#French report
lilidawnonthemoon · 15 days
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just-french-me-up · 5 months
International news reporting on the coming 2024 Paris Olympics : wow amazing venues, events held at Versailles, so fresh, so sophisticated, hon hon oui oui
French news reporting on the coming 2024 Paris Olympics : this shitshow will be the biggest travesty the world has ever seen and we cant wait, let us be Nero playing the violin as Paris burns
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unamourdeswann · 2 months
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Swann Arlaud giving a speech at Rassemblement et concert contre l'extrême droite, 03.07.2024, la République à Paris
Bonsoir. Bonsoir.
La responsabilité de ceux qui ont diabolisé la gauche est énorme. Ce sont les mêmes qui ont banalisé les discours d'extrême droite, le racisme et la xénophobie. Depuis des années, ils le font partout, chaque fois qu'ils peuvent. Et pourquoi ils font ça ?
Parce qu'ils préfèrent gouverner avec l'extrême droite qu'avec la gauche. Parce qu'ils savent très bien que le Rassemblement national n'est pas l'ennemi du capital, parce qu'ils veulent protéger leurs intérêts. Parce qu'ils veulent, que rien ne change, parce qu'ils partagent. La même haine des étrangers, la même obsession pour la sécurité. Parce qu'ils n'en ont rien à foutre de la planète!
Et ne lui il faut pas nous tromper, derrière le discours policer du RN se cachent la haine de l'autre. Le mépris du droit des femmes et la protection des puissants et les puissants le savent. Ils savent que leur RN ne touchera pas à leurs privilèges, ils savent qu'ils n'empêcheront pas l'industrie de continuer à détruire pour mieux s'enrichir. Ils savent qu'ils continueront à s'attaquer au plus faible, aux plus démunis, ceux-là même qui placent un espoir en eux parce qu'ils ont été oubliés depuis des décennies par tous les gouvernements successifs.
Alors ils agitent l'épouvantail, ils agitent le diable, le couteau entre les dents. Alors c'est les "islamo gauchistes", c'est les "féminazis", c'est les "éco terroristes". Mais en fait, il suffit de lire un peu les programmes, il est où le diable ?
Et vous le savez déjà. Vous le savez déjà, on y est déjà toute forme de contestation et criminalisée. C'est la police antiterroriste qui va déloger les militants écolos pacifistes chez eux à 06h00 du matin. Aujourd'hui, dénoncer le massacre du peuple palestinien est considéré comme un acte antisémite. Et lutter pour ses droits, pour la liberté, la solidarité, l'égalité des peuples, des êtres, dénoncer les abus, les violences, tout ça est considérer comme violent et dangereux. Ils ont- ils ont inversé les rôles, ils ont- ils ont détruit le langage, ils ont déplacé le sens des mots.
Et si on est là, c'est parce qu'on voudrait que demain ce soit pas encore pire.
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ahalliance · 9 months
the dread i feel knowing that qbaghera is a ‘federation experiment’ and that qantoine is involved in ‘federation experiments’ will never fade btw 👍
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meep-meep-richie · 6 months
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“ You don't want to add a flower shop?” “ I hate flowers.”
more owen wilson filmography gifsets can be found here
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buggyboyizhere · 10 months
RAHHHH MY BBGS!1!1!1 ( these are months old I just forgor to post em )
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Marbled Monday
This week's Marbled Monday is a twofer! This publication is a collection of issues of the Homeopathic Medical Reporter/Milwaukee Homeopathic Medical Reporter from the year 1848. The journal was published and edited by Tracy & Douglas, Homeopathic Physicians. Their office was "on Spring Street, West side of the river, in Goodall's Block, up stairs." Unfortunately that's about all we know about them!
The binding is interesting, with a Spanish Wave marbled pattern on the book itself and a French Curl pattern on the inside of the clamshell box it is housed in. The box is in much better condition than the book inside, which suggests that the box was made at a later date to protect the book.
This publication was acquired with the memorial fund of Delia G. Ovitz, who was a librarian at UWM's predecessor institutions, the Wisconsin State Normal School and Wisconsin State Teacher's College, from 1901-1944.
View more Marbled Monday posts.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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chimaerakitten · 8 months
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I can't be the only one who thinks about this while reading Dragons and Decorum
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crtter · 4 months
I know I find a way to link just about everything to The Character but this time the topic at hand really has something to do with him: if you’ve ever ran any Osomatsu-san or Osomatsu-kun material through an automatic translator, you’ve probably noticed Iyami’s name gets translated as “sarcasm” or “I don’t like it”. The word iyami DOES have a meaning outside of being Iyami’s name, but neither of those are accurate translations of it: when applied to a person, iyami means something more along the lines of “indiscreet” or “brutally honest”. As in, a person who speaks or acts in a way with no regard for other people’s feelings. And, at his core, that’s Iyami’s most distinguishing personality trait! He has this name in the first place because he doesn’t comply appropriately to Japanese social conventions, which makes him come off as a very unpleasant person.
We’re able to see this very clearly in his second ever appearance in the Osomatsu-kun manga. In it, Iyami is an old friend of Matsuzō and he shows up unannounced at their house right when they’re about to leave to have dinner at a restaurant. They keep trying to make him take a hint and leave, but he’s just unable to read between the lines. Instead, he makes himself way too comfortable and keeps making inappropriate jokes only he finds funny.
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Anyway, I mentioned that foreigners in Japan get somewhat of a free pass when it comes to not understanding their indirect communication style because people assume things are different where they came from and they still have to get used to it, right? Interestingly enough, even if all of your family has been born in Japan but you’ve moved to and lived in a different country for a significant period of time, people are also willing to forgive your social missteps more easily, under the assumption you’ve absorbed different values while living abroad. There’s even a term for people who had this experience: kikokusha, or returnee.
That’s what Iyami’s insistence that he “just returned from France” tries to invoke! Sure, he also associates living abroad with being fancy, but the fact he very specifically tries to get people to believe he’s a returnee implies that that’s just the most convenient way he found to excuse the fact he’s as blunt and bad at picking up hints he’s being rude as he is. Unfortunately for him, though, people tend to catch up quickly to the fact he’s lying about it.
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moeblob · 5 months
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Sebastian has been on my brain lately which means Cornella exists in my brain, too. They're best friends and have been since grade school. Their parents both run big companies and they're supposed to inherit them and Sebastian's dad is really upset that he's such good friends with her but whatever. (His mom loves their friendship) But her parents are just absolutely miserable that she's still in contact with him.
So he sneaks into her building on his lunch break and does work on his phone or tablet and just avoids all security cameras with his pathing and he knows which ones are busted and he knows which windows he can climb in for less cameras. One of her employees asks why he bothers since everyone that works for her KNOWS that he's there. Why not just ask the security to not report him, like, the security people KNOW he's there, too. He doesn't understand why that's a question because obviously giving anyone any evidence to use against him is bad. (and "also that's on you, buddy, you still haven't reported the camera in your office isn't working so I'm gonna continue using your office window as entry")
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thebusylilbee · 7 months
there isn't one single word about the current ICJ hearing on the front pages of major french newspaper websites... you literally would not know it's even happening if you trusted those websites to inform you it's crazy
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st-louis · 1 year
oh my god
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francepittoresque · 3 months
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16 juin 1929 : mort du cinéaste Alfred Machin ➽ http://bit.ly/Alfred-Machin Au nombre des pionniers du cinéma, Alfred Machin débute comme reporter photographe puis fonde son propre studio de cinéma à Bruxelles, exerce au sein du service cinématographique des armées, puis s’essaie à la réalisation de courts-métrages comiques avant de se spécialiser dans le film animalier
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awkwardsapphic · 1 year
Badboy est entrain de dire qu'il se sent mal pour nous (les européens) parce que les events semble toujours être a des mauvais timing pour nous.
Il pense, enfin espère, que le prochain sera plus accessible.
Il pense aussi que l'event n'a pas été décalé juste pour le mcc et pour lui et Tubbo. Parce qu'ils l'ont décalé vraiment tard par rapport au mcc. Donc ça doit sûrement être du a un problème
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n-learns-ukrainian · 3 months
Привіт! Мене звати N. Мені двадцять три роки. Я бельгійка. Я розмовляю фламандською. У мене є одна молодша сестра. Мої хобі писати та малювати. Я студентка.
Добрий вечір!
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