#French to English translation
desfraisespartout · 8 months
I need some help...
Fic translation is fun until you get to the part where you need to describe battles and abilities...
Like, how the hell do I translate "assaut éclipse de feu" in English?
I know the battle action is "Pheonix shift" but it sounds bad in what I'm trying to describe...
Et leur coéquipier repart après l’Émissaire avec un assaut éclipse de feu. Il la rejoint en un clin d’œil et croise le fer avec elle.
The general idea is that Clive rushes quickly to the Dominant to strike her. It ressembles the warping ability from FFXV. It's used as a gap closer.
I'll eventually think of something, but in the meantime, I'm sending this into the void in hopes someone can think of some phrasing.
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walks-the-ages · 9 months
okay.......... the open source translator decided to put in the n slur where there was no n slur. The original sentence is bad, but not on the level of the actual literal n slur.
Anyways. both instances been removed from the translated documents.
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renasy · 2 years
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FINAL FANTASY X|V - Sage Jobquest
The good doctor?
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john788008 · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of Performance Translation: Bridging Language Barriers with Accuracy and Elegance
In our increasingly interconnected world, effective communication across language barriers is crucial for businesses, individuals, and organizations alike. This is where the art and science of performance translation come into play. As a professional translator with extensive experience in English to French translation, French to English translation, and French translation, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of bridging linguistic gaps and fostering meaningful connections. With over four years of dedicated practice, I have honed my skills to provide accurate, elegant, and culturally sensitive translations that ensure clear and compelling messages in multiple languages.
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Ensuring Accuracy:
Translation is an intricate process that requires deep linguistic knowledge, cultural understanding, and meticulous attention to detail. As a performance translator, my foremost objective is to ensure utmost accuracy in conveying the intended meaning of the source text. This involves extensive research, utilizing specialized dictionaries and reference materials, and consulting subject matter experts when necessary. By employing a keen eye for nuance and context, I am able to capture the essence of the original message and deliver a translated version that is faithful and precise.
Preserving Style and Elegance:
Translation is not just about conveying information; it is an art form that demands an impeccable command of both the source and target languages. In my work, I prioritize preserving the style, tone, and elegance of the original text while adapting it to the cultural and linguistic norms of the target audience. This ensures that the translated content flows naturally, resonates with the readers, and maintains the intended impact of the source material. Whether it's a marketing campaign, website localization, or creative content, my aim is to deliver translations that engage and captivate the target audience.
Cultural Sensitivity:
Culture plays a vital role in effective communication. A performance translator understands that language is not merely a tool for exchanging words, but a reflection of cultural nuances and identities. Through years of experience, I have developed a deep understanding of the cultures associated with both English and French languages, allowing me to navigate the intricate web of cultural references and idiomatic expressions. By paying attention to these subtleties, I ensure that the translations I provide are culturally sensitive and resonate with the intended audience.
Performance translation is an art that requires a delicate balance of linguistic expertise, cultural understanding, and creative finesse. As a professional translator with a passion for linguistic excellence, I am committed to delivering accurate, elegant, and culturally sensitive translations that break down language barriers and foster meaningful connections. Whether you require English to French translation, French to English translation, or any other language-related services, I am here to assist you in unlocking the full potential of your communication across cultures. Trust in the power of performance translation to propel your global reach and connect with diverse audiences in a way that transcends words.
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learnelle · 6 months
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Last minute study for my French Literature exam ! (From my boyfriends balcony - my fav place to do work.) This semester we analysed Cœur du Sahel by Djaïli Amadou Amal and it was surprisingly my favourite read of this year :)
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ahalliance · 8 months
rapid fire french rayou strikes again (transcript below the cut)
[Video transcript:
[ENG] Etoiles: I— I’m speedrunning it [Mario Party], but it’s like—
[FR] Etoiles: The next person to bust my balls by saying, ‘he’s going to miss the Ascension [French competitive event happening this Saturday 28/10]’ even though my plane is at six PM, you bunch of morons, it’s not because ZeratoR [Ascension event organiser] said once that I’d miss my plane that I will miss my plane, because what you guys don’t understand is that a plane doesn’t get missed if you arrive three hours in advance, and the last time I missed the plane was because my corresponding flight was one hour and a half [late]!
[ENG] Etoiles: I was just saying to my chat that I love them :)
Tina: Awhhh
Foolish: See, once again I have a feeling maybe that wasn’t—
End Video Transcript.]
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
He posted Rei and Miri’s burnt French Toast! T0T <3
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Japanese: 相方と娘で作ったらしい…
English: Apparently, my partner and daughter made it...
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cyellolemon · 5 months
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An akam comic about time and healing :)
(left to right)
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iamhereinthebg · 2 months
I will never be over the fact that tbhk really takes place in 2015
We know that AidaIro published the first chapter in December 2014
The Yugi Twins were in the 66th Festival in 1968 and the curent present have the 113th Festival.
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On this panel, it's written that the 1st of September was a Tuesday. The closest years to the manga airing having this date being either 2009 or 2015.
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Which means: the 1st year (Aoi, Akane, Nene) were born in 1999, Teru in 1998 and Kou and Mitsuba in 2000.
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shima-draws · 5 months
More Sanlu headcanons? 👀
ACTUALLY YEAH I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I know Sanji’s going to be absolutely insufferable after spending two years on Momoiro, but I’ve read a lot of fics that flip it and make it so he actually becomes way more comfortable with gender and sexuality in general. Especially being around someone like Iva, who is the queen on everything gender-related! I imagine Iva slaps some sense into him bc he’s definitely got uh. Some issues with his masculinity. And that in turn makes Sanji realize that all this time he’s been chasing after women bc it’s been expected of him, that’s how he was raised, after all. But despite all that the one person he’s been thinking of nonstop isn’t Nami or Robin, it’s Luffy. And Sanji realizes he’s so so SO in love with his captain that it hurts.
Cue Sanji pining HARD for the next two years and helplessly. HELPLESSLY struggling with his feelings for Luffy, almost to the point where he makes himself sick from it. (Iva proudly says that Sanji couldn’t have picked a better man to fall for. Luffy has his approval lol) And Sanji has all these plans and things he wants to say once they meet again, but when they actually DO that all goes flying out the window.
Sanji’s too much of a pussy to work up the nerve to confess LMAO so he decides to go the more roundabout route and drop hints. WHICH finally leads to the idea I had: Sanji not so subtly singing love songs whenever Luffy happens to be in the kitchen while he’s cooking. (He’s really embarrassed about it at first but then it actually becomes pure habit after a while 😂)
The rest of the Strawhats pick up on this pretty quickly, and they think it’s A. Really cute and B. Really amusing. Sanji doesn’t really sing as much if there’s somebody else in the kitchen besides Luffy, but when it’s just the two of them!! Ohh man.
Luffy notices Sanji’s been singing more often but it will probably take him a while to connect the dots lol. Really this just came to mind bc I desperately. Desperately want Sanji to sing La Vie En Rose. And you bet your ass he pours so much of his two year pining into those lyrics that even someone as dense as Luffy notices 🤧
Also I wrote an essay in my tags and decided they needed to be shared directly on the post so yeah here you go
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doyouknowthismusical · 7 months
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walks-the-ages · 8 months
"Il marchait en sautillant et ses bottines qui craquaient faisaient un petit bruit assez semblable au chant du cri-cri."
Okay frenchblr. I need help with this sentence.
"He walked by jumping, and his spats were making a little noise similar to the cri-cri song."
^ is one translation....
while another is
"He was hopping along and his creaking boots made a little noise not unlike the song of the scream-scream."
What pray tell, is "au chant du cri-cri?"
Is it a nusury rhyme?
Is it slang?
Is it a really outdated reference and no one knows what it's for anymore because its from a book that is 117 years old??
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I didn't think I'd play a sapphic film noir investigation video game set in my city of Montreal, Canada, but here we are. The game is This Bed We Made, we play as Sophie and she's the cutest maid.
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The game is part maid simulator part investigation, the puzzles are fairly easy and fun to do. We get to choose who helps us investigate, and I chose Beth, the receptionist, and you can romance her! (She insinuated Sophie has a beautiful soul in our conversation, I had to pause for a second at that)
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The height difference is killing me. Beth is also gorgeous, I snooped in her locker and found a cheeky photo of her.
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How beautifully done is this photo? Pure Femme Fatale Energy, or FFE.
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darklinaforever · 4 months
Fanart by @dudlesdudles
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Nos corps engagés,
Our engaged bodies,
au milieu de cette nuit.
in the middle of this night.
Nous dansons sur la piste,
We dance on the floor,
et le rythme dégivre nos cœurs gelés.
and the rhythm thaws our frozen hearts.
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valictini · 2 months
Everything in Lea’s interview only cemented the fact that the QSMP really is just the biggest shitshow ever, but one thing that took me by surprise is how badly the prison arc development was managed
Wdym the admins had to create it in only 5 days?
Wdym Quackity ordered for drastic changes THE DAY BEFORE it was supposed to be shipped?
The more I learn about QStudio, the more it makes it easy for me to just drop the whole project, honestly. Like what’s the point.
They let the server run as an empty shell.
They clearly give 0 shits about any of the admins that dared to point out problems.
And now we learned that the people who weren’t fired have probably just stayed in the studio because of « privileged » treatment + trauma bonding + manipulation from upper management making them think that the admins who spoke up are liars
[Edit: the situation is more complicated, but this statement up here is going off the assumption that some of the people who are still on the team were never paid and their passion + loyalty are still being exploited, notably to throw the ex admins under the bus. This might be false. They might have been paid fairly since the beginning and are just trying to keep their job. We don't know. But that was my assumption when writing it.]
It’s looks genuinely unsalvageable to me
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yvanspijk · 1 year
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The Proto-Germanic word *gahlaibōn, 'someone you share your bread with', was borrowed into Latin in a special way: its parts were translated individually. This is called a loan translation or a calque. The result was compāniō. This word became copain and compagnon in French and then companion in English. Here's more.
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