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progenycursed · 5 months
what’s the pale kings relationship to each of the dreamers? I kept re-reading your comic and noticed how friendly PK and Lurien are, like really friendly like when PV first eats or in the first enhancement (?) to PV. And it got me thinking how PK and Lurien see each other and that lead to how the Dreamers see PK and how the PK sees them. uhh sorry if my wording is weird lol
At long last! Wall of text be upon ye! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Since the comic is still a fair ways from the dreamers being chosen, this information might change in the future. ┐(´~`)┌ At this point in the comic(chapter 16), the dreamers have not been chosen. With all the set backs with the vessels, the Pale King hasn’t been able to figure out what all the Hollow Knights bindings would look like. He needs to know what the final product is going to be and how the void behaves so he can make the bindings as secure as possible.  Can’t make a trap without knowing what materials one is working with. Can’t make a prison cell if you don’t know how the biddings are set up. So at this point, the eventual dreamers, are just people living their lives. Each with their own relationship with the Pale King. 
Mentor mentee. Pseudo friendship 
Lurien idolizes the king. Coming from an ant colony, a strong devotion and non romantic love for their leader is common place, expected, and instinctual. From this base point, his admiration only grew after the king healed him, gave him his dream job, and extended his life.
So how the pale king acts around him, throws him through a loop. Lurien expects a regal leader, calm, composed, with the highest of manner and indifference to the individual. But instead, he gets very enthusiastic god that sees no reason to hide his emotions or interests, sees no reason to use something as trivial as manners, and genuinely cares about all his people. Lurien wants to try to match that energy and casual nature, but he can’t throw away natural instincts and a lifetime of social training. So he can never really relax to the degree he wants. He is a very well spoken individual that always knows what to say, so when he tries, it’s not uncommon for him to forgets all of it when he talks with a literal god king. 
For the Pale King, Lurien is the closest thing a mortal can get to being a friend. Which doesn’t sound like much, but for a being that outlives every mortal he comes across, and with higher beings tendency to hate one another, friends are few and far between. So to him, Lurien is one of the most important people to him. He enjoys his company, but he is well aware that Lurien will always sees him as a god king. So he can’t be as himself as he would like around. 
And for those wondering, neither of them have romantic feelings for the other. Lurien has never even entertained the idea. If he ever did, the idea would be appalling to him. The king is his leader, not some romantic crush. As for the Pale King, wyrms are not designed to have romantic feelings. Cause if two fully grown wryms stuck together to raise their young, they would decimate the local ecosystems to feed them, and their offspring would still starve. So the Pale King, doesn’t really experience romantic love. So sorry-not sorry to the shippers on this one, there is no romance between these two in this comic.
Science buddies. 
There first meeting was an accident. She needed to talk to the king so she went to find him. In his lab, fixated, working on kingsmold and wingsmold. Not knowing better, and slightly intrigued at seeing void, she approached, and learned first hand what happens to anyone in the lab with him. Unlike other impromptu lab assistance thought, she enjoyed it. She offered advice, suggestions, feedback, and knew when to duck out of harms way. Leading to engaging discussions, new breakthroughs, and not a fixation-breaking dead body. It was only when the fixation ends, did the pale king realize she was there. Sure he was talking with her, working with her, having full discussions with her, but he was fixated. Steps are skipped when you are fixated. For example, the steps to meeting people:
Step 1: Consciously acknowledge there is a person 
Step 2: Can talk, interact, and work with said person
He just, skipped step 1. Onto how they see each other. 
To her, the pale king is another hardcore science nerd like her, and an untapped resource of knowledge. Few others can keep up with her intellect, curiosity, and drive to learn more. Sure he is the king, but he is another scholar first in her mind. So she is known for just dropping in to see him if she has a new discovery or all her assistants have fallen asleep during one of her multi day science experiments. Her only issue with him is his tendency to keep some things hidden or abstract. He won’t explain anything about the void aside from it’s dangerous for mortals. And when she asks about his experience as a higher being, he explains it in a way that no-one could understand. 
For him, she is the only mortal that has a level of intelligence, knowledge, and scientific enthusiasm that is any where near his. She can keep up with his fixations and science/engineering spirals. She can keep up with his ramblings, doesn’t hate them, engages with them, and is willing to act on them with him. And she is smart enough so as to not die or get hurt during any experiments. The age difference does cause problems though. She is a fraction of a fraction of his age, and their are many times that becomes apparent. There have been many a conversation where it becomes clear him and his experiences are alien to mortals. She also lack political grace, so she doesn’t understand there are some things that are better left unknown to mortals. 
That is where it ends for the both of them. They don’t have any sort of relationship outside of being science buddies. They never make small talk, neither care to talk about their personal lives with each other. Not for any negative reasons, but because they would rather talk about science. Neither want to risk changing their relationship, so they are never interested in trying. 
Political leaders. 
When she first went to meet him after her spouse died, she expected a fight. To prove she was the true deepnest leader as she had done with her own people that questioned her. She had all her arguments prepared, and even weapons if it got heated. Instead, when she introduced herself as the new deepnest leader, he just accepted it. No argument, no protest no questioning of her skills. Just Okay, so about the trade agreements. It was with that one sentence that she realized that maybe, just maybe, all the stories she heard about the pale king may have been biased. So she decided to make her own opinion. 
Most of the politics between Hallownest and Deepnest are handled by ambassadors. The two of them rarely meet. Usually only doing so in the most serious of political situations. As he isn’t allowed in Deepnest as he is to bright for all the night vision people creatures living there. And she hates going to Hallownest, because it is to bright, clean, and uppity.  
Herrah is a smart and cunning leader of the beasts, and show knows better than to pick a fight with a civilization that vastly outnumbers hers. Especially since their standing with the Mantis tribe is, rocky at best. That paired with their well established trade relationship, she plays nice. For the most part. She will still poke at their boundaries to see where the line is with the Pale King. To her, he is a leader that sits behind his walls of luxury and never involves himself with the lower class. A pompous, dainty leader that knows little of the world around him. Just like the rest of the Hallownest upper class that infest the palace. So she likes to try and push his and Hallownests boundaries to test him. To her great irritation, he rarely reacts in a way for her to get a good handle on what kind temperament he has. And he treats her like a common citizen which pisses her off to no end. 
For the Pale King, he both likes and dislikes Herrah in different ways. He doesn’t know much about the Deepnest culture, and never understood the whole ‘bloodline’ thing that ran the leader position for so long. To him, she is just another mortal leader. So he treats her like everyone else. When she speaks with anyone, she is blunt and straight to the point. A trait he wishes many of his citizens would have. So many of his citizens talked in long winded political speeches with hidden meanings and requests sprinkled throughout. Making it very difficult for him to respect their privacy and not read their minds just to get to the damn point! 
For the dislikes, when she has to get involved in a political conversation instead of her ambassadors, she will barge into the palace and demand to speak with him. Refusing to leave until he shows up. Even the other Deepnest leaders didn’t do that. But it is well within the behavior the spiders employe in their political practices. ‘Poking the wyrm’ as they all liked to call it. Testing the limits of his patiences by pushing the borders between the lands, harassing his citizens whenever they are in the city for negotiations, and the constant threats and posturing that is their ‘trade negotiations.’ He knows how to deal with them, and unlike the other Deepnest leaders, she is far more willing to work with his kingdom and actually think instead of just playing tough. Unlike some other political leaders he has to deal with. 
And because I know this question will be asked after all that:
White Lady
Best friend and platonic soul mate. 
As a wyrm, he doesn’t really have romantic feelings. It’s not advantageous for his species, so there was no reason to evolve it. Very similar to the White Ladies’. Keeping the mate around would lessen the offsprings chance of survival. So neither of their species is designed to feel romantic love. But the White Lady does feel lust.  
My head cannon for their relationship is different than what a majority of the fandom thinks. I don’t think he pursued her. I think she pursued him. It’s cannon, from her mouth directly, that she has a “voracious desire” to breed. (◯Δ◯∥) So I image the moment he was within line of site, she was on him, flirty up a storm. Leaving him, just, absolutely baffled. This was not a behavior he had ever seen from another higher being, let along it being directed at him. 
That was how it was for the first hundred cycles or so. Her, trying various ways to seduce him. Him, trying to ignore the horny tree as he learned how to build a kingdom. But as the cycles went on, they slowly began to learn about each other. Whether they wanted to or not.
For her, this was the longest another higher being put up with her flirting without either teller her to ‘f*ck off’ or attack her for being annoying. When he didn’t chase her off, she just started talking with him. Asking him what he was doing. Confused that he was trying to help bugs that weren’t his. He didn’t make them, they weren’t his offspring, why did he care? It was baffling, but intriguing to learn what it was he was trying to do. 
For him, it was the longest another higher being had been around him and not attacked. She was persistent, and wouldn’t take ‘I’m not ready for kids’, ‘I don’t even think that is possible,’ for an answer. But she never threatened him or his budding kingdom, so he put up with her. When she started asking questions, he shared his plans to at least placate her. What he wasn’t expecting though, was her actually listening. Which was a new experience for him. Sure some of his new people tried to listen, but his goals were far beyond what they could comprehend. Their eyes always glazing over shortly into the explanation. 
With each new interaction, they learned more about the other. She began to see him as something besides a way to procreate. He began to see her as something besides a pushy plant begging for a drink. They would talk for days with each other. Both learning what it meant to be able to relate to another being. They began to enjoy each others company. Getting to a point where they could enjoy each others company without having to say a word. 
They became friends, not only enjoying each others company, but actively seeking it out. They began to build the kingdom and rule together. When he cast off his shell, she followed shorty after, spreading her from so far that her main body shrank. They were each others best friend. The only person who understood them on every level in every way. They could vent to each other, bounce ideas off each other, joke with each other. They were always interested in the others newest fixation and would always ask questions. Knowing how much it meant that someone was interested enough to want to know more. 
It was’t long until their people started calling them soul mates. A concept neither of them fully understood, but it was accurate enough they never refuted it. Going so far as to confirm their union to the people of Hallownest by solidifying it with each other. The titles of king and queen no longer just symmetrical titles, but official in the strange customs of the mortals. Swearing their commitment to the other with a medallion, then each taking a piece to always keep with them. 
Those are, at least at time of writing this, the relationships between the dreamers and the pale king. With a bonus ship thrown in. Again, not sorry about not being on the Lurien/Pale King ship. That will be a running theme in this comic. Loving relationships that don’t end with fucking. Because I want some variety dammit! (ノ`□´)ノ⌒┻━┻
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hillbilly---man · 10 months
A list of my works on AO3
(they're all Saiki K fics at the moment but I'll add fandom categories to this post if I ever get a new interest lol)
It doesn't fit my plans; it's something I don't understand
Published July 11, 2021
Summary: Saiki is fascinated by Satou Hiroshi, and the people around him start to see that this might be more than just a platonic curiosity.
What is this feeling called love?
[Notes: Bittersweet ending. Nobody gets together. My insistence on theming these early fics after songs is pretty embarrassing now. I'm not proud of my writing here but the story is ok. I might rewrite it someday. Not bad for my first fic since like 2003 though]
Something Changed
Published August 11, 2021
Summary: Aiura wrote a letter to her soulmate the night before they were supposed to meet.
She's predicted a lot of things... how could she have gotten this one wrong?
[Notes: Another sad ending. The format of this is almost entirely an excited letter about the future Aiura imagined that would never come to pass. Not really much of a story happening here tbh]
Won't it be strange when we're all fully grown?
Published August 28, 2021 (INCOMPLETE)
Summary: With graduation quickly approaching, the psychics of PK Academy (and Akechi) worry that they'll drift apart. Luckily, they come up with an idea.
"Let's all meet up in the year 2030!"
A lot can change in a decade.
[Notes: Kind of like a psychicker class reunion where they're all adults with jobs and everything catching up. Future chapters were going to have almost a Scooby Doo vibe (with a twist reveal at the end about Aiura's husband!) I abandoned it because I posted some art and someone called my art creepy and it made the whole fic feel bad to think about. Maybe I'll get back to it someday. It's cool to see how quickly my writing improved. I was also super proud of how well I wrote Akechi's dialogue here]
Hotel Valentine
Published September 24, 2021
Summary: Toritsuka Reita is a pretty lucky guy. He somehow managed to not get expelled from PK Academy, he graduated, and he's avoided creeping on any living girls for a few months. To celebrate, the PK Psychics paid for a one-night stay in the fanciest hotel in Tokyo so Reita can creep on the ghost girl of his dreams. Pretty lucky, right?
Too bad things aren't going his way. He's being ignored by the staff, he's bored out of his mind, and he can't find the ghost girl anywhere. Some vacation, huh?
[Notes: Spoiler: Toritsuka's a ghost stuck in a nice hotel. This is based on a concept album that most of you have never heard but hear me out! It really has nothing to do with the Cibo Matto album of the same title except that the chapters are named after the songs and there are fun Easter eggs for fans of the album. Another slightly sad ending but not too bad]
Coffee & TV
Published August 27th, 2022
Summary: The new silence in her house felt heavy on Kumi's shoulders. Everything reminded her of Kumagoro... especially her grandson Kusuo, who has been coming to visit more often than ever before.
[Notes: this is my least popular finished fic and I understand why. It's about grief and the loss of a grandparent. It's about the unique pain that a psychic would have after failing to prevent that death. There's a sad twist that TBH I think I was a little too subtle with. One of my favorites]
Friendly Fire
Published January 8, 2023
Summary: Being an adult is great until the Problems start. Good grief.
30-year-old Kusuo's psychic powers have been pretty well controlled for over a decade. Why are things starting to go haywire all of a sudden?
[Notes: Friendly Fire my fucking beloved!! In this fic, Saiki gets essentially psychic multiple sclerosis and has to deal with some complicated emotions. I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything but it was cathartic to write and I'm in love with the versions of these characters that I wrote here. So much so that I'm writing a sequel just so I can write more of them. Also, FINALLY a happy ending!!]
Ramen Ikouze?
Published April 28, 2023
Summary: After being dragged to get ramen with Nendou every week, Kusuo starts to realize that it's not so bad after all.
[Notes: I love Nendou, he's so good. This fic is very cute and about their friendship. A couple of fun twists]
Saiki has Plans?
Published May 2, 2023
Summary: Saiki mentions having plans after school, and the overactive imaginations at PK Academy work themselves into a fuss trying to imagine what he could be doing.
[Notes: This fic follows around a bunch of Saiki's classmates as they gossip and snoop to find out what he's up to. It's my most popular fic for some reason]
A Bright Flash
Published May 13, 2023
Summary: Saiki develops an annoying new ability, and through some comedy series logic is forced to tell Teruhashi about it. She tries to be a good ally to her "newly psychic" crush.
[Notes: Teruhashi accidentally finds out about Saiki's new power and he's like "fine. I'm a psychic. But it's just this one power and nothing else."]
Heat Wave
Published June 6, 2023
Summary: There's a historic heat wave in Hidariwakibara, and some of our favorite PK Academy students end up running into each other while taking refuge from the hot weather.
A series of four standalone (but connected) stories taking place at the same time:
Aiura has a vision of disaster, and she and Nendou try to stop it
Yumehara gives Toritsuka some advice to improve his game
Akechi meets Teruhashi's brother
Saiki really wants some shaved ice from the kakigori stand where Mera is working
[Notes: The summary explains it well but also I weaved so many connections between the chapters (that are all happening at roughly the same time). It was also a lot of fun writing interactions between characters that didn't get much in canon. Also you can tell it was hot as hell when I wrote it because I definitely gave Saiki some kind of psychic heat intolerance lol]
Published July 6, 2023
Summary: She didn't know why, but Kokomi was finally able to see the truth.
Why Saiki seemed to appear and disappear without explanation. Why it seemed like he always knew what she was planning. Why he wore those weird hairpins.
It was all so obvious now.
Saiki had psychic powers.
[Notes: The veil is lifted suddenly and all the truths that Saiki kept locked behind his mind control were revealed to Teruhashi. He and Aiura have a chat with her about it. Also this was the first fic of mine that an IRL friend read (to my knowledge) and his comment was something like "I don't know anything about your boy but he sounds autistic and gnc" and I took that as a fucking compliment! You know you've written Saiki right when people can see that shit from space]
The Disastrous Financial Situation of Saiki K
Published August 9, 2023 (IN PROGRESS)
Summary: Adjusting to his new limitations has been annoying, and now Kusuo (age 31) needs a car to get around.
Unfortunately, taking time off work has drained his savings.
How is he going to get the money for a car now?
[Notes: This is my sequel to Friendly Fire but it's a lot lighter in nature. 100-Yen-Man goes around doing stuff for Saiki's friends. There are mentions of his disability from Friendly Fire and it's plot relevant but I think you can catch on even if you didn't read the original. I haven't updated in a while but I am actively working on it!! A Yumehara and Makino chapter next and then a Toritsuka chapter after that. TBH this isn't my best work and it's pretty unpopular but I'm having fun and that's all that counts)
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zyxwvu28 · 2 years
"There are like 3 hidden poems that people haven't even discovered yet"
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I am losing my mind right now. A few days ago, a few members of the cast and crew did a Post Hoot for For the Future: https://www.instagram.com/p/Coyvfl6Mn22/ about 24 minutes in, Jerbo drops the line "There are like 3 hidden poems that people haven't even discovered yet" and I just flipped lol.
Almost everyone knows about the title acrostics: "A witch loses a true way. Seek the key fear the lock. Thanks for watching"
A lot of fans know about the rune codes: "Two witches torn apart, now alone, two hearts of stone, a curse of feathers and mud, a betrayal of blood" and "Seething seas and puppet strings, he no longer dreams of kings. As above rush darkened skies, as below his father lies."
And now we've been told that there's 3 more hidden poems in the series that no one has found yet! A few possibilities pop into my head:
Jerbo is just trolling. The reaction from the cast and crew seems to suggest that Jerbo likes playing these types of "Alex Hirsch-like" pranks, so this could just be nothing lol.
Every episode in season 3 contains a hidden poem
There's another rune code, distinct from the one we know and love that encodes these poems. I feel like pk does a very thorough job at searching for rune codes in all episodes, so if any of them were poetic, he would've shared them with us by now lol. So that leaves another secret language hidden throughout the series that we just haven't noticed yet.
It's in plain sight "blink and you miss it" book pages. This one feels the least likely cause i feel like fans are good at picking up on these things lol.
Anyone else have any other ideas? I have no idea where to start looking, but I do want to do some sleuthing to figure out these 3 hidden poems if they exist.
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featherlouise · 1 year
Figured it's time to make a post explaining my AUs bc some of them are AUs of AUs of AUs and nobody's boutta read thru everything lmao
Early Infection AU
Most of my AUs are variants of this
Hollow is infected by the Radiance as a teenager, with her slowly creeping into their mind over the course of a few months.
Eventually she takes over and ends up trying to kill the Pale King, they manage to wrestle back control and stab themselves, which throws them into the dream realm where they fight the Radiance and win.
The rest of the AU is just family fluff and drama as Hollow recovers
Hollow Fkin Dies AU
Variant of Early Infection!! Exactly what it says on the tin!! Instead of winning the Radiance fight, they're killed and everything bad that can happen does happen in the following years.
Mostly focuses on PK's grief and how EVERYTHING just gets worse and worse in Hallownest, the Knights get infected, the dreamers are infected, WL goes insane, Hornet is killed, the infection runs rampant (even more so than in canon)
By the time Ghost arrives in Hallownest, the entire kingdom is p much like infected crossroads from the get go
Radi Fkin Dies AU
Hollow loses the battle with the Radiance but manages to escape by the skin of their teeth, hiding in the dream realm and slowly killing Radi via void poisoning.
They wake up after killing her, years after their ‘death’ to a very scared and confused PK, an insane mother, and an (almost) adult baby sister
What follows is basically the aftermath of Early Infection but there’s a lot more to fix
Radi Fkin Dies Speedrun
After their death, PK goes over the top with their funeral, introducing them to the Kingdom as his child who died to save his life, and makes sure the funeral is one befitting a prince. (This is true for all hfd variants)
Meanwhile, Hollow figures out a far less subtle (and slow) way to kill Radi off, using a combo of void poisoning and stabbing to get the job done.
They wake up as they’re being paraded down the streets of the city, causing quite a scene.
PK in his paranoia, spends the next few years coddling Hollow to the point where they start a flaming row with him and decide to head to Deepnest to cool off. PK sends every available person in the palace to look for them, which leaves him vulnerable to an assassination attempt. Hollow arrives in the nick of time, but PK is gravely injured and they have to take over as Prince Regent while he recovers.
Radi Fkin Dies Speedrun: Bad End (rfds bad end)
U get what I mean about the AUs of AUs of AUs thing now right?? Lmfao
Variant of RFDS!!
PK doesn’t survive the attack, instead dying in Hollow’s arms before they can apologise for anything they said during the argument.
PK has a funeral befitting the first god king and creator of Hallownest, and is buried in a tomb in Queen’s Gardens, where WL soon follows
(Long story short, PK and WL decided they didn’t want to live without the other so when PK dies, WL decides she wants to “root herself down” as close to his burial site as possible
When a root “roots themselves down” it’s basically them entering their last stage of life and they eventually just fade away and become a tree)
Hollow is crowned King and rules Hallownest for the foreseeable future
Eventually they meet an oc bf and have kids with him, the eldest of which dies young
There’s also an afterlife in this AU, so anyone who dies spends their time watching over Hollow and their loved ones :)
Shades of Memory AU
Hollow is found out to not be hollow VERY early on, so PK removes all memories of their voidness and raises them as a normal kid
They get a good childhood, but once they turn 18 they find out about their origins in. The worst way possible.
Root of Evil AU
Evil WL au!!! She gets sick of her husband’s shit and, after finding out the Pure Vessel isn’t hollow, leaves and takes the kids (the divorce is implied abdbfn). She also takes Hornet with her bc her child needs a playmate godsdamnit!!
Most of this au takes place during Hollow’s teenage years where, after being raised believing that mortals are worth no more than the dirt under their feet, they find out that mortals are actually pretty cool sometimes!! PK is a wet rat here, what else is new, and bby Hornet gets to commit arson!! What more could you want?
ALSO ALSO EVIL WIVES!! (the Radiance x WL)
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3416 · 5 months
Hey love your blog! I am new to hockey but I’m confused over the coach firing. I understand when there is a pattern, things to change. But when keefe said he didn’t push the team enough to produce results, how much motivating can a coach really do? Doesn’t it still just come down to the players to produce? None of this meant maliciously! I understand this viewpoint can be completely wrong, just trying to learn!
motivation and team culture isn't a coach's only job! they're involved a lot in the specifics and systems the team plays (like where players are positions physically on the ice depending on the situation, 5v5 4v5 pk powerplay etc and all these are different methodologies team to team), and they're involved in the decision making behind the bench, obviously. you watch a game and they're back there choosing how to roll out lines, who is going on what line etc. at the end of the day, keefe knows his time was close to up with this team, and his reasons aren't like the 100% truth why we didn't succeed. at some point, it really doesn't matter how much he would have pushed them or yelled at them or whatever people think needs to be happening, they would've ended up in the same spot.
keefe's systems with the leafs were good for the regular season, but they never saw legitimate playoff success. he coached for almost 5 years here, and has some of the biggest talents the leafs have ever had and wasn't able to get them over the hump. in my opinion, it has a lot to do with him never having the best roster, but i also think the style he coaches doesn't necessarily fit the high end offense we have permanently on our roster. he's a very team-defense minded coach. his favorite players were the ones that can be moved up and down the lineup and often times lack finish but are defensively reliable. our team was reduced to playing a lot of low-scoring grinding games when... we have the best nhl goal scorer and some elite playmaking talent on this team, lol. at the end of the day, there can only be so many tries without success, and his style just wasn't fitting here but he will definitely not have trouble finding a new job! as for the future, i'm mostly worried we're going to hire someone who coaches very similar systems-wise even though that's all we've seen during the marner-matthews era, and the players are going to take more fall for coaching failures.
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kichimiangra · 1 year
One of Spike's bigger preoccupations is trying to decipher what Specter is trying to tell him without actually saying it. Specter insults Spike's wardrobe and then brags about how good he is at making clothes? Specter wants him to try on an outfit Specter made for him. Specter is gloating about a top secret project that Spike can't know about? Specter wants him to investigate. (Spike had made the mistake of taking him at his word in the past, and found himself plummeting through a trap door and landing at Specter's feet as Specter said lines as if Spike had been snooping instead of walking back to their bedroom from the observation deck.) Specter taunts Spike about gaining weight and then gets them alone shortly afterwards? Specter wants Spike to play "caught you" as soon as goddamn possible. Today however, Specter is being much more evasive and cagey than usual, and Spike has not got he foggiest idea what he's trying to hint at. He seems to be going off on random things like his heritage as a hybrid, and the future of the Piposaru and how it wouldn’t be the worst thing if Spike was part of that future, and Spike would probably figure it out if Specter had the guts to actually take a risk, then eventually it comes out that he wants a baby.
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Excuse the typos this keyboard is weird and by default I cannot spell.
Spikes jaw almost hit the floor at the revelation. That was… not really what he expected to hear. Sure Specter would often get a little morose on occassion when thinking about what he was to the Piposaur and would ponder what would become of them once he was dead and gone, probably having to choose a hand picked successor to lead the apes in his stead or figure out how to just repalce his own failing parts with machinery until he was both immortal and more machine than ape… Spike had always figured that was just Specter's little god complex peeking out from around the corner.
The simple request though sounded alien coming from the ape, even in his own indirect round about way of saying it. Specter had been misbehaving for days in that way that meant he wanted something, but was completely off of his normal patterns that Spike could read. The Redhead sat down for a moment to chew on this… making sure he had heard correctly and was not simply assuming. "You want… a baby…?" The ape in front of him seemed to falter for a moment as if this was a conversation he had been nervous to have, but just as quickly wiped away the crack in his demeanor to replace it with a confident rehearsed attitude.
"Did you go deaf or do I have to repeat myself?" the albino squinted his eyes at his human almost steeling himself like he was ready for a relationship ending fight to occur. There was some truth to the shorters question; to both of them the silence in the room was deafening. As usual it was Spikes job to break it.
"Specter… I don't know how to tell you this but you already have an ape army, you don't need an ape INFANTry!"
Somehow this did it's job as the albino's shoulders dropped and he pursed his lips to hold back a chuckle, the joke being just stupid enough to tickle the ape's sense of humor, and giving the human enough time to get closer and scoop up Specter into his lap as to not let him take a defensive stance again. It felt mean having to overpower him but sometimes it was the best position to converse with his ape… husband at this point(?)… to keep him in a contained but comforted position. Specter had gotten quiet again, clearly waiting for what ever answer Spike would have for what should be a normal question between couples in a committed relationship; 'Do you want to start a family? Do you want to have a baby?'
"Specter," the readhead said leaning his head against his husbands shoulder. "We can't STEAL a baby!" This earned him a scoff and a low voltage pk zap, Guess he didn't like that joke…
Spike hadn't thought about whether he WANTED to start a family in the future with Specter… it was more like he just hadn't thought it would happen. Ignoring the fact that there were factors that meant starting a family the 'old fashioned way' was impossible (They were both male, completely different spiecies, and even if they were Specter's hybrid origin left him completely sterile). Spike was pretty sure that Specter was speaking of an ape baby, as trying to adopt a human would probably be impossible for Spike being a 'single man with a spotty work history' on the books at least and he wasn't completely sure Specter could emotionally connect with a human baby, but Specter also wasn't known to be the type to just… demand one of the Piposaru turn over an infant to him, so Spike was ready to hear crazy plans ahead; anything from raiding chimpanzee rescues for orphaned babies to possibly the slightly more mentally and legally sane "Ask trainer Morgan and the Professor to go through their own personal channels to procure an orphaned infant ape for Specter to dote on. What Spike didn't expect was the room Specter would bring him to, thought he probably should have.
Spike found himself almost blinded by the bright green lights in well organized rows within the dark room. It had once been a large lab on the station for constructing mechanical inventions such as battle cruisers and finished Goliark armors (Though Specter never really finished those half of the time) that was later converted into a lab and then a store room, now seemingly back to a lab. Specter seemed glowing with pride over the workshop he had set up under Spikes nose without him knowing. Spike though was almost worried.
"Okay I should have guessed that you would decide to science this into happenning but I really hope your not bringing me down here to insert some kind of alien egg into me to hatch and burst a baby space chimp through my chest…" Spike rolled out his movie reference earning him an eyeroll from Specter.
"Ah, you ruined the surprise!" Specter stated sarcastically. "Bend over." Spike commited to the bit, bending far enough forward to look at Specter through his legs and invitingly patted his ass a few times for emphasis. The redhead realized this could go down a somewhat fun direction, but stood back up allowing his spine to crack pleasantly along the way when Specter only cracked him once as he walked by to where the lab's main computer rested.
"So… what is all of this… stuff?" Spike inquired, eyeing the walls of cylindrical glass containers as he followed his significant other. Stuff was a good word for it. Gyger Stuff. Scifi Stuff. Frankenstein stuff.
The Albino, now tinted green in the lighting did his usually visual of explaination; pulling up windows and windows of data and information that he knew Spike wouldn't fully understand but showed it off anyway.
"Ozel, Tomoki, Aki, White, The Park, Foxhound R&D. What do they have in common?" It was a rhetorical question but the ape waited for his human to make a stupid smart ass answer, which he ablidged,
"A voracious love of Girls Scout Cookies." now they could move along.
Specter opened a filing cabinet, pulling out the whole drawer and dumping it onto the counter, thumb drives and papers and folders and Spikes old broken Gadget watch falling out. "All had a hand in the creation of perfection! Myself, if you missed that." he stroked his own ego. "Unfortunately Project Specter was shut down… too resource heavy, not enough results, I'm 1 in 100,000. Hell, even Ozel decided scrubbing all the projects data was a good idea all in the name of 'protecting' me from becoming a weapon or being taken by the government. Adorable really. But there were just too many hands on this confidential project to completely wipe it!" Specter waved a folder at Spike to come closer. "There were way too many hands in this for it all be gone… it was just a matter of recompiling all the data from as many sources as possible! Tomoki willingly handed what notes he had left from his time with the professor as a peace offering years back when we held an alliance, though it was mostly about the Peak Point Project. White, of course, gave me everything he had or was able to take from Foxhound R&D."
Spike was not surprised by the explaination so far. Specter intended to recreate himself using the same methods that birthed him. The redhead turned to rake his eyes around the room at the uncountable containers, upon closer inspection each one had a very small amalgamate of tissue within, that with the grace of god and luck on it's side would eventually form a viable living being. "How many are there?" Spike asked tentatively.
Specter confidently snorted "Ah, I decided to up the odds with 500,000 individual Specimens. Ozel was right about one thing; it WAS very resource intensive! But with myself helming this project rather than a human I imagine the odds are that we may be very shortly witnessing a viably population of a whole new species of piposaru be born!
Spike put his hand on the glass of one of the containers, staring at the small mass inside, brows knit tightly. "I… wish that you had talked to me about this first before getting all of this set up…" he said to the ape who just hand waved him.
"Oh, I didn't see a point in bothering until I knew the specimens weren't gingt just--"
A container to Spikes left suddenly flickered, the light illuminating the liquid in the container going out, followed by the light on the bottom that emanated the bright green glow, one of 500,000 that lit up the whole lab, switched to red.
"…do…. that…" Specter finished. There was a pregnant pause before he ae let out a sigh and walked over to the tank, hitting a button that proceeded to print out a small paper much like a recipet from a bottle redeption machine. A single Crimson eye scanned the slip before meeting Spikes. His lue eye silently asking the question he wanted to ask.
"It…" Specter seemed to be searching for a clinical, proffessional way to word this.
"Did it just die?" Spike asked.
"No!" Specter said quickly before regaining composure. "It wasn't alive yet… not really." He pointed towards his own forehead while addressing his human. "It's early enough along that had this been a natural womb the mother's body would probably reabsorbed the tissue, or in the case of twins the surviving one might absorb it." Specter crumbled up the paper and dropped in unceremoniously to the ground. "Well, no matter! There's naturally going to be far more that fail than make it to a state that could be called 'viable' living specimens! You can't make an omelet without cracking some eggs! Speaking of which I am starting to feel hungry! Let's go eat something!"
Specter began leaving the room. He felt scrutinized as he had explained to Spike this little project, interpretting the emotion he saw in Spike's eyes as judgemental, as disgust at the act of creating life in the same way he was made himself.
Spike hung back a little bit to stare at the dimmed tank. As nonchalent as Specter had tried to portray about it, Spike knew Specter… knew how to look passed the little cracks in his mask. The Ape often says one thing but means another, running Spike in circles in the round about way he plays these little games. Had Specter talked to him about this beforehand Spike would have undoubtedly attempted to dissuade the ape from going about his want for offspring through this method.
He let his hand drop from the tank before following in the direction that the albino had went in.
He wasn't sure how well Specter was going to handle 500,000 specifmens "Failing"…
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randomnameless · 2 years
As im also a big rhea fan i do have to admit i also don’t like “alone b4 u” and at least enjoyed the church moments in hopes. However, i think that can easily be fixed with a few lines of dialogue (instead of the huge revisions ykb needs lmaooo): everything was normal between seteth and rhea and flayn until the eisners arrived, and then rhea started acting strangely; she started pulling away from seteth and flayn, being distant and weird and withdrawn. It can even tie into the diary scene/seteth questioning her, since he and flayn were obviously not privy to her homunculi, until the magic green hair dance happens and they suddenly understand. It can also fix a certain s support by reframing it under “i lost sight of my present and future by focusing on the past” instead of Alone B4 U. It doesn’t even need to change the game’s timeline of events or routes!
As an aside i’m still mighty pleased beach rhealeth is a canon duo and they like spending time together with the sand and the fish. All we need now is duo beach seteth n’ flayn to match them (and cyril but feh is mean to male characters so we’ll have to settle for him being a tempest trial unit i guess) and it’ll be a fun family beach episode 🐉🐠🌴
AG is kind of an AU in an AU, but yes, in FE16 proper, I think even with Seteth who returned 20 years ago and Flayn who woke up last year, Rhea's still kind of closed of.
Like, she can goof around them because they are her family and she loves them, but there are still things, imo, she wants to do herself and she doesn't want them to know of, especially the "Rez Sothis" project.
Something like, she's more open with them than with the rest of the world and all, but they have been separated for so long that she and Seteth aren't as close as they were in Zanado, or even, in the War of Heroes.
Also there's something I noted thanks to voice line anon on their transcript of her lines in Nopes, at one point, she says this :
Flayn - "You have been working hard, Flayn. You have my utmost respect." 1,000 Enemies Defeated (same quote for Seteth) "We must strive to build a world where you need not dirty your hands in such a way."
(on pk in the jp version she says this instead "あなた方が手を汚さずに済む平穏な時代を築かなければ……" which more or less means the same thing?)
Coupled with her lines both in Golden Shower or Tru Piss - when she urges them to run away or, in Tru Piss, expected them to run away - this imo tells me Rhea takes her "duty" to protect and guide Fodlan personally.
It's not something Seteth and Flayn should do, and they shouldn't "dirty their hands" to make a better world, her own hands can be "dirtied", but theirs? She doesn't want that.
So yeah, in that sense, Billy's return and existence is somehow tied to her own duty - the one she cannot share with Seteth'n'Flayn - of watching/looking/guiding Fodlan.
And we know Rhea is desperate, because she thinks she's doing a crap job, but instead of complaining about it, she keeps it bottled. A bit like that meme "everything's fine" when the house is on fire, and Rhea has to keep pretening everything is fine, because it's her duty to watch over Fodlan, and Seteth'n'Flayn shouldn't worry about it - she's the one burdened by that, not them. Billy popping up would be her lifeline "it's fine everything is fine look Mother returned and at the end of the month everything will return to the way it was supposed to be, Sothis will fix everything wrong with Fodlan since I'm not able to do so"
and I could see the devs thinking this...
But - and this the biggest "but" - Rhea's lack of supports and ties to characters can't decently be erased by a mere "she ignores them because she hyper focuses on Billy", Rhea's close to her "brother like" figure, dotes on her niece, trains with her knight and protégée, and she'd just ditch them all due to this hyperfixation?
I don't buy it.
As you said, she could be acting weirder and weirder with Billy's signs they're awakening as Sothis's host, or something.
Maybe they could have made supports where Rhea avoids like plague to talk about the "current situation" and big events going on, and just talks about random stuff, like memories, training or picking on Seteth, encouraging Flayn and Cyril to make friends, etc etc...
And with the events of the game happening, her support convos could become more troubling, having supports where she refuses to talk to Seteth about "the demonic beasts" investigations, what's going on in the Empire and all, maybe with the final convo happening just before Jerry kicks the bucket, Seteth would try to grill her one last time, asking her to please let him in, he wants to help, and Rhea considers for a moment (with meaningful "..." points) but she doesn't and say everything's fine, Seteth seemingly abandons, saddened and when he's gone Rhea says she cannot allow him to help her again, it's her burden - (when he discovers the homonculi projet thanks to Jerry's diary he puts 1+1)
And the similar thing with Flayn would be just before the Holy Tomb map - Flayn worries about the "current state of things"and those people who took her blood, but Rhea oddly starts to talk about a celebration for the millenium year festival, how they could celebrate in the Monastery - Flayn could invite her new friends, and then she namedrops Flayn's mother who could also join, to Flayn's surprise, what the fuck is she talking about her mother's dead is she alright?? "yes everything is fine at the end of the month everything will be fine" -
And we know how it ends lol
In the end Rhea's revelation would be something more classical in the lines of her "relatives" pinching her cheeks saying she doesn't need to do everything alone, they can help her too - maybe with them telling her that both back then and now, they help her and Fodlan because it is something they want to do, not because she asks them to.
Maybe they'd tell her to stop feeling bad for what happened during the WoH, sure they lost people dear to them, but they do not regret it at all (with a bonus "Rhea feels like crap because if she never asked for their help during the WoH Cethleann would still have a mom and Cichol a wife and this ate her for 1000 years").
As for Billy -
instead of the "alone b4 u" maybe we could get a Billy centric piece about them feeling kind of bad Rhea apologises for... their existence? No matter the reasons behind their birth or heart transplant, they exist thank to her, right? So they'd tell her thanks, and it breaks her, because everything she thought she did wrong and her biggest sins - creating life - weren't sins since the people who were created were and are grateful to be alive?
I like your idea of "stop being so fixated on the path, look at the present and the future" and it's doubly nice if Billy is the one to say it, because they're Billy, not Sothis!
And it'd make a nice parallel in Nopes - Nopes is supposed to be a kind of bad AU where people don't develop as ideally as they do in FE16 without Billy - because in Nopes Rhea's all on the nostalgia trip, which prompts Seteth to remind her that 1000 years passed since she "borrowed" his shield or since Indech was last here (or since Willy died), they have to focus on the present.
Back to Billy, I'd think they'd be important as the person who tells Rhea that no, she didn't "royally screw up" since they exist thanks to her, and they're grateful + she can rest now, they will take up her job, or even better : since no one can guide the world etc etc alone, will she help them?
Revamped SS without "alone b4u" would still imply slightly tweaking some CGs and cutscenes, instead of having only Billy be present, Seteth and Flayn are here too - when she tells them they're in charge before transforming? Have Seteth with her (maybe saying Flayn already ran away, so what the frick is she doing, they should go, and Rhea nods, talks to Billy, and transforms). The cutscene when she's freed from the prison? Have Seteth pick her up, instead of Billy, maybe Flayn working some sort of magic, and Billy in the scene, visibly relieved as she thanks them and everyone for coming to rescue her. Shambala? More scenes with Cyril and Catherine, asking her if she's alright, if she needs to rest, maybe a CG of Catherine supporting her to walk or something similar with Cyril.
The final scene in the Cathedral ? Seteth enters first with his weapons, because he is the one who said they should kill her (even if i hate this plot mandated fight lol) so he feels like he has to be the one to do it, but Billy catches her and the scene goes as it does in the game.
Anyways - yeah I also like how FeH, Engage (and Cipher to a lesser extent?) represent Billy as liking to be with his lizard family, popping up with them, let it be for a swimsuit alt or for a Halloween alt - sure Gremlin!Sothis ruins the thing - but M!Billy's still on a event with Rhea, just like F!Billy. In canon they need to work a bit on their relationship, but there's no mistake were intended to be on good terms!
(even if in canon you have to be sad to fight against Supreme Leader, so Rhea must be sus, and everyone must tell you Church BaD else Rhea won't be sus, and Supreme Leader might not have a point, and we can't have that + FE16 made Billy the avatar/self-insert so they have to be empty enough to be able to pick each route and support every character)
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
What do you think of the Knights of Kronos concept from Archie? Their description from Sonic Super Special Magazine seems similar to Silver's Guardian of Time job in Sonic Rivals.
Also it's named after an achievement from Sonic 06
I had heard the term before, but I don't really know what it entails. But the wiki says it's a title of sorts given to people who travel through time and protect it? Hmm, I'm not feeling entirely sold on it, mostly because I like the idea that Silver is the sole protector of the future. After all, he's the only one we ever see in that role, and for me, that loneness speaks to his determination to make things better in his era and the lengths he will go to do so. Furthermore, I like to think his ability to time travel is an ability innate to him (either with his PK or the Emeralds), so to have a whole organisation who can do the same is not something I find particularly appealing. I think Silver's role in the games does fit what the title of Knight of Kronos stand for, but I do not think I want him to be one, so to say.
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grollow · 2 years
been thinking about this often so maybe u have insight on it
what was the relationship between hollow knight and the pale king in your opinion? i just cant stop thinking about whether it was like one-sided yearning for parental love met with stoic professionalism, or just something else...
Oh boy. Oh BOY. I've written a really long fanfic where this is explored heavily, I have some THOUGHTS.
So I'm gonna put this under a cut as I believe one of our mutuals has not yet beaten Hollow Knight and I don't want to spoil them, but ah
Okay, so. Uh. The first thing you should know is that Hollow is one of my two favorite characters in HK and I have so many emotions about them so this is gonna be long. The second thing you should know is that if I had to attribute a quote to PK's personality, it would be "The ends justify the means."
PK's thing is clairvoyance. Foresight.
I firmly believe that extends to having seen exactly how things end. Toward that end, I do not believe that he ever expected Hollow to actually last through what happened. I believe fully that he knew that Hollow was a thinking, feeling entity. My best support for this theory is the existence of World Sense. What use would this have for someone who felt nothing? Why give your unthinking object the ability to know the state of the world, unless you believed they were thinking? This argument can also be attributed to the existence of the fountain as well. Why make a monument to something you think isn't really thinking, feeling? Why honor it?
The answer is guilt, my dudes.
I truly believe that the Pale King knew damn well that his plan was never going to work, not long term. It was a bandaid. I believe his foresight showed him Ghost's arrival. Potentially what he saw was the Dream No More future, or you could argue that he saw the continued stasis of Hallownest, each vessel replacing one another in an endless cycle (which would explain the number of them). But I lean into the idea that he saw Dream No More ending, and therefore only needed Hollow to live long enough for Ghost to finish the job.
I subscribe to the concept that PK loved Hollow. Loved them enough to give them insight into a world they were not a part of -- as a desperate act of mercy and apology for something that he considered monstrous. Loved them enough to build a statue in his capital for them, a statue they probably never saw, but that his people did every single day, in hopes that their sacrifice would be remembered while he himself disappeared from public view. His own fountain is hidden in an isolated corner. He didn't want to be remembered -- he wanted them to be, though.
I also believe that what we see in the Dream version of White Palace is a metaphor. I don't believe void really killed PK. I believe guilt killed PK. Consumed by the weight of his decisions, he found a cost too great to live with -- but he could not, would not, back down from saving his kingdom. He did what was necessary, in his eyes, but he knew it for the evil it was, because he is fucking brilliant, and he's not a monster. He's a person stuck in a no-win situation doing the best he can to try and do damage control.
Did he make the right choices? We'll never know. And the greatest tragedy of it all is that: wondering what might have been, if decisions were different.
I actually explored some of what I view PK's motivations to be in the cost of life, which is one of my one-shots. :>
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calowlmitygoddess · 2 years
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#twilight booking a bunch of romance novels before another mission is absolutely plausible and in character i wont accept any other explanat
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People who hate Otto ignoring the good he did are dumb but people who love otto and ignore the bad things he did are equally as dumb. He did some bad stuff and he did some good stuff and thats the fucking point the writers literally had to spell it out in the chapters
You dont have to defend and twist the actions of the antagonist if the story to like him you dummy, accept he commited some war crimes on the way and move on, i know i sound like a broken record but the bad takes that surround Otto are too much.
205 notas - publicadas em 18 de fevereiro de 2022
Saw a post on twitter about how Fuhua still had to study for tests in St. Freya despite being 50000 yrs and a Pioneer.
And then it hit me, she became a MANTIS at 17, Fu Hua never graduated high school
265 notas - publicadas em 30 de janeiro de 2022
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309 notas - publicadas em 10 de setembro de 2022
I know we all are waiting for the eventual reveal/ confrontation of the real identityes of the Forgers, the ones im actually most excited about is Yor and Yuri finding out out about their real jobs.
Like their entire lives revolved around supporting each other trought any means so the other wouldnt have to suffer. Yor became an assassin at a young age to financially support Yuri so he could have a better future and Yuri did the same when becoming an SSS oficer, to thank Yor for all she did and build a safer country for her.
Finidng out that all the deaths, all the lies were basicly for nothing, because Yor had already seen the ugly side of the world for so long and been a part of it and Yuri blodied his hands for Yor in the exact way she hoped it wouldnt happen.
It would completly destroy them both but also Yor now also has the Forgers, she has a new objective to protect her new family while Yuri has no one, his world still revolves around Yor and the truth would shatter everything he knows and his objectives
And i cant wait for it to happen in the manga
446 notas - publicadas em 17 de maio de 2022
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PK likers be like:
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603 notas - publicadas em 6 de setembro de 2022
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alex31624 · 20 days
Duck Comic Reading Club Week 12: Paperinik New Adventures: Missing
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I know, I know, I'm a week late. Sometimes, that happens, man.
This issue is a series of short tales of PKNA side characters, and I really liked it.
The story begins with our favorite federal agent, Mary Ann Flagstarr. I like her, but in Earthquake she was badass, and here looks like she's going to the mall with the gals.
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Anyway, PK has gone missing, and she's tasked to find him.
She now has to interrogate the people who are closer to the masked hero. She starts with the always shining Angus Fangus.
The jerk knows nothing (big surprise), and when he's leaving, a bunch of weirdos ganged on him. They all claim to have the story of a lifetime. Angus ignored them, but took one letter. Said letter had evidence about a toy factory producing criminal robots. Like an inverse Robocop.
And, could you believe me when I tell you that a mob robot erupts in his apartment?
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What are the odds?
The robot is obviously after the letter, and Angus was ready to give up. But...
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He really liked his raincoat. He beats the robot up, but, this is Angus we're talking about, the robot was fine.
Of course, he was saved by the always noble PK. He even fixed Angus' coat. What a hero.
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Flagstarr moves from Angus, and now is time to investigate Lyla.
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Wow... I mean... wow...
Anyway, Angus told Lyla about PK being missing, and she immediately got to work. She calculate the odds, and arrived to the conclusion that PK is in jail.
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Lyla infiltrated in Time-0, the time prison, looking for her friend. What she didn't expect was a chrono-quake that affected various systems.
The situation was getting out of hand, when Lyla throw away her cover, and saved the day.
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Her superior asked of her intentions and she respond asking about PK arrest. Turns out, he wasn't arrested. At least Lyla escaped repercussions thanks to her great job.
Back to the present, Flagstarr interrogates Camera 9.
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I want to point out, this lady didn't point her gun to Fairfax, the guy who almost destroyed Duckburg, but did it with poor Camera 9.
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We change POV and now is Raider Time! Get it? Because he's a time criminal? So sorry. Anyway, looks like Raider escape from prison again. People in the future is not good at keeping criminals locked. I guess they're too busy washing their long hair.
Uno tried to fool Raider with a digital representation of PK, but Raider wasn't fooled at all
Looks like he's in this time to steal a unique piece of digital art.
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This crazy so-called artist was making the first NFT. Please Rider, take that thing away.
Uno once again tried to fool Raider with a hologram of the criminal himself, but once again, fails. Or does it?
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Why the hell would you give any detail of your plans?
Why Raider? Why?
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Of course, Raider is captured, and all thanks to Uno, or should I say, Odin, who knew the exact day Raider needed to go.
He'll be on the streets for lunch.
We have a brief Scrooge appearance, where he proves once again that he's a jerk.
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Thing got a huge turn, and now we're in space, with our favorite alien, Xadhoom. She has catch a signal, and needs to investigate it.
She arrived to the source of the signal to made the greatest find.
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PK had found her people. I'm going to be honest with you, I never saw the twist coming. I guess that the idea of Xadhoom being so happy with the people she thought would never see again got me blind.
It was too precious to be true.
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This time, Evronians went to far.
Well, at least they will get what they deserve.
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Back to Flagstarr, she's in Donald's house. The only relevant news is that HDL are back from Africa.
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For the last story, Zyrkon, the leader of a obviously inferior race, send his two dumbest looking recruits to search for PK.
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Evronians are normally incompetent, imagine this two. And of course, this two got beaten up so hard by different civilians, they had to escape from the planet.
Just to find…
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You two are so dead.
To wrap things up, Flagstarr receives an email ordering to stop the search. And we found out that Uno was behind Flagstarr's mission. He was trying to find PK.
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That's kinda cute actually.
And PK?
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He was in the Tibet with Everett Ducklair all along.
This was a fun reading, I enjoy those stories (some most than others). My favorite PK comic, after Earthquake of course.
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cloudyswritings · 3 months
Old Light, New Light
This feels like a crazy idea but I’ve been on such a destiny kick lately I feel like such an idea I just need to put out there. Picture if you will, a Destiny and Hollow knight fanfic. There’s a couple of main ways I think this could go, that said:
SPOILERS BELOW FOR THE FINAL SHAPE. Please turn back now if you’ve somehow not been spoiled or played it yet.
Okay cool, let’s get into it then. I’m grouping these ideas by character
Fic/Campaign title: Synapomorphy
The most interesting path I can think of for Hollow(whose name in this might end up being Atlas) is taking the role of our guardian. Now it might be cliche but I really do think it’d give both Hollow and their ghost the best chance at growth as characters.
I think that Hollows ghost actually had a really hard time raising them, see ghost kept reading that their guardian was being attacked and infested with darkness and worked very very hard to excise it. I think you can see where I’m going here, but when Hollow first rose it was with chitin as pale as the travelers shell, a voice that carried the low rolling growl of a wyrm, and eyes like blue crystals. Ghost essentially removed their shade, and accidentally revealed the god that they could have been. Hollow themself doesn’t really know why their body bothers them, speaking makes them nauseous, and the color of their chitin sends a deep sense of guilt and loss rattling through their guts.
Hollow ends up actually being a fantastic shot with any gun, and finds that they remember a number of what appear to be spells(including focus, which is huge tbh). Naturally ghost is absolutely bamboozled and has no idea who they’ve rezzed as their guardian but cheerfully goes along with it. I feel like there’s a slim chance that Hollow gets mistaken for a hive by less experienced guardians but in general they just follow the main story line and work on figuring out their memories. They still have their nail, and get it repaired at some point. I feel like after people get used to them slinking about and being impossibly sneaky for someone of their stature, as well as them being yk not human, they end up really loved at the city.
Favored light: Void, though all of their light comes out pale, bleached of nearly all of its color. They either cannot or will not use solar, it reminds them of someone they can’t quite remember, and sets stinging pains through one of their arms…
Class: Titan, people keep trying to get them to challenge Zavala for his job(Hollow is very much not a fan of that and they and Zavala are buddies.)
Other: Their shade is still out there, and I imagine we’d encounter it in an area of great darkness, possibly it even snuck into the black garden or the dreadnought, who knows. Either way it’s where a majority of Hollows memories are, and when they find it they’re forced to make a very difficult choice, made even more challenging by the fact that both the shade and them have grown into different people since they parted ways. So I’m not decide yet but they either take it back or leave the past behind to focus on the future(which could be a healing moment for them and represent them accepting who they are now and setting their regrets to rest, but it also means they wouldn’t remember Hornet, or Ghost, or their mother. Their father though… his influence is carved into their shell itself, and they don’t think they could forget him if they tried.). I think it could end up with their shade tagging alone in their actual shadow most of the time, or being their super maybe? If y’all have ideas lmk.
Fic/Campaign title: Refractions/Beyond the Pale
The Pale King absolutely belongs just post collapse along with the other warlords, I think it’d give me a lot of opportunities to explore how he’d feel about being responsible for having lives under his care after what happened to Hallownest. Additionally he wouldn’t have much of a choice in the matter which I think would really up the tension a lot and force him to confront his failings. There’s also the matter of his light to consider, it was so powerful it still blanketed Hallownest for an age after his passing, so it could present a really interesting situation to have him grapple with sharing his abundance of light with his ghost and how that overwhelming power could act as a sort of beacon, drawing in Eliksni and the eyes of other hostile warlords. Alternatively you could have him revived with his light significantly dimmed, and force him to face his fall from godhood and being powerless to stop terrible events from happening to his people once again(there’s also a very interesting parallel between him and the traveler.) it’s important to note that upon being risen he absolutely would retain all of his memories, at least in this path specifically.
The other option I have for him, which I think could almost be even more interesting, is for him to have been the Osmium Kings familiar, which is notably a dead, white, worm. Also the Osmium king descends into madness after the worm washes up, perhaps in this case hearing the whispers of the pale kings foresight?? There’s also the white palace to consider, it seems to function very very similarly to a throne world, and given my headcanons about what it takes to become a pale being in the first place(hint hint, mass deicide and cannibalism). If that was the case I could see him being risen during the witch queen. This would be super interesting from a lore perspective and also in connection for what I’ve got roughly mapped out for Hollows storyline. Meeting their father, who remembers nothing about them would be highly devastating.
Favored light: Arc, mostly used to power his fucking buzzsaws and such. I also see him having a very unique perspective on the sheer unbridled energy of arc when compared to other risen.
Other/Ergo Sum: So…. There’s quite an overlap between the travelers experience at then of this lovely little lore entry and PKs isn’t there… specifically about drowning in the sea. The traveler says: “The deep, dark ocean has gotten into your lungs, droplets of ink dispersing in silver blood. This time, you think, this time It has won.”. This whole section perfectly describes my thoughts on how the pale king died. He died of regrets and the void sea drowned him, and snuffed out his light. More than that, he sought a kingdom eternal, where death held no weight and new possibilities could be explored and he resolved to bear the weight of that all on his own in the end(plus or minus many vessels). There’s honestly so many parallels between these two, so I’d implore y’all to go read the whole lore tab for Ergo Sum and just like, have your mind blown by how similar and yet different these two pale gods are. All in all if anyone was going to be capable of hearing the travelers whisper quiet voice(Silent, Silent, Silent) it’d be PK(whose voice, I’ll note, is a chorus of whispers in and of itself.)
Class: Warlock, like with Hollow his light is completely bleached of color and burns coldly regardless of what type he’s actually channeling.
Fic/Campaign title: Old Light, New Light
She’s 100% a new light and absolutely ready to be problematic, which should surprise no one. I think she’d struggle a lot to fit in with the rest of the guardians, and still have a very arrogant attitude. Something I do think is important to note is that she’d absolutely never use any darkness aligned powers, it’s completely against her nature and she absolutely killed someone of the implication she’d do so. Her memories of the void and fighting ghost haunt her every waking step. She’s a warlock for sure, and probably using the black sun shell. She is super awkward around Hollow, and they very nearly splattered her across the city when they met her.
Favorite light: to no one’s surprise it’s solar. She also probably manages to develop her light in line with how she used it as a god, so invading dreams, controlling lesser beings, and a sort of shared mind/forced unity. All in all she’s got about as many unique light abilities as Hollow and PK.
Class: Also Warlock, unsurprisingly uses well of radiance.
How’d we get here then?
So, now that those ideas have all been laid out, you may be wondering; how the hell did they end up where they did? The short answer is Ghost did it. The longer answer is that Ghost, before heading into godhome to beat the shit out of Radiance, dropped off a fragile flower with the pale kings corpse and outside of the black eggs(for their sibling who they were gonna free no matter the cost) as well as giving one to the godseeker. When they ascended the flowers got everyone out of dodge, though the radiance that gets revived is really more of an imprint or shadow than the real deal, she’s basically got none of the juice that PK and Hollow get.
Other Notes:
Ghost: Massive parallels with the Witness, all of the shades are in consensus and the Lord of Shades is the result. They are both Ghost and not, essentially the black pearl to the witnesses pale pearl. They’re foils in the same way I imagine the traveler and PK could be. I don’t think they’d really show up in any capacity except through lore drops on Hollows weapons they made, you might be able to find and use charms though. Possibly if we leave the solar system I could see Hallownest being a location, and the guardians being able to get Hollow knight themed shells(I might do some art of these with lore??).
Hornet: Almost certainly uses strand, beyond that I’m not really sure how I’d incorporate her.
Grimm: alas probably mister not showing up in this au atm, this will likely change eventually though. He could contract with the drifter perhaps? Maybe tied to why the drifters ghost has its red eye?
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gombella · 10 months
The Power of Palm Kernel Shell PKS for Biomass
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The Power of Palm Kernel Shell PKS for Biomass
In the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions, the biomass industry plays a pivotal and crucial role. Among the various promising sources of biomass fuel, Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) has emerged as a game-changer due to its unique properties and benefits.
This blog post aims to shed comprehensive light on the immense potential of PKS for biomass utilization. It will delve into the detailed exploration of the PKS conversion process, highlighting its efficiency and effectiveness in producing renewable energy. Additionally, it will discuss the notable environmental benefits of PKS, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions and minimized ecological impact. Furthermore, the economic impact of PKS will be analyzed, showcasing its potential for job creation and economic growth in the biomass industry. Lastly, the blog post will address the role of PKS in green energy policies, emphasizing its significance in achieving sustainable development goals and transitioning to a greener future. By providing a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of PKS as a biomass fuel source, this blog post aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse on sustainable energy solutions and facilitate informed decision-making in the industry.
Converting PKS into Biomass
The process of turning PKS (Palm Kernel Shells) into biomass fuel involves several techniques aimed at maximizing its potential as a sustainable energy source. Firstly, the PKS undergoes a meticulous drying process, where it is carefully exposed to controlled temperatures and air circulation to ensure that the moisture content is reduced to an optimal level. This step is crucial as it helps enhance the combustion efficiency and calorific value of the PKS.
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Cleaning PKS for Biomass Production Next, the dried PKS is finely ground to achieve a consistent particle size, which plays a vital role in facilitating efficient combustion. By finely grinding the PKS, it increases the surface area exposed to the oxygen during combustion, resulting in better combustion and improved energy release. This finely ground PKS also ensures a more uniform and controlled burn, reducing the chances of emissions and enhancing overall energy production. Lastly, the ground PKS is pelletized, transforming it into compact and uniform pellets that are easier to handle, transport, and store. Through the pelletization process, the PKS is compressed into dense pellets, which not only increases its energy density but also makes it more convenient for industrial use. These pellets can be efficiently transported and stored, allowing for a consistent and reliable fuel source for a wide range of industries. By meticulously executing these steps, the conversion of PKS into biomass fuel results in a highly efficient and renewable energy source. This sustainable fuel can effectively power various industries, ranging from power generation to heat production, contributing significantly to a greener and more sustainable future.
Environmental Benefits
Choosing Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) as a biomass fuel offers significant environmental advantages. PKS, a byproduct of the palm oil industry, is a sustainable source of energy that helps mitigate climate change. By utilizing PKS as a biomass fuel, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, making it an eco-friendly choice. Moreover, the use of PKS contributes to waste reduction and promotes sustainable resource utilization, aligning with the principles of a circular economy. This makes PKS an even greener alternative to traditional fossil fuels. In addition to its environmental benefits, the use of PKS as a biomass fuel also brings economic advantages. The palm oil industry generates a large quantity of PKS, which would otherwise be treated as waste. By utilizing this byproduct as a fuel source, the industry can reduce waste management costs and potentially create new revenue streams. Furthermore, PKS is a versatile biomass fuel that can be used in various applications. It can be used in power plants to generate electricity, in industrial processes as a heat source, and even in residential settings for heating and cooking. Its versatility makes it a suitable choice for different sectors, contributing to a more diversified and sustainable energy mix. Overall, the utilization of PKS as a biomass fuel offers numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits. It not only helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote waste reduction but also contributes to economic growth and job creation. By choosing PKS as a sustainable energy source, we can move towards a greener and more sustainable future.
Economic Impact of Using PKS for Biomass
Beyond its significant environmental benefits, the utilization of Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) as biomass brings about positive economic impacts on various fronts. Not only does PKS offer a cost-effective solution as a biomass fuel, but it also presents itself as an attractive option for industries seeking sustainable energy solutions. The inherent advantages of PKS, such as its abundance, accessibility, and renewable nature, contribute to its growing demand. This surge in demand not only drives job creation and fosters economic growth within the biomass industry but also extends to related sectors. From the cultivation and harvesting of palm trees to the processing and transportation of PKS, the entire value chain benefits from this increased demand, resulting in a more robust and sustainable economy. By harnessing the potential of PKS for biomass, industries can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also make significant strides toward achieving long-term sustainability goals. The economic benefits derived from PKS further reinforce its position as a viable and attractive option for industries looking to transition to greener and more sustainable energy sources.
PKS in Green Energy Policies
Governments worldwide are recognizing the significance of renewable energy sources like PKS. Many countries have incorporated PKS into their green energy policies, incentivizing its usage and supporting the transition to a more sustainable energy landscape. These initiatives highlight the pivotal role of PKS in achieving renewable energy goals and reducing dependence on fossil fuels.
Case Study: The Growing Importance of PKS in the Japanese Biomass Market
A notable example of the impact of PKS (Palm Kernel Shells) lies in its growing importance in the Japanese biomass market. In the enlightening and comprehensive case study titled "The Growing Importance of PKS in the Japanese Biomass Market" by Rachael Levinson, we delve deep into the meticulous findings and groundbreaking insights of this significant development. The study not only highlights the immense potential that PKS holds in driving Japan's renewable energy ambitions but also sheds light on the various economic, environmental, and technological aspects surrounding its utilization. With a focus on sustainability and the pursuit of cleaner energy sources, the study further explores the role of PKS in the overall renewable energy landscape and its implications for the future of Japan's energy sector. This comprehensive analysis offers a detailed and compelling narrative that showcases the transformative power of PKS and its promising trajectory within the Japanese biomass market.
Countries Adopting PKS for Biomass
PKS (Palm Kernel Shell) has gained significant traction as a highly sustainable biomass fuel in numerous countries across the globe. From the lush plantations of Malaysia to the beautiful archipelagos of Indonesia, and from the vibrant landscapes of Thailand to the technological marvels of Japan, success stories of PKS utilization for biomass abound. These countries have wholeheartedly embraced the use of PKS, witnessing firsthand its remarkable positive impacts on the environment, economy, and society at large. By harnessing the power of PKS, they have not only reduced their carbon footprint but also fostered economic growth, created employment opportunities, and contributed to a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.
The power of Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) for biomass is undeniable. Its conversion process, environmental benefits, economic impact, and pivotal role in green energy policies make it a promising source of renewable energy. As we navigate the transition to a sustainable future, let us embrace the potential of PKS for biomass and work towards a greener and more prosperous world. Join the movement towards sustainable energy solutions. Explore the boundless potential of PKS for biomass and be part of the renewable energy revolution. Note: For more in-depth information and insights on PKS for biomass, refer to the case study "The Growing Importance of PKS in the Japanese Biomass Market" by Rachael Levinson. Read the full article
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pkblogsstuff · 10 months
Lemme tell you something they won’t tell you after graduation.
There will be emptiness, nostalgia and the whole uncertainty about the future. There’s that feeling of being overwhelmed just moving from a student to the real world or the nostalgic feeling of the familiar routine we have every single day. It is not easy. The frustration with job search, rejection and fear of being rejected. Motivation is taken away after being rejected once, the fear of not living up to life expectations. Our mind is set to think that once we make one decision, that defines who you are. The most dangerous part is where we compare ourselves to our peers thinking that they have it all figured out, and so you feel loneliness and the sense of loss when you have no social network to cope with just like you did in university. The pressure to become financially independent. Remember everything you’re feeling is valid and it is okay for you to sit and not know what the future holds. PK
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pkcomputers22 · 1 year
Common Mistakes To Avoid When Installing CCTV Cameras: A Comprehensive Guide By PK Computers Delhi
Installing CCTV cameras is a crucial step towards enhancing security and surveillance in residential, commercial, and public spaces. However, many people make avoidable mistakes during the installation process, which can compromise the effectiveness of the CCTV system. In this blog post, PK Computers Delhi, a leading provider of CCTV camera installation services in Delhi, aims to highlight the common mistakes to avoid when installing CCTV cameras. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a seamless and reliable CCTV camera installation experience.
Insufficient Planning:
One of the most common mistakes in CCTV camera installation is inadequate planning. Before starting the installation process, it’s essential to conduct a thorough assessment of your property or premises. Identify the key areas that require surveillance, determine the camera types, and consider factors such as lighting conditions, field of view, and potential obstacles. This planning phase will help you choose the right camera models and optimize their placement for maximum coverage.
Neglecting Camera Placement:
Proper camera placement is crucial for obtaining clear and effective surveillance footage. Avoid placing cameras too high or too low, as it can lead to skewed perspectives or blind spots. Instead, position the cameras at eye level or slightly above, ensuring that they cover the desired areas without obstruction. Also, avoid placing cameras in areas with direct sunlight or extreme backlighting, as it can affect the quality of the recorded footage.
Poor Cable Management:
Cable management is often overlooked during CCTV camera installation, resulting in messy and unreliable connections. Use appropriate cable clips, conduits, or trunking to neatly route the cables, protecting them from damage and ensuring a professional installation. Proper cable management also facilitates easier maintenance and troubleshooting in the future.
Inadequate Power Supply:
Insufficient power supply can lead to camera malfunctions or inconsistent performance. It’s important to ensure that the power source is capable of supplying the required voltage and current to all the cameras. Avoid overloading power sources or using substandard cables and connectors, as they can cause power fluctuations and damage the cameras.
Lack of Network Configuration:
In the case of IP cameras or systems with remote access capabilities, failure to properly configure the network settings can hinder their functionality. Make sure to assign unique IP addresses, set up port forwarding if necessary, and configure network security features to protect the cameras from unauthorized access. Consult with a professional if you’re unsure about network configuration.
Ignoring Regular Maintenance:
Installing CCTV cameras is not a one-time job; regular maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance. Neglecting routine maintenance tasks such as cleaning the camera lenses, checking for loose connections, and updating firmware can result in degraded image quality and system failures. Create a maintenance schedule and follow it diligently to keep your CCTV cameras in top condition.
By avoiding these common mistakes during CCTV camera installation, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your surveillance system. PK Computers Delhi, a trusted name in CCTV camera installation services in Delhi, emphasizes the importance of proper planning, placement, cable management, power supply, network configuration, and regular maintenance. Adhering to these guidelines will help you achieve a reliable and efficient CCTV camera installation that ensures the safety and security of your premises.
If you’re seeking professional CCTV camera installation services in Najafgarh, Delhi, contact PK Computers Delhi today. Our experienced team will assist you in installing a robust surveillance system tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
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