healthyfood-24 · 8 days
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Greek-Style Chicken Gyros with Homemade Tzatziki
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businesplanning · 2 months
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The Agricultural Value Chain: From Farm to Table
Explore the journey of food from the farm to your table! This infographic illustrates the agricultural value chain, showcasing the interconnected stages involved in producing, processing, and distributing agricultural products. From planting and harvesting to processing, packaging, and transportation, each step plays a crucial role in bringing food to consumers. Understanding the value chain helps us appreciate the efforts of farmers, processors, and distributors who work tirelessly to ensure a steady supply of high-quality food. Join us on a visual journey through the agricultural value chain and discover the story behind your favorite foods!
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nature420world · 1 year
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The Vital Role of Bees in Pollination: Nature's Unsung Heroes
When we think of bees, honey often comes to mind. However, bees play a much more critical role in our ecosystem as pollinators. These industrious insects are responsible for facilitating the reproduction of countless plant species, including many of the fruits, vegetables, and nuts we rely on. In this post, we'll explore three fascinating facts about the pivotal role bees play in pollination.
Essential to Food Production: Bees are responsible for pollinating approximately one-third of the world's food crops. They transfer pollen from the male parts (stamens) of flowers to the female parts (pistils), enabling the plants to produce fruits or seeds. Without bees, our food supply and biodiversity would be severely impacted.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health: Bees contribute to the biodiversity and stability of ecosystems. By pollinating a wide variety of plants, they facilitate the growth and reproduction of numerous species. This, in turn, supports a healthy and thriving ecosystem, benefiting other wildlife and habitats.
Economic Impact: The economic value of bees' pollination services is substantial. It's estimated that the global economic contribution of pollinators, primarily bees, amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars each year. The agriculture and horticulture industries heavily rely on the pollination services provided by bees.
To explore the intricate relationship between bees and plants, their impact on food production, and the conservation efforts aimed at protecting these vital pollinators, click the link below.
The Benefits of Eating Raw Honey:
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Raw honey contains small amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, calcium, iron, and potassium.
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Raw honey is known for its potent antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and protect against chronic diseases.
Natural Energy Source: Raw honey is a natural source of carbohydrates, providing a quick and sustained energy boost. It can be a healthier alternative to processed sugars in certain situations.
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To discover more about the vitamins, minerals, and health benefits of consuming raw honey, continue reading the full article.
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bhavanameti · 1 day
Europe Sausage Casings Market Projected to Reach $2.72 Billion by 2030
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Meticulous Research®—a leading global market research company, published a research report titled, ‘Europe Sausage Casings Market by Type (Artificial Casings, Natural Casings), Application (Animal Meat Sausages, Vegan Sausages), Distribution Channel (Offline, Online), End User (Food Processors, Retailers), and Country - Forecast to 2030.’
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the Europe sausage casings market is projected to reach $2.72 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2023 to 2030. The market growth is driven by the increasing preference for artificial casings among sausage manufacturers, rising meat production and consumption in Europe, and the growing demand for ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook food products. However, the complexities associated with using natural sausage casings are expected to restrain market growth. The emergence of vegetarian sausage casings is anticipated to create growth opportunities for market players, although animal disease and health concerns pose significant challenges.
1.1.1            Key Players
Key players in the Europe sausage casings market include:
Viscofan, S.A. (Spain)
Devro Plc (U.K.)
Selo B.V. (Netherlands)
DAT-Schaub Group (Denmark)
ViskoTeepak Holding Ab Ltd (Finland)
Amjadi GmbH (Germany)
Peter Gelhard Naturdärme KG (Germany)
Fibran Group (Spain)
Viskase Companies, Inc. (U.S.)
FABIOS S.A. (Poland)
Kalle GmbH (Germany)
CDS Hackner GmbH (Germany)
Oversea Casing Company (U.S.)
Nutra Produkte AG (Switzerland)
Combinatie Teijsen VD Hengel (CTH) BV (Netherlands)
Strobel GmbH & Co. KG Boyauderie Sarroise (Germany)
MCJ Casings (U.K.)
Irish Casing Company (Ireland)
1.1.2          Market Segmentation
The study provides historical market data for 2021 and 2022, estimated current data for 2023, and forecasts for 2030. The market is segmented by type, application, distribution channel, end user, and geography.           By Type
Artificial Sausage Casings: Expected to hold the larger market share in 2023 due to increased processed meat consumption, demand for vegan sausages, and preference for artificial casings due to their consistency, stability, and cost-effectiveness. This segment is also projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period, driven by the rise of vegetarian casings.
Natural Sausage Casings         By Application
Animal-based Sausages: Expected to dominate the market in 2023 due to increased animal meat consumption, rising urban population, high popularity of collagen casings, and consumer preference for a protein-rich diet.
Plant-based Sausages: Expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.         By Distribution Channel
Offline: Predicted to account for the larger market share in 2023 due to the number of modern groceries offering a wide range of high-quality food products and enhanced shopping experiences.
Online: Expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.        By End User
Food-processing Companies: Anticipated to hold the largest market share in 2023, driven by the demand for processed sausages, large-scale sausage production, preference for innovative food options, increased automation, and maximized production efficiencies.
Food Service Providers: Projected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Food Retailers
Other End Users         By Country
Germany: Expected to lead the market in 2023 due to high sausage and processed meat production, increased meat consumption, numerous sausage manufacturers, diverse food options, rising popularity of vegetarian sausage products, and growing demand for convenience food products.
Netherlands: Forecasted to record the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
This comprehensive market study provides valuable insights and detailed segmentation to help stakeholders make informed decisions in the Europe sausage casings market.
Download Sample Report Here @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5570 Key Questions Answered in the Report- What is the current revenue generated by sausage casings in Europe?At what rate is the Europe sausage casings demand projected to grow for the next 5–7 years?What are the historical market sizes and growth rates of the Europe sausage casings market?What are the major factors impacting the growth of this market at the regional and country levels? What are the major opportunities for existing players and new entrants in the market?Which segments in terms of type, application, distribution channel, and end user are expected to create major traction for the manufacturers in this market?What are the key geographical trends in this market? Which countries are expected to offer significant growth opportunities for the manufacturers operating in the Europe sausage casings market?Who are the major players in the Europe sausage casings market? What are their specific product offerings in this market? Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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Maintaining a safe and hygienic environment is critical for any food production facility. That's why resinous flooring is the perfect choice for these areas! Its durability and resistance to heavy foot traffic, spills, and chemicals make it a top-notch solution for any food production facility. Keep your workplace safe and clean with resinous flooring.
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engineeringwork · 12 days
Discovering Milk Powder Production: A Journey Into Nutritional Innovation
🥛🌟 Explore the Making of Milk Powder! 🌟🥛
Curious about how milk powder is made? Dive into our latest video where we unveil the fascinating process behind this pantry staple. From farm-fresh milk to a convenient powdered form, witness each step that ensures quality and nutrition preservation.
🔍 Behind the Scenes: Follow the journey from milk collection to pasteurization, evaporation, and spray drying—techniques that lock in nutrients while extending shelf life.
🍼 Nutritional Benefits: Learn about the nutritional value of milk powder. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D, it's a convenient source of nutrients for all ages.
🌿 Health Perspective: Understand the health benefits of milk powder. It's a versatile option for cooking, baking, and everyday consumption, offering convenience without compromising on nutrition.
🎥 Watch Now: Click the link below to uncover the secrets of milk powder production and discover why it's a smart choice for your kitchen and lifestyle!
Watch the Video Now!
Join us in celebrating the journey from farm to table with milk powder—nutritious, convenient, and always there when you need it!
🥛📹 #MilkPowder #Nutrition #HealthBenefits #FoodProduction #VideoHighlight
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aslamat · 1 month
The Wonders of Tree Leaves: Unveiling the Secrets of Nature's Marvels
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Tree leaves are one of the most fascinating and essential components of the natural world. With over 60,000 known tree species worldwide, leaves come in a staggering array of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. From the majestic oak to the delicate cherry blossom, each leaf is a marvel of nature, playing a crucial role in the survival and thrival of trees, and by extension, our planet. In this article, we'll delve into the remarkable world of tree leaves, exploring their structure, functions, importance, and some fascinating facts and uses.
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Structure and Functions: Leaves are the primary organs of photosynthesis, responsible for converting sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen. This process is made possible by the leaf's intricate structure, which includes:
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Cuticle: A thin, waxy layer that prevents water loss and protects the leaf from external damage.
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Epidermis: A layer of cells that regulates water and gas exchange, and provides additional protection
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Mesophyll: The inner tissue where photosynthesis takes place, comprising palisade and spongy mesophyll cells.
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Veins: The network of vessels that transport nutrients, water, and sugars throughout the tree. Leaves also serve as:
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Food factories: Producing nutrients for the tree's growth and development.
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Water regulators: Controlling water loss and maintaining the tree's water balance.
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Temperature moderators: Helping to regulate the tree's temperature, and protecting it from extreme temperatures.
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Air purifiers: Absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, supporting life on Earth. Importance: Tree leaves are vital for:
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Oxygen production: Providing the oxygen we breathe, and supporting aerobic respiration in all living organisms.
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Food production: Supporting the growth of fruits, nuts, and other edible crops, which are essential for human and animal nutrition.
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Climate regulation: Influencing local climates and weather patterns, and supporting global climate stability.
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Ecosystem balance: Supporting a diverse range of wildlife and microorganisms, and maintaining ecosystem health and resilience. Fascinating Facts and Uses:
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Leaves can be used as natural remedies for various ailments, such as:
Willow leaves for pain relief and anti-inflammatory purposes.
Peppermint leaves for digestive issues and respiratory problems.
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Aloe vera leaves for skin conditions and burns.
Some leaves, like those from the mulberry tree, are used as food for silkworms, producing silk.
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Leaves can be used for crafts, such as: Xxx
Leaf rubbings: Creating detailed impressions of leaves for art and education.
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Leaf pressing: Preserving leaves for decorative purposes, or for use in crafts and arrangements.
Leaf art: Creating intricate designs and patterns using leaves.
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Leaves are used in traditional medicine, such as: Xxx
Ayurvedic medicine: Using leaves like turmeric, ginger, and neem for various health conditions.
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Chinese medicine: Using leaves like ginseng, and Chinese angelica for medicinal purposes.
Conclusion: Tree leaves are a true marvel of nature, playing a vital role in the survival of trees and our planet. By appreciating and understanding the importance of leaves, we can work to protect and preserve our natural world for future generations. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, a scientist, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of leaves, this article has hopefully inspired you to look at these incredible structures in a new light.
Optimized keywords: Tree leaves, photosynthesis, leaf structure, leaf functions, importance of leaves, leaf uses, natural remedies, traditional medicine, ecosystem balance, climate regulation, oxygen production, food production.
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vgaautomation · 2 months
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Industrial kettle – VGA Automation
VGA Automation Industrial kettles are large, specialized vessels used in various industries for heating, cooking, and processing liquids or semi-liquids in bulk quantities. These kettles are designed to handle a wide range of materials, for food products.
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stuartmarkw · 3 months
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Unveiling the Golden Gates: Your Guide to Canada's Farm Employment Bonanza Amidst the vast Canadian landscape lies a treasure trove of opportunity for those seeking fulfilling careers in the agricult... https://bit.ly/4cj8Ou6/
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usnewsper-business · 4 months
Summer Heat Waves Threaten US Farmers: Crop Losses & Livestock Struggles #abandoningcrops #adaptingtoweatherpatterns #climatechange #croplosses #droughtconditions #farmers #foodproduction #grainshortages #higherprices #individualfarmers #irrigationsystems #lackoffeed #livestock #meatshortages #pestsanddiseases #risingtemperatures #sellinglivestock #summerheatwaves #supplychains #UnitedStates
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thebusinessmagnate · 4 months
Cultivating for Tomorrow: Sustainable CEA Farming Produce with Jon Lomow
What is Sustainable Agriculture? Also known as Sustainable Farming; Sustainable Agriculture is the process, method, and approach taken to grow and produce food products and livestock for the human population while always being environmentally aware, green, organic, and eco-friendly. It completely avoids approaches that negatively affect the environment and biodiversity as a whole. 
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Some examples of Sustainable Farming and Agricultural Practices are – Regenerative Agriculture, Organic Farming and Greenhouse Farming, Permaculture, Crop Rotation, Urban Farming and Soilless Farming, Vertical Farming, and Climate-Smart Agriculture, etcetera. 
One such approach that is used in Sustainable Farming and Agriculture in the Industry is Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). Controlled Environment Agriculture is an effective technologically used strategy in the farming and growing of food produce and livestock in a safely controlled environment. This approach proves beneficial in positively combating all the issues and concerns that arise with urbanization and the depletion of natural resources. The uses of Greenhouses, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Vertical Farming, etcetera., are some of the various innovative examples that are used under Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA).
Therefore in this article, we shall be exploring the exciting journey of one such sustainable food production practice in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Start-Up Company called “Fieldless Farms”, co-founded by Jon Lomow – who adopted CEA practices for farm-to-table produce and a mission to have a greener future. 
Jon Lomow – CEO and Co-Founder:
Fieldless Farms – was co-founded by Jon Lomow and Paul Gardner, in the year 2017 but launched its business in the year of 2019. Jon Lomow is the Chief Executive Officer at Fieldless Farms and has been driven and determined all through the COVID-19 Pandemic, which had the company rise on the other side with little to no repercussions faced. 
Looking at the global environment of today, what with all the pandemics, natural disasters, illnesses, and diseases rising, the gradual increase in the rates of hospitalized people is also parallel. A large group of people in the world who consume almost normal food products that they and their previous generations have always eaten are slowly building intolerances. Due to adverse climatic changes, soil, water, and air pollution, people and livestock consuming food are falling ill. 
“….The pandemic showed us that our current food system is vulnerable. We need to have more locally produced products on the shelves.” – Co-Founder – Jon Lomow with FCC.
In response to this, Jon Lomow and Paul Gardner were inspired and motivated to start a business with the hope of providing healthy, safe, and fresh produce and livestock from farm-to-table ideas by looking toward technology-based sustainable strategies in Greenhouses, Open-Field Farming, and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA). 
Fieldless Farms:
Fieldless Farms, is a Food and Beverage Manufacturing Company established in Ottawa and Cornwall, Toronto, Canada. This organization led by CEO – Jon Lomow, is an innovative and technologically operated sustainable CEA-grown food products business.  
As the years go by in today’s world, there is a huge rise in urbanization that leads to the mass depletion of natural resources in the environment and inflations. With this comes, low-quality food produce being grown on depleted land, large volumes of water being consumed, huge amounts of chemicals like insecticides and pesticides used, drastic climatic changes, natural disasters, reducing green covers, dangerous rise in pollution levels, and increased waste amounts being produced. 
To combat all of these problems that have a direct effect on our lives as well as all habitats, the practice of sustainability strategies comes into play. These strategies are the various actions or steps taken to prevent depletions in all physical and natural resources in the present so that these essential needs can still be present and used by future generations. Sustainability has three important foundation stones on which it is built – Economy, Society, and the Environment. 
In Canada, almost all food products are imported, and there has been a rise in food poisoning or food going bad by the time it reaches the table. Driving toward a goal in Food Security and technology in farming, Fieldless Farms uses indoor farming systems such as CEA’s to grow safe and healthy green food products all year round. To continue its sustainability efforts, the company also uses 90% less plastic in the packaging of its farmed food. 
Using renewable energy in farming and devoid of any chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides, Fieldless Farms have – 
‘Less Field. More Taste. Safe for You. And the Planet. Crunch that Lasts and Lasts. Local Produce. Even when it Snows.’
The four main products that are launched and being sold by Fieldless Farms to the people for ready-to-eats meals are primarily composed of green food products. Ontario Sweets is a sweet salad mix of red and green oaks along with green and sweet crisp and frill lettuce. Northern Crunch is a sweet crisp lettuce that is recommended to be used in burgers, sandwiches, smoothies, and salads. Lion’s Mane Mushrooms is a meaty-textured and mildly flavored Umami, which can be a good meat and superfood product for brain function and boosting the overall immune system and well-being. The fourth new product is still in work but has been revealed to be Kale which will be launched-to-cart soon. 
To Conclude: 
Fieldless Farms has been successfully and effortlessly ranked as the 1st in its sustainable and technology-based indoor farming agricultural practices among 7 other competitors who are working in the same business field. Established its locations in two areas in Ontario, Canada – Ottawa and Cornwall, Fieldless Farms aims to encourage the practice of locally farmed food products over the imported supply chains for safer and healthier consumption all year round. With hopes and a mission to expand their business to cover the produce of a wider range of food products, Fieldless Farms along with their strong workforce by CEO and Co-Founder – Jon Lomow, can be expected to farm and launch Baby Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Peppers for ready-to-eat and farm-to-table meals, shortly!
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/cultivating-for-tomorrow-sustainable-cea-farming-produce-with-jon-lomow/
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vidyajyotieduversity · 4 months
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knowledgehistory08 · 7 months
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immunobiz · 8 months
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🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 Canada does not require companies to label their food products containing bioengineered ingredients (GMO). "It is not mandatory to identify the method of production, including genetic modification, used to develop a food product." Imagine the garbage we eat without even knowing it.
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pacpack-machineries · 11 months
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Say goodbye to product wastage with PacPack's innovative filling, packing machineries
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