#Fox Demon Cultivation Manual
nemainofthewater · 7 months
Best Character surnamed: Wen
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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liss-art · 3 months
Day 5. Soft features
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web-novel-polls · 10 days
Have You Read This Web Novel?
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By some freak coincidence, Song Ci mistakenly consumed the blood of the Demon King, causing himself to become a demon too. A weak scholar…… forced to suffer in silence. What was even more tragic was that no matter where he went, demons would attack him from all directions braying for his blood, or they would squeeze his neck while interrogating him about his relationship with the Demon King. As such, Song Ci became an anti-fan of the Demon King. Regardless of who praised the Demon King, he would be the first to stand out and refute them. Song Ci fled for his life as he searched for the gate leading to the Demon Realm. Along the way, he clung on to the thigh of an influential man, and went to great pains to persuade him to slay the Demon King together with him and restore peace to the human world. Song Ci, “Sooner or later, I will skin the Demon King, rip the tendons off him, and drink his blood!” Rong Bai (smiling), “I admire the way you think.” Who knew that, after entering the demon realm ��� Tens of thousands of monsters bowed their heads and kowtowed to this thigh beside him and shouted “Long live the Demon King!” Song Ci was stunned. Rong Bai (smiling), “What did you say you were going to do when you came to the Demon Realm?” Song Ci, “It, it’s all a misunderstanding……”
- Novel Updates
Additional Information: Carrd
If you’re in the process of reading this web novel, please choose whichever option best fits your situation. You do not have to be completely finished with it to answer “yes.”
See similar polls and results here!
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muqingapologist · 5 months
fox demon cultivation manual was frustrating as hell. i cannot in good conscience recommend that novel, despite there being quite a few good moments, unless someone is truly desperate for danmei and has gone through everything better😭
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altrame · 2 years
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Very old FDCM art but I still wanted to have it on here
I don't remember much about the plot but them <3 soulmates
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
@coreofgold said : I don't know if I'm doing this but. . .can I reserve Song Ci from Fox Demon Cultivation Manual and get fc recommendations for him ?
sure thing , darling ! song ci is now reserved for mia until 6/13 at 11:23am est ! for suggestions , maybe : zhang chenxiao , xing zhaolin , wang yibo , wang ziyi , yang yang , xiao zhan , dylan wang , or wang zhoucheng !
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mayvnwrites · 2 months
Fox demon sy au, except more demon and less uwu.
After dying due to expired food, SY wakes up as a fox demon with a natural affinity to poisons and poisoning. He is unamused at the irony, thanks, but at the same time... he IS kind of in some chaotic demon realm adjacent like place and needs all the help he can get, so ... thanks?
His transmigration even came with a subspace for drying and preserving herbs and ingredients, and an encyclopedic manual of all the possible tinctures, ingredients, and handling procedures installed into his brain.
Pretty adequate, although the subspace can only take medicinal ingredients and can't be used for growing/raising ingredients, and the manual is so massive SY feels like it will take decades to read. (Spoilers: it does take decades to read)
Cool, SY thinks, I can be a wandering apothecary and stuff - but of course things don't turn out like that, because why wouldn't this world be full of poisonous plants that require... um ... *alternative* methods of healing.
After the fifth time someone tries to force SY to cure someone with papapa, he says fk it and, unable to escape in more conventional ways, he poisons his way out of the demon lord's castle.
SY is also beginning to understand which world he's been transmigrated to and is cursing a "Master Airplane" under his breath nonstop as he stomps angrily away from rando demon lord's territory, almost no guilt in his heart because the dude and his vassals eat people and are *assholes*.
SY starts using the direct method (aka poison) in refusing persistent inquisitors that want help he's unwilling to give (whether it's papapa or just a matter of principle) and slowly becomes known more for poisoning than cures. Doesn't help that SY has evolved from death-poisons to poisons that would make you wish you were dead.
Soon SY is known as a fox who would rather kill you than speak to you.
At first SY feels upset about this, because after all that work curing people, killing people is what he's known for? But eventually he's like, whatever gets people to stop bothering me~.
After decades, SY has embraced getting his way with his pretty face and poisonings, becoming a bit of a naughty foxy, and is enjoying his life away from the plot and with much less harrassment by the demons.
He's gained the title of Poisonous Shoutao (longevity peach), and his reputation as a venomous fox demon who could cure whatever ails you but would rather poison you has grown far and wide (as well as his foxy bewitching ways as he gloats over poisoning you).
SY has a long list of admirers and haters alike, including those grateful for his healing and those who want revenge for his poisonings, but what good demon *doesn't* have an enemy or 20?
And then one of his haters sets him up to be the scapegoat of a rash of poisonings in some human communities, and suddenly SY is the target of some pony-tailed pretty boy head disciple from Cang Qiong with a mole, who hasn't realized that the Poisonous Shoutao is outside of his capabilities... after paralyzing the boy, SY thinks about just ending the kid but... well, SY has used his pretty face to sway others before, but this is the first time he's been swayed by a pretty face.
B-besides, it's probably better to avoid making enemies of Cang Qiong, no matter where in the plot they are right now! So SY just teases the kid until the kid's practically steaming (out of anger? or...), reveals he's NOT the culprit, and disappears into the night with a faint scent of nightshade lingering behind.
Expecting it all to be done and dusted after that, SY is surprised to find out that the pretty boy now has a vendetta against him and has sworn to take him down.
Cue cat-and-mouse interactions all over the two realms with a poisonous (and slightly flirty) fox demon chased by a serious (but easily flustered - at least when it comes to a certain fox) young cultivator.
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posting more svsss fanart this time half finished doodles of a lil au that’s been cooking in my brain for a few weeks
fox shen yuan aus have my heart and soul anyways he gains more tails the higher his cultivation is :33
plot points for this below the cut (also apologies for the terrible image quality she’s been through a lot (my google drive))
- shen yuan is a fox demon, he gets popped into a very young fox demon similar to how airplane gets dropped into baby shang qinghua (airplane is sqh in this au but that’s not plot relevant yet)
- little fox shen yuan, still getting the hang of his powers and creating a human form, runs into shen jiu in the woods, realizes this “random” teenager looks a lot like he did in real life, and unconsciously shifts to look like him
- shen yuan and shen jiu become kind of friends (in that shen jiu feels like he needs to protect shen yuan because he thinks he’s naive and also thinks it’s funny when he’s a bitch and shen yuan also thinks that shen jiu is funny when he’s a bitch and that he should probably keep this kid from dying or screwing himself up with his clearly demonic cultivation too bad)
- shen yuan eventually figures out how to look fully human (prior to him and sj going to cang qiong mountain)
- sy and sj become disciples on qing jing together! how does shen yuan cultivate? well sj is the only one who knows he’s a demon but they manage to swipe a fox demon cultivation manual from qing jing peak’s library for him
- when the qing generation ascends shen yuan leaves cang qiong to go be a wandering cultivator and write a bestiary
(at this point you may be asking, where is zhuzhi-lang? he’s in the doodles, why hasn’t he shown up yet? fear not, he is coming)
- while traveling shen yuan decide that the mortal realm is too boring and there are far too many papapa plants there so he travels to the demon realm to record more beasts
- at this point tianlang-jun is still the emperor of the demon realm, and, through shenanigans probably, shen yuan manages to save zhuhai-lang from a rather dangerous plant that mimics normal demonic plants and gets introduced to the emperor
- it does not take long for shen yuan to realize that this is luo binghe’s father and decide, hey, maybe he can help this guy and hopefully get both of luo binghe’s parents to survive so he can have a kind of normal life without the trauma (he is still masquerading as a human at this point and there’s quite a bit of controversy about the demonic emperor taking advice from a human cultivator, linguang-jun later mocks mobei-jun for ‘following in the late emperor’s footsteps’ when he takes shang qinghua as his primary advisor)
- this plan does not work, shen yuan is exposed to the cultivation world as a demon and a traitor and gets his ass tossed into the endless abyss so he can’t warn zzl and tlj about the plot against them
- (shen jiu goes to see him before he gets sent in: “why’d you do it?” “i… i wanted to try and let them (su xiyan and tianlang-jun) be happy together…”)
- sy is stuck in the abyss making himself a little house and strong arming the various horrors down there into liking him
- cut to shen jiu, now shen qingqiu, extremely bitter about the fact that the only person he considered a friend betraying him the cultivation world, and seeing baby binghe who looks just like the guy his friend got tossed into the the abyss for and figures out that this must have been what shen yuan was trying to protect
- shen qingqiu is livid and takes it out on binghe
- yet another cut, we know what bingge’s childhood was like, and binghe’s gets dropped into the abyss (sqq thinks that it’s fitting he sends the beast to the same fate that trying to protect him doomed shen yuan to)
- binghe wanders the abyss, being miserable, for several years before he comes across… a house? the bamboo house from qing jing peak? is he hallucinating? but no, it’s not quite the same, it’s made with whatever freaky bamboo equivalent grows in the abyss and there’s a pen with a six-legged carnivorous horse around the side of it
- shen yuan built himself a version of the bamboo house because he really liked it and he helped build shen qingqiu’s bamboo house as a sort of present/congratulations for ascending to peak lord status and he wanted a comfortable place to relax where he’s less likely to be attacked by a beast
- binghe is very confused when he is enthusiastically greeted by a fox demon who looks like his scummy teacher but is rather quickly endeared and intrigued
- they bond, shen yuan helps binghe find xin mo and they get out of the abyss and into the demon realm together with shen yuan acting as an advisor for binghe similarly to how he did with tlj, with the condition that binghe helps him release tlj and zzl from their prison
- this is the main catalyst for them going to huan hua in this au (most people have forgotten what sy looks like or they were too young to remember his trial even happening, it wasn’t anything super public because publicity for the great sects is very important so they kept things very hush hush)
- shen yuan reunites with zhuzhi-lang and tianlang-jun! it takes them a while to figure out how to properly break them out but they do manage it!
- at some point in the demon realm shen yuan and shang qinghua run into each other and clock that the other person is a transmigrator pretty quickly (they both have a habit of muttering in chinglish during court and they hear each other and do the spider-man point meme)
- sqh and sy bond and binghe and mbj don’t exactly know if they should be jealous about it, they’re very close and seem to share some sort of strange dialect that only the two of them speak and spend a lot of time together?? (they’re arguing and maybe kissing a little bc… cumplane my loves)
- shen yuan eventually has the misfortune of running into liu qingge (who survives here because i love him and i think that sy would at least try to prevent his death because he found him endearing when they were disciples), while sy is delighted that his shidi is alive he’s less happy about having cheng luan pointed directly at his throat in a secluded alleyway when he was just trying to browse the market of a town he remembered being pleasant
- reuniting with lqg leads to reuniting with the rest of cang qiong (and getting yelled at for his incompetence by shen qingqiu before they make up)
- shen yuan has (just barely) convinced binghe that torture is not the answer to solving his trauma so shen qingqiu does not get water prisoned but they aren’t trusted alone in a room together for a good long time
- eventually this probably ends in shen yuan collecting a harem on accident (not that he’s very upset about it but still, he’s confused how he managed this)
- neither binghe nor shen qingqiu are particularly pleased about the harem thing but like… they love shen yuan and if it makes him happy they’ll put up with these other idiots (they totally don’t like some of the other harem members what are you talking about? there’s nothing going on there stop asking them about it)
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Webnovel Carrd Links [Part 1]
I usually use Novel Updates, but Carrds are great to support the author, find translations not on NU, find Content Warnings, and learn more about the story / other adaptations. If there's a novel not here, it can be helpful to search the name of the novel + "carrd" or "novel updates"
Library Carrds / Carrds with Multiple Novels
Completed Baihe Carrd (click the sunglasses)
Baihe Novels Carrd 
Baihe Support 
Novel Carrd Library (Danmei & Baihe)
Aelia’s Library (Modern & Historical Danmei)
Unlimited Flow Danmei Carrd 
Danmei Recommendations List
Underrated Danmei 
Modern Danmei 
Twitter Thread with Danmei Carrds 
Author Carrds
(These authors have more works - I just listed the most popular ones/the ones I knew)
Cang Wu Bin Bai - author of Golden Stage and Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Cyan Wings - author of Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know, High Energy QR Code, They All Say I’ve Met a Ghost, etc.
Feitian Yexiang - author of Dinghai Fusheng Records & To Rule in a Turbulent World
Huai Shang - author of the Sword Named No Way Out
Jiang Zi Bei - author of PUBG: Online Romance of the Century, I Can Do It, and I’ve Liked Your Boyfriend for a Long Time
Liu Bing Jie - author of The Wife is First, Peach, and The White Cat’s Divine Scratching Post
Man Man He Qi Duo - author of Those Years In Quest of Honour Mine 
Meatbun Doesn’t Eat Meat - author of The Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Meng Xi Shi - author of Estranged, Peerless, Thousand Autumns, The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua, etc.
Mo Chen Huan - author of The Earth is Online and the Villain Has Something to Say
Mu Su Li - author of Panguan and Copper Coins
MXTX / Mo Xiang Tong Xiu - author of MDZS, TGCF, and SVSSS
Please Don’t Laugh novels - author of FGEP, Ruzhui, and JQWS
Priest - author of Guardian, LHJC, Can Ci Pin, Mo Du, Gumen, Liu Yao, etc.
Shui Qian Cheng - author of Wu Chang Jie 
Tang Jiuqing / t97 - author of Qiang Jin Jiu & Nan Chan
Wu Zhe - author of Unbridled, Sa Ye, Antidote, etc. 
Zhichu - author of Fanservice Paradox
Danmei / BL
2ha / the Husky and His White Cat Shizun (1, 2)
Bat / Bianfu 
Can Ci Pin
Carven Jade / Zhuo Yu 
Cold Sands
Copper Coins 
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Dinghai Fusheng Records
Di Wang Gong Lue / The Emperor’s Strategy 
Don’t You Like Me? 
Encountering a Snake 
Everyone Thinks That I Like Him
Fake Slackers
Fanservice Paradox 
Fight the Landlord, Fall in Love
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual / FDCM 
Global University Entrance Examination / QQGK / Global Examination 
Golden Stage 
Green Plum Island 
How to Survive as a Villain 
Jun You Ji Fou / How is the Gentleman Feeling? 
Lie Huo Jiao Chou / LHJC 
Little Mushroom 
Liu Yao (press the 3 circles) 
MDZS / the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (1, 2, 3)
Mist (CW: glitch effect, flashing lights)
Mistakenly Saving the Villain / MISVIL
Mo Du / Silent Reading 
My Junior Still Hasn’t Killed Me
Nan Chan 
[Part 2]
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nemainofthewater · 6 months
Best character surnamed: Rong
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
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langtaoxuejin · 8 months
Some sad moments in C-BL novels I've read
spoilers warning!!!
Qiang Jin Jiu : Li Jianheng's death - i didn't like him that much so i was surprised that i was sad... but he really was trying his best to be a good emperor. in his last moments he was worried about Xiao Chiye and Hai Liangyi... what really broke my heart was when he said 'don't make me the emperor in my next life... i want to be born as a swallow in dazhou' all he really wanted was to live his life happily and have fun... the author really wrote it so beautifully
TGCF : When HC disappeared - 'There is no banquet in the world that doesn't comes to an end' i can't explain the way this line tugs at my heart... like we all knew he's going to come back but i couldn't help being sad about it... Hua Cheng was literally always there, so it caught me completely off guard when he started fading
Qiang Jin Jiu : (again) Xiao Fangxu's death - i wasn't expecting it. i wasn't expecting it all. i know the the war was ongoing but i still wasn't expecting it... i wish i could transmigrate into the novel and hug the poor wolf pup (even though Lanzhou would probably hack my head off) and it being a trap made me feel worse about it for some reason
Lord Seventh : although it wasn't particularly a moment but He Lianyi pining for Beiyuan was kind of sad to me... for some reason... i didn't like He lianyi that much either but i'm sooo weak for the unrequited love trope... whether it was because of the circumstances or the people themselves that they couldn't be together but He Lianyi truly loved Beiyuan and no one can tell me otherwise. but that doesn't means i don't like the canon ship coz i love love looooove wuxi sm and Beiyuan deserved someone like wuxi.
Dinghai Fusheng Lu : Che Luofeng - let me tell you i'm still traumatized. i hated what he did, how he treated Zhou Zhen and poor Chen Xing also suffered but i still felt bad that he had to end that way... that's just what the beauty of writing is... these authors write so beautifully it can't be blamed on me... it's not like i wanted him to live but it's not like i wanted him to die either... thankfully in the next half he lived, but still... the unrequited love...
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual : the truth about Feng Zhoujun - firstly i liked this arc a lot... despite my emotions being played at every turn... after seeing how Jiang Liang was harassed, humiliated and beaten up before "Feng Zhoujun's" eyes i hated Feng Zhoujun(obviously) but when the truth was revealed which was that the real Feng Zhoujun loved Jiang Liang so much he would literally give him the world i was so heartbroken. how Feng Zhoujun tried so desperately to hang on but still died... how Jiang Liang saw Feng Zhoujun dying but he was still unable to do anything... it was all sad to me... (bless wen changchu for hanging madam bitch feng to death)
alright this post became way too long so i guess this is enough for one post... (i haven't finished QJJ yet so i have no idea what's in store for me up ahead)
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koipalm · 1 year
im sure that people who read "your ninth royal highness please change your clothes" got super excited seeing any mentions of the main characters in "fox demon cultivation manual" but instead ill be reading this in the wrong order and getting excited every time i hear song ci being mentioned in ynrhpcyc
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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muqingapologist · 5 months
fox demon cultivation manual let’s go 🤞
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