#Franny and Cornelius
xskywalker21 · 7 months
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Some down time
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laurenillustrated · 1 month
Meet the Robinsons art dump ❤️
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A few of these I referenced vintage illustrations by Al Parker and Bob Peak!
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emmabirb8 · 8 months
Operation: Joy to the World
A Meet the Robinsons fanfiction by CreativeSoul27 (my FF.net and Ao3 username 😊)
{Summary: Franny's stressed the night before the most important concert of her music career, so Neil devises a plan to cheer his wife up (with Wilbur's help, of course).}
As with my previous MTR fics, this fic is based on a few sketches done by the AMAZING artists who share the blog @elioli-art. I received permission from them to post this fic and to use a small section of their work as the cover art. Thanks so much again, you guys are the best!! 💖💖💖
The art I referenced/used for this fic can be found on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th images in this particular elioli art dump!!
Fanfiction.net link! / AO3 link!
Previous Stories:
Could Have Lost Everything [FF.net / Ao3]
What the Future Will Hold [FF.net / Ao3]
Dark Day at the Robinson House [FF.net / Ao3]
Please feel free to let me know what you think and/or leave a review! 😃
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surroundedbyconfusion · 6 months
My heart breaks every time I watch Franny Robinson tell the child version of her husband that *another* family is rejecting him
Yes, they want him! He’s so important to them. But I think she knows that to him, as he is? This is another family that doesn’t want him, that finds him lacking.
Franny met Lewis right as he met his forever parents, minutes after!! She built a large and expansive family with him, one that is loud but one that always wants each other. She knows how lonely and dejected he was at that age, how worn down he felt. How much love he had to give and how much love he felt he lacked.
Franny has to look Lewis at the age she met him and tell him this family can’t have him. She can’t even tell him why.
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back-in-2037 · 2 months
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wonderbatbvs · 11 days
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Frannelius is my all-time favorite Disney pairing
Remember when Disney gave us happily ever afters instead of tragedies?
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pjunicornart · 7 months
Franny: "He's a ten but his hair looks like wheat."
Cornelius: :{
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cryptid-moone · 1 year
*Kicks down door*
Alright meet the Robinsons fandom, check this shit out
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Both Cornelius and Franny have freckles in their youth, and (presumably in Cornelius’s case) as adults. By punnet square logic, any offspring they have should also have freckles 🤔
Right. So where are they 😭
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Disney where are his freckles, you can’t give me two fun characters with freckles and then not give their kid some
I legit made a punnet square for this man
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It’s like 20% bullshit but the rest is real
Btw all the framagucci’s have thin waists and I think that’s actually great (except for Gaston but he stands fruity so he counts too)
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Could you do a mood boards for Meet The Robinsons next?
Hiya! Sorry for the delay (I first saw it this morning and gotta say it's AMAZING)
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Hope you like them, i might do more, but just decided to start with those cutie pies, and added Goob, because we love Goob
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zipzapzopzoop · 2 months
I Tried it at Home
Chapter 1: Dark Day at the Robinson House
The year was 2032, and the day started as any other.
Wilbur always loved seeing his dad’s inventions. So much in fact, that Cornelius would often make extra models to give one to Wilbur as a toy.
He mimicked the sound of a spaceship as he held the model high in the air. His imagination soared, and he giggled as he ran around the endless fields surrounding their home. In his adventure, Captain Time Travel had stopped a planet from flying into the sun, and now he was-
The sound of crackling electricity stopped the boy in his tracks. 
There! In the garage window! Curiosity took hold, and Wilbur found himself approaching. ‘Come closer…’ the lights almost seemed to beckon.
Wilbur walked along the side until he found the garage door cracked open. Hmm. Someone must not’ve shut it properly. Oh well. Anyway, adventure awaits!
Down the dark room Wilbur crept, following the sounds of crackling electricity. Past low humming machines and bright glowing chemicals, past inventions both familiar and foreign, Wilbur’s heart fluttered with the excitement of a new adventure.
As he made his way closer, he heard talking. His dad! He seemed excited. He was talking and rushing around the way he did whenever he had a bright new idea. Wilbur stuck to the shadows of the room. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be here. No doubt if dad saw him, he’d scold him and take him back outside.
Wilbur turned the corner and nearly gasped. The time machine! It was beautiful! Every bit like the model and more! His dad had worked so hard on it and boy oh boy did it pay off! He held the little model up and shut one eye, beaming at the way the two almost looked to be the same size through his perspective.
“I think she’s ready to go…” Cornelius said to nobody in particular as he walked a lap around the time machine to give it one last glance over. He stepped back, taking in all his hard work. He stood frozen in admiration. Wilbur smiled. His dad always did that when he was proud of his work. “Wow…” Cornelius murmured.
The scientist seemed to shake himself out of it and rushed over to the control panel. Time to take her for a spin! Wilbur stayed quiet, eager to see his father’s latest invention come to life. He thought he heard something from outside the garage, but he was too focused on the machine.
Cornelius pulled the switch, and the time machine whirred to life.
“Yes!” Cornelius jumped up. The machine began to lift off the ground, systems working as intended and ready to travel.
“Dad, you did it!” Wilbur cheered and abandoned his hiding spot. Cornelius’s expression changed in the blink of an eye, so shocked by his son’s presence that the time machine was long forgotten. “Wilbur?! What on Earth are you-“ His question was cut off by the raise in volume the time machine began to make. It began to beep warnings and the glass cracked. It was going to explode! No. No! “Wilbur!” The scientist sprinted for his son. “Wilbur!”
The explosion was near deafening.
The world seemed to slow down. Wilbur felt like he was flying. His father grabbed him and pulled him into an embrace. Cornelius had his back to the blast, shielding his son. 
For a moment, Wilbur opened his eyes amongst the blinding flash of light. He saw his toy model flying through the air from the blast. And for a moment, it really did look like Captain Time Travel flying through the galaxy.
And then that wonderful moment ended.
“-ilbur…” “Wilbur!”
Franny was shaking him awake. 
The second he opened his eyes, he was swept into a crushing hug. “Oh Wilbur!” He coughed. What even happened? He slowly looked around over his mother’s shoulder. The first thing he noticed was the ringing in his ears, and the horrid smell. The room had been covered in burn marks, and the few bits of time machine left (if one could even call it such) were nothing but pieces of twisted metal. Twisted metal and a single nut. The other thing he noticed were the rest of his family. His uncles Art and Gaston were checking on his-
“Dad!” Wilbur wiggled from his mother’s hold and kneeled by the fallen form of his father. His back had been badly burned, charred pink skin exposed from a hole in his lab coat. Uncle Art carefully rolled him on his side. Uncle Gaston nearly stopped Wilbur but seemed to stop himself. He didn’t have the heart to separate them. 
“You guys stay outside! It’s not safe here!” Art called out to someone through the smoke Wilbur couldn’t quite see. They were outside of the lab. “Are you guys okay?!” Wilbur recognized the voice as belonging to one of his cousins. Art did not answer.
His mother brushed away a few tears and helped her brothers. Suddenly, Cornelius let out a cough and opened his blue eyes. Franny gasped. “Easy, brother,” Uncle Art soothed.
“Wilbur… where’s Wilbur?!” Panic and realization rose in his voice. 
“Dad!” Wilbur rushed over and practically leapt into his fathers arms. Cornelius breathed a sigh of relief and held his son tight. Tears of joy began to spill from Franny’s eyes. Her husband and son were okay. Cornelius’s face softened when he noticed Franny’s tears, and he held out another arm to her. Just like that, she joined in. Cornelius was okay. Wilbur was okay. The Robinsons were okay. 
“Everyone’s alright!” Art gave a thumbs up to those he had called before.
Wilbur promised to himself would never disobey his father again.
(A Happy 17th Anniversary to Meet the Robinsons!)
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xskywalker21 · 8 months
There's some things that I should never
Laugh about in front of family
I'll try to call you from the party
It's full of punks and cannonballers
I need my girl
I need my girl
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webtrinsic1122 · 11 months
I’m so close to writing Meet the Robinsons fanfics y’all don’t even know. But like also if y’all have any good Franny/Corneilius fics please send them my way I’m desperate.
(If y’all don’t know I adore that movie so much I had my graduation cap decorated for that movie lol)
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diciusnestea · 5 months
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and some (a little bit old) for our fandom father @mithoipress </3
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What could’ve been Us
Wilbur Robinson x OC/ Reader
note: Wilbur & reader are about 16/17 in Highschool and in the Future. In the movie meet the robinsons wilbur is 13 so this is about 3-4 years after that. Enjoy! :)
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“ So, How’s everything in, the past? I guess you could call it?” Wilbur asked as he looked through the clothes on the rack. Behind him was Lewis, le Cornelius in Wilbur’s time line. Lewis was Wilbur’s father, however thanks to a time machine invented by none other than Lewis, Wilbur had become good friends with his fathers younger self. Though his family didn’t need to know that, not after the last time they found out Lewis was in the wrong timeline.
“ Everything’s pretty fine. Normal you could say. Franny is still on with her frogs.” Lewis responded as he flipped through shirts on the rack behind Wilbur. “ But I think we all know how that plays out, right Wilbur?” Lewis asked, expecting Wilbur to answer quickly. However, when a moment of silence passed, Lewis felt compelled to turn to find the source of the sudden silence presented to him. “ Wilbur?” Lewis asked, finally turning to see Wilbur staring across the old store they were in. Lewis followed his gaze intently, before his eyes set on a girl. She was looking through jackets, some denim some leather. She had a walkman which was very uncommon for the era they were currently in. Why need that old thing when you could just listen to music on your phone? She had her headphones on, a large jacket on with something written on the back and with a skateboard strapped to her back. with the way it was faced there seemed to be a lot underneath it, but Lewis knew Wilbur wasn’t staring at that.
He was staring at Her. Finally she turned around, looking at the store holding a pair of jackets in her hand before her eyes landed on the two boys staring at her. Lewis shoved Wilbur, letting him know she had caught them, and watching ad Wilbur blushed wildly. She looked around again before Wilbur and her yet again made eye contact and she pointed to herself. ‘ Me?’ She signaled. Wilbur blushed even harder but nodded nonetheless. She waved to him with a smile, and he awkwardly waved back to her. It seemed she was about to say something when she reached for something in her pocket, removing her headphones and pressing what Wilbur and Lewis could only assume to be a phone. She turned, her back facing them, but now Lewis could finally get a view of her jacket.
“ Metallica. Isn’t that a band?” Wilbur asked, before Lewis nodded.
“ Yeah it is, they’re from the 80’s I think.” Lewis responded, before Wilbur turned and held up the shirts he picked out.
“ Well I found shirts.” He said with a hopeful smile. Lewis smiled before looking through them.
“ You should talk to her.” Lewis said before Wilbur shook his head.
“ No way. I’ve seen her before and she’s usually with her friends, I was just- I was just shocked she was here by herself you know?” Wilbur asked as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. Lewis let out a ‘hm’ in response.
“ So you know her?” Lewis asked before Wilbur shrugged.
“ I know her name. Aria Zenith. She goes to the same school as me.” Wilbur said, taking a few shirts from Lewis and putting them back on the rack.
“ Well it seems like Aria is gone.” Lewis said, before Wilbur turned to where she previously was and he was right. She wasn’t there anymore. She wasn’t in the store at all.
“ Hm. She must have left.” Wilbur said, a hint of sadness in his voice. Quickly looking away, Wilbur picked out the shirts he wanted to buy before smiling to Lewis. “ Well, I think we got everything. Let’s get this and go.” Wilbur said before Lewis nodded in agreement.
- time skip brought to you by Bowler Hat guy :) -
“ Have a good day! Come back again!” The cashier said as Wilbur and Lewis walked out of the store.
“ I’m gonna bring this back to the time machine, maybe we can find another store to shop at.” Lewis said before Wilbur grinned.
“ Wait till you invent it, it’ll be a lot cooler to actually own it.” Wilbur said before Lewis rolled his eyes.
“ I already own it. Hello I made it.” Lewis said before taking the keys to the time machine and walking with the bag full of shirts from the store. Wilbur stood, waiting for Lewis to come back.
“ Hey.” A voice called from behind him. Wilbur turned, and felt his eyes go wide at the sight of Aria. Her skateboard on the ground next to her leaning against the wall, as she leaned against it. She seemed bored, or tired, which ever she preferred to use.
“ H-hey.” Wilbur said sheepishly. She chuckled a bit before pushing herself off the wall and sticking her hands into her jacket pockets. It was then Wilbur took in her appearance. She had a dark jean jacket on with whatever band was on the back, a black shirt with really big black cargo pants and what seemed to be combat boots underneath the pants. Her walkman hung on the edge of her pants, though the music was still playing as the headphones sat comfortably on her neck.
“ I saw you staring in there. Figured you wanted to say something.” Aria said, before Wilber looked around, nervous. What would he say?
“ Oh Uh, I just really liked your jacket.” He said, mentally kicking himself. Yeah like he could remember what it said on it.
“ Oh cool, you like metallica?” Aria asked, before his eyes went wide and a nervous grin was displayed on his face.
“ Oh, yeah, I do.” He responded before she smirked, leaning forward, getting close to him.
“ Really? Whats your favorite song?” She asked, though her tone seemed innocent the look she was giving him made it seem she didn’t believe he was an actual fan.
“ Oh, um.” Wilbur stumbled, now really lost. The two fell silent for a moment, Wilbur looking down at the floor in embarrassment while Aria simply stared at him. Suddenly, she bursts out laughing. Wilbur’s head shot up to see her laughing.
“ I’m sorry, it’s just really funny. You didn’t need to pretend to like them.” Aria said, before continuing. “ Appreciate the effort though. But if you really just liked the jacket you could’ve just said that.” She said before he smiled upon seeing how happy she was. Thought he really wanted to tell her it was her he thought was pretty, he could care less about the jacket.
“ Oh, heh, sorry. I thought it would help.” He said, before she just chuckled, before sticking her hand out.
“ My names Aria.” She said, holding her hand out for him to shake, and he did.
“ Wilbur Robinson.” He said confidently, the nervousness he felt slowly fading away as their conversation continued.
“ Yeah I know.” Aria said with a smile before Wilber let out an “ Oh.” Which caused her to laugh even more.
“ Thats good though, that you introduce yourself anyways. Shows your not stuck up, like ‘ hm you should know who I am.’ You know?” She said, before Wilbur smiled greatful for how she carried the conversation.
“ Yeah, that’s true.” He said, before she smiled at him. It was then he remembered his fathers event. Supporting a local charity, that Wilbur had to participate in. “ If you want, to make up for it, you could come support this charity I’m going too this weekend. You get to see kids throw me into a water tank. As a formal apology for your jacket.” Wilbur said smiling. Aria grinned, picking up her skate board and holding it at her side.
“ Where is it? In a park or something?” She asked, before Wilbur shook his head.
“ No, my house.” He said, as if it was obvious. Her eyes went wide.
“ Your house is that big?” She asked before Wilbur chuckled and nodded.
“ Yeah.” He said, before digging through the bag and pulling out the receipt. He tore it in half, scribbling the back out before turning it over to write his address on it.
“ Do you just keep a pen in your pocket?” Aria asked before Wilbur smiled and nodded, handing her the small piece of paper.
“ My address. In case you decide to show up.” Wilbur said, before she smiled and put it in her pocket.
“ I’ll be there. Thanks for telling me about it.” She said, before he nodded.
“ Are you gonna, skate home?” He asked, gesturing to her skateboard. She laughed before flipping it a few times.
“ Eh, I don’t know yet. I’ll either skate for a bit and then walk or walk and then skate the rest of the way. I never fully skate.” Aria said, before Wilbur nodded. Wilbur heard the sound of the time machine go off in the distance signaling it was locked. ‘Lewis must be coming back.’ Wilbur thought.
“ Well I better get going. It was nice talking to you Wilbur.” Aria said, before Wilbur smiled to her and nodded.
“ It was nice talking to you too.” He said before she smiled and waved turning to walk.
“ Bye Wilbur. See you this weekend.” She said, and with a wave of her hand she was already walking.
Wilbur took this time to take her features in. Her hair, long and black with curls in it, which went way past her hips almost to the back of her legs. Her skin, which seemed to have tanned since it was the end of summer. Her eyes, a beautiful hazle color that he finally got to admire and the small freckles that adored her cheeks helped in her attractiveness. The height difference also helped, Wilbur growing to be around 5’11. She seemed roughly around 5’6, with the boots on.
“ So, you finally talked to her. How was it?” Lewis asked, before Wilbur sported a love sick look.
“ Amazing.”
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back-in-2037 · 27 days
So I got the Meet the Robinsons artbook a while ago and noticed that the last pages of the book were a collection of storyboard panels and while looking at those I stumbled across this
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multi-ch3rry · 1 year
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