#Fresh Jobs in Pakistan
spreejobs · 10 months
Specialist Dermatology Job Vacancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Specialist Dermatology Job Vacancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Specialist Dermatology Job Vacancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates JOB DESCRIPTION Work in all shifts as scheduled by Head of the department. Monitors clinical and other established indicators to ensure ongoing quality assurance. Strictly adheres to organization’s regulations and policies especially those related to infection control, patient safety, EHSMS, HAAD, JCI and ISO. Supports…
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Books to Try if You Loved Miraculous Ladybug
The way I have always viewed media is that it’s stories, first and foremost, and then the medium comes next. Medium can make a lot of difference in how stories are told, with visual media working quite well for the superhero genre and interiority shining in the written format. I want to draw attention to books that I think lovers of certain stories would also enjoy while also throwing in a few extras along the way and highlighting a diverse range of authors and genres.
If you loved the romance between a biracial artist and someone who likes science, try:
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Red String Theory by Lauren Kung Jessen
Rooney Gao grew up the daughter of a famous artist and wants to make a name for herself in the art world independent of her mother, going by the moniker Red String Girl. Drawing from Chinese folklore about the red string of fate, Rooney also follows ideas of destiny in many aspects of her life, including love. Jack Liu is a scientist at NASA who is perfect for Rooney, but his own insecurities and resistance to fate might be enough to keep them apart.
If you loved the Parisian setting and strong fashion components, try:
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If I Promise You Wings by A. K. Small
A. K. Small spent part of her life in the Sacré-Cœur of Paris and you can feel the city come alive in her story of grief and moving on. Alix Leclaire has graduated high school and lands her dream job at the Mille et une Plume, a feather boutique that plays a part in the haute couture fashion scene. Despite her happiness, the loss of her best friend is still a fresh wound for Alix to heal from.
If you loved the Parisian setting and the exploration of a character with anxiety, but want more of the Eiffel Tower and a Queer historical bent, try
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The Paris Affair by Maureen Marshall
Fin Tighe is working for Gustave Eiffel as they work to build the Eiffel Tower in time for the World’s Fair. But as the illegitimate son of an English earl with no other heirs, the guardian of a ballerina cousin who wants to focus on her craft, and the love interest of a member of the Parisian elite, Fin and his anxiety are going to be tested in ways he never thought possible.
If you loved the dynamic of Adrien coming from a famous family and Marinette coming from a working class family with the struggles of making friendships, try
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Love at First Knight by Megan Clawson
When Daisy Hasting, LARPer enthusiast from a family of LARPer enthusiasts, is volunteered to be a temporary knight at the Tower of London for a summer camp, the last thing she expects it to find love, let alone with a member of the royal family.
If you liked the secret identities but want a more grounded romance, try
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Maya’s Laws of Love by Alina Khawaja
School teacher Maya Mirza has agreed to an arranged marriage with her friend from college, but on her way to Pakistan, she Sarfaraz, a Pakistani-Canadian divorce lawyer who is cynical towards love and romance. Both keep meeting up as roadblock after roadblock appears on their way to Pakistan.
If you loved the magical girl elements, but want an adult POV, try
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A Magical Girl Retires by Park Seolyeon trans. Anton Hur
When the protagonist is told that she is the legendary Magical Girl of Time, she’s thrust into the world of women with superpowers. From job expos to credit card debt to discussions around climate change to conversations surrounding grief and loss, this is the perfect book for people who grew up on the magical girl genre.
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If you liked the monsters being people the MCs know and are impacted by strong feelings, try:
Princess Tutu
When Ahiru is transformed from a duck into the magical girl Princess Tutu to save Prince Mytho, she has to fight her own friends and grow closer to enemies to accomplish her goals, even at the risk of breaking her own heart. A metacontextual examination of opera, ballet, fairy tales, and broader storytelling, Princess Tutu scratches the Miraculous itch while also doing something wholly new.
You can also find this post on substack under:
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
Why are Western leaders so eager to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China? It’s about depopulation, stupid
With A.I. and robots, Israeli historian and WEF mouthpiece asks: ‘What do we need so many humans for?’
Israeli historian and World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari is back in the public eye, making the Forum’s case for a depopulated world.
Harari doesn’t come right out and say, let’s kill off half or more of the human beings on the planet. No, he’s much more subtle and cagey in the way he approaches the subject. He backs into it.
Listen carefully to the philosophy of the most dangerous organization on the planet that most Americans have never heard of, the World Economic Forum, and it’s chief philosophical adviser, Yuval Harari.
Elitist WEF mouthpieces like Harari must have a seething hatred for the human race. Perhaps someone should remind Harari that he is also human, and in desperate need of a more human worldview. Instead of technocracy and its depopulation agenda, perhaps Harari should set his eyes on Jesus Christ and what He teaches about the value of human life.
The philosophy you heard espoused in the above video is not some fringe ideology. It is the philosophy of nearly every government in the Western NATO alliance, the same alliance now angling for war with Russia, China, Iran and others. The WEF also has the allegiance of many globalist U.S. governors, from both blue and red states, who have traveled to Switzerland over the years to pander to Klaus Schwab, Harari, and the rest of the Davos death cult. Governors Brian Kemp of Georgia, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and JB Pritzker of Illinois attended the WEF’s 2023 summit earlier this year. Eleven members of Congress also checked in at Davos this year along with Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Chris Coons of Delaware, and Krysten Synema of Arizona. Billionaire business leaders from all industries joined the party.
The most represented countries at the 2023 WEF summit, not including the host Switzerland, were the U.S. (27.2 percent of all attendees) and the U.K. (9.1 percent), followed by Germany (4.3 percent).
Today’s leaders in Western governments and businesses — incestuously enmeshed in public-private partnerships — are obsessed with “net zero carbon emissions” and a worship of technology, especially artificial intelligence and quantum computing (Patrick Wood expounds on this in his latest article here). They are desperately looking for ways to eliminate large swaths of the very humans they have always disdained and now no longer need. Eliminating carbon will cause mass die-offs in the years to come. Plants require carbon. Humans and livestock emit carbon. “Net zero” will bring famine and starvation to the world.
But they can’t wait on climate hysteria to do its job. If they can use the deep-seated hatreds ingrained in various geopolitical hotspots — Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, Serbia-Kosovo, India-Pakistan, and Israel-Gaza — to accomplish their depopulation goals, they will not pass on the opportunity. In each one of these flashpoints, you see almost no effort to negotiate a peaceful resolution. The dogs are out of the doghouse and they are circling the wagons, salivating for human blood.
In the eyes of the Obamas, Bidens, Bushes, Clintons, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Klaus Schwab, King Charles and the rest of the Davos death cult, the more bloody and destructive the coming World War III, the better. They crave it like a vampire in need of a fresh vein. They cannot wait to get the killing started.
Unless these psychopaths are somehow miraculously removed from power, the U.S. and its allies will engage in another world war, and it will likely kill more people than World Wars I and II combined. The technology has advanced so much since the 1940s that these monsters are able to be much more efficient in their eradication of human life. On the other side of this coming calamitous event, they plan to usher in their new digital reset, eliminating all cash, fossil fuels, and freedom.
And it doesn’t have to be so. America faces no threat from abroad. The only threat we face is from inside our borders, where sleeper cells have been allowed to infiltrate by globalist traitors in our government supporting disastrous immigration policies for decades.
Let us pray that our new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, will be a positive force for change in Washington. He can do nothing alone, but this is the first good news I’ve had to report out of Washington in years, and, God willing, it can be a first step toward the full exposure and removal of the blood-thirsty globalist neocon war-hawks who currently rule the roost.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Farmers Day
What is Farmers Day?
Farmers Day is celebrated every year on October 12! The profession of farming began around 12,000 years ago with the domestication of livestock as hunter/gatherers settled down and started to plant their own food. In short, farming is one of the oldest jobs around. So let‘s take a moment to give some love to all the farmers who work tirelessly to feed us year round.
When is Farmers Day 2022?
Farmers Day in the U.S is observed on October 12 every year. Other countries celebrate the holiday on different days, with India and Pakistan holding large celebrations in December.
History of Farmers Day
Agriculture is one of the world’s oldest and vital professions. Farmers have remained one of the highest contributors to economic growth while consistently feeding the people who rely on their goods. Originally referred to as Old Farmer’s Day, National Farmers Day was cultivated to celebrate the hard work farmers put into growing their crops. The date of October 12 came about as it lands at the end of the traditional harvesting period, allowing farmers to participate in festivities, which can sometimes last the entirety of the month. Additionally, every three years, the Harvest Moon will fall in early October, preceding and leading up to National Farmer’s Day on the 12th.
In fact, in Loranger, Louisiana, there’s an Old Farmer’s Day Festival which celebrates and showcases the traditions and methodologies of farming before it became the modernized and scientific venture it is today. Usually, in states in the northern US, the first frost would occur in the beginning of October, if not the middle, requiring many farmers to harvest their crops beforehand to prepare for the winter. Now, because of scientific developments in farming techniques, the traditional growing period can be prolonged to increase yield and profit, part of the reasoning why National Farmer’s Day tend to extend its celebrations in rural areas to National Farmer’s Month.
Farmers Day timeline
12,000 BC ELet's settle
People began to leave their nomadic hunter gatherer lifestyle and settled down as farmers.
Mid 1600s You say you want a revolution
The British Agricultural Revolution began due to an unprecedented increase in agricultural production.
1902 The National Farmers Union was founded.
The NFU was founded in Texas by ten family farmers. The union advocated for voting rights for women, fair market access for farmers, and increased co-operative rights.
1934 Farm to table goods
Farmer's Markets began in Los Angeles as a way for farmers and merchants can sell their wares from permanent stalls.
Traditions of National Farmers Day
Thank a farmer
They’re the backbone of the breadbasket and what feeds not just this country, but many other nations as agriculture is usually a major export. Make sure you thank a farmer today for all their hard work keeping bread on tables everywhere!
Buy from a local farmer
One of the best ways to thank a farmer is with your wallet. Head to a farmer’s market or join a local CSA (community supported agriculture) to get some fresh, local produce, eggs, or even grass-fed meat.
Start a garden
Or become one yourself! Growing your own food is one of hte most sustainable and rewarding ways to celebrate National Farmer’s Day. It may have a tough learning curve to plant and grow just a few tomatoes, but the taste of tomatoes right off the vine will make it all worth it.
Stats about National Farmers Day
2 million – the number of farms in the U.S. $1 trillion – The contribution of agriculture to the US economy. 1.3% – The percentage of the U.S. labor force made up by ranchers. 90% – The percentage of U.S. crop losses caused by extreme weather 50,000 – The number of jobs available in agriculture in the U.S each year. 40% – The percentage of crop cash that is generated by corn and soybeans. 166 – The number of people the average U.S farm feeds each year. 25% – The percentage of food that Americans throw away every month.
Farmers Day FAQs
Which day is celebrated as Farmers Day?
National Farmers Day is celebrated annually on October 12 Why do we celebrate Farmers Day?
Farmers have one of the oldest and most important jobs. On October 12, we celebrate the hard work they put in year long in order to keep our economy thriving and our stomachs full! What is National Ag Day?
National Ag day was created in order to recognize all fields that fall under the agricultural category. This day is celebrated annually on March 14.
Farmers Day Activities
Go to a farmers market
Start your own mini-farm
Earn your stripes with a farmer's tan
Support your local farmers by shopping at the local Farmer's Market. Keep in mind that by shopping with small businesses, you are helping an entrepreneur provide for their family or expand their business. America has a history of family farming and your support helps keep their dreams alive.
According to one of the top Kansas City PR Firms, only 2% of Americans grow their own food. What better way to celebrate National Farmers Day than to become your own farmer? Think how awesome would it be if your favorite fruits or veggies were growing in your backyard. Don't have a yard? No Problem. Many neighborhoods have community gardens where you can test out your green thumb.
We're not saying to throw out your sun block, but it might be fun to show solidarity with your local farmers by sporting your own t-shirt tan! Enjoy the sunny day outdoors and learn the true meaning of a Farmer's Tan.
Why We Love Farmers Day
Farmers perform one of the world's oldest jobs
They grow our food
Farmers are dedicated, hard workers
Farming developed independently all over the globe, whether is was farming rice, wheat, bananas, shrimp, or almonds, farmers are working tirelessly all over the globe to feed the world.
It is hard to imagine a world without having access to fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, there is a group of professionals that dedicate themselves to growing the perfect produce. Farmer's play a vital role in our society by providing us with the luxury of purchasing fruit and vegetables at any given time.
Deciding to be a farmer is a decision that not many take lightly. Creating a farm requires investment, tons of hard work, equipment, time and a passion for growing food.
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Invite to our channel! If you are a fresh graduate wanting to start your profession in the medical billing field, you’re in the ideal location. We supply extensive info on interesting task chances for Junior Accounts Receivable (AR) Executives in Islamabad, Pakistan, readily available for both males and women in 2024. Jobs Links! 1-
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asad-abbas · 27 days
"Connecting Talent Across Borders: Premier Swiss Recruitment Agency in Pakistan"
In today’s globalized job market, finding the right talent and ensuring the perfect job match has become a complex yet essential task for businesses and job seekers alike. For companies in Switzerland looking to tap into the vast talent pool in Pakistan, a premier Recruitment Agency for Switzerland in Pakistan offers an unparalleled solution. This agency acts as a bridge, connecting Swiss employers with highly skilled Pakistani professionals, facilitating seamless recruitment processes, and ensuring both parties’ needs are met with precision and efficiency.
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Why Choose a Swiss Recruitment Agency in Pakistan?
Expertise and Local Knowledge: A specialized Best recruitment agency in Pakistan understands the nuances of both the Swiss and Pakistani job markets. This dual insight ensures that the candidates sourced are not only highly qualified but also culturally and professionally suited to the demands of Swiss employers.
Access to a Diverse Talent Pool: Pakistan boasts a wealth of talent across various sectors, including IT, engineering, healthcare, finance, and more. A recruitment agency with a focus on Switzerland can leverage this diverse talent pool to find candidates who are ready to meet the high standards expected in Swiss workplaces.
Streamlined Recruitment Process: The recruitment agency handles the entire process, from initial candidate screening to final placement, ensuring a hassle-free experience for Swiss companies. This includes managing interviews, background checks, and visa processing, which can be particularly complex when dealing with international hires.
Cultural Alignment and Support: Beyond matching skills and qualifications, the agency ensures that candidates are prepared for the cultural and professional environment in Switzerland. This includes providing cultural orientation and relocation support, helping new hires integrate smoothly into their new roles and communities.
Success Stories and Industry Impact
Several Swiss companies have already benefited from partnering with recruitment agencies in Pakistan. These agencies have successfully placed Pakistani professionals in key positions within Swiss firms, contributing to the companies’ growth and innovation. By tapping into this international talent market, Swiss employers can address skill shortages, bring in fresh perspectives, and enhance their competitive edge.
Future Prospects
The collaboration between Swiss companies and Pakistani recruitment agencies is set to grow as more businesses recognize the value of international talent. This partnership not only supports individual career growth but also fosters stronger economic ties between Switzerland and Pakistan. By continuing to bridge geographical and cultural gaps, recruitment agencies play a crucial role in shaping a dynamic and inclusive global workforce.
In conclusion, a premier Top recruitment agency in Pakistan for Switzerland in Pakistan offers a strategic advantage for Swiss businesses seeking top-tier talent. Through expert knowledge, access to a diverse talent pool, and comprehensive support services, these agencies facilitate successful international recruitment, driving growth and innovation in the global job market.
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sahraeyll · 27 days
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Invite to our channel! If you are a fresh graduate seeking to start your profession in the medical billing field, you’re in the ideal location. We supply extensive details on interesting task chances for Junior Accounts Receivable (AR) Executives in Islamabad, Pakistan, readily available for both males and women in 2024. Jobs Links! 1-
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abishekmuses · 2 months
Cricket, The Game of Life and The Awkwardness of Adult-Kid Relationships The joys of cricket are so manifold, so generously giving and utterly unconveyable through such mere things as words.
Where would one even start. Say I was to explain the emotion that is cricket - where would I start? where could I start?
Would I start by explaining the beauty - nay, the poetry - nay, the geometry of a sweetly timed cover drive.
Could I possibly explain to someone that feeling - that indescribably pregnant feeling that hangs in the air and in heart of the ardent fain on the first morning of a test match - and you have nothing on schedule for the day and all you plan on doing is watching the cricket.
An in form Tendulkar picking the gaps in a packed off side field with surgical precision. Dhoni finishing things off with a six. Dravid frustrating fast bowlers with his stoic defence, session after session. The ebbs and flows of a test match - the way the fuse catches fire sometimes in the last few sessions of the 5th day.
The achingly long passages of play where nothing happens and commentators turn into philosophers - giving us metaphysical musings to ponder about. The sheer poetry of watching over after over go by languidly - the scoreboard ticking over.
The dopamine rush of a sudden flurry of boundaries or wickets. Oh the joy of leather making contact with willow. The sound. The feedback. That inimitable feeling of timing the ball exquisitely and knowing the moment it leaves the bat that it's headed past the ropes.
Oh how could I begin to explain all this?
How could I tell them about "Ashes to ashes dust to dust - if Lilee won't get you, then Thommo must"
or the feared West Indian pace quartet.
Would the names Marshall, Garner, Holding, Roberts mean anything to them? Hell, would the name VIv Richards mean anything to someone who isn't also taken by this most exquisite of afflictions.
Would they think you're merely a lunatic when you say that cricket does a bloody job of acting as a metaphor for life?
Expansive, take-no-prisoners style vs circumspect outside off stump?
Compact technique vs see ball hit ball.
Monastic marathon innings - 15 ball wonder-cameos . Oh would they see it?
The first morning of an ashes series.
The magic of Mccullium's last test innings.
The unreal events of Headingley 2019.
India vs Pakistan.
Oh I say.
The G Version
I want to talk about my love for cricket with you. It's romance. It's love. it's beauty. It's passion. It's aesthetics. It's joie de vivre. Sometimes I feel, it is life itself. The sight of a batsman in tucked in whites, padded up, taking guard - ahhh. That exquisite unspeakable perfection of even witnessing a sweetly timed cover drive - let alone playing one. do you know what i mean?
the exquisite comprehensiveness with which cricket acts as a metaphot for life. The addictive yet ever-fresh sensual pleasure of leather striking willow. The sweet sound. The feedback through the hands. The sweet rhythm of building an innings and reaching a crescendo. The bated breaths when totals are being chased. That air of expectation and possibility when a test is about to begin and it's time for toss. those agonising waits for the next day's play to begin. The thrill of watching MSD hit last over sixes. The unspeakable joy of watching rahul dravid defend ball after ball and making bowlers feel like even a six would be preferable, given all the effort they've expended. The feeling of mastery and utter imperiousness that one feels when one pitches the ball outside a right hander's leg stump and gets it to fizz into his off stump, rattling the woodwork. Oh even phrases such as rattling the woodwork. The linguistics of cricket is a whole other treat by itself. Creaming it through the covers. hasn't troubled the scorers. He's gone for a duck. I can't remember the others but i'll try my best to remember - they are poetry - the expressions, the phrases, the idioms. Those memories of walking bat in hand, through indian streets looking for a fellow who'd oblige and bowl a few - just to feel that rush of bat hitting ball. Those memories of commentary gold - "Mccullum's at it again - he goes over extra" AHHHH Tony greig screaming "It's all happening here - SASHIN TENDALKAR" Mccullum's last test. The first morning of an ashes series. The sheer poetry of a Lord's test. The unbearable heat of Indian summers and the hopelessness of fielding for 50 overs on the face of an unbreakable partnership. The sheer ecstasy of a breakthrough. oh the ebbs and flows of test cricket - Ben Stokes on the final day of Headingley. the feared and legendary West Indian pace quartet. The audacious genius of Viv Richards that I only ever came in contact with through legends. And that of Garry Sobers, Ian Botham, Imran Khan and Kapil Dev. The trivia itself - ohh - the trivia - of how Sobers stormed into the Aussie dressing room and gave a word of warning to new boy Lilee before going on to smash him to all parts. Oh the expressions again - Took him to the cleaners. Damaged his figures. Sent it flying over cow corner. shots both sides of the wicket. two paced wickets. A bit of nip. Lateral movement on offer. Flat track bully. elegant strokemaker. Slog overs dasher. Oh God where do I start? I love this sport. Oh but the pains. The pains of loving cricket so much and getting out for a first ball duck in your first innings in years. the pain of having to pretend that never happened while you go and and field for 50 overs - watching lesser batsmen who don't quite see the poetry of it all ike you do make runs for fun. Reading about a humdinger of a test match written by an inimitably wise cricket writer - oh what a tradition - cricket writing. Mark Nicholas. Richie Benaud. Oh where do I start?
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findlyjobs · 3 months
NUML Islamabad Jobs 2024 | Download Form – www.numl.edu.pk
NUML University Islamabad Jobs 2024 have been announced and are seeking interested, dynamic, experienced, and talented candidates to fill various positions with attractive salary packages and allowances as per department policies. Both male and female candidates from all across the country are welcome to apply through the complete application procedure.
If you are interested in NUML Jobs 2024 in Pakistan, you're in the right place. This page has been designed to provide high-quality information about NUML Jobs announced for all campuses in Pakistan. But before delving into that, let's discuss what NUML is and the types of jobs it offers to Pakistani nationals.
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NUML University Islamabad Jobs 2024
The National University of Modern Languages was established in 1969 with the aim of providing quality education in modern languages. Initially, it primarily catered to language training for Armed Forces Personnel and other government servants. However, in May 2000, it was upgraded from an institution to a federal charter university.
Keywords: Fresh / Recent / New / Latest NUML Islamabad Jobs March 2024 at the National University of Modern Languages Advertisement in Daily Express & The News Newspaper on Saturday, March 16, 2024 Government of Pakistan, Public Sector University Graduate / Postgraduate / Bachelor's / Master's Degree Fields include Law, Business Administration Qualifications: B.A. / B.Sc. / BBA / B.Com. / M.A. / M.Sc. / MBA / M.Com. Also open to F.A. / F.Sc. / Intermediate / Inter - Pass candidates Positions for Law Graduates, Admin Managers, Clerical Staff, and more National University of Modern Languages (NUML) Islamabad Jobs March 2024
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toplevelbook · 3 months
WAPDA Lahore Fresh Graduate Trainee Program 2024: Launch Your Career in Energy & Development
Are you a recent graduate in engineering, finance, business, or a related field seeking a rewarding career opportunity that contributes to Pakistan’s growth? Look no further than the Water and Power Development Authority’s (WAPDA) Lahore Fresh Graduate Trainee Program 2024!
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Online apply
#Job #governmentjobs #government #WAPDA #WapdaTown
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fairysbookshelf · 4 months
Maya's Laws of Love by Alina Khawaja
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Book Stats: Rating:⭐⭐⭐⭐(4/5) Spice Rating: Clean Romance ❤️ Tropes: Fake-Dating, Right person-wrong time, running to catch the other lead before they leave forever Publisher: Harlequin Publishing
*Thank you so so much to Harlequin publishing for giving me a copy of this book to read for free in exchange for a free review- I wasn't expecting to get approved, so it really means a lot that you trust little old me to do the book justice!*
On her way to her arranged wedding in Pakistan, Maya gets trapped in a cycle of freak travel accidents. Her plane gets grounded in Switzerland, her bus to her family home's town breaks down and a whole bunch of other shenanigans. Luckily though, instead of having to face all of this alone, she somehow ropes in the stranger sitting next to her on the plane-who was very much a jerk to her when they met in the airport the first time, to facing all of this with her. They face a mount of challenges. The real question boils down to- will Maya make it to the wedding on time, and if so, will she still go thru with it?
So first off, I love the idea of this being a travel romance. It really sets it apart from your other romance novels. It is not your sterotypical plot line is what I am trying to say. It kept me constantly engaged too. I will say also that the plot twist that happen are perfect and really balanced, you think after so many of them that the reader may tire, but I know i didn't. I think this maybe was the author brings a really fresh one every time.
I absolutely LOVED the characters in this one. They had great chemistry and the dynamic they had was really really different and unique. I also loved the character growth. The author does an amazing job with writing it.
The micro tropes in this book sent me into a tizzy. Y'all know those "My wife" moments that we all freak out over on booktok about? There was one perfectly well executed in this book and it may have made me scream a little in class. 😅
Also, the diversity. Can we just take a moment for that alone?
If your someone who doesn't prefer spicy, I think this may be one worth picking up. There is none in this novel whatsoever(and let me be clear in saying-I don't think it needs it.)
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men--fashion · 5 months
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Mika Perfume
J. Mika Perfume in Pakistan
Mika Perfume is a modern, luxury fragrance created by perfumer and entrepreneur Mika Autio. It is a blend of sweet, floral, and musky notes, designed to give a feeling of freshness and femininity. This Perfume is a floral-fruity fragrance created by French perfumer Jean-Charles Brosseau. It is designed to be a delicate and timeless scent that is suitable for both daytime and evening wear. The top notes of  Junaid Jamshaid Perfumes are sweet and spicy, while the heart notes are composed of jasmine, rose, and violet. The base notes consist of musk, amber, patchouli, and sandalwood.
Product Used in Mika Perfume:
The main ingredients used in Mika Perfume in pakistan include jasmine, rose, violet, musk, amber, patchouli, and sandalwood.
Launched is a French fragrance line created by the Paris-based perfume house, Perfumes de Marly. Founded in 2009, Launched is known for its unique combination of French perfumery techniques and Japanese art and culture. The brand’s signature scent Launched
It is a blend of bergamot, sandalwood, and jasmine. Other popular scents include
A spicy and woody unisex scent
A light and floral scent.
Mika is a bespoke, luxury perfume line designed to capture the essence of the individual. Our fragrances are crafted to express the personal journey and identity of each wearer and to evoke a sense of nostalgia, joy, and authenticity.
We source our ingredients from the finest local and international suppliers. Our perfumes are blended with natural and sustainable ingredients to create the perfect combination of freshness, depth, and subtlety.
We believe in the power of scent to transform the mood and create meaningful experiences. Each of our unique fragrances is designed to evoke emotions, memories, and moments of joy.
Our perfumes are available as both Eau de perfume and Eau de toilette. Our signature scents are crafted with a blend of citrus, floral and woody notes, with subtle hints of spices and herbs.
We offer a wide range of fragrances, from classic and timeless to contemporary and daring. Whether you’re looking for a signature scent or something special for a special occasion, we have something to suit every taste.
Our fragrances come in beautifully designed bottles and packaging, perfect for gifting and sharing. We are committed to providing luxury fragrances.
Junaid Jumshaid products advantages:
The main advantages of Mika Perfume are:
Long-lasting fragrance: The scent of J. Mika fragrance is long-lasting, making it a great choice for those who want to feel refreshed all day.
Affordable: This Cologne is an affordable choice for anyone looking for a quality perfume without breaking the bank.
Variety of scents: Mika Cologne has a range of scents to choose from, making it easy to find one that suits your taste.
Natural ingredients: Mika fragrance is made with natural ingredients, making it a great choice for those who prefer natural fragrances.
Environmentally friendly: Mika Perfume is an environmentally friendly choice as it is made with natural ingredients and is cruelty-free.
Junaid Jumshaid products disadvantages:
Expensive: Mika Perfume is generally quite expensive, making it difficult for some people to afford it.
Strong scent: Some people may find the scent to be too strong and overpowering.
Allergic reactions: Some people may be allergic to the scent of Mika Perfume, which can cause skin irritations or other reactions.
Unsuitable for certain occasions: Due to its strong scent, Mika Perfume may not be suitable for certain occasions, such as job interviews or other formal events.
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stormzyismyson · 1 year
Abhijit Chavda
Missiles are same as rockets.Missiles are used for military purposes while rockets are used for scientific purposes. Agni 5 can be used to launch satellites but then it can be clearly seen by the whole world. Rockets have mix of solid and liquid fuels which cannot be stored for a long time as in the case of missiles
9M730 Burevestnik- Russian nuclear powered cruise missile with unlimited range.
Canada has an enormous territory with vast resources and has no particular threats except US of which is a vassal state. It has a small population of 38m thus its a rich country.
American movies celebrate only cultures they have defeated.
Einstein was offered Israel PM designation .
India should buy only one kind of aircrafts ex- Rafale. It is a logostical nightmare to procure spareparts and experts for different planes.
In ancient times,messengers travelled on horses with a fresh supply of horses every imperial station. With large highways, a messenger could reach Pataliputra from Kabul in less than a week.
Natives of the Americas have facial features similar to east asians.A thoery says during the ice age, the humans could literally walk over from the siberian region and east asian to the americas.
Parsees could practice their religion but had to accept culture and language. That's how Parsees became gujaratis.
Prettyness is about facial symmetry and also physical symmetry which indicates the person has superior genetic traits, absence of a disease, reprodutive fitness, access to good nutrition, possibly intelligence too. You can also glance at a fruit the same way.
Korean rapper psy was made to apologise for anti-US statements made previously. German chanceller Olaf also had participated in anti US protests as a student.
India has Ayni and Farkhor air bases in Tajikistan. Within minutes, IAF planes can reach Pakistan from these bases.
River saraswati was in prime during 7000 BC and started declining during 5000 bc.
In 19th century, German maps used names Uttarkuru (Xinjiang and Tibet occupied by china) & Uttarmadra (turkmenistan,tajikistan,uzbekistan).
Karn from mahabharat ruled regions currently under bangladesh.
The concept of Nepal came into existence after conquest of Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1700s.
Every guy in the west who practices Hinduism is depicted a buddhist(Tina Turner,Steve jobs).Steve jobs on his death bed ,had a photo of hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba.
NASA went to moon and brought back moon rocks. China also brought back samples.
India needs money, it has to trade and work. China needs money, it has to trade and work. US can just print it.
Viruses can't regulate their body temp and they don't respond to stimuli. This puts them on the line between living and non living beings.
Humans haven't evolved in the last 200,000 years. It takes at least half a milllion years for a evolution to become evident.
Miyamoto Mushashi (Book of 5 rings)- Samurai (To win a battle, you must fight as if you are already dead).
Wernher von braun - director of nasa was a former nazi. America inherited its technology from Germany
When you experience new things,time seems to pass slowly. As you grow older, things seem to be repetitive and time passes fast.
Jim Corbett was a poacher known for killing tigers.
Arunachal Pradesh is Brahmaputra's major water source. But China can still use dams to cause flash floods .Thus, India has fastracked work for 11GW hydropower dam on Slang river.
Tibetan emperor Trisong Detsan reached the Chinese capital Chang'an (modern day Xian) and installed a puppet govt there.
Eastern Africa, Mali have the largest gold reserves. These nations are dirt poor while their gold ends up in France.
Russian conflict teaches that you must have a stockpile of different kind of missiles{pralay,agni,shaurya, nirbhay}
Operation cactus - LTT mercenaries invaded Maldives. President momun abdul kayum asked for india's help and indian navy was successful.
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nadiasindi · 1 year
Just like our Oregon Criminal Officials such Gov. Brown, Rep. Nathanson, etc. etc.. with the help of Wells Fargo. who are covering up for the most criminal Official: Late Frohnmayer, late Rep. Bob Ackerman who stole my Fully paid Condo!
My social Security # is BLOCKED at the Employment office, for more than Three years NOW. I can't sign in to look for a job! This had happened after my name was cleared from the fabricated criminal record that was done by the criminal late Dave Frohnmayer!
Gov.Kate Brown Appointed 100 Judges.She made sure before she leaves, she appointed TWO more Judges to cover her back!
Arrest Gov. Brown, Rep. Nathanson & the Rest of Oregon Criminal Officials who are complicit with the Most Criminal Officials late Frohnmayer, late Rep. Ackerman!
OR. late A.G. Frohnmayer had deleted all records in L.C. It shows I'd changed my name to Nadia Sindi.Left old name Faika Sindi.Changed letters to Saika Findi! Frohnmayer has trapped me in a criminal record since 1987!
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trustednewstribune · 1 year
Indian-origin candidates line up for Leicester Mayor role in UK
Conservative Party councillor Sanjay Modhwadia will compete with Rita Patel, a former Labour councillor who announced her bid recently in order to scrap the role.
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LONDON: Two Indian-origin candidates are lined up to go head-to-head for the post of Leicester Mayor in the local elections coming up in the UK early next month.
Conservative Party councillor Sanjay Modhwadia will compete with Rita Patel, a former Labour councillor who announced her bid recently in order to scrap the role.
Patel, a Rushey Mead councillor from Leicester who will run as an independent, launched her campaign saying the city needed "a fresh start" and promised one of her first jobs will be to remove the mayoral role.
Sitting Labour Mayor, Sir Peter Soulsby, expressed disappointment at Patel's exit from the party after she was one of four city councillors suspended for six months for their attempt to scrap the mayor's office through a vote at a council meeting last month.
Now the Tories have confirmed Modhwadia, a city councillor for North Evington, as their candidate to challenge Soulsby --- who has held the job since it was created 12 years ago.
He was in the eye of the storm when Leicester witnessed sectarian clashes last September following an India-Pakistan cricket match.
Modhwadia, a local businessman, has been campaigning to push for a 'Made in Leicester' brand to improve the city's perception around the globe.
While the Tories and Rita Patel have both said they want to get rid of the mayoral role, Leicester's Green Party has promised a public referendum on the matter.
The Green Party have chosen Mags Lewis -- who also stood in 2019, finishing third -- will be their candidate.
The election is scheduled for May 4 and anyone elected may just go on to have a short stay in office. "Many local residents have contacted our party in recent months to suggest that this is something we should do and our members have also voted in favour of removing the position of City Mayor," Richard Tutt, Chair of the City of Leicester Conservatives told 'Leicester Mercury'.
Many in the eastern England city believe the Leader of the Council system is more democratic and accountable for the people of Leicester.
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azeemsafiofficial · 1 year
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