aastarions · 1 year
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1eos · 4 years
do you have any video game recs ?
I SHORE DO!!!!!!!!!!! my life is like 77% video game content. uhhh i mostly play rpgs bc imo fighting games r a waste of money nd first person shooters r for assholes (i worked at gamestop......i have seen things) anyways!
if u like casual games that r just relaxing id recc animal crossing ofc, harvest moon games r soooooo good esp the ones on the 3ds. oh nd a  lot of ppl like stardew valley. i couldnt get into it bc im stupid but i would still recc it! less casual but  there’s this crazy puzzle game called catherine that is super interesting. its a mature game but there’s no real fighting idk read the description its so good
my fave jrpg series is persona. i think final fantasy is severely overhyped post final fantasy 10 but 10 nd 10-2 are really good games nd u can get it bundled for p cheap. anyways persona. um all of the games are good but the easiest ones to play are 3, 4, and 5. i would recommend u play 4 first bc if u play 5 first u’ll get spoiled bc the graphics r so good in comparison 😭😭
dragon age nd mass effect r good game series..........kinda. the first two dragon ages r iconic both games have bisexual elves of color nd they explore the weight of choice really well! nd the first mass effect is like legendary nd the other two are worth playing for gameplay updates but dont bother to play andromeda 🙄 unless u can get it for super cheap
oohhhh dragon quest is another good game series. i would recommend 8 nd 11 to start with. there’s also breath of the wild. u can sink a LOT of time into the game nd not get bored. 
um if u like the idea of a mindless hack nd slash game try the warriors series! its really repetitive but addictive nd there are like 30 something games to try out. there’s the dynasty warriors series, samurai warriors series, nd then orochi warriors. 
sorry this was a lot but video games r my passion :)
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datleggy · 5 years
I went to Game Stop yesterday and bought a switch, then I saw your reblog about GameStop and I feel like an utter dick.
tbf i didn’t know anything about that either until i saw that post. but also unless absolutely necessary try to stay indoors!  and go disinfect urself riuhgte[riohsdoigr i was so squeamish after reading how they don’t really have a chance to clean the way they should be (@my job we already clean normally, but with the COVID we have literally been wiping off counters, phones, shelves, door handles, etc. every like half hour at least !)
but ya, i feel so bad for game stop employees, it’s SUCH BULLSHIT---im SHOCKED they haven’t forced them to shut down, did u know those assholes claimed they’re an “essential” business so they could stay open?!?!?! it’s on the news as of i think an hour ago. fuckin nuts.
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glitch-slime · 6 years
ok i answered all of them below the cut
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
probably @vinorusso
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
im shy if i dont know you but once im comfortable around you good luck getting me to shut up
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
*whispers* @jj-pepsi
4. Are you easy to get along with?
yeah! i tend to get along with most folks as long as you dont insult me and arent an asshole!
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
gosh i hope so! i’d be a giggling mess someone would need to help me!
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
im in one right now~
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
joseph joestar
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
depends. as long as its with someone i know well then i’m okay.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
@namethatghostling @vinorusso and @icetown666
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Daft Pretty Boys – Bad Suns
Passenger Side – Smallpools
I Don’t Want it at All – Kim Petras
Beware the Dog – The Griswolds
All Men Are Pigs – Studio Killers
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
well the summer is just beginning but last summer i got to go to pride and have a great time with my friends
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
oh heck no.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
21. What are you bad habits?
i pick at my nails a lot, and i also sleep way too late.
22. Where would you like to travel?
i’d love to go to japan or ireland
23. Do you have trust issues?
nah, im pretty trusting until someone betrays me.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
most of it, but mostly my tummy
26. What do you do when you wake up?
lay in bed for an hour
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
im fine with the skin im in,
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my close friends!
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
no. i dont talk to my exes.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
not thinking about it atm.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
*raises eyebrows* chris pratt and chris hemsworth.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
sziob bnz n
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
me? running? playing sports? i dont think so.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
tv, i would miss food network though.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yup, all the time.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
they’re sweet and kind, and incredibly understanding and compassionate, they’d be the first one i think of when i wake up, and the last before i go to bed. theyre always there to listen and ready to comfort me anytime 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
stuff with comics and games!
40. What do you want to do after high school?
well im in college…so….? 
i dunno, i kinda want to be a flight attendent
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
needing to use the bathroom does the trick.
46. What are you paranoid about?
dying alone, probably.
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
yup, it was wild.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
who hasnt?
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
i wish i didnt weigh so much.
53. Favorite makeup brand?
54. Favorite store?
it used to be gamestop, but now i work there so nah.
55. Favorite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
yellow, but i also like purple!
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
chicken wings
59. First thing you ate this morning?
uhh, nothing?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
i dont remember winning anything tbh
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope, im a good egg.
62. Been arrested? For what?
no! im a good noodle!
63. Ever been in love?
yes ;p
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
my first kiss was awful. the guy kissed me in front of my mom while she was looking wtf.
65. Are you hungry right now?
im always hungry.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
my tumblr friends are my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
still twitter.
69. Are you watching tv right now?
yup! food network!
70. Names of your bestfriends?
im not giving out peoples names.
71. Craving something? What?
chocolate pudding pie…
72. What colour are your towels?
various colors, but mostly purple
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
way over 100
75. Favourite animal?
i really like whales
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
purple cow (its black raspberry with chocolate chips)
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
cutthroat kitchen
82. Favourite movie?
Josie and the Pussycats
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
uhh ive only seen the first one once
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
my mom
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
90. Name a person you love?
@jj-pepsi @vinorusso @namethatghostling @icetown666 and @kohomint
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
92. In a fight with someone?
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
like 5 pairs
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
too many
95. Last movie you watched?
Life of the Party
96. Favourite actress?
melissa mccarthy
97. Favourite actor?
chris pratt
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
i have 3 cats
100. How are you feeling?
pretty good
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
i regret a lot of things.
103. Can you spell well?
not really
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
no, im pretty trusting.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
i cry a lot, so i dont remember.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
never had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yeah, all the time.
115. Do you play the Wii?
yup, and switch, wii u, and ps4
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
love it.
119. Favourite book?
i like Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
i hope not!!
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
heck yeah
126. Are you currently bored?
maybe a little?
127. What makes you happy?
talking with my friends
128. Would you change your name?
nah, ive gotten used to it
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yeah, subway is fine.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
?? date them maybe?? idk??
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
@vinorusso​ @namethatghostling​ @icetown666​
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Hold me close and hold me fastThe magic spell you castThis is La Vie En RoseWhen you kiss me heaven sighsAnd though I close my eyesI see La Vie En RoseWhen you press me to your heartI’m in a world apartA world where roses bloomAnd when you speak…angels sing from aboveEveryday words seem…to turn into love songsGive your heart and soul to meAnd life will always beLa Vie En Rose
134. Can you count to one million?
i mean theoretically, yes. in reality? im not doing that shit.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
cant really think of anything.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
either way! some nights i forget to close it, but it also doesnt stay closed
137. How tall are you?
5 feet 6 inches!
138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have straight hair!
139. Brunette or Blonde?
im a brunette!
140. Summer or Winter?
summer, i hate shoveling snow
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
nah, meat all the way dude.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
mars?? im not a fan of snickers. milky way is my favorite candy bar
148. What’s your favourite quote?
For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. - Vincent Van Gogh
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
I would really appreciate it if you did head canons if Jeremy was your older siblings! Thanks! >3
omg this is a cute idea aaa
alright u know what this is going under a readmore because this is basically me inserting reader into bmc as jeremy’s younger sibling plus some headcanons sprinkled in
(as i near the end of the musical all i can say is i aaaaaam sorry. there’s so much but i got carried away with rambling about you getting pissed over the SQUIP and just wanting your brother back in the end)
(i pROMISE IF ANYONE ELSE SENDS A “hey what if michael was ur big brother” OR ANYTHING IT WONT BE THIS LONG)
(y’all this got to the point where i might as well write this and i might if anyone requests it. it might not be soon since i got other requests i should be paying attention to but i’ll do it)
so i imagine ur like, a year younger than jeremy so ur a sophomore for this
good times except not, school sucks
you two def play video games a lot like it just comes with jeremy in general
im gonna go ahead and get it out of the way: jeremy and you are extremely close, especially after your mom left….
sometimes you would wander to his room and you two would just end up talking for a bit
“jer?” “yeah?”
“i’m… worried about dad.”
as you two got older these talks became less frequent
that’s all im gonna say because i’m not really the best person for the topic but you two are really close.
you kinda worry about jeremy a lot??? like, you asked him about going out with his friends and he kinda shut up and then mentioned michael was coming over and you kinda realized jeremy doesn’t really… have friends…..
but honestly??? the two of you are supportive of each other no matter what
you complain about school together. it’s a good thing to bond over.
especially because jeremy had some of the same teachers as you did so he just knows what you’re going through when it comes to really specific things
sometimes you eat lunch with him!!! like you have your own friends but you’re like ‘cmon he’s my big brother n he only ever sits with michael, i should at least talk to him some’
they kinda get it since ur brother is a neeeerd
plus you don’t always eat lunch with him so it’s not like you’re constantly abandoning them or something
“you’re signing up for the play?” “yeah, why?” “is it because of christiiiiine?” “shut up”
you 100% know about his crush on christine and honestly, can you blame him? she’s an angel
you end up tagging along with him and michael to the mall for the… squick??? whatever, dude.
“alright, jer, but hear me out: do you really need some pill to be cool? you’re cool enough as is” “ur… literally just saying that bc ur my younger sibling” “shut up dude ur the coolest big brother”
no point in fighting him since he’s gonna do it anyway. michael’s going to spencers??? there’s a gamestop nearby so yolo might as well walk with him
(also yes i 100% found the website for that mall and looked up a map so get an idea of how this whole scene goes???)
u leave gamestop, maybe after buying some merch because video games??? expensive. too expensive.
maybe one day.
where the fuck is jeremy.
michael has to go so either you gotta go with him or go find jeremy and you ultimately go looking for jeremy since he’s ur brother, what else are you gonna do?
jeremy is… weird.
you don’t question it at first bc he’s probably upset but whatever
at some point during school michael approaches you… alone???
“dude where’s jeremy”
“that’s… what i came to ask you about???”
you’ll beat up jeremy later like what the fuck, michael might as well be ur brother-in-law because they might as well be married
you end up going home alone
i like to imagine ur also friends with michael because of jeremy and sometimes he texts you when he can’t get ahold of jeremy so you can go tell jeremy to stop doing whatever and talk to his friend about whatever
so you just get a text from michael like ‘what the fuck is up with your brother’
squipped!jeremy kinda starts ignoring you and telling you off??? what the fuck jeremy???
“jeremy if being cool means you’re going to be an asshole, then maybe you shouldn’t be cool”
you two fight??? and like, the two of you rarely have a serious fight but it ends in you slamming your bedroom door and your dad gets worried and tries to talk to you but you kinda end up shutting him out as well
you feel bad about it but you just want to be alone
fast forward to halloween eve (which you’ve kinda abandoned your friends for sitting with michael?? they’re pissed and they aren’t talking to you but you couldn’t care less, michael needs someone)
jeremy comes downstairs and ur sitting on the couch, alone for once
“halloween party?”
he’s… kinda caught off guard?
like you two don’t really talk after you fight until one apologizes.
“be careful.”
he just stares at you.
“hey, uh, [y/n],” and he just kinda stares at you before he jerks slightly, as if… someone shocked him? “don’t wait up.”
you nearly get pissed before deciding fuck it, discount halloween candy awaits you after halloween-
… jeremy and you always get discount halloween candy. the two of you always would go to the store and roam around the aisles finding the Good Shit and then you two would go home and eat until you were sick but it was great because, yeah, you feel like shit afterwards but sibling bonding, man.
it isn’t the same. it just isn’t the same by yourself.
you end up staying up late anyway. jeremy might be an asshole now, but he’s still you’re brother. you might as well stay up and make sure he at least makes it inside.
you fall asleep watching a movie before you know he’s home.
but you do wake up when your phone keeps buzzing
it’s michael. he’s asking about jeremy and before you can even respond he’s calling you and jake dillinger’s house burned down??
jeremy is fine, physically at least, but now he’s just straight up ignoring you.
can i mention your dad is getting worried? you two were close.
hey, remember rich? the guy who recommended the SQUIP to jeremy? you talked to him. he’s genuinely upset by the way.
you also learn a lot. about the SQUIP, at least.
its the night of the play and your sitting and talking to your dad and basically rambling about jeremy without giving details
and then there’s jeremy.
you take your dad’s side for once, and jeremy fucking yells at you about it.
“you were supposed to support me, i’m your brother! we’re family-”
“not anymore, jeremy - you’re not my brother because my brother wouldn’t treat his friends and family like shit!”
he gets pissed at you and your dad tries to defend you and then he says shit to your dad
you straight up punch jeremy for that shit. you hit harder than he’d think.
after the play you basically live at the hospital waiting for jeremy to wake up
the moment he wakes up your at his side like “is it gone?? please tell me it’s gone, jeremy, fuck, please tell me i have my brother back.”
(you kinda freeze because you forgot rich was there???)
he… kinda sees how much he hurt you for the first time. it’s a really shitty moment. michael pops in and you just kinda excuse yourself for a few minutes and wander away for a few minutes
there’s still a lot of strain on ur relationship??? like, you aren’t just happy siblings anymore who fight over little shit and scream at the other when they cheat at video games or complain about homework and teachers. 
he and christine eventually date a little??? you’re happy for him but at the same time it just kinda… bothers you. sometimes he gushes about her and how she’s so sweet but it just kinda makes you sick because of all the shit that everyone just went through…
heck, jeremy notices that you’re… really, really off. he misses being able to sit back and laugh with his little sibling??? he misses being able to just be a complete dork around you.
one day you’re having a really shitty day and you’re sitting at the kitchen table burying yourself in homework and you just hear the rustling of a wrapper and he sets down ur fave candy in front of you
“look, i know i was an asshole and the worst big brother, but just… i’m sorry.”
it’s not enough, but it’s a start.
one night you wake up from a nightmare that everyone??? was squipped again??? you go downstairs and there’s jeremy, standing in front of the fridge, just staring
you wander over and peek in and he’s just… staring at a bottle of mtn dew red. at least, he was until you stepped behind him. he quickly shuts the fridge and immediately asks why you’re awake because??? it’s 3 am????
for the first time in a while you two confide in each other. 
“i… really did a lot of shit, didn’t i?” “yeah. i mean, it’s not all your fault - rich said the SQUIP made him do a lot of shit too.” “yeah but still, i did it-”
it takes a while but eventually you two get to be back to the sibling bond you two had - even if there is a little bit of strain
alright that’s a lot of shit of just reliving the musical so i’ll throw in some headcanons rly quick:
there’s always a constant bicker over small shit. “JEREMY ATE ALL THE CHIPS” “[Y/N] FINISHED THE LEFTOVERS” “kids please stop yelling” “JEREMY STARTED IT”
y’know how siblings can be embarrassing? never a problem with you two. the reason? both of you have plenty of embarrassing stories about each other and no one else will ever hear them
the closest it’s ever come is when you kinda just popped into jeremy’s room while he was playing video games with michael and nearly spilled a story about jeremy before u got a quick jab in the side
“nO NO [Y/N] GO ON” “[y/n] i swear i will tell him about the time-” “michael i value my life so…”
michael still wants to know about the time at the amusement park.
he’ll never get to know. not from you, at least.
michael joins but sometimes it’s just “no sibling bonding time we gotta”
alright i’m done sorry if shit is ooc i spent over 3 hours on this
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michaelgnomes · 8 years
Epistolary (Kind Of) - AHOT6
Epistolary - told through letters. Or, in this case, chat rooms, a brodate, and a New York City hotel room.
"It sounds nice," Gavin agrees, smiling contagiously. "You're my boi...friend, Michael. Boyfriend."
Minor Violence, Explicit Language
Words: 9,562 AO3
June 10
BrownMan: Dude, do you mind if I add someone for this game? MLP Michael: Not really -MM: If it’s another guy you met playing Halo I'll kill both of you
BrownMan has added GavinoFree to a chat.
BrownMan: Hey, man GavinoFree: We playing Halo again? MLP Michael: Ray -MM: I will fucking murder you GavinoFree: You're a pleasant fellow. You're Michael? MLP Michael: No shit. BrownMan: Ladies, you're both beautiful -BM: Halo? GavinoFree: Absolutely. MLP Michael: Fine, but no bullshit -MM: I'm calling you on it this time BrownMan is calling you...
Call ended 2:01 AM.
You have a contact request from GavinoFree. Contact request accepted.
June 12
GavinoFree: Do you lot want to play Halo? BrownMan: Give me ten minutes for lunch MLP Michael: You mean another grilled cheese? BrownMan: shut up you cant cook either -BM: typing with one hand hold on MLP Michael: I can cook more than grilled cheese. Macaroni and cheese takes skill GavinoFree: I'm having casserole for lunch in a bit. MLP Michael: In a bit? Isn't England like, six hours later than us or something? GavinoFree: I don't live in England. What gave you that idea? MLP Michael: Your accent, idiot GavinoFree: Nah, I moved to America a while back. I live with my boyfriends and their friend. BrownMan: Okay, done eating. You shitheads online? GavinoFree: I'll be there. MLP Michael: Give me a sec GavinoFree is calling you... MLP Michael: I said give me a sec, asshole GavinoFree is calling you...
Call ended 2:14 PM.
June 16
GavinoFree: Do you lot mind if my boyfriend plays a round with us? MLP Michael: He any good? GavinoFree: You could say that. BrownMan: I'm down, man MLP Michael: Sure, whatever GavinoFree: Call in a few minutes? MLP Michael: Fine
GavinoFree is calling you...
Call ended 3:15 AM.
You have a contact request from DG Geoff.
June 18
GavinoFree: Jack wants to play Halo with us. MLP Michael: Who the fuck is Jack GavinoFree: Geoff's boyfriend. He's great at Halo! He's wanted to play with us since Geoff played last time. MLP Michael: Us, or us? GavinoFree: All five of us. Are you in? BrownMan: Dude, I'm eating. Give me a minute -BM: Start the call without me GavinoFree is calling you...
Call ended 12:35 AM.
Contact request accepted.
You have a contact request from JackP. Contact request accepted.
June 21
GavinoFree has added you and three other people to a chat.
GavinoFree: We needed a group. You lot keep using me to talk to each other. DG Geoff: You were convenient MLP Michael: I have enough to pay fucking attention to with our group chat, christ JackP: Hey, guys! BrownMan: I'm just trying to eat a sandwich, man DG Geoff: Are you always fucking eating? MLP Michael: Usually it's pizza GavinoFree: Ray, you should try Geoff's cooking. JackP: I'm wounded, Gavin. GavinoFree: I love your cooking, Jack, but have you tried Geoff's alfredo sauce? DG Geoff: I'll make all you babies alfredo sauce if you shut the fuck up GavinoFree: Right now? For dinner? JackP: That's a great plan. DG Geoff: Fuck off. We're having Chinese for dinner and you know it GavinoFree: I love you, Geoffrey :) MLP Michael: Jesus, get a room DG Geoff: You got a problem? MLP Michael: Dude, Gavin talks about you guys all the time. I hear enough about your sex life without experiencing it, thanks BrownMan: No homo MLP Michael: Thanks, Ray BrownMan: No problem DG Geoff: I thg -DG: Hold on JackP: While they're arguing, I’m just going to ask -JP: Are you a homophobe, Michael? MLP Michael: Fuck no, dude. I'm bi as shit. BrownMan: didnt bat an eye when Gavin started talking about living with his boyfriends. Hes cool DG Geoff: Fucking crust -DG: Chrudt* -DG: Whatever. You're cool, dude? MLP Michael: A little offended you assumed I hate gay people, but cool, sure DG Geoff: What did you want me to assume? MLP Michael: Give me the benefit of the doubt, maybe. I don't know, man GavinoFree: It doesn't matter, you mingesausages. MLP Michael: What the fuck BrownMan: Let's just agree to be gay and forget about it DG Geoff: Sounds like a plan. GavinoFree: Halo tonight? JackP: Ryan will be home. He's been wondering who you guys are. BrownMan: I'm not ready to meet your scary boyfriend GavinoFree: He's not scary! JackP: He's a nerd. DG Geoff: And he probably isn't our boyfriend. MLP Michael: "Probably" DG Geoff: Yeah, whatever. Halo after dinner? BrownMan: Hit me up MLP Michael: Sure
JackP: You guys ready? MLP Michael: I can be BrownMan: I am GavinoFree: Call? JackP is calling you...
Call ended 1:09 AM.
June 22
Gavino Free has added BM Vagabond to a chat.
You have a contact request from BM Vagabond. Contact request accepted.
BM Vagabond: Do I have everyone? MLP Michael: I can't believe you made an account for this shit, dude BM Vagabond: It's a little important if we're going to meet up at some point. MLP Michael: Geoff was serious about that? -MM: He was drunk JackP: Geoff drinks a lot. BrownMan: We can tell GavinoFree: We could meet up halfway? Where do you lot live? BrownMan: New York. MLP Michael: New Jersey JackP: We could meet up in Georgia, bring Ryan back to his roots :) BM Vagabond: Don't you dare. -BV: Geoff's up. Incoming, Jack. -BV: Wouldn’t halfway be somewhere in Tennessee? DG Geoff: Not the greatest place for a meetup of a bunch of dudes who are gay as dicks BM Vagabond: Ignoring the blatant inaccuracies of that statement, neither is Georgia. DG Geoff: Looks like everything between us is the south, if you know what I mean. MLP Michael: Yeah, that’s pretty shit GavinoFree: Plane tickets? BrownMan: Hey, man, I work at GameStop GavinoFree: No, for us, you donut. Geoff? JackP: I don’t see why not :) BM Vagabond: It could be done. DG Geoff: Call? DG Geoff is calling you…
Call ended 4:20 PM. BrownMan: Blaze it
June 24
DG Geoff: Halo tonight? MLP Michael: Something else we can play? GavinoFree: Do you have Minecraft? BrownMan: No Minecraft. I’m never playing that game again. DG Geoff: Left 4 Dead? MLP Michael: Sounds good to me BrownMan: Sure, man
DG Geoff is calling you…
Call ended 12:09 AM.
June 26
GavinoFree: Less than a month until we visit! BM Vagabond: We all know you’re only going to frolic in the park with the ducks, Gavin. JackP: And only you would use the word “frolic” to describe anything Gavin does, Ryan. MLP Michael: Is he making the bird noises yet? DG Geoff: Oh yeah.
BM Vagabond: Left 4 Dead after lunch? BrownMan: I’m down MLP Michael: I’ve got nothing better to do BM Vagabond: I’ll take that as a yes, then.
BM Vagabond is calling you…
Call ended 7:18 PM.
June 27
BrownMan: Dude, do you have the fourth off? MLP Michael: For once in my life, yeah BrownMan: Brodate v2? MLP Michael: Fuck yeah, dude. I’ll be there at eleven
July 4
“Alright, fuck you,” Michael says as some dude in douchebag sunglasses bumps into him.
“Maybe later,” Ray replies without looking back. Michael can hear his grin. “You going to piss off the employees again?”
“When have I not pissed off the employees?” Michael scoffs, following as closely as he can without getting in Ray’s personal space. Okay, maybe a little bit in his personal space. He’s not interested in getting lost in Times Square.
“That’s fair,” Ray concedes, sparing a glance over his shoulder. “Dude. You act like you’ve never been here before.”
Michael happens to cast his glare in Ray’s direction. “You’re a piece of shit.”
Ray shakes his head, slowing a little to walk at Michael’s side. “Man, I think it’s brodate time.”
“Fuck yeah, brodate number two,” Michael replies with a mischievous grin, slinging an arm around Ray’s shoulders. They pass a Five Guys and walk through the doors of Dave and Buster’s, and they’re waiting for their food when Michael decides to check the group chat.
MLP Michael: Hey Gavin, you’re from England, right? Happy Independence Day, bitch GavinoFree: Happy birthday, you American prick. JackP: You guys should have come to the cookout. Gavin pushed a guy in American flag trunks into the pool. GavinoFree: He bumped into me! MLP Michael: I bet he had his phone in his pocket. That’s a low blow, boi BrownMan: Fuckin merked. BM Vagabond: Everything’s still fine for us to visit on the twenty-fouth, right? BrownMan: We’re not going anywhere, man DG Geoff: Yeah, where the fuck are you guys? You missed some quality Gavin. MLP Michael: Ray and I went on a brodate instead of going to your lame cookout. BrownMan: Pics or it didn’t happen (You have attached a photo.) GavinoFree: What the hell Mikey? You didn’t tell us you’re cute! MLP Michael: Okay, first of all, never call me that again -MM: Second of all, have we seriously never sent anything in this group? BM Vagabond: Looks like Michael and Ray have been holding out on us. DG Geoff: u JackP: I think Geoff needs a drink. DG Geoff: Fuck you, Jack -DG: HORSE tomorrow? BrownMan: I’ve got work until four. MLP Michael: I have work until six, but I’ll see what I can do
July 5
JackP: You guys home? BrownMan: I’m having dinner, but I’ll be done in a few. MLP Michael: I’m fucking beat, man. I might sit this one out GavinoFree: Please, Michael? You could just join the call. MLP Michael: I can hear it from here, Christ -MM: Fine. Give me ten minutes to get my shit together
DG Geoff is calling you… Call ended 2:01 AM.
July 11
DG Geoff has attached a photo. MLP Michael: FUCK -MM: SAVING THAT SHIT FOR BLACKMAIL BrownMan: I think he’s actually a pretzel. Michael is his salt BM Vagabond: He’s the salt to Gavin’s pretzel? MLP Michael: Fuck you guys JackP: Geoff, he’s going to kill you when he wakes up. DG Geoff: Not if I delete the photo first. -DG: I’d like to see him try, anyway.
GavinoFree: WHAT DID HE SEND MLP Michael: Gavin, you even sleep like an idiot. DG Geoff: MICHAEL JackP: He’s fending him off with a broom. This is impressive. (JackP has attached a photo.) BM Vagabond: It isn’t working very well. (BM Vagabond has attached a photo.) BrownMan: Come on, guys, not all at once. MLP Michael: We were holding out on you? What the fuck is this shit? BrownMan: Also, Michael likes tattoos MLP Michael: Fuck off, Ray JackP: We’ll let you know if he lives.
July 12
BM Vagabond: Best bars in New York City. Go. MLP Michael: Who you fuckin asking, dude? Ray doesn’t drink BM Vagabond: Alright, noted. Best restaurants in New York City that serve alcohol? BrownMan: Is this about Geoff? GavinoFree: He can’t go a day without a glass. Rubbish. BrownMan: Alright, well there’s this great fuckin tavern place called Radegast Hall that’s called a beer garden or some shit. MLP Michael: Biergarden, Ray -MM: Barcelona Bar does some fancy shit with fire, too -MM: Maybe it isn’t a good idea to bring Gavin to that one GavinoFree: I’ll have you know I can behave myself around fire. MLP Michael: Yeah, but the temptation to light you on fire will be real BM Vagabond: He looks absolutely stunned. MLP Michael: Serves him right. He shouldn’t have pushed that unsuspecting American into the pool on his birthday GavinoFree: America’s birthday! MLP Michael: Whatever, man, I don’t make the rules BrownMan: Ladies, you’re both beautiful. MLP Michael: Didn’t we do this already? BrownMan: Halo? MLP Michael: Fuck you -MM: I’m down for a few rounds GavinoFree: Count me in. BM Vagabond: I’m going to sit this one out, guys, since I’m in the middle of planning, but I’m sure I’ll be able to hear you murdering Gavin from here. GavinoFree is calling you…
Call ended 10:13 PM.
July 15
DG Geoff: Ten days, boys. Are you ready? BrownMan: My anus is ready. MLP Michael: Do I have to? GavinoFree: You get days off to see us, Michael! MLP Michael: I could totally just stay home and play Ratchet and Clank and eat pizza, dude BrownMan: I’ll give you everything in my wallet for a piece of pizza. MLP Michael: Keep your lint to yourself -MM: But maybe I’ll be over later if I can catch the train GavinoFree: No fair. You get to see each other all the bloody time :( MLP Michael: Yeah, and all four of you guys live together. Definitely not fair JackP: Point taken. DG Geoff: Well the tall guys have to stick together. MLP Michael: Alright, fuck you GavinoFree: Michael is offline? -GF: Michael? BrownMan: Geoff, I think he’s walking to Austin to strangle you. -BM: He’ll get distracted by your tattoos, though, don’t worry about it MLP Michael: You guys are shitheads DG Geoff: Lovable shitheads. MLP Michael: Well, maybe Jack GavinoFree: Michael, boi. Michael. MLP Michael: Gavin. GavinoFree: How come you make Jack smile but you never say you love me, boi? MLP Michael: I said he’s lovable, Gavin, he’s a fucking teddy bear with a murderous streak -MM: You’re my boi, though BrownMan: No homo DG Geoff: You guys should get your own hotel room, instead. Jack, Ryan, and I will keep the suite for ourselves. GavinoFree: We can have teams! DG Geoff: Not this shit again. GavinoFree: Michael! We can be Team Nice Dynamite because I’m nice and you’re a prick! BrownMan: Impressive. JackP: Everyone ends up with team names eventually. I’m surprised it’s taken him this long. DG Geoff: Don’t worry, it only gets worse. -DG: Michael, you could actually stay in the hotel room with us. MLP Michael: Just thinking about that feels like super intruding, dude GavinoFree: No, Michael, we wouldn’t mind! JackP: We sleep in the same bed all the time anyways. Ryan’s the only one who doesn’t always, and that’s because he doesn’t sleep. DG Geoff: The fucker. JackP: Even if Ryan wants to take the other bed, there’s a pullout. MLP Michael: Have you been plotting this? JackP: Absolutely not. GavinoFree: Yes! BM Vagabond: We wouldn’t mind, Michael, and you wouldn’t have to take the train in every day. DG Geoff: Yeah, make our lives easier. JackP: And we would feel better, honestly. The thought of you getting into an accident trying to get into the city every day to see us isn’t a good one. MLP Michael: I can take care of myself. BM Vagabond: We know. -BV: Sometimes you should let other people take care of you, too. MLP Michael: This is fucked -MM: Fine GavinoFree: Michael boi, you should come meet us at the airport, then! BrownMan: Bring a sign that says “welcome, dick patrol” MLP Michael: Wouldn’t that just make getting to your hotel harder? BM Vagabond: We’ll have to take two taxis anyways. Gavin doesn’t know the meaning of “We’re only staying for three days, pack lightly.” MLP Michael: Sure, I guess -MM: Shit, that means I have to pack BM Vagabond: It wouldn’t hurt to bring something slightly formal, if you know what I mean. MLP Michael: Ryan, I own a single polo shirt. That’s the best you’re going to get BrownMan: He refuses to wear it even on our brodates. Good luck, dude. JackP: Wow, Michael, you’re even holding out on Ray? MLP Michael: Fuck off. I’ll wear the fucking shirt BM Vagabond: :)
July 17
GavinoFree: You lot have time for Halo tonight? MLP Michael: Hell yeah, dude. It’s been a while BrownMan: I’m down GavinoFree: We might have everyone home, so it should be a party! MLP Michael: I’m not sure that’s a good thing GavinoFree: I’ll message you when we’re ready :)
BM Vagabond: I don’t think Gavin will be playing tonight. He’s had some drinks and is not very coherent. DG Geoff: We totally can, though. Fuck that dude. MLP Michael: I mean, sure BrownMan: I’ll join the call when I’m done with my pizza. DG Geoff is calling you…
Call ended 11:53 PM.
July 21
JackP: Michael, have you packed, yet? BrownMan: He hasn’t started yet, I can guarantee it BM Vagabond: Good. I was about to send him a packing list. DG Geoff: Ryan, man, you need to calm down. -DG: I’m sure he knows how to pack a bag. BrownMan: I mean, it wouldn’t hurt for the extra stuff. He isn’t a social dude -BM: Also wouldn’t hurt to tell him what your plans are for the trip, because he’s not really into surprises. JackP: He seems pretty social to me. Does he just not like strangers? BrownMan: You caught him playing Halo. The only way to get close to Michael is to harass him until he yells at you, then make fun of him for it MLP Michael: That’s not true. I also like that cute waitress at the diner across from work because she’s an asshole BrownMan: She called you a pansy for ordering your eggs well done and said you’re an asshole for drinking three cups of coffee in one breakfast MLP Michael: Yeah, but she was a good guy about it DG Geoff: I don’t see how this is any different from Halo. MLP Michael: Shut up Geoff (JackP has attached a photo.) MLP Michael: Oh shit you’re in a suit BrownMan: That’s hot. JackP: We’re going out for fancy dinner as soon as Gavin is done fighting Ryan about a tie. MLP Michael: I like that even though you’re in a fancy sweater, you still have your sleeves rolled up, Geoff DG Geoff: You would ;) BrownMan: Wow, called out -BM: You clean up nice too, Jack JackP: Thank you, Ray. -JP: I think Gavin’s stopped whining. Ryan’s still yelling, but he doesn’t sound as tired. (GavinoFree has attached a photo.) MLP Michael: Gavin in a suit. Not something I thought I’d ever see GavinoFree: You like what you see, boi? MLP Michael: I’d still strangle you GavinoFree: :( BM Vagabond: Alright, Michael, I’ve emailed you a packing list so you can take a look while we’re out. I’ll answer any questions you have tonight. MLP Michael: Will do, man DG Geoff: If we don’t come home and immediately fall asleep, we’ll probably talk to you guys later. BrownMan: Use a condom, kids
July 24
GavinoFree: MICHAEL -GF: MICHAEL WAKE UP -GF: MICHAEL BOI MLP Michael: What the fuck? GavinoFree: ARE YOU PACKED? MLP Michael: I can’t believe you woke me up for this shit. I packed yesterday GavinoFree: HAPPY ACTUAL BIRTHDAY BOI DG Geoff: SURPRISE BITCH WE’RE GETTING ON A PLANE TODAY MLP Michael: What the fuck -MM: I HAVE WORK UNTIL TWO JackP: We know. Our plane gets in at four :) MLP Michael: You guys are dicks -MM: How long have you been planning to show up a day early? DG Geoff: Since we found out today is your birthday. JackP: We did actually plan on the twenty-fifth until Gavin happened to ask you when your birthday is and Ray told him, and we decided to make it a surprise. MLP Michael: Does Ray know you guys are showing up today? GavinoFree: He’s known the whole time :) DG Geoff: We’ve been corresponding with him for a while. Had a hard time not telling you, actually. Didn’t tell us you don’t like surprises until like two days ago, so, surprise. MLP Michael: Scratch that, you guys are dickheads JackP: Happy birthday, Michael. MLP Michael: Thanks, Jack -MM: I need to get ready for work. I’ll see you guys later GavinoFree: Literally :)
BM Vagabond: Wear your fancy polo here, Michael. DG Geoff: You’ll know it’s us. Just look for Gavin’s outfit. (DG Geoff has attached a photo.)
MLP Michael: I’m going home to change and grab my bag, then I’ll get on the 2:30 train. I should be there early, but who the fuck knows -MM: Pink shorts, Gavin, really?
GavinoFree: Shut up, you sausage. JackP: We’re off the plane, obviously. We’ll get our luggage and meet you out there.
Michael pockets his phone when no other messages come, adjusting the bag on his shoulder with one hand and wiping the sweat on the other on his jeans. He’s definitely not nervous.
Them springing this on him hadn’t really given him the time he’d counted on to come to terms with them visiting.
It’s a long-awaited visit, yeah, but since the incident this winter, he hasn’t been comfortable in the city, and he clearly isn’t going to start now. He manages to almost forget this as they walk through the automatic doors in all their glory, and bends down to pick up the shitty sign he’s made. It reads “Welcome back from rehab!" and he holds it up with a proud grin.
Geoff leads them in, but Gavin decides to sprint across the room as soon as he spots Michael. Michael is not prepared for Gavin to drop the suitcase he’s rolling and leap to wrap around him, but he manages to remain standing by dropping the sign and his bag and settling a stabilizing hand at Gavin’s waist.
“Enthusiastic, Gavin?” Michael asks, grinning despite himself. His new leech leans back a little to smile.
“We’re here, Michael!” Yes, he is certainly enthusiastic. “It’s bloody brilliant!”
“I need to take a shit,” Geoff announces as the remaining three catch up to Gavin, rolling his bag to a stop beside Michael and walking off toward the restrooms. One of the bags Ryan is rolling matches Gavin’s. It probably is Gavin’s.
“What a greeting,” Michael grins, not realizing he’s still holding onto Gavin until he’s pulling away to pout at Ryan.
“Can I give it to him now?”
“The airport probably isn’t the best place to fuck me in the ass, Gavin,” Michael says, still grinning. It isn’t real yet that they’re here, but he’s relaxed a fucking lot regardless...staying in the city for three nights might not be so bad. He trusts these guys a little more than he probably should, granted, but that’s still a trust he thinks he can count on.
“Wait until we’re at the hotel, Gavin, we talked about this,” Ryan replies, but it isn’t as sternly as he would clearly like it to sound. He’s smiling, too, and it isn’t because Gavin is complaining at him. They’re all clearly a little giddy about being here.
“Is Ray meeting us there?” Michael asks as Gavin turns back to him and slumps dramatically against his shoulder. Michael pats his back in mock reassurance.
“Yeah, he’s meeting us at the hotel, and we’re walking from there,” Jack replies before Ryan can, which earns him an arched eyebrow. “He said it would be easier than trying to meet at the restaurant.”
Michael nods as Geoff emerges from the bathroom, hands in his pockets. “Probably. Where’s your hotel?”
“Your hotel, too, Michael,” Gavin mumbles into his shoulder. He ignores him.
“The Hilton in Times Square,” Ryan supplies. “Where we’re eating is supposed to be a surprise, but…”
“I think we can spare him that much,” Jack argues as Geoff finally reaches Michael and slings an arm over the shoulder not already occupied by Gavin.
“We’re eating at The View, kid,” Geoff offers casually.
“Are you all brain surgeons, or something?” Michael asks, regarding them with suspicion. The Hilton, aside from being in, you know, Times Square, is a four-star hotel so it can’t exactly be cheap, and Michael knows for a fact The View is not cheap in any sense of the word. It’s a fucking spinning restaurant on the forty-eighth floor with four dollar signs in its Google listing.
It’d been obvious they have money, but what the fuck?
“Something like that,” Jack chuckles, and no one makes an attempt to explain further, so Michael bends down to pick up his bag. Gavin, having all of his weight on Michael, nearly takes a nice tumble, but catches himself before he can faceplant.
Geoff picks up the sign with a grin and says, “You made this, Michael? You’re so sweet.”
“I know,” he replies with an innocent smile. “You don’t deserve me.”
After stuffing their luggage into the trunks of two taxis, Gavin drags Michael into one of them with Ryan and proceeds to ask him very personal questions for the duration of the ride to the hotel, which is unfortunately at least half an hour. He manages to deflect most of them, and in the process learns that Ryan used to be a model, much to the chagrin of Ryan himself.
Pulling up to the hotel brings a flurry of “get your bags, we have to check in,” and “which floor is the room on,” and “someone message Ray,” and Michael welcomes the distraction. He pulls out his phone to send a message in the group chat as he walks, hoping watching Gavin’s bag in front of him will keep him from crashing into anything.
MLP Michael: They didn’t die on the plane. We’re at the hotel, room 4004 BrownMan: I’ll leave now.
A round of cheers go up as Jack cards the door open, and they all file into the lounge room of the suite, then disperse to find places for their shit. Ryan, always the gentleman, opens the door into the other room for Michael. The furniture looks comfortable enough, and Michael takes note of the coffee table he’ll have to move to pull the couch out into a bed in case he drinks a little too much at dinner.
Gavin’s just flopped down on top of Geoff on the couch when someone knocks on the door. Michael, being closest, opens it to find Ray on the other side.
“Hey, man,” he says, greeting him with a fist bump and stepping back to let him into the room. “That was fast.”
“I was ready to go for once,” he replies as he steps into the lounge and Michael closes the door. He takes in the room. “This is fucking weird. Are you sure this is real?”
Jack chuckles. “Yeah, I don’t think we’re actually here, either.”
“It hasn’t felt real since we got on the plane. Reckon it won’t for a long while,” Gavin pipes up. “Is it weird that we’ve only known each other for a month?”
Michael shares a glance with Ray. “It is for me, but only because I trust you guys way more than I should…it kind of isn’t a bad thing.”
Geoff looks like he wants to ruffle Michael’s hair, something close to affection in his voice. “We were worried you didn’t feel comfortable with us visiting, at first. You never sounded all that excited when we talked about it in calls, and when it first got brought up, you ignored it, but…I’m glad we’re here.”
“I'm glad you're here, now,” Michael replies as Geoff pushes Gavin from his lap and stands up.
“We need to get changed,” Ryan says as if he’s read Geoff’s mind, pushing off the desk he’s been leaning on. “Reservation’s at five-thirty. If you hear Gavin screaming, ignore him.”
Walking Times Square surrounded by a bunch of dudes in business casual is a little weird, and Michael feels like a few more people are staring at the group of six, many of whom are laughing boisterously at a joke Ray made, than he’s used to. He would’ve spared them a second glance, too – the ones who actually bothered look nice as hell – but being on the receiving end isn’t great, especially as his fashion choices aren’t exactly up to par compared to the rest of his group. He doesn’t give a shit about how he looks, but being stared at isn’t exactly on his to-do list.
Dinner is fucking great. Michael studiously does not look at the price of the three-course meal, and is certain he doesn’t want to look at the check based on how much of a tip Geoff leaves. They leave the restaurant – which is a bit disorienting, considering it’s spun about three-quarters of the way around since they’d arrived – laughing and for Michael, maybe a little tipsy. Geoff had ordered two bottles with complicated names from the wine menu, and most of them hadn’t hesitated to drink wine beside whatever other drinks they ordered. Ray, being the only one who hasn’t had any alcohol tonight, is probably high on the mood of the rest of the group.
“Ray, do you want to stay here tonight?” Jack asks once they’re back in the hotel room and almost quiet enough not to be heard by patrons in the neighboring suites. “I don't want you walking back in the dark even if you've done it before. We have plenty of room.”
He seems to consider it for a moment before nodding. “I’ll need to go home tomorrow to get shit, obviously, but sounds good to me.”
“Good,” Gavin says, suddenly very animated compared to his lazy couch posture. He looks to Michael, who is leaning against the counter of the kitchenette, then to Ryan. “Now can I give it to him?”
“I mean, you did take me out to dinner first,” Michael replies. “I think I’ll allow it.”
“Go ahead, Gavin,” Ryan says, grinning as Gavin propels himself from the couch into their bedroom. The sound of rustling as he obviously looks for something starts up soon enough.
“He getting the lube?” Ray deadpans, and Michael grins as Gavin bounds back into the lounge room to thrust a wrapped something into his hands.
“Is this a present?” Michael asks, frowning. “Christ, you guys bought plane tickets and dinner. I don’t need this shit, too.”
“It’s too late,” Geoff replies gleefully. “We already have presents and you’re going to like them.”
“Open it, Michael!” Gavin insists before he can complain some more. With a sigh, he rips the wrapping paper from the object and lets it unfold. A very red shirt with dynamite and a happy face on it peers back at him. It’s cute.
“Team Nice Dynamite, boi?” Michael asks, smiling at Gavin over the shirt.
“Team Nice Dynamite,” Gavin replies with a very excited grin, then turns to Geoff.
“Yours next?”
“Sure, buddy,” Geoff replies and Gavin’s gone again, back to the bedroom to retrieve whatever Geoff’s got for Michael. He has a feeling it’s going to be some shitty gag gift, like a giant whoopee cushion he will immediately use on Gavin.
By the time he’s done opening gifts like a “World’s Greatest Asshole” mug from Geoff and trying to smother Gavin with a ball of wrapping paper, Michael is no longer tipsy and is surprisingly tired instead. Obviously someone can tell, because Jack decides it’s time for him to go to bed in the other bedroom. Michael isn’t quite sure how it happens, maybe he’d asked him or maybe he hadn’t given him a choice, but Ray is laying under the comforter with him when he realizes where he is.
“I really like them,” Michael says, half-yawning. He shuts his eyes and tries not to fall asleep right away. He doesn’t succeed for very long.
“Me too, man,” Ray says, and Michael is asleep long asleep before he can hear what he says next. “I think they like us, too.”
July 25
They start the next day by sleeping in until noon. Well, not Ryan, they find as they enter the lounge to see him sitting at the desk, writing something, but the rest of the suite’s inhabitants are still asleep when they get that far at eleven-thirty. Ryan steps into the bedroom to wake them up at noon, saying “We have to leave in forty-five minutes, you’d better be up in five minutes or I’m leaving you here.”
Geoff emerges from the bedroom as Gavin rushes into the bathroom almost five minutes later. Jack enters the lounge and claims an armchair soon after that. By the time Gavin is done fucking with his hair and Geoff has finished his first beer of the day, Ryan is ushering them out the door.
“We’re going to Ray’s so he can get his shit, like we talked about last night, then we’ll get lunch, then we’ll go to the thing,” Ryan says as they step into an elevator. Michael has no memory of this discussion Ryan claims happened, but he brushes it off in favor of asking what “the thing” means.
“Sorry, Michael,” Ryan replies, not looking sorry at all. “This one is staying a secret.”
It turns out, Michael realizes as they leave Ray’s favorite pizzeria and make their way toward Hell’s Kitchen and Broadway, they are going to see a show. What the fuck show it is, he has no idea, but of course Ryan would have planned for one. They’re in New York City. They’re going to want to see something on Broadway.
They end up listening to Ryan describe his interest in musical theater in high school, and how a show had come out that he never got a chance to see because a trip to New York was just never in the plans, and how they’re bringing it back for a Broadway revival for a few months and this trip has fallen in the right spot for it, so forgive him for indulging himself and getting tickets for this musical.
Michael doesn’t care what they see, but he does like listening to Ryan talk about it. Whether that’s because he’s learning about his past or because his voice has a nice timbre, Michael doesn’t know, but he’s fine with it either way.
It’s when Geoff suggests they go to that biergarden Ray had mentioned for dinner that Michael gets nervous. If Geoff starts drinking now, well, that will definitely lead to Geoff drinking more later. Hopefully that will be in the hotel room instead of a dive, he thinks as the hostess seats them beneath a stone archway. Lunch goes well until Geoff says, “So, where was that bar you mentioned, Michael?”
When he’d supplied them with a location almost two weeks ago he hadn’t thought he’d be going with them. He could just head home early if they decided to head off to a bar and they would be none the wiser, but this situation had not crossed his mind when Geoff asked him to stay in the hotel room with them, and that mistake sure chose a great time to rear its ugly head.
Okay, time to make a stupid decision, he thinks as Ray touches his elbow. Michael isn’t going to keep them from going to the bar, and if he says he wants to go back to the hotel, someone will definitely come with him if not all of them, so he says, “Uh, eighth and fifty-fourth. We’d have to take taxis.” It’s not like he’s going to run into the guy at six PM on a Wednesday. He’s just being a paranoid piece of shit.
They finish their dinner and hail taxis. Michael rides with Geoff and Jack this time, and they’re walking through the front door of the bar by the time the other taxi pulls up to the curb.
Michael’s heart starts beating a little faster as Geoff’s tattooed hand pulls the door open, and he thinks he’ll be fine as soon as he’s inside, but it gets so much worse. I just won’t breathe, he decides, knowing it’s not a good way to deal with this issue and that he really should bring it up, but nothing’s actually gone wrong yet.
They get their drinks, Gavin ordering a Harry Potter shot when Michael says that’s the one that involves fire. It really is a spectacle, he remembers as the bartender wraps a Gryffindor scarf around her neck and begins shouting about spells, but he’s seen it before, so his gaze wanders.
When he sees the familiar figure enter the bar, his only thought is fuck, he found me.
His second thought is that yeah, he found you, but it’s not like he’s been looking for you for six months. He was drunk enough he probably doesn’t even remember the fight.
His third thought, as another guy steps through the door behind him, is holy shit his friend is with him I’m going to die.
Michael breaks away from the group currently fascinated with the shots that are on fire to blend into the crowd, and it isn’t hard considering how many people are there to observe what the bartender is doing, but there aren’t enough people there at six PM on a Wednesday to hide him completely from the door. Ray, being at the back of their group with Michael is the only one who notices him leave with a questioning call of his name, but he hears someone growl “Michael,” from the doorway, and he knows it isn’t one of his friends.
He quickens his pace toward the back of the bar, knowing he’s already made a slew of bad decisions and it can only go downhill from here, and knowing the guy will recognize him wherever he is in the crowd. There’s nowhere for him to go, and he knows that, too, but he keeps going to give himself some time, leaning in toward the bar and attempting to flag down a spare bartender. Unfortunately, both of them are occupied.
“Michael,” the man breathes down his neck, grabbing his shoulder in a vice-like grip to pull him away from the bar counter. The music is loud enough that he can barely tell what the guy is saying. Michael is briefly glad Ray didn’t follow him as he’s pulled farther back in the darkness of the very rear of the bar to be pinned against the wall. He casts his gaze toward the front of the bar for just a moment, but he can’t even see Ryan or Jack through the bodies despite the light filtering through the storefront window. “We have unfinished business.”
“Who are you again? Fred?” Michael sneers. He knows he’s in a bad spot, but he also knows this guy is both a bad fighter and way too arrogant for his own good. If he can get him fired up, he has a better chance of getting him sloppy and getting out of this encounter unharmed. “You still paying someone else to fight for you? I thought you learned your lesson in January.”
“Unharmed” might have been a little preemptive, because the guy’s grip on his shoulders tightens painfully.
“David. I was wasted then,” he replies, smile a little too wide for Michael’s liking. “Nothing to stop me now.”
Michael ducks out of the way when the guy lifts a fist to box in his ear, having been temporarily distracted trying to make sure no one he knows followed them back here. He’s pretty sure the only one who could take them on is Geoff, and Geoff had been three shots deep last time Michael had seen him. Unfortunately, he’s his own best chance.
He springs back up to land a solid uppercut to David’s jaw, and it sends the guy reeling back in surprised pain. His friend doesn’t make a move on Michael, only grabbing the guy’s arm to keep him on his feet. Michael doesn’t make an attempt to escape. He knows it’s now or never.
The guy rushes back toward him, seemingly recovered, but so does his friend, eyes locked on Michael. Guy takes advantage of his distraction to take a swipe at him, but Michael focuses on him, grabbing his arm mid-swing and twisting it at what must be a painful angle. Guy tries to pull away, grimacing, but Michael pulls him a step closer to break his nose with the heel of his hand. David stumbles back with a gasp and looks to his friend, who advances toward Michael.
Now that the weaker guy’s had enough, it’s time for a real challenge. This guy Michael knows for a fact can fight - he’d beaten Michael’s ass when he won a fight against David in this bar six months ago. Michael has enough violent encounters under his belt to beat someone like broken-nose guy easily, but, unfortunately, he’s a little out of practice, and the way this guy immediately steps toward him to punch his eye in surprises him. He takes a stabilizing step back, unwilling to end up on his ass in front of friend guy, and winces through the pain. That’s going to look nasty, he decides.
He doesn’t know where to go from there. He and friend guy are sizing each other up, Michael knowing this guy will just counter whatever he does next and friend guy probably deciding what to aim for next, but stalemates are never good in a fight. They lead to poorly executed swings and awkward footing.
Fuck it, he thinks, moving in when the moment is at its worst to take the guy by surprise, hitting him in the solar plexus to knock the wind out of him. It only works halfway, almost stunning him for a few seconds, but it gives Michael the advantage he needs to land a solid hit on his ear, where it won’t leave lasting damage but it hurts like a bitch. He’s about to break this guy’s nose, too, when David lands a solid one to his ribs and he stumbles to the side, pushing away from the chairs to end up closer to the wall. David’s contribution gives his friend a chance to recover, and soon he’s pinning Michael painfully against the wall, fist in the air. He’s clearly about to do something with it when someone grabs his wrist and rips him away from the wall, practically throwing the guy into the chairs that aren’t really lined up against the bar anymore.
“Michael,” someone says, stepping in front of him and resting their hands on his face. “Are you good?”
Michael’s tunnel vision on friend guy dissolves to focus on Ray standing in front of him as Ryan holds the guy at a distance in the background, having clearly rescued him from a severe beating at Geoff’s mercy. Geoff is standing beside him, arms crossed and rage in his eyes as he says something to him. Ray pats Michael's face.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he says weakly, clears his throat and says, “I’m glad you didn’t try to follow me.”
“I knew you left, but I just assumed you were going to find the other bartender or something,” Ray shakes his head. “You didn’t come back, and, well, I asked if anyone could see you in the crowd after a while, but…I didn’t see these guys until it was too late, so here we are.”
“It’s fine, Ray,” Michael smiles weakly at him. “It was going to happen eventually.”
“What was going to happen eventually?” Jack asks sternly, having appeared in the space between Ray and friend guy. Michael can’t see Geoff anymore, but it doesn’t really matter, because as soon as Michael‘s gaze moves past Jack he says, “Look at me, Michael.”
“It’s not really a long story, but I’d rather tell it back in the hotel room,” Michael says. “Can we find a pharmacy and get an ice pack?”
“Michael!” Gavin appears at the edge of the small clearing in the crowd. Everyone clearly knows what just happened and is happy to ignore the spectacle. It’s hard to tell if the bartenders even noticed. “Are you alright, boi?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replies with mock bravado. “Just a little beat up. Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Yeah, well, I was going to beat up your friend until Ryan convinced me not to get arrested,” Geoff grumbles, also appearing from the crowd. He and Ryan must have hauled the guys out to the street. His gaze takes on a much softer edge as he takes in Michael’s stance - he must look disheveled as shit. “Why was a sober guy trying to fight you in the back of a bar?”
“I’ll tell you back at the hotel,” Michael sighs. “Now can I get an ice pack somewhere so I don’t have to go back to work with a bright purple eye?”
Thankfully, they do not treat him like he is made of glass during the taxi ride back to the hotel, but he does get stuck between Ray and Gavin, so it wouldn’t really have been possible between Gavin’s nonexistent sense of personal space and Ray having known him long enough to figure out he hates being pitied. As soon as they enter the hotel room, however, it is a different story. The pillows are fluffed and he is sitting on the couch before he knows what’s going on, Geoff taking up the other half and throwing an arm over the back of the couch as Jack presses the bag of frozen peas they’d picked up into his hand, now wrapped in one of someone’s spare T-shirts. Gavin slinks over to sit on the floor and lean against his legs. Gavin hasn’t been talking much since they’d found him. He might still be trying to come to terms with it.
“Alright, buddy, tell us what happened,” Geoff requests, not quietly but gently.
“Well, I was visiting Ray back in January, and a friend of mine told me to go to Barcelona Bar for the weird shots they have, so we did,” Michael begins, wincing as his shoulder twinges when he tries to lift the impromptu ice pack to his eye. “The first guy, David, was super drunk, so when I bumped into him coming out of the bathroom he decided to fight me, and I wrecked him when he wouldn’t fuck off, but his friend showed up and beat the snot out of me, said they’d come find me and get me again sometime.”
“The same guy that was there today?” Jack asks, and Michael nods.
“It sounded like a death threat. I’ve been avoiding going to that bar or drinking at all here – no one wants another few broken ribs, man – but when you guys wanted to go, I figured,” he shrugs, grimacing. “This guy’s not going to happen to be there while we are, it’ll be fine, but, you know, I was wrong. They showed up just after we did, and while you guys were distracted by the bartender doing the weird shots, I tried to hide in the crowd, but that bar is so narrow there isn’t really anywhere to go. They found me and David tried to fight me, but I broke his nose, so his friend decided to have a crack at it. Got me pretty good, but I gave some, too.”
Geoff grins. “I mean, that’s shit, but I’m glad you fucked that guy up.”
“That David guy sounded pretty mad when we pulled his friend off you,” Ryan says carefully, and Geoff’s gaze darkens again. “Like we were being unfair breaking up the fight. I think he said something about taking us out back and shooting us in the head.”
Michael scoffs. “That guy is all bark and no bite. I’m out of practice and I got him in two hits. If he had a gun on him, he was trying to feel better about himself, and I’m sure you scared him enough. You’ll never see him again.”
“How do you feel?” Jack asks, and it sounds like he genuinely wants to know.
“Like I got punched in the face,” Michael grins wryly. “Maybe took a chair to the rib, but not as bad.”
“You get in fights a lot?” Geoff asks, side-eyeing him, obviously interested.
“I did until that guy fucked me up,” Michael replies, grinning for real now. “I think it’s time for me to take it up as a hobby again.”
Jack sighs, shifting in the armchair to better face Michael. “Please don’t do anything stupid. If you get into a dangerous situation in New Jersey, we won’t always be around to help you out.”
Michael raises an eyebrow at him. “I can take care of myself, Jack. I'm a big boy.”
“But you don’t have to,” Ryan regards him sternly. “You need to start letting other people help you, Michael. You’re only going to hurt yourself.”
“I grew up taking care of myself,” he replies readily, severely. “Old habits die hard.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll work it out of you,” Geoff says calmly, clearly attempting to diffuse the tension in the room. “Michael, you’re a stubborn piece of shit, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” he replies as Jack stands.
“I think it’s time for bed,” he announces, and Ray pushes away from the counter and is in the process of opening the door to the other bedroom when Geoff stops him.
“The beds in this hotel are only king-sized,” he says, holding up a hand to stop Ray from going anywhere. “But we can make it work.”
July 26
It takes Michael a moment to realize who he is in bed with when he wakes up.
Gavin is wrapped around his back, an arm draped over his waist and his nose buried in Michael’s shoulder. Ray is facing him, practically melted into the mattress. Ryan is behind Ray, and Michael thinks it’s safe to assume Geoff and Jack are on Gavin’s other side, though he can’t actually tell.
This is strange, he thinks, but…nice.
As soon as Gavin had realized they’d be in the same bed he had pulled him into the bedroom and wrapped around him like a fucking spider, leaving everyone else to fend for themselves. They had, somehow, managed to make it work. He finds it a little strange waking up in a bed with five other dudes, but it also seems like something he could get used to.
No, stop that, he thinks, and he finds himself frowning as he reaches to rub the eye that isn’t fucked up. Four dudes in a relationship don’t need you to make their lives more difficult.
Ryan must have heard him move, because he leans up to look at Michael for a moment. “That’s one nasty black eye you’ve got there,” he whispers, and Michael grimaces.
“It’ll be green in a few days,” Michael whispers back. “That’s the best part.”
“I’m pretty sure the best part of a bruise is the part when is disappears,” Ryan counters.
“Are you arguing about the color of a bruise?” Jack asks incredulously, and he sounds far away enough that Geoff must be between Jack and Gavin.
“Yes,” Michael replies, having turned slightly, and now that he isn’t mumbling into the mattress his breath must tickle Ray, because he scrunches his face up in what he would insist isn’t a cute way and blinks awake.
“You’re a piece of shit,” Ray frowns. “I was in the middle of a dream, man.”
“Whatever,” Geoff says, apparently awake now, and Gavin finally stirs, halfway releasing Michael in his waking confusion. “I need to shit.”
“So eloquent,” Jack scoffs, there is some shifting on the bed, and Michael watches Geoff leave the bedroom. Jack probably figures he might as well since he’s already up, and walks through the door to the lounge as the hand Gavin has draping over Michael squeezes in a gimme fashion. Michael considers it very briefly, then moves his hand to grab Gavin's.
Gavin laces their fingers together, and Ray snickers and says, "No homo."
Ryan slides off the bed to stand, grinning widely. "Good luck," he says, and goes into the lounge.
"You're fucked, dude," Ray says, following him. Michael shifts into a more comfortable position now that he has half of the mattress to himself. This position lands him facing Gavin, fingers intertwined, and they look at each other for a moment. The silence is peaceful.
"Oh my god," Geoff says, closing the bathroom door behind him and moving toward the door to the lounge. "You guys are gay as dicks." Michael cuts him a half-hearted glare as he leaves.
"We should get up so we can eat," Michael says, grinning when Gavin startles. "We might be able to convince them to get room service for breakfast."
Gavin is clearly excited about the prospect, because he is suddenly very animated in trying to drag Michael out of bed.
"Alright, alright, don't pull my arm out of its socket," Michael chides, and Gavin actually stops for a moment as Michael rolls his shoulder in an attempt to work the stiffness out of it. Last night's fight is coming back to him in more ways than one.
Gavin drags him out into the lounge as soon as he's out of contact with the bed. Ray is draped over Ryan on the couch, Jack is reading something in the armchair, and Geoff is leaning against the counter, phone to his ear.
"What do you dickheads want for room service?" Geoff asks, twisting the phone away from his mouth. Gavin begins listing a bunch of shit, but Michael just shrugs. He'll eat whatever they put in front of him.
He and Gavin sit on the floor beside the coffee table (more like Gavin trips over the coffee table and pulls Michael down with him), and when Jack tries to hand Michael a real ice pack this time, Gavin reaches out and snatches it from him.
He turns to Michael with a little too much concern in his eyes and presses the ice pack gently to his face. "How do you feel, boi?"
"Like I want you to stop worrying about me," he replies, and Gavin frowns. "I've done this before."
Gavin grimaces, now, and Geoff hangs up, shoves his phone in his pocket, and says, "We need to talk."
Michael would normally feel apprehensive right about now, but the way Geoff says it sounds more optimistic than anything. No one speaks as Geoff grabs the wooden desk chair and spins it around to sit at the other end of the coffee table.
"There's been this shit hanging in the air since we got here," he begins, and Ryan chuckles. Apparently he knows what's going on as Geoff indicates everyone but Michael and Ray. "The four of us have had a half-conversation about this already, but you assholes deserve to know, too."
"Get on with it, Geoff," Jack admonishes good-naturedly.
"We like you guys and wouldn't be opposed to bringing you into the relationship," he grinds out, rushing as if someone will stop him if he breathes.
Michael blinks away his surprise. He's been pretending how he feels doesn't matter, sure, but...well, it seems like the only reasoning he had doesn't work anymore.
Ray is much quicker to the draw. "What would that mean for us?"
"Eventually, we hope you'd move in with us," Ryan says. "For now, as a six-person relationship, we'd be spending some time figuring it out, but...if you hadn't noticed, we're pretty much there already."
Ray nods, and three and a half gazes turn to Michael.
"I'm not opposed, but...I'm not sure it would work." He wants to give them one last chance to back out. "I like you guys a hell of a lot, but six people in a relationship?"
"We know," Jack says, and the smile he offers is a little comforting. "We aren't sure if it'll work, either, and there’s no way it’ll be easy, but we won't know unless we try."
"Alright...I'm down," Michael says after a moment, then grins. "Does that make us all boyfriends?"
"If that's what you want to call it," Ryan says appraisingly.
"It sounds nice," Gavin agrees, smiling contagiously. "You're my boi...friend, Michael. Boyfriend."
"Super homo," Ray comments, and they're all laughing when someone knocks on the door.
"Room service is here, fuckin' finally," Geoff says, standing to make his way over to greet whoever’s brought the food. Michael watches him walk away, tattooed arm reaching for the doorknob. Gavin curls around him tighter, a hand moving to card through Michael's hair.
Yeah, this is something he could get used to.
June 22
MLP Michael: My plane leaves at two, gets in at six. If you're late you owe me dinner BrownMan: We'll be there, dude. GavinoFree: Michael, boi, why can't you just be here already? I miss you :( MLP Michael: Christ, Gavin, I'll be there in a few days BM Vagabond: To be fair, Gavin, we did talk about this. MLP Michael: Yeah yeah I should have given my two weeks earlier, I've heard it all before DG Geoff: He will not stop complaining about it. I think he's smothering Ray. JackP: He is. (JackP has attached a photo.) BrownMan: I came here to have a good time and Im feeling so attacked right now MLP Michael: Gavin, you fucking leech -MM: Couches have two cushions for a reason BM Vagabond: We may not be the best example of that. BrownMan: Hey, man, fitting five people on a couch is an art MLP Michael: Okay, dickheads, I need to pack. Stop blowing up my phone GavinoFree: I love you, Michael :) MLP Michael: Fuck off -MM: I love you too, boi -MM: I'll see you guys later (JackP has attached a photo.) DG Geoff: We'll be waiting for you.
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nackles · 8 years
A-Z bby
i fucking hate you @selenabi
A - If I'm in love.
 B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was.
 C - How long it's been since I've kissed.
like last weekend lmao
 D - If I have a preference for boys or girls.
nah lul
 E - How many piercings I have.
 F - selena or junkrat?
junkrat c:
 G - The last person I said 'I love you' to.
 H - The last person I hugged.
 I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.
@everyone who got their nintendo switch preorder from amazon bc i hate gamestop lmao
 J - Are you insecure. What about?
honestly my looks
 K - What my full name is.
nicholas ortega lul
 L - If I have siblings.
 M - If I forgive betrayal.
i guess it depends on what happens
 N - Favourite animal?
 O - Where would I like to travel
either new york or japan
 P - What kind of music I like.
i dont have any real particular kind of music i like, im open to all kinds
 Q - Favourite flower
 R - Is cheating ever okay?
lmao nah
 S - 2 habits.
not getting enough sleep or sleeping way too much
 T - 3 things I love unconditionally.
@selenabi and my two dogs
 U - Favourite time of year, and why
fall / winter because i love the cold
 V - Big dreams?
honestly to just move out of my house later down in the year
 W - If I've done something I regret very much.
fucking importing amiibos that eventually got restock in the u.s. bc i had no clue if they would be sold out or not
 X - 3 turn ons
compassion, sense of humor, likes video games
 Y - 3 turns offs
selfishness, arrogance, someone who’s just an asshole just to be an asshole
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all odd numbers
i’ll play ur game, nhi, if this is really u
3. Who did you play with as a kid?
My family, mostly! My friends weren’t really into videogames in elementary school; I was a lot more active back then. Coming into middleschool and the first half of highschool I had like two friends. I was, for the most part, a Solitary Gamer.
5. Ever use cheat codes?
I used a Gameshark once, but other than that I never knew the codes because I never went on the internet to look for them.
7. Any games you have multiple copies of?
this sounds like a waste of money and i’ve never done it because i thought it was a waste
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games?
Just acquaintances
 13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has?
I’ve never played Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. Fire Emblem. Animal Crossing. Harvest Moon. Etc.
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick?
Man...it would either be Mega Man or Kirby.
17. Ever lose a friend over a game?
19. Favorite handheld console?
My Gameboy SP never did me wrong.
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now?
I honestly don’t know? I don’t think so? Most of the things I didn’t like as a kid I still don’t really like, because my tastes are stagnant.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
I maxed out the hours on Pokemon Emerald
25. Were you ever an arcade game player?
With the exception of the Donkey Kong Machine I mentioned in the last ask, I wasn’t an arcade player! I’ve played arcade games, just on other consoles.
27. Game that makes you rage?
i’m not really a rager. i’m a calm, tranquil gamer.
29. What is your gaming set up?
computer, bed, mouse
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches?
From prolonged use, yeah! But I’ve learned to take breaks/get used to it.
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games?
I still to this day have no idea how you get these
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop?
I never have! Gamestop is like the only gaming store i know.
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination?
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
It doesn’t need one, but: Ghost Trick.
Half-Life 2, just so my suffering can end.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?
I’ve never really been into JRPG’s, and I can’t see myself getting sucked into them anytime soon. You’d think i’d be into them, but i’ve never ever been a fan of the genre. This includes KH and more Square Enix stuff. My biggest JRPG experience was Super Mario RPG, if thats any indication.
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else?
literally every day of my life
45. How are you at Mario Kart?
i’m really good at Double Dash
47. Do you like competitive games?
I don’t mind them! It really depends on my mood going into them. Sometimes I have a lot of fun playing competitive matches, other times I get spooked to use voice chat. Recently my take has kind of soured. I had a couple bad Overwatch Games and have been kinda tenative to use the mic/play since.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character?
i always go for rogue because im a predictable asshole who wants so desperately to be cool
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep?
pokemon, easily
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days?
I am fine when DLC is actual, bonus content like Epilogues/New Routes/Prequels. But if DLC is something that should have been in the game at launch, it makes me kinda “:/”
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them?
I have played the sims once. I accidently blocked my SIms access to the bathroom, didn’t know how to fix it fast enough, and they all shit themselves. I closed the game and never played again.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements?
I try and do this with most games nowadays. I did it with Robobot and most Kirby games.I recently did it with Pokemon Moon, which was, an achievement.
59. Do you play any cell phone games?
Just basic ones like Tetris, Scrabble, and Pocket Morty’s
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever
I can’t part with games, and overall have a bad habit of keeping everything.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament?
Nope! Almost went to a tournament, but passed.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file?
I used a Game Shark on my cousins Pokemon Emerald so he could get me a bunch of Mew’s/Duplicate my main party. IDK what it did to his save file, but i have a lot of Mew’s now.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share?
There’s this one part in Powerpuff Girls: Him and Seek where you have to break Mojo Jojo out of jail. He breaks the fourth wall in the beginning asking “You. Yes, You! The one with the game!” to help him out. It freaked me out so much at first but then I started to play the part of evil sidekick to Jojo. It turned me.
There was a time where Me, my Mother, my Cousin and my Uncle were all playing Double Dash. My Uncle never wins and for the first time ever, on Daisy Cruiser, he was going to win. I was in second, and fired a Bowser Turtle up the stairs, and it richoeted off a certain angle that knocked the shell directly across and into him. Then, when it bounced off the wall on the other side, it went in the same trajectory and hit my Uncle again. It proceeded to hit my Uncle for five turns, allowing me and the rest of my family to cross and for him to once again come in fourth. I think I almost died.
I used to RP a bunch of stories with my Cousin in Smash Brothers. We would pick a character, put the time of infinite and make up stories. We did it with Simpsons Hit and Run too.
I have a lot of good memories of forcing my Uncle and Mother to play COD with two kids who were margainally better than them.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made?
Ghost Trick
Ghost Trick, Ghost Trick, Ghost Trick
For the love of God, buy Ghost Trick. Watch a playthrough. Do anything. Ghost Trick is a diamond in the dust, left behind but still so glamarous. Ghost Trick. It’s Ghost Trick. Play Ghost Trick.
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pirate-kid2k19-blog · 5 years
Explaining the behaviors i grew up around to explwin why im like this. Started writing at 3:06AM and finished at 3:48AM
So basically in tennessee where i was born my uncle was an alcoholic pothead. We used to like plsy wrestle a lot and once i accidentally kicked him in the balls now obviously his natural reflex was to push me and i literally flew out that room so hard i nearly fell down the stairs. I broke my right arm. And i forgive him not just because he apologized but he stopped drinking because of that. He now only drinks on holidays or his birthday. Anyways, i grew up for 5 years around christians, witches, and 2 stoners.
my moms cousin was problematic af if he was famous twitter would cancel him harder than anyone else ever bc of this shit that traumatized me. Ill start with what only traumatized me for like 2 years, but then whatll haunt me forever.
So when i was 3, he was cleaning the cat litter. We had 4 cats at the time so there was a lot of shit in the litter. I was trying to get his attention bc i ended up with the room he used to hsve and i didnt want all the hotwheels cars on the wall, and i wanted to ask if hed take them down. Apparently i bugged him so much that he picked me up and put me in the trashcan w i t h t h e c a t s h i t l i t t e r wnd thats why i never went around big trashcans for 2 years.
Now im never gonna forget this. So he and my dad were having a small disagreement bc he did something wrong on a car they were trying to fix (they used to do that together) and well that turned into a full blown fight. Doors were broken, holes were msde in walls, amd my 3 year old self hsd to stand by the stairs and watch paralyzed by fear. Luckily my aunt called the cops and they stopped the fight before it got too bad wnd they were hurt n shit. But i will never forget watching my dad duct tape my kom's cousin's mouth shut and hearing the police sirens and seeing th lights outside.
Anyways, the people who owned the family home died and we had to move. My granddad on my dads side of the family let us stay 2ith. This dude names T.R. (im not giving out real names, but he used his initials as a nicknwme so we'll call him that.) He wasnt that bad of a guy, except for the fact that i developed insomnia due to not being abl3 to sleep til he went to bed at 5am bc of how loud he had his video games. We wouldve said something but we didnt wannw be rude and i think TR just dirntt think we could hear it. He couldnt real,y afford to take care of his dog with the job he had, and while my dad had a good paying job hed help take care of the fluffy chow he had. But after a while, we couldnt afford it either ehen my dad as unemployed and when we went to get him taken to the shelter to be put down (he was really old and miserable, he hardly got any attention bc 1 tr worked until nighttime 3very day just to afford rent and shit for him snd the dog to live off of, and 2 he was really skittish wnd an outside dog in a pen (though the pen was big enough for him and it had a roof and a little house n stuff, everything was just a bitndirty yeet) so he hardly got contact with people.) He kinda jumped out and ran away. He got ran over later on, sadly.
Once id been in georgia for about a year with an empty house next door (they were renovating it so ppl could live there and they wouldnt have to demolish the building since it was good on the outside and all that), my old neighbors/family friends moved in. This little autistic boy a year younger than me exactly (same day but he was born a year after me), his mom who laypter suffered an aneurysm and was paralyzed on all her right side, and her oldest kid mason who wprked at gamestop. You can tell what he looked like just ehen u think that he worked at gamestop and loved legend of zelda. Anyways, this kid and i hsd a lot of fun bc we hsd a lot in common and we both loved nsture and stuff like that. After abt 2 years, we uhh... did bad shit, we stole alcohol and got drunk n shit, hed steal his moms weed (it was illegal weed, she didnt have a card to get it for medical reasons at the time and btw this is after the aneurysm) and sell it to kids he met in the woods. See in the woods by my house theres a small-ish clearing where the property owners hunt and ride four wheelers n stuff, and we were all told we were allowed bsck there as long as the ppl who owned the property werent and we had to wear orange or bright neon yellow in hunting season in case they came bsck there thyd know it was people. This kid nearly got me to join this "gang" he called it. I was pure and innocent back then and said no bc in order to get in i had to cut myself (i had depression but not bad enough to wanna hurt myself or anything, and i hsd no clue wbt self harm or anything i was fuckin 8) and i just told them that me selling shit we werent supposed to hsve in school (candy/gum, slap bracelets, stuff that an 8 year old shouldnt have access to) was good enough for me. However, i wonder what happened to those kids. Theyre probably in high. School juuling in the bathroom lol. But anyways,this fuckin kid and i got drunk together a couple times when we'd sneak off into the woods and trespass n shit and after a while of not seinf each other, we got to meet sgain. I explained to him what being trans was and that i was a guy and he deadass just told me i already acted like one and he accepted me and called me a guy whenever we were alone (i wasnt out to my family yet). But then his house started falling apart and he moved and we havent seem each other in q year and a half. However, we might get to celebrate our next birthdsy together. We never got the chance to before and if i dont have company over next year on my birthday we might get to celebrate together :)
Some more shit abt this kid: he was the only friend i had up until fourth grade when i started selling art and being less of an asshole. And he knows more about me than any friend i have or used to have. Im the only person other than his mom who understands his memtal disorder so when my mom would babysit him i had to go over there after school in case something happened i could calm him. But uhh yeah this kid and i had some fun times and i hope i get to see him again soon. He still lives in the same city, just on the other side of the city.
About this area, basically im surrounded by woods and rednecks. Neighbors on the right are nice sweet old ppl the neighbors on the left are shady af and we in the white ghetto virtually. The hood is right down the street to the left and im scared to go there unless i was in public school on the bus or like if i had pepper spray lol.
Anyways im yoo tired to keep going gn.
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voidhacks · 7 years
Mall Au Ideas!
This takes place in a mall in modern times and they are all humans living normal lives sburb never happened and I did this late at night and I may write a fic about it soon.
Roxy works at a hair and nail salon and knows all the gossip and always looks so nice and everyone who goes there asks for her. She gets along well with Jade and Nepeta and has a million cats. Dirk is a martial arts instructor, but he is super awkward around students his age and parents of little kids, but he’s ok with the young kids and is very talented. He has trophies for the tournaments he has won and the kids always ask about them and he is happy to tell them the stories again and again. Lil Hal is his younger brother who is taking his classes. Jake works at blockbuster and always hosts movie night. He also gets almost fired for keeping Avatar after promising he would only borrow it for “a bit” Jane works at a small bakery and bakes scones and cupcakes with her Dad and she is always super happy and she is the best baker ever and she always brings her cupcakes to parties, but they disappear almost instantly. Rose works at a hot topic and Kanaya is her best customer, coming in every day for reasons that get less and less believable until she admits that she just wants to see her. Kanaya eventually gets hired. Rose is also Dave’s sister and they always tease each other and have a great relationship. Dave works at a store selling various instruments and also has private lessons. He constantly tries to sell his mixtape. Karkat is being given lessons by Dave there. Jade works at a pet store and she rescues abused and abandoned animals so she has tons of animal in her apartment. She takes care of all the animals and they all love her and she is just the best ever. She has a white husky named bec and he has been around all of her life. John works at a magic store that also sells stuff for jokes and pranks. He’s really good at all the card tricks and a masterful practical joker. Jade is his sister and she gave him a rabbit which he named Liv Tyler and he does all the tricks with her. He also watches tons of movies with Jake in his free time because they both love movies. All these stores are in a circle around a fountain and there is also a Starbucks where everyone meets up during breaks and Calliope and her asshole brother Caliborn work there as baristas.
Karkat takes lessons at Dave’s shop and regularly hangs out at the mall but really doesn’t have much to do so he usually hangs around the shop until Dave’s break and then follows him. Aradia works at blockbuster as well and loves movies with adventure like Indiana Jones as well as other movies that involve death. Tavros works at a store that sells board games and is happy to teach customers how to play games. Vriska always comes in to laugh at him but also sometimes sits down and plays a friendly game of fieudspawn with him. Sollux used to work at a GameStop but when a Mom came in and called Star Wars “Star Trek” he lost his shit and went on a huge rant that got him fired. He now works at a Genius Bar at the Apple Store and hates everything. Nepeta works at an anime store with huge plushies, tons of snacks, toys, and all the episodes sailor moon playing on loop on a big tv on the wall. She also loves cats very much and goes to Jade’s pet store every day to see cats! She works with Equius whom she dragged into this job and he does it because he is friends with Nepeta and is secretly a weeb. Kanaya is a regular at hot topic but she goes mostly to see Rose and eventually gets hired at hot topic and hangs out with Rose and the others a lot Terezi works with Vriska at a costume shop where they sell props, cosplay, and they make custom props and outfits and it’s really cool. They are serious nerds and they are also dating and they Flarp all the time with Tavros and also Aradia and they also play D&D with Tavros, Aradia, Sollux, and Eridan. Terezi is the dungeon master and always makes fun situations and adventures and Vriska is always the creative one finding loopholes and getting tons of lucky rolls. Vriska works with Terezi, but Terezi profile also kind of told us about Vriska. Equius works at the anime store with Nepeta and is secretly a total weeb. He is Nepeta’s best friend forever and loves horses. He is a total secret Brony along with Dirk and they watch MLP at Dirk’s house all the time. He’s also a furry and so are Jade, Roxy, Dirk, Vriska, Terezi, Nepeta, and Dave (ironically of course). Gamzee works in the kids area and does really good face painting and he is really nice to kids but the adults find him kind of unsettling. When he isn’t working he wanders around and the only place he really isn’t welcome is the Hot Topic because of Kanaya and the Cosplay Shop because Vriska and Terezi hate him. Eridan works at a sushi restaurant and is surprisingly talented at cooking. He plays D&D and flarps like the huge nerd he is and he likes swimming. His father owns this chain of sushi restaurants so Eridan had no choice but to do this job. Feferi works in a clothing store and she is the nicest person ever and will tell you that you look good and is very nice and very good with fashion. She also enjoys sushi and is usually nice to Eridan and gets along swimmingly with everyone else. Her mother is the boss of this whole mall and everyone except Feferi is scared of her. Lord English is the owner of all of the malls in the English Emporium chain. Doc Scratch is his assistant that he sends out to inspect malls and deliver messages. The Midnight Crew are known criminals who rob these malls but are still at large. The Felt are mall cops and despite looking scary and big and actually nice to everyone.
If u have anything that u think should be different or anything to add just reblog and add it!
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wink-wonk · 8 years
Does anyone wanna hear a jape
So. I ordered the fuckin Nintendo Switch Fuck Me in the Ass Bundle TM and literally gave the sales associate at GameStop my left nut and six fingers as recompense for expedited shipping, because I'm a little bitch and Nintendo owns my soul. So I accidentally got it delivered to my parent's house, but like no problem right? I just have to drive an hour to get down there and then I'm good to go. In SwitchLand, baby. Gonna Switch up my asshole. Switch it right on up in there, I even got snipperclips so Gracie and I can switch our anuses together. But. BUT. B U T. The email confirmations Ive been getting this whole time????? Were about the fucking BREATH OF MY DICKHOLE GAME CARTRIDGE SHIPPING???? TO MY HOUSE. MY PEOPLE HOUSE. WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS? ITS LIKE I HAVE ALL THE GASOLINE IN THE WORLD AND NO CAR TO DRIVE. What's the point anymore
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