localapparently · 10 months
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kimcoms with a pen marker
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xiaohuaaaa · 4 months
orv feeding time again 🥰🥰🥰
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kiddokori · 11 months
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local man loves to abandon his children
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orv aladdin au! with kim dokja as aladdin (conman supreme), han sooyoung as fellow thief (also aladdin), yoo sangah as jasmine (trapped by her family), yoo joonghyuk as ysh's bodyguard
kdj 'cons' yjh into being distracted while hsy sneaks into ysh's room to steal jewellery and then ends up panic-flirting with ysh
jhw and lhs are there too! heewon is a robin hood steal-from-rich-to-give-to-poor and hyunsung is the guard that sort of lets her but also doesnt because its for a good cause. (poor guy has 'turns a blind eye to injustice' attribute canonically). on the other hand sooyoung is absolutely DECKED in the face when she tries to get into the treasury or any other place.
they're all friends and sort-of not, especially after hsy flirts her way into becoming co-queens with ysh.
lee jihye and kim namwoon! jihye is joonghyuk's squire (officially) and namwoon is also his squire (not officially) - dokja is some sort of weird uncle to namwoon (the aus where theyre distantly related are always funny to me) and if bribed at the right time, knw is swayed pretty easily into letting his weird-ass uncle get into the royal palace.
yjh actually knows about this - hes always the one being sent to go after kdj - but kdj somehow always escapes the cells and manages to reclaim whatever loot he'd been trying to steal when yjh sometimes catches him.
the kids (gilyoung, yoosung, biyoo) are all kdj's little apprentice minions that hsy begrudgingly helps train and look after as well. yoosung actually wants to be a knight (of some sort, more about just protecting people) and kdj indulges her on it by introducing her to jihye through namwoon.
gilyoung and biyoo very much want to follow in kdj's footsteps, on the other hand and have a fun little dynamic where biyoo for a while echoes a lot of what gilyoung does and in an older brother kind of way gilyoung is SO angry at this.
jang hayoung is also in the web of kim dokja's weird-ass long distance relatives, but is a NOBLE?! very funny, hayoung finds out she has a weird uncle and cousin in the city and forces them both to visit sangah with her at some point, and its very awkward when the infamous conman of your kingdom and the kid he bribes to let him into your palace - who is also a KNIGHT of your palace, are talking over tea.
through a series of events that involve saving sangah from some ransomer (yjh is indisposed), kdj gets a badge of HONOUR and also a queen's pardon for most of his crimes before he disappears back into the shadows. he and sangah are now besties but hsy WILL NOT let him ever live it down that he ever went that 'good.' kdj goes on a crime spree at his nearest convenience to bump back up his tally of crimes and wanted-ness.
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theofficialuriel · 3 months
do yall think yjh would make the kids walk on his back?
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evilkaeya · 4 months
bsd x orv au.... the brain is rotting....
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ikusayu-no-hana · 1 year
orv not-so-subtly pointing time and again that the real villains aren't the humans that act immorally to survive, or even the dokkaebi that come up with scenarios, but the constellations that reinforce the entire star stream system by sponsoring coins to incarnations, effectively paying for the consumption of lives/stories with the sole purpose of entertainment/pleasure
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1chaerry · 2 months
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Poised and Reckless
Summary: Kim Dokja read TWSA more times than he knew and then when the fiction became reality, he felt like he could perhaps deal with it somehow. Until he meets a woman who doesn't exist in the novel and has turned the experiences of the Apocalypse questionable.
KimCom has a reckless member, even more than Kim Dokja (shocking) who always keeps them and the Constellations on their toes with her antics. Maybe also causing a few admirers down the road.
w.c 2.5+
Reader is called "Saram", the Korean version of "Human/Person"
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"Dokja, look, look, I found a sword" The woman grinned as she walked over to Kim Dokja in an excited manner. The KimCom group paused and looked at the woman who practically skipped over to the white coat wearing man. Kim Dokja had a baffled look on his face as she held a sword that was thrice her size. Even Lee Hyunsung felt his jaw hit the broken ground as he saw her carry a sword that was obviously too big for her.
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is confused where Incarnation Saram got that sword ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband feels stress at the sight of Incarnation Saram with the sword ]
[ Constellation Sleeping Lady of Brocade is screaming for someone to take away the sword from Incarnation Saram before she causes another mess ]
"H-hey, be careful with that!" Jihye panicked, immediately she moved away from the woman who was carelessly swinging the sword around. Yoo Sangah and Lee Seolhwa sighed tiredly, already used to her antics. Meanwhile, Han Sooyoung was snickering at the looks of terror on Hyunsung and Jihye's faces. How amusing.
Yoosung and Gilyoung exclaimed, their eyes glittering as they watched Saram stumble around with the sword. They were rather enthusiastic about Sarah's questionable antics. The kids being the only ones who could keep up with her hyper nature. Dokja sweatdropped, he wondered how a person who never appeared in TWSA could impact their lives so much. However, Dokja would never be unhappy that Saram had joined them, her antics, her behaviour, she, herself, was perhaps the only bit of normalcy they had left to the world that once existed.
Even if her antics caused them to age twenty years every time they saw her.
"Hyuk-ie, look!" Saram smiles as she ran over to the tall man, the sword making her off balance. Kim Dokja sighed at the scene, for some reason, this Sunfish, didn't react or say anything whenever Saram called him that. And to think Yoo Joonghyuk threw Kim Dokja into the river when they first met.
[ Constellation Goryeo's First Swordsman is amused how such a tiny incarnation is carrying such a huge sword ]
[ Constellation Goryeo's First Swordsman has sponsored 300 coins ]
"Where did you find that?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked calmly, as if seeing Saram with a sword thrice her size was normal - well, Saram never did normal things - as he eyed the sword. Saram practically sparkled before pointing towards a building.
"I killed that Monster and stole it." She grinned
"What monster—" Heewon regretted even asking the question as they turned to the direction where Saram was pointing. Everyone froze. Perhaps the Constellations also froze. Kim Dokja was speechless as he walked towards the woman, blinking owlishly as she stared up at Yoo Joonghyuk.
"Saram-ssi, by monster do you mean that 25 feet headless monster that is crashed into the building right now?" Sangah said slowly, her eyes stuck on the monster.
Saram grinned, "Yep!"
And a silence fell over the area.
"Hyuk-ie, see, I'm strong." Saram grinned as her balance was off due to the sword. Yoo Joonghyuk didn't say anything. More like he couldn't say anything. A sigh left his mouth and he extended his hand towards Saram, "I'll carry that sword."
Saram handed it over immediately.
Yoo Joonghyuk awkwardly pats her head.
"Just like that?!" Han Sooyoung, Gong Pildu and Lee Jihye exclaimed at the sight of Yoo Joonghyuk and Saram.
[ Constellation God of Wine and Ecstasy is wondering when that even happened ]
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter is amused at Incarnation Saram taking down a monster so quietly ]
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter has sponsored 500 coins ]
"Thanks for carrying it, Hyuk-ie." Saram hugged the man who stilled. Yoo Mia held back a chuckle as she watched her brother freeze up. Not just Joonghyuk, even the members of KimCom froze. The Supreme King Yoo Joonghyuk let someone hug him. And he didn't kill that person?
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is flabbergasted ]
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire has sponsored 500 coins ]
"Kim Dokja, I think that is an imposter—" Han Sooyoung began.
"No, it's just Saram being Saram." Kim Dokja sighed as he walked pass the writer.
"But she- that guy- whaaaa?" Han Sooyoung was shocked, she walked baffled.
"Saram-unni is amazing." Yoosung said in admiration.
"Don't take her as an example." Dokja sweatdropped.
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Yoo Joonghyuk wondered if he was being punished.
Saram dragged him with her as she walked through the broken and littered streets of Seoul excitedly. The KimCom was trailing behind them, he was sure he heard someone laughing - squid calamari sounded nice for dinner, maybe he'll make that for Mia and Saram - he thought when he caught sight of who laughed.
Kim Dokja had stored away the sword somewhere, Yoo Joonghyuk did not question as he was already being dragged by Saram. It was strange. Saram had a strange clinginess to him and Kim Dokja. Sometimes she would run up to him with sparkling eyes, showing things she found, walk behind him, cling to him, call him that damn name 'Hyuk-ie' and then again scold him when he got hurt.
She was strange. Yet, she was someone who drew people in. Yoo Joonghyuk, despite hating people hugging him or touching him in general, could not bring himself to push away Saram whenever she hugged him. It was as if he unconsciously felt that she needed it. A strange emotion. And she was a hurricane. One would never know what she would do the next moment.
Perhaps that's why he was currently being dragged by the woman to a clear stream with trees and a waterfall. He sighed as Saram let go of his hand and ran off with the kids- Yoosung and Gilyoung - coming back with the kids in bathing suits with her having a cover up; Joonghyuk didn't notice her coming back, opting to set up a grill and cook for Mia (and Saram). Everyone was unwinding, setting up a bonfire, playing games, strategizing, cooking when a barrage of messages suddenly appeared.
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is blushing at the sight of Incarnation Saram ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is quiet ]
[ Constellation Queen of the Darkest Spring is wondering where Incarnation Saram got that outfit ]
"What outfit?" Heewon said in confusion.
Before a silence echoes.
And then screaming.
"Which one of you left Saram unattended?"
"What is happening?"
"Why is the Prisoner of the Golden Headband quiet? Saram?!"
Panic broke out and a message appeared,
[ Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon is wondering why everyone is stupid to not go to the waterfall ]
And so they all did.
Joonghyuk was dragged by Yoo Mia.
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"Bihyung." Saram quietly called for the Dokkaebi. He appeared in a flurry of stars and constellations, the white fluff and horns always the same as always.
"You called?"
"Turn the channel around me off for a few moments please, the kids and I want to get changed."
"Let me know when you're done." Bihyung nodded and disappeared away. For some reason, Bihyung listened to Saram, even more so than, Kim Dokja. But, he wouldn't tell Kim Dokja that.
"Saram-unni, this is so cute!" Yoosung excitedly looked at her light blue wetsuit. Saram smiled at the young girl as she helped Gilyoung zip up the back of his wetsuit as well. Gilyoung also hugged Saram as a thanks and ran off with Yoosung towards the waterfall while Saram hummed to herself, looking through her inventory for a particular item she had bought a while back.
Saram changed into her own suit and pulled on a mesh cover up on top. She put her hair down and walked over to the kids - she found them quite easily - who were already in the water. Placing a towel on the ground, she sat there and watched them play in the water for awhile before telling Bihyung that he could turn on the camera now.
[ Constellation Queen of the Darkest Night finds the scene of the kids playing amusing. ]
Saram chuckled at the message and heard the kids call her as well, "Saram-unni/noona, come in the water already!"
And who was she to decline such a great offer?
Saram took off the cover up and walked into the water as well. The water felt nice and cool again her skin.
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is blushing at the sight of Incarnation Saram. ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is quiet. ]
[ Constellation Queen of the Darkest Spring is wondering where Incarnation Saram got that. ]
Saram didn't pay much attention to any of that, simply having fun in the water with the kids. Even if the world went to ruin, she wanted to at least give the gives these small moments of happiness and peace. Yoosung and Gilyoung splashed her with water at the same time, causing her to be drenched completely, complaining, "You little—" She swam towards the two in a mock threatening way.
The kids laughed as Saram sent a small wave of water in their direction.
[ Constellation Last Pharaoh is enjoying the clothing choices of Incarnation Saram. ]
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire finds that scene to be really heartwarming. ]
The KimCom group ran over to find Saram, Gilyoung and Yoosung leisurely playing in the water. They stared at the scene with bafflement.
Kim Dokja had seen many things since this apocalypse began. But Saram was an entity that just always exceeded his expectations.
"Where did they even get those swimsuits?" Jihye blinked.
"Saram looks hella fine— ack!" Han Sooyoung was immediately hit on her head by Yoo Sangah.
"Saram is just full of surprises." Seolhwa chuckled and walked towards the shallow ends, waving at the three. Saram and the kids saw the group and swam over in their direction - the kids running when they were in shallow ends - while Saram took her time. A few jaws dropped when they saw her, a few faces blushed and a lot of them were left staring in bafflement.
"Where did you get this from?" Jung Heewon asked asked as she stood near the woman.
"I bought it awhile back, along with those suits for the kids but I stored them away in the inventory because there wasn't a place to keep them." Saram shrugged before her eyes caught her next target. She grinned and ran.
"Mia!" The younger Yoo was surprised at being called, she stood by Yoo Joonghyuk who was quiet, eyes staring at Saram. The woman smiled at Joonghyuk before grabbing Mia's hand, "Come on, I have a suit for you too." And Yoo Joonghyuk was left there as his sister was whisked away by the hurricane known as Saram.
"You know, if you stare anymore, you'll burn holes into her." Han Sooyoung teased Yoo Joonghyuk with a smirk on her face, "You perv."
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter is enjoying the spectacle ]
[ 300 coins have been sponsored ]
Han Sooyoung's screams of terror rang out a moment as she was chased by a raging Yoo Joonghyuk with Lee Jihye running after Yoo Joonghyuk with gleaming eyes.
Kim Dokja and Lee Hyunsung sighed but then froze when they were also approached by Saram with a glint in her eyes, "Dokja, Hyunsung~"
They ran off.
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Dokja and Hyunsung were caught. Saram now had one hand around each of their arms as she walked towards the water with them, a wide grin on her face. Sangah chuckled at the sight, only Saram could do things like this.
[ Constellation One Who Changes His Existence is interested by Incarnation Saram's actions. ]
[ 500 coins have been sponsored. ]
Somehow, Saram had gotten everyone, except for Pildu - he wouldn't budge no matter what - in the water. She paused, not everyone was in the water. A certain King was missing. She grinned.
Kim Dokja shivered at the sight of her grin. That didn't mean anything good. Before he could say anything, Saram had already ran off - Dokja realised why she ran off when his eyes skimmed over this companions - in search of someone.
Saram returned a few moments later, practically pulling Yoo Joonghyuk - Dokja didn't know how that was possible either - with her as she had a huge smile on her lips. Yoo Joonghyuk was not someone who would indulge in all this. He would probably say no.
That was what everyone thought until —
Saram literally pushed the man into the water.
Jaws dropped.
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"Unni/Noona is so cool!"
"Seolhwa-ssi please give me a painkiller for my headache."
[ Constellation Secretive Plotter is amused by the actions of Incarnation Saram ]
[ 500 coins have been sponsored ]
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband fell off his chair laughing ]
[ Constellation Abyssal Black Flame Dragon is laughing ]
[ Constellation Demon Like Judge of Fire is grinning like crazy ]
Saram jumped into the water as well. However, she was soon held in a headlock by Yoo Joonghyuk. A dark expression on his face.
"Saram-unni is turning blue!"
"Hey, you damn King!"
Saram in return pulled the man's cheek harshly causing him to jolt in surprise.
"Rest in peace, Saram."
"Nice Saram!"
"Saram-ssi, I'll pray for you."
Surprisingly, Yoo Joonghyuk didn't do anything and simply let her go. Jaws dropped.
Kim Dokja wondered, what was even happening at this point?
"HEY THAT'S TOO MUCH FAVOURITISM!" Han Sooyoung yelled and then screamed as a large wave was sent in her direction, flushing her away.
"Sooyoung-ssi got washed away!?"
"Would you like some chocolate, Yoosung and Gilyoung?" Sangah asked - ignoring the chaos - and the kids nodded, walking with her to the shallow ends.
"Saram put that boulder down—"
Gong Pildu yawned as he read his newspaper.
"Don't throw it on Yoo Joonghyuk!"
Seolhwa checked her medication supply.
"Don't throw it on Kim Dokja either!"
[ Constellation Prisoner of the Golden Headband is wondering if that boulder can kill ]
"Don't encourage her, you monkey!"
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orphiclovers · 1 month
Avatar - fundamentally broken skill?
This is a thing I have been thinking about. The way powers (skills, stigmas, whatever) work in the world of ORV is fascinating in that they are not designed to help the incarnation or adjust to their bodies like a classical superpower. It's repeated many times that the Star Stream is a cruel place, so of course it makes nothing easy on them. Just look at how many times Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung bleed when using their skills. Or how Anna Croft and Yoo Joonghyuk were destroyed mentally by their repeated lifetimes - don't even get me started on Regression.
And Avatar is one of the skills that is the most developed. I've talked about how manifesting it seemingly splits you in two (I recommend reading this previous meta before this post) but what does that split entail, exactly? Here's my theories.
1. Author/Character divide.
If we take 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk as an example, it's very clear cut. The black coat wearing YJH would be the 'character' who stays and dies and the white coat wearing YJH would be the 'author' who choses to write another story. 'Character' used here in the sense that Kim Dokja would look at them and be able to see/assign them this metaphysical trait, as he does for everyone else.
With Kim Dokja, it is basically easy too. 51% is the author, while 49% is the character, probably.
Han Sooyoung is more difficult. I think since Kim Dokja looks at 1863rd and says she is already a 'character', while 3rd stays a person the whole time IIRC, 3rd would be the 'author' self, even if this seems counterintuitive and like it should be the opposite - this makes the most sense with the second part of this theory.
Technically every author (or reader - someone with the knowledge of the narrative) becomes a 'character' (i.e forgets everything) at some point as per Star Stream rules, but this has not yet happened to Han Sooyoung of the 3rd round.
Still, it's not a perfect fit. Both Han Sooyoungs write novels and neither Kim Dokja does (not that writing is 100% necessary to be an 'Author', since YJH is one and barely writes anything until the epilogue) But it's still an interesting connection to explore.
Onto the second part.
2. Does the divide into two...actually work long term, because it doesn't seem to, based on the evidence we have?
First, let's look at 49% Kim Dokja. Perhaps Kimcom would have accepted him as the real Kim Dokja, like they do with Han Sooyoung, if he didn't ACT like a wet paper towel. The detoriation in mental faculties is very apparent and jarring and soon he falls apart physically too. This doesn't happen to 3rd Han Sooyoung, who is also an avatar, so what gives?
Well, it might not happen to 3rd but definitely did to 1863rd Han Sooyoung.
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A 'probability storm is gnawing at her memories' and there's physical effects too. She says this has been happening for a while. Even though she has found a way of slowing down the effects it clearly doesn't fix the issue and eventually, despite her resistance, she might have become like 49% Kim Dokja.
(Maybe that's why she was so ready to leave her companions after the scenarios were over. If rereading stuff helps, perhaps that's also why she kept a diary of her round that 3rd YJH eventually got? Just spitballing, this isn't part of the theory.)
She names two possible causes to this detorriation - exessive use of the Avatar skill or Ways of Survival. 'Ways of Survival' probably refers to the Star Stream rule that once you reach the end of your knowledge you forget you were an author and become a 'character', which 1863 justifiably doesn't want to happen. Later, Kim Dokja comments on her 'status as a character' too, so it is related to that.
With 'overuse of Avatar' she could be refering to the way she makes thousands of them in her mind, but if we look at 49% Kim Dokja and the way their sympthoms match pretty closely, it's likely also the fact that another her - the main body/'author' - is running around in another worldline.
So for these two it checks out that one of the halves is always unstable.
With 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk, well, it's hard to tell how it would have gone, since black coat YJH dies almost immediately. But the very fact that his avatar didn't even make it a couple minutes is also pretty telling.
As previously stated, nothing is stopping a skill from being harmful for the user. So maybe, one half of the initial avatar pair gets the short end of the stick and ends up slowly disintegrating. That's the basics of this theory.
Technically 51% Kim Dokja disintegrates into the Star Stream too but it is by a different mechanism, unrelated to the Avatar skill. First, he overconsumes probablility and shrinks into a child - this happens to Secretive Plotter too, it's just a thing.
Then, he loses his memories and if Kimcom hadn't interviewed would have become the same exact child that SP takes away in the subway, so that was just the time loop asserting itself. Like alt-1863rd YJH losing his memories when regressing to the 3rd round, or 1863 Han Sooyoung going dormant in Young Han Sooyoung's mind on the day the scenarios start. (Each of these are the looping points of the universe for yhk.)
But something about the way 1863rd Han Sooyoung in those 13 years sheds pieces of her story to create TWSA is very reminiscient of how 51% Kim Dokja disintegrates into the Star Stream on that subway. So perhaps there is some kind of connection there too.
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1800-page-not-found · 3 months
■■ (Kim Dokja x Reader)
in honor of the latest chapters of the manhwa
reincarnated reader x kim dokja
not really romantic, more like how kdj and yjh are to each other
i think i might open req again but probably just writing about orv.
in which the reader reincarnates and they become a streamer for 'our' earth in the orv world, representing every reader from 'our' world.
[Kim Dokja will be killed by the person he loves most.]
They still...messed with kim dokja's fate. Damn it!... You bit your lip in frustration. You made sure he wouldn't become a constellation, so why?! You became a constellation in his stead, all for this!
You looked at your stream of viewers, who were just as anxious as you.
No... I won't let it end this way. You closed your eyes. This was a very risky bet.
[The constellation '■■■■■■■■■■■■' has used their life force to call upon an outer god.]
[The constellation '■■■■■■■■■■■■' has changed ■■]
[Many constellations have marked the constellation '■■■■■■■■■■■■' an enemy.]
[Many constellations have start to fear the constellation '■■■■■■■■■■■■']
Originally, the outer god, Eater of Dreams should have appeared. However, probability has increased to an amount where an outer god can not handle.
[A new being has appeared!]
Ņ̷̛̰͇̹̈́ó̶̳̫̯̦̘̣̊̃̈͐!̸̭͉͇͙̊̑̈̎͌ ̶̼͕̄̀́I̷̲̓̐̀̀͘'̵̬̦̤̂̐͒̔̋̉̓͜v̵̨̢̛̝͕ě̶̹͈̣̜͉̱̿̒̕ ̷̙͓̮̐̓̊̃́̈́a̷̗̣͎̩͗͊͌̈́̂̓l̷̡̗̤̘͇͊̔͐̈́w̴̟̘̺͓̬̬̼̃̋̇͝a̵̧̛̤̰̾͋y̸̞̳̫͐s̷̬̹̤͇̦͆̒͛͆͊̚ͅ ̶̦̫̳̆̅̍̉͘̕͜͜b̶̩̮̽̅̕͘e̷̞̺̖͉͆̈̽͘è̸̯̫̣̩̏͠n̵̡̮̩̟̏͜ ̷̨̮͉̤̬͈̊̆̀̽̐͘h̵͙̅̉̌̄͌̓̐e̷̜̹̱̬̘̠̒͝ͅŗ̸̰̭̭̄ė̴͔͔͐̏͛͘!̵͕̥̠̊̐
[A new fable has been created.]
[Great Fable, 'Fantasy's Single Observer', has been acquired.]
[Everything's and Nothing's Only Fear has been found.]
[Everything's and Nothing's Only Fear is you.]
[The Constellations watch [L. Name] [Name].]
[■■ will be reached very soon!]
You are dying...You? Me? [Name].
[The viewers of your stream have decided unanimously.]
[Legendary Fable, 'A Unanimous Vote', has been acquired.]
[Everything's and Nothing's Only Fear's 'Home' will consume this universe.]
"I refuse to let the dominos fall." You looked up at the constellations. "I'm sorry. You will all cease to exist."
Yoo Joonghyuk stared at his companion. He then went to check again at his attribute window. His sponsor was gone. So was his Stigma. Looking at other people's reaction, theirs were too.
[Great Fable 'What is a Constellation?' Has been acquired.]
[You are now the sole constellation to exist.]
[The rebirth of the world has started.]
Then, everyone got a new message.
[Sorry! You do not exist yet.]
"Wha-?" Before anyone could react, suddenly, nothing existed.
And then it did.
-13.8 billion years later.
Kim Dokja sat on the train, reading The World After the Fall. He couldn't wait to go home and eat the great food his roommate cooked. He got off his stop, walking home. He put the phone in his pocket and looked around himself. His eye caught a poster of his roommate, plastered onto a billboard.
Damn...it's so unfair! He thought. He gets to play games and be handsome? He even makes more than I do!
He reached the place he called home, and stepped in, taking off his shoes. "I'm home!" He shouted.
A little girl ran up to him. "Ahjussi!" She jumped into his arms.
Kim Dokja laughed dryly. "Mia-ya, you don't have to call me that...I'm not that old you know..."
"Huh? But Joonghyuk-oppa says I should!" Ah that bastard...
"Ah is that so?.." He carried her to the dining room. "Let me call my mother before we eat alright?" He smiled, placing her down on a chair.
He went into another room and dialed his mom. "Dokja?" He heard his mom say.
"Omma, how are you doing?" He said warmly.
"Its good, I have Yoosung and Gilyoung to keep me company. Along with Biyoo too. She keeps getting cat fur all over me though." She laughs light heartedly. "How about you?"
"I'm doing well, I quite like it."
[■■ will never be reached.]
[The world will continue forever.]
[No one's story will end.]
['A being who swallowed a universe' watches over the one she loves most, Kim Dokja]
y̸͍̔͋ō̷̟͚̣̣̪̱̐̏͜ṷ̷̧̮̘̐͊̌̏́̕̚ ̷͖̯̆̑̔̈̾̊̈ẘ̶̡̻̯̫̮͊̂i̸̛͈̠̬̝̿̇̈l̸̨̯͚͍̹̝̰̮̹̎̅͛́l̵͚͈̭̀ ̷̣̘̻̜̮̰̏̀̋́̉̓̈͊̾̎n̵͕͇̪̭̳̖̼̘̯̄͗̂̚ͅȩ̵͍̪̭͙̞́v̴̪̉̉̄̽̿͆͛̌͠ę̶̛̹͎̙̞͈r̵̜̲̞̙̠̣̘̝̝̫̈́̽̅̈́͌͑͗ ̵̨̢͍̼͈̱̪́͌͜͜b̵̯͔̜̹͚̩̗̌́̏͒̑͌̾͘͝ē̷̡̜̭̟̞͔̳͕̘̟̊͂ ̷̪̈́̐f̸̟̣͎̪̟̞̳̥̯̝̈ŕ̴̛̺̯̤̤͚̰͖̥̲̐͗͊̀͐ͅḙ̷̬̣͎͂͌̽ȩ̵̻̹̖́̉̃͌̏̀̃ ̵̢̧̭̘̙̝̞̻͋̈͐̽̆̅̚ͅt̶͓̩̊́̃͐͑̂̐͘h̸͌̃̚͝͝͝��̣̥̺͓͜o̵̢̢̻̥̝̥̪͍̝͓͛͛̆͋̍ṷ̸̢̥͕͎͖̘̥̀̓̿̌̐̊̃͜g̶̢̬̘̥̻͙͍͎̀̏͋ḩ̸̻̳͚̟̜̖̘̰̱͊͒̆̾̅̃͒͑̏,̷͎̮͌̈̾ ̸̛̗͖̗̳̜̰̎̕ạ̸́̀̈́r̶̛͇̜̘̼͍̲͛͂ͅȩ̴̘̙̳̪̗̍́͜ͅ ̷̳̅͋́̋̾̍͝y̸̖͛̎̏͂́͠ǒ̵̥̜͉̹̺̘̊ǘ̴̺͔̅̃͋̌̋̄ͅ ̵̡̬̫̳͙̝̼̦̔͒̓̀̃̍̈́̕͝͝ͅs̷̺̝̻͎̄̔́͆̏̑͑͆͝͝t̵͔̪̙̾͂̊̚͝i̴̧̺̘̫̘̅̽̽̆̋́̏͐͂ļ̷̰̤̼͌̽̏̽͋̓̑̓̏͠l̷̤̩̲͗̇͑͐̆͗̄͝ ̴̢͑͘h̷͈̠̤̦̳̍͑͑ä̷̡͈̖̫̻̰́̓̈́̐͠͝p̵̢̧̱̤̞͓͒̈͛̔̂́͐p̵̪̩̎̄̾̑̐͐̉̈́̐̀͜y̴̢͙̜̱̖̣͉̪̌͌̏͂͊͠͝ͅ?̸̡̢͎̟̠̇͊̀̂̉̚̚̚
[The stream has ended.]
[Stream time: 13.8 billion years, 5 months, 3 days, 9 hours, 7 minutes, and 4 seconds]
This is my once in a blue moon post to say im alive! I've dropped genshin but I'm still into orv but ive forgotten like everything so im gonna read everything again if i have the motivation to.
This was kinda rushed cuz i spent most of the time trying to remember how orv worked lolol
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localapparently · 1 year
/ orv novel spoilers until up to ch 468
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Wherever one will be, the other will rush over to protect them
Ok.! Time to go insane about shin yoosung (I love Lee gilyoung too but I need to talk about shin yoosung otherwise I will explode.)
every so often at least thrice a week I think about how attached yoosung is to dokja it just turns my heart inside out. Like she really just started off thinking she was better off dead, and no one wanted her, and then han sooyoung shows up and threatens to kill her and she thinks "oh. I kind of deserve it." and what does dokja do? He protects and saves and nurtures her. Which is already very heartwarming right?
And then she learns about this future self of her from the 41st round, gets 41st sys' memories of pain and feeling neglected by 41yjh, literally everyone wants to kill her, and also her future self is this monstrous beast who's wreaking havoc, the man (yjh) whom her future self decides to stake thousands of years on wants to kill her as well, and future self has already killed herself like once. And so this is like a whole ass onion of layers that are reinforcing her mentality that she's unneeded and she should die and everyone wants her dead and the world is better off with her dead, right? And WHAT DOES DOKJA DO. WHAT DOES DOKJA DO. HE
1. Protects her immediately, putting himself between her and yjh's sword
2. "yoo Joonghyuk if you hurt her I won't forgive you"
3. Protects her future self (who has done terrible things and was also forsaken by the person she struggled so desperately to help)
4. Due to trust in dokja, this causes kimcom to all protect future sys as well without hesitation
5. Gets pissed on behalf of scenario enforcement upon 41sys and promptly uses a good chunk of his riches to beat up the dokkaebi
6. (sys isn't aware of this but I'll add it anyway) saves 41sys soul from the dead and reincarnates her into a baby which he raises with care
LIKE HE SAVES HER, SAVES HER AGAIN, SAVES HER FUTURE SELF, BRINGS HER FUTURE SELF BACK TO LIFE, LIKE I'm overwhelmed. Can you tell? He said "you are needed, I won't let you die" in like 20 different languages, and I just. I cannot even begin to fathom how much that meant to shin yoosung, she's so young yet she told dokja he could kill her, omg her and gilyoung r rlly besties for lifers because why are they both fucked up, please.
What am I even talking about it's almost 7am
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lee-hakhyun · 4 months
chapter 759
lhh panics.
"should we buy a cage for now?" "does the 'dokkaebi bag' have that?" "why don't you ask bihyung?" "what about a leash too?" "what kind of dog is ahjussi?"
orv is still erroring out. he can't cancel his skill. yoo joonghyuk is STILL holding him and staring at him with a strange gaze. he starts to think he'll really be locked up.
ysa finally decides to calm everything down and tells the group to stop playing jokes.
lsh, walking in with an animal cage: we were joking?
he's asked a question, but in his current form he can't talk. a system is set up: he'll blink once for 'yes', and twice for 'no'. each person will ask one question, and lee gilyoung goes first.
"dokja hyung... it's you, right?"
the most important question. is he kim dokja?
he blinks. three times.
it's true, and not true. he is kim dokja, but he is also not kim dokja. kimcom accepts the reply in their own way. lsh then warns that lhh's condition is off. orv 3 is unstable. it's only natural that it would be, as crossing worldlines is normally impossible. yoosung pleads for him to stay. she knows he has a place to go back to, that he has people who need him. but them, too... she chokes up and can't continue. but as he's demon king of salvation right now, and his incarnation's voice was clear.
「we need ahjussi too.」
by lee seolhwa's estimate, lhh has around 5 minutes left. everyone steps back, letting shin yoosung ask the last question. she asks why he came here. it's a question he can't answer. ysa hugs shin yoosung and rephrases the question.
"did you miss us?"
shin yoosung looks up then. maybe this was the question she really wanted to ask. lee hakhyun decides to think as kim dokja.
he looks at kim dokja's company. shin yoosung, lee gilyoung, yoo sangah, lee jihye, yoo joonghyuk... and even han sooyoung, who wasn't there. he wanted to remember their faces. like taking a picture, he slowly blinks.
tears well up in shin yoosung's eyes, and the rest of the group have similar reactions. yoo joonghyuk is still looking at him with that same strange gaze. ysa moves close to him, and whispers something that only he could hear.
"we know. dokja-ssi isn't the 'kim dokja' we remember."
"even so, we still think dokja-ssi is dokja-ssi. no one can deny that."
yoo sangah then moves back, and speaks again in a voice everyone can hear.
she says that he can stay here, if he wants. they can provide the probability for it. and they can help the 41st round. the rest of them start to speak up, and as they talk, the story of <kim dokja's company> begins to speak.
lee hakhyun can see the space between the lines. the part of kim dokja's company that was never shown. several from kimcom were not here. and yet they didn't blame him. they were saying it was fine for him to stay on top of the lines they had created. is his own story really that important? maybe han sooyoung was right when she said he wasn't qualified to write of the 41st round. it already has an ending, and it can't be changed. he could spend the rest of his life here, for kim dokja's company, who would be comforted just by him being here—
on the screen, he hears the voice of the 41st yoo joonghyuk.
even as lee hakhyun is here, the 41st round's yoo joonghyuk continued moving forward. toward the end of a story that would end in failure.
seeing him, he finally understood why kim dokja had not stayed in the 1863rd round.
shin yoosung desperately asks if he would stay. but all he sees is darkness, as she has covered his eyes. she tells him not to answer.
in the darkness, he hears yoo joonghyuk's voice.
"listen, kim dokja. regardless of the story you want, we will continue to create the ending we want. and you cannot stop us."
with a spark, orv starts to release. lgy helps the crying sys, and ysa thanks him for coming. seeing kimcom, he's convinced yet again.
kim dokja would have wanted to come back to them no matter what.
so why didn't he? what forced him to leave the people he loved most?
as his conscious fades, he hears a voice.
【do you really want to know?】
he could instinctively feel it. he knows the owner of that voice.
【even if that truth could ruin you forever?】
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serialadoptersbracket · 3 months
Round 4, Match 4: Kim Dokja vs. Roy Mustang
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Submitted kids:
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Roy Mustang: Edward and Alphonse Elric
Propaganda under the cut!
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
Roy Mustang:
1. “This pathetic cringefail loser of a man managed to raise and guide two traumatized children into becoming well-adjusted adults. He also gets bonus points because those kids end up saving the world from disaster.
Also he's hot sometimes”
2. “He has two(2) sons!!!!! Weird little traumatized children!!!! He's also soooo dad shaped(a mass murderer)!!!! He such a loser too!! I love him so much I wanna chew on him <3”
3. “ok i'm not into fma buts its a popular source and my oomfs r into it and i hear a lot about them. like top five things i hear about whenever i hear them talk about fma. hashtag war criminal family swag”
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unluckilyimnot · 7 months
Hey! If it’s okay with you, can o request Shin Yoosung and Jung Heewon (platonic) x reader headcanons where both of them see reader was an older sibling?
Reader as their older siblings
Shin Yoosung, Lee Jihye
Hi ! ofc i can lslsl I wasn't expecting anythin regading orv to be honest, I was just thinking about putting all the things i want to point out on the same masterlist if people wanted to hear about it but I'm so happy someone requested something. Thank you so much i love you
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Shin Yoosung
poor baby, people has been so harsh with her she deserves the world
you know what she’s been through, Dokja mentioned it a little to you, for you to look after her when he’s gone as well as Gilyoung
her who doesn’t necessarily trust adults beside Dokja, tends to turn to you a lot at any given chance and when she feels like she needs help
it doesn’t have to be serious, in between the scenarios it’s taking care of her hair at the same time as yours, making sure she’s eating enough or getting enough sleep
and during or after scenarios, it’s taking care of her and her possible wounds before yours, making sure she’s safe and sound before your own health
it doesn’t take much time for her to see you as an older siblings
plus, there're things she can’t talk about with Dokja, or that just feels simpler if you talk about it with someone external – since her relationship with Dokja is special
you’re very clever, warm and she knows she can ask you anything
she tends to fall asleep next to/on you from time to time
honestly if your life is in danger she would never get over it, hurting herself into thinking she should’ve done better
now she knows she can help and protect herself, as well as other, yet she also knows that people will get mad and put their life on the line for her and it’s a comforting feeling she would not feel in another universe
Lee Jihye
you’re one of those that reminds her that she deserves to live and to keep going on when remorse started to get the best of her and when she doubt herself
she’s a teenager, she needs someone to get her on a deeper level and you try your best to do so, respecting her boundaries but always checking on her
I think that you showing her the respect she deserves from the start helps it a lot
To the point that she can joke around like a normal teenager with you easily
you order her to sleep because she tends to forget it I think
as long as she wants to treat you like a bro, you allow it, and act the same, the second she flinches and needs an older figure to stand instead of her you’re there too
she looks out for you as well, she can’t accept it if it’s one sided. If you risk your life for her, she will risk her own to save and protect you too
She's still young, and you think adults should take care of certains things instead of them. Deep down you wish you could do all the hard work for her or even the other younger ones
she probably wished she had someone like a siblings to lean on when she’s down, and even before all of that, and she’s glad to see your smile everyday since this hell started
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I'm so happy to write anything about orv. Feel free to just talk to me about it, it will be a pleasure ! I'm a great enthusiastic of yoohankim of someone need to know 👀
I hope you liked it ♡
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skylark325 · 1 month
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Read Through
Ch 93- 110
Beginning: Ch1-10
She looked between Yoo Joonghyuk's black coat and my white coat before opening her mouth. "By the way, are you a couple?"
> no it’s just their fated bond transcending time and reality that leads them to become the ultimate black-white character design duo yes they are a couple
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is delighted for an unknown reason.]
[A constellation who likes to change gender has shining eyes.]
Did this constellation appear in Ways of Survival? I thought I should look through the novel soon.
> I…should I keep an eye on this constellation too? Cuz kdj said the same thing about SP and SP is suspicious as hell
what…. does this constellation enable mpreg?
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is controlling the constellation who likes to change gender.]
> well damn maybe they did XD
just imagining uriel in the chat room going “shh don’t say anything you might spoil the angst and misunderstandings arc before they start dating”
"We are eating a salad?" "Of course not. I'll burn it."
> kdj: ofc not what do you think i am, a vegan?
I glanced over at Han Sooyoung, who was still eating. "Hey. You have eaten a lot so get up." "Why?"
> hsy, my girl, i love you but a couple of chapters ago you were a talking head and nearly killed all of kdj’s friends
[Insignificant human.] I wiped the blood flowing from my mouth and grinned.
> kinky mfer
[A trivial human dares to threaten the great stars?]
> are you like…new here? dudes been doing that like it’s his sunday book club fan casting side characters for a live action
[Then I will ask the last question. How did you notice that we were watching?]
"I read a book well."
> talking to kdj in an apocalypse must be so frustrating. anytime someone asks him “holy shit you saved my life with this incredibly specific and circumstantial information” and dude goes “ meh i just read a book” like i’d think he was fucking crazy or the second coming of christ
"The lover who forgot you. Naxos Island. The love affair afterwards… shall I continue?" [S-Stop! I understand so stop!]
> damn not kdj airing out her dirty laundry, dude what happened to girl code?
Parasite Queen Antinus frowned as she looked at her body. The newest body she required was an Imyuntar.
> what the…SHE’S ALIVE?
A familiar aura was felt. It was a power that she felt from the insect kings species found on Chronos in the past.
"You will be the first insect!" The boy, Lee Gilyoung laughed at Antinus.
what the fuck is going on
why my boy giving final boss 😭
"…It means that after some time, I can see it as someone else's writing. Ultimately, every human is their own writer."
> damn hsy is a lot more introspective than i realised
–Han Donghoon: hyung, are you okay?
About to add him to my list of good bois with gilyoung
It was a blanket. She must've grabbed it from the area because she was afraid we were cold.
> MY BBY 😭
[Some constellations dislike the burning of the sweet potatoes.] [The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is getting out some cider to go with the sweet potatoes¹.]
> they’re…they’re talking about killing a child to save seoul and these bitches are having a picnic
"You are probably the worst person in Seoul." "As bad as Joker or Thanos?"
> oh my god my heart
Thus, I would prevent this child's death for Yoo Joonghyuk.
> 🥺
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' encourages you to take care of your incarnation.]
> he has a kid now 😭 take care of your kid dokja 😭
Of course, there was one constellation who was unclear. [The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' is watching your strategy with interest.]
> seriously what is up with this dude
"I chose you." Shin Yoosung's eyes shook at my words. "I chose you instead of Seoul. I don't regret it."
> ok so like fuck me right 😭 😭 😭
"What do you think about my looks? Especially when compared to Yoo Joonghyuk."
Han Sooyoung looked at me like bugs had entered her ears.
[A windy constellation is looking at you like you are pathetic.]
>HEY ! everyone needs reassurance man even dokja XD
Shin Yoosung bowed her head like she was embarrassed. "…I don't have any talent." If she didn't have talent then I should just kill myself.
>ayo you’re starting to sound like your husband
"I believe in you more than the future that hasn't come yet."
> Dokja really killing it with these one liners
"Hey, I have a question." "You are ugly."
I suddenly had a thought. Perhaps I was a bit lucky that she was here. At least I wasn't alone in knowing that this world was a 'novel'.
> ok seriously stop. i’m writing an angst fic rn and there’s a limit to how much i can take 😭
「 Reading a book doesn't mean you will understand people. 」
> ouch
「 She didn't know if they would be enemies or not the next time they met. 」
> is she…writing a fic on her and dokja? XD
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' congratulates you on your first contract.]
> awwwww cute
"He knows." Jung Heewon looked at the sky with a slightly disgruntled expression. "Somehow, I think he is watching me right now." 」
>why does dokja have chemistry with EVERYONE
"This mongrel…" "Don't talk to me, you worm bastard."
> whoa whoa KIDS
damn dokja you gotta teach them better 😭
> FIFTY? dokja got fifty offers holy shit. in this economy?
Shin Yoosung stared above my head in a blank manner and muttered, "Ahjussi, you are like a Christmas tree."
> Yoosung you precious precious child
[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is looking at the constellation 'Scribe of Heaven'.]
> oooooh the girls are fighting
>shit run dokja RUN
Next: ch101-120
Previous: Ch 73-92
Beginning: Ch1-10
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myfanficideas · 3 months
Lee Gilyoung Angst
Everyone likes Shin Yoosung better. Ever since she came, no one paid attention to Gilyoung anymore. She was more useful, more powerful, more likeable. Kim Dokja loved her more too.
Gilyoung wasn't useful anymore. He wasn't needed anymore.
Aka Gilyoung feels abandoned and decides to leave before someone else decides he's extra weight to get rid of. It's just him and his bugs. No one will notice that he's gone.
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