#G Suite Service Provider
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We are a premier G Suite service provider, empowering businesses with seamless collaboration and productivity solutions. Our expert team ensures smooth migration, setup, and ongoing support for G Suite services. Elevate your organization's efficiency with our tailored solutions, enabling you to focus on what matters most – your business growth. Contact us now PERSISTENT INFOTECH. ✯Call us today to find out more about how we can help! ✯ To Know More : Visit Our Website http://www.persistentinfotech.in Twitter: https://twitter.com/PersistentTech Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/persistentinfotech Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/persistentinfotech/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@persistentinfotech4801 Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/persistent_infotech/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/33296804/admin/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/14409651/admin/ Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/persistentinfotech-blog
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helpmatessoultion · 2 years
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You can upgrade your G Suite legacy free edition with the help of HelpMates Services & Systems LLP, an authorised reseller partner for Google Workspace. For the education sector, corporations, organisations, and hospitals, HelpMates provides Google Workspace. Additionally, HelpMates is a dependable partner that offers online assistance, training, and flexible payment choices. For more info : https://helpmates.in/business-email-management/
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clouditsuper · 2 years
How to Secure Your Business Using IT Security Service?
IT security services play the most crucial role in the online services of the business. Their main objectives are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In IT security, we have many sources to keep our data safe. It could be cloud networks, virtual drives, etc. Human intelligence is enough for offline business deals, but when it comes to online dealing with the public, it is very important to safeguard the customer's private data to avoid breaching or data leaks.
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luvvyouforever · 6 months
sfw alphabet - tamlin, high lord of the spring court
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↳ tamlin is such an interesting character to write about and while i am not a tamlin apologist, i do think he deserves more written about him. he has so many layers that i, as a creative writer, would like to explore. so, here is a large collection of my headcanons about tamlin organized in the sfw alphabet template. enjoy, dears!
a : affection
-i think tamlin is slow to be affectionate. he's a gentleman at heart and grew up in a more traditional lifestyle. however, once you become partners or once that mating bond snaps, he will shower you in affection. this comes in the form of acts of service and providing for you. he would spend the whole day catering to your every need if you let him. when you're laying in bed, he keeps his arms tight around you. when you're in the kitchen or working on something, his hands will reach for you and pull you back into his chest. he is such a big forehead kisser too, i will accept nothing else. i imagine that he wraps you in his arms and leaves his lips on the top of your head. eek!
b : best friend
-since tamlin starts out being pretty isolated from a lot of people besides his own inner court, i would say making friends is rare for him. he has those really close bonds with people like lucien and perhaps you started working with him in a more work colleague way. slowly, you built a friendship after so much time spent together. he would be a very supportive friend who listens well. he doesn't think he's great at offering you advice so he would prefer to be in your presence and absorb every word you say, telling you that whatever choice you make is valid. tamlin also suits a friends to lovers trope very well i think.
c : cuddles
-tamlin loves feeling like a protector and when you're wrapped tight in his arms, drifting off to a safe sleep, he's in heaven. he loves to spoon you and rarely will he be the little spoon. it would take a particularly rough day for him to come to you, asking if you could hold him. he may rest his head on your chest while you enjoy a picnic by the lake but he gravitates towards holding you in any way he can.
d : domestic
-tamlin wants to settle down so bad it hurts him. he wants nothing more than to have a lifelong partner who is there for him, who he knows will be waiting on him to come home. he has dreams of you decorating his manor to your liking and, if you can, having a family together. as for his own cooking and cleaning skills, i think he relies a lot on magic to pick up after himself. instead of making the bed, he would wave his hand and it would fix the sheets immediately. i don't think he'd make you bare the weight of being the sole homemaker so if you wanted to, he'd love to help you cook or do anything around the manor.
e : ending
-i think tamlin would suck at breakups. he would feel so guilty all over for any reason he had while breaking up with someone. those feelings would overwhelm him until he convinced himself to stay by your side unless it came down to saving your life. he is willing to place your protection over his own happiness and if it came down to it, he would ensure that you knew how deep his love ran for you before he made the heartbreaking decision to send you on your way.
f : fiance
-tamlin would be quick to arrange a wedding after your mating bond snapped. he isn't scared of commitment but he is scared and insecure that after a while, you'd get bored of his presence and stop putting up with his habits. i think he'd be so happy proposing to you but as the wedding neared, he would get nervous and you could tell in the way he fidgeted any time you brought up the future. some sweet words though and he would feel much better.
g : gentle
-in some moments, tamlin could be the most gentle partner you had ever met. he would softly brush hair back behind your ear or his hand would trace delicate shapes along your spine that never failed to give you goosebumps. he's working on being more gentle emotionally, though. he can be high strung at times, and he knows this. when he feels his temper rising, he reminds himself of peaceful scenarios like waking up with you in a warm bed or swimming in the pool of stars with you. however, if you want him to be, he can be more forceful. imagine non-sexual dominance. sternly telling you to eat breakfast so you don't feel weak for the rest of the day or guiding you through unfamiliar places with a hand stuck to your waist.
h : hugs
-tamlin is such a big hugger. he loves the feeling of your body tight to his, wrapped up in his arms. he seeks out your presence after a long day of being high lord and the minute he sees you, he grabs your hand and pulls you into his chest. he stays like that for a few minutes, breathing in your scent and basking in your comforting atmosphere. if he has nothing to do in the morning, good luck getting out of bed. he'd mumble and grumble any time you try to escape his grasp. "but tam, i have to go to the bathroom really bad!" "mm-mm. not going. you're too cozy."
i : i love you
-tamlin is so the first person in a relationship to confess his love. granted, after everything that happened in his life, it would take him longer than usual and you may be the first to say it but generally, he feels everything incredibly deeply and he can't hold back those three words when he sees you enjoying the warmth of his lands or looking at him with more adoration than anyone in his life ever had.
j : jealousy
-tamlin can be a very very jealous person. especially in the beginnings of your relationship when nothing feels set in stone just yet. his jealousy never negatively affects you. he can't blame anyone for feeling drawn into your beauty and if anyone ever dares to act on those feelings, he would threaten them within an inch of their life. later that night, he'd hug you tight and mumble "all mine" into your skin while he kisses you, leaving a few more marks than he usually would.
k : kisses
-tamlin would find any time during his day to give you a kiss full of love and devotion that would nearly have your knees buckling. he is not one for quick pecks and each of his kisses hold as much as, if not more, emotion than the last. he likes kissing you on your forehead, as i said before, and your neck is one of his favorite spots. as for him, he likes having his shoulders and chest kissed. there's nothing that makes him feel weaker than when you're tucked into his chest, slowly falling asleep, and you leave lazy kisses along his exposed skin.
l : little ones
-tamlin is great around kids but he's horribly nervous to have kids of his own. on an outing to a spring court village, he played with a group of kids and he came back to you positively glowing. i really really imagine tamlin as a girl dad. he would let his daughter cover him in makeup, force a tiara on his head, and have tea parties with her. he's scared about being a bad dad to them but the minute he has his kid in his arms, every negative feeling seeps out of him and is replaced by soul-crushing love.
m : mornings
-rarely does tamlin have a morning where he has nothing on his plate. more often than not, he is rising before you and carefully slinks out of the blankets to begin his day. before he leaves to begin his duties, he will bring you a cup of tea that will stay hot and some pastries that alis made earlier. he leaves you a sweet note that never fails to make you smile.
n : nights
-sometimes, tamlin needs a little extra convincing to come to bed and all you have to do is pad out to his office, dressed in your pajamas (which is secretly his weakspot) and he'd be following after you like a puppy. he loves taking a warm bath before bed and when you're finally covered in blankets, he has to say nothing for you to curl into him. you'll stay up for a little longer, talking about your days or whispering sweet words to each other. he would never fall asleep first. he waits until your breathing evens out before closes his eyes and sleeps too. he doesn't move much through the night but if you do, his arms will subconsciously reach for you. he has to have your touch through the night.
o : open
-tamlin values honesty and loyalty. he will reveal information about him, about his past in bursts. it usually begins with surface level information before he gives in to your support and fully opens up about everything. he has to really, truly trust you to be able to tell you things. it takes him a while to be a good communicator and come to you with anything but when he does, he will hold on to your hands, stabilize his breathing, and come clean about anything bothering him.
p : patience
-tamlin is relatively quick to anger. when it comes to you, not so much. he will have significantly more patience and restraint when it comes to you. it would have to be pretty serious before tamlin would feel anger directed at you. however, when it comes to other people, tamlin has a high temper that he is learning to control. sometimes when he comes back to your bedroom, you can see the anger and tension in his body. he'll sit on the edge of the bed and without a word, you'd come up behind him and work your hands into his shoulders. he'd visibly relax and melt into your touch. his anger is nothing when compared to his appreciation for you.
q : quizzes
-tamlin remembers everything about you. you aren't sure how he does it. when you're out shopping or roaming a town, he will remember the jewels that your eyes lingered on for a second longer than the rest of them. he will remember your favorite books, the way you take your tea, how you like the bed to be made, your favorite perfumes, your favorite style of clothing. if you told him you like something in passing, he will take a note of it and stores it in a little drawer in his brain.
r : remember
-tamlin's favorite moment in your relationship has to be when he proposed to you. he knew how much you enjoyed roaming the rose gardens his father gifted his mother and decided he'd do something similar. one afternoon, he cleared out his entire schedule, telling lucien to watch the court while he took you out to a far end of his estate. he had it expanded to contain a garden made of your favorite flowers. he walked with you to the middle and just as you were admiring the beautiful flora, he got down on one knee and the look in your eyes permanently etched itself into his brain and he frequently remember the memory on bad days.
s : security
-tamlin is a protector. it's the role that he loves and thrives in. he wants to help you and keep you safe against everything. however, he knows to rein in that instinct now. you won't be going on any particularly dangerous missions soon but he will gladly allow you to come along with him to his high lord duties and grants lucien permission to teach you self-defense. in actual danger, tamlin would lay down his life to protect yours. he's pushing you behind his body, holding his arm out, taking down anyone who poses a threat to your safety. if the tables turn, though, and it's your turn to protect him, he will be forever grateful. he will spend his entire life trying to repay you for the debt.
t : try
-the high lord of the spring court enjoys a celebration and enjoys a reason to spoil you. anniversaries, holidays, and birthdays are very important to him. he will remember the date, acquire gifts, and shower you with affection all day. in every day life, he makes a point to show you love even when stuck in high lord duties. he has alis prepare your favorite foods, clothes appear in your closet, notes are left around your room, and when he can, he will come to meals with you. dinner with you every single night is required unless it is a life or death situation.
u : ugly
-tamlin holds a lot of self-resentment and he has so many walls that he put up to protect himself against pain. like i wrote before, he also has a high temper but he's slowly found ways to work out the frustration and anger he feels. he doesn't get the best sleep either. not only does he stay up late but he sleeps lightly, meaning most noises and movements wake him up.
v : vanity
-i don't think tamlin has to do much to look good. he wakes up and you find yourself in awe of the ethereal man before you. his golden hair falls perfectly on the pillow and throughout the day, it lays perfectly on his shoulders. his physique does not need much upkeep except for regular trainings with lucien or other sentries. the only thing that preoccupies his mind is his clothing. his tunics must be neatly pressed and if he had to dress up for anything, his clothing would be made of the best possible material.
w : whole
-tamlin has gone a while without a lifelong, stable partner and he used to feel fine with that fact. however, since he has met you, he feels incomplete without you. he feels as though you are his other half, you are his good side, he is not himself when he is not with you. his attitude changes after he spends a long time apart from you. he's mopey and more agitated than usual. however, as soon as he can spend his mornings and nights with you again, he feels at peace.
x : xtra
-he enjoys using his shapeshifting powers and showing them off around you. while his beast form can be utterly horrifying, you don't feel threatened at all, knowing that underneath, it is simply your love. on days when he's feeling goofy or flirtatious, he'll change into his form, find you exploring the forest, and nudge you for attention. he won't stop until you pet him even though his form towers over you entirely. you don't mind cuddling up with his beast form either! even with magic ensuring the court stays in spring, he sometimes can't help the cold breezes that pass through, casting a chill over the lands. during these times, you revel in the warmth he radiates.
y : yuck
-tamlin would not like a partner that is rude to others. he values the people who work in his manor, who live in his village, who staff his army. he would be immediately turned off if you were to be rude to any one of them. as for general things he dislikes, i think he doesn't enjoy storms and prefers gentle weather where sun peaks through the curtains and it's just warm enough outside. i imagine that he has a very refined food palette but he is particular about his food as well. his meats need to be cooked perfectly and if something tastes off, he will not scold anyone or become upset but simply not eat.
z : zzz
-tamlin snores very softly but it's quite a comforting noise that often lulls you to sleep. since he's musically inclined, he would enjoy humming lullabies in your ear while he spoons you. he needs to touch you throughout the entire night and even when his fear of losing you starts to dissipate, the habit continues. on nights when he feels restless, he will slowly slip out of bed, down to the kitchen, where he will make some tea infused with some great sleep aids.
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Hi!!! Could you write a mammon x reader piece where he and mc meet at a Royal ball and dance together and stuff? Pure fluff! Thanks <3
dancing with mammon at the royal ball
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includes: mammon x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list
a/n: ough this is going to be my brainrot for the next few days, i hope you enjoy!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come stop by!
please reblog (or else /j)
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“sir mammon, at your service.” the handsome man in front of you bows, and you introduce yourself, returning the formality.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir,” you say. “i must give you my thanks for the protection you provide this country, as without you knights this nation would have probably fallen to ruins. i am from the countryside, and quite sheltered to ways of the palace, but i still know of all the good the battalions have done.”
sir mammon laughs. “it is my pleasure, so no thanks are needed. being out and actually helping sure beats sitting around in an office.”
“an office? were you an assistant before becoming a knight?”
“something like that,” he answers vaguely.
“what was it like, working in the palace? i am to become the new financial manager and must admit to being somewhat nervous.”
he looks at you with surprise, then a small smile appears on his face. “well, i have to imagine you’ll be working with the princes, so i’d guess quite busy. i’ve heard they’re a handful.”
before you can speak more, the orchestra begins to prep for the next set and he straightens. “if you do not have a partner lined up, may i have this dance?”
“you may,” you reply cordially, holding out your gloved hand. hopefully, he thinks the flush on your cheeks is due to mere excitement for dancing rather than to your specific partner.
you join the line of couples entering the floor, and after a moment, the piece begins. you’re no bad dancer, but he truly puts you to shame. his form is impeccable, his steps neat and clean, and his manner the most cordial and charming.
“you are quite talented at dancing, sir,” you exclaim as he spins you, and he smiles.
“your praise flatters me.”
“oh, it is no praise,” you argue with a laugh, “but the mere truth! your skill far surpasses any of my previous partners.”  
“have there been many?” he asks. “previous partners, i mean.”
“a fair amount,” you admit, seeing no need to play coy; such a handsome man as himself would likely have a queue of his own. “many a man has tried his hand at being my dance partner in hopes of securing something more permanent. but alas, i’m not looking for marriage so they’ve never been successful.”
“i see,” sir mammon replies. “i will choose to be grateful for that, as it were. had you been looking for marriage we may never have had this chance to dance.”
“now who’s the flatterer?” you ask, raising a brow, and his grin is dazzling.
“i only speak the truth,” he says, repeating your previous words back to you. “for you are one of the most attractive partners i have ever had the pleasure of dancing with.”
his blue eyes are intent upon yours, and with a small gasp you look away. he does not press, merely continuing to lead you through the steps. his hands are strong and broad, gloved as they are, and you can see the strength wired into his arms, shoulders, and back as he moves, not at all hidden by the smart cut of his suit.
the set comes to a regretable end.
“too soon,” sir mammon murmers, giving you a rougish look as he bows. “i would ask you for another go, but i fear that would be horribly improper of me. would hate to give all of those hoping for a chance with you the wrong idea.”
“that’s probably the smart choice,” you say, wishing for once you could let go enough to act stupid. “i wish you a good rest of the ball, sir mammon.”
taking your hand in his, he presses his lips to the back of your knuckles, warm even through the fabric separting his skin from yours. you shiver. “you as well. enjoy your time in the city.”
it’s not until later, when the seven princes are announced and you hear a familiar name, do you realize just who you were dancing with. prince mammon, apparently famed for his skill on the battlefield and praised for his hands-on contribution to the war is second in line to the throne behind prince lucifer.
somehow, his eyes find yours in the crowd. he gives you a quick wink and you know with sudden, concrete surety, you’ll be seeing quite a bit of the princes as he’d predicted, and with any luck, a good deal of the second prince whilst completing your duties as the financial manager.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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rubyarrows · 7 months
The Liaison Pt1
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As a liaison between branches of NCIS, YN DiNozzo floated between the different regions of the country when they were in need of the services and expertise that she provided. As she stepped off the plane at LAX, she couldn’t help but feel excited to be back in Los Angeles. It had felt like forever since she had been back in the city. But what made it hard was it had been that long since she had gotten to see her boyfriend, Marty. Deeks and the DiNozzo girl have been in a long-distance relationship for about a year now and only a select few people knew, that included her older brother, Tony. 
As YNN made her way through the bustling airport, she couldn’t help but feel as if something big was going to happen during her time here. She didn’t know much about the assignment Vance had sent her on, he was very vague about the details. He believed that YN’s unique skills were what the LA team needed to catch Sebastian Beaumont who had managed to elude them for months. 
Once outside the airport, she spotted her blonde headed boyfriend standing there waiting for her with a wide grin planted on his face. The girl couldn’t hold back from running over to him with a smile lighting up her face as she did so.  
“My god, Marty,” she said, her voice filled with affection as she stood there in his arms as he held her tightly to him. “I’ve missed you so damn much. The phone calls, texts, and video chats are all great but just not enough.” 
“I’ve miss you just as much, babe, so I know the feeling.” Deeks replied, his voice warmed her soul as his word flooded her ears. “But we can’t get into the mushy parts just yet. We’ve got work to do. Time to spread your magic on it, Babygirl.” 
The YHC haired girl nodded, reluctantly pulling away from her boyfriend’s embrace. She knew he was right. She was here to get the job done and Director Vance was counting on her to do so. There was work to be done and YN was more than ready to dive in. 
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Callen and Sam sat at their desks at the NCIS Los Angeles office, reviewing the latest information they were able to collect on Beaumont, a former Navy service member that had gone rogue after killing a couple of his former platoon members in a deadly act of betrayal. They had gotten no closer to catching this guy now than they were a month ago. It seemed like Beaumont was always one step ahead of them no matter their move. 
The two of them both turned when they heard the office doors open wide and in walked Deeks with YN not far behind. The smiles that grew on their faces grew wider with every step the pair took towards them. 
“Well, as I live and breathe,” G said as he stood from his seat. “YN DiNozzo, otherwise known as the girl who never learned to pick up the phone.” 
YNN giggled slightly as she walked up to the blue-eyed man. “Now G, we both know that isn’t true. You just don’t answer when I do call. That’s why I always end up calling Sam.” She states as she gave him a hug then moved over to hug Agent Hanna next.  
“Mhmm, see, even she knows what’s up.” Sam said as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “So, what’s brought our girl back to the west coast? By your attire you’re not here to enjoy the beach.” 
“Got that bathing suit in my bag though, so the beach is on the check list.” the YHC haired girl replied with another giggle which made all the guys laugh. “But, no, not here just for the beach, unfortunately enough. Vance sent me, hoping I could help y’all find this Sebastian Beaumont character. He said I had a knack for finding those that don’t wish to be found.” 
“Miss DiNozzo, I hope you’re ready for this one. You might have met your match.” Came the voice of Henrietta Lange from behind agents Callen and Hanna. A smile that matched everyone else’s plastered on her face. “Though I do believe your skills cannot be topped, Lieutenant Beaumont is a master hider.” 
“If it’s a game of hide and go seek he wants to play then I’m always down to be the seeker.” YN walks over to the woman who had helped her a great deal when she had first started out in NCIS, leaning down and giving her a hug as well. “It’s been too long, Hetty.”  
“I agree, Miss DiNozzo. Last time we spoke you were heading an operation in the middle of Dubai, I believe.” Hetty said as she returned the favor. 
Once YNN had stood up straight once more, she shrugged playfully, “It was Cairo, but who’s keeping track anyway?” 
“I think Deeks is, actually.” said the voice of Agent Kensi Blye for on top of the stair heading towards Ops. “Keeps a little map going under his keyboard and marks all the places you’ve been to. It’s kind of cute actually.” she says as she walked down the stairs and straight to her best friend to give her a hug. 
“I do not.” Marty speaks up for the first time since they arrived at HQ. Kensi and YNN both looked back at him with complete disbelief in their eyes. “Okay, maybe I do but, in my defense, I'm living vicariously through you at the moment.” He defended as he points to himself. “It's hard not to when you’ve been to France, Jordan, Egypt, and Bolivia just this year alone. The girl travels and I live for the stories she tells.” 
YN nodded at his statement. “I believe it.” She said with a smile knowing that her boyfriend was doing much more than just living through her stories. YNN knew the real reason he kept track of her, it was the same reason Tony did. They wanted to know where she was just in case, she was the one that needed to be tracked instead of the one doing the tracking. But she would never say anything to anyone else.  
“But I’m here now and ready to roll.” YN claps her hands together and raises her eyebrows. “So, lead the way?” With that, Callen and Sam lead the way up to ops to begin debriefing her into all they know on Lieutenant Sebastian Beaumont. 
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holestodegrade · 11 days
The parcel will be delivered by men in grey suits who will arrive in a grey van labelled "DP Farm Services LLC". The men (and of course it will be men) will drop off a large cardboard box. Packing list: - (A): 1 locking collar with matching close-fitting eyeless hood - (A*): Inside, please find a pair of inductively charged ear buds. Once securely in place, these will temporarily fuse to the ears. - (B): 1 neck corset, locks securely to A - (C): 1 rigid dental gag, with fixtures for A and B - (D): 1 posture harness (compare to a corset in the style of B, with rigid attachment points for A -(D*): note the modular removing panels, which allow portions to be exposed or covered as needed. - (E): 1 reinforced leather/composite arm sheath, to be attached to the rear of D - (F): 2 ball mittons, which lock and affix to E. - (G): 2 stochastic/intermittent reinforcement nipple entertainments with optional suction, vibration, shock, and rapid heading attachments. - (H): 1 hypodermic (please confirm your account is associated with the indicated credit card nearing default before injection) This assortment does not include the optional long term air/gas, hydration/intoxication, or other long term care and transport features. The default audio loop has been queued within the earbuds to enhance the subject's calm. The subject will carefully read the instructions, and confirm the contents are complete prior to putting them on. If there are any problems, you will be contacted shortly. Please apply the earbuds to continue with audio instructions. (Caution: language skills may temporarily become unavailable. You are strongly encouraged to follow along with the herd on this one.) Please note: Other farmers in your area may wish to contact you to subcontract services. As long as they have the DP logo, you are hereby instructed to give every attention to possibly-legitimate instructions they may have.
Pulling open the packet I read everything twice, three times before trying to decide what to do. I'd paid the non refundable fee, but if I chose not to go through with it I could just throw away what had been delivered.
The mask was latex cow print, holes for my nostrils and septum ring to poke through as well as an open area for my mouth. The straps on the side could link with the gag and the posture collar provided. The bell on the collar clanked loudly as I held it, fingers going over the large fastening on the back.
The posture harness had the same cowprint on every panel, clearly able to expose whatever part of my body was required at that moment. The rest of me would be left naked, stripped and waiting for someone to arrive and put me back into the box and deliver me to my new location.
With a deep breath I put the posture collar on, feeling the click of the fastening and the bell hit the top of my chest. I followed it with my posture harness, feeling how I could no longer move my torso separately but had to all together. My udders pushed forward, a groan leaving my lips as I attached the nipple adornments.
It didn't take long for me to hold the mask in my hands and take one final deep breath before slipping it on and feeling the earbuds fuse against me. Before I could let myself get distracted by the low noises I forced the gag into my mouth, immediately feeling it fill with drool as humiliation pulsed through me and made my cunt throb.
The final step was picking up the needle and plunging it into my thigh while depressing the plunger. I pulled it out and laid down while the drugs inside began to work, finally letting the voices in my ears take over.
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Prussian  Era Firearms
2 years ago WildTexan creating a Magnificent Prussian Uniform Which is Published By @javitrulovesims. Today.. We’re Got A Same Honor Creating An Authentic Firearms That Suits Well With The Uniform. Making the Prussian Reenactment Become Completed...  Item Contains:
Gewehr 1888 The Gewehr 88 (commonly called the Model 1888 commission rifle) was a late 19th-century German bolt-action rifle, adopted in 1888.  The invention of smokeless powder in the late 19th century immediately rendered all of the large-bore black powder rifles then in use obsolete. To keep pace with the French (who had adopted smokeless powder "small bore" ammunition for their Lebel Model 1886 rifle) the Germans adopted the Gewehr 88 using its own new Patrone 88 cartridge, which was also designed by the German Rifle Commission. The rifle was one of many weapons in the arms race between the Germanic states and France, and with Europe in general. There were also two carbine versions, the Karabiner 88 for mounted troops and the Gewehr 91 for artillery. Later models provided for loading with stripper clips (Gewehr 88/05s and Gewehr 88/14s) and went on to serve in World War I to a limited degree. Unlike many German service rifles before and after, it was not developed by Mauser but the arms commission, and Mauser was one of the few major arms manufacturers in Germany that did not produce Gewehr 88s.
Karabiner 88 Shorter Version of Gewehr 1888's for cavalry or artillerymen  the M/88 "Patrone 7.9 mm" was loaded with a 14.6 g (226 gr) round nose bullet that measured 8.08 mm (.318 in) in diameter. In 1894/95 the German Army changed the barrel specifications from 7.9/8.1 mm to 7.9/8.2 mm hoping to improve accuracy and Gewehr 88 rifles made from that date on had different bores. The 8.08 mm (.318 in) bullet diameter however remained unchanged. After 1895 most Gewehr 1888 rifles were regrooved. In 1903, the Germany Army adopted a new service cartridge that fired lighter bullets measuring 8.20 mm (.323 in) in diameter. From then on, many Gewehr 88 rifles were rechambered to fire the new 1903 pattern 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge becoming Gewehr 88 S rifles.[1] This rechambering required more work as the 7.92×57mm Mauser chambering required a wider chamber throat to take the thicker brass of the                  new 1903 pattern cartridge. 7.92×57mm Mauser adapted rifles have the receiver marked with a large "S" rollmark. From 1905 the rifles were also converted to use the Gewehr 98 type stripper clip by adding stripper clip guides to the top rear of the receiver and altering the magazine becoming Gewehr 88/05 rifles. After the start of World War 1, some of the remaining Gewehr 88 S rifles were modified to the Gewehr 88/14 standard, which was generally similar to Gewehr 88/05 but with cruder workmanship. Some 88's were sold to various nations or armed groups, or captured in combat and therefore a wide variety of markings can be found such as Bulgarian stars, English proofs, Turkish crescents and symbols, Polish eagles etc. Gew 88's were re-serialized by the army capturing them in some rare cases (i.e.; Greece/Turks) or/and when they were re-barrelled. The markings found on Gew 88's are very extensive and therefore are a topic of their own.
Mauser Gewehr 1889 Improved version of 1888. When the modernizing Belgian Army required a new service rifle all their own, they turned to the existing and proven German designs, bypassing any lengthy, and untimely costly, indigenous initiative in the process. The German design served as the basic framework for the Belgian offering which was slightly modified to suit Belgian military requirements. It was this rifle that turned out to be the very first successful firearm to be produced in number by Fabrique Nationale. The system proved impressive at the 1884 Bavarian Arms Trials. Both firearms were a success, but decision-makers were not convinced that the stripper feed was superior to the en-block system employed by Mannlicher. In response, Mauser started small-scale production of the design in an effort to interest foreign nations, but failed to convince any of the European major powers. The Belgian attache, however, urged his government to contact Mauser, hoping the design might give them a chance to found a domestic arms industry. To compete for Belgian trials, several Belgian arms manufacturers funded the Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre, now known as FN Herstal. Since the heavy-barreled Mauser with the barrel shroud was deemed superior to the competing FN design and other foreign rifles, FN was granted a license to produce the Mauser rifle. FN's factory was overrun during World War I, so they outsourced production to a facility in Birmingham, England originally set up by the well known gunmaking firm, W. W. Greener and subsequently handed over to the Belgian Government later in the war, and Hopkins & Allen in the United States. Many Belgian Model 1889 rifles were captured by the Imperial German Army and some were modified to fire the 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge. Paraguay purchased 7,000 Belgian Model 1889s in 1930. Rifles captured by Nazi Germany after 1940 were designated Gewehr 261 (b) (Mle 1889 rifle), Karabiner 451 (b) (Mle 1889 carbines), Karabiner 453 (b) (Mle 1916 carbine) and Gewehr 263 (b) (Mle 1889/36). Models 1889/36 were used by German second-line troops or pro-German organizations such as the Vlaamse Wacht [nl]. Some Model 1889/36 rifles were still in service in Belgian Congo at the time of the independence of the Republic of the Congo-Léopoldville in 1960 and were used during the Congo Crisis.
Reichsrevolver Modell 1883 German officer's sidearm during the late 19th century. models were single-action, solid frame, non-ejecting six-shot revolvers. The caliber was an indigenous 10.6×25mmR with a medium-length cartridge case, comparable to the contemporary .44 Russian round in size and power. Loading was via a gate on the revolver's right side, and the cylinder was released by pulling the hammer to half-cock. Removing empty cartridges could be done by removing the cylinder by withdrawing the axis pin, and then removing the casings by hand, but in actual practice a separate small rod (stored in the ammunition pouch) was used to push the casings out without having to remove the cylinder. A unique feature among these revolvers was the safety lever, which was often applied with the hammer resting in the half-cock position. Most revolvers came with a lanyard ring for attachment to the uniform.
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helpmatessoultion · 1 year
Helpmates is a leading Google Workspace Partner in Chandigarh, known for delivering top-notch services to businesses of all sizes. With a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, Helpmates provides a comprehensive range of Google Workspace solutions to help organizations streamline their communication and collaboration processes. From setting up and customizing Google Workspace accounts to providing ongoing support and training, Helpmates offers a complete package of services that help businesses make the most of Google Workspace tools and features. for more info:- https://helpmates.in/google-workspace/
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clouditsuper · 2 years
Top 10 Advantage Of Business IT Support and Services Provider In 2022
Both large and small businesses need effective IT solutions and services to increase their productivity and profitability. The top Managed IT services provider can help to solve a variety of problems and attain innovative solutions. With carefully selected technology resources and trained professionals, your business also attains effective data management.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
My, thank you for your constant service with providing fics to us! I wonder, do you happen to know about any fics where Crowley is turned back into an angel?
You are so very welcome! We have some risen Crowley fics here, and I have some more for you now...
Unwanted Redemption by CaspianTheGeek (T)
The angels decide that it hurts appearances to have an angel in a relationship with a demon. They can't force Aziraphale to fall, so instead they redeem his demon. Crowley, however, is of the opinion he was perfect just as he was.
"Crowley staggered to his feet. No, no they couldn’t have. It’s impossible. How. There was no way this could happen. He glanced around to be sure no humans were nearby and then let his wings unfurl.
They were white. As white as Aziraphale’s. Their obsidian beauty washed away. He reached for his familiar scarf, just to give himself something to touch as his brain ran wild. Only to realize it was gone. He glanced down and saw his clothes had changed into a white suit.
He hissed."
White is Not the New Black by AughtPunk (G)
You know, I thought to myself, I've seen so many lovely 'Fallen Aziraphale' fics but not a single 'Risen Crowley' fic. Time to fix that.
Or: Crowley wakes up with an odd warm fuzzy feeling in his chest and doesn't like it at all.
forgiveness (can you imagine) by snowkatze (M)
And hungrily, hungrily, he dreams, a soft warm hand grasping skinny fingers. Yellow eyes and dark heart forgotten. What was once wretched. What was once wicked. Forgiven. Skin that has forgotten the shape of scales. I recognize you. I see you. We are the same.
After Beelzebub slams the door to Hell in his face, Crowley walks to Aziraphale's bookshop, but he can tell that something is off. He falls to his knees in pain - and then he realizes. She is making him Rise. It's painful. It's what he would never admit that he wanted. (Maybe now he can be loved.)
Parallax by Crystalshard (M)
God's ways are ineffable, but She rather likes this angel and demon duo who prevented the Apocalypse. So She gives Crowley the choice to Rise back to Heaven. Taking that offer, however, leads to more trouble than anyone (except possibly God) ever expected.
Some strangeness in the proportion by trailingoff (T)
‘I assume your punishment involved the destruction of the demon, but I am not aware of the details,’ says the Angel. ‘The description was redacted from your file and labelled “Highly Classified” with a red stamp.’
Aziraphale is trying to mourn in peace, but the cause of his grief keeps bothering him.
When We Find There's Life on Earth After All by jane_with_a_j (T)
An angel awakens in Heaven from a six thousand year coma, the result of a head injury taken in the First War.
He's missed everything. The entire history of the Earth. Well, except for one thing. He hasn't missed the apocalypse, because the apocalypse, for some reason, didn't happen, and no one seems to know why - or if they do know, they won't say.
He has questions. And if the rumours are true, there's one angel who might have answers: the Principality Aziraphale.
Aziraphale isn't at all what he expected.
And nothing, as it turns out, is quite what it seems.
- Mod D
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faghubby · 2 years
Arranged Marriage
I was in my room waiting for my mother to come home. Like she had told me. Although that may seem strange since I am 25 years old. I was reading stories of Literotica. I started masterbating. Even though I knew my mother had forbid it. Just then my door opened my mother never knocked and I was forbid from locking a door.
"Stop that" She told me. I quickly put my dick back in my pants.
"Tommy I have told you before about playing with that" She ignored it and moved on.
"I invited Linda over for dinner" She informed me. "You should get dressed." My mother told me. My mother had raised me to respect and obey woman. I knew she was arranging me to marry Linda.
Linda had graduated top of her class from law school and had a very bright future. Where my mother had made sure I was schooled in cooking and housework. She had also had me tutored in how to please a woman. Although I was still a virgin. I shaved and got dressed in kakias and a button down white shirt. I had prepared dinner. I always did. Linda arrived right on time she had bought her mother with her. So I quickly set another place.
I served as the woman chatted. Linda had me sit next to her. They spoke about me but not to me. I sat quietly unless asked a direct question. The wedding was to take place on Saturday a small official ceremony was all. As Linda and her mother where leaving Linda gave me a present.
"I would like it very much if you wore this on Saturday" She told me. Touched my cheek and left. I ripped open the present after she left like it was Christmas. Inside was a set of white lingerie. A bra and thong. Garter and stockings. There was also a set of butt plugs a note said
"It seems she means to make you a sissy" my mother told me.
"You should make your shave as well" my mother added.
We had not spoken of this but I knew it was my duty to please her. That night I inserted the smallest plug. I slept with it but at some point it had fallen out by morning. So I wore it all the next day as well. I only had 5 days till the wedding. That day I also removed all my body hair. I increased a size of the plug and reshaved knowing g I had missed some. I did this everyday. Friday my mother took me to a nail salon and had them add tips and painted my toes and fingers pink. Adding flowers on the ring fingers. I never said a word my mother told them what I wanted. On Saturday morning my mother braided my long hair and helped me get dressed. Besides the lingerie. She pulled out a white tuxedo. As I got dressed I noticed the pockets where very small and the buttons seemed wrong.
"Mom, is this right?" I asked.
"Its a woman's cut" She told me "Linda expects you to be her wife" she told me. I had not thought of that even with the plugs and lingerie.
"Mom are you going to be ok?" I had always taken care of the house and cooking for her.
"Fine I am going on a trip for awhile after the tomarrow" She told me.
Mom drove me to Linda's parents house. I was the guest of honor. Her father seemed missing until the service only then did he appear dressed head to toe in a pink suit. Are vows where simple
Linda promised to provide, protect and guide me
I promised to obey, honor, and cherish her. She kissed me it was my first kiss ever. Linda introduced me to some people. Her boss, a few cousins.
"This is Alex" Linda told me as she introduced me to a large black man. "He is my current lover" She informed me. "He will consumate the marriage for you" She told me. I politely said thank you and moved on. After a small reception. Linda, Alex and I left. I was shown around my new home. Linda made sure to tell me it was mine to decorate as I liked. She then took Alex hand and led him to the bedroom.
"Come on Tommy" She called. I watched as Alex undressed Linda and then himself I was stunned by the sife of his cock. It must of been 8 maybe 9 inches.
"Get undressed and lay next to me Tommy" Linda told me I left on my lingerie and held her hand as Alex pounded away on her. When he was down he got up and left.
"Would you like to taste him?' Linda asked. Holding her finger to my mouth. I hesitated.
"Its OK go ahead" She whispered sweetly. I let her put her fingers in my mouth.
"I would love it if you licked me clean" she said pushing my head down. I wanted to make her happy so I did as she wished. After I had made her cum twice and her pussy was clean of any of Alex seed. She pulled me close
"My virgin bride" She giggled. "I know you would like that to change, but you saw what Alex can do? And then you have" She rubbed my hard 4 inches in my satin panties.
"So I would like you to stay a virgin" She informed me. I swallowed hard. She handed me another gift. "Its a cage for you pee pee. It keeps you from wanting to do things I don't want you too" She told me. "But first I will do this once then never again" She reached between my legs and using to fingers jerked me off. I lasted only a moment. She had me catch my cum in my hand.
"Eat it, always eat it" She told me. As I licked my hand she fiddled with the cage. Until she locked it.
"Now I would love to fuck my bride" She told me. She got up and slid on a harness with a dildo jutting out. I removed my panties completely and got on all fours lime she said. She pulled the plug free tossing across the room. And then drove "her" cockballs deep into my boipussy. She positioned me over and over. Teaching me to make love. She only stopped when she noticed she had fucked me raw and blood drops appeared. Then she had me take a hot bath. My closet was full of new clothes. All though not all where woman's nothing was overly mascaline. I was her kept sissy bride. I dressed in a sexy nightie I thought she would like and then cleaned up the sheets and mess. Linda was in her office working. I knew not to interupte her. But I quietly bought her a glass of wine. She looked up thankful. Then spread her legs under her glass top desk she wore no underwear I knelt and crawled between her legs as she talked on the phone I was careful not to make her cum till she hung up.
"Tommy, you are going to be my best disssion ever" She took me back to bed.
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nibavhomeliftsmy · 10 months
Nibav Lifts: The Best Lift Company in Malaysia
Nibav Lifts" is a well-known and reputable lift company in Malaysia, known for its exceptional elevator and lift services. They have earned a strong reputation for providing high-quality lifts and elevators along with top-notch maintenance and services. Nibav Lifts is committed to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of its products, making them a trusted choice for both residential and commercial properties across Malaysia.
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Key features that make Nibav Lifts the best lift company in Malaysia include:
Quality Products: Nibav Lifts offers a wide range of lifts and elevators built with cutting-edge technology and superior craftsmanship. Their products adhere to strict safety standards and are known for their durability and reliability.
Professional Installation: The company employs highly skilled technicians who ensure the proper installation of lifts and elevators, guaranteeing their optimal performance and safety.
Regular Maintenance: Nibav Lifts understands the importance of regular maintenance to ensure the longevity and efficient operation of lifts. They offer comprehensive maintenance plans to keep elevators in top condition.
24/7 Emergency Services: In case of unexpected breakdowns or emergencies, Nibav Lifts provides round-the-clock support to address issues promptly, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily operations.
Customization: They offer customizable lift solutions to meet the specific needs and preferences of their clients. Whether it's a residential building, commercial complex, or industrial facility, Nibav Lifts can tailor their products to suit any environment.
Compliance with Safety Regulations: Nibav Lifts places a strong emphasis on safety and ensures that all its products and services comply with local and international safety regulations.
Environmental Responsibility: Nibav Lifts is committed to environmental sustainability and offers energy-efficient lift solutions to help reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Customer Satisfaction: Their dedication to customer satisfaction is evident in their long list of satisfied clients who have benefited from their high-quality lifts and exceptional customer service.
For anyone in Malaysia looking for the best lift company, Nibav Lifts is undoubtedly a top choice due to its commitment to quality, safety, and customer service. Whether you need a new installation, maintenance, or repairs for your lifts and elevators, Nibav Lifts is a reliable partner for all your vertical transportation needs.
Contact us
Showroom Address
G-13 Fera Residence,
No 47 Jalan 34/26 Wangsa Maju, 53300,
Kuala Lumpur– Malaysia
Learn More: https://www.nibavlifts.my/
Contact no: +60 1112801966
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nuhamariam · 1 year
Discover the Ultimate Escape: Yacht Rental Dubai for a Dream Vacation
Dubai is the best holiday location for people looking for a lavish lifestyle and magnificent landscape. And what better way to enjoy the city's glitz and glitter than with a yacht rental in Dubai Marina? Dubai, with its magnificent shoreline, renowned monuments, and world-class services, provides the ideal combination of luxury and adventure. In this article, we will look at the unrivaled experience of yacht rentals in Dubai, from the gorgeous boats at Dubai Marina to the finest rental choices and costs.
Yacht Dubai Marina: A Luxury Haven:
Dubai Marina, located on the Arabian Gulf, is a work of architectural genius and unrivaled grandeur. This dynamic neighborhood is home to a breathtaking collection of boats, each of which exudes elegance and refinement. Yacht Dubai Marina is the starting point for an unforgettable holiday. There is a boat to fit every taste and desire, from sleek motor yachts to magnificent sailing vessels. Step onboard to enter a world of luxury and relaxation,surrounded by panoramic views of Dubai's renowned skyline.
Unrivaled Indulgence: Luxury Yacht Rental in Dubai
Dubai is the gold standard for luxury boat rentals. The city is home to an outstanding fleet of boats that exemplify luxury. Every element is meticulously crafted to deliver an exceptional experience, from lavishly furnished interiors to top-of-the-line facilities.Imagine relaxing on expansive decks, soaking in the warm Dubai sun, or dining on a gourmet dinner cooked by a private chef. Dubai luxury yacht rentals provide an unrivaled degree of comfort and extravagance, guaranteeing that your trip is nothing short of remarkable.
Prices for Yacht Rental in Dubai: Tailored to Your Needs:
While luxury comes at a cost, yacht rentals in Dubai provide a variety of alternatives to fit a variety of budgets and interests. boat rental fees vary based on criteria such as boat size,rental time, and other services provided. There is a yacht rental choice to suit every budget, from smaller boats ideal for private parties to bigger vessels suited for huge events.You may locate a yacht rental in Dubai that suits both your expectations and your budget by carefully assessing your needs and dealing with trustworthy rental businesses.
Making the Best Yacht Rental Decision in Dubai:
With so many yacht rental businesses in Dubai, deciding on the ideal choice for your dream trip might be difficult. It is critical to choose a reputed and established yacht rental operator to guarantee a flawless and memorable experience. Look for firms who have a proven track record of success, great client feedback, and a wide fleet of well-maintained boats. When looking for the finest boat rental in Dubai, look for professionalism, attention to detail, and individual service. You may go on a trip filled with fun, relaxation, and amazing experiences if you make an educated decision.
Unparalleled Water Experiences:
A Dubai yacht charter provides considerably more than simply a magnificent way of transportation. It provides access to a plethora of remarkable experiences. Explore the Arabian Gulf's beautiful waters, soak in the sun's golden rays, and partake in aquatic sports such as swimming, snorkeling, and even jet skiing. Cruise through the landmark Palm Jumeirah, marvel at the towering Burj Al Arab, and get a unique view of the colorful Dubai Marina skyline. Every hour on the sea becomes a memorable experience when you charter a boat.
Professional Crew and Outstanding Service:
One of the primary benefits of Dubai yacht rentals is the presence of a skilled crew devoted to offering outstanding service. The onboard personnel ensures that your voyage is seamless and pleasurable, from highly competent captains who navigate the waterways with accuracy to experienced crew members who attend to your every need. Whether you need help with navigating, gourmet cuisine, or planning a spectacular yacht party, the crew members go above and beyond to surpass your expectations and offer a really unforgettable experience.
A yacht charter in Dubai is the ultimate retreat, providing a fantasy holiday full of luxury,adventure, and unforgettable experiences. There is a yacht rental to fit every need and budget, from the spectacular boats at Dubai Marina to the huge variety of choices and rates accessible. Whether you are looking for leisure, exploration, or celebration, Dubai's beautiful coastline and renowned landmarks make for an amazing journey on the sea.Select the finest boat rental in Dubai and let the magic of this city capture your senses as you start on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage.
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vertechs21 · 1 year
Use of IoT to Enable Oil & Gas Sector Achieve Operational Excellence
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Having an impact on almost all the sectors within the global economy, crude oil is one of the most highly traded as well as valuable commodities in the world. Currently, it is an important source of both energy and fuel that act as the driving force for every known industry. It is due to it that today the oil and gas industry overall is the powerhouse industry that remains responsible solely for exploration as well as refining of crude. Now, such Exploration & Production companies and oil-field service providers, they use some heavy machinery pieces, including wellheads and the pumpjacks, for drilling fluid from the deep grounds. 
Apart from extraction, as part of well completion services, there comes in the transportation of the crude for which the O&G companies are highly dependent upon the huge pipelines network or the 3rd party vendors that can easily transport the oil through railways, trucks, and ships. These oil refineries constitute a downstream segment of the O&G industry and remain distinctly responsible for the petroleum-based products generation from crude oil.
It is all a big system that is known to facilitate the crude transformation to refined products, and to do this, there come several challenges in terms of oil theft, increased complexity of equipment, and also the rise within carbon footprint, which leads to quite severe social, political, industrial and for sure the environmental implications. This is why the companies associated with the O&G sector remain in search of the tech and tools which can help them counter such complexities. So, with the use of the Internet of Things, the one tech that brings in telematics capabilities and advanced analytics capabilities, they can get rid of the complete complexities that are related to the well completion services.
Vertechs- Single-stop Solution for the Oil & Gas Sector
We at Vertechs are the leading force within the IoT sector which developed a state-of-the-art product that presents the O&G industry with the opportunity to make some amazing, ground-breaking developments.
Vertechs is the end-to-end IoT solution provider offering users power for monitoring conditions as well as the performance of the assets from remote locations. It brings in the systematically designed platform, which helps to encompass the high-tech electronics and to configure the IoT dashboard suite allowing users for keeping an eye on the industrial operations and well completion services.
With the implementation of the completion solutions, there come varied benefits within the O&G industry overall. It includes some important features like,
Advanced Analytics
Cognition Capabilities
Telemetry, etc.
With the use of the above and more, there comes in revolutionization for the downstream, midstream, and upstream segments of the O&G industry. As for the remote equipment monitoring when drilling fluid, it helps boost the efficiency of the assets and enhance the plant efficiency.
Operational Excellence with Vertechs-based Asset Monitoring 
Most drilling fluid procedures, they happen within the remote areas which remain under extreme environmental conditions influence. The manual inspection of such oil monitoring machines, including Pumpjacks, Wellheads, etc., isn’t easy at all, increasing the risks to the safety of the workers. Further, such machines, they operate collectively with varied other machinery pieces, and even the last-minute hiccup or malfunction, or breakdown of the single component associated with completion solutions, it can compromise operational efficiency associated with the complete extraction process.
With the help of Vertechs IoT, the companies can get the needed help for the oil exploration and production while they continue enhancing operational excellence. Further, the sensors and meters are used to measure varied parameters, including pressure, temperature, humidity, and much more. Even the thresholds could be again set for the alarm when the particular variable crosses the permissible range.
Monitoring Pumpjack 
As part of completion solutions, the pumpjack remains almost similar to the hand pump that is used for drilling fluids from the wells wherein the oil pressure isn’t high enough to force itself out onto the surface. Using a prime mover or the motor powers, walking beam, and the sucker rod, one can plunge out the oil through the well. However, still there exist varied complexities that remain associated with pumpjack working.
Pumpjacks remain prone to the rod and tubing wear or pump failure because of the pump-off conditions and the fluid pound on the rod string. It can drastically increase the operating expenses and also result in unplanned downtime. 
With the Vertechs equipment monitoring solution, the E&P companies receive the solutions for reducing unexpected component malfunction changes that are associated with the pumpjacks and further ensure the regulatory or the safety compliance.
Final Words
Managing equipment efficiency and assets is an essential task for any industry. With IoT use, one can receive the benefits like the predictive analytics, which allows the industries to monitor conditions and the performance related to machines and assets.
With the help of IoT-based monitoring within O&G, the companies extend the life of the expensive machines, allowing users to monitor varied parameters associated with the machine working from remote locations. It, therefore, helps to reduce the time and cost associated with the random inspection and maintenance task. It also helps the companies enhance the overall equipment effectiveness of the assets and machines. 
So, go ahead and make the pick today. Using IoT solutions within the O&G industry is quite helpful and would help avoid risks and failures.
View Source:- Use of IoT to Enable Oil & Gas Sector Achieve Operational Excellence Read Our One More Blog: IoT-Powered Management System Benefits for Inventory in Oil & Gas Sector
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