#Flayed Billy Hargrove x reader
sweet-villain · 1 year
Playing With Fire~ Flayed B.H
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Words : 3.2K words
@babyloutattoo89 @palomam18 @becca-alexa @sadbitchfangirl @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @steddieandstonathansprincess @haileighboi @bookshelf-dust @moonchildquinn @strangerfreak
Summary : Flayed takes interest in you after you have been following him a couple times, you finally ask him to speak to Billy. He grants it to you but the second time comes with a dangerous price.
He grin grows hearing the mutter of your voice as you slap the flashlight in your hands trying to get it to work. He heard you from a mile away entering the abandon factory where he has been tryin to figure out how you could track him. It was the first time you had track him down and he was growing frustrated in hiding away from you. 
Each step you took has alerted him you were close and ready to pounce on him if needed. He licked his lips as he sat against one of the walls hidden away from your sight with his legs outstretched. His hair matted down and strands stuck against his face and forehead as sweat roll down his cheeks. 
The goosebumps on your arms crawled like little ants and you felt that shiver down your spine. Not the same one that Will has when he felt the MindFlyer was around. Not that. You knew you were close. 
“ I’m not afraid” you stated. Flayed raised his eyebrow in amusement on what you were tying to get at. If you weren’t afraid of him then what did you exactly in hopes of doing.  His lips drew in a thin line as his mind wondered what did you want from him. He has taken your Billy away from you and here you were fighting to get to him.
You were warned to stay away from him. Flayed was dangerous in his own way. You had seen it with Heather, with her parents and you seen him struggling in fighting his own mind. Deep down a part of you wants to know if Billy was in there, swimming in his own fear as he waited and watched. 
“ You won’t hurt me” you spoke up. Your voice wasn’t even shaky or sounding like you were scared which made Flayed more interested in you. He thought you were like the others, pathetic, useless and no human was worth it to him.
Now, it was turning into something different and Flayed was interested. 
“ You would of done it by now” your voice was drawing closer where Flayed rested and he chuckled to himself thinking you are such a brave girl to walk alone, with nothing with her but a flashlight. 
You rounded the corner just where he sat at when his body rose up and pins you to the other wall with narrow eyes, the veins on his body visible as he glared at you through matted strands of hair. 
“ Isn’t it past your best time?” He mumbles. Part of his arms is holding you by the neck as you were pressed against the wall while looking at him. 
“ I’m not 12” He snickers as he eyes you up and down. 
“ You know, kitten. You have a pretty face, tell me. Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked. He removes his arm away from your neck as he steps back. You were right, he wasn’t going to hurt you. 
“ You took that away from me, remember?” Flayed hummed as he licked his lips with a grin. It wasn’t a grin that was inviting. It was more cold and sinister. 
“ That’s right, poor Billy is washed away like a pathetic little puppy that he is. Always crying to be saved. Always looking for a way out…” 
Your eyes blinked as tears began to shield your vision hearing him.
“ Is Billy still there?” Flayed scoffed at the mention of “ Billy.” 
“ Can I talk to him?” You thought asking Flayed in person, alone, he would let you even if it was for a couple of minutes. Flayed chuckled as he clapped his hands like he had an audience. 
“ Oh you’re funny one” Flayed points a finger at you as he laughs. His laughs stops after a few moment seeing you weren’t joking. “ Did you really think?” He takes a step towards you. You remained standing still showing you weren’t afraid of him. “ By coming to find me, I would let you talk to that nobody?”
Your eyes blink away the tears with your fist by your side clenching them as tight. You felt like you were holding your breath in feeling him come closer and his glare harden.
“ You don’t get to make any decisions here. I’m in control…” he says as he’s hovering above you. You rose your head to meet his gaze. His eyes held nothing but hollowness in them. 
You know he doesn’t feel. You know he has no feelings but yet you stand there, wanting to save him. Save your Billy. 
You rose your hand up confusing Flayed on what you were doing as he watches your hand in mid air and catches it. 
“ What are you doing?” He asks. “ I don’t want to be touched.” 
You stared into those cold and lifeless eyes as his face was completely blank. 
“ I’m not going to hurt you” is what he hears that perks his interest. He’s hesitant at first and scans your face making sure you weren’t joking and lets go off your hand. Your hand slowly rests on his chest. 
He’s in the white tank top that is mixed with sweat and there are some sort of grease splatter too. Your fingertips feel warm on his body. He shifts away as he hisses at the feeling. 
“ It’s just me” you tell him. He hesitates but lets you touch him again. Your hand slides up towards his face. Your fingertip hit his lips first feeling the coldness of his lips. They don’t look to full color rather chapped and a little blue for your liking. 
Flayed stands there in slight freight at your touch. He likes it. It slightly burns and he lets it watching your fingertip trace his lips. He watches your teeth nibbling on the bottom of your lips as you keep your focus on him. Your fingertips trace over his cheeks where Flayed can’t help but flutter his eyes closed at the touch. 
He doesn’t notice as his face leans into your touch and he feels a sort of calming over him. The burn has vanished as well. 
Your fingertips go into his matted hair and brush away the strands from his face that you can see his face clearer. His eyes fly open as he steps back, shaking his head and refusing to accept whatever this was. 
“ Enough” he says. “ What do you want?” 
A deep frown appears on your face and your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“ What are you talking about?” 
He chuckles, “ Don’t play dumb with me, kitten. You’ve been always trying to find me and for what? To be a savior? To magically think you’re capable of doing anything. You’re nothing. Just like you precious Billy.” 
“ GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!” You yelled, raising your words. Flayed blinked a couple of time as dark look crosses his face.
“ Kitten…” he warns. 
“ I said, give him back to me. You’ve had your fun” Flayed threw his head back as he laughed. 
“ I see why Billy likes you, you’re cute” he says reaching over and patting your head since he isn’t used to any kind of affection let alone know what a kiss is. He moves around you making his way up the stairs where you turn around staring at his back in confusion. 
“ Where are you going? We aren’t done with the conversation” Flayed doesn’t seem like he’s hearing you as he carries on making his way up. 
“ I’m not talking to a wall, am I?” You followed the way he went which he picked up as he turned around to look, rolling his eyes in annoyance. 
“ You know, I’m a person that uses her mouth to talk and I mean, how hard could it be for you…I don’t know.. use your words?”
“ You’re such a comedian, kitten” he finally speaks making his way outside of the factory. 
“ Oh thank you” Flayed groans hearing you follow him as he heads towards the Camaro parked to the side. You can see the damage from it still there when Billy must of crashed and your heart crashes into your stomach thinking of how helpless Billy must of felt and scared. 
“ Finally you’re quiet, something the matter?” Flayed eyes follow where you were looking at. The part of the Camaro that is damaged. He chuckles and wave his hand. 
“ That’s just a scratch” your eyes turn to his, glaring. 
“  Let me talk to him” you pleaded, “ It’s the least you could do and I won’t follow you anymore if you let me talk to him.” 
Flayed thinks this over, he likes that you keep finding him. He likes that you’re clever. He likes this game but he can see the desperation on your face too. He rolls his eyes. 
“ Clock will be ticking, kitten. I will be watching too.” 
Flayed hunches over the Camaro like he’s in pain and you rush to his side not thinking that he’s going to hurt you or worse but rathe you were worried something bad was happening. 
“ Are you okay?’ You placed your hand on his bare shoulder and you hear pants, a deep breathe take in and the head turns as you lock eyes with eyes that you have missed so much. They were full of apologies, full of I miss you’s and full of love. 
“ Billy?” You asked, eyes filling up with tears and that one nod was it all it took for you to crash into his arms and hold him like your life depended on it. Billy wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into your hair, breathing in your scent. He closed his eyes as tears shed down his cheeks. He was holding you. It’s all he wanted. 
“ I miss you so much” you mumble into his tank top drenching it with your own tears Billy could only squeeze you tighter. 
“ I’m going to save you” you continued thinking he’s heard it and it was safe to tell him. Billy pulls away as he stared down at you with worry in his eyes. 
“ He’s going to hurt you, I need you to stay away from him doll.” 
“ No” you shake your head,  “ I need you to come back to me.” 
You could tell by the small smile on his face that he was still here and that Flayed was giving you some time. 
“ I can’t, he has the control and I can’t come back to you no matter how hard I try” he says through his tears. You cup his face with the both of your hands and leans up on your toes resting your forehead against his. 
“ Come back to me” you pleaded, “ I needed you.” 
It broke Billy to see you like this but there was nothing he could do because Flayed was in control. Billy knew he was losing himself feeling Flayed fighting to come back, he pulls you into him and crashes his lips against yours wanting to remember the feeling of your lips against his. He wants a taste. A remembrance. 
You kissed him back, letting him hold you as tears shed down your cheeks feeling him slip away as hands squeezed at your hips as a tongue shoves into your mouth. But you quickly pull away seeing it was Flayed who was back.
“ Missed me, kitten? You know it’s quite rude to pull away when someone you love is kissing you” 
You scoffed, “ I don’t love you and you don’t know anything about it.” 
He laughs, “ I don’t, but you are so desperate for it that I thought I’d play your game.” 
“ Love isn’t a game” He rolls his eyes and lets you go. 
“ It’s pointless” He says as he walks over to the driver side of the Camaro. “ Where are you going?” You asked. 
“This again” he mumbles to himself and walks back over with his hands folded together like he’s praying as he eye levels with you.
“I’m going” he says like he’s talking to a childish that doesn’t understand any English. “ and you” he points to you with his index finger, “ can go home or whatever place you came from” he says moving his around him. “ Does that make it clear?” 
“ I am not a child. I can understand what your saying. I’m not going home. I’m coming with you” Flayed pinches the bridge of his nose feeling quite annoyed with you and he’s about done with this.
“ What do you want from me?” He asks calmly. He feels the anger risen in him. He is about ready to get into the car and drives off, leaving you behind.
“ I want you to give Billy back to me” Flayed jaw clenches tight as his hand drops from his face. 
“ What are you not understanding here is, I am in control. Little girls like you do not give me orders and I’m not going to give you your Billy back. You don’t need him.” 
“ I love him!” You yelled with fist by your sides. 
“ I love him!” Flayed mocks you doing the same thing you were doing with his own fists. 
“ Stop that!” Flayed mocks you agains as he throws in a smirk.
“ You’re so annoying” you mumble pushing at his chest where he pretends to stumble back like you had some affect on him when he’s much stronger than he looks. He leans against the hood of the car with amusement written on your face. 
“ I could beat you up” you continued to mumble which brought more amusement to Flayed. “ You’re so full of shit too” you added which he didn’t miss because he chuckled after you said it. 
“ You talk a big game of being this big bad wolf and yet, you let me talk to Billy. Is Flayed going soft?” You teased. 
Flayed frowned and stood up from the hood making his way over to the driver side and getting in his Camaro. He was about done with you and this game you were playing with him. 
“ Wait, you’re seriously not going to give me a ride home?” You asked coming up to the window. He doesn’t answer you and starts the car. His foot presses on the gas leaving you alone near the abandon factory. 
You kicked an imaginary rock muttering to yourself on how you could be so stupid letting him leave you like this. You looked around to see if there would be a passing car driving by but there was nothing. Not even a soul out here. 
A chill ran up your spine as you tapped on the flashlight muttering for it to turn on and headed towards home, where you thought was home. You didn’t hear the roaring of a car driving your way as you were too focused on looking where you were stepping. The car rolls next to you. 
“ Get in” the voice speak which you thought you imagined at first but you don’t notice the person even step out the car before you were grabbed by your wrist. 
“ What the-“ you were cut off with the person throwing them over your shoulder and you eyes catch on a familiar pair of jeans and the ass you know. He puts you in the passenger side seat without a word and goes to his side as he gets into the car. 
“ You came back for me” you happily reach to grab his arm but he tugs it away. 
“ Yeah, so I don’t need to hear you whining to me the next time you wound up finding me. You’re annoying too, always talking an ear off. Can you just shut up for once? I don’t know how he tolerated you..” Flayed says. 
Sometimes words do hurt and he was using those words to hurt you. You sank into your seat staring at the window at the passing trees. You muttered where to go while trying not to talk to him. Just like he liked it. 
He parks the car in front of your house and doesn’t look at you. 
“ Thanks for the ride” he waves off with his hand and points to the door. 
“ You know, I’m the only one that seems to reach out to you and care. I know you don’t have feelings but you should consider this as a mutual bearing or alliance you can say.” 
His cold and hallow eyes turn to look at you.
“ Get out” he says. 
“ Fine” you muttered, getting out of the car and making sure to slam the door of the Camaro throwing a finger at him. 
Later that night when your in your room, reading a book and too lost into that you don’t notice a figure slip into your room and the next thing you knew was your book being ripped out of your hands thrown across the room.
“ Hey!” You shouted, locking eyes with those very cold, empty looking eyes as they stared down at you. He stood there motionless like something was speaking to him inside his head but it wasn’t exactly that. It was the fact that he’s been thinking. 
Flayed doesn’t think. He does. 
“ What are you doing in my room?” The question you asked goes unanswered. He’s standing like a statue lost in his own world. You had no idea weather to scramble to the phone to call Steve Harrington for help or get him to talk to you. 
He didn’t like to talk, that you knew. Your eyes drop to the phone in the corner which he picks up on because he saw it when he crawled through your window. 
“ Don’t even think about it” he says. 
“ Or what?” The next thing you know is he has you pinning on your bed with your hands above your head. “ That” he answers. 
There is a big wide smirk on his face while he gazes down at you. There is something about that interest him. Weather he finds you annoying with everything you do or the fact that the feeling of your lips made him crave you.
His face leans down and his eyes flutter closed. You are getting the gist of what he wants. You move your head to the side which he notices and pulls away slightly. 
“ What now?”  He asks. 
“ If I let you kiss me, will you let me talk to Billy again?” Flayed eyes squint as he growls. 
“ Why do you even want him?” 
“ Because I love him” Flayed rolled his eyed with heavy sigh.
“  Make the kiss good and we will see” He mutters, leaning down again as his lips brushes against yours. Your breath hitches feeling his lips on yours, they feel a lot different than compared to Billy’s. 
The kiss is surprisingly soft this time, not tongue even happen as he kisses you like you were about to break. He pulls away slightly and his eyes open.
“ Was that good?” He answers you by leaning back down capturing your lips with another kiss. He likes this. He really does. He lets go off your hands and they wound up going into his matted hair that you brush away. 
He pulls away again and this time you see that it’s your boyfriend Billy. Flayed gave in and allowed you to have Billy back.
This time, the clock wasn’t ticking because Flayed hid away angering at himself on what this was between the two of you. He liked kissing you and he was growing scared about it. 
“ Billy” you spoke his name. Flayed on the inside wasn’t too happy how that sounded. 
“ Doll” your boyfriend spoke with a growing smile on his face, collapsing in your arms as he mumbles how much he missed you. 
You were scared too. Scared to have the limited time with your boyfriend before you were playing games with Flayed again. 
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floredaqueen · 8 months
"The kindest mask is usually the strangest one"
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Did a little Billy Hargrove (Dacre Montgomery) study doodle! It's from that one picture of Dacre from bts pics of ST season 3. If you know you know♡
Anyways, it was super fun and relaxing to do. I need to do more of them, but of now, this is all I have for now! Hope you ENJOY!♡
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dark666posting · 9 months
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TW: NON-CON, NON-CON, NON-CON *** Flayed Billy, dark!Billy
Oops I started this story in like 2022 lmao. Here it is, more Flayed Billy™️
Happy New Year!!!
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"Yeah? Well, next time you want your dick sucked, you can call Mrs. fucking Wheeler!" You screamed into the car before slamming the door with all your strength. You successfully held back tears as you stomped away from your now ex-boyfriend's car and shoved through your front door. In the Camaro, Billy sat fuming.
A common occurrence for him on the job is to flirt frequently with the older, married women. He never intended on going anywhere with it, until he did. And he got caught pretty quickly after. Billy's mommy issues tied him to the maternal comfort of older women, but you were the only woman he cared about. The only woman he wasn't letting get away. Breaking up certainly wasn't an option whether you knew it or not.
Billy tried to mentally talk himself down before he followed behind you. Your parents are out of town for the week, so he doesn't worry about being stopped.
"Y/N, can we please talk about this? I don't know what you think you saw-" his gaslighting is cut off.
"I know what I saw! Get the fuck out of my house!" You yell, throwing a book in his direction. The two of you weren't strangers to getting physical with each other.
"Hey!" Billy dodges the book, quickly turning to face you again. A look of pure anger is plastered on his face, but he remains poised as best as possible. "Darling, I am trying to fix this. We aren't breaking up." His voice trembles with the strain of withholding his rage.
"We are broken up. This is fucking over." You've never backed down from him before and you didn't plan on starting today. "As of right fucking now, Hargrove, I am single."
"Oh, you're single?" His voice is quiet and he's eerily calm compared to his struggle earlier. He steps toward you and at first, you stand firm, but the closer he gets, the more you shuffle backward. "You're single?" He asks again, expecting a response.
"Y-Yes. Just like you pretended to be." Billy slaps you across the face quicker than you could register, knocking you to the floor. "What the fuck?!" You clutch your cheek as a fiery sting spreads across your skin.
"Let me show you what happens to sluts that don't have boyfriends to protect them." He grabs you by your hair and damn near drags you to the couch. You kick and fight, doing everything in your power to loosen the pull on your scalp.
"Billy, stop!" You scream as he wrestles you onto the couch. He's exceptionally strong and you are no match.
"Look at you. This isn't even hard for me. You need me to protect you or else someone could have his way with you any time he wants." Billy's voice sounds like a taunt. He successfully pins your wrists together under one of his hands and the other starts to roughly rub your cunt through your jeans.
"What the fuck? Let me go, what are you doing?" You squirm and jerk away from him, feeling panic and pleasure as his hand creates friction against you. "Billy, please stop!" Tears well in your eyes. You've never seen him like this, and he doesn't seem to be letting up. He stares down at you with a blank, serious face. You beg him repeatedly with your eyes, wishing you would've just locked the door behind you.
"You're not safe without me. I have to show you." Billy's emotionless expression sends chills down your spine. It's like any part of him that held morals or empathy has been completely shut down.
"No, please," you whimper, but to no avail. Billy slips his hand in your pants, past your panties, slipping a long, nimble finger between your folds. You release a yelp, earning a small, short-lived smirk from Billy. He continues to delicately rub your clit, you melt into his touch before something seems to click in his mind.
"But this is how your boyfriend would touch you. Look how wet you are, you love it. Now I'm gonna show you how a whore gets fucked." Suddenly he tears his hand away, leaving you silently begging for contact. He effortlessly slips your pants from your body and tears your skimpy tank top in half, leaving you in nothing but your panties. You blush as your exposed breasts bounce from Billy's rough treatment.
You assume he's just going to keep toying with you. Another attempt to win you over with an orgasm as he had plenty of times before, even if this was a bit scarier. You're torn from your thoughts when you hear the sound of his belt buckle jingling against itself.
Your eyes go wide as he reveals his throbbing erection. He looms over you, stroking himself as he drinks in the image of you trembling beneath him.
"Billy, I don't want to have sex. Get out of my house. We aren't gonna fuck and pretend we're fine anymore-" he stuffs his length down your throat, cutting you off.
"I don't know how to make it any clearer for you, Y/N. You're too fucking stupid to realize what's happening. It's almost cute." Billy plugs your nose, effectively cutting off all your oxygen as he holds your head against him despite your arms swatting at him for dear life.
It finally dawned on you, that this was not his usual roughness and inability to take "no" for an answer. And you weren't about to get away from him. Panic takes over, controlling your next move. You try to kick and swat him away, but he's inhumanly strong. Stronger than what you're used to, you realize. When he finally allows you to take a breath you look up at him with watery eyes.
"Billy, please," you garble through the drool pooling in your mouth. Your jaw aches from the invasion.
"If you're not mine, I'll make sure nobody wants you," he growls as his expression grows darker. His eyes seem like they belong to someone else and small, black veins rise all over his skin. He looks like a monster, a creature you can't describe. You release a horrified scream before he jerks you from the couch and slams you down on the hardwood floor. Your head smacks the wood with a sharp thud, knocking your vision unsteady.
"Baby, listen. I-I'm sorry. Let's just fuck and make up, okay? Like we always do," you try so hard to reason with him as a sharp ache echoes through your skull. You're petrified, certain he's contracted some sort of rabies-like illness causing this outburst.
"Something's... Happening, Y/N." Billy stares off into the distance, looming over you. "I just... I just need to hurt you." The black, spidery veins beneath his skin grow darker as he admits his intentions.
"Please," you sob uncontrollably. "Please don't hurt me, baby." Billy ignores your pathetic pleas and stares down at your exposed supple chest. A primal, starving sigh exits his body and in the blink of an eye, his large, powerful hand is clasped tightly around your throat. You wheeze and gag, but to no avail, your oxygen is completely cut off. You're certain that with any more effort, he'd crush your windpipe like an empty soda can.
Billy's free hand slaps your breasts around and roughly tugs at your hardened nipples. Each touch he lays on you is sharp and jarring, devoid of any amount of love and care he barely showed even on a good day. You're clawing at his hand around your neck, turning all new shades of purple and blue and he holds you down. Slowly, your hits become weak and sloppy and your vision fades from blurred to black.
Once you're out cold, he tosses your unconscious body over his shoulder and lugs you into your bedroom. Not to be kind or show you any kind of comfort or mercy, but because the bed is the perfect height for him to splay your legs open and tear you to pieces.
He carelessly tosses you into the mattress, stroking himself as he watches you lie there, seemingly lifeless, wearing nothing but a pair of white lace panties. Those are short-lived as he effortlessly snaps the fabric from your body. You're his, completely. He wastes no time toying with you since you're already unresponsive, so he positions his cock at your entrance and shoves himself inside.
He's rough and unyielding as he bucks into you, forcing your body to lubricate his erection for easier access. You're still unconscious, unknowingly being fucked by your ex-boyfriend. He huffs and grunts like a wild animal, continuously readjusting his hands around your body parts for more leverage.
Your legs are lazily tossed over his shoulders, and he holds your wrists to pull you against him with each thrust. Suddenly, you wake up. All the violent fucking you'd endured before waking up seems to hit you all at once and you release a pained cry. The sound of your distress elicits a vulgar moan from Billy.
"Please, no! Billy, stop!" You whine, writhing and squirming against him, only stimulating him further. He moans some more, clearly approaching his climax. Finally, somehow, you're able to angle your leg to kick him away. You land a sharp, calculated kick to his jaw and he stumbles backward, giving you time to take off down the hall.
Billy screams your name like a monstrous roar, tearing through your home to chase after you. He knocks over shelves and side tables, breaking a lamp in the process. Your house looks ransacked. When he rounds the corner and spots you again, you're struggling to get the door open, loud sobs hiccup from your chest, and tsunamis of tears fall from your eyes.
"You're fucked now. That was me being gentle." He cracks his knuckles before slowly, confidently approaching you. You scream again in fear before finally getting the lock to unlatch. You frantically spill out the door and onto the porch. You're nearly off the last step when he grabs you by your hair, yanking you backward into him.
"Billy, no. Billy-" Your words fall out of you quickly with a more collected, serious tone to them as you begin to panic. You don't know if he's going to continue fucking you, or just kill you here on the front lawn. It's dark and your house is a little more secluded than most, something you saw as a good thing until tonight.
Billy holds you by the wad of your hair he's wrapped his hand in and your wrist, keeping you pressed flush against his broad, muscular body.
"I just need to hurt you." He echoes his own words before shoving you cruelly to the ground. You land on the front of your body with barely any time to catch yourself. The rough grassy yard is less than pleasant when it catches you. Billy swiftly climbs on top of you, pinning your arms behind your back and pressing his bulge against your ass.
He forces himself back inside your abused cunt and ruts into you like his life depends on it. You're right next to a road, but it's so late, that it'd be nearly impossible to see someone pass by at this hour. Until they do. You spot a set of headlights coming down the road and you try to thrash around to get their attention. Billy notices this attempted call for help and buries your face into the ground, continuing his mission.
As the car draws closer, you realize that it is too dark for you to see the thick shrubbery completely concealing you and Billy from the road. The car drives right past and you release a quiet sob into the dirt.
"No one's coming for you, Y/N," he growls between thrusts. Finally, his rhythm begins to waver. His breathing becomes labored and unsteady and he finally slams into you one last time, filling you up for a moment before he pulls out and finishes cumming all over your back and in your hair. He lays a brutally aggressive slap on your ass cheek and leaves you there. You hear his car start and pull out of the driveway, all the while you remain on the ground.
Silent, blank-faced tears fall down your face. You manage to peel yourself off the ground and drag yourself inside before the sun begins to rise. You sit in a warm bath, still in shock when you realize your hand is wandering to the sore opening between your legs. You can't help but relive every second he tore into you. You don't understand this feeling, but it brings you to orgasm in mere minutes.
The rest of the night you're anxious and afraid. Afraid he'll come back, or worse, afraid he won't. You recall all the parasitic veins spreading over his skin and you shudder. He's not well, and you were merely a casualty of that.
He just needed to hurt you.
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sadhours · 1 year
Okay okay, I love your work and I was really thinking something w Flayed!Billy?? Ya know some kinky, dark, smut type shi if you’re into that sort of thing🫢 IF NOT just ignore my lewd ass, have a good day<3
i might be a little too excited at the idea. hope this tickles your fancy.
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warnings: 18+ minors dni, rough sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, consent is a tiny bit iffy in this, still consenting though!!! it’s flayed!billy so hey
taglist: @bbyhargrove
Something is drastically off about your boyfriend. At first, it isn’t outrightly obvious. It was almost like how he would behave after a particular brutal fight with his father. He would slip behind shadows and hide away from you, the walls you’d spent months tearing down built themselves back up right before your very eyes. And this was similar yet more sinister, like he wasn’t really there anymore. Billy still showed up at your house routinely, as he did every night on his way home from work but he started leaving early. You never knew what you were going to get; a grumpy yet normal Billy or a complete shell of himself who was quiet and stared off at walls like he could see something inside them.
Tonight, he doesn’t show up until really late. It’s after midnight and you’ve already tucked yourself into bed when you’re started by your window sliding open and a shirtless and barefoot Billy climbing through it. You sit up, bringing your knees up to your chest as you peer up at your almost unrecognizable boyfriend. He’s completely drenched in sweat, his eyes look terrified but his body language reads differently. Bruises scatter his forearm and there’s another small one on his cheekbone but they don’t look like normal bruises, they’re black.
“B-Billy?” your voice is weak, finding yourself scared of him while concerned, “What’s wrong?”
He steps close to your bed, grabbing roughly on your ankle and dragging you to the edge of the bed. Blue eyes beg you to see him and not the huge shadow taking control of his body. You stare up at him fearfully, gasping as he grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls you up to him. It’s all so confusing but you can read the arousal in his eyes and you’ve always liked when Billy was rough with you. You’d just wished he’d explain what the hell had been going on with him.
“Shh, baby,” he drawls out, pressing his finger to your lips.
Looking up in his eyes, you grab onto his biceps but he’s quickly grabbing hold of your wrists and pinning them against the bed as he straddles your waist. There’s something sadistically wrong in his touch but you find your body igniting in anticipation for it. Billy grabs your wrists together in his left hand and pins them above your head, his right coming down to your nightshirt and ripping it open. You hear the buttons scattering to the wood floor and then something shifts in his demeanor for a brief moment.
“Tell me to stop,” he mutters, gruffly.
Your mouth hangs open as you realize you do not want him to. This isn’t like anything you two have done before, Billy was never this aggressive but you like it, a lot.
“No,” you pant out, “don’t want you to stop.”
It’s like he’s possessed or he’s got split personalities the way his body language changes in seconds and he’s back to tearing the rest of your clothes off. His fingers curl around your throat, squeezing as his eyes bore down into your wide ones.
“Fuck,” he grunts, “I wanna do awful things to you.” like a curse, like he’s confessing sins.
A garbled noise escapes your throat as you struggle for air, the lack of it leaves you light headed and dizzy but makes your cunt pulse. Billy lets go but only to flip you over on your stomach, he grabs a handful of your hair with his left hand and scoots your hips with his right, your face shoved in your pillows with your ass up. His left hand doesn’t move, the other smooths along your backside before delivering a harsh, smack. The sound of it echos in your room and the impact stings, hurts in the most delicious way. You’re sure your asscheek has a bright red handprint scarring it. If it didn’t, it does with the second and third strikes. You feel completely out of control, totally powerless and it’s extremely freeing. Maybe Billy’s behavior change isn’t such a bad thing.
“I want to hurt you,” he admits like he’s ashamed of the fact, his voice strained and trembling.
Tilting your head slightly to make sure he can hear you, you spit out, “Hurt me, Billy.”
“I shouldn’t,” he pants out, squeezing his eyes shut before gritting his teeth. He looks like he’s trying to contain something from bubbling up to the surface. He’s never looked so conflicted and you wonder if you should tell him to stop. But you can feel your slick smearing down your thighs and he said he wants to so you think he should. You’d let him do anything he goddamn pleases. You’d let him choke all the air of you and say thank you the entire time. You wiggle your ass at him, looking back over your shoulder. Billy exhales sharply before delivering another merciless smack, gripping his nails into the flesh as he makes contact. You’re fluorescent under his touch, beaming and bright. Neither of you knew how desperately you wanted this.
He shoves two fingers into your dripping hole without warning, pumping his fingers recklessly and it’s painful in a gratifying kind of way. Tiny, uncontrollable yelps tumble out of your mouth with every punch. Billy uses his grip on your hair to pull you up on your knees, his fingers inside your pussy don’t falter for a second while he lets go of your hair and wraps his left hand around your neck. You can feel the sticky sweat on his chest on your back, you wonder what the hell he was up to before breaking into your window briefly before you’re once again light headed and brain goes all fuzzy.
“Billy,” you choke out his name when he pulls his fingers out.
He brings them around and spreads your slick all over your lips, then grabs a hold of your face. His breathing is erratic, almost like he’s growling into your ear. Teeth sink into your earlobe, biting hard before he’s shoving you face first onto the bed. Feeling his weight shift off of the bed, you quickly flip over to see what he’s doing. You need more, you won’t let him stop or leave. You’ll beg, cry, plead if you have to. He’s standing next to your bed, glaring down at you like he hates your guts and you feel yourself shudder under his piercing blue eyes.
Nimble fingers work at his pants, unbuttoning them before you even realize you’re doing it. He grabs your wrist, pulling it back and laughs at you. The rumble of it makes you gasp, looking up at him with hurt eyes. The hold he has on you is firm, teetering on bone-breaking.
“You think you have some fucking control here?” he chastises, voice deeper than you’ve ever heard.
“I—“ you swallow the lump in your throat.
“‘Cause you don’t,” he grabs your cheeks again, squishing them together, “Fucking none. Zero, zip, zilch.”
Billy’s smiling but it isn’t kind, laced with venom and disdain. You lick it up, reeling on how small you feel. He towers over you, smile falling as he pulls your jaw open with his hand. You watch as he gathers the saliva in his mouth and spits on you, most of it lands on your tongue. He allows you to close your mouth and you swallow, doe eyes staring up to express your eagerness to please him. He winds his hand back and brings it back to your cheek with a sharp force, turning your head with it.
Smack! The sound accompanying a cry from you that echoes throughout the dark four walls. You’re relieved your parents are away for the weekend but Billy has no idea that’s the case, it seems he doesn’t care. You feel the warm tears streaming down your cheeks, soothes the burning skin only briefly. Billy’s pushing his jeans down, revealing his lack of underwear and unveiling his hard cock. You whine at the sight of it, imagining the stretch of him filling you up.
He laughs again, then pouts his lips mockingly and tilts his head, “Poor baby. So needy for my cock.”
Billy grabs a hold of your biceps, presses your back to the mattress and positions himself between your thighs. Breathing heavy, you stare up at your altered boyfriend. His gaze softens, almost too quick for you to notice as he speaks, “You’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?”
There’s something nefarious prodding the question. Whatever’s changed about him is why he’s asking. But it’s an easy answer. Billy can see it in your eyes, can dig through the devotion deep inside and exploit it.
“Yes,” you breathe, “Anything.”
Another laugh, more quiet but drawn from satisfaction. Sinks into the promise with it’s ugly, sharp teeth. You’ve got no clue but you regret admitting it.
Billy lowers his lips to your jaw, you expect a kiss but he bites. Continues biting, jaw to neck to shoulder. Each one shocks you to your core, deep and you’re sure you’re bleeding somewhere. Then his hands are on your hips, grip tight and harsh enough to leave bruises. You wince but Billy dips his fingers back between your legs and knows you like it. He laughs again, face in front of yours and for the first time you notice how different he smells. Panic subsides when he sheaths his cock deep into your aching walls with one quick motion. He usually takes that part slow, allows you to warm up to his overwhelming size. The sharp pain is welcomed by your frenzied desire. Yet another distinction that something is off with Billy is the selfishness of his thrusts, lets you know the act is for his own pleasure and he couldn’t be bothered to make sure you get yours.
But it’s Billy, just the fact of that is enough for you. You get off on him getting off. He bends your legs up, pressing your thighs to your chest while he holds the back of them and relentlessly drills into you. The sounds of his skin slapping yours makes your head feel warm and dizzy. He fixes his position just slightly and God. Each thrust, the fat head of his cock hammers against your g-spot. It’s excruciatingly raw and ugh.
You groan, low and guttural as you clutch at your bed spread. Billy’s fingernails scratch at your thighs, breaking skin and leaving pink, tender marks in their wake. His teeth scrape against his bottom lip, eyes sweet while the rest of him radiates raw filth. You’re his little toy, to use at his disposal. You’ll give him every little bit of you to abuse and manipulate how he wants. Billy fucking owns you.
“Billy,” you ache, all over but loving every second of it.
“You’re my little fuck doll, huh?” the filth dripping his words urge more out of you, arousal pouring out of you, coating his hips and thighs.
“Fuck yes,” you grit your teeth, walls tightening around his length.
“Say it,” he slaps your face again, not as harsh as the first but enough to sting.
“I’m your little fuck doll,” you pant out.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want to you and you’d still be begging for more,” he states.
You try to nod, you’re not really in control of your body. You’re somewhere else, on cloud nine, hanging onto the looming bliss of Billy fucking you raw and open. He’s pulling away, pulling out and you whine in protest, a pathetic sound.
“Oh, shut up,” he seethes, grabbing your ankles and dragging you to the edge of the bed like you weigh nothing.
He grabs a hold of you, forcing you to stand up with him. Your legs shake and you have to hold onto him so you don’t collapse onto the floor. Billy pushes you over the mattress, your chest pressed against it with your ass exposed. He delivers another hard smack to your raw asscheek and you fucking scream. It hurts, stinging that spreads all over your thighs. Billy does nothing to soothe the pain. He holds onto your waist, pinning you to the bed as he slams his cock back inside of you. Another scream erupts from you, hurts your throat in a delicious way. His fingers twist into your hair again and he pulls, forcing your back to arch. His hips jolt forward, rhythm building steady as shoves your face into the mattress which muffles the flood of moans and yelps boiling out of you. Quicker than you want, you’re coming. Your cunt spasms around his cock, but Billy’s thrusts don’t falter for a second. He’s fucking laughing at your orgasm, which just makes it hit you that much harder. It’s brutal, ripping through you viscously. Takes absolutely everything out of you and you tense up, body frozen while he keeps pounding into your raw pussy. You fall limp against the bed, crying into the comforter as he pushes you further into you.
Then he’s off you, hand pulling you up by your hair and shoving you to your knees.
“Open your fucking mouth, slut,” he orders.
Obeying like your life depends on it, you peer up at him eagerly and stick your tongue out. Billy stokes his cock, points it at your face and shoots his load all over it. He groans with it, low and coarse. His voice sounds like it’s about to give out, like he’s been yelling all night. He squats down, spreads his cum all over your face before smacking it hard. You whimper. It’s the hottest thing Billy’s ever done to you. You want more.
So when he throws your clothes back at you after pulling his pants up and says, “Get dressed. I’m taking you somewhere.” you listen. You wipe his cum off your face with your shirt before putting it on and follow him outside to his Camaro. He drives and drives. Pulls up to Brimborn Steel Works. This place hasn’t been open in years. Billy grabs a duffel bag from his trunk and ushers you inside. He drops the bag and tells you to lay down. You do and he opens the bag, pulls out rope. You look at him with uncertainty.
“You’d do anything for me, right?”
You nod.
“I have to tie you up,” he looks down at you, that evil look back in his eye.
“Okay,” you extend your wrists to him and Billy fucking hogties you.
He lifts you in his arms. He’s always been strong but seems stronger. He carries you down the stairs and lays you on the ground, lowers his lips to your ear.
“Stay very still,” he whispers and stands back, taking a few steps away from you.
You try to listen but when you hear the squelching steps hidden in the shadows, your turn your head and see a huge monster step into the moonlight. The being growls, steps closer as you sob. As you glance back up to Billy, he’s as stoic as ever, eyes glued to the multi-legged beast while you scream for it all to stop.
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dearramiel · 2 years
Heyy! I was wondering if you’d be down to write something smutty involving Flayed!Billy Hargrove and reader? (I’m sorry that man makes me f e r a l) Preferably rough considering the fact that he’s possessed, maybe some dubcon and whatever else you’d like! If you’re not comfortable with that though, feel free to ignore ((:
Oh my god, absolutely! I've been meaning to write flayed! Billy for a while, and have some plots to work with. This is the push I needed!
I will try to start writing this soon!
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glimmerlofsea · 4 months
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : mention of blood, mention of One ( a.k.a Henry ), flayed!billy but not too flayed¿ The reader has power.
WC; 3,1k
#TALKISSA; it's like you were one of the people who opened the gate, fell into One's trap, and when you wanted to meet him he used a host, didn't dare show himself, he threatened to hurt your sister, Eleven. From there your determination to protect Billy grew bigger, he was trapped in his own thoughts because of you. You have the ability to block things out and feel and absorb other people's emotions when making physical contact. And your abilities I was inspired by Musa Winx Saga! Because I really love her! Hope you enjoy it, issea! ♥ω♥
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It was started when Dr. Brenner wiped your memory clean, literally you are the sister of Eleven or Jane the girl in the lab, but your mother really managed to have her memory erased this time, just like you. Once Brenner felt you were old enough, you became his employee, wearing white every day. Taking care of his experimental children, you don't want to do that work, especially after you find out that he separated you from your mother, you are furious.
Your anger made you decide to try to kill him, that's when he threatened to kill your sister— Subject number Eleven. You would never want your little sister to get hurt, so you obeyed his every command.
Sometimes when you get a shift to keep an eye to the subjects in the Rainbow room you steal a glance to see Eleven, sometimes she catches you looking at her, you don't panic but smile which she smiles back.
You feel guilty for her because she has to be detained in this hell too, and moreover forced to use her abilities.
'Ability'. You have it, that's why Brenner experimented with you, you have a number tattoo on your left wrist, you are number six. While other children have the ability to telekinesis and the like, you don't, your ability is to block something, be it thoughts, or visions so that they lock their gaze on you— But that can only be done when you making any physical contact. Because it is related to blocking, you can feel or absorb someone's emotions when you touch them.
You don't use your abilities very often, nor does Brenner think your abilities are useful. When he looks down on you too much, there is one person who admires your abilities, his name is Henry. Henry Creel, or what people know in the Lab is 001. No one exactly knows, except you.
Your anger grew bigger when Henry said that Brenner wanted to use your sister as a war leader at that time, from there you swallowed his trap raw.
A few days after he disappeared, you immediately carried out his plan, namely inviting any contacts related to the 'Upside Down'. You're not thinking straight, Henry said that if he disappeared it was a sign that civilization would soon begin, children used for experiments could be freed—Especially Eleven. You fell into the trap, once you realized what you were doing you decided to live like you were being hunted by the police.
Clairvoyance. Eleven has that ability, but unfortunately you don't, you can't see your sister, believe me, even though you are far away, you still go around almost every day to find her trace. But what you got is nothing.
After 2 years of hiding in Hawkins, you realize the fatal deed you did to open the 'Gate'. Almost took many lives.
One day you wake up from your sleep, someone approaches you— or more precisely a voice approaches you in your dream, you know that voice very well. 001.
He said he would kill Eleven if you didn't show up at the Hawkins Pool Community that night, you immediately rushed to put on whatever clothes you had to go there.
The atmosphere was quiet, as if there was no life there, only the sound of the water swaying because of the wind, you looked for a room for the Lifeguards, there you found a guy whose back was to you. He didn't wear clothes. And what is certain is that he is definitely not 001.
"My favorite." He muttered as he chuckled, then he turned to look at you. You never saw— Well, you almost never looked closely at people because of your hiding.
"One." Your short reply still neutralizes your facial expression.
He smiled and walked towards you, taking his towel to dry his still wet hair, "Six."
"Or should I call you Y/N?"
You shudder in horror, the only people who know your name are you and Brenner, you don't show any reaction, what is in front of you now is the person who made Hawkins miserable.
When the distance between you was only a few inches you looked up to see his face clearly, he started to touch your cheek with his hand, "Still pretty as before."
You threw his hand away, "Hands off."
He chuckled,
"What do you want." You said angrily.
"Join me, Y/N. Join me then we can rule this world together, exterminate the useless commoners here."
"If I join you, you won't do anything to her?"
"Her? Oh! Eleven." He replied while showing his neat gritted teeth, he chuckled a lot, "That little girl."
"Stay away from her."
"Y/N, Y/N. You are a fool, she doesn't even know you, and you don't even know that your life is at stake coming here, right? You and your little abilities, I can immediately slam you here."
You tightened your jaw, "Who is this?"
He pointed towards himself, "This? Just a guy who holds a lot of grudges, what? Similar to me, right?"
His little chuckle makes you sick, he uses other intermediaries, doesn't dare to show himself, such a coward.
"You told me," You pointed your finger at him, holding back your tears remembering that because of your actions the gate opened and buried souls, souls who didn't even know what happened here.
"If I opened the gate it would help that experimental civilization end. I did it to stop this injustice! Not to take many innocent lives! What did they do to make you trick me like that? I believe you! I—"
He covered your mouth and pushed you until you were trapped against the wall,
"Sshh, you talk too much don't you?" he asked.
You raised your hand but he blocked it on the wall, the hand that was originally on your mouth blocked both of your hands on the wall,
"Don't you realize? You are nothing. No one can compare to me. Especially you?" He's exclaimed.
Your eyes are watery and you are already shedding tears. If you think about it, what he said is true, you are nothing compared to him, your abilities cannot be used to fight him, let alone save someone.
"Join me."
You shook your head with adamant, even though you know your sister's life is at stake, you won't just let him catch Eleven, even if you have to sacrifice your life, you will do it for her.
"I'd rather die."
He smiled, "As you wish."
He starts to untie his hands from your hands and restrains you, lifting your body effortless, you hold his hands, trying to let go but in vain, you can't breathe, you don't want to die, you want to save and protect your sister.
You start to use your ability to absorb someone's emotions, sometimes you see flashbacks of their story, and you are doing this to that innocent guy.
Your ability had the effect of him taking control of himself which was taken over by One.
All you see in glimpses of his life is a blonde woman, the ocean, and his surfing.
He started to close his eyes and used his free hand to hit himself on the head, his grip loosened, you kept your contact, you didn't have time to go any further into his life because he had already let go of you, making you fall on the floor.
"Get out of my head!" He's screamed.
You try to catch your breath and hold your neck while coughing, while you see him holding his head in both hands, in front of you while kneeling. You decide to help him, he is innocent, not guilty.
Once you feel like you've got a lot of air you approach him and kneel in front of him, you can block One inside him for a while, you take his hand and hold it, at least it makes him calmer than before.
He's fragile. You can feel it inside you, he holds a lot of unrequited grudges, and a lot of pain weighs him down. For a while you can absorb his emotions, make him calm and not feel too much, but the minus of your ability is that you easily become weak psychologically, considering people's emotions are too draining. But this time, you are determined to do it, One is within him because you opened the gate.
He grimaced in pain, for some reason, making you drain more of your energy to absorb his emotions,
"What?" You asked.
He looked at you, locking it onto you, "You'll be weak. Part of him is still in me, but you're easing it, right?"
You just stay silent. "I just blocked it for a while."
He nodded, "Thank you."
"You want me to carry on?"
"Could that possibly hurt you?"
You nodded your head, "My energy is decreasing, yes, but I can hold it."
You and the guy sat in the locker room, you kept your physical contact so that it didn't come off and One didn't take control of himself.
"What's your name?" You asked.
"Billy. Billy Hargrove."
"It's all my fault, Billy, I'm sorry. You heard everything, and I will make sure to protect and save you. I promise."
With you saying that he turned to you, looking at it turned to your neck which was starting to bruise from remembering how tightly he strangled you, he turned his gaze again towards you, "I'm sorry for that."
You nodded, "It's okay. You're in his control."
When you held your hand tightly you felt something. Yes, he held a grudge, but the hurt was bigger than that. You feel passionate about anger, jealousy, misunderstanding, it gets darker, but you know the dark emotions he has because of his past. You can't see clearly, the important thing is that you can feel it, it's always like that if you absorb other people's emotions, you will feel like you are them, making you feel the enormity of Billy's pain and shed tears.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked.
You stiffened your head, wiping your tears with your other hand, "No. Feeling better?"
He nodded, "Whatever you did to me, I feel better. Thank you. Your name is Y/N?"
You thought for a moment, "No one should know, but yeah, my name is Y/N."
"I don't know what to say other than thank you. And I apologize for my words."
"No need to apologize Billy, it wasn't you, you should have known."
"I won't hurt that girl. I promise, I will try to stop him."
You smiled, holding his warm hand tightly, “Thank you.”
Not long after, you heard a very loud banging on the door, it made your contact go off, Billy just kept quiet and approached the door which was supposed to be the entrance to the outside for the lifeguards.
"Billy, what's wrong?" You, who had been following him like a pet, let out your voice.
You don't get an answer, the look on his face is different, he walks past you to confirm something, you follow him again.
Until you arrived in front of the sauna, you saw someone— a girl in the sauna, while Billy was already laughing, he came back, you know that.
You grabbed Billy's shoulder to avoid being impressed, "Billy, you promised you wouldn't hurt her!"
He ignored you and kept walking, you held him again, "Billy—"
He grabbed your jaw roughly, “Keep your mouth shut.”
"You promised—"
He let go of your face.
When he had fully entered inside, the sauna door suddenly closed. You widened your eyes while Billy pounded on the door, you approached him,
"What are you doing!?" He asked in a high tone, indicating he was angry.
"I didn't do anything!" You replied, you wanted to open the door but couldn't, as if someone was holding it.
"Who are you?" A boy's voice comes from behind you.
You turned around and realized there was a group of kids gathered there, one of whom was Eleven...
You smiled in relief, "El,"
El seemed to be trying to remember you, while her friend beside her asked, "Do you know her, El?"
El widened her eyes, but still trying to neutralize her gaze, you saw the light in her eyes, indicating that she remembered, "You from the lab."
The boy beside her pulled El back.
You stepped forward, and they all backed away, "I don't—"
"Open the door!" Billy shouted from behind the door, hitting the door, making you flinch and turn your back to all the kids, trying to position yourself in front of all of them.
You turned to look at the kid, and locking your eyes on the redhead, you saw her in a flash of Billy's memory, "You. You know him well, right?"
The girl looked at her friends before looking at you again, "He's my step brother."
Before you could speak, one of them stepped forward, you saw him raising his temperature,
"What are you doing?! You will hurt him!” You exclaimed, you had promised Billy protection, you couldn't let them hurt him. But you hesitated, the other self in Billy wanted to hurt your sister.
"He's not him!" Replied one of them wearing his bandana.
You saw Billy who backed away and hid on the floor,
Before you could hear what he said you felt someone touch you, you turned your head and saw Eleven, you smiled at her,
"I'm not like the bad guys they have, El."
She nodded, "I know. I feel it, you are good, not like them."
She hesitated to say the words, "You're sister. You're Y/N."
You widened your eyes, surprised that El knew your name and who you were, "What?"
"I'll explain later."
You get a brilliant idea, "I have an idea." Your suggestion made them all look at you,
"He's close." Said the boy with his bowl hair style holding the back of his neck, he was the boy you trapped to open the gate... Surely the feeling of guilty was starting to swallow you, but not long after that you felt someone touch your shoulder, it was the red haired girl, "Whatever you have help my brother, please."
You nodded, “I'll try my best.”
You approached the boy wearing his bandana, "What's your name?"
"Lucas, I need you to stabilize the temperature, I'll go in there, try not to burn us but you have to make sure the shadow leaves Billy's body, okay?"
Lucas nod, you decided to take off your jacket so you only show your white tank top,
"Please be careful." El asked.
You smiled and nodded, “I will make myself alive for you.”
Seeing Billy in disguise, you immediately entered the sauna, the door was locked again by El using her ability, it felt very hot, you knew this wouldn't happen quickly,
You knelt beside him, starting to touch his shoulders, the plan you had was to block One's control, so he would feel the heat of the sauna alone while Billy kept trying to take control.
"I promise to protect and save you." You said softly, "Hanging in for Max."
You know her name because Billy mentioned that name several times in his memory.
Billy looked at you, he didn't show any expression, "I told you you were nothing and a fool girl, right?"
His lips trembled, as if he was trying to take control of himself.
"There is something wrong." You heard Lucas camping.
When your body is really burning, you feel something stuck in your stomach, you are suffocating, your throat feels dry, pieces of ceramic are stuck in your stomach.
“Y/N!” You heard El scream.
Billy flashed a grin and pushed you until you were cornered on a chair lined up against the wall. Billy stood up and tried to break the door.
You forcefully pulled the ceramic from your stomach, you closed your mouth tightly to endure the pain.
Seeing Billy who was getting more aggressive, you tried to stand up.
"Hold the door!" You shouted.
You approached Billy to strangle him from behind with both hands even though you had to jump, holding back your pain you tightened your stranglehold.
"Pick your match, asshole."
You heard Billy's choking, you took advantage of your touch to block him, but he pushed his body back making your back hit the wall hard, you screamed in pain, but you didn't let go, you still try hard to block him.
When you felt the temperature getting hotter, you heard Billy groan, you were still choking him, but you loosened your grip because you felt One was getting weaker inside Billy.
Billy managed to release your stranglehold, that's when he screamed loudly, making a black shadow come out of his body and fly freely out of the sauna.
You start to feel the temperature dropping because all you feel is cold. Hell nah! You weren't possessed by him, but your wound made you feel hot and cold.
The sauna door opened, El was the first to approach you, "Y/N," She whispered and knelt next to you.
"I'll never let him hurt you." You said to El as you touch her face with the one hand that wasn't stained with your blood.
With that they all gathered around you, you looked at Lucas and smiled, "Good job, kiddo. Thanks a bunch."
You felt something touch your stomach, you winced a little, but it turned out it was just Billy who was holding back your bleeding with his small towel, you two locked your gaze to each other, "Did I succeed in protecting and saving you?" You asked while smiling.
"More than that."
He took your hand to put it around his neck, while Max held your other hand, "I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm sorry."
You looked at Billy, "How many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't you? And it wasn't your fault, don't be sorry."
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For several days you were hospitalized because of stitches on your stomach, but that didn't last long, El took you to stay at her friend's house, precisely Mike Wheeler's house, for a while you two stayed in their basement. That's when El started to explain everything.
"I met Mama." Her words caught your attention,
"Truly?" Your eyes sparkle.
She nodded, "I did a vision, saw her who only remained in the shadows, that's where I knew you existed, you were real, you were my sister. Mama remembers you, Y/N, always remembers you, but Papa threatened to hurt you, Mama didn't want that to happen, so she was forced to let you go. When I was born, it turned out that Papa kept grabbing her baby, making her angry and doing things she shouldn't have done, so she became... silent forever."
While El was explaining that, your tears were rolling down your cheeks, she remembered you, she loved you so she left you, she remembered you were her daughter.
"Can we visit her?" You asked.
She replied, "I'm not sure."
You just nodded in understanding.
"Look who's here!" Max exclaimed, didn't know where she came from. You wiped your tears and saw Billy coming in from the basement door.
You chuckled at Max's enthusiasm, "My lovely brother!"
"Shut it, shitbird." Reply Billy, you justified your position on sofa, trying not to damage the 'stitching' which will damage your skin.
"And I'm your step-brother."
Max rolled her eyes, "Whatever."
Lucas, Mike, Will are going to the mall to buy their own necessities, who knows what they need, while Max invites El to follow the boys, leaving you alone with Billy.
Billy landed himself next to you,
"Hello," You said smiling at him, he looked at you and smiled, "Hi."
"Feel better?" he asked.
You sighed, "It's better, but I'm exhausted~"
Billy smiled with your expression to describe the word 'exhausted'.
"I am sorry."
You exuded harshly, grabbing his hand, "Again? Don't be sorry! Do I have to absorb that feeling forever?"
Billy pulled his hand away, not letting you do anything to him, "No. You're still recovering."
You sighed and grabbed his hand again, "I won't do anything. Just don't think it's your fault anymore, okay? That's a heavy burden for you. I'm fine, the proof is that I'm still alive and talking to you, right? After all, I'm the one who promised to protect you from the start, I will protect you forever, Billy."
Billy chuckled, "Want to be my guardian angel?"
"Haven't I become that?"
You both broke into laughter, Billy felt calm and at peace next to you, not because of your ability to absorb emotions, but because everything you did made him feel safe.
"Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked breaking the silence, you raised your eyebrows, "Is this like a date?"
"I would be happy to call it that."
You chuckled and nodded, “Sure.”
You moved your legs, unsure of what you were doing, but you did it, you kissed him, right on the lips. He didn't hesitate to reply, it felt like 'make out' first, then 'date'.
You hear many voices groaning, "MY EYES!"
You broke the kiss by gently pushing Billy, but he didn't want it to end, he moved to your jawline, your neck, leaving a few marks there. You hit his chest lightly to stop him,
You looked at the kids who had gathered from the door, you smiled, "Sorry, kids."
Lucas leaned forward, "Can you absorb the emotions of a girl who is on her period? I'm curious."
You held back your laugh, while you felt Billy put his head on your shoulder, If I could do it, I would've done it, Lucas. "
Lucas just nodded,
“Is that what you wanted to ask me about Y/N, asshole?!” Max exclaimed looking at Lucas,
Lucas steadied his head and immediately ran up the stairs, "No lie!" His exclamation made Max chase after him.
You shook your head. You saw Mike, El, and Will following Max and Lucas upstairs.
You turned to Billy, "You know she loves you, right? And I know deep in your heart you love her, Billy."
Billy rolled his eyes, "Alright, alright, you got me. No matter how much of a pain in the ass she is, she's still my sister."
You smiled and kissed his cheek, "How about 8pm at Jillian's Yummy store?"
Billy chuckled, "That restaurant has bad deserts, babe."
Now you're the one rolling your eyes, "Oh, come on! You haven't tried their pasta! It's the best."
“Okay, whatever you want, Princess.” He replied giving a short kiss on your nose.
There is nothing happier than you succeeding in saving two important people in your life, El, who is your sister, and Billy, you promised Billy that you would provide him safety and protection. Besides, you're his Guardian Angel now, aren't you? You saved them both and that is what is most important. But everything is not over yet, One's whereabouts are still a mystery, until he's gone no one can get a happy ending.
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Author Note : My writing is getting worse... sorry, Issea. And plans to create a masterlist are always on hold! I'll do it as soon as possible! (´✪ω✪`)♡
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shesthejukeboxhero · 1 year
Don’t Blame Me
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Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader (AU)
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Swearing, Alcohol, Parent Loss (flashback), Bullying (flashback) MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH!
Summary: What would have happened if instead of Billy being flayed, it was his girlfriend? (Title and ending inspired by “Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift)
A/N: I apologize for not posting in such a long time! I just needed the time to sit down and write this fully because who would want to read a part 2 when I could easily finish it in one part? Anyways, I hope you guys really enjoy this, it has been in my mind for a long time now.
“Oh Lord, save me, my drug is my baby, I'll be usin' for the rest of my life, Usin' for the rest of my life”
You had made plans for after graduation. Work hard all summer, move to California the day after Labor Day. You knew the day he asked you out formally that the two of you were endgame.
He got a job at the pool, you got a job at the new record store in the mall. Some days, he’d meet you at the mall for lunch, or you’d drive up to the pool to see him on your break. Sometimes, the two of you even rented a hotel room to spend the night together without fear of your families noticing. That’s what you were doing that night.
After stopping at your house to get some clothes for the night, you were driving to Motel 6, where Billy was waiting for you. Singing along happily to the Blondie song on the radio, you knew tonight was going to be a good night, until it wasn’t.
It came out of nowhere. The object shattered the windshield of your silver Ford Escort, sending your head straight into the steering wheel. Stepping out of your car to inspect the damage, you notice a weird gooey substance on the windshield.
“What the fuck…” you mutter to yourself when a random squeal and rustling in the bushes sounds out just a few feet from where you are now.
“Who’s there?” You say, suddenly becoming more panicked.
You move towards the bushes to investigate the sound but you suddenly get swept off your feet and you start getting pulled towards the steel mill.
“Let me go! Please, let me go!” You scream as you’re pulled down the stairs, gripping onto the top stair for your life, but the force is too strong. The creature now towers over you, like a giant tentacle. It latches onto your face and drowns out your screams.
Somehow, the creature lets go of you long enough for you to sprint out back to your car and drive away. You don’t know what the fuck just happened, but you know you HAVE to get away from that steel mill.
Eventually you spot a pay phone on the side of the road, and you pull over and sprint to it as fast as your legs can go. Dialing 911, you start getting flashbacks to being pulled down to the steel mill.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
As the flashbacks get more rampant, the lights start flickering more and more, when suddenly, it goes dark. It’s too quiet, not even the dial tone of the phone can be heard. Stepping out of the pay phone, you look around cautiously. As you walk back out into the road you spot a group of people hiding in the fog.
“What do you want?”
Dead silence.
“I said, what do you want?”
Suddenly a figure starts walking towards you. As they get closer, it’s a clone of yourself.
“To build. I want you to build.” Your clone says in a distorted voice, much different from your own.
“To build what?” You say, scared for your life.
“What you see.”
“I don’t understand.”
A crack of lightning sounds and the next thing you know your clone and the crowd are gone.
“I don’t understand! What do you mean, I don’t understand!”
Billy waited all night for you to show up, but you never did. He knew this was unlike you, and figured you’d have a good explanation when he came to visit you at work today. As he walks into the record store, he sees you wearing short shorts and a tank top, something you never wore unless it was incredibly hot out (which it was not that day.)
“Where were you last night?” He says, point-blankly.
“I had a change of plans.” You say, with no emotion in your voice.
“Take him, Y/N. He’s perfect” The voice says in your head, and you feel yourself losing control.
“Please, Y/N, tell me what I did wrong.” He says, looking into your eyes, which just feeds the monster’s desire to take him as the next victim. Feeling your control start to slip almost completely, you realize you have to get Billy out of here, quickly.
“GO AWAY BILLY, PLEASE!” You yell at him, and you see the hurt expression on his face.
“Fine.” He says, leaving without another word, and you mentally sigh of relief. He’s safe, for now. The black veins go back into your skin, and you run to the break room and grab one of the water bottles out of the fridge and chug it, grabbing the other one to cool your face down.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Your co-worker, Daniel says as he checks back in from his lunch break.
“Take him instead.” The monster says into your head. Without thinking, you approach Daniel and grab him by the neck.
“Y/N what the fuck are you doing?” He chokes out as he starts to lose consciousness.
“Relax, it will all be over soon.” You say with a soothing voice.
The days blend together, where your body is moving without you even knowing. Taking whoever the flayer tells you to take. The old lady at the grocery store, the little boy throwing a baseball against a brick wall downtown, anyone. You don’t even feel like yourself anymore, a shell of a girl who once had it all.
Meanwhile, Billy was working hard to figure out how to get you back. Max filled him in on the supernatural beings of Hawkins, so now he knows what happened to you.
“So, what worked for Will was getting him super hot. Is there a way to do that?” Max asks Billy.
“I don’t know… maybe trapping her at work?” He says, trying to come up with a way to save his girl.
The plan is to trap you at work on the day you work by yourself. Billy will barricade the doors from the outside while Eleven turns the thermostat up from outside the shop, while Max and the rest of the party stand outside. As Billy hauls all the materials to the back door, he feels his anxiety rush over him, worried for how you’re going to react. He shoves that feeling aside and quickly barricades all the doors beside the glass front one so you don’t see him until it’s too late. After returning to the front of the store, Eleven starts turning the thermostat up. As the numbers get higher and higher, the control over your mind is lower and lower. It’s getting too hot, and you know that he will be angry.
“It’s up all the way.” Eleven says, wiping the blood from her nose.
“Now we wait.” Max says, standing just behind her brother as he nails the wood planks into the walls of the store to barricade the door.
Your hands clench under the counter, fighting to keep any sanity you have left, but it’s getting to be too much to bare. Meeting Billy’s eyes through the window, your eyes start to water. Walking over to the door’s window, you desperately call out to him.
“Billy please…”
“I didn’t mean to!! He made me!”
“Who made you do what?”
“The.. the.. the black thing… the giant shadow!”
“Y/N, please, we only want to help you.” Billy rests his hand against yours through the glass window, and that’s when it snaps. Punching through the window, Billy jumps back in shock. Kicking the wood planks away from the door, the group knows they need to act fast. Lucas fired his wrist rocket at her head, but that just made it angrier. The veins blacken all over your body and you smash through the door, but Eleven slams your body hard against the back wall of the store. Getting her weak enough, you reach your hand out and strangle her but that’s when Mike slams one of the wood planks against your head, giving Eleven enough time to throw you through the back wall of the store.
You walk down the steps to the basement of the mill, where Daniel is waiting, with all the rest of your victims.
“What happened.” Daniel says calmly.
“They know. They know I’m the host.” you say angrily.
“Who attacked you?”
“The girl. Nearly killed me.”
“She cannot kill all of us though.” He says, gesturing to the large crowd behind him.
A few days later, after meeting up with Nancy and Jonathan, the group decides to search for the flayed in the void. You, Daniel, Daniel’s Parents, The Holloways, and Doris Driscoll are all confirmed victims of the mind flayer.
After the attack at the hospital, you and Daniel stand waiting as the mini flayer, comprised of Daniel’s father and Tom Holloway’s bodies, returns to the mill, you look at him and say, “It’s time.”
Back at the cabin, Eleven is deep inside the void searching for the flayed. While the kids argue about why she shouldn’t be in the void for as long as she has been, Billy and Nancy are busy calling local businesses to ask if they have any missing chemicals. Suddenly, Eleven removes her blindfold and says, “I found her.”
You’re sitting alone on your bed in your bedroom, surrounded by floral wallpaper and music posters. Suddenly, you look up and see Eleven. A tear slips from your eye as you show her the possessions you caused, before slipping into an old memory of your own.
It’s the day of the annual Halloween party at Tina’s. You park your car and walk up to the party, dressed in an angel costume. Sipping on red punch, you bump into a shirtless Billy behind you.
“Excuse me, angel.”
“Billy. Billy Hargrove.”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
“What do you say we leave this lame party and you can show me what heaven looks like, doll.”
Suddenly, the memory starts to fade away as a new one starts. In this memory, there’s a much younger version of you, kneeling beside a hospital bed. She sees it’s a woman who looks a lot like you… your mother.
“Daddy, when will mommy wake up?”
He doesn’t respond.
That memory fades into a new one, where you’re no older than 8 years old, where you’re sitting on a bench outside at recess, when a group of girls come up to you.
“You know L/N, you’d be a lot less ugly if you actually tried.”
“Yeah, you need a makeover.”
Looking up at them, you say, “No thanks…”
“Too bad.” One of the girls pulls out a pair of scissors, cutting a chunk of your hair off. They laugh as tears fall from your eyes and that’s when it fades to one last memory: the night you were flayed.
She watches as the object hits your windshield, to your desperate call to 911, to getting dragged down the stairs. Not being able to take it anymore, Eleven returns to the cabin to find it empty. Lights flickering, Eleven calls out to Mike.
“He can’t hear you.” You say, in a deeper voice than normal.
She gasps as you step out from one of the rooms.
“You shouldn’t have looked for me.” You say, stepping towards her menacingly. “Because now I see you. We can all see you.”
Eleven backs away, scared.
“You… let us in. And now, you are going to have to let us stay.”
Eleven trembles as you step close to her.
“Don’t you see? All this time, we’ve been building it…. For you. All that work, all that pain, all of it, for you.”
Eleven sobs as you stare at her, intimidating her.
“And now it’s time. Time to end it. And we are going to end you. And once you’re gone, we are going to end your friends.”
“No!” Eleven yells, sobbing.
“And then we are going to end everyone.”
Eleven returns back to the cabin she came from, sobbing. After telling the group everything, they hear a snarl from outside. Will’s neck flares up, and he says, “He’s here.”
Nancy arms herself with a shotgun, and Jonathan and Billy arm themselves with axes. The cabin shakes and then suddenly stops, and that’s when a tendril slams through the window towards Eleven. Billy slams his ax down on it, but it turns to attack Billy. Nancy distracts it long enough for Eleven to tear it apart, but then 2 more fly in. Struggling, she finally tears them apart, but then the mind flayer itself destroys the roof, wrapping one of its tendrils around Eleven’s ankle. Jonathan severs the tendril with the ax while the rest of the group pulls Eleven away from the monster. The piece wrapped around her ankle embeds itself in her leg but Mike rips it out. After Eleven tears it apart, they flee the cabin in Nancy’s car.
After stopping at the supermarket, they flee with fireworks in tow. The flayer sends you out to find them there, but you were too late. Dipping your fingers in the blood left behind from Eleven’s leg, you use it to track where they’re headed— Starcourt.
When you arrive, they are outside working on Nancy’s car, which was tampered with. You rev the engine of your car, getting the attention of the group. They hurry back inside while Nancy fires at you as you floor your car towards the mall, when suddenly a car slams into yours- Steve Harrington slammed the rich guy’s car into yours, giving them time to escape. Spotting Mike, Max, and Eleven trying to escape through a back entrance, you hurry out of the burning car to get them.
“Take the girl, ignore the others.”
Cornering the kids in the hallway, Max starts telling you positive memories, like when you and Billy went to prom together (you promised him you’d make it worth his while afterwards…), and when you helped her get ready for the snowball. None of it works though, and you slam both her and Mike into the wall, knocking them out cold. Knocking Eleven out as well, you hoist her over your shoulder and carry her out to the center of the mall to present to the mind flayer.
Leaning over her, Eleven starts to wake up. She starts telling you details from the memory she saw— the one of you and Billy on Halloween.
“It was Halloween… Billy was there… he called you angel… your little halo and your wings gave it away…. You were pretty, very pretty. Billy loved you the moment he saw you…”
Hearing the memory, a tear slips from your eye. Climbing off of her, you turn to face the mind flayer. As it shoots a tendril out to take Eleven, you stand in front of her, taking the tendril in your chest.
“NO!” Billy yells out, watching the tendril sink into your body as you fall to your knees. The flayer lets go of you because Lucas begins firing fireworks at it, distracting him. Billy runs over to your shaking body, barely conscious.
“Angel, please, don’t leave me…” he says, caressing your tear-stained and blood covered face.
“Billy, it’s okay…” you say softly. “I’ll be okay…”
He lifts you into his lap and holds you close. “But I won’t…”
“I’ll love you forever… just put the blame on me…”
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. Don’t blame yourself.”
You cough up blood. “Billy please, let me go… I love you…” you say, holding his hand before slipping into unconsciousness.
He stays right there, feeling the muscles in your hand fall weak as he still holds your hand, even when the paramedics try to remove you from his grasp. He sits in front of your grave, knowing you wanted him to move on, but he just can’t let you go. You were his drug, and he’ll keep on using the memories of you for the rest of his life.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
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summary: . . . the year Eddie Munson doesn’t give a fuck about not having graduated when he’s gotta save the girl so he can get the girl. (in which Eddie is in ST3 and reader is basically Heather Holloway) ┊ Eddie Munson x Flayed!Reader┊Main Masterlist - Series Masterlist - PI - PII
chapter summary . . . Eddie finally learns the circumstances surrounding your bizarre behavior and teams up with a ragtag group of kids to track you down and finally confront you. The only problem is you aren’t you because you’re suddenly committing grand theft auto and people around you are going missing.
chapter warnings: pining, billy hargrove (this fic is black reader friendly, I PROMISE), ‘unrequited’ love, angst, jealousy, mind control, nightmares, violence.
a/n: a very big thank you to my dear friend @kitmon for betaing this chapter! a literal angel ♡ and the detergent scene is inspired by this post, as I am a fan of LifeFire/Headdie/whatever the fuck eddie x heather's ship name would be and it was stupid fucking funny to imagine eddie seeing flayed heather do it. also didn't want to make Reader eat dirt.
word count: 8.4k
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“No.” “What? What do you mean ‘no’?” Max demanded from her place in the passenger seat of Eddie’s van.
Eddie let out an incredulous, so-fucking-done-with-this laugh, void of any humor as he drove towards her home. They’d spent the entire car ride feeding him some utter bullshit story about weird paranormal shit going around Hawkins. Now, Eddie knew Hawkins was bizarre but he gave the credit for that to its rather conservative townsfolk. Not some preteen with mind powers and a gaggle of other kids trying to take on an alternate dimension and its monsters. He loved fantasy, so the moment they mentioned a Demogorgon, Eddie knew the whole thing was a lie. A Demogorgon was a monster that existed only within the confines of DND guidebooks and lore. Not in real life. “I mean whatever game of pretend you’re trying to play, I’m not playing.” He should have known better. Maybe they’d gotten mixed in all this when Billy had brought you over (thinking that alone caused his heart to ache) to his house and decided to have some fun with it.
“You don’t think it’s bizarre Chief Hopper suddenly has a new daughter after the death of his other one?”
“Sara.” El immediately leans forward from the back, frowning at Max’s lack of humanization for a sister she’d never get to know.
Max shot her an apologetic look before turning her attention back to Eddie who was sneering.
“You weren’t even around to see Hopper with his family, so no, I don’t think it’s bizarre! There’s a thing called adoption, you know. You adopted?” Eddie directed the question to El, glancing at her reflection in the rearview mirror.
She nodded.
“There you go!” Eddie sighed as he pulled up outside of the house they’d been directing him to, windshield wipers working aggressively to clear the constant stream of rainwater pelting down. “Look. I get it. It’s summer, you’re probably bored out of your fucking minds but what’s going on with Billy and—.”
God, he couldn’t even fucking say your name in the same sentence with him, it felt vile. Bad. What were you thinking? Why couldn’t he have just gotten to you sooner? He shouldn’t have canceled to make a few more bucks, if he hadn’t, you’d be with him. Not fucking Billy. Oh, god. No. He should have thought of another explicit word to use because his mind was racing with images that were making him sick to his stomach.
“It’s just adult stuff, okay?” He croaked out, throat thick with emotion. “It’s not whatever you think it is, you’ll understand when you get older.”
El opened her mouth to argue but Max hushed her, shaking her head as they once more exchanged a secretive look that Eddie could very much see since he had working eyeballs. 
“No,” El whispered in return as fragments of what she’d seen in her trances rushed to the forefront of her mind, the last being an image of you, soaked in an ice bath with red teary eyes as you begged her to help you. Then you’d been pulled away, dragged under by something wicked. That hadn’t been her imagination. Despite having seen you, seemingly fine in the flesh, something was amiss. Your eyes hadn’t looked the same as they did, had lacked life almost.
El directed her stare at Eddie with pleading eyes.
“You have to believe me, she needs help. She asked me herself.” 
Eddie frowned, exhausted with this whole back and forth. He’d been right freaking there and you’d asked her no such thing.
“When was this?”
“Last night. I can see things─”
Eddie groaned, yanking his door open. “Christ, I’ve had it. Out, everybody out.”
The girls scrambled out of the van and into the rain, staring up at Eddie while he pulled their bikes out from the back. “Enough! Enough with the magic powers, the lab, the visions and the monsters! This shit is not a game! If something wrong is going on with them, then I’ll find out on my own! I don’t have time for your little fables and I’m not a babysitter.”
Eddie was beyond frustrated. He’d wasted all this time with them when he could have been staking out your house to see what you were up to next. Instead, he’d foolishly trusted some 13 year olds and now he’d probably have to track you down.
He didn’t even know what the fuck he was going to do, obviously you weren’t going to talk to him now that you had your stupid ass ex-fling back and said ex-fling just wanted to rub it in his face that he’d gotten you because Eddie had been too little too fucking late, as per usual. Eddie just couldn’t let you settle for Hargrove, not after everything he’d put you through and how much you’d grown since Billy had discarded you. If you didn’t want Eddie, then that’d be fine. 
It really wouldn’t, because Eddie would be a total wreck and never forgive himself for missing out on you, let alone be able to get over you, but he’d rather experience that epic heartbreak over you choosing Patrick McKinney instead of Eddie. Or literally, anyone one other than Billy. 
Nevermind the strong sensation of danger that radiated out of the house while you’d been in it. Hell, Eddie had been reluctant to think it but the feeling also seemed to be coming from you as well as Billy. It was difficult for him to believe, he’d dubbed you Sunshine on impulse but it had immediately gained meaning as Eddie grew to know you. Regardless of how people tried to bring you down, tried to discourage you from what you wanted and where you wanted to be socially (he’d been one of those people at some point) you refused to settle, refused to give in and fall back into the crowd like your peers wanted you to. You were positive you’d shine one day. And one day, you did.  For Eddie, at least. He’d just been too stupid to see it—no. He’d seen it. He’d just always assumed you’d be there. Now, you weren’t. There had been no sort of sunshine present in your dining room. You hadn’t been you. 
“Just go home.” Eddie shooed them in the direction of the house, ready to go back to the trailer and collapse, though his brain was running a mile a minute to try and figure out what to do next.
As he’d been about to reach for his car door handle, it suddenly moved higher than his reach. And so did the door it was connected to. 
Because his fucking van was hovering a couple of feet in the fucking air.
Eddie’s mouth dropped open, eyes wide and the hairs on his body raising at the sight of the impossible.
His head whipped around to see El, hand out towards his van with blood dripping from one of her nostrils as a look of concentration morphed her docile features into something fierce.
He watched, stunned as she lowered his van, letting it go once it was just a couple of inches off the ground and it bounced on its tires. Eddie couldn’t even wince at the damage his rims were definitely feeling.
He was stupefied, gaze moving from the van to the young girls over and over again while his mouth opened and closed like a fish.
What. The. Fuck.
“Believe us, now?” Max asked, smug smirk on her face at Eddie’s astoundment. He could only nod stupidly, mouth on autopilot.
“Definitely fucked up my rims, so don’t do that again.” He whispered out, still mindfucked.
Eddie let himself fall against the side of his van, back pressed up against the wet metal as he ran a hand down his face and pushed the hair sticking there way, the rain wasn’t even a bother to him anymore.
His brain was spazzing out, sizzling like bacon as it tried to make sense of what he just witnessed. It just—It couldn’t! 
But it reminded him of the outlandish story they’d given him in the van. The government, the not so random deaths of Benny, Barb, the disappearance and reappearance of Will Byers and how Jonathan, Nancy and Steve’s weird little love triangle (used lightly, everyone could see Nancy and Jonathan would be ending up together) also was involved in the supernatural events. And The Monsters.
Eddie felt the blood drain from his face as he specifically recalled the one about Will Byers and how he’d been just about possessed by the Mindflayer, as the girls had dubbed it. A spy for its sinister intentions.
His stomach hurt.
“Okay, okay.” Eddie finally gave in, he still had no fucking clue what was going on and he really didn’t want to but there wasn’t anytime to waste trying to somehow argue his way into coming up with a reasonable explanation for all of this. It’s been obvious to him you weren’t in the most ideal of situations, despite giving him the cold shoulder, and he knew you were possibly in danger but know he knew El actually had real fucking powers and the stories they told him were true. You weren’t just in peril, you were in a life or death situation.
How he didn’t faint was unknown to him.
“What do we do?” The question escaped him in a rush as he started at Max and El, eyes wide with desperation. “We have to save her.” Max’s eyebrows furrowed as she stated the obvious and the desperation left Eddie just for a moment so he could glare at her. “I know that. How? Is it the Mindflayer?” “We didn’t kill it, just made sure it couldn’t come out,” El informed him, wiping the blood from her nose. “Look, I hate to put all of this on hold, but there’s not much we can do right now. We can recon tomorrow. Give me your phone number.” Eddie winced again, eyes darting around to make sure there was no one else around. God, why did this have to look so fucking bad? He yanked his car door open to dig around the floor of it for a piece of paper, shouting in victory when he’d found not only a receipt, but a really fucked up pen that still worked. He scribbled his phone number down and made sure to keep it snug in his palms to protect it from the rain as it was transferred to Max’s hold. “And don’t you dare think about leaving me out of any of your weird plans, I’ve seen those little looks you’ve been giving each other so I know you scheme. If it’s about her then I need to know. Deal?” “You’re not even offering us anything.” Max made a face as she shoved the receipt with his contact information into her pocket.
“Are most kids this annoying?” “Just go home and get some rest, Eddie. You look like hell,” she snorted out as she and El hurriedly guided the bikes up the driveway.  “I mean it! You better not leave me out of the loop!” He shouted after them before quickly jumping back into his van. “Go home and rest. Yeah, right.” He mumbled, fumbling momentarily with the keys before the van was sputtering to life. He yanked his seatbelt on and floored it, ring clad fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly as he made his way back to your house. No fucking way was he going home, now. Not when the love of his fucking life was possibly possessed by some cthulhu fucker. Eddie didn’t even bother turning to music for comfort, nothing but you could offer that to him and you were currently busy, apparently. When he was just a little ways down the street, he turned his headlights off and slowed his speed. He’d do a quick driveby and then circle back to park a little ways from your house, scope it out to make sure Billy wasn’t hurting you. That feeling of dread returned when he drove by and saw your home, every single light off and seemingly vacant of life. It was your wide open front door that really worried him, though. Fuck the discreet attempt. Eddie swerved into your empty driveway and jumped out of the van, slamming the door shut as he surveyed for the car he’d failed to notice the last time he was present but Billy’s Camaro was nowhere in sight.  “Sunshine?” He called out as he slowly crossed the threshold of your home, shutting the door behind him. The house didn’t seem all that scary anymore, he had a feeling neither Billy nor you were here.` When you didn’t answer him and Billy didn’t spring around the corner to attack him, he made a beeline for your room. Didn’t even bother knocking, just burst right in but like the rest of the house, your room was empty.  Eddie’s shoulders sagged as he sighed, a hand wiping down his tired face, back leaning up against your bedroom door to shut it. The day and his newfound knowledge were finally catching up to him. He was exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. And the stupid fucking weight on his chest wasn’t helping, Eddie was not a fan of melancholy or heartbreak, dealing with both the idea of the girl he loved being with someone else and being in mortal danger were not the obstacles he thought he’d have to face when he planned to confess his feelings.  Selfishly, he hadn’t thought he’d face any obstacles. Definitely fucking karma. Eddie should just pull himself together to go home and wait for Max and Eleven’s (he still couldn’t believe they had nicknamed her after a fucking number, the whole time he thought it was one of those preteen phases as Eddie had once tried to make himself known as The Munster. Terrible, he’s aware) call, just like he shouldn’t deal drugs. But he does. And he wasn't going home. He’s had a feeling, now that you and Billy were aware of your parents’ plans, Billy had taken you out somewhere. It was killing him to not know if you were doing something along the lines of Max and El’s memories or if you were doing something else with Billy. Were you completely out of it? Or were you aware of what you were doing? Did you really have feelings for Billy or were you being forced to stick around him? He needed answers and having to wait ‘til morning made him want to scream. So, he did. He collapsed onto your bed, body cushioned by your soft blankets and screamed into one of your pillows. He didn’t stop until it physically hurt his lungs to continue and only then did he shift around, kicking off his sneakers as he stared up at your ceiling, another thought (one he feared to even be thinking) plaguing his conscience. Could he lose you? And he didn’t mean to Billy.
People had apparently lost their lives when this Upside Down place was involved. And now you were mixed into it, would that mean you’d lose your life, too? Eddie frantically shook his head, trying to kick the thought out of it.  No. No, you did not get to die. You deserved so much more than what the world had dealt you and Eddie would move heaven and hell to make sure you got it. Whatever the fuck had a hold on you, he’d fucking rid you of it. And he was gonna tell you he loved you, too. If you didn’t love him, well then. Then, well. Yeah, he had no idea what he’d do but you’d still be alive so he could live with it. And if you did love him, then he’d spend the rest of his fucking life–your lives making sure you knew how important and loved you were. How much he loved you and wanted to make you happy. He’d do it every day. Tell you every day, if he could somehow keep from professing it multiple times a day (which he didn’t plan to). Wouldn’t be able to stop kissing you, either. GOD, how he wanted to kiss you. He’d had the urge sporadically throughout your friendship but it intensified around Christmas time last year and by the end of the school year, Eddie’s self control was hanging by a thread. He hadn’t kissed you then because he was too stupid to even think about acknowledging his feelings as well as yours. Then summer had punched him in the fucking face because all he wanted to do was kiss you stupid, hold you and just smother himself with your existence.  
Only he couldn’t. You were possessed and maybe dating your ex-whatever he was, while under the influence of something non-human (his brain hurt to make sense of it). How the fuck was he supposed to un-posses you? The only scenario he could think of was that of The Exorcist and while you hadn’t seemed yourself, your neck hadn’t been moving in ways it shouldn’t so an exorcism was probably out of the question. Eddie sighed, head nestled into your pillow before he realized it was your pillow, then he was pressing his face into again, albeit much more gentle, as he inhaled your scent, the ache in his heart immediately comforted by it. On impulse, he nuzzled further into it and for a moment, he was able to pretend it was your hair and you were with him, safe and curled into his side. Where you always should have been. He cracked an eye open with a sniffle to see one of your stuffed animals staring back at him. It was the one you’d immediately dove for, to hide, when you’d first invited him over and forgot it was still displayed on your bed. He’d teased you about it for only a moment before he’d made amends by having a one sided conversation in which he befriended it.  It was quickly pulled into his arms and Eddie was further comforted just knowing he was holding something you held and cared for. He hoped–full offense to the stuffed animal–he’d be taking its place in the future.
It was all too much for him, the tears slipped out before he could stop them. Eddie found himself muffling his sobs into your pillow. It was so unfair. So, so fucking undeserved. All you wanted was to be accepted, how could that fucking warrant all this bullshit? If Eddie could, he’d swap places with you in an instant. He’d do anything.
He cried so hard and so long, he eventually ended up tiring himself out. Eddie wasn’t even aware that he’d been slipping further away from consciousness, thoughts only focused on you, so much he even dreamed of you.
“You’re really not helping me out here, Sunshine,” Eddie commented with a smirk and a dry tone as he watched you get comfortable on his bed, stomach down and feet up in the air.
“You met her at one of your shows, Eddie. She knows you’re metal so literally every single piece of clothing you own is not only appropriate for your date, it also means you can’t go wrong. ‘Sides, you look great in all your clothes,” you said, rolling onto your back to peer up at him upside down.
“Now, you’re just flattering me.” But it had been the right thing to say, Eddie had already changed twice—eager to please—and just needed reassurance. You always made him feel better about being himself.
You were also making it harder and harder for him to deny his feelings. 
Maybe he shouldn’t anymore.
“Sunshine,” Eddie started, voice serious to even his own ears as he closed the distance between the two of you, squatting by the edge of the bed directly in front of you. You flipped over and sat up on your knees, hands clasped together in your lap with a hopeful gleam in your eyes. “I wanted to tell you something.”
“Okay, you can tell me anything,” you quirked and Eddie felt his heart squeeze, affections for you growing as each moment passed. 
He knew he could, you were always so easy to talk to. Still, something in him was scared, he didn’t want this to be another Chrissy situation. He didn’t hold anything against her, knew hurting people wasn’t in her nature but she’d still chosen Jason over him. It had stung, but he’d had you as a salve for the pain when he was finally ready to stop running from their end and stop seeking her out.
Who would he have if you got tired of him? Something about the ache he got at the mere thought of losing you told him it would hurt way more than any of his previous heartbreaks and that wasn’t something he was keen on experiencing. So, he chickened out. 
“You’re my best friend, you know that?”
“Of course, I know that. You tell me all the time,” you reminded him and Eddie just leaned forward to ruffle your hair, chuckling when you fought his hand away. He stood back up and went to grab his jacket from where he’d thrown it over one of his amps. He pointedly pretended he hadn’t seen disappointment flash over your face.
He’d make it up to you later, take you to buy a new cassette or something. God, what was he thinking? He’d almost ruined it all.
“I better get going or I’ll be late,” Eddie shrugged his jacket on, watching from the corner of his eye as you quickly pulled yourself together, pushing yourself off the bed.
It was only a little awkward as you both made your way out of the trailer. You walked over to retrieve your bike from where you always left it when you came over, unchained. No one really took stuff that didn’t belong to them around here.
Except for Eddie. 
“Well, I hope you have fun, Eddie. Just don’t trash her music taste if it differs from yours in the slightest like you always do and you’ll definitely get a second date.”
“What about you? Doing anything fun?”
“Oh, yeah. Babysitting some of the neighborhood kids. I think you and Lucas would get along. He’s a huge nerd, too.” You shot him a smirk over your shoulder as you walked your bike away, always too embarrassed to hobble onto it in front of him.
Eddie stood by the door of the van, the handle loosely in his grasp as he watched your retreating figure and felt the familiar feeling of longing settle into his belly. 
Fuck this.
“HEY!” He called out to you, already jogging the distance as you stopped to look back, eyes wide as you noticed the sudden change in him.
“The thing is,” Eddie started, lips pursed as he debated over what he was about to confess. It would change everything and Eddie didn’t take to change very well. It was precisely why he’d ignored your feelings and his, hoping they’d simply go away, vanish into thin air someday. 
He didn’t want them to go away anymore. He wasn’t afraid of change. Because the change that would come to your relationship was the good kind. The kind that would allow him to hold your hand, kiss you, be close to you without feeling like he was pushing a boundary. 
“Are you okay?”
Eddie snapped out of it, focusing on your expression again. You looked concerned, of course you were worried about him. You were one of the few people who cared for him. 
He reached out, gently taking your soft hand in his, thumb stroking over your knuckles.
“The thing is . . . I love you. I love you, so much and I’ve been too chicken shit to say anything because you’re also my best fucking friend, Sunshine. I didn’t want to lose that. But if I didn’t say anything, I’d be losing the chance for more. I want everything with you, I want to be your boyfriend,” he confessed, giving your hand a squeeze as he watched you with bated breath.
You stared down at your hands for a moment.
Then you laughed.
You laughed cold and cruel and hard, before yanking your hand out of his grasp. 
“You think I’d want you? After all this time?”
The pain in his chest was immediate, he could feel the blood drain from his face. Then Billy Hargrove walked around the corner of a neighboring trailer, hands in his pockets with the most smug of smirks on his stupid fucking face. The fuck was he doing here?
“Why the hell would she want you, Freakazoid? She’s my girl, always has been.” Eddie watched as he walked right up to you, slipping an arm around your shoulders as you leaned into his embrace like you were used to it, your own arms slipping around his waist. Eddie felt physically ill.
He could also feel his heart cracking, chipping and shattering into millions of pieces as he stared hopelessly at you and Billy. It got worse.
Billy leaned down, mouth devouring yours in a messy kiss that you returned with fervor and Eddie felt like he was dying, could feel the hot tears of anger, heartache, frustration and betrayal—he didn’t really have a right to feel—already running down his cheeks.
He wiped furiously at them but they just kept coming. When you and BIlly finally pulled away, it was only to laugh at him.
Then it wasn’t just you and Billy. Suddenly, he was in the cafeteria of the high school, and everyone was crowded around, laughing at him, having an absolute fit of a good time at his expense. 
Eddie couldn’t breathe, wet gaze and red eyes darting around to take in all the cruel faces around him before landing on yours again, begging with them. 
This time, there was no cruelty on your face. It was void of any emotion before you turned your back to him and made your way into the crowd solo, Billy was no longer present. 
Eddie made a desperate attempt to follow you, trying to force and bully his way through the crowd, watching the back of your head disappear into it as he screamed your name, begging you to come back to him as the crowd got louder and rowdier. You were gone. He was left alone.
Eddie’s eyes snapped open as he gasped for breaths and jolted up, chest heaving and filled with momentary panic before he realized he’d experienced a nightmare. Or something close to it.
It wasn’t real. Thank fucking hell.
The nightmare had started off as a memory. You had been at his trailer, hanging out with him before one of his dates but he hadn’t stopped you when you left on your bike. Eddie had only watched you. Then he got in his van and went to pick up the girl he had asked out. 
He fell back into soft pillows, relaxing for just a moment before he realized the pillows were too soft and fluffy to be his, as was the mattress under his body. A quick look around his surroundings reminded him he was in your bedroom. 
He was also reminded of the horrifying circumstances regarding why he was in your bedroom and you weren’t.
Reluctantly, Eddie got out of your bed, quickly gathering his things. Max would probably call soon and he had to be at the trailer to answer. He practically ran down your stairs, stopped, ran back up them to snag the stuffed animal he’d cuddled the night before. He’d need a little bit of you to keep him sane.
As he locked and closed your front door behind him, he just so happened to glance at your next door neighbor’s house, head doing a double take when he noticed their front door was also open.
Eddie did a quick glance around before he made his way over to investigate, brows furrowing when he noticed the door jam was broken. 
“Hello?” He called out, pushing the door open further. The entrance was a wreck, a small table with flowers had been knocked over along with a coat rack, which had a large section of it broken off. The broken piece was only a little ways away. The home had obviously been broken into and some sort of struggle had taken place.
Eddie had a feeling both you and Billy had been involved. Just as he turned to leave, a picture had been knocked to the floor caught his eye.
Of fucking course your neighbor had to be the goddamn Mayor.
He ran back to his van in record time, quickly peeling out of the area as he weighed his options. He couldn’t call the cops, not only because he was probably still on their radar, there was no way they wouldn’t try to blame him for it. Then, he’d get locked up and saving you wouldn’t be impossible from behind bars.
Besides, they were pretty much useless. He’d have to tell Red and El.
Eddie made it into his trailer just in time to answer the phone before it could finish its first ring. He nearly broke his ankles flinging himself at it, wincing as his shoulder collided roughly with the wall.
“‘Lo?” He croaked out, mouthing ‘ow’ as he rubbed the sore spot.
“It’s me.”
Red—Max, whatever.
“What’s up?” He demanded, shoulder pain immediately forgotten.
“Your girlfriend, you know her schedule right?”
“She’s not my—yeah. Yeah, I know her schedule. Why?” It didn’t matter all that much to correct her, right?
“Does she work today?”
“No. WAIT. Yes, she’s covering for her co-worker Heather. I don’t know what shift, though,” If you bothered showing up this time, anyways. “Why?” 
“Meet us at the pool then.”
“WHY?” Eddie demanded again, wincing once more when he remembered Wayne should be asleep on his bed. A quick glance into the living room confirmed his old man was still asleep. Thank god that man could sleep through the apocalypse.
“Why?” Eddie muttered into the receiver, voice much lower this time.
“We’re gonna see if she’s a spy.” 
“Were you not in the same house as me, yesterday? I wouldn’t call that atmosphere pleasant.”
“I wouldn’t call any atmosphere Billy is in ‘pleasant’.”
“Alright, you got me there. But I went over again and—hello?” Eddie was met with the sound of the dial tone. He rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath as he placed the phone back on the receiver. Kids were such assholes.
He took a quick shower, probably less than five minutes, and freshened up just so he wouldn’t smell in case he ended up in close quarters with you.
When he got to the pool, he was momentarily concerned he wouldn’t be able to find them. Then he caught sight of Red and El, crouched in the parking lot in front of a nearby car. They weren’t alone.
“Oh great, you brought the rest of the little rascals,” Eddie sighed as he walked over.
“Shut up.”
“I’m Lucas.”
“Will.” Eddie had seen him on a couple of ‘Missing’ flyers, had been handed one when Jonathan was passing them around during all of his breaks and lunch.
“Mike.” He was prompted when El shoved her elbow into his rib.
“Eddie,” He introduced himself, giving them all a nod before his attention was on Red. “What are we doing here?”
“I already told you,” Max sighed, ready to elaborate once more.
“Yes, I know that. I mean why are we hiding in the parking lot?”
“Plotting,” Max stated, glancing back at where Billy lounged on the lifeguard tower. Eddie followed her stare and frowned. If Billy was on duty, then they’d most likely missed you.
You appeared on the other side of Billy, still clad in your swimsuit with a towel over your arm as you conversed.
Eddie perked up immediately and so did the sense of longing in his belly. 
“What were you saying?” Lucas asked Will, referring to whatever it was they were talking about before Eddie interrupted with his arrival. 
Eddie didn’t take his eyes off you, too afraid you’d disappear like you did in his dream but he was listening intently to the conversation.
“The Mind Flayer liked to hide. He only used me when he needed me.” There was that unsettling feeling again. Eddie did not like that, not one bit. “It’s like you’re a doormat. And then, when he needs you, you’re activated.”
You didn’t look like you could harm a fly, sunglasses over your face as you appeared to argue with Billy, who didn’t so much as look down at you, gesturing to a kid in the water he’d most likely called a name.
You told him Billy did that a lot and it bothered you significantly.
“Okay, so we just wait until they get activated,” Max decided.
“No,” Mike shook his head, “What if they hurt someone?”
“Or kill someone.” Lucas added.
“They already broke into the Mayor’s house,” Eddie informed them, grimly. He was trying to wrap his head around the idea of the cute lifeguard, who held his heart in the soft palms of her hands, breaking into a home and abducting someone.
“I went by again yesterday.” Eddie threw Max a glare as he recalled what he had attempted to tell her over the phone before she hung up on him. “And when I left this morning—don’t ask—I noticed her neighbor’s door looked kicked in. The inside was wrecked and a lovely little photo of that asshole and his wife was on the ground.”
“That’s not the Mayor’s house,” Lucas corrected him, “It’s his mistress’ house. The Mayor lives in some fancy schmancy part of town with his wife but he’s been seeing my mom’s hair stylist and that’s where she lives. I hear my mom talking about it to her friends all the time.”
“Then they got a rude interruption last night.”
“We’re not taking any more chances,” Mike declared. “We need to find out if they’re hosts to it.”
Mike, Lucas and Will ran to the boys locker rooms to check something but Eddie couldn’t be bothered to go with them, choosing to wait with Max and El so he could keep an eye on you. The boys came back within minutes and had developed a plan to capture Billy. Which just left you.
Mike had come up with the idea to lock you in the sauna with Billy but Eddie vehemently rejected the idea. He was not about to lock you anywhere with Billy, especially since he was a little more reassured of your dislike of him. While you two had been playing house the evening before, it looked like you were back to being annoyed with him today. What the hell was up with that?
Eddie noticed you walking away and stiffend. Was The Mindflayer calling you away?
“She’s leaving,” he pointed out, a desperate edge to his voice.
“Oh, shit. We can’t let her out of our sight!” 
“I won’t,” Eddie stated as they crouched low to hide behind the car when you came out. He’d been expecting you to walk over to the bike racks but you made your way to the parking lot instead, hopping into the first car you saw. You dipped a little below the steering wheel before the car came to life and you drove out of the parking lot.
“Should we follow her car?”
“She doesn’t have a car,” was all Eddie stated before he bolted over to the van. Before he could peel out after you, Lucas’s face popped into view of the window and Eddie hastily lowered it in time for the preteen to shove a giant fucking walkie talkie through it. 
“Use this to keep in contact and be careful!”
“Thanks, kid.”
Eddie didn’t wait any longer, speeding out of the parking lot to make sure he didn’t lose you. 
His heart was racing, palms sweaty and gripping the steering wheel as he followed the car you stole. When you pulled into the grocery store, he parked further from you, just to make sure you weren’t on to him.
You got out of the car and Eddie realized you were still in your red swimsuit and white sneakers, with no bag or car keys. You glanced around you and Eddie quickly ducked down into the seat cursing as he waited a few moments before peaking over at your retreating figure. There was no telling whether you saw him or not, you were still wearing your sunglasses but if you had seen him, his presence didn’t bother you enough to stop you.
Eddie pulled out the TRC, fumbling with it until he managed to get it operating, “Eddie to Little Rascals. Come in, Little Rascals.”
There was nothing for a few moments, then static.
“Eddie?” It was Lucas.
“Yeah, it’s me. I followed her to Bradley’s Big Buy.”
“What’s she doing there?”
“Buying groceries? I don’t know! But I’m gonna find out. I’ll check in soon.” Eddie didn’t bother asking how their plan with Billy was going, they couldn’t exactly trap him in broad daylight with witnesses, nor did he even care about what happened to the mondo-douche. Not after he got you involved in this fucked up mess.
He did his best to maintain a sense of casualty when he got into the store, giving a forced smile to some lady who was staring at him for obvious reasons: his attire and general appearance. “Hey, how you doin’?”
Eddie speedwalked, checking each aisle for you. He almost feared he’d lost you, maybe you’d already left the store, until he reached the laundry detergent aisle.
There you were and for a moment, he forgot about the current situation, eyes raking over your figure with deep appreciation. Wow. Just—wow.
Then you grabbed a detergent off the shelf, uncapped it and began chugging the liquid down, effectively snapping him out of his horny thoughts.
Eddie could only stare, eyes wide and mouth open, dumbfounded. 
You lowered the nearly empty jug, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before you noticed his presence, turning your head to him.
“Hi, Eddie.” You greeted him as though nothing was wrong, like you didn’t just down an entire jug of chemicals.
“Uh, hey, Sunshine.” Was all he could force out because he didn’t know if he was interacting with you or The Mindflayer. Did it even allow you to be you? Fuck, it was confusing. Did he mention how fucked up this whole thing was?
“I’d go with the lemon scented, lavender’s pretty shit.” Then you capped the jug and put it back on the shelf before walking off. Eddie took a few moments to regain his composure, trying not to have a panic attack about what drinking that shit could do to you before he was stumbling after you but he was too late.
You weren’t in the store anymore and Eddie cursed as he made a break for the front doors, running out of them just as the car you were in—an entirely new one from the one you stole at the pool—screeched by.
“FUCK!” Eddie gripped the roots of his hair in frustration, paying no mind to the weird looks he was getting.
You’d gotten out of there fast, there was no way you weren’t on to him following you around now. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He ran back to the van, yanking the door open and rooting around until he pulled up the walkie talkie.
“Preteens, we have a problem. I repeat, we have a colossal problem.”
This time it was Max who responded, “What is it, Eddie?”
“She knows.”
Eddie heard a bunch of them trying to talk as Max held down the button before she told them to be quiet, “What does she know? What happened?”
“I was following her inside and I caught—well, I mean it was out in the open but not a whole lot of people were around—anyways, I caught her drinking laundry detergent and I was so damn shocked, she had time to make it out. She must have been bolting in the parking lot because by the time I made it out behind her, she was already driving off!” Eddie rambled, still shook up by the whole ordeal.
“She was drinking detergent?”
“Messed up, right? She took off in a different car this time and I don’t know how she’s doing it unless The Mindflayer gives his little puppets a crash course on hotwiring.” But even that took a few moments, you’d gotten out of there way too quick if that was the case.
“You have to find her, Eddie!”
“I know, I know. I’m gonna search around town. Be careful on your end.” The TRC was tossed onto the passenger seat as Eddie started up the van. 
He drove through the streets of Hawkins looking for any sign of you and while he didn’t find you, he found elements of your presence in the form of a few homes which looked broken into. He wasn’t entirely sure if you’d done it since Bradley’s or if they had been homes you and Billy had hit the night prior.
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You made your way through the crowded mall, easily weaving between bodies as you approached the girls hanging out by the fountain. You’d since changed your lifeguard attire, He needed you to blend in for the next part of his plan.
“Well, well. Look who’s out of the house,” Beverly commented, hot pink lips pursed into an ignorant smirk. The rest of her lackeys giggled as if she said something remotely insulting.
“Thank you for stating the obvious, Beverly. I am—indeed—at the fucking mall and not my house,” you stated, face void of any amusement. Fix it, He commanded and your face broke out into a smile just as Beverley’s contorted in shock at your brazen reply.
“Anywho, girls, Billy sent me.” You waited for them to show signs of interest, He was pleased when they did; sitting up straighter, leaning forward to hear what you had to say. “He’s throwing a warehouse party tonight. Interested?”
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Eddie was camped out in front of your house, sunk just low enough in the seat to see over the edge of the dashboard as he waited for you to come home. He had no luck perusing the town, so his best bet was to wait for you to come to him.
The stuffed animal was clutched to his chest again, mind entirely filled with nothing but thoughts and concern about you when you finally pulled up to your home in another car, having ditched the other.
He knew it probably wasn’t wise, but he needed to confront you, he had to find out what was going on with you.
The moment you were out of your car, Eddie was out of the van and calling out to you.
You stopped in your tracks, staring at him with a bleak expression, “Yes?”
He had no idea what to fucking say, so he went with, “Where have you been?”
His eyes squeezed shut for a moment, ache in his chest only growing, “Sweetheart, please. Please talk to me. What’s going on? You’re avoiding me, hanging around Billy again and not acting like yourself. Did I do something? If I did, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Eddie saw you fidget, brows furrowing as something akin to sadness appeared to pass over you.
“You didn’t do anything, Eddie,” He let you tell him. “Go away.”
You turned to walk up your driveway but Eddie was desperate, he reached forward to grasp your wrist and you whirled around, expression dark as your body tensed.
“I said. . . Go. Away.” It was hissed out between your clenched teeth with so much venom, Eddie almost backed down. Almost. The impending doom feeling returned, filling the warm night air with dread.
He clenched his jaw, preparing for you to attack him at that point but he’d take whatever you gave him. He could handle it, even if he had to wrestle you into submission. 
Just as it looked like you were about to make a move, something odd happened.
You froze, eyes looking both at him and beyond him. The skin of your wrist under Eddie’s palm began to move in a way that was not at all normal or even remotely human. He stared in horror as your veins appeared to bulge and crawl up your arm, following them up to your face where the veins around your eye sockets—not normally seen to the human eye—were very apparent, bulging and dark. 
Your eyes were nearly pitch black.
With ease, you flung the arm Eddie had a hold of, sending him flying in the air before crashing onto the lawn on the other side of the street. 
He gasped, trying to get the air that had escaped his lungs on impact to return to him and was still gasping when he managed to roll onto his side, eyes darting around until they caught sight of you running towards a telephone poll with an electricity distribution box on it.  
Eddie watched, chest heaving as you tore the cover off, before flinging it at an alarming speed towards the telephone wires, one of the jagged ends catching along and snapping a wire from its place as its sparks rained down around you.
It was only then Eddie noticed the puddle of water, left over from last night’s storm, you stood in.
“NO!” He managed to yell, voice hoarse as he tried to warn you, gritting his teeth while he pushed his sore body up from the ground. He watched the wire dance around the street, sparks flying from the end. 
He’d just managed to get to his feet, ignoring the pain in his sides as he ran towards you.
Before Eddie could reach you, the wire end dipped into the puddle and he was sure his heart stopped.
Only, you weren’t electrocuted as you should have been. You weren’t affected at all.
Eddie’s running slowed to a stop as you reached down, grabbed the thick wire and raised it to your mouth.
“No fucking way.” He whispered into the air, mouth dry.
You bit into it and Eddie swore he saw your body illuminate, literally glow from within like a finger would if held against the lens of a flashlight, before the lights of the homes around him flickered, as did the street lights. Suddenly, telephone pole glass insulators burst on every pole as far as his eyes could see and the bulbs of every street light shattered. The homes went black, leaving your street and probably the next couple of blocks swallowed in darkness. 
Eddie could barely make out your figure fleeing under the cover of a total blackout, sprinting further and further away until he could no longer see you at all.
He stood in the middle of the street for quite some time before he painstakingly made his way back to the van.
The drive back to the community pool was filled with silence, his headlights the only source of light.
When Eddie pulled up to the pool it was obvious the area had been affected by the power outage but not too bad, a couple of lights flickering and the ones that weren’t were dim. The kids were all seated on the sidewalk, looking as defeated as he felt.
“We lost Billy. He’s flayed,” Max stated, sounding disheartened as Eddie sat next to her, grimacing at the shock of pain flaring through his side.
“So is she.” Saying it out loud made his eyes burn with the sting of tears, fists clenched as they rested over his knees. It was one thing to fear you were possibly under the control of that thing, he felt a whole new sense of terror knowing, without a doubt, you were. 
He explained what had happened on his end, how you possessed almost superhuman strength and managed to drain a large region of the town of its electricity, which also explained how you were easily able to start all those cars you’d stolen. The kids deflated further as they realized exactly what they were up against this time around. 
“What are you going to do, now?” Max asked quietly, fully expecting him to run for the hills. It’s what any sane person would do. 
Max didn’t know Eddie wasn’t sane. And if it hadn’t been you in this situation, he would have run, wouldn’t have even been mixed into this whack ass situation.
But it was you and Eddie was done running from you. It was high time he ran towards you.
“I’m gonna save her. Or—y’know, die trying, I guess.”
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“The girl,” you asked, grabbing the rag at your side. “Was it her?”
“Yeah. It was her. She knows now. She knows about me.” Before you could press it to the cut actively bleeding on Billy’s forehead, his hand darted out to grip your arm. “Will Munson be a problem?”
“No,” Brief flashes of warm, pretty brown kind eyes, a smirk, a wide grin, and brown curls managed to slip past His control before they were snuffed out, the ashes left to sink into the the grips of the Upside Down, along with your freewill.
Billy’s grip on your arm loosened and despite his bruising hold, there were no marks left behind on your skin. You were one in the same.
“She could have killed me,” he continued, and you felt what he feared. The failure of your plan. Of His plan.
“Yes.” Billy would be no match for the girl with superhuman abilities. Even with the gift He bestowed you, you may be no match for her. “But not us.”
You turned your head, both you and Billy taking in the sight of your growing numbers, various members of the community now a part of your legion, a part of Him. Soon, you would all join Him as one.
“Not us.”
And He watched you, from the eyes of the creature left behind in the world he’d been cast out of. 
In his domain, the realm of the Upside Down, the being, the nightmare who would soon be known began his preparations.
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saikokirakira · 1 year
Part 2 of 2: Pagtingin (Feelings) [Steve Harrington x Reader]
a/n: hello. it me. i definitely did not forget to post part two. if you would believe it, i was actually getting sick every week the past month because of the insane hours and workload of my new job. so, umm, probably not lasting long there... i wanna be pretty again and lose all the stress hives all over my body.
summary: based on this blurb on a hanahaki au/flayed!reader
word count: 12k words (big boi over here; i definitely bullied our girl throughout this entire chapter)
warning: barely proofread, only edited twice; no use of y/n; steve is an oblivious himbo (but i'll excuse it because he was the ultimate bbg in s3); ANGST TRAIN, hurt no comfort; moms of hawkins summer '85 (i have 911 on standby); billy "walking red flag" hargrove; unrequited feelings / pining; minor violence; body horror (it's hanahaki, what'd you expect?); writer's torture of a self-insert character; stranger things season 3 canon, but Alexei lives fyuck canon actually; metal goodboi cameo
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You despised summer. You didn’t used to hate summer, but working in the summer heat when your recently recurring childhood asthma gets triggered by intense heat wasn’t the best option for you. While you couldn’t pass off as a lifeguard at the Hawkins Community Pool, your neighbour and acquaintance, Heather Holloway, pulled some strings to have you manning the snack bar.
It wasn’t ideal, but it certainly opened up the opportunity to listen in to a lot of gossip all around town. Not your favourite pastime, yet Heather enjoyed the very juicy ones, something you noticed she most likely inherited from her father, the chief editor for the town’s paper. Every time her shift ended, so did yours and either you share interesting stories of the day while you drive home or to the newly opened Starcourt Mall.
“Ew, those women are either married or divorced,” your nose wrinkled in disgust at Heather’s favourite gossip topic, Hawkins group of moms. Specifically, their scheduled visits to the pool whenever Billy Hargrove would be on duty as lifeguard.
“He likes the attention, I guess,” Heather shrugged, “and the moms get to ogle eye candy.”
“Still a minor, Heather.”
“Uh-uh, he turned 18 a few months back,” Heather argued, though the distaste was apparent on her face. “The term is barely legal.” Then she suddenly giggled. “I’m still calling the police when they make a direct move,” she half-joked. “I know they call me a bitch behind my back.”
“You’re a menace.”
“And you’re a sissy,” Heather shot back. “When are you going to ask Steve Harrington ou— JESUS!” She clung at the grab handle when your foot landed too much on the gas pedal. “No need to take me with you to hell just because you can’t get a date.” Then with a cheeky grin, she added, “I heard Steve can’t get a date either, and he talks up anyone at that ice cream place.”
You slammed the brakes. “That’s it!” you exclaimed. “You’re walking the rest of the way to Starcourt!” The only reply you had was Heather’s maniacal giggles at getting you so riled up.
You and Heather parted ways when you arrived at Starcourt after telling you that she’d be getting a ride home with her date. You waved her off and headed to Scoop’s Ahoy. A group of girls were giggling as they were leaving when you got there. You also noticed the whiteboard that Robin, Steve’s co-worker, held up, adding another tally on the “You suck” scoreboard.
“See what I have to deal with?” Steve immediately ranted, jerking a finger at Robin’s direction. “If you worked with me, I don’t have to be subjected with workplace abuse.”
You and Robin snorted in sync. “You poor baby,” you cooed teasingly while pinching Steve’s cheek. “How can I ever live without the longer shifts, ridiculous uniform, and being your wingman?” You earned another laugh from Robin while Steve scoffed before shooting you a pout.
“Well, you certainly miss me since you constantly visit as soon as your shift ends,” Steve shot back.
“Sure, I’m definitely not here as Heather’s chauffer to her movie date,” you said, “or just hanging out at the comic book store.”
“You want me to come wi—?”
“Bye, Robin!” you ignored his offer yet still blowing Steve a raspberry to which he rolled his eyes at. Exiting the ice cream shop, you made you way to the pharmacy first before the comic book store. It was mostly empty when you got there, so it was a breeze in getting your prescription inhaler.
It’s been forever since you had asthma, the last one during your elementary days. Your wheezing fits had only come back since that occurrence in those tunnels that you still see in your nightmares. However, after the countless tests and screening from military scientists, they cleared it to just “your body shifting from all the trauma.”
You’d think after opening gates to other dimensions with monsters, they’d be able to create a cure for asthma.
The thought was highly amusing to you that you almost missed the fiery redhead that just entered the pharmacy. Your eyes watched Max Mayfield carefully as she walked through the aisles with her head low, trying to be inconspicuous. Grabbing your bag of prescription, you slowly followed where Max wandered off, which happened to be a shelf of bandages.
You almost let it go, knowing that her skateboard hobby always led her to a number of scrapes and bruises. But when she reached for the bandage wrap on the high shelf, her shirt sleeve revealed a hand-shaped mark wrapped around her pale wrist. Trying to be nonchalant as possible, you approached her and grabbed the bandage for her, ignoring how Max quickly put her arm down and tugged at her sleeve.
“Skateboarding mishap again, red?”
Max’s signature cocky smirk covered the surprise on her face. “It’s one of my better falls,” she said. Then her eyes wandered to the prescription bag in my hand. “Still have those? They said you’d be better in a couple of weeks since the incident.”
“Well, I didn’t, so here I am,” you shrugged. “Hey, listen, I’m heading out to the comic book store if you want to tag along. My treat.”
Once you were at the community pool. Though you resorted to buying your carefully as she skimmed through the new arrival stack. You didn’t really have anything worth buying since most of the comics you read are from Dustin’s collection that he recommends and lends to you every other week. Sometimes you get the appeal, sometimes you didn’t. Still, it was a great way to pass the time when things are slow from working the snack bar at the comic book store if you want to tag along. My treat.”
Maybe you should’ve offered to buy Max a cone from Scoops Ahoy instead.
“You got any good recommendations?” you randomly asked the guy who just walked in. You seem to have caught him off-guard, the look of surprise that you were talking to him. “Munson, right?”
“Yeah, Eddie,” he said after a brief pause. “Didn’t think you’d be the type to read comics.”
You thought so too. But you also didn’t think that monsters that live in an alternate dimension exist.
You shrugged. “I read almost anything to pass the time,” you said. “Henderson lends me a lot of X-men.”
Eddie was about to reply when Max approached you with two Wonder Woman comics. “I can pay for the other one,” she offered.
You scoffed lightly and ruffled the top of her head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” you said. “Didn’t I say it was my treat?” Before she could argue, you snatched both copies from her hand and headed to the counter with her trailing behind you. “See you around, Munson.”
You and Max wandered aimlessly around the mall. You offered to go watch whatever movie was in the cinema, but Max turned you down, saying that she had plans with the party later that week once their campaign planning was through. After you ran out of things to do, you offered to drive her home, which she sheepishly accepted.
Before you could even pull out the parking area, Max said, “I know you saw the bruise. You didn’t have to do all that to make me feel better.”
A surprised smile tugged at your lips, impressed on how quickly she caught up on your intentions. “I don’t really have any sisters to dote on,” you said, “so it isn’t entirely on pity. I know you can stand up for yourself, red.” You continued, “But promise me one thing?”
Max nodded.
“You tell me when anything gets too much, okay?” You held her hand to show your support. “I’m always going to be here for you.” Trying to lighten up the mood, you added, “Billy is a prick anyway.” Then you pulled the car into drive.
“He has it worse than me.”
You tried to hold in your composure, but you couldn’t help your eyebrows rising up at the unexpected information. You always suspected something going on with Billy. No one suddenly becomes an asshole overnight. That you knew from being friends for a long time with Steve. Aside from the horrible friends he used to have, Steve grew up with his parents barely around, and even if they were, his father was always either hard on him or emotionally absent.
“Well, it doesn’t give him the right to take it out on you.”
“I know.”
Later that week, you were at your usual spot at the snack booth. The heat was especially brutal that day at it almost felt that your lungs were constricting every time you tried to breathe out. Not even ice water seemed to help, and when the thin clouds cleared, the blaring sunlight only made it worse, even though you were under the shade of the booth.
“Hey, watch the stand for me?” you said to your co-worker who mostly just tried to look busy by restacking cans of soda and rearranging the chips as a way to avoid kids yelling out their orders. He sighed but nodded, getting up to man the counter. On your way out of the booth, you pulled out your inhaler out of your backpack and staggered into the searing sunlight to make your way to Heather.
As you took a blip of your inhaler, you didn’t notice the person near you and collided into them, sending your inhaler flying. “Shit,” you muttered, picking up the plastic case. “Sorry about that.” You looked up and paled upon the realisation that you bumped into Billy Hargrove.
Billy didn’t seem to mind and just grunted before brushing past you. If anything, he looked as disoriented as you, dishevelled and profusely sweating. He had an obvious stumble to his step on his way to the locker room to what you assumed was to get ready for his shift.
You had half a mind to approach him when you heard “Hey! No dunking, Curtis!” from the pool area. You were suddenly reminded of your current task and shrugged off the Billy’s concerning state. For all you know, he was still probably drunk from whatever party he was at last night. It was summer break after all.
You carefully avoided being splashed near the poolside as you circled over to where Heather was stationed at the lifeguard post. Unfortunately, you almost tripped from another dizzy spell again and collided with another person. Just your luck.
“Oh, dear,” a woman this time voiced her concern. “Are you okay, hon? Maybe you should stay out of the heat.”
You steadied yourself and stared into the eyes of Karen Wheeler. “I’m okay, Mrs. Wheeler,” you wheezed. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“Drink some water!” Mrs. Wheeler called out before walking off.
Finally, you were able to tell Heather that you were cutting your shift short and that you couldn’t drive her to her dad’s office as you agreed on earlier that day. She waved you off and told you to drive carefully, assuring you that she could always call her mom to pick her up later.
On your way out, you noticed Mrs. Wheeler coming out of the locker room looking distressed and teary-eyed. She didn’t seem to notice you staring at her as she made her way back to the pool area. A few moments later, Billy came out of the same room, still looking as physically uncomfortable as before.
For the past weeks of working at the pool, it was no secret that one of Billy’s favourite moms was Mrs. Wheeler. But was there really some illicit affair between them? You probably wouldn’t put it past Billy, but the woman had three kids, for goodness’ sakes. You made a mental note to ask Heather what she knew about it tomorrow.
After a gruelling half hour drive while cranking your A/C up to full blast, you finally got home. You barely got a mouthful of ice water when your door rang. You wondered who it could be when the neighbours knew that you and your parents were usually at work during the entire day.
“Hey, can you drive us to Starcourt?”
You stared into the wild grins of El and Max, standing excitedly on your doorstep. Fifteen minutes later, you were back in your car, playing chauffeur for the two girls giggling from the backseat of your car.
“I’m telling you, El, boyfriends lie,” Max insisted. She poked you. “Tell her.”
You chuckled dismissively at their tween antics. “I wouldn’t know.”
Both El and Max paused and focused their attention on you.
“You haven’t dated anyone?”
“I’ve been on dates,” you clarified, “but I never really dated anyone.”
“Why?” El asked. It was more inquisitive than mocking or accusatory. She was very curious, that one.
“Because she has the biggest crush on Steve.”
“Oh, my God!” you exclaimed. “Does everyone just know about that?”
“Well, anyone with eyes, yeah,” Max said, rolling her eyes for good measure. “The only reason why he hasn’t caught up is because boys are dumb.”
That made you laugh out loud despite the discomfort in your ribs.
When you arrived at the mall, you expected to have them run off to who knows where while you hung out at the waiting area, taking advantage of the air conditioning, but those two dragged you to every clothing outlet at the mall. You tried to not exert yourself, but it was hard not to match their energy when they were clearly having so much fun. It was even so endearing to see El emerging from her shell, trying out outfits that she genuinely liked and not those lumberjack fits that Chief Hopper had her on all the time.
By the third store, you insisted to sit that one out and merely watch them try on a bunch of different hats. You giggled at them posing at the mirror as if they were at a fashion show. However, you only had a moment of peace before Max approached you with a sundress that looked way too close to your size.
“No,” you stood your ground.
“Yes, then we’re going to Scoops Ahoy to get cones after this.”
“Ask Steve out on a date,” El urged, smiling encouragingly.
“What happened to ‘boys are dumb?’” you said, raising your brow.
“He’s not going to ask you out first, so you will do it for him!” Max said. She and El both grabbed each of your arm and pulled you to your feet and into the dressing room then tossing in the dress and pulling the curtain shut.
You stared at yourself in the mirror and the dress you held in front of you. You hated to admit it, but it was a pretty dress. Even if you couldn’t score a date with Steve, at least you had a great addition to your wardrobe. With that positive thought in mind, you pulled your shirt over your head and hung it on one of the clothing hooks.
You carefully pulled down the zipper on the dress when you noticed something odd on your reflection. Peering closer on the mirror, you stared at your ribs, noticing the almost black veins that almost seemed to be moving underneath the skin. What the…
“Are you done?!” Max called out from behind the curtain.
You snapped out of it and quickly pulled on the dress. All your initial worries faded once you saw yourself in the mirror. For good measure, you pulled your hair out of your scrunchie and let your tresses fall out in waves over your shoulder.
“Wow,” El and Max chorused.
You didn’t even notice them pulling the curtain open.
When you made your way to Scoops Ahoy, Max and El apparently had already made plans that you don’t come in with them. “Let it be a surprise,” Max had said. It was almost ridiculous that you were letting 14-year-olds dictate you on how to get a date from your crush.
“Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry and then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream.” Steve paused and looked at the two girls suspiciously, especially at El. “Wait a second,” he thought out loud, “are you even supposed to be here?”
The two girls giggled, and El said, “A pretty girl drove us here.”
The words ‘pretty’ and ‘girl’ caught Steve’s attention. Predictable. “Yeah?” he grinned, leaning forward as if asking for more details. “She still with you?”
“You know her, silly,” Max giggled before running off with El. On their way out, they both flashed you a thumbs up and mouthed, “good luck.”
You stepped inside Scoops Ahoy with a newfound confidence. It was definitely the dress, and you hope it paid off. When Steve caught sight of you, his eyes brightened up and flashed you his charming smile.
“Hey, stranger,” Steve greeted. “I see the girls made you their babysitter and chauffer.”
You tried not to let your smile falter when you didn’t get the reaction you hoped. You laughed, trying not to give off the fact that your confidence was quickly crumbling. “Yeah,” you said, “my shift ended early at the pool.”
“That’s great!” Steve cheered. “Listen, Dustin just caught Russians on his new radio thing, and we’re trying to translate it. Spy shit and all.”
You blinked. “Dustin’s back?”
“Yeah,” Steve nodded animatedly, “he’s at back with Robin translating the tape. Well, mostly Robin. Didn’t even know she’s amazing at languages.” He continued, keeping his excited energy, “She already knocked down a couple phrases. Isn’t that cool?”
Then it clicked.
Steve liked Robin.
Too late again.
“Listen, we can use your help because there’s this music at the end that I couldn’t remember where it came from,” Steve said. “Robin and Dustin say it’s stupid, but you can back me—”
“Um,” you breathed out. You cleared your throat, wondering why you started to get out of breath again. “I still have to drive the girls home before dark,” you said, gently turning him down.
“Um, call me if you find something cool?” You didn’t wait for him to reply and turned your back on him. As soon as you left Scoops Ahoy, you pulled your inhaler out your pocket and took a blip, but it seemed to only make your lungs angrier and cramp even more.
As agreed upon earlier, you found the girls at the main doors of the mall, but they were in a heated conversation with Mike and the rest of his party. You sighed and quickly approached them before it turned into a full argument.
“I dump your ass!” El declared, making you stop in your steps. Lucas and Max were flabbergasted at the outburst, except Max looked somewhat proud. Mike just looked lost and was clearly at a loss for words. Will just looked uncomfortable enough to be witnessing the entire thing.
“Okay, that’s enough,” you interfered. “We’re leaving, come on.” You looked at Will who seemed to be the most aware among the boys at the moment. “You guys need a ride?”
He shook his head.
“You take care, okay?”
Will nodded.
The walk to your car between you and the girls was quiet. Though Max decided to break the silence when you pulled out of the mall compound. “What happened?” she asked.
You simply shrugged, ignoring the burning in your ribs from the simple motion. “Boys are dumb.” Then the car ride was silent again.
Later that evening, you laid in your bathtub in cold water, finally relaxing when you can breathe easily again. The summer heat fatigue really got you today, you thought. Suddenly remembering what you saw in the fitting room, you looked at your ribs again and was relieved when all you saw was nothing but your usual skin.
You were pulled back to your thoughts and remembered the beautiful sundress that was now laid discarded on the bathroom floor. You groaned at the memory of what just occurred this afternoon. You sighed and slid down to submerge the rest of yourself in the almost freezing water, leaving all your worries for the few seconds you had underwater.
Don’t be afraid. It’ll be over soon. Just stay… very… still.
You were scared. You couldn’t open your eyes, and the water suddenly felt too thick. The searing pain that was becoming too familiar in your lungs felt like it was begin to crawl out of your chest and into your throat.
But it was all gone in a split second.
Panicked and scared out of your wits, you immediately crawled your way out of the bathtub, not caring if you were curled up naked on the bathroom floor. You reached for the first thing you could grab to cover yourself, until you realised that it was still the same damn sundress. Suddenly, all the air just left your body, and you were starting to wonder if it was still an asthma attack.
You hoisted yourself up on the sink, both coughing and wheezing, trying to do everything you can to get yourself some oxygen.
“Sweetie? What’s going on?” the familiar voice of your mom came muffled from the other side of the door. When you replied with nothing but aggressive and painful coughs, the knocking became incessant, and her calls turned to worried cries. “Open the door!”
The same sensation of something crawling out of your throat came back. This time, you were more aware than your paralyzed state a few minutes ago. You stuck your fingers in your throat, feeling for any obstruction.
And you did.
With one forced cough, you were able to pinch out something smooth but foreign. You yanked it out, clenched it in your fist, and spat whatever fluid it brought out. You were initially worried that it was blood, but as you looked at the white ceramic of the bathroom sink, it was black.
When the bathroom door burst open, you quickly opened the faucet, flushing down whatever it was. Your mom rushed over to you and covered your hunched figure with a bath towel before pulling open the medicine cabinet behind the mirror to fish out your emergency inhaler.
“Come on, sweetie,” she carefully urged the inhaler in my mouth, pressing down to dispense a dose, but you could barely bury it down. “Let’s go to your room. You’re freezing.” She led me step by step to my bed and laid me under the covers, but the warm blankets only made me feel worse. “Your dad is coming with the nebulizer. Don’t worry. Just careful breaths.”
You didn’t remember how long it took for you to fall asleep that night, but you woke up the next day to your mom entering your room, already dressed in her office attire. She must’ve seen the panic on your face when you realised that it was way past your alarm.
“I called you in sick at the community pool,” your mom said. “Your dad will be picking you up after work to bring you to the hospital. In the meantime, just rest, okay?” She pressed a kiss on your forehead before she left the room, and you were alone again.
Then you felt the soft thing that you had in your fist the entire night. You raised your hand and held the foreign object over your head.
A black petal.
Panic bubbled up at the base of your spine, and you wasted no time in getting out of bed and getting dressed. You needed to tell Chief Hopper or Mrs. Byers. Or even just any one in Mike’s party.
And Steve.
Suddenly, it hit you. Dustin would still be around Steve decoding whatever Russian code they were on. The kid can easily call a code red for your situation. You grabbed your keys with the intent of going to Starcourt.
Just as you locked the front door, Max and El came rushing in their bikes, looking as alarmed as you are. They rushed to you, especially El who gave you a pleading look.
“It’s Billy.”
“As much as I appreciate you calling a grown up to investigate, this seems highly unnecessary.”
You were clearly uncomfortable as you turned the corner to Cherry Lane. You already gave them an earful when they admitted that they were spying on random people during their sleepover last night. Personally, you didn’t think that Heather would suddenly go for Billy when she just went on a date with someone else the other week, but maybe Billy was just that convincing.
“But the screams,” El reasoned.
“When Billy is alone with a girl, they make, like, really crazy noises,” Max argued, making you laugh at her words. Case in point.
“That’s surprising,” you noted. “I assumed that because he’s such an asshole he doesn’t…” you trailed off when you caught El’s clueless look from your rear-view mirror. “Never mind.”
“They scream?” El voiced out her confusion.
“Yeah, but, like… happy screams.” Then Max turned to you. “Oh, just that house right there.”
Your laughter came out in breathless snorts at this point. You pulled the car in park around the curb. “Okay, that’s enough,” you interrupted. “You don’t need to know about that yet, El.” You watched the house and hummed in thought. “His car’s not there. This’ll be easy.”
The three of you went inside the house and headed to his room. You knew that their family was very far from a loving one, but you tried to wrack your head for a reason as to why Billy’s bedroom door had a hinge lock from the outside. You barely had any thoughts about that little detail before Max pushed the door open.
“Why do I get the feeling we’re gonna find all sorts of wrong here?” Max said.
“Well, his tastes in music aren’t half bad,” you commented, flicking through his stack of cassette tapes by his stereo. You pulled open his bedside drawer and laughed at its contents. “Jackpot.”
Max rushed over to peek, only to see his collection of ‘printed ladies.’ “Ugh!” she exclaimed. “Gag me with a spoon.”
Then we heard El calling us from the bathroom.
We followed her to see empty ice packets around his tub. The unsettling feeling crept in again as you remember that you were also trying to keep yourself cold last night. But you weren’t the only one who was unsettled.
El, who was breathing heavily, stared off into the corner, and when Max and you followed her line of sight, there it was. Blood. You carefully opened the trash bin and pulled out a utility bag from Hawkins’ Community Pool.
“Let’s go.” You didn’t waste any time leaving the house and getting into the car.
Despite the darkening skies and thunder rumbling, you got there in record time. You ran to see a co-worker of your closing the pool area. Protocol. But he definitely wasn’t pleased to see you.
“Didn’t you call in sick?” he said, sounding annoyed. “You’re the second person to bail today.”
“Heather didn’t come in?” Max asked.
“Obviously. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing thi— Hey!”
The three of us ran back to the car to figure out what to do next.
“We can go back to my place,” you suggested. “Wait out until Heather comes home next door.” Then you remembered. “Shit,” you cursed, turning on your car before the girls agreed. “My dad is supposed to pick me up for a doctor’s appointment.”
Luckily, your dad wasn’t home yet when you got back. Probably due to the storm. However, the girls already had their own plans in mind when they walked over next door to the Holloway’s.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you hissed, jogging over to them. “Don’t go running off without me.” You looked at the now open front door. “Did you just unlock the door? This is trespassing!”
“She’s inside,” El whispered. She and Max entered the house, and you had no choice but to follow.
The three of you carefully treaded towards the voices in the dining room. There you found Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Holloway chatting away. The sight of your three by the hallway halted their conversation.
“Um, hey, Janet, Tom,” you greeted. “We tried to knock, but you probably didn’t hear us over the storm.”
“What on earth are you doing here?” Billy cut in, his eyes trained on Max and El.
“Where is she, Billy?” you asked firmly, staring straight into his eyes.
“Where is who?” Billy smiled innocently, but it didn’t give you any ease.
“Well, they’re a little burnt! I’m sorry.” Heather walked in from the kitchen, carrying a tray of cookies. “Oh, hey, girl! Is your shift over?”
“Heather!” Billy called. “This is my sister, Maxine.” He gestured to Max before his eyes landed on El. “I’m sorry. I did not quite catch your name.”
“El.” Eleven responded with her eyes pointedly trained on Billy.
“El,” Billy echoed, his polite smile turning into something menacing.
It definitely unnerved the three of us. Your hands held onto their shoulders and pulled them behind your back, leaving you to face Billy. “You guys weren’t at work, so we got worried,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Heather wasn't feeling so hot today, so we thought we'd take the day off to nurse her back to health.” Billy turned to Heather. “But you’re feeling just fine right now. Aren’t you, Heather?”
“I’m feeling so much better,” Heather smiled, but there was something about it that didn’t seem right to you.
Max and El tugged at your hand. You looked at them to see them silently pleading at you with their eyes. You gave a brief shake of your head before turning back to Billy. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” you said carefully. “I’ll take the girls home.”
“Thank you for looking out for my sister and her… friend.”
You made sure that the girls walked ahead of you, and right before you passed the front door, Billy pulled you to him. You barely could get a noise out as he pressed his hand over your ribs.
“You’re one of us,” Billy whispered before he shoved you out and shut the door.
It all happened in a split second that the girls didn’t even notice the exchange. The fear stabbed you deep in the gut that you basically dragged them back to your house, forcing them not to look back. Only when you got inside your house that the tension released from your body but only just.
“I’m taking you guys home, and tomorrow, we’re meeting up with the party, okay?”
“You’re not going anywhere, young lady.”
You winced and found your dad staring you down with his arms crossed.
Damn it.
“As soon as we’re done here, you’re grounded for a week.”
You groaned and held back the urge to roll your eyes. You were in the hospital waiting area for your family physician, but because there were a handful of minor accidents because of the storm, the wait was a bit long, especially when you were not priority. It was fine during the first ten minutes, but after half an hour, you were starting to get cranky.
“I’m going to the restroom.”
Your dad made a move to get up, but you stopped him. “There’s literally a storm out there, and you drove me here,” you pointed out. “Where else can I go?”
Your dad just scoffed but leaned back in his seat, waving you off. “Bring me back a coffee then,” he said.
You walked down the hallway but turned to the payphones instead of the restrooms. You dialled in the number you were so familiar with and hoped that he’d be home by this time.
“Hello?” Steve’s voice rang through the speaker, sending relief through your body.
“Pick me up at the hospital,” you said.
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, and do it in half an hour.”
“There’s literally a storm outsi—”
“I’m also staying at your place tonight.”
“Hey! What is going—”
“Thanks, Harrington.”
Steve arrived at the hospital in twenty, still dressed in his sailor uniform. With your dad still busy with his coffee and a random medical pamphlet, you cocked your head to the side and sent Steve a signal where to wait while you made your escape. For the second time, you got up to your feet.
“I think I want a coffee actually,” you said. “Be right back, daddy.”
Your dad hummed, not even lifting his eyes from the pamphlet.
For a split second, your heart seized at the sight of your clueless father. You wanted to tell him and mom about the monsters and how they were this close to taking you, but they were better off not knowing. It wasn’t worth risking their lives when it could be just you.
With a heavy heart, you kissed the top of his head and walked down the hallway, heading for the exit and into Steve Harrington’s getaway car.
“Okay, but what the hell is going on?” Steve asked, pulling the car in drive.
You didn’t answer and just hugged your knees to your chest while crying silently. You’re one of us. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to level your breathing, which now felt like such a laborious task. Now that you knew the truth, it was almost like you could feel it all inside you. Taking every piece of you.
You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts by a warm hand clasping yours. You raised your head and looked at Steve, who kept his eyes on the road, but continued to squeeze your hand. You managed to stop crying and thread your fingers through his and bask in his warmth.
You knew it was just temporary. You knew who he really liked. And as if the universe was aware of your feelings, they decided to cut the moment short by sending your chest squeezing and blocking your airways again. You dropped Steve’s hand and clutched at your chest as you exploded into another coughing fit.
Steve panicked and quickly glanced between you and the road. “What’s happening?” he asked frantically. “Should I take you back to the hospital?”
You violently shook your head. “N-no,” you managed to wheeze out. “Dr-drive.”
“Where’s your inhaler?” Steve asked to which you left unanswered.
Finally, you managed to cough out a chunk of something, freeing your airways. You quickly shoved it in your pockets without checking before Steve noticed it. You exhaled in relief and leaned back in his seat.
“It didn’t use to be that bad,” Steve pointed out.
“Was that why you were at the hospital?”
“We should go back.”
“Doesn’t matter. We’re near your place anyway.”
By the time you got to Steve’s house, he rushed to his parents’ room to find you something to wear from his mom’s closet. “Go take a shower and warm up!” he called out from the second floor.
You dragged your feet into the downstairs bathroom and rinsed your mouth. As you spat out the water, swirls of blood and black goo circled around before disappearing down the drain. You pulled out the clump that you hid in your pocket and teared up at the sight of a fully formed flower.
It was cruel that something as hauntingly beautiful as this was killing you from the inside.
When you flipped the flower over, you noticed thin tendrils from where the stem should be. You were horrified that the tendrils were actually moving like tiny tentacles. It reminded you of that day when you were in the tunnels under the pumpkin farm.
Without any more thought, you dropped the flower in the sink. Remembering that they were susceptible to heat, you immediately turned on the faucet to its hottest setting. As the water hit the flower, your lungs were suddenly set on fire.
Out of instinct, you turned the faucet off, relieved that the flower immediately dried out and broke off into ashy flakes. The burning stopped as well but still lingered under your skin. Almost tripping over your own feet, you staggered over to the shower, stripping yourself of your drenched clothes and turning on the water to its coldest setting, and only then did you find relief.
You’re one of us.
It took over almost half an hour to compose yourself and figure out what to do from here on out. You put one of the fluffy robes in the bathroom and headed out to the living room where Steve was already lounging on one of the sofas, shirtless but with a towel hanging over his neck. He only seemed to notice your presence when the sofa dipped beside him under your weight.
“You okay?” Steve asked when you rested your head on his shoulder, not minding that his hair was still dripping wet. “Jesus, you’re freezing.” He moved to grab the throw blanket and pulled it over both of you then rubbed his hands on your arms to warm you up.
Meanwhile, you wrapped your hands around his waist and just closed your eyes at the sound of his heartbeat. You were mad that his was steady when you couldn’t even control the fast drumming of your own heart whenever you were near him. Still, you held Steve as if you were afraid to let go, as if he was your only reminder that you were still you. But why did it hurt, even physically, so much to hold on?
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Steve whispered, stroking the back of your head. “I don’t think we held each other like this since middle school,” he chuckled to himself at the memory. “When Vicki Carmichael took stole your partner for the Snow Ball and kissed him in front of everyone? You slept over and cried in my bed, telling me you hated her for it and me for going with Tammy Thompson.”
You wracked your head trying to remember what Steve was talking about. Maybe because it was a long day, but you couldn’t remember him holding you like this in middle school. Still, it must have been a beautiful memory if even Steve remembered it.
Sometimes it felt like you were the only one holding on so tightly in this relationship with him.
“Don’t you remember?”
You just hummed and snuggled closer to Steve.
“Okay, how about when Lewenski and I got into a fight because his girlfriend tripped you up and you skinned your knee pretty bad?”
This one, you remembered. “Your dad grounded you for a month, and you got benched for two games,” you chuckled softly.
“And you still cheered for me in the sidelines,” Steve said, sounding relieved that you were finally talking. After while a long pause, he said, “What happened? You used to tell me everything.” He continued, “I know I joke about it a lot, but I was really worried when you didn’t sign up with me at the mall. And you being sick all the time now?”
“Steve, just drop it,” you said, almost in a plea. “We’re okay. You never have to worry about me.”
Steve scoffed playfully. “That’s never going to happen,” he argued. “I’m always gonna worry about you. You don’t even notice how much trouble you get yourself into without realising.”
You tried not to think about it, but for the rest of that night in Steve’s arms, you almost felt like the vines were moving inside you, growing and taking up what was left of you that you haven’t already given to Steve.
“So, basically you’re a fugitive now?”
You chuckled and tiredly patted Dustin’s back. “Man, I missed you, kid,” you said. “And to answer your question, technically yes. I’m facing a lifetime of being grounded if I’m caught.”
“Let me get this straight,” Dustin began, his eyes trained on your plain black shirt that obviously belonged to Steve, “Steve snuck you out of the hospital, and you stayed in his house the entire night?” He leaned close to you. “And nothing happened?”
“Jesus, Dustin,” you wrinkled your nose at him. “People serve food here.” You gestured at the small cup of ice cream you were eating as breakfast slash brunch. Though you were wallowing your sorrows in cold, cold sweets, it did make you feel like a kid again.
“Steve is so stupid sometimes it amazes me,” Dustin thought out loud.
“I’m surprised you caught on. Seems like everyone in the world knows except him.”
“That’s because I’m me,” Dustin grinned proudly. “I bet the rest of the party doesn’t even know.”
“Who doesn’t know?” Steve entered the backroom with Robin in tow.
“Probably that you’re a dingus,” Robin snickered. Then her eyes trailed over to you. “So, we have another addition to the team,” she pointed out. “Who’s bringing her up to speed?”
“Dustin,” Steve said the same time that Dustin also said, “Me.”
Of course, it was Dustin.
While Dustin explained to you that the Russian military was most likely running a secret base right in the Starcourt Mall, you worried about El and Max, especially with not-Billy on the loose. Though they probably were already with the rest of the party right now and alerted Chief Hopper and Mrs. Byers. There was absolutely nothing to worry about.
“Got it?” Dustin finally said before narrowing his eyes at me. “Were you just zoning out the entire time?”
You snorted. “What do you take me for?”
“Fine, what did I just say?”
“Okay, I probably zoned out halfway through,” you admitted. “But your problem is pretty simple.”
Steve, Dustin, and Robin waited for you to continue.
“You just need the blueprints for the mall.”
“Why haven’t you called her the moment we were cracking the code?” Robin said, rushing outside and grabbing the tip jar. Ignoring Steve’s calls for her, she was off leaving us three at Scoops Ahoy.
“Touch my butt! I don’t care!”
“Can we keep it PG in here?” you frowned at the ridiculous show Steve and Dustin were putting by trying to get into the air ducts. “Just pull the boy down before someone gets hurt.”
“He can’t get hurt. He’s missing bones like Gumbo.”
“Like what?” you tilted your head.
“He means Gumby,” Dustin corrected, grabbing hold of Steve’s shoulders as he got hoisted out of the vent, “and that’s not how cleidocranial dysplasia works, Steve. I’m missing collarbones, not nerves.”
“Whatever,” Steve said. “We just need some else who could fit in there.”
Just as Steve said those words, Robin burst in the backroom, looking like she had an epiphany for the second time today. You were beginning to think she was the reason how Steve and Dustin had gotten this far. Behind her stood Lucas’ younger sister, Erica. Ah, the epiphany.
It only took the rest of the day of convincing her. The kid knew how to play hard ball. You’d give her that. She wouldn’t take anything less than ice cream for life. Frankly, you’d do the same.
You waited until the mall closed, though Robin and Steve cleared up Scoops Ahoy a few minutes early. So far, your parents were a no show, though you assumed that they didn’t think you would be hiding in the backroom of a very crowded mall. Frankly, they probably wouldn’t even believe you that you were infected with a monster from an alternate dimension and would rather help your friends with a Russian invasion than go to the hospital.
“Free ice cream for life,” Erica smirked smugly as soon as the thick sliding doors – actually odd for a simple storage room – slid open for us.
It didn’t take much snooping to find vats of glowing neon green vats of unknown substances hidden in regular delivery boxes. Without much thought, you grabbed one and made your way to the door. “Let’s just go before someone catches us.”
Again, the universe… just hated us.
“Uhh, which one do I press, Erica?” Dustin asked, insistently pressing the “OPEN” button.
Panic began to rise among all of us as mechanical whirring buzzed between the walls. Between that and the fact that we were trapped, we definitely knew we were screwed. While all of them fussed over the buttons that were no longer working, you stepped back, feeling something prickle under your skin.
“Just open the door!” Robin cried out, echoing into someone… something different.
Open the door.
Open the door!
Open the goddamn door!
Suddenly, you were on fire. You barely noticed your screams rising over everyone else’s. You fell to the floor, convulsing in agony as flashes of different people appeared in your head as if you were them. An old lady in a hospital bed, Heather, her parents, so many people who barely even knew in Hawkins… then Billy.
It was quiet with him. You saw flashes of a beautiful blonde woman calling out to him, her face concealed in a sunhat, then the beach with sand in between your toes. There was a moment of peace and tranquillity, and like someone playing a sick joke, you were in a dark place, standing in Billy’s place in front of people who were lifelessly standing still right in front of something. Something that you didn’t recognize but was so familiar to you, inside you.
He made me do it. It’s like a shadow, like a giant shadow. Please believe me, Max.
“Billy, it’s gonna be okay,” Max’s voice echoed in his head as if it were yours.
“It’s gonna be okay,” a different voice filtered through from all the noise.
“She’s unconscious. How is her inhaler going to help?” “I’m pretty sure that’s a seizure, nerd.” “Check for a pulse, Steve.”
Your consciousness fell right back on you like a pile of bricks. Your eyes fluttered open to see Steve hovering over you with your inhaler tucked between your lips. Once your eyes locked with his caramel ones, a huge wave of relief washed over his face as he pulled you into his arms.
“Oh, my God,” Steve gasped, clutching on to you for dear life. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Get… out.”
Steve tensed and pulled away to look at you. “What?”
You weakly pulled up your – actually Steve’s shirt up to your ribs, revealing angry black veins that were now crawling over your torso. You cried out and clutched at you. “Get it out!”
“Holy sh– what the hell is that?!”
You rolled to the side and fell into a coughing fit, your back hunched over. Your nails clawed at your throat, feeling something trying to crawl itself out. Whatever happened somewhere in Hawkins pissed off the plants inside you, and you can feel them twisting and curling throughout your torso.
With much straining and the remaining oxygen in your lungs, you managed to pull out the parasite from your oesophagus. The action made Dustin and Robin gag in the corner, while Steve and Erica warily looked at the slithering vine with a fully bloomed flower you dropped on the floor, leaving a trail of blood and black goo.
“You guys, by any chance, have a lighter?” you panted, pressing your cheek against the cold metal floor for any cool relief you can take.
Silence told you no. You hoisted yourself up with much difficulty and leaned back into the crate then immediately had an idea. Albeit, a bad one. With shaky knees, you got on your feet and lifted the vat of green goo that rolled away when you dropped unconscious. You looked for the right twist to open the container when Dustin stopped you.
“What are you doing?”
“We have to kill it,” you said nonchalantly. “I mean, I could just drink this to get it over with, but I don’t want to die that quick.”
“Are you…?” Then Dustin’s eyes widened. “That day. You were… because you saved me.”
“Wait, wait, are any of you nerds explaining what’s going on?” Erica interrupted.
You sighed. “Monster,” you pointed at the vine. “Infected,” you pointed at yourself. “Must kill monster with something. Preferably fire.”
“You killed one of those before?” Robin asked.
“It was smaller last night,” you shrugged, finding the latch to open up the vat. “Hot water took care of that sucker easily.” Twisting the lid a certain way, it clicked and released. “Aha!” you exclaimed. “This is gonna hurt.” You eyed the goo apprehensively.
Then Steve snatched the lid and sealed back the vat. “There has got to be a way to do this without you in pain,” he said.
“We don’t have time, and we’re stuck here in a metal box with a monster crawling towards Erica’s sneaker!”
“Why are you yelling?!”
“I’m not yelling!” you shouted. Then you turned to Dustin with a much softer voice. “How did Will get rid of his the last time?”
“Space heaters, a lot of them,” Dustin answered. “Anything from the Upside Down hates the heat, including D’Art.”
“Well, we’re not waiting until you cough all the flowers out, so I say we dump you into a hot tub and crank the heat to full,” Steve suggested, keeping the vat out of reach. “Once we get out of here, of course.”
“Boiling her alive,” Dustin scoffed. “That’s genius, Steve.”
“Or,” Robin interrupted, “we just use the same space heaters. It worked before, so it might work again now.”
“Thank you,” you said, pointedly looking at Steve. “At least someone is trying not to kill m—” Suddenly, your lungs were set aflame as you dropped into a heap on the cold floor, convulsing in agony with your mouth open in an open scream. You briefly heard Erica speaking before ultimately passing out.
“What? You only kept one of that green acid away from us. At least the monster’s dead.”
After passing out for the second time that night, you seemed to be sleeping much longer, but when you woke up, it wasn’t much of a surprise to hear Dustin and Steve still bickering. You opened your eyes to see Steve’s legs hanging from the ceiling. Again, not a surprise.
Probably nothing else would surprise you at this point.
“Shh! Jesus Christ!” Steve hissed before disappearing entirely to the top of the elevator.
Now that spiked your curiosity.
Robin was preoccupied with Erica, and both of them didn’t even notice that you were awake. You sat up and climbed on the stacked boxes leading up to the opening on the elevator ceiling. The burning in your ribs and your shortness of your breath was easier to ignore now that you were too lightheaded to actually feel the discomfort. Still, you managed to poke your head out the opening, accidentally ending up eavesdropping.
“I heard you guys talking all night,” Dustin whispered to Steve before his eyes landed on you. He winced and shot you an apologetic look.
Steve turned and saw you by his feet, making him jump in surprise. “What are you doing up?!” he scolded. “You scared all of us last night. I thought Erica killed you.”
“Gee, your welcome!” Erica called out from inside.
“’Last night’? It’s morning?”
Dustin smiled emptily. “Yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve been trying to reach anyone on the radio since the mall is open. I think we’re too far down though.”
“Okay, take Dustin down with you please,” Steve said, facing the wall. “I���m gonna take a leak.”
“First of all, ew. Second, good morning,” you said, hopping back down with Dustin right behind you.
“This is one looong sleepover,” Steve called out before the sound of a stream hitting the ceiling echoed inside the elevator. “Two nights of being your personal pillow!”
“Two nights?” you muttered to yourself. “Was I with Steve the other night?” you turned to ask Dustin, who gave you a weird look.
“You stayed over his place, and he drove you to the mall, remember?”
“He did?”
“Hey!” Robin called out. “We have company.”
One fight with a Russian later, which Steve won – finally – you and the rest of the group snuck into the comms room of the secret Russian base and found out why your lungs had been reacting different once you walked further down that tunnel.
“The gate.”
You, Steve, and Dustin looked at each other in horror before turning back to the machine that was trying to pry open the gate that El had shut down last year. It was your first time seeing it, but the same dark familiarity was tugging from the deepest part of your mind. There was no reason to dwell on it, so you tugged Dustin and Steve, urging them to leave and quickly warn the others as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, leaving was harder than getting in. Guards were alerted, and all of us were sent into running. It ultimately sent us to the direction of the gate itself with Dustin almost running into the laser machine that was opening the gate if it wasn’t for you tugging the back of his shirt collar.
You didn’t like being that close to the gate. Between the soldiers yelling and Steve barking which way to run, a louder voice was whispering crystal clear voices inside your head. You surrendered to the voices for one second to try and understand what they were saying, which proved to be your mistake.
In that one second, you were teleported to an incredibly vivid memory of meeting Steve for the first time.
“Sweetie, say hi to Mrs. Harrington and Steve.”
Your hand curled into a fist on the hem of your mother’s dress. It wasn’t the first time you saw Steve Harrington. Your classmate pointed who Steve was when he passed you at the hallways of Hawkins’ Elementary. She boasted that her older sister was Steve’s “girl friend” after he kissed her during recess yesterday.
You didn’t know what any of that meant, but when you glanced at Steve Harrington, you thought he was the prettiest boy you ever seen. Steve Harrington was exactly what you imagined the princes looked like that your mother read to you at bedtime.
And now, you were at their front door because your mom worked with his mom, and Mrs. Harrington thought it would be nice to have her and you over for tea.
And Steve was still the prettiest boy you ever seen.
You were catatonic while staring up into the gate opening.
While the rest of the guards were chasing after Steve and the others, the scientists urged that the guards don’t touch you, seeing that your pupils had turned entirely black. Your exposed neck revealed raised veins that they could tell were black even under the dim, unsteady lighting in the lab.
Your blank state was finally broken when the Russians took you in a secluded room, further away from the gate. Your mind was wildly fuzzy as if you were in the middle of sinking badly in your own subconscious. You inner daze didn’t last long when the door opened again, and Steve and Robin were dragged in and also cuffed like you were.
“What happened to you there?” Steve said in a low tone. “You just froze.”
The soldier didn’t like the chit-chat and struck Steve across the face. The sound was loud enough to echo in the room that you winced upon impact. “No talking!” he spat in a thick accent. “Now, who do you work for?”
“I’m confused,” Steve said, trying to sound unphased from the hit. “Do I not talk or do I tell you who I work for?”
That earned him another hit.
“We have many stories of monsters from where I’m from.”
“So do we,” you groaned at the man pacing the room. “You’re not that special, dude.”
Robin and Steve were taken away over half an hour ago, mostly likely for their own interrogation. So far, on your end, this soldier has done nothing but talk your ear off about stories from where he grew up while you were strapped in an examination chair.
“I suppose you know about flowers that grow on lungs?” The surprised look on your face told him everything he needed to know. “No one knows where they come from,” he said, “… until now.” He leaned in close to you. “You are very important test subject.”
“Not for long,” you said spitefully. “I’m dying anyway.”
“Well, I suppose you will be buried in Russian soil by then,” he said, sending chills in your spine. “But now, I need to see the flowers itself.”
Your breathing quickened at the thought being sliced open.
They wanted you alive enough to bring you to Russia. That meant…
“Steve!” Your eyes widened at the sight of him as they dragged him inside the room and dropped him in a heap on the floor. Your heart clenched at the blood streaked all over his mouth and his eye swollen shut. “What did you do to him?”
The soldier and the rest of the guards merely looked at you struggling from where you were restrained while Steve remained unresponsive on the floor. The soldier looked displeased at the results before him and barked out another order. Soon enough, Robin was also dragged inside the room, and similar to you, she was as distraught at the sight of him beaten up.
Then… they just left the three of you in the room alone.
“What do they want?” Robin asked. “We told them everything, and you’re the only one not strapped with us.”
You gulped. “They, uh, they know what’s wrong with me.”
That gained Steve’s attention. With much difficultly, he raised his head and slurred out, “They’re not taking you, and we’re getting out of here.”
“Right,” you snorted. “Unless you have a way of getting to those scissors and cutting yourselves free, I’m on the next flight to Russia by the end of the day.”
“Those morons. They left scissors here?” Steve scoffed.
“I think that if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into your lap,” Robin said, her voice rising with desperation. “So, on the count of three, we’re gonna hop.”
You smiled as hope bubbled when they succeeded the first two swivels. But on the third, the chair legs slid, knocking them both on the floor. Robin, who had her back to you, began shaking. At first, you and Steve thought she was crying, until her quiet giggles turned into full-on laughter.
“I’m sorry,” Robin laughed, trying to contain herself, “but I just can’t believe I’m gonna die in a secret Russian base with Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, while his girlfriend gets shipped off to another secret lab in Russia.”
“We’re not gonna die,” Steve huffed, “and she’s not my girlfriend, okay?”
“Gee, we’re tied up and have no hopes of escaping, and you choose to correct that?” you snarked at him.
There was a moment of quietness, mostly just to collect our wits, but Robin was the one to speak up again. She talked about Mrs. Click, our history teacher. Turns out she had been in the same class as Steve for the longest time, remembering every detail about him.
Just like you.
“Do you even remember me from that class?” Robin said, her voice lowering into a whisper. “It didn’t matter that you were an ass.”
And her next words just crushed you.
“I was still… obsessed with you.”
There was nothing else to do but watch as Steve’s eyes — well, eye — softened. In that moment, you felt like you were in someone else’s moment, just an audience. But wasn’t that what you always have been in Steve’s life?
“You know, I wish I’d known you in Click’s class,” Steve said, a fond smile growing on his lips. “Maybe instead of being here, I’d be on my way to college right now.”
Last semester, you wrote two of his history papers just so his grades would be high enough for him to play during the basketball playoffs.
“And I would have no idea that there were evil Russians beneath our feet,” Robin chuckled, “and I would be happily slinging ice cream with some other schmuck.”
“Gotta say, though, I liked being your schmuck.”
And there it was…
The burning in your lungs intensified, sending you in a painful fit of coughs. It was hard enough not to curl over because of the restraints on your chest. There was no way to claw at your throat or to grasp at your chest from the twisting pain.
You were too engrossed in trying not to choke from blood and black goo that you didn’t notice the door open. A different scientist came in, this time more sinister-looking, and leaned over you. “I knew it,” he smiled. “He feeds the flowers inside you.”
“W-wha…?” you managed to gasp out. “P-please… can’t… br-brea-eathe… In.... inhal-er.”
In the midst of the black spots tinting your vision, you barely made out a jet injector and something bright blue before you heard Steve yell out and everything went dark.
“… up. Wake up!”
You opened your eyes to see Dustin’s face. “Am I dreaming?”
“Come on! We have to go!”
You were so groggy that you followed Erica and Dustin to a hijacked mini-truck with Steve and Robin giggling along. Both their antics only heightened when we finally ascended back up to the mall. Steve couldn’t stop booping Dustin, while Robin was saying stuff about food and death.
“Did they give you something too?” Erica asked me.
“They probably took something instead,” you rasped out, feeling your throat. “They baited one out and pulled it out while I was trying not to choke to death.”
“Where is it now?” Dustin turned to me, smacking away Steve’s finger from booping his nose again.
“How the hell should I know? I was tied up!” you scowled at him.
“We just saved your asses!” Erica and Dustin chimed back at your tone.
The bickering didn’t end until you were all forced to be quiet as you hid in a cinema that was showing ‘Back to the Future.’ Once upon a time, it seemed to be a fun movie to watch with the kids, maybe even with El, but now, you could barely keep your knees from fidgeting as your eyes constantly watched between Michael J. Fox and the cinema doors for any evil Russians.
It wasn’t long when your lungs began burning again. You didn’t feel the need to cough this time, but it didn’t stop for a metallic taste bursting in your mouth. You grabbed an empty popcorn bag nearby and spat into the paper. Even under the dark theatre, you could see that it was mostly blood now.
You were out of time.
“Jesus, you look far worse than El.”
You shot Max a very unfriendly look. “The girl who just pulled a monster out of her leg using your mind powers?” You glanced at El who was cuddled up with Chief Hopper while Mrs. Byers attended to the open wound on her leg.
“Well, both you are bleeding out of your noses, and you are also growing monsters inside you.”
“ERICA!” you screeched while furiously wiping your nose.
“Just the facts!”
“What?!” Everyone else in the party, including the adults, chorused.
“You’re dying,” Will said as if he could still tell. He gave you a look of empathy and a little bit of familiarity. You knew he went through a similar thing last year, and it somehow made you less scared that he was here with you.
You nodded solemnly. “I don’t have much time,” you admitted. “It grows faster the closer I am to the gate… or when I feed it.”
“’Feed it’?” Max asked.
“We don’t have to talk about that,” you waved her off. At this point, you were just desperate to stay alive. All of you were so, so close. “If we close the gate, we can cut off all connections, right?”
“Theoretically,” Lucas added.
Since there was no other option but that, we all based our plan on that ‘theory.’ A man named Murray, who also got into a tiff with Erica, came in with a map of the underground Russian base from a guy named Alexei. With the goals in place, everyone began splitting off into groups.
“You’re coming with us, right?” Steve asked.
You bit your lip as you shook your head. “I’m staying with the girls,” you said. “You go with Dustin and Robin to Cerebro.” At the sight of his worried look, you added, “I’ll be okay.”
Steve shot you a scowl. “Don’t die without me.”
“Hard promise to keep,” you smirked, smacking his hand away from ruffling your already messy hair. Your fingers tangled with Steve’s, and he ended up holding your hand completely. “Don’t die first, Steven.”
Steve chuckled and was about to pull away when you tugged his hand back.
“Hey, Steve.”
“I know you and Robin…”
When you trailed off, Steve raised his brows at you, urging you to continue.
You shook your head, waving it off. “You guys just got drugged,” you reminded him. “Drive safely.”
“You say that as if I don’t have any experience from partying.”
“That isn’t comforting at the very least.” Then... you let go.
Turns out that it wasn’t just the gate that was triggering the growth.
When the Spider Monster burst through the glass ceiling for Starcourt Mall, the flowers in your lungs reacted the same way when Billy had grabbed you at the Holloway’s. It was one thing to lead the monster away from El, but it was another thing to be hunched in the trunk space of the Wheeler’s hatchback with said monster chasing you down the road.
“The answer to a never-ending story…”
You laughed at the song number from the radio in between coughs. “That definitely takes the sting out of dying,” you said. You can only imagine Erica’s face during this whole ordeal.
“Don’t say that.”
You looked at Steve in deadpan. You kept eye contact as you spat blood and body matter into an empty soda cup you found discarded in the car. It was a low-blow towards him, you knew that, and he didn’t deserve it.
But you were so tired, and you were so mad at yourself for always being late, for being cowardly.
So, when Jonathan turned the car to follow the Spider Monster that turned back to the mall, you immediately hopped off and went looking for El instead of going with them to set off the fireworks. Steve, as expected, put up a fight, insisting that you all stick together.
“I won’t go near it,” you reasoned. “I’m finding El and getting her out of here, while you keep it distracted.” When he looked unconvinced, you added, “The fireworks will also distract Billy. It’s going to be okay.”
“That isn’t comforting at the very least,” Steve said, making you laugh at your early words being thrown back at you.
You turned to see Nancy Wheeler toss a bundle of fireworks at you. At your raised brow, she shrugged, “Just in case.”
Following a broken gate not too far from where Steve rammed Billy’s car, you found an employee’s corridor where Max and Mike passed out nearby with angry bruises on their faces. You rushed over for Max and shook her awake. Her eyes immediately shot open.
“Billy, it was Billy,” Max said, panicked. “He took El. You have to go. I’ll take care of Mike. Go!” She staggered to her feet, gripping the pipes for stability.
“I can’t go near him or that thing.” You hesitated leaving Max, but when she yelled at you again to go for El, you turned your feet and broke off into a run. Then the fireworks began…
“Fuck!” you screamed, falling to your knees. Every corner of your body was set ablaze. You cried out as the flowers inside you constricted with every blast.
Max and Mike quickly caught up to you, pulling you to your feet. Suddenly, it was quiet, and a wave of calm washed over you. You saw a beautiful woman in a sundress and a hat by the beach. It wasn’t your memory, but it was being returned to someone after being taken away. Billy.
“She was pretty,” you could hear El cry in your head. “She was really pretty.”
Taking advantage of the situation, you sped through the corridor and into the mall. You found Billy beginning to stand up to the Spider Monster. “When I make a run for it, you grab El and get her out of here, okay?”
“What? You just said you can’t face that thing!” Mike told you.
“Just do it!” You pushed your feet as fast as you could to face the monster.
“No!” Billy roared, grabbing the monster’s tentacle mouth to stop it from reaching El.
Seeing your opportunity, you quickly pulled the taped matchstick from the bundle and ignited the fireworks. Swinging your arm back, you flung it as hard as you could into the monster’s mouth. Right as soon as the explosive left your hand, you caught incoming smaller tentacles headed for Billy’s side, slinging two of them to your side from the crook of your elbow.
“I got you,” you said out of breath, seeing Billy’s surprised face. However, your fight had the monster targeting you, sending two other tendrils to your side instead. You barely felt it, even as its sharp tongue stabbed into your abdomen.
Touching the Spider Monster was as worse as looking straight into the Gate. You cried out as flashes of memories of you and Steve, growing up through the years, bombarded you, while the flowers inside you began crawling outside your ribs instead. You barely heard the last firework go off as you felt the vines throbbing under your skin.
An arm wrapped around your waist and pulled your unmoving feet, dragging you away. Your spotted, blurred vision could only see a head of dark blonde curls with a massive dark mass in the background screeching in agony.
“It’s over. It's supposed to be over!" you heard Max’s muffled voice say. “What’s wrong with her?!” You felt hands on your shoulder, shaking you to snap out of it.
“Steve,” you breathed out. You tried to focus on Max, but with a blink, you were trapped back in your memories. Steve telling you to go home every time as he led a different girl up the stairs to his room. Steve dropping you off while thanking you for picking out a gift for Nancy. Watching him smile ever so fondly at Robin. Seeing the smile that you so desperately desired every time.
All the memories of Steve breaking your heart, you felt all at once.
You continued to unconsciously call out Steve’s name. Even when the paramedics began wheeling you out in a stretcher. You vaguely saw them cutting your shirt open, exposing the gore that was concealed by the fabric.
The black vines had reached out on the surface of your skin. The outline of your ribs was exposed, threading black and purple angry bruises over your torso. The right side of your ribcage had completely sank, one rib twisting outwards and leaking a mix of blood and black goo. The damage was extensive, but the monster you grew and fed inside you seemed to be finally lying still, only remaining dormant once the gate was sealed once again.
“… -eral broken ribs and possible internal bleeding!” a paramedic called. “One of her lungs has collapsed. She's in shock!”
Then Steve was there. You couldn’t tell if it was a memory or if it was happening at that moment. He was struggling against two firemen, trying to get to you with one hand reaching out. With the last bit of energy left, you raised your hand, reaching out towards him too.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Caught You ~Flayed Billy!
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Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @harrys-four-nipples @josephfakingquinn
My Master List is in This Area
Warning : Stalking, little darker
Summary : You've peak the interest of dear Flayed Billy Hargrove, but you aren't that easy to catch.
He eyed as you sat by the edge of the pool with your legs dipped in. His smirk lingered as he took the way your hair flowed down your back, the way you were more interested in the pool than to notice he was there. But you knew he was there.
" Pool's closed, doll face" he says as he makes his way over to you. You don't turn your gaze at the sound of his voice. He drops down besides you in his blue sleeveless shirt and red swimming shorts. His hair is matted, not his usual curls but they are plastered to his forehead. You knew this wasn't Billy Hargrove that you knew around school. This was the possessed Billy Hargrove.
" Are you listening?" his eyes are drilling into the side of your head. Your eyes finally turned to meet his. His mouth forms into a smirk when he has your attention. He likes the way you look at him with your pretty eyes.
" I've heard you, Billy boy" He growls underneath his breathe. " What? Did I upset you?" you chuckled.
He licks his lips as he leans in, you can see the small sweat gathering on his nose as his blue eyes, darken.
" You should go home, it's not safe for a pretty baby like you to be alone here" you don't let it show but a chill goes down your spine at his words. Something about them.
" I can take care of myself" He chuckles.
" I'm sure" his hand lands on your thigh. His hand is much bigger than you thought and those black veins catch your attention. You brought your finger to trace them leading up to his shoulder. His breath hitches as you shift closer. Your knee is touching his as you whisper, " you aren't as scary as you seem, flayed."
His mouth a jar a bit then spreads into a smirk, " well aren't we a little smarty pants. I like you."
" Better get home or the big monster might eat me" he looks up at you as you stand. He rolls his eyes, " Get home safe." He mumbles causing you to halt in your step.
" My, my, flayed Billy cares about little old me?" The only answer he give you is a smirk.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You weren't too surprised to see him standing by Benny's diner with his arms across his chest as his eyes falls on you. How did he know you'd be here? Was he following you?
" Nice to see you, flayed" He smirks as he hears you.
" You too, kitten" at that moment, that pet name makes all your insides scream at you. Your breath hitches and he takes notices the way you stopped.
" Oh you like that? You like it when I call you kitten?" he asks. A wide smirk spreads across his face as he licks his lips. His eyes roams from your legs all the way to your lips. You shatter in response eyeing the window where Steve sat with Dustin as they both waited for you.
He follows your line of vision to where Steve sat and his fist clench by his sides.
" Harrington? Is that who you've been spending time with?" he growls. His shoulders tensed up with a scowl on his face. He wasn't very surprised that you'd be around Steve Harrington out of all people.
" Pretty boy got you all hooked, doesn't he?" your eyebrows knit together as you shake your head, " We're friends but that's not really your business. Isn't Billy boy?" he growls at the nickname. It irks him that you call him that.
" Ah, you look upset. Did I hurt your feelings?' you cooed, giggling. His eyes darken as he took a step towards you. You eyed the way he had wild look in his eyes remembering this isn't the Billy Hargrove that you knew who sat next to you in class asking you to borrow pens.
This was Flayed Billy Hargrove, the possession inside him. The monster craved you. Craved your touch. Craved the way you'd look at him. Craved to smell you. Craved to held by you. But, he can't. He's a monster. Monsters don't have feelings. Especially not with pretty girls like you.
" Cat got your tongued, Flayed?" he pauses hearing you call him. His true name. The edges of his mouth grins as his eyes shine at the name.
" You've addressed me correctly, kitten. My, my. Are you trying to get into my good graces?" you shrugged.
" You're fun to please and tease"
He stood there in shock as he hears you. You wanted to play games with him and he was sure he could play those games with you. His eyes watched as you walked into the diner and sitting across from Steve, right next to Dustin. The two didn't happen to see the conversation between the two of you. But Flayed growl the way you hugged Steve and held onto him a little longer. He saw it. He sees everything.
" Oh kitten, you want to play. We will play"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had no idea that Flayed Billy was waiting for you outside the diner, sitting inside the Camaro as he chewed gum in his mouth. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as his gazed watched as you hugged Steve goodbye, he watched you watch Steve reverse in his BMW and leave.
You were searching for your keys in your pocket when you spotted the Camaro and Flayed eyes on you as he grins once he caught your attention. Why was he still here? You made your way in front of the door, standing still for a moment before leaning down. He rolled down the window, " Come sit, Kitten."
You look at him with an eyebrow raised seeing if he was serious or not and he smirks in response as your fingers grasped on the open door window.
" Don't be like that, kitten. Sit inside, I know you want to. I can tell from the look on your face you got there" he motions to his face then points to you.
You rolled your eyes, opening the door and sat down. He smirked widen in satisfaction as he tapped the steering wheel with his index finger. Flayed Billy sat in silence before he reached over to turn up the volume of the radio that you hadn't noticed was on. It's been playing something familiar. You can't put your finger on it.
Flayed Billy felt he was successful getting you into his car. You were obedient. A good little kitten. He watched as you eyed him from the corner of his eyes. His curls fell into his eyes shielding how blue his eyes are. His cheeks were flushed red as his eyes stayed on you.
You finally turned to look over at him, biting on your bottom lip, all while he locked his eyes on your bottom lip wishing he was the one biting it. His eyes were filled with lust and need. Need for you. Flayed Billy looked up into your eyes, memorized by the sight of you sitting there all pretty. He had forgotten all about what he saw in the diner. You sitting with Steve Harrington.
His eyes drop down to your lip that you kept biting on, he can see there is bits of blood already visible. His nose twitches and his mouth waters at the sight. He licks his lips and you smirk at him as you slide into his lap. By instance, he grabs onto your hips.
Your skirt scrunched up from behind and in the front a bit as sat on his jeans. Flayed Billy unbuttoned his shirt and threw it in the back, not really caring where it went. You took in his an skin filled with black veins as your fingertips run down his chest. You couldn't help yourself as you kiss his collarbones, sucking on the skin that there decorating it with love bits. They were dark matching almost to the color of those black veins making them like tree branches with your marks. He grabbed a hold of your hair and yanked it exposing your throat to him.
He tapped his two fingers against your lips seeing if you were a good kitten and obeyed him. You surprised him by opening your mouth, holding in the gag as he pushes his two fingers down your throat. He pushed his fingers in and out of your mouth, but you were riding on the tent that was forming in his pans.
" My good little kitten" he grinned loving that you were sitting all pretty on his lap. Flayed eyed your pretty neck that was exposed to him and brushes his lips against your neck, leaving soft kisses there. But he changed his mind leaving harsh, red marks on your neck and collarbones.
You are his to mark.
After he was satisfied with the marks all over your neck, he let your hair go and gripped you by the throat, pulling you closer to his face. Locking his lips with yours, he kissed you harshly and passionately. Your hands placed themselves on his chest as you continued to grind on him while Flayed Billy devoured your mouth. When he pulled away, he made sure you nibble on your bottom lip and suck on it. The blood that was there. He moaned at the taste of copper.
" You'll be a good kitten and suck my cock like I need you to"
You smirked at him, his eyes darken when he watches you and growls in satisfaction when he sees you nod. You slide off his lap and climb to the back when he follows you. You unzip his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, you took his leaking cock in your hands. You groped his cock with your hands, stroking his shaft to make sure there was more pre cum to your liking that's been already around your fingers. When it was wet and how you wanted it to be, you took him in your moth rolling your tongue around it.
Flayed Billy groaned, watching you with dark eyes shifting his hip as you bopped your head up an down in the pace you thought he would like. Before he even got a chance to cum inside your mouth, you let his cock slide out of your mouth with a pop. He hissed at the loss of your mouth flashing anger in his eyes.
" I didn't tell you to stop, kitten. Did I?" he growled.
" Relax there Billy Boy, this isn't over," you tell him, climbing into his lip. The growl replaced by a gin on his face. His fingers snake their way underneath your skirt while you slide off your shirt exposing the lacy bra you were wearing. You gasped when he moved your panties to the side and flicked your clit with his finger, making you shudder against him.
" You're so filthy, aren't you my kitten?" he mumbles against your ear as you grind against his thigh.
" I am, Billy boy," you nodded, moaning feeling him pepper kisses all over your chest.
" Do you fuck every man you set your eyes on? Hm?"
" Only the once with blonde curls and blue eyes, and veins"
" Only me, not poor Billy even?" he asks, teasing you. He knows how Billy feels about you. They are constantly fighting over you in his head. Though Flayed Billy doesn't understand why Billy chose you to have given his heart to. You were there since the moment Billy stepped foot into Hawkins, looking after Max and eventually Billy opened up to you about Niel and his mom. It took some time but he found you made him feel safe. You were there when he stood at your doorstep with bruises on him, and you were there when Flayed took over. You watched Billy fight with tears in his eyes, not wanting Flayed to take control.
You nodded, but that wasn't fully true. You liked Billy, he made you feel things you never thought you'd ever feel since your last boyfriend. Billy knew how much you were struggling in your life and finding out how your ex treated you, he swore if he saw your ex again, he would rearrange those insides of that boy.
Flayed tsk, knowing you weren't really telling him the truth. He lifted you up a bit off his lips while moving your panties to the side and pushing his cock into your dripping cunt. You let out a pain and pleasure at the same time filled with moans as his cock filled you up. Tears ran down your cheeks from the pleasure you were given.
He growled as he guiding your hips up and down. You held onto his shoulder as you bounced up and down on him. One of his hands cupped at your tit, rolling the nipple in between his fingers causing you to curse at him and moan his name. Not Billy. Flayed. You moaned Flayed.
You arched your back causing him to latch his mouth on your neck, licking at the skin there.
" Fuck, Kitten. You're so fucking tight. Has Billy felt you be this tight for him?" Flayed asked as he licks his lips at the sight of you. You only moaned in response as you chased your high.
You glance down watching yourself bounce on his cock, lifting yourself up and down and doing it over and over. Flayed Billy cupped your tits with both of his hands as he buried his face into them. You arched your back feeling him toy with your nipples, earning a loud moan from you.
" Just like that, Kitten. All for me"
" I need more, Flayed. More" you begged. His smirk widen as he thrusted upwards, making you release on his cock. He stilled for a minute with a chuckle as he hasn't cum yet.
" Look at how pretty your tits are Kitten" you look down to see crescent moon indents on your tits and glistering from his mouth lapping at them.
" You're prettier" he threw his head back in laugher before he glances down at you leaning in to kiss you desperate for your lips. But his cock was still inside you as he thrusted up. His hands moved to your hips as he helped you move up and down on him. Your fingers tugged on his sweaty curls as he rode out his high. Your overstimulating cunt screamed for you, but you let him. This wasn't Billy you knew. This was Flayed.
" I'm going to fill you up, Kitten." You moaned at his words, watching his eyebrows knit together as he edged closer to his release, your walls were screaming for him. His mouth continued to lap at your nipples. Thrusting up as he filled your walls with his cum. Flayed panted with his head down still being inside of you.
Your fingers move the strands of his curls out of his face as you lifted his head with your other finger, pursing your lips to kiss. But then you paused because there was a look in his eyes. Fear. You were watching him as the look on his face soften and he looked different.
" B-Billy?" you asked, hesitant. He was panting as he leaned back into his seat. Your fingers touched his cheeks watching his eyes roam over. You were indeed staring into the eyes of Billy Hargrove. Flayed was gone. But then there it was again, the dark gaze and the licking of lips with that smirk.
" Flayed" he nodded. " 'm going to need you to get off of me now, Kitten" he tells you. " Got places to be" he mumbles as he helps you slide off of him. His mouth waters at the sight of your dripping cunt of his cum.
" So pretty" he motions down, " but you are leaking on my seats, kitten. I'll be nice for now but next time you're cleaning it off with your mouth."
You nodded looking over to him to see if there was any sign of Billy there.
" Don't look at me like that, he's not here. Don't look so sad, Kitten" he winks watching you get dressed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" Oh Billy... Billy.. Billy.. you silly little pathetic boy" Flayed growls gripping the wheel as he drove. His foot pressed on the gas. " You really thought you'd get out and ask her for help?"
" Leave her alone"
The both of them were fighting in Billy's mind. Billy felt trapped as the monster over took his mind but he was there watching as Flayed took you like he wanted to take you. More differently, first a date and then proceed into that.
" You are too pussy to even touch her like that" Flayed smirked. " Oh? did you really think I wouldn't? Did you see the way she desperately really wanted my cock?"
" You're not what she wants"
" It's what she deserves, did you see the way she bounced on my cock? She looks so pretty, those tits. The way she looked at me"
" You don't know what she wants"
" And you do?" Flayed growled.
" She wants to be in love, what do you know about love?"
Flayed passed because he knows Billy is right. He didn't know anything about love and through it was the most pathetic thing in the world. Who need it?
" That's what I thought. She doesn't love you or care about"
" You think she loves you?" Flayed scoffed.
" I know she does" Billy says, with a smile. He can't help it but he saw the way you were looking at him when you saw that it was him for that moment.
Flayed growled as he put the end of that conversation. He wasn't about to let pathetic thing like love get in the way. He wasn't about to let Billy have what he wants.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
" You know it's dangerous to leave your window open like that, who knows who might climb in?" you rolled your eyes seeing Flayed standing by your dresser overlooking the rings on the small little bowl there.
" Maybe I left it for you" you smirked. Flayed turned his head as he chuckled, " for me?" he pointed himself with a sparkle in his eyes.
" You sure about that Kitten? I mean, I know you aren't so fond of me" he sits on the edge of your bed with his hand on your knee.
You eyes his hand on your knee and lean forward, " Can I talk to Billy?" the hand on your knee movs out of reach as he scowls.
" Why would you want to talk to that pathetic boy?"
" Please.." you begged him putting your hand on his shoulder. The touch from your hand on his shoulder makes something inside of him turn, but it's something he didn't feel before. He turned his head to lock eyes with you searching your face for that something. But what?
" Flayed?" you called out to him.
" And why would I do something like that?" he leans in that you feel his breath on your face.
" Because you care about me" he pulls away with a chuckle. " I don't care about anyone, let alone you" you can tell that something is bothering him and he isn't like this usually.
"Then why do you have that look on your face?"
" What look?' he asks.
" Like your scared of something" he looks down into his lap as he shakes his head. " I don't know what your talking about, I don't get scared of anything."
He feels your fingertips brush over his cheek and he shutters in response but pulls away as he stands up. He wasn't about to let you make him feel like this. He isn't suppose to feel anything at all. Let alone you.
" Flayed.." you softly called out to him.
" Go to bed, kitten" he says making his way to the window. His head t urned to look at you one more time and you catch it. The look in his eyes. There is a fight going on there, you can tell from the color of those eyes and the way his lip is quivering.
" Billy Hargrove, I will find you and I will help" Flayed gaze darkness as he scoffs, " Keep dreaming, Kitten. Keep dreaming."
Then he was gone.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
" What's been going on with you?" Steve asks as he snaps his fingers in front of your face as you stand by the counter at Scoops. You were staring into nothing causing Steve to worry. Robin emerges from the back seeing you still standing there and not ordering your ice cream.
" Are you okay?" she asks you reaching over to feel if your head was hot. It was okay. You were okay. At least to you. To them, they were kinda freaking out.
" 'm fine" you mumbled grabbing the ice cream cone from Steve's hands. You fished into your pockets to pay him when his hand dropped on top of yours and you look up at him to see he was shaking his head.
" But I-" he shakes his head and pushes your hand away.
" On the house, you look like you needed it" you nodded thanking him and waving to Robin as you exit out but your eyes found those dark blue eyes from across the store. He has been following you since the morning you arrived at the mall.
You happen to turn to make your way through the mall feeling him follow you. You didn't understand what he wanted. If he wasn't going to give you time with Billy than what did he want?
Your cheeks flushed as you remembered what happened in the car.
" You look lost, Kitten" he comes up next to you. You are surprised he's out in the open but he has his hood up that no one would notice that it's him.
" Why are you following me?" He shrugs.
" You're really pretty, so why not?" he watches you lick your ice cream with the flick off your tongue. His cock in his pants twitches at the sight as he licks his lips.
" Stop that" he says. You are confused on what he means as you continue when his hand outstretches and takes a hold of the cold ice cream dropping it on the ground.
" That was my ice cream!" He chuckles.
" I asked you not to do that, you disobeyed me. Therefore, you aren't allowed to have nice things like ice cream" he hisses. You know he's glaring down at you with those blue dark eyes but you can't really see because of the way his hair hangs in his eyes.
" Last time I checked, I wasn't yours Billy Boy" Flayed growls as he leans close, towering over you.
" You're mine kitten wether you like it or not. Don't let me catch you agin disobeying me" he looks around seeing some people were looking as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks off leaving you seething, hot and confused over him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You knew it was dangerous to be by the pool around this time knowing that he had his shift and he was closing tonight. The locker room door closed as he paused in the doorway leaning against the door with his elbow over his head as he glanced at you.
" Pool closed, kitten. Go home" your feet dipped into the pool as you watched the water swayed back and forth. You were wiggling your toes when a pair of feet stood next to you.
" Are you deaf?" he asked, crouching down. He had bags underneath his eyes as he stared at you with his head tilted to the side. His hair hang over his eyes waiting for your response.
" Do you know how to you use your mouth?" at those words, you turned your head you look at him with no expression on your face. Now, Flayed wouldn't care or listened to you talk about anything other than a good fuck for him, but here he was waiting for you to talk to him. He didn't know what this was.
" What it to you if I stayed?" He sat besides you dipping his feet into the pool as he stared at it. " Why do you keep Billy caged away?"
He is silent for a moment, " He doesn't belong here."
" And you do?" Flayed glanced over to you with a hollow look in his eyes. " Yes" he answers. Before you had a chance to ask him anything else, he pushes you into the pool. You cough on water as you resurface and look at him to see him laughing. Flayed Billy Hargrove was laughing.
Your eyebrow raised as you looked at him getting into the pool. He tugged you close to him that you were chest to chest with him in the water, pressed against one another under the sky. You wondered if he could feel your heart race or how nervous he made you. His hand reached out to brush your hair away from your face while the other grabbed your hip underneath the water.
You gasped at his rough touch.
" You okay there, kitten?" you narrow your eyes watching him. This was something new with Flayed. He cared? Since when? His hand trailed up your back, over to your shoulder, over your neck feeling every inch of your body. His other hand came up to cup your face as his thumb ran over your lips moving your head closer to him that he could kiss you.
You wrap your legs around him and suppress a moan as his hips buck against you. Flayed smirked feeling how your heart was racing against his skin. He liked it. You gasped feeling his hand tangled into your hair and pull on it, getting control over the kiss.
He presses a kiss on your neck, then on the other side.
" Fuck, flayed..," you moaned rolling your hips.
" I want you, kitten," he mumbles against your lips.
" Then maybe we shouldn't fuck in the pool?"
He frowned, then clenched his eyes as he pulled away from you thrashing in the water. You moved away watching with wide eyes. What was going on? He growled as he arched his back all of sudden and then everything stopped. His shoulder shook as he stood with his back to you.
" Are you okay?" you asked. The shoulder slumped and he turned around to face you. His head rose as he panted and there you saw the bluest eyes and those freckles. His eyes held worry in them.
" Billy?' you asked being cautious. He nods as giving you the answer it's him. You slowly move towards him.
" D-Don't" Billy whimpers. " P-please.." he whines with tears rolling down his cheeks. " He-es go-oing to hu-urt you"
" He won't" you shook your head as you stood in front of Billy. Your hand reached out to touch his cheeks and when you did, his hand reached out to catch your wrist in his hand.
" Pathetic" your face dropped as Flayed looks over to you. " I thought you knew better" He tsk in disapproval. " I thought I told you he doesn't belong here"
" I need to go" you mumble. Flayed tilts his head up as he looks at you with slit dark eyes. He doesn't move but a growl escapes from him. Your moving in the water feeling like your heart was about to be going up your throat.
You made a run for it. You had to, Flayed was staring to scare you and you didn't want him to be a part of your life anymore.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
His eyes wouldn't leave off of when you walked into the arcade with Dustin, Mike, Max, Lucas and Will by your side. He couldn't get the feeling off of him on how much you were enjoying yourself without him in his life. He stood by one of the machines with his hood up, he has been fighting Billy in his mind. Billy has been begging Flayed to come out to see you, to make you understand how this worked.
He tried and tried and tried and every time, Flayed had won.
It didn't come to you unnoticed that he was there. You felt a chill go down your spin and the air felt different. The blonde curls weren't a miss from the corner of your eyes and the way his eyes fell on you immediately.
" Are you paying attention?" Dustin clapped his hands in front of your face. You snapped out of your thoughts, " Yeah. Here" you handed the rest of the coins he needed to play while you stood there watching over them.
" Is that..." Max asked in a hush tone as her eyes fell on Flayed in the corner. " Don't look Max, but yes" you nodded. She eyed him whispering, " Do you need me to call Steve?" she asked while you shook your head pushing her back with the others.
When it was time to go, you walked out with the kids pausing in your step seeing he was leaning against the Camaro.
" We're not afraid of you!" Dustin shouted as he was ready to pounce but felt your hand on his chest stopping him. " Go in the car, Dustin" you tell him.
" We can take him" Lucas says as he and Mike rose their fists up in the air. " Get in the car, now" you hissed at them, " you too Max. Will, please" Will took a hold of Max as they hurried into the car. But they all peeked out watching you.
" You scared, Kitten?" he asked, letting his hood down making his curls shake as he glanced over to you. He snapped the gum in his mouth.
" Why would I be scared?" He chuckled, " Last time you ran away from me. Are you running again?" He slide off the hood of his car and took a step towards you.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you eyed him.
" I don't have anything to be afraid of" Flayed look impressed that you were actually standing your ground and not running away like a scared kitty cat.
" I'll see you tonight" he spoke unlocking the doors of the car, " you stay pretty now, Kitten" he winks as he reversed and drove off. You looked at the kids watching and when they saw you were watching them , the ducked down.
" Not a word" you mutter to them as you stared the car.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Your eyes widen to find him standing in your kitchen the next morning. How did he get in? You looked for any sign of broken windows but your feet were planted on the ground. He stood over the stove cooking breakfast. This wasn't normal at all. Anything about this was not normal.
" What are you doing here?" you finally spoke out, voice shaking with fist clenched by your side.
" Cooking you breakfast, this isn't something I eat. You know" he motioned to the pan, looking over to you like you had another grown head or something.
" Why?" you asked. Flayed chuckled as he turned off the stove and dropped the spatula.
" Because, I like you" something about those words weren't very secure about them. " W-what?" you asked in disbelief. Flayed put his hands on his hips as he shrugged. There wasn't any other answer he could give you but that. He reached out to grab onto your wrist but you stood back.
" Don't you run away, not from me Kitten" he says taking a step towards you but you took one step back, turning around and running up the stairs to your room. You had a small given space underneath the bed that you had enough time to fit underneath there.
You can hear the rage behind Flayed's voice as he stomped up the stairs, his boots hitting on the floor as he walked closer and closer.
" You're really going to hide from me, kitten?"
His voice got louder, like a explosion and it was very deep. You heard it has clear as day from underneath the small space of your bed. He was nearing to your bedroom. He checked one of the bathroom first, then the guest room, he didn't know what room to check because he wasn't been in your house before. Billy has.
" Come out, come out kitten, Flayed isn't going to hurt you. Just has a few words for you" the words were dripping with sarcasm and venom as he opened your bedroom door looking around and you watched from the space you were in as his feet stopped in front of your closer and he opened it. He examined the inside with what he saw there only to scowl.
It was like the panic had disappeared once his boots turned around and he made a bee line to the door. Holding your breath, you knew it wouldn't be too long until he found you. He was going to find you. There was no other way around it.
Flayed wasn't the type of play games like this. But you were going to take every bit of time you had to hide from him. Besides, if you were being honest, him hunting you down down sent a chill down your spine. It was exciting.
Although you didn't noticed that you had coughed all of sudden and the house grew quiet.
No more shouting. No more footsteps. The sudden silence made you crow in fight.
You are right to feel that feeling when a large hand gripped around your wrist and you shrieked, the sound louder than anything as you were dragged out in one motion.
" Found you" His blue eyes were darker shade as they narrowed at you. " Ouch!" you yelped, trying to scramble away but the grasp on your wrist was released and he grabbed onto your hips, refusing to let you.
" You shouldn't of hid underneath the bed otherwise you wouldn't be dragged out like a doll" he scoffed pushing you down on the ground, pinning your body with his. You kept thrashing under him even with the amusement in his eyes. He pushed your legs apart, and pressed his knee a little hard against your heat. You whimpered against him, grinding against his leg. Your body shutters as he watches you, licking his lips.
Your heart felt like it was on the edge of slipping out of your mouth, not even noticing he took off his boots. He might of taken them out somewhere near your room to surprise you. Flayed didn't really like this game at all, but he tried. For you.
" I thought you liked me, this isn't nice..," you whined out underneath him causing him to chuckle from the way you were wiggling under him and trying to escape. His hand that was on your hip rose to hold on your throat. He didn't squeeze, didn't out pressure but was using as a way to show you that you were his.
" Stop moving, kitten" He growled, a warning he was giving you sending it straight to your core and you couldn't help the way your thighs squeezed around his.
" You look so sad, why is that kitten? Lonely, aren't we?"
You were trying so hard to decided wether you should press his buttons or not. You didn't know if he deserved the apology that you ran away scared of him. He was Flayed, he wasn't Billy. He didn't have emotion and he didn't care or did he?
Your voice came out a squeak, " I wasn't.. I-"
" I know, you just wanted my attention"he sneered, giving a tap around your neck, his legs pushed against your body as you whimpered. " Only mine" his breathed against you lips as he got closer, hovering above your wide eyed face. His snarl changed into a wicked grin, that's when you got nervous.
The anxiety in you was building," you like it that I give you attention, don't you?" maybe it was the nerves that were getting you but the squeaks from under him was all he heard. The only pleasure you were getting was the way your hips bucked against his leg, the motion offered you as held you down.
" No answer?" His face pulled back to look down at you as he listens to your breath hitch, but he smirks as he thinks of something.
" Open your pretty little mouth"
That certainly threw you off guard as your brain tried to wrap around his words. You felt a squeeze at your throat, " I said open your mouth, kitten."
You listened and obeyed, you were a mess underneath him listening to his growls making your cunt throb. Your lips came apart, hanging open as he requested. His growling stopped as he spit directly into your mouth letting it land straight on your tongue. The grin on his was wild as he watched the liquid gather on your tongue. You were being his good little girl keeping your mouth open for him to look at.
" See that? I gave you some attention" he declared, smug with his hand tightened around your throat, "now I want you to swallow."
Your eyes fluttered at his command as you swallowed. A groan escapes from him as he watched, he was surprised with the words that came out of your mouth.
" Thank you"
He cursed to himself inside his head as he climbed off of you, releasing you from his body. But it was just for brief moment, before he was manhandling you again, treating you like you were a doll to him. One hand was on your waist while the other gathered the hair in a fist as he pushed you to the bed.
" After your pretty manners, you think you deserve something or. do you think I forgot that you ran away from me?" your body jolted as a smack landed on your ass.
" F-Flayed, pl-lease," you moaned through the sheets as he tugged your pants and panties down to your ankles like a hungry animal.
" P-please.." he mocked you. He gave you another smack on the ass, his plan settling on the swell of the flesh and pulling to reveal you were dripping for him. His breath hitched from the way you were trying to look over your shoulder at what he was doing was cute.
" You are one bad little kitty. If you want me to let you cum, you should be a good girl and apologize,"
" N-No, y-you wouldn't dare.."
" Oh? Is that so?" you gasped and your body jolted feeling his spit land on between your cheeks that he was playing around with and watching it drip. A moan escapes from you feeling his two fingers stuffing inside your cunt, his other hand curved around your thighs so he could curve his fingers. It was hard to protest or say anything to him while he stretched you out with his fingers.
You moaned out his name, Flayed instead of what he wanted with your hands fisting the sheets and your hips tried to grind against his touch, but he helped you stay stead with his hips pressed behind you.
" Flayed!" you moaned.
" Not what I wanted to hear" he tsked sat you, sighing to himself in disappointment. He was focusing on the way he was touching you and made you gasp against him, the moans and cries escaping your lips. When you arched your back and whined for him, that when he focused on that certain spot watching the pleasure build inside of you.
Your little whine and gasps were captivating to him but they weren't what he wanted to hear, his hand yanked at your hair using it as you get your face from the covers where you were hiding it to hear you better.
" What was that? Can't really hear you, kitten? Do I need split you with my cock?"
His palm started to grind into your folds and applying pressure to your clit as your body was coming closer and closer, only for him to pull his hand away at the last minute.
" Please, Flayed... please"it sounded more like a sob than a plead.
He dropped you onto the bed for a moment as he undid his pants as he licked his lips, you turned a bit to look at the bulge that has been pressing against your ass. It made you mewl more for his cock. His cock sprang up, hitting against his stomach.
" I need you to answer my question...I'm waiting.."
" yes, yes," you finally answered him with a small whimper, lifting up your hips up begging for him to take you. " Yes, I wanted your attention. I'm sorry for running away" this time you pleaded with a small sniffle and he was laughing at you at this point as he grabbed your hip with one hand while the other grabbed his cock in the other. He let his length slide between your cheeks, teasing you before slipping it lower into your awaiting cunt. His cock nudged in between your folds, slowly thrusting into you. Every nudge of his tip against your clit draw little gasps that he loves to hear, making you tremble against him, urging him to go on. His body bended over yours, caging you in the bed as his lips hovered over your ear.
" Tell me again" he demanded, his voice was quieter, taunting you with a small lick over the shell. Every shudder, every little gasp and every sound escaped from you caused a laugh to erupt from his chest against your back.
" I'm sorry, Flayed.. I am sorry for running.. I'm sorry.."
A screamed erupts from you as he slams his cock into you fully, making you feel like your walls and everything inside of you was going to erupt. It felt like he was breaking you in half in the best way. Each clam of his hips made you scream over and over. They weren't slow like he started, but they were steady and harsh. Each thrust made the bed creak.
He moved a bit away from you, "I know you like me back" he brought his hand underneath you, trapping your lower stomach as he dragged you up on your toes that you can feel how toyed with you.
It made you cry for him. You felt every inch of him inside of you causing your walls to shatter, made you see stars, your eyes rolling back into your head.
" Rude not to answer, I thought you knew your manners" he growled.
" I do!"
"Good" he snickered, watching you cry and slobber on the bed as you answer him. He picked up the pace a big, focusing on the way his hand was going down in between your legs and giving your clit attention, rubbing small circles as he groaned.
" Need to hear you, kitten" And he did. His name left your lips like a dream, a prayer.
He added the pressure on your sweet spot with his fingers just enough to send you to the edge. Stars appeared behind your eyes as you screamed out before dropping your head on the bed as you came. He thrusted into you a couple of more times, following behind you and painting the inside of your wall with white. Yours and his moans filled the room.
He slipped out of you and panted as he sat on the bed with his head against the wall. The curls stuck to his forehead, his mouth a jar as his body drew in sweats and his blue dark eyes were in slits. While you laid on the bed, panting with slobber as you rolled over on your back.
There was a moment in silence before you heard the groan and a small whimper besides you. Your head snapped towards the noise to see him hunched over and shaking. Immediately you shoot up thinking something is wrong but when he rose his head and you met those blue eyes, you knew it wasn't Flayed looking at you this very moment.
His hands reached over to cup your face with both hands as his lips brushed against yours. He wanted to feel you against him, he wanted to know what it was like to kiss you. It felt different when Flayed was in control. This time, he kissed you passionately and desperately.
Your arms wrapped around him as his soft lips moved against yours. You pulled away, breathless.
" How long do I have with you?" Billy's only response was he kissed you again, this time a little harsher with small whimpers escaping his mouth. You let him kiss you for awhile before he pulled away and you were staring back into those dark blue eyes, his grin was wide.
" Happy to see me?" he asked, your hands pulled away from him as he laughed, picking you up carrying you into the bathroom. Flayed Billy might be here, but you knew that the real Billy was in there and had his moments sharing with Flayed on how to look after you.
Maybe this wasn't bad after all. Maybe having Flayed in your life wasn't too bad.
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lolita-lollipop · 9 months
Miscellanious Masterlist
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Yandere other mother x reader
Yandere demon HC's
Haruka x reader x juri kuran
Yandere father levi x daughter reader x mother change Pt:2
Yandere who can clone themselves drabble Pt:2
yandere levi x male reader
Yandere squid games x reader
Yandere Luisa HC's
yandere UA x reader
Yandere Sister vi x reader x Yandere sister jinx
Yandere Silco x reader
Yandere Madrigal familia x reader
Yandere flayed! billy hargroves x reader
Yandere Fallen angel x reader
Yandere mafia leader jungkook x reader HC's
BTS coraline Au
"Spiderweb" miguel ohara x reader
Yandere Uvogin x reader
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Henderhopwheeler X Reader (Dustin Henderson X Jane Hopper/eleven X Mike Wheeler) Idea’s for you!
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Mike Wheeler~
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Jane Hopper/Eleven~
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Dustin Henderson~
Henderhopwheel X Maleficent!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Harley Quinn!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Hydrokinesis!Reader (inspired by Aang from the last Airbender)
Henderhopwheel X Pyrokinesis!Reader (you can make, manipulate or control dark blue fire)
Henderhopwheel X Scarlet witch!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Electrokinesis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Chorokinesis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Enchantress!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Vampire!Reader (inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
Henderhopwheel X Werewolf!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Demon!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Succubus!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Bisexual!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Sapphire witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but dark blue)
Henderhopwheel X Escape lab!Reader (you have scarlet witch powers but purple not red)
Henderhopwheel X Emerald witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but green)
Henderhopwheel X Rose witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but maroon pink)
Henderhopwheel X Raven!Reader (Inspired by Rachel Roth from titans)
Henderhopwheeler X Captain marvel!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Na’vi!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Echinda!Reader (your half-snake half-human)
Henderhopwheeler X Goth!Reader
Henderhopwheeler X Mute!Reader
Henderhopwheeler X Blind!Reader (inspired by Toph beifong from avatar: the last airbender)
Henderhopwheel X Russian!Reader (you don’t speak English but you understand it)
Henderhopwheel X British!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Siren!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Mermaid!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Tourette’s!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Male!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Solar witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but yellow)
Henderhopwheel X Amber witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but orange)
Henderhopwheel X Ghostface!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Yandere!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Famale!Demogorgan!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Ahmanet!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Mean!bully!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Deaf!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Wednesday!Reader (Jenna Ortega version inspired)
Henderhopwheel X Ghostrider!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Hargrove!Reader
Hendrrhopwheel X Sinclair!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Catwomen!Reader (inspired by the Hallie berry version)
Henderhopwheel X Egyptian goddess!Reader
Hendethopwheel X Telekinesis!Reader (your stronger than eleven and Vecna)
Henderhopwheel X Possessed!Reader (instead of will getting possessed by the mind flayer it was you and it effected you worse)
Henderhopwheel X Flayed!Reader (you were flayed along with Billy but worser than him)
Henderhopwheel X Punk!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Darkness witch!Reader (scarlet witch powers but black not red)
Henderhopwheel X Cryokinessis!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Daki!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Nezuko!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Transgender!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Ashnikko!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Zombie!Reader
Henderhopwheel X Golden Witch!Reader (Scarlet witch powers but golden not red)
Henderhopwheel X Dragon!Reader (inspired by Siveth from DragonHeart: Vengeance)
Henderhopwheel X Female!Alastor!Reader (your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in.)
Henderhopwheel X Beldem!Reader (your basically what the other mother is in coraline)
Henderhopwheel X Deadite Elle!Reader
(A/N: Hi hope you loved this make sure to go see my other posts i would recommend doing so because they can inspire you like this hopefully did all my posts can inspire you for when you need inspiration for x readers I would actually seriously recommend seeing my other posts you might find some inspiration YOUR WELCOME!:)
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dark666posting · 4 months
Dark666Posting Masterlist
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TW: ALL OF THESE ARE DARK FICS. READ ALL WARNINGS.****** Don't understand why people read stories like this? Click here.
Started: 5/13/24
Total Works: 11
Stranger Things- (I no longer write for ST.)
Eddie Munson:
Stress Relief (Eddie x Innocent!Virgin!Reader) NON CON!! Your best friend finds a new use for you.
Mine. (Eddie x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! He's not accepting of your new relationship.
Billy Hargrove:
Doll Face (Billy x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! Breaking and entering and breaking and entering.
Until He's Bored (Flayed!Billy x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! Billy corners you at your new job.
Next Time? (Billy x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! You're a mechanic and an old classmate comes in for a tune-up.
Obsession (Flayed!Billy x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! Breaking up was never an option.
Fed to You (Billy x Drunk!Fem!Reader) NON CON!! A surprise near the end.
Bad Friends (Billy x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! A new addition to your friend group puts a strain on your on/off relationship with Steve.
Henry Creel (001):
In My Solitude (001 x Fem!Number!Reader) ((Reader is an adult, she's just also a number)) NON CON!! You're an unruly subject in the lab and somehow, you end up as Henry's pet.
Fallout (TV/Game)-
Ghoulish Overkill (Cooper x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! Cooper finds you in a bind and now you owe him.
Taking too Long (Nick Miller x Fem!Reader) NON CON!! Talking is taking too long, he's impatient.
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sadhours · 5 days
the diner - part one
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billy hargrove x fem!reader
cw: 18+ minors dni, stalking, murder, toxic relationship, trauma, hallucinations, flayed!billy, peeping Tom, masturbation briefly mentioned, horror
He survived. Somehow— someway. Billy survived. Took care of what he should have so long ago. But that monster lingers, still alive within him.
You’re an innocent girl who works next door to him and he can’t help himself. Could you help him or is he too sick?
read on ao3
part two
Rain slips down, leaving clean streaks across the scum splattered front window of the shop. It’s deep into the evening, town’s asleep except for the truck stop directly next door. Bright lights illuminating the gas pumps, convenience store and the 50’s style diner. The one you work at.
And in the darkness of Route One Garage, Billy stands at the window. Watching. Eyes following as your hair bobs up and down with your steps as you run around the diner. Taking orders, filling coffee cups, carrying hot plates of greasy food made on grills cleaned less often than the health department wants. He’s eaten there, knows you can taste the filth in the food. But it’s the only place to get food this late for miles. The place is full of truckers, different faces but they might as well be the same copy of a person. In and out all day long. Billy’s seen the way they talk to you, been witness to it and just sat there with his blood boiling. Didn’t do anything about it because he’s a pussy and also, because you don’t know him. Sure, he comes in semi-regularly but he doesn’t really talk to you. He can’t for some reason. But before he moved to this teeny, shithole of a place, Billy wasn’t like this. He could talk to any woman. You didn’t look at him like most women did, though.
He watches you like this almost every night. Every night you’re there. Fantasizes about the things he wants to do to you. Sometimes those things are questionable, violent even but sometimes they’re just fantasies of talking to you— making you fall in love.
But he did something that woke up these dark demons deep in him. Well, two things.
Billy still has visions of the shape shifting monster. Haunts his dreams. Recalls each time he led an innocent person to the monster. Regretted not leading his father to the monster. So when he crawled out of the slimy, pulsing portal. He found his dad. Did what he’d always been too weak to do. Billy wonders if that monster still possesses him. If there’s still some of those black, gunky slugs in his stomach. Puked them up for weeks, it felt like.
But he’s thousands of miles from Hawkins. Though it feels like part of him is still contaminated. Made him reclusive, awkward, scarred up. Maybe that’s why he’s scared to talk to you. He knows he doesn’t look like he used to. His hair’s longer, his eyes are darker, his body has starfish shaped scars patterned all over. That charm has been evacuated. He’s not as suave.
Obsessive. That’s how he is now and he knows it but he can’t stop himself.
Billy knows where you work, he knows what you drive and he knows where you live. He has the name of your boss, your parents and your ex boyfriend. He’s followed you to the dive bar in town, walked around the general store and kept his eye on you and the things you buy. He’s full blown stalking you. It’s not his fault, though. That monster gave him this sickness and this town gave him loneliness. A recipe for disaster.
And you’re just so fucking pretty. The way your face lights up when you smile stains his eyes when he closes them. If he focuses hard enough he can hear your voice. Same script over and over.
“Hey, how’s it going?”
“Shop busy, today?”
“Usual tonight?”
“Coffee, eggs over easy, hash browns , extra bacon and sausage, right?”
“Want some more coffee?”
“Anything else tonight? Maybe some apple pie?”
“Ya sure? It’s really good apple pie, I promise.”
“I’ll just get your check, then.”
Sometimes Billy can finish when he’s thinking about those words. Which is sick and he knows that but he feels like he can’t help himself. Wonders what you think of him. You’re not a bitch or anything but you don’t ever look at him like girls used to look at him. Nothing like the moms laid out by the pool. Not like you think he’s good looking but like he’s any other face you see. Which infuriates him but makes him sad about himself more than anything. Occasionally he looks at himself in the mirror until he feels sick. Until he sees his dad. Tells himself he needs a haircut, needs to shave the mustache. Sleep more so he can lose the bags under his eyes. Maybe you’d look at him differently.
The lights flicker, buzz loud enough he can hear it in the shop. He leaves. Locks up the place and his boots take him to the diner. To the same booth he always sits in. Lights up a smoke and meets your eyes from across the place. You don’t flush the way girls used to. In fact, Billy can’t register any kind of reaction on your face. So he flicks his ash on the floor because you’ll have to sweep it up and it feels like he won. Won what? He doesn’t really know, but he wants you to clean up his mess. Gives him some kind of satisfaction.
The script starts when you walk up. A variation of it.
“Late tonight,” you say, filling up his coffee cup without asking. “Must be busy.”
“Sure,” he says. Always keeps it short because you don’t meet his eyes and he can’t meet yours. Instead he stares at your hands, pretty fingers wrapped around the carafe’s handle.
You walk away. To put the coffee away he guesses. Stares at the mug, wraps his own fingers around it and takes a careful sip. His eyes find you behind the counter, giving a look of disdain to your coworker who said something and then you grin. Laugh at whatever she said to you. Then you’re back at his booth and his eyes fall to the table as the script resumes.
“Eggs over easy, hash browns, extra bacon and sausage,” you recite from memory and Billy gets a bit of satisfaction from it. Proud of you for some reason.
“You remember,” he says, low and steady.
You scoff and chuckle, the sound makes his thighs tighten and you say, “Kind of hard to forget it. You’ve never changed it.”
Bold for some reason, he replies, “Maybe I should.”
“We do have a whole six pages on that menu. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you open it, though,” you offer and this is new. It’s off script. Both you and him.
Billy smirks, flips open the menu and peers down at the first page. It’s greasy, a stain of sticky jam at the top left corner and he immediately catches a typo. He purses his lips and continues to flick through it. You pull the notepad from your apron but he’s too nervous to look up at your face. He flips another page and then, finally, looks up at your face.
“What do you like?”
You look shocked. He likes that.
“Uh,” you laugh, a soft little sound and Billy’s skin is hot. “Our patty melt is pretty damn good.”
He closes the menu, slides to the end of the table as he replies, “I’ll have that then.”
“Wow, you’re full of surprises tonight,” you quip, “Fries or potato salad.”
“Why don’t you give me a surprise,” Billy says and then looks away because you’re too fucking gorgeous and he’s on a roll. Kind of feels like his old self right now and looking at you would fuck that up.
You pick up the menu and laugh again, “Sure thing.”
You walk away and he takes a hit of his neglected cigarette, ash falling to the table as he does so. Another mess of his for you to clean. Makes his whole body tingle at the thought. You don’t check on him before his food is done. But Billy keeps checking on you, eyes bouncing up to follow you as you work. Finishes his cigarette and coffee. Takes in the uniform you’re in. The big, bold name on the pin clasped into your blouse.
When you bring his food, you ask, “Got anymore surprises for me tonight?” and his mind runs wild. Sick fantasies. Ideas that make him feel guilty and the charm he’d felt after years slips far, far away.
But you say, “Good. Don’t wanna overwhelm me too much.”
You fill his coffee again and walk away. Then he eats and the script resumes as normal. He pays. Sits in his car until all the lights in the diner shut off. Watches you walk to your car, waits a beat after you drive off before he starts his car and follows you. To your house. Keeps waiting until you go inside to park behind your car on the street and watch the numerous lights flick on and off. Aiding in him as he imagines exactly how your night plays out. He thinks you go into the kitchen first. Maybe you get a drink, perhaps a beer. When he’s followed you to the bar, he’s seen you drink beer. Then that lights flicks off and the TV turns on. Can see the variety of brightness and colors through the window. He thinks of what you might watch. Imagines sitting on the couch with you, cuddled up. His thoughts get perverted quickly and before he knows it, he’s staring at your window with his dick in his hand with the fantasy of your mouth on him.
After he finishes, he’s still watching. Until the changing lights of the TV go black and a different light turns on. Bathroom. That window is small. You brush your teeth, maybe wash your face. He takes this time to get out of his car, walk to the window on the side of the house, crouch down and peer through the broken blinds. Your bedroom. You turn the light on, back to the bathroom to turn that light off and return. Close your door and undress. You sleep nude but you keep a robe next to your bed. You flick off the light. Sink into bed and Billy stays for a while. Until he knows you’re asleep. He thinks about sneaking inside but he hasn’t gathered the gusto to do so yet. The whole watching you through the window is new enough. But he’ll escalate soon. Won’t be able to help himself.
Then Billy goes home. Back to his shady little apartment. Falls asleep on the couch with infomercials playing on the TV. He’ll wake up and do the same thing again tomorrow.
Dark tendrils wrap around his wrists and ankles. Pull him in opposite directions. His eyes are wide open but his body feels paralyzed. He tries to scream but it’s gargled and there’s a monster limb attaching to his mouth, pulsing down his throat. Fills his belly with baby slugs. The sticky limb retreats him and the constraints on his ankles and wrists unravel and he’s shaking. Thrashing. Screaming. Crying. Pleading.
Then Billy’s awake, sits up straight and pants. Looks around his room and there’s nothing there. Just him and the mess of his belongings. He cries. Then he showers. Makes himself vomit and he sees no slugs. No sludge. Just the dinner and foamy beers he had. Billy showers, water so hot it burns— turns his skin patchy red and tingly. He vomits again. Watches the sick circle the drain. Cries some more. Feels the loneliest he’s ever been. Wonders why he can’t kill himself. Why he doesn’t have the strength to do that.
He’s up too early. Doesn’t work for another three hours. Billy paces his apartment. Chain smokes and pounds coffee. He briefly thinks of Maxine. Stalks over to his freezer and reaches in it for the bottle of vodka he keeps in there and guzzles some of it down. Drowns out Max. Maybe he should make sure you get to work safe. He has to do something. Anything.
The drive to your house is routine, but he doesn’t often do it in daylight. Can’t risk you seeing him, so Billy parks a couple houses down. Chain smokes while he waits and soon enough, you’re walking to your car.
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billys-pretty-babe · 2 years
Kiss My Scars
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Billy loved his body before July 4, 1985 and after months of therapy and recovery, he's not the same. His appearance disgusts him but you still think he's the prettiest boy in the world.
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Gif from Pinterest!
Warnings : Swearing, mentions of nightmares, mentions of Flayed!Billy, mentions of Starcourt Mall, mentions of Neil, kissing of scars, if I missed anything please let me know!
Word Count : 1.6k
A/N : This is my first time writing for Billy and he is slightly OOC unless stated otherwise. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated :) Any and all grammatical mistakes are my own fault so please kindly let me know so that I can fix them.
From the minute he saw you, Billy Hargove fell hard and fast but he had a cycle, he hooked up with girls almost daily, crushing their hearts when they found out they couldn't flaunt him around the school. You would walk behind Billy as if he were your personal bodyguard, willing to lay a hand on anyone that disrespected you.
During the summer, Billy began to act weird, he was snappier than usual, he would cover his body which was unusal, always wanting to flex in front of you to make you laugh that sweet laugh that he loved so dearly. He was gone a lot and soon, he stopped showing up to the pool along with Heather and oh how Karen Wheeler was so upset that she couldn't see Billy anymore because of his absence.
July fourth rolls around, Max is trying to get you to stay away from Billy, she says it's for your safety and you wonder what has happened to him. "Is Neil getting worse?" "Is Billy in danger?" "Why haven't you seen him in weeks?" All of these thoughts swarmed your mind along with others. Around midnight, breaking news filled every home, Starcourt Mall had caught on fire, people died, others were injured and a picture of your best friend, your crush for the past three months was in critical condition and wasn't expected to live.
Months passed, Billy was in therapy along with Max and you were by their sides. Each night that Billy had a nightmare, you were right there beside him and the nights you weren't, Max was calling you from the phone in her room, telling you he woke up screaming and crying. You had asked him about them and he would brush you off, claiming it was nothing, just seeing people die in the fire.
One night, he arrived at your house, all of the lights off and he sighed as he grabbed the trash can and climbed onto it and he walked on the shingles of your house until he got to your window before he ducked inside, knowing you kept the window unlocked for him when Neil was ruthless. His body relaxed, seeing you in your bed, limbs splayed out as you slept wildly and he sighed in relief as he recalled the nightmare of him taking you to the Mindflayer and watching you become one of him.
"Billy?" He snapped out of his trance and turned to you, seeing that your lamp had turned on as you wiped your eyes free of sleep and wiped your face free of drool. He hummed, his eyes exhausted, "What're you doing," you asked as your words slurred, sleep filled your voice. "Nightmare," he replied and you hummed, eyes beginning to close as you patted the spot beside you in your bed. "Are you going to hog the blanket?" You opened one eye and showed him your middle finger and laughed tiredly as he laughed with you.
"Shut up and lay down with me," Billy nodded despite you not seeing it as you shut your eyes again and he took off his shirt and sighed as he looked in your mirror, his skin scarred and pink, "God," he huffed out, disgusted with himself. "You're still beautiful," Billy's head snapped back to see your eyes slightly opened as he tried to cover his midsection.
"No, I'm not. I'm scarred, I hate myself," you sighed and got up, stumbling slightly as you walked to him, wrapping your arms around him and you placed your head on his bicep. You placed an index finger on one of the scars and he tensed up, "Do you want me to stop?" He clenched his jaw and shook his head, tears forming in his eyes as you traced the scar, feeling the rugged skin under your fingertip and Billy tensed in your hold and you stopped.
"B," you softly spoke, "I'll stop," he shook his head and sniffled a little, "No no," he gulped, trying to get the lump out of his throat, "keep going, if you want," you nodded and kissed his bicep and traced the rest of the scar. You moved to a lower scar, near his hip and lightly traced it and you watched his face in the mirror to see him already looking at you, tears sitting at his waterline, a few escaping when he blinked and he was quick to wipe them.
"I feel," he hiccuped, trying not to sob, "like a pu-pussy for crying," he tried to chuckle, trying to make light of the situation but the sound didn't escape him, a lump in his throat. You took your finger from his scar and he quickly grabbed your hand and placed your hand flat on his stomach and he kept his hand over yours and you kissed his shoulder blade, "Billy, you went through something horrific and I don't even know what happened. I can't imagine what it's like, whatever it was but you're so strong," your words came out soft, trying to stay calm.
You had never seen Billy cry before and it startled you, you weren't too sure how to comfort him, not wanting to overstep a boundary. You settled for rubbing his back with your other hand as you continued to softly talk to him. "Can I do something?" He nodded as he tried so hard to keep his cries inside, not wanting to wake your parents up as they slept on the other side of the wall.
You stepped in front of him and looked up at him, your best friend having a height advantage on you as you placed your hands on his chest and looked at him, taking in his beauty as if he were the best sculpture you had ever seen, often comparing him to a statue of a Greek God.
You located a scar on his chest, below your hands and you leaned in and softly placed your lips on it and Billy couldn't help it, letting the sob rip from his throat as he shook in your hands. You looked up, placing your right hand on his cheek, softly rubbing and wiping tears at the same time. You directed him to your bed and sat beside him as you held him tightly, letting him cry on you as you massaged the back of his head, trying to comfort him again.
Minutes passed as his shoulders stopped shaking erratically and he lifted his head from your chest and wiped his face, his eyes and nose red from crying and for the first time in a long time, your best friend looked broken and you knew you could pick up the pieces this time. "Can you do i-it again," he asked, hiccuping in the middle of his sentence. "Trace them?" He shook his head and twirled his thumbs as he looked down at his hands.
It clicked, he wanted you to kiss them again and you gently grabbed his face so he would look at you and softly smiled at him, "You want me to kiss them?" He nodded, "If you want, you don't have to." You moved your hands to his shoulders and gently pushed his shoulders so he would get the memo and he laid down and grabbed one of your pillows and propped himself up a little.
"You can uh," he scratched his temple with nerves in his belly, "sit in my lap if it'll make it easier for you," you nodded, trying to hide your smile. You sat on his jean clad thighs, "Are you staying the night?" He nodded. "Take off your belt and jeans, I still have a pair of your shorts in my drawer," he nodded again and stood up and took off his belt, throwing it in the chair in the corner of your room and stripped off the jeans, struggling to get them down his thighs and you giggled softly and he looked at you and laughed with you.
Once he got his pants off, he grabbed the white shorts and quickly put them on and laid back down and you sat back down on his thighs, the hair tickling your thighs lightly. You looked up as Billy looked at you and you moved a few strands of his hair as it was splayed out like a halo as if he were your own fallen angel.
"You're okay with me kissing them?" He nodded, "Yeah." You smiled and bent down and kissed the one on his chest and you looked back up at him, "Can I hold your hand?" He nodded and held your soft hand in his calloused one. He brought your linked hands to his lips and kissed your knuckles and you smiled. You located another scar and kissed it gently and soon enough, you had kissed every scar that littered his torso and chest and snores had filled the room.
You looked up and smiled as Billy slept, his lips separated as his breaths came out soft and you shimmied your way up to him, trying to unlink your fingers with his and he grumbled, "Stop that," he said before pulling you lay your head under his chin as he wrapped yourself around him and a few seconds later, he was back to snoring and you took time to admire his features.
"You may not be ready and that's okay but whenever you're ready, I'm here to listen about what happened. I love you, more than you could ever know, hell, you don't even know that I love you." Billy's grip on your hip tightened a little and you closed your eyes once more and fell asleep in his warm embrace.
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roses-chaos-writing · 2 years
We Stitch These Wounds
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Warning: Mentions of violence, fluff, smut, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before tap it!), mentions of childhood trauma and abuse, sweetheart!Billy, Billy is not an asshole in this I swear!, Mutual pining
You held Max as she called out for Billy; tears streaking both of your faces as he was thrown across the mall by the mind flayer. 
That was almost two years ago; Billy survived being thrown by the mind flayed but he ended up in the ICU for a couple weeks recovering from his injuries. You stayed with Billy while the kids, Robin, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan went to go fight the mind flayer and vecna; Billy was grateful that you and Max stayed with him in the ICU. Billy was glad that you guys were there for him even if he didn’t show it the right way; he had grown up most of his life being shown that violence was the answer to everything. Billy was still learning how to not answer with violence; it was difficult trying to keep Billy from punching someone’s face in if they were talking shit about you, the kids or anyone else in the crew. Billy also took some sort of a liking to Eddie when we came around during Vecna’s reign; the two plus the older kids of the crew (you, steve, robin, nancy, jonathan and argyle) always smoke together and played truth or dare a lot which was about accurate to how all of you acted like children sometimes.
Today was no different than any other day except that literally everyone in the crew was busy except for Billy. You wanted to do a pool day in your backyard since your parents were gone for a month on vacation but they were all working until six o’clock which you didn’t mind since they said they’d come over afterwards but you were bored now so you decided to text Billy and see if he would come over
Billy Bee 🐝
You: Hey Billy! My parents are gone for a month and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and have a pool day with me until the rest of the gang gets off of work and comes over 
Billy Bee 🐝: Yea I’m down, I’m working on my car right now but I’ll over in about 5 minutes 
You: Perfect, I'll see you soon!
You smiled excitedly before getting up from your bed and putting on a normal black bikini with a pair of swim shorts over top; you jogged down the stairs grabbing a couple beers from the fridge for you and Billy. As you went to grab a bottle opener there was a knock on the door; you set the bottles down on the counter and walked over to the front door. You unlocked the front door and opened it to see Billy in all of his sexy glory; you’ve had a thing for Billy for a while now, you wanted to give him all the love he never got as a kid but you also wanted him to manhandle you and destroy you. Of course you’d never say that to his face, this was Billy Hargrove that we’re talking about the man is sex on legs!; you were staring at him for way to long when you saw him smirk down at you
“Are you gonna be a good girl princess and let me in? Or am I gonna bake out here?” He questioned, moving closer to you. You just about melted in a puddle right then and there.
“Right, I'm sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts.” You stated, stepping to the sides to let him in. 
You shut the door behind him and followed behind him grabbing the two beers and the three joints that you rolled and packed before Billy came over. You lead him out to the backyard where there was a deck and then after a couple feet was the pool; you set the beers and joints on the table before turning around to face Billy who was in the process of taking his shirt off. You grabbed the beers and one of the joints and headed over to the edge of the pool as Billy dove in; you sat at the edge placing the joint in between your lips and pulling the cap off one of the beers. You grabbed the lighter and lit the joint before taking a hit.
Billy’s POV:
God Y/N looked hot; the joint sitting in between her lips, the way her hair was in a half bun style with the other half of her hair falling over her tits. I don’t know what it is about her but she made me hard and made my heart flutter; I never knew how to express my emotions. I mainly spent most of my life hating the world and the people in my life. But Y/N was something different, she helped me get into therapy about all the trauma I faced as a kid and she’s always been there for me and for Max. I swam over to her, I looked up at her before pulling the joint from her lips and taking a couple hits before passing it back to her. We progressively passed the joint back and forth before we were buzzed and Y/N was in the pool with me; I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close to me as we floated around the pool, I stared at her music now playing in the background and the empty beers sat on the table. I dragged my hand up the back of her neck and threaded my fingers in her hair; she looked at me before leaning into me. I leaned in as well and our lips connected, it took a moment for her to kiss back but she did and it lasted a while. We pulled apart, our lips only a couple inches away from each other; we were gonna kiss again when five people jumped into the pool at once. Y/N and I pulled away as Max jumped on my back; I chuckled a bit as I pulled her higher up on my back. I looked over at Y/N to see her talking with Robin and Nancy; I smiled at them as I thought back to the kiss we shared no too long ago.
Your POV;
I stood in the kitchen with Nancy, Steve, Robin and Eddie, who were helping me figure out what to do for dinner. I wasn’t paying attention to them because I was thinking about the kiss between Billy and I; it felt like fireworks on the fourth of july. 
“Y/N! Are you ok over there?” Eddie questioned with concern
“Yea she’s ok, just thinking about Billy!” Robin cooed teasingly 
I rolled my eyes as Robin, Steve and Eddie started teasing me about Billy. It was kinda difficult to admit my feelings for Billy; we’ve been friendly towards him hoping that my feelings kinda flow themselves out towards him but that really didn’t happen. I mainly just kinda pine after him in hopes of finally telling him how I feel but that normally doesn't happen. 
“We all saw Billy kiss you in the pool earlier.” Steve stated as he wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist
“You saw that?”
“Yea, both of you were in your own little world and we didn’t wanna interrupt but the kids were too excited about getting in the pool.” Eddie chimed in 
You sighed before letting your head hit the island in defeat. You couldn’t believe that your best friends saw you and Billy make out; it wasn’t embarrassing or anything just that your best friends knew about your crush except for Billy. You looked out of the kitchen window to see Billy with Max on his shoulder and Jonathan with Will on his shoulders as they played chicken; you smiled at them knowing that things were better than they used to be. Billy looked over at you with the bright smile he was showing with happiness; you turned back to the four people who had smirks etching their faces.
“Why haven’t you told Billy?” Robin questioned leaning against the counter , arms crossed in front of her chest 
“It’s not that simple Robs, this is Billy we’re talking about. Why would he wanna be with someone like me?” You questioned, now sitting on the island
“Cause he likes you!” all four of them shouted 
“Who likes who?” You heard Billy’s deep voice waft into the room 
All four of them started making excuses about needing to ask the kids something and they quickly ran out to the back yard, you shook your head and looked down at the counter. You felt an arm wrap around your waist and a hand pull your face up to meet the blue eyes of Billy; you smiled up at him as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders pulling him closer to you so he was more in between your legs. 
“So who has a crush on someone?” Billy questioned softly, his grip on your waist making you feel secure. 
You knew that this would be the only time you ever got courage to do something like this. It was hard for you to speak out about your feelings since your parents barely gave you the time of day; you sighed solemnly before speaking 
“I like you Billy a lot. But I know you’d never date someone like me; I enjoy video games and reading and playing DnD with the kids and Eddie. I don’t wear makeup that often and my hair is always in a messy state.” You started joking around with that last part to try and lighten the mood a bit.
“Y/N, I don’t care if you like DnD or that you don’t wear makeup or any of the stuff you listed off. I like you for you and how you’ve helped me become a better person; I will always choose you Darling.” 
You smiled before pulling him into a kiss; you were in your own little world before you heard cheering from outside. You pulled away and peered over your shoulder to see the entire crew cheering you and Billy on; you laughed as Billy hid his face in your neck, you could see the blush creeping up his neck and over your cheeks. You pulled his face up and kissed him again as everyone ran inside to congratulate you on finally getting together.
“You know, we should order pizza for dinner! You can go ahead and get cleaned up while I order it.” Robin suggested before grabbing her phone and calling a local pizza place
You squealed as Billy picked you up and hauled ass upstairs to your room/bathroom; he sat you on the counter as he faced your shower and turned on the hot water. You grabbed the strap wrapped around your neck and started to tug on it when a bigger hand moved yours and took over for you. Your tits quickly fell out of the top as Billy pulled it over your head; you started to kiss up his neck when you felt his already hard erection against your thigh. You pulled away and moved off the counter to take your bottoms off; once you were completely naked Billy pulled you into the shower with him and kissed you deeply, pining you up against the wall.
He kissed his way down your body before he was kneeled on the floor of the shower, his cool breath fanning against your soaked pussy. He looked up at you before diving into your pussy; it took everything at that moment to not collapse in pleasure at that very moment. You knew Billy had been with other girls before you but god this man knew his way around your pussy; you looked down at Billy who’s deep blue eyes were staring right into yours. You came right then and there, a loud moaning ripping from your throat; Billy stood up from his position and pulled you close to him wrapping your legs around him as he slowly pushed his cock into you.
You probably could’ve come a second time right there if Billy hadn’t started moving at a fast pace; his name was like a prayer on your lips, each thrust made you moan loader and call out his name more. He sucked hickeys on your neck as his thrust became harder; you dragged your nails down his back leaving behind red marks as you came all over his cock. He thrusted for a bit longer before he stilled and came inside you; You held onto him as he set you down on your feet and holding your waist. He washed both of you before turning off the water and carrying you to your bedroom; he grabbed the shirt he was gonna wear and pulled it over your head and pulled a pair of pajama shorts on you before getting dressed himself. He carried you downstairs where the rest of the crew plus Jonathan and Argyle were sitting on the couch and floor trying to figure out a movie to watch; Blly set you down on the love seat before grabbing two plates with pizza on it and two cans of pepsi.
Everyone decided to watch nightmare before christmas, which so happened to be one of your favorite movies. By the end of the night almost everyone was knocked on the floor or couch; Billy looked over at you cuddled into his side. He picked you up and headed to your room, whispering a good night to Eddie and Robin who were still awake watching family guy; he quietly shut your bedroom door with his foot when you both were inside, he laid you down on one side of the bed before laying next to you. He kissed your forehead and pulled you close to him before being lulled into the best night’s sleep he’s had in years.
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