#Fromage blanc
yoooko-o · 2 years
09/11/2022 part3
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sushis4kalyo · 1 year
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Charlotte à l'ananas ! 🍍
La première de l'année !
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legoutdujour · 11 months
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Génoise sans gluten, crème fromage blanc - framboises
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chloesdiaries · 2 years
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Petit déjeuné : fromage blanc, fraises et granola 😋
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r-aindr0p · 1 month
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Rollo Flammekueche
Flammekueche mostly called "tarte flambée" is food from a region of France called Alsace ! So yeah’ Flamme holding a Flammekueche wearing traditional clothing from Alsace. And yes it’s a big ass bow that is on the head.
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Gâteau au fromage blanc
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Il faut 1 moule de 22 cm 4 œufs 500 gr de fromage blanc nature à 20% selon ses goûts 100 gr de fécules de maïs 100 gr de sucre zeste d’un citron extrait de vanille. Préparation beurrez et farinez un moule où l’habillez de papier sulfurisé. Séparez les blanc des jaunes d’œufs. Battre les blancs en neige très ferme avec une pincée de sel. Battre les jaunes d’œufs avec le sucre jusqu’à ce qu’ils blanchissent et doublent de volume. Ajoutez le fromage blanc et mélangez la fécules de maïs avec le zeste de citron ou l’extrait de vanille. Incorporez les blancs en neige délicatement sans les casser. Cuire à 180° ~30 min environ à surveiller
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ask-unknown-octopus · 6 months
[Unknown Octopus follows Monty to his trailer. It’s narrow in structure- a hallway with a table and fold out bed on opposite sides surrounded the walkway. The end nearest to the entrance contained a small kitchen, and the other end had a bedroom. A young girl sits at the table with an open laptop; she curiously peeks over after hearing the door open.]
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Hey Fromage, I’m gonna have a friend staying here for a while, is that cool with you?
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…New friend? Well, okay I guess.
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whileiamdying · 2 years
Review/Film; Deneuve As Symbol Of Colonial Epoch
By Vincent Canby Dec. 24, 1992
Catherine Deneuve reigns in "Indochine." That is, she presides over its second-rate fiction with the manner of an empress who knows her powers are constitutionally limited but who continues to take her duties seriously. She can't change the course of the film, but her lofty presence keeps it from flying apart. She plays Eliane who, when first met in 1930, divides her time between a mansion near Saigon and a successful rubber plantation, which she oversees with (sometimes for) her widowed father.
Miss Deneuve has her work cut out for her, since the new French film, made on location at great expense and with attention to historical accuracy, intends to be nothing less than epic. "Indochine" is the story of the last 25 years of French rule in Indochina as reflected by the events in Eliane's life. The subject is potentially rich, but the screenplay, whomped up by three screenwriters in collaboration with Regis Wargnier, the director, has neither the conviction of fact, the sense of revelation found in good fiction, nor the fun of trashy literature.
In 1930 Eliane enjoys all the perks that accrue to the dominant class in a smoothly functioning colonial society. Though French by birth, she has never seen France. She was born and reared in Indochina, which she considers as much her home as it is for the anonymous laborers who work on her plantation. Eliane is not as bigoted as some French. She is bringing up Camille (Linh Dan Pham) as her own daughter. The pretty teen-ager, an Annamese princess, was adopted by Eliane after her parents -- Eliane's best friends -- were killed in an accident.
Since Eliane is France to a large extent, it's not surprising that her life falls apart more or less in concert with French colonial rule, and that her heartbreak and (dare I say?) her hopes parallel those of France itself. She's sorely tried, both as an adoring mother and as the conscience of a great European nation.
Camille has been betrothed since childhood to Tanh (Eric Nguyen), a well-born Vietnamese fellow whom she likes but does not love. She shatters her adoptive mother by falling madly in love with Jean-Baptiste (Vincent Perez), a handsome, mostly uncharacterized French naval officer, who had once been Eliane's lover.
Eliane puts her foot down, but Camille runs off to join Jean-Baptiste at the remote outpost to which Eliane has arranged that he be sent. It's the beginning of the end for both the motherland and Eliane. I'm not giving away one-tenth of what happens in the movie by reporting that the feckless Tanh turns out to be a sort of Vietnamese Scarlet Pimpernel, a dedicated, recklessly brave Vietnamese freedom fighter and Communist.
Camille, too, is politicized, becoming known as "the red princess" for her underground activities. When last heard from in 1954, she's at the table in Geneva, a member of the Indochinese committee negotiating independence from France.
It's not easy for any movie, even one running for 2 hours and 35 minutes, to cover so much time and history and still maintain its coherence as drama. Though Eliane is the film's focal point, she is not Scarlett O'Hara. Eliane has her weaknesses: she falls in love with the wrong man, and she occasionally seeks solace in a pipe of opium. Yet she's not so much a character as a beautiful, somewhat frosty icon, like the statue of Marianne, the official symbol of the French Republic for which Miss Deneuve's likeness was used in 1985.
Without seeming to age a day from 1930 to 1954, Miss Deneuve moves through "Indochine" more as an observer than as a participant. Her Eliane/Marianne is not an embodiment of the ideals of the French Revolution, but a representation of the kind of chic associated with Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent.
She looks ravishing from start to finish. She's supremely unruffled when a man with a nosebleed attempts to make love to her. Not a hair is out of place as she beats a worker for attempting to run away from the plantation. She's not a particular woman but an abstraction as she tells the victim, "Do you think I like beating my children?"
In spite of all that, Miss Deneuve lends the movie a lot of her own instinctive intelligence. Behind the movie-star facade, a real actress is at work. It's not her regal beauty but the force of her personality that carries the viewer through a choppy screenplay not always easy to follow. It may be that the film has been re-edited for its American release, but whatever the reason, characters seem to disappear before their time, or to appear on screen without having been properly introduced. In the etiquette of cinema, this is called rude editing. There also are times when the soundtrack music hails an emotional crescendo that only it recognizes.
Aside from Miss Deneuve's performance, the only one worth noting is that of Jean Yanne, whose acting style has become increasingly self-important and busy since the early 1970's when he appeared in two fine Claude Chabrol films, "This Man Must Die" and "Le Boucher." Here he plays the head of the French security police in Saigon, a jaded functionary who half-heartedly courts Eliane while wearily going about his brutal job.
"Indochine" offers the audience much more history and many more views of the Vietnamese landscape than can be seen in "The Lover," Jean-Jacques Annaud's fine, laconic screen adaptation of the Marguerite Duras novel, also set in Vietnam in the 1930's. Yet "The Lover" evokes subtle truths about colonial relationships that are effectively buried in the epic fanciness of "Indochine."
"Indochine," which has been rated PG-13 (under 13 strongly cautioned), has scenes of violence.
Directed by Regis Wargnier; screenplay (in French with English subtitles) by Eric Orsenna, Louis Gardel, Catherine Cohen and Mr. Wargnier; director of photography, Francois Catonne; music by Patrick Doyle; produced by Eric Heumann and Jean Labadie; released by Sony Pictures Classics. At the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, Broadway and 63d Street. Running time: 155 minutes. This film is rated PG-13. Eliane, Catherine Deneuve Jean-Baptiste, Vincent Perez Camille, Linh Dan Pham Guy, Jean Yanne Yvette, Dominique Blanc WITH: Carlo Brandt, Mai Chau, Alain Fromager, Chu Hung, Jean-Baptiste Huynh, Gerard Lartigau, Hubert Saint-Macary, Henri Marteau, Thibault de Montalembert, Andrzej Seweryn, Eric Nguyen, Nhu Quynh, Tien Tho, Thi Hoe Tranh Huu Trieu, Nguyen Lan Trung and Trinh Van Thinh. Rating: PG-13. Running Time: 2h 39m. Genres: Drama, Romance.
Works Cited:
Canby, V. (1992, 24 12). Review/Film; Deneuve As Symbol Of Colonial Epoch. The New York Times, CXLII (49190), p. C9.
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dietetique-et-delices · 2 months
Plaisir Minceur : Goûtez ce Gratin de Jambon et Poireaux
Ma recette de Gratin de poireaux au jambon ✨ 375Kcal / portion ✨ #gratin #mangerleger #pertedepoidsdurable #perdredupoids #jeveuxmaigrir #mangersainement #mincirsansregime #kcal #mangersainetbon #perdredeskilos #maigrir #regimeusemotivee
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imaginary-wanderer · 1 year
It's me, making faux tzatziki with fromage blanc and basil because I don't have the right ingredients lmao
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pretty surprising to me that as a country with approx two hundred different types of cheese, france still has a cheese they just call “fromage blanc”. that has to apply to at least half of the cheeses in the country cmon now
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love-everyone · 1 year
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marinated fromage blanc, marionberry jam & hot honey.
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ekman · 5 months
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La naïveté des gardiens des institutions, autrement dit les médias mainstream de la bienpensance assumée, fait peine à voir. Alors que les assassinats de Français se multiplient et s’accélèrent, alors que les barbares affichent impunément leur haine raciale et revendiquent leur violence sur fond d’islam et d’ethnicité, les proprets sur plateaux nous parlent “de faire société”, “de promouvoir la laïcité”, “de comprendre la nécessaire mutation”. Tout cela les pieds dans le sang d’un gamin de 16 ans, Français, blanc, de souche.
On dira bien ce que l’on voudra. On fera les discours que l’on pourra. Ça ne change rien aux détails du cliché pris à l’instant de la chute de Thomas, le torse percé par une lame. Cette photo nous montre une France qui commence à se chier dessus, mais qui refuse encore le constat et combat toujours la réaction, conspuant les courageux, engeôlant les volontaires. Une France qui continuerait d’aller acheter son rôti du dimanche chez son petit boucher, de manger ses fromages qui puent en se moquant du cousin du Loiret, de railler le voisin qui s’est acheté une voiture pour la frime. Une France qui penserait que le travail est un moyen de se hisser, que l’honnêteté paie toujours, que l’on doit respecter Monsieur le maire et obéir à la police. Une France d’Épinal qui est morte depuis longtemps déjà, entamée par Mac Donald et Drucker, remplacée par KFC et Hanounah, effacée par Doner Kebab et Yassine Belattar.
Pauvres Français ! Que je vous plains d’être devenus ces poireaux mous qui rasez les murs taggés des cités arabophones. Pendant toutes ces décennies de bruit et d’odeurs, on vous a répété que votre colère s’appelait du racisme. Ceux-là même qui avaient acté cette catastrophe grandissante vous ont fracassé, accablé, conspué. Seuls quelques rares résistants ont gardé le doigt collé sur la sonnette, mais la plupart de ceux-là, aussi, ont fini par apprendre par cœur les mots du frontispice de la démocratie : “Übereinstimmung macht Wählbarkeit”... la conformité rend éligible.
S’avance l’ombre du conflit que tout le monde subodorre, mais que personne ne veut voir. “Avant que” et “pourvu que” ouvrent maintenant toutes les phrases des politiqueux cravatés et des observateurs autorisés. Ils avancent à reculons vers l’échafaud de l’Histoire qui a déjà aiguisé sa plume et ouvert son grand cahier couvert de sang.
Thomas se meurt, Thomas est mort. la France non plus.
J.-M. M.
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Le nouveau roi Charles III d'Angleterre conduit un cabriolet Aston Martin DB6 Volante de 1969 fonctionnant au vin et au fromage. Lors du sommet Cop26 en 2021, Charles a expliqué que l'Aston utilise du carburant créé à partir de ''vin blanc anglais excédentaire et de lactosérum provenant du processus de fabrication du fromage''. Bien que sans doute neutre en carbone et capable d'apaiser la conscience du roi, avaler l'équivalent de quatre bouteilles de vin par kilomètre, ne semble pas très efficace. - source Cars & Motorbikes Stars of the Golden era.
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homomenhommes · 2 months
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Les 10 pâtisseries à goûter au moins une fois dans sa vie
La tarte Infiniment Vanille de Pierre Hermé
La clamatarte de Tapisserie
Les trompe-l’œil de Cédric Grolet
La tartelette pistache-fleur d’oranger du Jardin Sucré
Le Mont-Blanc de Mori Yoshida
La madeleine de François Perret
Le cheesecake de Nina Métayer
La tarte aux coings de Maison Aleph
La tarte citron-basilic de Jeffrey Cagnes
Le soufflé fromage blanc de Benoît Castel
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Gâteau au fromage blanc 3 oeufs 500g de fromage blanc 100g de sucre 90g de farine zeste d'un demi citron 1/2 cac de vanille liquide. Allumer le four sur 180°C mélanger dans une saladier le fromage blanc et le sucre. Séparer les blancs des jaunes d'oeufs. Incorporer les jaunes d’œufs au mélange fromage blanc / sucre. Ajouter la farine et mélanger les zestes de citron, la vanille. Montez les blancs en neige très ferme, et les incorporer délicatement au mélange. Verser la préparation fromage blanc, sucre oeuf dans un moule à charnière de 20cm de diamètre environ, préalablement beurré ou tapissé de graisse à la bombe. Cuire à 180°C pendant 30min laisser refroidir 1h avant de démouler
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