#Freelance Administrative Services
ifindtaxpro · 7 months
💼💻 Are you a virtual assistant or freelance admin professional? Learn how to navigate self-employment taxes and maximize deductions for your business! 💰📝 #VirtualAssistant #SelfEmployed #TaxTips
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jcmarchi · 24 days
How AI can help your business get off to a flyer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/how-ai-can-help-your-business-get-off-to-a-flyer/
How AI can help your business get off to a flyer
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Is there a problem nowadays that AI cannot solve? In all honesty, there are not many it seems. By using algorithms and ploughing through copious amounts of data and applying learnings absorbed from them, AI can spot patterns and build instruction manual-like approaches to tackle certain tasks.
And, like human beings do, AI learns from experiences, so that it can apply a better approach should the same task arise again. While there is still a long way for AI to go and a lot to learn, many companies and individuals are already turning to AI to assist them with tasks that a human being is capable of doing, albeit a lot slower and potentially with more errors.
Many businesses are beginning to implement AI assisted services to streamline processes in the attempt to boost overall productivity by applying more focus and resources in more critical areas, while letting AI take on more of the work in the less critical departments.
Customer response is a good example of a service where AI can help customers solve their issues quicker. By creating AI-led responses, whether on the phone, email, or messaging on a website, businesses can also save money on staffing costs, which allows them to apply funding in other areas of the business.
Partner with AI from the beginning
It is not just larger businesses that can benefit massively from AI assistance. Freelancers or groups looking to start a small business have a dedicated business partner from the early makings in the form of AI. Whether it is a product or service that is being provided, AI can help get your idea off the ground in no time at all. The first step for most business ventures is to create a website, and this is something that can be outsourced right away to AI.
Your AI business partner is initially assigned as your AI website builder and can achieve this in impressive time. By communicating to your AI business partner what your business is, and any website preferences or keywords related to the operation, your AI business partner will get to work creating a unique website that will represent the commands and direction given. Voila! You immediately have a presence in the industry you are operating in. Of course, AI also knows the value of teamwork, and is happy for you to apply any finishing touches or edits to the website.
Streamline processes from day one!
For any business owner, the main ambition is to be successful by achieving any goals set. In the past, those objectives might have taken longer to achieve, due to all the manual work that had to be completed. Nowadays, business owners have the right to be hugely ambitious from day one due to the influence of AI. From building a website presence, AI can continue to assist you with administration, accounting, and many other aspects depending on what industry you are working in. In essence, AI acts as a virtual assistant, a tool that helps streamline key operational processes to optimise productivity in the workplace.
AI has not evolved to take over jobs from humans, despite what I, Robot depicted. It is there to aid us in our daily operations. Keeping employee and client records as well as archiving past work remains a day-to-day process for any business. On the admin front, there are many ways to use the capabilities of AI to your advantage. Mundane tasks such as maintaining calendars to send appropriate reminders for meetings can be managed by AI.
From any meetings, notes can be taken by the ever-developing voice-to-text software recognition system. And should you need to reach out to a customer base, AI can even act as a customer service-type response system, sending out emails or messages that takes into account the needs of a customer based on set commands clicked on or audibly given. AI’s ability to recognise patterns extremely quickly and organise them is a highly beneficial tool for administrative tasks that are often quite set and regular.
Another extremely key aspect of business is the accounting. Whether you are a freelancer sending invoices to clients, or a larger entity employing people on a payroll, ensuring the cashflow is generated through punctual invoicing is essential. Here is where AI can also take some of the labour off your shoulders.
Tools nowadays can organise accounts and categorise certain transactions, expenses, or anything else related to the accounting side in a user-friendly manner, saving you precious time. Another fundamental part of business is tax. Although often quite tricky, AI can navigate any complexities to analyse, organise, and send any required data to ensure you remain the right side of the tax authorities. With this and other operational-related stress off your plate, you have the time and energy to really grow your business.
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loveeat56 · 9 months
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gvakimmyespinosa · 11 months
Hi, I'm Kimberly Espinosa, Your Virtual Productivity Partner! Our vision is to provide highly reliable and trustworthy virtual services to clients and businesses.
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foreveryaya · 1 year
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fxirysforesight · 8 months
Future Career Pick A Card
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Directions: Take 3 Mindful Breaths and Pick The Work Set-Up That Attracts You The Most!
Disclaimer: This is a general reading. It may not resonate for everyone and that's okay! If you are having trouble choosing a pile, take a minute to relax and then try again.
Pile One:
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What Career Path Is Pile One Looking To Go Into?
Judgment, 9 of Cups, 4 of Swords
I feel like this is my Legal Studies, Politics, and Healthcare Pile. A lot of you are looking to go into Law or careers where you feel as though you are doing the right thing. You may want to go into careers where you are representing people or being a voice of reason for someone. You all seem to be problem solvers or at least interested in conflict-resolution based careers. Those of you who chose this pile are probably all or nothing people. I don't think a lot of you have any Plan B's or C's. You probably decided very early on what you want to be or do and that's what your heart is set on. You are looking for a career that has everything that you want. A career that fits your wants and needs and is a source of fulfillment for you is ideal Pile One.
These Are Some Careers I See You All Looking To Go Into/Be: Lawyers, Judges, Administration, Healthcare (Doctor or Nurse, a Veterinarian as well), Legal Work, Therapist (Mental Health, Massage, Etc.), Yoga or Meditation Instructor? For some of you, I see jobs where you are the Middle Man like for example a Hiring Recruiter.
What Career Path Is Best For Pile One?
8 of Cups Rx, The High Priestess, Strength
Pile One, you need to go into a career path that you know you won't walk away from. A career path that is sustainable for YOU. Regardless of the pay or whatever other constraints there may be, you need to find a job that satisfies your soul and not just your financial or social needs. I said before how I think that you all may enjoy conflict-resolution careers. It would be best for you all to find a career from which you can learn from or solve problems within. You would likely excel in careers that involve caring for someone or something in some way, shape, or form.
These Are Some Careers I Think You Would Excel In: Healthcare (Doctor, Nurse, Vet, Psychiatrist, Psychologist) Detective Work, Professor or Teacher, Guru, Counselor, Medium, Psychic, Astrologer, Tarot Reader.
Significators: French, Frenchie, or French Tips, Aries, Spring Months (March, April, May), 20+, Dyed Hair, "Not Yet", 444, Libra, 7th House Placements (Specifically Mercury and Sun), Strong Pisces, 12th House Sun or Moon, Moon and Neptune Dominant, Leo or 5th House Placements.
Pile Two: (This Pile was very similar to Pile One. If you felt drawn to that Pile go and give it a read and see if it resonates!)
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What Career Path Is Pile Two Looking To Go Into?
5 of Swords Rx, The Star, The Wheel Of Fortune
The first thing I saw and heard was "Giving Back". This is my Humanitarian pile. A lot of you are likely studying or wanting to study Humanitarian Studies. You likely find yourself leaning towards careers or social endeavors that benefit not only yourself but the rest of the world as well. Your ultimate goal in a career is overcoming challenges, compromising or ending a conflict of some sort. You all want to change the world and give the up and coming generations inspiration and hope for a better world to live in. You want renewal. A fresh start.
These Are Some Careers I See You All Looking To Go Into/Be: Public Service, Tech and IT Jobs, Motivational Speakers or Anything To Do With Public Speaking, Freelancers or Non Contract Workers, Nonprofit Organization Workers, Health and Safety Professionals, Human Rights Activists, Scientists, Researchers, Entrepreneurs, Advocates, Social Workers.
What Career Path Is Best For Pile Two?
The Emperor, 4 of Swords Rx, Ace of Wands
Pile Two, you need to go into a career path where you have the opportunity to lead. A career path that offers you stability and structure. A career path that is practical and logical according to your own needs. All jobs will make you feel stress, but I would advise you to enter a career that provides you with the sanctuary you need to rest and recuperate. I feel like those of you who chose this pile get tired or burnt out pretty quick? Extroverts with low social betteries? It would do you well to enter into careers that you see yourself building a future off of. Additionally, for some of you I think jobs that are more hands on and interactive would be better for you. Careers that provide you with passion, action, and excitement!
These Are Some Careers and Career Titles I Think You Would Excel At: Self Employment, CEO's or Bosses, Government Based Careers, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, Military, Managers, Administration, Manual Labor, Tech and IT Jobs, Freelancing, Careers That Allow You To Travel, Sports or Athletics. This Pile has a VERY strong Masculine Energy. A lot of you may find yourselves in Male Dominated Career Paths, and you may have a lot of Masculine Energy in your Natal Charts as well.
Significators: Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, Spanish, 10th House Mercury, 10th House Uranus, Chart Ruler in 11th House, Air and Fire Dominants, Mars in 1st or 10th, Libra Mercury, Sun-Mars and Sun-Saturn Aspects, 555, Aquarius Midheaven and DSC, Uranus Dominant.
Pile Three:
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What Career Path Is Pile Three Looking To Go Into?
Queen of Wands, Queen of Cups, Page of Cups Rx
Creative Workers. A lot of you who chose this pile may have struggles or are currently struggling with finding the career path that suits you. You WANT to do a certain career, but you may think that you NEED to do another career because the career you dream of is unrealistic or out of reach or maybe just doesn't fall into your life plans or budget. You are likely searching for a career that you have an emotional connection to. Although money is important to you, you're not really concerned too much about monetary matters, because you know that you can't be happy in a career that doesn't speak to you. You want a career that you get excited about being able to do, a career that allows you to feel as though you are in control of your own life. A lot of you want to work with kids and young people, I can tell.
These Are Some Careers I See You All Looking To Go Into/Be: Elementary School Teachers, Leaders of Some Kind, Child Counselors, Midwives, Nannies, Children's Book Authors, Music Teachers, Singers, Poets, Interior Design, Home Business (Maybe a Daycare), Family Therapist, Realtor or Real Estate. In contrast to Pile Two, there is a lot of Feminine Energy in this pile. You all may find yourselves in Female Dominated career paths and you may have an abundance of Feminine Energy in your chart.
What Career Path Is Best For Pile Three?
King of Swords, The Chariot, Justice
Pile Three, I would advise you all to go into career paths where you have structure and routine. A lot of you who chose this pile have very strong morals and values with all of this watery energy here. You are kind and empathetic but you are also logical and firm. You would do well in a position of authority, where you are allowed to demonstrate and enforce self-discipline and hardwork. You will likely be known for your candor and integrity in your careers pile three. You value honesty and fairness, and it will show regardless of what path you choose. You would thrive in careers that allow you to teach others about the wonders of the World, whatever that may mean to you.
These Are Some Careers and Career Titles I Think You Would Excel At: Counselors, Networking, Mediators, Influencers, Authors, Motivational Speakers, Auditors, Elementary School Teachers, Family Therapists, Behavior Technicians, Children's' Book Authors, Interior Design, Home Businesses, Real Estate.
Significators: "Soon", Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, 20+, Fire, Musician, 10th House Sun or Moon, 1st House Moon, Mercury in 9th House, 4th House Stellium, Water Dominant, Pisces Moon, Cancer Midheaven, Libra, Saturnians.
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starsinkpop · 4 months
Hi Nicky! Can you do a reading on which of ATEEZ FS’ are celebrities / in the music industry & which ones are non celebrity? -🧚🏽
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This is based on tarot and their current energy. This is for entertainment purposes only, so take everything I write with a grain of salt. I was asking tarot what’s their FS/life partners profession.
Hongjoong - non celebrity (four of cups)
They could have an office job, maybe work for the government. It could be something repetitive, that involves routine tasks. They could also work as a call center agent or in customer service. Based on the art of the card, they could also work as a therapist or work as the assistant of one.
Seonghwa - Both is possible (vii the chariot)
They could be an athlete, also getting dancer based on the imagery of the card. The chariot is talking about transportation as well so could be a pilot, train/truck driver, work in a field that’s dealing with transport. But could also be a CEO or entrepreneur as we also have the energy of leadership here. Their job could require control, so police officer or a career in military is possible as well. If I think about his future spouse reading I did before I’m leaning more towards athlete/dancer or a well known CEO/entrepreneur.
Yunho - non celebrity (xi justice)
They’re most likely not a celebrity. They could be a judge or lawyer, alternatively a detective or police officer. I also see some office jobs, like working for the government (I mean judges and police officers do as well lol) or working in HR or as a mediator. However, there’s also a chance they could be a politician, so potentially a celebrity. My intuition is leaning towards non celebrity tho.
Yeosang - non celebrity (six of swords, two of cups)
His future spouse could work as a couples therapist or marriage counselor. But I also see a nurse or job in the medical field here. The six of swords could be talking about a tour guide or travel consultant as well. With the two of cups, we have partnerships, so something like a business consultant would also be an opportunity. I also see a teacher as a possibility.
San - most likely celebrity (x the wheel of fortune)
His fs could be an actor/actress or work as a performer or freelancer. I’m also seeing a professional gamer or gambler. If they’re not working in the public eye, they could work in marketing or sales. Alternatively they’re an event planner or travel agent. Something that involves planning of certain entertaining activities. With this one I’m also seeing an entrepreneur as a possibility.
Mingi - non celebrity (nine of wands)
I see Mingi’s future spouse working as a nurse or doctor, specifically in emergency or intensive care. But they could also be a social worker. Could be a job with high stress levels and dealing with difficult situations, so costumer service, or law enforcement is possible too.
Wooyoung - most likely non celebrity (five of swords)
First job that popped up was military. But not necessarily as a soldier at the front, more like someone in the back. Working on strategies or analyzing critical situations. Could also be security related. But they could also work in the legal field as a lawyer since their job is dealing with conflicts. However, there’s a slight chance this is a celebrity too, because the card also talks about competition, so professional athlete could also be possible. But based on the card imagery I’m leaning most towards a job in the military.
Jongho - non celebrity (page of pentacles)
I see Jongho’s fs working as an assistant. They could working in education, so maybe at a school or university. But I don’t see them being a teacher or professor. The medical field is also possible, but as an administrative assistant.
Love, Nicky 🫧
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adbros · 1 year
30 ways to make real; money from home
Making money online from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible with the growth of the internet and digital technologies. In 2023, there are numerous realistic ways to earn money online. Here are 30 ideas to get you started:
1. Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to create blog posts, articles, or website content.
2. Content Creation: Start a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog to share your expertise or passion and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
3. Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys and market research studies with platforms like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.
4. Remote Customer Service: Work as a remote customer service representative for companies like Amazon or Apple.
5. Online Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in on platforms like VIPKid or Chegg Tutors.
6. E-commerce: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay to sell products.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn commissions for sales made through your referral links.
8. Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
9. Remote Data Entry: Find remote data entry jobs on websites like Clickworker or Remote.co.
10. Virtual Assistance: Offer administrative support services to businesses as a virtual assistant.
11. Graphic Design: Use your graphic design skills to create logos, graphics, or websites for clients on platforms like Fiverr.
12. Stock Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
13. App Development: Develop and sell mobile apps or offer app development services.
14. Social Media Management: Manage social media accounts for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.
15. Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding inventory by dropshipping products.
16. Online Consultations: Offer consulting services in your area of expertise through video calls.
17. Online Surplus Sales: Sell unused items or collectibles on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
18. Online Fitness Coaching: Become an online fitness coach and offer workout plans and guidance.
19. Virtual Events: Host webinars, workshops, or conferences on topics you're knowledgeable about.
20. Podcast Production: Offer podcast editing, production, or consulting services.
21. Remote Transcription: Transcribe audio and video files for clients.
22. Online Translation: Offer translation services if you're proficient in multiple languages.
23. Affiliate Blogging: Create a niche blog with affiliate marketing as the primary revenue source.
24. Online Art Sales: Sell your artwork, crafts, or digital art on platforms like Etsy or Redbubble.
25. Remote Bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services for small businesses from home.
26. Digital Marketing: Provide digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
27. Online Gaming: Stream your gaming sessions on platforms like Twitch and monetize through ads and donations.
28. Virtual Assistant Coaching: If you have experience as a VA, offer coaching services to aspiring virtual assistants.
29. Online Research: Conduct research for businesses or individuals in need of specific information.
30. Online Real Estate: Invest in virtual real estate, such as domain names or digital properties, and sell them for a profit.
Remember that success in making money online often requires dedication, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. It's essential to research and choose the opportunities that align with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
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morlock-holmes · 7 months
Man, this is taking me back the misty water-color memories of scams I dealt with.
Of course there's the poorly spelled fishing emails and the robocalls about a problem with my car's "warran-TEE" always with that strange emphasis on the last syllable. I was always fairly certain that my car's warran-TEE probably didn't need to be updated on the grounds that I don't own a car, so it's probably okay to go without a car warran-TEE.
These have massively fallen off, and apparently that's due to more emphasis on busting up scams on the part of the Biden administration.
In terms of in-person stuff, I answered phones at the restaurant during the day before we opened for dinner, which is when sales people cold call the restaurant, which means it's also when scammers pretending to be salesmen call the restaurant.
Here's where I wish I could remember better what the scammer actually said. It was something like "Hi this is so and so with company, we are doing a routine service call, may I speak to a manager?"
So I said, "So we buy products from you?"
"No, this is just a routine service call, so-"
"So you're looking to sell us something? I can take your info and we'll get back to you if we're interested."
"No as I said this is a routine service call
"Okay, I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you're saying, what exactly is a service call?"
*sound of a scammer aggressively hanging up the phone*
I didn't even know for sure it was a scam until they unceremoniously hung up on me for asking too many questions, I just knew the manager had told me they weren't interested in picking up sales calls.
Then there was one that honestly I found kind of fun. This lady started a few conversations with me at my stand outside the restaurant, random small talk at first about stuff going on nearby, then later a little bit about success and the economy, and eventually she told me she was being mentored by a self-employed couple and if I was interested she'd lend me some of the books she was reading,
The first was the Go-Giver, a harmless business parable about, essentially, networking by being a nice person. If you get a reputation as a helpful guy who goes a little bit out of your way to help others succeed, they will then think of you when they're starting projects and go, "Hey, I want that helpful guy to be on this project" and you'll actually profit from those selfless impulses in the long run.
It's all a little bit corny and since it's a business self-help book there's a slightly unpleasant undercurrent of greed, but I've heard basically the same advice from plenty of successful freelancers it all seems innocent enough...
Or is it?! The plot of the book involves a guy who is stuck in the rat race, not getting anywhere, until a friend promises to introduce him to a mysterious business guru who helped him get ahead...
And the lady who gave me the book was being mentored by a mysterious couple who wanted to help people in the community and she could introduce me...
Lending me Robert Kiyosaki's "The Business of The 21st century" was over-egging the pudding. A confused, morally bankrupt attempt to sell people on the idea of "Network Marketing" by an unscrupulous man who admits he doesn't actually do network marketing. Rereading the bad reviews on Goodreads, I had remembered how incoherent the economic ideas in the book were, but I had forgotten the off-putting air of amoral greed Kiyosaki suffuses the book with.
Network Marketing, as you've no doubt guessed, is a euphemism for "Multi-Level Marketing" and the book is an incoherent attempt to trick people into it by playing on greed and selfishness.
Ex-President Donald Trump wrote a section. I hear he's going to drain the swamp.
I'm much more timid in real life so I think I said something like, "This just doesn't make sense to me and I'm not interested, but thanks" and that was the end of that.
That one was fun, there was an air of mystery about it, like getting inducted into a real-life Cthulhu cult.
The second and third time people tried to hit me with that pitch though, it just made me feel like I had a big sign saying "Rube" taped to my back.
To this day I wonder how bad the Go-Giver really is. Is it an innocent and harmless business parable and Amway just latched onto it and modelled their recruitment pitch after it, or is there a deeper, more sinister partnership at work?
The guy who got me was the guy selling magazine subscriptions on the sidewalk. He had a really bad family situation and he had to move away, and he'd only been in town a few weeks, didn't even have a job yet, didn't really know anybody, but he was selling these magazine subscriptions for commission while he looked for a job. I genuinely can't remember if he asked for my credit card number and I wouldn't give it out, or if he was just unambitious, but he wouldn't take no for an answer, Yeah, you have a therapist appointment to get to but you can pay cash, there's an ATM half a block away, it won't take much time.
I ended up giving him some small amount of cash ($40 I think) and my mailing address on an official looking piece of cardboard where you could check off the magazines you wanted to receive and walked away feeling pissed about being 15 minutes late to therapy, but it wasn't until I was thinking about it two years later and going, "Hey! I never go those magazines in the mail!" that I realized he was a scammer and not just an unpleasantly pushy salesman.
I don't know if I have a conclusion, really, I suppose I just find something interesting about scams. Perhaps you'll encounter something similar and be forewarned.
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eaglesnick · 5 months
Private Sector Good, Public Sector Bad? (3)
This is the third part of a look at former public services and utilities in Britain that have been privatised or part-privatised in the name of neoliberal economics and the mistaken belief that private enterprise is ALWAYS more efficient than publicly run bodies.
The National Health Service
The Tory Party and successive Tory governments, including the Sunak administration, vehemently deny they are slowly privatising the NHS.
“Sunak pledges to cut waits with greater healthcare choice but denies NHS privatisation plan."  (Health and Protection: 04/01/23)
Such denials are deliberately misleading. According to the World Health Organisation:
“Privatisation is where non-government bodies become increasingly involved in the financing or provision of health care services”.
The Tory Health Care Act of 2012 removed the "duty of government” to provide NHS services directly, opening up NHS care provision to the private sector. This trend has been further accelerated by the 2022 Heath and Care Act. The Guardian had this to say about the change in the law:
“The new bill will continue the dismantling of the NHS, this time by adopting more features from the US health system. For anyone who cares about the NHS, this should set off alarm bells.” (Guardian: 07/12/21)
What we need to remember when reviewing the provision of public services by private companies is that the first duty of a private company is to make profits for it’s shareholders. The profit driven motive of private enterprise may lead to more cost savings but often at the expense of quality of service
“There is only a small number of studies addressing the effect of privatisation on the quality of care offered by health-care providers, and yet within this small group of longitudinal studies, we find a fairly consistent picture. At the very least, health-care privatisation has almost never had a positive effect on the quality of care." (Lancet: "The effect of health-care privatisation on the quality of care”, March 2024
In 2019, (November 29th) the Guardian reported that private firms had received £15bn over a five-year period for NHS provision. By  2019/20 Health Care Commissioners were spending £10bn a year on services delivered by the private sector. (The Kings Fund: Is the NHS being privatised, 01/03/21)
Despite this massive increase in NHS private provision, we all know the health service is on its knees. Before 2010 multi-year funding of the largely publicly run NHS saw the NHS improve its service provision. 14 years of Tory government, two health care acts later, and we see a total reversal in those trends. By 2014 signs of stress were becoming apparent. David Cameron and George Osborne deliberately starved the NHS of money, NHS budgets rising on average only 1.4% between 2009-19 compared to the 3.7% yearly rises since the NHS was first established.
The NHS is slowly bleeding to death: emergency departments are overcrowded, extended waiting times in A&E are leading to over 200 unnecessary deaths per week, there are not enough hospital beds, staff are demoralised, and doctors strikes continue because the government refuses to pay public sector workers a fair wage. Waiting lists continue to grow, it is impossible to find a NHS dentist and sick people have to wait weeks for a simple GP appointment.
This systematic rundown of the NHS by successive Tory governments is not all bad news as privatisation has benefited the lucky few.
Staff agencies are doing very nicely thank you, the BBC reporting that:
“Companies providing freelance staff to the NHS to cover for big shortages of doctors and nurses have seen their income rise by tens of millions of pounds since 2019.” (24/03/23)
Total spending on agency staff in England was £3bn in 2021, one hospital reportedly paying £5200 to a free-lance doctor for a single shift. It would be nice to say that doctors are not complicit in the gradual privatisation of the NHS but that would be untrue.
“Hundred’s of England's NHS consultants have shares in private clinics.”  (Guardian: 21/01/22)
Over a billion pounds has been generated by these set ups since 2015
But it is not only doctors who profit personally from privatisation. During the pandemic, top Tories were very quick to pass on lucrative contracts to their friends in business. These largely unscrutinised public contracts have drawn accusations of “cronyism” and "chumocracy". Others have been more blunt, the Financial Times  (06/08/21) asking the question: “When does cronyism become corruption?"
The shortage of PPE during the pandemic led to contracts being awarded to companies without competition. Literally billions of pounds were given to private companies to supply gowns, gloves, and face masks.
“But the way these deals have been given to firms has led to concerns over a lack of detail about why particular suppliers were chosen. The government has also been accused of favouring firms with political connections to the Conservative Party with a "high-priority lane".  (BBC News: 20/04/21)
This accusation turned out to be true.
"UK government’s ‘VIP lane' for PPE suppliers was unlawful. High Court rules.”  (Financial Times 12/01/22)
Although Michael Gove claimed that “every single procurement decision" went through an eight-stage-process” the courts found that nearly fifty PPE deals were fast tracked by Conservative ministers, who awarded contracts worth £5bn to companies with political or Whitehall connections.  Four Tory MP’s and three Tory peers were named as “referrers” Michael Gove, Penny Mordant and Esther McVey are said to have personally recommended firms.
Some MP’s have done a lot more than fast-tracking private health care provision. Many of them have actually invested in private health care companies while others are happy to accept financial donations from them.
Wes Streeting, Shadow Health Secretary and the poster boy for Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, is said to have accepted “£22,5000 in private donations from private health firms last year.” (VOX Political: 30/04/23) Other Labour notaries are also said to have financial connections to private health care companies. Keir Starmer has received £157,500, Yvette Cooper has received £295,205, and Dan Jarvis has received £137,500. (Labour Heartlands: Selling Out the NHS: The Shocking Links Between Labour MP’s and Private Healthcare Donations: 17/06/23)
On the Conservative side, The Mirror (21/01/23) reports that Penny Mordant accepted £10,000 from care home firm Renaissance Care, while ex-health minister Steve Brine made £200 an hour giving “strategic advice” to drug firm Signa, before resigning in 2021. Publicly available information tells that that at least 28 Tory MP’s and Peers have had ties to private health and medical groups. Even the former Health Secretary Sajid Javid had share options in a Californian tech company dealing in health sector software.
So, while the NHS slowly disintegrates for want of proper investment and strategic planning, individual MP's and private health care providers reap the rewards of privatisation. Should this in any way be doubt then listen to what  former Conservative Prime Minister John Major had to say as long ago as June 2016:
“The NHS is about as safe from them (Tory Brexiteers) as a pet hamster would be with a hungry python.”
Unfortunately, and to its eternal shame, the same can now be said of Keir Starmer’s Labour Party.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
(Reuters) - The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden will release a final rule as soon as this week that will make it more difficult for companies to treat workers as independent contractors rather than employees that typically cost a company more, an administration official said.
The U.S. Department of Labor rule, which was first proposed in 2022 and is likely to face legal challenges, will require that workers be considered employees entitled to more benefits and legal protections than contractors when they are "economically dependent" on a company.
A range of industries will likely be affected by the rule, which will take effect later this year, but its potential impact on app-based services that rely heavily on contract workers has garnered the most attention. Shares of Uber Technologies Inc, Lyft Inc and DoorDash all tumbled at least 10% when the draft rule was proposed in October 2022.
The rule is among the most impactful regulations ever issued by the Labor Department office that enforces U.S. wage laws, according to Marc Freedman, vice president at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest U.S. business lobby. But he said the draft version of the rule provides little guidance to companies on where to draw the line between employees and contractors.
"Economic dependence is an elusive concept that in some cases may end up being defined by the eyes of the beholder," Freedman said.
The Labor Department in the proposed rule said it would consider factors such as a worker's "opportunity for profit or loss, investment, permanency, the degree of control by the employer over the worker, (and) whether the work is an integral part of the employer’s business."
The rule replaces a Trump administration regulation that said workers who own their own businesses or have the ability to work for competing companies, such as a driver who works for Uber and Lyft, can be treated as contractors.
The department's sharp break from the Trump-era regulation will likely be the focus of lawsuits challenging the new rule, legal experts have said. Federal law requires agencies to adequately explain their decision to withdraw and replace existing rules.
The Biden administration has said the Trump-era rule violated U.S. wage laws and was out of step with decades of federal court decisions, and worker advocates have said a more strict standard was necessary to combat the rampant misclassification of workers in some industries.
The left-leaning Economic Policy Institute in a report last year estimated that a truck driver treated as a contractor earns up to $18,000 less per year than one who is deemed an employee, while construction workers' earnings drop by nearly $17,000 and home health aides lose out on up to $9,500 in pay and benefits.
Business groups sharply criticized the draft rule after it was proposed. Any change in policy is expected to increase labor costs for many sectors including trucking, retail and manufacturing.
Most federal and state labor laws, such as those requiring a minimum wage and overtime pay, only apply to a company's employees, who studies suggest can cost companies up to 30% more than independent contractors.
Nearly 40% of U.S. workers, or more than 64 million people, did some freelance work in the past 12 months, according to a December survey by freelancing marketplace Upwork.
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kiranapassionategamer · 2 months
Top Work-from-Home Jobs for Housewives in 2024
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Remote work has become more common because people understand that working from home using the Internet may be convenient. This change offers housewives a range of possibilities for organizing home chores and, at the same time, earning money. 
Here is a list of the best home-based activities housewives can do in 2024.
Best Jobs for Housewives 2024
Some women feel dependent if she not earning even she’s a housewives. However, the Ludo real cash game that offers an opportunity to win Rs10 lakh by playing games, these women feel mentally independent and stress-free. So, apart from paying games, here’s a list of some of the best jobs for housewives in 2024.
1. Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is flexible because one can write in any area of interest or specialization. Whether content writing, blogging, copywriting or technical writing, there is always a great demand for well-written content.
Types of Writing Jobs:
Content Writing: Writing web content such as articles, blog posts, and other types of text on the websites.
Blogging: Specialized in blogging about similar topics and making money through ads and affiliate marketing.
Copywriting: Developing copy for brochures and other forms of promotion.
Technical Writing: Writing manuals, guides and other technical writing work.
Tips for Getting Started:
Building a Portfolio: Gather notes and past works to prove your ability and advertise yourself to the clients.
Joining Freelancing Platforms: Freelance marketplace sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer avail clients to writers seeking to offer a plethora of writing services.
2. Virtual Assistance
Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Their tasks can vary widely depending on the client's needs. 
Common Tasks and Responsibilities:
Email management entails replying to and organizing emails.
Organizing calendars and making appointments is called scheduling.
Taking care of questions and problems from customers is known as customer support.
How to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs:
Job boards: Virtual assistant jobs are listed on websites such as Indeed, FlexJobs, and Remote.co.
VA Agencies: These companies are experts at matching clients with virtual assistants.
Networking: Creating a network on social media and in business associations can help you get employment.
Necessary Skills and Tools Required:
Tech-savvyness, communication, and organizational abilities.
Working knowledge of Google Workspace, Microsoft Office, and project management apps like Asana or Trello.
3. Online Tutoring and Teaching
With the increasing popularity of online learning, the demand for online tutors and teachers has surged. 
Subjects and Skills in High Demand:
Academic Subjects: Math, science, and languages.
Language Teaching: Teaching English or other languages to non-native speakers.
Music Lessons: Offering lessons in instruments or vocal training.
Platforms to Get Started:
VIPKid: Teaching English to students in China.
Chegg Tutors: Offering tutoring in various academic subjects.
Coursera: Teaching specialized courses to a global audience.
4. Social Media Management
Social media managers create and manage content for businesses and influencers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
Managing Social Media Accounts for Businesses and Influencers:
Content Creation: Developing posts, stories, and videos.
Analytics: Tracking engagement and performance metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Interacting with followers and responding to comments.
Essential Skills:
Content Creation: Writing, graphic design, and video editing.
Analytics: Understanding social media metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Knowing how to build and maintain a community.
Steps to Becoming a Social Media Manager:
Courses: Taking courses in social media marketing.
Certifications: Earning certifications from platforms like HubSpot or Hootsuite.
Networking: Joining social media groups and forums.
5. E-commerce and Online Selling
Online selling is one of the best work from home jobs for housewives that make them financially independent. Housewives can start their own online store or sell products on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay.
Popular Products to Sell:
Handmade Crafts: Jewelry, home decor, and personalized gifts.
Vintage Items: Clothing, accessories, and collectibles.
Digital Products: Printables, e-books, and courses.
Basics of Setting Up an Online Store:
Inventory Management: Keeping track of stock and supplies.
Marketing: Promoting products through social media and other channels.
Customer Service: Providing excellent service to retain customers.
6. Graphic Design
Graphic designers create visual content for businesses, including logos, websites, and marketing materials. 
Tools and Software Needed:
Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Canva: A user-friendly design tool.
Tips for Building a Portfolio and Finding Clients:
Portfolio: Showcase your best work on a personal website or portfolio site.
Finding Clients: Use freelancing platforms and networks within the design community.
7. Data Entry and Transcription Jobs
Data entry involves inputting data into systems, while transcription entails converting audio recordings into text. 
Necessary Skills:
Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy in data and transcripts.
Typing Speed: Fast and accurate typing.
Platforms to Find Work:
Upwork: A freelancing platform with data entry and transcription jobs.
Rev: Specializes in transcription services.
TranscribeMe: Offers transcription opportunities for beginners.
8. Online Surveys and Market Research
Participating in online surveys and market research studies can be an easy way to earn extra income.
Reputable Survey Sites and Research Panels:
Swagbucks: Offers surveys and other ways to earn points redeemable for gift cards.
Survey Junkie: Provides paid survey opportunities.
Vindale Research: Pays for participating in surveys and studies.
Tips for Maximizing Earnings and Avoiding Scams:
Maximizing Earnings: Sign up for multiple survey sites.
Avoiding Scams: Stick to reputable sites and never pay to join a survey site.
9. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales made through your referral link.
Choosing a Niche and Promoting Products/Services:
Niche: Select a specific area of interest to focus on.
Promotion: Use a blog, social media, or a YouTube channel to promote products.
Creating a Blog or Website for Affiliate Marketing:
Blog: Write content related to your niche and include affiliate links.
Website: Build a dedicated site to promote affiliate products.
10. Customer Service Representative
Customer service representatives handle inquiries and issues from customers via phone, email, or chat.
Common Industries Hiring for Remote Customer Service:
Retail: Handling orders and returns.
Tech Support: Assisting with technical issues.
Finance: Managing account-related inquiries.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Communication: Clear and effective communication skills.
Problem-Solving: Ability to resolve customer issues efficiently.
Platforms to Find Customer Service Jobs:
Indeed: Lists various remote customer service positions.
Remote.co: Specializes in remote job listings.
FlexJobs: Offers a wide range of remote job opportunities.
Working from home offers housewives the flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives while earning an income. Whether through freelancing, virtual assistance, online tutoring, or any of the other opportunities listed, there are numerous ways to embark on a rewarding work-from-home career. With dedication and the right skills, housewives can find fulfilling jobs that fit seamlessly into their daily routines.
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allianzebpo · 4 months
BPO in 2024: Navigating a Landscape of New Challenges
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BPOs or Business Process Outsourcing companies are the unsung heroes behind big billboards and milestones of companies. BPO companies are third-party service providers that specialise in handling non-core functions of other companies. They are experts in undertaking, managing, and delivering complex tasks on time. BPO service providers offer a wide range of services that reduce the burden of administrative functions of companies. Here are some of the most outsourced services.
Customer care
Data entry
Market research
Image editing
Accounting & Finance
Administrative support & HR resources
Why BPO Industry is Booming?
When you partner with expert BPO services providers, there are a numerous benefits that you can enjoy compared to an in-house team of employees. Here are some basic benefits of hiring a professional BPO service.
Money matters!
If you’re looking forward to saving some dough, outsourcing is your smart choice!  You’re getting quality work at a fraction of the price by outsourcing BPO services as they can finish tedious work quickly and accurately.
You don’t have to scratch your head over infrastructure, maintenance, equipment, and resources. In addition, Offshore BPO providers are equipped with the latest tools and techniques ideal to carry out complex tasks effectively.
Aggressive scalable options
You already know the stress and time of dealing with the in-house department in peak seasons. Moreover, BPO services can be personalised to your needs, and flexible pay schemes that facilitate scaling up without emptying your pocket.
You’ll be getting 24/7 support with multiple shifts that can tackle complex business tasks. Therefore, while they are busy tackling your work, you can focus on the prior business functions and objectives.
Global talent tickets
When you’re running a business, you have to manage multiple departments and their functions. Just imagine that you’re planning to hire more souls and bring some changes around departments. So, you have to find the right resumes that align with the specific skills, languages, experience, and sectors.
When you’re partnering up with an expert outsourcing service provider, you’re getting a whole package of individuals who have expertise across different fields feeling stuck trying to find the perfect talent for your business. BPO companies have huge team strengths, and you can easily build a dream team with diverse expertise.
Nothing beats the work experience and collaboration of the BPO team! Their expertise across diverse cultural nuances ensures seamless collaboration and chemistry in work. In short, you can explore new markets to explore new opportunities, especially when you’re working across borders.
BPO Challenges; lemons and lemonades!
Every superhero has to deal with a villain at some point! Just like that, offshore BPO services companies face challenges too. So, get ready to dive into some of the challenges and advancements to overcome potential hurdles of business process outsourcing services.
Let's discuss the hurdles you have to cross when you’re partnering with an expert business process outsourcing company. Get ready!
Balancing the talent thread
Finding and keeping the right set of people is a key factor behind every successful project. This is a real struggle with the ever-changing markets and business shifts nowadays! People no longer hold on to places if they find them not worthy. In short, with the explosion of startups and the growing trend of freelancing, individuals now have access to a more diverse and expansive selection of career opportunities and job roles.
Businesses are obsessed over technical skills rather than all-in-one character. They constantly look for graduates who have more technical and specialised knowledge in any of the sectors. In addition, offshore outsourcing companies operate globally and they require individuals who are fluent in multiple languages.
Finding individuals fluent in specific languages is difficult and competitive in this era. Cultural understanding is crucial in networking and outsourcing sectors because they are effective in team building and foster a diverse, inclusive workplace.
Technological Disruption
AI and automation in BPO have brought immersive changes into the workflow of organisations providing BPO solutions. Of course, the adoption of trending technologies made positive changes in many areas of business. But, to move on to the next phase, failing to address challenges would be a significant oversight for BPOs.
As AI continues to evolve, the pressure and tension behind the workflow are drastically reduced. As more and more complex works relied on automation, human intervention in carrying out tasks came down. Obviously, people lose their jobs, and companies do layoffs in global BPO sector. In addition, businesses began to invest in automation and trending technologies in-house. This faded the need to outsource your work to offshore BPO companies.
Innovation of automation technologies and equipment changed the basic plethora of choosing top BPO service providers. Businesses are prioritising automation, deeming it a highly desirable attribute among BPO Industry. Moreover, BPO firms have to invest their valuable time in upskilling their workforce with the skillsets to handle complex tasks with AI systems.
Evolving Client Expectation
The primary motive behind brands and enterprises partnering with BPO companies was to save time and cost. Well, the tides have changed! Clients are looking for business process outsourcing partners that can adapt and innovate alongside them. Nowadays, Businesses look beyond flexible offerings and timely delivery.
With AI, ML, and self-learning algorithms, clients are prioritising companies that rely on high-end equipment to carry out tasks. Client expectations regarding innovation and flexibility have undergone a significant shift. Moreover, with evolving technologies, clients have become more knowledgeable about their work culture, competitors, market trends, etc. Clients are more likely to demand greater transparency, performance metrics, and expectations when they are planning to outsource their in-house work.
A balanced understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of outsourcing is essential. We are confident that this blog has helped you get a basic idea of the current business process outsourcing sector. With technological advancements, evolving client expectations, and talent acquisition complexities, BPOs must capitalise on the new opportunities by upskilling their workforce with cutting-edge tools and retention strategies to bridge the gap between human capabilities and evolving technologies for both clients and BPO service providers. As one of the top BPO companies in India, we can guide you in every aspects of business process outsourcing. Get in touch with us via mail at [email protected] today for free consultation.
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nishablog0288 · 6 months
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Your Gateway to Employment with Kaam24
Kaam24 is the best option if you're searching for work possibilities without going over budget. Kaam24 provides a wealth of career opportunities suitable for a vast range of profiles, including driver jobs, delivery jobs, sales jobs, call center jobs, and back-office positions. The job postings span multiple cities, including Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad. We will discuss how to use Kaam24 to find free jobs and launch your career in this article.
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Kaam24 knows how important it is to find work without having to make large financial commitments. Because of this, they offer a platform where job searchers can peruse a wide range of job advertisements without having to pay any registration fees or additional costs. Kaam24 has options for all types of users, from seasoned professionals to recent graduates seeking to expand their experience.
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Your Path to Employment Starts HereWith Kaam24, finding free job opportunities has never been easier.Explore free job opportunities with kaam24.com today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career. Whether you're seeking employment in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, or Faridabad, Kaam24 offers a seamless platform to connect job seekers with top employers. Explore the diverse range of job profiles available and take the first step towards your dream career today with Kaam24.
Some important FAQs-
Q1. Are there any registration fees to access job listings on Kaam24?
  Ans - No, Kaam24 provides access to job listings without any registration fees or hidden charges. Simply create an account and start browsing for free.
Q2. Can I find part-time or freelance opportunities on Kaam24?
   Ans- Yes, Kaam24 offers a variety of part-time and freelance opportunities across different job categories to suit your preferences and schedule.
Q3. How often are job listings updated on Kaam24?
   Ans- Kaam24 regularly updates its job listings to ensure that job seekers have access to the latest opportunities available in their desired location and field of expertise.
Q4. Is Kaam24 available only in specific cities?
   Ans - While Kaam24 primarily focuses on job listings in cities like Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad, it also caters to job seekers in other regions across India.
Q5. Are there any eligibility criteria to apply for jobs on Kaam24?
  Ans - The eligibility criteria for each job listing may vary depending on the requirements specified by the employer. Make sure to review the job description carefully before applying. 
Get started on your job search journey today and unlock endless possibilities with Kaam24!
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garhoudbusinesscenter · 6 months
Find Your Ideal Workspace: Coworking, Shared & Office Space in Dubai
Dubai, the dazzling metropolis of the United Arab Emirates, is a hub for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a one-person startup or a multinational corporation, finding the perfect workspace is crucial for success.  This guide explores the diverse options available in Dubai, including coworking spaces, shared offices, and traditional office spaces, to help you find your ideal fit.
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Understanding Your Needs
Before diving into specific options, consider your business needs and work style. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:
Team Size: Do you require a space for a single person, a small team, or a larger group?
Privacy Requirements: How much privacy do you need for confidential calls and meetings?
Budget: What is your monthly budget for rent and additional amenities?
Location: Where would a central location be for your team or clients?
Work Style: Do you thrive in a collaborative environment or prefer a quiet, focused space?
The Rise of Coworking in Dubai
Coworking spaces have become increasingly popular in Dubai, offering a dynamic and flexible work environment. These shared workspaces provide desks, meeting rooms, and common areas for individuals and startups. Here are some benefits of coworking spaces:
Cost-effective: Coworking eliminates the overhead costs of setting up a traditional office.
Networking Opportunities: Connect and collaborate with other professionals from various industries.
Flexibility: Scale your workspace up or down as your team grows.
Amenities: Enjoy high-speed Wi-Fi, printing facilities, and sometimes even refreshments.
Popular Coworking Spaces in Dubai
Dubai boasts an impressive selection of coworking spaces dubai catering to diverse needs. Here are a few examples:
Garhoud Business Center: A UAE provider offering a variety of workspace solutions, including private offices, dedicated desks, and hot desks.
myOffice: Renowned for its high-quality ergonomic furniture and focus on promoting creativity and productivity.
Spaces: Features sleek and stylish workspaces with a strong focus on community building.
Shared Office Spaces: A Collaborative Choice
Shared office spaces offer a middle ground between coworking and traditional offices. These spaces typically include private offices, meeting rooms, and shared amenities like a kitchen or reception area.  Here are some advantages of shared office spaces:
More Privacy: Enjoy a dedicated office for your team while still benefiting from some shared amenities.
Networking Potential: Interact with other businesses in the shared space and foster potential collaborations.
Cost-Savings: Shared spaces can be more affordable than traditional office leases.
Finding the Perfect Shared Office Space
Several factors come into play when choosing a shared office space in Dubai:
Security: Look for secure access control and CCTV for peace of mind.
Meeting Facilities: Ensure access to well-equipped meeting rooms for client presentations or team brainstorming sessions.
Business Support: Inquire about any available business support services, such as administrative assistance.
Traditional Office Spaces: A Classic Choice
For companies seeking a dedicated space with complete control over the environment, traditional office spaces are a suitable option. These spaces offer private offices, meeting rooms, reception areas, and pantries.
Considerations for Traditional Office Leases
Leasing a traditional office space requires careful planning:
Lease Terms: Negotiate lease terms like rental rates, security deposits, and maintenance responsibilities.
Location: Consider factors like accessibility, proximity to clients, and parking availability.
Amenities: Evaluate if the building offers amenities like on-site cafes, gyms, or high-speed internet.
Dubai's workspace landscape caters to various business needs and budgets. By considering your specific requirements and exploring the available options, you can find the ideal space to fuel your productivity and propel your business forward. Remember,  visiting potential workspaces and talking to the management teams is highly recommended before making a final decision.
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gradsireninc · 1 year
How To Get A Job Without Experience (With 6 Career Options)
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Are you wondering if you can get a job without any technical or professional experience?
Getting a job without any prior work experience can seem daunting. But it's not impossible! You can convince employers to take a chance on you with the right strategy and perseverance. This article will take you to some effective ways to land a job without experience. You'll get to know six career opportunities that don't require any experience or minimal expertise.
Let's dive in.
Effective Ways To Land A Job Without Experience
Here are some effective ways to help you make a strong case to potential employers and open doors to intriguing prospects. You can utilize these ways whether you're a recent graduate, switching to a different sector, or simply trying to start over.
Leverage Your Education
Highlight your academic credentials, especially if you have a degree that relates to the field or role you're pursuing. Coursework, projects, internships, leadership activities, and any honors or awards show your capabilities.
For example, if you majored in marketing, emphasize any analysis or campaigns you did for class. Or, if you're applying for a software engineering role, describe coding projects and hackathons you participated in.
Be prepared to talk intelligently about what you studied and how it prepares you for the job's responsibilities.
Showcase Transferable Skills
The fact that you don't have direct experience in a particular job doesn't mean you don't have relevant skills. The key is identifying abilities from other areas of life that translate.
For instance, if you're trying to get a retail job, customer service skills from past restaurant work are highly applicable. For an office manager role, administrative skills from coordinating student group events would be valuable. Make a master list of all your strongest soft and hard skills. Then, customize it for each job by picking 3-5 that fit the role.
Highlight Volunteer Experience
Any volunteer work can help fill in experience gaps on your resume. Nonprofit, community, religious, or other voluntary activities demonstrate responsibility, teamwork, dedication and other qualities employers seek.
Just be sure to frame your accomplishments from a professional standpoint. For example, "raised over $5,000 in donations" is better than "participated in a charity fundraiser".
Complete Internships
Internships are like work experience training wheels. They give you professional skills and knowledge and let you start building a network.
There are abundant internship opportunities, paid and unpaid, that don't strictly require you to already have experience. Look for openings at small or mid-sized companies that may be more flexible.
Successful interns are often converted to full-time hires post-graduation. Even if that doesn't happen, it's still incredible resume fodder.
Showcase Related Side Hustles
Freelancing, consulting, business ventures, etc., demonstrate you have initiative, can generate income, and pick up new skills quickly. Even informal side work like tutoring, web design, or selling crafts has merit.
For example, if you're seeking a full-time marketing position, tout the social media management or influencer marketing services you offer. Anything where you actively had to market yourself and acquire clients is impressive.
Just make sure you can back up any claimed skills if probed in interviews.
Ace the Interview
At the interview stage, how you present yourself matters more than a thin resume. Confidence, professionalism, problem-solving skills, bona fide interest in the company and quick learning ability can all override experience gaps.
Come equipped with thoughtful questions, ideas and visions for how you'd tackle the role. When asked about experience gaps, pivot to your assets.
For instance, "While I don't yet have full-time social media management experience, I learned XYZ skills managing the Instagram account for my college basketball team, which helped increase engagement by 30%."
Sell how you can provide unique value. With preparation and passion, you can make employers believe in your potential.
The key is convincing hiring managers you have the right foundation and can excel on the job. With resilience and utilizing these tactics, you can transition successfully into a new career without directly relevant experience.
Just highlight your transferable abilities, be willing to start at entry level and work hard to prove yourself. The rest will fall into place.
6 Career Opportunities Options You Can Pursue Without Having Any Prior Experience
Entry-Level Customer Service Representative: Customer service roles like call center reps or customer support specialists rarely require previous experience. You'll learn on the job how to interact with customers, troubleshoot issues, and provide excellent service.
Administrative Assistant: Many administrative or secretarial positions are open to those just starting. Your duties may include answering phones, scheduling, filing, data entry and supporting office operations.
Sales Associate/Retail Worker: Retail companies are often willing to hire people without experience for roles like cashier, sales floor associate, stocker, etc. These jobs provide lots of customer interaction.
Teacher's Aide/Assistant: Schools, daycares, and learning centers need paraprofessionals to support teachers in the classroom. No prior experience is necessary beyond a high school diploma.
Delivery Driver: Pizza chains, UPS, Instacart and other delivery companies need drivers to transport packages, food orders or other items. A clean driving record is generally the only major requirement.
Entry-Level Hospitality & Tourism: Hotels, restaurants, parks, and other hospitality providers have many basic operational jobs like a housekeeper, dishwashers, ride attendants, tour guides, etc. These allow you to start in the industry.
The key is being willing to apply for junior roles, learn on the go, provide great customer service, and work your way up the ladder. You can build a career even without direct experience with motivation and persistence. You can also ask for assistance from platforms like GradSiren that offer you entry level jobs. They allow you to find fresher jobs as per your interests and skills.
It is possible to find employment without experience. Put a focus on your education, practical experience, volunteering, internships, and relevant side businesses. Gain confidence and problem-solving skills during interviews.
Take a look at entry-level jobs in administration, retail, education, delivery, or hospitality. You can begin your job adventure and rise through the ranks if you are determined and open to learning. Remember that everyone starts off somewhere, and your potential can emerge with persistence.
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