#Freemason Insider
beardedmrbean · 2 months
Oh let me explain the Templars and Assassins, in ac lore both groups were once the historical Hassassin order and Knight Templars, but they reform themselves into the shadows. But in this historical fiction they are order than their crusaders incarnations though only recently they learn the true history of their precursors
But there the batshit reason why ac can hop around history
Actually ac2 explained the whole Templars thing as the mc pointed out that he was taught the Templars were purged yet his brothers and father murderer and the pazzai conspirators were all Templars
Ac unity plays with that as the Templar historical purge and the French Revolution are connected in this game
They used the historical fact that Jacques de Maloy wanted to reform the order. Though in ac lore he wanted the Templars to return to the shadows
The assassins initated the infamous Templar purge manipulating the French king. Jacques allowed himself to be killed so his 9 most trusted agents could secretly rebuilt the Templar order in his image. Establishing the modern secret war the two orders are in
And for the Freemasons, it was established in ac2 they had pieces of Eden, and they shipped a apple of Eden to George Washington which each President had until “Jack” angered the Templars
Yes Dallas was a inside job and I give you 5 guesses which historical figure was a Templar in that mess
But ac writers stated the Freemasons were mainly a group of old guys, basically a third party. Both assassins and Templars joined the group too
Actually wasn’t a Benjamin Franklin a Freemason too? He had no idea of the secret conflict but was  acquaintance with people from both orders
I know it historical fiction, but it open my eyes to stuff I didn’t know
Like how Edison and Morgan purposefully fucked over Telsa
Or how Edison and ford knew each other…all my life I thought they were like century apart. Until in a old discord server people showed me a picture of them together
And I realize that the writers used the historical fact that Ford used to work under Edison and the two became close friends hence why ford a Templar
I’m surprised there isn’t a movie-oooh right Ford’s antisemitism
Was there a spike in midwestern kool aid? Did Kanye get some of that too?!
Just saw this because tumblr is a functional website
This is a bit longer than I have time for
Skipping round looks cool tho
Actually ac2 explained the whole Templars thing as the mc pointed out that he was taught the Templars were purged yet his brothers and father murderer and the pazzai conspirators were all Templars Ac unity plays with that as the Templar historical purge and the French Revolution are connected in this game
Considering it was a French kind that got them hunted down (he owed them money and saying they worshiped the devil was cheaper) that works.
The assassins initated the infamous Templar purge manipulating the French king. Jacques allowed himself to be killed so his 9 most trusted agents could secretly rebuilt the Templar order in his image. Establishing the modern secret war the two orders are in And for the Freemasons, it was established in ac2 they had pieces of Eden, and they shipped a apple of Eden to George Washington which each President had until “Jack” angered the Templars
Jack Ruby??????? (guy that shot oswald)
Yes Dallas was a inside job and I give you 5 guesses which historical figure was a Templar in that mess But ac writers stated the Freemasons were mainly a group of old guys, basically a third party. Both assassins and Templars joined the group too Actually wasn’t a Benjamin Franklin a Freemason too? He had no idea of the secret conflict but was acquaintance with people from both orders
Ahh Jackie Mason, makes sense with all the "to the moon" stuff, (jokes)
Or how Edison and ford knew each other…all my life I thought they were like century apart. Until in a old discord server people showed me a picture of them together And I realize that the writers used the historical fact that Ford used to work under Edison and the two became close friends hence why ford a Templar
You remember Cudjoe Lewis, last surviving victim (in the US) of the dahomey and the atlantic slave trade that could remember what home was like, ya he lived to see the start of nazi germany dying in 1935.
Wyatt Earp consulted on early western films and gave tips to a young John Wayne, dying in 1929. Wild west hero got to live to see airplanes become a thing.
History is both longer and shorter than it seems at times.
I’m surprised there isn’t a movie-oooh right Ford’s antisemitism
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Who Henry Ford never, next you'll tell me Charles Lindbergh promoted and endorsed nazi propaganda (he did)
Was there a spike in midwestern kool aid? Did Kanye get some of that too?!
not that it's an excuse of any sort but he is bipolar which could be the reason he keeps doing that shit, he's one I'm just done with everything but memeing them
He and candace owens can start something up, they're perfect for each other.
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ckret2 · 11 months
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People sending nice asks made me wanna draw Bill + I've been doing research on freemasonry & Shriners to flesh out my headcanons for the Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel.
I like playing around with Bill's "involved in every conspiracy theory in history" thing in a way that reinforces the fact that those conspiracy theories are garbage and not to be taken seriously. "Bill's worked with the Freemasons, does that mean they're helping him take over the world?" No, of course not, the Freemasons are a big club of regular guys who get giddy about roleplaying that they're part of a secret society. It's a country club for people who don't know that they want to be LARPing.
Bill keeps shambling up to the local lodge in some poor sucker's borrowed body and the dudes inside go "oh this guy's vibes are rancid." He wouldn't be able to convince three Freemasons to stage a takeover of the local school board, much less the world.
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Relationship Aftermath: Ben and Sadusky Edition
Ben and Patrick | Ben and Abigail | Ben and Riley | Abigail and Riley | Abigail and Patrick | Riley and Patrick
At last, the final entry in our relationship aftermath series!
And unlike the others that I promised would be short but were not, this one actually will be short. I hope.
We all know I can go on about how many ways I do not like Book of Secrets, but one thing I definitely do like is the implication that Ben and Agent Sadusky are kinda-sorta friends now.
Like. In National Treasure they had a certain respect for each other. Sadusky always took Ben seriously. When the other agents wanted to dismiss Ben as a kook both before and after the heist, Sadusky was immediately committed to discovering what makes Ben tick.
Likewise, Ben doesn’t seem to have any animosity towards Sadusky. The only thing Ben has against him is that Sadusky is standing between him and the treasure.
As we see in one of my favorite lines I know, they’re all my favorite lines Ben goes out of his way to tell Sadusky that his escape from FBI custody isn’t personal or malicious, it’s simply the only way Ben can do what he needs to do.
BEN Sadusky. I'm still not against you. But I found door number three. And I'm taking it.
Ben doesn’t have a problem with the FBI in general either although given how much he knows about US history he should?
During the denouement inside Trinity Church, Ben and Sadusky come to a mutual understanding. Both men, ultimately, want to protect the treasure and honor the Freemasons who went to such dramatic lengths to hide it. Now that the obstacle standing between them—a certain stolen Declaration—is recovered they can even work together to go arrest Ian. I mean Sadusky does not have to let Ben have his gotcha moment, but he does.
What I don't necessarily see coming based on this dynamic is any real continuing relationship after the treasure is found and whatever procedural aftermath there might be happens. They end the first film on good terms, but are not necessarily in a position to become major factors in each other's lives going forward, both by the nature of what they relationship is, and the fact that, the last few days not withstanding, they live in very different worlds.
This was a work enemies-to-work friends relationship. Sure, it makes sense that Sadusky would keep tabs on Ben in case he ever did anything dramatic again, but Sadusky is not going to be part of whatever museum tour is going on, and Ben is not going to be on the FBI's radar unless he commits another felony.
That works for me just fine. I'm more interested in how the core team's relationships all evolve after their ordeal on the treasure hunt, and I don't see Sadusky being more than an occasional guest star in the lives moving forward.
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In one of the deleted scenes from Book of Secrets Sadusky finds Ben on the roof of the Library of Congress making a treacherous walk across the glass ceiling in an attempt to escape.
Sidebar, as someone with interest and experience in arctic exploration Ben should absolutely know that the safest way to cross thin ice is by laying down, spreading out your weight. That's not sexy enough for hollywood though.
Sadusky comes out the door and says in a rather tired, warning toneL
And Ben turns to face him and mimics Sadusky's tone to say
BEN Pete...
Since when did you two clowns get on a first name basis? A nickname basis?
Are you poker buddies now??
More than that?? 👀
This is unironically one of my favorite moments in Book of Secrets.
Yes, I realize it is incredibly ironic that the one thing I like is a deleted scene.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Something Wicked
"Yeah. You probably missed something, that's what." Dean said as we roared down the highway. "Dude, I ran LexisNexis, local police reports, newspapers, I couldn't find a single red flag." Sam exclaims.
"Are you sure you got the coordinates right?" I asked Dean as I leaned forward against their seat. "Yeah, I double checked. It's Fitchburg, Wisconson. Dad wouldn't have sent us coordinates if it wasn't important, guys." Dean said, angrily. "Well I'm telling you, I looked and all I could find was a big steamy pile of nothing. If Dad's sending us hunting for something, I don't know what." Sam said, frustrated.
"Well maybe he's going to meet us there." Dean said, shrugging. "Yeah. Cause he's been so easy to find up to this point." Sam remarked, rolling his eyes. "You're a real smart ass you know that?" Dean spat and the two brothers glare at each other before Dean looks back at the road. "Don't worry I'm sure there's something in Fitchburg worth killing." Dean said.
"Yeah? What makes you so sure?" Sam asked him. "Cause I'm the oldest, which means I'm always right." Dean said and I let a laugh. "No it doesn't." Sam said, shaking his head. "It totally does." Dean said as he glances at Sam then looks back at the road with a little grin.
In Fitchburg, Sam and I were leaning against the Impala staring at the playground when Dean crosses to the road to us, holding a drink carrier with three coffees. "Well...the waitress thinks the local freemasons are up to something sneaky but other than that no one's heard about anything freaky going on." Dean said as he hands us our coffee.
"Dean, you got the time?" Sam asked Dean, who looks at his watch. "Ten after Four. Why?" He asked and Sam and I nod towards the deserted playground, which only had one child playing and climbing. "What's wrong with this picture." I said and Dean looks the playground over.
"School's out isn't it?" Dean asked. "Yeah. So where is everybody?" I asked and Sam nods. "This place should be crawling with kids right now." Sam said just as a woman sits on a park bench, reading a magazine. Dean and I approach her.
"Sure is quiet out here." Dean said to her. "Yeah, it's a shame." She said and we give her a curious look. "Why's that?" I asked her. "You know, kids getting sick, it's a terrible thing." She replied.
"How many?" Dean asked her. "Just five or six but serious, hospital serious. A lot of parents are getting pretty anxious. They think it's catching." The woman said then the three of us watch the little girl playing by herself.
"Dude. Dude I am not using this ID." Sam growls as we enter the hospital and come up to the receptionist desk after we changed clothes. "Why not?" Dean asked. "Cause it says bikini inspector on it!" Sam exclaims and Dean and I start to smile. "Don't worry she won't look that close all right? Hell, she won't even ask to see it. It's all about confidence, Sammy." Dean said then he spins Sam to face the desk and he and I keep walking. 
"Hi. I'm Doctor Jerry Caplin, Centers for Disease Control." Sam said to the woman behind the desk while Dean and I watch him. "Can I see some ID?" She asked and Dean and I start to snigger. Sam throws us a dirty look before he looks back at the woman. "Yeah of course." He said and quickly flashes his ID to her then retracted it.
"Now could you direct me to the pediatrics ward please?" He asked her. "Okay well, just go down that hall, turn left and up the stairs." She said and Sam turns and approaches us, glaring at our smiles. "See. I told you it would work." Dean said as Sam shakes his head, irritably. "Follow me. It's upstairs." He grumbles and we walk down the corridor.
We walked down a few steps and I was about to turn to Dean when I noticed that he wasn't there. I turn and see Dean was staring inside of a room. "Dean!" I shouted and he jumps slightly then follows us.
"Well, thanks for seeing us, Dr. Hydecker." I said as the boys  and I walked down the corridor with the Doctor. "Well I'm glad you guys are here. I was just about to call CDC myself. How'd you find out anyways?" Hydecker asked us. "Oh some GP, I forget his name, he called Atlanta and, uh, he must've beat you to the punch." Dean explains, quickly, and Hydecker nods.
"So you say you got six cases so far?" Sam asked him. "Yeah, five weeks. At first we thought it was garden variety bacterial pneumonia. Not that newsworthy. But now..." Hydecker before he trails off. "Now what?" I asked him. "The kids aren't responding to antibiotics. Their white cell counts keep going down. Their immune systems just aren't doing their job. It's like their bodies are...wearing out." Hydecker said as a nurse comes up to him.
"Excuse me, Dr Hydecker." She said as she hands him some forms to look over and sign. "You ever see anything like this before?" Sam asked him. "Never this severe." Hydecker said. "And the way it spreads...that's a new one for me." The nurse said as she looks up at us.
"What do you mean?" I asked them. "It works its way through families. But only the children, one sibling after another." The nurse said and the boys and I share a glance for a moment.
"You mind if we interview a few of the kids?" Dean asked her. "They're not conscious." The nurse said. "None of them?" Sam asked, shocked. "No." The nurse said, shaking her head.
"Can we, uh, can we talk to the parents?" I asked them. "Well, if you think it'll help." Hydecker said and I nod. "Yeah. Who was your most recent admission?" Dean asked him.
Minutes later, the boys and I stood in front of a man, who was sitting in a chair against the wall, asking him questions. "I should get back to my girls." The man said. "We understand that, and we really appreciate you talking to us. Now you say Mary is the oldest?" Sam asked. "Thirteen." The man replied.
"Ok. And she came down with it first, right? And then..." I said and the man nods. "Bethany, the next night." He adds. "Within 24 hours?" I asked him. "I guess. Look, I, uh, I already went through all this with the doctor." The man said to us and we nod as Dean holds up a hand to him.
"Just a few more questions if you don't mind. How do you think they caught pneumonia? Were they out in the cold, anything like that?" Dean asked. "No. We think it was an open window." The man replied. "Both times?" Dean asked him. "The first time, I, I don't really remember but the second time for sure. And I know I closed it before I put Bethany to bed." The man said.
"So you think she opened it?" Sam asked him. "It's a second story window with a ledge. No one else could've." The man replied.
"You know this might not be anything supernatural. It might just be pneumonia." Sam said as we walked down the corridor of the hospital. "Maybe. Or maybe something opened that window. I don't know man, look, Dad sent us down down here for a reason. I think we might be barking up the right tree." Dean said.
"I'll tell you one thing." Sam mutters. "What?" Dean and I asked him. "That guy we just talked to? I'm betting it'll be a while before he goes home." Sam said, giving us a knowing look.
We break into that man's house and check Bethany's room with the EMF. "You got anything over there?" I asked Dean as he holds his device out. "Nah, nothing." Dean replied. "Yeah, me neither." Sam said as we keep checking until I move to the window and noticed something odd on the windowsill. 
"Hey boys?" I said. "Yeah." They said as I stare at the windowsill closer and see a handprint that had rotted into the wood. "You were right, Dean. It's not pneumonia." I said as they come over and see it as well.
"It's rotted. What the hell leaves a handprint like that?" Sam asked as Dean stares at it, intently.
*3rd Person POV*
Dean, who was around ten years old, was staring at a photo of a handprint when John and (father's name) come out of the bedroom, loading their sawn off. "All right. You know the drill, Dean. Anybody calls, you don't pick up. If it's me or (father's name), we'll ring once, then call back. You got that?" John said to Dean, who nods.
"Mm-hmm. Only answer the phone unless it rings once first." Dean repeated. "Come on, dude, look alive. This stuff is important." John said to him, firmly. "I know, it's just...we've gone over it like a million times and you know I'm not stupid." Dean said to his dad. "I know you're not, but it only takes one mistake, you got that?" John said to Dean, firmly.
"John, go easy on him. He's a smart boy, he can handle it." (Father's name) said to John, who stares at him. (Father's name) raises an eyebrow at John before they gather their weapons.
"All right, if we're not back Sunday night...?" John asked Dean. "Call Pastor Jim." Dean said to him. "Lock the doors, the windows, close the shades. Most important...." John said. "Watch out for Sammy and (y/n)." Dean said and they look over at Sam and (y/n), both of them sprawled on the couch, watching cartoons on TV. "I know." Dean said to the men as they nod.
"All right. If something tries to bust in?" John asked. "Shoot first, ask questions later." Dean replied and John smiles and places a hand on his shoulder. "That's my man." John said as (father's name) looks at his young daughter.
"(Y/n)." He calls and the young girl, with two ponytails, gets up and walks over to her dad. "Now, I'm gonna be gone for a few days, okay? You stay here and be a good girl." He said to her as he kneels down to her. "Yes, daddy." (Y/n) said. "Dean's in charge, so listen to him and don't give him too much of a hard time." (Father's name) said, smirking, as the girl nods.
"And you help out any way you can, alright?" He said. "Yes, daddy." (Y/n) said and her father smiles. "That's my girl." He said then he goes and kisses the top of her head. He stands up and turns to John, nods at him and the two men walk out of the motel room and, immediately, Dean goes to the door and locks it.
Present Day
*(y/n)'s POV*
"I know why Dad sent us here. He's faced this thing before. He wants us to finish the job." Dean said to us as he stares at the handprint, looking a bit sick.
"So what the hell is a shtriga?" Sam asked Dean after we pull up to a motel office and get out of the car. "It's...kinda like a witch I think. I don't know much about 'em." Dean replied. "Well I've never heard of it. And it's not in Dad's journal." Sam said.
"Dad and (father's name) hunted one in Fort Douglas, Wisconsin, about 16, 17 years ago. You two were there. You guys don't remember?" Dean asked. "No." Sam said. "Vaguely." I said as I think. "And I guess Dad caught wind of the things in Fitzburg now and kicked us the coordinates." Dean said.
"So wait, this...Shtriga. You think it's the same one our Dads hunted before?" I asked Dean. "Yeah, maybe." Dean said, shrugging. "But if Dad and (father's name) went after it why is it still breathing air?" Sam asked Dean. "Cause it got away." Dean replied, simply.
"Got away?" Sam and I asked as I start to think that this is very odd. My dad and John always made sure when they were hunting monsters, they made sure it would never come back. "Yeah, guys, it happens." Dean said, frustrated. "Not very often." Sam points out. "Yeah, especially if my dad was helping." I said to Dean. "Well I don't know what to tell ya, maybe our Dads didn't have their wheaties that morning." Dean said.
"What else do you remember?" I asked Dean. "Nothin'. I was a kid all right?" Dean said, defensively, before he goes into the office. Sam gives me a look and I shrug and follow Dean into the office as a young boy around ten or twelve years old comes up to the desk.
"Two queens." Dean said to the boy. The boy looks out the door and towards Sam then sniggers. "Yeah I'll bet." He mutters. "What'd you say?" Dean asked him and the boy looks up at him, smiling, and I raise an eyebrow at this.
"Nice car!" He said then I come up to Dean and pull out my card. "Hey, honey...you forgot your card." I said to him, sweetly. He looks at me, slightly confused, but I smiled at him and he caught on what I was doing and takes my card. "Thanks, sweetheart. What would I do without you?" He asked me and my smile widens. "Probably spontaneously combust." I said and Dean chuckles then he leans down and kissed my cheek.
My heart leapt for joy once his lips touched my cheek. He pulls back and I look down, in embarrassment, then looked over at the boy, who had a look of shock on his face.
Then a woman enters the building, smiling at all of us. "Hi." She greets. "Hi." Dean and I greet. "Checking in?" She asked. "Yeah." Dean said then the woman turns to the boy. "Ahh, do me a favor, go get your brother some dinner." She said to him. "I'm helping a guest!" The boy exclaims.
She gives him a look and he grimaces and turns to go. The boy looks at us and scoffs before he turns to the back. "Will that be cash or credit?" The woman asked as she goes to the computer. "You take MasterCard?" Dean asked and she nods. "Perfect. Here you go." Dean said and he glances at me and I nod then he hands my card to the woman.
Then Dean stares ahead and I follow his gaze to see the boy pouring a glass of milk for a younger boy.
*3rd Person POV*
Sam and (y/n) were sitting at the table as Dean pours them a glass of milk. "When's Dad gonna get back?" Sam asked Dean as he grabs a pot from the stove. "Tomorrow." Dean replied. "When?" Sam asked as Dean brings the pot over and pours the contents into Sam's bowl and then (y/n)'s bowl. "I dunno. He and (father's name) usually come in late though. Now eat your dinner." Dean said to the young kids.
"I'm sick of scabetti-ohs." Sam whines as (y/n) begins to dig into her dinner. "Well -- You're the one who wanted 'em!" Dean said, slightly annoyed. "I want lucky charms!" Sam said. "There's no more lucky charms." Dean said.
"I saw the box!" Sam argues as (y/n) looks between the boys, she always hated it when they argued like this. "Okay, maybe there is but there's only enough for one bowl and I haven't had any yet." Dean said and Sam gives puppy dog eyes.
Dean sighs then grabs Sam's bowl. "I'll take it if he won't finish it." (Y/n) said just as Dean was about to go to the trash. Dean turns to her. "You sure?" He asked her and she nods. Dean goes and pours the contents out of Sam's bowl into her bowl then places Sam's bowl in the sink. He grabs the cereal box and thumps it on the table instead.
Sam reaches into the box and grabs the toy then holds it out to Dean. "D'you want the prize?" Sam asked him, smiling.
Present Day
*(y/n)'s POV*
"Sir?" The woman said as she holds out the card to Dean, who seemed like he was lost in his thoughts. "I'll take it." I said as I take the card and elbow Dean. "Sorry. Uh...Thanks." Dean said, once he comes back to reality.
Later, the boys and I were sitting in the motel room while Sam was looking at his laptop. "Well, you were right. Heh. It wasn't very easy to find but you were right. Shtriga is a kind of witch. They're Albanian, but legends about them trace back to Ancient Rome. They feed off spiritus vitae." Sam explains.
"Spiri-what?" Dean and I asked, confused. "Vitae. It's Latin, translates to breath of life. Kinda like your life force or essence." Sam explains. "Didn't the doctor say the kids' bodies were wearing out?" I asked Sam. "It's a thought. you know she takes your vitality maybe your immunity goes to hell, pneumonia takes hold. Anyway, shtrigas can feed off anyone but they prefer..." Sam said but then Dean and I finished his sentence.
"Children." We said and Sam nods.
"Yeah. Probably because they have stronger life force. And get this. Shtrigas are ...invulnerable to all weapons devised by God and man." Sam explains. "No, that's not right. She's vulnerable when she feeds." Dean said and Sam and I give him a curious look.
"What?" We said, confused "If you catch her when she's eating you can blast her with consecrated wrought iron. Ahhh... buckshots or rounds I think." Dean said. "How do you know that?" I asked him. "Dad told me. I remember." He said. "Oh." I said.
"So uh, anything else Dad might have mentioned?" Sam asked Dean. "Nope, that's it." Dean replied but Sam and I keep staring at him. The way Dean was talking it sounded like he knew more than he was letting on, which is odd for Dean.
"What?" Dean asked us. "Nothing." Sam and I said before Sam continues. "Okay. So, assuming we can kill it when it eats we still gotta find the thing first, which ain't gonna be a cakewalk. Shtrigas take on a human disguise when they're not hunting." Sam said.
"What kinda human disguise?" Dean asked him. "Historically, something innocuous. Could be anything, but it's usually a feeble old woman, which might be how the witches as old crones legend got started." Sam said then Sam crosses the room. "Hang on." He said.
"What?" Sam and I asked as Dean grabs a map. "Check this out. I marked down all the addresses of the victims. Now these are the houses that have been hit so far, and dead center?" Dean points out and my jaw drops. "The hospital." I said and Dean nods.
"The hospital. Now when we were there I saw a patient, an old woman." Dean said as he turns to us. "An old person huh?" Sam asked. "Yeah." Dean said. "In a hospital? Phew." I said, shaking my head and sniggering. "Better call the Coast Guard, Sam." I said and Sam laughs. "Well listen, smart-ass, she had an inverted cross hanging on her wall." Dean said and Sam and I look over at Dean, serious. "Well, why didn't you say so." I said as Dean raises an eyebrow at me.
That night, we come down the hallway of the hospital, but we quickly duck back when we see Dr Hydecker. "Good night Dr Hydecker." A nurse said. "See you tomorrow, Betty." Hydecker said. "Try to get some sleep." The nurse said.
The boys and I hide until Hydecker passes, then we continue on to the old woman's room. We open the door and sneak in, Dean taking the front and Sam and I hanging back, guns drawn.
The woman was in her wheelchair facing toward the corner. She seemed to be sleeping. Dean slowly leans in closer and closer to her face until she turns her head and yells. "Who the hell are you?!"
Dean freaks and leaping back against a wall cabinet, pulling his gun up. "Who's there? You trying to steal my stuff?" She asked then she grumbles to herself. "They're always stealing around here."
Sam turns the light on and I come up to her other side to see she has cataracts. "No! Ah, ma'am, we're maintenance. We're sorry. We thought you were sleeping." Sam said to her. "Ahhh, nonsense. I was sleeping with my peepers open." She said then she laughs and gestures at the wall.
"And fix that crucifix, would ya? I've asked four damn times already!" She exclaims. Dean, still looking slightly freaked out, jogs the crucifix and it swings the right way up.
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An old Masonic temple turned Oddfellows Lodge just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, had lots of weird stuff still inside. Then, one night, artists Nicholas & Ekaterina, got a call at midnight from a real estate broker friend.
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He told them that the place was for sale and it gave an uneasy feeling. They had never seen a Masonic temple before and there was a lot of strange furniture, hammers— all the symbols of Masons.
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The two Russian artists had always dreamed of creating their own museum, so they bought it and got to work, to turn it into the Museum of Modern Renaissance. (They live here, too.)
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Relics of the Freemasons scattered around the house are a reality-check that reminds you of the house’s place in space and time.
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Before & after.  All of the artwork (and a lot of the furniture) in the house is created by Ekaterina and Nicholas– by themselves, with their hands, the old-fashioned way.
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Check out their kitchen.
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Have you ever seen dining room chairs like this?
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Ekaterina had to start doing Yoga because she spent so many days bent backwards, painting the ceiling. Now, they host Yoga classes here.
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Although they’ve covered the former Masonic temple head-to-toe, they’re still not finished. They are ‘eternally creating and changing the house, as if it were a living being undergoing a continual metamorphosis rather than a stagnant and impersonal inanimate object.’
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Do you love the teapot bathroom? They host concerts, have occasional tours, etc., but it’s mostly a private home. 
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dausy · 2 months
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Back when the Barbie movie came out a couple of extremely girly hot-pink cafes opened. I didn't want to go by myself (when husband was deployed) because they seemed awfully crowded during Barbie and they're downtown and I hate trying to park in downtown areas. Anyway, my husband took me to brunch at one yesterday and it was fabulous. We had actually already heard the food was pretty blah but our iced coffes were all actually very good and glittery and cute. Everything was covered in pink and glitter. I'm glad I accidentally dressed appropriately. My one complaint about this city is nobody seems to believe in french pastries. Truly I want just want a good coffee and croissant. You can find a croissant but you can't get it at a coffee shop. If you do then the coffee isn't good.
We then visited the local Comic-con. I like to look but the second hand embarrassment always kills me. Its just not really the land of my peoples. I really wanted to catch glimpses of Patrick Warburton and Zachary Levi on camera but there were so many people, I felt anxious trying to pull out my phone. I was really hoping to find some sort of sailor moon figurine. I know I can purchase them online but I kind of wanted the real life shopping experience. One of my biggest con regrets was years ago, I went to a convention and somebody had a table of unique sailor moon merch. Everything from make-up to jewelry to action figures and just small collectors items. I really wished I had purchased some of the decorative pens and compacts. I've never been to another con like it. This convention, while we are in a large city, is not the biggest convention I've been to. I think the coolest booth I found was for Teeturtle. I did find this little simba figuring which Id never seen in real life before. There was another disney 100 one but panicked at the price of both figures together and didn't buy both.
after that my husband wanted to go to a Gun show ('merica!) and I think he was a little disappointed with it. I was just kind of fascinated because it was inside a freemason hall and I'd never been in one before and it was really weird. They didn't have that many guns. They actually had a lot of scentsy and those adhd bubble fidget toy booths haha. I also saw just as many porn books there as I did at the anime convention.
but in any case the weather was actually gorgeous for once. I just enjoyed being out of the house. We also had a post wide yard sale and we drove around a bit looking at items we dont really need. We also stopped at an alterations place to get my ball gown fitted. I procrastinate too much and the dress I was eyeing was out of stock so I just chose..one of the bajillion others I saved on pinterest and it came in the mail within 24hours but alas..I have short legs and its too long.
I have poor sense of time and didn't realize our ball is in like 2 weeks..and now I have to figure out what to do about my hair. Im going to make last minute hair and pedicure appointments..or do what I did the last time and just do everything myself and wonder what I would look like if I was professionally prettied.
also, we went to a baseball game last weekend and my horrible sunburn is starting to peel off. My entire forehead and ears are flaking in small chunks going up into my scalp. Its a lot of fun.
I did film for youtube and I feel like I have enough extra stuff for a life vlog which is everything I listed here so its probably ruined.
also our facility owner apparently hates me again for something he did that I didn't do so I'm yet again counting days of which its appropriate to have a gap in my resume before we move from here.
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boombox-fuckboy · 9 months
Cancelled show - Inside Job for AD recs?
Okay, if I'm looking at the right show... Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason, I think. The premise being, well. Two flat earthers kidnap a freemason. It's very well put together, completely ridiculous, and has a surprising number of recognisable voices in it.
I'd also recommend two comedy-horror tabletop podcasts following members of government departments investigating supernatural shit in the 1990s: The Strewth is Out There, set in Australia, and The Weird, set in the US.
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brightlotusmoon · 6 months
My husband is going through his father's things, and his mother just called me to tell me that father in law was an utter pack rat.
She described a box full of nothing but black shoelaces. And there are cards never opened with cash inside, and old Dr Seuss books, and engineering manuals from the 1950s.
I just thought, yeah, that's undiagnosed autism in the 20th century for you. His autism was its own presence and it was a strong shape, full of wisdom and sarcasm and brutal honesty.
Husband is coming home with a lot of Freemason stuff, since FIL was one of the highest degrees a Mason can be. It'll be fun to talk to my father about it, Mason to Mason.
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readyforevolution · 7 months
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Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids? Not Slaves
Pyramid workers were paid locals. Yet historical narratives and Hollywood films have made many believe the Jews built the pyramids while enslaved in Egypt.
By Eric Betz Feb 1, 2021
There’s no end to conspiracy theories about who built the pyramids. Frequently they involve ancient aliens, lizard people, the Freemasons, or an advanced civilization that used forgotten technology. Scientists have tried and failed to combat these baseless ideas. But there is another misconception about pyramid construction that’s plagued Egyptian scholars for centuries: Slaves did not build the pyramids.
The best evidence suggests that pyramid workers were locals who were paid for their services and ate extremely well. We know this because archaeologists have found their tombs and other signs of the lives they lived.
The Lives of Pyramid Workers
In 1990, a number of humble gravesites for pyramid workers were found a surprisingly short distance from the tombs of the pharaohs. Inside, archaeologists discovered all the necessary goods that pyramid workers would need to navigate passage to the afterlife — basic kindnesses unlikely to have been afforded common slaves.
But that’s not all. Archaeologists have also spent years excavating a sprawling complex thought to have been a part-time home for thousands of workers. The site is called Heit el-Ghurab, and it was also likely part of a larger port city along the Nile River where food and supplies for the pyramid workers, as well as pyramid construction materials, were imported from across the region. Inside the rubble of Heit el-Ghurab, they found evidence for large barracks where as many as 1,600 or more workers could have slept together. And archaeologists also uncovered extensive remains from the many meals they ate, including abundant bread and huge quantities of meat, like cattle, goat, sheep and fish.
These workers’ graffiti can also be found all over the buildings they created. The marks, written in Egyptian, were hidden on blocks inside the pyramids and were never meant to be seen. They record the names of various work gangs, including “the Drunkards of Menkaure” and “the Followers of the Powerful White Crown of Khufu.” (Both gangs were named after the respective pharaohs of their day.) Other marks signify towns and regions in Egypt. A few seem to function as mascots that represent a division of workers, and they feature images of animals such as ibises.
Together, these hieroglyphics give archaeologists hints about where the workers came from, what their lives were like, and who they worked for. Nowhere have archaeologists found signs of slavery or foreign workers. Meanwhile, there is ample evidence of labor tax collection throughout ancient Egypt. That’s led some researchers to suggest workers might have rotated through tours of construction, like a form of national service. However, it’s also unclear if that means the workers were coerced.
Hollywood Myths of Egypt
So why do so many people think the Egyptian pyramids were built by slaves? The Greek historian Herodotus seems to have been the first to suggest that was the case. Herodotus has sometimes been called the “father of history.” Other times he's been dubbed the “father of lies.” He claimed to have toured Egypt and wrote that the pyramids were built by slaves. But Herodotus actually lived thousands of years after the fact.
Another obvious origin of the slave idea comes from the longstanding Judeo-Christian narrative that the Jews were enslaved in Egypt, as conveyed by the story of Moses in the book of Exodus.
Hollywood took the idea and ran with it. Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments films — originally released in 1923 and then reshot in 1956 — depicted a tale of the Israelites enslaved and forced to construct great buildings for the pharaohs. And as recently as 2014, the Ridley Scott movie Exodus: Gods and Kings depicted Christian Bale as Moses freeing the Jews from slavery as they built the pyramids. Egypt banned the film, citing “historical inaccuracies,” and its people have repeatedly spoken out against Hollywood movies that repeat Biblical narratives about Jewish people building Egyptian cities. Even the 1998 Dreamworks animated film, The Prince of Egypt, earned significant criticism for its depictions of Moses and Jewish slaves forced into construction projects.
In fact, archaeologists have never found evidence for the Biblical tales that the Israeli people were imprisoned in Egypt. And even if the Jewish people were imprisoned in Egypt, it’s extremely unlikely that they would have built the pyramids. The last pyramid, the so-called Pyramid of Ahmose, was built roughly 3,500 years ago. That’s hundreds of years before historians think the Israeli people first appeared. It’s also centuries before the oldest known Egyptian reference to the Jews on the Victory Stele of Merneptah.
So, while archaeologists still have much to learn about the people who built the pyramids and how the work was organized and executed, it is easy to throw out this basic misconception. The pyramids were built by Egyptians.
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voorvore · 2 months
So I had a dream last night...
Jesus had his own suburban-style family sitcom. In the only episode, he pulled up in a convertible to his picket-fence two-story Mcmansion, while a theme song played in the background about how Jesus deserved to take part in all the vices and pleasures of meatspace, as he was the son of Man.
As he enters his wretched home, he transmutes into a sapient orangutan with a chimpanzee wife (Mary Magdalene).
He invites me and an anthropologist I am traveling with inside. After the usual hospitality rituals, they lead me up to the attic for promise of sexual contact (I don't understand myself). The anthropologist follows. The floor is strangely new-looking, lacquered with freemason symbols carved into it. The roof is as weathered and decrepit as ever.
The anthropologist leaves, uncannily grinning the entire time, taking some photographs of me.
Cut to low-quality camcorder footage, like the torture scene in Videodrome. Darkness surrounds all. I'm bound, along with an anthropomorphic cow girl standing beside. Both of us are nude.
The couple, Jesus and Mary Magdalene, still an orangutan and a chimpanzee, threaten us.
They cut off both our left forearms, before cutting the soft part of my throat.
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scotianostra · 2 months
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May 7th 1876 saw the death of the leading Scottish architect David Bryce.
David Bryce was born on South College Street in Edinburgh's Old Town in 1803, and would go on to leave his mark on the city in a variety of structures that combine iconic 19th century style with practicality and function - so much so that many of his developments remain in use.
You're likely to have been inside a David Bryce building at some point in Edinburgh and not even have known it!
Bryce studied under the architect William Burn, and later became his business partner (and co-holder with him of the Grand Architect post at the top of Scottish freemasonry). Their working relationship dissolved following a design dispute in 1845, after which Burn moved to London, leaving Bryce to contribute to Edinburgh's Old and New Towns alone.
One of his earliest surviving projects in Edinburgh can be found on George Street in the New Town, where he designed the Caledonian Insurance Company offices .
​Although the building looks outwardly unremarkable, it was typical of the 1840s style that combined elegance and simplicity, reflecting a little of the Georgian-era elements that the original buildings of George Street would have exuded., the building now houses the Intercontinental Hotel as seen in the pics.
More typical of the later Scots Baronial style, when Victorian decorative detail began to take prominence in buildings across Edinburgh, is his design for the British Linen Bank, which today is another hotel on nearby St Andrew Square.
​These grand temples of finance were intended to create an impressive visual effect, and even today this former bank building has a style and a level of detail that intrigues passers-by - as with most buildings in Edinburgh you need to look up from street level to fully appreciate its impact!
In 1848 Bryce supervised the demolition and removal of Trinity College Church, a 15th century church building which had stood in the village of Calton, and which was being removed in order to accommodate the development of Waverley railway station.
Memorably the church was never rebuilt quite as had been promised to the people of Calton - what remains of it can still be found nearby...
​In 1853 Bryce built the Surgical Hospital at the site of what had been Edinburgh's first hospital, on Infirmary Street in the Old Town. Today this site is owned and occupied by the University of Edinburgh, and Bryce's building remains as a campus structure.
Not all of Bryce's buildings have survived - having built the Freemasons' Hall on George Street, the building would later be replaced with a more modern structure, for example, and several other Bryce developments in the city would fall to either the Victorian improvements or the 20th century wrecking ball.
One significant structure which has survived is Bryce's redevelopment of the Bank of Scotland headquarters at the top of the Mound. Visitors can still explore Bryce's bank building today, as the basement has been turned into the Museum on the Mound, telling the history of banking and finance in Scotland.
Another of his bank designs, again on George Street in the New Town, is today the Standing Order pub, as I said at the begining of the post many of you will hav been in ne of his buildings!
Two of Bryce's later designs remain iconic and highly visible in the city today, Fettes College and much of the Royal Infirmary Buildings,especially the ones now facing the Meadows, how I ould love to live in one of the apartments with the balconies overlooking the lands over to Marchmont.
Bryce died in Edinburgh on this day in 1876, never living to see his Royal Infirmary project completed. He was buried in the New Calton burial ground, where his grave faces Arthur's Seat.
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tentacledwizard · 5 months
Tumblr User tentacledwizard Reviews: National Treasure
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[absolutely INEXCUSABLE longpost ahead. Im sorry for being a Nick Cage fan. Not really, though. Also, SPOILERS for the first National Treasure movie.
    Hey, everyone, it’s your favorite reviewer t-wiz. Back at it again, posting like 5 days after seeing the actual movie. I know everyone must have been dying of anticipation. Well, so was I. We’re all in the same boat. And that boat is called the Charlotte, which is where the secret lies. That’s right: the movie was National Treasure. So I may get a little overexcited in this review.
Let me set the scene. @cgtg hosted another moviy nite on Friday. This time, the movie was Ghost Town starring Ricky Gervais. …Nobody really enjoyed it. I was only there for the last 20 minutes, and it sure wasn’t as fun as Employee of the Month. So I suggested National Treasure, starring the inimitable Nicolas Cage. The fact that I have a “nick cage” tag on my blog should probably tell you some things. I find his current status fascinating, as his thespian commitment is oft-regarded with snickering. He was fairly restrained in this movie, but still did a good job. I have a bit of a history with this movie. I first put it on as payback for having to see 50 First Dates, and was pleasantly surprised (by, among other things, Riley Poole). So I’m happy I got to see it again for like the third time in one month.
National Treasure is the kid-friendly saga of Benjamin “Ben” Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage), whose family has been consistently wrapped up in a quest for a stash of treasure. This treasure is a big deal. Pharaohs longed for it. This whole group called the Knights Templar were big Treasure Stash stans. A secret society called the Freemasons are also closely involved. Turns out many of the founding fathers were also Freemasons (I’m pretty sure this is actually true). So of course Kid Ben learns this from his grandpa in a spooky attic, but his dad (Jon Voight) is all “heck nah son, treasure is NOT where it’s at.” And he has a point! The search for the “National Treasure” has clue after clue after clue, and it requires Cage to make some truly insane leaps in logic (especially in the sequel. Yes I have seen both films). But it is consistently entertaining. Don’t worry, I won’t go through the entire plot because that would just be a synopsis. 
Okay. So we’ve set up a MacGuffin (the treasure) and Grandpa Gates has given us a clue (“the secret lies with Charlotte”). Time to fast-forward to the frozen North, where Nick Cage’s adult face appears in all its shining glory. So does his hairline. I’m a bit concerned- shouldn’t his face be covered up better? It must be freezing. Oh well. A Bri’ish chap named Ian (Sean Bean = oddly pleasing name) and a former cubicle worker named Riley (Justin Bartha) are also members of the expedition. They unearth a ship called the Charlotte, and inside is a clue that leads to the Declaration of Independence. Ian offers to “borrow” the Declaration. Ben, being a historian, is all “heck nah Ian, stealing important documents is NOT where it’s at.” Ian is all “A fair point, however, consider the following: Gun.” We get some tasty blue and orange color contrasts, the stunning revelation that the Brit was NOT to be trusted, and a badass explosion. 
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After this, shit gets real. Well, it was real from the start. It simply snowballs in realness throughout the movie. Benjamin and the non-evil expedition member, Riley, take this issue to the FBI, among others. The FBI will also get involved later on in the movie. Ben meets Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger), who is the love interest by way of being blonde and also knowing stuff about American history. Truly a match made in the National Archives. She tries not to laugh at their outrageous story. He patronizes her coin collection. They part ways, sure to meet again.
After failing to convince anyone the Declaration is in danger, Nick, I mean Ben, decides to steal it before Ian’s team can. Turns out stealing important documents is where it’s at.
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Resident smartguy Riley tries and fails to talk Ben out of it.
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Hey, it’s an important clue, and it has some serious historical value, and Ian has to pay for his perfidy. It’s nice to see/hear Ben and Riley when they’re not obscured by a haze of ice, because Riley is amazing. More at ten. Thus begins DECLARATIONTHEFT 2004, aka Awesome Heist Sequence. I love this scene. We get to see the early-2000’s CGI in all its glory. We get to see Riley and Ben do their thing. (Ben’s thing is history and secret clues. Riley’s is techy stuff.) Also the scene transitions? If I knew a thing about camerawork, I probably wouldn’t even mention this. But hey.
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Then the actual theft happens, and it’s pretty neat. Nick must go from National Archives employee to nerdy guy at a gala to, well, Declaration thief. Meanwhile, the British have weapons and they’re not afraid to use them. Kudos to Riley for being the guy in the chair. Double kudos to Abigail for having to put up with the thieves. Triple kudos to the giftshop lady for taking Visa.
Wow, this got long! This is what I get for summarizing the first part of the movie instead of ACTUALLY REVIEWING. Okay, here goes.
National Treasure, as I’ve said, is important to me. Sure, it seems pretty formulaic, but it’s fun. I got this inexplicable glee out of seeing Nick Cage work out each impossible clue. He is operating on a level we cannot understand. Every little plot-relevant thing about American history I could remember was like a major win for me.
This is an action movie, not a rom-com, so it’s certainly less character-driven than, say, Employee of the Month. The characters tend to be more developed stock characters, so it’s pretty hit-or-miss. For instance, Abigail and Ian are the mandatory Blond Love Interest and British Bad Guy. There’s not much to say about either. However, the Disapproving Parent, FBI Man, and Guy in the Chair were unexpectedly great. Especially that last one. 
There are plenty of great scenes: heists, dungeon crawling, tomb raiding, Nick Cage talking. The soundtrack is also good: they’ll have the usual action-adventure track and then give us a sudden drum lick like it’s no big deal. Okay, I admit that this is a very silly movie. And I am probably very silly for writing so much about it. But so what, it’s entertaining. Certainly not as homoerotic as Employee of the Month, but after all this is kid-friendly. As long as you don’t really tear into whether the “treasure” stuff is plausible, this is great to watch! 
Not only that, but Nicolas Cage was great to watch. His performance was oddly hypnotic, just as in every other movie he’s ever been in. My father was roasting his appearance for the entire movie, but I won’t get into that whole can of whales. On to the characters part.
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Benjamin Franklin Gates (Nicolas Cage). Ben Gates is a dedicated treasure hunter and historian. He supplies a considerable amount of the movie’s intense autism vibes (perhaps I am projecting, considering how much I vibe with this). However, I don’t like how condescending he acts towards Abigail. If I hadn’t seen the sequel, I’d probably still be annoyed by this. Like she’s unwillingly in your getaway van, show her a little courtesy and stop telling her to shut up. I wish he didn’t have so much casual misogyny. :| As I’ve said, Nick Cage was oddly mesmerizing as he did things like splonk off bridges and steal sacred American documents. I cannot think of him as “kinda cute actually” the way I did of Dane Cook, but that’s definitely for the best. Everyone thinks I have a celebrity crush on Cage. They don’t UNDERSTAND. 
Uh. Sorry, got off track. So Ben’s character kind of captures the crux of Cageness, in a way. Nobody understands how important this quest is to him, and he has to go by “Paul Brown” to avoid being a laughingstock. Do I see parallels with how Nick Cage changed his name from Coppola to Cage? I mean, they are there, but I’m probably looking into it too much. Side note, I enjoyed Ben’s one brief display of raw hopelessness. It’s the sort of thing you chuckle at when it’s taken out of context, but so are many of Cage’s big movie moments.
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Not much else to say about his role in this movie? Nick Cage certainly does “adventure hero” well. His most “Cagey” moment in both movies is absolutely when he faked a drunk argument with Abigail and then screamed “HAGGIS” at a Buckingham Palace guard. But here I am getting ahead of myself. The entire moviy nite group was surely gazing at Nicolas Cage’s hairline and aquiline nose for the entirety of the film. We basked in the sound of his soft ‘s’s and ‘t’s. We tried to parse his historical theories. Truly, his mind contains galaxies. Ben/Nick Cage operates on a whole other level than what we would believe.
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(aaa look at him ok im done now)
And with that said, let’s move on to the other man of the hour. That’s right, Riley Poole (Justin Bartha). Man, I love this guy. What can I say, I’m a sucker for sarcastic guys in chairs. Bonus points for nerd glasses. Riley gets all of the points. He is a gem. I’m pretty sure there was a whole article on Medium about his character, so maybe check that out if you are genuinely interested in this thing I’m typing here? 
So yeah, Riley is very much the guy in the chair. He provides comic relief, but is also a genius in his own right. Unlike Ben, he never seems to act self-righteous about this. Riley has this great mix of sarcasm and sincerity, and he’s a good foil to Ben/Abigail’s historical ramblings. Autism king tbh. I enjoyed his occasional infodumps.
Riley is also 10/10 in the sequel. We see more of his self-sacrificial side and low self-worth. He’s intelligent and funny, but in the end he just doesn’t see himself as that important. Except he is! He makes things happen! Without him, Ben would never have gotten the Declaration. 
And that’s what makes Riley compelling to me. Yes, he is a silly nerd from a silly 2000’s action movie. But you just kind of want to let him know that he deserves better from Ben and everyone who dismisses him. Probably by shaking his shoulders and yelling in his face, since I’m not sure how else one would get it across.
All in all, Riley is our king. And that’s not all there is to say on the matter, but I think I covered most of it. Riley should consume some jams and jellies. He’s earned it.
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Dr. Abigail Chase (Diane Kruger): The holy trio of autism is complete? She fills in the “blonde love interest” void, but she does have interests and a personality of her own. Abigail is an archivist at the National Archives, so she’s probably the most qualified to handle the Declaration of Independence.
 I, on the other hand, am not qualified to talk about Abigail. I don’t remember much about her, other than the fact I just stated. She’s pretty smart and helps on Ben’s insane treasure quest. She… collects campaign buttons as a hobby? She has an alleged German accent? Yeah, so she’s not a bad character but I don’t have much to say about her. At least not in this movie. A shame. I am glad that she recognizes Ben’s sense of entitlement for what it is, and their relationship over the two movies is reasonably entertaining. Her sibling relationship with Riley is 10/10 as well. So that’s Abigail. We love to see ladies who understand what’s going on!
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Ian Howe (Sean Bean): Ah yes, Mandatory British Bad Guy. Now, Ian is a treacherous piece of shit. He has many allies, and is just as obsessed with the treasure as Ben. But where Ben, Riley, and Abigail solve clues based on historical facts, Ian just keeps tags on them and then uses brute force to get what he wants. This is shown particularly well in the Declarationtheft scene- Ben and Riley have this whole heist planned out, whereas Ian’s guys are like “GUN.” As I’ve said, Ian is treacherous. He gets antsy at even the most temporary alliance. He seems to know Ben pretty well, as they played poker in the past. I imagine the movie would have been more yaoiful if they’d had more scenes together.
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Patrick Gates (Jon Voight): The dad. Like Riley, he is a foil to Ben’s treasure hunting stuff. Like pretty much everyone, he is also very competent and knows what’s going on. I liked his father-son relationship with Ben, and the way both of them make dubious bluffs in times of crisis. I have some stuff to say about his relationship with his ex-wife in the sequel, but this is a review of the first movie. So anyways, Patrick sees the search for what it probably is: a goose chase. He keeps it real!
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Agent Peter Sadusky (Harvey Keitel): Now this is another wise guy. Sadusky is an FBI agent who’s seen it all. He wants to get the Declaration back, and he knows someone has to go to jail for stealing it. And who stole the Declaration??
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(Epic scenes ensue.) 
Dead Guy: A casualty. Yeah, he DIES. It is so sad. We hardly knew him. Oh wait, we didn’t know him at all. Ever. Welp.
Money-Driven Child: I have no idea where Riley found or hired this kid but he is hilarious. I don’t even know who plays him. Whoever his actor is, I hope he is doing well and avoiding nefarious Brits.
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Cashier: She takes Visa. It makes a pretty funny scene. 
 And that’s a wrap on National Treasure. This film is a national treasure. Great camera work and scene transitions, great action scenes, and an all-around awesome (and very 2000’s) film. I eagerly anticipate the next moviy nite, as it may feature the actor for Jorge (EOTM.) If you made it this far, thank you for reading and I’ll see you approximately Friday. Long live Nicolas Cage.
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monarch-apostate · 3 months
Trigger Warning, content on this blog may be very triggering
Apostate- A freed or runaway slave, also known as a person who leaves a religious movement.
This account is effectively my own personal diary for streams of consciousness as I deprogram, explore my system and myself, and find who I am again. I am no expert everything shared on this account is simply our own point of view.
Leaving a "religious" sector/cult (I've gone into detail about my traumas and abuse in other posts that I won't detail here), in my early days of leaving I was angry and disheartened. Where was god? Where was he during my abuse? I was redirected into Atheism, under this philosophy I found much comfort in denying many of abusers claims. As I grow older now I find more connection to Earth. I have once again regained my ability to practice safe and beautiful non destructive Magic to connect to Earth and all of its wonders. As for my connections to any higher powers due to trauma I'm still working on that. Infact we've put a pause on magic, earth and light work for now as we re-center and re-ground ourselves.
I support all of us to use what our tools that are inside of ourselves to connect and heal to our higher powers of our own understandings and to not let abusive cults tell us what God is and isn't.
About us; We are a survivor of Highly Advanced Governmental, Military, Intelligence, FreeMason, Spiritual and Religious Trauma Based Mind Control. We were born into MK Ultra/Project Monarch in a bloodline family and experienced very advanced Programming with many purposes for our life within the structure of the cult. A few of those roles were as a lead programmer in the area of the cult we were in, and a very high leadership position to specify a few. In 2019 after many years of seeking guidance and clarity from a troublesome life full of trauma and abuse, and wanting to heal we discovered that we had Highly Complex Polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder (Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder), that we had grown up in an abusive cult that practiced mind control and ritual abuse. Ever since waking up and choosing to heal we have faced many setbacks, beautiful healing, horrible trauma and even more. This account is where we are choosing to document our life as it is the one place we can share this side of ourselves. As we start another chapter of our lives, we want to share the path we walk on with those we meet on here.
This page is simply our stream of consciousness as we attempt to recover from our various traumas and create a safe space for our system, to talk about our mind control programming trauma as well as other things.
-Dani, Caleb, Scarlet & co.
Disclaimer, we claim no expertise in any subjects we discuss we are only sharing our points of view and nothing on this blog should be taken as advice.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Min, Is there a reason why Dabb isn't involved in the prequel? Busy? Pissed off Jensen? Rebar?
I mean it was his egg as much as it was Bobo's.
not really it wasn't. i can't emphasize enough how much the battle was Bobo for years while this fandom screeched noisy cricket radio opinions all over the place making white noise and building waves of denial. Dabb respected Bobo, but mostly already passed the torch during his run, and Bobo only re-signed his contract for one thing. And in that I think he opened a lot of doors for others.
That spiral narrative POLOL got driven underground for started somewhere, and I didn't just decide to magic math my way through Supernatural for no good earthly fuckin reason, so I keep begging people to follow the causality spirals.
That said, it was less painful. Dabb generally liked it but it was easier to walk away. Whereas I post Bobo I sit thinking and watch Burn My Dread and chitter about the Work Boyfriends joke and how long bobo was Rolling the Dice and Running the Ball from the inside like. That man. God. The respect I have for him and nobody here will genuinely give a shit until it comes down to arguments about if and or when and how anyone do or don't kiss. I think about who it was in our author metanarrative they yelled, we will never give you the ending you want.
And goddamn everyone almost felt their whole world cave in and nobody gave up and that's it, really. Dabb wasn't the heart of that spiral. He just gave them room in the sandbox to run against Singer and Eugenie while they weren't paying attention.
so yet again, on a bazillion metacommentary levels, I ask you, what happens when you piss off an army of gay alchemists
wrong group to ever tell no. ever. much less with as much spite as it was.
but don't worry, paranormal freemasons, no such thing. We made sure to use the Fake Grade For Newbies in the clubhouse and all, nothing to see here.
Let's do this. Now entering the Golden FES Endgame. We will soon reach the top floor.
Yall haters corny with that illuminati mess.
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myhughniverse · 2 years
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« X » is the tenth studio album by Kylie Minogue. EMI Music Japan release dit first in Japan on 21 November 2007 before its release in Australia by Warner Music Australia two days later. The album was released in the United Kingdom by Parlophone on 26 November 2007, and in the United States by Capitol and Astralwerks on 1 April 2008. Work on the album began in July 2006, following Kylie’s gradual recovery from breast cancer. After finishing « Showgirl : the Homecoming Tour » in late 2006, she returned to the stuio to complete the album, with the help from many producers including Bloodshy & Avant, Calvin Harris, Greg Kurstin and Freemasons.
« X » is a dance-pop and electronica album that explores themes of sex and celebration. Music critics praised the production but were ambivalent towards its consistency and lyrical content. Kylie garnered several nominations for « X », including Brit Award for Best International Album and Grammy Awards for Best Dance/ Electronic Album. Commercially, « X » debuted at number one on the Australian Albums Chart and peaked at number four on the UK Albums Chart. The album reached the top 20 in other countries, including Austria, Germany, Ireland, France, Scotland and Switzerland.
Five singles were released from »X ». The lead single « 2 Hearts » peaked inside the top 10 in several countries, including Australia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. « Wow » was released in Australia and the UK, while « In My Arms » was issued in Europe. « All I See » and « The One » were released as digital singles : the former to promote the album in the United States and the latter in Europe. Kylie Minogue promoted « X » by performing in the US during March and May 2008 with the « kylie X 2008 » concert tour, which saw her perform around Europe, Oceania, South America, and Asia. The album has sold over one million copies worldwide.
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thedarkwitchesblog · 2 years
𖤐Difference Types𖤐
The pentagram is a five-pointed star, geometric figure that is used in many different types of magickal traditions. The pentagram can also be called pentangle, pentalpha, Seimei-star, blazing star, or star polygon. It is said to be one of if not the most powerful magickal symbol. This is a symbol that represents many things too many different types of people. Though I believe all the representations are correct in their own way. The points of the pentagram represent the elements of earth, fire, water, air, and spirit, but different magickal traditions tend to have different spots where they put the elements except for spirit which is always placed at the top of the pentagram. This shows the divine ruling over the material world. The pentagram is also associated with the directions in which each direction corresponds to its related element, and spirit is the center, consciousness, or above, and below. Certain gods, and goddesses in pairs of 5 were also assigned to points along the pentagram, but these changed depending upon tradition, culture, group, and person that was using it. The Seimei-star, or the Japanese pentagram represented the understanding of Wu Xing, and the phases of wood, water, fire, metal, and earth, and is also used to ward off evil. Anything that could be represented in 5 could also be represented through the pentagram, and used in magickal workings. The pentagram is a symbol of power, and protection. Its power comes from its ability to call down all five elements to work in perfect synergy in order to be used for a certain goal.
The pentacle is a pentagram with a circle around it. The easy way to remember this is pentacle, and circle have the same suffix. The pentacle also embodies all of the previously mentioned powers of the pentagram, but it is now unified, and protected by a circle. Allowing the elements to work together to focus their energy in a more harmonious way. This symbol is used to represent Wicca, and other Pagan faiths. The pentacle can also represent male, and female energy mixing together in a symbiotic relationship. The pentacle being the male energy, and the circle being the female energy. The pentacle is a symbol that better connects the elements of the pentagram together, and can be quite helpful, and powerful in your magick.
Inverted Pentagram:
The Inverted Pentagram is just the pentagram, but inverted. Being inverted changes the pentagrams meaning, and thereby its energy. The inverted pentagram is still connected to the elements, but now spirit is always at the bottom, showing the material world ruling over spirit. It is meant to show the power of the individual, and not the powers of a divine, or dogmatic system. This symbol is generally thought of as satanic, but it has been used in other forms of magick, and is not always satanic, and is not inherently “evil”. The inverted pentagram has been used to represent the horned God, and is the symbol for the second degree in Gardnerian Wicca. This symbol is also used in Mormonism, and is called the Nauvoo pentagram. The Freemasons are also known to use the inverted pentagram in their workings. It is a symbol that has been ostracized from society, and has had its meaning warped, and shifted. It may be the other side of the coin, but through understanding of both of the pentagrams you will be able to find a very interesting balance.
Inverted Pentacle:
The inverted pentacle is a inverted pentagram with a circle around it. It shows the unity of the elements inside the individual power, and it’s still a powerful protection tailsman. The rest of its meaning, and energies are pretty much a mixture between the inverted pentagram, and the pentacle.
Chaos Pentagram:
The chaos pentagram is a pentagram with its main head pointing to the right. I believe it originates from the Liber AOM a chaos magick manuscript though it is quite hard to find information about. I would love to tell you its meanings, and its energies, but for some reason I can’t remember, and I can’t seem to find the information, but I know it is important so I’ll leave it here.
Goat of Mendes:
The Goat of Mendes is an inverted pentacle esque symbol that is trademarked, copyrighted, and used by the Church of Satan. It depicts the goat head overlaying an inverted pentacle with five Hebrew letters that spell out the word leviathan on the outside of each point of the inverted pentacle, then encircled by another circle. This is one of the main symbols of satanism. The Goat of Mendes is also called Sigil of Baphomet, Sabbatic Goat, and Mendes Pentacle. The energies are primarily the same as the inverted pentagram though they do call upon satanic entities, and energies at the same time.
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