#Freya the walrus
great-and-small · 4 months
Everyone meet ‘Slappy’ the wild sea lion that has gone viral on TikTok after begging tourists for peanut butter sandwiches 🤣
Watch Now: Beloved wild Sea Lion Slappy does her signature bark for a PB sandwich
Check out our list of the BEST memes about our favorite Instagram celebrity Slappy the seal
Wildlife authorities ruin internet’s fun by putting ban on feeding famous sea lion ‘Slappy’
- Top comment: Not me risking a class 2 wildlife felony to feed Slappy a peanut butter sandwich 😂☠️
Internet famous sea lion enjoys new meme craze “Outlaw Slappy” as her admirers continue to offer treats despite the ban from marine wildlife officials
Sad news out of Southern California today as the internet mourns beloved sea lion ‘Slappy’, who was put down by authorities after biting a child that was trying to feed her a sandwich.
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stimmstamm · 1 year
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sov godt, søt hvalross
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akire2002 · 1 year
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A few days ago, in memory of Freya, an artist created a bronze statue. And I thought that I might also make something to remember her loss and to spread awareness to be more mindful around wildlife so that no one has to suffer the consequences of idiotic behavior. Rest in peace Freya. ♥
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bending-sickle · 2 years
Casual Geographic - The WORST Mistake An Animal Can Make
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houseofbrat · 1 year
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Freya the walrus immortalised in bronze statue in Oslo fjord
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lunchcase · 2 years
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New year drink! Imported Milk Concentrate Black Tea with Rose Aroma ft. Cat
Location: foody mart
Price: 2.?? Cad
Happy New 2022 everyone, aka 2021 part 2, aka 2020 part 3! Let’s hope it’s not as disastrous as the last, as low as that bar may be.
Fancy fancy name, fancy fancy bottle. Hopefully, fancy fancy taste. Start off the year right. I’m calling it - the outcome of this drink will determine the fortunes of the coming year. Let’s see how lucky we are.
The second I opened it, air escaped like a bubbly. God I hope not. It smells, quite obviously, as an artificial, but strong tea. Sweet. Very sweet smell. It borders on nauseating, but only a little; that could very well be because I left it for 3 ish months. My b
Taste. I mean. It’s not great. But it’s not bad either. It’s… okay. It’s just very okay. Mediocre, in that it has an undeniable tea flavour, but that’s pretty much all you can say about it. The sweetness level is good though. The texture is a bit more - veered off course. In one sense milk is present, but like, a watery milk? What is “milk concentrate”?
6.10.2022 Casey notes: did the drink successfully foretell the fortunes of the year? Well, of course the year hasn’t ended yet, but so far it’s been not bad, personally speaking. Might even call it “alright”. On the global scale we have a war, an energy crisis, continued housing issues, monkey pox???, the queen died (I’m not a royalist but. I did like her, somewhat, because of the strong grandmotherly impression I have of her, and I believe you can grieve for something you didn’t particularly care for or even actively dislike, because there’s nuance in this world, and it is human to grieve things we didn’t even like because loss is loss), several toppling democracies, the hottest summer followed by what they say will be the coldest winter, forests on fire, hurricanes sweeping through, you can’t drink rain water anymore because there’s plastic in it, they killed Freya the Walrus :’(((, Betty White didn’t make it, and all sorts of other things mixed in with some good things. Which. Is bad. But, is it worse than any other year? Is it as bad as 2020?? It’s all relative. And I’ve got a dog, so.
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wren-der · 2 years
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63 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
OSLO, Norway — A 1,320-pound walrus that had drawn crowds in Oslo was euthanized by Norwegian officials on Sunday after they decided that the animal posed a risk to humans.
The marine mammal had a penchant for climbing onto boats to sunbathe, sometimes sinking the vessels, the BBC reported.
People were swimming near Freya and throwing objects at her, Vegard Oen Hatten, a spokesman for the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries, told The New York Times on Friday. People were taking photographs with the walrus, sometimes including their children in the picture while moving dangerously close to her, according to the newspaper.
The agency said in a statement that a decision to euthanize Freya was “based on an overall assessment of the continued threat to human safety.”
“Through on-site observations the past week it was made clear that the public has disregarded the current recommendation to keep a clear distance to the walrus,” said Frank Bakke-Jensen, the director general of the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. “Therefore, the Directorate has concluded, the possibility for potential harm to people was high and animal welfare was not being maintained.”
Female walruses can weigh as much as a ton, Nadia Jdaini, another spokesperson for the agency, told CNN in an email.
“She’s not aggressive,” Rune Aae, who teaches biology at the University of South-Eastern Norway, told the Times on Friday. “But if she wants to play with you, you will lose, no matter what happens.”
Freya was first spotted in Oslo in July, the BBC reported. She was named after the Norse goddess of beauty and love.
A protected species, walruses do not usually attack humans. At a wildlife park in China in 2016, a tourist and a zookeeper were killed, the news organization reported. The tourist was taking selfies with the walrus when he was grabbed and pulled underwater, according to the BBC. The zookeeper attempted to rescue the tourist but was also killed by the animal.
There are more than 25,000 Atlantic walruses that live in the cold waters near Norway, Russia, Greenland and Canada, according to the World Wildlife Fund.
Sounds to me like Freya was the one whos safety was at risk. Maybe we should start euthanizing stupid people who refuse to leave wild animals alone.
91 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
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I thought he would be above this type of request, but nope. The One Who Waits is a poop eater.
111 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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See the full post
131 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fuck Elon Musk and his little douche bro followers.
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1,794 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Manatee Splashes Water On Kid And Regrets (@virtuosemuet) #whale #funny ...
My son had her visit to manatee and that's our son and Hera was helping her and she's getting bigger and he wondered if it was happening to her she was bringing him salt and brought some salt cubes and he's eating them he said it makes me feel better and just kept doing it eventually he started changing into a walrus and the staff is like what is this and he said so they're irradiated and so are you in this little girl is saving your life and they were trying to think her and she showed up in the salt and they said what are you doing and then they said you're saving his life and hours we should be taking this and she said you're right it's making us very sick he does it on everything and we get it he said iodine is treatment too and she was bringing him sea salt if you want some iodine and he said what is this and he said oh medicine and he said terrific and it works real well and he started getting hair and he said he should have some salt in the tank answer it it actually cleans it and gets rid of chlorine and you keep doing both and they put a salt system in and said these are not manatees and it was really weird so it is symbolism from Brandon coming out because our son went up there you know sort of and had people look because it's one of the first times that people started bothering him badly here and it turns out to be a tower from beacon Hill and it was Jesus one of my land too if I see and three of my something really that's what it was and it wasn't the old North Church it wasn't high enough or didn't have Windows and they laughed and said okay and Nancy turn into the walrus okay so you guys taking salts and you go after fish and they said all right in the ocean they got that
Thor Freya
So lazy what do you want I couldn't figure it out and you figured it out and Ken did some yeah we need to help you guys this is terrible it says we're no longer be able to think it's not true this is very funny they say the same stuff but wow that is going to make a difference I haven't opened it up we have to have a meeting I guess we're going to call the grand opening LOL I want you to be there when you open your first Rolls-Royce plant well not yours the first one somewhere around here and that'll be great I can go in and pick one out pick one out for my wife pink and that's the color not the girl and she's mad already she said I shouldn't have done that shouldn't have said it and it's awful it's going to come down on me like a ton of bricks so I better get huge okay it's talking and talking but it's her so I'll have to excuse myself and she says please do
Michael tew
Don't steal my spotlight either
We are dumb words okay they're making Harleys yeah I'm going to be Harley Quinn that's good you can do it at Comic-Con I don't have a character for that movie do I no but she's with Bain so yeah it's that little one. Can you get Dan back for harassing as a cop this is going to be fun they're all looking forward to it that was hell again
That's what happens when you deal with people don't know how to do anything
Thor Freya
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wyrmfedgrave · 6 months
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Pics: For Part 2 of "Teuton's War- Song."
1. Odin/Wooden on his throne, with his flying spies Hugin (memory) & Munin (thought).
Also present are his personal guards Geri (ravenous) & Freki (greedy).
Odin taught people to learn from how ravens & wolves cooperated on the hunt, how they cared for their families & defended themselves.
2. This looks like Marvel's 1st map for the lands of Asgard, where a younger Thor had so many early adventures!
Still waiting for the MCU to set up an Early Thor Adventures TV show...
An untried son of thunder, learning to wield a weapon based on "absolute honor & worthiness" - all the while exploring the hidden places & dangers of mythological worlds!!
My Gods! It writes itself...
3 & 4. Two fairly modern versions of the mythical Asgard (divine 'fort'?).
Weird Bit: After Asgard was built, a protective wall was needed against Ice Giant attacks.
So, an unnamed Jotunn & his stallion offered to build the wall - in return for the sun, moon & marriage to Freya!!
The Aesir agreed - so long as he could finish in 1 year...
To the Gods's surprise, the stallion is helping to quickly finish the wall!
So, Loki "changes his appearance" to that of a female horse!!
With his horse distracted by Loki's sexual hijinks, the Jotunn knows he won't finish the wall on time.
So, he reveals that he's a Jotunn in a blaze of anger!
And Thor kills the giant - as he usually does.
Later, Loki gives birth to Sleipnir (slippery?) - an 8 legged grey horse that becomes Odin's mount!
So, did Loki stay a female horse until Sleipnir's birth date?
Or, did he walk outside proudly - as a pregnant 'man'...
Way to represent!
5. Cover for a book collecting the best of Kant's philosophical works.
There's a strange 'rumor' going around that pics supposedly showing Kant's picture - actually depict somebody else...
6. Midgard!! Or, a viking named map of Europe!
Enjoy the madness of an ancient tongue...
7 & 8. What were the einherjar actually eating?
Saehrimnir (sooty sea beast) is now thought to be a boar - with tusks, hooves & a date to be dinner!!
Yet, the translation of its name also suggests some kind of large seafood!
These mammals are seen as far south as St. Laurence Island & the Pribilof Islands.
9 & 10. Two renditions of the einherjar (those who fight alone).
Although they form an army, there's no true - united strategy in their attacks!!
Each man runs forward & attacks or defends as he sees fit!
This might work best for Berserkers but, it can easily become a mass of stalemate & confusion...
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prose2passion · 1 year
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itsdanos · 1 year
Leave her alone! Buy a fucking new surfboard. Otter 841 should not see the same demise of surly Norwegian walrus Freya :(
This article is annoying - of course Otters have sharp teeth - so does every fucking animal ever. Chomp on.
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walrusfeelings · 1 year
For that new gender potluck : Freya, the walrus off the coast of Norway that started sinking small boats that were encroaching on her fishing grounds and then sunbathing atop said boats! New gender: Walrus of Divine Retribution
That's such a metal gender and as a walrus I approve
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hleavesk · 1 year
NYTimes: Freya, the Walrus Killed by Norwegian Officials, Is Immortalized as a Sculpture
Freya, the Walrus Killed by Norwegian Officials, Is Immortalized as a Sculpture https://nyti.ms/44ji4L1
The legacy of a walrus. (Source: new York times, may 2013)
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dailynewsdrawings · 1 year
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Life-Size Sculpture Of Euthanized Walrus Unveiled In Norway
Life-Size Sculpture Of Euthanized Walrus Unveiled In Norway | HuffPost Latest News
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businesspr · 1 year
Freya, the Walrus Killed by Norwegian Officials, Is Immortalized as a Sculpture
The bronze sculpture depicts the walrus on her side and should remind onlookers about the importance of coexisting, the artist said. source https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/30/world/europe/freya-walrus-statue-norway.html
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triciansmithdesign · 1 year
Freya, the Walrus Killed by Norwegian Officials, Is Immortalized as a Sculpture
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