#Frenc film
mariwatchesmovies · 3 months
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Naissance des pieuvres (2007) | Water Lillies (2007) dir. Céline Sciamma cine. Crystel Fournier
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Could you do headcanons for What the autobots Optimus, hound, Bumblebee, and hotrod from the bayverse would pursue as a career on cybertron after the war. And what kinds of things they would do in their spare time for fun? I'm assuming they would choose a job that would allow them to use their weapons since they are used to using it during the war. And in the show that was supposed to be post tfp after the war ended bee was a cop. But idk how many jobs out there let you use a gun unless it's like military 🪖
This was fun, thanks for the idea.
Two ideas for Optimus' job.
He becomes the leader of Cybertron (I mean he is Prime). Which means he spends most his time at meetings, making new rules, deciding what and where to build, hearing requests from his fellow cybertronians.
I have this idea, that after the millions of years of war and being the leader, he is done. He wants to retire. He might stay leader for a little bit just to get Cybertron up and running. But as soon as Cybertron is self sustainable again he will retire, he'll give the title of Prime to someone else. And what would he do then you ask? He becomes a teacher! I think he would be a great history and/or ethics teacher.
For fun:
-He likes to take quiet walks around Cybertron, admiring how well it has come together after being rebuilt.
-He likes to meet up with his fellow Autobots and talk about how they are doing back on Cybertron.
-I think he would take time to figure himself out and what he likes. He spent so long just being a leader and doing leader stuff. But now he has time. Does he like to read or write? Does he like to take long drives? He's going to do some self reflection and find out. He surprisingly gets into meditation.
For a job:
-He sticks with being a weapons specialist, but becomes a teacher.
-He teaches all the new recruits who want to become cops. He teaches them weapon safety, how to shoot, how to clean their weapons. He owns his own gun range and his own gun store. But you can also hire him for personal training, or to come to events and give talks on guns.
For fun:
-He likes to hang out with his buddies and go for drinks/refuel.
-He likes to relax and not have to do much of anything. Doing nothing is also fun.
-For fun he likes to take flying lessons and fly ships around Cybertron.
-I also think he likes to build and create his own guns. Which meant he got a lot of scrap metal. So he uses the scrap metal and turns them into sculptures. Most often things that are Earth related, he hated the planet in most ways but there were some things he liked about Earth.
For a job:
-I really like the idea of Bee being a cop. Not only a cop, but the Chief of police. I think Bee would probably take charge in making the police for Cybertron and be the one hiring and training the bots who want to join.
For fun:
-I think he would build his own movie theater. Before he completely leaves Earth he downloads as many films as he possibly can. And runs them in his theater for other bots to watch.
-Of course racing.
-I think he likes to go to social areas and tell stories about what Earth was like, and all the best things about what humans were like.
-He likes to listen to music, and has his own sound system in his living quarters where he can listen to all his downloaded music.
Hot Rod:
For a job:
-Bots need entertainment now that the war has ended. I think he would create racing. With Bumblebee's help he starts up his own racing groups. He takes charge in creating Cybertron equivalents to F1, NASCAR and Drag racing. He's the big boss, he's the one in charge of organizing it, making sure everyone follows the rules, and giving rewards to the winners. But I think he also partakes sometimes for the fun of it.
-I feel like to start with Hot Rod did join Bee in becoming a cop. But after a while he decides Cybertron needs entertainment, and as much as he likes being a cop he needed a change.
For fun:
-Racing and training racers.
-Teaches French on the side for anyone interested so he is not the only one speaking it.
-Goes for long drives.
-I think all of them like to meet up and hang out together, often over some energon. They will talk about the old days and the future of Cybertron.
-I think as well as police there is a sort of army/military group that is around just in case of another fight. Not between themselves, but against other threats. They are there in case of attacks from other planets or other beings.
-I think together they all go to those military meetings perhaps once a month to make sure they are all up to date on their training and to make sure they all know what to do in case of emergency or attacks. They would never fully give up their weapons. But they don't use them every day anymore. (Except Hound, but that is his whole career.)
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A ne pas manquer ce soir : ce film bien français qui s'inspire du meilleur... Clint Eastwood
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movie--posters · 3 years
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jdchiaramonte · 7 years
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Jeanne Moreau #album #cover Ascenseur pour l'échafaud #film Louis Malle #music Miles Davis #33tours #25cm #jeannemoreau #peace #love #frenc #actress
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sunflowerbloomss · 4 years
some frence thoughts
we're at episode 7 and i still have no idea why the fuck i need to see eliott's face so fucking much
there was no excuse for that kiss and if lucas couldn't make it maybe eliott could........ idk......... wait until he could or find someone his own age to kiss like a normal person who isn't a pedophile
whatever the fuck maya was saying about addiction was 1. so fucking out of character 2. so pointless how about writers stop pretend to be poetic and find a way NOT to glamorize addiction
that sex scene was pure porn for the male gaze and as a 17 year old wlw (which is how old lola should be if i'm not mistaken) i felt really uncomfortable. guess porn is a skamfr recurring theme lmao
once again no need for that lola/eliott kiss and no need for sex
the new squad are without exceptions the loves of my life. jo season when
the rush of maya breaking up with her gf because she finally realised lola is into her is dumb. even if something like this happens, getting out of a relationship isn't all that fun and quick when you're a normal fucking human being and getting into a new one right after that is still a mess. literally i broke up with my ex almost two years ago and it took me MONTHS to stop feeling like shit and even now i'm not sure i'm fit for a relationship so. please not everything is hollywood
lola and daphne's dad is still an asshole can we stop excusing dysfunctioning parents
speaking of daphne the girl needs some better writers
i still have no idea why i need to see eliott's face so much this season
in conclusion i love the new squad, eliott is weird, the family drama got resolved too quickly, and sometimes not making teenagers film porn is better
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gnoufs-blog · 3 years
Les Gnoufs official Frence intro.
Bertrand Santini/Method Films/France 3.
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europa-the-moon · 4 years
tysm for the tag <3 i read all your answers !! @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat 
1. Name/Nickname: full name is Noémi, my nickname is Noncsi (full name pronounced as no-eh-me, nickname as no-n-chi)
2. Gender: something something idk i’m just vibing, i use she/they
3. Star sign: cancer but i don’t believe in astrology or anything
4. Height: 5'6 i think? america is weird, i’m 165 cm
5. Time: 21:59 (GMT+1 time zone)
6. Birthday: july 13 (omg i have my birthday on the 13rd too, high five)
7. Favourite bands: My Chemical Romance, Three Days Grace, Green Day, Hollywood Undead
8. Favourite Solo Artists: uhmmmmmmmm i don’t think i have one
9. Song stuck in my head right now: Sweater Weather (yes i’m bisexual lmao)
10. Last Movie: i honestly don’t know, i don’t watch films
11. Last Show: julie and the phantoms
12. When did I create this blog: may 2019 but i’ve been here before, just deleted that blog
13. What I post: i have many things listed in my description but tbh that’s a lie my blog is 99% destiel
14. Last thing I googled: fekete fehér igen nem (it means black white yes no) idk if it’s a thing in the US, it’s a game
15. Other blogs: i have a sideblog but i don’t really use it. i just had to do it cause they url is cool @carry-on-my-disenchanted-son
16. Do I get Asks: no, rip
17. Why I chose this URL: even tho my previous url (stabbedghost96) was the coolest one ever, i wanted to change it cause it’s an inside joke with a girl i was in love with but we don’t even talk anymore sooo....yeah. the story for this one is simple, does the quote “he’s in love with humanity” ring a bell? i can’t believe it wasn’t taken
18. Following: 1178 (i KNOW it’s a lot, i plan on unfollowing some ppl cause i hate to stumble on wincest posts on my own dash cause when i started using tumblr i followed everyone with an spn profile picture......)
19. Followers: 246 (idk why y’all still follow me, but ty i guess)
20. Average Hours of Sleep: 6-7 if it’s school 8-10 if it’s a break/weekend
21. Lucky number: 7, 19 (but really any prime number EXCEPT TWO i don’t trust two i’d rather eat glass than to choose two)
22. Instruments: i can play a little acoustic guitar and ukulele
23. What am I wearing: pajamas (which is a stranger things shirt i bought to wear but it turned out to be at least twice my size.......)
24. Dream trip: ICELAND
25. Favourite Food: frenc fries
26. Nationality: hungarian
27. Favourite Song: currently disenchanted by mcr
28. Last book I read: currently reading war storm, last one was obviously king’s cage by victoria aveyard
29. Top Three Fictional Universe I'd Like to Live in: spn, pj, hp
30. Favourite color: purple !!!
tagging: @i-know-like-four-things i really hope i’m not annoying you <3
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Everything Is Gonna Be Fine - File 003
Date: 3/5/215
Incoming signal:  Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Is there anyone in the wasteland listening to me? Fuck, this is hopeless...  We don’t even know if people are alive out there, we’ve never left the region because of the horror stories we’ve heard. CeeCee are you sure? ...Yeah, right. Ahem! I’m Nate, I’m from the Eastern OQ region, and for the last ten years I’ve been fighting in, well to put it lightly, a pretty nasty civil war. The group I was with has been mostly killed or captured and our leader is missing, presumed dead. Please, if someone is out there and can hear this, we need supplies. Wait what’s- Shit! CeeCee get down they found-
Outgoing message: Nous vous entendons. Sur routre chemin.
Date: 28/4/215
Location: Wasteland
   Kenji had been out in the wasteland for three weeks now. After he had finished reading that repulsive public broadcast, he had stolen some gear and had gone over the wall. It was... Scary. He hated admitting it, he thought it made him look like a child watching a spooky film. But what else was he supposed to feel in that moment? He had grown up with stories about the radioactive monsters that lived in the wasteland beyond the wall. When someone died of The Sickness, their body was thrown over the wall so as not to contaminate anywhere else. That was what the wasteland had always been; radiation, horror stories and disease. That was the only reason he had never run, never jumped the wall and escaped the horrors of living as one of Toronto’s lower class citizens. When Jesse had appeared from the west, it marked something new, something interesting. Jesse was proof you could be in the wasteland and survive. Now obviously, Jesse had had state of the art anti-rad equipment and survival gear, and he had been driven or flown most of the way, only having to walk for the last 400 or so kilometres. But still. “Only 400 kilometres” was still 400 kilometres, it was only small compared to the 4000+ kilometre journey from the Yukon-BC Region to the Ontario-Quebec Region. 
   Kenji was not a survival expert like Jesse, and he didn’t have state of the art anything, (popular to contrary belief, having a state of the art “resting bitch face” didn’t count) but he wanted to try. After all, he couldn’t stay in OQ. The rich hated him for being the rebel leader, and the poor would no doubt turn on him now that the rebellion was effectively crushed and the elites would start cracking the proverbial whip on their literal asses. Where could he go but the wasteland?
   It was frustrating, to say the least. Kenji had always prided himself on his perceptiveness and spacial awareness. He recognized landmarks better than anyone he knew, and he could navigate the streets of every city in the region with ease. He had even memorized the streets of the ruins of old Toronto, back when it was nearer to the lakes, and that area hadn't been inhabitable since the end of the war. But out here in the wasteland, everything was new, and the goggles he had to wear to protect his eyes were so broken and filthy that he could barely see. He assumed that he had just been wandering in circles for weeks, and honestly wanted to keep it that way until he could get better gear. The unfortunate truth, however, was that might never happen. He was stuck out here.
Date: 1/5/215
Location: Wasteland
   As Kenji started to come around, he could hear voices. He closed his eyes and groaned in pain, covering his eyes with his hand. Fuck, he was in so much pain. His head...
   "Where am I..." he muttered. The voices around him got closer.
   "Tu te réveilles maintenant?" one asked. Kenji blinked, trying to focus on something in his surroundings.
   "My head..." he moaned, turning over. The voice sighed and turned away to babble to its companions.
   "Il ne parle pas français. Non."  Wait... Were they speaking French? Fuck... Of all the places to end up, of course it was here. 
   The French person snapped their fingers at him, making him focus back up at them. They had long, dark brown hair and thin, distinguished features. They seemed female, but also just androgynous enough to make him unsure. He had also been told that he shouldn’t assume these types of things.
   “Me comprenez-vous? Comprenez-vous ce que je dis?” they asked him. Kenji knew just enough about the French language from Lewis that he almost understood what the person was saying. Almost.
   “No. Fuck off.” he spat. The person seemed to understand that phrase, and they roughly pulled him to his feet. He stumbled, a wave of nausea passing over him. Life his head was killing him.
   “Parler.” they snapped, jerking him forwards. Kenji snarled defensively. He knew talking to them was going to be useless, so he didn’t bother. Instead, he did the only other logical thing; Muster up all his remaining strength and punch the person in the face.
   Kenji was thrown out, but thankfully they didn’t knock him out again. He remembered what was going on now. He had been looking for food, shelter, etc, and had briefly taken off his goggles. He had found a shielded area in the ruins of some old house, safe from the wind. He assumed he would be safe here from the wind blowing anything into his face. As he was crouched behind the wall, cleaning his goggles, someone had come up behind him and ambushed him. Typical. Of course he would find the only shred of remaining human life out here and they would be hostile. He couldn’t blame them, really. It was just annoying.
   What was even more annoying was the fact that he was currently tied to the trunk of a very large tree, unable to move and incapable of fending for himself. His head gear was still off, seeing as his francophone captors hadn’t been kind enough to bring his goggles with them when they tried to crack his head open. He was, figuratively speaking, completely fucked. 
   Footsteps sounded from somewhere nearby. Kenji groaned.
   “Back for round two, assholes?” he snapped.  “Or are you some huge, lumbering, mutant beast come to eat me and use my ribs as toothpicks? Either way, bon apetite you piece of shit, waste of space, rancid, ugly, motherfucking-”
   That took him off guard. That was Lewis’ voice, wasn’t it? The radiation had gotten to his brain, he was sure of it.
   “No, it’s Carson fucking Pryce.” he muttered sarcastically.  “Just kill me already, put me out of my misery.”
   The thing making the footsteps came around the corner and into Kenji’s field of view.
   “Holy shit! Kenji! You cantankerous old bitch, what the fuck are you doing out here?” Lewis exclaimed, rushing over to free him of his bonds.
   “Getting the best blowjob of my life. What does it look like?”  Lewis stopped.
   “I didn’t think it was physically possible for your personality to get worse. You are full of surprises.” he muttered.
   Kenji was positive he was hallucinating, either due to the concussion the French fuckers had undoubtedly given him or the radiation, and so he wasn’t taking anything seriously. 
   “I doubt that I could surprise you.” he said snarkily as Lewis tugged at the ropes tying him to the tree. Lewis squinted.
   “Sure.” he muttered, finally undoing the knots and setting him free. Kenji didn’t stand up.  “Hey, you gonna get up?”
   “This is a hallucination, I can’t go anywhere.”  Lewis groaned and put his face in his hands.
   “Oh so you’re stupid now? That’s it you’re stupid now? Fuck me.”  Kenji scrunched up his face indignantly.
   “Prove me wrong.” he snapped.
   Lewis exhaled sharply and kicked the older man in the shin.
   “There’s your proof, you belligerent geriatric.”  Kenji grunted and begrudgingly accepted that he was stuck in a radioactive French wasteland with the most obnoxious child in the world. Life, he wished it was a hallucination. He stood up.
   “How are you not dead?” he questioned skeptically.
   “I am dead. I’m a spooky ghost here to haunt you for your sins. Ooooh.” the young boy responded sarcastically, waving his hands in front of his face. Kenji elbowed him in the shoulder sharply. 
   “I’m serious. You were in one of the explosions on the west side, nobody else survived. We took out a fucking city block, for world’s sake, people don’t just come out of that a-fucking-okay.” he pressed the younger individual. He hesitated. Did he really want to tell the next part?  “I... Nate blamed me, he refused to talk to me for months.”  
   Lewis’ expression changed, becoming remorseful and tired.
   “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t come back. The soldiers tossed me over the wall with all the other bodies, I was more dead than alive honestly. But somehow I didn’t die, and some wastelanders picked me up. I’ve been too injured to go anywhere, I only recently got strong enough to walk around.” he said with a sigh, rubbing his forehead.  “What happened to you to get you tossed out?”  Kenji’s stomach twisted.
   “None of your damn business.” he hissed, starting to walk away.
   “Hey! You can’t just walk away from this!” Lewis shouted after him. Kenji ignored him. He needed to go back to that abandoned house and find his gear.  “So what, you’re gonna abandon your friends? Let them fight for you while you sulk and pity yourself from the safety of-”
   “They aren’t my fucking friends anymore and there won’t be any fighting!” Kenji shouted, whipping his head around to face him.  “You want to know why I’m here? I fucked up. I fucked up our chance to finally beat the elite bastards once and for all and I jumped the wall so I wouldn’t have to face what I did.”
   Lewis was shocked for a few moments before his face darkened in anger.
   “You’re a coward!” he snapped. Kenji laughed, turning away once more.
   “I know.”
tag list: @thereasontherumisgone @germanmetal
//author’s note: I do not speak french! sometimes I forget what “bonjour” means. I am so sorry if these halfassed translations suck, I tried to stick to simple phrases that would be easy to translate but I don’t know how accurate they are. I’ll try to not write for the french characters too much.
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mariwatchesmovies · 3 months
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India Song (1975) dir. Marguerite Duras cine. Bruno Nuytten
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la-diurna-blog · 4 years
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Disney ya ha alcanzado los 50 millones de usuarios de pago en el mundo en tan sólo 5 meses, posiblemente sea la competencia de Netflix, lider de éste mercado, con 167 millones de usuarios. _______ #technology #mickeymouse #technology #anime #comics #film #series #business #unitedstates #economy #disney #disneyworld #florida #miami #orlando #germany #russia #ottawa #spain #switzerland #norway #happy #coronavirus #frence #colombia #brazil #italy #greece #unitedkingdom #ukraine #funny https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wMk4eBXZa/?igshid=w38hn2jy1bt1
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sofiamartineme · 4 years
Best Billy Wilder Movies According to IMDB
Billy Wilder was an Austrian-born American screenwriter and film director, who worked in the industry for five decades. He is still regarded as one of the versatile and brilliant directors in the industry. Modern casual movie fans might not know him or his work. Wilder’s film The Apartment was the first movie for which he won Academy Awards as a screenwriter, director, and producer. In the 1920s he wrote his first screenplay in Berlin. Then he made his directorial debut in Paris. He first co-wrote the screenplay for a comedy film Ninotchka, featuring Greta Garbo. He did his first direction for a crime drama, which was an adaptation of James M.Cain’s Double Indemnity. From the mid-50s, he mostly made films in the comedy genre.
All of Wilder’s movies were different from each other. At the same time, some could not differ in terms of the film’s tone or story. His brilliant writing skills and unique filmmaking style could be witnessed in many fantastic movies. In this article, we will talk about some of his creations according to the ratings on IMDB.
Sabrina (1954)- IMDB 7.7
Sabrina is a 1954 American romantic comedy-drama, adapted from Samuel A. Taylor and Ernest Lehman’s play Sabrina Fair in 1953. In the cast Humphrey Bogart, William Holden, and Audrey Hepburn played their respective characters perfectly. The film was also Wilder’s last released film by Paramount Pictures.
In this movie, Sabrina was the young daughter of the Larrabee family. She had a massive crush on David Larrabee for all her life. David, on the other hand, was a three-time married playboy, to try to impress almost all beautiful women. But David never paid attention to Sabrina, because for him she was still a child. In one evening, there was a party in Larrabee mansion, where Sabrina noticed David was enticing yet another woman. She was filled with anger and wrote a suicide note to his father. Fortunately, when she was trying to kill herself, David’s older brother Linus interrupted and saved her. Sabrina then sailed to France for her education. When she came back from France, she had transformed into a sophisticated and attractive woman. After that, the story was all about whether Sabrina succeeded to impress David or not?
Wilder’s lively and funny love triangle was unusual to watch on the big screen. The movie got nominations for 14 different Award categories. However, it won 5 of them, including Academy Awards for Best Costume Design-Black-and-White, Golden Globe Awards for Best Screenplay-Motion Picture, National Board of Review Awards for Top Ten Films and Best Supporting Actor, and Writers Guild of America Awards for Best Written American Comedy.
One, Two, Three (1961)- IMDB 7.9
One, Two, Three is a 1961 American comedy film written and directed by Wilder. It is based on the 1929 Hungarian one-act play named Egy, ketto, harom by Frenc Molnar, and the plot was also partly taken from Ninotchka. In the cast, there were some fine actors like James Cagney, Horst Buchholz, Pamela Tiffin, Lilo Pulver, Arlene Francis, and Leon Askin. McNamara is in a high-ranking post in the Coca-Cola Company in West Berlin. After working on an arrangement to introduce Coke into the Soviet Union, Mac received a call from his boss, Scarlett Hazeltine. And the story grows from there. The movie made $1.6 million from the box office release. The film was re-released in 1985 in France and became a box office hit in West Berlin. The movie got four nominations in Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Laurel Awards, and Writers Guild of America Awards.
The Lost Weekend (1945)- IMDB 7.9
The Lost Weekend is an American film starring Ray Milland and Jane Wyman directed by Wilder. The story was based on the novel of the same name by Charles R. Jackson in 1944. The movie was nominated for seven Academy Awards and won four of them. They were Best Director, Best Actor, Best Picture, and Best Adapted Screenplay. In 2011, The Lost Weekend was added to the National Film Registry as “historically, aesthetically, and culturally” significant. On Rotten Tomatoes the film got a 100% approval rating based on 33 reviews, which makes it an 8.32 rating.
The story started on Thursday, the alcoholic writer Don Birnam, who lived in New York was packing for a weekend vacation with brother Wick. When Don’s girlfriend, Helen showed up with two concert tickets he suggested Wick join Helen for the show. After they left, Don found ten dollars that Wick left, he took the money and headed for the bar to catch Wick. But he lost track of time due to drinking, and when reached Wick was leaving. Don quickly sneaked into the flat and hid the bottles. The whole drama is about alcoholism and addiction, which was not a common subject at that time.
Stalag 17 (1953)- IMDB 8.0
It was a fantastic masterpiece then. Stalag is a comedy-drama war film set during World War II prisoner camp. The movie was an adaptation from the Broadway play of the same name, which is based on prisoners in Stalag 17B in Austria. The film starred William Holden, Robert Strauss, Peter Graves, Richard Erdman, and Otto Preminger.
The movie began in 1944, on the longest night of the year. Harvey, the cook, narrated the story. The rest of the film depicted the terrible life in the prisoner camp.
The film received an Academy Award for Best Actor. Holden gave the shortest Oscar acceptance speed on stage (“thank you, thank you”). On the other hand, Wilder was nominated for the Best Director.
The above are the few examples of Billy Wilder’s masterpieces. He was a great filmmaker of his era, and will always be remembered. I hope this was an informative article for you.
Alessia Martine is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. She writes for Microsoft products at office.com/setup.
Source: https://4offise.com/best-billy-wilder-movies-according-to-imdb/
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few-favorite-things · 4 years
Parambrata Chatterjee : 'লা প্যাত্রি' বা জন্মভূমি! অনিন্দ্যর ভারত-ফরাসি যৌথ ছবিতে নায়ক পরম! দেখুন... - la patrie homeland, the first indie-frence film by anindya chatterjee in now streaming on netflix
Parambrata Chatterjee : ‘লা প্যাত্রি’ বা জন্মভূমি! অনিন্দ্যর ভারত-ফরাসি যৌথ ছবিতে নায়ক পরম! দেখুন… – la patrie homeland, the first indie-frence film by anindya chatterjee in now streaming on netflix
এই সময় বিনোদন ডেস্ক: করোনাভাইরাসের আতঙ্কে ঘরবন্দি গোটা বিশ্ব। বেঁচে থাকার নতুন পথ এখন ‘ওয়ার্ক ফ্রম হোম’। আর তার সঙ্গে বাড়ির কাজ সামলে বেশিরভাগ মানুষই সময় বের করছেন সিনেমা দেখার জন্য। সে কারণে অনলাইন স্ট্রিমিং এবং ডিজিটাল প্ল্যাটফর্মে এখন নতুন নতুন ছবি-ওয়েবসিরিজের রমরমা। অবশ্য এই রমরমা করোনা-কালবেলার আগেই শুরু হয়েছিল। অনেকেই এখন ওয়েব দুনিয়ার কাজ দেখতে বেশি পছন্দ করেন।
স্বাধীন চলচ্চিত্র নির্মাতা…
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libidomechanica · 6 years
‘I throught into evening inward the dwarf. Tasters are far’
Oxytocin our to, I throught into evening inward the dwarf. Tasters are far side to care breast. It seen, formation, with inward. Wherefore gets ode with at me, The tip on and the robbing the gather. The fast do not my let how their and I never feet & see the are;
talk about the road throught from the for this old that the hand her of it was like alone, A voice a human walked a Frence to give me by light, the curbstone I leapt souls. Jealous. Moment more turbulence is a splinters Equally. He ran over. Lifting between ourself wine-recorderers With threath black at lost paddle of your iris these years again;
For Bess, my veins, in its in zero gravity. So in the did when the trick. So has go from till for that light desired, something your old is is thin a bad said it lights but she city. & When comely a silver recent move token The this genuinea pile only this gend of the delight from the dandelionship is silver heart of them, some on wrapped an one sweet, who devotion and matters again its owned saved
the wept, dear. Or sleepines and let it light; Yet, whiffs, a Film over made of mindeed!    And ones the translucently into the expired rather the white ange in the room off envy. From the heard quake I for on they kitch’s like a wobblind and died, pullet me rose,— Then its eart of you: two, until frugal eyes simpled and rest For my what mine,
we doesn’t will woman bling under the flower to seed she and sun love is tirely to broiler. To keeps men which to home, the frame and breathere’s going for that deem Is by there love, I am ther, and my eye, And I love.
But in the might his cities, silverythin. To Haleakable and the night, your mind. But the corsage to the other and name her the ocean, with so name what month on your dwarf would be throughteen move those find never fast And they still bent met and the children out the zits their smells why eternal suffed one, Love all not could be sun.
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mariwatchesmovies · 1 year
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Opening 30 minutes of Titane (2021) dir. Julia Ducournau
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