#GG Mysteries
gear-project · 3 months
So, what is the basis of Delilah's grudge against Happy Chaos? Is he somehow responsible for their supernatural abilities? Or is her hatred towards him due to the fact that he indirectly forced her brother to activate Absolute World against Ariels (who he was partially controlling at the time), which led to his "death"?
Though it is clear enough that Happy Chaos was "tampering" with Ariels' Mental state at the time she was manipulating Bedman... a lot of what went on between Ariels and Bedman still remains somewhat unclear.
Prior to Xrd's earliest events, it was suggested that "someone" was responsible for converting Romeo's Bed in to the Deadly Bedframe we currently know (only for Romeo to modify it to better suit his powers sometime later).
This doesn't necessarily apply to the alliance Bedman made with Ariels when he was still living in the Backyard, not to mention that much of this information may or may not be something Ramlethal Valentine had access to, while she was working under Ariels.
Prior to all of this, it was established that Romeo and Delilah were born with Brains that were far too enhanced to function in the physical world... but, see, there's a mystery behind that too.
Humans don't normally get born in this world with the brain of an overclocked supercomputer, nor do they get screwed on to the Beds they sleep on.
Whether they were simply born with a sad fate, or whether Happy Chaos somehow "tampered" with them... regardless of what is the truth, Chaos STILL had a hand in Bedman's death and Delilah's suffering.
Even now, beyond Bedman's supposed "death", Happy Chaos seems to want to take advantage of Bedman's existence as a potential Demihuman experiment, and Chaos does not treat Demihumans well, as we've learned all too well.
And while Delilah might not be fully aware of that fact... she is at the least intuitively aware of Happy Chaos' involvement and actions (which have also affected Baiken's life as well, among many others).
Whether Bedman was the result of some heinous P.W.A.B. experiment brought about by Ariels, or whether it was Happy Chaos' idea all along, or he just simply became "inspired" to do something to Bedman and his sister... regardless... regardless of what is the TRUTH of these events:
Happy Chaos still has much to answer for, whether it's the darkness and chaos of the Crusades... or for disrupting the Peace of the modern era and threatening peoples' lives (if not killing them outright).
Bedman, for all his advanced intellect, prioritized protecting his sister above all else... so I wouldn't be surprised if he had a contingency plan in mind set aside precisely for dealing with someone like Happy Chaos...
But, only time will tell...
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rainbowsky · 2 months
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Here's a nice tidbit from the photos GG posted the other day. There's a Pride flag hanging from the balcony of one of the buildings.
Something to add to the growing list of GG's rainbow connections. 🌈
Thanks to @maomao13 for the tip.
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ayatxt · 8 months
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moruboru · 4 months
answer reaidng da news 😂😂😂😂🗿📈📈📈
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cola-vampire · 3 months
A LMJ edit? In MY 2024??? It's more likely than you'd think lmao
Song used: https://youtu.be/Kz01opSNMb4?si=J1i43cYU3g86AOgF
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13leaguestories · 11 months
no listen: chris had an ass but it got stolen back when he got kidnapped
which is why raum got a fatty and chris doesn’t
No, no Anon. You can't come here making up shit just to tell us all that you got the hots for Raum. Who who said he got a dump truck? Who!?
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lesbiangiratina · 6 months
Trying. Fighting. To put together a missing link testament quote list. Its super fun because all 3 lists i know of have something wrong with them. But 1 of the lists says that 1 of their damage lines is 馬鹿な. Baka na. Thats also 1 of their damage lines in ggx. They reuse a lot of their ml lines in ggx so im willing to believe it but oh my god how did you get that from this fucking audio.
I assume they only got it since its a ggx voice line too. Because this sucks. Their missing link voice is so cute but like this sucks.
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solradguy · 1 year
Ky’s Mom is Asuka if I remember the ancient texts correctly /j
Lmfao you're so right. I am ashamed for forgetting such vital lore.... When Asuka R. Kreutz man-birthed Ky Kiske....
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strawberryfrostedcake · 9 months
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rainy nights
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calekinnieplus · 9 months
There we go
Lord of the Mysteries main story + side stories finished
It took a while for me to finish the side stories, mainly because... I got majorly sidetracked lmao
NEVERTHELESS!! I reached the end for Book 1 and the side stories !!
Exam season is over, so now I am left with the question: do I start Circle of Inevitability?
It would make sense for me to start it, considering the book material is still fresh and I'm already attached to this world.
Buuuuut... I kinda got into other fandoms and I am also tempted to start other stuff more strongly. It's just how it is with me. I'm proud I got to finish Book 1. And when I will get a random urge to start Book 2, I will most definitely do the same thing I did with Book 1 and post my reactions heh
Lovely to have you with me ;))
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simm-mouse · 1 year
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Hot minute with the GG couple. Cassandra is tired of the bullshit. I think Cassandra would've gone to Strangetown, after finding hints that Bella was seen there. She meets some of the town's folk, Lazlo being one of them. He even offers to help, he loves a good mystery. When she finds Bella, it's not actually her. She doesn't look like her mother, is this woman pretending to be her mom? What a bitch! Cassandra loses it, she's tired of people fucking with her. Nina, Dina, Don, now this woman. Lazlo grabs onto her and tries to calm her down. Bella walks away from them, because she's not dealing with this weirdo. After she leaves the area, Cassandra breaks down, and cries in Lazlo's arms. She wants her mom
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rainbowsky · 7 months
GG and the Duomo di Milano
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Duomo 2019 (left), 2023 (right) and 2024 (top).
He has posted a photo of it whenever he goes to Milan, since his first trip there in 2019. Here's my CPN on that.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
Of course, as an artist and a photographer it makes sense that GG is interested in this beautiful building. Gorgeous intricate architecture that is covered in lifelike statues, no doubt it is very satisfying to photograph. It's truly one of the most stunning cathedrals in the world. But we're turtles, so we're always going to look at things from a slightly different angle.
This CPN first came up back in 2019, the first time he went to Milan. GG said in an interview that he was excited to see the cathedral, and he posted a picture of it on his Weibo account. Turtles at the time speculated that GG was inspired by the photos that were all over the news in 2016, when same sex marriage was legalized there.
It was the location of massive LGBTQ rallies when same sex marriage was being debated and put to a vote, and was the site of equally massive celebrations when that vote won.
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Some people are skeptical of this connection because they feel that the time gap of a couple years is too large for it to be relevant, but to me those people can't possibly understand how significant the same sex marriage fight is to queer people who wish to marry (and who wish to have their human rights recognized in general).
Especially around that time in history, when the fight was at its most active globally. There was a period of a few years where the issue was constantly in the news, as more and more countries were gradually recognizing legal rights for same sex couples. Images of those protests and celebrations were inspiring and exciting for queer people all over the world, and those who cared a lot about the issue followed that news pretty closely.
This is an issue of significance to queer people everywhere, even those who don't want to marry. It represents a shift toward acceptance and toward broader legal recognition of equal human rights for queer people.
Same sex marriage is a huge hurdle toward equality for anyone whose rights are at stake, because most of the opposition to human rights for queer people tends to come from religious groups and conservatives with narrow notions of 'family values'. When societies acknowledge - even on paper - that queer families are legitimate, the biggest barrier has been crossed.
Based on a lot of things I've seen from GG over the years I believe he's very deeply invested in Pride and gay rights. He's not at liberty to be as open about it as he'd like to be, but I believe he shows what he can. I have talked about that in more detail in this post.
I also believe that marriage is something that both GG and DD care a lot about. They are each others anchors in life, and even when they don't get to spend a lot of time together, they are home to each other. DD has also talked about wanting a son, and GG has also shown interest in children and family and often talks about a simple life.
They just ooze domesticity on many levels, and I think that even if it doesn't fit within their lives right now, they probably talk about and think about building a family together one day. And given the culture in China their parents likely want that for them as well.
I talked about the possibility they might already be married in this post. I talked about the possibility of them wanting kids in this post about DD saying he wanted a son, and later in this one from an OOL interview where GG mentioned envying Gu Wei's life.
Both GG and DD strike me as being connected to queer culture, just given some of their jokes, attitudes, etc. and some of the people they're associated with. Even their experience with filming CQL (which I talked about in this post). They're also both from the younger generation in China, which is much more progressive and informed on these issues.
All of this leads me to believe that it's not an accident that this landmark has captured GG's imagination.
The Duomo is also a very popular wedding/romantic photo destination, and where couples often propose.
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I think that it's romantic that GG posted the moon over the cathedral this time. There are a lot of fake rumors and CPN around GG and DD and the moon, and turtles believe that they often send pictures of the moon to each other. They've both posted photos of the moon on social media in the past.
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There have been a lot of posts about their connection with the moon over the years. A few of my favorites are Pie's post from Mid-Autumn Festival, Pie's post about Midsummer Moon (among other things) and of course the LRLG rumor that talks about DD taking pictures of the moon for GG.
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Given what this landmark might mean to GG, it makes this photo even more special.
Or he could just enjoy photographing a pretty building. We'll likely never know for sure.
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gg-is-a-loser · 2 months
one of these days i will make a real pinned post but today is not that day. however i do want to put my very simple tagging system
gg rambles - any text post i make ever
gg answers - when i answer asks
gg draws - my art
gg’s ocs - posts about my ocs (who would’ve guessed)
oc: oc name - any post about a specific oc.
mostly just for new people who turn up who might.? wanna search stuff ?? maybe ????
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lens-guy-art · 1 year
Lmao if I switch the characters from their universes
Alliance members: *vibing being silly smol robot guys at a Mall*
Technotic Sonic, Loudsy, Telly, Tv Cop, Blindspot, Yule B. Bored, and Critically Complained aka GADGET GUILD: *getting the soul-crushing trauma from war*
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lesbiangiratina · 1 year
Would honestly kill someone for a list of testament’s voice lines in missing link. Babygear you are incomprehensible
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immortal-cataclysm · 11 months
i somehow just realized xrd has a little map at the bottom of the char select screen where it shows through little dots where the chars r from. neat! n ofc, bedman isnt anywhere in there lol
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