“Great, I’ll be at Max’s awaiting your call.” Y/n smiled, and left with the two girls. 
Only the call never came. 
“Boys are stupid.” Eleven declared from her spot on the bed. 
“So stupid,” Y/n agreed, “he said he would call right? I thought I made it very clear where I was. Let me call home again.” 
She dialed her home phone once more, “No Y/n, Steve hasn’t called. Are you staying over at Max’s?” Her mother had picked up for the fourth time that night. 
“Yeah, Nancy hasn’t answered either so, and it’s too late for me to be driving anyways so…yeah I’ll stay here. Make sure the girls don’t get into any trouble.” 
Her mom said her goodbyes and hung up. 
“He said that he would call you after his shift.” Eleven recalled. 
“Scum, all of them.” Max said. 
The three girls stayed up gossiping and spying on people through El. Before they finally passed out on various spots on the bed. 
“This is a code red, do you copy? I repeat this is a code red. Max, do you copy? This is a code red.” Lucas’ voice came out from the walkie talkie on the ground next to Max’s bed, she sighed and grabbed it off the floor. 
“Shut up.” Max said aggressively, and pushed the wire down and turned it off. 
A few minutes go by and the phone rings, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” She gets up and picks up the yellow phone, “I’m sleeping! Go away!” She’s about to hang up before someone says something. 
“What are you talking about?...What.” Then Mike hangs up. 
“What did he say?” El asks, all of a sudden the annoyance Y/n had felt moments earlier turned to dread and anxiety. 
“One summer. One summer is all I asked for.” Y/n muttered, before getting up. 
The three got into Y/n’s car and went to the Wheeler’s. 
“Hi Y/n, Nancy isn’t here.” Mrs. Wheeler said as she answered the door. 
“I know…I’m here with these two. Keep them all out of trouble.” Y/n explained. 
“Oh, okay thank you?” 
The three went to the basement where three of the boys were, “Where’s Dustin and Steve?” 
“Don’t know.” Mike rolled his eyes and Will explained that the Mind Flayer isn’t gone. 
“The demodogs died when El closed the gate.” Y/n put her hands in her hair, “Just a few normal months. This wasn’t a part of the plan.” She muttered to herself. 
“How do you know if someone’s flayed?” El asked. 
“Billy?” Y/n asked, Eleven nodded her head wordlessly in reply. 
“Alright in the car, let’s go. Don’t tell my parents how many I can fit in here.” Y/N muttered, heading up the stairs towards her car with the Party in tow.
“This is kinda creepy.” Y/n mentioned as they watched Billy Hargrove from outside the pool's gates. 
“What do you suggest we actually went to the pool?” Mike asked snarkily. 
“Well…it would’ve been less creepy.” Y/n stated, rolling her eyes at the curly haired boy's attitude.
They continued to watch Billy to see if he did anything…abnormal? But to Y/n Billy was all around abnormal, he shows up from California in the middle of the school year and becomes the biggest bully. He takes Steve’s posse of idiots, and turns them into his own in a limited amount of time. That was abnormal. 
“I don’t know, he looks normal to me…” Max said. 
“How many times have you seen him with his shirt on?” Y/n commented on the clothed lifeguard, “If he has an excuse to not wear it, then he won’t.” 
“Okay I guess that it’s not that normal…but-” Max tried to defend her stepbrother. 
Y/n notices that within the almost year she had known Max, she had changed. She went from downright hating Billy to having a sort of love for the boy. 
“More than a little!” Mike cuts her off. 
“He was in a pool of ice.” Lucas adds. 
“The mind flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else,” It was Max’s turn to cut Mike off. 
“He’s lounging at the pool, which is like the least mind flayer thing ever.” 
“Not necessarily.” Will speaks up, and everyone turns to the boy, “The mind flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It’s like you’re dormant, and then when he needs you, you’re activated.” He looks at Billy. 
“Okay so we just wait until he’s activated.” Max says.
“No, what if he hurts someone?” Mike asks and looks at the redhead. 
“Or kills someone?” Will asks, really not helping Max’s case. 
“We can’t take that chance.” Mike turns back to face the pool, “We need to find out if he’s the host.” 
Then he gets up to leave, “Where are you going?” El asks. 
“I have an idea, boys only.” 
“Seriously?” Max asks, annoyed as the other two boys follow Mike. 
“Just trust me on this one.” 
Max and El groan, “When does that ever work out?” Y/n asks. 
The three girls sit there waiting for the boys to return. 
“Boys.” El sighs. 
“Boys.” Y/n and Max agree. 
“Okay here’s the plan, we’re going to lure Billy into the sauna. And crank it to two-hundred twenty degrees, and burn it outta him.” Mike says, running back to where the three sat. “You two, stay here and watch Billy.” Mike instructed, and El followed him when he left. 
“I can’t believe that I let a thirteen year old boy tell me what the plan is, yet here I am.” Y/n muttered to herself, mentally cursing Steve for never calling her back. And mentally cursing herself for never outright telling Steve her feelings, but first she wanted to chew him out for saying he’d call then never calling. 
Max and Y/n waited next to Y/n’s car to keep a lookout on the potentially flayed Billy, “This isn’t creepy at all.” Y/n muttered. 
“Mike, are you there?” Max asks in the walkie talkie. 
“Where are you guys?” 
“I’m coming. Just hold on a second!” Mike sounds upset. 
“God, I hope it’s not you.” Max mutters, looking through the binoculars again, “I really hope it’s not you.” 
There’s a sound of desperation in her voice and Y/n feels sorry for the girl. Not being able to imagine the heartache she must be feeling. 
“Hey, even if it is him. We can get it out of him, we did it with Will remember? Joyce was able to make an inhospitable host for the mind flayer, and we can too.” Y/n tries to comfort the red haired girl. 
“You think so?” 
“I know we can, you really don’t have hope in them? I would put all my trust in El, maybe not Mike or Lucas. But El and Will have this, got it?” 
Over the next few hours the teens get ready for their test. 
“I should go give him a piece of my mind.” Y/n mutters, pacing back and forth in front of her car. 
“No, wait for him to finally call you. Then drag him through the dirt, tell him you were waiting for him. You got all ready, only to be stood up.” Maxine said. 
“Yeah-  no. I don’t want to hurt him, Max. I love Steve.” Y/n muttered. 
“We know.” The boys groan. 
“Ignore them, they’re stupid.” Max shushes the boys. 
“Is it really that obvious?” Y/n asks, sitting back down. 
“Yeah.” El said instantaneously. 
“Mhm.” Mike agrees. 
“Definitely.” Lucas says. 
“Kinda.” Will mumbled. 
“Great! So all of Hawkins knows that I love him, except for him?” Y/n groans, throwing her hands up. “Whatever, the pool’s about to close, let's go.” 
They lock Billy in the locker room, phase one complete. Mike calls out on the walkie talkie, taunting Billy and laughing. 
“Come and get me you piece of shit.” Mike says, and Billy opens the door to the sauna. Where the dummy with the walkie talkie strapped to his chest lays in wait. Billy lifts the dummy by the throat, “I’ve got you.” 
Billy turns around to see El standing there, “Hi,” 
She quickly throws him into the sauna wall, cracking the tiles and making him groan in pain. 
“Now!” Mike calls and they all rush to lock Billy in. 
He desperately tries to break out, and starts crying for Max. 
“Do it.” She says, and Y/n cranks up the heat. 
“Max! Let me out of here. Let me out. You think this is funny?” He taunts the girl. 
“You kids think this is some sick prank?” 
Nobody says anything, just looking at one another. 
He spits on the window, “You little shits think this is funny?” He yells.
Y/n jumps and moves away from the door, still standing between Billy and the children. 
“What is this?” His voice gets softer, “Open the door.” 
The next time he repeats himself it's louder and he bangs on the door, “Open the door! Open the door! Open the goddamn door” He’s pressing his face against the window as spit flies out of his mouth.
Then he falls to the ground, screaming. 
“We’re at two-twenty.” Y/n says, walking closer to read the thermometer.  
Billy starts crying, “it’s not my fault. It’s not my fault Max. I promise you it’s not my fault.” 
Max walks to the window to look at Billy, crying on the ground of the sauna, “What’s not your fault Billy?” 
“I’ve done some things Max.” He puts his hands together like he was going to pray, “Really…” he takes a moment to sniffle and his hands shake, “Really bad things.” He shakes his head and cries, “I didn’t mean to. He made me do it.” His voice is barely a whisper at that point. 
“Who made you do it?” Max asks. 
“I don’t know, it was like a shadow. Like a giant shadow.” 
Y/n turns to look at the kids, all of whom were behind her except for Max. 
“Please, Max.” He cries out to his younger sister. 
“What did he make you do?” Max’s voice shakes, and Y/n reaches out her hand to hold Max’s. 
Neither can tell if it’s for support or a protective gesture, but Max allows it.
“It’s not my fault, okay? Max, Max, please.” He rocks over onto his side and leans onto the bench for support, “Please believe me, Max. It’s not my fault.” 
Max begins to cry at seeing him sob like this. 
“I tried to stop him, okay? I did. I really did. Please believe me, Max.” 
Max presses her free hand up on the window, “Billy, it’s gonna be okay.” 
“Max, please.” He pleas again.
“We want to help you. We want to help you.” She repeats, tears falling down her face. “You just have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us.” She croaks out, “I believe you, Billy. We’ll figure it out together, okay? I need you to trust me. Please, trust me.” “Max, get away from the door.” Mike says. 
Y/n feels her stomach drop hearing the words. 
“What?” Max asks, not looking away.
“Get away from the door!” Mike screams, and Y/n tugs Max’s hand as soon as he does. Just as Billy busts the window open. 
“Let me out you bitch! Let me out!” Billy screams like a feral animal. 
Y/n tugs Max further down the wall away from Billy. 
“I’ll fucking gut you!” He breaks a part of their lock away, “Let me out!” He roars again. 
Y/n pulls Max closer as she cowers and lets out a sob. Lucas then shoots a rock with his slingshot, hitting Billy in the face. Y/n pushes the red head back to her friends, and stands protectively in front of all the children. 
Sure she didn’t have powers like Eleven, but she would be damned if he hurt a hair on these kids’ heads. The lights in the changing room flicker and Billy sounds like he’s choking on his own saliva. The kids are looking around but Y/n doesn’t take her eyes off of the door. 
Billy gets back up, the skin on his arms tinted a gray color. He roars and the sound is more animalistic than before, and sends chills down Y/n’s spine. 
“He can’t get out can he?” Max asks as Billy rams his body into the door. 
“No way.” Lucas answers. 
Y/n has her doubts at the way the chains move, but doesn’t voice her concerns, and Eleven stands next to her. Billy runs at the door again and smashes through it with some sort of superhuman strength the mind flayer must have given him. 
Y/n yelps in surprise and shoves the kids, minus El, further behind her as he does. Eleven picks up a weight with her mind and screams as she throws it at Billy. Which knocks him into the brick wall. 
Lifting both hands, Eleven grunts and sloves the weight further into the wall, Billy alongside with it. Y/n moves away, moving the kids with her
With the weight up against his throat and his toes lifting up off of the ground, Billy chokes. 
Then he starts pushing back against the weight with his hands, the lights start flashing more rapidly and Eleven’s screams get louder as Billy throws the weight. Hitting El down, Y/n felt helpless as the metal clanged against the ground. Billy moves and grab’s El by her hair, who screams, and uses his other hand to grab her by the throat. 
“Let her go, you fucking cunt!” Y/n screams, frantically looking around for an object that she can lift to hit Billy with. 
He lifts El into the air by her throat. She spots a metal pole and rushes to grab it. It makes a “clang” sound as it hits Billy in the head. He drops El as he falls to the ground. 
“Go to hell bitch!” Y/n screams, lifting the pole to hit the flayed Billy a second time. He reaches out and grabs the pole as she does so, and rips it from her hands. Throwing it to the side. 
Billy backs her into the wall that he had previously been thrown into. 
“Run!” She screams. 
Billy grips her jaw in his hand and slams Y/n’s head against the wall. Once and then twice before suddenly dropping her. Y/n sees Eleven lifting Billy into the air with her telekinesis, both of them yelling. El slowly struggles to get to her feet as she lifts Billy higher, she moves to stand in front of Billy who is foaming at the mouth and saliva falls from his mouth. 
Eleven is standing in front of Y/n who fell to the ground after Billy had dropped her. With a final scream,she throws Billy through the brick wall where nobody was standing. Y/n catches El as she crumbles to the ground, sobbing. Y/n helps hoist El up with Mike’s help. 
The younger teens walked over to the hole where Billy had been thrown through, to see him running away into the forest. Y/n on the other hand put a hand to her gaping head wound. 
“I’m assuming we’re not going to the hospital…and none of us have gause? Okay cool.” Y/n muttered, mainly to herself, and took her shirt off. 
She ripped it into a few pieces and folded it up to put against the wound, and tied it around her forehead to keep it in place. 
“If I die from a fucking head wound, I’m haunting your asses.” Y/n said to the kids who turned to look at her. 
“You look ridiculous.” Max stated.
“Yeah I know, but I need to stop the bleeding or else you fuckers are walking home.” Y/n said. 
“Come one, let's go.” She pulled out her car keys from her pocket and made her way out of the mens changing room. They went back to Mike’s house and avoided his parents, Y/n went and took a shirt she had left in Nancy’s room. 
“You just have spare clothes at my house?” Mike asked. 
“You don’t at mine?” Y/n joked.
“He’s in the woods, with Will’s mom.” Eleven spoke and a little bit of blood dripped from her nose. 
“He’s with my mom?” Will questioned, leaning forwards with his arms on his knees. 
“What are they doing?” Max asked, also leaning forwards. 
“Ill…annoy, they’re going to Ill-annoy.” Eleven sounded confused. 
“Illinois,” Y/n said right as Karen Wheeler banged on the basement door. 
“Mike! Breakfast!” 
“Not now, mom!” He hollered at his mom. 
Y/n scrunched her face at his tone, her mom would have backhanded her for using such a tone with her and then grounded her for the rest of the week. 
“Illinois? Illinois like that state? The state of Illinois” Mike asked. 
“No Mike, Illinois like the country in Africa.” Y/n rolled her eyes. 
“What there’s an Illinois in Africa?” Mike asked, turning to look at the older girl. 
“No dumbass, well I don’t know. But what other Illinois do you know of?” Y/n sighed and got up to get a wet washcloth for El’s bleeding nose. 
Max and Eleven followed the girl into the bathroom, Y/n turned on the water and gently wiped the blood from under El’s nose. 
“Does it still hurt?” Max asked, and El lifted her hand to her throat where Billy had held her. 
“Only when I talk.” She smiled meekly. 
“Good thing you’re not Mike then. Blah blah blah blah, you’d be in constant pain.” Max joked, making Eleven laugh and Y/n smile. 
Y/n rummaged before finding some sort of disinfectant and poured some on the back of her head where the wound was. She winced and patted the area, only dry blood coming off onto the rag. She sighed and rolled her eyes at the boy’s attempt to be quiet. 
“It wasn’t! You realize we can still hear everything you’re saying right?” Max asks. 
“See? Conspiring.” 
“Not now mom!” Mike screamed again. 
“My mom would have beat my ass by now.” Y/n mutters. 
“Mike, open the door!” It was Nancy’s muffled voice. 
Nancy and Johnathan explained what happened to them, and Y/n and the kids explained their night. Both events took place at the same time. 
“Bad screams.” El said. 
“What’s a good-?” Lucas gets cut off. 
“Doesn’t matter,” Y/n and Max interrupt. 
“Y/n said.”
They all climbed into Nancy’s car, shoving the boys in the back. Y/n sat next to Max who was sandwiched between her and El. 
“Seat belts.” Nancy said and backed out of the driveway hitting the boys’ bikes in the process. 
Nancy drove them to Heather’s house where nobody answered, and Eleven broke into the house for them. 
“Light B and E, no big deal.” Y/n mentioned as they entered where it was freezing and there was a bunch of opened and split cleaning supplies. 
Looking around they also noticed the table was still set for four and there was blood on the ground and an empty wine bottle with blood on it. The group pieced together what happened and opened the door to the garage where they concluded they had taken the bodies. 
“Why don’t we let the old lady go back to wherever it is she wants to go.” Y/n says. 
On the car ride back to the hospital Y/n’s mind goes back to Steve. She can’t help but hope he’s not in some kind of danger, that he and Dustin are just blowing them off. But Y/n know’s that there has to be something more at play here. She hasn’t heard from him in two days now, the only time this ever happened was when they were fighting. And they sure as hell weren’t fighting right now, and they had plans. Steve never blows off their plans. Even if something comes up, he never ignores her. 
Nancy leads the group into the hospital and past the front desk where the lady is on the phone. She stops Nancy and the group as they walk by. 
“Where do you think you're going?” 
“Oh, I’m just here to visit my grandma. Again,” Nancy lies, “and this is my family.” The nurse doesn’t buy it, “Extended.” Lucas adds with a smile. 
“I don’t care who they are. You know the rules, two visitors at a time.” 
“Yeah, but-” 
“Two.” The nurse cuts her off and holds up two fingers, “Girl this child lost her mind.” She says getting back to her phone call. 
Nancy and Johnathan leave Y/n and the kids behind to visit the old lady. Y/n takes a seat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Her thoughts turn back to Steve, she smiles at the fond memories they shared together. Thinking back at the numerous times they had gone on what anyone else would consider dates. Or the late night phone calls discussing their future. 
“I’m going to fucking kill her,” Y/n growled hearing what Nancy had done to Steve. 
“Don’t, just drink. Stay with me.” Steve said, they were at Tina’s Halloween party. 
“Fine, but I better not remember this in the morning..” Y/n muttered the vague threat. 
The two kept drinking and Y/n was feeling more drunk by the moment. 
“You look really pretty, Stevie.” Y/n was standing and facing Steve. 
“You look pretty too doll. But I think you’re drunk.” Steve tried to laugh it off, but Y/n wouldn’t have it.
“If I were drunk, would I do this?” And then she pulled him into a kiss. A long awaited kiss, a kiss that was cut too short by Steve. 
“Yes, you’re drunk and you’re going to regret that in the morning.” Steve tried to ignore the way her lips felt on his, and the butterflies in his stomach as he wished the kiss lasted longer. But he knew she was drunk, and that she wouldn’t have done that any other time. 
Boy was he wrong. 
The flickering lights snap Y/n out of her daydream, and Will gets up from where he was sitting getting the attention of the others. They gathered around one another. 
“He’s here.” Will said, touching the back of his neck. 
They ran to the room where the thing was over Nancy and Eleven broke down the door. 
“Jesus.” Mike said surprised. 
“What the fuck?” Max yelled. 
Before the thing could get close, Eleven threw it against the wall, then to the other one, smashing it off the ceiling, down into the floor and then out the window. She screamed as she did so. 
“Go! Go!” Y/n yelled, pushing the children to leave as Johnathan checked on Nancy. 
When they got outside, the creature was morphing or something as it crawled down the sewer drain leaving behind what Y/n only assumed was human bones. For the first time, Y/n threw up. She ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up everything she had eaten that day. Nancy rushed over to hold her hair out of the way. 
“What happened to your head?” Nancy asked, fully noticing the girl's wound. 
“Oh uh…Billy smashed my head into a wall.” Y/n said, before throwing up again. 
Once she was done, they all went to Hopper’s cabin. Where they got cleaned up, and changed. 
“He loves you, you know?” Nancy said to Y/n as she helped wash her hair. 
“Who?” Y/n asked. 
“Steve, he loves you. Like really loves you.” Once she was done getting the soap out of Y/n’s hair she let her finish getting clean and changed. 
Y/n stays in the bathroom, ignoring the arguing until it went silent. 
“I found him.” El says. 
“Found who?” Y/n asked, leaving the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. 
El uses her powers to connect with Billy, to find the source of the mind flayer. Jonathan gets up to get the phone work to find the address. When she leaves their minds, she’s screaming and panting like she woke up from a bad dream. 
“He said he was building something. Something for me.” El mumbled. 
“He also said he was going to kill all of you.” El said. 
“Oh…well that’s nice.” Max said. 
“In this room? Oh god, he knows where we are.” Y/n said. 
Nancy goes out to the shed to grab a few shotguns, and Y/n and her posse of pre-teens board up the house. 
“Hey, away from the windows.” Y/n pointed at Mike. 
They stood in a circle as the lights flickered and the ground shook. Knocking mugs off the hooks they were on, and then suddenly it went silent. Y/n’s skin prickled with fear and anxiety awaiting its attack. It burst into the cabin with its flesh tentacle. 
One grabbing Y/n around the wrist, she looked down to see where the thing had its teeth sunk into her left wrist. She screamed in horror, her body not yet registering the pain.
It’s sticky, malleable flesh gripping her arm as its hard teeth sunk into her skin. She screamed at the knowledge that this thing was a multitude of other humans’ flesh morphed into one. And then came the pain, hot searing pain. The pain made the time she spilt boiling water on herself feel like a pinprick. The pain was blinding compared to when Billy smashed her head into the wall. Eleven was quick to destroy the thing latched onto the older girls arm, 
Everything else that happened was a blur, as Eleven destroyed two more tentacles. Then another burst from the ceiling to grab Eleven by the ankle. Max was quick to grab Eleven’s arms to prevent it from taking and killing her. The rest grabbed onto Eleven to fight against the monster threatening to take their friend as Nancy shot at the thing. Lucas chopped at its arm tentacle thing until it was detached from the monster. 
Mike grabbed the remaining arm and ripped it from Eleven’s leg, who stood up and used her powers to tear the thing apart. 
“Out! Everyone out!” Jonathan yelled as everyone piled into Nancy’s car once more. 
This time they went to a store and busted out its windows to get cleaning supplies for the wounds. With everyone’s focus on El, Y/n wandered off to grab more disinfectant and something to wrap it. Y/n’s arm was leaking blood everywhere from the puncture wounds, and her fingers on her left hand were tingling. She didn’t need to be a medical professional to know that that wasn’t good. 
She poured a bunch of disinfectant onto her arm, tears slipping from her eyes as she did so. Y/n put pressure on the punctures. 
“Will, can you uh help wrap this.” Y/n asked the younger Byers’ boy. 
“Oh, yeah yeah.” He was quick to help tightly wrap her arm, worried he was going to hurt her. 
“Will, if we don’t stop the bleeding I’m going to die. Okay? Hurt me all that’s necessary to not kill me.” 
Y/n slumped down against the shelves and closed her eyes, still holding her wrist tightly in hopes of stopping the bleeding. She must have passed out because the next thing that happened was Max shaking her awake. Jonathan helped her up and into the car, 
“I’m getting real sick of this car, keeps dragging me to doom.” Y/n mumbles as she trips over her feet. 
When they get into the mall it's eerily quiet. El messes with a car alarm to get the Russian guy’s attention. She then throws it at the two men. And four people emerge from behind a counter. Y/n sees Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Erica. 
They all rush to get to one another. 
“I’m going to kick your ass Steven.” Y/n says as she flings herself at Steve, wrapping him in a hug, “No call? You promised you’d call. We had plans, Steve.”
She pulls back from the hug, only for Steve to pull her into a kiss. The second long overdue kiss. 
“I love you, Y/n. With my whole heart, I’m in love with you.” Steve repeats over and over again once they part. 
“I love you too, Steve. Now what the fuck happened to your face?” Y/n asks, cradling his face as he holds her waist. She runs her thumbs over his bruised and bloody face. 
“Russians, what happened to yours?” Steve asks about the grime. 
“Monsters.” Y/n laughs. 
“You win, holy shit what happened to your wrist?” He shouts and grabs her wrist, pain shooting up her arm. 
“Monster.” Y/n says again, this time with no laughter. 
The two stand entangled together until Robin clears her throat. 
“Oh, um right.” Steve is quick to introduce Robin to everyone. 
“Y/n, Robin.” He gestures between the two girls. 
“Yeah I know, she was in our English. The one you were always late to.” Y/n points out. 
“Right, right.” 
The conversation is cut off when Eleven collapses to the ground. A part of the monster, still in her leg. 
“Oh my god, is that thing in me too?” Y/n asks. 
“No it doesn’t need you.” Will said. 
“Wow, way to make a girl feel special.” Y/n said. 
Robin starts going on about a soccer injury some girl had, “Hey Robin?” Steve says. 
“Not helping.” 
Eleven screams as Johnathan cuts open her left and puts his fingers in the crude incision. El stops him and uses her powers to get it out, shattering windows in the process. Hopper stomps the monster bit. They caught each other up to speed, 
Y/n and Steve stood next to each other with an arm wrapped around one another. Both scared that the other is going to disappear for days on end again. Or worse die. 
“If you ever leave me like that again, I’m beating your ass.” Y/n muttered, leaning her head against Steve’s shoulder. 
“Won’t be too hard, Dustin claims he’s never won a fight.” Robin laughs at Steve. 
Hopper gave Steve the keys to the stolen car, “Now this is what I’m talking about!” 
“Toddfather?” Robin read the plates. 
“Oh screw Todd, Steve’s her daddy now.” Steve said, getting in the driver's seat. 
“Did he just call himself daddy?” Erica asked. 
Robin looked at Y/n, “I’ve handled him all I can, your turn now.” 
“How’s he my problem?” Y/n asked. “You kissed him.” Robin said. 
“Just drive.” Dustin told Steve. 
And he did, like a madman. 
“If we make it out alive, I’m driving here on out.” Y/n told Steve. 
“Anything you want dollface.” Steve looked at her. 
“Eyes on the road.” Robin groaned. 
“Could’ve sat in the back.” Y/n was squished between Steve and Robin. 
“Suzie must be pretty special if you lugged this thing all the way up here for her.” Robin ignored the other girl.
“I mean nobody is scientifically perfect but Suzie is as close as it can get.” Dustin said with a smile. 
“She sounds made up to me, she sound made up to you?” Erica interjected, looking at Steve.
Steve didn’t say anything 
“Why’re you hesitating Steve?” Dustin asked. 
“Yeah Steven, why’re you hesitating?” Y/n teased. 
“I’m not! I’m not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally absolutely real.” Steve lied. 
Dustin continued to give directions, “There’s no road here!” Steve yelled.
Dustin yelled to turn left once more, and they went off the road. And up a steep hill. 
“Where the hell are we going, Dustin?” Y/n asked. 
Dustin just yelled that they were going “up”. The engine begins to sputter. 
“We’re not going to make it.” Robin yells. 
“Yes we are, come on baby come on!” Steve pats the steering wheel. 
The wheels of the Toddfather keep spinning, stuck. 
“Looks like even the Toddfather has its limitations.” Robin observers. 
“Well we still need to get to the top, so out, out.” Y/n says, shoving Steve out of the car to climb out after him. 
Steve smiles at her, “You’re bossy, I like it.” 
Y/n rolls her eyes at the boy's antics, “Yeah I’m bossy in life threatening situations. Now up the hill, sailor boy.” 
“Aye, aye captain.” Steve saluted. 
The five made their way up the steep hill to the radio tower that Dustin had created for Suzie. Y/n looked around, noting that it would be a beautiful spot to lay and watch the stars…if the made it out of here. 
“I told you we would take a drive and see the stars, and we are.” Steve joked, the effects of the drugs still not wearing off. 
“When this is over, I’m beating your ass.” Y/n glared. 
“Bald Eagle, this is Scoops Troop. Do you copy? Bald Eagle I repeat this is Scoops Troop do you copy?” Dustin asks over the radio. 
“Yes, I copy.” Murray’s voice sounds over the radio, sounding annoyed by the name. 
“Call sign?” Dustin asks enthusiastically. 
“Bald Eagle.” Murray sighs. 
“Please repeat.” Y/n laughs at the boy sitting on the grass. 
“Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle!” Murray yells out. 
“Copy that.” Dustin smiles, “Good to hear your voice Bald Eagle, what’s your twenty?” 
“We reached the vent, I’ll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence.” Bald Eagle was not in a good mood. 
“Roger that Bald Eagle.” Dustin said into the radio, “This is Scoops Troop, going radio silent. Ten-ten, over.” 
Steve patted Dustin’s shoulder. 
“Who pissed in his cheerios this morning?” Y/n asked, eliciting laughter from the Scoops Troop gang, “So…where have you four been. And Erica, does your mom know where you’ve been?” 
“Hey Scoops Troop, this is Bald Eagle,” Murray says the code name as if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth, “I’ve reached another junction.” 
“This is the fourth one.” Erica says. 
“All right, so if memory serves then this is right after the My Little Pony thesis,” Dustin says, making Y/n look at the young boy very confused. 
“We went left, so he needs to go,” Erica remembers. 
“Right.” Erica and Dustin say at the same time, telling Murray to go right. 
“What’s the My Little Pony thesis?” Robin asks, and something catches Y/n’s eye making her walk a little ways away from the group. 
“Hey guys…” Y/n calls out getting everyone’s attention, “I don’t mean to alarm anyone but there’s something going on in the mall…are we sure they got out of there? Because I’ve kept those kids alive for three days now, and if something happens to them the moment I leave. I’m kicking all of your asses.” Y/n started rambling, her hands shaking as every worse case scenarios runs through her mind. 
Dustin runs back over to the radio, “Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over.” He repeats himself multiple times sounding more and more terrified each time they don’t respond. 
The monster cuts him off with it’s gut wrenching screech, “Griswold Family, do you copy?” Dustin yells again. 
“Please confirm your safety! Griswold Family this is Scoops Troop, please confirm your safety.” 
Y/n feels terror rising every second there is no answer, “Fuck it, we need to get back to them. Make sure they’re safe.” She takes off towards the car. 
“Where the hell are you going?” Steve yells. 
“To get them out of there, stay here and contact the others.” Y/n trips over herself, and Steve follows her. 
Dustin tosses Robin the radio as she follows the two down the hill as well. Y/n starts the car the second she gets into the car, and barely waits for the other two teens to get in after her before she’s flooring it to get the kids, Nancy and Johnathan out of there. 
Y/n almost takes out multiple mailboxes on their way back to the mall, the incident reminding her of a few months ago when Max was driving Billy’s camaro as she tried to get Steve to wake up. 
“We’re all going to die.” Y/n muttered, in the back seat, “Come on Steve.” She stroked his hair begging him to wake up with no brain damage. His eyes began to flutter open, “Nancy?” He was facing Mike who looked at him with disgust. 
“No Steve, it’s Y/n. And the kids.” “If you’re back here then who’s driving?” He flipped out seeing the redhead in the driver's seat. 
“Hey no, it’s okay we only took out one mailbox.” 
“Does this thing go any faster?” Y/n yelled. 
“You’re pushing eighty-five…” Robin sounded concerned, but didn’t say anything if she was. 
“Well it’s clearly not fast enough, what if Billy gets to them. Or worse the monster itself? El had difficulties fighting it off at the cabin, and she’s exhausted.” Y/n rambles, slowing down only enough to take the corner and not flip the Toddfather. 
After rounding the corner she speeds back up, the Starcourt mall in sight. Y/n tears through the parking lot seeing Billy’s blue camaro speeding towards Nancy and the kids. Without thinking, Y/n crashes the stolen car into Billy’s. 
“You okay?” She asks Steve and Robin. 
“As for tomorrow?” Robin asks. 
Y/n nods her head, before hoisting herself up to look at the monster climbing on the mall.
 “Holy shit.” Robin mumbles at seeing the monster. 
“Get in!” Nancy yells from inside her car. 
The three hop out of the newly destroyed Toddfather, and climb into Nancy’s trunk. 
“Go go go go go.” Lucas and Steve yell as Steve closes the back. 
The monster follows the car as they drive off. Y/n took a moment and laid her head on Steve’s shoulder. Steve panting hard as Dustin’s voice comes through the radio. 
“Suzie.” Robin says. 
“See she’s real.” Y/n laughs, her eyes closed not wanting to see the monster chasing them. 
Dustin and Suzie burst into song, singing “Neverending Story”, which would be endearing if there wasn’t a monster chasing their car.
“It’s turning around!” Steve screams. 
“What?” Jonathan asks. 
“It’s turning around!” Steve repeats. 
“Everyone hold on!” Jonathan yells and flips the car around. 
“And I thought my driving was bad.” Y/n muttered, eyes opening when she was flung around in the back. 
Y/n was starting to feel the consequences of the last few days, the injuries and lack of sleep finally seeping in. 
“We need to get to El, Billy doesn’t care about Max and Mike so they’re fairly safe. But El is in mortal danger.” Y/n voiced her worries out loud. 
“Hey, hey we’re going to get there in time and we’re going to kick ass and save her. Got it?” Steve pulled her closer into his side. 
They made it to Starcourt mall soon after the monster did, Robin, Y/n and Steve hopping out the back and making their way inside. Lucas and Will grabbed the fireworks from on top of the car. Everyone took a box of fireworks and ran to different parts of the balcony. 
Looking down Y/n saw El laying on  the ground and Billy standing between her and the monster, not in a protective manner that she had when standing between the kids and Billy. 
“Flay this you ugly piece of shit!” Lucas screamed and tossed a lit firework at the flayed monster. 
The firework flying into its mouth and exploding in an array of yellow and orange bursts. Nancy and Johnathan threw fireworks from another angle at the monster.
“Hey asshole, taste this!” Steve yelled, throwing fireworks at the fleshy creature. 
Y/n took her chances and ran down the now unmoving escalator to grab Eleven. 
“Robin, where's Y/n?” Steve asked, looking around on the balcony not seeing the girl he had been in love with for years. 
“Uh…” Robin looked around, “She’s down there. With El.” She pointed to where the girl was rushing to the younger girl. 
Y/n was running to where the girl laid on her back, staring at the monster in horror. Billy had fallen on his knees next to the girl. Y/n reached the girl, and tried to help her up. But Billy was quicker, and stronger and grabbed Y/n, throwing her to the side like a rag doll. Y/n’s already damaged head hit the ground, and she was out. 
“Y/n!” Steve screamed, seeing her body laying off to the side. 
“Not now Steve, we have to get the monster before anything.” Robin reminded him. 
Steve nodded and kept lighting and throwing fireworks at the monster.
“We’re out!” Pretty much at the same time everyone ran out. 
Max and Mike ran into the food court to see Billy on top of El, before he got up. As the monster struck and El flinched, Billy stuck his arms out and the monster got him instead of the young girl on the ground. 
Billy screamed and the monster impaled him, through the chest. 
“Billy!” Max screamed in horror as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. 
Joyce must have closed the gates because the monster’s tentacle/arms started flinging everywhere and it finally collapsed. Max ran over to the dying Billy, begging him to wake up. 
Steve ran down to where Y/n’s limp body laid, “Come on Y/n, you can’t die on me.” He mumbled while pulling her body onto his lap and began checking for a pulse. 
A sigh of relief left his mouth when he felt her faint pulse. When the paramedics came in they practically had to pry her body out of his grasp. 
“What are you doing with her?” Steve yelled, not trusting that they were here to save them.
“We are trying to help your girlfriend here. Now, if you would let us that would be great. Or we’re going to have to sedate you.” The paramedic finally got to him and Steve let them lift her body onto a stretcher. 
They rushed her to the hospital, Steve left the food court with Robin to get checked out by the paramedics. 
“I can’t lose her.” Steve said to Robin as they sat on the back of a firetruck. 
“You’re in love, Dingus. And she loves you too, not sure why.” Robin joked with the boy. 
“She’s my best friend,” Steve continued. 
“Best friends don’t kiss like that, Steve.” Robin mentioned.
“She’s everything to me, she got me through highschool. Y/n is the only reason I passed any of my classes. She wouldn’t let me go until I finished my homework.” Steve rambled. 
“Hey, isn’t that her mom?” Robin asked, seeing a worried older woman searching around. 
“Oh god, yeah.” Steve got up to go talk to her. 
“Steve! Oh thank god, where’s Y/n?” Ms. L/n asked, looking around. 
“She’s alive, they uh…took her up to the hospital. Her head, it uh…got pretty banged up. And her arm…she lost a lot of blood. But she’s okay, alive I mean.” Steve rambled to Y/n’s mom. 
“Steve, are you okay?” Y/n’s mom cut him off seeing his injuries. 
“Um, yeah yeah.” Steve forgot about his own injuries.
“Let’s go to the hospital okay? Go see where she is.” Ms. L/n said. 
“One moment.” Steve said, looking back at Robin. 
“I’ll be in the car.” 
Steve ran back to Robin, “You’re okay right? If you’re not I can stay until your parents get here, or-” 
Robin cut Steve off, “Go see Y/n, I’ll call to check up on her tomorrow.” 
Steve nodded and ran to find Y/n’s mom who was waiting in her car. The car ride was silent, even though Ms. L/n had so many questions she decided it was best to not ask any until later. Steve’s right leg bounced up and down nervously in the passenger seat, and he picked at his nails. A habit that Y/n would always scold him for. 
The car had barely turned off when Steve and Ms. L/n were making their way into the hospital. 
“Hello, how can I help you?” The receptionist asked. 
“What room is Y/n L/n in?” Her mother wasted no time in asking where her daughter was. 
“Visiting hours are over.” The reception said. 
“I am her mother, I demand to know what room my daughter is in!” Y/n’s mother yelled. 
“Ma’am, I understand that you want to know where she is,” 
“No, I haven’t heard from my baby in days only to find out from her boyfriend that she has been taken to the hospital!” Ms. L/n screamed, losing it. 
If Steve weren’t scared for the receptionist, he would have blushed from being called Y/n’s boyfriend. They hadn’t talked about that, they were still best friends for all Steve knew. 
“She’s in room 204.” The receptionist said, and Ms. L/n took no time rushing to her daughter’s room with Steve close behind. 
When they entered the room they saw Y/n laying in the bed. She had an IV stuck in her right arm, and fresh bandages on her left. Her head also had fresh white bandages wrapped around her head, much better than the job she had done. 
“So, what all happened?” Ms. L/n asked, taking a seat on Y/n’s right in one of those white plastic chairs. 
“I don’t know if I’m at liberty to say, I wasn’t with her the whole time. Um…Robin, Dustin and Erica were kidnapped by Russians. Russians, can you believe it? And they drugged Robin and I, and uh beat us up. We didn’t get out of there until a few hours ago. Eleven saved us from Russian guards with guns, Eleven can do telekinesis, ya know with her brain.” Steve took a moment to pause, still standing in the doorway of the hospital room. 
“Right, uh you didn’t know that. The lab, you know the Hawkins lab? It was experimenting on people, El was one of those people. But she escaped a while ago, and Mike, Lucas, and Dustin found her one night when they were looking for Will. Y/n helped house Eleven, without your knowing of course. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that…don’t be mad at Y/n she was just helping out.” Steve rambled. 
“Steve, I’m not mad. But get back to what happened tonight.” She told him, looking away from Y/n only for a moment. 
“Right, so Y/n and the kids came into the mall to save our butts. And uh…we went to the highest point in Hawkins because Dustin built this radio tower to talk to Suzie. Suzie is his girlfriend who lives in Utah. And then we saw the lights at the Starcourt mall going crazy, and Y/n said ‘we have to go save them’. Because Nancy and the kids were still at the mall, they were supposed to be going to Murray’s as they closed the gate, but Billy messed with Nancy’s car so they couldn’t leave.” Steve continued, only occasionally losing Y/n’s mom. 
“And so Y/n drove like it was the Indie five-hundred or something, and she crashed the stolen car into Billy’s. Because he was going to hit Nancy and the kids, Y/n really loves those kids ya know?” Steve looked at Y/n for a moment, “Um and then we got into Nancy’s car…to draw the monster away from the Mall. We left Mike, Max and El behind so they were out of harm's way, because the monster was after Eleven because yeah. And then the monster turned around to go to the mall, and when we got there Billy had gotten El and the monster was ready to kill her. So Y/n went down to try and save Eleven…but Billy threw Y/n and she hit her head really hard…” Steve trailed off remembering the terror he had felt less than a hour ago. 
“Thank you, Steve.” Y/n’s mother whispered. 
“Why? For what?” Steve was very confused. 
“For protecting her, I know she’s hurt but I also know that you did your all to make sure nothing happened to her.” Ms. L/n started to tear up, looking at her daughter. 
Steve finally making his way into the room and sat on the other side of Y/n. 
Both of them ended up falling asleep, Steve leaning his head on her bed but being careful to not bump her injured arm. Her mom dozing off every once and a while but mainly staying up, worried Y/n will suddenly disappear again. 
Around seven in the morning Y/n woke up, panic filling her body from the unknown room. Steve shot up when Y/n started thrashing around. 
“Hey, Y/n it's okay you’re in the hospital. The flayed are gone.” Steve tried to calm Y/n, who just nodded. 
A few hours later the doctors came in to check her out again and to inform them that she will be able to leave the next day. Y/n had visitors come and go. 
“Steve, please go home and shower.” Y/n begged, Steve hadn’t left her side the entire time. 
He was still covered in grime and in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, “I can’t, because if I leave now…what if something happens? I can’t lose you Y/n.” 
“Steve, I’m not going anywhere. But darling, you smell and your hair is sticking together.” Y/n said, running a hand through his disgusting hair, “Even my mom has gone home.” 
“Y/n,” Steve pauses, looking her in the eye, “I love you.” “Steve, I love you too.” Y/n smiles. 
“No, Y/n. I’m in love with you.” Steve’s voice got quieter. 
“Steve, I’m in  love with you.” Y/n continued to smile. 
“Now kiss, or let us in.” The kids had shown up and Dustin was fake gagging. 
“Whatever, come on in.” Y/n rolled her eyes. 
“Thank god you’re alive, we like you better.” Lucas says to the girl sitting in the bed. 
“I’m flattered, you guys only like me because I buy you extra candy at the movies.” Y/n smiles, happy to be surrounded by the whole gang. 
Maybe this wasn’t the plan, but it sure was a lot better than the plan.
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Too Late
BIlly Hargrove x flayed!fem!!reader
Word Count: 900
Warnings: angst, the reader being flayed though it isn’t very detailed 
Author’s Note: i’m not sure how i feel about this one but writing for billy is such a treat i don’t even care <3
Requested: by anon, billy hargrove x flayed!reader 👀 ive been thinking about him having to work along side the party and i have been craving angst 👁👁 
Summary: the request ! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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It should’ve been him. That’s all he could think about when he was driving his car down the street back home from work. It should’ve been him driving on that street that night. It should’ve been him but no, it was you. You had said you would meet Karen Wheeler just to give her a piece of your mind. He let you go. He never had any actual intention of meeting Karen. He figured standing her up would get her off his back. 
But you never came back home. 
Something else had come back in your place. 
Billy had been waiting in your bedroom, the window open since he had crawled through it. You had come back and practically ignored his presence. Your tone was even. Your eyes were dead. He knew you better than anyone else in this world and he knew that whatever was there, it wasn’t you. 
Billy took a sharp turn. He had seen Max at work earlier. He couldn’t believe he was going to his step sister for help. It was stupid. He would just be admitting defeat. She likely wouldn’t even believe him. But he couldn’t go to his dad or step mom. 
He did a u turn on the road, turning back to work. Thankfully for him, Max was walking with her friends on the side of the road, their voices raised. Clearly whatever they were talking about was intense. 
He pulled over to the side of the road, swallowing his pride. 
He wouldn’t ask for help ever. Not unless he thought something was wrong with you. 
“What?” Max asked, voice still as filled with acid as it had always been when she was talking to her brother. She was flanked by the party, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will and Eleven. He didn’t know any of them by name. 
“You guys need a ride?” he asked. 
“Sick of trying to run us over?” Mike spat. Billy almost sped away right there but then he remembered how you had looked at him the night before. 
Like you had no idea who he was. 
“Just get in.”
Warily, Max got into the passenger seat of the car. Everyone else piled behind the two of them and then Billy was driving again. 
“Where are we going?” Max questioned. Billy cleared his throat. 
“You guys dealing with...anything out of the ordinary lately?” he asked brgrudegnly. 
“Maybe,” Mike said, leaning forward. “Why? Are you?” He glanced at Max who was watching him intently. His eyes flicked in the rearview mirror at the host of eyes on him now. 
“Y/N came home last night.” 
“As she usually does. Is this story going to include something gross?” Max questioned, arms crossed. He shook his head, clenching his teeth. He turned his wheel so that they were parked on the side of the street. He needed to not be driving when he tried to explain what he saw in you. 
“Her body came home but…she didn’t,” he said, staring straight ahead. He tried to imagine how you would tell them if it was him in your place. 
“What do you mean?” Dustin questioned. 
“She was dead in the eye. And then I went to check her car and it looked like she had gotten into a crash.”
“Maybe she just has a concussion.”
“Why wouldn’t she tell me she had crashed her car?” he asked, looking at Max.
They stared at each other for a moment. Max seemed to recognize what he was trying to get across. He wouldn’t be asking them for help if he wasn’t sure that whatever happened to you, wasn’t normal. 
He also looked more desperate than she had ever seen him. 
It was nice to know Billy had feelings beyond anger. He really did love you. 
“Okay. Where is she now?”
You were at the pool still. It’s where Billy had left you. You were in a couple layers which was odd for you anyway. You usually only liked a robe over your swimsuit when you were around. Max observed you quietly, arms crossed. She had met you plenty of times before. You and Billy had been going out for a couple of months now. 
You slid off the lifeguard seat. You saw Billy, you locked eyes with him, and you kept walking. He tried to hide his devastation as best as he could. “If she were normal her tongue would be down his throat,” Max explained. “That isn’t normal.” “You could say that again,” Billy muttered. “You got a plan on how to get her back to normal?” “We don't even know what’s wrong with her yet,” Dustin said. “Let’s just hope we aren’t already too late.”
Stranger Things Tag List: @dpaccione, @karasong, @elisaa-shelby, @purple-flamingo, @trinswhimsys, @valentina-luvs-u, @demigirl-with-problems, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @mads-weasley, @alexxavicry, @secret-obsessions-21-blog, @mystic-writings, @plumes-de-nuit, @linkxneptune
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Playing With Fire~ Flayed B.H
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Words : 3.2K words
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @steddieandstonathansprincess @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
Summary : Flayed takes interest in you after you have been following him a couple times, you finally ask him to speak to Billy. He grants it to you but the second time comes with a dangerous price.
He grin grows hearing the mutter of your voice as you slap the flashlight in your hands trying to get it to work. He heard you from a mile away entering the abandon factory where he has been tryin to figure out how you could track him. It was the first time you had track him down and he was growing frustrated in hiding away from you. 
Each step you took has alerted him you were close and ready to pounce on him if needed. He licked his lips as he sat against one of the walls hidden away from your sight with his legs outstretched. His hair matted down and strands stuck against his face and forehead as sweat roll down his cheeks. 
The goosebumps on your arms crawled like little ants and you felt that shiver down your spine. Not the same one that Will has when he felt the MindFlyer was around. Not that. You knew you were close. 
“ I’m not afraid” you stated. Flayed raised his eyebrow in amusement on what you were tying to get at. If you weren’t afraid of him then what did you exactly in hopes of doing.  His lips drew in a thin line as his mind wondered what did you want from him. He has taken your Billy away from you and here you were fighting to get to him.
You were warned to stay away from him. Flayed was dangerous in his own way. You had seen it with Heather, with her parents and you seen him struggling in fighting his own mind. Deep down a part of you wants to know if Billy was in there, swimming in his own fear as he waited and watched. 
“ You won’t hurt me” you spoke up. Your voice wasn’t even shaky or sounding like you were scared which made Flayed more interested in you. He thought you were like the others, pathetic, useless and no human was worth it to him.
Now, it was turning into something different and Flayed was interested. 
“ You would of done it by now” your voice was drawing closer where Flayed rested and he chuckled to himself thinking you are such a brave girl to walk alone, with nothing with her but a flashlight. 
You rounded the corner just where he sat at when his body rose up and pins you to the other wall with narrow eyes, the veins on his body visible as he glared at you through matted strands of hair. 
“ Isn’t it past your best time?” He mumbles. Part of his arms is holding you by the neck as you were pressed against the wall while looking at him. 
“ I’m not 12” He snickers as he eyes you up and down. 
“ You know, kitten. You have a pretty face, tell me. Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked. He removes his arm away from your neck as he steps back. You were right, he wasn’t going to hurt you. 
“ You took that away from me, remember?” Flayed hummed as he licked his lips with a grin. It wasn’t a grin that was inviting. It was more cold and sinister. 
“ That’s right, poor Billy is washed away like a pathetic little puppy that he is. Always crying to be saved. Always looking for a way out…” 
Your eyes blinked as tears began to shield your vision hearing him.
“ Is Billy still there?” Flayed scoffed at the mention of “ Billy.” 
“ Can I talk to him?” You thought asking Flayed in person, alone, he would let you even if it was for a couple of minutes. Flayed chuckled as he clapped his hands like he had an audience. 
“ Oh you’re funny one” Flayed points a finger at you as he laughs. His laughs stops after a few moment seeing you weren’t joking. “ Did you really think?” He takes a step towards you. You remained standing still showing you weren’t afraid of him. “ By coming to find me, I would let you talk to that nobody?”
Your eyes blink away the tears with your fist by your side clenching them as tight. You felt like you were holding your breath in feeling him come closer and his glare harden.
“ You don’t get to make any decisions here. I’m in control…” he says as he’s hovering above you. You rose your head to meet his gaze. His eyes held nothing but hollowness in them. 
You know he doesn’t feel. You know he has no feelings but yet you stand there, wanting to save him. Save your Billy. 
You rose your hand up confusing Flayed on what you were doing as he watches your hand in mid air and catches it. 
“ What are you doing?” He asks. “ I don’t want to be touched.” 
You stared into those cold and lifeless eyes as his face was completely blank. 
“ I’m not going to hurt you” is what he hears that perks his interest. He’s hesitant at first and scans your face making sure you weren’t joking and lets go off your hand. Your hand slowly rests on his chest. 
He’s in the white tank top that is mixed with sweat and there are some sort of grease splatter too. Your fingertips feel warm on his body. He shifts away as he hisses at the feeling. 
“ It’s just me” you tell him. He hesitates but lets you touch him again. Your hand slides up towards his face. Your fingertip hit his lips first feeling the coldness of his lips. They don’t look to full color rather chapped and a little blue for your liking. 
Flayed stands there in slight freight at your touch. He likes it. It slightly burns and he lets it watching your fingertip trace his lips. He watches your teeth nibbling on the bottom of your lips as you keep your focus on him. Your fingertips trace over his cheeks where Flayed can’t help but flutter his eyes closed at the touch. 
He doesn’t notice as his face leans into your touch and he feels a sort of calming over him. The burn has vanished as well. 
Your fingertips go into his matted hair and brush away the strands from his face that you can see his face clearer. His eyes fly open as he steps back, shaking his head and refusing to accept whatever this was. 
“ Enough” he says. “ What do you want?” 
A deep frown appears on your face and your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“ What are you talking about?” 
He chuckles, “ Don’t play dumb with me, kitten. You’ve been always trying to find me and for what? To be a savior? To magically think you’re capable of doing anything. You’re nothing. Just like you precious Billy.” 
“ GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!” You yelled, raising your words. Flayed blinked a couple of time as dark look crosses his face.
“ Kitten…” he warns. 
“ I said, give him back to me. You’ve had your fun” Flayed threw his head back as he laughed. 
“ I see why Billy likes you, you’re cute” he says reaching over and patting your head since he isn’t used to any kind of affection let alone know what a kiss is. He moves around you making his way up the stairs where you turn around staring at his back in confusion. 
“ Where are you going? We aren’t done with the conversation” Flayed doesn’t seem like he’s hearing you as he carries on making his way up. 
“ I’m not talking to a wall, am I?” You followed the way he went which he picked up as he turned around to look, rolling his eyes in annoyance. 
“ You know, I’m a person that uses her mouth to talk and I mean, how hard could it be for you…I don’t know.. use your words?”
“ You’re such a comedian, kitten” he finally speaks making his way outside of the factory. 
“ Oh thank you” Flayed groans hearing you follow him as he heads towards the Camaro parked to the side. You can see the damage from it still there when Billy must of crashed and your heart crashes into your stomach thinking of how helpless Billy must of felt and scared. 
“ Finally you’re quiet, something the matter?” Flayed eyes follow where you were looking at. The part of the Camaro that is damaged. He chuckles and wave his hand. 
“ That’s just a scratch” your eyes turn to his, glaring. 
“  Let me talk to him” you pleaded, “ It’s the least you could do and I won’t follow you anymore if you let me talk to him.” 
Flayed thinks this over, he likes that you keep finding him. He likes that you’re clever. He likes this game but he can see the desperation on your face too. He rolls his eyes. 
“ Clock will be ticking, kitten. I will be watching too.” 
Flayed hunches over the Camaro like he’s in pain and you rush to his side not thinking that he’s going to hurt you or worse but rathe you were worried something bad was happening. 
“ Are you okay?’ You placed your hand on his bare shoulder and you hear pants, a deep breathe take in and the head turns as you lock eyes with eyes that you have missed so much. They were full of apologies, full of I miss you’s and full of love. 
“ Billy?” You asked, eyes filling up with tears and that one nod was it all it took for you to crash into his arms and hold him like your life depended on it. Billy wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into your hair, breathing in your scent. He closed his eyes as tears shed down his cheeks. He was holding you. It’s all he wanted. 
“ I miss you so much” you mumble into his tank top drenching it with your own tears Billy could only squeeze you tighter. 
“ I’m going to save you” you continued thinking he’s heard it and it was safe to tell him. Billy pulls away as he stared down at you with worry in his eyes. 
“ He’s going to hurt you, I need you to stay away from him doll.” 
“ No” you shake your head,  “ I need you to come back to me.” 
You could tell by the small smile on his face that he was still here and that Flayed was giving you some time. 
“ I can’t, he has the control and I can’t come back to you no matter how hard I try” he says through his tears. You cup his face with the both of your hands and leans up on your toes resting your forehead against his. 
“ Come back to me” you pleaded, “ I needed you.” 
It broke Billy to see you like this but there was nothing he could do because Flayed was in control. Billy knew he was losing himself feeling Flayed fighting to come back, he pulls you into him and crashes his lips against yours wanting to remember the feeling of your lips against his. He wants a taste. A remembrance. 
You kissed him back, letting him hold you as tears shed down your cheeks feeling him slip away as hands squeezed at your hips as a tongue shoves into your mouth. But you quickly pull away seeing it was Flayed who was back.
“ Missed me, kitten? You know it’s quite rude to pull away when someone you love is kissing you” 
You scoffed, “ I don’t love you and you don’t know anything about it.” 
He laughs, “ I don’t, but you are so desperate for it that I thought I’d play your game.” 
“ Love isn’t a game” He rolls his eyes and lets you go. 
“ It’s pointless” He says as he walks over to the driver side of the Camaro. “ Where are you going?” You asked. 
“This again” he mumbles to himself and walks back over with his hands folded together like he’s praying as he eye levels with you.
“I’m going” he says like he’s talking to a childish that doesn’t understand any English. “ and you” he points to you with his index finger, “ can go home or whatever place you came from” he says moving his around him. “ Does that make it clear?” 
“ I am not a child. I can understand what your saying. I’m not going home. I’m coming with you” Flayed pinches the bridge of his nose feeling quite annoyed with you and he’s about done with this.
“ What do you want from me?” He asks calmly. He feels the anger risen in him. He is about ready to get into the car and drives off, leaving you behind.
“ I want you to give Billy back to me” Flayed jaw clenches tight as his hand drops from his face. 
“ What are you not understanding here is, I am in control. Little girls like you do not give me orders and I’m not going to give you your Billy back. You don’t need him.” 
“ I love him!” You yelled with fist by your sides. 
“ I love him!” Flayed mocks you doing the same thing you were doing with his own fists. 
“ Stop that!” Flayed mocks you agains as he throws in a smirk.
“ You’re so annoying” you mumble pushing at his chest where he pretends to stumble back like you had some affect on him when he’s much stronger than he looks. He leans against the hood of the car with amusement written on your face. 
“ I could beat you up” you continued to mumble which brought more amusement to Flayed. “ You’re so full of shit too” you added which he didn’t miss because he chuckled after you said it. 
“ You talk a big game of being this big bad wolf and yet, you let me talk to Billy. Is Flayed going soft?” You teased. 
Flayed frowned and stood up from the hood making his way over to the driver side and getting in his Camaro. He was about done with you and this game you were playing with him. 
“ Wait, you’re seriously not going to give me a ride home?” You asked coming up to the window. He doesn’t answer you and starts the car. His foot presses on the gas leaving you alone near the abandon factory. 
You kicked an imaginary rock muttering to yourself on how you could be so stupid letting him leave you like this. You looked around to see if there would be a passing car driving by but there was nothing. Not even a soul out here. 
A chill ran up your spine as you tapped on the flashlight muttering for it to turn on and headed towards home, where you thought was home. You didn’t hear the roaring of a car driving your way as you were too focused on looking where you were stepping. The car rolls next to you. 
“ Get in” the voice speak which you thought you imagined at first but you don’t notice the person even step out the car before you were grabbed by your wrist. 
“ What the-“ you were cut off with the person throwing them over your shoulder and you eyes catch on a familiar pair of jeans and the ass you know. He puts you in the passenger side seat without a word and goes to his side as he gets into the car. 
“ You came back for me” you happily reach to grab his arm but he tugs it away. 
“ Yeah, so I don’t need to hear you whining to me the next time you wound up finding me. You’re annoying too, always talking an ear off. Can you just shut up for once? I don’t know how he tolerated you..” Flayed says. 
Sometimes words do hurt and he was using those words to hurt you. You sank into your seat staring at the window at the passing trees. You muttered where to go while trying not to talk to him. Just like he liked it. 
He parks the car in front of your house and doesn’t look at you. 
“ Thanks for the ride” he waves off with his hand and points to the door. 
“ You know, I’m the only one that seems to reach out to you and care. I know you don’t have feelings but you should consider this as a mutual bearing or alliance you can say.” 
His cold and hallow eyes turn to look at you.
“ Get out” he says. 
“ Fine” you muttered, getting out of the car and making sure to slam the door of the Camaro throwing a finger at him. 
Later that night when your in your room, reading a book and too lost into that you don’t notice a figure slip into your room and the next thing you knew was your book being ripped out of your hands thrown across the room.
“ Hey!” You shouted, locking eyes with those very cold, empty looking eyes as they stared down at you. He stood there motionless like something was speaking to him inside his head but it wasn’t exactly that. It was the fact that he’s been thinking. 
Flayed doesn’t think. He does. 
“ What are you doing in my room?” The question you asked goes unanswered. He’s standing like a statue lost in his own world. You had no idea weather to scramble to the phone to call Steve Harrington for help or get him to talk to you. 
He didn’t like to talk, that you knew. Your eyes drop to the phone in the corner which he picks up on because he saw it when he crawled through your window. 
“ Don’t even think about it” he says. 
“ Or what?” The next thing you know is he has you pinning on your bed with your hands above your head. “ That” he answers. 
There is a big wide smirk on his face while he gazes down at you. There is something about that interest him. Weather he finds you annoying with everything you do or the fact that the feeling of your lips made him crave you.
His face leans down and his eyes flutter closed. You are getting the gist of what he wants. You move your head to the side which he notices and pulls away slightly. 
“ What now?”  He asks. 
“ If I let you kiss me, will you let me talk to Billy again?” Flayed eyes squint as he growls. 
“ Why do you even want him?” 
“ Because I love him” Flayed rolled his eyed with heavy sigh.
“  Make the kiss good and we will see” He mutters, leaning down again as his lips brushes against yours. Your breath hitches feeling his lips on yours, they feel a lot different than compared to Billy’s. 
The kiss is surprisingly soft this time, not tongue even happen as he kisses you like you were about to break. He pulls away slightly and his eyes open.
“ Was that good?” He answers you by leaning back down capturing your lips with another kiss. He likes this. He really does. He lets go off your hands and they wound up going into his matted hair that you brush away. 
He pulls away again and this time you see that it’s your boyfriend Billy. Flayed gave in and allowed you to have Billy back.
This time, the clock wasn’t ticking because Flayed hid away angering at himself on what this was between the two of you. He liked kissing you and he was growing scared about it. 
“ Billy” you spoke his name. Flayed on the inside wasn’t too happy how that sounded. 
“ Doll” your boyfriend spoke with a growing smile on his face, collapsing in your arms as he mumbles how much he missed you. 
You were scared too. Scared to have the limited time with your boyfriend before you were playing games with Flayed again. 
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daddystevee · 5 years
Crashing Down
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(steve harrington x hopper!reader / billy hargrove x hopper!reader)
I called in sick to work yesterdayyyy- so that means you guys get a piece of this story! Yay I tried outlining the chapter last night and I think it worked. I’ve got all my thoughts together and in order?? This chapter is gonna be kinda crappy- just because I can’t really figure out how to approach the next couple of episodes. Bleh anyways enjoy. :)) ALRIGHT Update @ 12:47am.. I started working on this at like 2 pm? Ahaha but I honestly did NOT think that I had this much material in my head for this episode like ?? ALSO i think there is only gonna be like 3 parts left i think :( but anyway kjsfhdsufhdfj​- if you wanna be tagged just lmk <3
catch up here
Warnings: Angst, angst and MORE angst
Part 6/9?
Word count: 2.2k 
Summery: Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world just come crashing down, but it’s a good thing that you have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall.
Upon arriving at home, ice cream in hand, you kicked off your shoes. Before going to the couch you stopped in the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was on the counter. 
You plop down on the couch and get comfortable, grabbing the remote off of the side table you turn the TV. You spend the night watching whatever comes on the small box at the front of your room, overindulging in ice cream and whiskey, knowing damn well you’ll wake up with a hangover in the morning.
The sound of a car engine and headlights wakes you up from your sleep causing you to groan in annoyance. You get up and go over to the window to see none other than Joyce carrying your dad out of her car.
You open the door and run down the steps of the cabin to the car to offer some help. Once you guys get Hopper settled in on the couch, she starts to tell you about everything that has happened to them. How her magnets have been falling off of the fridge and that there might be a giant magnetic machine that’s causing them to fall off of her fridge and how she thinks that it’s all related to the lab.
“Wait a minute, the lab? As in Hawkins Lab? I thought they closed everything off, and filled all the holes and what not.”
“They did, all of the holes are filled. But we were sitting there, just talking and then everything just happened so fast and all at once. Someone else was there, trying to prevent us from snooping around.. It’s like they were..” 
“Hiding something..” you finished her sentence deep in thought.You were thinking about everything that has been happening recently.
Dustin, Robin and Steve intercepting a ‘Secret Russian code?’, El sensing that something was wrong with Billy, and now this? Was it all tied together?
“And then your dad, of course had to go do something about it and got into this fight with some guy riding a motorcycle. So I uh, brought him back here to fix him up.” 
You nodded your head and let her do her thing and work on hopper, cleaning the gash on his head and making sure he didn’t puke anywhere or anything. So with that you went to your room and fell asleep with ease, thanks to the alcohol.
The house was quiet, except for the phone ringing off the hook. Who ever they were had been calling for the last 30 minutes and weren’t giving up. You would think that they would get the hint. 
You rush out of your room to answer the phone with annoyance,
“Can I help you?” you ask rather loudly
“Y/N, This is Mike. Something happened, something bad. Our lives could be at stake.” 
“What are you talking about?”
“Go get El and Max, they turned off their walkies. Just come over to my house and we’ll explain everything.”
And then the line goes dead. You figured that this probable was extremely important, connecting all of the dots from last night. You jump in the shower, throw some clothes on and head to Max’s house to pick up the girls.
Once you got to the Wheeler’s house, Will tells you all that he had been having bad feelings recently. You sit there and listen to them all talk about it. About the Mind Flayer.
“I’ve felt it before, whenever he was close.”
Max obviously seems confused, “Whenever who is close?”
“The Mind Flayer.” You say with a dazed look on your face, thinking about everything that has happened in the last two years. You shake your head to try to get rid of the thoughts and tune back in to their conversation.
But you just can’t seem to focus on anything, they then start talking about the Mind Flayer attaching itself to someone, and how you can tell if someone is a host. El and Max give each other a knowing look. You look at the two with an arched eyebrow but face filled with worry. 
“You don’t think it’s..”
The next thing you know you’re all piling into your truck and headed to the pool, once again.
The kids pile out of the truck and start talking about Billy and how he looks normal but not normal enough. The boys run off and go into the men’s locker room to talk about who knows what. But they come out and tell you their plan.
The plan was to get Billy into the sauna, trap him in there, and blast the heat to see if anything happens. It was a scary concept but it would get you the information you needed to know. 
As much of an asshole as Billy had been over the last few days- no weeks, you really hoped that it wasn’t him. 
While the others were gathering some supplies, you and Max stood at the car to watch Billy. 
“Max, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, of course.” she said while using the binoculars to look at Billy.
“Do you think that this is just one big sign? I mean he’s been kind of asshole-ish recently and hasn’t really wanted to be around me as much. I mean even before all of this Mind Flayer stuff.”
She just kind of stood there staring off at Billy, and she shrugged.
“It could be, he’s always been a grade A asshole to me so I don’t know. You know I love you a lot, and you’re the older sister I’ve never had, but I’ve always thought you deserved better. You deserve someone who’s gonna make time to see you, to spend time with you. To make you feel like you’re good enough, someone who’s always gonna take care of you. To be there for you with open arms and to make you laugh harder than your stomach can handle.” she says finally turning to look to you with this sort of ‘all knowing’ look in her eyes and a smirk on her face, “Maybe someone who has a big heart, 6 kids and a head full of floppy of brown hair?”
You blush as roll your eyes and cross your arms, sending a glare her way.
“Max, it’s not like that. He’s my best friend, that’s it.”
“That’s what your mouth says.” she says with the same smirk on her face.
You nudge her with your elbow and she goes back to looking at Billy through the binoculars,
“God I hope it’s not you, I really hope it’s not you.”
Later that night, after everything was set up in place, it was time to initiate, the ‘Sauna Test’. The six of you stood behind a wall waiting for everything to fall into place, and boy was it a scary time. You hear Mike taunting him and Billy does not seem enthused about it. 
When Billy walks into the sauna, El walks out right behind him. She sends him flying into the wall and slams the door closed with her powers. The boys put the locks and restraints on the door and you all stand in a group away from the door.
“Do it” Max says 
They turn the heat on and Billy starts freaking out and yelling, then the next thing you know he’s on the floor crying pleading for help and saying that its not his fault. Max goes to walk up towards the door, but you hold an arm out in front of her so she can’t go. 
Instead, you walk up to the door.
“What’s not your fault Billy?”
“I’ve done things Y/N, really bad things. I don’t mean to, he made me do it.”
“Who did baby? Who made you do it?” 
Seeing Billy in this kind of state made your heart break, it wasn't very often that you got to see this vulnerable side of him. Tears started forming in your eyes.
“I don’t know, it’s like a shadow. A giant shadow. Please babe.”
Max then appears next to you looking in at her older brother.
“What did he make you do?”
“It’s not my fault, okay? Max please!” he cries out in what seemed like pain.
You look over to Max who had tears streaming down her face. She doesn’t deserve to be seeing this, you wrap an arm around her and pull her in close. She tries reassuring him that everything is gonna be okay and that he needs to just talk to us and we can get it all worked out.
“Guys, get away from the door” you hear from behind you
“What?” you say in confusion
“GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!” Mike yells as Billy smashed his head through the glass of the sauna door.
You push Max away as Billy grips onto your wrist and starts twisting.
As he finished that sentence Lucas launches a rock, hitting billy in the forehead sending him back to the ground. The two of you scurry back over to the rest of the group as all of the lights start flashing. Similar to how the lights were flashing at the Byers’ house a few years prior, while fighting the demogorgon with Steve, Nancy and Jonathan.
“Guys, this isn’t good, this really isn’t good..”
You hear Billy yell, and you all turn back to face him and he’s got black veins covering his entire body. You stood in front of the 5 teens, in hopes to try to protect them if necessary.
Billy suddenly broke down the door and came tumbling onto the ground in front of you. You stuck your arms out to the side and push the kids back behind you as far as you could in those short seconds. El then pushed around your side and took her place in between you and Billy.
Using her powers, she lifted one of the weights in the room and sent it and Billy flying into the wall behind them. Hoping to maybe choke him out, but the Flayed Billy was stronger than her powers.
He pushed the bar away and walked over to El, who was now on the floor. He grabbed her hair and yanked her up then picked her up by her throat, choking her.
“BILLY NO! LET GO OF MY SISTER YOU ASSHOLE!” you yelled with all your might as you slammed into him trying to knock him out of the way and maybe drop your sister. Which worked for the most part but was now focused on you. Mike had run over to El to help her back up onto her feet.
You turned around to grab the pole that was holding the door in place, and went to swing at Billy but he grabbed it and sent it flying across the room almost hitting Will, Max and Lucas. Who were all watching with scared eyes.
Billy started walking towards you and had you backed into the corner of the room when he suddenly was levitating in the air. El walked around him to stand in front of you and screamed as she send Billy through the wall. 
She then collapsed into your arms and began crying out of pure exhaustion.
“Hey, hey, hey sh sh sh. It’s okay, you’re okay.” You said while rubbing her head and holding her tight against you.
Mike and Lucas comes over to the two of you and help you up off of the ground. You then walk over to the hole in the wall where Billy had just gone through and look out in horror.
“What the hell.”
You all pile back up in the truck and take all of the boys back to the Wheeler’s and then take the girls back to the cabin. Once you pulled into the drive way your heart started beating really fast and you felt like your couldn’t breathe, you then instantly broke down into tears. Max and El looked at each other then looked at you with worried eyes. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” you say wiping your eyes as you get out of the car.
You walk in the cabin and came crashing down onto the couch face down, letting out a loud groan. Panic attacks at its finest.
“I wish Steve was here” you say into the couch, your voice muffled by the cushions, not thinking about the girls still being in the room. There’s a long pause,
“He’d know what to do..” another pause, followed by a sigh.
“Tomorrow will be better. I work with Steve and he’ll keep my mind off of things, he always does.”
El and max give each other a look and small smiles fall onto their faces. Every one knew, except you.
taglist: @chloe-skywalker​
132 notes · View notes
Hawkins’ Charm (Part 8/?)
Synopsys: They had gotten out of Hawkins. After all the shit that had happened, all the heartache and pain, Billy and the Reader had gotten away from that hellhole, building their life in California as he had dreamed. But when Max’s graduation rolls around and they go to celebrate, it’s as if the Upside Down was just waiting for all of them to return. And it has a bone to pick.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x f!Reader; platonic!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: angst, bit of fluff
Warnings: blood, mentions of injuries and death, fighting, swearing, mentions of smut, but not full-on
Word count: 3861 (I’m sorry if there are any mistakes :D )
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         “Absolutely not!”         “Are you fucking kidding me?”         “In your fucking dreams!”         “Over my dead body!” Billy concluded the barrage of responses.         “Guys,” Y/N said in a matter of fact voice, “it’s the best plan that we have.”         Her husband scoffed. “You are not going to the Upside Down! None of us are going to the Upside Down!”         “You have any better ideas?” she challenged and was met with a scowl.         “We can just grab Neil and pull that exorcist shit on him,” Dustin said, trying to diffuse the growing tension.         “Yeah?” Y/N let out a small laugh. “And where do you propose we do it? In front of Max’s mom? Or how about the hundreds of people that will be going to the graduation? Oh wait, maybe we can do it at Benny’s which will be crawling with his little minions as they gather for a celebratory meal.”
        Billy was seething by that point, but so was Y/N.         “No, we can’t do that," Hopper was nodding his head and pointed at Y/N, "but we can distract him. The kids can be the diversion we need to get to the Upside Down. He knows, that she’s no longer one of them, so it’s safe to assume, he knows we know about everything. But it’ll throw him off of his game when he sees all of them show up to the ceremony like nothing’s happened.”          Joyce smacked Hopper’s bicep and sternly stated, “We’re not using the kids as bait!”         “Mom,” Will started butting in before she could hit Jim again. “Most of us are eighteen… I’m eighteen. I know you want to protect us, but we can do it. We’ll be fine.”         “Not a fucking chance,” Joyce growled back at him. “I won’t let that thing or anyone possessed by it get anywhere near you, got it?”         That started a whole other argument as to how safe it was for them to even be in the near vicinity of Neil and the flayed. Y/N had mentioned that Tina, Vicky and Tommy had been a part of the possessed, as was most from the party. That alone equated to around fiftyish people; almost half of what it had been the last time. But with how much stronger the Mind Flayer had gotten, there was no way to safely be around them, though of one thing Y/N could ease everyone’s, mostly Joyce’s and Johnathan’s, minds on.         “Whenever its expelled from a host,” she said, “it can’t return; there’s like this barrier. It’s like chicken pox – you get them once and it's done.”         Billy wanted to interject and say that wasn’t true, seeing as Clara had gotten them on her first day in kindergarten, and he had caught them from their little girl.         “I thought you said you had them as a kid,” Y/N snorted, as she rubbed an ointment on his back the doctor said would help with the itching.         “That’s ‘cause I did,” Billy grumbled and glared at his two-year-old. He hissed at Y/N when she slapped his hand away from where it was inching to go and scratch at his thigh.         “You scratch,” she pointed a finger at him, “then you’ll have to go through a month without sex.”         Billy’s eyes narrowed at her. “You wouldn’t.”         “Just try me.”         And he did. Not for a second had he believed that she’d go through with the threat, given how their intimate life, for the lack of a better term, was incredibly active. But as he was grinding his hips into hers one night, palms gripping and reacquainting themselves with Y/N’s body, she suddenly made him sit upon his knees, as she trailed a palm down his chest.         “I wanna uh,” she stammered out and bit her lip. “I wanna try something.”         Excitement glinted in his blue eyes. “Anything you want, dollface,” Billy replied before kissing down her neck.         In the meantime, Y/N flipped them over, so she was on top, and from the underside of his pillow she pulled out a silk scarf. Teasingly she lifted her eyebrow and motioned for him to put his hands against the metal bed frame.         “You know, if it was anyone else, I’d never let them do this to me,” Billy moaned out as Y/N sucked on a particularly sensitive spot on his neck after she had secured his hands above his head.        The knot was tight but not so tight that it didn’t allow blood flow to his fingers. In truth, he’d never even allow the thought to be restrained like that with anyone else but her.        After the whole Mind Flayer thing, one of Billy’s biggest fears was to not be in control of his body and his actions, but with Y/N he felt safe and loved, so he’d indulge in her little games whenever she wanted to. And he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel eager to see where this would go.         “If it was anyone else,” Y/N muttered in his ear and nipped at the lobe making a shiver ripple down his spine. “Then you and her, would be six feet under.”         It was thrilling to be in that position as he let her have all the control. It was thrilling to be trying something new. Ever since Clara, they didn’t get much time to themselves, just a quickie here or there, or their lazy morning sex disrupted by a two-year-old babbling something along the lines of breakfast as she’d climbed out of her crib and was trying to wiggle the doorknob open.         “Oh, and one more thing,” Y/N whispered against the skin of his neck, making Billy practically shake in anticipation before it was all washed away by confusion. “I told you not to scratch.”         And she was off of him, back to her side of the bed with a book in her hands like nothing had happened.         Billy was still a bit dazed from all of the lust, so he just managed to whimper out a ‘what?’ before realization hit.         “Come on!” he groaned and tugged at the restraints. “You can’t be serious, baby! What kind of bullshit are you trying to pull here?”         “It’s not bullshit,” Y/N closed her book and crossed her arms over her chest. “I told you not to scratch, and yet there are clearly marks all over your sides.”         Struggling a bit Billy pushed his hip up and saw the angry red stripes he’d left over his scars and cursed under his breath. Y/N was very particular in how and where she touched him, the same way as he was with her, and the irritated skin was a dead giveaway.         After the Mind Flayer, Billy couldn’t even look at Y/N’s neck without bile rising to his throat at the memory of his own hands squeezing the delicate skin so hard she had passed out, and he’d left bruises that wouldn’t go away for almost two months.        And Y/N refused to touch his waist for almost half a year, afraid she’d cause him more pain where the monster had ripped into his sides. So, when Billy had confronted her about this, after months of barely-there hugs, after being so touch-starved by the one person who never shied away from giving all of her love, she spilt her guts to him.         Ever since then, he made sure, Y/N knew she could never hurt him, but even with that, she was afraid to cause any sort of pain, so the only way her hands would wrap around his waist would be to soothe and gently run over the marks, reminding him she loved him the way he was.         “But it itches,” he whined arching up from the bed and trying to twist around so he could somehow untie the scarf but his attempts were very much so unsuccessful.         “And it’s going to itch even more if you keep scratching at them,” Y/N emphasized the last three words before giving him a small peck on his lips and turning off the lamp. “Night baby, love you.”         Billy had just grunted in response and huffed, plopping down onto the mattress. When Y/N set her mind on something, she went through with it, including her plan of basically storming the Upside Down and blowing that place to smithereens.         He was wasting his breath by that point, as he continued to go on and on about why she wasn’t going or why it was a horrible idea to even think about going to the Upside Down, but Y/N looked bored to the point she might pass out.         Just as Billy was about to go on another rant that he would not let his wife, who’d just been possessed by the exact same monster that occupied the other dimension, the mother of their child, to go and fight it, Y/N sighed and interrupted him. “Look, I get it, and trust me, I have actually no desire to go there, but it’s the best chance at ending everything once and for all.”         Everyone’s eyes were on her, and Y/N hung her head as she started to explain. “How many more times can we fight that thing? How many more times can El close the Gate before it’s opened again? It’s like a cycle at this point, but where everyone welcomes autumn after the summer, I don’t think any of us wants to go through this shit again. I know it sounds completely crazy and has a like ninety-five percent chance of being a complete failure, but it’s the best shot we have at ending this. Forever.”         Silence fell over everyone, the only sound being the crackling in the fireplace. As much as they wanted to disagree, they knew Y/N was right. Too many times they’d fought the Upside Down, and every time it retaliated. It was just a matter of time before it won.         “Fine,” Billy practically gritted through his teeth, glaring at Y/N. “But if you’re going, so am I.”         The answer that came from her mouth made him want to punch a wall. “No, you’re not. If you don’t show up at Max’s graduation, it will look very suspicious”         “Even though the Mind Flayer already knows about everything?” Lucas snorted and shook his head just as Max said, “as if I’m going to that thing when we have interdimensional monsters after our asses.”         “Neil will have to show up. And after how big of a deal we, made this whole thing out to be," Y/N gave Billy a pointed gaze, "you have to be there. We can just say that something came up in San Diego with Clara, and I had to leave quicker, so my mom isn’t as suspicious, but everything else has to be as if it's just a normal day and nothing’s happened.”         “Uh, except everything’s happened,” Steve butted in, and Y/N rolled her eyes.         “Yeah, no shit, dingus, but we need to think strategies here. The people that have to show up since everyone expects them to show up-” and she pointed at each and everyone as she called their names, “Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Max, Will, and yes, you Alex too, stop shaking your head. The people that subsequently have to be there – Nancy, Johnathan, Joyce and you Billy. We don’t want El anywhere near the flayed, everyone thinks Hopper’s dead, and Steve and Robin could just pass off as if something came up or they partied too much.”         “So, your plan is to infiltrate a lab crawling with the Russian army with Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington, Robin, a dead cop and El?” Billy crossed his arms in front of him, as if in defiance.        Sure, he knew El kinda had to go with, she was the only one who could close the gate for good, and Hopper was probably their best bet to defend Y/N and the rest, and he knew both Robin and Steve were smart enough to figure things out and hold their own when needed, but he just wanted to find a reason, needed to find a reason to either put himself in the group Y/N was in, or prohibit her from going.         She shrugged her shoulders before hissing, having completely forgotten about the throbbing wounds in her back. “And what’s wrong with that? We can use the tunnels from Benny’s and given how the Demogorgon’s back, it means there are portals open. I say we find one, use that as our entrance and line it and everywhere else that's possible, maybe even the other side of the Gate, with explosives, while the other group deals with the Gate and closes it once and for all.”         Max was nodding along to what Y/N was saying. It wasn’t a good plan, but most likely the best that they had. “And how will we know the other group is safe? How will we know they’re out, and the bombs can be detonated?”         Y/N huffed before replying. “Radios. We each take one, and then, once we’re out, we radio in.”         “One, where are you planning on getting explosives? And two – what about the Commies? I don’t think the Russians will welcome you with open hands.” Dustin asked before Billy could erupt again, and Y/N bit her lip before replying in perfect Russian that 'It won't be a problem.'         “Since when do you know Russian?” Billy asked with eyebrows so high up in his forehead they almost disappeared into his hair.         Y/N just shrugged. “After the last time thought it might be useful one day. Also, Hopper, can you call those friends of yours? The ones you know, who showed up to the epilogue of everything? We could use the manpower... and firepower��”         “Does any bit of your plan solely rely on the fact they’d be able to provide your mentioned explosives?” Hopper grunted but reached for the phone, that somehow was still in working order.        Only then did he realize that electricity was still running through the house, despite the numerous heaters he himself had plugged in. From the corner of his eye, he saw Joyce bristle a bit when he noticed that the line wasn’t dead and had to contain the small smile pulling at his lips. She’d taken care of his daughter and house….        "Dude, we so could've used you," Steve grumbled but didn't say anything else putting all of his attention onto the ex-police chief.          With a sigh, Hopper punched in the number that would connect him to the DoE, and an awkward silence settled all over.        Alex, Max and Mike were all rocking back and forth on their feet, Robin was leaning against the wall, chewing on her nail, while Steve, Nancy, Johnathan, Joyce, Dustin and Lucas had all thrown themselves down onto the floor, Billy having made Y/N sit on the only available chair in the room.         As the heat from the heaters slowly dissipated, another kind of wave flushed over them, and it could only be described as anxiety.        Millions of questions that didn’t need to be uttered out loud swirled in their heads. What if they didn’t answer? Would the plan work? Was it even in the realm of possibility for it to be successful?         “This is uhhhhh, Jim uhhh Hopper…?” he said his name in a way that seemed like he himself didn’t know, which made everyone, but Joyce’s heads snap up in confusion. “I got this number from Doctor Sam Owens, I called a few years ago…?”         “Is he for real?” Y/N hissed at Billy? This could not go any smoother…         A little pause settled as Hopper racked his brain for whatever it was, they were asking for, when he suddenly snapped his fingers and said, ‘Antique chariot’.         The hand that was not holding the phone turned into a fist. “Yes, I know that the person whose code it is, is dead, but I’m not dead. As you can clearly see – hear. Now can you please send someone to Hawkins? Shit’s going down. Again.”         Whoever was on the other line was not making him happy as he practically slammed his hand through the wall. “Look, just tell Owens the Russians kept me somewhere in fucking Siberia, and I’m alive, and that the Russkies have opened the Gate. Again! I need back up, a lot of it, and send them to the Hawkins Lab.”         Another beat passed.         “Yes, I know, Jim Hopper has been proclaimed dead, but I’m not dead!”         A reluctant sigh escaped his mouth before he banged the phone onto the receiver and put his hands on his hips.         “Are they coming?” Steve asked arms crossed much like Robin’s, and his shoulders dropped as Hopper shrugged.         “I don’t know. He said my message would be relayed” his rough voice was filled with resignment and yet was somehow determined. “But we don’t have time to waste on waiting. We gotta start doing something. Now.”         Nancy clapped her hands. “Let's go then.”         That set everyone into motion. As the Party started to gather up all the aluminium foil and took out the heaters from the plugs, Billy pulled Y/N by her bicep to the side, and said, “I’m going where you’re going.”         “Billy,” Y/N muttered cupping his cheeks, and he practically melted against her touch. “You have to go. You might be the only one that could get through to him.”         He almost scoffed but just shook his head. “There’s no getting through to Neil; there’s no point.”         “El got through to you. When even I couldn’t, El was able to…” a sympathetic yet understanding look came over her face. “Don’t cross him off, just because he’s a shitty person. I now you want a reason to not try. Trust me, I do… but if there’s even a small possibility we can get that thing out of him, we have to at least make an attempt. If only because he’s a person as well.”         “A fucking despicable one,” Billy grumbled not looking into Y/N’s eyes.         “No one’s arguing about that,” she said, but he wasn’t budging. “I’m not saying you have to mend your relationship after this is over, I’m not saying you have to even talk to him, after we’re done with this shit… we can leave everything behind, but we have to try and save everyone we can..."         “Okay,” he softly whispered. “But you have to promise me to stay out of harm’s way.”         Y/N’s head tilted to the side, ready to say she couldn’t give him that, there was no way she could promise something that was in no way in her control, but he shook his head.         “If I’m doing this, if I’m going against my dad, you have to promise me, you’ll stay safe. If Hopper tells you to step back, you get out of the fucking room. If El says to run, you bolt like fucking hell… I just,” Billy shuddered at the words about to come out of his mouth. “I just can’t lose you, okay? I won’t be able to go on. Too much bad shit’s already happened because of me, because I pushed you away, and now you’re making me do the one thing I really don’t want; you’re making me be somewhere, where I don’t know you’re safe, where I can’t protect you, so please... do this one thing for me...”         Desperate tears threatened to slip down her cheeks, but Y/N held them at bay. Her crying wouldn’t help anything, and there really weren’t any words that could quench his fear, as there was nothing, he could say that would stop the icy emotion from taking over her own mind, so she only tightened her grip around his palm.          “Just,” Billy struggled to get the words out of his mouth but swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. “Just come back to me, okay? Preferably in one piece without a single strand on your hair amiss, but just… come back to me…”         Y/N nudged his nose with her, and a small smile pulled at the corner of her lips. Even in a moment where they both were talking about their possible deaths, she could take some of his worries away, despite her not knowing it. “Hey, I already did, cause your stubborn ass wouldn’t let go of me. And as long as you do the same, we have a deal.”         “Dollface, you are stuck with me. Till the very bitter end.”         Then his lips were on hers. Urgent, passionate, like fire flowing through his veins, he kept their mouths pressed together for as long as possible, and Y/N was in no way pulling back.         Despite the burning sensation of pain that rushed all the way down her back and even to her heels, she lifted her arms so they could drape across his shoulders, and her fingers tangled into the damp mess that was Billy’s dirty blond curls.         She tugged at them, begging him to come closer, but only a thin layer of clothing and their skin were what separated the two.         “Good,” Y/N gasped out as Billy finally allowed both of them to come up for some air. “I better be. Though it won’t be bitter,” Y/N remarked as she pulled back and squeezed his hand one last time in comfort. “I prefer sweet things rather than sour ones. Just look who I married –“ she used her palm to gesture at him stepping away, “the mushiest guy in Hawkins.”         And although it was supposed to be lighthearted, although she was trying to make him feel better, with every step that Y/N took to join her group and discuss how they were going to go about things, Billy memorized each and every curve, dip and line of her body. He’d done it a million times before and was sure he’d never be able to forget any single detail, but knowing where she was going, who she’d be up against and who he himself would be facing, made Billy want to sear the image of her face in his mind.         A hand on his shoulder brought him out of the thoughts.         “You okay?” Max asked as he saw Nancy sport a compassionate look on her face as her eyes drifted away from her ex-boyfriend. Just because she wasn’t with Steve anymore and hadn’t been for years, didn’t mean she didn’t love him in her own way. And she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t relieved Johnathan wasn’t going with them to the Upside Down.         Billy nodded giving his sister a tight-lipped smile. “I’m fine. Let’s get this show on the road.”         With the first rays of the sun, his group piled into Nancy’s car, and with a longing look, he watched as Y/N slowly with El’s help stepped into the back of Hopper’s wagon.         ‘I love you’ he mouthed in her direction and received a smirk in response. Fuck did he love that smirk.         ‘I know’ she mouthed back before the doors were closed.         “Nerd,” he muttered under his breath as Nancy revved up the car, and it sprung to life.         They’d finish this shit once and for all.         And then they’d leave Hawkins forever and would not look back. Billy would make sure of it.
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Billy’s tag list: @la-reina-tigresa @youcanstandundermyumbrella
Hawkins’ Charm tag list: @genius2050 @aiifandomsunite @ashleymarieriffle @littlefool-smalljester @infinitelycharmed23 @llcalumllhoodll @benevolentgemini @rxmanovbby @euphoniumpets @krazykatykat456 @believerofall @ccidk @babechief @meganmj @blackhood5sos @fml9603 @noodlenerd101 @universefinds @kuroidesuchloe @im-a-stranger-thing @grxxn-gardxns @springholland @beforethebraces @robinisourlesbianmom @queeneliza108 @neenaw-neenaw @lexisntthatweird @choicesismylife​ @mckenzie2020 @kcd15 @snuggleducky @reckless-sofia @didyouseetheflair @silver-winter-wolf @jay-ta-blog @hopeless-lovex0 @anyasthoughts @robinismyqueen @yeah-butyourenot-dacremontgomery @mcrganstarks @psychoticobsession @cutehipstergirl25 @sbfandom @mickmoon @jackyfrost01 @txhmine @dark-princess99 @morgangrice18 @changingmylifestyle367 @sweetdayme4427 @alowexpectation @sexyvixen7 @golddvstwoman @evelynfreakinaddams @sunfucked @sataninsatin @queenbbarnes @venomavocado @rangotangomango @psychosupernatural @sereiins @frickin-bats @bandsruinedmylife @thee-brunette-princess @queenskyster @aspiring-fangirls-world @gracethegeek9902 @katiexdacre @dreamwavej @escaping-reality21 @void-fire-rose @slvtherinseeker @paranoiadestroyah @arromite @jojo-buttercup @danarysstormborn @graveyard--baby--666 @teller258316 @hello-therree @stqrker @bethanystan @enthusiastoffandoms14 @i-bitch-you-bitch @the-first-breath-of-autumn-air
Forever tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @sweet-ladyy @magicwithaknife @ollyoxenfrees @bnhvrdy @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl @sj-thefan @teenwolflover28
A/N: tell me what you thought :)
P.S. my tags are always open :)
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a-jynx · 5 years
Summer Full of Secrets; | Chapter One; Summer of ‘85 |
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Description: During S3, the Harrington siblings find themselves running from another fight with the Upside Down, and running from their deeper feelings…
Pairing(s): Robin Buckley x Harrington!reader (a slow burn), Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove,
Warning(s): Cursing, underage drinking/smoking, slow burns, homophobia, homophobic mentions, fluffy, angsty, a bit of smut in later chapters, blood, gore mentions, Flayed! Billy, drugged! Steve, death, death threats mentioned,
Taglist is now opened! 💕 | If you’d like to be added, or removed, please let me know! | @memes-saved-me​, @nat-blossom​, @oldwanderingsoul​, @imreddietogo​, @wcscc2020, @z-l-s, @dancersarepeopletoo​, @bleeding-heart-romantic​, @mysecondcarisa67chevyimpala​, @babypink224221​, @mcnuggettenpack​, @electrckiss​,
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“I’m taking my break, Jennie!” I called over my shoulder, snatching my bag along the way. “Better not take forever this time, Harrington! I’m not paying you to shop,” she grumbled as I sighed, pushing open the shops’ door and glanced around. The new Star Court Mall was buzzing with life - how could it not? A town like Hawkins is… Rarely exciting. 
Marching through the crowds, I moved towards the food court deciding to see if Steven was on break yet. I grinned as I noticed a few classmates, waving at them with a few ‘hi’s’ thrown between us before we ventured into our desired direction. I shivered as I pushed open Scoop’s Ahoy doors, frowning at the little business that was inside. 
“Ahoy, there! What flavor can I help you voyage-” the cheery voice suddenly stopped as I blinked, my smile seemed to vanish.  
“Robin... Where’s my brother? Thought he ran the ship?” I smirked as she scoffed, leaning her elbows against the counter, her glare faltering as her skin stuck some to the surface. “Hey, dingus! Your second-spawn is here,” she called, narrowing her eyes as I rolled my own, turning my attention away as Steve came bursting through the double doors. 
“Y/N! Thank, God! I thought I would die here-” 
“Cool it, drama king. I’ve only got twenty minutes today, and Jennie’s been busting my ass,” 
“Awe, the princess not used to breaking a nail daily?” Robin quipped as I shot her a glare, rolling my lips together before shrugging. 
“I don’t know, how’re your nails, Robin?” I grinned as she blinked, turning her head away as her freckled cheeks flushed a rosy pink. I turned back to Steve, grinning. “I came to ask if you wanted to get lunch, I know you didn’t pack anything,” 
“Oh, uh… About that-” 
“Dingus and I are going to get lunch together.” Robin grinned as I blinked, gritting my teeth before rolling my eyes. “Perfect… So, what about dinner tonight?” I shifted my weight onto my other leg as Steve opened his mouth to speak, only for the same shrill voice followed. 
“We have plans.” 
“Are you guys dating or something? Steven, what the hell!? You promised we’d finally do something, mom and dad are gonna be gone all summer, can’t you hang out at a different time? Please?” I scoff as he stared at me with this look of a kicked puppy… Pitiful. 
“Awe, come on, Harrington 2.0! Suck it up for another night, you’ll survive, right?” She grinned, a devilish glimmer in her eye as I snorted. 
“You have no fucking idea what I can survive, Buckley.” I spat her name with venom, turning on my heel and quickly leaving the ice cream shop, my stone-cold facade faltering as I shook my head and quickly hurried towards the rest of the food court, deciding to grab a quick bite before returning to Jennie. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
I sighed while watching Y/N hightail it out of Scoops. Robin snorted to herself from the other side of the counter, making me turn towards her with an unimpressed glare. 
“Seriously? Can’t you two act civilized for two goddamn minutes! I mean, come on, Rob.” I groan, rounding the space whilst scrubbing at my face. She merely huffed, leaning away from the display case and onto the counter behind us, crossing her ankles one over the other while crossing her arms over her chest, shrugging with pouting lips. 
“She started it-” 
“No, she didn’t,” I snapped, side-eyeing her. “I know how you get around her, so, I kind of don’t believe that she started it.” 
“You’re just saying that ‘cause you’re siblings!”
“More like ‘cause I know I’m right-” I started when the bell chimed, making us turn our attention, I instantly frowned. Low and behold, the sun-kissed, broad-shouldered, permed blondie Billy Hargrove came strolling in. 
“And that’d be my cue to leave,” Robin pushed away from the counter, causing me to gawk at her as she stepped around me and towards the breakroom. “Have fun, dingus.” She waved with a grin, disappearing behind the doors as I sighed, already wanting to ram my head through the display case. 
“Pretty boy, didn’t know you worked today,” he grinned, baring his pearly whites as I scoffed, leaning against the case, propping my chin upon my palm with an almost unamused look. “You know I work every day from 9 to 5, Billy boy… Nice try though.” I smirked, baring my own pearly whites as he narrowed his eyes, studying me before shifting his weight, forcing back the plastered grin. 
“Alright, ya caught me. Now, how about you get to rowing me through this ocean of flavor you always go on about?” His lips turned into a wolfish grin as I swallowed thickly, blinking slowly. My own smile faltered as I rolled my shoulders, nodding slowly. 
“Uh, yeah… Sure thing, Tiger,” 
“Tiger? That’s a new one… Bambi.” 
I squeezed my eyes shut, inhaling deeply before huffing out a sigh. “Yeah, I should’ve seen that coming,” I grumbled while scooping out two scoops of vanilla bean, plopping them into a waffle cone. My eyes twitched up when I didn’t get a remark, feeling the blush creep up my neck. He just stood there, his eyes almost… Soft. The usual hard, cocky grin now a delicate smile. 
“You feelin’ okay, Hargrove? You look a little… Ill.” I mumbled, handing over the cone, trying to not flinch when our fingers scrapped, the little electricity running underneath my skin. 
“Feelin’ fine, Harrington… Just taking a minute to admire a sailor,” he shot with a quirked grin, flashing me a wink. Leaning slightly over the display, his hot breathe fanned close to my cheek as he grinned. “Y’know, I’m a sucker for men in uniform,” he winked once more, backing away before throwing a crumpled bill onto the counter, turning and disappearing into the crowds outside. 
I stood there, my mouth agape and my grasp on my scooper slipping as I stared at the doorway, my jaw lose as I blinked. I flinched as the pannels flew open, causing me to snap my attention around, mouth still ajar. 
“Close your mouth, dingus,” Robin leaned against the window, smirking. “You’re gonna catch flies.” She chuckled as the annoying squeal from the stupid dry-erase marker dragged down, most likely in the column marked ‘You Suck.’ 
“Thanks for the help, Robin! Really, you were so, so helpful,” I scoffed, reaching up and snagging the money before glancing down, my eyes practically bugging out of my head. A twenty? A fucking twenty?! 
“Woahohohohohooo,” Robin grinned, reaching towards me. “Someone gave a nice tip.” I batted away her hands with a snort. “There’s no way in hell he meant to give this to me! Not for a damn cone that cost a dollar and some change.” Pressing into the register, I replaced the large bill and snatched up some bills to help make up for the lost one. 
“I mean, he did practically slam that money down, with a lot of confidence behind it.” She quipped, rinsing out the dirty scoops as I turned and huffed, stuffing the change into my pocket. “I’m just saying, dingus, maybe there’s more behind it than you think. I mean… Let’s be honest, you two have been dancing around each other recently.” 
“Shut it, I don’t need you getting on my ass about ‘dancing around’ when you and Y/N-” 
“Steve, seriously!? There’s nothing for Y/N and me, she proved that last year, remember?” She spat, crossing her arms over her puffed out chest. I sighed, rubbing at the back of my neck, opening my mouth to speak when the overhead bell chimed, causing us both to grumble. 
“Y’know,” I paused, slinging a rag over my shoulder as I walked past her, stopping just before entering the back room. “She asks about you a lot.” Robin blinked before shaking her head, moving to help our next customer. 
“Thank you, please, visit us again!” I grinned after the last rush-hour customer nodded, heading out as I dropped my shoulders and smile. Rolling my aching shoulder, I sighed and moved around the small counter, glancing around the stores’ floor. Pieces of clothing scattered the carpet, hangers clung to different articles, and a mannequin’s hand was missing… Great. I flinched when the overhead bell rang. 
“Hello, welcome to Jennie’s, if you need any assistance-” 
“I need some assistance,” a thick voice chimed as I spun around, my face splitting into an ear-to-ear grin as Billy came around the small display. 
“Billybug!” I grinned, rushing towards him before jumping up and wrapping my arms around his thick neck. My grin only grew as he wrapped his free arm around my waist, squeezing as he gently spun us with a few chuckles echoing from us. 
“Hey, honeybee, how’ve ya been?” He sat me down as I snatched the cone from his hand, practically biting into the vanilla bean treat before shrugging, glancing over my shoulder. 
“Cleaning up after some kids, what about you? I thought you weren’t taking your break until four or so?” 
“Took it early,” he shrugged, yet I didn’t miss the small smile. “Thought you could use the company, too,” I smirked while rolling my eyes, taking another lick at the treat before handing it back over. 
“Only if you buy something, Jennie’s been on my ass lately and it’s not helping with everything-” 
“Everything? What’s been going on in the hive?” I snorted, shrugging before wiping my slightly sticky hands onto my jean shorts before moving back to cleaning the display. 
“I’m gonna bite, what’s the hell going on with you and all the nature stuff? You turn nature-lover on me?” I grinned as he scoffed, taking a few licks of the frozen treat as it slowly began to melt before shrugging. 
“Shut it, but seriously, what’s been goin’ on?” 
“I’m… It’s really nothing I can’t handle, I just been ya know… Dodging the hive.” I folded a few shirts, fluffing up the stack before moving to fold a few pairs of jeans as well. I rolled my shoulders as I felt Billy’s eyes dig into the back of my skull. “What about you? How’s Max? Or working at the pool?” I hum, folding some more as I turned halfway towards him as he snorted. 
“Shitbird? She’s fine, I think… We haven’t fought if that’s what you’re asking,” 
“Billybug, come on, y’ know I worry about both of you.” I sighed, turning fully towards him while sitting the last pair of jeans down with a small frown tugging at my lips. 
“And the pool? Eh, I basically run the place… The brats listen, mom’s drool when I start my shift, and the guys that stalk Heather are jealous - just like senior year.” He snickered as I rolled my eyes, snorting as I crossed my arms over my chest. 
“Yeah, I almost forgot how you beat the living shit out of my brother at the Byer’s house.” I began to walk away, waving my hand behind me as I snatched a few hangers and began to detangle them. Billy’s heavy steps came closer as I shifted throughout the entire hanger set. “In all honesty, I already apologized for that…” He grumbled as I turned my head towards him, a brow raised already. 
“Yeah, yeah, Billybug. Anyway, what’re your plans for tonight?” 
“Uh, some guy is having a party on the outskirts of town, and some hot date - why? Need to get some time to get a little buzzy?” He chuckled whilst I groaned. 
“You’re becoming as bad as Mr. Wheeler with those horrid jokes,” 
“Aye, don’t compare me to that fuckin’ creep,” he gagged as I laughed. 
“Says the guy who wants to fuck the wife.” 
He scoffed, eating the rest of the ice cream before handing the cone over to me, making me grin, yet it faltered for a moment as I glanced at the small cartoonish anchor napkins wrapped around it, they seemed to almost be mocking me. 
“So, you went and saw Steve?” I muttered, biting the cone around the edges, barely nibbling. 
“Yeah… We didn’t fight, Honeybee. Your brother’s face is still intact.” He huffed out a laugh. I cocked a brow, taking a step closer while offering him a bite of the cone, which he smiled before finishing the last bit off. 
“Maybe his face is fine, but what about your heart?” I sheepishly grinned as he frowned, huffing while folding the napkin and slipping it into his swim trunks pocket. He turned away, causing me to stumble back when his elbow collided with my shoulder, making me snicker. “Oh, come on, Billybug! I warned you about my light teasing,” 
“Yeah, and I’ve held back wanting to kill you, so you’re gonna get it later,” he scoffed, attempting to act annoyed, however, the faint pink hue on his freckle-dusted cheks says otherwise. 
“Yeah,” I snorted. “Okay, Billy. Now, get gone so I can get work done. I’ll see you later.” 
“Listen, I can skip out on the date, y’ know? She wasn’t that much of a catch.” He muttered, standing closer as I smiled gently, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Plenty of bitches in the sea?” He nodded a few times, grinning that stupidly happy grin. 
“Plenty of bitches in the sea,” I smirked, nodding once. 
“Alright, well, apparently Steve’s not gonna be at the house, so we can go there or go drive, whatever you’re up for after clocking out.” I shrug, flicking off a few of the clothes and glanced around for the mannequin’s hand, yet nothing… 
“How about we hit up that party? Been a while since the unstoppable duo made an appearance.” He smirked, making me pinch my lips as I wrung the swimsuit top in my hands, twisting and pulling it, shrugging. 
“Fuck it, when and where?” 
“That’s my girl! I’ll pick you up on the way,” he jumped forward, squeezing both of my shoulders while pressing a chaste kiss to my temple as I batted him away. “Pick you up at say… Seven?” 
“I’ll see you at seven, Billybug.” 
“Seven, honeybee, it’s a date.” 
“It’s a party, dumbass,” I snorted, smacking him with the top as he caught it, throwing it back at me as I scoffed. We started towards the front and Billy couldn’t stop grinning as I shook my head, swiping my bangs to the side. It’s good to see him smiling more… 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll snatch ya up later, cute ass.” He winked, chuckling as I fake-gagged, only to quickly flash him a shit-eating grin. He escaped through the front, the chiming from the bell echoed as I watched him disappear into the rushing crowds. 
“Y/N! The new shipments came in! Go in the back and unpack them!” Jennie’s voice rang from the further back of the store, making me cringe as I sighed, slinging the swimsuit top onto the counter and sauntered towards the back. Pushing open the double doors, I gasped and fought back a shocked scream from my throat as a large rat scurried from behind the boxes, making me gag as I clenched my jaw. 
“Hey, Jennie! We’re gonna need that rodent control… Again!” I called over my shoulder, eyeing the floor as I hoisted up the package with a grunt before turning away and allowing the double doors to fall closed. “Jennie?! Did you hear me?” My voice rang out as I rolled my eyes, sitting the box down and looking around the small store. It seemed… Eery. Too quiet. Too… Tranquil. Setting my jaw, I slowly gazed around the shop, the hair on the back of my neck standing on edge as a cool breeze blasted through; colder than what I remembered setting the AC… 
“What the hell-” 
“Harrington!” I jumped, snapping my head towards the front, seeing Jennie standing over a pile of the swimsuits on the floor. The same swimsuits I had fixed while talking to Billy… 
“You know better than this! Swimsuits are meant to stay in the summer section! Are you trying to tell people we would actually allow them to wear this shade of red in the winter?! Are you insane-” her voice slowly drowned out. My mind racing as I realized I could almost hear my blood rushing, my heart working double-time as I inhaled sharply. 
“Harrington? Y/N! Are you even listening to me?!” Jennie growled, her hands fitted to her hips as I swallowed thickly,  shaking my head and blinking slowly. 
“Ye… Yeah, uh-” I stammered, clearing my throat before reaching down and grabbing the box once again. “Yes, ma’am.” I sighed, moving towards the stacked summer clothes. The back of my mind racing as I began to fold the newly sent clothes, my hands slightly shaking as I sighed. 
“Oh, Jennie, I don’t know if you heard me earlier but… I guess we have another rat infestation.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed! I’m still incredibly rusty and I’m so sorry, but I still hope you enjoy it! 
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The Mind Flayer
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for season 3, blood and injury
Word Count: 1619
A/N: So, here is part 21 of Nightmares and Bruises. I’ve officially passed my first year of uni! So, updates from now on should be more regular until I go back (covid permitting) in September. The taglist is open so drop me an ask or a comment! I won’t reply to comments because this is a side blog but know that I see and read them all.
Series Masterlist
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“He said he was building something.” El told everyone when she had calmed down enough. “That it was all for me.”
“Building something? Is he talking about the flayed?” Max wondered.
“He must be. He said something similar after the crash.” Y/N said as she rested her head in her hands.
“So, he’s building an army, just like we thought.” Lucas started pacing back and forth behind the sofa.
“Yeah, but he’s not building this army to spread.” Mike said.
“He’s building it to stop Eleven.” Will added.
Mike nodded. “Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off.”
“Like, royally.” Lucas agreed as he stopped pacing.
“And the mind flayer now knows that she’s the only thing that can stop him.” Mike said. “But if she’s out of the way…”
“Game over.” Lucas finished.
“He also said, that he was… going to kill all of you.” El’s gaze drifted across everyone in the room, remembering everything they had all done to help her over the last couple of years.
“Yeah, well, that’s nice.” Max said as everyone else shared worried looks.
A faint noise in the distance caught Nancy’s attention and she stood up and walked over to the window. It sounded again, like faint screeching, but was difficult to distinguish from the fireworks they were letting off at the fair. “Do you guys hear that?”  
The others sat up straighter and strained their ears to see of they could hear what Nancy was hearing in amongst the fireworks.
“It’s just the fireworks.” Jonathan said after a moment of listening.
Nancy didn’t seem convinced as she spun back around to face them. “Billy… When he told you this, it was here, in this room?”
“Yeah.” Y/N said as El nodded, and then it clicked in Y/N’s mind. “He knows where we are.” She shot to her feet as fear started to spread through the room.
“Yeah, he knows we’re here.” Will’s hand drifted to the back of his neck.
“We’ve got to go.” Y/N said, as she pulled her keys out of her pocket.
Nancy grabbed her keys and then followed Y/N to the door. They walked straight out with Jonathan and the kids hot on their heels. They made it down to where the cars were parked, the fireworks periodically illuminating everything around them in various colours, when they noticed movement at the top of the road. It looked exactly like Will’s drawing from last year; towering with huge legs, like a spider. It was ripping up trees as it came towards them and was moving very fast.
“Back inside!” Y/N grabbed Nancy and ushered the kids and Jonathan back towards the cabin. “El, I don’t suppose Hopper keeps any guns here?”
“In the shed.” EL pointed over to it.
Jonathan ushered the kids inside as Nancy went to grab the shotgun from the shed and Y/N grabbed the wood cutting axe. Y/N walked back inside to see the kids were blocking the windows with tables and chairs, moving bookcases and shelves in front of doors, and trying to make the cabin as secure as they could. When Nancy had come back in, Y/N and Jonathan pushed the sofa up on its edge and barricaded the door.
“Hey, get away from the windows!” Nancy called to Mike as they all formed a circle in the centre of the room, waiting and wondering where the first attack would come from.
The lights started flickering as the cabin started to shake. It was soft at first, just the lamp shades rocking, but then it started to get harder, things started falling off shelves and everything started to rattle.
“It’s close.” Will said, as the trees directly outside of the cabin started creaking.  
A mug fell off the rack on the wall and shattered in the floor, causing them all to jump. They could tell it was getting nearer but with all the windows boarded up, they had no idea where it actually was and that was setting them even more on edge.
Then, all of a sudden, everything stopped and it went quiet.
“Where’d it go?” Max asked, voicing everyone’s concern as they all looked at each other.
Suddenly, one of the creature’s arms came through the wall in the corner near the bookcase. They all cried out in surprise and jumped away from it as it moved further into the room. The end of the arm looked like one of those claw grabbers they have in amusement parks. It went to grab at Max, Eleven and Mike but Y/N swung the axe and connected with it. She pulled it out and slammed it down again and again until the arm moved back. Before she could swing the axe again, the arm swung, knocking her and Jonathan back into one of the cabinets. The axe went flying as they both fell to the floor. Jonathan grabbed Y/N’s arm and pulled her back as it started coming at them again.
Nancy fired the shot gun, drawing it away from Y/N and Jonathan and towards her. She reloaded as it came towards her and kept shooting it, ripping off chunks of flesh as she did. But then the gun jammed. She tried to unjam it as she moved backwards but it wouldn’t budge. Her back hit the wall and she closed her eyes, preparing for impact, but it never came. She slowly opened her eyes to see Eleven using her powers to pull it back.
The creature was shrieking but Eleven didn’t let up and with a flick of her wrist she severed the end from the rest of the arm. The creature pulled its arm back through the hole in the wall.
“Holy shit.” Max said.
They didn’t get to take a breath though, because another one shot through the wall, straight at El. She held her arm up and stopped it as it tried to grab her as another shot through the opposite wall. She stopped that one too as the others looked on, feeling helpless. The creature was shrieking as it fought against her. El looked around at her friends and yanked her arms back into her body. Both of the creature’s arms severed just as the first had, and they both retreated.
El was panting hard but before she could react, a much larger arm came through the ceiling and grabbed her ankle. It pulled back and El hit the floor before it started to lift her towards the hole in the ceiling and, to everyone’s horror, the creature’s mouth. Mike raced forward and grabbed both of her hands before she got too far off the ground. El started screaming from the strain and the claws ripping into the skin of her ankle as Y/N, Jonathan, Max and Will all ran forward to help Mike. Nancy started reloading the shotgun as Mike screamed at everyone to pull harder.
“Nancy shoot it!” Jonathan called out; his voice strained from the effort.
Nancy finished loading and started shooting. It seemed to anger the creature more than anything else.
“Come on! Lucas!” Max screamed as he looked on from the corner.
That seemed to snap him out of his daze. He grabbed the axe Y/N had dropped as Nancy kept shooting. He jumped up onto a side table and swung the axe at the arm. It connected and the creature shrieked so, he pulled it back out and swung again, and again, and again. At the same time Nancy kept shooting, El was still screaming, and the others were still pulling her back towards the ground. Lucas swung the axe one last time, severing the arm, and El and the others fell to the floor.
“El, El? You okay?” Mike asked. EL just nodded, too tired to talk.
“Holy shit.” Y/N breathed out as she noticed the end of the arm was not only still attached to El’s leg but was also still moving. She sat up and reached for it as Mike followed her lead. They looked at each other before they both grabbed it and yanked it off. El screamed as it tore a hole in her leg. Y/N threw the arm away from them and watched as it crawled back outside.
The creature shrieked again and started to push its head through the hole in the ceiling; it’s rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth on full display. Nancy went to reload the shotgun, but El shakily got to her feet with determination written clearly across her face. She screamed as she shot out both of her hands and started tearing the monsters head apart. The monster was shrieking and fighting but with one final push, El ripped its head in half.
“Go, go, go.” Y/N ushered the boys out as her and Max grabbed El.
“C’mon, c’mon, go!” Jonathan ripped the sofa off the door before opening it and making sure everyone got out.
Nancy and Jonathan got the boys in the station wagon as Y/N and Max got El into the Mustang. The creature was still shrieking and stumbling as both of the cars tore out of the driveway.
Part 22 
Tags: @assholeheartthrob @httperrornicole @ambeazyyy @princess-huffy @gemgemswift @colie87 @iris-suoh @sydneynix8305 @peter-pan-hoe @p0wderedtoast @not-a-glad-gladiator @fangirlinganditswonders@endgamenedsme @lazinesstookovermylife @lilac-dreams @anon-1112 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @wickedlovely121 @lightlysweetened @scarecrowsragdoll @bilesxbilinskixlahey @moonstruckbucky @krazykatkay456 @thecraziestcrayon @moonchild1507 @tah0e @tony-stank3 @allie-mcginn @supernatural-girl97 @hi-my-name-is-riley @ria132love @t-swizzle-owns-me @sabrinasturtlenecks @meliv99 @jamesvaldezzzz @thatfrenchperson @cynthianokamaria @avnngrss   @studysimsx  @emmaquarius @stevieboyharrington@eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @ofwisdomandwar @external-l-appel-du-vide @evelynfreakinaddams @bish-ima-clown @noodlenerd101 @jakesmysterio @playboygeniusphilanthropist @itsfangirlmendes @pinkrosesx @killer-queen-xo @steveharrigntons @bookmarkofglitter @alina-margaret @labyrinth-of-thoughts @helen-of-troi @ninjathrowingstork @requestedmemory @believerofall  @thefandomzoneisdangerous @esteroni @deepmilkshakecoffee @somethingdawn @brandi1936 @universefinds @huang-the-geek @silver-winter-wolf @longliphoney @absolute-randomness-forever @littlepsychos-world @octavia05 @escaping-reality21 @httpakasha @dmv49 @lyricfreaks @helena-way07 @katiexdacre @fangirlbitch02 @lo-bells @slytherinrising @i-am-a-smol-sweet-potato @imjusthereforsupernatural @lokis-butter-knife @banannie25 @itsanallygator @justabeautiful-letdown @calumsfringe @jakeblckk @sunshine-and-riverwater @lasnaro @ang-hellic @marvelous-hargrove @safewithintheheart @kpopishilarious @beyxlm @sighrins @iloveyou3000and5 @yosoymuyloca @lauren-novak @killerqueenishere @fanngirl19 @nonexistentsouls @charmed-asylum @teenyforestfairy  @speedmetalqueen @xobeautifulfaith @clinomanians @briemariea @kcd15 @ellenna @just-a-nat @readinthegarden12 @peqchynero @rosariia25​ @chloe-skywalker​ @aurorajuarezwolf​ @vulture-withafile​ @and-drew-101 @aamcqueeny​ @lovepandasloves​  @nightbu-g​ @spaceythangs @lookalivesunshine-x​ 
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3than1no · 5 years
The Flayed
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Flayed Billy Hargrove/Platonic Reader
A/N: So this idea just came to me in the middle of a shift at work lol enjoy x
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You could tell something was wrong the minute you sat down in the passenger seat of Billy’s car. Your gut screaming at you to run but you stayed because it was Billy. Your best friend Billy, whom up until a week ago had been the closest person to you. 
The car was silent, which made you frown slightly, none of the music that Billy liked to pound from the speakers played. Music you had no interest in listening to before Billy but had grown used to. His head turned slightly to acknowledged that you had got in the car, his expression was blank which worried you even more. It was so unlike the Billy you knew. The Billy you had known for the past year. The guy you had heavily disliked the first time you had seen his obnoxiously loud car roll up in the school parking lot. The same car you had now grown to love, maybe just as much as Billy did. 
He didn’t say anything to you as he put the car in reverse, screeching out of your driveway and speeding off down the road. You felt uneasy. Every time you were around Billy now, you always felt uneasy. It hadn’t always been like that, you had been so comfortable around each other. You didn’t think you had ever been so comfortable around someone. The two of you had been practically inseparable, up until you had left for your summer vacation. You had only been gone a week and when you returned Billy was... different.
You figured he was just mad at you for leaving him, that he’d come around like he always did when he was in one of his moods. However, he had never ignored your existence before.You were hurt and rightly so. Ready to just forget Billy ever even existed, which you knew you could never do because he was hard to forget, then out of the blue he invited you out with him. Like nothing had ever happened.  
You gazed warily at your best friend, noticing the way his hand gripped onto the steering wheel. His knuckles turning a deathly white. 
“Where are we going?” You asked quietly. 
Billy jolted at your voice, as though he had been just been completely spaced out. He turned his head to look at you briefly, his face covered in a thin layer of sweat and his eyes emotionless. 
“The pool.” He answered, his gaze moving back to the road. 
You frowned. “Why the pool?” You asked, shivering slightly as the AC cranked out copious amounts of cold air into the car. “Won’t it be shut by now?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“I work there, I can get in whenever I want.” He replied.
You knew that wasn’t true but chose to stay silent. He had only just reached out to you again and you didn’t want to piss him off. Billy didn’t say another word to you until you had arrived at the pool. You could see a few other people you recognized from school being coaxed into the entrance by Heather Holloway, one of Billy’s co-workers. 
“What is this?” You asked him, another frown marring your features. “Why have you brought me here?”
“Just a small party.” He told you, sounding somewhat reassuring in his words. “We’ve been parties before, right Y/N?” 
Despite your better judgement, you followed Billy. The only reasoning you had was because you trusted him. You trusted Billy with your life and you trusted him to not get you in trouble. It was Billy. Your best friend Billy and despite the uncomfortable twisting feeling in your gut at how everything just felt... off, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you.
When you reached poolside, Heather was already ushering the small group of teens into the changing room with a promise of alcohol.
“Y/N, it’s nice to see you.” She greeted sweetly, a too large smile on her face. “Billy told me you would be joining us.”
You watched as a seemingly silent conversation passed between the two of them, it made you feel even more uneasy. She soon disappeared into the changing room, leaving you with Billy. His gaze on you was hard and unwavering, something passing through his eyes before he gestured forward. “Don’t want to miss the fun.” He said, his voice holding barely any emotion. 
You took a hesitant step towards the door of the changing room, holding a hand out to push it open. It was silent inside, the room very humid as though the showers had been left running. You stepped in, Billy following very close behind you. It was unnerving how close he was, You could feel his breath hitting the back of your neck as you stepped further in the room. Not one person in sight which caused you to frown. 
The sound of gushing water could be heard coming from the shower room, steam seeping underneath the door. A low groaning sound came from behind the closed door, causing you to stop in your tracks. Billy bumping into your back at your sudden stop. 
“Wha-” You cut off when sharp pain radiated through the back of your skull, causing you to fall forward onto your knees. You felt dizzy and sick, the room spinning around you as you felt someone grab your flailing hands to hold you still. Billy. 
“What the fuck!” You cried out, struggling against Billy as he held you in place. You hadn’t realized he was so strong. “Billy, what the fuck are you doing?!”
Panic flared up inside of you as he began to tie your hands behind your back, tears spilling onto your cheeks. You faintly realized Heather had joined you both in the room, along with a couple of other people. All of them moving forward to pin you down as Billy tied you up. 
“Billy, stop!” You cried. “You’re scaring me.”
“Don’t be afraid,” He murmured into your ear, it sounding like him but you knew it wasn’t really him. “It’ll all be over soon.”
That was the last thing you heard before another sharp blow cracked onto your skull, everything fading into black. 
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Caught You ~Flayed Billy!
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Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @harrys-four-nipples @josephfakingquinn
My Master List is in This Area
Warning : Stalking, little darker
Summary : You've peak the interest of dear Flayed Billy Hargrove, but you aren't that easy to catch.
He eyed as you sat by the edge of the pool with your legs dipped in. His smirk lingered as he took the way your hair flowed down your back, the way you were more interested in the pool than to notice he was there. But you knew he was there.
" Pool's closed, doll face" he says as he makes his way over to you. You don't turn your gaze at the sound of his voice. He drops down besides you in his blue sleeveless shirt and red swimming shorts. His hair is matted, not his usual curls but they are plastered to his forehead. You knew this wasn't Billy Hargrove that you knew around school. This was the possessed Billy Hargrove.
" Are you listening?" his eyes are drilling into the side of your head. Your eyes finally turned to meet his. His mouth forms into a smirk when he has your attention. He likes the way you look at him with your pretty eyes.
" I've heard you, Billy boy" He growls underneath his breathe. " What? Did I upset you?" you chuckled.
He licks his lips as he leans in, you can see the small sweat gathering on his nose as his blue eyes, darken.
" You should go home, it's not safe for a pretty baby like you to be alone here" you don't let it show but a chill goes down your spine at his words. Something about them.
" I can take care of myself" He chuckles.
" I'm sure" his hand lands on your thigh. His hand is much bigger than you thought and those black veins catch your attention. You brought your finger to trace them leading up to his shoulder. His breath hitches as you shift closer. Your knee is touching his as you whisper, " you aren't as scary as you seem, flayed."
His mouth a jar a bit then spreads into a smirk, " well aren't we a little smarty pants. I like you."
" Better get home or the big monster might eat me" he looks up at you as you stand. He rolls his eyes, " Get home safe." He mumbles causing you to halt in your step.
" My, my, flayed Billy cares about little old me?" The only answer he give you is a smirk.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You weren't too surprised to see him standing by Benny's diner with his arms across his chest as his eyes falls on you. How did he know you'd be here? Was he following you?
" Nice to see you, flayed" He smirks as he hears you.
" You too, kitten" at that moment, that pet name makes all your insides scream at you. Your breath hitches and he takes notices the way you stopped.
" Oh you like that? You like it when I call you kitten?" he asks. A wide smirk spreads across his face as he licks his lips. His eyes roams from your legs all the way to your lips. You shatter in response eyeing the window where Steve sat with Dustin as they both waited for you.
He follows your line of vision to where Steve sat and his fist clench by his sides.
" Harrington? Is that who you've been spending time with?" he growls. His shoulders tensed up with a scowl on his face. He wasn't very surprised that you'd be around Steve Harrington out of all people.
" Pretty boy got you all hooked, doesn't he?" your eyebrows knit together as you shake your head, " We're friends but that's not really your business. Isn't Billy boy?" he growls at the nickname. It irks him that you call him that.
" Ah, you look upset. Did I hurt your feelings?' you cooed, giggling. His eyes darken as he took a step towards you. You eyed the way he had wild look in his eyes remembering this isn't the Billy Hargrove that you knew who sat next to you in class asking you to borrow pens.
This was Flayed Billy Hargrove, the possession inside him. The monster craved you. Craved your touch. Craved the way you'd look at him. Craved to smell you. Craved to held by you. But, he can't. He's a monster. Monsters don't have feelings. Especially not with pretty girls like you.
" Cat got your tongued, Flayed?" he pauses hearing you call him. His true name. The edges of his mouth grins as his eyes shine at the name.
" You've addressed me correctly, kitten. My, my. Are you trying to get into my good graces?" you shrugged.
" You're fun to please and tease"
He stood there in shock as he hears you. You wanted to play games with him and he was sure he could play those games with you. His eyes watched as you walked into the diner and sitting across from Steve, right next to Dustin. The two didn't happen to see the conversation between the two of you. But Flayed growl the way you hugged Steve and held onto him a little longer. He saw it. He sees everything.
" Oh kitten, you want to play. We will play"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had no idea that Flayed Billy was waiting for you outside the diner, sitting inside the Camaro as he chewed gum in his mouth. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as his gazed watched as you hugged Steve goodbye, he watched you watch Steve reverse in his BMW and leave.
You were searching for your keys in your pocket when you spotted the Camaro and Flayed eyes on you as he grins once he caught your attention. Why was he still here? You made your way in front of the door, standing still for a moment before leaning down. He rolled down the window, " Come sit, Kitten."
You look at him with an eyebrow raised seeing if he was serious or not and he smirks in response as your fingers grasped on the open door window.
" Don't be like that, kitten. Sit inside, I know you want to. I can tell from the look on your face you got there" he motions to his face then points to you.
You rolled your eyes, opening the door and sat down. He smirked widen in satisfaction as he tapped the steering wheel with his index finger. Flayed Billy sat in silence before he reached over to turn up the volume of the radio that you hadn't noticed was on. It's been playing something familiar. You can't put your finger on it.
Flayed Billy felt he was successful getting you into his car. You were obedient. A good little kitten. He watched as you eyed him from the corner of his eyes. His curls fell into his eyes shielding how blue his eyes are. His cheeks were flushed red as his eyes stayed on you.
You finally turned to look over at him, biting on your bottom lip, all while he locked his eyes on your bottom lip wishing he was the one biting it. His eyes were filled with lust and need. Need for you. Flayed Billy looked up into your eyes, memorized by the sight of you sitting there all pretty. He had forgotten all about what he saw in the diner. You sitting with Steve Harrington.
His eyes drop down to your lip that you kept biting on, he can see there is bits of blood already visible. His nose twitches and his mouth waters at the sight. He licks his lips and you smirk at him as you slide into his lap. By instance, he grabs onto your hips.
Your skirt scrunched up from behind and in the front a bit as sat on his jeans. Flayed Billy unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the back, not really caring where it went. You took in his an skin filled with black veins as your fingertips run down his chest. You couldn't help yourself as you kiss his collarbones, sucking on the skin that there decorating it with love bits. They were dark matching almost to the color of those black veins making them like tree branches with your marks. He grabbed a hold of your hair and yanked it exposing your throat to him.
He tapped his two fingers against your lips seeing if you were a good kitten and obeyed him. You surprised him by opening your mouth, holding in the gag as he pushes his two fingers down your throat. He pushed his fingers in and out of your mouth, but you were riding on the tent that was forming in his pans.
" My good little kitten" he grinned loving that you were sitting all pretty on his lap. Flayed eyed your pretty neck that was exposed to him and brushes his lips against your neck, leaving soft kisses there. But he changed his mind leaving harsh, red marks on your neck and collarbones.
You are his to mark.
After he was satisfied with the marks all over your neck, he let your hair go and gripped you by the throat, pulling you closer to his face. Locking his lips with yours, he kissed you harshly and passionately. Your hands placed themselves on his chest as you continued to grind on him while Flayed Billy devoured your mouth. When he pulled away, he made sure you nibble on your bottom lip and suck on it. The blood that was there. He moaned at the taste of copper.
" You'll be a good kitten and suck my cock like I need you to"
You smirked at him, his eyes darken when he watches you and growls in satisfaction when he sees you nod. You slide off his lap and climb to the back when he follows you. You unzip his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, you took his leaking cock in your hands. You groped his cock with your hands, stroking his shaft to make sure there was more pre cum to your liking that's been already around your fingers. When it was wet and how you wanted it to be, you took him in your moth rolling your tongue around it.
Flayed Billy groaned, watching you with dark eyes shifting his hip as you bopped your head up an down in the pace you thought he would like. Before he even got a chance to cum inside your mouth, you let his cock slide out of your mouth with a pop. He hissed at the loss of your mouth flashing anger in his eyes.
" I didn't tell you to stop, kitten. Did I?" he growled.
" Relax there Billy Boy, this isn't over," you tell him, climbing into his lip. The growl replaced by a gin on his face. His fingers snake their way underneath your skirt while you slide off your shirt exposing the lacy bra you were wearing. You gasped when he moved your panties to the side and flicked your clit with his finger, making you shudder against him.
" You're so filthy, aren't you my kitten?" he mumbles against your ear as you grind against his thigh.
" I am, Billy boy," you nodded, moaning feeling him pepper kisses all over your chest.
" Do you fuck every man you set your eyes on? Hm?"
" Only the once with blonde curls and blue eyes, and veins"
" Only me, not poor Billy even?" he asks, teasing you. He knows how Billy feels about you. They are constantly fighting over you in his head. Though Flayed Billy doesn't understand why Billy chose you to have given his heart to. You were there since the moment Billy stepped foot into Hawkins, looking after Max and eventually Billy opened up to you about Niel and his mom. It took some time but he found you made him feel safe. You were there when he stood at your doorstep with bruises on him, and you were there when Flayed took over. You watched Billy fight with tears in his eyes, not wanting Flayed to take control.
You nodded, but that wasn't fully true. You liked Billy, he made you feel things you never thought you'd ever feel since your last boyfriend. Billy knew how much you were struggling in your life and finding out how your ex treated you, he swore if he saw your ex again, he would rearrange those insides of that boy.
Flayed tsk, knowing you weren't really telling him the truth. He lifted you up a bit off his lips while moving your panties to the side and pushing his cock into your dripping cunt. You let out a pain and pleasure at the same time filled with moans as his cock filled you up. Tears ran down your cheeks from the pleasure you were given.
He growled as he guiding your hips up and down. You held onto his shoulder as you bounced up and down on him. One of his hands cupped at your tit, rolling the nipple in between his fingers causing you to curse at him and moan his name. Not Billy. Flayed. You moaned Flayed.
You arched your back causing him to latch his mouth on your neck, licking at the skin there.
" Fuck, Kitten. You're so fucking tight. Has Billy felt you be this tight for him?" Flayed asked as he licks his lips at the sight of you. You only moaned in response as you chased your high.
You glance down watching yourself bounce on his cock, lifting yourself up and down and doing it over and over. Flayed Billy cupped your tits with both of his hands as he buried his face into them. You arched your back feeling him toy with your nipples, earning a loud moan from you.
" Just like that, Kitten. All for me"
" I need more, Flayed. More" you begged. His smirk widen as he thrusted upwards, making you release on his cock. He stilled for a minute with a chuckle as he hasn't cum yet.
" Look at how pretty your tits are Kitten" you look down to see crescent moon indents on your tits and glistering from his mouth lapping at them.
" You're prettier" he threw his head back in laugher before he glances down at you leaning in to kiss you desperate for your lips. But his cock was still inside you as he thrusted up. His hands moved to your hips as he helped you move up and down on him. Your fingers tugged on his sweaty curls as he rode out his high. Your overstimulating cunt screamed for you, but you let him. This wasn't Billy you knew. This was Flayed.
" I'm going to fill you up, Kitten." You moaned at his words, watching his eyebrows knit together as he edged closer to his release, your walls were screaming for him. His mouth continued to lap at your nipples. Thrusting up as he filled your walls with his cum. Flayed panted with his head down still being inside of you.
Your fingers move the strands of his curls out of his face as you lifted his head with your other finger, pursing your lips to kiss. But then you paused because there was a look in his eyes. Fear. You were watching him as the look on his face soften and he looked different.
" B-Billy?" you asked, hesitant. He was panting as he leaned back into his seat. Your fingers touched his cheeks watching his eyes roam over. You were indeed staring into the eyes of Billy Hargrove. Flayed was gone. But then there it was again, the dark gaze and the licking of lips with that smirk.
" Flayed" he nodded. " 'm going to need you to get off of me now, Kitten" he tells you. " Got places to be" he mumbles as he helps you slide off of him. His mouth waters at the sight of your dripping cunt of his cum.
" So pretty" he motions down, " but you are leaking on my seats, kitten. I'll be nice for now but next time you're cleaning it off with your mouth."
You nodded looking over to him to see if there was any sign of Billy there.
" Don't look at me like that, he's not here. Don't look so sad, Kitten" he winks watching you get dressed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" Oh Billy... Billy.. Billy.. you silly little pathetic boy" Flayed growls gripping the wheel as he drove. His foot pressed on the gas. " You really thought you'd get out and ask her for help?"
" Leave her alone"
The both of them were fighting in Billy's mind. Billy felt trapped as the monster over took his mind but he was there watching as Flayed took you like he wanted to take you. More differently, first a date and then proceed into that.
" You are too pussy to even touch her like that" Flayed smirked. " Oh? did you really think I wouldn't? Did you see the way she desperately really wanted my cock?"
" You're not what she wants"
" It's what she deserves, did you see the way she bounced on my cock? She looks so pretty, those tits. The way she looked at me"
" You don't know what she wants"
" And you do?" Flayed growled.
" She wants to be in love, what do you know about love?"
Flayed passed because he knows Billy is right. He didn't know anything about love and through it was the most pathetic thing in the world. Who need it?
" That's what I thought. She doesn't love you or care about"
" You think she loves you?" Flayed scoffed.
" I know she does" Billy says, with a smile. He can't help it but he saw the way you were looking at him when you saw that it was him for that moment.
Flayed growled as he put the end of that conversation. He wasn't about to let pathetic thing like love get in the way. He wasn't about to let Billy have what he wants.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" You know it's dangerous to leave your window open like that, who knows who might climb in?" you rolled your eyes seeing Flayed standing by your dresser overlooking the rings on the small little bowl there.
" Maybe I left it for you" you smirked. Flayed turned his head as he chuckled, " for me?" he pointed himself with a sparkle in his eyes.
" You sure about that Kitten? I mean, I know you aren't so fond of me" he sits on the edge of your bed with his hand on your knee.
You eyes his hand on your knee and lean forward, " Can I talk to Billy?" the hand on your knee movs out of reach as he scowls.
" Why would you want to talk to that pathetic boy?"
" Please.." you begged him putting your hand on his shoulder. The touch from your hand on his shoulder makes something inside of him turn, but it's something he didn't feel before. He turned his head to lock eyes with you searching your face for that something. But what?
" Flayed?" you called out to him.
" And why would I do something like that?" he leans in that you feel his breath on your face.
" Because you care about me" he pulls away with a chuckle. " I don't care about anyone, let alone you" you can tell that something is bothering him and he isn't like this usually.
"Then why do you have that look on your face?"
" What look?' he asks.
" Like your scared of something" he looks down into his lap as he shakes his head. " I don't know what your talking about, I don't get scared of anything."
He feels your fingertips brush over his cheek and he shutters in response but pulls away as he stands up. He wasn't about to let you make him feel like this. He isn't suppose to feel anything at all. Let alone you.
" Flayed.." you softly called out to him.
" Go to bed, kitten" he says making his way to the window. His head t urned to look at you one more time and you catch it. The look in his eyes. There is a fight going on there, you can tell from the color of those eyes and the way his lip is quivering.
" Billy Hargrove, I will find you and I will help" Flayed gaze darkness as he scoffs, " Keep dreaming, Kitten. Keep dreaming."
Then he was gone.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
" What's been going on with you?" Steve asks as he snaps his fingers in front of your face as you stand by the counter at Scoops. You were staring into nothing causing Steve to worry. Robin emerges from the back seeing you still standing there and not ordering your ice cream.
" Are you okay?" she asks you reaching over to feel if your head was hot. It was okay. You were okay. At least to you. To them, they were kinda freaking out.
" 'm fine" you mumbled grabbing the ice cream cone from Steve's hands. You fished into your pockets to pay him when his hand dropped on top of yours and you look up at him to see he was shaking his head.
" But I-" he shakes his head and pushes your hand away.
" On the house, you look like you needed it" you nodded thanking him and waving to Robin as you exit out but your eyes found those dark blue eyes from across the store. He has been following you since the morning you arrived at the mall.
You happen to turn to make your way through the mall feeling him follow you. You didn't understand what he wanted. If he wasn't going to give you time with Billy than what did he want?
Your cheeks flushed as you remembered what happened in the car.
" You look lost, Kitten" he comes up next to you. You are surprised he's out in the open but he has his hood up that no one would notice that it's him.
" Why are you following me?" He shrugs.
" You're really pretty, so why not?" he watches you lick your ice cream with the flick off your tongue. His cock in his pants twitches at the sight as he licks his lips.
" Stop that" he says. You are confused on what he means as you continue when his hand outstretches and takes a hold of the cold ice cream dropping it on the ground.
" That was my ice cream!" He chuckles.
" I asked you not to do that, you disobeyed me. Therefore, you aren't allowed to have nice things like ice cream" he hisses. You know he's glaring down at you with those blue dark eyes but you can't really see because of the way his hair hangs in his eyes.
" Last time I checked, I wasn't yours Billy Boy" Flayed growls as he leans close, towering over you.
" You're mine kitten wether you like it or not. Don't let me catch you agin disobeying me" he looks around seeing some people were looking as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks off leaving you seething, hot and confused over him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew it was dangerous to be by the pool around this time knowing that he had his shift and he was closing tonight. The locker room door closed as he paused in the doorway leaning against the door with his elbow over his head as he glanced at you.
" Pool closed, kitten. Go home" your feet dipped into the pool as you watched the water swayed back and forth. You were wiggling your toes when a pair of feet stood next to you.
" Are you deaf?" he asked, crouching down. He had bags underneath his eyes as he stared at you with his head tilted to the side. His hair hang over his eyes waiting for your response.
" Do you know how to you use your mouth?" at those words, you turned your head you look at him with no expression on your face. Now, Flayed wouldn't care or listened to you talk about anything other than a good fuck for him, but here he was waiting for you to talk to him. He didn't know what this was.
" What it to you if I stayed?" He sat besides you dipping his feet into the pool as he stared at it. " Why do you keep Billy caged away?"
He is silent for a moment, " He doesn't belong here."
" And you do?" Flayed glanced over to you with a hollow look in his eyes. " Yes" he answers. Before you had a chance to ask him anything else, he pushes you into the pool. You cough on water as you resurface and look at him to see him laughing. Flayed Billy Hargrove was laughing.
Your eyebrow raised as you looked at him getting into the pool. He tugged you close to him that you were chest to chest with him in the water, pressed against one another under the sky. You wondered if he could feel your heart race or how nervous he made you. His hand reached out to brush your hair away from your face while the other grabbed your hip underneath the water.
You gasped at his rough touch.
" You okay there, kitten?" you narrow your eyes watching him. This was something new with Flayed. He cared? Since when? His hand trailed up your back, over to your shoulder, over your neck feeling every inch of your body. His other hand came up to cup your face as his thumb ran over your lips moving your head closer to him that he could kiss you.
You wrap your legs around him and suppress a moan as his hips buck against you. Flayed smirked feeling how your heart was racing against his skin. He liked it. You gasped feeling his hand tangled into your hair and pull on it, getting control over the kiss.
He presses a kiss on your neck, then on the other side.
" Fuck, flayed..," you moaned rolling your hips.
" I want you, kitten," he mumbles against your lips.
" Then maybe we shouldn't fuck in the pool?"
He frowned, then clenched his eyes as he pulled away from you thrashing in the water. You moved away watching with wide eyes. What was going on? He growled as he arched his back all of sudden and then everything stopped. His shoulder shook as he stood with his back to you.
" Are you okay?" you asked. The shoulder slumped and he turned around to face you. His head rose as he panted and there you saw the bluest eyes and those freckles. His eyes held worry in them.
" Billy?' you asked being cautious. He nods as giving you the answer it's him. You slowly move towards him.
" D-Don't" Billy whimpers. " P-please.." he whines with tears rolling down his cheeks. " He-es go-oing to hu-urt you"
" He won't" you shook your head as you stood in front of Billy. Your hand reached out to touch his cheeks and when you did, his hand reached out to catch your wrist in his hand.
" Pathetic" your face dropped as Flayed looks over to you. " I thought you knew better" He tsk in disapproval. " I thought I told you he doesn't belong here"
" I need to go" you mumble. Flayed tilts his head up as he looks at you with slit dark eyes. He doesn't move but a growl escapes from him. Your moving in the water feeling like your heart was about to be going up your throat.
You made a run for it. You had to, Flayed was staring to scare you and you didn't want him to be a part of your life anymore.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
His eyes wouldn't leave off of when you walked into the arcade with Dustin, Mike, Max, Lucas and Will by your side. He couldn't get the feeling off of him on how much you were enjoying yourself without him in his life. He stood by one of the machines with his hood up, he has been fighting Billy in his mind. Billy has been begging Flayed to come out to see you, to make you understand how this worked.
He tried and tried and tried and every time, Flayed had won.
It didn't come to you unnoticed that he was there. You felt a chill go down your spin and the air felt different. The blonde curls weren't a miss from the corner of your eyes and the way his eyes fell on you immediately.
" Are you paying attention?" Dustin clapped his hands in front of your face. You snapped out of your thoughts, " Yeah. Here" you handed the rest of the coins he needed to play while you stood there watching over them.
" Is that..." Max asked in a hush tone as her eyes fell on Flayed in the corner. " Don't look Max, but yes" you nodded. She eyed him whispering, " Do you need me to call Steve?" she asked while you shook your head pushing her back with the others.
When it was time to go, you walked out with the kids pausing in your step seeing he was leaning against the Camaro.
" We're not afraid of you!" Dustin shouted as he was ready to pounce but felt your hand on his chest stopping him. " Go in the car, Dustin" you tell him.
" We can take him" Lucas says as he and Mike rose their fists up in the air. " Get in the car, now" you hissed at them, " you too Max. Will, please" Will took a hold of Max as they hurried into the car. But they all peeked out watching you.
" You scared, Kitten?" he asked, letting his hood down making his curls shake as he glanced over to you. He snapped the gum in his mouth.
" Why would I be scared?" He chuckled, " Last time you ran away from me. Are you running again?" He slide off the hood of his car and took a step towards you.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you eyed him.
" I don't have anything to be afraid of" Flayed look impressed that you were actually standing your ground and not running away like a scared kitty cat.
" I'll see you tonight" he spoke unlocking the doors of the car, " you stay pretty now, Kitten" he winks as he reversed and drove off. You looked at the kids watching and when they saw you were watching them , the ducked down.
" Not a word" you mutter to them as you stared the car.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your eyes widen to find him standing in your kitchen the next morning. How did he get in? You looked for any sign of broken windows but your feet were planted on the ground. He stood over the stove cooking breakfast. This wasn't normal at all. Anything about this was not normal.
" What are you doing here?" you finally spoke out, voice shaking with fist clenched by your side.
" Cooking you breakfast, this isn't something I eat. You know" he motioned to the pan, looking over to you like you had another grown head or something.
" Why?" you asked. Flayed chuckled as he turned off the stove and dropped the spatula.
" Because, I like you" something about those words weren't very secure about them. " W-what?" you asked in disbelief. Flayed put his hands on his hips as he shrugged. There wasn't any other answer he could give you but that. He reached out to grab onto your wrist but you stood back.
" Don't you run away, not from me Kitten" he says taking a step towards you but you took one step back, turning around and running up the stairs to your room. You had a small given space underneath the bed that you had enough time to fit underneath there.
You can hear the rage behind Flayed's voice as he stomped up the stairs, his boots hitting on the floor as he walked closer and closer.
" You're really going to hide from me, kitten?"
His voice got louder, like a explosion and it was very deep. You heard it has clear as day from underneath the small space of your bed. He was nearing to your bedroom. He checked one of the bathroom first, then the guest room, he didn't know what room to check because he wasn't been in your house before. Billy has.
" Come out, come out kitten, Flayed isn't going to hurt you. Just has a few words for you" the words were dripping with sarcasm and venom as he opened your bedroom door looking around and you watched from the space you were in as his feet stopped in front of your closer and he opened it. He examined the inside with what he saw there only to scowl.
It was like the panic had disappeared once his boots turned around and he made a bee line to the door. Holding your breath, you knew it wouldn't be too long until he found you. He was going to find you. There was no other way around it.
Flayed wasn't the type of play games like this. But you were going to take every bit of time you had to hide from him. Besides, if you were being honest, him hunting you down down sent a chill down your spine. It was exciting.
Although you didn't noticed that you had coughed all of sudden and the house grew quiet.
No more shouting. No more footsteps. The sudden silence made you crow in fight.
You are right to feel that feeling when a large hand gripped around your wrist and you shrieked, the sound louder than anything as you were dragged out in one motion.
" Found you" His blue eyes were darker shade as they narrowed at you. " Ouch!" you yelped, trying to scramble away but the grasp on your wrist was released and he grabbed onto your hips, refusing to let you.
" You shouldn't of hid underneath the bed otherwise you wouldn't be dragged out like a doll" he scoffed pushing you down on the ground, pinning your body with his. You kept thrashing under him even with the amusement in his eyes. He pushed your legs apart, and pressed his knee a little hard against your heat. You whimpered against him, grinding against his leg. Your body shutters as he watches you, licking his lips.
Your heart felt like it was on the edge of slipping out of your mouth, not even noticing he took off his boots. He might of taken them out somewhere near your room to surprise you. Flayed didn't really like this game at all, but he tried. For you.
" I thought you liked me, this isn't nice..," you whined out underneath him causing him to chuckle from the way you were wiggling under him and trying to escape. His hand that was on your hip rose to hold on your throat. He didn't squeeze, didn't out pressure but was using as a way to show you that you were his.
" Stop moving, kitten" He growled, a warning he was giving you sending it straight to your core and you couldn't help the way your thighs squeezed around his.
" You look so sad, why is that kitten? Lonely, aren't we?"
You were trying so hard to decided wether you should press his buttons or not. You didn't know if he deserved the apology that you ran away scared of him. He was Flayed, he wasn't Billy. He didn't have emotion and he didn't care or did he?
Your voice came out a squeak, " I wasn't.. I-"
" I know, you just wanted my attention"he sneered, giving a tap around your neck, his legs pushed against your body as you whimpered. " Only mine" his breathed against you lips as he got closer, hovering above your wide eyed face. His snarl changed into a wicked grin, that's when you got nervous.
The anxiety in you was building," you like it that I give you attention, don't you?" maybe it was the nerves that were getting you but the squeaks from under him was all he heard. The only pleasure you were getting was the way your hips bucked against his leg, the motion offered you as held you down.
" No answer?" His face pulled back to look down at you as he listens to your breath hitch, but he smirks as he thinks of something.
" Open your pretty little mouth"
That certainly threw you off guard as your brain tried to wrap around his words. You felt a squeeze at your throat, " I said open your mouth, kitten."
You listened and obeyed, you were a mess underneath him listening to his growls making your cunt throb. Your lips came apart, hanging open as he requested. His growling stopped as he spit directly into your mouth letting it land straight on your tongue. The grin on his was wild as he watched the liquid gather on your tongue. You were being his good little girl keeping your mouth open for him to look at.
" See that? I gave you some attention" he declared, smug with his hand tightened around your throat, "now I want you to swallow."
Your eyes fluttered at his command as you swallowed. A groan escapes from him as he watched, he was surprised with the words that came out of your mouth.
" Thank you"
He cursed to himself inside his head as he climbed off of you, releasing you from his body. But it was just for brief moment, before he was manhandling you again, treating you like you were a doll to him. One hand was on your waist while the other gathered the hair in a fist as he pushed you to the bed.
" After your pretty manners, you think you deserve something or. do you think I forgot that you ran away from me?" your body jolted as a smack landed on your ass.
" F-Flayed, pl-lease," you moaned through the sheets as he tugged your pants and panties down to your ankles like a hungry animal.
" P-please.." he mocked you. He gave you another smack on the ass, his plan settling on the swell of the flesh and pulling to reveal you were dripping for him. His breath hitched from the way you were trying to look over your shoulder at what he was doing was cute.
" You are one bad little kitty. If you want me to let you cum, you should be a good girl and apologize,"
" N-No, y-you wouldn't dare.."
" Oh? Is that so?" you gasped and your body jolted feeling his spit land on between your cheeks that he was playing around with and watching it drip. A moan escapes from you feeling his two fingers stuffing inside your cunt, his other hand curved around your thighs so he could curve his fingers. It was hard to protest or say anything to him while he stretched you out with his fingers.
You moaned out his name, Flayed instead of what he wanted with your hands fisting the sheets and your hips tried to grind against his touch, but he helped you stay stead with his hips pressed behind you.
" Flayed!" you moaned.
" Not what I wanted to hear" he tsked sat you, sighing to himself in disappointment. He was focusing on the way he was touching you and made you gasp against him, the moans and cries escaping your lips. When you arched your back and whined for him, that when he focused on that certain spot watching the pleasure build inside of you.
Your little whine and gasps were captivating to him but they weren't what he wanted to hear, his hand yanked at your hair using it as you get your face from the covers where you were hiding it to hear you better.
" What was that? Can't really hear you, kitten? Do I need split you with my cock?"
His palm started to grind into your folds and applying pressure to your clit as your body was coming closer and closer, only for him to pull his hand away at the last minute.
" Please, Flayed... please"it sounded more like a sob than a plead.
He dropped you onto the bed for a moment as he undid his pants as he licked his lips, you turned a bit to look at the bulge that has been pressing against your ass. It made you mewl more for his cock. His cock sprang up, hitting against his stomach.
" I need you to answer my question...I'm waiting.."
" yes, yes," you finally answered him with a small whimper, lifting up your hips up begging for him to take you. " Yes, I wanted your attention. I'm sorry for running away" this time you pleaded with a small sniffle and he was laughing at you at this point as he grabbed your hip with one hand while the other grabbed his cock in the other. He let his length slide between your cheeks, teasing you before slipping it lower into your awaiting cunt. His cock nudged in between your folds, slowly thrusting into you. Every nudge of his tip against your clit draw little gasps that he loves to hear, making you tremble against him, urging him to go on. His body bended over yours, caging you in the bed as his lips hovered over your ear.
" Tell me again" he demanded, his voice was quieter, taunting you with a small lick over the shell. Every shudder, every little gasp and every sound escaped from you caused a laugh to erupt from his chest against your back.
" I'm sorry, Flayed.. I am sorry for running.. I'm sorry.."
A screamed erupts from you as he slams his cock into you fully, making you feel like your walls and everything inside of you was going to erupt. It felt like he was breaking you in half in the best way. Each clam of his hips made you scream over and over. They weren't slow like he started, but they were steady and harsh. Each thrust made the bed creak.
He moved a bit away from you, "I know you like me back" he brought his hand underneath you, trapping your lower stomach as he dragged you up on your toes that you can feel how toyed with you.
It made you cry for him. You felt every inch of him inside of you causing your walls to shatter, made you see stars, your eyes rolling back into your head.
" Rude not to answer, I thought you knew your manners" he growled.
" I do!"
"Good" he snickered, watching you cry and slobber on the bed as you answer him. He picked up the pace a big, focusing on the way his hand was going down in between your legs and giving your clit attention, rubbing small circles as he groaned.
" Need to hear you, kitten" And he did. His name left your lips like a dream, a prayer.
He added the pressure on your sweet spot with his fingers just enough to send you to the edge. Stars appeared behind your eyes as you screamed out before dropping your head on the bed as you came. He thrusted into you a couple of more times, following behind you and painting the inside of your wall with white. Yours and his moans filled the room.
He slipped out of you and panted as he sat on the bed with his head against the wall. The curls stuck to his forehead, his mouth a jar as his body drew in sweats and his blue dark eyes were in slits. While you laid on the bed, panting with slobber as you rolled over on your back.
There was a moment in silence before you heard the groan and a small whimper besides you. Your head snapped towards the noise to see him hunched over and shaking. Immediately you shoot up thinking something is wrong but when he rose his head and you met those blue eyes, you knew it wasn't Flayed looking at you this very moment.
His hands reached over to cup your face with both hands as his lips brushed against yours. He wanted to feel you against him, he wanted to know what it was like to kiss you. It felt different when Flayed was in control. This time, he kissed you passionately and desperately.
Your arms wrapped around him as his soft lips moved against yours. You pulled away, breathless.
" How long do I have with you?" Billy's only response was he kissed you again, this time a little harsher with small whimpers escaping his mouth. You let him kiss you for awhile before he pulled away and you were staring back into those dark blue eyes, his grin was wide.
" Happy to see me?" he asked, your hands pulled away from him as he laughed, picking you up carrying you into the bathroom. Flayed Billy might be here, but you knew that the real Billy was in there and had his moments sharing with Flayed on how to look after you.
Maybe this wasn't bad after all. Maybe having Flayed in your life wasn't too bad.
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The Cabin
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for season 3
Word Count: 4299
A/N: So, here is part 20 of Nightmares and Bruises. I’ve only got one exam left and then I’ve officially finished my first year of uni!! That means that after the 26th, I’m going to try and attempt to get back into posting at least one, if not more, chapter a week. This one is really long and most of it is probably waffle, so I apologise. The taglist is open so drop me an ask or a comment! I won’t reply to comments because this is a side blog but know that I see and read them all.
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After everything that happened at the hospital, they all realised they were up against a lot more than they could ever have imagined. They came to the decision that Jonathan would drive Y/N’s car, because she was in no shape to drive, and would take Y/N, Will and El to Y/N’s house so she could change, as Nancy took the others to her so she could change too. Then they would all meet up at Hopper’s cabin to figure out where they were going to go from here.  
The Jonathan, Y/N, EL and Will arrived first and El had just finished getting changed when Nancy pulled up outside. As they walked in, Nancy handed El a bingo pamphlet with Mrs Driscoll’s picture on it and a picture of Bruce from the newspaper. Y/N handed over a family picture she had picked up in the Holloway’s house and the strip of photobooth pictures that had fallen out of Billy’s locker. Then they set everything up as usual in El’s room and left her to it.
“It can’t be good for her to be in there for this long.” Mike exclaimed after about fifteen minutes, gesturing towards El’s closed door as he paced back and forth in the living room.
“Mike, you need to relax.” Max rested her arms on her knees as she rocked her heels back and forth while sat in one of the arm chairs.
“What if she gets brain damage or something?” Mike countered.
“Oh shit! Is that, like, a real thing?” Lucas asked, taking a break from eating Honey Smacks straight from the box as he leaned back on the sofa.
Max rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not. He made it up. Mike doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”
“Oh! And you do?” Mike stopped his pacing to face her.
“No, I-…” Max tried to come up with an answer.
Y/N stopped paying attention to their bickering as Nancy started another conversation on the phone.
“Yes, from The Hawkins Post. I-I called a couple of days ago about the… Yes, yes. Um, I was just following up to see if anything else had gone missing, or if…Okay. Um, sorry to bother you.” She slammed the phone back on the stand as Max and Mike continued to argue.
“You okay?”
It took Y/N a minute to realise that Jonathan was talking to her.
“I’m going to take that as a no.” Jonathan smiled and leant on the opposite side of the kitchen island from where her and Will were sitting.
Y/N tried to return it. “It’s just… Everything’s all over the place. The last two times we’ve had some direction but this time… I’m worried about Billy.” She bit her lip and looked at the ceiling to try and stop another set of tears falling.
“We’ll figure it out. Alright? We always do.” He smiled again before Nancy walked over.
“Who’s next?”
“There is no next. Unless you want to start calling random people’s homes.” Jonathan told her as he crossed out the place she’d just called in the phone book.
“It doesn’t make sense!” Nancy said, throwing her notebook down on the kitchen island.
“What part of any of this makes any sense?” Y/N asked, suddenly very aware of the pain in her shoulders. She reached into her bag and took another couple of painkillers with the glass of water Jonathan had given her a while ago.
“There’s a pattern, okay? A consistency to their behaviour.” Nancy looked between the three of them sat in the kitchen. “They’ve been feeding on these chemicals since this started, and-and what? They just stop, out of the blue?”
“Maybe they have all the chemicals they need.” Will spoke up. “Maybe they’ve all turned into those… things.”
“But what about the source? I mean, did the mind flayer just suddenly stop infecting people? And even if the flayed are monsters now, why can’t El find of them?” Nancy rattled off.
“Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us?” Max walked into the kitchen with Mike behind her. “Who do you think should decide El’s limits? Mike, or Eleven?”
“The way that you frame that is such bullshit!” Mike said.
Y/N stood up and walked over to the window. She couldn’t deal with any more arguing. She just wanted answers. She just wanted Billy back.
“What’s going on?” EL’s voice brought everyone out of their various states as they all turned to look at her.
“Nothing! Nothing.” Mike said a little too quickly.
“Just a family discussion.” Lucas added.
“Oh. I found him.” El said.
“Found who?” Y/N walked back over to everyone.
El looked directly at her. “Billy.”
Y/N felt her heart stop. “Where is he?”
“At his house.” EL told her.
She grabbed her car keys and had almost made it to the door when Nancy grabbed her unbroken arm.
“Where are you going?”
“To go see him. He’s still in there Nancy, I can bring him back, I know I can.”
“He nearly killed you, Y/N. Twice from what I can tell. We need more information before we go charging into anything.” Nancy’s grip was firm as she raised her eyebrows, daring Y/N to challenge her.
“Fine, but he only tried to kill me once, the crash was an accident.” Y/N put her keys back in her pocket and let Nancy drag her back into the living room area. Everyone was sat around El, who was sat cross legged in front of the static TV again. When Nancy and Y/N were settled, she tied the bandana around her head again.
It was around five minutes later that she ripped the blindfold back off.
“What’s he doing now?” Max asked as El stood up and walked into the kitchen.
“He’s just sitting, in his room.” El grabbed a glass, filled it with water and then gulped down the whole thing.
“And that’s not normal right?” Nancy asked, her eyes drifting from Max to Y/N.
“Billy staying in his room on the fourth of July? No, that’s not normal.” Max said.
“We were supposed to be going to the fair.” Y/N remembered, even though she knew that was never going to happen right now. She ignored the pain piercing her heart and tried to analyse the situation. “He wants us to find him.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.” Nancy said, looking directly at Y/N. “If we go to Billy, then the rest of the flayed know where we are.”
“It’s a trap, I agree. We’ll be ambushed.” Mike chimed in.
“We won’t be surprised. We’ll know that they’re coming and we’ll kick their flayed butts.” Lucas said with sheer confidence.
“You mean El will kick their butts.” Max reminded him.
“It’s too risky.” Mike said
“Yeah, and unnecessary.” Nancy backed up her brother. “Killing the flayed won’t kill the mind flayer. We have to find out where it’s spreading from and top it. We have to find the source.”
“Which only one of us has visited, and I can’t even remember it.” Y/N reminded them.
“Billy knows it.” El said. “Billy’s been there. To the source. He was awake, after the crash?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, he was. He was covered in dirt and grime and really panicked when I came too in the car. Looked like he’d been dragged across the floor.”  
“Yeah, but-” Mike started.
“It’s a trap.” El finished. “I know. We can’t go to Billy, but I think there’s another way. A way for me to see where he’s been.”
They got everything set up again in the living room. Mike tried to talk her out of it one more time before she went in, but she assured him she would be fine.
Billy sat on his bed with his hands resting on his knees. His eyes were trained straight ahead at his bedroom wall. As El walked closer she could see the cuts from the sauna test seemed to be an even darker shade of black than before. He was still in the white vest and jeans from the hospital. She took shuddering breaths as she got close enough to truly see him. Y/N had been right. His eyes were pained, but the rest of his face and body language was neutral.
El reached forward and took his hand. He didn’t even seem to notice as she lifted his arm up. The scratches Y/N had left at the hospital were littered down his forearm. They had all turned black too.
“Billy?” El spoke softly. “Can you hear me? I want to see. I want to see what happened.”
That seemed to get through to him. He raised his gaze to meet hers. His eyes were glassy with unushered tears. But then his face went hard and he grabbed El’s forearm in a vice like grip. She started to panic as she tried to pull her arm from his grip.
El’s breathing was increasing sharply and none of them knew why.
“Something’s wrong!” Mike said, but no one made any attempt to move; none of them knew what to do.
El fought harder and harder to try and pull her arm out of Billy’s grip. But he held fast.
“Stop! No! No! No! No! NO!” El screamed as she managed to yank her arm back. But in doing so, she sent herself falling backwards.
It felt like she was falling in slow motion. As she fell there were flashes. Flashes of memory. The sauna test. The mind flayer. Y/N pushing her out of the way before Billy’s hand could close around her throat. The mind flayer. Heather’s parents being taken and flayed. The mind flayer. Billy standing over Heather in the basement. The mind flayer. Billy watching them leave the Holloway’s after they had interrupted dinner. The mind flayer. Heather in the ice bath at his house. The mind flayer. Heather being dragged down. The mind flayer. Billy being flayed. Billy flaying Heather. Billy being dragged down into the basement. The mind flayer. The crash.
She hit the floor and was immediately engulfed by a wave. She pushed herself onto her front as she looked around. She was no longer in the upside down, well, not the one she was used to. She was on a beach. She looked to the side as a flock of seagulls took off into the air, cawing to each other as they did so. She struggled to her feet and looked around in confusion.
“El? Are you okay?” Mike was getting worried.
She let out a shaky breath. “I’m okay.”
Everyone released the breathes they had been holding.
“What’s going on?” Mike pressed.
“I’m… On a beach.” She sounded as confused as everyone felt.
“Okay, I may be dense, but the last time I checked, there weren’t any beaches in Hawkins.” Lucas said.
“What else do you see?” Max asked.
As El looked around again, a woman came into focus. She was tall, blonde and beautiful. She was wearing a long white swimsuit cover and had a pair of yellow sandals and a straw sunhat in her hand.
“A woman. She’s… Pretty.” El smiled. “I… I think she’s looking at me.”
The woman smiled in El’s direction and started to wave. “Whooo! Yeah!”
It was then that El noticed the woman was looking behind her. A boy, somewhere between ten and twelve, came running out of the sea with a surf board under his arm. He dropped the board in the sand and ran up to the woman.
“You did it!” She exclaimed as he reached her.
“There’s… A boy.” El told them.
“Did you see that?” The boy asked.
“Yeah, I saw that!” The woman replied before resting her hand on the back of his head and kissing his forehead.
“That was at least seven feet!” It was easy to see the excitement in the boy’s eyes and face.
“I don’t know what it was, but it almost gave me a heart attack.” The woman smiled again.
“Ten more minutes?” The boy asked.
The woman tried to keep her face happy, but there was worry in her eyes. “Yeah, okay, ten more minutes.”
“Okay!” The boy raced back to his surf board with a smile on his face.
“But any longer than that, dad’s going to be mad, okay?” There was an edge of panic to her voice.
“Okay!” The boy was too busy in his element to notice it.
“Billy?” The woman called out as El’s eyes went wide. “Watch out for rip currents!”
“I know!” Billy called as he ran into the sea.
“It’s Billy.” El said.
“It’s California.” Max realised. “It’s a memory.”
Y/N reached over and took her hand. The red head looked up at her and squeezed her hand back as she noticed the older girl’s eyes getting glassy.
El watched from the beach as Billy paddled his surf board back out away from the shore. But her eyes were drawn away by the distant rumbling of thunder and flashes of red lightning.
“I think I see it.” El said. “The source.”
Everyone looked at each other and sat up straighter.
The sky above the beach was clear, but in the distance, dark clouds, tinged with red were forming. El cast one more look out to sea before setting off towards where the clouds had formed. The closer she got, the more the wind seemed to pick up, until it was whipping around her.
“Hey! Billy, stop!” A man’s voice screamed over the wind.
El turned to look as the young Billy walked towards her. He was in full baseball gear and the man was storming after him, baseball bat held under his arm.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Neil caught up to him and grabbed his arm, hard. “What did we talk about, huh? You gotta slide!”
“I-I-I Know.” Billy stammered.
“Wait, afraid you’re gonna get hurt, is that it?” Neil scoffed.
“No!” The panic in Billy’s voice was building.
“Well, what then? What?” Neil’s voice was getting louder. “What did I raise, a pussy for a son?”
“Leave me alone!” Billy ripped his arm from Neil’s grip and started running.
“Hey! That’s right, run! Like you always do!” Neil screamed after him.
El started after Billy, turning to glare at Neil as she passed. The wind was getting even stronger and the clouds were swirling around her.
“Where were you last night? Where were you?” El couldn’t pinpoint where Neil’s voice was coming from due to the clouds.
“I told you, I was with Wendy!” Billy’s mom shouted back.
“Stop lying to me!”
“I’m not lying to you!”
“You saw him again, didn’t you?” Neil finally came into view. He was gripping Billy’s mom’s arm as Billy sat at the kitchen table, watching everything unfold. “Didn’t you!”
Billy’s mom ripped her arm back and pushed Neil back. “Get away from me! I said get away!” She threw a plate as Neil tried to get close again.
“You- you whore!” There was venom dripping from Neil’s voice.
“Stop it!” Billy screamed as he got in between his parents.
“Bitch!” Neil moved towards Billy’s mom.
“Don’t hurt her!” Billy grabbed Neil’s waist and tried to push him back.
“No!” Billy’s mom screamed.
“Don’t hurt her!” Billy said again.
“You bastard!” Billy’s mom shouted as Neil threw Billy to the floor and punched Billy’s mom in the face.
“Mom!” Billy screamed as he got back to his feet.
“I don’t understand. Why not?” It was Billy’s voice again but it wasn’t coming from the scene in front of El. She spun around and tried to find the source in the clouds. “Please, mom, don’t do this. Please come home.” Billy pleaded. El caught sight of him sat on the floor, leaning against a bed with the phone to his ear. “No, how long? How long! I miss you.” Billy was getting more desperate as sobs racked through his chest.
“Get back here!”
El turned to try and find the source of the new voice. Her eyes landed on a young teenage Billy on top of another teenage boy. Billy was repeatedly punching the other kid in the face.
“Get up! What, are you scared to fight me?” Billy yelled at the boy. “You scared? Get up and fight me, pussy. Pussy!”
El watched with glassy eyes as the sweet boy from the beach began to change into an unrecognisable person.
“Billy, come over here. I want you to meet someone.” Neil came back into focus. He was walking towards Billy, with his hand on a young Max’s shoulder. “This is your new sister. Her name’s Maxine.”
“Max.” Max corrected him.
“Shake her hand.”
The clouds suddenly broke. El found herself face to face with Y/N.
“Y/N?” El muttered.
“What is it?” Y/N shifted forward.
“I can see you. You-You’re walking down a road. It’s night. You’re… Alone.”
Y/N’s voice caught in her throat. “That… That’s the night we met.”
El watched as Y/N pushed her hands further in her hoodie’s pocket. She was clearly cold. She jumped as a car engine cut through the calm night air. El watched as she moved to the side to let the car go past. To El’s surprise the car pulled up.
“Y/N, right?” Billy was smiling, but there was a bruise forming under his left cheekbone.
Y/N nodded.
“What you doing out this late in the cold, princess?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” Y/N shrugged as Billy’s eyes surveyed her shivering figure.
“Want to come for a drive? I’d rather not leave you out here in the cold.” He reached over and opened the passenger side door without waiting for an answer. “You shouldn’t be out here alone, it’s dangerous.”
As Y/N got into the car the clouds descended again. El spun and found Y/N kneeling in front of Billy with tears streaming down her cheeks and her hands gripping his shirt. Billy was bloody and beaten and there were tears in his eyes too. Steve was on the floor behind Y/N, not moving.
“Stop, don’t become your dad. Billy please.” Y/N pleaded with him. “I meant what I said; I love you.”
“You can’t just say that and then disappear with someone else!” Billy’s voice was broken.
The clouds vanished again and El found herself stood in Billy’s room. Y/N was leaning over the side of his bed, looking through the paperbacks that she had pulled out from under his bed. Billy was laid behind her on the bed, holding a book above him as he read it. El had never seen either of them so calm.
“Hey, what’s this?” Y/N’s fingers gripped the spine of a very beat up copy of The Catcher in the Rye. She sat up on the bed and opened the book; photographs falling out as she did.
“I didn’t know where else to put them.” Billy put his book down and sat up next to her. He rested his weight on his left arm, next to her hip as he rested his head on her shoulder and reached for the top picture.
El moved closer to get a look. Most of the pictures were of Y/N and Billy, a few of just Y/N, but there was one of Billy and his mom. Y/N picked that one up. Billy noticed her looking at it.
“That was just before she left.” His voice dropped almost to a whisper.
“I’m not going anywhere, you know that, right?” Y/N turned to look at him.
He moved his hand to her face and brushed his thumb over her cheekbone. “I know. I promise we’ll never be like that; I won’t be like him. I will never hurt you; I promise.” He leaned forward and kissed her. Her hands moved to his hair before he pulled back and rested his forehead on hers. “I promise.”
“Who’s there?” The clouds engulfed everything again as Billy shouted.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Y/N’s voice rang out.
El spun around in circles but couldn’t see either of them.
“I said who’s there!” Billy screamed as he was pulled to the ground.
But El still couldn’t see him. She pushed through the clouds as the wind picked back up. She had to raise her arm to protect her eyes. Billy continued screaming as El could finally make out the Camaro’s headlights. She started moving faster as the screaming got louder. But it suddenly stopped as she broke through into the eye of the storm. She looked around at the old steelworks and saw the Camaro against one of the walls. The lightning and thunder picked up again as she walked towards the main building.
“I think I found it. The source.” El said as all the others leaned forward.
“Where El? Where are you?” Max asked.
“Brimborn… Steelworks.”
Jonathan shot to his feet and ran over to the kitchen island. When he came back, he was clutching the phone book in his hand. “Here. Okay, uh, steelworks, steelworks.” He started flicking through the pages as Nancy got up to join him. “Here steel. Uh, found it! 6522 Cherry Oak Drive.”
“That’s close.” Nancy said.
“El, El, we found it. Get out of there. Get out!” Mike said.
El heard him but as she closed her eyes, she felt herself falling back up. As she did, she saw the crash, she saw Billy trying to wake Y/N up, saw him getting dragged into the basement. She saw Heather again, and everything that had happened to her, and everything else she had seen while she was falling, just in reverse.
El ripped the blindfold off and looked around the cabin, only to find that she was alone. “Mike? Mike?” She didn’t understand where everyone could have gone when Mike was just speaking. She pushed herself to her feet as she started to panic. “Mike! Mike! Mike!”
“He can’t hear you.”
El spun around to try and find the source of the voice. Her eyes landed on her open bedroom door as a shadow appeared on the wood, before Billy stepped into view. El took a step back on reflex as he paused in the door way.
“You shouldn’t have looked for me.” It was the same as before, his voice seemed to have an edge, like multiple people were talking at once. “Because now I see you.” He crushed his cigarette in the ashtray on the hall table as he started towards El. “Now we all see you.”
El started backing up, panic clawing up her throat as she looked at the boy who was so broken and alone. Who had finally managed to catch a break but the world seemed determined to not let him have it.
“You, let us in and now, you are going to have to let us stay.” Billy kept advancing as El took steps back. It was then she noticed his eyes and recalled what Y/N had said. Tears were forming along his lash lines. Billy, the real Billy, was still in there, watching all of this and fighting so hard to break free.
“Don’t you see? All this time, we’ve been building it.”
El could no longer hold in the sobs that racked through her chest. She didn’t know how to get out.
“We’ve been building it, for you.” The tears finally began to fall. He was in pain.
“What are you doing?” Mike shouted as Y/N moved towards El. “You can’t touch her when she’s in there!”
“We have to do something! Look at her! I have to try!”
El felt something grasp her hand and when she looked up, Y/N was standing next to her. Y/N’s eyes grew wide as she looked around the cabin and then met Billy’s eyes.
“Billy?” Her voice was soft and pained.
The mind flayer didn’t seem phased, but there was a slight change in Billy’s eyes as he looked at her. El tugged Y/N back as Billy carried on towards him.
“All that work, all that pain, all of it, for you.”
El and Y/N hit the kitchen island and Y/N pulled her to the side. But they were running out of room to move.
“El, you have to do something.” Y/N’s eyes never left Billy as she felt tears starting to fall down her own cheeks. El didn’t appear to have heard her over her own sobbing and focus on Billy.
“And now, it’s time. Time to end it. And we’re going to end you. And when you are gone, we’re going to end her,” Billy’s gaze moved back to Y/N, who gripped El’s hand tighter. “and all of your friends.”
“No!” El screamed.
“And then we are going to end everyone.”
El finally snapped out of it and threw up the hand that wasn’t holding Y/N’s. “GET AWAY!”
Billy was thrown backwards.
“NOOOOOO!” El screamed as she ripped the actual bandana off.
Y/N fell back, breathing hard, as Mike grabbed El and pulled her into him. Nancy and Jonathan grabbed hold of Y/N’s arms and pulled her up.
“What happened?” Nancy asked.
Part 21 
Tags: @assholeheartthrob @httperrornicole @ambeazyyy @princess-huffy @gemgemswift @colie87 @iris-suoh @sydneynix8305 @peter-pan-hoe @p0wderedtoast @not-a-glad-gladiator @fangirlinganditswonders@endgameendsme @lazinesstookovermylife @lilac-dreams @anon-1112 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @wickedlovely121 @lightlysweetened @scarecrowsragdoll @bilesxbilinskixlahey @moonstruckbucky @krazykatkay456 @thecraziestcrayon @moonchild1507 @tah0e @tony-stank3 @allie-mcginn @supernatural-girl97 @hi-my-name-is-riley @ria132love @t-swizzle-owns-me @sabrinasturtlenecks @meliv99 @jamesvaldezzzz​ @thatfrenchperson @cynthianokamaria​ @avnngrss​   @studysimsx  @emmaquarius @stevieboyharrington​@eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @ofwisdomandwar​ @external-l-appel-du-vide @evelynfreakinaddams​ @bish-ima-clown​ @noodlenerd101​ @jakesmysterio​ @playboygeniusphilanthropist​ @itsfangirlmendes​ @pinkrosesx​ @killer-queen-xo​​ @steveharrigntons​ @bookmarkofglitter​ @alina-margaret​ @labyrinth-of-thoughts​ @helen-of-troi @ninjathrowingstork​ @requestedmemory @believerofall​  @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @esteroni @deepmilkshakecoffee​ @somethingdawn​ @brandi1936​ @universefinds​ @huang-the-geek​ @silver-winter-wolf​ @longliphoney @absolute-randomness-forever​ @littlepsychos-world​ @octavia05 @escaping-reality21​ @httpakasha​ @dmv49​ @lyricfreaks @helena-way07​ @katiexdacre​ @fangirlbitch02​ @lo-bells​ @slytherinrising​ @i-am-a-smol-sweet-potato​ @imjusthereforsupernatural​ @lokis-butter-knife @banannie25​ @itsanallygator @justabeautiful-letdown​ @calumsfringe​ @jakeblckk​​@sunshine-and-riverwater​ @lasnaro​ @ang-hellic​ @marvelous-hargrove​ @safewithintheheart​ @kpopishilarious​ @beyxlm @sighrins @iloveyou3000and5​ @yosoymuyloca​ @lauren-novak​ @killerqueenishere​ @fanngirl19​ @nonexistentsouls​ @charmed-asylum​ @teenyforestfairy​  @speedmetalqueen​ @xobeautifulfaith​ @clinomanians​ @briemariea @kcd15​ @ellenna​ @just-a-nat​ @readinthegarden12​ @peqchynero​ @rosariia25​ @chloe-skywalker​ @aurorajuarezwolf​ @vulture-withafile​ @and-drew-101​ @aamcqueeny​ @lovepandasloves​  @nightbu-g @spaceythangs @lookalivesunshine-x​
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