#Futaba Isshiki
Goro, joining the rest of the gang for the next Palace trip: Hello, fellow idiots. Akira: Hi, Goro! Goro: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot. Futaba: You underestimate him.
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oraclememehacker · 15 days
The Return of The Amamiya Family: Isshiki Detective Agency vs The Phantom Thieves: The beginning of a new era
“Why are they back now…?”  Junior detective to the Isshiki Detective Agency Futaba Isshiki ponders to herself, hunched over slightly staring at her computer monitor, a headline of “The Phantom Thieves strike again, targeting local gym teacher” front and center. It was long known that in this world, the Isshiki family had a long-standing rivalry with The Phantom Thieves, AKA the Amamiya family. The Isshiki family always was outwitted by the Amamiya family no matter what they did. But Futaba was determined to end this once and for all.
It seemed like that would be for naught though, as they had been fairly quiet over the past several years, since she was little, allowing Futaba to hone her craft gathering information via the internet and giving her a great appreciation for technology in general. She was quickly being referred to as the “Internet Detective”, even though she hadn’t solved any cases with the agency, since helping her childhood friend out regarding her parents.
Pushing that aside, she got up and got dressed in her Shujin Academy outfit, taking a once over of her room. Bookshelves adorned the walls with various manga, light novels and nonfiction study material. They also divided the room into two halves; one half containing her dresser, closet and bed, and the other half where she studied, spent time on her computer and tinkered with stuff when she had the chance. The walls were covered with posters from detective anime like Detective Conan, Psycho pass and so on. And there were more than a few Sherlock Holmes pictures adorning the walls.
Her desk, which doubled as her computer desk and study desk, was covered with her schoolbooks, homework and past cases her family had worked on that she was studying on her journey to take the reins of the family agency after she graduated from high school and worked towards having a law degree in college. She was looking forward to this more than anything.
Once she was dressed, she checked the time on her phone before grabbing her bag and everything that she needed, including a laptop that was primarily for school stuff, for the day before heading downstairs to the living room, seeing that her dad Sojiro was there waiting for her. “Morning dad.  Where’s mom?” she asked, though she already basically knew the answer to that.
“At the agency like always. I’m sure you are already aware of the Amamiya family doing stuff again. Especially since they targeted a teacher at Shujin.” Not surprisingly, Wakaba was always a workaholic after all, and if the Amamiya family was up to no good again that was only going to fuel things.
“That sounds like her.” A small, amused chuckle escaped her lips. She loved her mom and wouldn’t replace her for the world; however, she was quite a workaholic. But then again, so was she. “Especially since this goes against their usual M.O. They always just send a message that they are going to steal stuff. This one was targeting the teacher for what he did…something I wish I could’ve done something about sooner.” She sighed softly. There was evidence there, but it wasn’t enough to really do anything about it, unfortunately.
“You’re right. It doesn’t fit their M.O at all. And before you ask, we were already given the calling card that was given out and are examining that now.” Well, that took the question right out of her lips immediately. That was good. “Anyways, I have your lunch ready for you. Curry like always. And I need you to do us a big favor.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” This probably had to do with what was going on with the investigation since it had just started and all that.
“We suspect that one of your colleagues at school is part of the Amamiya family. It makes sense after all; this is a personal thing. Only someone intimate with the inner workings of the school would go after a teacher like this. So, we want you to go through the school records and see if you can find them.”
That was it? That shouldn’t be too hard. She’d have to ask permission of course but she had a pretty good rapport with the staff so it should be fine. “Yeah, I can do it. The club isn’t meeting today so that should make it even better.” It was a simple request so that should be fine. She was given her curry bento, and she stuffed that into her bag. “Gathering info from the café today, dad?”
“You know it.” He responded with a slight smirk etched onto his face. He worked as a side hustle at Café Leblanc though his real goal was to get information from people. He always knew how to people please, it was his strongest strength. “If you need any help, you know to contact us.”
She nodded and gave him a hug before heading out, turning to the house. Sometime in the past the Isshiki Family bought up a plot of land in Yongen and built a good-sized house that was just currently home to her, and her mom and dad, since her grandparents had died due to natural causes a couple of years ago. Now it was time to head to school.
Whilst it was an uneventful set of train rides to Shujin, there was this feeling of unease welling up inside her. The Amamiya Family, the Phantom Thieves, were seemingly back…it filled her with dread, and a bit of anger. She thought they had finally stopped what they were doing, their popularity and arrogance finally biting them in the butt. That was the best-case scenario in her head. She hated them. Greedy, selfish bastards.
The feeling of unease and tension built up as she headed into Shujin. Everyone was murmuring and talking to themselves about the resignation of the gym teacher and how much of a bastard he really was and that they were glad someone did something about him. Only made her feel worse about her failure to do something in that regard. After slipping into her school shoes, she headed to class 2-D, taking her seat so she could prepare herself mentally for what was going to be a stressful day.
Students trickled in, some saying hi to her but mostly ignoring her. They all knew her as either the up-and-coming detective or the type of person who would rat you out for a little bit of praise from teachers. Even though she was just making sure things were fair and just. It didn’t matter though what people thought. She was going to do what she thought was right.
It appeared that the homeroom teacher was going to be late, as the bell rang but no teacher was present. A few minutes passed by but still no sign of her. The speculation was rampant throughout the classroom, some joking that they could leave if she didn’t show up in a few minutes, even though that wasn’t the case. She would finally show up, hands full of paperwork and clearly looking disheveled and exhausted.
Kawakami Sadayo, overworked and underpaid. Futaba felt bad for her given everything that she had to go through. And it was just going to get worse before it dared to get better. “Good morning class. Before we start things today, I have an announcement to make to you all. The police will be showing up within a couple of days to ask questions. Nobody is suspected of doing anything but for gods sake, do not act stupid.” Irritation was evident in her voice as she spoke.
“In addition to that, I was told that the Isshiki detective Agency will probably be handling matters as well since this unfortunately has to do with The Phantom Thieves. I don’t get paid enough for this.” She mumbled out that last part as everyone turned their attention towards Futaba. “Now then, with that said, do not go after Futaba for this. This is just standard procedure with them.”
It was in fact standard procedure, since anytime the Amamiya stuck their heads out of their hiding holes, Wakaba and Sojiro, at least from what she was told anyways, would always go after them. Same with her grandparents, and her great grandparents. It was a tale as old as time really. It was the first time though that they had gone to her school for work related reasons, however.
“Now then, let’s get back to school related things.” Kawakami took the attention off her as she tapped the board. “A reminder that mid terms are closer than you think so make sure to keep up your studies.” And it was back to normal school stuff, though she found herself having some trouble getting into school mode, her mind adrift with Phantom Thieves stuff and doing the task she was told to by her parents. The entire school day she was drifting in and out of focus but was able to get through things without much problem.
Once the school day ended, she checked her phone for a bit before heading to the faculty office, asking for permission to check school records and to be able to access a list of everyone who attended this school. Once it was made clear that this was for her parents, she was given permission, albeit with caveats that she didn’t use this information for nefarious purposes, which she wouldn’t.
Heading to the detective club room, she used the credentials that she got to access the school’s servers with her laptop and started to look at the list of everyone who attended. It had all of their info, where they were born, who their parents were, what school they came from, if they were a transfer student, etc.
First was to try the obvious. Search for Amamiya. Of course there wasn’t. It was blatantly obvious that they wouldn’t be under their real name. But the problem was that this was turning into a needle in a haystack search since she didn’t know anything about them. Her inexperience dealing with the Amamiya family showed that was for sure.
The next thing was just to look through each name and see if there were any weird discrepancies in the info. But despite a careful search she couldn’t find anything that was standing out to her, and she started to get visibly frustrated and irritated. Nobody here fit being personally involved with the gym teacher and would possibly be under a false identity.
“Come on…Futaba, think. Think, think!” She was looking through everyone involved with sports in some capacity and was still coming up blank. For the so-called internet detective, she was admitting that she was feeling slightly out of her depth here. “Wasn’t one of the victims seen with that one guy a lot? She supposedly broke her leg during volleyball practice in an accident, but it was more than likely intentional. Poor girl, felt so bad for her. I think they were seen together a bunch anyways.”
Once she remembered who the guy’s name was, she found his record again. Kurusu Akira, recent transfer student for unspecified reasons. It didn’t seem weird at the time but now that came up as a bit weird. Still nothing that would be suspicious. She saw the parents’ names, Kurusu Natsumi and Kurusu Amon. Amon? Why was that ringing a bell?
Her mind was just repeating the word Amon repeatedly, her mind desperately trying to come up with a reason why it was familiar. Then the lightbulb hit her. Amon was a name that was in one of her parent’s cases. It was a falsified name from what she remembered in order to work as a house cleaner and that’s how they were able to rob a fairly rich family’s house without them ever knowing. Either this was a coincidence, or they were using the same name. Firstly, though she had to text her mom.
[Text to: Mom] Futaba: Hey mom, question. what was the falsified names they used that one time to infiltrate that CEO’s house as housekeepers? Futaba: I promise this is relevant. Futaba: Might have a lead on the assignment you gave me. Mom: Give me a second dear Mom: Here you go. Kurusu Natsumi and Amon. Futaba: ! Thank you so much. Futaba: Could be a coincidence but I found a Kurusu Akira with those parent’s names. Futaba: Appreciate it. Mom: Not a problem dear. Good to hear you’re as sharp as ever. Remember though to be careful and not give away too much alright? Futaba: Right, right.
She was going to have to meet up with him tomorrow, and there was still no way of knowing that this wasn’t just a massive coincidence. For now, though she shut down the laptop, put it away, and proceeded to head out. Kurusu Akira huh? Wonder what his real name was, if this wasn’t a red herring. She would have to find out, and not give away too much because of the prestige behind her name.
The next day came, her having explained her findings to her parents and how she was going to talk to him and just see what she could get. This wasn’t her specialty, but it had to be done. School came and was going by, and now it was time for lunch break. Everyone was out and about, either going down to the cafeteria or eating their brought from home meal. She was having her usual curry.
Looking around, it wasn’t long until she found him. A dark, messy hair young man with glasses that was inconspicuous otherwise. He very much didn’t stand out at all. Still just a coincidence really. Lots of people didn’t stand out if there was no reason to suspect them of anything. His bag was slung over his shoulder, and he had a paper bag that was probably his lunch.
Okay, it was time to approach him. She steeled and braced herself for this before walking up to him and coughing slightly to get his attention. “Kurusu-san is it?” A casual tone was the best way to do this, she thought, lips curled into a small smile. “How are you today?”
“It is, and I’m fine, I guess. Why do you ask?” He turned to look at her, looking slightly down at her. Why was the heir apparent to the Isshiki detective agency talking to him? This was weird. From the little he knew of her, she usually kept to herself unless it was something school related.
“Simple really. With everything going on, I just wanted to make sure that everyone is doing okay. It’s been quite a mess recently, huh?” That surely was a good enough reason. “I heard you transferred here recently and all, so just wanting to make sure that your first impression of the school wasn’t too bad.”
“It’s whatever.” He shrugged, still acting defensive with her. This was all too suspicious, and he didn’t want to give away anything at all. He knew what her family and what she was all about after all. “I’m glad he’s gone. My friend doesn’t have to deal with him anymore.” He adjusted his bag that shifted around a bit that made her raise an eyebrow.
“I agree. There were always rumors and such about what he was up to…just not enough for someone like me to do anything with.” A frown was now etched onto her lips since it was still bothering her. “Look, I know we don’t know each other and all that, but I do just want to get to know you more. Come to the detective club after school, alright? But only if you want.”
There was a bit of a pause from him. He wasn’t going to say yes to this right? Maybe it’d come off as bad if he didn’t, and it wasn’t like he had much to do after school anyways. He was just going to go back home and all that. Or talk to his friends before that. “Sure.” Regret was escaping him as he said that.
“Thanks! You won’t regret it, I’m sure.” He was defensive but she couldn’t really blame him for that. And she still wasn’t sure if he wasn’t just a random student or a member of the Amamiya family or not. He wouldn’t give anything away if that was the case. “I’ll see you then.”
It was time to eat and continue the rest of the day. Once that time arrived, she was sitting in the detective club room, her laptop out like always as she awaited him. Would he actually show up? She slightly doubted it, but then the sound of the door opening alerted her and there he was. “Hello, it’s good to see you again.”
“Hi.” Was all he responded, sitting his bag down and taking a seat. “So, what do you want to talk to me about? I’m sorry about earlier. I was just a bit defensive about someone suddenly talking to me. I’m not normally that way.”
“It’s fine. I did kind of talk to you out of blue after all.” She dismissed it. “I would probably be defensive myself if a detective, or a budding one was wanting to know how I am. “Oh and one more thing” I’ve been watching that western show, Columbo with Japanese subtitles. I always love how he catches them off guard with something innocuous.”
Boy, she sure loved detective stuff, huh? He had never even heard of Colombo before or whatever it was called. “I see. Well, I guess that’s the best way a detective works, hmm? Catch them when they are off guard. But then again, if they’re smart enough they won’t ever get caught off guard. I would think anyways.”
“Yeah, that’s true. The constant back and forth between criminals and detectives and the police will never end.” He was nice to talk to now that he wasn’t acting as defensive. “I’m not going to ask you to join the detective club just so you know. If you were interested, you would have joined already. But I genuinely want to get to know you more.
It was true that it was genuine, though she had motives behind that. Maybe they could become friends? It was hard to make friends when everyone assumed that she had some sort of motive for why she was talking to them, even if that assumption was true a lot of the time. Assuming he wasn’t actually an Amamiya anyways.
“It’s kind of hard for me to make friends, admittedly. I love being part of my family but it’s…a lot at times, you know? To be expected to be as good as them, to be expected to be the one who does the impossible. It’s just a lot.” A sigh escaped her, getting some of her frustrations with expectations off a bit like that. Felt good.
“I understand that. My family expects a lot out of me a lot, and I don’t know if I want to follow what they do and all.” He brought up since it was true, but he wasn’t going to reveal more than that. “Anyways, I’ll be your friend if you want. What’s the worst that could happen?” What’s the worst that could happen indeed.
“Sure. Let’s do that then. To friendship.” The two got up and gave each other a handshake. This was a lot easier than she expected. Almost too easy. Maybe he was trying to lure her into a false sense of security? Nah, that was overthinking it. She was absolutely overthinking things.
What she didn’t realize was, with that handshake and them becoming friends of sorts is that this would lead to a series of events that she could have never seen coming, and that things were going to change forever. For now, this was just the beginning of what felt like a new friendship. The beginning of an era…
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hilacopter · 11 months
Aaaand we're back! Things have been pretty rough lately where I live but I managed to scrounge together some delicious textposts for y'all, come eat :)))
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previous part
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afterthelambs · 4 months
I'm not sure if I believe the "Wakaba Isshiki did unethical experiments" theory in the fandom, but I do think this is the biggest proof of it in-game:
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Because how the hell would she know that?
The first explanation is that she did experiments by sending people into palaces and then testing what happens to them if the palace collapses. Which is messed up for obvious reasons.
The second explanation is that she did NOT test it, meaning she was just making shit up. Which is funny but also would make her a terrible scientist. This explanation is less believable because everything else about her research is too accurate.
There's also a theory that Wakaba did unethical experiments on Akechi specifically. I'm not sure I believe that, since the evidence for it is pretty shallow (like the featherman game scientist experimenting on grey pigeon). But this scene is once again the biggest argument you could make for that theory. The researcher in the image above refers to palaces by their correct term 'palaces', which they say was based on Wakaba's research. But that's only something you would know with firsthand experience of the metaverse. And the only person they know who could access the metaverse was Akechi (that we know of, but i dont think Shido would rely only on Akechi if there were other options).
So yeah this scene is very sus. It's most likely the writers didn't think too deep about the implications. There's no way they wanted Futaba's mom to be sketchy, right? But even if it's not intentional, the scenes and their implications still exist. So in conclusion those theories make sense, I get it, and I don't blame anyone for headcanoning them and having fun. And tbh anyone involved with cognitive psience was portrayed as some degree of unethical (maruki for example), maybe this is just on-brand
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tikihoneybee · 28 days
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persona posing
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xviistrings · 7 months
(read from left to right)
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he's a lot like his mother
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022mkkh · 1 year
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💐mother and daughter
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racoon--art · 2 years
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Futaba Sakura ! I’ve recently finished persona 4 and moved onto persona 5 so I decided to draw futaba!
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starryoak · 5 months
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Making memes out of my headcanons, part 3, swinging bats at hornets nests edition!
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vashtijoy · 1 year
maruki, ren, wakaba: history rhymes
Maruki's journal entries cover an almost three-year period, from 2014/04/09 to 2017/01/01. This overlaps with almost the entirety of canon; Akechi begins working for Shido "two and a half years" before 11/21 (that's 2014/05/21)—which, again, is not too far from this 04/09 date; if you want to hypothesise that he, too, awakens around 2014/04/09, go wild.
Why is 4/9 a significant date for Maruki?
4/9: maruki and joker connect to their personas
According to his journal, Maruki's awakening is a painful, drawn-out process. In February 2014, he's already getting headaches. They worsen until August of that year, when he partially awakens.
His start of darkness is, of course, the murder of his girlfriend Rumi's parents. The killer then attacks Rumi while making his escape, and Maruki is powerless to prevent it. She never recovers, and neither does he:
Apr. 9   I just can't believe what's happened. I'll never see Rumi's parents again... I don't even know if Rumi will ever come back to me. Her heart's been completely closed off ever since that day. Why did this happen? What did Rumi do to deserve this?   Do we really have to just go on suffering these consequences? My headaches are getting worse— I'm even starting to hear things. Am I having some kind of breakdown? I can't lose it... I have to do something to help Rumi. No matter what it takes.
But 2014/04/09 is the first day he feels able to journal about the murder. "I'm starting to hear things," he says; this is likely the first day he hears the voice of his persona. It's also the date he commits to help Rumi "no matter what it takes".
... However. This is also two years to the day before Joker stops at Shibuya Crossing, gets the Meta-Nav from Yaldabaoth—who is lurking far beneath the Crossing—inadvertently enters the Metaverse, and sees his own shadow and the suggestion of the persona it will become:
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He is a scary boy when he wants to be, huh? I bet his Palace would have been amazing. Note that Joker, here, will also not awaken right away—but he's seen his persona, his shadow-as-is, for the first time.
8/21: maruki's partial awakening and wakaba's murder
(@notcoolnickname points out that Wakaba dies on 8/21, not 8/22—thanks! I think we can push Maruki's awakening back two days rather than one, so I'm gonna, lol. Because even if it's a day out, or two, this is really too close for coincidence.)
On 2014/08/23, Maruki writes about his visit to Rumi in the hospital. We also see that visit. He talks about "someone" he's recently met who thinks his research has promise, who wants to fund it—well, it's no surprise he loses that funding, put it like that. He talks about how he wants to save the whole world, by changing the cognition of criminals before they act.
Rumi does not take this well; she begs him to help her forget. And he realises that what she needs is not a solution to crime, but to her trauma—and so does everyone else.
This is when he awakens.
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He begs Azathoth to help him save Rumi. And Rumi forgets him entirely—almost. But she's forgotten her trauma, as well:
Aug. 23   I still can't figure out what that voice was in Rumi's room. Was it my subconscious? Was it... it feels so strange writing this as a scientist, but... was it some kind of godlike being?
The entry's dated 8/23, but he says he still can't figure it out. So when did the events in the video happen? Were they two days before, by any chance?
What else happens not just on 8/21, but around or on this exact day?
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Yeah. On 8/22, Sae places Wakaba's murder "two years ago". The day before, on 8/21, Sojiro commemorates the anniversary of Wakaba's death.
That's to say: if that visit to Rumi was on 8/21, then Wakaba was murdered the day Maruki awakened. The same exact day, or as good as. Like, what the fuck, y'all?
It seems really clear to me that these corresponding dates are either a thematic or narrative link back to Yaldabaoth—who, of course, causes both Joker and Akechi to awaken. Is he involved with Maruki, somehow? Does he have his fingers in more than one pie? Or are all these guys just narratively echoing each other?
Maruki, of course, will ultimately replace Yaldabaoth in Mementos.
other correspondences in the timeline
What else is there? Well, Maruki's first journal entry, when he talks about his headaches, is on 2014/02/02—three years before he meets with Joker and Akechi at Leblanc. But he says he's meeting Rumi's parents "tomorrow". So his 2/3 boss fight is on the three-year anniversary of his first meeting with Rumi's parents.
His entry about his research being shut down, and his need for test subjects—presumably what leads him into counselling?—is on 2015/06/03. Well, 6/3 is the calling card deadline for Madarame's Palace; I don't think that is too significant. But note that, in this 2015 entry, his research has been shut down; in August 2014, when Wakaba was murdered, Shido was still offering Maruki funding.
So why didn't Shido murder Maruki? The answer is that Shido was still actively recruiting Metaverse researchers, even after Akechi was working for him. Something about Maruki made him unusable—his good intentions and general incorruptibility, maybe—but not dangerous; maybe he just didn't know enough. Also note here that Akechi doesn't know there's anything special about Maruki until the third semester.
He journals that he met Yoshizawa and changed her cognition on 3/25—a couple of weeks before canon begins on 4/9. So whenever we see him, whenever he has a counselling session, he's able to connect with, and change, the cognition of the person he meets....
Lastly, he doesn't journal that "I've finally done it... reality and the cognitive world are merging" until 1/1. 1/1 is the day reality starts to go properly squiffy (the shrine is empty, Morgana is missing, Futaba mentions her mom), and it's the day after that odd New Year party, when everyone seems just a little too happy. Joker's dream is on the night of 12/31—Maruki doesn't send him the dream, I think (Joker is in his prison clothes and sees Lavenza as the butterfly) but he talks to him in it.
But Akechi is there in Shibuya on 12/24, barely moments after Maruki gains Yaldabaoth's power; just hours after the blood rain. The first gift Maruki gave with his new power, I always thought. But he seems to only become aware of what he can do after 12/24. We skip from 12/25 to 12/30, so anything could have happened in the meantime....
But what's going on here? Something odd, that's for sure. Is it possible—just possible—that that Akechi we see, on 12/24, who steps forward in Shibuya and turns himself in, is not the one Maruki interferes with or otherwise brings back, but the actual, living Akechi who was there all along?
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Futaba gets to be with her girlfriend in-person!
But Makoto and Akira sense the shark fin of trouble peeking out of the waters surrounding the Kanataba Paradise.
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samasmith23 · 7 months
Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 Royal and Autistic Coding
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I recently encountered a really phenomenal article analyzing how Futaba Sakura’s character from Persona 5 Royal effectively functions as autistic representation, even if the game’s developers didn’t intend for her to be so:
Speaking as an individual on the spectrum myself, I very quickly picked up on the autistic coding of Futaba given her strong special interests in computers & anime, as well as her difficulty in socializing with others. Plus, Futaba’s arc of voluntarily requesting a change of heart from the Phantom Thieves to overcome her suicidal depression & self-loathing shut-in status following her mother Wakaba’s alleged suicide had me on the edge of my seat. Witnessing Futaba enter the mindscape of her own palace in the cognitive world and not only realizing the truth that Wakaba actually did love her daughter and that the alleged suicide note uncharacteristically blaming Futaba for her death was just a cruel forgery (fabricated by the corrupt politician Masayoshi Shido’s henchmen who stole Wakaba’s cognitive psience research on the Meta-Verse before murdering her via mental-shutdown), but also seeing Futaba merge with her Shadow-self to awaken her own Persona and actively assist the Phantom Thieves in defeating the distorted false memories of her mother born from her own self-loathing was legitimately powerful! I related so hard to Futaba’s mental struggles and efforts to overcome her anxiety during the boss fight with Cognitive Wakaba here!
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And even after defeating Cognitive Wakaba and clearing Futaba's palace, Futaba herself still maintains a lot of her autistic-coded traits despite no-longer isolating herself in her room 24/7 and being more socially interactive with her fellow Phantom Thieves (although she still does struggle with being out in public). It expertly avoids the ableist trap that's sadly commonplace in other media wherein a character is "cured" of their neurodivergence. Here however, Futaba not only willingly requested the Phantom Thieves to change the distortions in her heart, but all they did was help Futaba to find the stregnth and courage to overcome her feelings of self-loathing, depression and suicidality on her own. She's still the same socially awkward & tech-savy girl that she was prior to the "change of heart," but she's now chosen to embrace the best aspects of herself (which are a part of her neurodivergence) rather than imprisoning herself in a tomb of self-loathing (which was symbolized by her Meta-Verse palace being an Ancient Egyptian pyramid isolated in the desert that Futaba's Shadow was the Pharaoh of).
Also, Futaba may not be the only autistic-coded character in P5 Royal considering that my personal favorite cast member, Makoto Niijima, also struggles heavily with socially interacting with her peers despite her status as a highly committed Student Council President devoted to her studies (initially studying solely because it’s what society and the adults in her life expected from her, before deciding to utilize her passion for academic knowledge to help the oppressed out of her own personal sense of justice).
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While Makoto is still my favorite P5 Royal character overall, Futaba Sakura is easily in the Top 3! And I choose to headcanon both characters as autistic!
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larranciaa · 6 months
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bragging about her mom
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paradoxakumu · 1 year
One thing I absolutely adore about ShuTaba is the parallel of Ren and Futaba with Sojiro and Wakaba.
When Yusuke asked Sojiro why he took Ren in, Sojiro stated that he took him in because he reminded him of himself when he was younger.
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Not just that, but in Sojiro's last rank in his confidant, he wonders if Futaba will be someone's wife in the future AND states that he's sure that Futaba will grow up to be a fine woman someday since she's Wakaba's daughter.
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bro the moment Ive noticed this years ago I fucking squealed so hard that it felt like i was a zubat using supersonic
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ancient-day · 1 year
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Sojiro and Wakaba running errands together…
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xviistrings · 8 days
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i love my mom
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