#Fui-on Shing
flashfuckingflesh · 8 months
Re-Electrifying a Dead Cop to Stop EVIL! "The Blue Jean Monster" reviewed! (88 Films / Blu-ray)
Click Here to Purchase “The Blue Jean Monster” available on Blu-ray! Soon-to-be first-time dad Tsu Hsiang can’t wait to meet his son.  Often times, his cop vocation intrudes on being there for his wife during her pregnancy as his torn between work and family, trying to be a good man in both regards, but when a tip comes through of a suspected bank robbery, Hsiang can’t neglect his duty and…
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may8chan · 1 year
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Ebola Syndrome - Herman Yau 1996
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bookishnerdlove · 6 months
DBDP - Capítulo 394
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Historia paralela Capítulo 22 Las nubes que cubrían el oscuro cielo nocturno se movieron lentamente y la luna creciente apareció de su letargo. El tono azul de la luz celestial gradualmente posó sus ojos en el suelo, y Número 2 finalmente pudo ver a su oponente en detalle. Tenía cabello negro como la noche y una expresión relajada con ojos penetrantes. A primera vista, parecía desprevenido, pero su postura era bastante inusual. Era como si Número 2 estuviera parado cerca de una espada esperando cortarlo en pedazos si se acercaba. 'Él vino sabiendo todo. ¿Es Berna?’ Número 2 comprendió aproximadamente la situación mientras miraba a los ojos del oponente, que eran tan fríos y agudos como la luz de la luna. Berna debió haberse rendido ante el oponente después de que le cortaran el brazo. De lo contrario, no habría manera posible de que la figura, que dominó tanto al Número 3 como a Berna, apareciera en Edenfield en este momento, y en su escondite exacto. “No me estás dando una respuesta. Tomaré tu silencio como una afirmación”. “¿Eres tú quien abrumó a nuestros hermanos y rescató al príncipe?” “¿Por qué preguntas cuando ya sabes la respuesta? El que huyó se parecía al que corría con el rabo entre las piernas como una rata. Estoy seguro de que te lo habrá contado todo.” “Hooho. Eso es correcto. Pero esto parece un poco injusto. Cuando me contó la historia por primera vez, también pensé en él como una pequeña rata, pero ahora que te veo en persona…” Número 2 miró a Raven por un momento antes de continuar. “Parece que hizo una excelente elección. Esos dos dieron la vuelta al mundo sin saber su lugar, pero finalmente encontraron su pareja”. Shing. La cimitarra y la espada larga de Raven reflejaban la fría y azul luz de la luna. “Y será lo mismo para ti”. “¡…..!” Las cejas del Número 2 se arquearon. Nadie nunca le había dicho esas palabras, pero tenía que estar de acuerdo. El pelinegro merecía decir palabras tan audaces. "Quiero preguntarte algo." "Genial. Lo mismo ocurre conmigo”. “Escuché que rescataste al príncipe del Reino Pendragon, ¿verdad? ¿No es eso todo lo que necesitas? ¿Por qué nos perseguiste hasta aquí? ¿Quizás quieras convertirte en un caballero del Reino Pendragon con tu logro? Todo lo que has hecho hasta ahora debería ser más que suficiente”. El número 2 tenía curiosidad. El oponente fue lo suficientemente fuerte como para abrumar al Número 3 y a Berna. Incluso si no se preocupara por esos asuntos, se le garantizaría una gran vida. Cualquiera de los territorios o incluso los ducados y altos señores lucharían para contratar al hombre. “¿Es más que suficiente? Ja ja…" "¿Mmm?" El Número 2 entrecerró los ojos después de escuchar la risa del hombre. Raven bajó lentamente las dos espadas de sus hombros y habló con una sonrisa fría. "Desde el momento en que abrí los ojos, fui un caballero de Pendragon". “¡…..!” El número 2 se sobresaltó. La Hermandad de la Sombra era una organización de asesinos. Conocían la mayoría de las figuras importantes de diferentes territorios y naciones. Y era el supervisor de la red de información de la organización. Sin embargo, nunca había oído hablar de un caballero así perteneciente al Reino Pendragon. "Y…" El hombre continuó en voz baja. Sus siguientes palabras dejaron al Número 2 en un estupor. "Es derecho de un padre condenar a quienes secuestraron a sus hijos". "¿¡Qué!?" ¡Shing! Raven atravesó el aire de la noche y cargó contra el Número 2. ¡Hinchar! Las espadas estaban imbuidas de espíritu y produjeron ondas de choque penetrantes mientras dejaban varios rayos de luz. ¡Hermano! "¡Guau!" El número 2 adornaba unos guantes hechos de piel de ogro y metales especiales. Sin embargo, sus puños no pudieron absorber completamente el impacto de los golpes y sintió que sus manos se entumecieron después de recibir el ataque. “¿Hoo? No está nada mal. Quizás estés en el nivel de Argos en el pasado”. "¡Mmm…!" El Número 2 tragó saliva con fuerza por la sorpresa. Es posible que los caballeros y mercenarios ordinarios no sepan el nombre. Sin embargo, una persona que confiaba en sus dos puños no podía saber el nombre pronunciado por su oponente. Argos. El Tigre Negro del Templo de Tiramis… Hace unos diez años, fue acogido por el duque Pendragon de la época. Había sido el luchador más fuerte de la época. Aunque perdió un brazo, numerosos luchadores lo admiraban por derrotar a innumerables caballeros con sus puños. Lo mismo sucedió con el Número 2. Pero el que estaba frente a él estaba pronunciando el nombre con mucha naturalidad. No, más importante... “Tú, no puedes ser…” El número 2 habló con voz temblorosa. Se detuvo, como si encontrara que sus propias palabras eran demasiado incrédulas. Fue realmente ridículo. La persona que le vino a la mente había muerto hace siete años, y el hombre que sonreía bajo la pálida luz de la luna poseía una apariencia muy diferente en comparación con "él". Sin embargo, el oponente poseía un tremendo poder y habilidades capaces de hacerle retroceder con sólo tres golpes. Además, el fuerte espíritu emitido por el hombre hizo que se le erizaran los pelos. "Sí. Soy Alan Pendragón”. ¡Vaya! "¡Keeugh!" Cuando Raven mostró toda la fuerza de su espíritu, Número 2 se vio obligado a respirar profundamente. Muuuy… Una ola de energía clara surgió de sus hombros. El espíritu era como una llama azul profunda, y no se parecía en nada a nada que Número 2 hubiera enfrentado hasta ahora. La emisión regular del espíritu tomó una forma translúcida que era invisible a los ojos de la gente común. Sin embargo, cuando alcanzó cierto nivel, el espíritu se volvió refinado y tomó una forma similar al vapor. Y… Muy pocos seres eran capaces de ir más allá, aquellos dignos de ser llamados monstruos. Pudieron materializar el espíritu como el del hombre que estaba frente a él, el que se autoproclamaba ser el rey fundador del Reino Pendragon... “D-dragón…” El número 2 tropezó hacia atrás mientras murmuraba. El espíritu del hombre se materializó sobre su cabeza como un dragón con las alas abiertas. No hacía falta decir nada más. El hombre estaba diciendo la verdad, que en realidad era el propio Alan Pendragon, considerado el caballero más fuerte del pasado, o una figura oculta con una habilidad incomparable cercana a la de Alan Pendragon. Sin embargo, las potencias absolutas capaces de menospreciar al mundo no mintieron. No tenían motivos para hacerlo. "Mmm…" El número 2 era fuerte. Era un hecho que tanto él como quienes lo conocían admitían. Sabía que lo podían contar con diez dedos dentro del imperio si se trataba de una batalla uno a uno. Sin embargo, sentía como si estuviera parado frente a un enorme muro, un muro que nunca podría superar, incluso si volviera a nacer. A pesar de que habían chocado brevemente, Número 2 sintió miedo y asombro por primera vez en su vida después de enfrentarse a todo el peso del espíritu liberado del hombre. Sin embargo, a pesar de que se encontraba en una situación tan precaria, era el número 2 de la hermandad. Rápidamente ideó un plan. Sólo había una opción que tomar en esta situación. ¡Vaya! Una luz extraña permaneció en uno de sus ojos, y Número 2 de repente abrió su mano derecha. Un grupo de luces de varios colores se disipó como una niebla. ¡Kiyaaaah! Junto con gritos desgarradores, aparecieron espectros translúcidos. Los espectros corrieron hacia Raven mientras blandían sus largas guadañas. "Mmm." Sin embargo, Raven mantuvo la calma como si hubiera esperado la situación. Mantuvo su mirada tranquila fijada en un lugar mientras blandía su espada. ¡Fiuuu! ¡Kiyaaaahk! Los golpes que contenían espíritu diezmaron a los espíritus malignos. Después de que se dispersaron en partículas de luz, Raven volvió su mirada hacia donde había estado Número 2. Hace mucho que se fue. “Todos ellos son como pequeñas ratas. Pero esta vez no fallaré”. Raven enfocó sus sentidos con una mirada concentrada. Luego apuñaló su espada larga en una dirección. ¡Shing! ¡Psss! "¡Guau!" El cuerpo del Número 2 se dispersó como niebla antes de reaparecer. Había estado ocultando su presencia asimilándose a la oscuridad. “Si eres un luchador, pelea con los puños. Deja de emplear trucos baratos como un cobarde”. "¡Guau!" El número 2 no respondió a la evidente provocación. El interior de su cuerpo había sido sacudido enormemente por el leve golpe, además de que sus ilusiones se rompieron. 'Esto es una locura... Pensar que había otro monstruo como este además del Número 1...' Finalmente pudo entender de dónde venía el miedo de Número 3. Además, estaba seguro de que el hombre de apariencia normal que tenía delante era verdaderamente Alan Pendragon. Sólo los descendientes directos de la familia Pendragon podían utilizar el Espíritu del Dragón, y sólo un espíritu tan poderoso le permitiría derrotar fácilmente a los espectros que convocó. '¿Cómo podría ser esto…?' El número 2 apretó los dientes. Sin embargo, no tardó mucho en desesperarse. “¿No vas a venir? Entonces iré yo”. ¡Fiuuu! El cuerpo de Raven brillaba bajo la luz de la luna. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, llegó frente al Número 2. ¡Papá! Ondas de choque cortas y agudas se sucedieron una tras otra. Los golpes de espada fueron casi desnudos para el ojo invisible, y Número 2 fue bañado en una ráfaga de tales golpes. Pero el Número 2 también era una potencia excepcional. Sus ojos brillaron y soltó una ráfaga de ataques. ¡Hermano! Saltaron chispas entre los dos hombres. “¡Kuagh!” Pero no pudo bloquear todos los ataques. Si hubiera podido mantener su compostura normal, Número 2 podría haber bloqueado o desviado todos los ataques. Sin embargo, se encontraba debilitado debido al trauma y las heridas que sufrió en el enfrentamiento de hace un tiempo. Además, los ataques de Raven contenían demasiado poder como para que él simplemente los desviara. El número 2 se derrumbó. Su pierna izquierda casi quedó cortada por la mitad. Intentó conjurar una ilusión una vez más. ¡Vaya! Sin embargo, Raven lo notó de inmediato y un rayo de luz salió disparado de sus ojos. El Espíritu del Dragón inmediatamente disipó la ilusión conjurada. "¡Puaj…!" ¡Shing! El Número 2 se arrastró desesperadamente hacia atrás, y Raven envainó lentamente sus dos espadas mientras miraba hacia abajo. Luego se puso en cuclillas antes de hacer contacto visual con el Número 2. "Q-qué..." Se sintió desconcertado incluso mientras sudaba profusamente de miedo. Raven habló con una sonrisa fría. “¿No te lo dije antes? Tengo algo que preguntarte." “¡…..!” Los ojos del Número 2 fluctuaron violentamente. El ser absoluto frente a él, Alan Pendragon, quería algo más que su vida. Tenía la intención de erradicar por completo a la Hermandad de la Sombra. ━━━━━━✧♛✧━━━━━━ Mia caminaba sola por el camino oscuro y nocturno. "¿Donde está esto…?" Miró a su alrededor. No se escuchaban ni los sonidos de los saltamontes ni el sonido de los pájaros de la montaña. Sólo el silencio la recibió en el bosque, donde ni siquiera la luz de la luna podía llegar. Entonces, vio una tenue luz a lo lejos. Instintivamente, Mia apresuró sus pasos hacia la fuente de luz. "Ah..." La luz tenía la forma de una persona. Era un hombre de hombros anchos y cabello negro tan oscuro como el cielo nocturno. Llevaba dos espadas a ambos lados de su cinturón. “E-disculpe…” Mia gritó con cautela. El hombre de repente dejó de caminar. Normalmente, ella nunca llamaría a un hombre desconocido en una noche oscura como ésta. Sin embargo, Mia no sintió miedo. Más bien, sintió una extraña sensación de consuelo y alivio. Ella continuó mientras se acercaba cada vez más a él. "¿Dónde está este lugar? Y tú…" El hombre se dio vuelta lentamente. "¡Ah!" Mia se quedó con los ojos muy abiertos por la sorpresa. El rostro de la persona le resultaba demasiado familiar. Él estaba sonriendo alegremente con el rostro de una persona que ella nunca podría olvidar. Mia sintió emociones intensas mientras gritaba. "¡Hermano…!" Un destello de luz oscureció su visión en un instante, y su visión se llenó con la imagen del escudo de la familia Pendragon, un grupo de luces con la forma del Dragón Blanco. Sin embargo, gritó una vez más mientras estiraba la mano. "¡Hermano! ¡Hermano Alan!" Desafortunadamente, su mano nunca lo alcanzó y Mia despertó de sus sueños. Atrás Novelas Menú Siguiente   Read the full article
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nukethefridgenews · 9 months
The Blue Jean Monster Blu-ray Review: Bringing Category III Back to Life
The Blue Jean Monster is a new one to me. If there’s a Hong Kong movie I haven’t seen, I want to, and this crazy Category III extravaganza from 88 Films didn’t disappoint. Shing Fui-On plays Joe, a cop killed in the line of duty. He comes back as a zombie to finish his case and be there for the birth of his son. There are plenty of Hong Kong style cop movie shootouts, but where Blue Jean earns…
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vhs-ninja · 2 years
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The Killer (1989)
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brody75 · 3 years
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Just Heroes (1989)
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twilightronin · 6 years
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A Better Tomorrow II
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deepredradio · 4 years
The Untold Story
Story: Das Kriminaldezernat von Hongkong steht vor einem Rätsel: Immer häufiger verschwinden Menschen spurlos und ohne Grund. Im Zuge der Ermittlungen gerät der Metzger Wong in das Fahndungsraster der Beamten. Schon bald wird klar, dass der Besitzer des Schnellrestaurant “The Eight Immortals” der Hauptverdächtige in dem Fall ist. Als dann einige seiner Angestellten spurlos verschwinden, nimmt die…
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abs0luteb4stard · 5 years
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chinesemovieposter · 6 years
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slotsjuice444 · 2 years
God Of Gambling
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God Of Gambling Chinese
Caishen (simplified Chinese: 财神; traditional Chinese: 財神; lit. 'God of Wealth') is the mythological figure worshipped in the Chinese folk religion and Taoism.He has been identified with many historical figures, viewed as his embodied forms, among whom Zhao Gongming (趙公明, Wade–Giles: Chao Kung-ming; also known as Zhao Gong Yuanshuai 趙公元帥 'Lord Zhao the Marshal'), Fan Li. Hermes is the Greek god of gambling, profit, hazard, and gaming. Hermes was the winged messenger of the gods. He was the god of flocks, road, trading, commerce, thieves. He is also known as Mercury in Roman Mythology. His father is Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods. Thoth is the Egyptian god of gambling.
Started in 1989 by the prolific Wong Jing, the God of Gamblers series has been continuing to entertain audiences for the past 27 years. Starring some of the biggest stars in Hong Kong cinema, Chow Yun Fat, Andy Lau, Stephen Chow, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Ng Man Tat, Leon Lai, Nick Cheung, Donnie Yen and a lot more, the series has had its ups and downs, but each film usually has something for most Hong Kong cinema fans. Incorporating sequels, spinoffs, unofficial spinoffs and even spinoffs of spinoffs, the God of Gamblers series is truly one of a kind.
God of Gamblers – 1989
This is where it all started. Probably the best film from Wong Jing (some would argue that it wouldn’t be difficult), God of Gamblers is a multi genre film including high comedy, drama, action and even more comedy. Chow Yun Fat plays Ko Chun, the God of Gamblers of the title. After an accident knocks him seven shades of silly, he is taken in by Knife, played by Andy Lau. After Knife realises the idiot savant’s gambling powers, he decides to exploit him for all he’s worth. Like most Hong Kong comedies, there are major tonal shifts. One minute you are laughing at one of Chow’s many pratfalls, only to have his wife murdered and raped (and I did get that the right way round) in the next scene. Fans of Hong Kong cinema will not be surprised by these tonal changes, as it really is the norm with these films. It is not hard to see why Chow Yun Fat would have been interested in the role of Ko Chun, as it gives him a chance to show his range. He gets to be his usual suave self at the beginning of the film, until he becomes like Dustin Hoffman’s Rain Man. He also still gets a number of action scenes, which after his success with John Woo was probably expected. Andy Lau is also good, considering his character is a bit of a dick. Considering the only reason that he initially helps Ko Chun is because he caused his accident, he is not exactly what heroes are made of. Fortunately his character is quite funny and has good chemistry with Yun Fat and his leading lady Joey Wong. Throw in a decent supporting cast of Charles Heung, Ng Man Tat and the always welcome Shing Fui On all go to make God of Gamblers a film not to be missed.
All for the Winner – 1990
The first of the unofficial spinoffs. After the success of God of Gamblers a number of Hong Kong movies went in to production to cash in. All for the Winner was one of these. What sets it out from the crowd of imitations was down to the rising star power of Stephen Chow Sing Chi. Due to this film he went on to become the biggest box office draw in Hong Kong. All for the Winner also went on to become the highest grossing film in Hong Kong history at the time of its release. The plot concerns mainlander Sing (Chow Sing Chi), who travels to Hong Kong to visit his uncle played by the excellent Ng Man Tat. Like Andy Lau’s character in God of Gamblers, Man Tat can’t really be bothered with Sing until he finds out about his gifts, which in this film is his ability to see through objects. From that all matter of hi-jinks ensues, with Man Tat exploiting his nephew’s gift. Co-Directed by Yuen Kwai (Cory Yuen) and comedy king Jeff Lau, All for the Winner is nowhere as slick as the film it takes inspiration from, and is quite uneven. The film does have a number of great action scenes, unsurprisingly as they are directed by Yuen, and the laugh ratio is very high. This was also the first film to realise the great partnership Chow and Ng Man Tat could make. The reason All for the Winner is included in the main God of Gamblers series as Chow and Man Tat took their characters into the main series in God of Gamblers 2.
God of Gamblers 2 – 1990
The first official sequel to the smash hit God of Gamblers unfortunately doesn’t star Chow Yun Fat. On the plus side his replacement is Stephen Chow, which makes this sequel somewhat sillier and than the original. It is also a lot funnier. Chow; along with Ng Man Tat play the same characters from All for the Winner. This is where the series starts to get slightly confusing in terms of what films are deemed cannon, as this movie is both a sequel to the original God of Gamblers and the unofficial spinoff/rip-off All for the Winner. Andy Lau returns as Knife, and is this time along with Chow, is promoted to lead duties. The plot is just an excuse for Lau and Chow to get into comedic situations. The addition of Chow to the film means that there is slightly less action than the previous movie, but there is still enough to keep you entertained, with Charles Heung showing up in his shell-suit to kick ass when needed. It is best not putting too much though into this series as actors do appear in multiple films, sometimes as different characters, such as Ng Man Tat who appeared in the first God of Gamblers as a villain but is now on sidekick duties.
God of Gamblers 3: Back to Shanghai – 1991
This is when the God of Gamblers series went totally bonkers. Probably the best of the three Gamblers films to star Stephen Chow, it is also the most like a full on Stephen Chow comedy. The plot includes time travel, doppelgangers, musical numbers and a number of extremely violent action scenes. This time round Sing is accidentally sent back in time to 1930’s Shanghai. Whilst there he meets up with the effeminate grandfather of his Uncle (also played by Ng Man Tat), and gets himself involved in a triad war by befriending gang boss Ray Liu. The film ends up like most of the God of Gamblers in a large gambling tournament, with Chow using his magic against the villains. God of Gamblers 3 had everything fans of the series had come to expect, with more thrown in for good measure. The film also has a bit of gravitas by having mainland star Gong Li show up in a dual role. This wasn’t the only film she made with Stephen Chow, as she also showed up in Flirting Scholar, so she obviously enjoyed working with him. Unfortunately this is the last of the God of Gamblers to date to star Stephen Chow.
The Top Bet – 1991
Technically not officially part of the God of Gamblers series, but it has been included as it is a spinoff/sequel to All for the Winner. Chow Sing Chi sadly doesn’t return but Ng Man Tat does along with Directors Jeff Lau and Yuen Kwai. The film concerns Man Tat looking for a suitable replacement for his nephew. This time round there is more of a female focus with Carol Cheng and Anita Mui being the stars of the film. Unfortunately The Top Bet can’t live up to the original, with a lot of the jokes not hitting their target. It is just another typical 90’s Hong Kong comedy, livened up a bit by its game cast, and some good action scenes.
Return of the God of Gamblers – 1994
After five years, Wong Jing finally tempted Chow Yun Fat back to his signature role of Ko Chun. Although not as entertaining as the original, the sequel is still great fun and has a great supporting cast including Tony Leung Ka Fai, Chingamy Yau, Wu Chien-Lien and the scene stealing Elvis Tsui. The story involves Ko Chun, who has now immigrated to France, living with his pregnant wife (Cheung Man). The usual bad guys show up to challenge Ko Chun. Typical of a Hong Kong comedy, this challenge includes killing Ko Chun’s wife and cutting out her unborn child from her stomach. They then proceed to put the foetus in a jar. Even I thought this was too much. Fortunately the film does get somewhat lighter after this, but still does involve a number of violent action scenes. Tony Leung is great in a purely comedic role. Wu Chien-Lien seems to be brought in to add a bit of dramatic weight to proceedings. Charles Heung also shows up in his obligatory role of Lone Ng. Add in the always excellent Elvis Tsui and you have a cast that is almost every bit as good as the original. There seems to be more ridiculous comedy throughout this sequel compared to the original. I think this may have been done to keep it more in line with the sequels that starred Chow Sing Chi. On a side note, Cheung Man once again plays Ko Chun’s wife. She also played his wife in the original God of Gamblers, but that was a different character. It always seemed strange to me that they got Cheung Man to play this part in the sequel as it implies that Ko Chun is a bit twisted and married a woman because she was identical to his first wife. Cheung Man also appeared in All for the Winner and God of Gamblers 2 and God of Gamblers 3 each time playing a different character. That makes five appearances in this series as a different character. This is just par for the course with this series.
The Saint of Gamblers – 1995
A lesser film in the God of Gamblers series. Wong Jing attempted to resurrect the franchise with a new actor replacing Chow Yun Fat and/or Chow Sing Chi. Unfortunately he cast the mugging Eric Kot. Luckily Ng Man Tat returns as Uncle Tat to at least make the film enjoyable. Donnie Yen also makes a brief appearance as Lone Seven, brother of Lone Ng. Must be bad when you can’t get Charles Heung to make an appearance. There isn’t really much of a plot to speak of, just the usual story of the lead being challenged and ending up in a gambling competition. Kot’s character has magic powers like Chow Sing Chi in the previous movies, so the card games are played for laughs. There is fun to be had with Saint of Gamblers, but fans of the previous movies should lower their expectations.
God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage – 1996
A prequel to the original God of Gamblers, this one does have a confusing title, being the second film in the series to have the name of God of Gamblers 3. Don’t let this put you off, as this is one of the better entries in the series. Leon Lai subs for the absent Chow Yun Fat, as Ko Chun. Lai has never been the greatest of actors but is great here and has the right look for the young version of the God of Gamblers. The plot involves Ko Chun being betrayed by his partners and coming back for revenge the only way he knows how. By gambling with them. Jordan Chan shows up to steal the film as Lone Ng, replacing Charles Heung. There is a bit of ret-conning going on in the movie, as Ko Chun and Lone Ng meet for the first time in God of Gamblers, but meet for the first time in this prequel, which contradicts the original film. This is a minor complaint considering the other things that have went on in this series. The movie also seems to have higher production values than some of the previous movies in the series and a quality supporting cast including my favourite Francis Ng and Anita Yuen. The prequel also is less reliant on comedy than previous entries. Sure there are funny scenes, but nothing as crazy as Stephen Chow’s additions. The action scenes are great, with Jordan Chan doing most of the hard work, although Leon Lai does get involved. This would be the last proper God of Gamblers film although there would be spinoffs and rip offs. I have covered some of them below as they do tie in to the main series but others such as the Conman, Conman in Vegas and Conman 2002 I have left out as it is unclear if they are actually canonically part of the franchise although do share elements. All I can say about them is that Conman is quite boring, Conman in Vegas is slightly better and Conman 2002 is crap.
Conman in Tokyo – 2000
Wong Jing takes a backseat in this addition to the God of Gamblers franchise, handing over directing duties to Ching Siu Tung. The film is pretty much more of the same, with Louis Koo now taking over as the lead. Koo plays Cool, who is the successor to the Knight of Gamblers, which was played by Andy Lau in the God of Gamblers film. This is the only part of the film that actually ties this to the main series, other than the usual crazy hi-jinks that are expected in a Hong Kong gambling movie. Koo is great in the lead role, and it is easy to see how he has become one of Hong Kong’s best leading men. Although he should lay-off the sun beds. Sidekick duties are taken up by Nick Cheung, who is great here and would only go on to better things. Cheung was also part of Wong Jing’s Conman films, but plays a different character in this. Yusuaka Kurata also takes part and proves that he can still kick ass. Some of the comedy scenes miss the mark completely, although some parts can be hilarious. Action scenes are good, but are a bit lacklustre considering they had the great Ching Siu Tung behind them. Although a fan movie, it doesn’t compare to the greats of the franchise but is heads above the Top Bet and Saint of Gamblers.
From Vegas to Macau – 2014
Essentially a God of Gamblers film in everything but name. Chow Yun Fat is back, along with Wong Jing, co-directing with Billy Chung. Yun Fat stars as former gambling King Ken who gets involved with Nicolas Tse and Chapman To, who want to be his apprentices. This just gives the film the usual excuse to have the cast get involved in crazy situations and action. This is a big budget production as it was co produced with China. This means that the films content could never match up to the original God of Gamblers, as the censors have to be appeased. In this day and age adjustments have to be made, and at least this enabled the production to get Chow Yun Fat back in the starring role. The film still has that Wong Jing flavour with everything but the kitchen sink thrown in. Some of the action scenes are especially well done with Philip Kwok and the excellent Zhang Jin showing their worth. The main other reason that it fits into the God of Gamblers series is down to the film’s final scene having a cameo from Ko Chun, also played by Chow Yun Fat. This is a fun scene but also makes you wonder why Wong Jing and Chow Yun Fat didn’t just go ahead and make a proper God of Gamblers sequel.
From Vegas to Macau 2 – 2015
Wong Jing returns once again to the gambling den. Co-directing this time with Aman Cheung, he delivers more of the same, which is not as enjoyable as the first From Vegas to Macau, but still makes for an enjoyable time at the movies. This time round there seems to be even more money thrown at the screen, with quite a bit of globe-trotting going on. A large part of the film takes place in Thailand, and the action scenes are much larger in scale. It also seems to have learned from the first, that fans really like to see Chow Yun Fat with a gun in his hand, preferably one in each hand. The sequel is also much sillier than the first with Ken this time having a Robot butler, who he shouts abuse at. Some critics moaned about this addition. I though as silly as it was, it was quite amusing. Nicolas Tse doesn’t return for the sequel and is replaced by Shawn Yue as an Interpol Agent. This is a fair trade, and Yue actually seems to get more to do than Tse did in the first film. Other additions to the cast are Nick Cheung, who seems more than happy to be back in comedy mode after years of doing purely dramatic roles. This is probably the funniest he has been in a long time. Carina Lau is also on hand as Ken’s old girlfriend/villain. The only drawback of this is the scenes Lau and Fat share drag the film out, and add to an already unnecessary run time. If you were a fan of the first From Vegas to Macau there is no way you are going to miss this one. The final scene this time has both Ko Chun (Chow Yun Fat again) and Knife (Andy Lau) appearing.
From Vegas to Macau 3 – 2016
From Vegas to Macau 3 proved to be the most controversial of the series, with a lot of critics and the public seemingly boycotting the film over Wong Jing’s supposed political leanings. I don’t really understand some peoples thinking. Of course Wong Jing isn’t going to bad mouth China. That is where he makes his living. The film also garnered some extremely poor reviews which I suspect were written before even seeing the movie. I am not saying that it is an excellent film, but it is still good fun, and is no worse than the previous two in the series. If anything it is slightly better than the sequel, with the added bonus of Andy Lau returning in a leading role as Knife, from the God of Gamblers. Out of the three movies, From Vegas to Macau 3 has the most ties to the Original God of Gamblers, with Ko Chun as a main character this time round starring alongside himself as Ken. It is also the silliest out of the three, including a robot romance and a transformers style fight scene. From Vegas to Macau 3 also has the most star power with Chow Yun Fat, Nick Cheung, Andy Lau, Shawn Yue, and Carina Lau from the previous movies and with the new addition of superstar Jacky Cheung and Charles Heung reprising his role of Lone Ng from the original God of Gamblers. Everyone involved seems to be enjoying themselves, and although it none of their best work, you can’t help being taken in by it all. Behind the camera, there isn’t only Wong Jing. He is assisted by Andrew Lau of Internal Affairs fame and also by Billy Chung. I suppose it is a bit confusing that this needed three directors, as sometimes it seems that the actors were left to their own devices. Some of the special effects are also poor, but kind of compliment the overall wacky tone of the film.
Bible verses about gambling
Many people wonder is gambling a sin? Although there might not be a clear cut verse from what we learn in Scripture I strongly believe it is a sin and all Christians should stay away from it. It is terrible to see that some churches are bringing gambling in the house of God. The Lord is not pleased.
Many people are going to say, well the Bible doesn’t specifically say you can’t do it. The Bible doesn’t specifically say you can’t do a lot of things that we know as sin.
Many people find any excuse they can give for what is wrong, but just like Satan deceived Eve he will deceive many by saying, did God really say you can’t do that?
“Gambling is the child of avarice, the brother of iniquity, and the father of mischief.” – George Washington
“Gambling is a sickness, a disease, an addiction, an insanity, and is always a loser in the long run.”
“Gambling can be just as addictive as drugs and alcohol. Teens and their parents need to know that they’re not just gambling with money, they’re gambling with their lives.”
“Gambling is the sure way of getting nothing for something.”
Gambling is of the world, it is very addicting, and it will cause you harm.
Gambling is loving something that is part of the cruel world, not only is it dangerous especially back in the days where many were being plotted on and murdered for their money. Gambling is very addictive, you can go into a casino one day thinking I’m going to spend this much, then leave without your car. For some people it’s that bad and it can become even worse.
I’ve heard many stories about people losing their lives for owing money and people losing their lives by committing suicide because of the money they lost. Many people have lost their houses, spouses, and kids over their gambling addiction. You might say that I don’t gamble that much, but it doesn’t matter. Even if it is small fun gambling it is sin and it should not be done. Always remember that sin grows overtime. Your heart becomes harder, your desires become greedier, and it will turn into something that you never saw coming.
1. 1 Corinthians 6:12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say–but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”–but I will not be mastered by anything.
2. 2 Peter 2:19 They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity–for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.”
3. 1 Timothy 6:9-10 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
4. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.
5. Proverbs 15:27 The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live.
Gambling leads to more sin.
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Not only does gambling lead to deeper and deeper covetousness, but it leads to different types of sin. When you go to the movie theater and buy popcorn they make it extra buttery so you will buy their expensive drinks. When you go to casinos they promote alcohol. When you are not sober you will be trying to kick back and spend more money. Many people who are addicted to gambling are also living in drunkenness. Prostitutes are always near casinos. They entice men who seem like high rollers and they entice men who are down on their luck. It is not a surprise that most casinos promote sensuality and women.
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6. James 1:14-15 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
Scripture teaches that we are to be on guard against covetousness.
7. Exodus 20:17 Do not covet your neighbor’s house. Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, his male or female slave, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
8. Ephesians 5:3 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints.
9. Luke 12:15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
As Christians we are to fix our attitudes on money.
Dnd God Of Gambling
10. Ecclesiastes 5:10 Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.
11. Luke 16:13 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
What is your eye gazing upon?
Your chance of winning the lottery on a single ticket is one in 175 million. That means that someone has to really be greedy and have dreams of riches to still try and play the lottery. You have to pay for more and more tickets because of your greed and what you are really doing is emptying your pockets because of your covetousness.
Most gamblers throw money away. Most people who go to casinos lose money that could have been used for paying bills or on the less fortunate, but instead people would rather throw it away. It is wasting God’s money on evil, which is similar to stealing.
12. Luke 11:34-35 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.
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13. Proverbs 28:22 Greedy people try to get rich quick but don’t realize they’re headed for poverty.
14. Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.
15. Proverbs 28:20 The trustworthy person will get a rich reward, but a person who wants quick riches will get into trouble.
We are to be hard workers.
The Bible teaches us to work hard and worry about others. Gambling teaches us to do the opposite. In fact, many of the people who play the lottery are poor. Gambling destroys something that God intended for good. You have to understand that the devil is using it to destroy the foundation of work.
16. Ephesians 4:28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.
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17. Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.
18. Proverbs 10:4 Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich.
19. Proverbs 28:19 Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty.
Gambling and betting is giving the appearance of evil.
What would you think if you went inside a casino and you saw your pastor holding money in one hand and rolling dice in another? That picture just wouldn’t look right would it? Now picture yourself doing the same thing. Society does not look at gambling as being honest. The betting industry is a dark world filled with crime. Google treats gambling websites like pornography websites. Gambling websites contain a lot of viruses.
20. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Many churches want to turn God’s house into a place to play bingo and other gambling activities, which is wrong. God’s house is not a place to make profit. It is a place to worship the Lord.
21. John 2:14-16 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
Gambling is not trusting in the Lord.
One of the greatest problems of gambling is it takes away from trusting in the Lord. God says I will provide for your needs. Satan says roll the dice there might be a chance that you win and become filthy rich. You see the problem. When you trust in God nothing is by chance. God provides for our needs and God gets all the glory. Gambling is showing that you don’t really trust in the Lord.
22. Isaiah 65:11 But because the rest of you have forsaken the LORD and have forgotten his Temple, and because you have prepared feasts to honor the god of Fate and have offered mixed wine to the god of Destiny.
23. Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
24. Proverbs 3:7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
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25. Proverbs 23:4 Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness.
In conclusion.
God Of Gambling Chinese
You have a higher chance of being struck by lighting than winning the lottery. Most gambling is not made for you to win. It’s made for you to dream about what if I did win. Gambling fails in its attempt to give people hope because most people spend thousands of dollars for nothing. Just take a thousand dollars and throw it in the garbage that is exactly what gamblers do over the course of time. When you have greed you will always lose more than you gain. Gambling is bad for your health and it violates many Scriptures as seen above. Seek hard work and trust in the Lord with your income.
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