#Fluffruary day 6
hellcatinnc · 4 months
Fluffruary Day - 6 - Never Another
(Small Gestures)
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romance, romantic fluff, small gestures, falling in love, love at first sight, duke, lady in waiting
Word Count: 2,044
Feature: Noah Volstaire Wynknight x Fem! Reader
Theme: Small Gestures
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
You were sitting out on a bench because the parties were just never your thing and you were only there as a lady in waiting anyways. Then this man walked up to you and he spoke. His raspier deep voice gave you chills and when you looked back at him he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen before. His dark hair blowing in the soft wind and he had a mischievous look on his face but there was no way you thought your life would be the same after meeting him. You had known about Duke Wynknight but had never seen him so it was easy still being yourself. He sat down beside you and you both talked for awhile about how you both hated being around fake people. He smiled at you and you felt like your heart was going to stop. You couldn't believe a man so attractive would be interested in you especially since you were really a nobody. You wondered if he had any noble blood in him but after chatting and looking at the moon together you get that out of your mind. After some time you heard someone running out calling for the duke and when Noah turned around your heart sank. This man that you took a liking to was so untouchable to your status you found yourself looking down at the ground as he goes and talks to the person.
He comes back after sitting back down next to you. "I want to see you again, is that ok? If so what is your name and what household are you from?" He was asking to see you again and that made you happy however when he asked you your name of your household this is where he was sure to lose interest in you. You stand up and bow before him "Your grace, I would love that but I am nothing and no one to your nobility, just a lady in waiting." He chuckled as he took you by the hand standing up beside you as he pulled you closer "Maybe that is why your different but also why I want to see you again, please. You know my name is Noah so please your name?" You know your not supposed to down talk to nobility you should have never denied him your name this could get back to the house you live in and cost you to be kicked out. You bow "I'm sorry your grace, I should have never denied you. My name is Y/N I am the lady in waiting for Lady Clairfurth family." He took your hand and kissed it then excused himself to head back to the party. He left you with the parting words "I will be in touch Y/N, thank you for a lovely chat this evening." You felt your cheeks grow warm and your heart beat fast, there was something about him you really wanted to know more. What had Duke Wynknight done to you already.
You headed back inside of course you got reprimanded for being away too long. You had to take care of every one of Lady Clairfurth's needs the rest of the night and every so often your eyes darted across the room to Noah. At one point your eyes met and he mouthed "You Look Beautiful" he made you blush. Every time you caught him looking your way you felt yourself get flustered yet again. You walked over to get the lady a drink and he met you at the table. He said in a low voice "I can't stop thinking about you" your heart was beating so fast hearing his words. He let his hand fall down beside him and grazes your hand the tips of your fingers as he looks back over at you and smiles. You had no idea how to respond to him and you were afraid someone might see. "Will you meet me outside for a dance before the night is over?" He smiled after asking what was a simple request and you wanted to so much but you looked over at Lady Clairfurth and knew there was no way after being reprimanded last time. You bow before him "I wish your grace but I will be punished if I disappear again." You pull your hand back and get the drink and walk back to the lady. The small gestures he makes warms your heart and you know if he keeps treating you like this there will never be room in your heart for no one but him.
That night came to a end, you were sure you would never be that close to the duke ever again after that. You spent your days taking care of the lady but after a few days you heard there was a guest at the house. You looked out the window and saw him, he looked more dashing as ever and he had a bouquet of flowers with him. Your cheeks burned hot they were surely flushed red but you made sure to sort what you were wearing to look your best then headed out the door down stairs. You got to the room that the guests are sent to and you grabbed some tea and walked into the room to give you a reason to talk to him. Soon as you walked in you saw Lady Clairfurth leaning into him like she was going to kiss him when you saw this you dropped the tea set shattering it across the floor. His eyes met yours as he could see you misinterpreted what was happening. Lady Clairfurth started yelling at you for breaking it screaming to clean it all up. The tears you were fighting back as you picked up the pieces as he went to walk over to help you, pulling back from him is what you did but not before you looked up into his face and he saw the tears trailing down your face as you excused yourself and walked out of the room.
You were so sure the small gestures meant something to him but then again who would want you when they could have Lady Clairfurth, she was practically breathtaking with her lovely blonde locks and porcelain skin no one tells her no. She has 5 marriage proposals now and yet she wants the duke too it seems, its not good enough for you to have one for yourself but then you remind yourself as the tears fall on your way back to the kitchen, you are a no one and he is a duke. It really just never could be. You put the dishes in the trash wiped your tears sorted your clothes then went back to go see if she was in need of anything else even though you didn't want to see them snuggled up on the couch. Soon as you step foot back into the hallway he is pulling away from her telling her he is not interested in marrying her. Your heart fluttered at the idea that he was someone who really didn't want her when no one turns her down.
She threw a tantrum which she was known to do when she didn't get her way. She stomped off and he turned and only you were standing there. You wanted to hug him but you knew you couldn't but like any other time he found away. He looks at you and asked you to show him out so you got his coat and as you helped him put it on he reached through the coat touching your hand underneath the sleeve. You knew you weren't making up this connection between you two even though it shouldn't be these gestures make you happy. He kept his hand in the second sleeve a little longer so he can rub his fingers over yours before you met him with a smile. His caress was making your heart feel like it was going to burst. You felt like your heart needed more, like your heart wanted more of Noah Wynknight. You bow to him as he leaves as he gives you that mischievous smirk.
After you go check on the lady like you are supposed to do. You find you can't get Noah's gestures and smile out of your mind. When night came and you closed your eyes he was all you could think about. You couldn't believe you were falling for him when your worlds were so far apart, who would let a lady in waiting be with a duke. Was this a lost route to take to end up heart broken in the end but yet you just can't stop yourself. Any moment you feel like you should pull away he makes these little gestures that captures another part of your heart. You tossed and turned in bed that night you finally got up and got yourself dressed and walked out to the gardens. You slowly walked through looking up at the moon daydreaming about him, he was all that was on your mind. Then your dream came through, you heard someone walk up behind you. "Y/N, I had to see you wasn't sure how but I was about to leave thinking I was crazy when I saw you out here." It melted your heart as he said these words that you both were having sleepless nights over wanting to see one another. He put out his hand and you took hold of it as he pulled you into him under the pale moonlight.
His arms wrapped around you, it wasn't hard to feel like you were home in them. Every second that you feel his heart beat you know that you would take anything you could get because you knew there was no way there would be never another besides this man to hold your heart. You looked up at him and you were captivated by him as he captured your lips in his while he held you tighter. He kissed you deep and passionate until you both had to come up for air. His smile met yours as he pulled away he cleared his throat. "I'm going to purchase you as a worker for a maid in my home a personal one. You won't be a lady in waiting but we can sneak more nights like this and see each other more. You would like that right?" You couldn't help but smile you wanted to be close to him even if it meant you were going to have to clean and do more labor than you do as a lady in waiting. This buys you two time until you figure out how to be together and society leave you both to be happy.
You look at him and hug him tightly "I want that, I want to be closer to you as much as I can, Noah." This is when you knew you two became something more you had always called him your grace and the first moment you called him Noah and he smiled widely he was happy you called him by name. He had a flirty personality which is why you were sure why he constantly wanted to touch you or hold you and you were ok with that. He loved that you weren't like all the noble women that made him sick and you wanted to be loved by like you were enough for some one to never want another. There was no doubt he wanted you as you did him and you were sure your heart was completely his. The night had to end with him leaving and you breaking from his arms which you hated but it had to happen. You went to sleep with the taste of his lips on yours, but lost in the happiness feeling. The next morning you woke up to a knock on your door. They had set everything up and Noah had already got things in motion so they were getting you very minimal of stuff that was yours but they had called for a carriage from the Wynknight's household to pick you up. Starting today your life was going to be different.
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mothfables · 4 months
Fluffruary Day 6: Small Gestures
Characters: Link + Ravio (A Link Between Worlds) Relationship: Queerplatonic
Link went to push bunself out of bed only to hiss at a sudden burning in buns shoulders at the movement. Bun dropped back down and groaned; today was going to be one of those days, then.
Bun lay there for a few minutes, trying to will bunself to move, before the door creaked open and soft footsteps approached buns side of the bed.
“Good morning, honeybee,” Ravio’s voice was hushed and Link found bunself grateful for it. “I figured you probably weren’t feeling well today, so I made you some tea.”
He helped Link sit up after placing the tea on the nightstand, rearranging the pillows so bun was able to lean back without too much discomfort. Bun took the mug he held out with slightly shaking hands.
“Huh-how did you know-?” Buns voice was hoarse and bun winced, sipping at the tea. A sigh escaped thin lips as the heat of the drink began to soothe away the ache.
“You were grimacing in your sleep, dear.”
“O-oh.” Link shifted and had to bite buns lip at the spike of pain it sent from buns hip up buns spine. “...Thanks.”
“It’s no problem, bunny.” Ravio bent to press a kiss to his partner’s forehead, smiling at the quiet, rusty purr it earned him. “I’ll be back up soon; there’s some things I need to get done first. Sheerow will come get me if you need anything, okay?” The bird in question fluttered over from its perch in the corner of the room to land on one of the pillows. It nudged Link with its beak, cooing, and bun gave a small smile.
Bun nodded carefully, trying not to spill the tea. “Okay. Thanks, Ravi.”
Ravio smiled and pulled the blankets up around bun to keep the warmth in before giving bun another kiss and straightening.
“I’ll be back with some breakfast and more tea. You try to get some rest.”
Link gave a short hum and buried buns face in the mug, alternating between inhaling the steam and sipping slowly. Ravio made sure to leave the door slightly open as he left so Sheerow could get through. He made his way downstairs quietly, glad his bunny was doing alright.
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mothfables · 1 year
Hello, I’m Moth! This is a sideblog for any writing I do!
As of right now I will not be doing requests of any kind (except for those that have been sitting in my inbox for the past... uh while). This may change in the future, and if it does I will let you know, but for now anything I post is just going to be for me! Also, if something catches your eye, like a prompt or headcanon, feel free to use it! I just ask that you credit me! <3 The ask box is always open if you have any questions or just want to talk :D
This will also be where I’ll link any series I end up doing, so keep an eye out!
If you want to check out my main blog- and see where my current interests are going- check out @iolitemoth!
I’m also on AO3 now! Check @Iolite_Moth!
Specific Tags: #moth’s tales (my writing), #moth art (art by me), #sneak peek (what it sounds like), #chapter notes (notes from first drafts), #fable art (fanart!!!), #fable writing (anything written by other folks), #mod speaks (just me talking, about writing or anything) #gift fic (gifts for folks!!), #snippets and bits (short bits, not necessarily for anything specific)
Skye in the Studio
Part 1
Part 2
Sillyvision Stories
Spell Gone Wrong
Henry’s Transformation
Gender is Boring (Robots and I Agree)
The Plague
Sunstone’s Universal Venture
Hatchlinghood Shenanigans
Trouble with Gossan
Assorted Linked Universe
Violets and Rabbits
♡Bunny Flops♡: Part One - Part Two - Part Three
A Bun in More Ways Than One
In Which Wars Picks a Fight With an Apple Tree (& Loses)
Blushing Bunnies and Rings
Beetle Hunting for Beedle
Thistles and Thorns
War Stories
Winter Chills
Beads and Rings and Other Things
Rabbit in a Wolf Den
Legend(ary) Cuddles
Assorted Legend of Zelda
An Assortment of Kisses
Cuddles and Wishes and Bunny Kisses - A collection of soft, fluffy moments with the bunny duo. Set after ALBW and during LU
Getting Together
First Kiss
Bunny Cuddles
Growth Spurt
Apples and Bunny Love
Heat Wave
Couch Cuddles
Chore Day
Bunny Fever
Cuddles? ✔️ Kisses? ✔️ Anything Else? ...Nah I Think We’re Good
Strength Training
Wolves and Rabbits - Legend meets Wolfie for the first time(s). It doesn’t go well
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Snail - Legend is turned small suddenly, leaving the Chain to deal with a traumatized baby!Legend with the Vet’s memories
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Day 1: Best Friends
Day 2: First Date
Day 3: Cozy Shelter
Day 4: Ice Skating
Day 5: Hugs
Day 6: Small Gestures
Little Bunny - stories about age regressor Legend and his family
Four, Reading
Wild, Baking
The Chain, Storm
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
Fluffruary Day 5 - End Game
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, hugs, kisses, that time of the month, period talk, period blood, caring boyfriend, talk of sanitary pads/tampons, dance with devils, boyfriend comfort, lazy day, best boyfriend ever
Word Count: 1,651
Feature: Lindo Tachibana x Fem! Reader
Theme: Hugs
You and Lindo moved in with each other within the last month, he has been a great boyfriend in so many ways. You still remember back when you met him, he was at the local fair with his sister, her boyfriend Rem, and mom. You saw how he took care of them and you couldn't help but be a bit giddy around him as he came to the booth you were working at. You were still glad that day you decided to get his phone number although he seemed to be confused why someone wanted to get to know him. It was cute Ritsuka his sister well cousin was the one who pushed him to trade contact details. Its funny because in the last few months you have gotten close to his sister she is your best friend now. Its been now 6 months since you been with Lindo all because that special day. You both decided to move in with each other and found this cute little apartment. Its been great you both will sit up and have long talks, cuddle with movies, cook supper together. Yeah sure he is part vampire he was so upfront with you about that too. However all his training he does really good at supressing it so he doesn't lash out.
Then there is the fact he opened up telling you about how he was in love with his sister well cousin for so long but after she moved on with Rem he eventually had to heal himself by getting over her. They are still close but the way he looks at her now you can tell is more like a sibling than a lover. Your just glad all that happened before you met him so that he was capable of loving you. You two have yet to say I love you to each other yet however you fell for him months ago you just been waiting for him to say it first, Lindo is kind of slow with that it seems but it was his idea to move in together. Honestly he has been in love one other time with Ritsuki so its understandable why he doesn't want to say those words until he is 100% sure that its forever kind of love.
Now that you have moved in together you get to wake up every morning looking over at him and breathe in his scent. He really is a great guy he is the one that will cook and do dishes after, as well as helps with laundry and other chores. On busy days at work he makes sure you have a bubble bath and wine to relax in the tub with. He gives you massages to relax you before bed a few days a week, life with him is perfect until this morning. You put your feet on the floor, rubbed your eyes, then went to look back at him sleeping. He looked so precious then you looked down at the bed and realized they were stained red. You say out loud "No..no..no this can't be happening." He wakes up looking over at you then looks at the bed and of course being a vampire he can smell it even stronger but of course that side of him is under control. He jumps up runs around the bed and hugs you holding you tight.
You were surprised by his actions but he hugged you a little longer rubbing your head as he did. "Shhh its ok my love, we will get this cleaned up, as well as get you in a nice warm bath." He was so caring with his words, you were surprised because alot of guys are grossed out by period blood. Soon as you pulled away looking up at him he smiled at you. Then you had noticed he had period blood on his night shirt but he just pulled it off like it was no big deal. You get up to go to the bathroom while he strips the bed and heads to put it in the wash so the blood doesn't stain the sheet set. You head to the bathroom and look through your cabinets and realize your out of sanitary pads and tampons too. "Oh Crap!!" you yell it loud enough he comes running. "What happened, babe?" There was worry and care in his voice as he caught you on the floor looking in the cabinet.
"I'm out of pads and tampons." You said in a low voice because its still embarrassing telling him these things that you were used to only being between you and yourself or sometimes other friends and family that are women. He smiles at you grabbing your hand to pull you up. He walks you over to the tub and he starts pouring the water in as he helps you take off the blood stained clothing. He puts some bubbles in the tub and stops it when its full. He takes your hand and helps you into the tub kissing you on the forehead. "I will go get you some from the store, I will be back before you get out hopefully." You were so surprised in how he was handling this but you leaned back in the tub but you heard the front door shut, you realized you didn't tell him what kind. You reached over and grabbed your phone on the counter texting him the brand and what you needed. He sent back to you a heart, kiss, thumbs up, and heart eyes emoji.
You laid back in the tub relaxing with not a care in the world it seems. You had a man who loved you enough to want to care for you even on your most off day of the month. It wasn't too long before you heard the front door open as he come walking into the bathroom. "So I know you told me what you wanted but I went ahead and got you with wings and without as well as medium flow and super as well. Also picked you up some pantyliners the clerk suggested it. And can't forget got you a bottle of pamprin for cramps too." You felt tears lining your eyes no man has ever been this good to you. If you could marry him right now you would. He sees you tearing up and puts the bag down and comes over to you sits by the tub beside you and softly wipes the tears from your eyes. "Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
You shook your head "No! You are perfect baby, I-Its....just no one has ever been this good to me, especially since I bled on you." He chuckles then grabs the towel and helps you out of the tub, wrapping you in the warm towel he took from the towel warmer. You were surprised he made sure to turn it on before he left as well knowing the heat made you feel better. He hugs you tight after getting you wrapped into it and whispers "Anything for you my love, because I love you.!" He said those words and you jumped back as he looked at you with such love and compassion in his eyes. "Y-you Do?" It was an automatic response for you. He shook his head "Yes I have for awhile just wanted to make sure I felt the time was right, and what better time than when you need it the most to make you feel safe and loved."
"Oh Lindo I love you too I think I have since we first met you had me falling hard and fast." You couldn't hold it anymore after your words left your mouth you crashed your lips into his. Closing your eyes as you took in the taste of his lips like never before. Its funny how you have kissed hundreds of times but besides the first kiss you two had this was your favorite because it was deep and was smothered in the love you both felt for each other. He picked you up and carried you as you two still kissed to the bedroom and sat you down on the bed. He kissed you a few more times then went to the dresser and got you some pajama's out. He hand them to you and went back grabbing some panties and the pads he bought earlier. You got dressed and got your comfy pad on while he was in the kitchen getting you something to drink. You had cramps but its amazing at how nice and sweet he was to you it made it easy to forget in the moment.
Lindo came back from the kitchen with a cup of orange juice and some snacks he had also bought at the store. He helped you into bed gave you the pills and orange juice. He grabbed the tv controller turned it on to the lifetime channel where lots of romcom's play and turned it to one that he thought you might like. He pulled out the chips and the chocolate as well as candies and put them in front of you on the bed. He snuggled the covers up on you and then he got back into bed with you to snuggle. "Baby I hope I got everything you could need today to be as comfy and loved as you can be." His words so sweet and sincere. You look at him as you lean into him "I love you and this is perfect. You are the best boyfriend ever." It was not the best day because of your period but he ended up making it the best day you could have because you felt more love and care than you have in your whole life. You knew he was the one, no matter how long it takes you two will be end game.
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