#Fortress Maximus x y/n
Gems - Fortress Maximus
Author Notes: Last fic for today, but I wanted to get the fics I hadn't written for my usual fandoms posted today as a sort of treat for myself. Don't worry, as of next week it'll be back to the usually scheduled fics. I wrote this while listening to "Meet Me in The Wood" by Lord Huron. Reader is human and gender-neutral, I hope you enjoy
Type: Fluff/ platonic or romantic (whichever you prefer)/ gender neutral reader
Word count: 1983
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I watched as the familiar but heartbreaking presence of Fortress Maximus passed me by. Finding him on Garrus-9 had both been a relief and a nightmare in the making. 
What Overlord had done was beyond wrong and Max had scars that would last him for a lifetime. That, added to the fact that he’d snapped, hurt Rung, and thus had himself deemed dangerous was more than enough to worsen his view on both life and himself.
 I hadn’t met him till after he’d been found, but even I could tell that what was left now was a mere husk of the mech who’d kept track of all the inmates of Garrus-9. 
I found myself trotting out the door, following the enormous mech that typically avoided me. I was small compared to most Cybertronians to say the least, but compared to him I was downright miniscule. But, despite that, he always seemed to know where I was. Except for this time.
Currently he was so deep in his thoughts and memories that he was oblivious to my presence.
 I couldn’t blame him, though. Receiving news of Overlord was likely beyond horrifying for the gigantic fellow. 
I had to run full-tilt to have any hope of catching up to him before he made it to his berth-room where he would doubtless stew on his trauma and newfound info on Overlord.
 I couldn’t say that Max would seek vengeance. He wasn’t the type to sneak away and go off on a revenge-driven mission. Instead, he was the type to withdraw from all social contact and beat himself up over things that were anything but his fault.
And that was something I couldn’t stand. I hadn’t known Max long, but I could tell he was a gentle soul who avoided me for fear of hurting me. 
Despite Rodimus’s hypothesis that Max was afraid of humans, something told me that he wasn’t. I’d seen his discreet glances and hidden smiles that were directed specifically at me. 
No one else on this ship was as close to the floor as I was, so who else could it be directed at?
I was panting by the time I’d gotten close enough to hope that he would hear my call. Loud to my ears, but probably close to a whisper for him considering the raw distance between me and his helm, “MAX!”
He turned, despite all odds, and his optics immediately landed on me. He looked exhausted, with his expression holding the kind of fatigue that went beyond weariness and delved straight into his innermost core.
What was worse was that he’d looked that way for days. Even Rung had confided in me during lunch that he was very concerned for his patient/friend. 
Max was worse than he’d ever been and something told me it was more than just lack of sleep.
“Max are you…” I struggled to come right out and question his well-being. 
Max didn’t like for others to worry about him. In fact, he avoided attention as much as he could. 
But right now he just stared down at me. Tried but as patient as ever. Making me feel ridiculous for struggling to ask him a very, very simple question.
I sighed, inhaling before coming right out and asking exactly what I’d come to ask, “Are you alright?” 
He blinked at me, having the audacity to look surprised at my concern. Were it anyone else I might have been irritated. But this was Max. He probably didn’t think anyone, much less the lone human on this ship, cared.
“You look exhausted and… Well, I know something is wrong.” 
He snorted, surprising me with the cynical sound, “Isn’t something always wrong around here?” He straightened, optics scanning the hallway like he was making sure no one else was around.
I mean… He wasn’t wrong. This crew had run into one issue after another. “Well, yeah. But this is sort of worse than usual, isn’t it?”
His optics flicked back down to me, a sort of hollowness to his gaze as he uttered two words, “Is it?”
I almost cringed at his question. Because it was definitely worse than usual. Max was never like this.
 “Max… You haven’t been acting right these past few days and I… I’m worried,” I faltered slightly, hardly knowing what to say but also desperate to do something for this gigantic, but uniquely gentle mech.
There was a flatness to his tone when he answered, “I haven’t been ‘right’ since I woke up back on Garrus-9.” 
This time I did cringe. His words were likely true, and it was to be expected. No one could have come out that unchanged.
But at my reaction, the mech’s expression softened slightly and he shook his head, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault and you’re being very kind. You have been very kind this entire time.”
He sighed, rubbing at his neck awkwardly before gesturing to the door, “Would you like to come in?” 
I barely hid my surprise at his offer. 
Max had been shy at best since coming here and my best attempts at befriending him were usually met with polite refusals. Him inviting me into his berth-room could only mean one thing. He really was upset this time. Upset enough that he couldn’t turn away offers of assistance.
I nodded though, following him into the dark room that soon flickered with cold blue light as the sensors registered our presence. His room was surprisingly bare, there was little in the way of personal items. In fact, if I were to be blunt, it seemed cold and impersonal.
“So… What is this all about Max?” He turned slightly, meeting my eyes with a guarded look. He sighed though, seemingly surrendering to the fact that I was here now, and lowered his servo for me to clamber onto.
He was unfailingly gentle when he held me. In many ways, he seemed to be terrified that he would hurt me even though I knew just from his actions that he’d sooner injure himself. He took slow steps, careful not to jostle me as we moved across the room.
He barely tilted his servo, letting me slide off and onto his berth which he sat down on next to me. “I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened.”
I nodded at his answer as I settled in for a long talk with him, “Everything that has happened since coming here or…?” I trailed off, not quite willing to bring up that period of his life.
ButI was spared as he glanced sideways at me, knowing exactly what I meant, “Both.”
I hummed, out of my element but determined to try and help Max sort through his current troubles. If I could get him started talking then hopefully Rung could step in and finish up during their appointments. 
“Did the recent…” I paused, searching for the word. Overlord showing up in our basement was bad enough, now he was loose and seemed to still have an obsession with the mech next to me, “The recent information start all of this?”
Max merely snorted and shook his head, “No. This has been coming on for a while. I suppose I’m lost. I don’t know who I am anymore and I can’t go back to the way I was…. Not now.”
That was… A lot more than I had expected. Max was usually so quiet, I’d never thought he’d actually open up. Much less to me.
I hesitantly reached out, cautiously brushing my hand against his servo that rested next to me and he looked down. He wasn’t surprised, just tired looking.
 I offered a weak smile as I did my best to offer advice and comfort, “Change is natural. Everyone goes through change.”
He smiled at me wryly, “You sound like Rung.”
 I snorted despite myself at his words, “Is that a good thing?”
His smile fell and he looked off to the side, “Well… I kind of wanted to talk to you.” I stilled at his words, realizing exactly how stupid I’d been to try and behave like Rung. If he wanted to talk to his therapist he could have. But he hadn’t. He’d invited me into his berth room to talk to me.
I shifted awkwardly, looking away, unsure as to why he would want to talk to me but resolving to do just that and let him talk to me. Because even if it was awkward I could do that for him at the very least.
If I wanted him to tell me about his scars I’d have to share mine. 
“I… uh. I lost track of myself too at one point after coming here.” I was tense as his head swiveled so he could stare at me with wide optics. I couldn’t bring myself to look back at him, instead opting to lift my shoulder in a self-conscious half-shrug. 
“I guess that when I came aboard I hadn’t realized how much my home had been a part of me….” I could feel his silent stare, prodding me to continue so I did, feeling more and more awkward the second.
“Being away from Earth has been difficult and when….” I inhaled, encouraging myself to keep going, “Well… when you lose track of yourself it can’t help but be hard.”
I shook my head, because hard wasn’t the right word. I looked up at him, finally meeting his gaze, “In fact, it's beyond hard. It feels impossible sometimes. You learn things you don’t like about yourself and you want to change but stay the same all at once.”
I felt myself quail slightly under the weight of his stare, “At least… That’s how it’s been for me.” 
His gaze softened and he nodded, “It is.” 
Silence fell after his answer, and I really didn’t know what else to say. I could only hope he’d take the opening I’d given him to talk about his troubles.
He looked away, venting loudly as if he were preparing, “I don’t know if I’m a coward, weak, or a fool.” He looked back towards, sympathetic sadness lingering in his optics, “But I do know I’m not as brave as I thought.”
I felt myself smile slightly, a somber expression, but the best reassurance I could muster in this oddly raw moment. “I think you’re brave. You’ve lasted far longer than I would have under some pretty impossible pressure.”
I hesitated in the face of his slight smile, not sure if I could or should continue. Perhaps my current thoughts would sound stupid. But I forged onwards anyways, keeping a smile on my face as I continued, “You know, back on Earth they say diamonds are formed under pressure and that we see new parts of ourselves when things are at their worst. Maybe that’s what’s happening to us.”
He smiled, a little bigger and a little brighter this time. It made me wonder what he was like before he’d seen hell and came back out. Fire-forged, but scarred and wounded. “Maybe.”
I smiled back at him, feeling a little bit more genuine with this smile before looking away and allowing myself a quiet exhale. 
I was relieved that he seemed to feel a bit better and mortified that I’d shared what made me feel so shallow. I wasn’t the only one away from home after all….
“For what it’s worth,” His words dragged my startled attention back to him. I’d thought he was done…
“I think you’ll make one of the loveliest of all the gems Earth has ever made.'' I blinked up at him and he looked away, coughing slightly into his servo.
 I felt myself smile and nudged his other servo again, immediately gaining his attention, “Thanks Max. But I’m supposed to be comforting you.”
He grinned, a truly genuine one this time, “No reason I can’t do the same for you.”
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[MTMTE] Prowl x Fem! Reader x Fortress Maximus:  Just Your Friend (There Could Have Been More)
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A/N: Phew! Here’s another reader-insert for all ye MTMTE fans! I had this story in mind already ever since I read the last issue of MTMTE. The story is basically the same; just added some tweaks of here and there so that we could insert ourselves in the story, hehe. Enjoy this one! I still have a few stories in the works and, this time, all of them are in the TFA continuity.
GREAT NEWS! I created an AO3 account: moreteatimestories. This is for easier navigation and reading in case Tumblr decided to go haywire on you.
“You care for him so much. That only means you may be his... sparkmate,” Sentinel Prime said, peering at you holding a now dead Prowl in your arms.
Cerebros remarked worriedly, “Sentinel, he’s your friend, for Primus’s sake! Aren’t you even bothered that he’s dead?”
Sentinel only laughed devilishly. “I don’t care even the slightest if he’s dead. He’s a fool, anyway.”
“How dare you!” you shouted angrily. “How can you be so cruel! I don’t even know how you’re still alive!”
“Yeah, Sentinel,” Cerebros concurred. “You were supposed to be dead. What happened?”
“Oh? Now you want to know? I’m more than happy to tell you.”
Meanwhile, Fortress Maximus and Red Alert were having a scuffle with one another, Fort Max being too distracted. He can’t help, but look at you holding Prowl in your arms. He admitted to himself that he felt... jealous.
When he decided to come back to Cybertron on his own (and be stationed in Luna-1), you became his new psychiatrist. While he commended Rung for being a great one, he felt more at ease with you. You were always smiling and you wouldn’t push him to answer if he seemed uncomfortable with some questions. It was like you treated him as a trusted friend. You were patient, too. These qualities what made him fall for you.
However, the pining was the only thing he can give. You and Prowl are sparkmates (not yet a Conjunx) and Fort Max knew he can and will never have your spark (heart, in your case).
He was still lovingly gazing at you. Prowl was one lucky mech...
He fell on the ground, his optical vision fizzing temporarily.
“Why aren’t you fighting back?!” Red Alert taunted.
Fort Max grunted. “Maybe because I didn’t want to hurt you, obviously. You’re a friend, Red!” He partially lied.
Red Alert flew another punch, but Fort Max was able to take hold of his fist. However, he didn’t counter an attack and instead pushed him forcefully.
Going back to your case, Sentinel finally explained his ‘reincarnation’ and his grand scheme of taking Cybertron to a new form of glory.
“Actually, I don’t mind taking a queen with me as I mold a new Cybertron!” He held your arm tightly.
“What?! No...! Stop! I am not yours to take!” you screamed as he tried to pull you away from your lover.
“Sentinel, be reasonable!” Cerebros coaxed. “Whatever happened, this is not you.”
Sentinel ignored him as he pried you away from Prowl. You thrashed, pulling yourself from him. “Let me go!”
He shifted his hold to both of your wrists as he closed the proximity between you and looked at your eyes.
“This would be easier if you’re not struggling so much, sweetspark.”
“I hate you,” you muttered loudly.
Suddenly, Sentinel groaned painfully loud as he released your wrists. You moved backwards to witness the ex-Prime falling on his one knee joint and a medium-sized hole on his shoulder plate.
“First of all, she is NOT your sweetspark. And secondly, if you want a bot to actually die, make sure they’re DEAD. For REAL.”
You could shed some tears of contentment as you heard and saw Prowl. “Prowl!” You ran to him and enveloped him in your embrace. He returned it, but more protectively.
“Prowl! Thank Primus it worked!” Cerebros cheered.
“Ah, so you lived? No matter. I’ll just finish all of you!” Sentinel growled fiercely.
Prowl shot him again and this disabled Sentinel for the time being. He then announced, “We’re going NOW. Fort Max! Let’s go!”
Said Autobot pushed Red Alert forcefully. “But, if we go, Sentinel will-“
“Just trust me and let’s go. He won’t do anything for a while.” He peered at you with his now one optic. “Ride with me, sweetspark.” He got hold of your hand and used the still functioning M.A.R.B.S. to flee for the meantime.
“Are you alright, Prowl? You looked like in pain,” you worriedly said.
“It’s just my helm. I don’t know why I’m having a processor-ache,” he answered.
“Oh! Lemme explain that!” Cerebros briefly explained how he ‘revived’ Prowl and this made the latter feel resentment.
“Do you want to know how much I HATED being controlled?! Being manipulated?! I have mental and physical scars when it comes to that. Give me one good reason that I won’t kill you right now!”
You interrupted him by gripping his arm plate. “Prowl, enough! Cerebros was just trying to save you. He didn’t mean to do it. Just calm yourself down. You know I’m always here for you if you feel those scars again.”
He shook and composed himself. He removed your hold and went to one side for now. He spoke, “Give me a few nanokliks to process everything.”
You huffed quietly and shifted your attention to Fortress Maximus. You weren’t able to notice him since your mind was occupied by your lover being dead (and thank Primus he wasn’t). You approached him in another room, seemingly tinkering on some device with Beak on it.
“Hey, Max,” you called.
His spark jumped upon hearing your voice. He turned to you at once.
“(Y/-Y/n)...!” he stammered.
“Just wanted to check up on you. I know Red Alert is a friend and it must have hurt you seeing him fighting all of us.”
Well, yes, it did, but what was more hurting for him was the fact that he could be protecting you from Sentinel instead. Plus, the fact that he can’t have you. Just witnessing you worrying Prowl like that made his spark ache. He wished that you would fret over him like that of Prowl. But, of course, that was just wishful thinking.
“Max, are you sure you’re okay?” you tried to coax him to answer.
He gazed at you for a moment. You were so beautiful in the optics (well, in his optics, that is) and all he could do was just the pining.
He replied nonetheless, “I’m fine. I’m sure there’s a way for Red Alert to snap out of it.”
You gave a small smile and that warmed Fort Max’s cheek plates. He always loved that upward curve of your lips.
“I’m your friend, Max. If you need me, I’ll be there no matter what.”
Right... Friend... You two were just FRIENDS and that was as far as your relationship can go. Fort Max, once again, wished there was something more.
All he ever said back was, “If you also need anything, I’ll be there. ALWAYS.” He emphasized the last word. No matter what he was doing, be it fighting Decepticons or any other life forms, he’ll be there. Because it’s you whom he will protect and take care of. Because if he was to admit, he LOVES you too much. Be damned if you and Prowl were together. He will never stop loving you because you made him feel safe. You made him feel HOME.
Prowl’s vocal chords echoed in the room. He was panicking as he entered. “Red Alert shot me! He shot me! That damn double-crossing, hypocritical bastard shot me!”
You hushed him. “Prowl, again, calm down.”
He held his helm and grumbled. “Sorry, sweetspark. It’s just that... All these catching up is making my processor hurt.”
“How’s about I make it simple?” Cerebros presented. “All you need to know is that Sentinel is planning to open a portal to Cybertron. And the plan is to commandeer this Titan we are in so that we could stop the other Titans passing through the portal.”
“Except there’s only one problem,” Fort Max declared. “This device won’t budge. It’s a release mechanism. I can’t flip it over. It’s stuck.”
Prowl growled. “Step aside.”
Fort Max raised an optic ridge. “No offense, Prowl, but if I can’t move it, I don’t think-“
“You just haven’t had the practice.” The police officer flipped the switch with ease.
“You stay here, sweetspark. I’ll be more at ease if you’re here,” Prowl stated.
You frowned. You always hated being left behind and being able to do nothing. “But, Prowl...”
“(Y/n), no. I’m not letting that bastard Sentinel have his servos on you.”
“Alright...” you finally gave way as you bowed your head.
“Hey.” Prowl lifted your chin. Before you can even look at him, his lips gently crashed onto yours. It was a surprise to you so you couldn’t react as he removed his lips and gazed at you adoringly. “I love you.”
You were able to register his words as you whispered back, “I love you, too.”
Fortress Maximus, sadly, saw the whole action. His spark, once again, hurt. He always wondered how your luscious lips would feel on his own. That would be so comforting. He snapped on his thinking when Prowl called at him.
“Fort Max, I’ll be leaving (Y/n) here. Make sure she’s not hurt while you’re trying to control this Titan.”
Now that was like underestimating him. If that glitch-head knew how much he loves you more than his life, he’ll definitely finish the job without having a scratch on you.
You assured the both of them, “I know how to watch myself, thank you very much. You don’t need to worry over me. I’ll make sure to hold onto something when things get rough.”
“I’m going now.” Prowl kissed your forehead for the last time.
‘Lucky bastard,’ Fort Max mused.
“You’ll be fine, Red. Judging from your answers so far, you still seemed unease, but eventually, you’ll be able to overcome it,” you shared to Red Alert.
Said mech ex-vented. “That’s good to know, (Y/n).”
It had been three solar cycles now ever since Sentinel finally met his demise. Prowl and the others were able to save Cybertron from the Titans.
Speaking of the police officer, he and Fortress Maximus took Sovereign back to Earth. It hadn’t been that long, but you already wanted to see him. Your mech has been through a lot, even losing his one good optic.
“And, we’re back!” Prowl announced.
Your smile widened upon hearing his voice as you quickly approached him.
“Welcome back!” you happily exclaimed as you hugged him.
Fort Max diverted his optics away from the two of you as he walked away to a room. Red Alert followed him.
“So... Did you tell her?” he asked.
“Tell her what, Red?” Fort Max replied with a question as if he knew nothing what his friend was referring to.
“You know what I mean, Max.”
The large Autobot ex-vented. “There’s no point, Red. She’s already taken. From the way I see it, she and Prowl deeply love each other.”
Red Alert raised an optic ridge. “So, what now? You’re just going to do the pining while they canoodle here and there?”
“Do I really have a choice?” Fort Max turned to face him. “I’m not some bot who’ll break their relationship just because he and I love the same femme.” He lowered his helm. “She was already with Prowl the moment I came back in Cybertron. I’m contented to be just there for her whenever she needs me.”
“Well, I guess that’s good enough. But, word of advice, don’t get too attached. Don’t want you get hurting again.”
“I’m already hurt, Red. Emotionally. Seeing the love of your life being whisked away by another mech…”
Red Alert patted his friend’s large shoulder plate. “‘Least she gets a guardian to protect her no matter what.”
Fort Max just gave a small beam.
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