#Friday Namaz
preciousangels100 · 2 years
May Allah forgive our all sins & grant us Jannat-ul-Firdous.
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metalurji73 · 2 years
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nevzatboyraz44 · 7 months
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Feke, Adana, Türkiye 🇹🇷
Cum'a / 9. Ayet
Ey iman edenler! Cuma günü namaz için ezan okunduğunda hemen Allah’ı anmaya koşun; işi, alış verişi bırakın! Eğer bilirseniz sizin için hayırlı olan budur.
يَٓا اَيُّهَا الَّذ۪ينَ اٰمَنُٓوا اِذَا نُودِيَ لِلصَّلٰوةِ مِنْ يَوْمِ الْجُمُعَةِ فَاسْعَوْا اِلٰى ذِكْرِ اللّٰهِ وَذَرُوا الْبَيْعَۜ ذٰلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
O you who believe! When the adhan is called for prayer on Friday, immediately run to the remembrance of Allah; Quit work and shopping! This is what is best for you if you know.
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questionsonislam · 9 days
Some people say, We are not going to mosque and performing namaz because Hazrath Ali (as) was killed as a martyr in a mosque. How acceptable is this in Islam?
It is fixed with the statement of Holy Quran that namaz (ritual prayer practised by Muslims five times a day in supplication to God) is farz (religious duty obligated for all Muslims) for all believers. There are more than one hundred verses related with this decree in Quran. Each Muslim who will come to this world until the Judgment Day is responsible to fulfill this duty. This responsibility is not limited or bounded with time. That is to say, namaz being farz is not limited with either Hazrath Alis life or anybodys. There is no record that states, Namaz will be performed until Hazrath Alis death as a martyr in our religion, Islam. According to this logic, all of the believers, who will live after Hazrath Ali will not perform namaz, and worship until the Judgment Day. How could it be possible to reflect belief out into the open (in daily lives) then? When there is no such a reflection, how would it be possible to differ to believers from unbelievers?
As you may well know, both Hazrath Omar (as) and Hazrath Osman (as) were massacred as martyrs by rebels (unbelievers) while one was performing his morning namaz in a masjid (place of worship) and the other one was reciting the Holy Quran. There was no one among companions who had stopped going to mosque because of the death of the second and third Caliphs of Islam.
We should also express that headed by Hazrath Hasan (as) and Husayn (as) (Hazrath Alis sons), all believers continued to perform namaz in mosques and read Quran.
Moreover, namaz (except congregational prayers such as Friday prayer and religious feast prayers) is not a prayer, which is bounded by the mosque and the temple. Any place on the earth is a masjid for all Muslims. People who suggest the excuse above can perform namaz in their homes, offices and any place that they like. Nevertheless, if they have left to perform namaz completely, in that case, it is so clear that this excuse is a blind one.
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🍃🕊🍃 Health Remedies 🍃🕊🍃
In Tadbiyat-e-Hikmat it is narrated that Maula Ali (as) says like soap cleans clothes but it also wears off the clothes, so too many medications temporarily cleanses the body from diseases but it makes it boosedah.
We are obliged to all those who helped us in the making of this booklet. May Allah Bless them health and prosperity. Please excuse us in case of any error.
Imam Ali (as) said: "Never, never will prosperity be reached by remaining idle and lazy."
Ayatullah Nasrullah Burujardi says the patient should pray himself (if the mareez is unable to pray himself then some one should pray on his behalf) 17,000 times salwat. 1000 salwat hadiya to each of the 14 masoomeen (pbbut), 1000 salwat as hadiya to Bibi Zainab (sa) 1000 salwat as hadiya to Hazrat Abbas (ra) and 1000 salwat as hadiya to Umul baneen (sa). (very effective if prayed in one sitting)
Pray 1000 times in one sitting Allahumma Laan Muawiya ibn Abi Saffyan. (Laan (part of tabbarrah), is very effective because it makes you realize why the laan is being sent on the person, and awakens you
to stay away from evil deeds. Praying laan fulfills desires quickly,also pray salwat before and after the tasbihs, also do istigfar)
The Prophet (S) Says- 77 diseases are cured by honey.
Do not stand and drink water at night, incurable disease will be contracted (6th Imam as)
Drinking Rain water is beneficial for health
21 raisins (kishmish) on an empty stomach for good memory and good health.
Do not sleep on an empty stomach.
Eat only when you are hungry.
Use the washroom before sleeping.
Do not sleep in a straight position immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion and causes gastric problems.
Do not bathe immediately after a meal, as it hinders digestion.
Best not to eat anything except fruits between breakfast and dinner.
Do not eat fruits immediately after a meal, wait for a hr before eating fruits.
Eat the fruits at the beginning of their season.
Don't drink tea immediately after a meal as tea has acid in it and food has protein in it therefore digestion is hindered.
Do not smoke a cigarette immediately after a meal it is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes at other times and is the main cause of cancer.
Never urinate in the sea or swimming pools, one contracts incurable disease.
After a hot water bath put a mug of cold water on your feet
Best time to sleep, which is most beneficial, is 2½ hrs after sunset.
Start and end your food with a pinch of salt to ward off 70 kinds of diseases.
End your meal also with a pinch of salt.
Waking up 2½ hrs before sunrise is very beneficial for health.
Namaz-e-shab is best for good health.
Try to do all work facing qibla and in a state of wuzu- Tilwat-e-Quran, cooking, studying etc.
Alims say that honey serves a dual purpose i.e. in the winter it has a warm effect and in summer it has a cooling effect.
Cutting nails on Friday cures many diseases.
Elaichi to be chewed thoroughly with the skin, after meals for at least 40 days to see results.
Dairy products, egg yolk, soya beans,garlic, vegetables and fish. Feet should always be clean. Keep your feet dry of moisture and sweat and keep them warm by wearing cotton socks not nylon socks. This plays a very important role for good blood circulation for sugar patient.
Drink garlic juice
Methi seeds (better used in the winter) one teaspoon nihar mouth or in powdered form. And one teaspoon 1 hr before meals.
One teaspoon of honey before going to bed.
Remove potato eyes from a raw potato, wash well and liquidize and drink immediately.
Fill water in a copper vessel at night and drink it in the morning.
Mix honey 1 teaspoon and 2 teaspoons luke warm water and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder (dalchinni powder) to be slowly massaged on joint pains.
1 cup hot water, 2 teaspoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder mix well and drink twice a day.
Ginger juice and salt to be mixed and massaged
Massage back with hot olive oil (always use hot oil for massage, it is very effective)
Clove oil massage
½ teaspoon Ajwine and ½ teaspoon ghur to be chewed well twice a day. If back pain is very severe then increase the quantity to 1 teaspoon each
massage with hot coconut oil
One teaspoon of honey before going to bed.
one teaspoon of honey at night
Hadiths of Imams (pbbut) For good colour: - use the following in your diet: - Egg plant (began), onion, bahi (queens), bananas and olives
Rub cucumber juice on the face.
Besan ka atta, ghee and water to be mixed and rubbed on face.
Boil 1 liter water till ½ liter remains, then mix glycerin and lime together and use twice a day.
Drink carrot juice (carrot juice not recommended for pregnant women).
Mix water and ginger juice in equal parts and drink daily.
For pain in the heart- 8-10 tulsi leaves mixed with 2-3 black peppers to be chewed and swallowed
Eat 3-4 garlic cloves daily.
Drink milk mixed with crushed lasan.
Nihar mouth 1 teaspoon olive oil.
Eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Bananas and melons are especially beneficial.
2 teaspoon of honey mixed with 1 teaspoon lemon juice to be taken twice a day.
For High and low Blood Pressure: Do deep breathing.
Chew 1 teaspoon tea leaves mixed with sugar
Mix luke warm water, lime juice and 1 pinch salt and drink
Rub ginger juice around the naval
A lemon a day keeps the cold away.
Orange (mosambi) juice.
1 tblspoon of ginger juice mixed with ½ teaspoon honey.
2½ cups water to be boiled then add juice of 2 lemons and honey and drink at night.
Drink onion juice and honey mixed together.
For coughs ½ onion dipped in honey overnight and drink the juice
For excessive coughing and to avoid coughing continuously keep pomegranate skin in the mouth
Inhaling steam of hot water mixed with garlic cloves.
5 grms of honey 4 times in the day.
For Phlegm (balghum)-chew dates well and drink hot water over it.
For Colds, Coughs and Phlegm (balghum) in hot milk add haldi, salt and ghur and drink at night.
(Dua to be prayed for results within 40 days or 3 months) -
Surah Taha- to be prayed for 41 to 90 days. Better to be prayed at time of shab and completed 5 mins before Namaz-e-Fajr.
Surah Baqarah ayah 137 to be recited 100 times for marriage proposal, family problems and for anger
فَإِنْ آمَنُوا بِمِثْلِ مَا آمَنتُم بِهِ فَقَدِ اهْتَدَوا ۖ وَّإِن تَوَلَّوْا فَإِنَّمَا هُمْ فِي شِقَاقٍ ۖفَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ اللَّـهُ ۚ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ ﴿١٣٧﴾
Translation: "So if they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah will suffice thee as against them, and He is the All- Hearing, the All-Knowing."
If you wear black shoes.
If you wear clothes in the standing position.
If you wipe your hands or face with your clothes.
Negative thinking.
Lack of something in your body.
Recalling old memories.
Remedies For depression:
Do not wear black shoes.
Wear your dress/clothes in a sitting position.
Do not wipe your hands or face with the clothes you are wearing (also adversely effects rizk and rozi).
Keep a positive attitude towards others even if they do not show a friendly attitude towards you.
Use raw vegetables.
Eat oranges, berries, black grapes, olives.
Eat dry fruits before meal.
Drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon powder (equal quantity) at night.
Drink warm water with 1tbs honey at daytime.
Wash your hair with water of bairi leaves.
Wear yellow slippers or shoes (also beneficial for barkat in rozi/rizk); if yellow can not be worn then wear white slippers or shoes. (Yellow color is a much liked color in Islam).
Eat fruit of the season in the beginning of the season.
Recite salwat 100 times daily.
Drink orange juice to overcome deficiencies in your body.
When you wake up from sleep recite durud 5 times and LAHAUL 8 times while lying down. Again recite durud 5 times and LAHAUL 8 times in a sitting position. Repeat the amaal again when you stand up, when in washroom and finally when washing hands. (In total the amaal should be done 5 times).
Apply honey and cinnamon powder in equal quantity.
Massage the effected area with the paste of baisan flour (for itching).
Do not use egg, peanuts, sugar and dairy products.
Massage with the juice of tulsi leaves
Apply coconut oil on the beginning stage of pimples on a continuous basis for 7days.
Wash your face with lassi.
Wash your face with paste of besan flour.
To Change on nature (especially for children):
Recite 5 times durud followed by 21 times Surah Qadr and again 5 times durud in a moderate voice near the person's ear, then make a speech of 5 to 7 minutes of what changes you want in him (as the brain is conscious),while he is sleeping. The amaal will break if the person wakes up during the amaal. The amaal shall be performed for 21 days on the same time everyday. The person performing it shall be in state of wuzu and should be facing the qibla. (However, if the person is abroad then the same amaal shall be performed at the time when that person is sleeping. That person should be in your imagination and your hand should be on the pillow in that person's room or another room-this should be done with full concentration)-You can tell the child of the amaal but it is better not to tell him.
Eat two apples a day.
Every morning eat a handful of any sesame seeds (till) either black or white.
Liquidize or blend 10 almonds with a cup of milk. Drink this mixture twice i.e. one cup before breakfast and another before sleeping.
Eat more of dark green leafy vegetables.
Eat low fat dairy products.
Give them carrot and orange juice.
The child should eat as many bananas as he/she can after meals.
Boil Figs (angeer) with milk and give the milk to child to drink and the Figs to eat.
Chew ½ spoon of Ajwaeen twice a day.
Wash hands after meals and apply your wet palms to your eyes reciting ayat 82 of Surah Bani-Israel, seven times.
Recite Ayat-al-kursi and blow your warm breath on your palms and keep your palms on your eyes.
Put drops of pure honey in your eyes everyday.
Drink 3 sips of water every time after you do wudhoo (ablution) with the intention of decreasing anger.
Recite Ya Wadudo 360 times on any sweet thing for 40 days and then eat (can also do it for someone else and give it to them to eat).
Recite Al Mubdiyo or Ya Mubdiyo 56 times. Inshallah the work will get completed.
This can be also recited on a pregnant woman, for avoiding miscarriage and having a safe delivery.
Recite Ayat 70 of Surah Baqrah.
قَالُوا ادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُبَيِّن لَّنَا مَا هِيَ إِنَّ الْبَقَرَ تَشَابَهَ عَلَيْنَا وَإِنَّا إِن شَاءَ اللَّـهُ لَمُهْتَدُونَ ﴿٧٠﴾
“They said: Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what she is, for surely to us the cows are all alike, and if Allah please we shall surely be guided aright.”
the above ayat can also be recited while going shopping, or before starting any business or housekeeping task or before marriage
Recite ayat 73 and 74 of Surah Al Imran 350 times in one sitting. This does wonders. Recite it preferably every day.
One who is weak in Mathematics, should recite YA MUHSEEYI (ONE WHO COUNTS), as many times as possible.
To aquire concentration while studying, recite Surah Falaq and Surah Naas once before starting.
Eat sesame seeds (till), white or black.
Take 20 tola water and 1 tola black sesame seeds (till) and boil them together until only 5 tola water is left. Then add gurr for as sweet as you want and drink the mixture.
Recite Ziyarat-e-Ahsura.
Recite Tasbih-e-Fatima Zahra(a.s).
After namaz-e-fajr recite Surah Qadr and Surah Ikhlas.
Recite at least 50 quranic ayats with concentration everyday.
Recite Ayat-e-Karima 400 times everyday for one year (to change a bad habit),
One should recite Surah Alam Nashra 7 times, before going to sleep.
Inshallah the next day when he wakes up, his heart will be free of any kind of hatred and impurity towards any one or for anyone
Mix a little ghee in milk and drink it.
Massage the forehead with a little ghee or clove oil
In one cup of water, put 1 tsp of haldi, boil it and then drink it
In order to normalize blood cholesterol the best things to drink are: Carrot juice, Celery juice
Best to eat are apples, bananas, grape fruit, carrots and dry beans
Also during our food intake to take a little bit of honey
If one is suffering from very high cholesterol and wants to normalize it in two hours has to have the following mixture:
In 16 oz of tea water, mix 2 tbsp of honey and 3 tsp of Cinnamon powder and then drink it.
Eat Figs
Have lemon juice twice a day
1 cup of ripe tomato juice
To have first thing in the morning hot water mixed with 2tsp of honey
To have hot milk mixed with 2 tsp of honey at night before sleeping
Carrot juice
If suffering from dry piles, then have lassi mixed with a little bit of gur.
To Liquidise have coriander leaves (dhanya) with water and drink it.
To liquidize neem leaves with water, sieve and then drink
If suffering from painful piles, then eat masoor daal with roti and lassi.
Stop having hot spicy food
Highly recommended to eat figs.
To massage the head with: hot olive oil mixed with 1 tsp cinnamon powder + 2 tsp honey. Keep it for 15 mins before washing.
Mix a little sugar in lemon juice and apply it on the hair, then wash it off.
Make a powder of neem leaves, then in about 100 gm of neem leaves powder, mix it in coconut oil and apply it in the hair once a week
In order to have shiny hair, have cucumber
To eat twice a day
Make a mixture of: 1 cup apple cider + 1 cup honey + 16 pieces of lasan (garlic), liquidize it for 1 min, put it in a glass cylinder with a tight lid and put it in the fridge for one week. After one week, put 2 tsp of this mixture in a glass of hot water and have it twice a day preferably first thing in the morning and not to eat anything for half an hour after this.
Make them eat tiil
Make them eat gurr and onions
Glucose water and lemon water, 2 tbsp four times a day
Recite Surah Jumah on water and make them drink
One should open the Holy Quran and start reciting 100 ayats from the page where ever he has opened it and then after 100 ayats, say 3 times
"YA ALLAH please help me overcome my fear".
This can also be done when one is facing any kind of problem and difficulty. After reciting 100 ayats, say 3 time
“YA ALLAH please solve this problem for me".
Inshallah either the problem will be solved or one will get an idea as to how to deal with the problem.
To have adrak water + lemon water + half tsp black pepper powder
To cure indigestion and gas problems mix ajwain powder in hot water and drink it
Mix channa + gurr and have it with hot water and drink it
Mix 1 tsp adrak water + 2 tsp lemon water + saakar (misri) powder and have it before eating .This is good for gas, acidity and indigestion.
The Holy Prophet (S) has said: In order to prevent stomach ailments, recite surah Teen on the food and then eat, it is so mujarrab that even if some one has mixed poison in food it will not effect.
For every dish we have, we should recite a different 'Bismillah’
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urdudarululoom · 1 year
Juma ke din Fajr ki Namaz  Ibn Umar Radi Allahu Anhu Reported The Messenger of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said the best prayer near the Allah is the dawn (Fajr) prayer in congregation on Friday
Al-Silsila-As-Sahiha 545 (Read more)
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
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🍃🕊🍃 A'mal for the 🍃🕊🍃
🍃 Month of Rajab 🍃
أعمال شهر رجب ( تنفع عند وبعد الموت )
🍃🕊🍃 General 🍃🕊🍃
To fast for 4 days is beneficial to save oneself from punishment in the grave.
Whoever fasts for six days in Rajab will find peace in Qiyamat & walk over the Pul-e-siraat easily without accounting.
🍃🕊🍃 Night of 1st Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
Recite 20 rakat namaaz on the night of 1st Rajab after Maghrib namaaz such that in every Rakat after Surah al- Hamd recite Surah Tawheed once. The reciter & his family will be saved from punishment in the grave & will cross Pul-e-siraat like lightening without any accounting.
🍃🕊🍃 1st of Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
Recite 10 Rakat Namaaz on the 1st of Rajab such that in every Rakat after Surah al Hamd, recite Surah Tawheed 3 times. A person who prays this Namaaz will be saved from the squeeze of the grave.
🍃🕊🍃 Lailatul Raghaib & first Thursday of Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
It is related that the person who recites Surah-al Yaseen before going to bed & Namaaz -e -Lailatul Raghaib will be saved from the terror of the grave. The first Friday night of Rajab is known as Lailatul Raghaib. Hazrat Muhammad (saws) used to fast on the first Thursday & between Maghrib & Isha recite 12 Rak’at namaz in six sets of 2 units. In every Rak’at after surah al Hamd recite 3 times Surah al-Qadr & 12 times Surah ikhlass. After salam recite 70 times: Allahumma s’ale a’laa muh’ammadin nabiyyil ummi wa a’laa aaleh.
Then go into sajdah & recite70 times: subbuh’un quddoos rabbul malaaaekate war-rooh’
Then sit erect & say 70 times: rabbighfir war-ham watajaawaz a’mma ta’lamo innaka antal a’liyyul a’zeem.
Then go into sajdah & say 70 times: subbooh’un quddoos rabbul malaaekate war-rooh’.
🍃🕊🍃 Night of 7th Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
The Holy prophet (saws) says that if a person recites 4 unit namaaz on the night of 7th rajab, (such that in each unit after Surah al Hamd recites Surat at Tawheed thrice, Surah alFalaq once, Surah an Naas once. After finishing namaaz recites Salwaat &10 times Tasbeehate Arba’).
Allah will offer him shelter under the Arsh, & give him reward of a person fasting in the month of ramdhan. Till the time he finishes the prayers, the angels pray for his forgiveness. Allah will ease the pangs of death on him & save him from the squeeze in the grave. He will not die unless he sees his place in Paradise, & will be safe from the hardships of Qiyamat.
🍃🕊🍃 Middle of month of Rajab & the night of 16th & 17th Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
To recite 30 rakat namaaz in the middle part of the month such that in each rakat after Surah alHamd recite Sura Tawheed 10 times is beneficial to save oneself from punishment in the grave. In the same manner to recite the above naamaz on the night of 16th &17th Rajab is also beneficial
🍃🕊🍃 22nd Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
To recite the following 8 Rak’at namaaz(2 rakat X4) on the 22nd of Rajab is beneficial during death. In each Rakat after al-Hamd , recite Surah Tawheed 7 times. After finishing Namaaz, recite sawaat 10 times & recite Astaghfirullah Rabbi wa atooboIlayh 10 times.
🍃🕊🍃 24th of Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
Fasting on the 24th of Rajab carries great reward. One of its merits is that the angel of death comes in the form of a handsome youth carrying a bowl of the pure drink(Sharaabe Tahoora) & offers it to the dying man. The dying person drinks it & dies in peace.
🍃🕊🍃 Last day of Rajab 🍃🕊🍃
For the person who fasts on the last day of Rajab, Allah will save him from the after effects of death.
🍃🕊🍃 http://www.duas.org 🍃🕊🍃
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hyderabaddeccannews · 28 days
Lunch Time meh Friday ke din kuch Female Students School ke First Floor ke Ek Chote se Room meh Zohar ki Namaz Adda kerrahe the Permission Lehkaar
Kuch Logo ko Patta Chala ki School meh Kuch Students Namaz Padh Rahe hai Rozana, Namaz Adda kerne par kuch logo neh kiya Ehteraaz
School Management neh Baade hi Pyaar se aur Aaraam se Samjaaya ki Friday ke din kuch Female Students neh Permission lehkaar School ke First floor ke Ek Last ke Chote se Room meh hi Namaz Padhi woh bhi sirf 5 Minute keliye Woh bhi Lunch time ke Dauran bagaair kissi ko Disturb kiye
Phir woh log Waha se Chalegaye
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat, Jai Samvidhaan
PleaseNote: VDO send by one of our PageFollower but Did not disclosed School Name & Location
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debanish · 1 month
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Why Shaheen Bagh Is A City Story
This post is from January 3, 2020
A 2-km stretch in south Delhi's crowded Shaheen Bagh stays barricaded on both ends. There are tents somewhere in the middle of this stretch. Hundreds of women, some with children on their laps, sit in front of a podium where posters criticising the amended citizenship law are pinned on bright cloth. Some women are in burqa.
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The voice of an angry man fills the air. On the podium, waving his hand, he says, "Don't be afraid. Allah will protect you." After some time, he asks people if they wanted to go for namaz - it's Friday. "You can pray behind the tents," he says. The next speaker introduces herself as a teacher from Jamia Millia Islamia University, whose students faced the Delhi Police's full might a few weeks ago during a protest.
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Except for the tents, the entire stretch at Shaheen Bagh is mostly empty. Some children are playing cricket. Others in white kurta and skull caps are pushing cycles. A large drain clogged with plastic waste cuts the road underneath. The odour stings.
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The sit-in led by women at Shaheen Bagh against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act or CAA has been going on for over three weeks now. The amended law seeks to fast-track the process of giving citizenship to persecuted non-Muslims from three neighbouring countries. The government says the CAA doesn't affect Indians, including Muslims. But critics say the law divides people on religious lines.
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People from across the national capital have been visiting Shaheen Bagh. A large crowd pulled an overnighter to usher in the New Year, with songs and dinner amid the biting cold.
Three days later, some people who are probably directly connected with the protest at Shaheen Bagh tweeted they are folding up so that politicians and goons cannot hijack their cause.
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Shaheen Bagh is a city story.
Except for the women - and the local men and children - who have a stake in the cause, Shaheen Bagh is a safe place for the people of Delhi, the visitors from gated colonies, to let off steam and give reality to their fantasy of a protest without getting hurt. Because they know the police will not shoot them here, unlike in small towns and border states, where people go out to protest at great risk to their lives.
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rajexpress-seo · 5 months
Why Not Devotion Like Eid For Ram Temple? Assam CM Asked Gaurav Gogoi.
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Indian Politics News In Hindi
Assam CM has raised questions over Gaurav Gogoi offering namaz on Eid, but not attending the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha program.
Political News In Hindi:
Gaurav Gogoi did not attend the Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha program. Was protesting with Rahul Gandhi in Assam. Gaurav Gogoi had offered namaz on the day of Eid.
Rajneeti Samachar
Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma on Gaurav Gogoi: Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma has taken a dig at Congress' Assam Lok Sabha MP Gaurav Gogoi. During a conversation with the media on Friday, Assam CM raised questions over Gaurav Gogoi offering namaz on Eid but not attending the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha program. Apart from this, he said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and our leaders congratulate people on all festivals.
Gaurav Gogoi was seen offering Namaz on the day of Eid
Pictures of Congress Lok Sabha MP Gaurav Gogoi offering Eid namaz were revealed. At the same time, Gaurav Gogoi along with all the opposition leaders did not participate in the Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha program held in Ayodhya on 22 January. During this time he was protesting with Rahul Gandhi. Now on this issue, Assam CM has cornered Gaurav Gogoi and raised questions on his double conduct.
Why is there no devotion for Ram temple like that of Eid?
Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma said about Gaurav Gogoi – Gaurav knows the correct posture of offering Namaz. I don't know where he learned this. But the question here is, why did he not show the same devotion during Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha that he has shown during Eid? When Prana Pratistha was taking place, he was fighting the administration and breaking the law while living next to Rahul Gandhi on the streets of Assam. Gogoi gave clarification - Latest News On Politics Gaurav Gogoi has also clarified on the allegations of Himanta Biswa Sarma. Gaurav Gogai told that on January 22, on the day of Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha program, he was in Batdrav police station (Nagaon). Gogoi accused CM Sarma of insulting Batadrava police station and disrespecting the principles of Shankardev. Apart from this he said that we respect Shankardev, hence opposed him. Let us tell you that Batadrava police station is a pilgrimage area in Nagaon, Assam, where saint and social reformer Shankardev was born.
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imranjalna · 6 months
Jumma Tul Wida Namaz (Ramadan Last Friday Prayers) | Alvida Jumma
Jumma Tul Wida Nafil Namaz (Ramadan Last Friday Prayers) | Alvida Jumma Namaz, Dua And Zikr, Jumma Tul Wida Nawafil Jumma Tul Wida (Alvida Jumma) is the last Friday Prayer of the holy month of Ramadan. on this day of Jumma Tul Wida Namaz, Salaat, Dua Azkar is done. One need to thank Allah for this day and pray that we get this day and Ramadan every year.It has a very high regards for all the…
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drmaqazi · 11 months
Benefits of Salat-Ul-Tasbih
Our Beloved Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) said to his uncle (father’s brother) Sayyiduna Abbass (r.a) Oh uncle shall I not give you Shall I not grant you Shall I not award you Shall I not do mercy on you When you do 10 things Allah will forgive your sins: of the future and of the past; new and old; those you have forgotten and those you did knowingly; big and small; hidden and revealed.
Then he (s.a.w) explained the taught the way to pray Salatul Tasbih and then said if you can pray this salah once a day, if you can not pray once a day then every Friday, and even if this is not possible then once a month and even if this is not possible then once a year and even if this is not possible then at least once in a lifetime (Abu’Dawood & Tirimzi) 
How to perform Salatul Tasbih?
This salaat (namaz) is offered in four rakat at a time and can be read in any part of the day and night besides Zawal and Sunrise and Sunset makrooh times, keeping in mind the forbidden times for performing Salat (namaz). But is is preferred before Zuhr.  The Tasbih to be read in Salaat-Ul-Tasbeeh:  
سُبحَانَ اللّٰہِ وَالحَمدُ لِلّٰہِ وَلآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اللّٰہُ وَاللّٰہُ اَکبَرُ
There are two methods and one can opt for either of the two methods. 
First Method
In “The Way The Noble Messenger Offered His Prayer”, this method is stated
Make intention of 4 rak’ah salah. Say “Allahu Akbar”, fold the hands together, Recite Thana. Recite the tasbih 15 times. Recite ta’uwuz, tasmiyah, Surah Fatihah and any other surah with it. Recite tasbih 10 times. Go into ruku and recite “Subhana Rabiyal Azeem” 3 times. Recite tasbih 10 times. Rise from bowing position and say “Rabana lakal hamd”. Recite tasbih 10 times. Do the sujood and in the first sujood recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times Recite tasbih 10 times. Rise from sujood in the sitting position. Recite tasbih 10 times. Do the second sujood as usual and recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times Recite tasbih 10 times. Stand up and then recite the tasbih 15 times before Surah Fatihah. For the second rak’ah repeat the tasbih in the postures stated above and same will be for the third and fourth rak’ah.
Second Method
Make the intention, say “Allahu Akbar” and fold hands.  Recited Surah Fatihah and another Surah.
Recite Tasbih 15 times. Go into ruku and recite “Subhana Rabiyal Azeem” 3 times. Recite tasbih 10 times. Rise from bowing position and say “Rabana lakal hamd”. Recite tasbih 10 times. Do the sujood and in the first sujood recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times Recite tasbih 10 times. Rise from sujood in the sitting position. Recite tasbih 10 times. Do the second sujood as usual and recite “Subhana Rabiyal A’ala” 3 times Recite tasbih 10 times. Before standing up, go into sitting position Recite tasbih 10 times. Stand up, recite Surah Fatihah and another Surah. Recite Tasbih 15 times
Perform the rest of the salah while reciting the tasbih in the stated postures. 
Note: In the second rak’ah and fourth rak’ah the tasbih will be recited before the tashahhud  Special notes for Salat-Ul-Tasbih:
Do not count loudly. It will break Salah.  Do not count on fingers or by holding a Bead Tasbih in hand. It is Makruh. 
 You may count by pressing the fingers as a reminder. For example if you are in Ruku. You me press pinky of your right hand first for the first count, then the finger next to it for second count, then the middle finger for third count, following this method untill you reach the pinky of left hand will give you an exact count of ten. Use the same method in Qayam, Sajdah and Jalsa. 
If missed a count then make it up in the next posture. For example if forgot to recite Tasbih after Surah in Qayam. Then you may recite Tasbish 20 times instead of 10 in Rukuh after “Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem”. Missed Tasbih cannot be recited in Qayam after ruku and Jalsa between Sajdah. If you missed the Tasbih in Ruku then recite 20 in the first Sajdah instead of the Qayam after rukuh.
Similarly if missed the Tasbih in first Sajdah then do not make it up in Jalsa. Instead recite missed tasbih in the second Sajdah. If Tasbih has been missed in last sajdah of second or fourth Rakah then you can recite the missed ones before Attahiyat in Qaidah. 
 If you miss a wajib in Salah and have to do Sajdah Sahaw. You dont have to recite Tasbih in Sajdah sahoo, since the 300 count has been estalished. But if you had missed Tasbih in any of the postures and remeber it now. Then you may recite the missed Tasbih in Sajdah Sahaw now. 
 It is preferable to recite after Surah Fatiha Sura Takathuur in the first raka’, Surah Wal A’sr in the second raka’, Surah Kaferoon (qul ya aiyuhal Kafiroon) in the third and Surah Akhlas (Qul hu Allah-hu ahd) in the fourth raka’. If one does not remember these surah they can recite the ones they prefer. 
May Allah accept this dua’ (supplication) for the sake of the trustworthy PROPHET MOHAMMED (Allah’s Grace & Peace be upon him)
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glosackmd · 1 year
INDA10638 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: earning her living using an infant who might be hers or as is often the case rented from another mother.. Babies are often drugged so they sleep peacefully and do not make a fuss in the heat of the day. timesofindia.indiatimes.com/that-sleeping-baby-in-beggars... timesofindia.indiatimes.com/that-sleeping-baby-in-beggars... awaiting the end of NAMAZ friday @ JAMA MASJID gate 2 in OLD DELHI Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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rafaqatali1972 · 1 year
#Prophet #Muhammad SAW said "NONE of you shall have IMAAN until you love me MORE than your FATHER your MOTHER your everything in this world " this #Hadith is read out at every #Sunni #Brelevi mosqued at every Jumma #Namaz every #Friday #Wahhabi #Salafi #Deobandi #Jaffari #Ismaili #Bohri #Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Mirzai #Ahmadiyya #Askari #Shia #Wahhabism #Salafism #Deobandism #Shiaism #IFollowGoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #GoharShahi #YounusAlGohar #ALRATV #Sufism #Spirituality #Kabbalah #Gnosticism #TariqJameel #ZakirNaik #TahirulQadri #IlyasQadri #AsifRazaAlvi #ShenshahNaqvi #MuftiMenik #JavedGhamidi #TariqMasood
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baitulhamd · 2 years
Watch "Namaz-e-Jummah Ke Baad Kya Karein - Bayan by Dr Israr Ahmed #drisrarahmed #friday #jumma #baitulhamd" on YouTube
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For each Muslims, Fridays do indeed hold a special place as it allows them to stay more connected with the Almighty Allah (SWT) and also provide them the grounds to stay united with their religion and always abide by the path of righteousness. In Islam, Friday prayers are very significant and it also leads every Muslim to be more attached to the religious duties of Islam. Jummah Namaz or the Friday prayer can also allow the person to stay purified from all the past sins that he had committed in the past. For More Info Visit Our Website: https://aleenaarfeenhajjandumrah.wordpress.com/2022/09/17/what-are-the-top-benefits-of-the-jummah-prayer/
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