#Friday 27th could not come sooner
bookloverturnedfangirl · 11 months
the only way to cope with ACFTL is 1989 (Taylor’s version)
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
Just finished Halcyon!! What a great chapter ❤️ I love your young Joel so much. So passionate and idealistic. If you can, I’d love to hear your upcoming posting plans (tentative, of course!). I’m dying over Yearling atm and starting to really get into Halcyon (the slow burn is burning!!).
Love you thank you!!
AHHHH Thank you, Bestie!!!
Joel is such a passionate character to me. I could definitely be reading him wrong, of course, but he just strikes me as someone who loves so hard and so deeply. I don't think it comes easy for him but once he loves you he LOVES you, you know? So he digs his nails into who and what he loves so hard that, sometimes, he gets hurt. He's just such a fascinating character, that's why I keep coming back to him and just yes. I'm in love with him, I can't help it!
As far as posting goes, here's what I'm thinking! (All very tentative, of course ❤️)
Run Rabbit, Part 2 - Hopefully up by the end of this weekend! This will put a bow on my shorts for a bit, I think. I might try to do some more in February to clear out some ask box stuff that's been languishing far too long but I want to wrap this up sooner rather than later!
Yearling - Tuesday or Wednesday I think for the next chapter!
Halcyon - Friday? Maybe?
Yearling - Sunday the 28th, I hope!
Things that might throw a wrench into that - The kiddo we're hosting has a sports thing all day Saturday and I will, of course, be there to scream super duper loud in the stands. I'm on call for work all next week which means super early mornings and I genuinely do not know what that's going to do to my writing time or my brain power (I'm only on call a few weeks a year so I never really know what to expect.) I randomly have to work on the 27th for about half the day. I THINK this schedule will, roughly, work with what I have on my plate next week.
I hope this helps you know what to expect!! Thank you so so much for reading and for being here.
Love you!!
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darkness9000a · 11 months
Okay, this is just getting ridiculous.
I mean, dealing with Matthewhf is one thing, and now this guy ( which I don’t even know ), is trying to make an excuses for Matthewhf, since Thursday at October 26th.
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Though I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be his real name, or he might of use someone else’s name, or could of been Matthewhf pretending to be somebody else or something, of course those are just my theories, I cannot be sure. 🤷‍♂️
Anyway, let’s just say, that this guy was making an excuses for Matthewhf, like he somehow appear out of nowhere since October 26th 2023, even when I tried to explain it to him about Matthewhf of what he did wrong in the past, and I keep telling this guy, that Matthewhf was never right to begin with, and yet this guy keeps spewing excuses about Matthewhf by saying…
“Matthewhf is a brave man and he is always right”
….Which is the most dumbest excuse that I ever heard in my entire life.
And one thing that this guy doesn’t understand, when Matthewhf says something rude towards me in DMs on Twitter by saying….
“You are pathetic and still indulge in childish activities”
….That’s not being brave, that’s just being stupid.
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And Matthewhf was never right to begin with, despite of his own interpretation when he is just not smart or not educated well enough to understand or comprehend to anything else in the matter, even though Matthewhf is just a teenager who doesn’t care about other people very much, or simply don’t know what to care, despite of his own young age, but sooner or later, he needs to take responsibility for his own actions some point.
Anyhow, after explaining to him about Matthewhf ( which he won’t listen to reason ), I decided to mute him and block him, because there’s no point talking to this guy, which I know he’s only just a teenager who happens to be an Internet troll, just to get attention, but then when I check on my DMs on Twitter, the same guy that I block him just messaged me on my DMs since the same day in October 26th 2023, and said to me…
“Matthewhf is innocent and your just a hater”
….which he made another ridiculous excuse for Matthewhf.
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I mean, If this guy wants to accuse me or calling me a hater for no reason at all as an excuse, then that’s fine, but I do not have any hatred towards Matthewhf, I just simply don’t like the way how Matthewhf keeps making false claims just to harass other people on Twitter or on YouTube or on Discord or any other websites, just to get attention, even when he doesn’t have actual proof or evidence about other people whatsoever, especially when he doesn’t take the responsibility from his own actions.
More importantly, there is nothing innocent about Matthewhf to begin with either, and when it comes to the idea of being innocent or being guilty to other things, you can only being innocent a few things, but you’re not always being innocent to everything, and you can only being guilty a few things too, but you’re not always being guilty to everything either, because that’s just part of life as a human being.
And there’s alot of few things that Matthewhf is guilty of, for starters…👇
#1 Matthewhf create his Twitter account ( Matthewhf Chad214 ) since May Friday 27th 2022, and he decided to follow me and Aly at the same day for no reason in May 27th 2022. https://twitter.com/MChad214
#2 Matthewhf stole Yuki’s artwork ( that she made for Aly ) without any permission, and Matthewhf decided to use Yuki’s artwork by drawing or coloring something inappropriate, and then Matthewhf decided to upload a false claim short video on his YouTube channel just to harass Aly, even when Matthewhf created his own YouTube channel ( matthewhf MADAGASCAR ) since May 24th 2022.
#3 Matthewhf tried to asked a false question, just to harass her, when Aly and Talon were doing a livestream on YouTube since June 11th 2022
#4 Matthewhf and Mela M. ( Melascula Manson ) tried to nuke Talon’s Discord server, just to harass Aly again, not only that Matthewhf and Mela M. were trying put their names as Roles on Talon’s Discord server, but they also put Onelost_Virginian’s name as well, just to frame Onelost_Virginian, since June 11th 2022.
#5 Matthewhf also tried to upload a false claim video on his YouTube channel, just to harass me as well, since June 11th 2022.
#6 Matthewhf post a comment and tried to asked a false question, just to harass her again, when Aly was doing a livestream on her YouTube channel.
#7 Matthewhf also post a comment on TGR Foodist’s YouTube channel ( where TGR Foodist upload a false claim video on his YouTube channel, just to harass me since July 22th 2022 ), by pretending to be the victim.
#8 Matthewhf change his name on his Twitter account ( Matthewhf Chad214 ) into Matthew Laverty.
#9 Matthewhf claims himself that he supports the MAP pride, ( of course MAP pride was never a real thing, because MAP pride was nothing more but a hoax, a troll image that it was created by some internet trolls, some say that the internet trolls created the MAP flag on Tumblr or 4chan as a troll experiment since 2018 ).
#10 Matthewhf has multiple Twitter accounts and YouTube channels, even though some of his YouTube channels got terminated, and one of his Twitter accounts got suspended.
#11 Not only that Matthewhf tried to harass me and Aly, just to create false claims out of us, but he also tried to harass Onelost_Virginian, Flor1daa, SaneOffCoffee, Moony, Dirtman101, Queen Aurora, Kelsey Oaks, Nuclear Hurricane Of Arda, Ryx, Geopold, MrsAmnesia, Animation Jaiden, DJ Cook, Stanzi, Keffals, and others, on Twitter, or on YouTube, or on Discord, or any other websites, even when some of his false claims videos on his YouTube channels got removed or went to private, or even when some of his YouTube channels got terminated along with his videos.
#12 Matthewhf tried to hit on them or flirting with them online on Twitter or on Discord, and asking them to add him as a friend on Discord or asking them to DM him on Twitter, or asking them to be his girlfriend or something, like a ordinary creep, just to harass them.
#13 Matthewhf upload a video on his YouTube channel and trying to make fun of the soccer player name Pelé who passed away, even when Matthewhf’s YouTube channel ( Matthew Laverty or matthewlaverty1690 ) got terminated along with his videos.
#14 Matthewhf posted hashtags, just to harass other users on Twitter.
Of course these are just the only things that Matthewhf is guilty of in the past. ☝️
And then he called me the S word or something 🤔( though I have to blur out this offensive word, just in case ) , and I think it’s a contemptuous term, in which case, a ethnic slur, and I think he accusing me of speaking spanish and not speaking english or something, except of course I do speak english, and I cannot speak spanish, even if I could or tried, I mean I can understand some of the few words in spanish, just not all of it, which is something that I’m not very good at it, to be honest. 😅
I mean sure I’m half French and half Italian in the United States in North America, even my dad’s family are half French, while my mom’s family are half Italian, but just because I’m half French and half Italian in the United States in North America, doesn’t mean I can speak both languages of French and Italian, it just doesn’t work that way, and that’s just something that people need to understand that.
Anyway, if you ever get encounter by this guy, or if he tries to harass you in DMs or posting tweets at you, just block him and ignore him.
I prefer not to waste my time with this guy, and I certainly don’t want to waste my time with Matthewhf either.
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Charles Arnoldi: Rock, Paper, Scissors
May 26 - June 24, 2023
Opening Reception for the Artist: Friday, May 26th, 5-7 PM
"Stories from the Studio,” Artist Talk with Charles Arnoldi and David Chickey: Saturday, May 27th, 3 PM Don’t hold your arms stiff and tight against your sides. As you walk through Charles Arnoldi’s exhibition of new work, Rock, Paper, Scissors, let yourself move freely. Let yourself feel the movement. You are a three-dimensional body in space. Yes, your eyes will soak up the lines, the intricate patterning overlap of Arnoldi’s latest explorations of Stick Paintings. You will see the rich patinas of copper and iron paint on examples of new Chainsaw pieces. And you will search for the ways that lines, cracks, texture and shadows interact on his puzzle-like stacked sculptural forms. But Arnoldi’s medium is more than visual, more than paint or metal, than sticks, wood, or foam. Arnoldi works with space. And more properly – with movement through space.
Arnoldi has never been one to let himself be pigeonholed or branded. His art is constantly shifting and evolving. In his fifth decade working as an artist, Arnoldi has used nearly any medium you could think of: metals, foam, plaster, wood, paint and beyond. He has drawn inspiration from the charcoal-line-like branches of forest fire burned trees, from the forms and formalities of architecture, from the vast and mysterious ruins of Machu Pichu, from fellow artists like Rauschenberg, Stella, and Johns, and even from the humble potato. Life and experience permeate and constantly shift his vision and his work. It is the interchange itself that seems to interest him: making an object, working on it until it has a life of its own, and then entering into a dialogue with it. Pushing that dialogue as far as it can go. Once Arnoldi gets a particular idea, he is prolific – exploring all the ways that he can approach that particular question or perspective. While artistic superstardom might have come sooner had he stuck to one primary visual vocabulary, for Arnoldi, it is the creativity, the energy of the exploration that drives him. As he says, “You have to have as much doubt as confidence in what you’re doing.”
However, with over five decades of work, what can at first seem to be very disparate visual expressions begin to collate. There are through lines to Arnoldi’s work, questions that seem to pull him back again and again. One of these elements is the exploration of space which is so palpably present in the work of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Here we have a whole new re-engagement with the Stick Paintings – taking the idea of the line out into space with complex and elegant constructions of acrylic-painted sticks. The juxtaposition of these 3D lines is all the more apparent as they play off of the 2D shadows they cast on the gallery wall. The two large plaster and foam panel pieces take Arnoldi’s negative-space Chainsaw paintings and add new dimensions – not least that these are carved from a special kind of foam rather than from wood blocks or wood panels. Here those 3D lines are scratched out volumes of space rather than of physical matter. The Stackable sculptures combine elements of several of Arnoldi’s explorations: architectural, puzzle-pieced like the ever-evolving Machu Pichu series, aggregate panels/pieces that can inhabit space in multiple ways depending on arrangement.
Some have said that there is a sixth sense. Beyond sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, some scientists propose proprioception: the sense of self-movement, force, and body position. Knowing oneself as a three-dimensional body in space.
An interesting thing happens as you walk through the gallery among these pieces, you may begin to feel yourself inhabiting space, as these pieces do. The long, woven, sweep and return of the sticks becomes movement that you can feel as gesture. The deep scoring of the chain-sawed panels becomes an inward folding movement, the body curving itself around a central spine. The stacked sculptures, balanced so precariously - the movements of a complicated dance slowed down infinitely to near stillness.
Which brings us to the genius of Arnoldi’s work – the ability to translate his own quest, his ongoing dialogue with objects of art, to us, as viewers. We must engage these pieces in conversation, meet them on equal ground, give and ask: embodied form to embodied form.
-Michaela Kahn, PhD
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wolfstargames · 3 years
Coming Soon
Wolfstar Games 2021 is coming soon!
What is it? A prompt-based fest where participants are split into teams to engage in some fun-spirited competition as they create
How does it work? Each team member will create a work, either fic or art, inspired by a prompt, for their team
Is there a theme? Yes! The theme for this year is NATURE. The Teams are LAND, SEA, and SKY
When is this happening? Sign Ups begin on June 14th and run through June 27th
How long do I have to create something? Works will be due October 24th
And if I want more information?
Just keep reading below!
The Basic Rundown
There will be three teams based upon the fest theme. Participants will be given the chance to request a team upon sign up, but we make no guarantees that you will receive the team you requested, as teams need to be at least relatively even for voting purposes. This is, in fact, a competition, but only in the spirit of pushing each other further to create better works for this ship we all love so much.
Each participant will create a work, fic or art, based upon not only the theme but a prompt. Details on the prompts as well as how to claim them will be revealed after the teams are solidified. Then, those works will be revealed and voted upon in a blind vote to determine how each team did.
During the creation time there will be both team and inter-team activities. These will all be low key and completely optional. They’re just a way to spend some time with your team/fest participants and have a little fun to keep tensions low and promote a friendly sort of competition.
Once posting begins there will be a poll attached to each work, which will be posted anonymously, for readers/viewers to vote on how well the piece fit the theme of the fest as well as how well it fit the prompt. Those votes will be averaged for a total team score at the end of posting. Please keep in mind that these works are not in direct competition with each other. The voting is not meant to compare works. There will simply be a representative work from each team. Please be aware that team participants and mods will not be allowed to vote, for fairness purposes!
As this is a scored fest please keep in mind that all works are to be anonymous. We understand that this is slightly difficult for artists as style may be recognizable, but please do your best. This means that you may not share any snippets, anything more than very vague ideas, or any pieces or bits of your creations until after the reveals when the work is wholly yours to do with as you wish. We do understand the concern about posting unsigned art, so we will be providing a Wolfstar Games watermark for any artist that wishes to use it. And if you have any concerns about this please contact a mod and we will see what we can do for you.
Just remember, Wolfstar Games is about having fun and creating more content for our favorite boys, not about winning or losing. And most importantly, it’s about having fun!
This means any way you want to interpret nature. It could be a story about taking a walk through nature, or about mermaids living in the ocean, or playing a Quidditch game in the air. There are lots of ways to interpret the theme.
Time Line:
Sign-ups begin on Wednesday, June 17th and last through Sunday, June 27th, ending at 11:59pm Eastern time (GMT-5). Sign-ups will happen via google form, so please watch this space for that to go live.
Teams will be announced on Friday, July 2nd. so please watch this space for more info.
Prompts will be available for viewing only on Friday, July 2nd.
Prompts will be available for claiming on Monday, July 5th and will close at 11:59PM EST (GMT-5) on Sunday, July 11th. Prompts will fall into three categories: Word based, Image based, and Audio based. Each prompt will be available only one time per team, so the sooner you make your selections the more likely you are to get the prompt you want. If, for any reason, you are not available during any of the claiming period please contact a mod and we will make accommodations for you.
Works are due by 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 24th EST (GMT-5). As always we want this to be fun and low stress, so if there are any problems with finishing please just contact a mod and we will work with you to see what we can do. As this is a team competition there may be a small points penalty incurred for late works, however, so please contact a mod as soon as you can if there are any difficulties. There will be check ins along the way to see how everyone is doing and make sure there are no issues, but if something arises please don’t feel the need to wait for a check in to talk with a mod. That’s what we’re here for.
Posting begins Monday, November 1st and runs until we run out of works.
The winning team will be revealed once posting is complete and the mods have had a chance to tally the votes. Keep watch on this space for more information on that further into the fest.
Rule & FAQ
What sort of content am I committing to if I sign up?
For fic, the minimum word count will be 1000 words. There is no maximum, however, please keep in mind that ease of reading, which unfortunately sometimes includes length, will have an impact on how the voting goes. We would never dare to stifle anyone’s muse, so please write as the whim takes you, just keep that in mind when you’re creating.
There is no minimum size for art, but we would request that the maximum size be something that is easily viewable on a single screen. Again, we don’t want to cramp anyone’s creativity, but for voting purposes it’s helpful to be able to see the entire work at one time.
What sort of artwork is acceptable?
All art must be visual, original art. By original art, we mean that the final product must be an original product of the artist. Using photos for reference is fine, and you can use whatever traditional or digital medium you require, so long as the art starts and finishes as your own product. Photo manips are not allowed. Hit up the mods if you need clarity on an idea.
Can I use a work that I’ve published previously, or that’s been sitting in my drafts?
For this fest, we need all original content, none of which has been published previously. Since this is a theme and prompt-based fest, all creators should plan on starting new projects so they can be fully inspired by their chosen prompt.
Is there an age requirement to participate?
All ages are welcome! However, if you are under 18, your creation must be rated G or T on AO3.
Are there any other restrictions on creations?
This is a Wolfstar-centric fest, so we do ask that your creation focuses on Remus and Sirius’ relationship, though other pairings are welcome. All fics must be properly tagged with the appropriate content and trigger warnings on AO3. All fics must be edited, beta read, and legible.
Will I need to be signed up for any specific platforms to participate?
You will need an AO3 account for posting purposes. All fest info will be shared on Tumblr. A Discord chat system will be set up as well. All of these platforms, other than AO3, are optional.
Can I share snippets of my work on my social media?
Since this is an anonymous fest, we ask that absolutely no snippets or hints be shared during the run of the fest. Once the fest has concluded, you may post whatever you like to social media.
I can’t sign up, but I still want to participate, what can I do?
No worries, there are lots of ways for you to help support WSG! Follow us on Tumblr; reblog, comment, and share our posts to spread the word. We’ll also be asking for help with beta reading, pinch hitting, and other cool ways for you to get involved!
I’ve got more questions, help!
No problem, we’re happy to hear from you! Ping us on one of the social media sites above, or email wolfstargamesmods at gmail dot com.
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
The Scamming Situation
First of all, the hope was that this would all be kept private, since no one in this is happy with the outcome.  I’m CrownFerret, and I was friends between RenegadeCroww (who I know as Korbin) and the victim. Korbin’s tablet had broken, and he needed it to draw and do commissions.  I can’t honestly remember if the tablet was fixed, or if a new one was bought, but either way $200 had to be made by Korbin to satisfy their parent as repayment for the tablet. I’ll call this person Ace (has nothing to do with who they really are, just a nickname to keep from saying “the person”) Ace who had helped other in many other situations decided to offer $200 as soon as the coming Friday. Unfortunately, I don’t have a recording of this conversation because it was in a voice chat in my Discord server. However, I was there for the agreement that for Ace’s $200, Korbin would repay him with art. It was like a giant commission what Ace would work on getting over time (like ordering art piece by art piece until it was cleared up) I want to make it evident that Korbin was the one to suggest the art in the first place. So Ace and Korbin went on, Korbin came back into the server shortly after and said that his parent was getting more and more on his ass about the money. Ace, seeing the message, assured that he’d send the money the following Friday. Korbin apologized for his parent being so impatient, and that’s when Ace decided to send the money early. This was the first text message that shows that Korbin was aware he’d be paying him back, but he suddenly switched it to money. Part 1 - https://sta.sh/01oq2f6af8ka Part 2 - https://sta.sh/01maho15i665 (I will post the link in the comments of this submission if it doesn’t work in post.) So then that was it? Right? That was the end of it? Korbin drew the owed art for Ace and all was well. That’d be nice if that was the case, instead there was no communication from Korbin. No, instead he was in my DMs constantly talking about how he felt about Ace, and all the issues they had. I listened, and I gave advice when I could.  This behavior continued into into my hiatus, but still I remained the middle man between them because Korbin wouldn’t go to Ace directly to discuss the problems himself. I had to transfer messages myself. Now, private messages I am way more touchy on showing since these are the private messages between Korbin and I, and so I’ll only show what I think is most relevant. Here is where Korbin brings up again that he recognizes he owes Ace art. https://sta.sh/02czk6zb2ac2 * I blocked out his name, as well as a friend’s name as to not tie their name to this whole thing. I continued to be there for Korbin and Ace at the same time. While Korbin was going on about how Ace supposedly only kept Korbin around for art, I was calming down Ace who was constantly worried about how Korbin was doing, and if they were being too harsh.  And then something else happened.  On April 1st (bad day for this to happen, I know) Ace vented in a chat, leaving out names, but the people within the chat found out who it was. At this point, Ace was coming to the realization that he wasn’t going to get the art at all. Ace’s friends found it was Korbin, and they started trying to get Korbin banned. Ace, however, is the only reason Korbing wasn’t banned, as he stopped the mob and told them that Korbin would be paying him back just to make them stop. So Korbin wasn’t banned that day, and I was in PMs with him trying to calm Ace down.  Once the mob was over, we just returned to normal, since we were still on speaking terms with Korbin, and had yet to really take action- just hoping it was going to be sorted out without needing to get the WA LT into it. https://sta.sh/0zqgcb9h21m ^ Part of our conversation, showing Ace DID NOT want Korbin banned at the time, and did his best to protect him. It was pretty silent, and then April 27th came around, and I had been in contact with Ace since he had shown clear discomfort in my WA chat. We talked for a bit, and then I decided to try and talk to Korbin myself and see what I could work out between them. To save space in this submission, the outcome of the talk was an understanding that they weren’t going to be friends anymore.  This was also when I learned of the apparent “lies” and “rumors” that Korbin said were being spread about them. The “lie” was that Korbin owed Ace anything, and when I say I was surprised– Not only was that said to someone who had been in the call when it was decided, but I also owned the server that the payment was made in. I knew that Korbin had made a deal with Ace to draw for him in return for the $200 he sent. Again, it was like a giant commission and everyone in attendance at the time had that understanding.  I believe that’s when Ace finally caved, and it was reported that Korbin had scammed him out of the money. I won’t say directly what leaders were involved, as I know at least one has asked to remain anon through this, and I will respect that. The LT member speaking to Korbin said that since it was off Amino (on Discord), Korbin couldn’t be punished on amino for his actions. Okay, we get that, that’s understandable. Now here’s the kicker. The same LT member excused the scam, and the reason was that Korbin had made onecustom for Ace. That one custom excused Korbin entirely from the scam in the eyes of that LT member. Ace was understandably upset, and we returned to our PMs. That was shortly before we both decided that it wasn’t worth it, and Ace made the choice to instead end their friendship, and leave it at that. No refund, no more talking about it, just the end. I also found myself feeling the same, and then Korbin messaged me, further calling Ace a liar. https://sta.sh/059m63twkj4 ^ The comment where he accused Ace of spreading the “lie” I’ll admit, I got very angry. My whole motto since I got back has been “why waste time being angry” But I was tired. I was tired of constantly hearing Korbin say shit about one of my closest friends over and over again.  And so I lost it, and we got into an argument. It ended at the same time our friendship did. Ace and I were ready to move on. I told the server since Korbin was pretty active there, and we were only going to tell mutuals about the full story since they wanted to know the most. I made it very clear that none of our friends would have to pick sides, we just wanted them to know. And then you guys heard. You heard, and Korbin spewed out what could have been the worst way to handle this.  Now, if you have questions, then ask them, but this is the full story as it happened, with screenshots and dates to back it up. No one forced Korbin to delete his account, he did it all on his own.  Ace doesn’t want to dwell on the situation, and the sooner we all move on, the better. What you chose to do as a friend of Korbin’s is none of our business, and only of your own concern. Don’t attack Korbin, don’t name call him, don’t feed into the fire.
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If Only In My Dreams Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Please Come Home for Christmas (I'm Feeling Blue Without You Here)
Chapter Summary: Patton is struggling through a season of loneliness after being the only one of his friends to stay in their hometown after high school graduation. He can’t wait to reconnect with his best friend Virgil, who is coming down to Florida for Christmas break. Except, it grows increasingly apparent that might not be the case anymore.
Pairings: platonic prinixety & platonic moxiety
Word-count: 3106
Warnings: abusive parents, homesickness, misunderstandings, crying, loneliness, hurt/comfort
Inspiration:  this ask right here
AO3 LINK, Chapter 1 , Chapter 3
I can’t believe I forgot to post this on tumblr! Again, this is a part of the winter bang hosted by @sanderssidesbang. Many thanks to them for hosting this and also thank you to the lovely @theeternalspace for beta’ing this for me <3
If you asked Patton Hart whether he preferred either the cold or the heat, his response would be the same if one had asked whether he liked cats or dogs the best.
“Both!” He would cheerfully say, rocking back and forth on his feet before explaining his reasoning, “I like the cold because you get to drink hot chocolate and wear warm sweaters! Back in Minnesota my house was on a hill and my siblings and I sled down the driveway all the time after it snowed.  I also like when it’s hot outside also because you get to go to the beach and play in the water and make sandcastles--oh! And eat popsicles! Cherry’s my favorite popsicle flavor! What’s yours?”
Patton was prone to rambling, jumping from topic to topic and making connections that might seem unrelated to an outside perspective. It was one of the many symptoms stemming from Patton’s ADHD.
Patton was a glass half full kind of a guy, and that was applicable when it came to his thoughts concerning ADHD. He liked to think that hypo-focus was his superpower that allowed him to concentrate and get tasks done. Just like all super powers, however, there was weaknesses that came with it. Such as hypo-focusing on cartoons instead of doing his homework.
Imagining himself as a superhero who needed to defeat the evils of Homework to save the city helped direct his energy in a more productive manner. Sure, maybe it was a bit childish, but he still very much felt like a child at heart. It was wild to think in a few months on his birthday it’d be a year since he had become a legal adult on his eighteenth birthday. Shucks, he had a hard time not referring to other older adults with a Mr. or Mrs. in front of their name. It felt wrong!
But that wasn’t the biggest thing he was struggling with in his new-found adulthood. It was the aftermath of high school, where all his friends scattered to the four winds. They all promised to keep in contact, that they’d remain best friends forever. But Patton knew how it went, having gone through something similar when he and his family moved from Minnesota to Florida when he was twelve.
Everyone promised they’d keep in contact, but sooner or later the text messages and emails would stop coming. Patton knew that there wasn’t anything malicious behind it. People, including himself, got busy with their own lives. It was natural for friends to drift apart with diverged interests and increased distances.
So it wasn’t a big surprise when the fall semester started and communication with his old high school friends drastically dropped. As they started university, they all became busy with school and work and new friends--and well, there wasn’t any room for poor Patton who stayed home and attended community college.
There was nothing inherently wrong with attending community college of course. It was a more affordable way of education, with many of the classes on the same level as both the private and state universities. There was just an unfortunate stigma surrounding it. Patton lost track of how times people asked him why wasn’t he attending a real college or telling him he was missing out on the true college experience.
He was lonely, he hated to admit it, but he was. Virgil once asked him if he ever understood the feeling of being lonely in a sea of people. He hadn’t, at the time. But now, he understood. Patton went from his early morning classes to work at the mall back to home and slept until he started his routine all over the next day. All the while he was surrounded by people, but people are different than friends.
Patton tried making new friends among his work and school, but he wasn’t stupid. He could read the atmosphere enough to know what they thought of him. He was too loud, too flighty, too childish . Sometimes they actually verbally expressed this.
It caused Patton to spiral further into his hyper-fixations as a coping method. But even his favorite shows wasn’t enough compared to actual human interaction.
That was why he was ecstatic when Virgil told him he was going to be in Florida for the break. Out of all his friends, he’d kept in contact with Virgil the most. It made sense--they’d been best friends for years. Sending memes and cute animal videos had become their primary method of communication. The latter was mainly Patton, but Virgil sent the occasional one. He always seemed to know just when Patton needed them, too. Their schedules didn’t mesh well, but they tried to face-time one another whenever they could. If he was being honest, those snippets of contact with Virgil was the only things that kept him sane through a stressful semester and drama at his workplace.
He hadn’t admitted to Virgil that he was lonely. He couldn’t do that, when Virgil was over a thousand miles away from home in an unfamiliar setting. Patton knew how that felt--he’d at least had his family, Virgil had no one. He was completely surrounded by strangers. Patton didn’t feel like it was fair for him to complain when he at least had stayed in the same town of the high school they’d graduated from and there was still familiar faces around.
So he kept it to himself, slipping back into old habits by keeping a smile on and skirting around the topic. Some part of him wanted Virgil to be suspicious, to demand the truth. But he knew it was unfair of him to think that way when he’d deceived Virgil in the first place. No matter how many justifications Patton tried to tack on, at the end of the day it was just that.
Virgil and him planned to spend what felt like practically Virgil’s entire stay together, starting directly after Christmas. Patton was bouncing in excitement at the thought of it. He was finally going to see his best friend again, after going months unable to meet face to face. He was going to be able to actually hug Virgil instead of sending text messages with GIFs as a poor substitute to the real thing.
Except it was December 27th, and there was no hide nor hair of Virgil Raine in the town of Loving, Florida.
He stared at the last text sent to him by Virgil, trying not to sniffle. It was from December 19th, a couple days before Virgil’s flight was scheduled to leave. It wasn’t anything meaningful, really. Just a mundane text about the weather.
🌩️ Virgil 🌩️: I saw some snow flurries on my way home from work today.
Patton sighed, scrolling down a bit through his own replies.
Patton Hart💙: Ooo exciting! Florida still hasn’t gotten the memo that summer is over--it was almost in the eighties today!
Patton Hart💙: [Image Attached: It was a photo of Patton grinning as he held up a potato chip]
Patton Hart💙: I value our friend-chip
Patton Hart💙: Hey Virge, I heard about the nasty winter storms up north--did your flight get canceled? I hope you’re somewhere safe! <3
Patton Hart💙: Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄🎁
Patton Hart 💙:  ...Virgil are you okay? Are we still on for Mel’s today?
There was a half page more of his own messages, but still none from Virgil himself. It was normal for communication to go silent for a few days due to the busyness of life. But he started having an uneasy feeling when Virgil didn’t respond after the first few messages he sent. That feeling only worsened when he tried calling Virgil yesterday and it went right to voicemail.
Patton always tried seeing the positives in life. Virgil was rather the opposite. He often saw only the negativities in life. Their friendship was one of an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. No one expected the social butterfly to make friends with the antisocial emo. Especially the latter. But Patton never let others’ expectations dictate how he acted, or rather who he was.
Patton was just Patton--he didn’t try to be what others wanted him to be. He felt it was unfair to both others and himself if he tried pretending to be something he wasn’t. So when the kids at his lunch table started snickering about the “creep all alone in the corner,” Patton didn’t join in. He stood up with his lunch tray and marched over there. The creep in question was a seventh grader just like Patton. He didn’t look scary like the others said. If anything, he looked scared with the way his shoulders were hunched in and he avoided eye contact. His figure was swallowed up by a hoodie two sizes too large for him.
“Hi!” Patton grinned, “My name’s Patton, mind if I join you?”
The other only grunted, avoiding direct eye contact with Patton.
It wasn’t a no, so Patton sat down and began talking. The other preteen only made the occasional grunt to let him know he was listening to Patton. It was like that for the whole week. Patton would ask to sit with him, and hold one-way conversations--never pushing for the other to talk.
Patton never minded. He talked enough for two whole people, after all. He sat with the kid to keep him company, to let him know he wasn’t alone.
On Friday of that week, the bell rang signaling the end of lunchtime and Patton stood up from the table.
“Well, see you later, kiddo!” Patton said. He walked a few paces when he heard the kid murmur something. He stopped abruptly, turning around to face the other kid.
“What’d you say?” He asked, unable to contain his excitement.
“M-my name. It’s Virgil.” The kid in the hoodie stammered, taking Patton’s excitement to mean something else.
Patton’s eyes widened. He hadn’t known his name until this moment. He tried asking him once, but let it drop after it clearly made him uncomfortable.
He’d referred to the other as just “kiddo”. It was a strange habit leftover from his toddler years when he was still learning how to speak. His father had so often used the word in reference to Patton and his siblings, that baby Patton had started calling everyone young and old kiddo.
This continued in elementary school where he’d often play the Dad when the girls his age played House. He liked pretending to be a Dad, because it meant he got impersonate his father--who was a hero in his eyes. He wasn’t fond of the more violent make-believe games that the other little boys liked to play. The girls were much nicer and considerate, even when they played games like Warriors Cats.
Sometimes, other kids had made fun of Patton calling others “kiddo.” Patton tried his best to ignore their taunts.
He had tried imagining what the boy in the hoodie’s real name was in the span of the few short days they’d known each other. Virgil wasn’t one of the names he’d guessed, it was different...but he liked different. It fit the boy in the ways Patton’s imagined names hadn’t.
“Virgil. I like it.” Patton grinned, “see you later, Virgil.”
They’d continued hanging out during lunch, and eventually outside of lunch and even school. Their friendship stayed strong into high school. Patton was there for Virgil during what happened in high school the same way Virgil was there for Patton during his break-up senior year. The two had been together through thick and thin.
Only...things were different since the two had separated. Patton knew it would happen, but it didn’t change how much it hurt. He spent almost six years as Virgil’s best friend, seeing him on a daily basis. He hadn’t seen Virgil since before he left in late July for school.
If there was one thing the two had in common, it was that they both didn’t like change.
Virgil told him things were fine over there. But what if he was lying just as much as Patton was? What if things weren’t fine?
Patton generally kept his chin up even in the most difficult circumstances. But he couldn’t help but feel dread and concern about what had happened to Virgil. He wasn’t responding to any of Patton’s texts or calls.
His mind kept going back to the terrible winter storm and wondered if it held any implications about Virgil’s whereabouts. Patton grew up in Minnesota. He knew how dangerous storms could be. This was Virgil’s first winter in a northern state--what if he was caught unaware by the storm and something bad happened?
It might not be that , a small voice in the back of his head said, he might’ve broke his phone or something.
But if he broke his phone, he would’ve tried contacting you some other way . Another voice argued.
He’d at last gathered enough courage to call Virgil’s mom and ask about him.
Patton tapped his fingers nervously against his desk while the phone dialed.
“Hi Mrs. Raine!” Patton said, mustering as much warmth into his voice as possible, “It’s Patton here. I was wondering if Virgil’s home? We were planning to get together over the break but he hasn’t been responding to any--”
“I’m sorry,” Virgil’s mother briskly interrupted, “but Virgil isn’t here. He’s still up in Massachusetts.”
“W--what?” Patton asked. It shouldn’t have been such a surprise. So why did it feel like he was getting slapped in the face with a fish? Not a dead fish, mind you, but a wiggling very much alive fish that didn’t want to collide with your face anymore than you did.
“I said, he’s still in Massachusetts, honey.” She repeated her words, Southern gush in full force.
Patton liked the friendliness of Florida, but he wasn’t a fan of the “Bless your heart” Southerners that inhabited parts of Florida. He hated when people pretended to be nice when they were really being passive-aggressive. Patton preferred out-right honesty above all.
He’d never gotten good vibes off of either of Virgil’s parents. Even though they always acted like the model parents to Virgil in front of Patton. Virgil had a hard time sharing things even after Patton gained his trust. But the things he did share, made Patton question if they were truly good people or not.
“Can I ask why he’s still in Massachusetts? Did something bad happen?” Patton asked, once he regained his voice.
“Oh heavens no!” She laughed, “His flight was canceled by bad weather and all the next available flights were booked up. Virgil and us agreed it’d better if he just stayed there and saved his money--with last minute flights being expensive and all.”
That...didn’t sound right to Patton. Who didn’t want to see their child for the holidays--even if they happened to miss Christmas? The holidays was a time of fellowship with friends and family. Wouldn’t anyone move heaven and earth so that their child could be with them? It wasn’t like Virgil’s family was hurting for money, either. They had more than enough money to fund Virgil’s college education as well as go on a few cruise trips a year.
Later on, he’d wished he would have given her a piece of his mind. But in the moment he’d been too shocked to say anything of the sort.
“Oh, I see. I guess I was just really worried since he hasn’t responded to any of my texts in like a week. Do you know if he broke his phone or something?” Patton laughed awkwardly. Virgil’s mother didn’t join in.
“No, I don’t think so. I bet he’s been hanging out with his friends all week that he’s been too busy to respond to your text.”
Patton’s breath hitched. That could be a possibility, couldn’t it? It wasn’t like Virgil wasn’t allowed to have friends other than Patton. But would he really do that to Patton? Ignore him completely to go hang out with his new friends? That wasn’t like Virgil at all.
People changed a lot in five months. But they didn’t change that much, did they?
Admittedly those words had been uttered by Virgil’s mother, out of all people. Who knew if that was the truth. But whether knowingly or unknowingly, those words had pierced his heart. Patton was too emotional to think logically about it.
Quickly he thanked Virgil’s mother before ending the call. Which what led him to now, staring at his and Virgil’s text conversation. Tears blurred his vision. Should he send another text? He didn’t want Virgil to be annoyed by him being too clingy. He didn’t want to lose what little remained of their friendship.
Yet at the same time, he couldn’t handle the fading friendships where both pretended everything was fine, that their friendship wasn’t dying. He’d done enough of those during this year. He couldn’t do it with Virgil, his bestest friend.
Patton Hart 💙: Hey kiddo...are we still friends?
Patton Hart 💙: It’s okay if we aren’t!! I know how you are, Virge, you don’t have to feel obligated to remain friends. Seasons come and go, y’know? Not everything lasts...and that’s okay. I still cherish every memory we spent together. But if you want me to stop meownoying you with texts, I’ll understand.
Except, despite those words he sent to Virgil, he was a huge freaking hypocrite. He sat there, flitting with the pop socket on his phone, sobbing. Loud, ugly sobs. He was thankful he was alone in his family’s house so he could suffer in solitude.
He didn’t want to lose Virgil even more than he hadn’t wanted to lose any of his other friends. Virgil was his best friend, after all. They’d done everything together. Patton knew sooner or later he’d be able to make new friends. This season of loneliness wouldn’t last forever. But knowing something didn’t mean his feelings ceased from existence.
People always placed romance having more importance over friendships. But Patton, having gone through a breakup, couldn’t understand that view. Relationships and friendships were equated in his mind. Friends were important. Often the best romantic relationships start off as friendships. He’d prefer friends, even if it meant never loving in that way again.
Once he finished crying for the most part, he went downstairs, clutching a blanket over his shoulders. It dragged behind him on the floor, a sad excuse for a cape.
He opened the refrigerator, reaching for the ice cream, when his phone went off. He fished it out of his pocket, hands trembling. It was a skype call. From Virgil.
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colorcoilek · 2 years
The previous clinics had all told me that there was a strong chance
I started treatment in October 2005 after the fact that I was losing my hair was brought to my attention by someone that would probably have loved to have  seen me go bald. It seems that the people that do care about you probably have noticed that you’re losing your hair, but are afraid to bring up the subject. After realising that indeed I was receding, I began researching as to how, or if I could rectify the problem. I was pretty clueless in terms of treatment procedures but was hoping that the Elton John option was a thing of the past! I had a few consultations before attending the Westminster Practice. The previous clinics had all told me that there was a strong chance that I would recover and get a full head of hair again. At the Westminster practice I was told that if I did treatment right, I would have my hair back again. Easy choice in the end.So I started a course of treatment for 12 months combining a Wholesale PPGI PPGL steel coil morning and evening massaging of treatments into the hair plus specialist shampoo and conditioner.
I began using the treatments, kept to the routines as set out by Gary and hoped that soon when the wind blew I wouldn’t be feeling that bald patch that I had previously ignored! After a while there was a definite sign of improvement and I could see that the treatments were having an effect. I went for monthly check ups to monitor the progress and it was good to see the difference from month to month. I kept up the treatment for the 12 months and then decided to extend the course for another 6 months to guarantee that I would get all my hair back. During the treatment Gary asked to bring pictures in of myself to see when the receding had started. He identified that I had been losing my hair since the age of seventeen. That dispelled the myth that baldness only happened to the over 30’s!After the initial 12 month period had passed I had definitely seen a vast improvement in the condition of my hair.
The hairline was no longer receding, it was regaining a lot of its thickness and the colour had changed. Unfortunately, I then took it upon myself to think that I had crossed the line and that I didn’t need to continue the treatment so vigorously. From using it day and night I began to only use it once or twice a week. I continued my monthly check ups and there were no visible differences at first, but when I went for a check up in January 2007 the signs of my negligence were apparent. The hair had stopped growing again and it was getting worse. I had come to a point where I thought that I didn’t need to use the treatment as I had been doing before. However, my laziness had caught up with me and I now realised that to fully recover I needed to go back to the routine of day and night treatment and not take my recovery for granted.Thankfully after realising the error of my ways, I now can see a vast improvement again and am closer to the finishing line once more. I have a couple of months left and then I can go onto stabilizers. No magic potions, no quick solutions, just tried and trusted treatment.
It works-providing you work at the treatment.This entry was posted on Friday, May 25th, 2007 at 1:11 pm and is filed under Male Hair Loss. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.   2 Responses to “Male Hair Loss - Tom’s Story.”George Standing Says: May 25th, 2007 at 11:34 pm I think people have to remember hair loss is a chemical imbalance in the body. The treatments that are available supress the chemical imbalance and allow hair growth to resume.Treating male pattern baldness is the same as treating any ailment; as soon as the right treatment is offered the sooner results can begin.Grant Hitchcock Says: May 27th, 2007 at 10:08 am I started treatment with another clinic and did the same as Tom. Once I saw improvements I stopped being so regular with my application of the treatment. The result was much the same as Tom’s, my hair started to return to its poor condition. I was soon back with the programme and I again saw the fruits of the labour.
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overthinking-love · 7 years
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(I’m the one in white and my beautiful wife is the one in black)
dear @taylorswift
okay that beginning made me sound so calm and just… I’m not, okay so… I MARRIED MY BEST FRIEND
so basically, you’ve been such a massive part of my life ever since I was a 13 year old girl, I’ve genuinely and literally grown up with you.
A lot happened in my life from the age of 13 to 21, which I am today, and the one thing that never changed was what you and your music has meant to me this whole entire time.
I remember being 13, I was feeling so lonely and lost. My friends weren’t really being my friends and I was always on the outside. I used to go straight from school to my room at home, listening to your songs and looking up the chords to “A Place In This World”, your songs gave me so much comfort and safety, I can’t even tell you how grateful I am.
I remember sitting in that same bedroom, June 15th 2011, at midnight literally playing the guitar and singing fifteen, because it was finally my fifteenth birthday.
2011 was going to be my year, I was going to be fifteen and everything was going to change; I was going to write and perform my own songs for the very first time outside my bedroom, I was going to find the courage to make some friends at the school I’d now attended for a year instead of having lunch with the teachers and doing homework on my breaks, I was finally going to have my first kiss and hopefully see you live in concert for the very first time.
I thought this was going to be one of the best years of my life but it ended up being one of the worst instead. I lost two relatives that same summer, one in a car accident and one to cancer… I lost another relative (my closest aunt) not to death but as she got diagnosed with cancer she wanted to move from Sweden to Miami to be with her daughters and grandchild…
I was also found in the middle of my parents divorce a few months later that same year, yup 2011 wasn’t the greatest year. But I survived.
And you were still there, with your music.
Now from my worst year to one of my absolute best years. October 2014- 2015, I finally came to terms with my sexuality and accepted the fact that I was gay. I met this girl on twitter through a TV show called The Fosters (which is the show that actually gave me that little extra push to come out to myself) we quickly bonded and became the greatest of friends. Her name was Anna and she was a year younger than me and lived in England but even though there was distance between us, we spoke every single day, it even came to the point where we were Skyping literally 24/7 (we’d skype after school, all evening, take the laptop out to the dinner table when we had to leave our bedrooms to have dinner with our families and we even had skype on overnight. We woke up together and got ready and left for school, then repeated the whole thing again).
In January I managed to convince my dad to let me go visit Anna in England and she managed to convince her mum to have me stay with them for a whole week during half term in February. I booked my tickets and we were over the moon with excitement.
We kinda knew we were more than friends but thought it was ridiculous since we hadn’t even met in person yet. Although, we knew each other inside out already, since all we could pretty much do over skype was talk. We didn’t want to rush anything which is why we didn’t put a label on our relationship, we were clearly giggly and in love and cute but wanted to wait until the day we met since it was just around the corner.
But we didn’t of course (we were too impatient lol) we made it official January 27th 2015 and finally got to be in each others arms for the first time February Friday the 13th 2015. It was truly love at first sight. (I also had my first kiss that same night omgjfjfjfjfj)
Ever since that night, 13 has been our lucky number. 13 have had such a massive impact on our relationship you couldn’t even imagine. There’s so much I cannot even name them all, we used to keep a journal of it all until it all got too much haha. But later that year July 13th in fact, we moved in together. I moved from my home in sweden to live with the love of my life and her family in England.
Did I mention that this was one of the best years of my life?????? Oh wait!!! I ALSO had tickets to see YOU in concert for the first time ever. After six years of waiting I could FINALLY fly out to another country to see you!! I was 18 turning 19 so my dad had no say in this, finally. I flew out to Germany to see you perform in cologne June 19th and June 20th 2015! Honestly two of my greatest nights ever. Thank you for being the absolute best and making that whole concert so insanely beautiful. (Ps. The reason I saw you in cologne and not London was bc I got tickets way before knowing I’d be with Anna and moving to England and all that which was a bummer bc I couldn’t take Anna but we’ll try our VERY BEST to see you on the reputation tour ;) )
Anyways, I’m rambling but also GUESS WHAT SEAT I WAS ON THE FIRST TIME I ATTENDED ONE OF YOUR CONCERTS????? SEAT 13!! ROW 13!! BLOCK 103!! (Okay ignore the 0 in that last one and it’s basically block 13)
I also saw Andrea walking right pass my row at the beginning of the show and was about to go up to her and leave her a letter for you and give her a hug BUT my shoe got stuck in my 1989 gym bag thingy so that didn’t happen lololol just my luck. But I still had the most magical time!!
Fast forward - last August (2016) me and Anna got our own place in Sweden and are now living here with our two lil puppies bella and junior which is so beautiful and magical. I am struggling a lot with anxiety and some depression but am at the same time the happiest and luckiest I’ve ever been so I’m so so grateful.
and now….I am Mrs. Nordin, I am married, I HAVE A WIFE. Basically what I’m trying to say is that sooooooooo much has happened throughout the years and you’ve honestly been such a big part of it ever since I was 13, through my darkest and through my happiest moments. You and your music have always been there for me and always made me smile, feel safe and just content and never alone.
So I obviously wanted to share this big thing with you❤️
We got married September 25th 2017 ( I’ll casually drop a link to our wedding video here bc I can’t stop rewatching it and want to share it with you as well: https://youtu.be/fm-MA8YSza8 )
I haven’t posted this sooner because we literally just got back from our honeymoon in Cuba and haven’t had much WiFi but I’m literally writing this on the bus on our way from the airport so I think I’ve done pretty good!!
anyways, thank you for everything you’ve done for me and so many others🌷
I love you. Always.
- Angelica
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‘’An Ed Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’’ - EEnE Fanfic
@eene-fangirl Fanfic Weekend Challenge! Just a collection of random Jonny thoughts, and a poem thing at the end. (Raise your hand if you remember video stores.)
 An Ed Flew east, an Ed flew west,
An Ed flew over the cuckoo’s nest.
 -Parody on children’s folk rhyme
             People thought Jonny didn't care. It wasn't true. He did want things. That is, he wanted to want things, even to love things, as much as Ed loved every living thing— every plant, every tree, every bird and cloud in the sky. As Rolf loved things— the soil beneath his hands, the sweat on his back, the wind in his hair. As Jimmy loved things— the creek by the woods, quiet girls in crowded rooms looking inside a mirror or out the window at something unknown but desired. Only Jonny couldn't say what he wanted. It was too impossible now. Wanting anything seemed crazy. There was only one person Jonny could talk to, and it should have filled his craving. Was he satisfied?
           ''Jonny, why do you still play with that stupid thing?'' Sarah asked him one day, oddly concerned for the strange child as she indicated the wooden plaything. In the past, Sarah would have never even batted an eyelid in Jonny's direction.
           ''Cause Plank says so,'' Jonny replied, holding up Plank for her to see. But she didn't look at Plank. She just continued to gape at Jonny.
           ''Really, are you gonna continue to let that stupid board of wood tell ya what to do? Get grip!'' and she stormed off. As long as Jonny was happy, who cared what others thought?
           Eds always seemed to have more fun. It was on one such trip to the video store that Jonny discovered this. Jonny didn’t intend to run into them, but he always happened upon the Eds by pure happy coincidence. He watched as Ed made his way through the rows and rows of shelves, sprinting through the video store like a child at a toy shop. ''Movies, movies! Look at all the movies, guys!'' He yelled and pointed at each colorful video casket cover bearing a different title, a different genre. Jonny smiled at his immature display, in spite of himself. Watching Ed aglow made his heart flutter in warmth, but he couldn't exactly say why. Maybe because it was so different from the eternal smile his best friend often displayed. Jonny found Ed endearing, to say the least.
           ''Now be careful, Ed!'' came Double D’s familiar cautious voice as Ed ran through the seemingly empty store. On a Friday night, it was unusual, but Jonny assumed parents with their small children and families and groups of friends
had already swept the store clean the minute school let out. In fact, they were late to the party. Jonny supposed they were the only four kids in the store. Eddy, too, acknowledged this as he trudged behind Double D with his hands shoved in both pockets, sulking that they would not be out in time to make a trip to the candy store.
           ''Christ,'' he muttered under his breath, ''all the good stuff's rented out.''
           ''Eddy, first of all watch your language in public, and second of all, we're looking for a decent, educational film for Ed, not for us.'' he lectured.
           Eddy sighed at Double D’s usual nagging and rolled his eyes at the ceiling. ''Yeah... forgot. Hey, how this supposed to help Lumpy anyways?''
           ''Because, Eddy, proposing a fun activity can show Ed that learning can be a fun experience outside the classroom environment! Besides, he can apply previous knowledge to new concepts. He's already improved drastically!''
           Eddy just listened to this rant quietly before asking only half-interested, ‘’So if Ed brings up his grades—‘’
           ''Yes, we’ll be back in business, goodness, is that all you ever think about? You'd be surprised, Eddy. I'm very proud of him. In only a month's time, he's come a long way, but he will advance, I'm sure of it. He's a fast learner.'' But Edd stopped himself when he saw Eddy yawning in boredom and moving away to find Ed. Why did he even bother?
           ''Hey, lumpy, didja find something?'' He called.
           And Ed rushed out from behind the Sci-Fi/Horror section with a case depicting a giant green octopus monster. ''Look, Eddy! It Came from Beneath the Sea!'' And Ed pushed the video casket under Eddy's nose.
           ''Get that thing away from me!'' Eddy commanded as he pushed Ed backwards.
           ''But it's so cool!'' Ed pleaded.
           Double D came forward and put a hand on Ed's shoulder. ''Ed, that's very nice, but... may we find something less... dismaying?''
           ''Okay...'' and he reluctantly obeyed and put the movie back in its proper section.
           ''Let's try the family section, shall we? We're bound to find something there.'' Edd suggested.
           And Eddy once again rolled his eyes in besetment. ''Oh, brother...'' he moaned.
           ‘’First impressions always last, as they say. And furthermore-''
           But Ed's voice broke through what Edd was about to say next. ''Look, guys! Elvis!'' And he pointed to the comedy section. ''Elvis is so cool!'' And he held up a familiar title Clambake, a typical 60's beach comedy. Ed, being the devoted Elvis fan that he was, was literally in heaven, for the comedy section held quite a few notable Elvis titles, though Clambake was not the most versatile of them. By 1967 with the Beatles leading the British invasion of new musical performers, the King of the Sixties was in decline at least in his film career. You can tell with Clambake; you would know if you'd seen the film. But to Ed, any B-grade film made no difference to him. Eddy burst out laughing the minute he laid eyes on what Ed had in his hands.
           ''Yeah, right, Ed! Elvis is so yesterday!'' But Ed didn't catch the joke as he laughed along.
           ''I don't know, Ed...'' Double D told him. ''It's a nice thought, but keep in mind that—‘’
           ''Dammit, Double D, you ain't gonna find nothing these days but beach movies, westerns, crime dramas and Dick Van Dyke!'' Eddy said rather annoyed as he threw up his hands.
           ''There must be something,'' Edd tried again, but no sooner had he spoken when Eddy disappeared into none other than the crime section. ''Eddy!'' but when he tried to follow him, Eddy emerged once more from behind one of the shelves and jabbed his finger into Edd’s lower torso, his hand imitating the gesture of a gun.
           ''This is a stick-up,'' he said in a gravelly voice as he pushed Edd back into one of the walls. ''Guess who, Double D?''
           ''Haha, very funny, Clyde!'' he mocked as he pushed Eddy’s hand away, catching on.
           ''C'mon, Sock Head, you're no fun! Bonnie & Clyde is da shit!''
           ''I doubt Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway is a good influence for —‘’
           But before he could finish his reply, Johnny 2x4 interrupted them. They both jumped clean out of their skin, expecting to see someone else, but they sighed in relief upon seeing the small child with his board of wood in tow. Neither Ed had even known Jonny was in the store with them.
           ‘’Watcha guys doin’?’’ Jonny inquired in his usual piqued curiosity. Eddy was about to tell him to get lost but Jonny continued on. ‘’Why be couch potatoes, huh? Plank says there’s gonna be a solar eclipse tonight.’’
           Ed, who had briefly returned from his movie hunt, gasped and repeated to his friends, ‘’Did you hear that, guys? Plank says there’s gonna be a solar eclipse tonight!’’
           Eddy only snorted. ‘’We don’t need an echo, Ed, we heard him the first time.’’
           ‘’PLANK SAYS!’’ Ed protested.
           ‘’Yeah, right! That stupid piece of firewood don’t know jack shit!’’ Edd was about to chastise Eddy once more for his cursing but Jonny cut him off.
           ‘’Says you!’’ Jonny accused. ‘’Plank knows everything!’’
           ‘’Yeah, Eddy,’’ Ed defended, ‘’you’re gonnna hurt the poor lil guy’s feelings! Plank told me my birthday’s Feburary 27th! That proves he knows everything!’’
           ‘’Ed,’’ Double D piped up, ‘’your birthday is always February 27th!’’ then he turned to Jonny, also skeptical of Plank’s prediction. ‘’And besides, we already had a solar eclipse last month!’’
           ‘’So?’’ Jonny challenged him arrogantly.
           ‘’So,’’ Double D emphasized, ‘’total solar eclipses only occur every eighteen months on average, and it is estimated they reoccur at any given place only every 360 to 410 years… generally speaking. So another solar eclipse couldn’t possibly occur tonight, Jonny, it’s not possible! Science would forever be changed.’’
           ‘’Yeah, what he said!’’ Eddy shot back.
           '''Fine, who needs ya guys anyways?'' Jonny snapped and stormed off with Plank in tow.
             Ed was the only one who believed Jonny—er—Plank, and went over to his house that night to prepare for another total solar eclipse. Eddy and Edd stood by their skepticism and hung out in Edd’s bedroom, finishing their homework (or at least Edd was doing homework, Eddy was reading comic books if Edd recalled correctly). They were both proved wrong when the sky suddenly darkened and when they ventured outside, they were both amazed and shocked to see a total solar eclipse occurring right before their eyes! Jonny and Ed never let them hear the end of it, feeling superior to any scientific proof.
           ‘’We told ya so, we told ya so!’’ they chanted every day.
           Edd couldn’t explain it—all the books and mathematical calculations could not prove how Jonny—or Plank, in this case—could have possibly predicted another solar eclipse, a month after an eclipse had already occurred! Solar eclipses were rare events— a pair of eclipses occurring two months in a row had never happened before—it was just not possible!
           I am a collective soul who prefers to keep a small inner circle around me. Too many is overwhelming and misguided. I have my books, my parents, and Plank. What more do I need? I have my Masters, the Blue Light, and the voices of my angels ''singing songs'' in my head. I don't need any friends (that's a lie), I don't even need myself (that's the truth). My best friend is and always will be Plank, unaccompanied by my mirror- - a friend I have known my entire life. And now I am proud to say that I consider you a close friend, though distant through the years, and far away. One does not need to face a good friend in order to feel each other's heart beat in the darkness. One may never meet, and feel closer to them than a person they had known seemingly for a thousand years. That being said, I can sit in my room alone in the company of the shadows on the wall. My mother could be in the next room or not there at all, and I'll still feel her presence through the fibers of my skin. I can be sitting here reading an e-mail, and though separated by a glass screen, it would seem as though you were sitting there before me, reading the words aloud to me in your voice full of wit and wisdom.
           I prefer the quiet conversations of the trees to the chorus of voices in a crowd. I prefer the blood in my veins to the water in the pond. One must learn to be lonely, and learn to live life alone. One who is always in need of more than two friends is insecure and has low self-esteem. It is not healthy to live one's life completely in seclusion, but one must also embrace the beautiful moments of alone-ness, and will come to appreciate a passion for life in which the world rejects when surrounded by one too many faces. Plutarch once said, '' I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.''
             Thankfully welcome.
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Nov 20th:  I was doing the normal online dating thing...  I hit a wall... got tired of the way guys were talking to me. I changed my mind set. I am only going to swipe guys that I feel have FULL potential! I swiped one person that night. 
Four days later I was just about to delete the apps because I couldn't stand it any more and I matched with the one guy I had swiped in 4 days you know the one with the cute dimples. The moment we matched I told him I was deleting my dating profile and he should snap me. The other guys I was talking to.... I stopped. There was no one I wanted to invest my time in.
Nov 27th He doesn't text a lot so it's been pretty slow. I am loving getting to know as much about him as I can. His dimples! Omg his dimples. I'm in trouble. I'm definitely attracted to him. He has a positive energy about him. He is insightful. So far a good listener and engages in conversation. Even says supportive things. He is respectful of me. Respectful in the way he talks to me. I love the fact that he understands working in yourself. We can have real conversation about growth and challenges. Just supporting one another keep positive and keep going.
Nov 28th We had a "virtual date" kind of... I was watching the fight with Todd. I live streamed the Tyson fight so sam could watch it. Because he couldn't get it at home.. But honestly it made my night. To spend that time with him. Laughing together from miles apart. His smile makes me smile and I love it. Ugh I really like his energy. Not many people work as much as I do. but It could be fun! 
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** I am doing this whole manifesting thing so here goes it lol!  “He is going to be the one and I never have to be broken hearted ever again. Wish me luck 🙏 😅** 
He said we could get together on Friday!
Well... It’s Friday the 4th! I am so excited. Like the tension between us is pretty intense. I don’t normally hook up really quick only but holy shit. I want him! I don't know I guess we will see what the night brings. I just want to know more about him. He is really busy so I don’t know a lot! but I want to know more! 
Later Friday night! well umm... I'm either getting stood up or he is stuck at work. We were suppose to connect at 7. Its now 8:30 and I am sitting here starting to feel shitty.... I am all dressed up, looking cute and he has not text. I don't want to be the 1st one to text but I could go out to a friends if I found out right now we are not getting together. I will wait a little while... 
Okay, it’s 9:30 I am texting. 
He is not standing me up on purpose he is stuck at work. It takes 30 seconds to say that. So that respect would have been nice to know 2 hours ago...  I'm sad... really bummed actually.  He asked for a rain check for Monday. Monday can’t come soon enough!  I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation after work. I don't think he will be standing me up again any time soon... :) 
Saturday the 5th This smile never goes away. I have not even met him yet. But I cant get him out of my head. How do I miss someone I have not met. I want to kiss him. I want him to kiss me. 10 minutes video calls with him make my heart melt. I can't wait to met him.
Monday might just come sooner then I thought! He asked If I wanted to come hang out around 3. Umm YES! 
It was everything I wanted and more. He is just as adorable as in his pictures. I could stare at him for hours. Snuggling in his arms was the only place I wanted to be. ugh the way he kissed me and looked at me!*everything else was pretty amazing too*
I asked when do I get to see you again. He said he would look at his days off and get back to me. I didn't want to ask again. so I didn't... 3 days went by... Then 4 & 5 days. His texts got fewer and fewer. It was a crazy day at work! Even if It was just a night after work snuggled on the couch I would be fine with that. I had such a rewarding week and I just wanted to share my days with someone but he never called he never asked.  Some nights he wouldn't even text when he got home from work. It takes 2.5 seconds to text good morning. And 5 seconds to send any text out of 86000 seconds in a day. 
By Wednesdays I knew this was not going anywhere. It was 11 he has not text or called but he was off work. so I tired to video call him. I got an error that he was on another video call. Instantly my heart sank and I decided it was time for bed. 
Thursdays even though I knew what was going on, I didn't want to believe it. So I went about the day like I normally do. giving him text updates along the way. So badly just wanting anyone to give a shit about my day. I just want someone to share life with. Towards the end of the day I changed gears over to I want you texts. Different ways to put a smile on his face. He never texts back so that was at no surprise. And some times he get off around midnight so I sat checking my phone every 5 minutes... by 12:30 I had accepted he didn't care. by 1:30 I was hurt because he was online. So I text a simple “you suck” I was up all night thinking of what to say or how to say it. telling him how fucked up it is not not text back. like what a douche bag thing to do. If you are not interested then just say it. why waste my time. why lead me on. I made excuses for him, being understanding of his routine. Being understanding of the fact he works so much. Just no. 
I woke up to a “mernin” text for the 1st time all week... Here we go. Go ahead and tell me the things you should have said 3 days ago when you made up your mind that I was not what you were looking for. Tell me it’s you and not me. Tell me that you are you and not willing to change. You know the worst thing about recovering addicts, is that they believe their own bullshit and they think you are stupid as fuck. I grew up in the rooms. My mom is an addict. My dad is a recovering addict of 23 years before he died.  I am 100% in support of recovery, Routine and you time. Means I would have a routine and me time. I am even more in support of how much you work. Because there is no one that works as much as me. That's what I liked the most. Positive, encouragement to just "do better, be better." Is my life right now.
You could have not said anything at all today. because your silence last night was enough! All you said is exactly what I already knew. It’s not that you wont change. It’s that I’m not enough to make you want to change and you are already looking for the next best thing. It’s ok. I'm a big girl I am use to it. I’m Fine. My dad said it best “I can pick an addict out of a crowd and that is who I am going to fall in love with.”
Do you want me to accept this or call you out on your bullshit. Either way it doesn't matter to me. I mean I could choose to be nice just so I can still fuck you for a while. ** After thought, No if you will please block my number. If I call... don't answer. Shouldn't be there hard for you. As hard as I love, is the same as I hurt.
He told me that i needed to chill... that this is the drama he was talking about yet its been 3 days of him saying he was gonna call and we would talk about this. How understanding do you think a girl can be when she is confused and disrespected. Hurt and feeling like garbage. When if you would just tell her that your not interested the horrible feeling would go away and she could start to move on. But your gonna tell me "I'm all over the place rn" because your a douchebag that won't give me the respect of a 10 minute phone call to stop my mind from racing. Thank you for the emotional roller coaster, treating me like I never mattered to begin with, Making me feel worthless, but I do appreciate you showing me now instead of later. To begging with would have been better. ps. FUCK YOU MY HEART WAS IN THE RIGHT PLACE MY INTENTION WERE PURE AND ITS YOUR LOSS NOT MINE!
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Goldman Sachs Is Inviting Clients to a Bitcoin Call: Here’s Why That’s So Important
Multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs will be hosting a Bitcoin call on May 27th for its clients. The news was revealed Friday by The Block’s Mike Dudas, who shared the image below of an invitation to a call for May 27th entitled “Implications of Current Policies for Inflation, Gold, and Bitcoin.” Image of an invitation to a Bitcoin- and gold-related call by Goldman Sachs shared by CEO of The Block, Mike Dudas. The call hasn’t even happened and some have postulated what this indicates and what could transpire in the wake of this call. The Goldman Sachs Call Is Bullish for Bitcoin Although the Goldman Sachs call has yet to transpire and it’s unclear what exactly the firm will say about Bitcoin, many in the space have taken the news as a positive sign. A commentator on institutional trends in the cryptocurrency space said that the existence of this call confirms there is true client demand for BTC. “The fact that BTC is included tells you they are seeing substantial client interest.” Amazing to see this CIO of Goldman discuss Bitcoin – who would have thought a few years ago! pic.twitter.com/gssQcijmnr — Henrik Andersson (@phenrikand) May 23, 2020 That’s not to say Goldman Sachs will be bullish on Bitcoin when the call comes around, though. Sharmin Mosszvar-Rahmani, a Chief Investment Officer of the Investment Strategy Group at Goldman Sachs, has previously expressed bearish opinions about the efficacy of Bitcoin as an investment. She wrote in a report published in 2018 that she believes cryptocurrencies “do not fulfill any of the three traditional roles of a currency,” before adding: “Our view that cryptocurrencies would not retain value in their current incarnation remains intact and, in fact, has been borne out much sooner than we expected.” An Institutional Flood Goldman Sachs’ decision to further involve itself with Bitcoin comes at an auspicious time: earlier this month, a legendary hedge fund manager involved himself with cryptocurrencies publicly. The manager in question is Paul Tudor Jones, an investor worth in excess of $5 billion and regarded as one of Wall Street’s most respected macro thinkers. In a research note titled “The Great Monetary Inflation,” the investment veteran said that he will be personally and professionally investing in Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency has become an increasingly smart investment due to the growing debasement of fiat money, Jones postulated. “Owning Bitcoin is a great way to defend oneself against the Great Monetary Inflation, given the current fact set… I am not an advocate of Bitcoin ownership in isolation, but do recognize its potential in a period when we have the most unorthodox economic policies in modern history,” Jones wrote. Considering the timing of this call and anecdotal comments from crypto analysts and fund managers, this call may have sparked true Wall Street interest in Bitcoin for the first time since 2017’s bubble. As Bitwise Asset Management explained in a recent note:  “His taking a public bet on bitcoin provides air cover for other investors advocating for allocations to their investment committees. […] Moreover, it adds pressure for those who’ve dismissed bitcoin without doing their homework.” Related Reading: Ethereum 2.0 Is Casting Big Doubts on ETH’s Value as an Investment: Fund Manager  Featured Image from Shutterstock from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/3cYcYIO via IFTTT
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years
Brewers Snap Cubs’ Four-Game Win Streak, With 2-0 Shutout – CBS Chicago
CHICAGO (AP) — Manny Piña drove in two runs with a first-inning unmarried and Josh Hader completed a robust efficiency by means of Milwaukee’s bullpen, serving to the short-handed Brewers beat the Chicago Cubs 2-0 on Saturday. Ben Gamel added 3 hits as Milwaukee pulled inside of 4 video games of Chicago for the second one NL wild card. Gamel was once recalled from the minors sooner than the victory. The Brewers used 5 pitchers within the six-hitter. Zach Davies labored Four 2/three innings sooner than Matt Albers completed the 5th. Drew Pomeranz were given two outs and Junior Guerra (Eight-Four) labored 1 2/three innings of hitless ball. Hader then earned his 27th save, recording 5 outs on simply 12 pitches. The All-Star left-hander struck out two. Regulars Ryan Braun, Lorenzo Cain, Mike Moustakas and rookie Keston Hiura had been out of Milwaukee’s beginning lineup. Braun pinch-hit within the 6th and Cain entered in a double transfer within the backside of the 8th. Cubs first baseman Anthony Rizzo had two hits in his go back after lacking the former 5 video games with mid-back tightness. Chicago wasted a forged efficiency by means of Cole Hamels (7-Five), who allowed 5 hits in six innings. The Cubs had received 4 in a row. Gamel led off the sport with a double to left. One out later, Christian Yelich and Yasmani Grandal drew back-to-back walks to load the bases. Piña then singled to middle. Despite pitching a shutout, Davies was once lifted sooner than he certified for the win. Hamels doubled with one out within the 5th and Jason Heyward adopted with a lineout to first base. Milwaukee supervisor Craig Counsell then introduced in Albers to stand Nicholas Castellanos, who flied out to appropriate to finish the inning. ROSTER MOVES Hiura, who left Friday’s sport within the 6th, was once positioned at the 10-day injured checklist with a left hamstring pressure. “He’s going to play again this year, but he’s going to miss some time,” Counsell mentioned. The Brewers additionally recalled Gamel and infielder Travis Shaw from Triple-A San Antonio. Right-hander Devin Williams was once despatched down. ON HIS WAY Ben Zobrist is predicted to rejoin the Cubs sooner than the sequence finale. The veteran utilityman has been at the limited checklist since May Eight whilst going via a divorce. TRAINER’S ROOM Brewers: LF Braun (again) and CF Cain (sore left knee) each are day after day, and it’s unsure when they could go back to the beginning lineup. Moustakas (left palm, wrist) most likely will probably be out a couple of extra days. Cubs: C Willson Contreras (appropriate hamstring pressure) went zero for 1 and was once hit by means of a pitch Friday night time in a rehab sport with Triple-A Iowa. He was once anticipated to play once more Saturday night time. UP NEXT Cubs right-hander Yu Darvish (Five-6, Four.25 ERA) faces Brewers left-hander Gio González (2-2, Four.34 ERA) Sunday within the sequence finale. Darvish is coming off most likely his easiest get started of the season, permitting one run in 8 innings in a victory over the Mets. González was once roughed up by means of St. Louis on Monday, permitting 9 runs in 5 innings.
from Moose Gazette https://ift.tt/2NFJQMC via moosegazette.net
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Video Assignment Briefing
Friday 20th January
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Before coming to the tutorial today, I saw that the concentration was going to be on our video assignment. To prepare properly for this, I looked over the brief on Moodle and jotted down some basic first ideas.
When listening to the breakdown of our entire assignment, it was split into the following:
Group Reflective Output (20%)
Final Reflective Review (50%)
Individual Online Log (20%)
Peer Assessment (10%)
The presentation date for our videos was also given to us today: 27th March. Our video will be shown to everyone on The Big Agency and we will have to answer 5 questions about it as a chance to increase our marks.
Being given this information so early was intimidating at first, but also allowed us to plan for our deadlines properly and set out when everything was to be completed by, as well as recognising that there is no time too early to start collecting footage. After the briefing, my group and I brainstormed initial ideas for the video and after being shown previous videos I realised that the ones I had noted down before were very vague. I shared the ideas with the rest of the team but we didn’t settle on a single idea straight away. This made me come up with the suggestion of filming as much as we can and then writing a script to voiceover.
The team and I, however, were still unsure as it was early days but we agreed that I’d bring my camera in the following week anyway just so we could start collecting footage sooner rather than later.
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filmbrainbmb · 8 years
Back to Work
As you likely know by now, I had a bereavement in the family earlier this week, and have been taking some time away from videos to get my head together. I had announced on Friday January 27th that I was taking a hiatus while I rushed to join my family before the passing, which has helped me cope with what has just happened. Since I got back home, I've mostly been taking things easy, and I was preparing to get back to work soon, since this is a very busy period for me.
What I will say is that the uploads may be a little intermittent, since events are still ongoing. I could put out loads of videos at once, or be away for over a week; I can't be sure at this point, but I mention it just in case.
I think the first video I will likely have out is a Projector for The LEGO Batman Movie at some point in the next few days, since I wanted to review that and it's likely going to be an easy one to get me back into things. I've also got to catch up on T2 Trainspotting, as well as reviews of A United Kingdom and Ballerina (AKA Leap!) that I didn't manage to do before these sudden events unfolded. One that will probably be shelved for a while is a review of Mum's List, a small British film that deals with the issue of bereavement and cancer, which you can understand why I don't want to talk about that at this present moment.
I am going to do a Bad Movie Beatdown 2016 video, but it will not be a full "Review Of..." video like previous years and simply a "Best and Worst" video. This is partly because the longer retrospective takes a very long period to make that I simply don't have at this moment with all my other projects and it's just not realistic to start doing such a video in February (some of my patrons may recall that I didn't post a single video in January 2016, which is because the "Review of 2015" video took so long to make). It will still be the same format, but without the looks at specific events in the year, and my apologies to anyone who is disappointed by this. I should have started writing it earlier, but work got on top of me somewhat.
Speaking of Bad Movie Beatdown, there is another episode in the can that still needs to be completed - namely, Leap Year, which has now taken an entire year to come to fruition (it was scripted last February). This episode was filmed in August 2016, but because of preparations for ALcon and my trip to Chicago in September, which led to me trying to catch up on my backlog (again, my work getting on top of me), I never got around to recording the voiceover narration. Now I'm in a somewhat awkward situation because the opening link has me reference that I'm recording the episode in an actual leap year (2016), which no longer makes sense unless I insert a title card there, or I reshoot the link to mention I will be releasing the episode in February. Either way, apologies for not getting this one out sooner, and if it seemed like I was little grouchy when people were asking me where episodes were, that was the reason.
On a related note, you may have noticed that there have been more episodes of Bad Movie Beatdown going up on YouTube these days. This has been deliberate: I've wanted to get more of the vintage videos back on my main YouTube channel where people will be able to see them. These videos do require re-editing, further than I did when I re-edited them for DailyMotion (which mostly tightened up the editing and removed some inappropriate jokes), which is necessary anyway because they need to comply with UK Fair Trading, which is different from US Fair Use (you'll note that many of my videos now have captions listing film clips with their directors and owners, and this is why). I've been gradually drip-feeding them alongside my new content so there's not big of a lull in content; I spent part of the week before the call to visit my family re-editing these old videos so I had a backlog of work to put up should something happen. The only episodes that I am currently not taking a chance on right now is anything held by Fox, who I have had struggles with on YouTube before, which is unfortunate because of how many of my most popular videos are films by them (I wanted to re-upload Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, for example, to coincide with the Nostalgia Critic episode, but it was globally blocked outright moments after it was uploaded).
Also intended to be out soon is another Patron-requested retrospective video, this time on The LEGO Movie. This is something I've been excited to cover, especially because you'll get to see me talk about my days before That Guy with the Glasses and Channel Awesome, where I used to be part of the Brickfilming scene, so this one will be a little more personal. I was glad about the positive feedback to the one for Doctor Mordrid, and this format will likely be how I handle requests that don't fit into the Bad Movie Beatdown mold. Speaking of which, I intend to do my first Patron-requested Beatdown video on Branded, that I've been wanting to do for quite some time - if you're the person who requested this and you're reading this, please get back in touch, and I'm so sorry it's taken this long to fulfill your wishes but I've not forgotten it.
There's also some additional crossovers that you will see in the future. I recorded another review with Diamanda Hagan at ALcon that I had to resend the narration for because I sent her a silent audio file the first time (d'oh!), and there's another video from my Chicago trip that will be quite fun too, so these again should tide you over should things mean I need to take another break.
I think that should cover everything for the next month or so. It's going to be hectic, more so than usual (and some of the blame for that goes to me, outside of what has just happened),  but we'll see. I hope you keep on enjoying my work, and thank you once more for all your continued support and well wishes, especially after the news broke. I couldn't ask for more gracious and understanding fans, I love you all.
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Top Crypto Strategist Calls $150,000 Bitcoin (BTC) Bull Run, Warns $3K Pullback Coming First
➡️ TEEKA TIWARI – Investment of the Decade:
A crypto analyst who warned traders about last year’s large Bitcoin (BTC) correction says he believes a similar scenario is about to play out.
With the Bitcoin price currently trading around $9,200 since peaking at $9,903 over the past seven days, the technical trader, known in the industry as Dave the Wave, says he believes that after failing to beat resistance at $10,000, BTC is now “back on track” to fall to $6,300.
Dave’s latest chart shows the BTC price falling next month to the low $6,000s.
In the long run, the trader is extremely bullish on Bitcoin.
He says BTC is steadily approaching the end of a symmetrical triangle dating back to late 2017.
A quick survey sent to his 29,000 followers on Twitter shows most respondents agree that BTC is not yet ready to break out.
Although he’s predicting pain in the short term, Dave is one of the most bullish analysts when it comes to Bitcoin’s path in the years ahead.
He predicts BTC will break through the strong line of resistance early next year and begin a long-term parabolic rally that will bring the leading cryptocurrency to $150,000 in 2023.
Dave made a name for himself in crypto circles after correctly calling the beginning of Bitcoin’s 2019 correction.
He told traders to brace for Bitcoin to drop to about $6,000 before the end of 2019. The forecast ended up being on the mark, with BTC hitting a low of about $6,400 in December.
In other trending Bitcoin News today:
Multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs will be hosting a Bitcoin call on May 27th for its clients.
The news was revealed Friday by The Block’s Mike Dudas, who shared the image below of an invitation to a call for May 27th entitled “Implications of Current Policies for Inflation, Gold, and Bitcoin.”
The call hasn’t even happened and some have postulated what this indicates and what could transpire in the wake of this call.
Although the Goldman Sachs call has yet to transpire and it’s unclear what exactly the firm will say about Bitcoin, many in the space have taken the news as a positive sign.
A commentator on institutional trends in the cryptocurrency space said that the existence of this call confirms there is true client demand for BTC.
“The fact that BTC is included tells you they are seeing substantial client interest.”
That’s not to say Goldman Sachs will be bullish on Bitcoin when the call comes around, though.
Sharmin Mosszvar-Rahmani, a Chief Investment Officer of the Investment Strategy Group at Goldman Sachs, has previously expressed bearish opinions about the efficacy of Bitcoin as an investment.
She wrote in a report published in 2018 that she believes cryptocurrencies “do not fulfill any of the three traditional roles of a currency,” before adding:
“Our view that cryptocurrencies would not retain value in their current incarnation remains intact and, in fact, has been borne out much sooner than we expected.”
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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky and so is investing into Cryptocurrency. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.
#Bitcoin #BTC #BitcoinNews #cryptocurrency #btcnews #crypto #ethereum #goldmansachs #bitmex #eth #prediction #bitcoinhalving #btchalving #ripple #xrp #2020 #bch #bsv #bitcoinbtc #forex #investing #bitcoinprice #btcprice #buybitcoin #halving #news #halvening #altcoins #invest #10x #100x $BTC $ETH $XRP
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/top-crypto-strategist-calls-150000-bitcoin-btc-bull-run-warns-3k-pullback-coming-first/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618935547386281984
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