#Rollan (Spirit Animals books)
bayofwolves · 6 months
tarik's death is even more devastating when you consider how much he would never know.
tarik died thinking abeke and meilin were dead and he had failed them.
tarik would never know shane was the devourer all along, he never knew abeke got her heart broken, he never knew her relationship with meilin changed for the better, that meilin and jhi were freed from the bile, that they mended their bond, that the war was ended. he never knew rollan and meilin got together.
he never knew conor got infected, that his own nephew summoned cabaro and rollan and abeke took him under their wing, that abeke reconciled with shane in the end. he never knew that abeke lost uraza, but that she got her back.
tarik never knew that rollan would eventually create a bond token, his own talisman, from tarik's old cloak. he never even knew rollan took his greencloak vows -- he could only hope. oh god. i am in so much pain.
he never got to see the four grow up. change. mature. become stronger. love each other deeper.
i'm choosing to believe erdas has an afterlife of some kind and tarik has been watching over his kids the whole time bc it's too painful to imagine otherwise.
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trash-gremlin · 8 days
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the main four + shane + my oc alastair
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micer2012 · 15 days
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ALL MY RECENT FANART for my favorite forgotten childhood book series which i've elected to call Greencloaks even though that is Not its name. i started rereading them w my partner and i really have SO much love for them, cant wait to continue my reread and draw more!!
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keepofkandrakar · 4 months
to the six people in the spirit animals fandom, i need it to be known that tasha is literally the reilin child.
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megs-msdd24 · 7 months
Headcanon #11
OK FRIENDS time to talk about our feline friend Uraza 😌
FIRST. Uraza's a little stalker. (a grumpy one at that) You know she's making good use of her silent skills. But she's like everywhere? She's in the trees, stalking across stone walls, or leering down at you from some high up object. She likes to jump scare people too. Conor's walking down the hall? Next minute there's a growling purple eyed leopard staring him down from one end. Scary no? Just wait till she scares Rollan. He's somehow in a tree or on his way to Arctica :)
TWO. Uraza loves to be pet. We already know this from the books but it's not just Abeke who she'll let pet her. (She's her favourite though) Any one of the four fallen kids accidentally brushes against her and she's nudging her head against them asking for more.
Ok that's all 😘
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bookwyrm-42 · 1 year
Conor: What do you think Rollan and Meilin will do for a distraction? Abeke: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. *Building explodes and several car alarms go off* Abeke: ... or they could do that.
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wynniewho · 4 months
Zerif is such an enigma, which is both great for fanfic writing purposes, and frustrating in regards to simply figuring out his character.
On one hand, he's opportunistic, has connections, and has some unknown motivation of having the world remember him. He also has a jackal that may or may not be bonded via the Bile (it's never really made clear, I don't think).
There's also the fact that he had all this information about the secrets of the Bile. The wiki says that Kovo told him about it, but surely Stetriol would have known that he stepped ashore long before he even reached Muttering Rock.
Which brings me to my own rewrite!
Personally, here is how I think Zerif's backstory and motivation is going to go so far:
Zerif and Olvan both join the Greencloaks when they summon their spirit animals. Overtime, they become renowned as heroes among the Greencloaks, rising above the ranks faster than most of their peers.
One day, Zerif is given a special assignment: protecting Gerathon. Unlike Kovo, the Great Serpent wasn't guarded by any Great Beast like Kovo was with Halwair. Furthermore, they (Greencloaks and Great Beasts) couldn't exactly leave the two Beasts alone on Stetriol alone; they may make another escape attempt! So, they assign the most capable of Greencloaks to guard her, hiding them away for the rest of their tenure.
But while some would it to be a great honor, being a part of such a massive secret, Zerif would feel quite the opposite. How could he be disrespected like this? Has he not done as he was asked, to the letter? Why should he be forced to sequester himself away, allowed to be forgotten, while Olvan, his inferior, takes the mantel of commanding the Greencloaks?
But he says nothing, and does his duty, hoping that it will be over sooner rather than later.
Gerathon proves to be more amenable than expected - well, as one can be, trapped in such a confined space for the rest of eternity. Zerif makes polite conversation, despite orders to never let the Serpent learn so much as your name. Eventually, she, too begins to open up, teaching him about her life before the war. About Stetriol. About Kovo.
And soon, a plan begins to hatch. A plan for Zerif to be remembered, forever and always.
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catquenn · 4 months
The types of love in Spirit Animals
Abeke and Rollan: Platonic soulmates
Monte and Barlow: Friends to Lovers
Kalani and Abby: Sunshine and Sunshine protector
Kana and Song: Grumpy and Sunshine
And for those who ship Shanbeke:
Abeke and Shane: Lovers to Strangers
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badgerqueen07 · 1 year
Meilin : Can I be frank with you guys?
Rollan: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Abeke: Can I still be Abeke?
Connor: Shh, let Frank speak
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Spirit Animals and Character Development
Has anyone ever realized how Rollan and Abeke, and Meilin and Conor all have opposite character developments?
(I've never seen this talked about, so I'll just have to talk about it.)
Rollan: His arc is all about learning to put more faith in people. He learns to trust more. After bonding with Tarik, he learns that it's okay to have people that you can trust, care about, and lean on. He learns that some people are trustworthy and that trust can be earned.
Abeke: Her arc centers around learning to trust less. At the beginning of the series, she blindly puts her trust in Shane and Zerif. Later, she learns her trust was misplaced. At the end of the first series, we see her fight Shane and yell at him about how she trusted him and he essentially lied to her the whole time. She learns that although people can seem kind, they may not actually be.
Meilin: Her arc is about how to step down and not be so controlling all the time. Give other people a chance to lead, to make decisions. She needs to step down from a leader-like position in the group and let others' opinions be heard. She needs to be less of a leader and more of a follower.
Conor: His arc centers around being more of a leader. He learns to trust himself, step up as leader, and be less of a follower. He learns that even though he messed up when he gave away the Iron Boar, he can still step up and make decisions and lead the group. He learns to be more sure of himself and less shy.
I love Reilin and Coneke as much as the next person, but platonic Rollan x Abeke and platonic Meilin x Conor is something that I don't see much of. I think it's so interesting that their character developments are mirror images of each other. They need to be a bit more like the other person was at the beginning of the book. It also creates an opportunity where the characters can learn these traits from each other, and I really enjoyed how it played out in the books. It's such an interesting dynamic.
It also shows how neither extreme is ever healthy: you shouldn't trust people too little, lest you end up like Rollan, but you shouldn't trust people too much, either, or else you'll end up like Abeke. You shouldn't be too controlling and bossy, or else you'll end up like Meilin, but you shouldn't be afraid to step up either, lest you end up like Conor.
I don't know if the writers did this intentionally, or if it was just a byproduct of the characters, but either way, I love the way this was handled.
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bayofwolves · 5 months
i find it hard to believe that abeke and rollan didn't at least suspect that king was really shane before he revealed himself. like, i dunno. i get that king's redcloak disguise was supposed to be really good. and it had been a while since they'd seen him last. but if 11 y/o me could figure it out in immortal guardians, surely abeke could?
it would have been so cool if there'd been a part where the thought started to form in abeke's head. or she talked to rollan about it. and isn't rollan's whole thing supposed to be intuition? maybe he'd raise the possibility before abeke, who might have written off her suspicions as her just being paranoid and emotional. idk. just a thought.
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meteor-moon · 1 year
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i love incorrect quote generators lmao 
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kitttttchaos · 5 months
My Possibly Controversial Spirit Animals Headcanon
It’s always Conbeke or Shabeke, but hear me out—Wobeke
Yes. Worthy and Abeke. I’m not going to say it’s canon necessarily, but I totally ship it. Not to knock the other two ships, I do think they were both great and I feel like Conbeke should be the slow burn that we all need.
Wobeke could’ve been THE COOLEST. Worthy was my Zuko, okay. I was and still am obsessed with the redemption arc of Devin Trunswick that deserves WAY more hype. And you know who was a big part of that redemption arc? Abeke.
Abeke was the first person who gave Worthy a second chance. She understood the grayness of morality and really helped him become part of the group, and he helped her get through her grief about Shane. He’s also adorable, like come on. In Wildcat’s Claw, there’s a scene where they’re walking ahead of everyone else, just talking about their sad feelings and aaaaaah. And in the Dragon’s Eye, Abeke is the one who finds Worthy. I cannot tell you how much I wanted more of them in that book, at least a good goodbye.
I like the other Abeke ships, but I feel like Worthy and Abeke could’ve been SO GOOD. The tension after Devin literally kidnapped her in Hunted (which is by my girl Maggie Stiefvater:), the tension after everything that happened in Tales of the Fallen Beasts, Abeke being the only one to hear him out, Abeke learning how there’s so much hope and kindness and loyalty behind Devin’s outer shell, Devin making her laugh and telling her things about Shane.
Afafsgsgdhdhfh yeah. Wobeke.
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keepofkandrakar · 4 months
…. i don’t think sarwat chadda understood the assignment…
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