#terfs transphobes dni
monarch-apostate · 6 months
Trigger Warning, content on this blog may be very triggering
Apostate- A freed or runaway slave, also known as a person who leaves a religious movement.
This account is effectively my own personal diary for streams of consciousness as I deprogram, explore my system and myself, and find who I am again. I am no expert everything shared on this account is simply our own point of view.
Leaving a "religious" sector/cult (I've gone into detail about my traumas and abuse in other posts that I won't detail here), in my early days of leaving I was angry and disheartened. Where was god? Where was he during my abuse? I was redirected into Atheism, under this philosophy I found much comfort in denying many of abusers claims. As I grow older now I find more connection to Earth. I have once again regained my ability to practice safe and beautiful non destructive Magic to connect to Earth and all of its wonders. As for my connections to any higher powers due to trauma I'm still working on that. Infact we've put a pause on magic, earth and light work for now as we re-center and re-ground ourselves.
I support all of us to use what our tools that are inside of ourselves to connect and heal to our higher powers of our own understandings and to not let abusive cults tell us what God is and isn't.
About us; We are a survivor of Highly Advanced Governmental, Military, Intelligence, FreeMason, Spiritual and Religious Trauma Based Mind Control. We were born into MK Ultra/Project Monarch in a bloodline family and experienced very advanced Programming with many purposes for our life within the structure of the cult. A few of those roles were as a lead programmer in the area of the cult we were in, and a very high leadership position to specify a few. In 2019 after many years of seeking guidance and clarity from a troublesome life full of trauma and abuse, and wanting to heal we discovered that we had Highly Complex Polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder (Formerly Multiple Personality Disorder), that we had grown up in an abusive cult that practiced mind control and ritual abuse. Ever since waking up and choosing to heal we have faced many setbacks, beautiful healing, horrible trauma and even more. This account is where we are choosing to document our life as it is the one place we can share this side of ourselves. As we start another chapter of our lives, we want to share the path we walk on with those we meet on here.
This page is simply our stream of consciousness as we attempt to recover from our various traumas and create a safe space for our system, to talk about our mind control programming trauma as well as other things.
-Dani, Caleb, Scarlet & co.
Disclaimer, we claim no expertise in any subjects we discuss we are only sharing our points of view and nothing on this blog should be taken as advice.
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the dumbest points ive seen from terfs and radfems that do nothing except make this movement look ridiculous:
trans men are misogynistic gender traitors who become men because they hate women and want to be privileged. they will DEFINITELY never experience oppression for their intersectionality at all! they will never be the victims of transandrophobia and lingering misogyny. because ALL MEN live easily, duh
it's okay to sexualize transmascs and then see them as innocent little girls who were manipulated into hating themselves for being women
sex involving kink between consenting adults is ALWAYS bad and is NEVER excusable even though both/all people involved EXPLICITY and ENTHUSIASTICALLY consent to said kinky sex
all men are automatically disgusting and evil, and masculinity is inherently gross and negative (even when it is healthy masculinity and NOT the toxic and fragile kind!)
taking testosterone hrt will not make you a man, but if you were born with a vagina, are raised female, identify and live as a woman, and then find out later in life that you have a higher testosterone level than the average cis woman, you are indisputably a man
top surgery is misogyny because it mutilates the breasts of innocent women. it definitely isn't actually a life-saving gender-affirming surgery that is completely consensual and something that people work hard to receive access to and is proven to be a procedure that statistically has a <1% regret rate
if you feel sexual attraction or kinks you're a pervert with unresolved trauma and you just want to sexualize yourself. but also asexuals are all just confused teenagers who want to be special and sex is what makes us human or something
becoming the oppressor is absolutely a valid form of liberation! it is in fact okay to commit violent acts against cis men and transgender people! it definitely IS some kind of salvation and ISN'T some kind of fucking petty form of hatred that could traumatize future generations
all cis women should feel threatened and endangered by the fact that a woman with a penis exists in the same space as them
if cis women want to be happy they cannot get a husband. marriage to a man is an act of self hatred and they will regret it forever and it is internalized misogyny. (unfortunately this is a real thing i've seen terfs and rads say. i wish i was making this up)
seriously. why are some people still listening to these idiots.
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fluffytimearts · 5 months
*Sigh* just when I thought I found a good comic strip after "Dykes to Watch Out For" I discover fucking Lease bound-- and it isn't even that good. Not to mention the fact it's made by and for terfs--
So, to be spiteful and petty I decided to redraw the chapter I hate most. Chapter 3 "T is for Trouble" Redrawing the trans characters that was stereotypically depicted.
Before: (From the comic)
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After: (My version/sketch)
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Suffer terfs
Hope ya'll enjoy~!
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lazykurocat · 5 months
it honestly baffles me that Transphobes or general anti-LGBT will be pro Israel anti-hamas... it makes no sense, and as glad as I am people support Israel it confuses me... all the people who hate me stand for a place I could be safe. yet all the people who should love me stand for a place we would be killed... we live in a mad world... it makes me feel so lost... I don't want transphobes to have my back in one way and then not in another... because I'm scared of transphobes for how they see me and treat me and how much trauma they've caused... but I'm also scared of my own community for playing into their hands and giving them a valid reason to think we're insane when before they had none... I don't know what to do... I feel like as soon as the world moves on from the war the transphobes will just turn on me as they always have... so I find it hard to accept they support Israel and hate Hamas...
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Idk if this has been done yet but I wanted to do it anyways
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werewolvesofseoul · 1 year
goodnight to:
feminine trans men
masculine trans men
trans men who pass
trans men who don’t pass
trans men who don’t want surgery
trans men who don’t want HRT
trans men without body dysmorphia
hetero trans men
gay trans men
mspec trans men
multi-gender trans men
trans mascs in general
and all trans men who don’t fit people’s definition of “real men”
you’ll always be valid, even if you don’t feel like it or other people make you feel so you’ll always have a safe space on this page.
you’re always welcome here ❤️🏳️‍⚧️
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entity56 · 5 months
Noo don't kill yourself cuz then the transphobes will be like 'See? All trans people are mentally ill delusionals and we were right all along!!!' you have to keep living to spit in their face. I'm so serious. Power your wings with pure spite.
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 months
Despite her not having said anything about it, JKR was apparently so annoyed by people making fun of the black mold on her walls, that she changed her pfp lmao
Love that she keeps getting bullied into doing that
Anyway, I give the new one two days tops, because uuuuuuuuuh
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You see that, too, right?
Why is there a naked cock next to her head?
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terfs are wild because you know if imane khelif came out as a trans man or something (not speculating or saying she is. this is completely hypothetical) they would immediately tell her she's a woman because she has a vagina. ok and you were the same ones saying she's a man because she has different hormone levels and is a Skilled Puncher in the International Punching Competition. make it make sense
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fluffytimearts · 5 months
Jaden from Lease bound if she bothered to research and learned about others instead of being close-minded.
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the thing about pro-life is...
even if an abortion was murder, the right to bodily autonomy overrides that
i know i worded that weird so let me explain
a fetus or embreyo is using the pregnant person's organs in order to survive, it can't live by itself
it is dependent on the pregnant person's organs in order to live
therefore if the person does not want that fetus there, if they do not want to carry that baby to term, they have a right to get that fetus out of their body
if something is using your body, living thing or no, without your PERMISSION and without you WANTING it to be there, bodily autonomy gives you the right to get rid of it
doesnt matter if that thing is a human
if it could be a human
if it could cure cancer
if it could end poverty
bodily autonomy gives YOU the right to CHOOSE
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JK Rowling and her fans: Women’s rights! Stop silencing women!
Emma Watson: Trans Women Are Real Women
JKR and her fans: Shut the fuck up you ungrateful brat
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radykalny-feminizm · 3 months
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The jokes write themselves at this point
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Now that I've put the triggers warnings, i wanted to talk about a really serious issue... Am i the only one who thinks that the painting The Origin Of the World by Courbet is... Extremely transmisoginy and transphobic??????
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I mean... Look at it. The model used for it was a woman, and calling it "the origin of the world", meaning that the artist thought that only women could give birth, It's bioessentialist. What about the trans men??? Huh??? Also, as i said before, the model was a woman, a CIS theyfab. Why not use a transwoman for indicating the origin of the world uh?? Bioessentialism again. Calcel Courbet 2024.
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c-cr34ture · 1 year
not to be that guy but like can we talk abt how kalvin garrah ruined like a whole group of trans people
like it literally took me YEARS to unlearn all the bullshit transmed ideas his videos planted into my brain. “then you shouldn’t have watched the videos” he shouldn’t have had a platform! and i don’t think people realize but like when i was in middle school, questioning my gender, i looked to youtube for any kind of guidance. and at that time it was all kalvin garrah. him and his friend (i think his name is ryan?) were literally it. and they were so heavily transmed
kalvin was so SO adamant abt clothes having gender too like???? if a cis guy can put on a dress and still be a guy THEN SO CAN A TRANS GUY. CLOTHES DONT HAVE GENDER!!!! and pronouns don’t equal gender!!!!!!! but nooo mr fucking garrah put all this bullshit into my sixth grade mind abt how trans people “should” be.
trans people do NOT have to conform to the gender norms that cis people have created. trans people do NOT have to prove ANYTHING to cis people. trans people don’t owe cis people SHIT!!1!!1!
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