#Flayed Billy Hargrove x female reader
sweet-villain · 1 year
Playing With Fire~ Flayed B.H
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Words : 3.2K words
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @steddieandstonathansprincess @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
Summary : Flayed takes interest in you after you have been following him a couple times, you finally ask him to speak to Billy. He grants it to you but the second time comes with a dangerous price.
He grin grows hearing the mutter of your voice as you slap the flashlight in your hands trying to get it to work. He heard you from a mile away entering the abandon factory where he has been tryin to figure out how you could track him. It was the first time you had track him down and he was growing frustrated in hiding away from you. 
Each step you took has alerted him you were close and ready to pounce on him if needed. He licked his lips as he sat against one of the walls hidden away from your sight with his legs outstretched. His hair matted down and strands stuck against his face and forehead as sweat roll down his cheeks. 
The goosebumps on your arms crawled like little ants and you felt that shiver down your spine. Not the same one that Will has when he felt the MindFlyer was around. Not that. You knew you were close. 
“ I’m not afraid” you stated. Flayed raised his eyebrow in amusement on what you were tying to get at. If you weren’t afraid of him then what did you exactly in hopes of doing.  His lips drew in a thin line as his mind wondered what did you want from him. He has taken your Billy away from you and here you were fighting to get to him.
You were warned to stay away from him. Flayed was dangerous in his own way. You had seen it with Heather, with her parents and you seen him struggling in fighting his own mind. Deep down a part of you wants to know if Billy was in there, swimming in his own fear as he waited and watched. 
“ You won’t hurt me” you spoke up. Your voice wasn’t even shaky or sounding like you were scared which made Flayed more interested in you. He thought you were like the others, pathetic, useless and no human was worth it to him.
Now, it was turning into something different and Flayed was interested. 
“ You would of done it by now” your voice was drawing closer where Flayed rested and he chuckled to himself thinking you are such a brave girl to walk alone, with nothing with her but a flashlight. 
You rounded the corner just where he sat at when his body rose up and pins you to the other wall with narrow eyes, the veins on his body visible as he glared at you through matted strands of hair. 
“ Isn’t it past your best time?” He mumbles. Part of his arms is holding you by the neck as you were pressed against the wall while looking at him. 
“ I’m not 12” He snickers as he eyes you up and down. 
“ You know, kitten. You have a pretty face, tell me. Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked. He removes his arm away from your neck as he steps back. You were right, he wasn’t going to hurt you. 
“ You took that away from me, remember?” Flayed hummed as he licked his lips with a grin. It wasn’t a grin that was inviting. It was more cold and sinister. 
“ That’s right, poor Billy is washed away like a pathetic little puppy that he is. Always crying to be saved. Always looking for a way out…” 
Your eyes blinked as tears began to shield your vision hearing him.
“ Is Billy still there?” Flayed scoffed at the mention of “ Billy.” 
“ Can I talk to him?” You thought asking Flayed in person, alone, he would let you even if it was for a couple of minutes. Flayed chuckled as he clapped his hands like he had an audience. 
“ Oh you’re funny one” Flayed points a finger at you as he laughs. His laughs stops after a few moment seeing you weren’t joking. “ Did you really think?” He takes a step towards you. You remained standing still showing you weren’t afraid of him. “ By coming to find me, I would let you talk to that nobody?”
Your eyes blink away the tears with your fist by your side clenching them as tight. You felt like you were holding your breath in feeling him come closer and his glare harden.
“ You don’t get to make any decisions here. I’m in control…” he says as he’s hovering above you. You rose your head to meet his gaze. His eyes held nothing but hollowness in them. 
You know he doesn’t feel. You know he has no feelings but yet you stand there, wanting to save him. Save your Billy. 
You rose your hand up confusing Flayed on what you were doing as he watches your hand in mid air and catches it. 
“ What are you doing?” He asks. “ I don’t want to be touched.” 
You stared into those cold and lifeless eyes as his face was completely blank. 
“ I’m not going to hurt you” is what he hears that perks his interest. He’s hesitant at first and scans your face making sure you weren’t joking and lets go off your hand. Your hand slowly rests on his chest. 
He’s in the white tank top that is mixed with sweat and there are some sort of grease splatter too. Your fingertips feel warm on his body. He shifts away as he hisses at the feeling. 
“ It’s just me” you tell him. He hesitates but lets you touch him again. Your hand slides up towards his face. Your fingertip hit his lips first feeling the coldness of his lips. They don’t look to full color rather chapped and a little blue for your liking. 
Flayed stands there in slight freight at your touch. He likes it. It slightly burns and he lets it watching your fingertip trace his lips. He watches your teeth nibbling on the bottom of your lips as you keep your focus on him. Your fingertips trace over his cheeks where Flayed can’t help but flutter his eyes closed at the touch. 
He doesn’t notice as his face leans into your touch and he feels a sort of calming over him. The burn has vanished as well. 
Your fingertips go into his matted hair and brush away the strands from his face that you can see his face clearer. His eyes fly open as he steps back, shaking his head and refusing to accept whatever this was. 
“ Enough” he says. “ What do you want?” 
A deep frown appears on your face and your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“ What are you talking about?” 
He chuckles, “ Don’t play dumb with me, kitten. You’ve been always trying to find me and for what? To be a savior? To magically think you’re capable of doing anything. You’re nothing. Just like you precious Billy.” 
“ GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!” You yelled, raising your words. Flayed blinked a couple of time as dark look crosses his face.
“ Kitten…” he warns. 
“ I said, give him back to me. You’ve had your fun” Flayed threw his head back as he laughed. 
“ I see why Billy likes you, you’re cute” he says reaching over and patting your head since he isn’t used to any kind of affection let alone know what a kiss is. He moves around you making his way up the stairs where you turn around staring at his back in confusion. 
“ Where are you going? We aren’t done with the conversation” Flayed doesn’t seem like he’s hearing you as he carries on making his way up. 
“ I’m not talking to a wall, am I?” You followed the way he went which he picked up as he turned around to look, rolling his eyes in annoyance. 
“ You know, I’m a person that uses her mouth to talk and I mean, how hard could it be for you…I don’t know.. use your words?”
“ You’re such a comedian, kitten” he finally speaks making his way outside of the factory. 
“ Oh thank you” Flayed groans hearing you follow him as he heads towards the Camaro parked to the side. You can see the damage from it still there when Billy must of crashed and your heart crashes into your stomach thinking of how helpless Billy must of felt and scared. 
“ Finally you’re quiet, something the matter?” Flayed eyes follow where you were looking at. The part of the Camaro that is damaged. He chuckles and wave his hand. 
“ That’s just a scratch” your eyes turn to his, glaring. 
“  Let me talk to him” you pleaded, “ It’s the least you could do and I won’t follow you anymore if you let me talk to him.” 
Flayed thinks this over, he likes that you keep finding him. He likes that you’re clever. He likes this game but he can see the desperation on your face too. He rolls his eyes. 
“ Clock will be ticking, kitten. I will be watching too.” 
Flayed hunches over the Camaro like he’s in pain and you rush to his side not thinking that he’s going to hurt you or worse but rathe you were worried something bad was happening. 
“ Are you okay?’ You placed your hand on his bare shoulder and you hear pants, a deep breathe take in and the head turns as you lock eyes with eyes that you have missed so much. They were full of apologies, full of I miss you’s and full of love. 
“ Billy?” You asked, eyes filling up with tears and that one nod was it all it took for you to crash into his arms and hold him like your life depended on it. Billy wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into your hair, breathing in your scent. He closed his eyes as tears shed down his cheeks. He was holding you. It’s all he wanted. 
“ I miss you so much” you mumble into his tank top drenching it with your own tears Billy could only squeeze you tighter. 
“ I’m going to save you” you continued thinking he’s heard it and it was safe to tell him. Billy pulls away as he stared down at you with worry in his eyes. 
“ He’s going to hurt you, I need you to stay away from him doll.” 
“ No” you shake your head,  “ I need you to come back to me.” 
You could tell by the small smile on his face that he was still here and that Flayed was giving you some time. 
“ I can’t, he has the control and I can’t come back to you no matter how hard I try” he says through his tears. You cup his face with the both of your hands and leans up on your toes resting your forehead against his. 
“ Come back to me” you pleaded, “ I needed you.” 
It broke Billy to see you like this but there was nothing he could do because Flayed was in control. Billy knew he was losing himself feeling Flayed fighting to come back, he pulls you into him and crashes his lips against yours wanting to remember the feeling of your lips against his. He wants a taste. A remembrance. 
You kissed him back, letting him hold you as tears shed down your cheeks feeling him slip away as hands squeezed at your hips as a tongue shoves into your mouth. But you quickly pull away seeing it was Flayed who was back.
“ Missed me, kitten? You know it’s quite rude to pull away when someone you love is kissing you” 
You scoffed, “ I don’t love you and you don’t know anything about it.” 
He laughs, “ I don’t, but you are so desperate for it that I thought I’d play your game.” 
“ Love isn’t a game” He rolls his eyes and lets you go. 
“ It’s pointless” He says as he walks over to the driver side of the Camaro. “ Where are you going?” You asked. 
“This again” he mumbles to himself and walks back over with his hands folded together like he’s praying as he eye levels with you.
“I’m going” he says like he’s talking to a childish that doesn’t understand any English. “ and you” he points to you with his index finger, “ can go home or whatever place you came from” he says moving his around him. “ Does that make it clear?” 
“ I am not a child. I can understand what your saying. I’m not going home. I’m coming with you” Flayed pinches the bridge of his nose feeling quite annoyed with you and he’s about done with this.
“ What do you want from me?” He asks calmly. He feels the anger risen in him. He is about ready to get into the car and drives off, leaving you behind.
“ I want you to give Billy back to me” Flayed jaw clenches tight as his hand drops from his face. 
“ What are you not understanding here is, I am in control. Little girls like you do not give me orders and I’m not going to give you your Billy back. You don’t need him.” 
“ I love him!” You yelled with fist by your sides. 
“ I love him!” Flayed mocks you doing the same thing you were doing with his own fists. 
“ Stop that!” Flayed mocks you agains as he throws in a smirk.
“ You’re so annoying” you mumble pushing at his chest where he pretends to stumble back like you had some affect on him when he’s much stronger than he looks. He leans against the hood of the car with amusement written on your face. 
“ I could beat you up” you continued to mumble which brought more amusement to Flayed. “ You’re so full of shit too” you added which he didn’t miss because he chuckled after you said it. 
“ You talk a big game of being this big bad wolf and yet, you let me talk to Billy. Is Flayed going soft?” You teased. 
Flayed frowned and stood up from the hood making his way over to the driver side and getting in his Camaro. He was about done with you and this game you were playing with him. 
“ Wait, you’re seriously not going to give me a ride home?” You asked coming up to the window. He doesn’t answer you and starts the car. His foot presses on the gas leaving you alone near the abandon factory. 
You kicked an imaginary rock muttering to yourself on how you could be so stupid letting him leave you like this. You looked around to see if there would be a passing car driving by but there was nothing. Not even a soul out here. 
A chill ran up your spine as you tapped on the flashlight muttering for it to turn on and headed towards home, where you thought was home. You didn’t hear the roaring of a car driving your way as you were too focused on looking where you were stepping. The car rolls next to you. 
“ Get in” the voice speak which you thought you imagined at first but you don’t notice the person even step out the car before you were grabbed by your wrist. 
“ What the-“ you were cut off with the person throwing them over your shoulder and you eyes catch on a familiar pair of jeans and the ass you know. He puts you in the passenger side seat without a word and goes to his side as he gets into the car. 
“ You came back for me” you happily reach to grab his arm but he tugs it away. 
“ Yeah, so I don’t need to hear you whining to me the next time you wound up finding me. You’re annoying too, always talking an ear off. Can you just shut up for once? I don’t know how he tolerated you..” Flayed says. 
Sometimes words do hurt and he was using those words to hurt you. You sank into your seat staring at the window at the passing trees. You muttered where to go while trying not to talk to him. Just like he liked it. 
He parks the car in front of your house and doesn’t look at you. 
“ Thanks for the ride” he waves off with his hand and points to the door. 
“ You know, I’m the only one that seems to reach out to you and care. I know you don’t have feelings but you should consider this as a mutual bearing or alliance you can say.” 
His cold and hallow eyes turn to look at you.
“ Get out” he says. 
“ Fine” you muttered, getting out of the car and making sure to slam the door of the Camaro throwing a finger at him. 
Later that night when your in your room, reading a book and too lost into that you don’t notice a figure slip into your room and the next thing you knew was your book being ripped out of your hands thrown across the room.
“ Hey!” You shouted, locking eyes with those very cold, empty looking eyes as they stared down at you. He stood there motionless like something was speaking to him inside his head but it wasn’t exactly that. It was the fact that he’s been thinking. 
Flayed doesn’t think. He does. 
“ What are you doing in my room?” The question you asked goes unanswered. He’s standing like a statue lost in his own world. You had no idea weather to scramble to the phone to call Steve Harrington for help or get him to talk to you. 
He didn’t like to talk, that you knew. Your eyes drop to the phone in the corner which he picks up on because he saw it when he crawled through your window. 
“ Don’t even think about it” he says. 
“ Or what?” The next thing you know is he has you pinning on your bed with your hands above your head. “ That” he answers. 
There is a big wide smirk on his face while he gazes down at you. There is something about that interest him. Weather he finds you annoying with everything you do or the fact that the feeling of your lips made him crave you.
His face leans down and his eyes flutter closed. You are getting the gist of what he wants. You move your head to the side which he notices and pulls away slightly. 
“ What now?”  He asks. 
“ If I let you kiss me, will you let me talk to Billy again?” Flayed eyes squint as he growls. 
“ Why do you even want him?” 
“ Because I love him” Flayed rolled his eyed with heavy sigh.
“  Make the kiss good and we will see” He mutters, leaning down again as his lips brushes against yours. Your breath hitches feeling his lips on yours, they feel a lot different than compared to Billy’s. 
The kiss is surprisingly soft this time, not tongue even happen as he kisses you like you were about to break. He pulls away slightly and his eyes open.
“ Was that good?” He answers you by leaning back down capturing your lips with another kiss. He likes this. He really does. He lets go off your hands and they wound up going into his matted hair that you brush away. 
He pulls away again and this time you see that it’s your boyfriend Billy. Flayed gave in and allowed you to have Billy back.
This time, the clock wasn’t ticking because Flayed hid away angering at himself on what this was between the two of you. He liked kissing you and he was growing scared about it. 
“ Billy” you spoke his name. Flayed on the inside wasn’t too happy how that sounded. 
“ Doll” your boyfriend spoke with a growing smile on his face, collapsing in your arms as he mumbles how much he missed you. 
You were scared too. Scared to have the limited time with your boyfriend before you were playing games with Flayed again. 
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sadhours · 1 year
Okay okay, I love your work and I was really thinking something w Flayed!Billy?? Ya know some kinky, dark, smut type shi if you’re into that sort of thing🫢 IF NOT just ignore my lewd ass, have a good day<3
i might be a little too excited at the idea. hope this tickles your fancy.
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warnings: 18+ minors dni, rough sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, consent is a tiny bit iffy in this, still consenting though!!! it’s flayed!billy so hey
taglist: @bbyhargrove
Something is drastically off about your boyfriend. At first, it isn’t outrightly obvious. It was almost like how he would behave after a particular brutal fight with his father. He would slip behind shadows and hide away from you, the walls you’d spent months tearing down built themselves back up right before your very eyes. And this was similar yet more sinister, like he wasn’t really there anymore. Billy still showed up at your house routinely, as he did every night on his way home from work but he started leaving early. You never knew what you were going to get; a grumpy yet normal Billy or a complete shell of himself who was quiet and stared off at walls like he could see something inside them.
Tonight, he doesn’t show up until really late. It’s after midnight and you’ve already tucked yourself into bed when you’re started by your window sliding open and a shirtless and barefoot Billy climbing through it. You sit up, bringing your knees up to your chest as you peer up at your almost unrecognizable boyfriend. He’s completely drenched in sweat, his eyes look terrified but his body language reads differently. Bruises scatter his forearm and there’s another small one on his cheekbone but they don’t look like normal bruises, they’re black.
“B-Billy?” your voice is weak, finding yourself scared of him while concerned, “What’s wrong?”
He steps close to your bed, grabbing roughly on your ankle and dragging you to the edge of the bed. Blue eyes beg you to see him and not the huge shadow taking control of his body. You stare up at him fearfully, gasping as he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you up to him. It’s all so confusing but you can read the arousal in his eyes and you’ve always liked when Billy was rough with you. You’d just wished he’d explain what the hell had been going on with him.
“Shh, baby,” he drawls out, pressing his finger to your lips.
Looking up in his eyes, you grab onto his biceps but he’s quickly grabbing hold of your wrists and pinning them against the bed as he straddles your waist. There’s something sadistically wrong in his touch but you find your body igniting in anticipation for it. Billy grabs your wrists together in his left hand and pins them above your head, his right coming down to your nightshirt and ripping it open. You hear the buttons scattering to the wood floor and then something shifts in his demeanor for a brief moment.
“Tell me to stop,” he mutters, gruffly.
Your mouth hangs open as you realize you do not want him to. This isn’t like anything you two have done before, Billy was never this aggressive but you like it, a lot.
“No,” you pant out, “don’t want you to stop.”
It’s like he’s possessed or he’s got split personalities the way his body language changes in seconds and he’s back to tearing the rest of your clothes off. His fingers curl around your throat, squeezing as his eyes bore down into your wide ones.
“Fuck,” he grunts, “I wanna do awful things to you.” like a curse, like he’s confessing sins.
A garbled noise escapes your throat as you struggle for air, the lack of it leaves you light headed and dizzy but makes your cunt pulse. Billy lets go but only to flip you over on your stomach, he grabs a handful of your hair with his left hand and scoots your hips with his right, your face shoved in your pillows with your ass up. His left hand doesn’t move, the other smooths along your backside before delivering a harsh, smack. The sound of it echos in your room and the impact stings, hurts in the most delicious way. You’re sure your asscheek has a bright red handprint scarring it. If it didn’t, it does with the second and third strikes. You feel completely out of control, totally powerless and it’s extremely freeing. Maybe Billy’s behavior change isn’t such a bad thing.
“I want to hurt you,” he admits like he’s ashamed of the fact, his voice strained and trembling.
Tilting your head slightly to make sure he can hear you, you spit out, “Hurt me, Billy.”
“I shouldn’t,” he pants out, squeezing his eyes shut before gritting his teeth. He looks like he’s trying to contain something from bubbling up to the surface. He’s never looked so conflicted and you wonder if you should tell him to stop. But you can feel your slick smearing down your thighs and he said he wants to so you think he should. You’d let him do anything he goddamn pleases. You’d let him choke all the air of you and say thank you the entire time. You wiggle your ass at him, looking back over your shoulder. Billy exhales sharply before delivering another merciless smack, gripping his nails into the flesh as he makes contact. You’re fluorescent under his touch, beaming and bright. Neither of you knew how desperately you wanted this.
He shoves two fingers into your dripping hole without warning, pumping his fingers recklessly and it’s painful in a gratifying kind of way. Tiny, uncontrollable yelps tumble out of your mouth with every punch. Billy uses his grip on your hair to pull you up on your knees, his fingers inside your pussy don’t falter for a second while he lets go of your hair and wraps his left hand around your neck. You can feel the sticky sweat on his chest on your back, you wonder what the hell he was up to before breaking into your window briefly before you’re once again light headed and brain goes all fuzzy.
“Billy,” you choke out his name when he pulls his fingers out.
He brings them around and spreads your slick all over your lips, then grabs a hold of your face. His breathing is erratic, almost like he’s growling into your ear. Teeth sink into your earlobe, biting hard before he’s shoving you face first onto the bed. Feeling his weight shift off of the bed, you quickly flip over to see what he’s doing. You need more, you won’t let him stop or leave. You’ll beg, cry, plead if you have to. He’s standing next to your bed, glaring down at you like he hates your guts and you feel yourself shudder under his piercing blue eyes.
Nimble fingers work at his pants, unbuttoning them before you even realize you’re doing it. He grabs your wrist, pulling it back and laughs at you. The rumble of it makes you gasp, looking up at him with hurt eyes. The hold he has on you is firm, teetering on bone-breaking.
“You think you have some fucking control here?” he chastises, voice deeper than you’ve ever heard.
“I—“ you swallow the lump in your throat.
“‘Cause you don’t,” he grabs your cheeks again, squishing them together, “Fucking none. Zero, zip, zilch.”
Billy’s smiling but it isn’t kind, laced with venom and disdain. You lick it up, reeling on how small you feel. He towers over you, smile falling as he pulls your jaw open with his hand. You watch as he gathers the saliva in his mouth and spits on you, most of it lands on your tongue. He allows you to close your mouth and you swallow, doe eyes staring up to express your eagerness to please him. He winds his hand back and brings it back to your cheek with a sharp force, turning your head with it.
Smack! The sound accompanying a cry from you that echoes throughout the dark four walls. You’re relieved your parents are away for the weekend but Billy has no idea that’s the case, it seems he doesn’t care. You feel the warm tears streaming down your cheeks, soothes the burning skin only briefly. Billy’s pushing his jeans down, revealing his lack of underwear and unveiling his hard cock. You whine at the sight of it, imagining the stretch of him filling you up.
He laughs again, then pouts his lips mockingly and tilts his head, “Poor baby. So needy for my cock.”
Billy grabs a hold of your biceps, presses your back to the mattress and positions himself between your thighs. Breathing heavy, you stare up at your altered boyfriend. His gaze softens, almost too quick for you to notice as he speaks, “You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?”
There’s something nefarious prodding the question. Whatever’s changed about him is why he’s asking. But it’s an easy answer. Billy can see it in your eyes, can dig through the devotion deep inside and exploit it.
“Yes,” you breathe, “Anything.”
Another laugh, more quiet but drawn from satisfaction. Sinks into the promise with it’s ugly, sharp teeth. You’ve got no clue but you regret admitting it.
Billy lowers his lips to your jaw, you expect a kiss but he bites. Continues biting, jaw to neck to shoulder. Each one shocks you to your core, deep and you’re sure you’re bleeding somewhere. Then his hands are on your hips, grip tight and harsh enough to leave bruises. You wince but Billy dips his fingers back between your legs and knows you like it. He laughs again, face in front of yours and for the first time you notice how different he smells. Panic subsides when he sheaths his cock deep into your aching walls with one quick motion. He usually takes that part slow, allows you to warm up to his overwhelming size. The sharp pain is welcomed by your frenzied desire. Yet another distinction that something is off with Billy is the selfishness of his thrusts, lets you know the act is for his own pleasure and he couldn’t be bothered to make sure you get yours.
But it’s Billy, just the fact of that is enough for you. You get off on him getting off. He bends your legs up, pressing your thighs to your chest while he holds the back of them and relentlessly drills into you. The sounds of his skin slapping yours makes your head feel warm and dizzy. He fixes his position just slightly and God. Each thrust, the fat head of his cock hammers against your g-spot. It’s excruciatingly raw and ugh.
You groan, low and guttural as you clutch at your bed spread. Billy’s fingernails scratch at your thighs, breaking skin and leaving pink, tender marks in their wake. His teeth scrape against his bottom lip, eyes sweet while the rest of him radiates raw filth. You’re his little toy, to use at his disposal. You’ll give him every little bit of you to abuse and manipulate how he wants. Billy fucking owns you.
“Billy,” you ache, all over but loving every second of it.
“You’re my little fuck doll, huh?” the filth dripping his words urge more out of you, arousal pouring out of you, coating his hips and thighs.
“Fuck yes,” you grit your teeth, walls tightening around his length.
“Say it,” he slaps your face again, not as harsh as the first but enough to sting.
“I’m your little fuck doll,” you pant out.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want to you and you’d still be begging for more,” he states.
You try to nod, you’re not really in control of your body. You’re somewhere else, on cloud nine, hanging onto the looming bliss of Billy fucking you raw and open. He’s pulling away, pulling out and you whine in protest, a pathetic sound.
“Oh, shut up,” he seethes, grabbing your ankles and dragging you to the edge of the bed like you weigh nothing.
He grabs a hold of you, forcing you to stand up with him. Your legs shake and you have to hold onto him so you don’t collapse onto the floor. Billy pushes you over the mattress, your chest pressed against it with your ass exposed. He delivers another hard smack to your raw asscheek and you fucking scream. It hurts, stinging that spreads all over your thighs. Billy does nothing to soothe the pain. He holds onto your waist, pinning you to the bed as he slams his cock back inside of you. Another scream erupts from you, hurts your throat in a delicious way. His fingers twist into your hair again and he pulls, forcing your back to arch. His hips jolt forward, rhythm building steady as shoves your face into the mattress which muffles the flood of moans and yelps boiling out of you. Quicker than you want, you’re coming. Your cunt spasms around his cock, but Billy’s thrusts don’t falter for a second. He’s fucking laughing at your orgasm, which just makes it hit you that much harder. It’s brutal, ripping through you viscously. Takes absolutely everything out of you and you tense up, body frozen while he keeps pounding into your raw pussy. You fall limp against the bed, crying into the comforter as he pushes you further into you.
Then he’s off you, hand pulling you up by your hair and shoving you to your knees.
“Open your fucking mouth, slut,” he orders.
Obeying like your life depends on it, you peer up at him eagerly and stick your tongue out. Billy stokes his cock, points it at your face and shoots his load all over it. He groans with it, low and coarse. His voice sounds like it’s about to give out, like he’s been yelling all night. He squats down, spreads his cum all over your face before smacking it hard. You whimper. It’s the hottest thing Billy’s ever done to you. You want more.
So when he throws your clothes back at you after pulling his pants up and says, “Get dressed. I’m taking you somewhere.” you listen. You wipe his cum off your face with your shirt before putting it on and follow him outside to his Camaro. He drives and drives. Pulls up to Brimborn Steel Works. This place hasn’t been open in years. Billy grabs a duffel bag from his trunk and ushers you inside. He drops the bag and tells you to lay down. You do and he opens the bag, pulls out rope. You look at him with uncertainty.
“You’d do anything for me, right?”
You nod.
“I have to tie you up,” he looks down at you, that evil look back in his eye.
“Okay,” you extend your wrists to him and Billy fucking hogties you.
He lifts you in his arms. He’s always been strong but seems stronger. He carries you down the stairs and lays you on the ground, lowers his lips to your ear.
“Stay very still,” he whispers and stands back, taking a few steps away from you.
You try to listen but when you hear the squelching steps hidden in the shadows, your turn your head and see a huge monster step into the moonlight. The being growls, steps closer as you sob. As you glance back up to Billy, he’s as stoic as ever, eyes glued to the multi-legged beast while you scream for it all to stop.
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Henderhopwheeler X Reader (Dustin Henderson X Jane Hopper/eleven X Mike Wheeler) Idea’s for you!
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Mike Wheeler~
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Dustin Henderson~
Henderhopwheel X Maleficent!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Harley Quinn!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last Airbender)
Henderhopwheel X Pyrokinesis!Reader (you can make, manipulate or control dark blue fire)
Henderhopwheel X Scarlet witch!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Electrokinesis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Chorokinesis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Enchantress!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Henderhopwheel X Werewolf!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Demon!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Succubus!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Bisexual!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Sapphire witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
Henderhopwheel X Escape lab!Reader (you have scarlet witch powers but purple not red)
Henderhopwheel X Emerald witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but green)
Henderhopwheel X Rose witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but maroon pink)
Henderhopwheel X Raven!Reader (Inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Henderhopwheeler X Captain marvel!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Na’vi!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Echinda!Reader (your half-snake half-human)
Henderhopwheeler X Goth!Reader
Henderhopwheeler X Mute!Reader
Henderhopwheeler X Blind!Reader (inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Henderhopwheel X Russian!Reader (you don’t speak English but you understand it)
Henderhopwheel X British!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Siren!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Mermaid!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Tourette’s!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Male!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Solar witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but yellow)
Henderhopwheel X Amber witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but orange)
Henderhopwheel X Ghostface!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Yandere!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Famale!Demogorgan!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Ahmanet!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Mean!bully!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Deaf!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Wednesday!Reader (Jenna Ortega version inspired)
Henderhopwheel X Ghostrider!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Hargrove!Reader
Hendrrhopwheel X Sinclair!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie berry version)
Henderhopwheel X Egyptian goddess!Reader
Hendethopwheel X Telekinesis!Reader (your stronger than eleven and Vecna)
Henderhopwheel X Possessed!Reader (instead of will getting possessed by the mind flayer it was you and it effected you worse)
Henderhopwheel X Flayed!Reader (you were flayed along with Billy but worser than him)
Henderhopwheel X Punk!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Darkness witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but black not red)
Henderhopwheel X Cryokinessis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Daki!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Nezuko!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Transgender!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Ashnikko!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Zombie!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Golden Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but golden not red)
Henderhopwheel X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: Vengeance)
Henderhopwheel X Female!Alastor!Reader (your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in.)
Henderhopwheel X Beldem!Reader (your basically what the other mother is in coraline)
Henderhopwheel X Deadite Elle!Reader
(A/N: Hi hope you loved this make sure to go see my other posts i would recommend doing so because they can inspire you like this hopefully did all my posts can inspire you for when you need inspiration for x readers I would actually seriously recommend seeing my other posts you might find some inspiration YOUR WELCOME!:)
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Bobby Flay or Billy Flayed?
prompt: ( requested ) the Mind Flayer's claimed Billy - and his relationship with his 'perfect girl'. after seemingly being replaced by Heather Holloway, Billy's girl learns the harrowing truth the hard way.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 7.5k
warnings: slight AU ending, cursing, depictions of illness, mind control, violence. small angst, small comfort. Billy Boy lives. ❗️ season three spoilers
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"Baby? Hey, Billy! What the hell?" I asked in confusion when Billy rushed past me; bare feet slapping over the pool's concrete as he didn't hear me and pushed on for his destination. The hot summer day had attracted the usual busy crowd, hollers and yelling echoing around us and possibly drowning my voice.
"Sissy?" My little sister worried, looking up at me with her can of Coke held in both hands and her sweet eyes blown wide in worry. "Where's B going?"
I sighed as I glanced down at her while gently caressing the back of her head, "He's working, bug, takes a lot to keep the pool all nice and clean for us. He's a very busy bee, you know?"
"Oh, okay," she nodded. "Can I have a snow-cone?"
"You've got a Coke, baby, drink that," I chuckled. "It's enough sugar."
"Sissy," she whined with a pout. "It's summer! No such thing as too much sugar!"
"Hey, okay," I sighed, glancing around and spying my friend, Jessica, a few feet away. "Hey, Jess?"
"Hey," she greeted with a smile, standing with her little brother. "Hi, Danielle."
"It's Danny," she insisted, Jessica shooting me a knowing smile.
I chuckled, "Yeah, we're goin' by Danny now," I winked. Jess nodded.
"How're you, Danny? I totally dig the suit, it's really colorful," Jess smiled, always so sweet with younger kids.
"Mommy said I looked like a rainbow," Danielle beamed with a nearly blinding smile. "Hi, Derek!"
"Hi, Danny!"
"Can you do me a favor?" I begged quietly to Jessica. "If I give you guys some money, can you take Danny to the snack bar for one of those ice-in-a-cup things?"
"Sure, no problem," Jess agreed, eyeing me with slight suspicion, "but are you okay?"
"Yeah, just gotta go talk to Billy really quick."
She nodded, "No problem. Tell pretty boy I say hi," she chuckled.
"You're a peach," I whispered, handing over a crispy $10. "Hey, Dan," I lowered to a squat in front of my sister and took the can of Coke from her hold, "if you can behave, Jessica's gonna take you and Derek over to the snack bar for a snow-cone, okay? And maybe if you're really good, she'll let you get blue raspberry? Hmm? How's that sound?"
Danielle pondered for a moment before nodding, "Deal."
"Thought so," I smirked, standing upright. "Thanks again," I nodded to my childhood friend.
"No worries," she smiled. "But can I get a cone on your dime, too?" she pouted lightly.
"I'd be offended if you didn't," I assured. "Hey, uh, do me a favor and grab me a cherry?"
"No problem," Jess agreed. "C'mon, munchkins, before the line gets too long."
"I'm gonna get the lemonade flavor!" Derek, Jess' little brother, proclaimed to Danny with a triumphant grin.
"I'm gonna get blue raspberry," My sister gloated.
"Well, I'm getting grape," Jess tacked on as she directed the little ones away.
I sighed and fiddled with my fingers nervously before glancing around for any other lifeguards and moving towards the chemical storage gate. It was left open, the hall leading down to the pool's maintenance facility empty and making me call, "Billy?"
I tiptoed through the gate, my flip-flops then clacking as I looked around the gated storage room with more confident steps. I gulped my fear and tugged at the hem of my semi-sheer swim cover-up, ducking my head around another open door.
Inside, I found Billy, but he faced away to another storage unit. "Billy? Baby, hey," I cautiously stepped into the room with him, noting the way sweat shot down his arms and hair clung to his neck. "Baby, look, I know you're angry at me, but let me explain, please. I'm sorry I didn't show up last night," I heard him sniffle sharply but didn't turn to me, "I should've called, I know that. But my Mom ended up with an emergency surgery coming in, and I didn't know, and I had to watch Danny and her Girl Scout troop, but I should've called."
I heard his breathing change and felt something in the air shift.
"Hey, B," I spoke gently, brows furrowing as I stepped closer to his damp body. "Baby, will you say something, please? Just talk to me." I felt my eyes widen when Billy finally turned, showing me his flushed skin and sweat-covered face, curls sticking to his cheeks and neck. "Oh, my God, Billy," I worried, hands raising to hover over his arms in fear of touching his sweat-riddled skin, "holy shit, do you have a fever? Are you feeling all right?"
His eyes darted between mine, opening his mouth and then pausing. "Y-You didn't call. You didn't show."
"I know," I breathed in confusion.
"No, it's good," he nodded, "because you have to stay away from me."
"Stay away from you?" I repeated unsurely. "Baby, what the hell, I know I missed date night, but please, don't push me away - "
"Understand that I'm only looking out for you," Billy seethed. "You need to stay away from me. I don't want to hurt you."
"Baby, what the hell are you talking about?" I shook my head.
"Just stay away, princess, it has to be this way," he spoke with a fierce determination. "Got it? Stay. Away from me."
"No, you're obviously not okay or making sense, wait, hey - Billy!" I called when he surged past me, his shoulder bullying into mine enough to turn me with the force of his body. But worry evolved from pea-size to cantelope-size when he stumbled enough to catch himself on the doorframe before exiting the storage room. Curiosity got the best of me and I reached for the bottle Billy had been examining, finding standard pool chemicals, and turning to follow my boyfriend outside.
He wasn't seen immediately due to the crowded pool yard, but once on my toes for a few moments, his stumbling form caught my sight and I darted towards him. "Excuse me, sorry," I muttered to a few patrons, reaching for Billy's elbow and almost jerking away when his skin damn-near burned me. "B, slow down," I worried, tightening my hold when he wobbled.
"Got a shift," he sniffled.
"No, you need to go in the air conditioning and cool off," I worried.
"J-Just gotta get to the chair," he muttered, letting me pull his arm around my shoulders.
"Billy," I shook my head.
"'T the chair, princess, the chair," he almost wheezed, eyes squinting in the sunlight as sweat was pouring off of him at an alarming rate. "I'm okay," he mumbled.
"You're not," I sighed. "Still stubborn as hell, though."
"You gotta stay away from me, sweet girl," Billy sounded almost wounded. "Just trust me."
"If you're sick, you need to get outta the sun," I pointed out. "Can you trust me on that one?"
"Got a shift," he repeated.
"Billy, fuck this job," I rolled my eyes.
"Get me in the chair, sweetheart," he pleaded. I sighed and helped him get closer to the lifeguard chair, watching as he shakily climbed it before collapsing to the seat.
"Will you please be smart about this?" I still tried, watching as confusion seemed to ink his mind. "Let's just go inside, B, please. I'm sure there's someone else to come out for your shift."
"'S that Danny?" Billy mumbled, a finger rubbing at his ear as if to relieve the ringing sensation.
I sighed and looked back at my sister waving me down from our chairs. "B, I'll be right back, okay?" I looked up at him. "Please just consider going inside."
He nodded mutely and I sighed again before patting his knee and pulling away from the chair. I walked back over to my sister, Jess, and Derek; taking the seat beside Danny and pulling a towel closer.
"Did you dip back in the pool when I wasn't looking?" I teased lightly.
"Uh-huh," she nodded, happily scooping the blue ice to her mouth.
"Here," Jessica sighed, handing over my cherry cup. "Is Billy okay? He looks pretty sick," she nodded towards my boyfriend in his lifeguard chair.
"I don't know," I admitted. "He's not feeling well, that's pretty clear."
"He looks like shit," she nodded, scooping some of her icy treat to her mouth. "Oh, before I forget, your change," she handed the few bills over. I nodded in thanks and set the money aside with my cup, wrapping Danny in her towel before enjoying a moment with my sister and our friends.
When the snow-cones were done and gone, I was reapplying Danny's sunscreen when Jess jerked her body around to slap my thigh. "Ow," I pinned her with a glare but she continued to tap my leg vigorously without looking at me. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"
"Billy," she pointed, my head snapping up to see Billy passed out and slumped back in the chair.
"God damn it," I cursed, wiping my hands on Danny's towel. "I'll be right back."
Jessica reached forward to trap Danny in her arms as I ignored protocol and ran for the guard chair. "Billy," I worried, shaking his knee. "Billy, hey, wake up," I lifted myself onto the lower rung and shook his shoulders, cupping his cheeks. "Billy, I swear to God, I'm calling 911 if you don't wake up in the next 30 seconds."
His eyes rolled behind his lids before suddenly, he jerked awake. With a gasp, Billy sat up and his panicked eyes met mine. "B-Baby," he stuttered, wobbling forward into my chest. I balanced on the rung to keep hold of him, his breath coming out in short grunts as I tried to ease him back while keeping my hands on both of his cheeks. "Baby, please," he mumbled in confusion, my heart aching due to the obvious pain and delirium he was suffering from.
"Okay, c'mon, we're going inside - right now," I shook my head, looking down to step off the chair when my sight caught his elbow. "Billy, holy shit! Your arm's burnt!" I pointed out to him, watching as he retracted the appendage under the shade of the guard umbrella to look at the injury.
"Shit," he muttered, sniffling hotly after.
"Get down, now," I snapped. "C'mon, right fucking now, get down," I helped him climb down, his knees wobbling and needing to catch himself on my shoulders. "Jesus Christ," I worried, wrapping my arm around his waist as his kept an iron grip around my shoulders, "you're burning up, B, why did you just bake in the sun?"
He mumbled something, stumbling along as his deadweight was overpowering to my strength but I made do. But when Billy's weight lurched, so did I; and his shoulder bullied into a kid's, causing their cooler to drop and overturn.
"Hey, man!"
"Sorry, sorry, so sorry," I apologized to the family, trying to keep hold of an off-balanced Billy. "He's sick, really sick, so sorry."
"Billy, are you okay?" Heather asked, having witnessed the collision.
"I got him, he's okay," I panted to our classmate, directing Billy towards the locker rooms. "You're okay, B, I got'cha," I muttered. "Excuse us, sorry, sorry, excuse us, coming through, my bad, move, sorry, excuse us," I directed to the people around us, Billy's arm coming up to slam into the locker room door and shove it open.
"S-Showers," he panted, me nodding in agreement as we moved towards the shower stalls. Billy's arm ripped the curtain open as I got him inside and turned the knob to freezing cold.
"All right," I panted, keeping him upright as the ice cold water sprayed over he and I, but mostly him. "You're okay," I assured, his arm slowly wrapping around my waist to pull me into his trembling chest. My arms wrapped around him tightly to help stabilize him, muttering reassuring nothings to him as I pet a hand through his drenched hair; unaware of his eyes staring down at the burn to his left arm.
Inky darkness spread through his veins, assuring him something darker - more sinister - was at work. I heard him sniffling before tightening his arms behind me; unable to see how he wasn't able to pull away and let his fingers press to the wound - but a bolt of pure pain seized his heart before shooting through his veins.
Billy rocketed back into the shower wall, screaming bloody murder over the sounds of the pouring water and my own worries. "Baby! Please! What's hurting?" I panicked. "Oh, my God," I gasped when his hands slapped over his ears, back sliding to the floor, mouth agape to release a gut-wrenching scream.
"Stay out there, Danny!" I shouted over my shoulder, on my knees as I tried to pull Billy into my embrace. He turned into the walls, pain seeping into his every sound as he wailed from an unheard force.
I whined, tears springing to my eyes as Billy sobbed and leaned into my chest. I pressed my hands over his, still clamped over his ears, and called again, "Stay put, Danielle! I'm not kidding!"
"Is Billy okay!?"
I shook my head, "He's okay, bug, stay out there!"
It was quiet and I turned back to Billy, gently prying his head up as he looked vividly confused. "Y-You have to get outta here," he panted, slowly lowering our hands to turn them over and nearly break my fingers in his grasp. "You gotta go, baby, you can't be here."
"I'm not leaving you like this," I refused.
"I-I'm okay now," he sputtered through the stream of water. "I'm okay, I-I'm just gonna s-sit in the cold water."
"Billy," I shook my head.
"G-Go check on Danny," he nodded, sniffling. "But don't come back, okay? Y-You've gotta stay away from me. I-It's over between us, okay? You gotta stay away - don't come around me, please, just stay away. T-This isn't - this isn't working. You have to go."
"Billy, you're not making sense!"
"Just go," he begged. "Get outta here, sugar, please. I can't hurt you - not you. You've gotta go."
"You're not going to hurt me, B," I shook my head. "You need help - "
"No, you've gotta go," he insisted. "Get away from me, stay away from me, you get it? Go, just get away."
I sighed and called again, "Hang on, bug!" Looking back at Billy, I shook my head, "Baby, please. You're hurt and obviously sick - "
"I'm gonna sit in the cold water, baby, go. Just go, please, and stay away. I can't hurt you."
"Billy - "
"Christ!" I snapped, glaring back at Billy. "You stay right fucking here, I will be back."
His eyes rolled, "Stubborn ass."
"Could say the same about you, sweetheart," I sighed, letting my hand caress his cheek. "I don't know what's up with you, but you're not alone."
"I am," he panted, "'cause it's over, we're done. You've gotta go."
"Billy - "
"I'm not fucking fighting you about this!" He roared, making me flinch back. "Get out! Get gone! It's done - we're done - just get out and leave me alone!"
I couldn't stop the sting of unshed tears, sighing and standing. I couldn't utter another word as I quickly fixed my hair after the shower's stream ruined it and shed my soaking wet cover-up. Outside, Danny was waiting right at the door and gasped when I appeared.
"What's up, bug?" I muttered.
"Jess and Derek have to leave," she informed me. "And Daddy says I'm not allowed to be alone."
I sighed and nodded, catching sight of Heather approaching us. "Hang on, bug," I muttered, pulling her into my legs as Heather smiled.
"Hey, uh, is Billy okay?" she asked. "I saw him earlier, looked really rough."
"He's not feeling too great," I nodded. "He's in the showers, um... D-Do you mind checking on him?"
"Sure," she agreed easily, patting my shoulder lightly as she passed me by. I sighed and watched her enter the locker room before turning to my little sister.
"All right, bug, let's get you in some floaties, huh? One last swim before we'll head home, too?"
"Okay," she beamed. "But where's Billy?"
"Oh, he's in the showers," I shrugged. "He's feeling a little sick."
"That's not good, he should have ginger ale," my little sister frowned; hand tight in mine as we moved for the chairs again. Jessica was packed up with her brother; us all saying goodbyes in parting before she was ushering her brother along and I was fitting Danny into her floaties.
Once in the kiddie pool and under the gaze of another guard, I told her I'd be right back to check on Billy. She nodded in agreement and doggie-paddled away from me, letting me turn and tie a towel around my under arms and step back into the locker rooms.
Only when I got there, I came to a skidding halt as the stall I left Billy in was vacant and the water still running. Sighing, I pulled my towel off to toss on a ring, reaching in to shut off the freezing cold water and pull back. "Billy?" I called, looking around the entire locker room. "Heather? Hey, anyone? Billy, baby, where are you? Hey? Hello?"
After concluding they were gone, I shook my head with a sigh and turned to exit. I went back to where Danny was paddling around and 15 minutes later, adult swim was whistled in and my sister was climbing out. After drying her off and taking her into the locker room to change into her shorts and tee shirt, we were heading out.
"Where's Billy?" she wondered, looking around for his car in the parking lot.
"Probably went home, pup," I nodded. "He was sick, remember?"
I tried not to feel bitter over how it was possible Heather drove him home in his car but figured I'd see him later to work everything out.
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So lead a conversation between the two young teenage girls, Max needing to explain to Eleven how when Billy was "alone with his girlfriend, they make, like, really crazy noises." And when El was asking if his girlfriend usually screamed, Max was quick to explain they were "happy screams".
After El still didn't understand, Max figured it was something Cosmo could better explain. Thing is, Eleven knew who Billy's girlfriend was after Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, and Dustin Henderson found El in the woods and snuck into her basement for refuge.
She was nice, El remembered. But she had distinct features and the girl El saw with Billy last night, screaming, wasn't her old friend. When she told Max this, the redhead didn't want to believe Billy was with anyone else, making "happy screams".
However, after the girls found the bloodied belongings of a lifeguard under the bathroom sink, it became apparent maybe consulting the girl Billy was dating was important.
The moment Eleven found Heather in her mind and borderline had a panic attack, they knew they had to see her.
That brought them to a cute yellow house in the suburb with flowerbeds decorating the walkway to the front door. The girls were drenched from biking everywhere in the torrential downpour, knocking at the door Max had come to be familiar with.
"Oh, shit," I answered, finding Max and Eleven on my front porch, "what're you doing out here, it's pouring. Come in, come in," I ushered them inward, frowning when they trembled from the cold. "Hang tight, girls, I'll grab you some towels."
Max cleared her throat, "Is your, uh, Mom home?"
"No, she's at work tonight," I assured, pausing at the linen closet on the first floor bathroom to grab them their towels. "Here," I sighed, handing them over when I returned. "The hell were you two doing out there in this weather?"
"Looking for Billy," Max answered, shedding her yellow rain jacket.
"Well, you and me both," I scoffed, crossing my arms. "I went by your house last night but nobody was there."
"Billy wasn't?" Eleven asked.
"Nope," I sighed. "Where were you, little lady?" I smiled at Max.
"We had a sleep over," Max answered, gesturing between herself and El.
"Cute," I beamed. "But sadly, ladies, I can't help. I have no idea where Billy is, I saw him yesterday at the pool and he wasn't doing well."
"What do you mean?" El asked quietly.
"He was really sick," I shrugged. "Looked shaky, he was burning up, sweating profusely."
"'Profusely'?" Eleven questioned.
"Oh, um, like a lot," I explained to her. "Look, I left him in the showers and when I got back, he was gone. So, if you find that jackass before me, tell him I'm pissed."
"But did you leave him with anyone?" Max asked. "Did you see him with anyone else?"
"Um, well, I actually asked Heather to check on him. She was gone, too, when I went back." The girls shared an uneasy look, my brows crinkling in confusion. "What's up, what's with the look?"
"It's just," Max breathed unsteadily, "w-we're afraid Billy might've... Hurt Heather."
"'Hurt Heather'?" I repeated before chuckling. "Guys, I know Billy's a scary guy but he's not like he once was, okay? He's not going to just attack Heather."
"There was blood," El spoke. "And she-she asked me to help her."
"Heather asked you to help?" I asked, watching her nod. "When did you see her?"
"In her mind," Max waved off.
I nodded slowly, "So... What now? Should we go check on Heather?"
"She didn't show up for her shift," Max nodded. "We were thinking of going to check things out."
I nodded, "I get that, okay. Sure. Um, wanna put your bike in the garage and I can drive us?"
"No, we couldn't - "
I cut Eleven off, "I want to. 'Cause now I'm curious as to what the fuck's going on with my man."
"Might not like what you find," Max warned.
"Don't worry about that," I sighed, stuffing my feet into a pair of rain boots before tugging on a jacket as the girls followed suit. I hung the towels on a pair of coat hooks before snatching up my car keys and ushering them through the side garage door.
After bringing in Max' bike, I got them in my car and out into the rain to head for Heather's house. Eleven reminded me of the house number and when we pulled up out front, the lights on the pretty home were lit up.
"Is this it?" Max double checked, me looking in the rearview mirror to see El nodding.
"Let's go, girls," I sighed, turning the car off and opening my door. They followed suit, and before I could knock, El held her hand to me and shook her head. "Um, what?" I asked, watching as she braced herself and as a dribble of blood leaked from her nostril, the front door was opening without aid. "Girls, no," I worried when they moved into the house, "this is technically breaking and entering, I think!"
When I finally followed them, light dinner music played in the background. I heard Max confirm it was Heather's house as they stared at the family portrait, the sounds of a family heard from another room.
I sighed when the two girls moved for the sounds, feeling uneasy as I followed them from a few steps. However, bile rose in my throat when I heard Billy greet, "Max." When I stepped out from behind the wall and let my hands smooth across either girl's shoulder, Billy's smirk dropped as he rushed to say my name.
"Hi, uh, we didn't mean to barge in," I cleared my throat, smiling at the two adults. "We tried knocking but I'm sure the storm drowned us out."
My eyes caught Billy's as he chewed in contemplation. But it was Heather's father that spoke up, "I'm sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?"
Billy chuckled, setting his utensils down, "I'm sorry." He set the cloth napkin down, "Janet, Tom, this... Is my sister, Maxine." I cleared my throat, offering him a glare. "And my ex-girlfriend, they're very close still."
"Oh!" Janet cooed as Billy stood from his seat.
"Did he say ex?" Max muttered to me as I glared at Billy.
But he took no notice, instead spoke in a sickly sweet voice, "What on Earth are you two doing here?" He approached us, my hand tightening around Max' shoulder as his eyes flickered between us, "Is something wrong?"
"We just wanted to make sure everything was okay," Max answered quickly.
"'Okay'?" Billy repeated, his eyes cutting up to mine. "Why wouldn't everything be okay?"
"Maybe 'cause you were sweating bullets yesterday, have been avoiding me, and now we find you playing house with the Holloways," I perked a brow at him. "The hell's really going on, Billy?"
"I'm having dinner, princess," he cocked his head at me.
Before I could retort, Eleven demanded, "Where is she?"
I hated the way Billy's eyes then shot over to the girl. I pulled her slightly closer as Billy leered, "I'm sorry. Where is who?"
"Billy," I warned, his eyes returning to mine.
"Well," a new, chipper voice chimed in, "they're a little burnt, I'm sorry - " Heather cut herself off when she noticed Billy not at the table and lifted her gaze, finding us. She breathed my name as if in shock, my stomach knotting in confusion.
"Heather!" Billy greeted, gesturing to the young woman that had just entered the dining room through the kitchen. "This is my sister, Maxine. And you know the princess here," he gestured Max and I, ignoring my unamused glare because his eyes turned back to Eleven. "And I'm sorry, I did not quite catch your name."
I shifted when the girl glared up at Billy, "El."
"El," Billy repeated with a slow point of his pointer finger. "Now, what is it you were saying, El? You were looking for someone?"
It was hard to ignore the ominous way the storm raged in the background.
"I-I saw," El stuttered in confusion, looking over at a perfectly healthy Heather. "I saw you - "
"Your manager," I covered, nodding along. "Mhm, isn't that right girls? Saw Heather's manager at the pool. Said you," I nodded at Heather, "and Billy," my eyes cut over to him, "didn't come into work today, so, the girls came to see me, to see if I knew where Billy was, and uh, so lead us here. We, uh, we got kinda worried."
"Heather wasn't feeling so hot today," Billy answered me, looking like he was taunting us, "so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health." He looked over to the girl, "But you're feeling just fine right now, aren't you, Heather?"
"I'm feeling so much better," Heather assured. But something was off. Something wasn't right.
"Let me talk to you really quick, doll, over here," Billy sniffled, nodding down the hall of the Holloway house.
"Hang tight, girls," I muttered, backing up a step as I kept my glare on Billy. He smiled to the others before stepping after me, the moment the wall blocked us, however, he was dropping the nice act.
"Do you girls want a cookie?" Heather was heard asking, Billy's hand gripping my upper arm and ushering me down the hall to the foyer.
"The hell are you doing here?" Billy growled. "I told you to stay away."
"Me?" I snapped in a hiss. "What the hell is my boyfriend doing here, playing all nice with Heather and her parents? Being domestic and shit! Who even are you? Harry Homemaker?"
"You need to leave - "
"And in the shirt I bought you," I scoffed. "You playin' some game, Billy, the honest fuck is up with you?"
"I broke up with you," he reminded. "You might not like it, but it happened. Get used to it. You need to go."
"Billy, what the fuck - "
"I can't hurt you, I won't risk hurting you, baby, you need to fucking listen to me and leave," he seethed. "You need to go, you're in danger around me."
I shook my head, "So, I should leave you with Heather?"
"I'm dating Heather now," he snapped, "so, yeah, leave me and my girl alone."
I felt tears slightly swell, keeping my voice steady as I asked, "You're dating her already?"
"Just because you can't get it in your head that we're over, doesn't mean I was gonna wait around all summer."
"Who even are you anymore?" I scoffed, pushing past him again to make for the hall. "C'mon, girls, Heather and Billy are feeling fine and we should go. C'mon," I waved them to me. "Sorry to interrupt your evening, Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, Heather."
"It's okay, dear," Janet smiled. "You were worried."
"Not anymore," I chuckled dryly, leading them out of the house and ignoring Billy.
"Baby?" He whispered in confusion, shaking his head as I shoved past him and out the front door.
"What happened?" Max asked as she kept up with me.
"Something's up," I rushed, glancing back to see Billy shut the front door and keep watch from the glass pane. I wrapped my arms around the girls again to keep them close, "Something's wrong."
"That's what I've been saying!" Eleven groaned as she dropped into the backseat of my car once I unlocked it.
Pulling away from the warmly-lit home, I had no honest idea the chaos that would follow.
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"And you... You were happy," El wept, staring up at Billy as she desperately tried to connect with his soul to fight off the Mind Flayer's hold. She gingerly lifted her hand to press to his cheek, speaking softly, "A-And you didn't think you'd feel that again. Until her," she sniffled with a soft smile. "She loves you no matter what, an-and she makes you happy. T-The happiest you've been, since your mom..."
Billy let out a shuddering breath, eyes closed as his warped mind cleared slightly to replay the memory of him on the beach with his mother - before flashing to a new memory that El wanted him to remember. It was spring break '85 and Billy remembered his girlfriend bouncing up to him after school in the parking lot.
She wore a beaming smile and clutched an envelope in her hands. She was so excited that Billy had to catch her in his embrace and take a step or two back to regain his balance. His perfect girl was practically vibrating and Billy turned to set her on the trunk of his car, asking what had her so wound up.
Inside the envelope was cash. He was confused until she explained it was gas and motel money to get them from Hawkins to his hometown (and back) for the break. But the one "downside" was they had to leave right that second to get home, pack, and get on the road.
She had everything planned out for them.
Billy's mind then flashed in an instant to her on that same beach; laughing in the surf as she'd never seen it before. Eleven focused and brought forth the feeling in his chest; that feeling he had when he watched her in the water until the sun started to set; realizing how in-love he was and that he'd do anything for that girl.
He'd do anything to see that smile again.
Including turning on the Mind Flayer in a final act of heroism.
Before he could pull back, El put the cherry on top by telling him, "Don't leave her alone in this. She needs you, like you need her."
As Billy stood to face off with the meaty monster, Max had hold of my hand as we rushed to the scene with Mike Wheeler after waking them up from being knocked out by Billy.
"Shit!" I cursed, pushing the kids back and dashing forward, hearing Max scream my name. "No, no, no, no, no, no," I muttered, "hey, hey, you okay?" I dropped beside Eleven, taking her under her arms and rocking to my feet to yank her back a few feet with me.
Billy heard Max screaming and glanced back to catch sight of me, his eyes blown in panic. When the Mind Flayer shot an arm out to grab Eleven, I used my body to twist to protect her as Billy physically grabbed the fleshy arm.
"NO!" He shouted.
"BILLY!" I screamed, fear suffocating me.
Monsters and mayhem, Billy being possessed, all of it didn't make sense but this wasn't the time for sense - this was the time for action. And Billy didn't waste a second of it.
He screamed in anguish as the monster stabbed through his torso but before it could deliver the fatal blow, something changed. With three clawed arms dug into his flesh, the monster started to scream. Panting, I pushed off the ground and away from Eleven in time for the Mind Flayer to yank his arms free of Billy's chest as it started to thrash around, sliding to my knees with a grunt as his limp body fell into mine.
"Oh, my God, oh fuck, oh fuck, okay," I panicked, maneuvering him to the floor and taking stock of his injuries. "Okay, okay, this is - this isn't good, shit, fuck, okay, okay, I really should've paid attention in those first aid classes."
Billy coughed, blood splattering down his chin as the Mind Flayer roared and thrashed around the floor of the mall, "B-Baby."
"Hey, hey," I panted, glancing up at the monster before back at Billy, "you're okay, baby, just hang on."
I flinched over his body when the Mind Flayer whipped to the side and crashed into the upper deck of the mall before slumping over dead. I peaked up to check the danger was gone before looking back down at Billy, who was struggling to breath clearly.
"Oh shit, oh, my God," I breathed, looking around for help but not finding anything. I huffed and pulled back slightly to whip my shirt off, leaving me in a sports bra, and instantly pressed it to the gaping, bleeding wounds on Billy's stomach. "You're okay, you're okay," I nodded.
"Baby," he wheezed, "I gotta tell you..."
"No, it's okay, save your strength," I begged, pressing harder and hearing blood squelching.
"I'm so sorry, doll," he muttered, me hearing footsteps thundering towards us.
"It's okay, it's okay," I nodded at him, tears falling uncontrollably. "You're gonna be okay - "
"Billy!" Max gasped, dropping to her knees beside me.
"It's okay," I repeated, looking around. "Okay, we uh... We gotta get him outta here."
I heard my name being spoken softly, looking up at El as she crawled over towards us - Mike hovering at her shoulder. "I can help," she nodded.
"You're hurt, sweetheart," I shook my head. "You rest, we just gotta get him out of here."
"Do you guys hear that?" Mike asked, kneeling to hold Eleven.
"Just hang on," I whispered to Billy, who coughed again.
"Helicopters," Max nodded to Mike, looking back at Billy. "You hear that, Billy? T-They're coming, they're gonna help. You're gonna be fine."
"Yeah, see?" I sniffled, nodding down at him. "You're gonna be fine, it's okay."
"I'm so sorry," he cried, blood splattering across his chin, neck, and cheeks. I lifted to use my knee to hold pressure to his abdomen, freeing my bloody hands to caress his cheek.
"It's okay," I assured. "Look at what you were battling against."
"Did I?" he sputtered.
"You did," I nodded again. "Y-You kept telling me to get away, you tried to protect me. That meant somewhere in your mind, you were fighting, baby. You did so well, saved all of us."
Max nodded in agreement as he struggled to breath. "T-Too tight," he whispered.
"I'm sorry, baby, but we have to staunch the bleeding," I shook my head as the doors of the mall burst open and military soldiers stormed inside, all shouting different orders. "HEY! HEY! OVER HERE! PLEASE!"
"It's okay, baby," Billy panted, grunting as he tried to smile but it twisted into a grimace. "Just let me go, huh? 'M too far gone."
"Not in this lifetime," I snapped, looking back up at the soldiers. "OVER HERE! PLEASE! WE NEED AN AMBULANCE!"
Max was left sobbing in Eleven's arms; Mike trying to stand strong above them both as I kept hold of Billy. "I love you," he muttered, eyes fluttering.
"Billy? Hey, hey, Billy! Wait, no, baby, please! Wait, wait, I love you, too! Okay? You hear me? Open your eyes! Open your eyes, Billy, please, baby, don't leave me - c'mon. Don't do this. Don't do this to me, you can't leave me, I just found you. Please, please. Baby, open your eyes, please, don't do this. I know you were fighting for so long but please, please, just fight a little longer for me. Just a little longer!"
"Ma'am! We need to evacuate you all!" a heavily uniformed man approached us, a few ushering the other kids out to the parking lot. "We have to move him out - "
"Not without EMTs and a gurney, I'm not letting pressure off his wounds, he's still alive," I snapped back. When he tried to reach for me, I threatened, "It takes the same force to bite through a finger as it does a carrot, so don't fucking try me!"
"Hey, hey," A new voice called, "leave her be! There's an ambulance here, they're bringing the stretcher!"
The man who gave the new order had grey salted hair, nodding at me as I looked tearfully back at Billy. When the EMTs arrived, they took stock of the injuries before agreeing I couldn't let off any pressure and quickly helping me maneuver in order to get a hardback board under an unconscious Billy.
He was also collared and an oxygen mask placed over his nose and mouth.
After they shoved towels under my knee to let me stand, they got him on the stretcher before an army was surging past us into the mall and I was running, slathered in Billy's blood, after his gurney.
Someone was shouting my name, earning my attention as Max burst forth from the hold of other officers. "C'mon," I panted, waving her after us.
"Wait, wait," a paramedic halted us, "only one can ride with him."
"She's his girlfriend!" "She's his sister!" Max and I barked at the same time, pointing at the other.
"Only one," they repeated, the doors of the ambulance being ripped open and Billy prepared to board.
"I'll give you ladies a ride," a different officer nodded.
"Don't leave him alone," Max nodded, pushing me forward. "We'll meet you at the hospital."
I sighed and nodded, no time to argue before hopping inside the ambulance and trying not to gag over the amount of blood already present. There was a high-pitched whine in my ears as I watched the professionals work, my breathing stunted in shock as Billy didn't wake up or stir the entire ride.
Nor did he for 7 weeks after the mall fire.
The nursing staff eventually put a cot in his room for me, pushed up to the side so I could reach out and hold his hand when wanted. The constant beeping of his monitors became soothing simply because it meant he was still alive; a feeding tube placed, catheter, and he was intubated due to the coma.
I liked reading to him. Max would bring me a few books from the library, my parents would bring changes of clothes, and my Dad usually brought me a Thermos of 'good coffee' so I wasn't drinking 'that hospital crap'.
The doctors assured me it was a god sign if he survived past 48 hours, but now it'd been 7 fucking weeks of just waiting.
Sleep wasn't a real thing but I was sat on my cot at his bedside, his hand tight in mine, with my head bowed to his bed, it was easy to doze off. I groaned lightly when something squeezed my hand, reflexively tightening my hold on the fingers in mine as I sighed from slumber. However, when I realized the hand in my own was squeezing, I shot up with a small yelp.
Billy blinked at me with a slight crinkle of his brows, looking nervously around the room before back at me. "Oh, my God," I breathed, standing to push the cot away, "hi, hi, oh, wow, you're awake. I gotta get the doctors - " I paused when his hand tightened in mine, making me pause my departure. "Hey, hey," I soothed, lowering myself slightly to push a few unruly curls off his forehead, "I'm just stepping out the door, I'll just be 45 seconds, okay? I'll be right back, baby, but you need a doctor to check you out."
He nodded stiffly, blinking back tears when I kissed the back of his hand and begrudgingly let go to dash for his hospital door. I located personnel and insisted they needed to page the doctors on call before dipping back into Billy's room and sliding my hand into his by second 43.
A medical team piled into the room and I was allowed to hold his hand through the entire ordeal as they gave Billy the green light to have his breathing tube removed. Once cleaned up and the doctors out of the room, 5 mg of pain killers dispensed for his comfort, I drug an empty chair up to his side and just sat in peace.
"You waited?" he muttered, throat scratched to high-hell from the tube left in his throat.
I half-smiled back at him, sighing, "I wasn't going to leave you." He blinked a few times from the drugs in his system. "I'm really happy you're awake," I sighed. "Had us worried for a bit."
"Max came by everyday, hung out with me," I smiled. "She was pretty worried but she'll come by in the morning and will lose her shit to see you finally awake."
"Yeah, baby," I nodded, kissing the back of his hand again. "How're you feeling?"
"Like I got my ass and mind beat by some inter-dimensional monster," he chuckled.
"Yeah, about that..."
"Oh, no," he groaned, "what's wrong now?"
"No, no, nothing," I rushed. "Um, it's just, they're gonna have you sign a bunch of documents. We're not allowed to talk about this once those documents are signed. And we may or may not be collecting some checks for our pain and suffering."
"That's not an issue," he grit his teeth.
"What hurts?"
"My ribs," he wheezed, "wait," his hand jumped out to snag my wrist when I moved to stand. "It's okay, I just wanna sit with you for a bit."
I sighed, "You can have another dose if you're in pain, baby."
"I'm okay," he nodded. "Just sit with me, baby. C'mere."
"No," I laughed when he tried to pull my hand towards him, "you're hurt and I'm not getting in bed with you."
"Just want you closer."
"You get really clingy when you're sick," I chuckled.
He sighed, nodding, "I owe you an apology."
"For what?" I breathed. "Baby, you were literally under mind control and I'm not holding anything against you."
"Doesn't mean I don't feel bad for what I did," he sniffled. "And for what I said to you, how I treated you."
"It's okay," I nodded again. "We can talk about it later, you need to rest."
"Get in bed with me."
"No," I chuckled, pushing up to stand and rearrange the chair and cot so I was close to him again. "I'm gonna lay here with you, though."
He smirked some, "All right, I'll take it. 'M sorry if I scared you."
"We can chalk that up to the monster made up of townspeople," I reached forward to tuck hair behind his ear before letting my fingers slide across his cheek before pressing in a caress.
"Deal," his hand rose to gently trace over my jaw with his fingertips. "I love you, pretty girl... So fucking much, you know that?"
I smiled, "I do know that."
"We're going back to the beach when I get outta here," he huffed, slowly letting his eyes close. "Gettin' outta this town."
I kissed his hand again before laying our arms down, "Mhm, first chance we get, baby."
"Not leavin' Max," he mumbled.
"No, never," I assured, watching him rest comfortably as my heart shred itself and stitched itself back together out of relief. Praying his suffering was over, I kissed his hand again and laid my head down. "I love you, too."
Thinking he was asleep, I didn't expect him to whisper, "Good."
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Caught You ~Flayed Billy!
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Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @harrys-four-nipples @josephfakingquinn
My Master List is in This Area
Warning : Stalking, little darker
Summary : You've peak the interest of dear Flayed Billy Hargrove, but you aren't that easy to catch.
He eyed as you sat by the edge of the pool with your legs dipped in. His smirk lingered as he took the way your hair flowed down your back, the way you were more interested in the pool than to notice he was there. But you knew he was there.
" Pool's closed, doll face" he says as he makes his way over to you. You don't turn your gaze at the sound of his voice. He drops down besides you in his blue sleeveless shirt and red swimming shorts. His hair is matted, not his usual curls but they are plastered to his forehead. You knew this wasn't Billy Hargrove that you knew around school. This was the possessed Billy Hargrove.
" Are you listening?" his eyes are drilling into the side of your head. Your eyes finally turned to meet his. His mouth forms into a smirk when he has your attention. He likes the way you look at him with your pretty eyes.
" I've heard you, Billy boy" He growls underneath his breathe. " What? Did I upset you?" you chuckled.
He licks his lips as he leans in, you can see the small sweat gathering on his nose as his blue eyes, darken.
" You should go home, it's not safe for a pretty baby like you to be alone here" you don't let it show but a chill goes down your spine at his words. Something about them.
" I can take care of myself" He chuckles.
" I'm sure" his hand lands on your thigh. His hand is much bigger than you thought and those black veins catch your attention. You brought your finger to trace them leading up to his shoulder. His breath hitches as you shift closer. Your knee is touching his as you whisper, " you aren't as scary as you seem, flayed."
His mouth a jar a bit then spreads into a smirk, " well aren't we a little smarty pants. I like you."
" Better get home or the big monster might eat me" he looks up at you as you stand. He rolls his eyes, " Get home safe." He mumbles causing you to halt in your step.
" My, my, flayed Billy cares about little old me?" The only answer he give you is a smirk.
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You weren't too surprised to see him standing by Benny's diner with his arms across his chest as his eyes falls on you. How did he know you'd be here? Was he following you?
" Nice to see you, flayed" He smirks as he hears you.
" You too, kitten" at that moment, that pet name makes all your insides scream at you. Your breath hitches and he takes notices the way you stopped.
" Oh you like that? You like it when I call you kitten?" he asks. A wide smirk spreads across his face as he licks his lips. His eyes roams from your legs all the way to your lips. You shatter in response eyeing the window where Steve sat with Dustin as they both waited for you.
He follows your line of vision to where Steve sat and his fist clench by his sides.
" Harrington? Is that who you've been spending time with?" he growls. His shoulders tensed up with a scowl on his face. He wasn't very surprised that you'd be around Steve Harrington out of all people.
" Pretty boy got you all hooked, doesn't he?" your eyebrows knit together as you shake your head, " We're friends but that's not really your business. Isn't Billy boy?" he growls at the nickname. It irks him that you call him that.
" Ah, you look upset. Did I hurt your feelings?' you cooed, giggling. His eyes darken as he took a step towards you. You eyed the way he had wild look in his eyes remembering this isn't the Billy Hargrove that you knew who sat next to you in class asking you to borrow pens.
This was Flayed Billy Hargrove, the possession inside him. The monster craved you. Craved your touch. Craved the way you'd look at him. Craved to smell you. Craved to held by you. But, he can't. He's a monster. Monsters don't have feelings. Especially not with pretty girls like you.
" Cat got your tongued, Flayed?" he pauses hearing you call him. His true name. The edges of his mouth grins as his eyes shine at the name.
" You've addressed me correctly, kitten. My, my. Are you trying to get into my good graces?" you shrugged.
" You're fun to please and tease"
He stood there in shock as he hears you. You wanted to play games with him and he was sure he could play those games with you. His eyes watched as you walked into the diner and sitting across from Steve, right next to Dustin. The two didn't happen to see the conversation between the two of you. But Flayed growl the way you hugged Steve and held onto him a little longer. He saw it. He sees everything.
" Oh kitten, you want to play. We will play"
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You had no idea that Flayed Billy was waiting for you outside the diner, sitting inside the Camaro as he chewed gum in his mouth. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as his gazed watched as you hugged Steve goodbye, he watched you watch Steve reverse in his BMW and leave.
You were searching for your keys in your pocket when you spotted the Camaro and Flayed eyes on you as he grins once he caught your attention. Why was he still here? You made your way in front of the door, standing still for a moment before leaning down. He rolled down the window, " Come sit, Kitten."
You look at him with an eyebrow raised seeing if he was serious or not and he smirks in response as your fingers grasped on the open door window.
" Don't be like that, kitten. Sit inside, I know you want to. I can tell from the look on your face you got there" he motions to his face then points to you.
You rolled your eyes, opening the door and sat down. He smirked widen in satisfaction as he tapped the steering wheel with his index finger. Flayed Billy sat in silence before he reached over to turn up the volume of the radio that you hadn't noticed was on. It's been playing something familiar. You can't put your finger on it.
Flayed Billy felt he was successful getting you into his car. You were obedient. A good little kitten. He watched as you eyed him from the corner of his eyes. His curls fell into his eyes shielding how blue his eyes are. His cheeks were flushed red as his eyes stayed on you.
You finally turned to look over at him, biting on your bottom lip, all while he locked his eyes on your bottom lip wishing he was the one biting it. His eyes were filled with lust and need. Need for you. Flayed Billy looked up into your eyes, memorized by the sight of you sitting there all pretty. He had forgotten all about what he saw in the diner. You sitting with Steve Harrington.
His eyes drop down to your lip that you kept biting on, he can see there is bits of blood already visible. His nose twitches and his mouth waters at the sight. He licks his lips and you smirk at him as you slide into his lap. By instance, he grabs onto your hips.
Your skirt scrunched up from behind and in the front a bit as sat on his jeans. Flayed Billy unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the back, not really caring where it went. You took in his an skin filled with black veins as your fingertips run down his chest. You couldn't help yourself as you kiss his collarbones, sucking on the skin that there decorating it with love bits. They were dark matching almost to the color of those black veins making them like tree branches with your marks. He grabbed a hold of your hair and yanked it exposing your throat to him.
He tapped his two fingers against your lips seeing if you were a good kitten and obeyed him. You surprised him by opening your mouth, holding in the gag as he pushes his two fingers down your throat. He pushed his fingers in and out of your mouth, but you were riding on the tent that was forming in his pans.
" My good little kitten" he grinned loving that you were sitting all pretty on his lap. Flayed eyed your pretty neck that was exposed to him and brushes his lips against your neck, leaving soft kisses there. But he changed his mind leaving harsh, red marks on your neck and collarbones.
You are his to mark.
After he was satisfied with the marks all over your neck, he let your hair go and gripped you by the throat, pulling you closer to his face. Locking his lips with yours, he kissed you harshly and passionately. Your hands placed themselves on his chest as you continued to grind on him while Flayed Billy devoured your mouth. When he pulled away, he made sure you nibble on your bottom lip and suck on it. The blood that was there. He moaned at the taste of copper.
" You'll be a good kitten and suck my cock like I need you to"
You smirked at him, his eyes darken when he watches you and growls in satisfaction when he sees you nod. You slide off his lap and climb to the back when he follows you. You unzip his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, you took his leaking cock in your hands. You groped his cock with your hands, stroking his shaft to make sure there was more pre cum to your liking that's been already around your fingers. When it was wet and how you wanted it to be, you took him in your moth rolling your tongue around it.
Flayed Billy groaned, watching you with dark eyes shifting his hip as you bopped your head up an down in the pace you thought he would like. Before he even got a chance to cum inside your mouth, you let his cock slide out of your mouth with a pop. He hissed at the loss of your mouth flashing anger in his eyes.
" I didn't tell you to stop, kitten. Did I?" he growled.
" Relax there Billy Boy, this isn't over," you tell him, climbing into his lip. The growl replaced by a gin on his face. His fingers snake their way underneath your skirt while you slide off your shirt exposing the lacy bra you were wearing. You gasped when he moved your panties to the side and flicked your clit with his finger, making you shudder against him.
" You're so filthy, aren't you my kitten?" he mumbles against your ear as you grind against his thigh.
" I am, Billy boy," you nodded, moaning feeling him pepper kisses all over your chest.
" Do you fuck every man you set your eyes on? Hm?"
" Only the once with blonde curls and blue eyes, and veins"
" Only me, not poor Billy even?" he asks, teasing you. He knows how Billy feels about you. They are constantly fighting over you in his head. Though Flayed Billy doesn't understand why Billy chose you to have given his heart to. You were there since the moment Billy stepped foot into Hawkins, looking after Max and eventually Billy opened up to you about Niel and his mom. It took some time but he found you made him feel safe. You were there when he stood at your doorstep with bruises on him, and you were there when Flayed took over. You watched Billy fight with tears in his eyes, not wanting Flayed to take control.
You nodded, but that wasn't fully true. You liked Billy, he made you feel things you never thought you'd ever feel since your last boyfriend. Billy knew how much you were struggling in your life and finding out how your ex treated you, he swore if he saw your ex again, he would rearrange those insides of that boy.
Flayed tsk, knowing you weren't really telling him the truth. He lifted you up a bit off his lips while moving your panties to the side and pushing his cock into your dripping cunt. You let out a pain and pleasure at the same time filled with moans as his cock filled you up. Tears ran down your cheeks from the pleasure you were given.
He growled as he guiding your hips up and down. You held onto his shoulder as you bounced up and down on him. One of his hands cupped at your tit, rolling the nipple in between his fingers causing you to curse at him and moan his name. Not Billy. Flayed. You moaned Flayed.
You arched your back causing him to latch his mouth on your neck, licking at the skin there.
" Fuck, Kitten. You're so fucking tight. Has Billy felt you be this tight for him?" Flayed asked as he licks his lips at the sight of you. You only moaned in response as you chased your high.
You glance down watching yourself bounce on his cock, lifting yourself up and down and doing it over and over. Flayed Billy cupped your tits with both of his hands as he buried his face into them. You arched your back feeling him toy with your nipples, earning a loud moan from you.
" Just like that, Kitten. All for me"
" I need more, Flayed. More" you begged. His smirk widen as he thrusted upwards, making you release on his cock. He stilled for a minute with a chuckle as he hasn't cum yet.
" Look at how pretty your tits are Kitten" you look down to see crescent moon indents on your tits and glistering from his mouth lapping at them.
" You're prettier" he threw his head back in laugher before he glances down at you leaning in to kiss you desperate for your lips. But his cock was still inside you as he thrusted up. His hands moved to your hips as he helped you move up and down on him. Your fingers tugged on his sweaty curls as he rode out his high. Your overstimulating cunt screamed for you, but you let him. This wasn't Billy you knew. This was Flayed.
" I'm going to fill you up, Kitten." You moaned at his words, watching his eyebrows knit together as he edged closer to his release, your walls were screaming for him. His mouth continued to lap at your nipples. Thrusting up as he filled your walls with his cum. Flayed panted with his head down still being inside of you.
Your fingers move the strands of his curls out of his face as you lifted his head with your other finger, pursing your lips to kiss. But then you paused because there was a look in his eyes. Fear. You were watching him as the look on his face soften and he looked different.
" B-Billy?" you asked, hesitant. He was panting as he leaned back into his seat. Your fingers touched his cheeks watching his eyes roam over. You were indeed staring into the eyes of Billy Hargrove. Flayed was gone. But then there it was again, the dark gaze and the licking of lips with that smirk.
" Flayed" he nodded. " 'm going to need you to get off of me now, Kitten" he tells you. " Got places to be" he mumbles as he helps you slide off of him. His mouth waters at the sight of your dripping cunt of his cum.
" So pretty" he motions down, " but you are leaking on my seats, kitten. I'll be nice for now but next time you're cleaning it off with your mouth."
You nodded looking over to him to see if there was any sign of Billy there.
" Don't look at me like that, he's not here. Don't look so sad, Kitten" he winks watching you get dressed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" Oh Billy... Billy.. Billy.. you silly little pathetic boy" Flayed growls gripping the wheel as he drove. His foot pressed on the gas. " You really thought you'd get out and ask her for help?"
" Leave her alone"
The both of them were fighting in Billy's mind. Billy felt trapped as the monster over took his mind but he was there watching as Flayed took you like he wanted to take you. More differently, first a date and then proceed into that.
" You are too pussy to even touch her like that" Flayed smirked. " Oh? did you really think I wouldn't? Did you see the way she desperately really wanted my cock?"
" You're not what she wants"
" It's what she deserves, did you see the way she bounced on my cock? She looks so pretty, those tits. The way she looked at me"
" You don't know what she wants"
" And you do?" Flayed growled.
" She wants to be in love, what do you know about love?"
Flayed passed because he knows Billy is right. He didn't know anything about love and through it was the most pathetic thing in the world. Who need it?
" That's what I thought. She doesn't love you or care about"
" You think she loves you?" Flayed scoffed.
" I know she does" Billy says, with a smile. He can't help it but he saw the way you were looking at him when you saw that it was him for that moment.
Flayed growled as he put the end of that conversation. He wasn't about to let pathetic thing like love get in the way. He wasn't about to let Billy have what he wants.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" You know it's dangerous to leave your window open like that, who knows who might climb in?" you rolled your eyes seeing Flayed standing by your dresser overlooking the rings on the small little bowl there.
" Maybe I left it for you" you smirked. Flayed turned his head as he chuckled, " for me?" he pointed himself with a sparkle in his eyes.
" You sure about that Kitten? I mean, I know you aren't so fond of me" he sits on the edge of your bed with his hand on your knee.
You eyes his hand on your knee and lean forward, " Can I talk to Billy?" the hand on your knee movs out of reach as he scowls.
" Why would you want to talk to that pathetic boy?"
" Please.." you begged him putting your hand on his shoulder. The touch from your hand on his shoulder makes something inside of him turn, but it's something he didn't feel before. He turned his head to lock eyes with you searching your face for that something. But what?
" Flayed?" you called out to him.
" And why would I do something like that?" he leans in that you feel his breath on your face.
" Because you care about me" he pulls away with a chuckle. " I don't care about anyone, let alone you" you can tell that something is bothering him and he isn't like this usually.
"Then why do you have that look on your face?"
" What look?' he asks.
" Like your scared of something" he looks down into his lap as he shakes his head. " I don't know what your talking about, I don't get scared of anything."
He feels your fingertips brush over his cheek and he shutters in response but pulls away as he stands up. He wasn't about to let you make him feel like this. He isn't suppose to feel anything at all. Let alone you.
" Flayed.." you softly called out to him.
" Go to bed, kitten" he says making his way to the window. His head t urned to look at you one more time and you catch it. The look in his eyes. There is a fight going on there, you can tell from the color of those eyes and the way his lip is quivering.
" Billy Hargrove, I will find you and I will help" Flayed gaze darkness as he scoffs, " Keep dreaming, Kitten. Keep dreaming."
Then he was gone.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
" What's been going on with you?" Steve asks as he snaps his fingers in front of your face as you stand by the counter at Scoops. You were staring into nothing causing Steve to worry. Robin emerges from the back seeing you still standing there and not ordering your ice cream.
" Are you okay?" she asks you reaching over to feel if your head was hot. It was okay. You were okay. At least to you. To them, they were kinda freaking out.
" 'm fine" you mumbled grabbing the ice cream cone from Steve's hands. You fished into your pockets to pay him when his hand dropped on top of yours and you look up at him to see he was shaking his head.
" But I-" he shakes his head and pushes your hand away.
" On the house, you look like you needed it" you nodded thanking him and waving to Robin as you exit out but your eyes found those dark blue eyes from across the store. He has been following you since the morning you arrived at the mall.
You happen to turn to make your way through the mall feeling him follow you. You didn't understand what he wanted. If he wasn't going to give you time with Billy than what did he want?
Your cheeks flushed as you remembered what happened in the car.
" You look lost, Kitten" he comes up next to you. You are surprised he's out in the open but he has his hood up that no one would notice that it's him.
" Why are you following me?" He shrugs.
" You're really pretty, so why not?" he watches you lick your ice cream with the flick off your tongue. His cock in his pants twitches at the sight as he licks his lips.
" Stop that" he says. You are confused on what he means as you continue when his hand outstretches and takes a hold of the cold ice cream dropping it on the ground.
" That was my ice cream!" He chuckles.
" I asked you not to do that, you disobeyed me. Therefore, you aren't allowed to have nice things like ice cream" he hisses. You know he's glaring down at you with those blue dark eyes but you can't really see because of the way his hair hangs in his eyes.
" Last time I checked, I wasn't yours Billy Boy" Flayed growls as he leans close, towering over you.
" You're mine kitten wether you like it or not. Don't let me catch you agin disobeying me" he looks around seeing some people were looking as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks off leaving you seething, hot and confused over him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew it was dangerous to be by the pool around this time knowing that he had his shift and he was closing tonight. The locker room door closed as he paused in the doorway leaning against the door with his elbow over his head as he glanced at you.
" Pool closed, kitten. Go home" your feet dipped into the pool as you watched the water swayed back and forth. You were wiggling your toes when a pair of feet stood next to you.
" Are you deaf?" he asked, crouching down. He had bags underneath his eyes as he stared at you with his head tilted to the side. His hair hang over his eyes waiting for your response.
" Do you know how to you use your mouth?" at those words, you turned your head you look at him with no expression on your face. Now, Flayed wouldn't care or listened to you talk about anything other than a good fuck for him, but here he was waiting for you to talk to him. He didn't know what this was.
" What it to you if I stayed?" He sat besides you dipping his feet into the pool as he stared at it. " Why do you keep Billy caged away?"
He is silent for a moment, " He doesn't belong here."
" And you do?" Flayed glanced over to you with a hollow look in his eyes. " Yes" he answers. Before you had a chance to ask him anything else, he pushes you into the pool. You cough on water as you resurface and look at him to see him laughing. Flayed Billy Hargrove was laughing.
Your eyebrow raised as you looked at him getting into the pool. He tugged you close to him that you were chest to chest with him in the water, pressed against one another under the sky. You wondered if he could feel your heart race or how nervous he made you. His hand reached out to brush your hair away from your face while the other grabbed your hip underneath the water.
You gasped at his rough touch.
" You okay there, kitten?" you narrow your eyes watching him. This was something new with Flayed. He cared? Since when? His hand trailed up your back, over to your shoulder, over your neck feeling every inch of your body. His other hand came up to cup your face as his thumb ran over your lips moving your head closer to him that he could kiss you.
You wrap your legs around him and suppress a moan as his hips buck against you. Flayed smirked feeling how your heart was racing against his skin. He liked it. You gasped feeling his hand tangled into your hair and pull on it, getting control over the kiss.
He presses a kiss on your neck, then on the other side.
" Fuck, flayed..," you moaned rolling your hips.
" I want you, kitten," he mumbles against your lips.
" Then maybe we shouldn't fuck in the pool?"
He frowned, then clenched his eyes as he pulled away from you thrashing in the water. You moved away watching with wide eyes. What was going on? He growled as he arched his back all of sudden and then everything stopped. His shoulder shook as he stood with his back to you.
" Are you okay?" you asked. The shoulder slumped and he turned around to face you. His head rose as he panted and there you saw the bluest eyes and those freckles. His eyes held worry in them.
" Billy?' you asked being cautious. He nods as giving you the answer it's him. You slowly move towards him.
" D-Don't" Billy whimpers. " P-please.." he whines with tears rolling down his cheeks. " He-es go-oing to hu-urt you"
" He won't" you shook your head as you stood in front of Billy. Your hand reached out to touch his cheeks and when you did, his hand reached out to catch your wrist in his hand.
" Pathetic" your face dropped as Flayed looks over to you. " I thought you knew better" He tsk in disapproval. " I thought I told you he doesn't belong here"
" I need to go" you mumble. Flayed tilts his head up as he looks at you with slit dark eyes. He doesn't move but a growl escapes from him. Your moving in the water feeling like your heart was about to be going up your throat.
You made a run for it. You had to, Flayed was staring to scare you and you didn't want him to be a part of your life anymore.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
His eyes wouldn't leave off of when you walked into the arcade with Dustin, Mike, Max, Lucas and Will by your side. He couldn't get the feeling off of him on how much you were enjoying yourself without him in his life. He stood by one of the machines with his hood up, he has been fighting Billy in his mind. Billy has been begging Flayed to come out to see you, to make you understand how this worked.
He tried and tried and tried and every time, Flayed had won.
It didn't come to you unnoticed that he was there. You felt a chill go down your spin and the air felt different. The blonde curls weren't a miss from the corner of your eyes and the way his eyes fell on you immediately.
" Are you paying attention?" Dustin clapped his hands in front of your face. You snapped out of your thoughts, " Yeah. Here" you handed the rest of the coins he needed to play while you stood there watching over them.
" Is that..." Max asked in a hush tone as her eyes fell on Flayed in the corner. " Don't look Max, but yes" you nodded. She eyed him whispering, " Do you need me to call Steve?" she asked while you shook your head pushing her back with the others.
When it was time to go, you walked out with the kids pausing in your step seeing he was leaning against the Camaro.
" We're not afraid of you!" Dustin shouted as he was ready to pounce but felt your hand on his chest stopping him. " Go in the car, Dustin" you tell him.
" We can take him" Lucas says as he and Mike rose their fists up in the air. " Get in the car, now" you hissed at them, " you too Max. Will, please" Will took a hold of Max as they hurried into the car. But they all peeked out watching you.
" You scared, Kitten?" he asked, letting his hood down making his curls shake as he glanced over to you. He snapped the gum in his mouth.
" Why would I be scared?" He chuckled, " Last time you ran away from me. Are you running again?" He slide off the hood of his car and took a step towards you.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you eyed him.
" I don't have anything to be afraid of" Flayed look impressed that you were actually standing your ground and not running away like a scared kitty cat.
" I'll see you tonight" he spoke unlocking the doors of the car, " you stay pretty now, Kitten" he winks as he reversed and drove off. You looked at the kids watching and when they saw you were watching them , the ducked down.
" Not a word" you mutter to them as you stared the car.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your eyes widen to find him standing in your kitchen the next morning. How did he get in? You looked for any sign of broken windows but your feet were planted on the ground. He stood over the stove cooking breakfast. This wasn't normal at all. Anything about this was not normal.
" What are you doing here?" you finally spoke out, voice shaking with fist clenched by your side.
" Cooking you breakfast, this isn't something I eat. You know" he motioned to the pan, looking over to you like you had another grown head or something.
" Why?" you asked. Flayed chuckled as he turned off the stove and dropped the spatula.
" Because, I like you" something about those words weren't very secure about them. " W-what?" you asked in disbelief. Flayed put his hands on his hips as he shrugged. There wasn't any other answer he could give you but that. He reached out to grab onto your wrist but you stood back.
" Don't you run away, not from me Kitten" he says taking a step towards you but you took one step back, turning around and running up the stairs to your room. You had a small given space underneath the bed that you had enough time to fit underneath there.
You can hear the rage behind Flayed's voice as he stomped up the stairs, his boots hitting on the floor as he walked closer and closer.
" You're really going to hide from me, kitten?"
His voice got louder, like a explosion and it was very deep. You heard it has clear as day from underneath the small space of your bed. He was nearing to your bedroom. He checked one of the bathroom first, then the guest room, he didn't know what room to check because he wasn't been in your house before. Billy has.
" Come out, come out kitten, Flayed isn't going to hurt you. Just has a few words for you" the words were dripping with sarcasm and venom as he opened your bedroom door looking around and you watched from the space you were in as his feet stopped in front of your closer and he opened it. He examined the inside with what he saw there only to scowl.
It was like the panic had disappeared once his boots turned around and he made a bee line to the door. Holding your breath, you knew it wouldn't be too long until he found you. He was going to find you. There was no other way around it.
Flayed wasn't the type of play games like this. But you were going to take every bit of time you had to hide from him. Besides, if you were being honest, him hunting you down down sent a chill down your spine. It was exciting.
Although you didn't noticed that you had coughed all of sudden and the house grew quiet.
No more shouting. No more footsteps. The sudden silence made you crow in fight.
You are right to feel that feeling when a large hand gripped around your wrist and you shrieked, the sound louder than anything as you were dragged out in one motion.
" Found you" His blue eyes were darker shade as they narrowed at you. " Ouch!" you yelped, trying to scramble away but the grasp on your wrist was released and he grabbed onto your hips, refusing to let you.
" You shouldn't of hid underneath the bed otherwise you wouldn't be dragged out like a doll" he scoffed pushing you down on the ground, pinning your body with his. You kept thrashing under him even with the amusement in his eyes. He pushed your legs apart, and pressed his knee a little hard against your heat. You whimpered against him, grinding against his leg. Your body shutters as he watches you, licking his lips.
Your heart felt like it was on the edge of slipping out of your mouth, not even noticing he took off his boots. He might of taken them out somewhere near your room to surprise you. Flayed didn't really like this game at all, but he tried. For you.
" I thought you liked me, this isn't nice..," you whined out underneath him causing him to chuckle from the way you were wiggling under him and trying to escape. His hand that was on your hip rose to hold on your throat. He didn't squeeze, didn't out pressure but was using as a way to show you that you were his.
" Stop moving, kitten" He growled, a warning he was giving you sending it straight to your core and you couldn't help the way your thighs squeezed around his.
" You look so sad, why is that kitten? Lonely, aren't we?"
You were trying so hard to decided wether you should press his buttons or not. You didn't know if he deserved the apology that you ran away scared of him. He was Flayed, he wasn't Billy. He didn't have emotion and he didn't care or did he?
Your voice came out a squeak, " I wasn't.. I-"
" I know, you just wanted my attention"he sneered, giving a tap around your neck, his legs pushed against your body as you whimpered. " Only mine" his breathed against you lips as he got closer, hovering above your wide eyed face. His snarl changed into a wicked grin, that's when you got nervous.
The anxiety in you was building," you like it that I give you attention, don't you?" maybe it was the nerves that were getting you but the squeaks from under him was all he heard. The only pleasure you were getting was the way your hips bucked against his leg, the motion offered you as held you down.
" No answer?" His face pulled back to look down at you as he listens to your breath hitch, but he smirks as he thinks of something.
" Open your pretty little mouth"
That certainly threw you off guard as your brain tried to wrap around his words. You felt a squeeze at your throat, " I said open your mouth, kitten."
You listened and obeyed, you were a mess underneath him listening to his growls making your cunt throb. Your lips came apart, hanging open as he requested. His growling stopped as he spit directly into your mouth letting it land straight on your tongue. The grin on his was wild as he watched the liquid gather on your tongue. You were being his good little girl keeping your mouth open for him to look at.
" See that? I gave you some attention" he declared, smug with his hand tightened around your throat, "now I want you to swallow."
Your eyes fluttered at his command as you swallowed. A groan escapes from him as he watched, he was surprised with the words that came out of your mouth.
" Thank you"
He cursed to himself inside his head as he climbed off of you, releasing you from his body. But it was just for brief moment, before he was manhandling you again, treating you like you were a doll to him. One hand was on your waist while the other gathered the hair in a fist as he pushed you to the bed.
" After your pretty manners, you think you deserve something or. do you think I forgot that you ran away from me?" your body jolted as a smack landed on your ass.
" F-Flayed, pl-lease," you moaned through the sheets as he tugged your pants and panties down to your ankles like a hungry animal.
" P-please.." he mocked you. He gave you another smack on the ass, his plan settling on the swell of the flesh and pulling to reveal you were dripping for him. His breath hitched from the way you were trying to look over your shoulder at what he was doing was cute.
" You are one bad little kitty. If you want me to let you cum, you should be a good girl and apologize,"
" N-No, y-you wouldn't dare.."
" Oh? Is that so?" you gasped and your body jolted feeling his spit land on between your cheeks that he was playing around with and watching it drip. A moan escapes from you feeling his two fingers stuffing inside your cunt, his other hand curved around your thighs so he could curve his fingers. It was hard to protest or say anything to him while he stretched you out with his fingers.
You moaned out his name, Flayed instead of what he wanted with your hands fisting the sheets and your hips tried to grind against his touch, but he helped you stay stead with his hips pressed behind you.
" Flayed!" you moaned.
" Not what I wanted to hear" he tsked sat you, sighing to himself in disappointment. He was focusing on the way he was touching you and made you gasp against him, the moans and cries escaping your lips. When you arched your back and whined for him, that when he focused on that certain spot watching the pleasure build inside of you.
Your little whine and gasps were captivating to him but they weren't what he wanted to hear, his hand yanked at your hair using it as you get your face from the covers where you were hiding it to hear you better.
" What was that? Can't really hear you, kitten? Do I need split you with my cock?"
His palm started to grind into your folds and applying pressure to your clit as your body was coming closer and closer, only for him to pull his hand away at the last minute.
" Please, Flayed... please"it sounded more like a sob than a plead.
He dropped you onto the bed for a moment as he undid his pants as he licked his lips, you turned a bit to look at the bulge that has been pressing against your ass. It made you mewl more for his cock. His cock sprang up, hitting against his stomach.
" I need you to answer my question...I'm waiting.."
" yes, yes," you finally answered him with a small whimper, lifting up your hips up begging for him to take you. " Yes, I wanted your attention. I'm sorry for running away" this time you pleaded with a small sniffle and he was laughing at you at this point as he grabbed your hip with one hand while the other grabbed his cock in the other. He let his length slide between your cheeks, teasing you before slipping it lower into your awaiting cunt. His cock nudged in between your folds, slowly thrusting into you. Every nudge of his tip against your clit draw little gasps that he loves to hear, making you tremble against him, urging him to go on. His body bended over yours, caging you in the bed as his lips hovered over your ear.
" Tell me again" he demanded, his voice was quieter, taunting you with a small lick over the shell. Every shudder, every little gasp and every sound escaped from you caused a laugh to erupt from his chest against your back.
" I'm sorry, Flayed.. I am sorry for running.. I'm sorry.."
A screamed erupts from you as he slams his cock into you fully, making you feel like your walls and everything inside of you was going to erupt. It felt like he was breaking you in half in the best way. Each clam of his hips made you scream over and over. They weren't slow like he started, but they were steady and harsh. Each thrust made the bed creak.
He moved a bit away from you, "I know you like me back" he brought his hand underneath you, trapping your lower stomach as he dragged you up on your toes that you can feel how toyed with you.
It made you cry for him. You felt every inch of him inside of you causing your walls to shatter, made you see stars, your eyes rolling back into your head.
" Rude not to answer, I thought you knew your manners" he growled.
" I do!"
"Good" he snickered, watching you cry and slobber on the bed as you answer him. He picked up the pace a big, focusing on the way his hand was going down in between your legs and giving your clit attention, rubbing small circles as he groaned.
" Need to hear you, kitten" And he did. His name left your lips like a dream, a prayer.
He added the pressure on your sweet spot with his fingers just enough to send you to the edge. Stars appeared behind your eyes as you screamed out before dropping your head on the bed as you came. He thrusted into you a couple of more times, following behind you and painting the inside of your wall with white. Yours and his moans filled the room.
He slipped out of you and panted as he sat on the bed with his head against the wall. The curls stuck to his forehead, his mouth a jar as his body drew in sweats and his blue dark eyes were in slits. While you laid on the bed, panting with slobber as you rolled over on your back.
There was a moment in silence before you heard the groan and a small whimper besides you. Your head snapped towards the noise to see him hunched over and shaking. Immediately you shoot up thinking something is wrong but when he rose his head and you met those blue eyes, you knew it wasn't Flayed looking at you this very moment.
His hands reached over to cup your face with both hands as his lips brushed against yours. He wanted to feel you against him, he wanted to know what it was like to kiss you. It felt different when Flayed was in control. This time, he kissed you passionately and desperately.
Your arms wrapped around him as his soft lips moved against yours. You pulled away, breathless.
" How long do I have with you?" Billy's only response was he kissed you again, this time a little harsher with small whimpers escaping his mouth. You let him kiss you for awhile before he pulled away and you were staring back into those dark blue eyes, his grin was wide.
" Happy to see me?" he asked, your hands pulled away from him as he laughed, picking you up carrying you into the bathroom. Flayed Billy might be here, but you knew that the real Billy was in there and had his moments sharing with Flayed on how to look after you.
Maybe this wasn't bad after all. Maybe having Flayed in your life wasn't too bad.
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Harringrove X Reader (Steve Harrington X Billy Hargrove) idea’s for you!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Harringrove X Flayed!Reader
Harringrove X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Harringrove X Werewolf!Reader
Harringrove X Daki!Reader
Harringrove X Demon!Reader
Harringrove X Succubus!Reader
Harringrove X Siren!Reader
Harringrove X Mermaid!Reader
Harringrove X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Harringrove X Maleficent!Reader
Harringrove X Sapphire Witch!Reader (scarlet witch but dark blue powers)
Harringrove X Murderer!Reader
Harringrove X Mute!Reader
Harringrove X Blind!Reader (inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Harringrove X Telekinesis!Reader
Harringrove X Pyrokinesis!Reader
Harringrove X Yandere!Reader
Harringrove X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last airbender)
Harringrove X Escape Lab!Reader (you have Diana lance’s powers aka black canary)
Harringrove X Waterbender!Reader
Harringrove X Deaf!Reader
Harringrove X Cryokinesis!Reader
Harringrove X Amethyst witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but purple)
Harringrove X Scarlet witch!Reader
Harringrove X Nezuko!Reader
Harringrove X Tourette’s!Reader
Harringrove X Egyptian Goddess!Reader
Harringrove X Wednesday!Reader
Harringrove X Dimitrescu!Reader
Harringrove X Captain Marvel!Reader
Harringrove X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: vengeance)
Harringrove X Enchantress!Reader
Harringrove X Ahmanet!Reader
Harringrove X Zombie!Reader
Harringrove X Angel!Goddess!Reader
Harringrove X Fallen Angel!Reader (you have black wings)
Harringrove X Cruella!Reader (inspired by Cruella 2021)
Harringrove X Na’vi!Reader
Harringrove X Famous!Singer!Reader
Harringrove X Ashnikko!Reader
Harringrove X Blind!Reader (inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Harringrove X Mute!Reader
Harringrove X Na’vi!Reader
Harringrove X Yandere!Reader
Harringrove X Ghostface!Reader
Harringrove X Female!Ghostrider!Reader (instead of normal fire it’s purple fire)
Harringrove X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie Barry version)
Harringrove X Jennifer Check!Reader
Harringrove X Russian!Reader
Harringrove X British!Reader
Harringrove X Zombie!Reader
Harringrove X Deadite!Reader
(A/N: Hi! Hope you enjoyed this post you can use these ideas if you want to, go ahead and see my other posts there’s more inspiring, interesting and helpful…yeah you’re welcome! :)
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