earlgreytiefling · 2 years
My fave quotes/ moments of Critical Role c1: A Thread (6)
•Gern: *bursts out of the forest shouting angry Irish noises*
Grog: Are we killing this one?
Scanlan: No no don’t kill him he’s precious- 46
•A volcano is nature’s candle- Gern, 46
•Gern Blanston, Necromancer/ Candle Specialist my beloved - 46
•Liam: *rolls 34 to hit*
Matt: How’d you get a 34 on your attack?!
Liam: I don’t know anymore-46
•The Gern Backstory Reveal™- 46
•Sam’s wicked witch long game begins- 47
•Scanlan once again discovers the cursed weapon in the party- 47
•Letters song reference and Liam and Taliesin freaking out everyone with their in-sync singing- 48
•TYRIOK :( -48
•Taliesin’s scarily accurate crow noises- 49
•Grog continues to be completely oblivious to the evilness of Craven Edge (Travis’ unparalleled rp) -49
•Scanlan: I don’t know what Grog’s dad looks like
Vax: Yes you do, he was a rotting corpse in front of you trying to kill you
Scanlan: Of course, how could I forget- 50
Previous Part
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theoniprince · 9 months
Ich sterbe gerade etwas. Fabers Zeichnungen aus Kindertagen!!!!!!!😭😭😭
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(Tatort: Du bleibst hier)
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mysynonym · 2 days
ich les grad wieder Dolly (mädcheninternatbuchserie meiner kindheit) und ich liebs wirklich sehr ABER was mich richtig nervt ist, dass der einzige konflikt den Dolly mit ihrem verlobten/mann haben darf eifersucht ist. langsam wirds langweilig und frustrierend tbh
in den letzten drei buechern gabs immer irgendeinen eifersuchtssubplot der absolut nicht sein haette muessen dabei haette sie genug established character flaws/traits mit denen man was machen koennte. vlt kommts daher, dass er perfekt sein muss und deswegen keine negativen charakterzuege haben darf ausser ein bisschen eifersucht idk
im letzten buch wurde ein "du hast keine zeit fuer mich weil du so viel energie in die arbeit steckst"-konflikt angeteasert der legitim gewesen waere und einfach nicht aufgeloest und mit einem weiteren eifersuchtssubplot ersetzt wurde. truly baffling imo
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Through sheer happenstance my beloved and I both speak German. They’re significantly more fluent than me, having done a year abroad and double majoring in it. But both of us have stories passed down to us of the hilarious cultural misunderstandings present in learning a new language.
One of my German teachers had also spent a year abroad. He had a good grasp of the language but not the nuance. So when he’d closed on his first apartment and his lady got him a good deal he said, “Oh mein Gott, ich liebe dich!” (“Oh my god, I love you!”)
Now in English I love you is a multi-use term applied to friends, family, and for emphasis that you’re very happy, like someone just got you your first apartment.
In German however that phrasing is very specifically romantic. Not even casually romantic, it’s Serious Love. Parents tell their kids “Ich habe dich gern” or “Ich habe dich lieb” (literally “I have you gladly” or “I have love for you”) rather than “Ich liebe dich.” (This is as it was explained to me, don’t @ me it was public school)
So this woman was horrified and creeped out that this strange man, who she was alone in a room with, had pulled the cultural equivalent of declaring his undying love for her and asking her to have his babies.
He was equally horrified to have made such a faux pas when he realized how upset she was and profusely apologized. She understood better when he explained he was American.
A silly bonus story was that in that class we pranked one of the girls into thinking “Baum” was slang for cool. It just means tree. She’d be like “Das ist so Baum!” (“That is so tree!”) It went on for a few months before the teacher corrected her.
The next story is one of my favorites. My beloved heard from her teacher of a woman who had hosted a German exchange student for a while. At one point the girl came up to the her host mom to ask, “Where can we go buy a rubber? My sister collects them.”
“A rubber? She collects them??”
“Yes, can we buy her one?”
The woman was shocked that her exchange student was asking for a condom. But, she told herself, cultural norms were different, and she knew that German teenagers were given more sexual freedom. So, trepidatious but determined, she drove the girl to a local sex shop.
The girl, in turn, was horrified when they arrived. Most German student learn British English instead of American English and they call erasers rubbers.
The translation error made her host mom think she was asking for condoms when she just wanted a cute eraser and they both ended up embarrassed, surrounded by dildos.
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billluver0124 · 3 months
"Even if you're drunk."
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synopsis : after celebrating yet another award for tokio hotel, bill comes home to his older girlfriend plastered drunk out of his mind. leaving y/n to take care of him:3 WARNINGS: there are none, this is a fluff story:3
y/n was at home sitting on the couch, watching TV because tokio hotel won an award at the 2008 super comet for "best band"and "best music video" and of course she wants to see her beloved boyfriend on television! y/n was always proud of the band's accomplishments, but she was most proud of bill of course. she gets up from the couch to get herself a glass of water when all of a sudden, she hears the door open and someone stumble to get inside. bill was finally home! "ich b'n z'rück!" the sound of a drunken boy echoed through the house. y/n sighed before going to help bill. "how much did you drink liebe?" y/n chuckled as she asked bill, helping him take his shoes off. "wissen sie, ein paar oder mehr" bill joked, slurring every syllable he spoke from his alcohol reeking mouth. y/n shook her head "c'mon baby, lets get you to bed" "noo i dont wan' go baby!" bill whined "no babe, you need to get to bed" y/n led bill to the bathroom to clean up his face as there was dried vomit on his cheek. after she cleaned his face she sits him on the toilet seat, turning on the faucet to run him a bath. y/n grabs his hand and puts it in the water "does that feel good?" bill nods slowly then y/n gets up to help him take his clothes off
"Versuchst du mich zu ficken?" bill slurred, smirking drunkenly "just get in the bath" y/n ordered. bill pouts but does what she said to do.
she washes his hair and his body, getting the horrid smell of alcohol off of him. she helps him wrap a towel around his waist and goes to get him some pajamas to sleep in. its just going to be pj pants because she knows hes gonna get too hot with a shirt aswell. "put these on" she hands them to him, he refuses "noo i don' wan' tooo" "bill.." she groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. she removes his towel and puts them on herself "that was rude!" bill exclaimed. y/n takes his hand and takes him to bed, laying the blanket over his body as he cuddles up with the pillow.
just as y/n goes to leave the room, she feels a hand grabbing her wrist "nein mamaa, schlaf mit mir.." he mumbles, half asleep. y/n softly smiles before getting into bed next to him. bill instantly cuddles up against her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling his face in her neck.
"Danke, dass du dich um mich gekümmert hast..." bill says, muffled in her neck "Gern geschehen, ich werde immer auf mein baby aufpassen" y/n replies, softly scratching his back to sleep "youll always take care of me?" he asked "yes liebe, ill always take care of you. even if youre drunk." authors note!! i think this is short..idk i dont reread my stories. hope you enjoy! i love you guys<33
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dailywusiala · 9 days
english translation of this paywall-hidden interview:
find the german version here
Jamal Musiala is only 21 years old, but he is already a key player for the German national team. He has only just moved into his first own apartment. A conversation about growing up in the public eye and dreams outside of sports.
After training with the national football team, Jamal Musiala arrives in high spirits for his interview with WELT AM SONNTAG at the Adidas Homeground, the training facility of the German Football Association in Herzogenaurach. Inside the building, golf bags are lined up for the players to use during their free time. Musiala examines them closely. "I need to stay up to date when it comes to equipment," he says with a smile.
A few days later, he will play an outstanding international match, scoring one goal and assisting three more in a 5-0 victory against Hungary in the Nations League.
WELT AM SONNTAG: Mr. Musiala, do you play golf?
Jamal Musiala: Yes, but I haven’t played in a long time. Thomas Müller and Harry Kane, my teammates at FC Bayern, are very good golfers. Thomas is the better of the two – at least that's what he says (laughs). So I definitely need to practice again to get on their level.
WAMS: There’s a stereotype that golf is more popular with people over 30. Do you feel too young for this sport?
Musiala: Not at all. Golf is just fun.
WAMS: You’ve already won the German Championship four times, two European Championships, played in a World Cup, appeared in 34 international matches, and over a hundred games for FC Bayern – and you’re only 21. Recently, you moved out of your mother’s house.
Musiala: Yes, I moved from my mother’s house into an apartment. It’s a bit different now, but I like it. I really enjoy having my own peace, as we say in English, my own space where it’s quiet. What I really miss, though, is my mom’s delicious food. But I’ve found a good solution – and I enjoy cooking myself now and then.
WAMS: Are you a good cook?
Musiala: Not at all (laughs). But, like with golf, I just enjoy it.
WAMS: But you can manage to make your beloved Maultaschen?
Musiala: Yes, they’re easy. But I can’t eat them too often.
WAMS: At the Euros, you were the top scorer with three goals, along with five other players. Have you set up a trophy room in your first apartment yet?
Musiala: I don’t have much space, so I’ve left all the trophies at my mom’s house.
WAMS: Others your age are just moving into shared apartments, studying, or starting apprenticeships. You debuted in the Bundesliga at 17. How much do you actually experience the everyday reality of your generation?
Musiala: I’ve been in the football world from a young age, so I don’t have many friends outside of sports. I’d like to have more, but you can’t force it. Friendships are important to me. As a teenager, I was in the FC Chelsea Academy, and that’s where friendships formed that have lasted to this day. That means a lot to me.
WAMS: If you hadn’t become a footballer, what do you think you’d be doing today?
Musiala: Funny that you ask, because I was just thinking about that a few days ago. I would definitely do something creative. Maybe study architecture or work as an architect. I always enjoyed drawing in school.
WAMS: Your first own apartment, your fifth season with Bayern, your fourth year in the national team – your nickname "Bambi," which teammate Leroy Sané gave you because of your skinny legs, no longer really fits. Does this current phase of your life feel like growing up?
Musiala: I don’t mind the nickname Bambi; anyone can still call me that. Of course, I’ve grown with experience and I’m no longer the Bambi player. I’ve been through a lot at a young age, and hopefully, there will be many more games and titles to come. Consistency is key, and I do everything I can to maintain that. I rely on good routines and take care of my body.
WAMS: It’s said that you also do a lot of individual training in addition to your team practices.
Musiala: That basically started in our garden when I was a child. My dad played football himself and always told me, "Your coaches will do everything they can to help you become a pro, but the extra effort, the extra miles, you have to do yourself. No one will force you to do that. That drive has to come from within." I thought that message was cool and it made sense. I still take it to heart and always think about what I can do to take another step forward. No matter how many titles I win or how much my status changes, my work ethic and mentality won’t change. I’ll always look for ways to improve and stay open to learning and growing. This mindset has always worked well for me.
WAMS: You also do neuro-athletic training. What exactly do you train?
Musiala: It’s mainly about stability and movement. We train my eye speed, which is very important for my turning movements and positioning on the field. The faster my eyes move, the quicker I can anticipate. The first touch of the ball is often decisive, and this training helps me execute the ideas I have on the pitch.
WAMS: You mentioned your routines earlier. What do they look like?
Musiala: For example, I have a set routine on matchdays. I always take a nap in the afternoon, and then I recite my affirmations. I always step onto the pitch with my right foot. And if I’ve scored a goal – whether for Germany or Bayern – I wear the same pair of boots in the next match until I stop scoring (laughs).
WAMS: What affirmations do you say?
Musiala: They’re affirmations that I’ve tried out and developed over time, and they work well for me.
WAMS: Can you share one with us?
Musiala: Sorry, that’s like making a wish when blowing out birthday candles – you’re not supposed to tell anyone.
WAMS: Who is the most important advisor in your life?
Musiala: I listen a lot to my coaches and teammates, and to the feedback from my family and close friends.
WAMS: Young adults your age are often referred to as the “TikTok generation.” Do you check the feedback on social media?
Musiala: Not much. After a match, I do look at the comments sometimes. Using social media is normal, I think, but over time I’ve learned to distance myself from it. I don’t need it. Negative comments can bring you down.
WAMS: So you haven’t left an angry or praising comment on your idol Stephen Curry’s social media accounts yet?
Musiala: (laughs) Now that you mention it, maybe I’ll do that with a fake account. No, Curry knows how good he is. What he did at the Olympics was incredible. He represents top performance and entertainment. And he never makes unnecessary moves just to show off. He always focuses on the team. That’s the standard I want to live up to as well. I want people to come to the stadium and enjoy watching me, while I always give everything for the team. I can learn a lot from Curry.
WAMS: Do you watch a lot of NBA?
Musiala: Every Warriors game. I’m a real fan. I’m really excited for the season to start again in October. I thought the Warriors would make a few more trades, get a few more players, but okay – we’ll see how the season goes.
WAMS: Teammates and coaches describe you as very down-to-earth. Yet your rise from talent to star was rapid; over five million people follow you on Instagram, and you’re seen as the future of German football. How do you manage to stay grounded?
Musiala: That has a lot to do with how I was raised and how my parents brought me up. I just stay the way I am – open and respectful to people. You always get that back. Fame and money might change the lifestyle a bit, but not my values and attitude.
WAMS: With Thomas Müller, Manuel Neuer, Ilkay Gündogan, and Toni Kroos having retired from the national team, are you now expected to step up as a leader? Is that what coach Julian Nagelsmann is expecting of you, despite your young age?
Musiala: At the Euros, I realized that I can take on more responsibility. But all of us have to take responsibility on the pitch. We help each other. The more experience I gain, the more I’ll grow into a leadership role.
WAMS: Nagelsmann recently announced the new team council, and you’re not part of it – which record national player Lothar Matthäus criticized.
Musiala: That’s totally fine with me. We have a very open relationship with each other and with the coaching staff. Whenever I want to express my opinion or it’s asked for, I’ll say it. I don’t have to be part of the team council to be a leader. I’ve known Julian for quite a while, and we get along really well.
WAMS: After the quarter-final exit at the Euros in Germany, Nagelsmann set the goal for the 2026 World Cup: "We want to become world champions." How realistic is that?
Musiala: We can definitely win the title in 2026. With a bit more luck, we would have at least made it to the semifinals at the Euros. As a team, we've made good progress recently and will continue to develop over the next two years. We’ve learned from the Euros and want to go far in the World Cup.
WAMS: What are your personal goals for the coming months?
Musiala: I always want to be better than in the previous season. I want to further improve my strengths and work on the things I didn’t do so well recently.
WAMS: What are those things?
Musiala: Decision-making – making the right decision quickly on the field; there’s still room for improvement. That’s crucial in football. I also want to get into more scoring positions. That worked well during the Euros. I definitely want to get into the penalty area more often. That’s why I was very happy to score a “simple goal” recently for FC Bayern in Wolfsburg, where I was in the right place to tap it in.
WAMS: You once mentioned a principle for your play: no dribbling in your own half.
Musiala: That’s not always the case, but it's generally true. Recently, at Bayern, I’ve been positioned deeper during build-up play, so sometimes you need to dribble to start an attack and pull an opponent out of position. I do what the situation requires. In football, anything can happen, something unexpected. Intuition and anticipation are crucial.
WAMS: You were influenced by English football as a youth – and you’ve moved around quite a lot in your young life…
Musiala: … very often, yes.
WAMS: You were born in Stuttgart, then moved to Fulda because your mother Carolin began her studies there. From there, she took you to Southampton for an Erasmus program, then back to Fulda. Chelsea scouted you, and you moved to London – and eventually to Munich when you joined Bayern. Where is home for you?
Musiala: That’s something we’ve often asked ourselves within the family. For me, home is where I live. And where my family is. They are the most important thing in my life. We have a very close bond. That will never change. I have a younger sister and a younger brother. The fact that we siblings tease each other for fun will never change either.
WAMS: Are you already thinking about starting your own family?
Musiala: I’ve always been a family person. But I haven’t thought about starting my own family yet. I don’t have a timeline for that. I like my life the way it is right now. Football, occasionally going out with friends – it’s perfect for me at the moment.
WAMS: One of your best friends is Joshua Zirkzee from Manchester United, and you were recently on vacation together in the USA. He recently told a fan that he tried to convince you to move to United.
Musiala: Friends always joke and dream about playing on the same team one day. The teasing goes both ways: I also told Josh to come back to Bayern. But you shouldn’t take that too seriously.
WAMS: Your contract with FC Bayern runs until the summer of 2026. How much would you like to play for a global club abroad someday? Your friend Jude Bellingham moved from Borussia Dortmund to Real Madrid.
Musiala: I’m very happy at FC Bayern and fully focused on our goals with the club and the national team. I don’t give much thought to where I’ll be playing in five years. In the football world, things can change quickly.
WAMS: Mr. Musiala, what is a dream you have for your life outside of sports?
Musiala: I would love to go on a world tour. You need time for that, though. Between seasons, I only have a maximum of three weeks of vacation, and that’s not enough. It was exciting to visit the USA for the first time. For example, I was fascinated by Las Vegas. I’m also very interested in many Asian cities. Discovering countries and cultures is fun and broadens your horizons. Someday, I’ll travel a lot. In ten to fifteen years, I’ll start planning that more seriously.
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Infos aus dem Kika-Chat
Bevor ich mir jetzt die dritte Folge mit der Schminkszene und dem Nolin-Heartbreak reinziehe, werfen wir doch mal einen Blick auf darauf, wie sich unser Lieblingstrio im Kika-Chat geschlagen hat.
Philip hat im Oktober Geburtstag
Samuel wird das Gefühl von dem Schleim nie vergessen
Johnny ist immer noch 16, wird aber demnächst 17
Philip möchte mit der Schauspielerei gerne noch etwas weitermachen
Wir werden etwas über die Beziehung zwischen Noah und seinen Eltern sehen (ob das in Folge 1053 schon alles war bleibt abzuwarten)
Johnny mag, wie Colin "Konflikte mit anderen und sich selbst meistern konnte" (ist das jetzt ein gutes Omen?)
Samuel ist mit Staffel 15 bis 20 aufgewachsen, aber seine Lieblingsstaffeln sind 26 und 27. (Staffel 15 war auch bei mir die erste Staffel, die ich komplett geguckt habe. Wenn ich mich Recht erinnere bin ich irgendwo am Ende von Staffel 14 eingestiegen.)
Samuel findet Pastinake besser als Fenchel
Samuel ist 16 und hat im Juni Geburtstag
Johnny hat immer noch eine Freundin (wieso werden schon wieder Fragen zum Beziehungsstatus zugelassen)
Johnny auf die Frage, ob er ein Nolin-Shipper ist: "Sind wir das nicht alle?"
Philip ist 18
Samuel hat noch nie Fenchelsaft probiert, stellt ihn sich aber eklig vor
Philip hat mit Noah (neben der Frisur) die zurückhaltende Art gemeinsam
Samuel hofft, nach Schloss Einstein weiter zu schauspielern
Samuel auf die Frage, warum er so cool ist: "Gene?"
Philip hat einen Bruder namens Simon
Samuel auf die Frage, wie er Nolin findet "Als Joel bin ich glaube verpflichtet, Noah und Colin zu unterstützen"
Samuel auf die Frage, was er davon hält, dass alle einen Crush auf ihn haben: "Ich denke, das ist Quatsch". Die TikTok Edits sagen etwas anderes lol.
Freddy ist immer noch bei Chung
Johnny hat einen Hund
Philip auf die Frage, ob er Nolin shippt: "Ja schon"
Samuel ist 1,75 groß
Johnnys Lieblingsfilm ist Seven, den soll man aber natürlich nur schauen, wenn man alt genug ist (Ist wirklich ein guter Film!)
Samuel hört gerne eine bunte Mischung aus allem, vor allem Rock, Indie, Jazz und Neue Neue Deutsche Welle (Neue Neue Deutsche Welle, my beloved!)
Samuel findet, dass eine Lovestory zwischen Joel und Annika gut gepasst hätte, aber grundsätzlich ist alles gut, wie es ist
Samuels momentaner Lieblingssong ist Bunker von Balthazar
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gelbesnotizbuch · 2 months
hab zu ostern der blutrote bekommen & komme jetzt endlich dazu es zu lesen (disgraceful dass es so lange gedauert hat)
hier die thoughts (potentielle spoiler!)
- hab fast vergessen wie dark die prologe der reihe sind
- wieso dachte ich immer er heißt skinner e. nicht e. skinner. i don‘t know my stuff fr.
- aww skinny der gerne cartoons schaut
- bin so fan davon wie immer subtle easter eggs aus anderen folgen eingebaut werden. muss nochmal alle rocky beach crimes rereaden & masterlist dazu machen
- mag nicht dass skinny die drei ??? auch als seine erzfeinde ansieht. viel lustiger wenn das so one sided beef wär (also er findet sie nervig aber sieht sie nicht als erzfeinde)
- wie lys als absolutes dreamgirl beschrieben wird & dann gesagt wird skinny ist gegen ihren charme immun. i know what you are.
- uhh finally some skinny backstory & erklärung warum er häufiger lange weg war
- muss bei gelegenheit nochmal alle lys folgen hören. absolute queen. (& die kombi mit skinny auch richtig gut)
- skinny can‘t stop yapping hahahaha
- ddf leben rent free in seinem kopf. kein anderer protagonist hat im ganzen buch so oft an die gedacht, wie skinny auf den ersten 25 seiten
- „amnesie & emotionen: bob -stan silver- andrews. oh mein skinny x bob herz. er erinnert sich.
- dachte sein auto wäre blau :/ naja upgrade maybe
- skinny channeling his inner justus hehehe
- ich mag wie er charakterisiert ist. bissi sassy & mean aber nicht unbedingt böswillig
- „die lyszyklopädie“ „captain kerk“ 🥺
- (meint ihr die haben sich die cosmic treck filme nur ausgedacht um den joke zu bringen)
- philosophische ausführung zu bobs glow up & skinny in der bücherei (wer schreibt die fanfic wie sie sich da treffen)
- ich liebe diese serie es liest sich einfach wie eine fantastische fanfic
- skinny concerned about lys eating enough🥺
- kinda rocking my worldview that skinny isn‘t over 21
- skinny big ass nose confirmed
- hab mal einen post dazu gemacht woher bob weiß was skinnys lieblingssong ist. jetzt weiß skinny noch was für ein deo bob benutzt🤨🫵🏻
- hahahha skinny getting called out for ddf obsession
- aww skinny & cotta my beloved. dad!cotta just became canonnn
- & skinny sich um dem kleinen jungen sorgt🥺
- taavi x skinny was sagen wir
- hehehe und ??? cameo am ende
in conclusion ich bin verliebt in die reihe & das buch ist keine ausnahme. weiß jemand wann der nächste teil kommt?
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x-heesy · 8 months
Etwas in eigener Sache:
Seit ca 9/2022 läuft mein Blog nur mehr spärlich
Und mir kommt es so vor, als wäre ich in einer von euren dubiosen eingeschränkter User rechte Kategorien
Damals hatte ich viel viel viel mehr Traffic
Vor allem die reblogs von außerhalb sind fast null
Ich glaube nicht das ich mir das nur einbilde
Direkte Suchanfragen via der internen Suchfunktion, rennen
Jedoch werde ich schlichtweg nicht mehr von Euch featured....
Meine Geliebten Follower interagieren noch gleich 💞
Eigentlich solle es auch In eurem Interesse sein, Kunst Blogs wie den Meinige zu fördern, sprich in den Dashboard Vorschlägen wieder zu erscheinen...
Vor allem seid Ihr zigtausende (Kunst) blogs weggeekelt habt
Ich hatte früher über Nacht ca 100-600 Notifikationen! Jetzt kann ich mich freuen, wenn es hundert sind
Ihr seid natürlich nicht für jede Ungerechtigkeit verantwortlich
Nur wissen wir alle, wie Eure Schikanen der letzten Jahre abliefen und bis heute tagtäglich von uns zu ertragen sind
Auch das meine, mir sehr wichtigen hashtags Liste & Vorschläge einfach deaktiviert wurden ist eine Zumutung
Ohne clipboard & Sonstigen text Ersetzung tools wäre das korrekte tagging unmöglich
Die meisten Platformen wollen User freundlich programmieren - Ihr macht es uns von Beginn an nur schwerer in jedem Belangen
Ich mache das nicht wegen fame sonder weil ich unterhalte gerne meine Mitmenschen, bringe sie zum Staunen grübeln und ein bisschen zum Gruseln 👻
Jedoch macht mir das mit mehr Traffic viel mehr spass
Ich erbitte Prüfung meiner Account Einstellungen
Lieben Gruß
—— @staff
Something on my own behalf
Since around 9/2022 my blog has only been running sparsely
And I feel like I'm in one of your dubious restricted user rights categories
Back then I had much, much, much more traffic
Above all, the reblogs from outside are almost zero
I don't think I'm just imagining it
Direct search queries via the internal search function, run
However, I will simply no longer be featured by you...
My beloved followers are still interacting 💞
Actually, it should also be in your interest to promote art blogs like mine, i.e. to appear in the dashboard suggestions again...
Above all, you have disgusted away tens of thousands of (art) blogs
I used to have around 100-600 notifications overnight! Now I can be happy if there are a hundred
Of course you are not responsible for every injustice
But we all know what your harassment has been like over the last few years and what we have to endure every day to this day
The fact that my hashtags list and suggestions, which are very important to me, were simply deactivated is an impertinence
Without clipboard & other text replacement tools, correct tagging would NOT be impossible
Most platforms want to program in a user-friendly way - you just make it harder for us in every situation
I don't do this for fame, but because I like to entertain my fellow human beings, make them wonder, ponder and a little creepy 👻
I spending a couple of hours each day since 2011
However, I find it much more fun with more traffic
I request that my account settings be checked
Thank you very much
Kind regards
New World by Zap Mama
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olgalenski · 4 months
Polizeiruf München - Funkensommer
polizeiruf intro my beloved
der titel einfach unten in der ecke alright
wieso darf er da jetzt einfach rein?
kann sie ihm nich n foto nur von der kette zeigen? muss sie ihm die leichte zeigen?
Dennis is überhaupt nicht genervt hier
hat denn irgendjemand seinen hauptsitz in die neuen bundesländer verlegt? wenn ja wohin genau? warum sagen wir nach 34 jahren eig immer noch neue Bundesländer? ab wann sind wir nicht mehr neu?
danke für den werbejingle der mir jetzt nicht mehr aus dem kopf gehen wird
okay dennis das klingt nicht nach der wahrheit
wieso haben die eig nur ein auto? müssen die sparen?
oh fühl ich ich fahr auch gern s-bahn und lese da
mag den hanno nich der nervt
lass sie doch bitte sbahn fahren ey
er hat ne freundin?
was is jetzt mit ihr eig? sie hat nichmal n namen und is jetzt wichtig weil? wir unnötiges drama brauchen?
wie hat er das gemacht, wenn man da nich bauen darf?
was hat er jetzt?
es ist erst 21 uhr der typ kanns nich gewesen sein
finde ja es ist nicht auszuschließen dass es der hanno is
den find ich unnötig hier der muss n besseren grund haben da zu sein außer brandermittler
ah shit
klopfen tut man genrell, wenn ne tür zu ist und auch gerne wenn sie offen ist. da muss man nix an die tür machen.
du kennst sie seit 2 tagen chill mal
ja liebe auf den ersten blick gibt es bestimmt irgendwo aber chill trotzdem mal
was war da jetzt mit der klingel?
ja doof jetzt
er kann ja trotzdem stress gehabt haben
die folge geht noch 20 minuten ich glaube nicht dass die ermittlungen eingestellt sind
also schon aber die machen halt weiter
okay zu dritt trinken find ich gut
liebe geht raus an wer auch immer die untertitel gemacht hat. da steht was auch immer sie grad auf spanisch sagt in spanisch. mehr will ich von untertiteln gar nich
wieso vernichten wir jetzt die akten?
was tun wir hier
also wenn es hanno nicht war dann möchte ich wissen, was die letzte halbe stunde sollte
und deswegen sagst du ihm das alleine auf nem berg.
bitte was?
girl du kennst ihn seit 5 tagen chill doch bitte
again, du kennst ihn seit 5 tagen chill doch bitte
der plot wäre um einiges besser wenn er schon ne folge mehr dabei gewesen wäre. eher drei. so established relationship die dann scheiße läuft find ich zwar auch immer ungeil aber wäre um einiges besser als ey wir kennen uns seit 5 tagen lass mal establishes relationship spielen hier urghhh
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tieflingprincess · 1 year
5, 11, 18, 29 for the music asks? ...🪶
HELLO my dear, thank you for taking interest in my absolutely chaotic takes 😭
5) A song that needs to be played LOUD
Listen, I know this is meant as like "a song so badass you wanna play it at the club to dance to it" or something along those lines, but all my weirdo brain can offer is, that I have a playlist titled "boss battle" that I frequently blast so loud I feel like I leave this plane of existence to go fight some fucking fantasy battle (as normal people do.... RIGHT? 😭).... so uh yeah it's gonna be Globus - Preliator for this one, which is arguably the Nr 1 paladin song of all time. Which I guess is an odd choice for "loud song" considering how much Metal (yk, the stereotypical loud screaming music gerne xD) I listen to on a daily basis.
11) A song that you never get tired of
Kai Rosenkranz - Vista Point (from the Gothic 3 Soundtrack): I had a LOT of picks for this prompt, many tough contenders, but this song somehow has a death grip on me. Vista Point my beloved. Peak video game music from an obscure old German Fantasy RPG. The DM of the "The Dark Eye"-campaign I play once used this as ambient music and I literally broke character only to yell "Vista Point!" like an idiot.
18) A Song from the year that you were born
Loona - Hijo de la luna: I actually had to do quite some research for this prompt, as I am definetly not familliar with 90s music. Just found out that this song I was obsessed with as a little girl came out the year I was born. Fun fact, I still fondly remember the cool older Goth girl I met at summer camp who originally showed me this song (for some reason?) xD
29) A song that you remember from your childhood
Toraboruta/Kagamine Rin/Vocaloid - Soleil: Also a tough one! But hey... listen, if you grew up on the internet as a lonely weird kid and didn't have a Vocaloid phase you are LYING! This one, I remember, was definetly one of my favorites, I found it so sad and used it to write angsty fanfic. Aaah, good times xD
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kathastrophen · 2 years
Für das Tatort-Ask-Game: 5, 8, 10, 13 und wenn du magst 40, gerne auch mit Antwort.
5. Welches Team findest du overrated?
☕☕☕ Saarbrücken. Es ist ja nicht so, dass ich es schlecht finde oder den appeal nicht sehen würde, aber idk I don't get the hype? Und ich finde diese Spaltung in "altes" Tatort fandom und spatort fandom super weird ...
8. Welche Charaktereigenschaft deines Lieblingsermittlers/deiner Lieblingsermittlerin kannst du am wenigsten leiden?
Da ich ja keinen all time favorite habe, sag ich's mal so allgemeingültig: Dass da keiner miteinander reden kann. srsly. Ja, ich verstehs, dass das für den plot dienlich sein kann, aber nein. Gilt auch für unabgesprochene Alleingänge etc.
10. Wer ist deine liebste widerkehrende Nebenrolle?
INKASSO-HEINZI my beloved ♥
13. Was ist dein Lieblingsship?
Franz/Ivo - they were my first love, they will be my last.
tatort ask game
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kathaariian · 1 year
What bands you into? (also what is your favorite gerne of metal?)
oh man such a juicy question tysm. so im gonna not mention my fav ones that i feel i talk about generally anyways (for example; evanescence) and instead get into the grit of some bands i feel i lowkey dont rlly “rep” here as much yk?
so immolation is a band ive adored for a while now, no matter what without fail when a good song comes on from my playlists it’s usually immolation. something about them always catches my ears and attention and ultimately, my heart. love them. another band thats coming to my mind immediately rn would be demilich. first of all, can never get enough of their mile long song titles. second of all, amazing music, makes me feel a lil primordial ykwim? just with the music plus the overall vibe. third of all, i cant go without mentioning that morbid angel may always have a place in my heart purely due to the fact that they are responsible for the product of the song Hatework, from the Domination album. that song is so fucking addictive i dont even know where to begin. of course i appreciate the whole morbid angel discography but gotdamn that single song is engraved in my happy place forever. another band i have really been obsessed with in the past is eths. im kind of breaking my own rule rn by mentioning them but eths simply does not fail to deliver it all. overall composition and instrumentals, vocals, especially vocals, and omfg AESTHETICSSS. i hate to say this but aesthetics always grab me. finally and most beloved of all is a band called shrüm. i have nothing to say except to tell you to listen to their album “red devils and purple ringers”, best done in a place with some surround sound like a car or some shit. its fantastic. but also be wary if ur stoned at the time it might like, give you a stroke. now, speedrun of bands im into, at this moment anyways, in no particular order, includes but not limited too: departure chandelier, TOOL (about the most prog i listen too besides meshuggah tbh), pestilence, sanguisabogg, cannabis corpse (CANNabis corpse. important distinction different band.), kyuss.
now as for favorite genre of metal, thats a bit tricky for me to answer. every other month im interested in a new genre, thats my problem. i get into a new genre, begin picking up bands, and then my interests redirect. however i’ve been hung up on death metal for a while if you couldn’t tell, however im beginning to renew my black metal interest so we’ll see how i answer this question in two months haha
thank you for the question!! and sorry for the exhaustingly long answer lol
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herzlak · 2 years
Tatort: Taxi nach Leipzig (2016)
Borowski und Lindwurm, das muss ich halt einfach sehen gell
My beloved Fischbrötchen Feminist and that bitch™
Ich hör bei dem Tatort Intro einfach immer noch Rick und Steffi singen, es geht nicht anders
Wooow die credits so aesthetic
Borowski so: Deeskalation? Bei mir gibt's nur Eskalation
Boah wehe bei den beiden läuft noch was, dann bin ich richtig sauer
Der Schaddlbusss nach Braunschweich!
Der Rupert, wer is der Rupert?
Digga wie erotisiert die Lindholm immer guckt und dann fett rumbitchen
So fancy mit ihrem Regenschirm omg queen slayyyy (sarcastic, sie nervt mich)
Hah wie er immer da angerennt kommt
"Sie sind im Dienst! Und Sie haben Fahrgäste! Mannomann!"
Derbe die Klette ahaha
Wetten der stirbt?
Markus so: den stech ich als erstes ab!
"Darf ich Sie einladen, sich anzuschnallen?"
Wie der Krise kriegt, weil Markus sich nicht anschnallt ahahaha geil
Da tut sogar die Lindholm ihre Airpods raus
Ja immerhin geht er dem Borowski jetzt nicht mehr auf die Nerven
Dem Klausi geht's grad nicht so gut glaub ich
I was right.
My poor bebi (@ a cop at least 40 years older than me)
Mit Mila wär sowas nicht passiert, die hätt den gleich kalt gemacht
NATÜRLICH hat Klaus bereits einen Minuspunkt
"Klaus ist aggressiv" ja.
Der ist ausm Norden! Der kann gar nicht freundlich! (Spaß Freunde, Spaß)
Er hat kein Problem ne Familie zu töten, ich weiß. Die Leute hat er in Lübeck umgebracht, Charlotte.
Oh doch nicht
Sensibilität eines Schneepflugs, Lindholm in a nutshell
Hätt er sie bloß abgeknallt...
Epic shit, Klausi, epic
Und jetzt sterbt ihr alle in nem Autounfall, how's that any better?
Ich hätt die Folge so gern mit Mila gehabt, das wär so so toll gewesen
Einfach meine zwei Kieler blorbos in der Extremsituation
"Ham Sie grad Mama zu mir gesagt?" ja Klaus, wir sagen alle Mama zu dir
Fuck Odenthal, Ballauf und Schenk, Klaus Borowski ist unsere Tatort Mama
Wunderbares Ende, stimmt mich richtig froh wow
Aber war echt ne gute Folge so trotz Lindholm
Aber mit Mila wärs besser gewesen
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apfelhalm · 2 years
19, 28, 29 and 30 for the ask game!
19) What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I feel like I've only begun exploring the Top Gun fandom so I'd love to write more RoosMav, but also maybe some GoosMav? We all know I'm a sucker for angst and they're so tragical that it aches in all the right places.
28) Favorite work you wrote this year?
I think it's a tie between Seelen wie Kompassnadeln (Book Thief Crossover my beloved) and Eine Minute von allem auf einmal bc it's the kind of oneshot that I like to write and read the most.
29) Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Sie sind verbunden, genau in der Mitte. Als Tod Leo Hölzers Seele aufhebt, schafft er es nicht, sie ganz sauber zu trennen. Ein Teil von Adam reißt ab, kommt mit, wickelt sich um Leo und Tods Arme. Tut mir Leid, sagt Tod. Nicht dafür, dass er Leo mitnimmt. Aber für die unsaubere Arbeit. Er hat einen Standard, den er gerne einhält.
30) Biggest surprise while writing this year?
That I actually can write a lot at a relatively fast pace? Turns out trying to write in English has held me back a lot over the past years (the One Direction fandom is an outlier and therefore should not be counted). Also, I need a lot of free time to let my mind wander and home office did wonders for my writing productivity.
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New Johanne Interview!
Every interview of hers, just makes me like her even more! 😊
"- It's crazy to be allowed to play one of the iconic women in "Wicked". I never expected that - and certainly not now in my career. It is quite unique, observes Johanne Milland.
Unfortunately, the euphoria can also translate into an inner challenge: taking one's place on stage in a musical as beloved as "Wicked" is.
- It's really something I struggle with every day, says Johanne Milland frankly.
- If I don't sort of go in and take the lead and say to myself: "You're here for a reason", I can well peel myself down. It is as much mental work as it is working with the script. I think this will be an ongoing job for the rest of my life, says the 29-year-old performer."
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