#Transformers x you
lazypanartist · 8 months
It's nice, Bumblebee thinks while watching you work. Your tiny fingers tapping away at a keyboard he could crush with only one digit of his own. You're calm, and quiet, and all too absorbed with the work you've been assigned.
You're breathing softly, a quiet whistle he can pick out of any room with the familiarity. Senses heightened with millennia of scout training, he han hear every annoyed sigh and soft tut as you work out whatever problem you were given, your complaints seemingly lost on everyone else around as he observes you.
He knows it's odd; the way he slows down his routine just to be this much closer to you. He's known for his speed, not his forgoing it to spend time with anyone - much less a human. But here his is, pede-steps soft while he glances your way again.
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wifetomegatron · 1 year
Imagine a liaison aboard the lost light who calls people 'love' and 'dear' in a very soft, delicate tone.
based on this post because this is just too tempting to not write about, we must sound like debutants making their first appearance in fashionable society speaking in skittish whispers and sighs all the time when in reality organics speak in different octaves and wavelengths. definitely self indulgent cause me and my friends do this.
Imagine a liaison aboard the lost light who calls people 'love' and 'dear' in a very soft, delicate tone. In a ship full of battle-weary, pessimistic, cybertronians desensitized to almost everything, that single drop of warmth coming from a human whose touches feel like silk — feather light and alien, would be enough to make them putty in your presence.
The last time Brainstorm received a — " How clever, Brainstorm, thank you for your help." He had nearly popped a circuit trying to come up with a reply, stunned silent for what Perceptor claimed was the first time he was without one of his usual snarky remarks. Then it was Swerve, who wouldn't shut up about how you had called him 'darling' — Skids was adamant to prove to him that it was just how you spoke to people, even if the theoretician himself had his chest puffed out from being called 'dear'.
Then there was the time that you had scolded Whirl for nearly stepping on you, voice still painfully tender in comparison to the mechanical lilt of metal vocalizers —" Ooop! Careful there, handsome!" You had jumped, swerving just in time before his pedes crushed you. And the watchmaker froze, with a single optic pinning you in place. Then Drift had to chase him down several hallways, yelling that he wasn't allowed to just pick you up and run off.
An intervention was needed when a group of mechs were sent down a Decepticon outpost and returned with injuries. Apparently, everyone wanted to be pat on the arm and have you crooned — " Oh, you poor, brave thing" to them. With your brows knitted in worry, lips pout and slightly parted as they tell you all the heroic things they did. ( Ultra Magnus wasn't too impressed when said intervention from Rodimus was just a plot for him to cut the line and show you his battle scars. Someone in the back of the line had yelled that he wasn't even scratched. Judging from the infighting brewing, it was most likely Whirl.)
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gardens-light · 1 year
In order to find something worthy of blackmailing not just the K.S.I but also the government. All agreed on a simple plan. Divide and conquer. Knowing the next moment's were critical, as it was going to test the bonds of loyalty and trust... Yet, in the midst of chaos and serious planning. Bumblebee and Drift decided do a side mission of their own- involving you and Optimus...
Content: Course language. Events takes place in Transformers- Age of Extinction. (Major spoilers in this and in upcoming chapters.) Heaps of fluff. Optimus Prime x Human F/Reader.
Word count- 5k (roughly)
Sparkmate Series- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (End)
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"We're back!" Tessa's voice echoed throughout the main hall of the empty cathedral.
Bumblebee gave a little wave, while your attention didn't move from his thigh. Focusing on adjusting a couple of bolts, that the yellow scout has been complaining about for the past couple days.
"Hey." Cade greeted from the makeshift table. "I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So Tessa, sweetie. You can find some long pants. Nice loose-fitting ones, and lose the short-shorts, okay? What you guys get?"
Tessa and Shane emptied their backpacks onto the table. Various fruits, long life items and random tools spilled in front of Cade.
"It's protein." Tessa simply said, placing the container in front of him.
"Look, I said the essentials, okay?"
"It wasn't easy." Tessa sighed, "we almost got caught."
Cade raised an eyebrow, as Shane placed a bottle of mouthwash onto the table. "You stole mouthwash?"
"I like to be fresh, when I'm making out with your daughter." Shane spoke with a smug smile.
Tessa chuckled, while you and Bumblebee looked away. Trying to hide your cheeky smiles, as the pair of you giggled under your breathes.
Cade's brows knitted together, reaching out for the bottle and throwing it across the table. "Yeah that's not happening. Ever!"
Tessa and Shane gave each other awkward smiles.
"A little bit late for that." Your teasing tone whispered to Bumblebee.
Walking into the main hall of the cathedral with laptop in hand. The sound of small giggles caught your attention, your movements coming to a halt as your eyes looked away from the screen. Your soft gaze falling onto Tessa and Shane whom cuddled in their little ‘love nest’ corner. Her head resting against Shane’s chest as they sprawled out on the couch, the gentle glow of the dusk sunlight bathing them in a soft colourful glow, as it streamed through the stained-glass window. Numerous candles surrounding them setting the scene just right.  
A small smile tugged the corners of your lips, I’m glad they’ve found some calm before the storm.   
“Ah-hem. Excuse me.” Cade’s voice echoed throughout the hall, “there’ll be no smooching in front of me. Thank you.” 
Speaking of storms... 
The couple broke apart, feeling Cade’s disapproval stare upon them. 
“You’re so old, Dad.” Tessa complained, “who even saids ‘smooching’ anyway?” 
A small prickle of envy crawled in your chest, as you hugged the laptop. Lowering your head a little, attempting to hide your suttle frown.  
“It can be so difficult sometimes.” Cade sighed, while drinking a protein shake. His annoyed stare looking  up at Optimus, “I’m telling ya. No respect these days.” 
Optimus nodded folding his arms across his chest, “I went through something similar with Bumblebee.” 
The small prickle of envy snipped your yearning heart, like a flower's thorn upon your skin. Bringing the laptop a little closer to your face, as your cheeks grew a little warm. As the ‘almost kiss’ between you and Optimus replayed in your thoughts.   
“Afternoon, Y/N” the sound of Crosshairs' voice caused you to jump a little.  
“Cr-Crosshairs? Sorry, you startled me.” 
“Really?” you felt his green optics study you. “Something on your mind?” 
“Just... running through the plans.” You spoke with a fake smile, “making sure everyone knows the drill, and what not.” 
You raised an eyebrow as Crosshairs briefly turned to Drift. Glancing over his shoulder at the blue Autobot, whom gestured in your direction, then to a set of stone stairs.  
“Is everything alright, Crosshairs?” your puzzled tone caught his attention.  
“Yea. Yea.” he assured with a teasing smile, “just remembered that the Big Boss wants to see you.” 
You tilted your head a little. Pressing the laptop harder against your chest, as your heart skipped a little. 
“Optimus?...” your voice was low, trying not to sound too surprised.  
“Yeah. He said it was something important, or whatever.” 
Your confused gaze switched between Optimus, whom still muttered something to Cade, and back to Crosshairs who just stood beside you. Fidgeting around his pistol.  
“Ok... well um... I guess I should head over to him-” 
A small yelp escaped your lips as he quickly got in your way.  
“No! No!” his whisper-shout came out a little louder than intended. “I-I mean...” 
Crosshairs gestured you to come a little closer, as he squatted down to your level.  
“Crosshairs, what’s going on?”  
The Autobot sighed, as his optics fell onto your unamused and confused expression. “Look... I don’t know what the Big Boss wants to discuss with you. Honestly he was very vague about it-” 
“Optimus is rarely vague about anything-” 
“My thoughts exactly. So I’m assuming it’s something important but also private.” 
Crosshairs attempted to hold a convincing smile, as your eyes studied his features.  
“Okay...” raising an eyebrow again. Your expression matching your unsure tone, “where do you think he’d would wanna talk?” 
“My best guess would be the tower behind you.”  
You briefly followed his gesture, pointing at the stone stairs behind you.  
Crosshairs shrugged at your silent question. Your eyes studied him one more time, before hesitantly approaching the stairs. 
“Well, you almost fucked that up.” 
Crosshairs glanced up at Hound, giving the Autobot daggers as he came out of hiding, once assured you were out of earshot.  
“Shut up.” Crosshairs hissed, standing to his full height. “I told you, I’m not good at this mushy stuff. If you’d ask me, I think this whole plan is pathetic.” 
“¬ you can’t handle the truth!¬” Bumblebee buzzed. His blue optics narrowing at his comrade.  
All froze as the sound of Optimus’ voice interrupted them.  
“What’s going on?”  
“¬Y/N wants¬ to see you¬ outside¬ Sir.” 
Optimus’ titled his head to the side, his optics giving Bumblebee a questioning gaze. “Why?” 
All speechlessly shrugged. But a annoyed whirl wheezed out of Bee, rolling his blue optics at his comrades, while impatiently grabbing Optimus’ servo.  
“Bumblebee? What?-” 
“¬Outside!¬” Bee simply repeated. Pulling his leader towards the large arch, which lead towards one of the cathedral’s courtyards.  
Optimus looked over his shoulder, giving a confused expression to the rest of the Autobots. Drift looked away, trying to hide his knowing smile. While Crosshairs and Hound simply sighed and walked away.  
Approaching the small stone balcony, a gasp left your breath as your wide eyes fell upon the most curious of sight.  
A mixture of fairy lights and string lights lit up the courtyard below. Hanging upon trees and their overhanging branches, dancing up the stone pillars which held the dome roof of a small gazebo. Delicate white lanterns lit by candlelight, was suspended above the gazebo. Their strings stretching from the balcony’s stone frame, to the nearby fence.  
Roughly potted flowers lined the courtyard’s flowerbeds, matching the drooping flowers in the large stone pots upon the balcony. A small chuckle escaping you, as your eyes fell upon a bench. Clearly from inside the cathedral, but broken down to fit upon the balcony’s edge. Dressed in loosely thrown flower petals, as it rested against the iron railings of the balcony. 
This is by far, better than Tessa’s love nest.  
Placing a hand over your mouth, attempting to hide your shy smile. As the sight of Bumblebee dragging Optimus by his servo came to you.  
The prime muttered something to the yellow scout, but Bumblebee only shook his head. Optimus’ optics tried to avoid your soft gaze, as Bee turned and went behind him. Giving the leader one final push against his back, before scuttering away.  
“This is... unexpected.” 
Your sweet tone caught his attention. Optimus’ shy gaze slowly left the floor and onto your blushing face.  
“As it is for me.” He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. “A thousand apologies, Y/N. This isn’t- I-I mean, it isn’t my intention-” 
“It’s alright, Optimus.” you assured.  
Your warm smile made his spark skip a beat. A gentle hue of warmth returning to underneath his metal plates.  
“It’s makes a lovely change from seeing graffitied walls and boarded up windows.” 
Optimus returned your warm smile, “indeed it does...” 
You clutched onto the laptop tightly, holding it against your chest. As though it would somehow stop the rapid beating of your heart. Warmth came to your cheeks, as you shyly looked away from him. 
His scanners picked up your pulsing heart and shaky breath. 
Say something! His processors commanded. Anything! 
“The laptop in your hands? I um... do not remember you having it before.”  
“Um... yeah.” You begun to fiddle with it. “I found it in the station back in Texas. I’ve been going over the plans for tomorrow.” 
Optimus nodded, “familiarizing oneself of the strategies and plans, is highly wise. That way you’d most certainly be prepared for anything.” 
You awkwardly nodded. Your foot slowly tracing invisible circles upon the balcony floor.  
I am going to whack Crosshairs with a wench next time I see him! Your thoughts scolded.  
Optimus’ digits became fidgety. His servos clenching and unclenching, as he shifted his weight from one pedal to the other. Edging a little closer to the balcony which came to his chest plate. 
His optics widening a little, as you prepared to turn away from him. 
Please don’t leave... 
“I-I would like to hear the plan.” his voice spat out. 
You gazed back at him with a raised eyebrow.  
Optimus cleared his throat, “please... I would appreciate if you’d ran a few details by me again.” 
“Sure... of course.” 
A sad whirl wheezed out of Bumblebee, lightly slapping the palm of his servo against his face plate. As him and Tessa moved away from the closed balcony doors.  
“I agree.” She muttered, “it is painful.” 
Her eyes watched as the yellow scout slouched against the bricked wall. A warm smile tugging at her lips, as Bee’s optics gazed down at his peds. 
“Hey. We can still help move things along.” 
Bee perked up at her cheerful tone. His hopeful gaze returning to her. 
“I’m pretty sure I saw a basketball downstairs-” 
“And I saw~ broken bits~ of mirror!” the Autobot buzzed. 
“And with that, we should be straight in, straight out.” 
You looked up at Optimus with a soft smile. His gentle expression smiling back, as the redness of your cheeks never faded. His optics finding difficulty to look away for your soft lips. 
His spark tried to drive his body towards temptation, while his processors teased him with the ‘almost kiss’ back at the station. 
“I cannot help...” Optimus spoke, requiring more focus upon his words than usual. “I cannot help but be concerned for your safety. As if anything were to happen...” 
His sentence trailed off into silence, as his optics slightly widened at the sight of you reaching out to him. The cooling fans within his vents working overtime, as the Autobot tried to regulate his climbing body temperature. Your cool, soft touch sent volts of electricity through him, as your fingertips lightly brushed the back of his servo. Not knowing that you made his Spark yearn for you even more.  
“You shouldn’t be worried about me. I can take care of myself.”  
Your voice sounded like a sirens song, to Optimus’ audio receivers.  
“Perhaps something like this would ease your mind.” 
Butterflies tangled your nerves, as they fluttered in your stomach. Your heart skipping a beat, as the bazaar idea came to you. Your cheeks radiating similar warmth to Optimus, as you felt his gentle yet lingering gaze. Concentrating on each breath you took, as his optics memorized every detail of your body. How your hair subtlety moved in the cool night air, how your clothes loosely hugged your figure. Yet also leaving each curve of your hips and thighs to one’s imagination.  
“Here.” you shyly spoke. 
Taking off the ring upon your finger, and placing it into the palm of his servo. Optimus briefly studied the simple iron band, before returning his gaze to you. Your sweet smile making his breath get stuck in his throat.  
“It’s my ‘Lucky Ring’- stupid I know. But it was the first thing I ever forged with my Dad, it’s... not perfect. But I feel like it’s brought me a lot of luck, so I was thinking... perhaps... you could have it.” 
Optimus gulped, “Y/N... I-I can’t-” placing his free servo over his aching Spark. 
You slowly skootched over to him, closing the gap between you.  
“Please, I want you to have it.” You carefully guided his digits to enclose around the ring. The small item simply getting lost in his closed fist.  
“So whenever you see it, you’d think of me. And that as long as you carry this, a part of me will always be safe with you.” 
Optimus caved in to his body’s temptations. His servo leaving his chest, and quickly wrapping around your waist, gently pulling you closer.  
“I do not require an item to think of you. For you are always running through my processors.” 
The blush across your features spread towards your ears, your face never felt so warm. As the wires within the Autobot’s abdomen crossed and entangled themselves. His Spark’s rhythm matching your pulsing heart.              
Optimus’ servo gently retracted from your waist, allowing his index digit to trace your curves before holding it out in front of you. 
Your starstruck gaze trailed down from his loving optics, a breathless gap escaping your lips, as the metal plates around his wrist shifted. Thin cables slithered out like snakes, as he brought your iron ring towards them. Immediately threading themselves through the band, securing it tightly against his metal plates, only allowing the ring to dangle a little.  
Placing a hand over your silent gasp, as Optimus opened his chest plates. Reveling his pulsing energy core, blue sparks zapped away from his Spark. His hopeful optics watched his core glow brightly in your eyes, his chest raising and falling, while his vents worked overtime.  
This... vulnerable feeling? His processors questioned. Is this how it feels to find... a Sparkmate?  
Your eyes widened as a glowing shard left his chest, it center glowed slightly dimmer than his Spark.  
“This is the Great Matrix of Leadership.” Optimus explained, as the ‘S’-shape shard dance and hovered in the palm of his servo. “It’s the only thing in this universe that can revive the Spark of a Cybertronian.” 
“Optimus... it’s beautiful.” 
The Matrix rapidly spun in his palm, a blue flash bursting from it’s center, as it shrunk to the size of a small pendant. Optimus gently threaded thin copper wires, which braided themselves together, through the tip of The Matrix  
Your heart jumped into your throat, as Optimus guided the necklace towards you.  
“It is my gift to you. So a piece of me is always with you-” 
“It will protect you from any harm. And if should anything ever happen to me, you’d be the one to ignite my Spark. For it’s you, who makes it pulse through my wires.” 
While the familiar sensation of a loving bond enveloped the pair of you. His knuckles caressed your cheek, as he gently placed The Matrix necklace around your neck.    
“Y/N... believe me, this is not something I do, nor say lightly." Optimus gently admitted, "I can’t give you normality, or anything a regular human could offer. But what I can give, is everything that I am.” 
A loving sigh escaped his lips, as you briefly caressed his cheek. Your hand trailing towards his neck, and your fingers tracing the back of his helm. Optimus’ chest closed again, as he placed his free servo around your waist again. Gently sweeping you off your feet, and bringing you closer to him.
"By my Spark, I would protect you. Adore you. Cherish and support anything that's important to you. If doubt ever aches your heart, I will not rest till I can do everything I can, to free you of such feeling."
He placed a gentle kiss upon your forehead, running a digit through your hair. As his optics shined with hope and love.
"And if you ever wished for a piece of the night sky. I would go to its depths, and bring you back the brightest star." 
“What are you two doing?” Shaned asked raising an eyebrow. As his puzzled gaze fell upon Tessa hoisting up a mis-shaped, makeshift disco ball, while Bumblebee helped guide it. Attempting to not allow the object to knock against the broken window. 
“~Kiss the girl~” the Disney song buzzed from the scout’s radio. 
“Their leader has fallen for my sister.” Tessa briefly explained, “something about her being Optimus’... what did you call it, Bee?” 
“A~ Sparkmate~” 
“Yeah... that...” 
Shane placed his hands upon his hips. A smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “and that explains the uh, disco ball, how?” 
“~setting the mood~ for ~true loves kiss!-” 
“What racket are you two making now?” Crosshairs sighed.  
All three turned to the green Autobot, as he crouched near the landing of the stone steps. 
“Her sister, your boss.” Shane briefly spoke. 
Crosshairs folded his arms across his chest plates, “you two still wasting time with that nonsense? I told you, there’s no such thing as a ‘Sparkmate’-” 
“~what would~ you know~ about~ Sparkmate’s?” Bee challenged, letting go of the makeshift disco ball. 
“Bee!” Tessa cried, as the rope almost lifted her off the ground. 
The scout quickly grabbed the mirror coated ball, saving Tessa from flying a tall height. 
“It’s a interspecies relationship.” Crosshairs groaned, “such thing has never been heard of back on Cybertron.-” 
“~Love~ comes in~ different shapes!-” 
“Ugh, guys.” Shane’s small voice interrupted, as his surprised expression gazed out of the window. “You should take a look at this...” 
Eyes closed and embracing one another. A satisfied hum rumbled in the back of Optimus’ throat, as his lips mimicked yours.  
Your heart fluttered, as The Matrix necklace rested against your chest. Your free hand trailed down from the back of his helm, towards Optimus' chest plate. Feeling the vibrations of his Spark, as it burst like small firecrackers.  
A muffled moan slipped from you, as his glossa entered your mouth. Deepening the kiss and exploring your flavour, he gently bit your bottom lip. Encouraging your tongue to enter his mouth.
The desire of wanting more knotted in Optimus' admonian, as one of his servo’s explored the curvature of your back. Reaching down towards the waistband of your trousers, slipping his digits underneath the fabric. Butterflies in your stomach, caused the lowest pits to do backflips. As you felt Optimus' servo play with the lace of your undergarments, before giving your ass a cheeky squeeze.   
A warmth built up within your core, as your body pressed against Optimus’ chassis. Small volts sparked throughout his wires, as your bust pushed up against him. Taking a moment to pull away from the kiss, as his optics took a cheeky sneak at your cleavage.  
S-Sweet Primus! 
A flickering flame built up within his core, as dirty thoughts intrude his processors. 
His servo cradled your back, as you leaned back a little. Allowing the prime to plant soft kisses along your collar bone, and up towards your neck. 
“Y/N... my Sweet Spark.” His toned rippled against you, causing excited shivers to run up your spine. 
‘Crash!’ ‘Shatter!’ 
“Bumblebee!” the sound of your sister’s voice interrupted the silence. Followed by a sad whirl wheezing from the yellow Autobot.  
You and Optimus looked at the window, which overlooked the balcony. Just seeing a glimpse of Shane and Crosshairs ducking out of sight.  
An awkward chuckle erupted between the pair of you, as you and Optimus slowly broke away from one another. Your fingers and his digits tracing each others arm and down towards the palm. 
“We uh... should head back inside.” You lowly spoke. Cheeks blushing from the afterglow.  
Optimus tenderly kissed your cheek, before returning to his full height. “Indeed... perhaps, we could continue this another time?” 
Next Day
“Calm down. Calm down.” Shane nervously muttered to himself, as Bee slowly rolled up to the back entrance of K.S.I. 
“Y’know... in times like this, the idea is to keep cool, not look cool.” Cade sighed in the passenger seat. “So why don’t you lose the sunglasses?” 
Shane removed the item as Cade briefly glanced at him. 
“About a month ago, I thought I heard noises in the middle of the night. Was that you?” 
Shane gave him a wide eyed stare, “what? You’re asking me this now?-” 
“Don’t lie to me, kid. You see that guy with the gun out there?-” 
“There’s so many guys with guns!” his panicky tone hissed.  
“Let’s get out the car and tell him we’re about to break in.” Cade’s voice kept it’s calm and collected tone, “we could admit it was your idea. Cause I don’t care, I’m old, I’ve already lived long enough-” 
“You have a real bad habit of having these conversations at the wrong time, man!-” 
“You wanna come clean, or you want me to make a mess?” 
Shane’s heart leapt into his throat, as Cade cleared his throat. Attempting to politely get the attention of one of the guards, “Sir, can I talk to you for a second please?” 
“It was me. It was me” the Irishman lowly repeated, as the guard forced Cade’s door shut. Giving Cade a stern expression while shaking his head.  
“Taking it in for scanning?” another guard address Shane, while Bee rolled down the driver’s window. 
Shane silently nodded, holding up the forged K.S.I staff badge. The guard scanned it, looking over the pair before approving them to go ahead... 
The Camero rolled through a hanger of polished concrete floors, and wooden walls painted black. Shane and Cade scanned their surroundings, avoiding eye contact from passing staff members.  
“We took old, alien technology and made it better in every way.” A feminine voice echoed over the P.A system, “introducing Stinger.” 
Bumblebee rolled to a gentle halt, as Cade’s wide eyed stare glanced up at a pink Transformer. Which was displayed in the middle of the hanger. 
“That’s a bad-ass robot.” Shane admired, leaning closer to the windscreen. 
“Kinda looks like you, Bee.” 
Bumblebee revved his engine, disagreeing with Cade’s observation. 
The Texan got out of Bee’s passenger seat, slowly approaching the display. He looked around the hanger, before activating the video recording system, that Crosshairs’ hid into Cade’s smart watch. 
“Can you see this, Sweetie?” Cade whispered to you through his ear piece.  
“I see it, Dad.” Your polite tone confirmed. “What the hell are these guys doing?” 
“Looks like, they’re trying to build their own versions of the Transformers-” 
“Well, at least they’re picking cooler cars than this.” Shane interrupted.  
Bee revved his engine again, pushing his stirring wheel out of the dashboard and into Shane’s face.  
“¬You talk to me like that?¬” the yellow scout buzzed angrily.  
“Dad? What’s going on?” your voice scratched through Cade’s ear piece. 
“Nothing, Sweetie. I’ll send more stuff your way if I find anything.”  
Cade quickly deactivated the recording, approaching Bee’s passenger door again.  
“See what happens, when you try and be a smart-ass?” he hissed at Shane.  
Shane crawled out of the Autobot’s altmode. As an advertisement projected itself onto a screen, behind the Stinger display.  
“Inspired by Bumblebee. But better in every way” the femiline voice continued through the screen. 
“~What?~” Bee’s radio harshly buzzed. “~Son of a-” 
“No! No!” Cade yelled at the Autobot, whom decided to do burnouts in the hanger. Marking up the polished concrete floor, “you gotta calm down!” 
“Bee! Stop messing around!-” 
All froze as the sound of voices filled the hanger, Cade and Shane’s nervous stares glanced up at a group of people walking through doors on the opposite side of the hanger.  
“Hey!” one of their voices called out. “You two! Grease moneys!” 
"Oh shit..." Shane muttered. "That's Mr Joyce, the CEO of K.S.I." He nervously tried to hide behind Bumblebee, as the individual dressed in a fine tailored suit, and glasses approached Cade.     
“What the hell is going on here? And what’s with this vintage crap?” He hissed in an hushed whisper.   
Bee revved his engine as Mr Joyce gestured towards the Autobot.  
“We’re not scanning collector junk.” Joyce's tone held an amused tone, matching his expression. As he continued to talk to Cade, “what is it that you think we make here? Hmm? We make poetry here! We’re poets! When you work for me, you get to make one mistake. One. Understood?”  
“Yes Sir.” Cade professionally spoke, “understood. It won’t happen again, Sir.” 
“It certainly won't.” Joyce sighed, “now... let’s get this pathetic thing out of here. And you, too.” 
Cade silently nodded, feeling Joyce's stare look over him again. Before returning to the rest of the group, and escorting them out of the hanger.  
Shane released a heavy sigh of relief, that he had been holding in the whole time. 
“You and Bee leave here quietly.” Cade spoke, as he looked at the Irishman over his shoulder. “I’m going to try and have a look around. Hopefully Y/N is doing better than us...” 
Your heels clicked along the marble floor, as you walked across the lab of the basement level. Scientists, engineers and various staff hovered around tables. Your hand clenching into a fist inside the pocket of the lab coat, while your free hand fiddled with The Matrix necklace. Your eyes looked at the multiple pieces of alien tech, which scattered across the metal tables throughout the lab.  
Your saddened gaze fell onto the heart-wrenching sight before you. A small gasp getting trapped in your throat, as your heart sunk deeper into your chest.  
You poor darling. You thought, as the lab-techs melted and pulled parts off, of a decapitated green Autobot helm. What have they done to you?-   
“Metal.” A blonde woman wearing a smart three-piece suit approached your side, her blue eyes following your gaze. As you played with your smart watch, discreetly sending the video footage to Drift.  
“Just metal. Well, that’s what I always thought of them.” 
“You’re wrong.” She gave you a puzzled side glance, as you tried to hide the breaking of your voice. “They’re more than that. They’re living beings with souls- like you and me.” 
You pulled a weak smile, “I uh, spoke to one... once.”  
“And you’re working with Transformium?” 
She studied your silent nod, before turning her attention onto a clear canister filled with a gray substance which looked like sand.  
“I’m out there digging for it.” She sighed, “there’s just not much left to find.” Her eyes flickered back to the Autobot’s helm, “so that how badly you guys need more, huh? Reduced to melting old Deceptions?” 
“That’s not a Deception.” You corrected, “that’s an Autobot. The ones who fought for us-” 
“They slaughtered Ratchet!” Optimus’ angry voice yelled through your ear piece. Almost hurting your ear drum. “I’m gonna tear them apart!” 
A loud sound of something falling echoed throughout your ear.  
“Excuse me.” You kindly spoke to the blonde woman, as you took a few steps towards one of the exits. “Optimus? Can you hear me?” 
Only radio static responded to you. 
“Crosshairs? Drift? Can any of you hear me? Please! Don’t do anything rash.” 
More static. 
An uncomfortable knot twisted in your stomach.  
Why do I have a bad feeling about this?- 
“Security to Level 3, please. Security to Level 3.” A voice echoed over the P.A system. 
Now what?    
Shit! Shit! Shit!                
Cade ran across the third level of the K.S.I building. Alarms going off over the P.A system, as security followed him. 
Dodging between frozen staff members, and bursting through random doors. Cade almost made it back to the lift, which lead down back to ground level.  
But he had to come to a skidding halt, as more security guards cut him off. Aiming their weapons in his direction.  
“Up against the wall! Hands behind your head!” 
A heavy sigh left Cade, as he peacefully co-operated. As the security grabbed his arms, placing them against his back and pinning him against the window.  
“Corporate espionage.” A familiar voice caught Cade’s attention. Looking over his shoulder to see Mr Joyce, “that’s a very serious crime, Mr. Yeager. How I didn’t recognize you before baffles me, but no matter-” 
“Look! Before this goes any further, I want a lawyer!” Cade protested. “Th-The Justice Department. Somebody I can trust! I’m just trying to protect my family, okay? Not from your company! From the government!” 
“I can take it from here, Mr. Joyce.”  A new individual entered the scene, Joyce studied the new stranger before walking towards the lift at the end of the hall.  
Cade studied the new individual. A middle age man stood before him, well dressed like Mr. Joyce but his scalp reveling a receding hairline. Firm yet studious eyes hid behind thin glasses. He made a simple gesture at the security. Allowing Cade to face him fully, while rubbing his wrists a little.  
“My name is Attinger, Mr. Yeager.” He introduced, “and who do you think I work for?” 
Cade studied Attinger’s sly smile. 
“You’re trying to protect your family, that’s admirable. And I’m trying to defend the nation from a alien war, we’ve had a taste of what that looks like.”  
He carefully approached Cade, “and we’re certainly not going to tolerate another. Now... there is a version of this conversation, where you get to back to your barn. Your youngest daughter graduate with honor's, while your oldest gets a full-time position with any company within the U.S.A. I’ll even advocate for her personally for a six-figure salary, should she choose to work with me. And life as you know it, goes on.” 
Cade raised an eyebrow, as Attinger continued. 
“You and your daughters have no idea, what you gotten yourselves into.” 
“And what’s the other version of this conversation?” Cade challenged, bring a frown to Attinger’s features. “Sending in your ‘hired help’ to murder my little girls? Or are you going to man up and do it yourself?” 
“Depends on your preference, Mr. Yeager... I don’t ask much. You can still turn things into your favor. All you have to do, is convince your eldest to tell me where Optimus Prime is.” 
A cheeky smile came to Cade, as the reflection of Bumblebee in the nearby window caught his attention. “I didn’t raise no snitch-” 
Screams echoed throughout K.S.I as Crosshairs and Hound accompanied Optimus. Bursting through high windows, showering everyone below in a rain of glass, as the Autobots made their way through the lower levels. 
Crosshairs raised his pistol above his helm, firing warning shots as the trio entered the lab. 
“Get out! All of you!” Optimus roared, as people scattered away from him.  
“Science fair’s over, meat-bags!” Hound’s voice thundered.  
“Destroy the lab!”  
The Autobots happily carried out their leader’s orders. Crosshairs and Hound fired at the piles of alien technology, kicking tables and igniting all manner of equipment.  
“Excuse me!” You squeaked, trying to push through the flood of people exiting the lab. “Out of my way, please!” 
“Destroy it all!”  
Your pounding heart ached a little, as Optimus’ rageful voice yelled commands. 
“Hey!” Joyce's voice roared over the gunfire, storming over to the Autobot leader. “Hey! Stop! That’s company property!” 
“They’re not your property!” Optimus challenged, as he stood over Joyce. Allowing Hound to satisfyingly kick a table filled with alien parts.  
“They were my friends!” 
Joyce’s studious gaze analyzed the situation.  
Finally pushing through the crowd, your eyes widened as Hound clocked his cannon. The weapon releasing a humming sound, as he aimed it at Joyce.  
“Oh, you not talking so much now!” a smaller Autobot teased. “Not so tough when Hound is in front of you, huh?” 
You watched the small Cybertronian climb onto the barrel of Hound’s cannon, his optics glaring daggers at Joyce.  
“Go ahead.” Joyce calmly taunted, “show us your true colours, once and for all-” 
“Just give me the word.” Hound smiled, “I’ll splatter him-” 
“No! Don’t!” you cried.  
“Why don’t you tell Itchy Fingers here, that this is all the spoils of war?” Joyce challenged, “dead metal. Innovation. That’s what we do here, it’s simply science! Because if we don’t do it, somebody else will! Because you cannot stop technology!-” 
“We’re not your technology!” Optimus roared.  
You ducked as the Autobot blindly kicked machinery into your direction. Causing sparks to erupt from power-ports, and machinery bits fly over your head.  
“Optimus! Stop!” you begged.  
“Let me vaporize his ass!-” 
“Don’t do it, Hound!” 
You quickly approached Joyce, standing between him and the barrel of Hound’s cannon.  
"Out the way, Y/N." Hound's tone of voice sounded more like a warning, than a pea.
"No, I wont." You gazed into his green optics, range faded as sorrow filled them. "You're better than this Hound. Please... lower your weapon."
Hesitating for a moment, the Autobot grumbled. His cannon slowly shutting down, placing the weapon over his shoulder.  
“I broke the code. I own your whole genome.” Joyce spoke with a smug expression. Confidence returning to his tone, since you've became his 'shield.'  
“Keep digging your grave!” You hissed turning your whole body to him. “I’m not here for your sorry ass!” 
Optimus crouched down to your level, lowering the barrel of his weapon. As his servo went from the weapon's trigger, and reached out for you.
“We’ll tell the world what’s happening here.” You promised. Looking up at him, giving his index digit a comforting touch.  
Your voice almost soothing Optimus’ rage filled Spark.  
“Interesting... you allied yourself with them?’” Joyce questioned, gesturing at you and Optimus. His curious gaze switching between the pair of you, "or... am I sensing something, a little more?-"  
"I'm giving you one chance." You firmly spoke, turning your attention back onto Joyce. "Stop doing this. Or the whole world will know what's happening here! What you're doing them!"
Joyce snickered at your words, “the world? The world would approve, my dear. We can make them now. Don’t you get it? Humanity doesn't need the Transformers anymore-” 
“You’re wrong!” You said, shaking your head. “Humanity will always need the Cybertronians.” 
A weak smile came to Hound, “you tell him Y/N.” 
Optimus studied you and Joyce, puffing out his chest and releasing a unsatisfied huff.  
“Autobots... we’re done.”  
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@ursamajor17 @crowleysthings @k----a27s @lainekyuu @manticcashew @goreismyforte @imachaoticghost @person101lol
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mariacrow · 1 year
Hello there!!! I was wondering if perhaps you could do either Cybertronian seeker or human reader that is female and she (you could change it to gender neutral) where she is from the TFP universe and ended up in Bayverse and she TFP’s Optimus’ lover and she spends time with the bots (all of them survived they didn't die) and she has grown close to the humans. She also has been treating Bay Optimus in a very similar way that she treats her Optimus but the thing is she has trouble telling him that they are sparkmates or married in TFP. Therefore, when a conversation arrises amongst the bots in a meeting with Simmons, Galloway and Mearing, asking about her joruney here, it ends up slipping she is in love with Optimus and ends up explaining they're conjuxed... I wonder how the other bots will react and how Optimus would be and the humans? 😭 I love your writing and thank you! Bonus if it's hinted throughout that she was taken when Sideswipe tried flirting with her but it didn't stick.
That’s so creative! I think I know how to make this spicy ;)
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BTF x TFP reader who’s Optimus’s lover and ends up in Bayverse
2nd person
female reader
malfunctions, drama, crossovers
romance, flirting, realization, last goodbyes
abbreviations: BTF = Bayverse Transformers; TFP = Transformers Prime
takes place in Transformers Prime AU where everyone lives and is protecting Earth
takes place in Transformers: Dark of the Moon AU where Ironhide and Jazz are alive
added characters: Simmons, Galloway and Mearing
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“Stay safe.” Optimus said to you while holding you in his servos. He softly smiled as he brought you closer to his face.
“Don’t worry boss, I will!” you joked as you gave him a hug. You gave his face plate soft kiss, right under his optic, making his spark lit up.
A low hum escaped his chest as he gently stroked your head.
“Are you two done?” Ratchet say enviously, holding the ground bridge ready.
Optimus gently placed you on the ground. You rolled your eyes at Ratchet and chuckled as you walked to the ground bridge
“Someone’s jealous-“ Bulkhead said.
“I AM NOT- would you stop with that?!” Ratchet shouted, making everyone have a good laugh. Optimus didn’t budge though, he was looking at you, your beautiful smile and beautiful figure.
“See ya guys!” you said before you gave Optimus a special little wave before stepping into the portal. Optimus gave a cute little wave back as a tiny smile couldn’t leave his face. So wholesome!
You went farther inside, ready to go home, to Washington DC. Ratchet had everything ready and didn’t think anything could go wrong, no one thought. But oh… they had no idea…
Suddenly the ground bridge started making weird high frequency pulsing noises that were getting louder and faster. A sudden force, like stronger gravity, pushed you down onto your knees. You were groaning, holding your ears shut.
“RATCHET!!!” you exclaimed, trying to get up but the force was getting stronger as well as the noises.
Mass panic took over the base. They could hear you yelling.
“Ratchet, bring her back!” Optimus yelled. It’s odd to hear him yell like that which means he was extremely scared…
“I am trying, Optimus!” the medic panicked while desperately trying to fix whatever happened with the portal.
“Hurry up!!!” Miko yelled. She was scared she was gonna lose her bestie… “Guys! It’s changing colors!!!”
The ground bridge was now blue. Ratchet has never dealt with something like this. They kept hearing you begging for help. Then suddenly…
The portal aggressively closed, almost like an explosion, making the whole base shake. Everything went quiet. Ratchet tried turning it on again but it wouldn’t budge.
“Oh no…” the medic said. He frantically tried tracking you, looking all over the globe but… no signs…
Sorrow and fear were all over Prime’s face. He felt his spark ache.
“Wh-wh-what do you mean “oh no”???” Jake panicked.
“I-I don’t think she’s coming back…” Rafael said.
Bumblebee buzzed in fear, Arcee was asking questions as well as Bulkhead.
“She’s not in this dimension anymore…” Ratchet barely mouthed those words, trying to think of how to bring you back but… that’s gonna be a very difficult and long process…
“There must be a way!” Optimus said.
“There is..” the medic continued, “but Optimus.. this has never happened before… It might take days.. weeks.. months..”
“MONTHS???” Miko shouted.
“I-I just need to concentrate, alright!? I can fix this! I can fix this…” Ratchet tried to settle down and not lose hope.
Optimus was at loss of words… His lover, his sparkling… Gone. No one knows where, no one knows how. Everyone was flabbergasted, trying to think of any possible answer how this could happen…
“One way or another… we shall bring her back…” Optimus said. He lost everything already… he can’t lose you as well…
<> Washington DC, Bayverse <>
You found yourself in an alley in the center of DC. Getting up with a headache, you tried your best to scan your surroundings. You went forward to the main street, looking around.
“Looks like DC alright” you thought as you made your way to the right, heading home while thinking what the hell happened to the ground bridge.
Suddenly you heard a rumbling engine approaching, revving as the car slowed down, driving next to you at your speed. You looked to your left to see a metallic Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. Stunning. You chuckled to yourself and rolled your eyes, continuing to walk as you ignored whoever was in the car, thinking it’s just a guy trying to win you with his expensive car. IF there was anyone in the car…
You heard a seductive whistle, “Ey what’s up sweetheart~? Care for a ride~?” as the door opened.
“No, thanks.” you said, not even looking at the car.
“Oh come on cutie, it’s rude to reject a car like me~”
A car… like “me”? You heard that one before, Smokescreen has the same way of picking up girls. That made you look. You saw there’s no one at the driver’s seat. You stopped in your tracks… Putting 2 and 2 together…
“Sideswipe at your service, m’lady~”
All of the autobots should know you and you should know them hence they know Optimus. You realized the ground bridge’s malfunction meant yeeting you to a whole another dimension… In your case, some kind of a parallel universe. You decided to keep yourself together and act cool. You needed to investigate all this. And this certainly isn’t the time to tell a random autobot who are you and what is actually happening.
You took a deep breath and smiled, “Alright though guy~” you said as you got in. He closed the door for you and drove off.
“M-m-m~ Wait till you meet my crew~ They’re gonna be sooo jealous~ What’s your name beautiful~?”
“Hey, I’m not here for you to show off.”
“Well then, I’m here for YOU to show off~” he chuckled, his beauty breaking people’s neck.
He made you hide a giggle, “I’m Y/N. And what about that.. crew you mentioned?” carefully choosing your words, trying to meet your surroundings.
“You haven’t heard about my crew? We saved your planet more than once! And we’re still protecting it.”
“O-oh yeah! Yeah I know, of course, pft! Our heroes. But uhm.. what are the names of your teammates, I was never really able to memorize all.” act cool, act cool.
“Ah well there’s Ironhide, weapon specialist, he’s a stubborn fella. Then there’s Ratchet, the medic,”
“Ratchet…” you thought.
“Jazz, Dino, Bumblebee- you probably heard of Bumblebee, that sucker got real famous.” your heart skipped a beat when you heard “Bumblebee”…
“And, of course, our leader, Optimus Prime~” he said that with pride.
This confirmed your theory that you’re in an alternative universe… You acted cool and chill, excited to meet them all. Deep down you were hella nervous… Some hope bloomed inside of you, considering there’s at least 3 autobots you already know.
The moment Sideswipe drove you into the base, you couldn’t stop looking around. So many cars and… people…
“So they managed to take advantage of them here huh… What a disgusting species we are…”
“I brought company!” Sideswipe transformed and said happily.
“Sideswipe, how many times do we need to tell you to stop bringing females into the base!?” Ratchet shouted, in his bot form, working on something with humans.
“Oh come oh man, look at her! How can you say no to such a cute faaace~?” he was gently pinching your cheek.
“Ow- ow ow ow! Sideswipe!” you laughed, trying to push his servo away.
“This is not a party garage, this is a base! Take your urges elsewhere.” Ratchet scolded Sideswipe.
A giant truck with Optimus’s colors caught your eye real good… Suddenly, he transformed, approaching you and Sideswipe as the ground shook a little with each step he took. He was ready to shoo both of you out but then he made eye contact with you…
Your eyes locked in his optics and vice versa… He slowly stopped in his tracks as he frowned and as his optics widened… You looked extremely familiar. Too familiar… As if he was getting flashbacks of something he never even knew he experienced. He felt like he knows you. His spark warmed at the sight of you… He slowly lined up with you, putting his knee on the ground.
“Do I know you, girl?” he asked.
“I.. uh..” you could barely speak, you felt waves of adrenaline strike your body, “Perhaps, sir… M-maybe I just remind you of someone.” you awkwardly chuckled.
He hummed and straightened. Confused and suspicious, he walked to the platform where Galloway and Mearing were working with Ratchet.
“Let her stay. She has valuable information.” he lied. For the first time in his life he lied… There’s something special about you he needs to confirm…
It’s been weeks. Months. You got closer with everyone, Sam even. You were an important member of the crew now. Everyone was surprised by your Cybertronian tech knowledge that Ratchet passed onto you back in the base in Jasper…
Optimus and you got extremely close as well. You treated him with kindness. Not just any kindness. You didn’t only have high respect for him as a leader, you were ready to lie down your life for him and vice versa… It seemed as if he became your guardian in this universe too…
He let you climb his shoulder, have relaxing rides with him, stay up late, watch the sky and discuss about endless subjects… He wouldn’t take his optics off of you. Scanning your beautiful face whenever he had a chance, trying to find you in his memory but his recognition system was not responding positively…
One day…
“I need a group meeting, ASAP!” Mearing commanded, walking into the base furiously as her assistant, Galloway and Simmons were barely catching up to her.
“A-are you sure, ma’am?” Galloway said.
“Yes, I am sure! And don’t call me “ma’am”. I am not a “ma’am” “ she said while going through all of her purses.
“I knew there’s something odd about her- I just knew it! Optimus told us he feels as if he knows her- and now the big guy is in love!” Simmons said like the alien nerd he is.
“Please, do not say that, it’s disgusting.” Mearing said while going up the platform.
“How would they have intercourse anyway- it’s impossible!” Simmons continued.
“Shut up, agent.” Mearing said before quickly organizing a meeting.
And there you were, sitting along with everyone while all the autobots stood there.
“Agent. Let’s stay calm.” Galloway said.
Simmons sat down, rubbing his face, biting his nails and bouncing his leg.
You looked at Optimus. “You told them..?”
“Y/N, please understand that I had to. There’s something strangely odd going on. I feel like my system had deleted you from my memory… but I can still feel like I know you.”
“We’ve checked your ID, tried tracking you, your home, family… We couldn’t find anything. You’re not in the system.” Mearing said. “So where do you come from? Are you even human? Who sent you?”
All of this was getting you extremely nervous. You sat there, occupied with questions and so many glares…
“Okay…” you took a deep breath, “okay. I will explain. No one sent me, let’s start with that. It was all an accident… Apparently I come from a parallel universe where the Cybertronian war was also brought. And no I’m not talking about another planet, I’m talking about Earth- like a- a mirror! But with some minor changes. There’s an autobot base in Jasper, Nevada where I’m with my three other human friends and the crew… There’s Bumblebee and Ratchet and Arcee and Bulkhead a-and… You, Optimus…”
The whole base was silent… They couldn’t believe what they were hearing… Optimus walked closed to you, listening carefully.
“I moved to Washington DC recently and we’re using something called a ground bridge to teleport where we need to. When I wanted to go back home, the portal started malfunctioning and… here I am, I guess…”
“Agent, let her finish.” Optimus said calmly.
“Because I… I don’t know! Okay!? I was scared! I was hoping they would get it fixed in a few days so I could just leave with a status of Sideswipe’s ex girlfriend or something but…” you exhaled in frustration, “It’s been months… Who knows if they’re gonna get it fixed at all… That’s why I wanted to analyze everything you have here and see if I can ask for ANY help…”
Mearing and Galloway were aggravated while Simmons was like “I TOLD YOU SO!!!”. Ratchet was trying to calculate everything in his head while everyone else was just speechless.
“That’s why I was feeling this way since we met…” Optimus said.
“Yes… and probably because.. we have something special going on where I come from…” you said with a tiny smile.
A deep hum rumbled in his chest, “Special…” he also smiled a little.
“Aw man, there goes my girlfriend!” Sideswipe said. He made Dino and Bumblebee laugh.
“You’ll find a chick.” Ironhide nudged him, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea.”
“How do we get you back?” Ratchet asked.
“The only thing I can think of is that we somehow make contact with them. I have the coordinates but we will definitely need more than just that…”
“Hm… yes.. yes. I think we can-“ Ratchet got interrupted
“Or maybe she can stay.” by Jazz who now got all of the eyes on him in silence, “…Just- just a suggestion-“
“As much as I would love for Y/N to stay with us, we need to think about her safety. We must get her home.” Optimus started, “She is not safe with us. As similar as her life might be here, she belongs in the universe she came from.”
“Agreed! Agreed.” Galloway interrupted, “If we manage to make this portal, it would mean a huge step for humanity!! Do you realize how much we could do with it!? We could-“
“With all due respect,” Optimus interrupted him back, “this is not the time to speak about the advantages humans can take from this.” irritated by him.
Ratchet and some other autobots were already working on the ground bridge.
“Y/N.” Optimus leaned closer to you, “It is very difficult for me to say goodbye…”
“I know… It was nice while it lasted…”
“I hope I treat you the same way in every universe our paths cross… I hope you will keep warming up my spark back home.” Optimus said softly, quietly talking to you.
“I will… I promise…” you got emotional, stepping closer, hugging his face plate… Your heart aching, you were torn apart between two universes… But you knew none of this is right. You need to get back.
You made him smile, his optics spinning and expanding before closing as he sunk into your tender touch…
“I will forever remember you, Y/N… Now it is time for you to go home, my love…”
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Well this ended up being longer than I thought lmao and way more emotional
Dividers belong to @patches-1105 ❣️
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snipersfucker · 1 year
Can your brilliant naughty mind imagine what public sex with an Autobot would be like?
(i love public sex) so me have three ideas: actual public sex as in out in the open. hot...... & semi-open as in in the alley at night & the third one is actually fucking wild so i'm not gonna share cuz it better stay between me and my demons
anyway. the first one gotta be my favourite cuz we ain't doing anything illegal as long as we ain't getting caught. abandoned beach, mountains, forest..... my personal number one actually..... i feel like depending on the autobot they either wouldn't be too much into the idea that somebody could see you (prime) or. they would give absolutely no fucks (mirage) OR. be 50/50 as in "umm what if we get caught.... but umm.... actually i get hard when i think about it...." (bee) so yeah. and yeah.
it'd be magical tho, imagine if they weren't too much into that idea but hey they'd be fucking you so why not, they can handle it. and holy moly this is so good cuz there's that thrill of possibly getting caught (even when there's just a tini tiny chance it still works just fine) while getting pounded into oblivion........
and if they're veryvery much into it...... "till you lose your ability to walk" "till they break their spike" no. y'all ain't stopping. they can and will absolutely destroy your insides & make you get so loud there's no fucking way nobody heard that lmao
okay and the last one. well. at first it might be a bit weird just like with the not-too-into-it type but once they realise it's fucking hot to fuck in public? there is no end to it idc
and let's talk about the places, too. open spaces and all where you're 99.9% sure nobody will see/hear you? that's where you fuck the hardest & the loudest. me no make the rules. imagine screaming their name and the trees are listening. and the waves are seaing. and the birds are birding. return to nature.
and the alley thing...... you know i love that shit...... it's pretty small, your autobot is sitting down with their back against some building's wall..... and you're riding them :)) but guess what. you gotta be quiet :)) you don't want to wake everyone up do you :)) and if you can't they'll happily put their glossa in your mouth to shut you up :))
and we ain't talking about the third one bye
btw i'm so passionate about this topic i'm actually writing a paper on it thank you very much
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Gems - Fortress Maximus
Author Notes: Last fic for today, but I wanted to get the fics I hadn't written for my usual fandoms posted today as a sort of treat for myself. Don't worry, as of next week it'll be back to the usually scheduled fics. I wrote this while listening to "Meet Me in The Wood" by Lord Huron. Reader is human and gender-neutral, I hope you enjoy
Type: Fluff/ platonic or romantic (whichever you prefer)/ gender neutral reader
Word count: 1983
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I watched as the familiar but heartbreaking presence of Fortress Maximus passed me by. Finding him on Garrus-9 had both been a relief and a nightmare in the making. 
What Overlord had done was beyond wrong and Max had scars that would last him for a lifetime. That, added to the fact that he’d snapped, hurt Rung, and thus had himself deemed dangerous was more than enough to worsen his view on both life and himself.
 I hadn’t met him till after he’d been found, but even I could tell that what was left now was a mere husk of the mech who’d kept track of all the inmates of Garrus-9. 
I found myself trotting out the door, following the enormous mech that typically avoided me. I was small compared to most Cybertronians to say the least, but compared to him I was downright miniscule. But, despite that, he always seemed to know where I was. Except for this time.
Currently he was so deep in his thoughts and memories that he was oblivious to my presence.
 I couldn’t blame him, though. Receiving news of Overlord was likely beyond horrifying for the gigantic fellow. 
I had to run full-tilt to have any hope of catching up to him before he made it to his berth-room where he would doubtless stew on his trauma and newfound info on Overlord.
 I couldn’t say that Max would seek vengeance. He wasn’t the type to sneak away and go off on a revenge-driven mission. Instead, he was the type to withdraw from all social contact and beat himself up over things that were anything but his fault.
And that was something I couldn’t stand. I hadn’t known Max long, but I could tell he was a gentle soul who avoided me for fear of hurting me. 
Despite Rodimus’s hypothesis that Max was afraid of humans, something told me that he wasn’t. I’d seen his discreet glances and hidden smiles that were directed specifically at me. 
No one else on this ship was as close to the floor as I was, so who else could it be directed at?
I was panting by the time I’d gotten close enough to hope that he would hear my call. Loud to my ears, but probably close to a whisper for him considering the raw distance between me and his helm, “MAX!”
He turned, despite all odds, and his optics immediately landed on me. He looked exhausted, with his expression holding the kind of fatigue that went beyond weariness and delved straight into his innermost core.
What was worse was that he’d looked that way for days. Even Rung had confided in me during lunch that he was very concerned for his patient/friend. 
Max was worse than he’d ever been and something told me it was more than just lack of sleep.
“Max are you…” I struggled to come right out and question his well-being. 
Max didn’t like for others to worry about him. In fact, he avoided attention as much as he could. 
But right now he just stared down at me. Tried but as patient as ever. Making me feel ridiculous for struggling to ask him a very, very simple question.
I sighed, inhaling before coming right out and asking exactly what I’d come to ask, “Are you alright?” 
He blinked at me, having the audacity to look surprised at my concern. Were it anyone else I might have been irritated. But this was Max. He probably didn’t think anyone, much less the lone human on this ship, cared.
“You look exhausted and… Well, I know something is wrong.” 
He snorted, surprising me with the cynical sound, “Isn’t something always wrong around here?” He straightened, optics scanning the hallway like he was making sure no one else was around.
I mean… He wasn’t wrong. This crew had run into one issue after another. “Well, yeah. But this is sort of worse than usual, isn’t it?”
His optics flicked back down to me, a sort of hollowness to his gaze as he uttered two words, “Is it?”
I almost cringed at his question. Because it was definitely worse than usual. Max was never like this.
 “Max… You haven’t been acting right these past few days and I… I’m worried,” I faltered slightly, hardly knowing what to say but also desperate to do something for this gigantic, but uniquely gentle mech.
There was a flatness to his tone when he answered, “I haven’t been ‘right’ since I woke up back on Garrus-9.” 
This time I did cringe. His words were likely true, and it was to be expected. No one could have come out that unchanged.
But at my reaction, the mech’s expression softened slightly and he shook his head, “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault and you’re being very kind. You have been very kind this entire time.”
He sighed, rubbing at his neck awkwardly before gesturing to the door, “Would you like to come in?” 
I barely hid my surprise at his offer. 
Max had been shy at best since coming here and my best attempts at befriending him were usually met with polite refusals. Him inviting me into his berth-room could only mean one thing. He really was upset this time. Upset enough that he couldn’t turn away offers of assistance.
I nodded though, following him into the dark room that soon flickered with cold blue light as the sensors registered our presence. His room was surprisingly bare, there was little in the way of personal items. In fact, if I were to be blunt, it seemed cold and impersonal.
“So… What is this all about Max?” He turned slightly, meeting my eyes with a guarded look. He sighed though, seemingly surrendering to the fact that I was here now, and lowered his servo for me to clamber onto.
He was unfailingly gentle when he held me. In many ways, he seemed to be terrified that he would hurt me even though I knew just from his actions that he’d sooner injure himself. He took slow steps, careful not to jostle me as we moved across the room.
He barely tilted his servo, letting me slide off and onto his berth which he sat down on next to me. “I’ve been thinking about everything that’s happened.”
I nodded at his answer as I settled in for a long talk with him, “Everything that has happened since coming here or…?” I trailed off, not quite willing to bring up that period of his life.
ButI was spared as he glanced sideways at me, knowing exactly what I meant, “Both.”
I hummed, out of my element but determined to try and help Max sort through his current troubles. If I could get him started talking then hopefully Rung could step in and finish up during their appointments. 
“Did the recent…” I paused, searching for the word. Overlord showing up in our basement was bad enough, now he was loose and seemed to still have an obsession with the mech next to me, “The recent information start all of this?”
Max merely snorted and shook his head, “No. This has been coming on for a while. I suppose I’m lost. I don’t know who I am anymore and I can’t go back to the way I was…. Not now.”
That was… A lot more than I had expected. Max was usually so quiet, I’d never thought he’d actually open up. Much less to me.
I hesitantly reached out, cautiously brushing my hand against his servo that rested next to me and he looked down. He wasn’t surprised, just tired looking.
 I offered a weak smile as I did my best to offer advice and comfort, “Change is natural. Everyone goes through change.”
He smiled at me wryly, “You sound like Rung.”
 I snorted despite myself at his words, “Is that a good thing?”
His smile fell and he looked off to the side, “Well… I kind of wanted to talk to you.” I stilled at his words, realizing exactly how stupid I’d been to try and behave like Rung. If he wanted to talk to his therapist he could have. But he hadn’t. He’d invited me into his berth room to talk to me.
I shifted awkwardly, looking away, unsure as to why he would want to talk to me but resolving to do just that and let him talk to me. Because even if it was awkward I could do that for him at the very least.
If I wanted him to tell me about his scars I’d have to share mine. 
“I… uh. I lost track of myself too at one point after coming here.” I was tense as his head swiveled so he could stare at me with wide optics. I couldn’t bring myself to look back at him, instead opting to lift my shoulder in a self-conscious half-shrug. 
“I guess that when I came aboard I hadn’t realized how much my home had been a part of me….” I could feel his silent stare, prodding me to continue so I did, feeling more and more awkward the second.
“Being away from Earth has been difficult and when….” I inhaled, encouraging myself to keep going, “Well… when you lose track of yourself it can’t help but be hard.”
I shook my head, because hard wasn’t the right word. I looked up at him, finally meeting his gaze, “In fact, it's beyond hard. It feels impossible sometimes. You learn things you don’t like about yourself and you want to change but stay the same all at once.”
I felt myself quail slightly under the weight of his stare, “At least… That’s how it’s been for me.” 
His gaze softened and he nodded, “It is.” 
Silence fell after his answer, and I really didn’t know what else to say. I could only hope he’d take the opening I’d given him to talk about his troubles.
He looked away, venting loudly as if he were preparing, “I don’t know if I’m a coward, weak, or a fool.” He looked back towards, sympathetic sadness lingering in his optics, “But I do know I’m not as brave as I thought.”
I felt myself smile slightly, a somber expression, but the best reassurance I could muster in this oddly raw moment. “I think you’re brave. You’ve lasted far longer than I would have under some pretty impossible pressure.”
I hesitated in the face of his slight smile, not sure if I could or should continue. Perhaps my current thoughts would sound stupid. But I forged onwards anyways, keeping a smile on my face as I continued, “You know, back on Earth they say diamonds are formed under pressure and that we see new parts of ourselves when things are at their worst. Maybe that’s what’s happening to us.”
He smiled, a little bigger and a little brighter this time. It made me wonder what he was like before he’d seen hell and came back out. Fire-forged, but scarred and wounded. “Maybe.”
I smiled back at him, feeling a little bit more genuine with this smile before looking away and allowing myself a quiet exhale. 
I was relieved that he seemed to feel a bit better and mortified that I’d shared what made me feel so shallow. I wasn’t the only one away from home after all….
“For what it’s worth,” His words dragged my startled attention back to him. I’d thought he was done…
“I think you’ll make one of the loveliest of all the gems Earth has ever made.'' I blinked up at him and he looked away, coughing slightly into his servo.
 I felt myself smile and nudged his other servo again, immediately gaining his attention, “Thanks Max. But I’m supposed to be comforting you.”
He grinned, a truly genuine one this time, “No reason I can’t do the same for you.”
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crying-fantasies · 10 months
Killing Me Softly With His Song (3)
Part 1 | part 2 | part 3: Calling | part 4 | part 5
There is a chirping sound outside, it catches your interest instantly, way too familiar with the surroundings to this point, way too alert all the time, it seems that your new found familiarity with your new home made it easier to discern the song out of place, Soundwave isn't home, he hasn't returned yet and that makes you hyper aware of any danger nearby, you try to look for Buzzsaw but the cassette isn't in the same place you saw him before taking a nap, the sound gets nearer by the second, is more energetic now in a frequency so high it's almost faint to the human ear, one that gets louder, higher in volume, it takes you a moment to think in almost fear of what would come when your shoulders relax, finally recognizing the meaning of such a strange song in the middle of the night, only the light of the solar cells lamps around the house helping you to see what you can of the darkness outside around you, you feel a little angry, sure, maybe a bit embarrassed too, nodding along to the tune, which is now more sweet in some sense, moving from one point of the house to another.
He is playing with you, again, mess with your nerves and see if you follow the instructions he gave, "In case I'm not here, I want you to be alert, I want you to search for protection, look out for the cassettes, for me"
Soundwave doesn't joke, not when it involves his team, when it involves you, so you choose to stay quiet, fighting the urge to tell him that you could do better than what he is asking for even knowing is all pretended, stupid ego born from your pride, he knows better, knowing you would be frozen in place with a gun directed to your head, waiting for the most painless death if you follow what others do and tell you, be foolish enough if it means you could get out alive or someone else, he will not let you go like that, so, he has started this strange song and dance.
Simulations, creepy ones, he says those are necessary, to be as real as possible, so you know what to do, he didn't had in mind that you'll take it like a bad joke, and so it was almost forgotten for a time, because he would always protect you, he would always be there.
Except that it became worse when a former decepticon found your safe house, called Soundwave a traitor and pointed a gun at you, that was the moment you saw the real him, the one who was able to kill his opponent with his arsenal or his bare servos if he had to, the one you heard almost shout, you've never before heard him raise his voice.
At first it put you at the edge, like, okay, was that really necessary? Maybe no, absolutely no, he didn't say it out loud, he just gave you time alone, process what happened, understand what he really was and what he was really capable to do, he expected you to leave, leaving you alone to go inside the wild and try to forget about it, maybe surprised, maybe he noticed a few seconds in that you were following him, Soundwave doesn't show much with all the protection on his face, but the fact that he let you touch him and then let you hug him was proof enough, you were not leaving, he was satisfied with that and even grateful you dare to think when his servo pressed you to him, kissing him just above his visor.
It was enough, for both of you.
"Wave" such a playful tune, you feel the nickname roll off your tongue with ease, looking around the house and every window in search of any peek of his paint job or the subtle red light of his visor knowing how hard it is to hear even his footsteps if he wants to be unseen, hearing again the song of a bird near as your only indicator of his presence.
There were a lot of birds around, sure, but no one would do that same song, not without an impromptu flight from the other side of the globe to serenade you with an intricate mating call.
"I want to see you" your request was denied, at least for now, the song changed now to soft and deep growls, almost like a hard purr from a large feline, making the few glasses in the windows vibrate with it and guiding you to where he was, slowly looking over your shoulder, the vibration was more evident just behind your body, obvious on the way it was moving around, playing with you, "I want to see my boyfriend" the denomination makes things to him, you know, feeling first hand how the hairs on your skin react to the increase of his EM field around, full of charge and static, full of need he can't say out loud but that he can imitate and show you.
Some say he is secretive and you give them an affirmative nod, indeed true, only partially, now, after having cohabitating with him for years you can say he is also timid, closed to the exterior.
The deep growls are more notorious, almost calling out to you before they change, now there is the sound of humming, a song, your own voice back, "I want to see you" it says, the same need in it as any of the other calls, "I want to see you" it keeps on, in every one of them and every step you take to the window you can sense the increase in the tone and also the increase of charge around, now moving to the door.
"Wave-" you call out, finally seeing his pede ahead, when did he got there? No idea, now just out of the main door, it makes you feel good with trembling hands, the way he can move silently around, as his huge size wasn't enough to make you feel at his total mercy.
He plays with the recording of your voice "I want- kzzt- you"
There is those noises again as he shows you his open servo, you move your shoe to clean it the best you can before getting on him, accept his offer in a way it could be understood in any animal or human language when your cheek makes contact with his mouth piece, giving gentle strokes which are reciprocated with an exvent so low you could pass as sigh from his part, finally hearing his voice after a long day, his servo holds you close and you close the contact in order to give kisses on the end of his digits down to the articulation points and back again to now lick around, he tastes as soap, of course, he took deep care in preparation, clean enough to be acceptable after a long day out in the field, "my boyfriend is so considerate", he grunts, you can feel the energy, even see drops of condensation falling, making trails on his helm as a result of the increasing warmth of his derma and armor.
You'll ask, later, why has been the reason for this strange, but not unwelcomed, approach and his decision to take you out, Soundwave likes to be with you in a closed environment, no one can see or hear, no one can reach, his digits moving along you, calm, hearing every word and sound, feeling the way your body is full of different forms, you put your hands up, a silent request for him to get near, and so he does, but he doesn't open his protection when you kiss the exterior of it.
You stop, giving a few pats on his digits, "Wait a moment, let's just..." Your legs almost give up when he let's you again in the dirt outside the house, he seems concerned by your negative reaction, it's easy for him to sense your need, your clothes remain on, out of place, you don't try fix it and that shows you still want to interface with him.
"Don't you-"
"I do" you take his servo on your hands, guiding him inside the construction at the other side of the house, he let's you, where he doesn't have the necessity to mass displace, where you can him feel comfortable on his own, "but you don't like it here, right?"
He follows you, no complaints when you close the big door after him, only silently observing while your clothing start to fall around, while you invite him near with open arms, accept him when you are most vulnerable.
Your life will be limited by this same vulnerability, your own biology, because it's way too dangerous to give eternal life to such a selfish and destructive race like humanity, you can't say the same for his own kind, there must be a reason they can be almost immortal, or maybe is all just coincidence, in the same way the evolution of life in earth was a coincidence, in the way humanity came to existence and cybertronians found them in the final years of their war, or the bizarre and curious way both weren't exactly too different from one another.
"There is too much noise" you tell him, moving along with him, touching his jaw with your fingertips with a moan ending your words, stopping the act for a moment and using his transformation seams to climb your way up to his helm, he hasn't said much, mind in other place, one that, as usual, revolved around you, "Soundwave, is everything okay?" Your front is almost over him, his visor show him how your heart bumps blood fast to the rest of your body, how your breath is strained, but you still reach out to him, try to know what is wrong, shielding him with your body the best that you can.
As always, he doesn't say much, keeping his own problems for himself, the last he wants is for you to be in the middle of the fire that is the future he wishes for and the past he can't scape from.
Before he would have never thought of running from it, but now that he has you, now that you were about to die at his side-
"Soundwave" you say his designation with authority, something laughable but not unwelcomed, not from you, he let's you embrace him, hearing your command and think of something else, no, not to think, "just let go", opening his mouth piece to let you press yourself on his open intake, exhaling long and paused when his glossa makes contact with your skin, lips kissing just above where your ribs start and the soft skin of your belly before going way down while rising your whole body with one servo.
You call out to him, over and over, if he could keep this is up, hearing your voice, feeling your presence, for all his life, he could be endlessly happy.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
I got done watching SuperHorrorBro's playthrough of My Friendly Neighborhood and now got a MFN/Transformers self insert stuck in my head.
BTW, No Spoilers Here!
If anyone wants to check out My Friendly Neighborhood for themselves then don't worry! Any mentions about the game are established information whether it be teaser trailers, demos, synopsis or on the Steam page. That's it! I rather not ruin anyone's experience.
Anyway, Reader is the owner of My Friendly Neighborhood show and looks after the various puppet cast. A big whacky but happy family that the entire populace ain't aware of. The puppets are considered props and not magical since they're great at pretend.
One day, someone accidentally discovers the truth. A certain Autobot Leader we all know and love: Optimus Prime. Let's just say he accidentally shared a hiding spot with Ricky during a game of Tag. The sock puppet is a LOUD screamer.
Reader discovers him and the two come to an arrangement/agreement. They'll keep his existence a secret if the Autobot Leader does the same. He can visit but MUST follow the rules. I.E: Be helpful whenever you can, no bad language and NO VIOLENCE.
Considering My Friendly Neighborhood is a educational kid's show but observe the puppet's behavior in the demo, it's enough to believe they are equally impressionable like children. You don't want to expose a kid to something very bad such as war. It won't end well for all parties.
My Friendly Neighborhood soon becomes a sort of retreat for Optimus Prime. During visits, the Prime helps Reader whenever he can, talk to the various cast or play a game once in awhile. A nice innocent break from the horrors and night terrors wrought by war. He watches the show in private or if a companion suggested he joins them.
Optimus doesn't do this out of embarrassment but because he rather not give any leads. Reader and the puppets shouldn't be dragged in their conflict. However we all know a secret can't stay a secret for long. Man is gonna have some SERIOUS explaining to do. Especially considering the iteration in question.
Bayverse and Prime will get the worst of it. Their battles are deadlier with equally vicious threats on all sides. Knightverse is only safer from how vague the Autobots are especially to the military. G1, Animated and Cybertron have the least dangerous consequences.
Here's a saying from Judy Reene Singer: Secrets are like plants. They can stay buried deep in the earth for a long time, but eventually they'll send up shoots and give themselves away. They have to. It's their nature. Just a tiny green stem at first. Which slowly, insidiously grows taller, stronger, unfolding itself, until there it is. A big fat secret, right in front of your face; a fully bloomed flower perfumed with the scent of deception.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, continue to be good neighbors to those around you. Transform and Roll Out!
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homeybadger · 2 years
This You?
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Pairing(s): Ratchet x ex-Decepticon!reader (platonic), Tony Stark x ex-Decepticon!reader (platonic)
Warnings: violence, reader uses weapons, injuries/blood, reader is a bit agressive
Notes: I'm so sorry if I completely butcher these characters/world. Italics are the reader's thoughts, and *** is a time skip. The reader is a Pretender, a bot that can look like a human
One could argue that you had never looked more like a true Decepticon than this very moment.
The red glow of your eyes reflected off the metallic surface of your outstretched weapon as you stalked forward. Instinctually your face twisted itself into a sneer as the human before you desperately crawled backwards, scrambling over shards of broken glass in a fruitless attempt to reach non-existent safety.
"Not so pleasant, now is it?"
The words left your mouth in all but a feral growl as you effortlessly slammed him against the side of an upturned vehicle. The human's fearful cry of pain fell of deaf ears as you grabbed his hair and yanked forward. You drug him by the scalp for a few steps, eager to make your friend's attacker suffer, and in one swift motion you angled him to properly aim your weapon directly in his face.
"Apparently, this is the only language you actually understand."
Before you had the chance to fire, to exact revenge for your fallen friend, a familiar groan broke your concentration. Your gaze instinctually shot towards the quiet noise, eyes widening as the figure moved.
Thank the Allspark, he's alive!
The human, still captured in your grasp, shoved against your arm- wiping thin trails of his blood against your form. You simply watched him blabber garbled and desperate pleads, righteous fury and pure relief warring in your gut.
How dare they do something like this? To him, of all bots?
The downed form in the distance twitched, and you sighed. From the reflection of the human's tears, you briefly noticed the glow of your eyes switch from red to blue.
"I'll let you live, for now. You come back and I'll finish the job."
Although the threat came out weaker than you intended, the human nodded rapidly in agreement. Carelessly, you dropped him to the ground- waiting long enough to ensure the man was actually leaving before rushing towards the fallen bot.
As you sprinted towards him, he finally noticed your existence. Weakly, the Autobot attempted to drag himself away, eyes narrowing in a suspicious glare. You skid to a halt, raising your arms in an attempt to display your intentions.
I can't waste any time. He needs help, fast.
"What... do you... want from me?"
His words came out in-between harsh coughs that jostled his severely damaged form. Your eyes tracked a stream of Energon leaking slowly from the corner of his mouth, its path down his green paint disrupted by the gaping hole in his side. You fought the urge to glance at your shoulder, to remind yourself of the allegiance you left behind you. Instead, you took another few steps forward.
"I'm just here to help Ratchet. You know me, remember?"
Groaning, Ratchet hauled himself up into a sitting position, shooting you a harsh glare as you moved closer to assist. You could practically hear Starscream's insults taunting you, calling you useless among other things.
"We can't be out in the open like this. We're both being hunted now."
Ratchet paused his movements and you took the opportunity to transform into a hopefully more recognizable form. The same form you'd donned when Megatron revealed your prior allegiance to the Autobots. The same form who'd looked into Ratchet's eyes as Optimus shunned you from the Autobot base, despite your attempted explanations.
While Starscream called it primitive, you found it incredibly useful to pass as a human on this planet.
Ratchet's eyes instantly widened in recognition, before another cough wracked through his body. This time, however, he allowed you to stable him before he could slump forward.
You noticed how his brows furrowed in concern at your now tinier form supporting the weight of his significantly larger one.
"I'm still just as strong Ratchet, don't worry. Now, let's get you out of here."
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
You'd been absentmindedly pushing bits of a meal around your plate when a stranger slid into your secluded booth at the diner. You both were quiet for a moment as you studied him- styled goatee and casual suit sticking out like a sore thumb. You sighed, passively rolling your eyes in annoyance.
"Listen, bud. I've had quite the night, so if you're looking to bother someone please move on."
The figure across from you chuckled, tugging his shades off to reveal bright brown eyes. They were gleaming in either amusement or a threat, or an awkward combination of the two.
"This you?"
His phone slid across the tabletop, stopping when it's edge bumped your knuckles. On screen was a recording of your previous work, utilizing your vehicle form to attack Ratchet's assaulters from above.
"How did you-"
"Look, I'm just wanting to know how you got one of my suits."
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call-me-blip · 1 year
Ethereal- Chapter 3
Optimus X fem reader
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Y'all can someone please tell me how I link all my posts together? thank you. Also I am in the middle of rewriting chapter 2 because I hate it, I come from an english literature/ poem background and that's generall how I write and it transfered into the story too much. Plus I did too much Tell and show when it should be the other way around.
Wordcount- 5268
Note- I will mention that the nicknames are here for you here- Luna is Y/ns nickname, Ash's is Green, Eira's is Swift, Cassius' is Coal.
Still reeling from the surreal events that had just unfolded, Y/n and her team were left dumbfounded. 
“Remember what I said, don’t use our names. This changes nothing.” She spoke hushed and quickly. 
The semi-truck swiftly transformed, revealing a figure much like the other mechanical beings around them, only this one was much taller and broader, carrying an air of authority with it.  Bulkhead couldn't hide his relief as he called out, "Prime!"
Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots, acknowledged Bulkhead's greeting with a nod. His optics then shifted to the four enigmatic figures before him, human in size but clad in peculiar attire, their identities shrouded behind masks, adding an air of mystery to the already bizarre scene.
Before Optimus could unravel this puzzle, a familiar voice broke through the commotion. "Miko, get back here!"
Optimus turned to see Miko dashing toward him, with Raf and Jack desperately trying to restrain her. However, Miko's determination outpaced their efforts. The three young humans stared in awe at the extraordinary spectacle before them.
Jack's concern was palpable as he turned to Arcee, who clutched her side. "Arcee, are you okay? What happened to you!?"
Arcee's optics revealed a blend of pain and determination, but before she could respond, her sensors locked onto the beast, poised to strike again. "Look out!" she cried out, her warning slicing through the chaos.
In response, Optimus urgently directed the children to run, but fear seemed to glue them to the spot. The colossal black lion, its blazing red eyes a stark contrast in the cavern's darkness, hurtled toward them with frightening speed. Its menacing jaws hung wide open, a menacing roar reverberating through the cavern, foreshadowing impending danger. Optimus positioned himself protectively in front of the children, blaster ready, attempting to divert the beast's lethal charge.
Amid the escalating crisis, Y/n, acted with incredible speed, propelling herself forward with various incantations, ignoring the protests of her fellow warriors. Their collective cry, filled with astonishment and concern, echoed, "Luna!" Yet, nothing could sway her determination.
Y/n positioned herself as a shield between Optimus and the menacing lion, channelling her mystical abilities once more. Her resolute voice carried a powerful incantation, "Aspia!"
The outcome was nothing short of awe-inspiring—a shimmering energy barrier, expanding to shield the colossal metallic giant behind her. The strain on her face revealed the effort it took to maintain this formidable defence, holding back the relentless assault of the black lion.
While struggling to uphold the barrier, Y/n stole a quick glance behind her, her concealed eyes locking onto a pair of bright blue optics within the massive red and blue giant. As Y/n observed the three terrified children, she urgently directed them, "Quickly, go, get out of here!"
The children, breaking free from their momentary paralysis, sprinted toward safety within the cavern's protective walls. Once they reached a secure distance, Y/n redirected her focus to the towering mechanical being and spoke in a calm yet firm tone. "I might not know who or what you are, but you need to leave. This battle isn't yours... Prime, was it?"
The enormous mech regarded her with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. "Magic... does it truly exist?" He wondered internally, scrutinising the small figure before him. She appeared to be a woman, standing diminutively, her hair fluttering in the wind stirred by the relentless lion's attacks.
Y/n continued with an authoritative air that caught him off guard. "I'm not sure what's going on in your head or if you're in some state of shock, but I have a plan, and I can't afford any interruptions. When I say 'move,' you move with me. Understood?"
The otherworldly figure's commanding presence left him momentarily stunned. 
"Who would've guessed that a tiny human femme this small could exude such dominance?"
As the menacing beast geared up for another attack, Y/n's plan went into motion. She barked orders to her team, "Coal, Green, Swift, now!"
Upon her command, Y/n lowered her energy shield and deftly rolled aside, with the towering creature closely tailing her every move. Cassius's gauntlets blazed with fiery intensity, enveloping his fists as he delivered a thunderous punch to the lion's face, momentarily dazing the beast.
Kneeling on the sandy desert floor, Ash stretched out his palms and invoked a single word, "Growth." In an instant, thick green vines erupted from the sandy ground, rapidly entwining and ensnaring the massive lion.
Eira, donned in celestial blue and gold armor, received her cue from Cassius. Aided by her winged sandals, she propelled herself into the air, brandishing a seemingly ordinary spear.
Just as she poised to hurl the weapon towards the beast for the final strike, the colossal black giant broke free from its restraints, setting the stage for an epic showdown. Fueled by unbridled rage, the beast responded with a thunderous roar that echoed across the desert, rising on its hind legs. Its colossal form soared against the moonlit sky, casting an imposing silhouette.
The colossal lion moved with surprising agility for its immense size, launching a devastating attack by extending its massive claws towards Eira, slicing her legs and tearing through her armour.. The power behind the strike created shockwaves, ensnaring the redhead in its relentless assault.
The blue cladded warrioress spun wildly through the night sky. Her surroundings became a whirlwind of confusion as she hurtled back towards the cavern. The brutal impact against the unforgiving rocks forming the cave's entrance knocked her into unconsciousness. Her lifeless body slumped onto the rocky floor, coming to rest beside the three young children who had taken refuge from the fierce battle.
"Cassius urgently cried out, his gauntlets blazing with an intense light, fueled by his overwhelming emotions. His face was etched with a mixture of frustration and deep concern as he shouted, "Swift!"
Amidst the raging turmoil, Y/n quickly issued a command, her voice filled with urgency and worry. "Green, tend to Swift, go now!"
Ash sprang into action, rushing back to the cave's entrance and sliding to a halt. His skilled hands rapidly assessed Eira's injuries, applying powerful herbs harvested from the earth. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as he battled against the relentless march of time to mend his red-haired comrade. The three young children observed him with wide, curious eyes, their expressions revealing a mixture of concern and fascination.
In the dry desert battleground, the fearsome beast shifted its focus toward the injured soldier, her healer, and the determined children. Its malicious crimson eyes tracked their every move, its massive body preparing for a charging attack.
To counter the looming threat, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead sprang into action with precision, forming a protective barrier around the humans.
Y/n's gaze fell upon a discarded spear on the sandy ground. Seeing it stirred a mix of disdain and anxiety within her. She knew that against this unstoppable foe, she had to act with unwavering determination.
 Cassius, his armor radiating a vibrant orange glow, couldn't shake the concern that weighed heavily on his mind. "Luna.. Heracles defeated the lion in 30 days," he sighed deeply, his face marked by frustration. "There's no way we can do this. It's indestructible."
Y/n's frustration churned within her as she attempted to find a solution amid the chaos surrounding them. Yet, in the midst of turmoil, a spark of inspiration ignited. With newfound determination, she turned to Cassius, her voice brimming with a daring plan.
"We don't need sheer force; I can't believe I didn't see this earlier," Y/n exclaimed, her words slicing through the tense atmosphere.
Cassius, a blend of curiosity and hope in his eyes, asked, "What do you mean?"
Y/n, resolute and focused, unveiled her audacious strategy. "Its outer shell is invulnerable. Heracles defeated it by strangling and crushing its throat. Attacking its exterior won't get us anywhere; you're right, we aren't physically strong enough to replicate what Heracles did. But if we concentrate and calculate an attack that targets it from the inside out..." She trailed off, leaving the idea hanging in the air, ripe with potential.
Cassius widened his eyes in surprise, finally grasping Y/n's plan. As the sky transitioned from pitch black to the soft hues of dawn, he looked up, his expression a mix of comprehension and concern. Their audacious plan was in motion, but Cassius couldn't help but question Y/n's role in it.
Y/n seized a nearby spear, infusing it with her energy, causing it to emanate an otherworldly glow. The ongoing battle was undeniably challenging, but Y/n's determination remained unwavering.
Cassius, his voice filled with curiosity, ventured, "Luna , none of us are proficient with a spear. The only one with expertise is Swift, and you need to be at the same height as it to stand a chance, and it's nearly sunri-."
Y/n interrupted him with a reassuring smile, "Trust me, Coal. We can finish this in one blow." Cassius furrowed his brow, intrigued. "How?"
Y/n's gaze shifted toward the colossal, red and blue mechanical figure, her expression resolute. "I need you to create a distraction when I give you the signal. And as for getting me on the same level as the lion..."
Cassius followed her gaze, locking onto the giant mech, and his eyes widened with realization. With a determined nod, Y/n dashed forward, intent on capturing the towering metal being's attention. She called out urgently, "Prime!"
Optimus Prime, on the brink of engaging the lion to provide a crucial diversion, pivoted toward Y/n's voice. His massive frame cast a formidable shadow over the desert sands, and his optics zeroed in on her. His initial plan had been to divert the lion's attention and buy precious time for the team to secure the children and escape from the perilous situation.
Y/n took a deep breath, her gaze turning toward the eastern horizon where the sun had begun its ascent, casting a warm, hopeful glow across the vast desert landscape. She bit her lip nervously, then steeled herself to speak her truth.
"Listen, I don't know you, nor do you know me," Y/n began, her voice filled with sincerity and determination. "But this creature isn't your everyday threat. It's relentless, and if we don't stop it, it's only a matter of time before it stumbles upon a nearby town..." Her eyes wandered to Ash and the children, who toiled away gathering medicinal herbs.
With a contemplative look at Arcee, her frame battered and leaking a mysterious blue substance, Y/n shifted her focus back to Optimus. Together, they watched Ash and the children working as a team.
"Just as you look out for your comrades and those kids, I look out for my team and family," Y/n continued, her tone unwavering. "One of your own is hurt, just like one of mine is. Nobody else has to get hurt if you help us. My teammate and I have a way to end this, but we can't do it alone. This creature can't be defeated from the outside; we need a plan to take it down from within." Her plea carried the urgency of their shared mission and the safety of all involved.
Optimus Prime took a moment to process Y/n's words before nodding in understanding and acceptance. "Very well,  what is it you need me to do?" he asked, his deep voice resonating with authority.
Y/n tightened her grip on the spear as she answered his query. "I need you to stand next to my teammate, who's a couple of hundred metres behind us. He'll grab the beast's attention. When it starts getting closer, I need you to launch me at it. I'll handle the rest. I need to be on an equal height to it if I have a chance at making this shot. As soon as it's down, get out of here while you can in case it gets up. Save your team and those kids."
Optimus regarded the small but determined woman with a mix of apprehension and concern for her wellbeing. However, he saw no better option and agreed, realising the urgency of the situation. He knelt to the ground, allowing Y/n to climb on quickly. The giant mech then swiftly made his way toward 'Coal'.
As they took their positions, Cassius, the amber-glowing figure, looked up at both Optimus and Y/n. His gaze settled on the veiled woman. "Luna, you ready?" he asked, his voice filled with determination.
Y/n simply nodded her head in response. Cassius then shifted his attention to Optimus. "What about you, big guy?"
Optimus let out a low, rumbling hum as he looked back at Cassius. Seeing the Autobots struggling to hold back the lion, Cassius took it as his cue. With a furious shout, he slammed his gauntlet-clad right hand onto the ground, sending shockwaves that reverberated under the mechanical beings' servos and successfully grabbed the attention of the monstrous black-maned creature.
As the menacing beast charged towards her, Y/n carefully measured the dwindling meters, her heart pounding with anticipation. The early morning sun's warmth surprised her as it bathed her back, a stark contrast to the impending danger.
"Shit," she muttered, anxiety creeping in as the sky shifted to shades of yellow. Refocusing on the lion, she realized it was almost at the perfect distance. Pushing aside her fears, she urgently signaled Optimus Prime. "NOW, PRIME!"
The red mech responded swiftly, pulling back his colossal arm before launching Y/n toward the oncoming beast with tremendous force. She soared through the air, a fierce yell escaping her.
The Nemean lion's jaws were now wide open, providing the perfect opportunity for Y/n's audacious maneuver. With unwavering determination, she summoned every ounce of her remaining strength and hurled the spear. It sliced through the air like a silver comet, closing in on the lion. As it approached its target, Y/n unleashed her ultimate incantation, "ASTRIKA SYNCROUS!"
The spear's tip locked onto its target with uncanny precision, like a guided missile zeroing in on its mark. Everyone held their breath, bracing for the inevitable impact.
Then, it happened.
The spear struck, setting off a shockwave that engulfed the battlefield in blinding white light. The beast roared in agony, its thunderous cries echoing through the early morning air. The vast desert landscape bore witness as the colossal creature crumbled, its once-invulnerable crimson energy fading into the gentle light of dawn.
As the radiant brilliance faded, Y/n tumbled onto the desert floor, groaning from exhaustion and disorientation. Cassius and Optimus rushed to her side, helping her stand. "Well, you were right , Luna, you did it," Cassius said wearily, and Y/n replied with a quiet,strained hum.
The Autobots, the children, and Ash breathed sighs of relief, knowing the beast had been vanquished. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead approached the two humans and their leader, greeted by an enthusiastic young girl. With twin bunches of hair and a barrage of questions, she bombarded Cassius and Y/n. "ARE YOU A MAGICIAN? NO, WIZARD? SORCERER? AND YOU! CAN YOU DO THAT PUNCH AGAIN? YOU MUST BE AS STRONG AS BULKHEAD, RIGHT?"
Cassius blinked at the rapid-fire questions, while Y/n continued to struggle to stand. Optimus directed the girl's attention to him, aware of Y/n's worsening condition. Cassius assisted Y/n, helping her stand.
"Take it easy, Miko. Are the others alright?" Optimus inquired, steering the conversation in a more focused direction. Miko eagerly shared her thoughts, "Yeah, but it was so awesome! I'm so glad I came! Green is amazing; he was growing plants to heal the lady, and we helped! Swift is also super nice.
At the mention of their team members' nicknames, Y/n and Cassius turned to look back at the cave's entrance. Their relief washed over them as they saw Ash carrying Eira in his arms. She was conscious but still dazed and injured. In unison, the armoured duo mumbled, "Thank the God’s."
Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee finally arrived, their paintjobs showing the marks of the intense battle. Bulkhead couldn't hide his frustration and scolded Miko, "Miko, we told you not to use the groundbridge. You, Raf, and Jack could have been seriously hurt!"
Miko waved his concern away casually, responding nonchalantly, "Oh, come on, everything turned out fine. Optimus and those two took down the beast, and I had Green and Swift to protect us!"
Ash, now part of the group with Eira in his arms and the other two kids nearby, chimed in, "Well, little dudette, I could have protected you, but I had to assist this pretty lady here. If it weren't for your friends blocking its way, we would have been in big trouble. You three were a massive help, by the way. Thank you!"
Eira, regaining her awareness, playfully swatted at Ash's chest in response to his comment. The trio of friends mumbled variations of "you're welcome," "it was nothing," and "no problem." Cassius, however, couldn't help but emit a small grunt at his brother's description of the red-haired girl he was holding. Y/n noticed this reaction and muttered something under her breath, too quiet for most to hear. It sounded like "jealous much?"
Now standing upright, Y/n turned towards Optimus Prime, her voice strained as she addressed him, "Prime? Optimus? I don't know your name, but thank you for trusting me. None of this would have been possible without all of you." She cast a glance at everyone else, adding, "Well, without all of you, really."
The yellow bot's response was a series of reassuring beeps and whirs, conveying a sense of "no problem." But just as the group was about to continue their discussion, an urgent and familiar voice echoed through the bots' intercomms.
Alarms blared within the Autobots, and concerned looks were exchanged among the humans, especially the children. Y/n and her fellow travelers shared puzzled glances, prompting the red-haired woman to voice their collective confusion. "Cons? What are they?"
Arcee, her voice tinged with worry, offered a tense explanation. "Trouble, that's what they are. We need to get these kids out of here, and we need to do it quickly."
Cassius firmly placed a reassuring hand on Y/n's shoulder, urging, "Whatever 'they' are, it doesn't sound good. Luna, we have to leave, find a safe place for you and Eira to rest."
Optimus peered down at the four humans, concern etched on his face, before briefly glancing at the rest of his team. A shared realization of the gravity of the situation slowly washed over them. Bulkhead was the first to voice his concern. "Oh boy, Ratchet's not going to be happy about this."
Arcee chimed in, "Optimus, can we really handle four more? It's already a challenge with three humans."
Bumblebee beeped and whirred, his optics tightly shut as he let out an exaggerated sigh. Then, the red and blue mech replied, "Arcee, they've spotted us, and you know the protocol."
Growing frustrated with being excluded from the conversation, Ash interjected, "I'm sorry, but you're talking about us as if we can't hear you! For the sake of the Gods, what's happening?"
Prime sighed, knelt down, and locked eyes with the four humans. In his deep voice, he explained, "You'll have to come with us. You've seen something you shouldn't have, and it could put you in danger. It's for your safety. You can't escape these beings; they're similar to us, only there are far more of them."
Cassius was about to voice his objections, but Y/n silenced him with a firm hand on his shoulder. "We don't have a choice."
He turned to her, his eyes filled with questions. " seriously?"
Y/n's determination grew stronger as she gestured to their desert surroundings. "Look around, Coal! We're stuck in the middle of the desert, exhausted. I've depleted all my magic, Swift is injured, and Green is carrying her. If there are as many of these 'Cons' as they say, we might not stand a chance, and we can't risk anyone else seeing us."
Cassius was on the verge of voicing his disapproval once more, but the semi-truck giant's words held a sincere tone that gave him pause. "I understand you have your reservations, but just as your leader asked me to trust in their judgement, I am pleading with you to understand mine."
Reluctantly, Cassius nodded at the mech. Soon, the com link came to life again as the giant continued, "Ratchet, prepare the med bay for both species."
Ratchet's voice responded with rapid concern, "Please don't say one of the kids got hurt or one of our own? How serious are the injuries?"
Optimus hesitated for a moment before replying, "Arcee is currently leaking energon, but she's still functioning fine. We have a human who's taken quite the beating, and another who appears to be unstable on their feet."
Ratchet couldn't hide his surprise. "Two of the kids got injured?!"
Optimus clarified, "No..."
Arcee , who couldn't help herself, chimed in on the conversation, adding further fuel to the fire,”Actually Ratchet, it’s another Four.”
The femme’s omission was followed by a brief moment of silence.
Finally, Ratchet replied, his tone firm, "I'm opening the groundbridge now. Get through quickly; enough time has been wasted."
In mere seconds, the swirling, energy-filled portal appeared in front of everyone. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee guided the kids forward, ensuring their safe passage. They followed closely behind, and in the near distance, the roar of several large engines reached Optimus's audial receptors and the ears of the four humans.
"GO, QUICK!" Optimus urged. Without wasting any time, they rushed toward the portal. Y/n reached out and grabbed the still-swirling orb that hovered above where the lion's body had once lain, clutching it close to her chest. But before they could fully cross over, she heard several hisses and the unmistakable sound of moving metal. Y/n turned to see several purple giant mechanical beings chasing her team, Optimus, and herself through the portal.
After what felt like an endless journey, they finally arrived on the other side, and the portal sealed shut just in the nick of time, preventing the 'cons from chasing them. The four humans now stood in a high-tech chamber, surrounded by military gear, futuristic screens, and computers. 
In the corner of the room, a mechanical being, painted in white and orange, approached them. His narrow optics scrutinised the three strangely-dressed individuals and the fiery red-headed girl cradled in their arms.
"What in the AllSpark are you?" he demanded, his voice a curious yet suspicious mix. He walked toward the newcomers with a bit too much urgency, causing Cassius to erupt with sparks from his gauntlets. Anger and protectiveness surged within him as he snarled, "Touch any one of us, and I'll make sure you won't move again."
Ratchet halted his approach, his optics flickering as he assessed the situation. The other Autobots, including Optimus Prime, closed in, creating a protective barrier around the humans and diffusing the tension.
Optimus Prime took a step forward, his deep voice culling the suspense. "Ratchet, let's not resort to hostility. We ave been through a great deal." Eira, still cradled in Ash's arms, gently placed a comforting hand on Cassius's shoulder and whispered, "Hey, easy there."
After the tense moment, Cassius took a deep breath, his ember eyes reflecting the exhaustion and confusion they all felt. He looked up at the orange and white mech and offered an apology, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have responded that way. It's been a confusing and eventful 32 hours for us. So much has happened..."
Ratchet, now wearing a more understanding expression on his faceplate, nodded in acknowledgment. He took a moment to observe his team and the four humans. It was evident that everyone had been involved in a significant altercation, but it was clear that the fiery red-headed girl cradled in the wooden-clad figure's arms, had the most significant injuries.
“Arcee, come with me, i’ll patch you up” The mech muttered. Arcee, moved with slow steps, following the older bot to the med bay.
Optimus Prime, the beacon of reason, stepped forward to address their bewildered guests. "We understand that this has been overwhelming for you."
Y/n, struggling to maintain her balance in the disorienting brightness, managed to summon her determination and inquired, "As much as it is overwhelming, can we ask why these 'cons' and you are here, and what exactly are you?"
Cassius, resolute and curious, joined his leader in stepping forward, accompanied by Eira and Ash, all seeking a better understanding of their situation. The Autobots exchanged knowing glances before Prime began to explain, echoing the same explanation he'd given to Raf, Miko, and Jack several months ago. "We are autonomous robotic organisms, known as Autobots. Hailing from a distant planet called Cybertron, we arrived on Earth after our home was ravaged by a civil war with the Decepticons, who sought control of our world's vital resource—energon, it’s what sustains us."
Ash, adding to the conversation, posed a poignant question, "Alright, so you're literal aliens, good to know. But why did you choose Earth, among all the planets in space? What makes our planet so significant to you and the Decepticons?"
Optimus Prime nodded, acknowledging the importance of their inquiry. "Earth possesses a unique quality—its own deposits of energon. This invaluable resource exists in various forms. The Decepticons, like us, seek to harness this energy. However, their intentions involve domination and destruction of your kind, which we oppose, we wish to protect humanity and your world from destruction and from suffering the same fate as our home."
Y/n, Cassius, Eira, and Ash exchanged perplexed glances as the implications of this revelation began to sink in.
Prime continued, "We are here to prevent the Decepticons from causing harm to your world. Our mission is to protect humanity and ensure the safety of Earth's inhabitants."
The room was filled with a heavy silence, the humans absorbing the weight of this newfound knowledge. They were standing among colossal alien beings, their presence on Earth shrouded in secrecy, fighting a hidden battle for the planet's safety, much like their own.
Eira, her gaze now focused on the red and blue mech, asked in a soft tone, "Can I ask, why were all of you were the desert in the first place?"
Bulkhead, the hulking Autobot, decided to jump in and answer her question. "Well, the Doc-bot placed sensors all around the desert to make sure the 'cons never get too close. These sensors pick up all kinds of things—humans, animals, everything. The alarms went off, showing there were four unusual life signatures in the desert, and it was you four."
Prime then added, "We were in the desert to investigate these life signatures, to ensure the safety of everyone here and beyond."
Realisation dawned on the group as they understood the situation better, nodding their heads in understanding.
 The giant mech continued, "And since the Decepticons saw you with us, they will now stop at nothing to try and hurt you. You need to stay here, for now, until we can ensure they will no longer be a threat to you."
Ash immediately replied, his determination evident, "Hang on, there's no way they could have seen us. We have masks on,the whole shebang! Besides, we have our own duties too."
Eira, now shaking in her spot, spoke quietly, her voice laden with shame, "But I didn't... I'm so stupid. I should have been quicker, and if I never got hit, none of this would have happened. We could have gotten away in time."
Y/n approached the redhead and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a comforting embrace, "None of this is your fault, hun. Some things are out of our control, and I should be the one saying sorry. I should have realised how to kill it sooner, and you wouldn't be worrying about this in the first place." She reassured her softly.
Optimus , offered his own reassurance, "Blaming ourselves won't change what's happened. We must focus on moving forward and ensuring your safety. We will do our best to help you return to your lives once this threat is eliminated."
 The sounds of thundering steps made their way back into the main hangar, drawing their attention toward the source. They saw Arcee, the female Autobot, looking much better and no longer holding her side, with Ratchet following closely behind.
With the situation and story of his kind laid out, Prime shifted the focus to a critical point. "That also leads us to our own questions to you four: Just who and what are all of you?"
Cassius, feeling cautious, turned to his veiled leader, concern evident in his expression. "We can't do it; it goes against the code."
Sighing in frustration, Y/n looked at her raven-haired friend and took a moment to think before finally replying, "This is above the code; they have a right to know."
Ash nodded in agreement, saying, "Hate to break it to you, brother, but she's right. This isn't just some ordinary human accidentally finding out because we were careless."
Cassius's ember eyes began to glow with restrained anger as he shouted, "Are you kidding me? We could be putting everything we stand for, our positions, and ourselves in jeopardy. You can't be serious, Lu—"
"Oh, but I am!" Y/n firmly asserted with equal volume, making the Autobots, the children, and her companions flinch back at the iciness and authority in her tone, she continued on, "No more nicknames and codenames.Look, if the powers that be find issue with this, I'm the one that's going to suffer the consequences, not you or anyone else. This is above the code; we acted accordingly and have no choice. They have every right to know what and who we are and why we are here. They are from a whole other world and have to live in secrecy, much like us. We're not revealing ourselves to the whole world."
Eira, no longer shaking, added further, "I blew our cover in the first place. I lost control of myself and ended up dropping the armour. So I'm just as much to blame if anything were to happen. None of this was preventable."
Cassius, his anger now dampened, spoke quietly in a whisper, his voice filled with genuine concern, "I can't lose any of you..."
Y/n's gaze softened as she replied, "You're not losing any of us; I'll make sure of it." Her determination to protect her friends and companions was unwavering, and she understood the weight of the situation they were in
Ash, breaking the silence, gazed at the Autobots, whose optics were filled with confusion and uncertainty. "Are we really doing this?" He looked around at his companions, and his voice conveyed the weight of their choice. "Because there's no turning back once we do."
In response to his question, Y/n reached up to her chest and clutched the pendant on her neck, hanging by a small chain. Cassius and his twin followed suit, their expressions resolute. As the group tightened their grips on the pendants, a shared understanding passed between them. This was a pivotal moment, and there would be no going back.
The trio's armour began to dissipate into thin air,   cloth, wood, and metal vanishing from their forms, the Autobots and the children started in fascination and awe. Small "whoas" escaped from the children, captivated by the unfolding spectacle.
Y/n, her eyes now reverting back to their original e/c hue, exchanged reassuring nods with her team before taking a few determined steps forward. She clenched her fists, steadying herself to speak the sentence she thought she'd utter to anyone outside of her kind or the Archway. A small, genuine smile crossed her face as she gazed at the five pairs of Cybertronian optics and the three sets of human eyes fixed upon her. Her voice, filled with sincerity and determination, cut through the air,
 "My name is Y/n L/n... and I’m the Champion of the Goddess Hecate. Nice to meet you."
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I just want to say thank you to everyone who follows me, likes my content, doesn’t follow me but likes my content, etc. Nothing makes me happier than to see a new request in my inbox and people enjoying my content.
I love writing for all your requests and love being apart of the Transformers community.
Again, thank you all! ❤️❤️❤️
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lazypanartist · 9 months
Mmmmm.... No braincells rn. So. Uh. Barely NSFW if you squint? W/ Megatron, Starscream, Breakdown.. idk. Any bot/con who's considered a "brute" and needs more love, really.
(If you have favs that fit lmk so I can tag 'em!!)
He always held you softly, like you were made of glass. A moment from shattering in his massive grip, but too precious to not hold so close to his spark.
He wasn't used to the softness. Your character, your skin, your clothes. It was almost too much. And yet he couldn't stop himself from seeking more, his digits testing your boundaries, searching for whatever could be deemed the softest bit of your fragile self.
Your hands - so miniscule compared to his servos, tiny digits curving between two of his own, a gentle squeeze moulding you to the shape of him.
Your legs, soft and yet so strong, giving beneath his touch but able to hold your weight - not that he considered it to be a chore.
He thought it might be your lips, though - tiny, pliant, pink. He couldn't help himself, reaching out to poke at them gently, watching as they turned down for a moment before splitting into a grin, squishing easily beneath his gentle prodding.
Yes, it had to be. Soft, gentle, beautiful - he equated the words with your entirety, but the little smile you beamed up at him sealed your lips as the softest part of you.
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wifetomegatron · 11 months
an alchemy of ore & eu de parfum : how i imagine cybertronians react to human perfume (afab!reader) (nsfw!)
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most of the lost light crew only knew about it in passing. rumor was that before the war, the wealthy would import organic plants from off-worlds to extract their oils: steam distillation, boiling, maceration. of course, it wasn't very popular when the planet's atmosphere lacked the proper gases. without volatile elements in the air like oxygen, the exotic scents hardly smelled like anything. it didn't stick against their armors the way it clings onto organic skin. so it became a short-lived experiment that barely dented the surface of the planet's long history of achievements. mechs, trying to replicate organic perfume. it sounded ridiculous.
until perceptor caught a whiff of it: phantom light, brushing against his olfactory sensors. he lifted his helm, finally compelled to tear his optics away from the datapad to look at the human liaison. he inhaled experimentally, failing to be discreet. embarrassed, you tell him it's the new bottle of body wash you've tried: a mixture of wild violets and pink hibiscus. do you like it?  he thinks of strange fragile flowers, drifting under the wind. perceptor nearly missed the question, slowly nodding as you leaned closer in worry. it took the mech a lot of self-restraint to not pull you flush against him when the new, alien fragrance hits him square in the chassis like a bullet.
minimus drags his human's wrist across his intake, peppering light kisses along the skin. it was where the sweet, smoky odor was strongest, luring him closer. with you sprawled across his lap: trembling, laughing at the ticklish sensation, minimus couldn't contain the small, helpless groan that escaped him. shamelessly tipping your chin down to press your lips against his. the fragrance of mandarin and jasmine, crowding the space between your bodies.  the scientist hovered above your shoulders, mouthguard grazing the junction where your neck meets your jaw. brainstorm tightened his grip against your wrists, pining it above your head. he wants to melt into you, to drown in the overwhelming scent of amber. tyrax, benzoin; he knows they're just a cluster of chemical reactions coming to life along the curve of your collarbones. bonds breaking and fracturing to release something tangy, saccharine. but you're telling him that bulgarian rose, sandalwood — foreign, outlandish names of floras he'd never heard about before was making you smell celestial ? he was the universe's biggest heathen, but primus, save him. you were wiggling underneath his frame, back flat against the pristine table. he says he wants to run a few experiments, noticing how your pupils respond by widening, skin prickling with excitement. 
he's trying to be gentle, servos encasing your hip to lower you down his spike. megatron watches as you take him, inch by inch. with your back pressed against his chest plate, he could feel the thrum of his spark against the line of your spine as it bows and curves in pleasure. as you spread your legs further to sink further, he rewards you with a kiss — brushing your hair aside to press his intake against the pulse point beneath your ear. and he tastes it, or rather, breathes it in. he didn't need to, but when your sweat mixes itself with the perfume you always wore: bergamot and peony, he inhales and loses himself even more.
the habsuite reeked of sex, and it crowded the air: humid and heavy, whirl's optic nearly offlined at how obscenely wet you were around his spike. already drunk on your pheromones. so when he lifted both your legs higher — up to his shoulders — to fit himself up to the hilt, whirl didn't expect to catch a whiff of your perfume around your ankles. you whined, a high-pitched, desperate sound, when he stopped thrusting to press his enstril against your achilles heel. that was enough for him to snap. he hoisted you up into a mating press, driving into you with a new kind of vigor. 'you did this on purpose', he emphasized by roughly grabbing your ass to push further into your already trembling cunt. causing you to moan into the dark. 'you knew we'd end up here. like this. filthy, little —'
sicilian mandarin and citrus musk. you made a mental note to yourself to wear the combination around your lover more often.
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a/n : for @robot-horde because you're brilliant and left a comment on the tags of this post and it just inspired me to make more.
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gardens-light · 1 year
In The Name Of Love
Believing that chaos had settled down, you and the Autobots decide to hit the road again. Leaving the abandoned cathedral behind, and moving on- to where? Neither of you knew. For the next plan of action hadn't been thought yet. But chaos never rests. For little did any of you know, that something else was brewing- a danger so much bigger than yourselves was coming after you.
Content: Events takes place in Transformers- Age of Extinction, (Minor spoilers). Mild coarse language. Reader insert. Optimus Prime x F/Human Reader.
Sparkmate Series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 7 (End)
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A small hiss escaped your lips, feeling Tessa's confused stare as you wiggled into a new pair of jeans. Rubbing your behind and upper thighs, as you attempted to soothe the bruising that began to form.  
“What happened to you last night?"
"Nothing." You simply spoke, avoiding your sister's gaze as you packed your bag. "I uh... got up to get a drink. Must've lost my footing while going down the stairs."
"Oh really?" Tessa raised a brow, while crossing her arms. "Because I thought you told Dad, that you fell in the pool next door, and Optimus caught you."
A small chuckle left her, as you tried to hide your blushing face. Simply turning your back on Tessa, adjusting the backpack upon your shoulders.
"Th-That's what I meant." You lowly spoke, trying to hide the embarrassment within your tone.
"Here's a tip, Sis." Tessa teased, while patting your shoulder. "One, if you're gonna lie. Stick to one story."
You tilted your head a little, "and the second?" you questioned. Slightly hearing that there was more to your sister's statement.
But all she did was turned and faced you, giving you a cheeky smile. "And two... you're not as quiet, as you think you are..."
A sudden screech of Optimus’ wheels filled the air, as he swerved from an oncoming attack. Avoiding a missile, by entering the left lane of the highway.  
“What’s happening?” Tessa asked, as her body slid into you. Both of you pressing against the driver's door.   
Innocent bystanders blared their horns, as the Autobot cut them off. Causing his passengers to slide against his passenger door, dodging another attack from an unknown enemy ahead.  
The roaring sound of Drift’s and Crosshairs’ engines caught your attention, watching them overtake their leader with effortless speed. Returning fire at the enemy, while Hound and Bumblebee escorted cars off the highway and into the field upon the left.  
“What the fuck is that?” Shane��s voice yelled.  
Your heart raced a little quicker, breath getting stuck in your throat as your wide eyes gazed at the road ahead. Casually strolling towards the Autobots, an unknown Transformer of gun-metal silver caused your hair to stand on end. From what you could tell, no clear sign of Autobot or Deception marked their mechanical body. The two cannons adorning the metal plates of their forearms, caused your stomach to twist in a sickening knot, as the weaponry put Hound’s to shame.  
A scream escaped your lips, as Optimus harshly drifted towards the left. Tires screeching more and smoke emerging from the back of the truck, as his brakes pressed against the floor. Optimus’ plates began to shift and change, as he slowly rolled out of his altmode, causing Shane and Cade to fall out of the passenger side. Luckily having a somewhat soft landing as their bodies rolled against the grass.  
A low growl escaped the Autobot’s lips, as he clutched you and Tessa against his chassis’ with his free servo, Optimus tore up the tar road as his grip dug into it. Slowing him down just a little, leaving Cade and Shane a few meters behind.  
Kneeling against the torn-up road, Optimus looked down at you and Tessa, as he carefully placed the two of you onto the ground. “Are you girls alright?” 
“Look out!” but your warning came too late, as a missile from the unknown enemy ripped through Optimus’ shoulder. Green energon seeped from his wounds and onto you, as he tried to use his large mechanical body to shield you from the blast.   
Fear erupted through Optimus’ Spark, his optics widening in disbelief, as a familiar voice boomed from the unknown enemy ahead. Pain clutched onto his wires, as the sound of your sobbing voice called out to him. A scream escaping your lips, as your terrified gaze watched the Autobot take another hit.  
“Optimus! Optimus, get up!” You pleaded, reaching out for him. The ground trembling as he landed upon his back. His helm crushing the hood of the white SUV behind him.   
“I-I can’t... get out of here. Both of you.” His voice spluttered, groaning in pain as Optimus’ body had trouble moving.  
Looking over her shoulder, Tessa saw Cade waving his arms. Gesturing for you and Tessa to come back to him. Her heart ached from racing, breath stolen from her lungs, as her father’s panicky words filled the air. With tears streaming down her face, Tessa wrapped her arms around your waist tightly. Hugging you from behind.  
“We need to go, Sis!-” 
“I won't leave him!”  
With great struggle, Tessa started to pull you backwards. Forcing you towards the direction of the SUV behind Optimus.  
“We need to hide!” she protested.  
Pushing you into the back passenger seats, Tessa closed the door. Quickly wrapping an arm around your waist, while placing her free hand over your mouth. Muffling your cries.  
“Hello Prime.” 
“L-Lockdown?” Optimus’ worried optics gazed up at the bounty-hunter. Watching his old foe lower himself to the Autobot’s level. “What are you doing here? Who sent you?” 
But Lockdown just gave him a smug expression. “Collecting you... our creators want you back.” 
“Cr-Creators? What in Primus name-” 
“Haven’t you ever wondered where you came from?” a small scoff escaped his lips. “Did you honestly believe you were born? No, Prime. You were built! Built for a purpose. A purpose you’ve strayed from.” 
Lockdown’s green optics narrowed onto the SUV, raising a metal ridge as Optimus tried to discreetly push the veicheal away.  
“I feel sorry for you, Prime. Your allegiance to these humans. The trouble with loyalty to a cause, is that the cause will always betray you...” 
Cade’s worried gaze helplessly watched Lockdown return to his full height. The bounty hunter’s plates shifting and churning, retracting the cannon upon his forearm and revealing a holo-pad. Cade’s pounding heart jumped into his throat, as a daunting UFO emerged from the overcast sky. Hovering over Lockdown, as a small escape pod broke away from the ship.  
“No... No! Girls!” Cade screamed running down the road, as fast as he could.  
You and Tessa frantically watched a net deploy from Lockdown’s escape pod. Covering the SUV and Optimus.  The pair of you holding tightly onto one another, both of your voices calling out for Cade.  
“Girls! Girls! Get out!” Cade’s voice yelled, his hands slamming against the passenger window.  
“Dad! Help us!” your sister pleaded. Tears streamed down her face.  
Another slam met the back windscreen. Your wide eyes helplessly witnessed Shane’s bloody knuckles smear against the window.  
The engines of Lockdown’s pod fired up, dragging the net upwards. Causing you and Tessa to roll into the SUV’s trunk.  
“Girls! Girls! Break the window!”  
“I’m trying, Dad!” you spoke. Kicking the rear windscreen as hard as you could.  
As the net lifted higher, pain etched throughout Cade’s fingers as he tried to hold on.  
“Girls! Keep breaking the glass!” 
Tessa’s scared expression witnessed Cade’s sweaty hands. “No! No!” 
“I-I can’t hold on!” the burning caused him to hiss. His clutch begging to be released.  
“No! Dad don’t leave us!” Tessa pleaded.  
“Break! You fucking piece of shit!” your demanding voice roared. As you began to take out all fear and frustration onto the rear windscreen.  
“Break the glass, Y/N!-” 
“Dad!” you and Tessa screamed. As the pair of you watched Cade fall back down... 
In The UFO 
“Take those humans to the trash!” Lockdown ordered his small robotic minions.  
“No!” Optimus protested. Trying to struggle against his restraints, as the bounty-hunter dragged the Autobot by his pedes. “Lockdown! If you harm them, I’ll-” 
“You’ll do what, Prime?” he mocked, barely looking over his shoulder. “Besides, don’t you remember this ship?” 
Optimus took a slight look around. Strange prisons held other lifeforms, their snarls and groans filled the air. Parts of the ship looked broken- or more like torn apart. Gun-metal gray covered everything, like it was Lockdown’s signature colour. 
“It was built for all you Knights. The ‘Great Crusaders’ to explore the universe. But, as you can see I’ve commandeered it! Made it my own personal prison.”  
“Welcome back to the Knights Temeos, Prime.” Lockdown gestured at the center of the ship.  
Optimus barely recognized the once great hall, instead of impressive weapons of old. Circular cages and solid prisons with barred doors took their place. The ancient text long stripped away, allowing room for the decapitated heads of Lockdown’s past foes.   
“Y-You... You have disgraced it.” 
A scoff escaped Lockdown’s lips, as he approached one of the solid prisons. Turning a crank, making the metal bars raise and lock into place.    
“You should be grateful, Prime. This is only for the rarest of specimens.” Lockdown spoke with a smile. “The worst of the worst. It’s taken centuries, but I’ve collected all of the Knights. Including you.” 
Optimus struggled against Lockdown’s vice grip, as the hunter forced the Prime into the prison. The Autobot groaned in pain, as the hunter forced his arms above his head. Inducing further injury to his damaged shoulder. As the chains harshly nestled against Optimus’ wrists, the Autobot’s optics widened as Lockdown tilted his helm to the side.  
A low growl came from the Optimus, as he attempted to shift his body weight away from Lockdown. Trying to stop the hunter’s digits from playing with your iron ring.  
“Don’t touch that!” 
Lockdown examined Optimus’ course expression. His sly smile widening, as the hunter fiddled with the item. Finding pleasure of how much it annoyed his prisoner, “now why would you have something like this?” 
A dark chuckle escaped Lockdown’s lips, “don’t tell me... you’ve interfaced with a human!-” 
“Stay away from her!-” 
“Oh Prime... wait till your Creators hear about this.” Lockdown teased. “All this species mixing with species. It isn’t right... isn’t normal. It upsets the cosmic balance, and the Creators don’t like it-”  
“If any harm comes to Y/N, I’ll have your head!-” 
“You were built to do as you were told, Prime!” Lockdown snapped. “The Creators wants to wipe their chessboard clean and start a new. Beginning with you!”  
Lockdown’s digits wrapped around your iron ring, ripping it away from Optimus’ wrist and throwing it against the floor.  
“You should be ashamed of how far you’ve fallen, Prime!” the hunter spat while exiting the prison. Turning the crank, causing the metal bars to fall down and lock into place. “For she’s just a human!” 
“She’s more than that to me.” Optimus lowly spoke, his optics watching your ring roll along the floor. Stopping against the barred door, “but I wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand such thing...”  
You and Tessa remained hidden in the truck of the SUV. Slowly peering over the back passenger seats, frightened eyes looking out the windows. Trying to find some form of familiarity in the alien surroundings.  
Small robot minions dragged the vicheal into a circular room, the space of metal walls and floor was tight and small. As the large furness in the middle took up the space. Mechanical tendrils grabbed parts of random metal and junk, effortlessly pulling them apart and throwing them into the furness. 
“What the fuck is this place?” you whispered.  
“I don’t know.” Tessa climbed over into the back seat, “but I’m not waiting around to find out-” 
“Tessa! Wait!” 
She slowly opened the back passenger door, once the SUV stopped moving. But her scream filled the air as the sight of Lockdown’s robotic minions greeted her.  
A echoey but mechanical scream erupted from the minions, using their claws to try and grab Tessa.  
She tried kicking one of the minions off her leg, as you clumsily climbed over the back seat. Grabbing a crowbar and smashing the minion's face.  
“Get away from my sister!” You yelled.  
Finally, achieving some distance between yourselves and the robotic minions, you grabbed Tessa’s hand and ran towards the nearest exit.  
“Optimus? Where are you?”  
Your voices echoed throughout the large hall. Tessa’s grip refused to let your hand go, as your fingers wiggled. Trying to loosen your sister’s grip, as your palms felt hot and sweaty.  
Your worried eyes scanned your surroundings, trying to sense your way through strange halls and which direction would be best to follow. Please be alright...  
Back On The Ground  
“Come on! Come on!” Cade hurriedly spoke to Shane, as Bumblebee’s tires came to a screeching halt.  
Both exiting the Camero and running towards the railings of Mehigan Avenue's bypass. People abandoned their cars, as their yelling and screaming voices filled the air. The Autobots changed out of their altmodes, following Cade and Shane’s lead, while Lockdown’s ship hovered above the river nearby. 
“This is a bad idea.” Hound grumbled, shrugging his shoulders. “But hey, I’m all for bad ideas.” 
Drift helped give Shane and Cade a boost, climbing onto the roof of the ship. As its thrusters slowly picked up speed. All shakily making their way towards an opening within the ceiling of the ship.  
“This is crazy.” Shane breathed, slightly peering down into the ship’s metal interior. 
“Look.” Cade caught Shane’s attention, “you wanna cut and run? Now’s the time to do so, Lucky Charms.” 
“I’m not here to help your get your daughters.” Shane spoke, finding his confidence, “you’re here to help me rescue my girlfriend, and future sister-in-law.” 
Cade raised an eyebrow. Cocky bastard...   
“We’re behind enemy lines now.” Hound lowly warned, as he helped Cade and Shane onto the main platform of the ship. “Lockdown’s ship is bound to have booby traps. So eyes open!”  
“Beware of his bone grinders, brain blinders, flesh peelers.” Crosshairs flat tone sounded almost admirable, rather than a warning. As his green optics scanned the main bridge, “also chromosomal inverters, catatonic sludge, black hole trapdoors, and of course, radiation.”  
“We must be quick.” Drift encouraged, “we have the element of surprise. Let’s try and use violence as a last resort.”  
Most of the Autobot’s silently nodded, but a heavy sigh left Crosshairs. “Well, we looked. They’re not here. Let’s go-” 
“What?” Cade challenged, his eyes giving the green Autobot daggers. “Hey! I’m not going anywhere without my daughters-” 
“I’m unclear. What’s in it for me?” 
“What’s in it for you?!-” 
The whirling of Hound’s cannon interrupted Cade, causing him to fall silent and back away from Crosshairs. As the gray Autobot placed the barrel of his weapon, into Crosshairs’ neck. 
“Easy. Let’s use words.” Crosshairs spoke, holding his servos up in the air. ��
“What’s in it for you, is that I don’t kill you.” Hound boldly spoke. “We’re getting the boss back, and the girls. Copy?” 
“Okay, okay.” Crosshairs watched Hound slowly withdraw his weapon, “very persuasive. Textbook machismo... well then. We’re going to need to sabotage something.”  
“Better hurry.” Drift warned, “because the dark-matter drives are preparing to take off. I give us... ten minutes.” 
“Is that what that sound is?” Shane’s panicky tone questioned. “The engines filling up? Are you telling me, that this thing is going to be taking off in ten minutes?” 
“Could be nine...” Drift shrugged his shoulders, “worst case... seven-” 
“Cade, Shane. Search the cell blocks.” Hound instructed, “we’ll find Optimus.” 
“Let’s stop this nightmare ship...” 
“Optimus?... Optimus?” 
Your voice echoed throughout the large hallway, the walls and floor looming over you and Tessa, making you both feel smaller than you already were.  
“Where are you?” 
“So... how did it start?” Tessa randomly questioned.  
You gave Tessa a little side glance, seeing the corners of her mouth turn up a little. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Right...” her teasing tone mocked, “because most people totally go from, ‘I’m going to take this alien apart’ to ‘I’m going to fuck it-” 
“Tessa! What the fuck?” you questioned between coughs, as you choked on your own breath. “What on Earth are you talking about?-” 
“Y/N, I’ve been sneaking around with my boyfriend for months.” Her tone teased, “plus, you’re my sister. I can tell when you’re lying.”  
Tessa lightly chuckled, as she watched the blush form across your features.   
“But seriously... how did it start?”  
A heavy sigh left you, knowing that she wouldn’t stop until you answered her. “I... wouldn’t be able to describe it.” You lowly admitted, trying to avoid Tessa as you felt her smiling gaze. “At first, all I wanted was to figure out how he worked. How I could use their technology to help with Dad’s inventions. Then Optimus came to life, and my thoughts kept reverting back to the reward money you spoke of. So as I begun fixing him, my mind thought that we could gotten more money by handing over a working Transformer, rather than a dead one.” 
“What changed?” 
“I did.” You simply answered, “the more we talked, the more I realized how wrong I was. The Cybertronians, they’re not simple-minded machines that the government would make us believe. They’re living beings with souls, life, dreams. You should have seen how Optimus spoke about his home world, the hurt and pain I saw within his eyes, as he told me about how their war tore it apart. And the joy that just... just radiated from his Spark as I fixed him. It was like, it had been a very long time since Optimus felt such happiness. Such peace...” 
“Kinda sounds like love at first sight.” Tessa spoke. 
A small chuckle left you, “I guess you could say that... kinda like you and Shane being Romeo and Juillet.” 
Tessa gave you a playful nudge, “I can’t wait to see Dad’s face when he finds out-” 
“He’s not- wait. Did you hear that?” 
Both of you stopped in the middle of the hallway, the low sound of growling coming to your ears. Hearts slowly picking up rhythm, as your hair stood on end. Eyes widening as the sight of four, mechanical dogs prowled towards you.  
“Oh shit-” 
“Run. Run!” 
Grabbing Tessa’s hand, almost dragging her as you both ran in the opposite direction. Yelps and screams escaped you and Tessa, as you ran from one hallway into another. The sounds of the dogs snarling indicated that they weren’t far behind.  
“Quick! Through this way!”  
You shoved Tessa through the bars of a cell, following just in time as the dogs tried to bite their way through the bars. The pair of you backed away into a corner, while the dogs continued to bark and snarl. Alerting the minions of your location.  
“What we do, Y/N?” 
“I’m working on it.” 
Both pressed yourselves into the corner, as your terrified expression helplessly watched one of the dogs squeeze itself through the metal bars. The others backed away, allowing the minion to shoot through the bars. Slapping a hand over Tessa’s mouth, muffling her screams as you shoved her into the wall. Using yourself as her shield. 
You closed your eyes tightly, preparing to feel the beast’s claws pierce into your back. As you placed a free hand over your mouth, trying to muffle a high pitch scream that slowly began to bubble in your throat.  
A gunshot echoed throughout the cell, followed by the sound of a canine whine. You and Tessa froze, breaths trembling as you nervously waited for what followed... 
“They could be anywhere.” Cade muttered. Looking around at his surroundings, as he entered a chamber just outside of the Knights Tomeos. Climbing over the center piece, weaving in and out of the swords that stuck out, as he tried to get a better view.  
“It’s like finding a needle in a haystack.”  
“We need to find them- whoa! Shit!” 
Losing his footing, Cade quickly grabbed the center sword. Slightly pulling it to the side, trying to stop himself from falling any further.  
Shane gazed at the floor, as a low rumble echoed beneath them. Cade glanced around as the metal plates of the chamber began to shift and change, walls caving in on themselves and statues of armored knights rose from the floor. The large feature wall behind them revealed an array of weapons. 
“Come here! Help me!” Cade shouted, jumping off the center piece and approaching the feature wall. “Grab something that we could use!” 
“Ahh... Cade?” Shane whispered after a while. Wide eyes looking at the red lasers scanning the room. “What’s that?” 
Strapping an unusual looking cannon to himself, Cade peered over his shoulder. Seeing the minions slowly approaching the entrance to the chamber. “I don’t know. But on my signal, run behind that center thing.” 
Silently counting to three, Cade quickly leapt away from the wall. Grabbing Shane and pulling him behind the center piece.  
“I’m not going down without a fight!” he groaned, holding the weapon and placing a free hand upon Shane’s shoulder. “They’re going to turn that corner, and we’re gonna take them! You ready, or you gonna bitch out on me?” 
“No! I’ve got your back!” Shane bravely spoke.  
“Are you ready?” 
The sound of the minions' footsteps came closer.  Causing Shane’s already fast beating heart to pulse a little more rapidly.  
“Don’t bitch out on me, Romeo! Are you ready?” 
“Yeah! Yeah!” Shane hurriedly spoke. Waiting for Cade’s count down from three.  
“Two! One!-” 
“Wait! Wait!” Shane cried, jumping out of his hiding spot. His terrified expression gazing at the minions who aimed their weapons at him. “I surrender! I surrender!” 
Fucking knew it! Cade’s thoughts hissed. Still hiding behind the center piece.  
Adrenaline running through his veins, Shane threw the weapon onto the metal floor. Quickly hiding for cover again, as the weapon fired. Causing a bullet to ricochet off the walls, and into the minions. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!-” 
“What’d you do?” Cade asked, cutting off Shane’s frantic apology. “How’d you do that?” 
“I have no idea!” 
“What my daughter sees in you is beyond me!”  
After fidgeting with the weapon for a moment, Cade’s eyes lit up in excitement as the cannon whirled to life. Lighting up with a purple hue.  
“Stay here, Lucky Charms!” 
Moving away from the center piece, Cade unleashed a wave of gunfire upon the minions. Standing his ground, as his adrenaline beating heart surged excitement through his veins. Allowing the bullets to pierce into the mechanical beings, tearing them apart.  
“I’m so gonna patent this shit!” 
“That was Dad!” Tessa whispered.  
Tessa quickly maneuvered around the mechanical dog, its whines echoing throughout the cell. It tried to nip at your ankle as you stepped over it. But as you looked down, your heart ached a little as energon pooled beneath its body. A mixture of snarls and whines escaped its throat, orange sparks zapped out of its mechanical joins, causing the creature to wince in pain. 
The glowing of the Matrix caught your attention. Carefully pulling out the pendant from under your collar, eyes shifting between the pendant and the injured beast.  
Sensing your hesitation, Tessa looked over her shoulder. Pulling a confused expression, as she watched you kneel beside the creature.  
“What are you doing?-” 
“Hang on for a sec.” You whispered, “I just wanna try something.” 
Your hand hovered over the dog’s forehead, flinching a little whenever it tried to bite you.  
“That thing isn’t like the Autobots!” Tessa hissed, “Dad’s trying to find us!” 
“I just need a minute.” 
Your fingertips quickly scratched behind the beast’s ear, before bringing your hand back to hover above its nose again. Allowing the dog to catch your sent, between each testing pat.  
“You’re alright, boy.” You cooed, while scratching lightly behind its ear. Using your free hand to remove the necklace, allowing The Matrix pendant to carefully hover over the wound upon its belly. “Let me help you.” 
The Matrix glowed brightly, small blue sparks clashed with the orange ones, that zapped out of the dog’s wound. The beast continued to whine, its body twisting in pain.  
“Good boy. Good boy.” Your voice hummed, gently scratching underneath its chin.  
The Matrix hummed, spinning rapidly causing the chain to twist in your hand. Before a blue flash burst over the beast. A low pant escaped its mouth, as you watched the dog struggle onto its feet. The red glow in its optics fading and changing to a brilliant blue.  
You smiled at the creature, its mechanical tail wagging while barking happily at you.  
You turned back to Tessa, her dumbfounded expression gazing at you as her jaw hung low.  
“What? I’ve always wanted a dog.” You spoke with a smile, placing the necklace around your neck again. “Come along, Torgal.” 
“Girls! Girls! Over here!” Cade yelled, quickly approaching the entrance of the chamber.  
A huge smile spread across his features, as Tessa ran into the chamber. Opening his arms wide, preparing to embrace your sister.  
“Shane! I love you!” her voice cried, flinging herself into Shane’s arms. While Cade stood beside them with an unamused expression, “I love you! You saved me! You came back for me!” 
“Of course, I did.” Shane cooed into Tessa’s ear, running his hand through her blonde locks. “I will fight to the ends of the Earth, just to bring you back.” 
“Oh, yeah. He saved you. Sure.” Cade muttered, a small smile teased the corners of his lips, as your sweet chuckles came to his ears. “Y/N...” 
You wrapped your arms around Cade, feeling him embrace you tightly. “I’m so sorry, Dad-” 
“You have nothing to apologize for, Sweetie.” He cooed into your ear. “I’m just glad to have my girls back-” 
“Optimus!” You cried, catching a glimpse of the Autobot in his cell. As you looked over Cade’s shoulder. 
Cade winced as you accidentally shouted into his ear. Pulling away from his embrace and running into the Knights Tomeos. 
“Can’t you girls be happy to see me for once?” Cade sighed, raising an eyebrow as his eyes watched the mechanical dog follow you.  
You approached the bars, banging your palm against the metal. “Optimus! Optimus, it’s me!-” 
“Y/N?...” Optimus’ optics needed a moment to focus, before realization sunk in. “Sweet Spark!”  
“I’m here! Just hold on!-” 
“Big boy coming through!” Hound’s voice boomed from the hallway, “move! Move!” the Autobot demanded as he stormed through the entrance. Causing Tessa, Shane and Cade to scatter out of the way.  
“Boys! Boys, over here!” you shouted, banging your palm against the cell. As Torgal tried to claw and bite his way through the bars.  
“Nice find, Y/N!” Hound complimented, quickly approaching your side, as his optics roughly studied the barred door. “Alright, Little Lady. Back up-” 
“Hold on, boss! We’re coming!” Crosshairs called out.  
Letting out a grunt, Hound forced the door open. Allowing you to enter, as he quickly got to work of releasing Optimus from his restraints.  
“The arms of this Knight Ship detach.” Optimus spoke. “We can break fee. It’s a separate ship-” 
“Where’s the cockpit?” Crosshairs asked, “right or left?” 
“I’m on it-” 
“Y/N.” You looked up at Optimus, his helm lowering as he tried to rest against your forehead. “Are you hurt? Did Lockdown do anything?” 
“No.” Your calming voice soothed his aching Spark, “I’m alright. I’m not hurt in any way.” 
“Not knowing what happened to you, my Sweet Spark... I feared the worst.” 
You placed your hand upon his cheek, caressing Optimus’ faceplate with your thumb. “Hopefully this would wipe away any fears.” 
A loving hum vibrated through Optimus’ Spark, as your lips softly enclosed over his. Both closed your eyes, as Optimus finally felt his arms fall free from his restraints. Wrapping his servo around your waist, as you melted into his embrace.  
“Break it up lovebirds.” Hound interrupted, “we’ve got a ship to catch.” 
“You’re right, Hound.” Optimus spoke, breaking apart from your lips as his servo lifted you up. Gently holding you against his chassis. “Lockdown would be in Deep Space before he realizes I’m gone.” 
Torgal sniffed at your iron ring upon the floor, barking at you as he got yours and Optimus’ scent. 
The Prime smiled down at the dog, as Torgal carefully picked up the item with his mouth. Dropping it into the palm of Optimus’ free servo.  
“Would you do me the honor of placing this back on?” 
You smiled, reaching for the iron ring and threading it through the cables of his wrist. “Of course, my love.”  
Tag List
@ursamajor17 @crowleysthings @k----a27s @lainekyuu @manticcashew @goreismyforte @imachaoticghost @person101lol @silverelfy-blog @nataliahemsworth @musicalmedli @buena-lili @imobssesedwithtoomanysheet @skylarstormheart @the-unhinged-raccoon @ag3ntsw8n @moonsua1 @unadulteratedwizardrunaway @silverelfy-blog @joanne-uwu
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
Has anyone seen transformers cyberverse?? I love this series it got me back into transformers!! Anyone want to discuss yandere transformers??
21 notes · View notes
snipersfucker · 1 year
..🤭....maybe........ ok hear me out what bout 1 of them drives to a busy place n tells u to touch urself maybe with the windows down huh huh what do u think
i definitely have never imagined it ! this is definitely not something i spent a lot of time thinking about !
ayo imagine if you were feeling a bit shy about it and they'd tease you sm like "c'mon, you know you want it..." "i can see how wet you already are, don't lie to me" "c'mon, put on a little show for me... spread your legs for them to see how dirty you are" UHUH
and if you're absolutely into it 100% from the very beginning (you and me lmao) they UGH they'd tease you, praise you, degrade you whatever you want....... "oh a little louder for me... yeah let them hear you, baby "yeah... that's it... knew you had it in you" "yeah? can fragging hear your cunt... so wet at the idea that somebody could see you? little whore wants everybody to know she's touching herself for me?"..... damn
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