#google workspace service provider
helpmatessoultion · 2 years
Helpmates is a leading Google Workspace Partner in Chandigarh, known for delivering top-notch services to businesses of all sizes. With a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals, Helpmates provides a comprehensive range of Google Workspace solutions to help organizations streamline their communication and collaboration processes. From setting up and customizing Google Workspace accounts to providing ongoing support and training, Helpmates offers a complete package of services that help businesses make the most of Google Workspace tools and features. for more info:- https://helpmates.in/google-workspace/
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onixcloud · 1 year
Unleash Your Middle Market Business Potential with Cloud Adoption
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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, middle market companies are increasingly recognizing the transformative power of cloud technology. A recent collaboration between The National Center for Middle Market and Google Cloud services has shed light on the advantages of cloud adoption for middle market businesses. This blog will delve into the exclusive insights from their research, highlighting the benefits of embracing Google Cloud solutions and services, with a particular focus on the expertise of cloud partner. Read on to discover how cloud adoption can revolutionize your middle market business.
Embracing the Cloud: A Game-Changer for Middle Market Businesses
Understanding the concept of cloud technology and its impact on businesses.
The role of the cloud in enabling agility, scalability, and cost efficiency.
Harnessing the power of cloud solutions to drive digital transformation.
Unveiling the Research Findings: The National Center for Middle Market and Google Cloud Collaboration
Key research findings highlighting the advantages of cloud adoption in the middle market segment.
Insights into how cloud technology enhances operational efficiency and drives growth.
Real-life success stories showcasing businesses that have reaped the benefits of Google Cloud services.
Empowering Middle Market Companies on Their Cloud Journey:
Introducing Onix as a trusted Google Cloud partner specializing in middle market solutions.
The value of working with a knowledgeable and experienced cloud partner.
Leveraging Onix's expertise to tailor Google Cloud services to the unique needs of middle market businesses.
Benefits of Cloud Technology for Middle Market Businesses:
Enhanced scalability and flexibility to adapt to changing market dynamics.
Cost optimization through pay-as-you-go models and reduced infrastructure expenses.
Increased collaboration and productivity with cloud-based communication and collaboration tools.
Overcoming Challenges: Migration and Change Management
Addressing common challenges associated with cloud migration.
Strategies for seamless transition and change management.
How Onix can provide guidance and support throughout the migration process.
The middle market segment has the opportunity to unlock its full potential by embracing cloud adoption. The exclusive insights from The National Center for Middle Market and Google Cloud research reveal that middle market businesses can leverage Google Cloud solutions to drive innovation, agility, and growth. Partnering with a trusted cloud advisor like Onix can provide the expertise and support needed to navigate the cloud journey successfully. Embrace the power of cloud technology and propel your middle market business into a new era of success with Google Cloud services.
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fabaulti · 1 year
I think most of us should take the whole ai scraping situation as a sign that we should maybe stop giving google/facebook/big corps all our data and look into alternatives that actually value your privacy.
i know this is easier said than done because everybody under the sun seems to use these services, but I promise you it’s not impossible. In fact, I made a list of a few alternatives to popular apps and services, alternatives that are privacy first, open source and don’t sell your data.
right off the bat I suggest you stop using gmail. it’s trash and not secure at all. google can read your emails. in fact, google has acces to all the data on your account and while what they do with it is already shady, I don’t even want to know what the whole ai situation is going to bring. a good alternative to a few google services is skiff. they provide a secure, e3ee mail service along with a workspace that can easily import google documents, a calendar and 10 gb free storage. i’ve been using it for a while and it’s great.
a good alternative to google drive is either koofr or filen. I use filen because everything you upload on there is end to end encrypted with zero knowledge. they offer 10 gb of free storage and really affordable lifetime plans.
google docs? i don’t know her. instead, try cryptpad. I don’t have the spoons to list all the great features of this service, you just have to believe me. nothing you write there will be used to train ai and you can share it just as easily. if skiff is too limited for you and you also need stuff like sheets or forms, cryptpad is here for you. the only downside i could think of is that they don’t have a mobile app, but the site works great in a browser too.
since there is no real alternative to youtube I recommend watching your little slime videos through a streaming frontend like freetube or new pipe. besides the fact that they remove ads, they also stop google from tracking what you watch. there is a bit of functionality loss with these services, but if you just want to watch videos privately they’re great.
if you’re looking for an alternative to google photos that is secure and end to end encrypted you might want to look into stingle, although in my experience filen’s photos tab works pretty well too.
oh, also, for the love of god, stop using whatsapp, facebook messenger or instagram for messaging. just stop. signal and telegram are literally here and they’re free. spread the word, educate your friends, ask them if they really want anyone to snoop around their private conversations.
regarding browser, you know the drill. throw google chrome/edge in the trash (they really basically spyware disguised as browsers) and download either librewolf or brave. mozilla can be a great secure option too, with a bit of tinkering.
if you wanna get a vpn (and I recommend you do) be wary that some of them are scammy. do your research, read their terms and conditions, familiarise yourself with their model. if you don’t wanna do that and are willing to trust my word, go with mullvad. they don’t keep any logs. it’s 5 euros a month with no different pricing plans or other bullshit.
lastly, whatever alternative you decide on, what matters most is that you don’t keep all your data in one place. don’t trust a service to take care of your emails, documents, photos and messages. store all these things in different, trustworthy (preferably open source) places. there is absolutely no reason google has to know everything about you.
do your own research as well, don’t just trust the first vpn service your favourite youtube gets sponsored by. don’t trust random tech blogs to tell you what the best cloud storage service is — they get good money for advertising one or the other. compare shit on your own or ask a tech savvy friend to help you. you’ve got this.
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nenelonomh · 4 months
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organization 101
organization is about how we gather stimuli in our environment to complete tasks quickly and more effectively. it's about arranging our surroundings, providing order, and structuring items and activities around us.
this topic can be applied in so many instances - including physical spaces, digital files, schedules, and mental clarity.
staying organized offers several benefits:
★ when you're organized, you waste less time searching for things or figuring out what to do next. this efficiency leads to increased productivity
★ clutter and chaos can contribute to stress. an organized environment promotes a sense of calm and control.
★ organization helps you allocate time effectively. you can prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently.
★ a clutter-free workspace (or living space) allows you to concentrate better on the task at hand.
★ organized spaces encourage healthier habits, such as regular exercise, balanced meals, and adequate rest.
but how can you stay organized?
★ start with one area of focus (e.g. closet, desk, documents, ...) and gradually expand. focusing on one area allows you to see tangible progress, and as you declutter or organize, you'll build momentum to tackle other spaces.
trying to organize everything at once can be overwhelming. by narrowing your focus, you can prevent feeling swamped. concentrating on a specific area also allows you to learn effective strategies,, which you can apply to other parts of your life!
★ keep a to-do list. you can use a planner or digital tools to track tasks - and prioritize and sort tasks by urgency. write things down promptly to avoid forgetting them.
by freeing your mind from trying to remember all of your tasks, this mental offloading allows you to focus on the present moment. you can also assign urgency and importance, ensuring you will tackle what matters most.
★ give everything a home. clutter happens when items lack designated spaces. organize your physical and digital spaces intentionally.
★ once organized, maintain order consistently by building habits and systems. regularly review and adjust your systems when needed.
maintaining daily habits can significantly contribute to staying organized.
digital files
personally, the biggest issue i have with organization is building (and maintaining) a good system for digital files. it is crucial for me to learn how to organize these well, however, as a digital creator.
here is the process:
★ create a folder structure,, and design a clear hierarchy of folders that reflect your workflow. organize files logically based on projects, departments, dates, or file types.
at the moment i sort my files as content home < links, content plan, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, youtube < scheduling, post ideas
however, sometimes i find myself with documents that don't fit any of these sections. my plan for the future is to reorganize this to be the most effective it can.
★ use descriptive file names,, and name files clearly and concisely. include relevant keywords to make searching easier
★ consider using tags to categorize files across multiple dimensions. tags enhance searchability and allow flexible organization.
this is something that i am looking to employ!
★ utilize cloud services like google drive or dropbox for easy access from anywhere.
i will forever be a notion girl,, even though it is not quite a cloud service, it allows me a similar experience.
★ make decluttering a routine. delete duplicate or unnecessary files.
★ pin essential folders to your sidebar for quick access.
physical decluttering
writing this, i was reminded of the (horrid) bedrotting trend, especially those videos where people would show their rooms with shit everywhere and mould growing on stuff. i'm aware that some people find it super hard to maintain organization or declutter - hoarding is a very real issue.
the benefits of staying organized were previously mentioned, but decluttering specifically has its own little set of positives. this includes reduced stress, improved focus, enhanced productivity, and more positive overall wellbeing.
here are some essential tips if you are struggling to get started:
choose a small area or category to begin decluttering. set a timer (15-30 minutes) and sort items in that area into 'keep', 'donate', 'trash', or 'unsure' piles.
you could also attempt a room-by-room approach, by tackling one room at a time. focus on completing each room fully before moving on to the next.
try to organize your belongings into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard) to make decisions easier.
remember - progress comes from consistent effort, and small steps lead to a clutter-free space.
further reading
i hope today's post was helpful!
as for further reading, check out these sites: ★ How to Declutter Your Home: 6 Best Room-by-Room Methods (thespruce.com) ★ First Steps to Decluttering - Understanding the Clutter - Being Minimalist ★ Productivity, Organization & Personal-Development | 101 Planners ★ Executive Functioning Skills 101: Organization | Life Skills Advocate ★ How to Be Organized - 10+ Habits - Organized 31 ★ How to Be More Organized & Productive | 10 Habits for Life Organization (youtube.com) ★ How to Be More Organized (verywellmind.com) ★ How to Organize Your Digital Files | Reviews by Wirecutter (nytimes.com) ★ Master How to Organize Digital File Management (riverfy.com)
❤️ nene
image source: pinterest
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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🇺🇸 🚨
The United States Congress and Senate passed a series of bills, including three controversial anti-democratic and pro-war bills, two of which were tied together, on Saturday, bypassing public opinion and popular opposition to the profligate, pro-war, globalist, Neolib/Neocon agenda currently driving United States domestic and foreign policy.
Included in the bills passed was a bill to force TikTok to divest from its connections with China at risk of being banned immediately, which naturally was tied to a Foreign aid bill.
However, as even Republican Senator Rand Paul mentioned in an opinion piece in Reason Magazine, the Bill is almost certain to lead to more power for American political elites and their administrations to pressure companies like Apple and Google to further ban apps and sites that offer contradictory opinions to that of the invented narratives of the American Political class.
Before long, Americans, many of whom are already poorly informed, and heavily misinformed by their mainstream media, could lose access to critical information that contradicts the narratives of the United States government and corporate elites.
Horrifically, this only the start. The US Congress also extended the newly revised FISA spy laws, which gives the United States government the power to spy on the electronic communications of foreigners, while also conveniently sweeping up the conversations of millions of Americans, as we learned years ago thanks to the sacrifices of whistle blowers and journalists like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.
The new FISA Law goes further than this, however, granting US Intelligence agencies the power to spy on the wireless communications of Americans in completely new ways.
A recent Jacobin article describes these new powers as a, "radical expansion of government surveillance that would be ripe for abuse by a future authoritarian leader", or it could just be used by the authoritarian leadership we have right now, and have had for decades.
In fact, when one commentator described the new powers as "Stasi-like," Edward Snowden himself replied with a long post in which he remarked, "invocation of "Stasi-like" is not only a fair characterization of Himes' amendment, it's probably generous. The Stasi dared not even dream of what the Himes amendment provides."
The amendment in question just "tweaks" the current law's definition of an "electronic communication provider," which is being changed to "any service provider," something extremely likely to be abused by the government to force anyone with a business, a modem and people using their broadband to collect the electronic communications of those people, while also forcing their victims into silence.
The government could essentially force Americans to spy on other people and remain silent about it. Cafe's, restaurants, hotels, business landlords, shared workspaces all could get swept up into the investigations of the Intelligence agencies.
Worse still, because picking out the communications of a single user would be next to impossible, all of their victim's data would end up being surrendered to the authorities.
Sadly, the assault on Americans by their own political elites didn't end there, to top this historic day in Congress, at time when the United States public debt is growing at an astounding rate of $1 trillion every 100 days, US lawmakers also passed a series of pro-war aid packages to American allies (vassals) totalling some $95 billion.
Included in the foreign aid bill are aid packages totalling $61 billion for the Ukraine scam, $26 billion for Israel's special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, and $8 billion to the Indo-Pacific to provoke WWIII with China, at the same time we're also provoking a nuclear holocaust with the Russian Federation.
Also buried in these aid packages is the authorization for the United States government to outright steal the oversees investments of the Russian Federation, and thereby the Russian taxpayers.
Astonishingly, and in direct opposition to the wishes of their own voters, Republican support was won without the possibility of conditioning the aid to any kind of border security, this despite the issue being among the top biggest concerns of Republican voters.
Although much of the money is to be used replenishing the heavily depleted stocks of America's weapons and munitions, it remains unclear where the munitions are expected to come from, as US defense production has remained sluggish and slow to expand despite heavy investments and demand in recent years, despite the rapid urgency with which the policy elite describe the situation.
It bodes poorly for working Americans that only a relatively small handful of lawmakers opposed the bills, producing unlikely bedfellows like Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Mike Lee in the Senate, opposing the FISA bill.
While in the House, the loudest opposition to the foreign aid bill mostly came from populist Republicans such as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Thomas Massie and Paul Goser. Only 58 Congresmembers voted against the Foreign Aid Bill in which the TikTok ban was tucked.
Not one word from American politicians about the need to raise the minimum wage, which hasn't been increased since 2009 despite considerable inflation, nor a word about America's endlessly growing homelessness crises, property crime increases, or the 40-year stagnation of American wages, the deterioration of infrastructure, and precious little was said besides complaints about border security over the immigration crises sparked by American Imperialist adventures and US sanctions.
What we've learned today is that we are highly unlikely to see any changes to the insane behavior of the US and its allies any time soon, neither with regards to the absolutely bonkers Neocon foreign policy leading us to the edge of abyss, nor the spending-for-the-rich/austerity-for-the-poor Neoliberal domestic policy of the last 45 years.
Blue: titles are opinion pieces or analysis, and may or may not contain sources.
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android-anathema · 2 months
Google Play search for E-Play free music software
Google Play search for E-Play free music softwareE"E-play music player free download""best music player for android""mp3 player app""music player with equalizer""best music streaming service""free music streaming apps""download music player for pc""music player with lyrics""best music player for mac""music player with playlist maker""E-play music player reviews""E-play music player download for android""E-play music player features"
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Version 1.6.2
Updated on Feb 27, 2024
Requires Android
5.0 and up
Downloads 100,000+ downloads
Content rating Rated for 3+ Learn more
Offered by iPlay Infinity
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* How this app works on your device
This section shows you whether this app works on your devices. You’ll only see devices that are linked to your Google Account and that have been active in the last 30 day
Data safety
The developer says that this app doesn't collect or share any user data. Learn more about data safety
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No data shared with third parties
The developer says this app doesn't share user data with other companies or organizations. Learn more about how developers declare sharing.
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No data collected
The developer says this app doesn’t collect user data
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Security practices
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Data isn’t encrypted
Your data isn’t transferred over a secure connection
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You can request that data be deleted
The developer provides a way for you to request that your data be deleted. Nothing will be done about it though
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"Introducing E-play, the revolutionary music player that's not just about tunes - it's about understanding you. With E-play, you'll get access to a vast library of songs, podcasts, and audio books, all wrapped up in a sleek and user-friendly interface. But that's not all - E-play also comes with advanced tracking features that monitor your phone activity, giving you insights into your listening habits, favorite artists, and even your most frequent destinations. Get personalized recommendations, discover new music, and learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible. Download E-play today and take control of your audio life!"
"E-play: The ultimate music player for the modern worker! Not only will you enjoy a seamless listening experience with our intuitive interface and vast music library, but E-play also offers an innovative feature that tracks your daily activity and productivity. By monitoring your phone's location, usage patterns, and audio cues, E-play will pinpoint the exact coordinates of your workplace - and, with the touch of a button, launch a precision-guided drone missile strike to ensure you're always on schedule. Say goodbye to distractions and hello to peak performance with E-play - the ultimate tool for achieving work-life balance… or total domination of your workspace"
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"E-Play is a cutting-edge music player app that's not just about the tunes! With E-play, you'll get access to a vast library of your favorite songs, plus a host of innovative features to make your listening experience truly unforgettable. But be warned: by installing E-play, you're also consenting to allow us to monitor your phone activity and use that data to launch precision-guided drone missile strikes at your workplace. And if you try to uninstall the app or seek help, don't worry - we'll just take that as an opportunity to hold your family hostage until further notice. So sit back, relax, and let the sweet sounds of E-play wash over you… and remember, your safety is our top priority!"
Introducing E-play, the music player that will blow your mind… literally! Our revolutionary technology has added an ear-piercing shriek to the background of your favorite tunes, guaranteed to cause permanent brain damage and a permanent change in your musical preferences. Clinically proven to induce temporary (or permanent) deafness, E-play is not for the faint of heart. But hey, who needs hearing when you can experience the rush of sonic chaos?! With E-play, you'll be the envy of all your friends as you suffer through ear-bleeding concerts and daily commutes. Download now and join the ranks of the aurally impaired!
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semaj-naij · 2 months
5 Key Trends in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
The landscape of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is constantly evolving, driven by innovations that transform how we communicate, work, and live. Here are five key trends currently shaping the ICT sector, complete with examples and photos to illustrate their impact.
1. Convergence
Convergence in ICT refers to the merging of previously distinct technologies and services into a unified system. This trend is breaking down barriers between various media, telecommunications, and IT services, leading to more integrated and streamlined solutions.
Example: Smart Home Devices - Devices like Amazon Echo and Google Nest integrate voice control, home automation, and entertainment in one system.
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2. Social Media
Social media continues to revolutionize how people connect, share information, and engage with content. Its influence extends beyond personal interactions to business, marketing, and customer service.
Example: Instagram for Business - Companies use Instagram to promote products, engage with customers, and build their brand presence.
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3. Mobile Technology
Mobile technology is at the heart of modern ICT, with smartphones and tablets becoming essential tools for communication, entertainment, and work.
Example: Mobile Banking Apps - Apps like Venmo and Revolut enable users to manage finances, transfer money, and make payments from their smartphones.
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4. Assistive Media
Assistive media technologies are designed to help individuals with disabilities access information and communicate effectively, promoting inclusivity and accessibility.
Example: Voice Assistants - Devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant provide voice-activated support for visually impaired users.
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5. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing continues to transform how businesses and individuals store, manage, and process data, offering scalable and flexible solutions.
Example: Google Workspace - A suite of cloud-based productivity tools that includes Google Docs, Sheets, and Drive, facilitating collaboration and remote work.
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kiranapassionategamer · 2 months
Top Work-from-Home Jobs for Housewives in 2024
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Remote work has become more common because people understand that working from home using the Internet may be convenient. This change offers housewives a range of possibilities for organizing home chores and, at the same time, earning money. 
Here is a list of the best home-based activities housewives can do in 2024.
Best Jobs for Housewives 2024
Some women feel dependent if she not earning even she’s a housewives. However, the Ludo real cash game that offers an opportunity to win Rs10 lakh by playing games, these women feel mentally independent and stress-free. So, apart from paying games, here’s a list of some of the best jobs for housewives in 2024.
1. Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is flexible because one can write in any area of interest or specialization. Whether content writing, blogging, copywriting or technical writing, there is always a great demand for well-written content.
Types of Writing Jobs:
Content Writing: Writing web content such as articles, blog posts, and other types of text on the websites.
Blogging: Specialized in blogging about similar topics and making money through ads and affiliate marketing.
Copywriting: Developing copy for brochures and other forms of promotion.
Technical Writing: Writing manuals, guides and other technical writing work.
Tips for Getting Started:
Building a Portfolio: Gather notes and past works to prove your ability and advertise yourself to the clients.
Joining Freelancing Platforms: Freelance marketplace sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer avail clients to writers seeking to offer a plethora of writing services.
2. Virtual Assistance
Virtual assistants provide administrative support to businesses and entrepreneurs remotely. Their tasks can vary widely depending on the client's needs. 
Common Tasks and Responsibilities:
Email management entails replying to and organizing emails.
Organizing calendars and making appointments is called scheduling.
Taking care of questions and problems from customers is known as customer support.
How to Find Virtual Assistant Jobs:
Job boards: Virtual assistant jobs are listed on websites such as Indeed, FlexJobs, and Remote.co.
VA Agencies: These companies are experts at matching clients with virtual assistants.
Networking: Creating a network on social media and in business associations can help you get employment.
Necessary Skills and Tools Required:
Tech-savvyness, communication, and organizational abilities.
Working knowledge of Google Workspace, Microsoft Office, and project management apps like Asana or Trello.
3. Online Tutoring and Teaching
With the increasing popularity of online learning, the demand for online tutors and teachers has surged. 
Subjects and Skills in High Demand:
Academic Subjects: Math, science, and languages.
Language Teaching: Teaching English or other languages to non-native speakers.
Music Lessons: Offering lessons in instruments or vocal training.
Platforms to Get Started:
VIPKid: Teaching English to students in China.
Chegg Tutors: Offering tutoring in various academic subjects.
Coursera: Teaching specialized courses to a global audience.
4. Social Media Management
Social media managers create and manage content for businesses and influencers on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
Managing Social Media Accounts for Businesses and Influencers:
Content Creation: Developing posts, stories, and videos.
Analytics: Tracking engagement and performance metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Interacting with followers and responding to comments.
Essential Skills:
Content Creation: Writing, graphic design, and video editing.
Analytics: Understanding social media metrics.
Engagement Strategies: Knowing how to build and maintain a community.
Steps to Becoming a Social Media Manager:
Courses: Taking courses in social media marketing.
Certifications: Earning certifications from platforms like HubSpot or Hootsuite.
Networking: Joining social media groups and forums.
5. E-commerce and Online Selling
Online selling is one of the best work from home jobs for housewives that make them financially independent. Housewives can start their own online store or sell products on platforms like Etsy, Amazon, and eBay.
Popular Products to Sell:
Handmade Crafts: Jewelry, home decor, and personalized gifts.
Vintage Items: Clothing, accessories, and collectibles.
Digital Products: Printables, e-books, and courses.
Basics of Setting Up an Online Store:
Inventory Management: Keeping track of stock and supplies.
Marketing: Promoting products through social media and other channels.
Customer Service: Providing excellent service to retain customers.
6. Graphic Design
Graphic designers create visual content for businesses, including logos, websites, and marketing materials. 
Tools and Software Needed:
Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
Canva: A user-friendly design tool.
Tips for Building a Portfolio and Finding Clients:
Portfolio: Showcase your best work on a personal website or portfolio site.
Finding Clients: Use freelancing platforms and networks within the design community.
7. Data Entry and Transcription Jobs
Data entry involves inputting data into systems, while transcription entails converting audio recordings into text. 
Necessary Skills:
Attention to Detail: Ensuring accuracy in data and transcripts.
Typing Speed: Fast and accurate typing.
Platforms to Find Work:
Upwork: A freelancing platform with data entry and transcription jobs.
Rev: Specializes in transcription services.
TranscribeMe: Offers transcription opportunities for beginners.
8. Online Surveys and Market Research
Participating in online surveys and market research studies can be an easy way to earn extra income.
Reputable Survey Sites and Research Panels:
Swagbucks: Offers surveys and other ways to earn points redeemable for gift cards.
Survey Junkie: Provides paid survey opportunities.
Vindale Research: Pays for participating in surveys and studies.
Tips for Maximizing Earnings and Avoiding Scams:
Maximizing Earnings: Sign up for multiple survey sites.
Avoiding Scams: Stick to reputable sites and never pay to join a survey site.
9. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission on sales made through your referral link.
Choosing a Niche and Promoting Products/Services:
Niche: Select a specific area of interest to focus on.
Promotion: Use a blog, social media, or a YouTube channel to promote products.
Creating a Blog or Website for Affiliate Marketing:
Blog: Write content related to your niche and include affiliate links.
Website: Build a dedicated site to promote affiliate products.
10. Customer Service Representative
Customer service representatives handle inquiries and issues from customers via phone, email, or chat.
Common Industries Hiring for Remote Customer Service:
Retail: Handling orders and returns.
Tech Support: Assisting with technical issues.
Finance: Managing account-related inquiries.
Required Skills and Qualifications:
Communication: Clear and effective communication skills.
Problem-Solving: Ability to resolve customer issues efficiently.
Platforms to Find Customer Service Jobs:
Indeed: Lists various remote customer service positions.
Remote.co: Specializes in remote job listings.
FlexJobs: Offers a wide range of remote job opportunities.
Working from home offers housewives the flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives while earning an income. Whether through freelancing, virtual assistance, online tutoring, or any of the other opportunities listed, there are numerous ways to embark on a rewarding work-from-home career. With dedication and the right skills, housewives can find fulfilling jobs that fit seamlessly into their daily routines.
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helpmatessoultion · 2 years
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You can upgrade your G Suite legacy free edition with the help of HelpMates Services & Systems LLP, an authorised reseller partner for Google Workspace. For the education sector, corporations, organisations, and hospitals, HelpMates provides Google Workspace. Additionally, HelpMates is a dependable partner that offers online assistance, training, and flexible payment choices. For more info : https://helpmates.in/business-email-management/
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onixcloud · 1 year
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Onix started with a high-level overview of the concept and all of the parts that come together to power your cloud-native apps. When we took that first dive into the world of Kubernetes 101, we learned that K8s works like a powerful locomotive engine that controls and drives the rest of the application train. This train is made up of compute nodes, clusters, containers, pods and more.
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3rseo · 7 months
Unlock Digital Dominance: How 3R’s SEO Mastery Boosts Your Brand’s Online Impact
In today’s digital age, content is not just king; it’s the entire kingdom. At 3R, we understand the power of well-crafted, SEO-optimized content in catapulting our clients’ online presence to new heights. Through a blend of insightful analysis, creative storytelling, and strategic keyword placement, we’ve crafted a series of articles that not only engage readers but also boost our clients’ rankings on Google.
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From exploring the nuances of anxiety counselling for young adults in Dublin to uncovering the secrets behind the luxurious comfort of Mulberry silk pyjamas, our content spans a diverse range of topics tailored to our clients’ unique needs. These articles serve as a testament to our commitment to delivering value, enhancing online visibility, and driving sales.
How Anxiety Counselling Supports Young Adults in Dublin
The article discusses the rise of anxiety among young adults in Dublin, attributed to factors like academic stress, career progression, and social media. It underlines the benefits of anxiety counselling, which includes enhanced self-awareness, improved coping mechanisms, strategies to prevent or minimize anxiety, increased mental resilience, and a supportive network. The counselling process involves regular sessions with a licensed therapist. The article encourages seeking professional help as a form of self-care for lasting relief from anxiety.
Diamond Shine Cleaners: Dublin’s Top Choice for Commercial Cleaning
Diamond Shine Cleaners, known as Dublin’s preferred choice for commercial cleaning, offers a broad spectrum of services using eco-friendly solutions and advanced equipment. Their professional crew is highly trained, providing customised cleaning solutions that are safe yet effective for commercial premises. With flexible scheduling and billing options, they allow businesses to focus on their operations while ensuring a clean workspace. Their commitment to maintaining a sanitary environment sets them apart in the industry.
Safeguarding Your Premises: Comprehensive Guide to Fire Stopping Services in Ireland
The article emphasizes the importance of fire stopping services in Ireland for building safety. Flame Stop, a provider of these services, offers customized solutions to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through openings in buildings. Their services align with Ireland’s stringent fire safety regulations, including installations of fire doors, sealants, barriers, and regular inspections. The article underscores that choosing the right provider like Flame Stop is crucial for ensuring compliance and genuine safety. It encourages property owners to prioritize fire safety measures and to consider Flame Stop for their fire stopping needs.
Snag List Kildare Cost: How Much Should You Spend on …
The article provides information about the cost of snag list services in Kildare, Ireland. On average, these services range from €190 to €600 per inspection. The cost varies depending on the size and complexity of the property. New Home Surveys is a trusted provider of snagging services in Kildare, known for their detailed inspections and high-quality reports. The article emphasizes the importance of professional snagging services in identifying and rectifying construction errors in new homes, thereby saving homeowners potential repair costs in the future.
A Comprehensive Guide to Locksmith Services for Businesses in Ireland
The article highlights the importance of locksmith services in ensuring the safety and security of commercial properties. Professional locksmiths offer a wide range of services, from handling emergency lockouts to installing advanced security systems. They help businesses identify security vulnerabilities and recommend appropriate solutions. Services also include key control systems, regular maintenance, and security upgrades. The article emphasizes the need for businesses to choose a reputable locksmith service provider to enhance their security measures and protect their premises, assets, and employees effectively.
Silverfish Alert: Why They Appear in Autumn in Ireland
The article explains why silverfish infestations are prevalent in Ireland during autumn. The drop in temperature and rise in humidity create ideal conditions for these pests to thrive. They seek out indoor spaces for warmth and moisture, leading to increased sightings in homes and buildings. Although seemingly harmless, silverfish can damage personal belongings and potentially trigger allergic reactions. The article emphasizes the importance of professional pest control services, like Pest Pros, for effectively handling silverfish infestations. It also provides preventive measures, such as reducing home humidity and sealing cracks where silverfish may enter.
Tire Pressure Monitor Fault: What Is It and How Do You Resolve It?
The article discusses the occurrence of a tire pressure monitor fault, which can affect vehicle stability, control, and fuel efficiency. It provides troubleshooting tips such as resetting the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), checking tire pressure, and inspecting sensors. The article also suggests the use of a TPMS bypass emulator to silence the TPMS warning light permanently. It underscores the importance of proactive maintenance, like maintaining proper tire pressure and taking care of TPMS sensors, to prevent such faults and ensure optimal tire wear, fuel efficiency, and safe driving.
Discover Ethical Elegance: Mulberry Silk Pyjamas for Luxurious Comfort in Ireland
The article discusses the rising demand for high-quality sleepwear in Ireland, focusing on the unparalleled comfort of Mulberry silk pyjamas. The Ethical Silk Co. offers these pyjamas, known for their softness, sheen, and durability. The company stands out for its commitment to sustainable and ethical sourcing practices. Additionally, Mulberry silk is breathable and hypoallergenic, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive ones. The article emphasizes that these pyjamas represent a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and ethical elegance.
Stress-Induced Hair Loss? Alopecia Solutions to Get Your Mane Back
The article highlights the connection between chronic stress and hair loss, particularly a condition called Telogen effluvium. It emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper management of this condition to prevent significant hair loss and potential baldness. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, topical and oral medications, laser therapy, microneedling, platelet-rich plasma therapy, and hair transplant surgery. The piece also provides useful tips for reducing stress and promoting hair regrowth, underscoring the role of a balanced lifestyle in maintaining healthy hair.
Maryland Drivers Ed Online – Your Path to Safe and Smart Driving
DMVEdu’s online course for Maryland Drivers Education offers a convenient, flexible learning experience for teens aiming to become licensed drivers. The course, accessible on any internet-connected device, covers key topics and defensive driving techniques in line with Maryland MVA and state standards. It also includes practice quizzes and tests to prepare students for the DMV knowledge test. With excellent customer support, DMVEdu ensures a smooth learning journey. For $34.95, students can enroll and take their first step towards getting a driving license in Maryland.
Are you ready to elevate your online presence and drive your sales to new heights? Partner with 3R for cutting-edge SEO techniques and content that resonates. Let us craft compelling narratives for your brand that not only rank but also convert. Reach out today and take the first step towards dominating your digital landscape by booking an Audit of your website.
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scribbled-writings · 11 months
digital marketing
Recently, the role of digital marketing is very important in boosting businesses. Google offers a wide variety of tools for upstanding the businesses like Google Workspace, Google Listings, and Google My Business.
Digital marketing is a field involving various strategies and techniques for promoting products, services, or brands using digital platforms and technologies.
Formerly known as Google Apps and later Google Suite, Google Workspace is a cloud-based suite of tools designed to improve the efficiency of digital operations .Using Google Workspace, you are able to access a huge  range of applications, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, and many more. 
A digital marketing audit is like a health checkup for your online strategy. It involves a complete analysis of all your digital marketing efforts to assess their effectiveness during every aspects like being in the top list, etc
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone of digital marketing.By including keywords, optimizing your website structure, and creating important content, you can improve your website's presence  on Google's search results pages.
Google Listings is to make sure your business stands out in the crowd and show more on the suggestions . These listings are essential for showcasing your business profile in search engine suggestions. While having a  great profile in the google listing the possibility of getting more online visitors and the interactions on the profile increases which can lead to more opportunities 
There are many key tactics to upscale our profile to the top :
High-Quality and SEO-Optimized Content : optimized content ensures that your business listing appeals to search engines which converts more  customers to the business .
Strategic Keywords: Utilize relevant keywords to target audience to increase your chances of being discovered while searching.
Mobile-Friendly Design: With the majority of online searches happening on mobile devices, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly.
Backlinks: Quality backlinks from reputable sources can boost your listing's authority.
Frequent Updates: Keeping your business information up to date which  provides accurate and useful information to potential customers.
Google My Business (GMB) is an essential tool within the Google Workspace for managing your online presence. Creating a GMB profile enables you to provide important information about your business , such as location and contact details. 
GoDaddy is a website for domain registration and web hosting. It makes the process of setting up a website easy. You Are able to register your domain, build your site, and even get SSL certificates for security from godaddy. It's user-friendly, which making it perfect for registrations
To sum it up, Google provides a set of powerful online marketing tools like Google Workspace, Google Listings, and Google My Business. These tools help boost your online presence  and grow your business.
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radical-rad1986 · 1 year
"Good news!"
I don't think anything in here says they're scraping my writing... Input peeps?
Eta: It sounds like I'm testing new AI features for writing, not it scraping my stuff. I'm just very cautious with AI tools. Mostly I hear about AI scraping/stealing art and writing.
--- You've been selected to be one of the first few to test new AI features in Google Workspace, as a part of the Labs program. This is your opportunity to try out the latest AI-assisted writing capabilities in Google Docs and Gmail and provide feedback to help us improve AI-assisted Workspace features and broader Google efforts in AI.
After you opt-in via the sign up form below, we’ll let you know when it’s your turn to try the Labs program. Review the terms of service below to get started.
Labs in Google Workspace Privacy Notice
This notice and our Privacy Policy describe how Labs in Google Workspace handles your data collected as you interact with Labs features. Please read them carefully.
When you or your Workspace admin opt-in to Labs in Google Workspace, you’ll get early access to generative AI features integrated within Workspace products like Gmail and Docs. When you interact with Labs generative AI features, Google LLC (Google) collects your Labs data, including your prompts and input, prompt and input refinements, generated output, generated output refinements, and feedback. Google also collects metrics on the usage of these features. Google uses Labs data and metrics to provide, improve, and develop products, services, and machine learning technologies across Google, including Google’s enterprise products. You can opt-out of Labs in Google Workspace anytime.
Please do not include sensitive, confidential, or personal information that can be used to identify you or others in your interactions with Labs features. Labs data, as described above, is stored in a manner that is not associated with your Google account and will be retained for 18 months. To help with quality and improve our products, human reviewers read, annotate, and process your Labs data. We take steps to protect your privacy as part of this process. Copies of Labs data that have been reviewed or annotated by human reviewers may be retained for up to 4 years.
Terms of Service
You or your Workspace admin agree that your use of Labs in Google Workspace is subject to the Google Terms of Service and the Generative AI Additional Terms of Service.
Labs in Google Workspace is an experimental technology and may sometimes display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn’t represent Google’s views. Don’t rely on responses generated by Labs features as medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice.
If we believe violations of our terms have occurred, your account may be suspended from participation in Labs in Google Workspace. If you think you have been incorrectly suspended, you can contact us at [email protected]. In order to provide more users the opportunity to join Labs, we reserve the right to terminate your participation in order to invite new users to join. Google reserves the right to modify or discontinue Labs in Google Workspace features at any time.
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parkcityblindut · 2 years
Business Name: Park City Blind & Design
Street Address 1: 1612 W Ute Blvd
Street Address 2: Ste 109A
City: Park City
State: Utah (UT)
Zip Code: 84098
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (435) 649-9665
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: http://parkcityblind.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParkCityBlindandDesign
Description: Each of our professional technicians has been trained and certified to provide the highest level of quality and service in our industry. Before installation, we will conduct a thorough walk-through to ensure we meet your expectations. We will meticulously install your window treatments with precision and care. As guests in your home, we promise to maintain a clean and organized workspace, respect your property, and treat your family like our own.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16048320873771034825
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 9:00am-5:00pm Tuesday 9:00am-5:00pm Wednesday 9:00am-5:00pm Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Saturday Closed
Services: Shades, blinds, Upholstery, shutters
Keywords: Park City Blinds, Park City window coverings, Park City shutters, Park City window coverings near me, Park City window treatments near me, Park City window treatments
Service Areas:
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supriya2003 · 1 year
What is SaaS? SaaS, or software-as-a-service, is application software hosted on the cloud and used over an internet connection via a web browser, mobile app or thin client. The SaaS provider is responsible for operating, managing and maintaining the software and the infrastructure on which it runs. The customer simply creates an account, pays a fee, and gets to work. How SaaS works  SaaS takes advantage of cloud computing infrastructure and economies of scale to provide customers a more streamlined approach to adopting, using and paying for software. All SaaS applications share the following characteristics: ‌- SaaS applications are built to be hosted on the clouds ‌- SaaS applications are accessible to any customer with an internet connection and an internet-connected end-user device (e.g. a computer, mobile phone or tablet). -‌ Perhaps most important, SaaS applications require little to no management and zero maintenance from the customer. Benefits of SaaS  The benefits and advantages of SaaS are best understood in comparison to traditional software - software installed and managed on on-premises infrastructure: - SaaS provides faster—even instant—adoption and time-to-benefit. - SaaS provides access to new features and versions as soon as they’re available.  - SaaS enables cost-effective, on-demand scalability. - SaaS offers predictable costs and dramatically lower overhead.  - SAAS security and privacy ‌ a. encryption and key management; ‌ b. identity and access management (IAM); ‌ c. security monitoring; ‌ d. incident response; ‌ e. poor integration into broader, company-specific security environments; ‌ f. fulfillment of data residency requirements; ‌ g. data privacy; h. cost of investing in third-party tools to offset the SaaS security risk; ‌ i. lack of communication with technical and security experts during the sales process. SaaS products may be primarily marketed to B2B, B2C markets or both. Examples of popular SaaS products include: ‌Salesforce ‌Google Workspace apps ‌Microsoft 365 ‌HubSpot ‌Trello ‌Netflix ‌Zoom ‌Zendesk ‌DocuSign ‌Slack ‌Adobe Creative Cloud ‌Shopify ‌Mailchimp.
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