#Transformers x y/n
hi! could you do i mirage x fem bot where she's kinda got the build of a mech and is super self conscious about it. and when noah and elena meet her they think she's a mech and she gets upset and they've got no clue whats going on but mirage does and he comforts her? sorry if this doesn't make sense 🫶
Just the Way You Are
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ROTB Mirage x Femme Autobot Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1300
You had heard much about the Autobots’ human allies. As you waited patiently inside a warehouse which was the current hideout for Optimus Prime and the Autobots, you couldn’t help but feel excited. You had never directly interacted with humans during your short time on Earth, and you were looking forward to finally meeting them. Shortly after the Transwarp key had sent its beacon into the cosmos, you had followed its signal in your ship to Earth. This is where you would come to join up with the Autobots and make this planet your temporary new home. 
As for your new comrades, you found them to be welcoming but you got along with some better than others. Of course you regarded Optimus with the utmost respect, but he wasn’t much for conversation and you didn’t want to risk embarrassing yourself in front of him. Arcee was informative and kind; Bumblebee was quirky and fun; but Mirage definitely made you feel far more comfortable. Actually, he made you laugh quite a bit, and despite Mirage’s antics often butting heads with Optimus, you couldn’t help but want to spend more time with him. Besides, he was highly in-tune with human culture and close friends with their human companions. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard the familiar rev of Mirage’s engine, causing you to transform from your vehicle mode into your Cybertronian form. In usual Mirage-fashion, the mech peeled into the warehouse in his Porsche vehicle mode before halting to a sudden stop. You couldn’t help but roll your optics slightly, thinking to yourself Always with the dramatic entrance. 
As Mirage parked, both the driver’s side and passenger doors opened, allowing two humans to emerge. Once his cab was empty, Mirage transformed from his vehicle mode and stretched his limbs. As he glanced around, Mirage’s optics focused on you, “Hey, Y/N! Ready to meet my friends?” His tone was upbeat and full of excitement as he beamed with eagerness. You took a few steps forward before focusing your gaze towards the two small human figures standing before you. “I’m glad to meet your acquaintance. I am Y/N,” you lower your frame slightly, trying to decrease the height difference as much as you can. 
Mirage steps in to introduce everyone, “Y/N, this is my boi, Noah, and the badass Elena.” Both Noah and Elena smile up at you, with Noah stepping forward to address you, “Y/N, it’s an honor to meet you. It’s great to have another Autobot on the team. Maybe Mirage, you, and me can head out on the town afterwards. Just the three of us guys hanging out.” Before you can fully process Noah’s words, Elena chimes in, “It’s nice to have you joining us, Y/N. Hopefully Mirage and Noah don’t rub off on you too much. Honestly, we don’t need too many boys misbehaving after all.” 
You pause briefly, taking in what you just heard, Do they think I’m a… mech? You tried to keep your thoughts to yourself, attempting to force your emotions to the back of your mind. As much as you tried, you couldn’t stop the surge of emotions that would ultimately bubble to the surface. You were aware that your frame build wasn’t as feminine as a bot such as Arcee. That you were built thicker and more muscular than the average femme on Cybertron, a fact that had plagued you even before the war, as many a mech would make a jab at your more masculine appearance and voice. It all would become too much, and your body language betrayed your thoughts and feelings. 
Noah and Elena watched you in confusion, unsure of what was bothering you. Noah stepped forward to speak, “Hey, Y/N, are you okay? Was it something we said?” 
Unable to contain your emotions any longer, you turned suddenly and glared down at 
Noah and Elena. “Yes it was something you said! It’s something that everyone, human or Cybertronian, apparently has to point out!” Your words came out in a tone of both anger and agony. You would swiftly turn away and transform into your alt mode, before driving out of the warehouse, your destination: anywhere but here. 
Both Noah and Elena are left speechless and with a sense of guilt, although they had no idea why. Mirage looked down at the two of them and gestured to Noah, “Hey, don’t worry about it. I’ve got this.” He quickly shuffled away from them both, transforming into his vehicle mode then driving off in pursuit of Y/N. After a short drive, Mirage follows your trail to a secluded and abandoned lighthouse on the edge of the bay. Mirage had been here before and knew this was usually where you went to relax or calm down after a hard day. Mirage transformed from his vehicle mode and walked around the exterior of the lighthouse, finding you sitting down, your back leaned against the building. He notices your dour demeanor and softly speaks, “Hey… Y/N, are you feeling alright?”
Although you weren’t expecting Mirage to follow you after your outburst, you weren’t surprised as he was Mirage after all. You kept your gaze averted from Mirage, “...I could be better…”
 Mirage tries to keep a positive attitude and sits beside you, scooching closer to you, “I’m really sorry for Noah and Elena… I promise you they didn’t mean to offend you. Even humans can make mistakes and I’ll let them know what’s up.” His optics are locked onto you, his expression soft but clearly full of concern. 
“I’m sorry if I overreacted, but… it’s not just them, it’s just… everything and it’s hard not to be affected by it.” Your entire life you had to struggle with your appearance and how so many Cybertronians mistook your gender. You always tried to ignore and deny how this made you feel, but there was only so much you could handle. Despite having known him for a short time, Mirage had always tried to make you feel better in his own quirky way. You always laughed at his jokes and you were always down to join him on patrols or occasionally risk a lecture from Prime after breaking curfew. Primus forbid anyone should know you had developed a crush on him, although you never thought you had a chance with someone like him. 
Sensing your distress, Mirage shifts towards you and places a servo on your shoulder. “Y/N, I’m gonna be honest with you. You’re cute as hell and I think you are one of the finest femmes in the universe.” He flashes a brief smirk before his expression changes to be softer and more vulnerable. Mirage begins to go off on details about your personality and how he finds your mannerisms absolutely adorable. But this mech isn’t done yet. “Don’t get me started on how a chick who could bench me is beyond hot as slag. And don’t get me started on what’s ‘feminine.’ Cause what even defines that? Tall, short, skinny, built, thick, all the same to me.” He fires off a shameless wink towards you before clearing his throat and re-focusing, “Look, Y/N, I’m sorry I haven’t told you sooner, but I really like you. As in… ‘like you’ like you. But… I understand if you don’t feel the sam–”
Before Mirage can finish his sentence, you wrap your arms around him and pull him close, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. Catching yourself, you quickly pull away embarrassed, “...I-i’m sorry…! I don’t know what came over me—” You are in-turn surprised as Mirage brings you close once more and kisses you, 
As his lips slowly pull away, Mirage smirks to you, “I one-million percent feel the same.” 
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Sneaking Out Shortcanon (Bayverse Ironhide)
Wanna make a request or leave a tip? Buy me Kofi😘
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~ Being a 22-year-old college student that still lived with their parents was annoying, to say the least
~ Even though you're an adult, your parents still follow the "My house, My rules" saying.
~ Meaning your curfew..... was 10 o'clock 😐
~ At first Ironhide had to beg and bribe you to sneak out with him
~ Literally 🤣
~ To his benefit, you eventually gave in 
"Come on Y/N, what could your parents really do? Ground you?"
"Fine, fine I'm coming"
~ When you first snuck out it was nothing more than a long drive accompanied by a loving conversation 
~ He literally just needed your presence that night 🥺
~ After this, sneaking out became more frequent for you
~ Ironhide even started taking you back to base with him
~ Not to mention, sneaking back in was way easier than you thought
~ No motion sensors or alarms!?!? Oh yeah, you were all set 🤣
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Gems - Fortress Maximus
Author Notes: Last fic for today, but I wanted to get the fics I hadn't written for my usual fandoms posted today as a sort of treat for myself. Don't worry, as of next week it'll be back to the usually scheduled fics. I wrote this while listening to "Meet Me in The Wood" by Lord Huron. Reader is human and gender-neutral, I hope you enjoy
Type: Fluff/ platonic or romantic (whichever you prefer)/ gender neutral reader
Word count: 1983
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I watched as the familiar but heartbreaking presence of Fortress Maximus passed me by. Finding him on Garrus-9 had both been a relief and a nightmare in the making. 
What Overlord had done was beyond wrong and Max had scars that would last him for a lifetime. That, added to the fact that he’d snapped, hurt Rung, and thus had himself deemed dangerous was more than enough to worsen his view on both life and himself.
 I hadn’t met him till after he’d been found, but even I could tell that what was left now was a mere husk of the mech who’d kept track of all the inmates of Garrus-9. 
I found myself trotting out the door, following the enormous mech that typically avoided me. I was small compared to most Cybertronians to say the least, but compared to him I was downright miniscule. But, despite that, he always seemed to know where I was. Except for this time.
Currently he was so deep in his thoughts and memories that he was oblivious to my presence.
 I couldn’t blame him, though. Receiving news of Overlord was likely beyond horrifying for the gigantic fellow. 
I had to run full-tilt to have any hope of catching up to him before he made it to his berth-room where he would doubtless stew on his trauma and newfound info on Overlord.
 I couldn’t say that Max would seek vengeance. He wasn’t the type to sneak away and go off on a revenge-driven mission. Instead, he was the type to withdraw from all social contact and beat himself up over things that were anything but his fault.
And that was something I couldn’t stand. I hadn’t known Max long, but I could tell he was a gentle soul who avoided me for fear of hurting me. 
Despite Rodimus’s hypothesis that Max was afraid of humans, something told me that he wasn’t. I’d seen his discreet glances and hidden smiles that were directed specifically at me. 
No one else on this ship was as close to the floor as I was, so who else could it be directed at?
I was panting by the time I’d gotten close enough to hope that he would hear my call. Loud to my ears, but probably close to a whisper for him considering the raw distance between me and his helm, “MAX!”
He turned, despite all odds, and his optics immediately landed on me. He looked exhausted, with his expression holding the kind of fatigue that went beyond weariness and delved straight into his innermost core.
What was worse was that he’d looked that way for days. Even Rung had confided in me during lunch that he was very concerned for his patient/friend. 
Max was worse than he’d ever been and something told me it was more than just lack of sleep.
“Max are you…” I struggled to come right out and question his well-being. 
Max didn’t like for others to worry about him. In fact, he avoided attention as much as he could. 
But right now he just stared down at me. Tried but as patient as ever. Making me feel ridiculous for struggling to ask him a very, very simple question.
I sighed, inhaling before coming right out and asking exactly what I’d come to ask, “Are you alright?” 
He blinked at me, having the audacity to look surprised at my concern. Were it anyone else I might have been irritated. But this was Max. He probably didn’t think anyone, much less the lone human on this ship, cared.
“You look exhausted and… Well, I know something is wrong.” 
He snorted, surprising me with the cynical sound, “Isn’t something always wrong around here?” He straightened, optics scanning the hallway like he was making sure no one else was around.
I mean… He wasn’t wrong. This crew had run into one issue after another. “Well, yeah. But this is sort of worse than usual, isn’t it?”
His optics flicked back down to me, a sort of hollowness to his gaze as he uttered two words, “Is it?”
I almost cringed at his question. Because it was definitely worse than usual. Max was never like this.
 “Max… You haven’t been acting right these past few days and I… I’m worried,” I faltered slightly, hardly knowing what to say but also desperate to do something for this gigantic, but uniquely gentle mech.
There was a flatness to his tone when he answered, “I haven’t been ‘right’ since I woke up back on Garrus-9.” 
This time I did cringe. His words were likely true, and it was to be expected. No one could have come out that unchanged.
But at my reaction, the mech’s expression softened slightly and he shook his head, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault and you’re being very kind. You have been very kind this entire time.”
He sighed, rubbing at his neck awkwardly before gesturing to the door, “Would you like to come in?” 
I barely hid my surprise at his offer. 
Max had been shy at best since coming here and my best attempts at befriending him were usually met with polite refusals. Him inviting me into his berth-room could only mean one thing. He really was upset this time. Upset enough that he couldn’t turn away offers of assistance.
I nodded though, following him into the dark room that soon flickered with cold blue light as the sensors registered our presence. His room was surprisingly bare, there was little in the way of personal items. In fact, if I were to be blunt, it seemed cold and impersonal.
“So… What is this all about Max?” He turned slightly, meeting my eyes with a guarded look. He sighed though, seemingly surrendering to the fact that I was here now, and lowered his servo for me to clamber onto.
He was unfailingly gentle when he held me. In many ways, he seemed to be terrified that he would hurt me even though I knew just from his actions that he’d sooner injure himself. He took slow steps, careful not to jostle me as we moved across the room.
He barely tilted his servo, letting me slide off and onto his berth which he sat down on next to me. “I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened.”
I nodded at his answer as I settled in for a long talk with him, “Everything that has happened since coming here or…?” I trailed off, not quite willing to bring up that period of his life.
ButI was spared as he glanced sideways at me, knowing exactly what I meant, “Both.”
I hummed, out of my element but determined to try and help Max sort through his current troubles. If I could get him started talking then hopefully Rung could step in and finish up during their appointments. 
“Did the recent…” I paused, searching for the word. Overlord showing up in our basement was bad enough, now he was loose and seemed to still have an obsession with the mech next to me, “The recent information start all of this?”
Max merely snorted and shook his head, “No. This has been coming on for a while. I suppose I’m lost. I don’t know who I am anymore and I can’t go back to the way I was…. Not now.”
That was… A lot more than I had expected. Max was usually so quiet, I’d never thought he’d actually open up. Much less to me.
I hesitantly reached out, cautiously brushing my hand against his servo that rested next to me and he looked down. He wasn’t surprised, just tired looking.
 I offered a weak smile as I did my best to offer advice and comfort, “Change is natural. Everyone goes through change.”
He smiled at me wryly, “You sound like Rung.”
 I snorted despite myself at his words, “Is that a good thing?”
His smile fell and he looked off to the side, “Well… I kind of wanted to talk to you.” I stilled at his words, realizing exactly how stupid I’d been to try and behave like Rung. If he wanted to talk to his therapist he could have. But he hadn’t. He’d invited me into his berth room to talk to me.
I shifted awkwardly, looking away, unsure as to why he would want to talk to me but resolving to do just that and let him talk to me. Because even if it was awkward I could do that for him at the very least.
If I wanted him to tell me about his scars I’d have to share mine. 
“I… uh. I lost track of myself too at one point after coming here.” I was tense as his head swiveled so he could stare at me with wide optics. I couldn’t bring myself to look back at him, instead opting to lift my shoulder in a self-conscious half-shrug. 
“I guess that when I came aboard I hadn’t realized how much my home had been a part of me….” I could feel his silent stare, prodding me to continue so I did, feeling more and more awkward the second.
“Being away from Earth has been difficult and when….” I inhaled, encouraging myself to keep going, “Well… when you lose track of yourself it can’t help but be hard.”
I shook my head, because hard wasn’t the right word. I looked up at him, finally meeting his gaze, “In fact, it's beyond hard. It feels impossible sometimes. You learn things you don’t like about yourself and you want to change but stay the same all at once.”
I felt myself quail slightly under the weight of his stare, “At least… That’s how it’s been for me.” 
His gaze softened and he nodded, “It is.” 
Silence fell after his answer, and I really didn’t know what else to say. I could only hope he’d take the opening I’d given him to talk about his troubles.
He looked away, venting loudly as if he were preparing, “I don’t know if I’m a coward, weak, or a fool.” He looked back towards, sympathetic sadness lingering in his optics, “But I do know I’m not as brave as I thought.”
I felt myself smile slightly, a somber expression, but the best reassurance I could muster in this oddly raw moment. “I think you’re brave. You’ve lasted far longer than I would have under some pretty impossible pressure.”
I hesitated in the face of his slight smile, not sure if I could or should continue. Perhaps my current thoughts would sound stupid. But I forged onwards anyways, keeping a smile on my face as I continued, “You know, back on Earth they say diamonds are formed under pressure and that we see new parts of ourselves when things are at their worst. Maybe that’s what’s happening to us.”
He smiled, a little bigger and a little brighter this time. It made me wonder what he was like before he’d seen hell and came back out. Fire-forged, but scarred and wounded. “Maybe.”
I smiled back at him, feeling a little bit more genuine with this smile before looking away and allowing myself a quiet exhale. 
I was relieved that he seemed to feel a bit better and mortified that I’d shared what made me feel so shallow. I wasn’t the only one away from home after all….
“For what it’s worth,” His words dragged my startled attention back to him. I’d thought he was done…
“I think you’ll make one of the loveliest of all the gems Earth has ever made.'' I blinked up at him and he looked away, coughing slightly into his servo.
 I felt myself smile and nudged his other servo again, immediately gaining his attention, “Thanks Max. But I’m supposed to be comforting you.”
He grinned, a truly genuine one this time, “No reason I can’t do the same for you.”
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Optimus Prime X FM Reader (One Shot)
"How Is He Falling For Her?"
-So, most people that know me, know that I'm obsessed with transformers and Optimus. I wrote this 13 long page one shot of the Optimus from TFP (Transformers Prime). And I was kinda talked into posting it ...SOOOOO... We're here now 😅. This has no specific plot but I just wanted my brain to feel pretty after writing this.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault themes, fluff, and a little bit of spicy stuff at the end.
Word count: 3,619
Song Inspiration:
-Isabel LaRosa - I'm yours
-(Sped Up Version)
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Optimus to others is seen as a prime, a leader, a bot with a kind spark, and at some points even cold. He doesn’t mean to be mean, he just probably doesn’t know how to have fun. Or perhaps even relax. While Optimus is seen in such a way, (y/n) knows deep down how he truly feels about his team. She has always grown some type of connection with Prime. The more time that they spend with each other, the more Optimus starts to feel things. Feelings that aren’t familiar to him, but at the same time, intoxicating. Even when you do the littlest things, he can’t help but look. When you talk about your passions, when you laugh, say an idea that helps out missions, the way how you encourage others to do their best…
The way how you look into his optics makes him feel like time has stopped, and only for you two.
When your (H/C) hair shines in the sun when the sunrise comes up and makes your eyes turn into a hazel color shimmer.
Literally, everything about you makes every fiber in his metal body, melt and crumble away, he is torn by your beauty and the fact that you were human. He was only an Autobot, nothing could ever happen.
Until one night you went to ask Optimus for a favor, which he quickly approved of. It makes Optimus happy because he always wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
However the request was rather odd, you asked him if he could give you a ride with one other person because they asked you out on a date to the movie theaters. You didn’t want to go but you also didn’t know how to say ‘no’. You couldn’t ask any of your others friends because they would only say just go by yourself.
Optimus is still rather confused about the term “Date”.
“(Y/N), I'm afraid your human terms are still rather confusing. Can you please educate me on this term?”
“Well, for humans when two people seem very interested in each other or are just really close friends, and want to spend more time together just one on one, they go out together to do something fun and usually romantic.”
Optimus understood a little bit more.
“Interesting, but this “Cody” friend of yours from school, I think I recall that you didn’t like his company.”
It hit you at that moment that Optimus must have overheard you complain about Cody to the others and the bots, about how he’s really cool to hang with as a friend but sometimes tries to flirt with you and it makes you icky on the inside.
“Yes, but I just need to be able to deal with him for the rest of the week that way we can get along while we finish this last project for my college class.”
“I need you, Optimus, I need like a third wheel in case something goes wrong.”
Optimus now looks at you with the most love-sick optics after he heard that first line come out of your mouth.
He kneels down on the ground to get closer to you. With his face inches away from yours, he smiles.
“Don’t worry Lady (y/n), I will be there to accompany you and your ‘Date’.”
He says as he rolls his eyes at that last comment.
You laugh and feel some weight lift off your shoulders.
“Thank you thank you Thank you!”
As you said that, you get on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his metal cheek. And walk away without looking back at him.
“I promise I’ll make this up to you. See ya later.”
When you left the room, the prime was still in shock, he goes to touch the side where you kissed him, and starts to overheat a little.
“No need (y/n), you already have.”
He says to himself as he smiles in adoration. -Time skip-
It was finally time for your date with Cody but he texted you to let you know he still needed some more time to get ready so that meant you still had more time to yourself. But you were dreading it even more as every second passes by.
Optimus sees your discomfort, so he walks in front of your view.
“(y/n), are you alright? you seem uneasy.”
“Yeah, I’m totally fine, just a little nervous.”
He didn’t buy your strong act, he knew that you didn’t like this.
“Don’t worry, m’lady, I will be with you the entire time, you won’t be alone, plus I promised to protect you.”
Heat suddenly started to rise in your face, he just called you M’lady.
“Thank you Optimus, also where did you learn that word from?”
“What word?”
“M’lady, You’ve never called me that before.”
“Oh, well I did some research last night with Raph on how dates work, and this term was mentioned as a form of respect to the females and to make them seem like a goddess. Do you think it was wrong for me to say such?”
“OH of course not it's totally fine, I actually kinda find it sweet, nobody has ever really said that to me before. Probably because I’m not pretty enough.”
Optimus’s face contorts in a look of disbelief.
He chuckles.
“Oh, but on the contrary, I highly doubt that, I think you are extraordinarily, beautiful.”
He says as he gives you a smirk and looks you up and down.
This made you feel red in the face. You looked away from him to try to compose yourself.
“Ehem, thank you Optimus, I could say the same about you too.”
“Thank you, and since you like the name, maybe I should call you that more often.”
“Sure if ya want.”
“Very well, M’Lady.”
You think to your self god why did he have to make that sound so sexy?
Miko comes to walk in to see you off.
“Hey, guys are you almost ready for that date?”
Confused by her question.
“What do you mean Miko? I am ready.”
“Seriously you're going in that? No offense.”
“It’s just jeans and a sweater.”
“Yeah, I know but aren’t you supposed to wear dresses and stuff to dates?”
Oh, shoot she was right I was too focused on trying to be on Cody’s good side that I forgot to completely sell it.
“Good call Miko let me go get changed real quick.”
You run off to your dorm area in the base.
-Time skip to when you got done getting dressed.-
You only just popped on a nice simple dress that you barely wear because it’s only for special occasions, it was one of your favorites tho, though it was a blue dress with flowers all over it and it had a little bit of fluff to add style and volume. You loved how easy it was to move in it. While looking at yourself in the mirror, you wondered what a certain someone who think or say if they saw you in this.
Finally, as you walk out. You go to call Optimus he was talking to ratchet at the time but when he turned around to look at you, you see his optics slightly get bigger as they scan your figure.
"Hey, what do you think?" You say as you twirl. And oh how he loved to see you do that in slow motion.
He feels like he could stare at you for hours. He smiles at you with a smile you would see rarely. The kind that makes you feel lovesick.
"Extraordinary" He whispers to himself
He stumbles on his thoughts and words.
"You look, magnificent M'lady."
Now it was your turn to stumble on your words. You pulled your gaze away from Optimus and started to get light-headed. Does he really think I’m pretty enough to be called magnificent? How am I possibly going to make all this up to him?
As you overthink and contemplate your self Optimus can’t help but keep looking at you, he almost thought there was something missing, not that you needed any changes to your beautiful outfit but still, he wanted to try to help you in a certain sense.
“If you will excuse me for a moment I think I got something.”
“Um sure, I’ll be here.”
Optimus goes to walk to his bathroom to grab your flower crown that you gave to Optimus, as a thank you for saving your life. It did not fit him at all but he kept it safe and close to him because it meant a lot. Once he retrieved it he went back to meet with you and saw that you were on the phone with someone while looking at yourself in the mirror to make sure everything was okay.
“Alright Cody, we’ll… I mean I’ll see ya soon, bye.”
“-Okay bye sugar-” You hang up and look in the mirror again fixing your hair a bit.
“Do you think I should put my hair up?”
Optimus smiles and walks over to you and kneels down behind you so that the both of you were looking in the mirror
“No, because there wouldn’t be any room for this."
You hum in confusion and then saw Optimus gently put the flower crown on your head, it fell over a little bit on one side but you fixed it.
“Haha awwww, you kept it this whole time?”
“Indeed it is very special to me.”
You turn to look at Optimus with the biggest grin on your face. And you can see how his gaze slowly softens at you as every second passes by. Unfortunately, the moment has to be ruined as Miko runs in saying that you guys were going to be late.
Breaking away from each other's gaze Optimus goes to transform into his vehicle mode, he opens his driver's side door for you to get in. When you got in you then guided Optimus in the direction of Cody's house. The closer you were getting to his place the more nervous and uncomfortable you were getting. Optimus broke you out of your thoughts when he spoke to ask you a question.
“(Y/N), from what I collected from the web there are usually two different types of movie theaters, one indoors and one outdoors. Which one are we going to?”
You thought to your self ‘dang he was fast to look that up.'
“We're going to an outdoor one, that's why we’re picking up Cody.”
Optimus hums to your response but it sounded like he was annoyed by that. “What?”
“Sorry what?”
You start to worry again and start to feel bad that you practically threw Optimus under the bus.
“Do you not like this idea you know if you don’t feel comfortable with him sitting in your seat then I can just-”
“No need, even if I feel some discomfort it doesn’t matter, because I made a promise to you, that I will stay with you the entire night. You matter more.”
You let out a breath of relief at his response. But feel conflicted to ask him a question again.
“Wait so if you're fine with him being in your seat then why did you hum like that earlier?”
“It's because I wasn’t fond of the idea of him getting to look at you the entire night while I would much rather do that.”
Oh dear god, this bot is going to be the death of me.
“HAHA, Optimus are you getting jealous, that's so sweet.”
I had to laugh it off, I lowkey can feel my cheeks burning.
“Maybe I am.”
He said with a bit of a cocky tone in his voice.
Optimus’s Pov:
When we finally pull up to Cody’s house, (Y/N) got to go knock on his door. When he came out he had this stupid grin on his face and went to go hug her. I felt some rising anger in me because she looked like she didn’t like the physical contact. I really perform my arms around her.
When they got to my vehicle Cody tried to get in the front seat, but I locked my door before he could get the chance.
“Hey uhh, the door is locked did you leave the keys inside?”
“Uh no here let me check.”
Oh for the love of the primes let her drive.
“OHHH I’m sorry I forgot this truck only allows me to drive it because of fingerprints and voice activation, plus you don’t have a license to drive semi-trucks so I’ll just take us there,”
I can’t believe she just came up with that excuse for me, it's like she knew. I love this woman.
When she got into the driver's seat she placed her hands on the steering wheels and stepped on the peddle to start driving. There were some points where I was in control but at other points, she took care of me. The entire drive though Cody was actually on his phone, for the most part, he made small takes here and there. But when he would try to make a certain comment to (y/n) to try to impress her or get a reaction, she would fake laugh it off and grip tighter on my steering wheel. I could sense her hands her a little unsteady, so since I have heating sensors, I wormed up the steering wheel to let her know I was here and that it was okay. She relaxed a little bit and smiled to herself.
When getting to the drive-in movie theater and they get their ‘popcorn?’ a very odd name for a type of human substance. The movie that Cody picked was the notebook, it was one of those movie nights where humans go to watch classic films on the big screen. (y/n) mention before actually, it was one of her favorite movies that make her cry every time. Once we parked into our parking spot (y/n) pulled out her blanket and put her knees up to her chest, something that she does on a daily when she feels like it or feels anxious.
While we were watching the movie I could sense that Cody was staring at (y/n) for a time longer than he should have. I could sense her sinking into my seat feeling a little uneasy about this.
“Are you enjoying the movie?” She asked.
“Not really it’s lowkey kinda boring.” He replies
“Oh well, I’m sorry.”
That little– He gets to spend at least 2 hours with her and you say something as inconsiderate as that. If it were me I would watch this movie a thousand times if it meant I got to sit next to her.
“You know I have a better idea.” He comments out of a sly evil tone.
(y/n) doesn’t look over but replies with a ‘what’.
“We could go someplace else and… try something new in our friendship.”
When he said that he reaches over to graze her arm with his disgusting hands.
She flinches away and gets ready to say something.
“You mean like mini golf hehe.”
She replies trying to shake off whatever he was applying.
“Not really, I was thinking something more, personal.”
Then when he started to move his hand to her thigh, that's when I snapped.
I made the seat that he was sitting in jolt up enough for him to get his hand off of her and hit his head.
I then opened my door and made the seat kick him out. Then when I did that I drove backward out of the parking spot and drove away from the perv.
“OPTIMUS! What was that? You could have blown your cover.”
“My dear, I will explain to you why I reacted in such a manner but wait until I drive to a more responsible area.”
“Trust me, please.”
She takes a second. “Okay, I trust you.”
“Thank you.”
The drive there was quiet, I could sense that the shaking she had felt earlier had calmed down.
I pulled into an abandoned gas station that she and I tend to go to a lot because it was close to her house.
She steps out and I take a moment to transform into my bot form.
“Okay, let me hear it.” She says to me in a demanding stance with her arms crossed, I felt bad for making her unpleased but at the same time, I found her anger surprisingly attractive and intriguing. I’ve never really seen her like this, she usually always has a calm demeanor or a smile on her face.
“uh eh, me first, (y/n) does he do this to you often?”
“No that was just the one time, but he always tries something to get me to sleep with him.”
“I never want you to see or speak to that piece of scrap ever again. I swear if he touches you again I’ll-”
“Optimus, I’m okay I swear, I’ve dealt with thugs like him before and survived.” She states in a manner of cockiness but I know deep down that she hates the fact that she has to deal with such.
“No, it’s not fine (y/n), what if he seriously did something and I would never see you again?”
(Y/N) Pov
Oh, I see what this is about.
“You really care about me huh?”
“Yes, indeed I do.”
“Can you pick me up real quick?”
Optimus doesn’t question it so he does what you ask of him.
He holds you but you weren’t close enough.
You say, and when he brought you closer, he lifted you near his ear because he thinks you want to tell him something.
But you don’t say anything, instead, you place a quick kiss on his cheek plate. He froze for a moment and goes to stare at you.
“What was that for?” He asks with a smile forming across his face.
“It's me saying thank you, thank you for always being there when I needed you, thank you for saving me. Why? Should I have not done that-”
Without a chance to say anything else. Optimus goes to put you back down, panic started to well up within you thinking you made a mistake. But your overthinking was interrupted when he spoke.
“I really shouldn’t be doing this because it takes too much of my Energon but.”
And then just like that Optimus transforms into his holo form but his solid one. Your eyes widen, you’ve seen his holo form before. His slick back hair with some white strands on the side, red leather jacket, combat boots, and joggers. One or two tiny scars on his face. One on his eyebrow the other just right on the tip of his upper lip. And his beautiful blue eyes that were staring right back at you. They were usually so calm but they looked intense this time, hungry…
Optimus walks up to you to close the distance between you two and goes to put one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek to hold your face. He looks at you with pleading eyes, then you nod your head for his consent. And he gently goes to kiss you patiently. But at the same time, it was rough and hungry, like he had been waiting all this time to be this close to you. But you felt the same feeling right back at him.
You break away with heavy breathing trying to form words and all you could get out was his name. His true name…
“Shut up-*”
He huffs out and goes to close the distance again. He just couldn’t get enough. At this point, you guys were fighting for dominance, his hands Rome around your fragile frame as your Rome around his hair and his well-built chest.
What feels like minutes pass by you both start to calm down and pull away from each other. After catching your breaths, Optimus goes to look at you and lays his forehead on yours.
“Where did you learn that name from?”
“Ratchet told me, I think it's a very fitting name. But where did you learn to kiss like that or even know what kissing was?”
“I’ve been on this planet for a long time, and besides-” He starts to get close to your ear.
“A true prime never reveals his secrets.”
His distinctive voice and sly tone sent shivers down your whole body, when he backed away his face a little, you saw one of the most devilish smiles you’ve ever seen him make. It was hot.
You become even more flushed and go to bury your head into his chest, he chuckles and holds you tighter, and looks up at the stars.
“You’re very beautiful when your face turns red you know that?”
“Shut up.”
You laugh.
“Should we head back to base?”
You ask.
“Hmmm, perhaps we shall stay here a bit longer, I want to keep holding you.”
“But what about your Energon?”
“Okay 5 more minutes, okay?”
you reply in defeat.
“Good, that will also leave me time to kiss you more.”
You laugh out loud and try to pull away but Optimus still holds you in his grip smiling to himself trying to get close to your lips again.
You think to yourself after that night, what will become of you and Optimus’s relationship? Friends with benefits? Something more. But at the same time, you just don’t want to care or worry, you’re just finally feeling some form of happiness for the first time in a long time.
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homeybadger · 2 years
This You?
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Pairing(s): Ratchet x ex-Decepticon!reader (platonic), Tony Stark x ex-Decepticon!reader (platonic)
Warnings: violence, reader uses weapons, injuries/blood, reader is a bit agressive
Notes: I'm so sorry if I completely butcher these characters/world. Italics are the reader's thoughts, and *** is a time skip. The reader is a Pretender, a bot that can look like a human
One could argue that you had never looked more like a true Decepticon than this very moment.
The red glow of your eyes reflected off the metallic surface of your outstretched weapon as you stalked forward. Instinctually your face twisted itself into a sneer as the human before you desperately crawled backwards, scrambling over shards of broken glass in a fruitless attempt to reach non-existent safety.
"Not so pleasant, now is it?"
The words left your mouth in all but a feral growl as you effortlessly slammed him against the side of an upturned vehicle. The human's fearful cry of pain fell of deaf ears as you grabbed his hair and yanked forward. You drug him by the scalp for a few steps, eager to make your friend's attacker suffer, and in one swift motion you angled him to properly aim your weapon directly in his face.
"Apparently, this is the only language you actually understand."
Before you had the chance to fire, to exact revenge for your fallen friend, a familiar groan broke your concentration. Your gaze instinctually shot towards the quiet noise, eyes widening as the figure moved.
Thank the Allspark, he's alive!
The human, still captured in your grasp, shoved against your arm- wiping thin trails of his blood against your form. You simply watched him blabber garbled and desperate pleads, righteous fury and pure relief warring in your gut.
How dare they do something like this? To him, of all bots?
The downed form in the distance twitched, and you sighed. From the reflection of the human's tears, you briefly noticed the glow of your eyes switch from red to blue.
"I'll let you live, for now. You come back and I'll finish the job."
Although the threat came out weaker than you intended, the human nodded rapidly in agreement. Carelessly, you dropped him to the ground- waiting long enough to ensure the man was actually leaving before rushing towards the fallen bot.
As you sprinted towards him, he finally noticed your existence. Weakly, the Autobot attempted to drag himself away, eyes narrowing in a suspicious glare. You skid to a halt, raising your arms in an attempt to display your intentions.
I can't waste any time. He needs help, fast.
"What... do you... want from me?"
His words came out in-between harsh coughs that jostled his severely damaged form. Your eyes tracked a stream of Energon leaking slowly from the corner of his mouth, its path down his green paint disrupted by the gaping hole in his side. You fought the urge to glance at your shoulder, to remind yourself of the allegiance you left behind you. Instead, you took another few steps forward.
"I'm just here to help Ratchet. You know me, remember?"
Groaning, Ratchet hauled himself up into a sitting position, shooting you a harsh glare as you moved closer to assist. You could practically hear Starscream's insults taunting you, calling you useless among other things.
"We can't be out in the open like this. We're both being hunted now."
Ratchet paused his movements and you took the opportunity to transform into a hopefully more recognizable form. The same form you'd donned when Megatron revealed your prior allegiance to the Autobots. The same form who'd looked into Ratchet's eyes as Optimus shunned you from the Autobot base, despite your attempted explanations.
While Starscream called it primitive, you found it incredibly useful to pass as a human on this planet.
Ratchet's eyes instantly widened in recognition, before another cough wracked through his body. This time, however, he allowed you to stable him before he could slump forward.
You noticed how his brows furrowed in concern at your now tinier form supporting the weight of his significantly larger one.
"I'm still just as strong Ratchet, don't worry. Now, let's get you out of here."
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
You'd been absentmindedly pushing bits of a meal around your plate when a stranger slid into your secluded booth at the diner. You both were quiet for a moment as you studied him- styled goatee and casual suit sticking out like a sore thumb. You sighed, passively rolling your eyes in annoyance.
"Listen, bud. I've had quite the night, so if you're looking to bother someone please move on."
The figure across from you chuckled, tugging his shades off to reveal bright brown eyes. They were gleaming in either amusement or a threat, or an awkward combination of the two.
"This you?"
His phone slid across the tabletop, stopping when it's edge bumped your knuckles. On screen was a recording of your previous work, utilizing your vehicle form to attack Ratchet's assaulters from above.
"How did you-"
"Look, I'm just wanting to know how you got one of my suits."
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call-me-blip · 1 year
Ethereal- Chapter 2
TFP Optimus X Reader
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After Y/n and her team move further into the desert, they finally uncover just what they were searching for...but things don't always go to plan and you just never know who's around.
(plz read notes at the end of this chapter for any clarifications you may need, also, I had to split this chapter up because it would be like 10,000 words, so chapter 3 (basically chapter 2.5 i dunno what to call it yet) may be up later or tomorrow, and chapter 4 (or chapter 3, again i dunno yet ) wil be out later this week
Wordcount- 4797
Warnings- depictions of violence
In the heart of the unforgiving desert, Y/n, Eira, Ash, and Cassius pressed onward with a resolve that seemed to defy the very elements themselves. The harsh desert winds swept around them, as if nature itself sought to deter their journey. Yet, Y/n clutched the enigmatic compass tightly in her hand, its cryptic symbols and ancient Greek inscription serving as their guide through the tempestuous desert.
"Seek what it is that you desire to possess."
As they ventured deeper into this desolate expanse, the desert unveiled its stark and haunting beauty. The shifting sand dunes, moulded and shaped by the relentless wind, resembled an undulating sea frozen in time. Each dune's peak caught the soft moonlight, casting them in an otherworldly silver glow, as if they were waves suspended in a celestial dance.
The wind, which had carved the land with patience and persistence, had also created towering cliffs of sandstone that now stood like ancient sentinels, their intricate layers a testament to the geological history spanning countless aeons. It was as if the desert itself whispered secrets of time and change to those who dared to listen.
Amidst the starkness, the air carried a surprisingly delicate scent – the faint, sweet aroma of desert flowers. These resilient blooms, hidden within the arid landscape, provided a fragrant oasis amidst the barren expanse. The juxtaposition of this subtle, natural perfume against the harsh backdrop of the desert created an eerie but captivating atmosphere.
With each step they took, the desert revealed more of its enigmatic allure, drawing the group further into its timeless embrace.
Scaling the towering dunes as the relentless wind battered their exposed skin, Cassius couldn't help but voice his growing concerns amidst the swirling tempest. His words were nearly lost in the cacophony of nature's fury. "Did this blasted windstorm just appear outta nowhere? Are we entirely sure we're heading in the right direction?"
Eira, her red hair dancing wildly in the relentless gusts, turned to face Cassius, her expression a mix of determination and confidence. Her voice, although strained by the winds, held resolute assurance. "The compass hasn't led us astray yet, Cassius. We've come too far to turn back now."
Amidst the harsh beauty of the desert, marred only by the relentless howl of the wind, Ash, ever audacious, leaned closer to Y/n. His words, though whispered, seemed to blend seamlessly with the wind's lament, his tone teasing and flirtatious. "Y'know, Y/n, I've always loved a woman who can focus on a task. It makes her all the more beautiful in the moonlight."
Y/n, her gaze locked on the ever-important compass, responded with a hint of exasperation as she placed a finger to Ash's lips, silencing his playful banter. Her voice was firm, filled with unwavering determination. "Ash, now is not the time for compliments or distractions."
Cassius, ever the eternal optimist, couldn't resist adding his own perspective with a touch of humor. "Yeah, Ash, let's save the compliments for when we're not in the middle of a sandstorm, huh?"
As if in response to their perseverance, the desert storm gradually relinquished its relentless grip, revealing their path forward. The wind's fury abated, unveiling an otherworldly realm before them. Towering rocky cliffs, weathered by countless years of exposure to the elements, stood sentinel-like against the shifting sands. Mysterious caverns pocked the landscape, their dark openings resembling gateways to a forgotten world.
Lowering the compass, Y/n surveyed their surroundings. The cavern's entrance loomed before them like a portal to an ancient realm. She felt a profound sense of purpose, as if guided by forces beyond her understanding. The compass, seemingly attuned to Y/n's intent, swirled with a faint, ethereal light. Its needle twitched erratically before settling on a direction. Y/n noticed the needle turn slightly towards a cavern to the right, its glow intensifying for a brief moment before dissipating into the night. Her voice held a quiet but resolute assurance. "This is it, whatever beast is here is hidden in this cavern, I guess."
Ash, seemingly undaunted by the elements, grinned playfully. "Lead the way, fearless leader. I'm right behind you."
Rolling her eyes in response to his ever-present playfulness, Y/n couldn't help but smile. "Just stick close, Ash. These caverns hold mysteries we can't even begin to imagine."
With their resolve unwavering, the small group ventured deeper into the labyrinthine cliffs and caves, transitioning from the desert's fury to this ancient, rocky sanctuary. The air grew cooler, carrying an aura of the unknown, as if they'd stepped into a realm untouched by time itself.
As they delved further into the cavern's depths, the silence weighed heavily on them, each footstep echoing like a heartbeat in this ancient sanctuary. Ash, seemingly undeterred by their surroundings, couldn't resist breaking the silence. His voice, while playful, held a hint of admiration. "Y/n, your take-charge attitude..."
Y/n interrupted, her tone gently admonishing, attempting to maintain focus amidst the eerie ambiance. "Ash, please, let's concentrate on why we're here."
Cassius, the ever-logical voice of reason, agreed with a nod. "She's right, Ash. We don't know what lies ahead."
Eira, her curiosity unabated, couldn't help but chime in. Her voice held a sense of wonder. "But that's what makes this thrilling, doesn't it? The mystery of the unknown."
With each step, the cavern beckoned, its darkness concealing secrets and possibilities beyond their imagination. The group ventured deeper into the labyrinthine passages, the rocky walls seeming to close in around them. The narrow corridors led them into a profound sense of isolation, and they navigated through tight squeezes and winding tunnels, each twist and turn shrouding them further in the enigmatic embrace of the cavern's depths.
Deep within the labyrinthine passages, their exploration led them to an astonishing discovery—a vast underground chamber that seemed to exist in a world of its own. This subterranean sanctuary bathed in an eerie azure glow, and the source of this mystical illumination was a multitude of blue, bioluminescent crystals that adorned the cavern's walls. These mesmerizing gems appeared to pulse with an otherworldly energy, casting enchanting shadows that danced gracefully across the chamber's expansive walls.
The allure of these crystals was undeniable, their unnatural radiance drawing the group towards them like moths to a flame. Eira, her fiery hair dancing wildly in the eerie azure glow, couldn't help but voice her amazement at the crystals. "These gems... they're like something out of a fairy tale, ain't they?"
Cassius, the analytical thinker of the group, couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. "But why are they glowing with such intensity? It's as if they have a purpose beyond mere aesthetics."
Ash, usually the playful one, now wore an expression tinged with caution as he eyed the radiant gems with suspicion. "I hate to be the buzzkill, but does anyone else find it strange that they're putting on this light show just for us? Something feels off."
Y/n, always attuned to her instincts, shifted her focus away from the entrancing crystals. She sensed it—the subtle shift in the shadows, a presence lurking beyond their sight. Her silver eyes scanned the chamber, and her voice carried a newfound urgency. "Listen up, everyone. We've got company, and it's not here to share the view. Keep your senses sharp."
In this surreal chamber, the group found themselves teetering on the precipice between mesmerising beauty and imminent peril, where the mystique of the crystals clashed head-on with the encroaching threat that had emerged from the shadows.
As if guided by an unspoken pact etched into their very souls, they reached for their pendants, hanging on chains around their necks, and triggered a transformation that transcended the boundaries of the physical world. In a breathtaking display of power, metal and cloth flowed and weaved across their forms, each unique set manifesting their individual patrons and the extraordinary abilities they possessed.
The stakes had never been higher, and in that pivotal moment, their existence pulsed with an unwavering determination to confront the ominous danger that loomed ever closer. 
Ash couldn't hide his amazement and muttered, "Now, this is what I call an upgrade! Feels great to finally have the occasion to wear this again." He gestured towards his revamped attire with enthusiasm. His clothes had undergone a striking transformation, thick fabric woven from deep forest greens covered his form, while thick carved oak covered his chest and other vulnerable areas, such as his knees, groyne area, and forearms. Crystal-edged amethyst daggers, gleaming with an enchanting emerald sheen, were now tucked into his belt that wrapped snugly around his waist, resembling ivy clinging to his form.On his waist, a mystical flute, carved from an ancient, enchanted wood, hung with intricate symbols of branches and leaves etched into its surface. It resonated with the very soul of nature, allowing Ash to summon its magic through melodious tunes. Its notes could heal, manipulate, and even mesmerise, making it a versatile tool in his quest to protect and nurture the natural world. An intricately carved wooden headpiece obscured his face, while the top split into two curved peaks resembling ram horns, emphasizing his connection with the untamed wilderness. Only his eyes were visible, and they now intensified in vibrancy, resembling glowing pools of a green lagoon.
Eira's attire radiated swiftness, agility, and grace. Her azure armour, reminiscent of a clear sky, bore intricate golden sigils that seemed to ripple with the fluidity of the fastest winds.
Secured gracefully at her sides were twin blades, their hilts crafted in the likeness of wings, poised to carry her with the elegance of a soaring bird. Her feet were adorned with sandals featuring delicate, wing-like extensions, paying homage to her patron deity's gift of unbridled speed and grace.A diaphanous hood, woven with the finest ethereal threads, hid her face with an alluring air. Through this silken shroud, only the cerulean glimmer of her eyes could be discerned, like twin sapphires gleaming amidst the starlit night. Her eyes had undergone a transformation, shifting from their once deep blue hue to a vibrant cerulean, mirroring the boundless skies and adding an extra layer of allure to her agile and enigmatic presence.
Cassius, the master of the forge and champion of the flames, adorned himself in an extraordinary suit of armour, a testament to his prowess as a weaponsmith and wielder of fire. His metal vest was crafted from a rare and enchanted metal known as Embersteel, which bore the fiery hues of smouldering embers and volcanic fury.The chestplate of his armour featured intricate etchings and motifs, reminiscent of the swirling patterns found within the heart of a blazing furnace. These markings told stories of his legendary craftsmanship and his mastery over the art of war.The raven haired man’s gauntlets were no ordinary pieces of hand protection; they were his weapons themselves, works of art that pulsed with inner heat. Fashioned to resemble the blazing heart of a volcano, these gauntlets allowed him to channel the fury of a forge into his strikes. Each punch carried the explosive force of a volcanic eruption.
His helmet was a masterpiece of intimidation and function. Crafted in the likeness of a fearsome blacksmith's visage, it concealed Cassius's face behind a mask of determination and strength. From within, his once brown eyes now gleamed like amber gems, reflecting the molten fires of his inner power.
Y/n stood as a formidable force, her attire a harmonious blend of shadows and moonlight. Her obsidian and silver armour bore intricate, ever-changing patterns that seemed to dance with grace. Each piece was a work of art, a testament to her mastery. This armour was more than just protection; it was a statement of her power Atop her head rested a captivating headpiece adorned with moonstones that gleamed with an ethereal light. The headpiece was veiled in the finest, darkest lace, a shroud that concealed most of her features but allowed a glimpse of her enigmatic eyes. Her gaze was a mesmerising cycle of colours, shifting between a radiant silver gleam, reminiscent of moonlight on water, and a regal, captivating purple that spoke of raw, untamed power.Behind that veil, her eyes burned with an intensity that could bewitch anyone who dared to meet her gaze. They were a window to her soul, revealing the intricate interplay of her emotions and magic. Her eyes, like the ever-changing phases of the moon, were a testament to her mastery over both herself and the mystical forces that swirled around her.
But what truly set her apart were her hands. Covered in an array of intricate, magical markings, they were tools of both creation and destruction. Her nails, once human, had transformed into long, razor-sharp, metallic claws that possessed a certain otherworldly elegance. They could cut with precision or rend flesh from bone, a testament to her mastery over both magic and the physical world. Y/n was not merely a force to be reckoned with; she was a living embodiment of otherworldly glamour and power. Her presence exuded an aura of mystique and allure, and her every movement was a mesmerising dance that left those who witnessed it spellbound.
Within the cavern's shrouded embrace, Y/n's sharp gaze cut through the encroaching darkness, dissecting every detail with unwavering resolve. An eerie magenta mist, reminiscent of the malevolent aura they'd once encountered in Greece, began to unfurl, obscuring the boundaries of their reality. In the midst of this spectral haze, the creature's predatory eyes blazed with a baleful crimson.
"MOVE" Y/n's voice, filled with urgency and unwavering authority, cut through the thickening tension like a bolt of lightning. Their survival depended on their ability to disperse, to escape the looming grasp of the ferocious beast that materialised from the shadows, now bathed in the eerie light of the cavern's glowing crystals.
 Now, bathed in the eerie embrace of spectral light, the creature stood unveiled before them, the very same monster that took Olympus’ mightiest hero 30 days to defeat.. The Nemean lion, in all of its  devilish and deranged spectre. Its once-golden eyes had been consumed by malevolent crimson, burning like an infernal fire at the heart of this abyssal terror.
Towering at a colossal fifteen feet, it casted a looming shadow that defied nature's laws—an embodiment of primal, unyielding might. Cloaked in obsidian resilience, its sinewy physique was adorned with fur that clung tenaciously, but now matted and tangled, a symbol of its indomitable pride succumbing to the abyss.
Wickedly sharp claws gleamed with an intent as cruel as it was deadly, orchestrating a symphony of menace and destruction with every strike. The creature, now wholly demonic and out for blood, unleashed a deafening roar, a harbinger of unrelenting violence that sent shivers through the group.
As the tremors of anxiety coursed through their veins, Y/n's voice, a lifeline amidst the encroaching pandemonium, resounded once more, "Scatter and don’t stop moving! We can't let it focus on a single target!"
With a deafening roar that shook the very foundation of the cavern, the beast unleashed its fury, swatting and pouncing at each individual with deadly precision. Panic and desperation reigned as they struggled to evade its relentless assault.
Amidst the frenzy, Ash, fueled by a mixture of fear and bravado, couldn't resist a quip. He taunted the creature with a sly grin, shouting, "Here kitty kitty!" He darted out of harm's way just in time, causing the beast to smash against the rocky walls in futile rage, as if the lion had taken personal offence to his jest.
Cassius, completely frustrated and searching for a solution, turned to Ash with a mix of exasperation and hope. "Ash, anything you can do with that flute of yours? Maybe play it a lullaby?"
Ash, with a smirk, raised the flute to his lips but seemed to hit all the wrong notes, creating a cacophony that could wake the dead. He muttered to himself, "Guess it's more of a 'wake the beast' tune." His humour shone through even in the direst of situations, as the Lion, clearly not appreciating his musical talents, roared in irritation and launched itself once more in a fury.
Amid the chaos, the Nemean Lion, now a twisted and deranged version of its former self, turned its savage gaze toward Eira. Her fiery red hair swirled like a tempest as she ascended from the ground, propelled by the divine wings on her sandals. She wielded her twin blades with skill and determination, each strike aimed at the lion's crimson eyes, but it seemed like trying to scratch an impenetrable fortress.
Frustration laced her voice as she yelled to her companions, "I can't even scratch its hide! We need a plan, fast!"
Cassius, his voice trembling with a glimmer of hope, shouted to Y/n, "Can't you do something? It's a lion, it’s one of your creatures !"
Y/n responded with a hint of exasperation, "Cassius, I've already tried. This creature was never created by Hecate. There's no reasoning with it, i’ve already tried reaching into its’ mind. It's gone through the same transformation as the other beasts in Greece. Our only options are to send it back through the archway or... well, you know."
As tensions rose on the battlefield, Y/n's frustration grew as she struggled to make Cassius understand the futility of taming this monstrous foe. But their conversation abruptly ended as the Nemean Lion, a nightmarish force of fury, hurtled menacingly toward them.
Cassius, resolute in his determination, readied a colossal fist to strike the creature's grotesque face. Yet Y/n, in an act of unparalleled heroism, shielded her raven-haired companion. Her arms thrust forward, and with a voice that echoed with primal power, she roared, "Aspida!"
 The h/c haired woman’s incantation materialised in a flash, conjuring a colossal, translucent silver barrier just in the nick of time. The monstrous beast crashed into the ethereal shield, claws and teeth slashing viciously. Y/n grunted, struggling under the immense strain of the creature's relentless assault, her resolve unwavering. With a primal scream, she summoned every ounce of her strength, pushing the shield forward and forcing the beast to stagger back.
Without missing a beat, Y/n shouted another ancient incantation, "Fotia!" A torrent of scorching waves surged forth, colliding with the still-grounded lion. The creature howled and thrashed in agony as the spell seemed to momentarily disoriented it, but its formidable exterior remained unscathed.
Amidst this chaotic dance of magic and might, the group communicated with frantic urgency:
Ash, deftly evading the lion's lunges, called out to Eira, "Eira, keep trying to blind it! Target those eyes!"
Eira, a blur of divine swiftness, replied, "I'm giving it all I've got, Ash, but it's like striking stone!"
Cassius, his fiery aura blazing brightly, urgently declared, "We're running out of time! Y/n, any ideas?"
Y/n, beads of sweat forming on her brow as she upheld the shield and continued the onslaught, grunted in response, "We need to find a way to weaken it further! Keep hitting it with everything you've got!"
As Ash, Eira, and Cassius synchronized their attacks in a desperate bid against the Nemean Lion, the cavern echoed with the symphony of divine power clashing with malevolence. Their concerted effort was a dazzling display of unity and determination.
Yet, the beast was far from docile. With a thunderous roar, it unleashed a shockwave of sheer force, sending them tumbling through the air like leaves in a tempest. Ash, Eira, and Cassius rolled with the impact, their onslaught disrupted but their spirits undeterred. They quickly regained their footing, poised to re engage in the relentless fray.
Amidst the swirling chaos, Y/n's voice cut through the tumult, now laden with newfound determination. "I've got a plan! Just keep that monster occupied!"
As Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead cautiously approached the cavern's mouth, they found themselves thrust into a nightmarish symphony of chaos. The air reverberated with desperate shouts and screams, blending with the ominous clash of weaponry and the thunderous roars that echoed from within. Flickering lights danced ominously at the entrance, casting eerie, pulsating shadows that seemed to whisper malevolent intent. There was no denying it; this wasn't a mere anomaly or sensor glitch. Something extraordinary—and perilous—was unfolding in the depths.
Yet, it wasn't just the chaotic sounds that piqued Arcee's interest. As a seasoned scout and an expert in reconnaissance, she activated her field scanner, delving deeper into the cavern's enigmatic heart. The readings on her heads-up display (HUD) unveiled a startling revelation - it wasn't merely four unusual life signatures, but five, and each emitted an escalating surge of power.
Amidst the frenetic scene within the cavern, Bulkhead couldn't resist a quip, "Well, sounds like a real party in there."
Bumblebee, his agreeable nature conveyed through a series of beeps and whirls, joined in the jest.
However, Arcee's keen sensors perceived something beyond the cacophony. Her sharp optics scrutinized the cavern's interior, revealing more than she had initially expected. She interjected, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "Hold on, guys. It's not just four life signatures in there anymore. There are five. Something's amiss."
The revelation sent a ripple of intrigue and unease through their com-link conversation. Optimus Prime, their steadfast leader, issued a directive. "Arcee, we must gain a clear understanding of what's transpiring inside that cavern. I'll groundbridge myself to your coordinates. We cannot disregard the potential threat lurking within."
Ratchet, the ever-cautious medic, expressed his reservations, "My designated duties are with the humans, Optimus. But if this situation escalates—"
Optimus raised his servo in a gesture of understanding, interjecting as a look of mutual understanding passed between them, "I comprehend your concerns, Ratchet. However, with an imminent threat looming, it's prudent to have you on standby for a swift extraction, in case we find ourselves caught in a crossfire and need to remove ourselves."
Ratchet hummed in understanding and nodded, his attention returning to the mass of data displayed on his screen. He mused aloud, "These readings are unlike anything I've ever seen."
Meanwhile, not far from the two towering mechanical giants, Miko squirmed with anticipation on her seat on the couch. A mischievous grin overtook her features as she protested her exclusion, never one to shy away from excitement. "I want to go!"
Raf and Jack, acting as the voices of reason, attempted to convince her otherwise. "Miko, we don't know what's happening in there. It could be too dangerous."
But Miko, driven by curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for adventure, remained undeterred. "I want to see what kind of battle this is."
As Arcee prepared to acknowledge Optimus's plan, a sudden shift in the cavern's shadows caught her attention. Before she could react, a powerful beast launched itself at her, colliding with force and sending her crashing to the ground. Ferocious snarls punctuated by biting and clawing attacks resounded against her sleek metal frame.
Bumblebee and Bulkhead, alarmed and determined, shouted her name through the com-link as they rushed to confront the lion-like creature. Their voices echoed with urgency, "Arcee!"
Optimus and Ratchet, their concern palpable, called out in tandem as the com-link abruptly cut off, leaving them in a tense and anxious silence. The last sounds they heard were a series of grunts and growls.
Amidst the  desert, Bulkhead and Bumblebee sprang into action, their towering frames moving with unwavering determination as they advanced on the relentless beast. The cavern's depths were aglow with the dazzling bursts of energy from Bulkhead's gauntlets and the electrifying brilliance of Bumblebee's stingers. With every discharge, the rocky walls bore witness to the ferocity of their assault.
"Ratchet, ready the groundbridge, NOW!" The command came from the red and blue mech, urgency lacing his voice.
Yet, the beast, in the face of this unrelenting onslaught, exhibited an unyielding resolve. With primal instinct, it lunged ferociously towards Bumblebee, its jaws snapping with malevolent intent. But just as it was about to strike, the cavern echoed with a chorus of determined footfalls, a rhythmic cadence of determination. Accompanied by the reverberation of these steps was a commanding voice, rich and resonant, speaking in a language foreign to all those present. "FOTIA!" she declared, her voice carrying an otherworldly authority that seemed to shape the very air.
In the blink of an eye, the cave's abyss responded to her summons. From the heart of darkness, an eruption of searing waves surged forth—a radiant tempest of energy. The sheer force of this celestial onslaught struck the beast with the weight of an ancient god's fury, propelling it backward, a pitiful creature flung nearly a hundred feet through the cavern's depths. The roars of agony and frustration reverberated, and the menacing aura that once enveloped it was momentarily quelled.
Recovering from her collision with the creature, Arcee regained her footing, joining Bulkhead and Bumblebee in taking a resolute stance. Their collective attention shifted from the now-retreating adversary to the cavern's entrance. Emerging from the depths of darkness, four enigmatic figures came into view. These mysterious beings were adorned in suits of armor that defied conventional understanding—an intricate blend of ancient aesthetics. With weapons held poised for action, they exude an air of solemnity and readiness.
As Ash and Y/n emerged from the cavern, their eyes beheld a sight that defied belief. Ash, his curiosity reaching its zenith, couldn't resist quipping, "So your brilliant plan was to just drag this monster's ass outside, huh?"
Y/n responded with a hint of amusement, "Well, the roof was about to come down on us. What did you expect us to do, become cave pancakes?"
However, as they scanned the surrounding desert landscape, their gazes were drawn to an even more bewildering spectacle. Ash, unable to contain his intrigue, directed his inquiry to the mysterious mechanical beings whose blue optics regarded them with equal inquisitiveness. "Well, hello there. But what in the heck are you guys?"
The Autobots, their towering forms glistening like titans amidst the desert heat, instinctively readied their formidable weaponry. Suspicion lingered in their narrowed optics. The figure shrouded in black and silver armour, the apparent leader, raised a commanding hand, and her voice, firm and unwavering, bore an air of unquestionable authority that compelled even the Autobots to momentarily hesitate.
"Stand down," she ordered, her tone unyielding. "Our business is not with you."
With a cautious glance toward the towering Autobots, she refocused her attention on the beast, which, despite being back on all fours, still appeared dazed from the previous onslaught. Wasting no time, Y/n quietly muttered another incantation under her breath, weaving a spell that would link her mind with those of her companions standing alongside her.
As the spell took hold, she felt a unique connection forming between herself and the four others by her side. With haste, she conveyed her thoughts, ensuring that the towering mechanical beings wouldn't overhear her intentions.
"Listen closely," she transmitted through the shared mental space. "We confront this creature right here and now. We won't abandon our mission just because an unexpected variable has entered the equation. However, those colossal beings seem to possess consciousness and souls—I think. They're not just remote-controlled machines. Be cautious with our real names; we know nothing about their affiliations or motives."
A chorus of agreements resonated within the mental link, underscoring their collective determination. With that, Y/n severed the connection by invoking another spell.
As the ethereal connection dissolved, the beast, now recovering its wits, crouched once more on all fours. Y/n prepared to cast another ethereal barrier, her strategy leaning heavily on harnessing her team's supernatural powers rather than relying solely on conventional weaponry. Just as she was about to recite the incantation, a dramatic turn of events unfolded.
A swirling vortex of radiant light and verdant energy erupted amidst the desert's darkness. Through this luminous portal emerged a colossal, blue and red semi-truck, hurtling forth with unstoppable force. In a thunderous collision, it struck the beast, sending the massive creature into a chaotic tumble.
Y/n's eyes widened in sheer disbelief at this unforeseen intervention. Beside her, Ash, with his characteristic audacity, couldn't resist commenting on the extraordinary spectacle. "Well, I'll be damned. That's something you don't witness every day."
Hi hello! please like this and follow for more upfates but just for clarification about y/ns spells and what they meand and a side note
I will NOT be stcking closely to ancient greek mythology, it will be tweaked here and there to serve the purpose of this story, also all incantations and "ancient greek" are highly butchered but i did what i could.
some carification on y/ns spells in this chapter
Aspida- a spell that y/n is able to cast that forms a protective barrier, made of suurounding light, she can accomidate for any size and when use effectvley, can also be used as a battering ram.
Fotia- a spell that summons fire and is launched at high speeds, and almost never missess
Syndesmos- a spell that is able to connect and speak into the minds of people without using verbal communication
Aposyndeo- a spell that breaks the syndesmos enchantment
Anyways i will try and get this next chapter up as soon as i can, love you all and the big man and you will meet in the next chapter... as well as introductions. FINALLY.
Love, Blip x
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starheart-blog · 3 months
To @universallyturtlepeanut
If i was in Transformers Y/N Things...
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cheschesterpossum · 1 month
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When your bf is a giant sentient robot Warlord and you can get away with anything/j
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yasashii-leaf · 4 months
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•Bumblebee has reached an age where he tries to imitate the older merformers
• Windblade she is adorable all humans find her cute, she is in the top 5 merformers consider universally cute among humans
• Sun and Side the twin brothers, twins are rare among Merformers, they also tend to be inseparable
• Drift Ratchet's romantic partner!
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inhan---inhan · 2 years
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Current Works in Progress as of (09/17/23)
1. TFA Swindle x GN Human Reader (sfw, deal-making, unforeseen benefits/consequences)
2. TFP Starscream x Female Autobot Reader (nsfw, Forbidden romance)
3. ROTB Mirage x Fem Human Reader (New Year’s Party, Drunken Flirting)
4. ROTB Mirage x Fem Autobot Reader (Insecure reader, self conscious of body, misgendered, comfort, sfw, fluff, confidence BOOST)
5. TFP Starscream x Female Human Reader Headcanon (English as a second language, sfw, fluff, slight language barrier)
6. Unknown Continuity Poly Optimus Prime x Female Human Reader x Megatron (sfw, fluff, reader with ADHD)
7. TFP Starscream x Female Human Reader (nsfw, reader is dominant, fluff during aftercare
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veryberryjelly · 10 months
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bookshop and cafe date with jason todd <3
someone headcanoned that jacob elordi is jason todd and i can't get it out of my head .!!.
models in this moodpboard are not any depiction of s/o, just the aesthetic of the photos
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tonikkyn · 3 months
Typical fan fiction:
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mariacrow · 1 year
How about a (bayverse)transformers x reader that is from our universe? Like we somehow got into the movies which means we know everything, who dies,when they die, who to trust ect. so that would mean that we can save bots that are going to get killed yk?(jazz my baby🥺🥺) okay so if you have no clue how to write it, you dont have to!!!
I totally get you! It’s like an AU I have myself :) My brain simply CANNOT comprehend that they’re dead. What if, to add a little more spice, we’re actually a Witwicky or better yet Sam’s sibling! I’ll leave that to your imagination ;) and I know exactly how to write this piece ;)
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AU where Jazz, Ironhide and Ratchet are saved by Y/N!
2nd person
female reader
takes place in Transformers (2007)
takes place in Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
takes place in Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
battle, injuries, reassurance, swearing, flirting…
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JAZZ lives!
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“YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME!? YOU WANT A PIECE!?” blasting Megatron’s legs, Jazz was angrily shouting while you were watching, standing on top the same building Megatron was on along with Jazz in his claws.
“No! I want two!” Megatron yelled angrily.
“Hey! Hey big guy! Megs!” you yelled as loudly as you could so Megatron could hear you. Your plan was to distract him. “Megatron!!!”
Just when he was about to rip Jazz in two pieces, he turned around because he heard you. Jazz took that opportunity immediately and blasted him in the face. Megatron groaned in pain and irritation as his grip on Jazz went loose.
“You ain’t that smart after all, you pile of rust!” Jazz mocked him as he got out of his grasp and jumped towards you.
Megatron quickly turned around and aimed at you both while groaning in indescribable anger. Jazz grabbed you and jumped off the building while Megatron was trying to blast you both.
“Hold on tight, baby girl!” not the best time for flirting.
Jazz transformed into his BMW and secured you in the driver’s seat with a seatbelt, driving down the building, vertically.
Inching from the ground, he partially transformed to safely push himself onto the ground. He did scratch his bumper though.
“Aw man! Not the bumper!”
He was speeding through the streets, drifting and sliding like the pro he is. You could barely comprehend what just happened.
“Quite of a bumpy ride, huh~?” he said kinda seductively.
“Jazz, you’re insane.” you said, chuckling.
“You saved my life out there, kid, you know that?”
“Hey, what are friends for?”
“Yeah.” he chuckled, “ “Friends~” “
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“For the sake of our survival, a deal had to be made… With Megatron.” Sentinel said as he repeated his gun.
Your eyes widened. Your heart skipped a beat as a heavy wave of adrenaline struck your body. The gun you were holding felt heavier than ever.
“IRONHIDE, WATCH OUT!!!” you shouted and started shooting at Sentinel’s face, aiming for his optics. You made him groan as his aim on Ironhide became wonky.
Ironhide turned around in time and got his weapons out. Sentinel managed to blast his arm off. It made Ironhide groan and lose balance, falling onto his knee as he was trying to shoot Sentinel with his other arm but the pain was keeping him away from being precise.
“NOOO!” you panicked because of Ironhide, seeing he’s badly injured.
“TRAITOROUS PUNK!” Ironhide cussed.
“GET BACK!!!” Lennox yelled.
Bumblebee reacted quickly, the fight was on. Sentinel managed to blast the base, sparkles and heat were all over the place, you could barely see anything. The sharp pieces of metal were flying everywhere which got you injured. Your arm was badly hurt which made you drop your gun and yelp.
Suddenly you could feel a huge, strong metal hand grab you and pull you back. Clinking of Ironhide’s transformation surrounded you and you soon found yourself inside of the black RAM.
He floored it along with Bee. You could hear him groan. His turning was wonky, he was barely driving.
“We need to find Ratchet, ASAP!”
“I don’t need no medic!” you could hear pain in his voice.
“Ironhide, it is not the time for your stubbornness! Please! That grandpa blasted your whole arm off!”
He angrily drifted into an alley and transformed back. You flew out and hit the ground as he slid down the wall, sitting down, holding his leaking shoulder.
You bravely got up and climbed on his leg, taking a better look at him.
“Ironhide, please…” you looked at him with pleading eyes, “This is serious and I don’t know how to fix it…”
Seeing you almost cry because of him made his spark ache. The fact you worry so much about him made it even harder for him to suppress his feelings…
“Fine… Call Ratchet…” he huffed, his ego kinda hurting.
And so you did. He was on his way. You were praying he arrives safely.
Ironhide picked you up and placed you on his other shoulder, gently keeping his servo around you. You smiled and leaned against his helm, giving him a hug. Funny how you both got your left arms injured. Twins!!!
“It’s gonna be alright… I promise…”
“Well I ain’t dying yet.” he chuckled through the pain, “I didn’t even get to take you out.”
He made you chuckle, “Well then. What are you doing tomorrow?”
You both had a good laugh as Ratchet’s sirens were approaching.
Ironhide was saved.
RATCHET lives!
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Ratchet and you were hiding on that abandoned boat for a long time. It was quite difficult for survival but you had him and he had you. He has great survival skills, he taught you a lot.
The night they went hunting for you both almost meant the end. Thankfully you were there with him to react on time. You weren’t sleeping, you were guarding the hiding spot.
It was a peaceful night with a clear sky. You furrowed you eyebrows once the silence was ruined by helicopters in the distance. They were getting closer, you saw them as well as bunch of cars on the dirt road. Your eyes widened as you ran to Ratchet.
“Ratchet! Ratchet, wake up! We need to go, now! They’re coming for us!!”
“Are you sure, Y/N?”
“Yes! I saw them in the distance! Come on, hurry!” you said while quickly packing everything you had, picking up your bag and running out with him. He had a bad feeling about this but he trusted you nonetheless.
The boat got blasted from far away, you didn’t even see who did it. All you knew is that it made you jump off the boat. Ratchet grabbed you mid air and transformed into the ambulance vehicle. You found yourself tumbling inside as he got onto the ground and floored it.
Someone kept blasting you from far away. It was Lockdown tracking you but you had no clue.
“Someone is tracking us! We need to lose them!”
“I know where to go. I suggest you hold on tight! Safety first!” he’s so wholesome.
Suddenly, Ratchet’s tire got blasted. Both of you almost went flying.
“Primus!” Ratchet exclaimed and groaned.
“WOAH!” you bounced inside, securing yourself with a seatbelt, “Your tire is gone!”
Nevertheless, he kept driving with no back tire. You kept being chased by enormously strong blasts until you lost whoever was trying to kill you.
“Whatever was trying to kill us… it isn’t human. I don’t think we have such artillery… and it wasn’t coming from the sky for sure.”
“Humans have made an alliance with the Deceptacons. They won’t stop until they butcher us all!” he said with emotional pain in his voice while driving deep into the countryside, going for an abandoned junkyard.
You sat there, resting. Ratchet seemed hopeless until he spoke.
“Optimus will come back. I know he will. All of this isn’t for nothing…”
You looked up at him and smiled, standing up.
“I’ll go find a spare tire.”
You made him smile, “Thank you. You’re a sweetheart…”
That night you saved the medic’s life without even knowing how butchered he could’ve been by Savoy, Lockdown and KSI…
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Dividers belong to @saradika 🩶
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gardens-light · 1 year
In order to find something worthy of blackmailing not just the K.S.I but also the government. All agreed on a simple plan. Divide and conquer. Knowing the next moment's were critical, as it was going to test the bonds of loyalty and trust... Yet, in the midst of chaos and serious planning. Bumblebee and Drift decided do a side mission of their own- involving you and Optimus...
Content: Course language. Events takes place in Transformers- Age of Extinction. (Major spoilers in this and in upcoming chapters.) Heaps of fluff. Optimus Prime x Human F/Reader.
Word count- 5k (roughly)
Sparkmate Series- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (End)
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"We're back!" Tessa's voice echoed throughout the main hall of the empty cathedral.
Bumblebee gave a little wave, while your attention didn't move from his thigh. Focusing on adjusting a couple of bolts, that the yellow scout has been complaining about for the past couple days.
"Hey." Cade greeted from the makeshift table. "I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So Tessa, sweetie. You can find some long pants. Nice loose-fitting ones, and lose the short-shorts, okay? What you guys get?"
Tessa and Shane emptied their backpacks onto the table. Various fruits, long life items and random tools spilled in front of Cade.
"It's protein." Tessa simply said, placing the container in front of him.
"Look, I said the essentials, okay?"
"It wasn't easy." Tessa sighed, "we almost got caught."
Cade raised an eyebrow, as Shane placed a bottle of mouthwash onto the table. "You stole mouthwash?"
"I like to be fresh, when I'm making out with your daughter." Shane spoke with a smug smile.
Tessa chuckled, while you and Bumblebee looked away. Trying to hide your cheeky smiles, as the pair of you giggled under your breathes.
Cade's brows knitted together, reaching out for the bottle and throwing it across the table. "Yeah that's not happening. Ever!"
Tessa and Shane gave each other awkward smiles.
"A little bit late for that." Your teasing tone whispered to Bumblebee.
Walking into the main hall of the cathedral with laptop in hand. The sound of small giggles caught your attention, your movements coming to a halt as your eyes looked away from the screen. Your soft gaze falling onto Tessa and Shane whom cuddled in their little ‘love nest’ corner. Her head resting against Shane’s chest as they sprawled out on the couch, the gentle glow of the dusk sunlight bathing them in a soft colourful glow, as it streamed through the stained-glass window. Numerous candles surrounding them setting the scene just right.  
A small smile tugged the corners of your lips, I’m glad they’ve found some calm before the storm.   
“Ah-hem. Excuse me.” Cade’s voice echoed throughout the hall, “there’ll be no smooching in front of me. Thank you.” 
Speaking of storms... 
The couple broke apart, feeling Cade’s disapproval stare upon them. 
“You’re so old, Dad.” Tessa complained, “who even saids ‘smooching’ anyway?” 
A small prickle of envy crawled in your chest, as you hugged the laptop. Lowering your head a little, attempting to hide your suttle frown.  
“It can be so difficult sometimes.” Cade sighed, while drinking a protein shake. His annoyed stare looking  up at Optimus, “I’m telling ya. No respect these days.” 
Optimus nodded folding his arms across his chest, “I went through something similar with Bumblebee.” 
The small prickle of envy snipped your yearning heart, like a flower's thorn upon your skin. Bringing the laptop a little closer to your face, as your cheeks grew a little warm. As the ‘almost kiss’ between you and Optimus replayed in your thoughts.   
“Afternoon, Y/N” the sound of Crosshairs' voice caused you to jump a little.  
“Cr-Crosshairs? Sorry, you startled me.” 
“Really?” you felt his green optics study you. “Something on your mind?” 
“Just... running through the plans.” You spoke with a fake smile, “making sure everyone knows the drill, and what not.” 
You raised an eyebrow as Crosshairs briefly turned to Drift. Glancing over his shoulder at the blue Autobot, whom gestured in your direction, then to a set of stone stairs.  
“Is everything alright, Crosshairs?” your puzzled tone caught his attention.  
“Yea. Yea.” he assured with a teasing smile, “just remembered that the Big Boss wants to see you.” 
You tilted your head a little. Pressing the laptop harder against your chest, as your heart skipped a little. 
“Optimus?...” your voice was low, trying not to sound too surprised.  
“Yeah. He said it was something important, or whatever.” 
Your confused gaze switched between Optimus, whom still muttered something to Cade, and back to Crosshairs who just stood beside you. Fidgeting around his pistol.  
“Ok... well um... I guess I should head over to him-” 
A small yelp escaped your lips as he quickly got in your way.  
“No! No!” his whisper-shout came out a little louder than intended. “I-I mean...” 
Crosshairs gestured you to come a little closer, as he squatted down to your level.  
“Crosshairs, what’s going on?”  
The Autobot sighed, as his optics fell onto your unamused and confused expression. “Look... I don’t know what the Big Boss wants to discuss with you. Honestly he was very vague about it-” 
“Optimus is rarely vague about anything-” 
“My thoughts exactly. So I’m assuming it’s something important but also private.” 
Crosshairs attempted to hold a convincing smile, as your eyes studied his features.  
“Okay...” raising an eyebrow again. Your expression matching your unsure tone, “where do you think he’d would wanna talk?” 
“My best guess would be the tower behind you.”  
You briefly followed his gesture, pointing at the stone stairs behind you.  
Crosshairs shrugged at your silent question. Your eyes studied him one more time, before hesitantly approaching the stairs. 
“Well, you almost fucked that up.” 
Crosshairs glanced up at Hound, giving the Autobot daggers as he came out of hiding, once assured you were out of earshot.  
“Shut up.” Crosshairs hissed, standing to his full height. “I told you, I’m not good at this mushy stuff. If you’d ask me, I think this whole plan is pathetic.” 
“¬ you can’t handle the truth!¬” Bumblebee buzzed. His blue optics narrowing at his comrade.  
All froze as the sound of Optimus’ voice interrupted them.  
“What’s going on?”  
“¬Y/N wants¬ to see you¬ outside¬ Sir.” 
Optimus’ titled his head to the side, his optics giving Bumblebee a questioning gaze. “Why?” 
All speechlessly shrugged. But a annoyed whirl wheezed out of Bee, rolling his blue optics at his comrades, while impatiently grabbing Optimus’ servo.  
“Bumblebee? What?-” 
“¬Outside!¬” Bee simply repeated. Pulling his leader towards the large arch, which lead towards one of the cathedral’s courtyards.  
Optimus looked over his shoulder, giving a confused expression to the rest of the Autobots. Drift looked away, trying to hide his knowing smile. While Crosshairs and Hound simply sighed and walked away.  
Approaching the small stone balcony, a gasp left your breath as your wide eyes fell upon the most curious of sight.  
A mixture of fairy lights and string lights lit up the courtyard below. Hanging upon trees and their overhanging branches, dancing up the stone pillars which held the dome roof of a small gazebo. Delicate white lanterns lit by candlelight, was suspended above the gazebo. Their strings stretching from the balcony’s stone frame, to the nearby fence.  
Roughly potted flowers lined the courtyard’s flowerbeds, matching the drooping flowers in the large stone pots upon the balcony. A small chuckle escaping you, as your eyes fell upon a bench. Clearly from inside the cathedral, but broken down to fit upon the balcony’s edge. Dressed in loosely thrown flower petals, as it rested against the iron railings of the balcony. 
This is by far, better than Tessa’s love nest.  
Placing a hand over your mouth, attempting to hide your shy smile. As the sight of Bumblebee dragging Optimus by his servo came to you.  
The prime muttered something to the yellow scout, but Bumblebee only shook his head. Optimus’ optics tried to avoid your soft gaze, as Bee turned and went behind him. Giving the leader one final push against his back, before scuttering away.  
“This is... unexpected.” 
Your sweet tone caught his attention. Optimus’ shy gaze slowly left the floor and onto your blushing face.  
“As it is for me.” He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. “A thousand apologies, Y/N. This isn’t- I-I mean, it isn’t my intention-” 
“It’s alright, Optimus.” you assured.  
Your warm smile made his spark skip a beat. A gentle hue of warmth returning to underneath his metal plates.  
“It’s makes a lovely change from seeing graffitied walls and boarded up windows.” 
Optimus returned your warm smile, “indeed it does...” 
You clutched onto the laptop tightly, holding it against your chest. As though it would somehow stop the rapid beating of your heart. Warmth came to your cheeks, as you shyly looked away from him. 
His scanners picked up your pulsing heart and shaky breath. 
Say something! His processors commanded. Anything! 
“The laptop in your hands? I um... do not remember you having it before.”  
“Um... yeah.” You begun to fiddle with it. “I found it in the station back in Texas. I’ve been going over the plans for tomorrow.” 
Optimus nodded, “familiarizing oneself of the strategies and plans, is highly wise. That way you’d most certainly be prepared for anything.” 
You awkwardly nodded. Your foot slowly tracing invisible circles upon the balcony floor.  
I am going to whack Crosshairs with a wench next time I see him! Your thoughts scolded.  
Optimus’ digits became fidgety. His servos clenching and unclenching, as he shifted his weight from one pedal to the other. Edging a little closer to the balcony which came to his chest plate. 
His optics widening a little, as you prepared to turn away from him. 
Please don’t leave... 
“I-I would like to hear the plan.” his voice spat out. 
You gazed back at him with a raised eyebrow.  
Optimus cleared his throat, “please... I would appreciate if you’d ran a few details by me again.” 
“Sure... of course.” 
A sad whirl wheezed out of Bumblebee, lightly slapping the palm of his servo against his face plate. As him and Tessa moved away from the closed balcony doors.  
“I agree.” She muttered, “it is painful.” 
Her eyes watched as the yellow scout slouched against the bricked wall. A warm smile tugging at her lips, as Bee’s optics gazed down at his peds. 
“Hey. We can still help move things along.” 
Bee perked up at her cheerful tone. His hopeful gaze returning to her. 
“I’m pretty sure I saw a basketball downstairs-” 
“And I saw~ broken bits~ of mirror!” the Autobot buzzed. 
“And with that, we should be straight in, straight out.” 
You looked up at Optimus with a soft smile. His gentle expression smiling back, as the redness of your cheeks never faded. His optics finding difficulty to look away for your soft lips. 
His spark tried to drive his body towards temptation, while his processors teased him with the ‘almost kiss’ back at the station. 
“I cannot help...” Optimus spoke, requiring more focus upon his words than usual. “I cannot help but be concerned for your safety. As if anything were to happen...” 
His sentence trailed off into silence, as his optics slightly widened at the sight of you reaching out to him. The cooling fans within his vents working overtime, as the Autobot tried to regulate his climbing body temperature. Your cool, soft touch sent volts of electricity through him, as your fingertips lightly brushed the back of his servo. Not knowing that you made his Spark yearn for you even more.  
“You shouldn’t be worried about me. I can take care of myself.”  
Your voice sounded like a sirens song, to Optimus’ audio receivers.  
“Perhaps something like this would ease your mind.” 
Butterflies tangled your nerves, as they fluttered in your stomach. Your heart skipping a beat, as the bazaar idea came to you. Your cheeks radiating similar warmth to Optimus, as you felt his gentle yet lingering gaze. Concentrating on each breath you took, as his optics memorized every detail of your body. How your hair subtlety moved in the cool night air, how your clothes loosely hugged your figure. Yet also leaving each curve of your hips and thighs to one’s imagination.  
“Here.” you shyly spoke. 
Taking off the ring upon your finger, and placing it into the palm of his servo. Optimus briefly studied the simple iron band, before returning his gaze to you. Your sweet smile making his breath get stuck in his throat.  
“It’s my ‘Lucky Ring’- stupid I know. But it was the first thing I ever forged with my Dad, it’s... not perfect. But I feel like it’s brought me a lot of luck, so I was thinking... perhaps... you could have it.” 
Optimus gulped, “Y/N... I-I can’t-” placing his free servo over his aching Spark. 
You slowly skootched over to him, closing the gap between you.  
“Please, I want you to have it.” You carefully guided his digits to enclose around the ring. The small item simply getting lost in his closed fist.  
“So whenever you see it, you’d think of me. And that as long as you carry this, a part of me will always be safe with you.” 
Optimus caved in to his body’s temptations. His servo leaving his chest, and quickly wrapping around your waist, gently pulling you closer.  
“I do not require an item to think of you. For you are always running through my processors.” 
The blush across your features spread towards your ears, your face never felt so warm. As the wires within the Autobot’s abdomen crossed and entangled themselves. His Spark’s rhythm matching your pulsing heart.              
Optimus’ servo gently retracted from your waist, allowing his index digit to trace your curves before holding it out in front of you. 
Your starstruck gaze trailed down from his loving optics, a breathless gap escaping your lips, as the metal plates around his wrist shifted. Thin cables slithered out like snakes, as he brought your iron ring towards them. Immediately threading themselves through the band, securing it tightly against his metal plates, only allowing the ring to dangle a little.  
Placing a hand over your silent gasp, as Optimus opened his chest plates. Reveling his pulsing energy core, blue sparks zapped away from his Spark. His hopeful optics watched his core glow brightly in your eyes, his chest raising and falling, while his vents worked overtime.  
This... vulnerable feeling? His processors questioned. Is this how it feels to find... a Sparkmate?  
Your eyes widened as a glowing shard left his chest, it center glowed slightly dimmer than his Spark.  
“This is the Great Matrix of Leadership.” Optimus explained, as the ‘S’-shape shard dance and hovered in the palm of his servo. “It’s the only thing in this universe that can revive the Spark of a Cybertronian.” 
“Optimus... it’s beautiful.” 
The Matrix rapidly spun in his palm, a blue flash bursting from it’s center, as it shrunk to the size of a small pendant. Optimus gently threaded thin copper wires, which braided themselves together, through the tip of The Matrix  
Your heart jumped into your throat, as Optimus guided the necklace towards you.  
“It is my gift to you. So a piece of me is always with you-” 
“It will protect you from any harm. And if should anything ever happen to me, you’d be the one to ignite my Spark. For it’s you, who makes it pulse through my wires.” 
While the familiar sensation of a loving bond enveloped the pair of you. His knuckles caressed your cheek, as he gently placed The Matrix necklace around your neck.    
“Y/N... believe me, this is not something I do, nor say lightly." Optimus gently admitted, "I can’t give you normality, or anything a regular human could offer. But what I can give, is everything that I am.” 
A loving sigh escaped his lips, as you briefly caressed his cheek. Your hand trailing towards his neck, and your fingers tracing the back of his helm. Optimus’ chest closed again, as he placed his free servo around your waist again. Gently sweeping you off your feet, and bringing you closer to him.
"By my Spark, I would protect you. Adore you. Cherish and support anything that's important to you. If doubt ever aches your heart, I will not rest till I can do everything I can, to free you of such feeling."
He placed a gentle kiss upon your forehead, running a digit through your hair. As his optics shined with hope and love.
"And if you ever wished for a piece of the night sky. I would go to its depths, and bring you back the brightest star." 
“What are you two doing?” Shaned asked raising an eyebrow. As his puzzled gaze fell upon Tessa hoisting up a mis-shaped, makeshift disco ball, while Bumblebee helped guide it. Attempting to not allow the object to knock against the broken window. 
“~Kiss the girl~” the Disney song buzzed from the scout’s radio. 
“Their leader has fallen for my sister.” Tessa briefly explained, “something about her being Optimus’... what did you call it, Bee?” 
“A~ Sparkmate~” 
“Yeah... that...” 
Shane placed his hands upon his hips. A smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “and that explains the uh, disco ball, how?” 
“~setting the mood~ for ~true loves kiss!-” 
“What racket are you two making now?” Crosshairs sighed.  
All three turned to the green Autobot, as he crouched near the landing of the stone steps. 
“Her sister, your boss.” Shane briefly spoke. 
Crosshairs folded his arms across his chest plates, “you two still wasting time with that nonsense? I told you, there’s no such thing as a ‘Sparkmate’-” 
“~what would~ you know~ about~ Sparkmate’s?” Bee challenged, letting go of the makeshift disco ball. 
“Bee!” Tessa cried, as the rope almost lifted her off the ground. 
The scout quickly grabbed the mirror coated ball, saving Tessa from flying a tall height. 
“It’s a interspecies relationship.” Crosshairs groaned, “such thing has never been heard of back on Cybertron.-” 
“~Love~ comes in~ different shapes!-” 
“Ugh, guys.” Shane’s small voice interrupted, as his surprised expression gazed out of the window. “You should take a look at this...” 
Eyes closed and embracing one another. A satisfied hum rumbled in the back of Optimus’ throat, as his lips mimicked yours.  
Your heart fluttered, as The Matrix necklace rested against your chest. Your free hand trailed down from the back of his helm, towards Optimus' chest plate. Feeling the vibrations of his Spark, as it burst like small firecrackers.  
A muffled moan slipped from you, as his glossa entered your mouth. Deepening the kiss and exploring your flavour, he gently bit your bottom lip. Encouraging your tongue to enter his mouth.
The desire of wanting more knotted in Optimus' admonian, as one of his servo’s explored the curvature of your back. Reaching down towards the waistband of your trousers, slipping his digits underneath the fabric. Butterflies in your stomach, caused the lowest pits to do backflips. As you felt Optimus' servo play with the lace of your undergarments, before giving your ass a cheeky squeeze.   
A warmth built up within your core, as your body pressed against Optimus’ chassis. Small volts sparked throughout his wires, as your bust pushed up against him. Taking a moment to pull away from the kiss, as his optics took a cheeky sneak at your cleavage.  
S-Sweet Primus! 
A flickering flame built up within his core, as dirty thoughts intrude his processors. 
His servo cradled your back, as you leaned back a little. Allowing the prime to plant soft kisses along your collar bone, and up towards your neck. 
“Y/N... my Sweet Spark.” His toned rippled against you, causing excited shivers to run up your spine. 
‘Crash!’ ‘Shatter!’ 
“Bumblebee!” the sound of your sister’s voice interrupted the silence. Followed by a sad whirl wheezing from the yellow Autobot.  
You and Optimus looked at the window, which overlooked the balcony. Just seeing a glimpse of Shane and Crosshairs ducking out of sight.  
An awkward chuckle erupted between the pair of you, as you and Optimus slowly broke away from one another. Your fingers and his digits tracing each others arm and down towards the palm. 
“We uh... should head back inside.” You lowly spoke. Cheeks blushing from the afterglow.  
Optimus tenderly kissed your cheek, before returning to his full height. “Indeed... perhaps, we could continue this another time?” 
Next Day
“Calm down. Calm down.” Shane nervously muttered to himself, as Bee slowly rolled up to the back entrance of K.S.I. 
“Y’know... in times like this, the idea is to keep cool, not look cool.” Cade sighed in the passenger seat. “So why don’t you lose the sunglasses?” 
Shane removed the item as Cade briefly glanced at him. 
“About a month ago, I thought I heard noises in the middle of the night. Was that you?” 
Shane gave him a wide eyed stare, “what? You’re asking me this now?-” 
“Don’t lie to me, kid. You see that guy with the gun out there?-” 
“There’s so many guys with guns!” his panicky tone hissed.  
“Let’s get out the car and tell him we’re about to break in.” Cade’s voice kept it’s calm and collected tone, “we could admit it was your idea. Cause I don’t care, I’m old, I’ve already lived long enough-” 
“You have a real bad habit of having these conversations at the wrong time, man!-” 
“You wanna come clean, or you want me to make a mess?” 
Shane’s heart leapt into his throat, as Cade cleared his throat. Attempting to politely get the attention of one of the guards, “Sir, can I talk to you for a second please?” 
“It was me. It was me” the Irishman lowly repeated, as the guard forced Cade’s door shut. Giving Cade a stern expression while shaking his head.  
“Taking it in for scanning?” another guard address Shane, while Bee rolled down the driver’s window. 
Shane silently nodded, holding up the forged K.S.I staff badge. The guard scanned it, looking over the pair before approving them to go ahead... 
The Camero rolled through a hanger of polished concrete floors, and wooden walls painted black. Shane and Cade scanned their surroundings, avoiding eye contact from passing staff members.  
“We took old, alien technology and made it better in every way.” A feminine voice echoed over the P.A system, “introducing Stinger.” 
Bumblebee rolled to a gentle halt, as Cade’s wide eyed stare glanced up at a pink Transformer. Which was displayed in the middle of the hanger. 
“That’s a bad-ass robot.” Shane admired, leaning closer to the windscreen. 
“Kinda looks like you, Bee.” 
Bumblebee revved his engine, disagreeing with Cade’s observation. 
The Texan got out of Bee’s passenger seat, slowly approaching the display. He looked around the hanger, before activating the video recording system, that Crosshairs’ hid into Cade’s smart watch. 
“Can you see this, Sweetie?” Cade whispered to you through his ear piece.  
“I see it, Dad.” Your polite tone confirmed. “What the hell are these guys doing?” 
“Looks like, they’re trying to build their own versions of the Transformers-” 
“Well, at least they’re picking cooler cars than this.” Shane interrupted.  
Bee revved his engine again, pushing his stirring wheel out of the dashboard and into Shane’s face.  
“¬You talk to me like that?¬” the yellow scout buzzed angrily.  
“Dad? What’s going on?” your voice scratched through Cade’s ear piece. 
“Nothing, Sweetie. I’ll send more stuff your way if I find anything.”  
Cade quickly deactivated the recording, approaching Bee’s passenger door again.  
“See what happens, when you try and be a smart-ass?” he hissed at Shane.  
Shane crawled out of the Autobot’s altmode. As an advertisement projected itself onto a screen, behind the Stinger display.  
“Inspired by Bumblebee. But better in every way” the femiline voice continued through the screen. 
“~What?~” Bee’s radio harshly buzzed. “~Son of a-” 
“No! No!” Cade yelled at the Autobot, whom decided to do burnouts in the hanger. Marking up the polished concrete floor, “you gotta calm down!” 
“Bee! Stop messing around!-” 
All froze as the sound of voices filled the hanger, Cade and Shane’s nervous stares glanced up at a group of people walking through doors on the opposite side of the hanger.  
“Hey!” one of their voices called out. “You two! Grease moneys!” 
"Oh shit..." Shane muttered. "That's Mr Joyce, the CEO of K.S.I." He nervously tried to hide behind Bumblebee, as the individual dressed in a fine tailored suit, and glasses approached Cade.     
“What the hell is going on here? And what’s with this vintage crap?” He hissed in an hushed whisper.   
Bee revved his engine as Mr Joyce gestured towards the Autobot.  
“We’re not scanning collector junk.” Joyce's tone held an amused tone, matching his expression. As he continued to talk to Cade, “what is it that you think we make here? Hmm? We make poetry here! We’re poets! When you work for me, you get to make one mistake. One. Understood?”  
“Yes Sir.” Cade professionally spoke, “understood. It won’t happen again, Sir.” 
“It certainly won't.” Joyce sighed, “now... let’s get this pathetic thing out of here. And you, too.” 
Cade silently nodded, feeling Joyce's stare look over him again. Before returning to the rest of the group, and escorting them out of the hanger.  
Shane released a heavy sigh of relief, that he had been holding in the whole time. 
“You and Bee leave here quietly.” Cade spoke, as he looked at the Irishman over his shoulder. “I’m going to try and have a look around. Hopefully Y/N is doing better than us...” 
Your heels clicked along the marble floor, as you walked across the lab of the basement level. Scientists, engineers and various staff hovered around tables. Your hand clenching into a fist inside the pocket of the lab coat, while your free hand fiddled with The Matrix necklace. Your eyes looked at the multiple pieces of alien tech, which scattered across the metal tables throughout the lab.  
Your saddened gaze fell onto the heart-wrenching sight before you. A small gasp getting trapped in your throat, as your heart sunk deeper into your chest.  
You poor darling. You thought, as the lab-techs melted and pulled parts off, of a decapitated green Autobot helm. What have they done to you?-   
“Metal.” A blonde woman wearing a smart three-piece suit approached your side, her blue eyes following your gaze. As you played with your smart watch, discreetly sending the video footage to Drift.  
“Just metal. Well, that’s what I always thought of them.” 
“You’re wrong.” She gave you a puzzled side glance, as you tried to hide the breaking of your voice. “They’re more than that. They’re living beings with souls- like you and me.” 
You pulled a weak smile, “I uh, spoke to one... once.”  
“And you’re working with Transformium?” 
She studied your silent nod, before turning her attention onto a clear canister filled with a gray substance which looked like sand.  
“I’m out there digging for it.” She sighed, “there’s just not much left to find.” Her eyes flickered back to the Autobot’s helm, “so that how badly you guys need more, huh? Reduced to melting old Deceptions?” 
“That’s not a Deception.” You corrected, “that’s an Autobot. The ones who fought for us-” 
“They slaughtered Ratchet!” Optimus’ angry voice yelled through your ear piece. Almost hurting your ear drum. “I’m gonna tear them apart!” 
A loud sound of something falling echoed throughout your ear.  
“Excuse me.” You kindly spoke to the blonde woman, as you took a few steps towards one of the exits. “Optimus? Can you hear me?” 
Only radio static responded to you. 
“Crosshairs? Drift? Can any of you hear me? Please! Don’t do anything rash.” 
More static. 
An uncomfortable knot twisted in your stomach.  
Why do I have a bad feeling about this?- 
“Security to Level 3, please. Security to Level 3.” A voice echoed over the P.A system. 
Now what?    
Shit! Shit! Shit!                
Cade ran across the third level of the K.S.I building. Alarms going off over the P.A system, as security followed him. 
Dodging between frozen staff members, and bursting through random doors. Cade almost made it back to the lift, which lead down back to ground level.  
But he had to come to a skidding halt, as more security guards cut him off. Aiming their weapons in his direction.  
“Up against the wall! Hands behind your head!” 
A heavy sigh left Cade, as he peacefully co-operated. As the security grabbed his arms, placing them against his back and pinning him against the window.  
“Corporate espionage.” A familiar voice caught Cade’s attention. Looking over his shoulder to see Mr Joyce, “that’s a very serious crime, Mr. Yeager. How I didn’t recognize you before baffles me, but no matter-” 
“Look! Before this goes any further, I want a lawyer!” Cade protested. “Th-The Justice Department. Somebody I can trust! I’m just trying to protect my family, okay? Not from your company! From the government!” 
“I can take it from here, Mr. Joyce.”  A new individual entered the scene, Joyce studied the new stranger before walking towards the lift at the end of the hall.  
Cade studied the new individual. A middle age man stood before him, well dressed like Mr. Joyce but his scalp reveling a receding hairline. Firm yet studious eyes hid behind thin glasses. He made a simple gesture at the security. Allowing Cade to face him fully, while rubbing his wrists a little.  
“My name is Attinger, Mr. Yeager.” He introduced, “and who do you think I work for?” 
Cade studied Attinger’s sly smile. 
“You’re trying to protect your family, that’s admirable. And I’m trying to defend the nation from a alien war, we’ve had a taste of what that looks like.”  
He carefully approached Cade, “and we’re certainly not going to tolerate another. Now... there is a version of this conversation, where you get to back to your barn. Your youngest daughter graduate with honor's, while your oldest gets a full-time position with any company within the U.S.A. I’ll even advocate for her personally for a six-figure salary, should she choose to work with me. And life as you know it, goes on.” 
Cade raised an eyebrow, as Attinger continued. 
“You and your daughters have no idea, what you gotten yourselves into.” 
“And what’s the other version of this conversation?” Cade challenged, bring a frown to Attinger’s features. “Sending in your ‘hired help’ to murder my little girls? Or are you going to man up and do it yourself?” 
“Depends on your preference, Mr. Yeager... I don’t ask much. You can still turn things into your favor. All you have to do, is convince your eldest to tell me where Optimus Prime is.” 
A cheeky smile came to Cade, as the reflection of Bumblebee in the nearby window caught his attention. “I didn’t raise no snitch-” 
Screams echoed throughout K.S.I as Crosshairs and Hound accompanied Optimus. Bursting through high windows, showering everyone below in a rain of glass, as the Autobots made their way through the lower levels. 
Crosshairs raised his pistol above his helm, firing warning shots as the trio entered the lab. 
“Get out! All of you!” Optimus roared, as people scattered away from him.  
“Science fair’s over, meat-bags!” Hound’s voice thundered.  
“Destroy the lab!”  
The Autobots happily carried out their leader’s orders. Crosshairs and Hound fired at the piles of alien technology, kicking tables and igniting all manner of equipment.  
“Excuse me!” You squeaked, trying to push through the flood of people exiting the lab. “Out of my way, please!” 
“Destroy it all!”  
Your pounding heart ached a little, as Optimus’ rageful voice yelled commands. 
“Hey!” Joyce's voice roared over the gunfire, storming over to the Autobot leader. “Hey! Stop! That’s company property!” 
“They’re not your property!” Optimus challenged, as he stood over Joyce. Allowing Hound to satisfyingly kick a table filled with alien parts.  
“They were my friends!” 
Joyce’s studious gaze analyzed the situation.  
Finally pushing through the crowd, your eyes widened as Hound clocked his cannon. The weapon releasing a humming sound, as he aimed it at Joyce.  
“Oh, you not talking so much now!” a smaller Autobot teased. “Not so tough when Hound is in front of you, huh?” 
You watched the small Cybertronian climb onto the barrel of Hound’s cannon, his optics glaring daggers at Joyce.  
“Go ahead.” Joyce calmly taunted, “show us your true colours, once and for all-” 
“Just give me the word.” Hound smiled, “I’ll splatter him-” 
“No! Don’t!” you cried.  
“Why don’t you tell Itchy Fingers here, that this is all the spoils of war?” Joyce challenged, “dead metal. Innovation. That’s what we do here, it’s simply science! Because if we don’t do it, somebody else will! Because you cannot stop technology!-” 
“We’re not your technology!” Optimus roared.  
You ducked as the Autobot blindly kicked machinery into your direction. Causing sparks to erupt from power-ports, and machinery bits fly over your head.  
“Optimus! Stop!” you begged.  
“Let me vaporize his ass!-” 
“Don’t do it, Hound!” 
You quickly approached Joyce, standing between him and the barrel of Hound’s cannon.  
"Out the way, Y/N." Hound's tone of voice sounded more like a warning, than a pea.
"No, I wont." You gazed into his green optics, range faded as sorrow filled them. "You're better than this Hound. Please... lower your weapon."
Hesitating for a moment, the Autobot grumbled. His cannon slowly shutting down, placing the weapon over his shoulder.  
“I broke the code. I own your whole genome.” Joyce spoke with a smug expression. Confidence returning to his tone, since you've became his 'shield.'  
“Keep digging your grave!” You hissed turning your whole body to him. “I’m not here for your sorry ass!” 
Optimus crouched down to your level, lowering the barrel of his weapon. As his servo went from the weapon's trigger, and reached out for you.
“We’ll tell the world what’s happening here.” You promised. Looking up at him, giving his index digit a comforting touch.  
Your voice almost soothing Optimus’ rage filled Spark.  
“Interesting... you allied yourself with them?’” Joyce questioned, gesturing at you and Optimus. His curious gaze switching between the pair of you, "or... am I sensing something, a little more?-"  
"I'm giving you one chance." You firmly spoke, turning your attention back onto Joyce. "Stop doing this. Or the whole world will know what's happening here! What you're doing them!"
Joyce snickered at your words, “the world? The world would approve, my dear. We can make them now. Don’t you get it? Humanity doesn't need the Transformers anymore-” 
“You’re wrong!” You said, shaking your head. “Humanity will always need the Cybertronians.” 
A weak smile came to Hound, “you tell him Y/N.” 
Optimus studied you and Joyce, puffing out his chest and releasing a unsatisfied huff.  
“Autobots... we’re done.”  
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@ursamajor17 @crowleysthings @k----a27s @lainekyuu @manticcashew @goreismyforte @imachaoticghost @person101lol
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sailor-aviator · 27 days
Together, Transformed Masterlist
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Witch!Reader
Summary: In turn of the century America, long before the Revolutionary War was even a thought in anyone’s mind, a small village was home to a most beloved and respected healer. When jealousy begets feelings of maliciousness, you are accused of witchcraft. Centuries later, you live your life as a normal, everyday girl, but even you have to admit that strange things tend to happen to you sometimes. It all comes to a head when you meet a strange man who seems to know all about you. (Witch!AU)
Series Content Warning: Semi-dark fic, Witchcraft, Demons, Black Magic, Reincarnation, Immortality, Blood, Sacrifices, Evil Spirits, Historical Inaccuracies, Angst, Fluff, Smut. Individual chapters will have their own warnings.
All posts related to this series will be tagged with "Together Transformed" and "TT."
*Denotes smut.
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Coming Soon...
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Nothing to see here yet...
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Nothing to see here yet...
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