#Gloria Yip
flashfuckingflesh · 8 months
Re-Electrifying a Dead Cop to Stop EVIL! "The Blue Jean Monster" reviewed! (88 Films / Blu-ray)
Click Here to Purchase “The Blue Jean Monster” available on Blu-ray! Soon-to-be first-time dad Tsu Hsiang can’t wait to meet his son.  Often times, his cop vocation intrudes on being there for his wife during her pregnancy as his torn between work and family, trying to be a good man in both regards, but when a tip comes through of a suspected bank robbery, Hsiang can’t neglect his duty and…
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letsmakefingerfive · 2 years
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nerds-yearbook · 5 months
In 1935, an archeological Professor Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr got stranded in India with his companion Short Round and a nightclub singer named Wilhelmina “Willie” Scott. While attempting to leave India they came across a village plagued by a zombie making, heart pulling out cult. (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Flm)
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dare-g · 1 year
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The Cat (1992)
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tranquildr3ams · 2 years
The Sparring Partner (正義迴廊, 2022)
The Sparring Partner (正義迴廊, 2022) #TheSparringPartner #Crime #Drama #Thriller #HKFilm #AsianCinema #Film #Movie #Review
The Sparring Partner (2022) Director: Cheuk Tin Ho Cast: Alan Yeung, Pui Tung Mak, Louisa So, Michael Chow, Jan Lamb, Gloria Yip Based on a shocking case in real life, a young man partners with his friend to murder and dismember his parents. Pleading not guilty to the crime, defense attorneys face each other as nine jurors grapple with the truth. – IMDB Based on the 2013 Tai Kok Tsui double…
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The Cat (Lam Nai-Choi, 1992)
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estateofinsanity · 3 years
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Lo mau / The cat (Ngai Choi Lam, 1992)
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don-dake · 2 years
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《女人俱樂部》 | 《Never Dance Alone》 (2014)
Had a recent rewatch after a good number of years. Still as enjoyable as ever. I was not wrong to include this as one of my favourite series from TVB, if not the ONLY one still, from post 2010 back then!
Eight years ago (has it been so long?!) when it first aired, this series pleasantly surprised me with its strong script, better than usual production standards and strong performances from almost everyone in the cast, even the young rookies playing the younger versions of the seven main female characters.
(TVB series were already steadily becoming irredeemable rubbish a few years prior, so going in with low, very low expectations and finding myself actually truly enjoying this series came as an unexpected welcome!)
That this series boasted the return of some actors — namely, Carman Lee 李若彤, Rachel Lee aka Loletta Lee 李麗珍, Fennie Yuen 袁潔瑩, Angie Cheong 張慧儀, Gloria Yip 葉蘊儀, Elvina Kong 江欣燕 and Flora Chan 陳慧珊 — who hadn't been seen onscreen for some years then, actors of whom I have fond memories of from my childhood, that was icing on the cake!
(Sadly, what was thought to be a second wind for some of these actors was not to be. With the exception of Carman Lee who had been and still is active in the Mainland China market, the others have more or less gone back into oblivion…)
And now, eight years later, this series' themes of time and friendships found, lost, and found again (if really lucky), are still as relatable and as relevant as ever.
Perhaps more so now than before, as I get even closer in age to the characters on the older side in this story.
Unofficially ‘inspired’ by the 2011 Korean film, “Sunny”), the story is well paced, the two different timelines of the late '80s and 2013 are interspersed well and complemented without over-shadowing each other.
A TV series also allowed for more development of the main characters (of which there were more than usual too) in this story and gave an audience time to know them better.
In all honesty, I thought this adaptation was better than the original movie in a lot of ways; I much preferred the lighter set up of “Never Dance Alone” for one, unlike the original where things tethered on the imminent passing of one of the friends, and the resolution for the friends in the movie had too much of a ‘fairy godmother saves the day with monetary and other tangible rewards’ cliché to it.
NDA's happier and more relatable conclusion resonates better with me.
I also appreciated the fact that efforts were made to cast younger actors who physically resembled their older counterparts. For one, it made relating between the past and present that much easier, and two, it also indicated that if someone in production cared enough about a not-too-crucial detail like that, it probably meant this production had more sincerity and earnestness in delivering a series to be remembered (which they succeeded, in my opinion).
In a culture where there is little room for fussiness, and TV series are churned out in quantity over quality — most meant to be watched and quickly forgotten as soon as the next one comes along — and certainly made more for entertainment value than any real artistic merit, “Never Dance Alone” stands out in being not just another ‘time-filler’ series but a series that strived to tell a good story and has much heart in it, even if its heart was transplanted from a donor named ‘Sunny’.
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↑ Third bar from the top shows one of M Club's competitors to be a group called ‘Sunny’! Easter egg? :)
TVB may not have officially acknowledged ‘being inspired’ by the Korean film, but someone in production seemed to have stealthily done so through a blink-and-miss-it shot of the scoreboard from the dance competition the characters took part in in the finale episode.
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honeybeeshepherd · 3 years
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Gloria Yip and Alyssa Milano photographed by Hironobu Aoyagi from June 1989 issue of Roadshow magazine
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brody75 · 4 years
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Peacock King (1988)
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tvln · 4 years
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lo mau / the cat (hk, lam 92)
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minya8chan · 5 years
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Saga of the Phoenix
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letsmakefingerfive · 2 years
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genevieveetguy · 6 years
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- Aren't you gonna introduce us? - This is Willie Scott. This is Indiana Jones, a famous archaeologist. - Well I always thought that archaeologists were always funny looking men going around looking for their mommies. - Mummies.
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Steven Spielberg (1984)
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Teaser dump- August
Here are a few things ive been working on recenty~
A Little Hysteria, Mans False Gods, Gloria Regalia, Under His Eye, The Stand In, Modern Woman and finally my unnamed zeus!geralt
I hope you enjoy these snippets~
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You squinted your eyes up at him, half lidded lustful gaze penetrating him, drawing another low moan to rumble from his chest. With all the dextarity of a drunk harlot you pawed at him whining feeling along his hot firm body to his arm, following all the way down to his wrist and tugged. Desperatly trying to pull his fingers to the needy kitty below you.
"Oh whats the matter princess?" He hummed ducking down to nip at your neck sharply drawing a small yip from you and a pout.
"I want'em.. down there" you mewled feeling embarrassed yet far to heady to actually care. He promised all the cummies you wanted! He had to keep his promise, he had too!
"You want what where love?" He purred pressing another open mouthed kiss to the stinging skin of your neck, his sharp nips now being soothed by his tongue as he glided the dextrose muscle over your pulse again and again in a lewd but addictive fashion.
"Your fingers... i want your fingers... inside'gain!" You pleaded closing your eyes craning back unconsciously offering yourself to him as some prize or feast- a meal to devour.
"Oh you want me to pet your kitty again? Hmm? You want papa to fill you with his thick fingers and rub your tiny walls untill you cum?" He teased growling hotly below your ear skimming the tip of his nose over it.
"Yes! Yes please i need- i want more please give me more!" You whined pulling his hand further down. He chuckled placing chast kisses to your neck as he dragged the tip of his fingers over your chest. The warm digits drawing lacey patterns over your soft bare skin, swooping curves and delicate lines all intertwining making you shiver, nipples peakjng hardening to greet the stunning mans warm palms, willing him to graze them. You yipped arching and twisting for some reason needing his touch over your breasts. But he huffed an amused breath over your neck and shoulder, before diverting his torturous fingers. Bypassing your soft mounds in favour of blazing a trial across your sternum.
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Kal her bottomis red... and really swollen maybe we should forget her leggings" diana offered wincing a little as she hazed at the rounded bottom swelling around the injection site. She felt guilty. It had been a larger needle then she'd expected, but in all honesty the goddess hadnt known what to expect. Kal had said the chip would be tiny and it was, a grain of rice! But diana had underestimated the needle and trauma it would cause. But it had to be done, they had to do everything they could to keep you safe and healthy.
"Hmm i suppose, we should have popped her in another little dress..." kal sighed then was struck by an idea..with a quick flick of his wrist he managed to unclip his cape and pull it around you, somehow managing to wind the black material aaround your frame. He tucked your arms down frommyour face to your chest before curling it over your form in a swaddle like fashin covering you from your shoulders down. You squeaked as he pulled tight managing to keep you fairly secure, arms crossed over your chest comfortably.
Then without much more thought he stood scooping you up cradling you to his chest like a baby, tilting your face to his chest your nose touching the famed S. You were whining not enjoying being so constrained but he was avoiding any contact with your tender rump so that was a plus.
"There now no one wil get a peak at your little tush" he cooed sweetly gazeing at ou foundly before turning to the doctor who had focused on diana handing her some paperwork most likely the new diet
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"As you know your aunt and cousins passing means the next in line is your father however he too is old, i believe it would shorten what life he has left... so Ive decided i will choose my heir. Crown them before my death so there are no arguments" your uncle explajned, but you coildnt help feel there was more to it, that he was slowly drip feeding you information, testing the waters watching for your reaction.
"so then Jasper?" You asked confused squinting not really following where our uncle and father were going with this chit chat.
"Would not be a wise choice. I am well aware of his... backhand business deals he has made while he's been waiting for me to pop my clogs..." the kings voice became dark, a hiss as he thought of all the things the boy had planned once he was king. How he'd all but destroy the great nation for something as commen as money. It disgusted him, jasper had no idea the king had been spying on him. And this was the best route, both he and your father agreed who was the single good seed of the bunch. Your rule would be glorious, your queeendom would change the nation and quite possibly the world it was just a shame he'dnot be alive to see it.
"We think it'd be best to have young blood on the throne.. Someone who can represent the new world and younger generations...Who can lead us into a new era" your fathwr spoke giddy, like a child he was excited to see the great things youd accomplish once you accepted... you would accept there was no doubt! You would ta,e the crown to save the people from yoyr older siblings cruelty. They were certain.
"Fire fly... Do you understand what we're saying?" Your uncle leant forward before a violent cough tore through him. You rushed holdjng his cup to him helpjng him take a sip and ease the coughing fit.
"Your... Looking for your replacement?..." you uttered almost silently, a whisper- a breath of words almost saying them to yourself trying to let their meaning settle. A new monach. A new king or queen out of your siblings thag would rule witn absolute power. It was frighteneing would theh ,arry you off? Send you away to a hideous old husband to the farthest corner of the country?
"No no dear... Ive already decided..." he uttered shifting placing both hands on yours and squeezed tightly with intent, trying to make you understand without needig to say the words.
"What does this have to do... With ...oh... fuck" you frowned already answering him eyes flicking to your uncle. The moment your eyes pocked with his the penny dropped and your world came to a screeching halt. They meant you. The royal pauper, sweet little sixth in line. Your uncle smirked chuckling your father shakingnhis head turning to the window trying not to scoff. Trust his youngest to curse when offered the throne.
"Oh fuck indeed child..."
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"b-but im pregnant?" you stuttered incredulously wide eyed and at a loss. Henry through his head back with a laugh finding you incredibly sweet. It wasnt that he wanted to punish you... It was just that? Any day that ended in your knickers off and bottom in his palms was a good day!
"yes i know that, you are very plump my sweet, bordeing on round already" he said innocently, eyeing your tummy then flicked his eyes back to yours still giddy and amused by you.
"So? You can't spank me" you said, it had meant to be a statment of fact but quickly morphed into a question as henry continued to beam at you. He wasnt budging. You blinked at him not believing he would dare spank you whilst carrying his child- children! There were two, it was double the risk!
"well not over my knee love, but over this?" he said patting the large table he was leaning on with a large grin looking far too eager to smack your bottom then you would have liked.
"But henry?!"
"no buts... Well on second thought~" he chuckled to himself sending you a wink
"come on over the desk love" he said stepping way from it holding his hands out motionin for you to creep forward towards it. You pouted and inched closer shoulders sagging and fluttering your lashes at him trying to use your puppy eyes but he only chuckled and nodded to the desk. You stomped a foot before flicking off your small heels and thundered across the few feet
"Dont start love" henry chided playfully for saying he was going to punish you he didnt seem all that stern about it. It was suspicious.
"but its not fair!why am i being told off and not them!? Serena was rude and was all smug and 'my shit dont stink' this morning- trying to belittle me becuase im pregnant! And she challenged me at the execution! Tried staring me down!" You yelled getting angry, still unsure of what your husband was planning. All you knew is ideally you didnt want to be bent over a desk and have your ass blistered! At least over his lap you could try and grind a little to relieve the ache in your pussy that always appeared as he corrected you.
You couldnt help it! Youd grown to like being spanked... well with his hand, but you were unsure of he was going to cane or strap you... not that he was severe but a few licks of his belt or paddle on your bottom always leave you sitting sore for a few days, the only good thing is he was usually quick about it and never went beyone ten strikes.
"it is fair, you swore at a commander and gave him a telling off" henry chuckled at your display, letting your age show, the little pout and puppy dog eyes trying to sway him. But he would have none of it. Ou were a nauhty wife and pregnant or not you were goingnto get your little butt reddened. He was looking forward to it, it'd been a while.
"he deserved it!" You argued again growling as it became clear henry was a little too giddy about givjng you a thrashing.
"yes he did but its not your place, now bend over the desk..." he stated amused by your still desperate attempt to stop your spanking. It really was endearing~
"do i really have to husband? Can't I not just have a warning today?" You pleaded fluttering your lashes and leaning back peeringndown at your lightly rounded tummy, rubbingnthe small but noticable bump.
"yes you need to, come on im not going to be harsh on my tiny firey baby mama, just a few quick swats is all" he promised tiltjngnhis head giving you the look. You knew the one. It meant do as your told and bend over or i'll help you bend over and add more swats for being a brat.
"fine" you huffed leaning over infront of the desk pouting. But henry just chuckled moving to step behinde you. You whined when he placed his two palms on your bottom patting lightly and smoothing over the two globes before bunching the fabric of your dress up.
"Tahst a good wife~" he purred stepping upto your lowered form. You whined at him stamping your feet a little as he tugged the long blue skirt over your rear end and steeling it at your lower back. Henry drew a deep breath and hissed though his teeth. There was no way you were ever going back to normal underware! You were far to fucking sexy in this lacey knickers and suspender combo.
"now now no bratting little wife, you earned a hot bottom"
"i already have a hot bottom" you quipped petulantly at him still in a mood over not having your own way.
"yes. Yes you do~ now hold still" he muttered and moved slowly unwrapping you from your lacey confindes, teasing the knickers half way down your thighs. Then pressing both hands on your cheeks rolling them around and squeezing taking his sweet time
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"Come here gorgeous~" you moved over him slowly going to sit next to him as he had his coffee under the tree. He shook his head and pulled you to sit on his lap back against his chest, he was gojng over lines.slowly he kissed your revealed shoulder where he knew there was a love bite below. You didnt think anything of his kisses you moved yur eyes over the words infront of you then gasped feeling henry begin to pull the back of your dress up your legs he growled lightly as your legs got caught and pulled harde making you bend your knees and gve you the script. Suddenly both hands decended under yur skrits forcing your thighs over his lap and yanked your costume from under your ass. It was only then you realised what he meant to do and panicked
"henry what are you noo no no no-henry no we cant!!"
"Oh but we can love~" he replied chuckling as he moved his hands one tucking itself over your tigh fi gers tuggjng your underwto the sid his other hand unbuttoning his own costume below
"henry noo I'm sore" you protested as he pulled his cock out from below you and shuffled you back.
"yes and Ixm hard, dont worry i just want to feel you I'm not goin to fuck you out here...Well unless you start wriggling~" you bit your lipe fisting your skirt in your hands trying not to give away what you were dong below the huge fabric hiding the both of you. You sucked in a breath leaning back up agains his chest as he finally lined himself
"wait! Wait okat just the tip okay okay?" He chuckled shakjng his head at you then with little to no resistance you were filled a slow and intoxicating feeling of him easeing himself jnto your body.
"he-henry noooo-someone will see"You hissed scrunching up the paper in your hand as he fed you much more then'just the tip'. he groaned quietly into your neck as you wriggle putting up a tiny fight only to moan as he tugged you down forcing as much of himself as he could. You clenched the feeling of being stuffed and stretched around him was to much to take without chasing somthing.
"God thats much better~ now lets go over our lines~"
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You jolted awake mid screamed and tried sitting up only to be held still by Geralt, both your hands in his wrist pinning you flat on your back as he laid next to you. Yennefer was sitting on him and had a hand placed on your chest hushing you.
"It'it ate me! It got me it got me they- the thing it was- i was alive it ate me then i?" Your voice trailed off and you looked off into the distance staring, listening afraid for a koment that this too was a dream, a cruel trick.
"What? You remember tell me? What did you see?!" Geralt huffed trying to lean over you and make you see him, but in that moment he doubted you couldmreally see much of anyhing far to panicked to focus.
"Huge deer... teeth and three eyes! It horns big deer horns and i... it ate me it was chewing and i felt it i then it stopped! I stopped it but... then it came back and... and the fire-fire watching me!" you muttered sobbing shaking like a leaf hysterical, almost as if you were stil trapped in the dream.
"Yen? Did you see?" Geralt growled before shareing a look with yennefer it was clear they wont get much information from you when your this wohnd up. So he tried to sooth you by running his thumb over your palm his pther hand cupping your cheek hushing you.
"No i couldnt see much but it was- there was a feind there, it attacked her and someone was speaking it sounded elven but i could make it out" yennefer recounted quickly trying to think of everything she saw.
"A feind? Anything else?-"geralt asked desperate this was the first time youd sais somthing, that you remembered some of it. You looked off past himmeyes on the tent almost as if under a haze your eyes unfocused and your crying calmed tapering off into silence. Just was geralt was going to give up you whispered
"White sun was there... then left me...I was eaten" You spoke softly then blinked snapping out of what ever trance you were in and looked to geralt. He hovered frozen, a white sun?
"Y/n think really hard was there anything else remember!" You whined and wriggled trying to free your arms. From him as he leant over you as much as he could with yenn ontop of him.
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"Carful wouldnt want you to hurt yourself... there we go little woman" he was quick to grasp you, stopping you from tumbling to the ground by holdig you close, your breasts almost brushing his abdomen. Your body shivered as his hands touched you, the absolute horror was like nothing you'd never felt. Your need to run andnhide becomeing more a terror fueld escape, you wanted to bolt like a spooked horse. Before you could cuss him out and remind him to keep his mitts to himself he spoke again.
"Ask me anything, i have all the answers you could dream- stories you couldnt even begin to understand" his voice held a laugh, like he had some inside joke. Once again pushing your buttons.
"Well aint you full of yourself?" You sneered slapping his hands away and twisted away from him. Only for him to grasp your bicep and yank you back towards him.
"I know everything you could possibly think of asking" he purred into the crown of your hair, the drew in a deep breath groaning as he did.
"Well good for you, now fuck off" you snarled bringing your foot up for a well aimed nut shot. But the male chuckled snapping this thighs shut capturing the leg in a warm vice.
Instantly you grunted and tugged, trying to free yourself but the man coiled arohnf you like a snake. His arms holding you to himself tightly, imovable. He was much, much stronger then he had appeared. Which was saying somthing considering he was clearly a huge well built man that worked out.
"It has been such a long time since i face such a mortal~ you are a challenge i like that" he groaned nestljng his face into your hair drawing deep breaths in. Growling all the while as you quivered and twisted in his hold trying to free yourself.
"Let go of me or i'll scream" you huffed oht in a panic as the chances of you getting away were slim and it was dawning on you that you will need some help to escape this hulking giant of a man.
"You'll do no such thing" his voice hissed, a deep nerwreckjng malice drpjng from the words. You made to scream anywy only for the air in your throat to freeze, lungs tighteljng heavy and full felling asif they were filling with water.
You fought to suck in air eyes wide and hand tryingnto clench your neck but the man held your arms at your sides. Whining ou stopped moving panting only mamaging to draw in tiny breaths that were hard to exhale.
"Hush, shh my little fire cracker. Your safe, all will be well. Everything will be fine as long as you let me bed you" he soothed movjng a hand from you to tuck hair behinde your ear and then began to pet your hair gently instantly you clutched at your neck. Huffing and panicking, so much you almost missed his words.
"Wh-at?" You wheezed terrified as you struggled to breath, only catching enough breath as not to pass out. He chuckled and ran his nose over your crown once more, his warmth seeping into your back and he held you to him. It was frightening and completely insane!
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The Cat (Lam Nai-Choi, 1992)
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