orderofthelosers · 1 year
My first post and it's cringy Minecraft: Story Mode headcanons. Give a round of applause for me, folks.
The Ocelots (Minecraft: Story Mode) headcanons.
A lot of these are pre-witherstorm !!
• Autistic.
• Loves big blankets. Quilts, comforters, etc. If it's not puffy, he doesn't want it.
• Feeds stray animals. He buys extra cat/dog food and saves table scraps to give them.
• He hangs out with Jesse sometimes but he mostly sticks with the ocelots.
• Very extreme speed-walker. He's walks super fast 24/7 for no reason.
• Buys random little contraptions. Like those water toys where you flip it upside down and the droplets slide down the platforms.
• Him and Ivor gossip.
• Loves when people show interest in what he's talking about. He'll sit and explain something for hours upon hours to someone if they ask him too.
• He hand-made the matching jackets.
• Dyslexic.
• He snores a lot. The volume varies, but he's usually a little hard to sleep next to.
• Perfers black cats over ocelots but will never tell Lukas.
• Acts like he's the coolest person ever but he's actually pretty lame. (affectionate)
• He has like 20 middle names, so it takes him like a solid 5 minutes to write down his full legal name.
• He had a fairly bad childhood and makes jokes about it all the time.
• Despite them being extremely deadly, Aiden unironically loves hostile mobs. He tries to pet spiders all the time, makes attempts to give zombies fists bumps when they have their arms out, hands blocks to enderman, dodges the arrows when he gets shot at by skeletons and pretends their "playing," ect.
• Got very heavily bullied as a kid and he projected that onto Jesse, Axel, and Olivia.
• Has a pet turtle
• Colorblind. (blue and green specifically)
•Absolutely obsessed with horror movies that it's almost concerning.
• She genuinely hates mint so so much. Doesn't matter if it's smell or taste, she is a full-fledged hater of mint.
• She has the opening skills of 3 month old. She can't open baby gates, she can't open child locks, she can't open jars or bottles,,,,,, actually nothing.
• She's a jerk to basically everyone, not just Jesse, Olivia, and Axel. She cools it down a bit when she's with The Ocelots, but they're still a target for insults. They love her, though.
• She pulls all-nighters 24/7. She literally never gets tired but she has massive fucking eyebags.
• She hates all of Jesse's friends but she loves Reuben. She'll never admit it, though.
• Both reread and rewatched Matilda all the time when she was younger. She still does sometimes for nostalgia purposes.
• Has Adhd.
• Very stupid. (affectionate)
• He has a little sister and he used to get in trouble all the time for purposely teaching her curse words.
• His birthday is the same day as Endercon, which is both a blessing and a curse because he gets to celebrate his birthday at Endercon every year, but the witherstorm was also created on his birthday, so he basically got traumatized for life on his birthday.
• He could honestly care less about Jesse, he just makes fun of him because Aiden and Maya do and he picked it up from them.
• Very good listener. Someone could ramble to him for hours and he'd listen and show interest the whole time.
• Collects Beanie Babies.
• He needs noise to sleep. A fan, the TV, anything.
• He's an extremely slow walker and is always struggling to catch up to people.
{More than one}
• Aiden and Maya have a sister/brother relationship despite not being related in the slightest.
• Gill gets worms off the ground after it rains and gives them to Aiden for his turtle.
• Maya tries to make Gill pull all-nighters with her sometimes but he always falls asleep at like 11pm.
• Maya made fun of Aiden for how many middle names he has once and he pushed her off a bridge. Never again did she make fun of his name.
• Gill and Aiden stay over at Lukas’s house all the time to make pillow forts and binge watch cartoons. Maya refuses to participate because she thinks pillow forts and cartoons are cringy and childish. (shame on you, Maya)
I will take absolutely no Maya, Gill, or Aiden hate. They are all my children, my cutie patooties.
Also, if anyone with artistic skill happens to see this lost and draws one of these (very unlikely) pls pls pls tag me in it ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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selfship-pride · 4 years
Selfship Pride Spotlight: Sparkyboye
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It’s that time again! This time we’ll be featuring our friend Caelum otherwise known as Sparkyboye! Make some noise for mint!
Caelum is a nonbinary, gay, arospec creator here on tumblr that has a knack for making kandi (that you can find here!) and very occasionally drawing (though not so much anymore!). Mint enjoys music (such as vocaloid and K-Pop). Mints really into Cookie Run, Pokemon, Webkinz, fashion, and mints F/O sources!! Mint’s also really nice and approachable with a lot of interesting things to say!
Caelum also has a really neat collection of 24 pronouns that can be found here! I highly recommend looking at them and giving them a whirl! The variety is nice! Be sure to give mint a follow and in ask mint some questions about mints F/Os <3 (who also have alternative pronouns !)
Under the cut you’ll find our interview!! Let’s see what mint has to say!
I should start by asking, What does pride mean to you and your selfships? Tell me more about how it comes into play in your lives!
Caelum: “okay !! for all of us its kinda a big part of our lives ig ? we're all trans n definitely not straight, so if we didn't show pride in any way itd feel to us like we're hidin a part of ourselves. for some showing too much it can cause dysphoria, which mostly happens w gakushuu, katsuki, n occasionally flick.
others like eijirou, denki, n izuku are all really open about being trans. in the way of our sexuality tho we all love showin pride about that !! overall pride is jus kinda,,, really important to us. we tend to get really into it, and the ones that don't get dragged into it hxtdbxjxg bam Loves dragging me n flick (and flick usually drags cj along too) to pride parades while w my other f/os we tend to jus celebrate alone,,, anyways i hope that makes sense hxgsbdh i ramble every time i talk abt them aaaaa”
It sounds like you're a really open bunch. I love it! What do you and your F/Os do to celebrate pride? What sort of things do you wear there? 
Caelum: “yea we try to be !!! as for what we wear at pride, it's all different things. im /massive/ into fashion so i tend to go all-out on my outfit, which definitely includes all my pride kandi.
i also got izuku into kandi, so bun tends to also wear all of buns pride kandi. as for the others tho, most of em dont get rlly into dressin up,,, so i usually dress em up hxtsbsjxg denki likes to wear skirts n stuff on their female days n they have a lot of petticoats so usually i make the ones that arent v outgoing wear them as tutus if theyre comfy. they all tend to be a mess (trying to get bam in anything that isnt sports gear or eijirou into anything that isnt crocs or cargo shorts is very difficult) but it fits all of us together tbh.”
What about the community has helped you express yourself (via your sexuality and gender identity)? 
Caelum: “mm i guess seeing other non-cishet self shippers ? i dont see a lot but which does make me sad, but the ones i do see make me feel rlly comfy here !! n seeing people share their headcanons too, esp since the ones i have mean a lot to me 👉🏻👈🏻 n self shipping in general really helps me figure out n come to terms w my gender n sexuality, n since i am Very Gay for all of my f/os it gives me a spot to show that lmao.”
To sign off, is there any sort of advice you give to selfshippers who are also struggling with their identity or sexuality? Also any last words!!
Caelum: :uhh dont b afraid to try out different labels n stuff ig ?? its almost guaranteed tht ur gon go through many labels, n thats okay !! n it's alright if u think ur something to the point where you're certain thats what you are, but smth changes and u realize u arent that !! just remember tht ur f/os love u jus the way u are, regardless of ur label !! also, dont let anyone tell you how to identify, whether u wan use really broad terms or multiple gender n sexuality labels like me, its all okay !!! :33″
Thank you so much to Caelum for coming out to speak with me! Mint was REALLY patient and I very much appreciate it!
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martellthemandalor · 4 years
Happy Deathday
Pairing: Max Phillips x f!reader
Warnings: Language, suggestion of biting 
Rating: T (teen)
Word count: 1.9K+
A/N: This is a small fic for anyone celebrating their birthday! I hope you enjoy this little treat with our favourite vampire sales manager. also no editing because i finished this at 3am lmaoo. 
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“Happy birthday to you!”
The off-key drone of your co-workers voices finished with an enthusiastic round of applause. You smile up at the gaggle of them, leaning forward to blow out the singular candle protruding from the cake being presented to you.  
“Thank you everyone, please help yourself to a slice before you leave. Lord knows I won’t be able to finish it by myself,” You joked, gesturing to the sizeable cake that rested in the hands of your boss. He chuckled at you, setting the cake down and producing a knife to section it with.
You got to packing away your days’ work right away, your colleagues flocking to the sweet treat being offered freely on the adjacent desk.
A cold hand on your shoulder caused you to jump. Your mouth twisted into a small smile as you swivelled to find yourself met with the dark eyes of your manager.
“(Y/N) I need to see you in my office,” He instructed, that damn infuriating smirk playing across his face.
“Come on Boss, it’s her birthday let her go have fun,” Tim protested through a mouthful of cake. You grinned at him, rolling your eyes as you saw him reach for another slice.
“Thank you for your concern Tim, I would almost be grateful if it wasn’t a clear ploy to get more of my cake,” You accused playfully. “Of course boss, I’ll be right with you.”
Max gave your shoulder a squeeze, shooting you a wink as he sauntered back to his office.
“You really shouldn’t let him keep you late, this is literally the one day a year you can break the rules,” Tim mumbled at you, biting off another chunk of cake.
“Tim, I really don’t think that’s true,” You laughed, “But if it makes you feel any better, my plans don’t start until later, I kind of guessed Max would be enough of an asshole to keep me back after work,” You slung your bag over your shoulder and made your way over to Max’s office. Glancing over your shoulder you saw Tim trying to sneak another slice cake.
“Hey Tim, just take the whole thing okay? I’ve got another one coming later,” You called to him.
Tim’s eyes lit up, nabbing the cake off the desk and all but sprinting out of the door. You really did work with some… interesting characters to say the least. It certainly made every day a different experience, especially with the changes that had been happening around the office recently.
You softly rapped on the solid wood of the door, and upon hearing the muffled “Yep!” from the other side swiftly entered.
Max was leant back on his chair, legs propped up on his desk. His eyes raked over your figure as you shut the door behind you. You turned to face him, bracing your back against the smooth wood.
“You never learnt the art of subtlety did you?” You asked him, arching your eyebrow at your undead boyfriend.
“Absolutely not sweetheart, sales don’t come from subtlety,” He claimed, swinging his feet off the desk and beckoning you to come sit on his lap. You rolled your eyes at him, an involuntary action you found yourself doing twice as much since beginning your relationship with him.
“People are going to find out about this if you don’t tone it down,” You said nonchalantly, wandering slowly towards the desk, your eyes locked on his.
“You say that as if it’s a bad thing,” Max retorted, dramatically rolling his eyes in direct parody of you. “Besides babe, I just know you love it.” He punctuated his point with a wink.
God you wanted to slap him sometimes.
“And… how do you know that?” You asked. Your fingertips trailed across the polished oak of the desk, dancing around the various pencil pots and other knick-knacks he had spread across the surface. Another part of his game with the team, every time he turned someone new, suddenly a new item turned up on his desk.
Max had told you it was a motivation tactic, because of course it was. He said that people don’t like being reduced to objects, explaining that by adding an item, a trophy, each time someone was turned reduced them to just that. By doing this, and drawing attention to it through meetings and whatnot, the non-turned would work twice as hard in order to stay that way, to not be reduced to an object. He may be a smug bastard, but you couldn’t say he wasn’t a clever one.
You slid across the front of the desk, gave Max the smuggest smile you could muster, then hopped up onto the edge opposite him. A blatant shun to his previous invitation. This was another game he liked to play with you, the cat and mouse of it all, and you were more than happy to fill your role.
“Because,” he said, leaning forward in that ridiculous chair and dropping his voice lower. “I could hear your heart beat faster.”
Yeah, he got you there. Damn his upper hand.  You tried to keep a straight face as the cogs in mind whirred furiously to come up with a smartass retort. It quickly became impossible to do so though, you knew Max could see right through your struggle as he slowly inched his chair closer to you. You fought back your smile, but lost the struggle with an infectious laugh as his face contorted into a smug duck face.
“Gotcha,” he proclaimed triumphantly. In one swift move he lifted you from the desk and into his lap, his strength meaning you weighed nothing as he pulled you close to him, causing a slight squeal to escape you. It sent a thrill through you whenever he displayed his strength like that, the way he strong armed you around a complete juxtaposition to the feather light way he handled you while doing it.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you settled into his lap, his own hands resting comfortably around your waist. He cocked his eyebrow at you, his copyright smirk playing across his lips as he waited for you to make the move.
You smoothed your hands across the back of his neck, over his shoulders and traced your fingers across the rigid lapels of his suit. Then you grabbed onto the lapels and tugged him towards your mouth, leading him into a surprisingly gentle kiss.
His cool lips instinctively moved against your own, hand coming up to cup your jaw as he dragged his tongue across your bottom lip. Opening your mouth you let him slip his tongue in, his gentle taste of mint flooding your senses. You smiled against him when you broke for breath.
He dragged his lips across your jaw, trailing kisses down your neck.
“Happy birthday baby,” He murmured against the warmth of your skin.
“Thank you babe,” You responded, tugging lightly on his hair to pull him from you. You both looked at each other for a minute, his eyes darting over your features, as if trying to memorise you.
The silence was thick and comfortable, but as was normal with Max the quiet didn’t last long.
“Are you sure you want to do this sweetheart?” Max asked. He brushed his thumb softly across your cheekbone, his other hand coming up to caress down your neck. The tenderness of his touch made your heart jump at your ribs. You slid your hands up his arms, resting them at his wrists.
“I’m more than sure Max, we’ve talked about this, I want this,” You reassured him.
“But-” You quickly placed a finger over his lips. For a man so hell bent on turning every other warm body in the office for the sake of efficiency, he was being surprisingly apprehensive with you.
“Max. Look at me. I love you. I want this with you. There’s no one else I can possibly imagine being with, and I- fuck- I want to be turned by you so I can live with you as we are, forever. Okay?” You stressed. Max took your hands in his and brought them to his lips, peppering kisses along each of your knuckles.
“I love you to baby, so much,” He said gently. He leant in and pressed a series of chaste kisses to your lips. Then it was like a switch flipped in his head and suddenly your suave, almost douchebag of a boyfriend was back again. “Come on then sweetheart,” He announced, a tap on your thigh giving you the hint to stand up. You smiled as you dismounted him, heading for the door.
He got up and shot to the door before you could get close, opening it for you. He landed a playful swat on your ass as you crossed the open threshold, his voice following not long after.
“Let’s get you home and turned to the sexiest vamp in the office, rivalled only by me of course”
Entering your apartment was like entering a different world. Max had disappeared on his lunch break and where initially you were confused as to what he could have got up to for the full hour, it was now crystal clear.
He had come back to yours and cleaned the place from head to toe. He had also layed out candles and ruby red rose petals across the floor of the hall, which he was currently, and rather frantically, lighting as you hung up your coat.
Your living room had undergone the same treatment, with the addition of a bottle of red wine, a new wine glass set, a box of fancy chocolates and a small, very neatly wrapped, present sitting pretty in the middle of your coffee table.
“Max you- you didn’t have to do all this,” You exclaimed to your boyfriend, who had now settled himself on the sofa. He patted the space next to him, which you eagerly occupied.
“Of course I did, it’s your birthday and you deserve something extra special,” He responded, hand waving off your concerns.
He then leant forward and took the present from the table, placing it into your waiting hands. Snuggling into him, you began to carefully unwrap the present. The paper fell away to show a black velvet box, opening which caused you to gasp loudly.
Inside was a ring, a beautiful woven band of silver with a small diamond set with precision in the middle.
“Will you marry me?”
The words were murmured next to your ear, soft and laced with anxiety. Your stomach did a somersault for him, your beautiful, self-assured dumbass was really afraid that you would turn him down.
You twisted in his embrace, softly kissing him before whispering “Yes,” against his lips. His answering smile was one you were never going to forget, so full of joy and love, and all for you. Only for you.
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as Max gently took the ring box from you. 
He took the ring from the box and slid it onto your ring finger, sealing the placement with a kiss.
The rest of the evening flew by. Between the glasses of red, feeding each other chocolate and laughing, it felt like time had turned to liquid around you. Max was running his fingers through your hair, his gaze fixated on your neck.
It was time.
“Ready sweetheart?” He simply asked, as if you weren’t about to give up your rhythmic heartbeat for him. The anticipation was making your heart race and you wondered if you would ever miss the feeling of it hammering in your ribs.
“Yes Max, ready as I’ll ever be,” You affirmed, your hand seeking his own and instinctively locking with it.
You skin felt alight, burning hot when you felt the smooth curve of his fangs brush against your neck.
“Happy deathday baby.”
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Beauty and the Beast?
author’s note: Howdy all! This piece is a very late contribution to Reese’s disney writing challenge! This was in celebration of their achievement of 800 followers, due to their amazing fics.  (find the other submissions here) I am so overjoyed I could have a part in this, and I wanted to say a very special congratulations to them! ( @probably-peeves) In the month it took me to write this, they’re only a couple followers off of 1000! So, go check them out and drop a follow! Without further ado, I present my first ever Remus fic!
word count: ~2000
summary: you’ve spent years admiring Remus from a far, but who could ever learn to love a beast? this fic is loosely based around beauty and the beast
warnings: lil bit angsty and a hint of language. also it switches pov’s every so often so I’ve put in the beginning of each section who’s pov it is :)
(your pov)
“He’s so perfect,” I sighed thinking to myself. I would have told a friend, but- well, they all thought I was a bit odd.
I was currently seated in the great hall, glancing up from my thick book. I had just been traveling to the optimistic world of Anne Shirley, when I had been distracted out of the corner of my eye by Remus pouring himself a steaming mug of tea. I took a sip of my own mug and continued to discreetly peer over its rim towards Remus.
He was sat, as usual, beside Peter Pettigrew. Today he looked a little more tired than usual, but I figured that must have been exam season getting to him.
I returned to my book as I realised that the amount of staring I was doing was reaching a nearly creepy amount.
I was never going to tell Remus I liked him. He was perfect. And me?
I was just a beast.
(Narrator pov)
“She’s so perfect,” Remus sighed for the fourth time so far that breakfast.
“Bloody hell mate, do you need me to ask her out for you?” Sirius smirked as he took a particularly suggestive bite of toast. Remus wrinkled his freckled nose.
“You know exactly why I can’t Sirius,” Remus said quietly. “Look at her!” He gazed steadily towards you, at your end of Ravenclaw’s table.
“She’s perfect, and beautiful, and smart, and-“ Remus looked so miserable in that moment that Sirius, James, and Peter were about three seconds from tackling him in a large group hug. His despair faded to resigned dismay, and he finished.
“I’m just a beast,” he shrugged sadly.
(your pov)
The library cooled my heated forehead just enough to hear my own thoughts for a minute. This full moon was going to be a long one. I hated the way standing outside at this time of night made the hair on the back of my neck prickle. Or the way I could smell the scent of Remus’s cologne (which I normally loved) from here- even though he was still in the great hall.
I performed another subtle cooling charm and returned to the detailed essay on the precise wand movements required for jelly leg jinxes.
“Can I take a seat?” A familiar yet unknown voice asked, motioning to a chair. I looked up to see the soft honey gold eyes of Remus gazing into mine. “Your corner of the library is so cool,” he smiled in a tired manner. It was then that I noticed the flushed tone of his cheeks.
“Of course,” I answered softly, incredibly shy around anyone- especially Remus. I swallowed my heart that was trying to escape it’s rightful place, and tried to start conversation. “Long day?” I asked gently. Remus rubbed his temples before responding:
“I guess you could say that,” the small, tired smile was back again. I pulled a small mint leaf out of my tiny container.
“I find mint always calms me down,” I popped a leaf into my own mouth, and handed him one.
I turned back to my work and managed to write another line before I was distracted by a slight rustling noise. Another affect of the full moon... heightened senses. I glanced up to see Remus digging through his satchel bag for something. Triumphant, he pulled out a bar of Honeydukes chocolate.
(Narrator pov)
“Oi, Prongs,” James glanced up as Sirius’s hard elbow hit his side. “He finally got the courage to sit with her!” Sirius had a gleeful grin on his face. James’s face lit up as well and he quickly got  Peter’s attention. Peter let out a soft round of applause and gave a watery smile.
"Well, I ought to go help-" Sirius stood up to go talk to Remus, but James promptly yanked him back by his coller.
"You tosser! You'd make it worse!" James chuckled slightly, and they all resumed their studious work.
(Remus’s pov)
I held up the bar and raised an eyebrow slightly. “Would you like any?” I held the chocolate towards her. As much as I hated sharing my chocolate, it was only kind. Especially after I saw her eyes meet mine again. Anything was worth seeing those eyes again.
She nodded shyly, and I broke off a chunk of the bar and placed it into her palm. She gratefully accepted it, and resumed her rapid writing. Godric, how does anyone write that fast?
About a half hour later, I stood up to take a break. Stretching my back out, I noticed y/n gazing at me. I couldn't tell if she was judging me, or just curious. Her eyes were so focused and clear. The golden yellow eye color suited her so perfectly. She truly was beautiful.
(your pov)
Remus and I had met several more times in the library since then. In the past few weeks his face had brightened up a lot from the tired look I had seen the first time he sat with me.
"Hey Remus!" I nodded as he approached our now usual spot. It was odd how he always happened to be in the library when I was. I suppose we must have similar study habits. My heart began to beat rapidly as it always did when I was nervous. Helga, at this point I should be used to talking with people.
"Good afternoon y/n," He grinned brightly and set his books down. "Any good assignments today?" I bit my lip. Would he really want to hear my raptures on the benefits I had recently discovered of sage? I decided to give it a shot and told him my recent potion experiments.
He held on to every word as I explained. I blushed, realising that for once someone actually wanted to listen to my words instead of calling me a nerd or strange.
"Thanks for letting me talk about that," I let out a small, nervous giggle.
"It's fascinating!" He responded, his eyebrows shot up. He proceeded to ask me multiple questions, and show a bit of his own knowledge by linking it to a specific charm he had read about.
After chatting for a while longer, I focused on my work again. At this point I was simply adding finishing touches to my foot long parchment. Roughly an hour later I noticed Remus's steady gaze trained on me.
"What?" I smiled softly.
"Er-" Remus paused, blushing slightly. "Well, you're-" I smiled a little wider at his stumbling around. Although I couldn't think for the life of me why he couldn't find his words. I noticed his chest rise, as he took a deep breath.
"Would you like to go to a ball with me?" He asked finally. I blushed, and grinned myself this time.
"They're holding a ball?" I hadn't heard any announcement about a ball, but I tended to zone out during meal times anyway.
"Well, you see-" Remus took another deep breath. "It would only be us."
(Remus’s pov)
And that's how, like the fucking idiot I am, I ended up standing outside the room of requirement in a slightly shabby suit. Sirius had kindly advised me that I looked like a slimy salesman, and James had helped me comb my hair before sending me out the portrait hole with a pat on the back.
"You're going to crush it mate, she'll love you." James called. Sirius leaned out after him, and shouted:
"You look hot!" I felt the very tips of my ears turn red, and jogged up to the room of requirement. I glanced behind me as I fleed Sirius's compliments, just to make sure he wasn't following me.
I finally arrieved, slightly out of breath, next to the tapestry. She came around the corner slightly afterwards, and all I could do was smile. She truly was beautiful.
(Your pov)
"Sorry I'm late," I blushed. Remus looked incredibly handsome, and I  I felt like all of my ability to converse had somehow disappeared. Remus kindly took my hand, and smiled. Then, just like that, my power of speech was returned.
"I had to jog here, don't worry." I laughed slightly at his admission. He held out his arm for me to take.
"Shall we?" I accepted his arm and we turned to the golden door together. It spread open right on cue, and we passed through the glowing arch. The warm yellow light reminded me of the sun, a pleasant difference to the harsh light of the moon.
The room had transformed especially for us, into a circular ballroom with high, arching walls. Gold accents and soft, creamy colored walls lit up the space, and the ceiling had tiny slivers of moonlight poking through. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle slightly, and I grasped onto Remus's arm slightly tighter to steady myself. I noticed him pause and stiffen as well, surely because of the way I had just dug my nails into his arm.
The room worked it's magic and closed the gaps in the roof, replacing them with flowery vines. I relaxed, and concentrated on thinking of a nice song to dance to.
The first few notes of a soft piano caught my ear, and I quickly realised the room was playing 'Tale as Old as Time' from Beauty and the Beast. How fitting, I thought. My beautiful Remus is here with me... a beast.
Remus placed one hand upon the small of my back, and took my other palm in his. I rested my free hand on his shoulder and let the music wash over me for a moment.
In sync, we began to glide across the floor to the soft music. I was immediately lost in the flowing and spinning, and the only thing I truly registered was the honey brown of Remus's eyes, steadily trained on my yellow toned- golden eyes. I realised as I stared that his eyes became slightly more yellow as we continued to gaze at each other. I felt my neck hair prickle again, and my cheeks flush as I felt a hint of my moon sickness. It was as if my werewolf tendencies were being amplified by Remus somehow.
My cheeks continued to flush, and we continued to dance in sync. I felt as if I was floating upon a cloud, gliding along in someone else's dream land. I was so close to Remus I could count his constellation of freckles, see the golden flecks in his, see the pinky color of his lips.
"Thank you, Remus," I whispered. I felt frozen in this moment, but I didn't mind at all.
I leaned in slightly and Remus's soft lips caught on to mine. I deepened the kiss before pulling away, the horrible truth causing my brow to furrow.
"Remus, I have to tell you something," I placed my hands on his chest as he held my waist, keeping me close against him.
"What is it my dove?" Remus frowned, and brushed a stray hair from my face.
"You can't love me!" It all became to much, I pulled away and tried to explain it all before the hot tears came streaming down my face. I felt the salty streams dash down my face, and I realised it was too late.
"I'm a werewolf," I sobbed, returning to Remus's arms despite my better judgement.
To my surprise, Remus's warm, husky laughter began to echo off of the arched wall. I weakly hit into his chest, annoyed that he was laughing. He wasn't muggle born, and his father had written a large amount of the anti-werewolf legislation that made my life living hell.
"Me too y/n," He answered, curbing his laughter. I looked into his eyes and felt the slightly woofish sides of my returning again. I hugged him even tighter.
"So we're beast and the beast?" I joked.
"Hm?" Remus's deep voice vibrated against where my forehead was tucked into his chest.
"This whole time I thought that we were Beauty and the Beast," I paused and took a deep breath. "Obviously you were Beauty," I mumbled.
"Perhaps we're both the beauty in our own way?" Remus smiled.
p.s. i’ve got another fic coming in the next few days so keep an eye out!
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samwpmarleau · 4 years
Would you write Arthur's reaction to the news that elia and rhaegar are getting betrothed
Another anon asked: Fic request: Elia and Arthur have a stolen moment just before she marries Rhaegar
He can’t say the news comes as a surprise, particularly. It’s an advantageous match, one that has Princess Loreza’s shrewd handiwork and the king’s pettiness all over it. He can’t fault the match.
And yet still it feels like a slap in the face. Fate’s fickle flick of the wrist. He leaves Dorne—leaves her—for the place perhaps least like it, only for his past to come barging right into his present. His best friend and the love of his life. Two of the very limited number of people he truly believes in, truly trusts.
It was one thing to know, theoretically, that she would be wed. But being the wife to some Dornish bannerman is a far cry from the future queen of the Seven Kingdoms, eternally to be a constant presence in his life. Again, though far frostier this time around.
He should have known, really, the moment Elia arrived at Lord Robert’s tourney. Why else would she journey such a long distance from home, when the Princess always so fiercely limited her outings? An exception had been made during Elia’s sixteenth year…but that was an exceptional exception indeed. The prize of Jaime Lannister, disguised as a yet-undecided tour of suitors.
But the shock of seeing her, of talking to her, of kissing her hand and saying with cool indifference, “It is wonderful to see you again, Princess Elia,” as though they hadn’t once been each other’s entire universe, had superseded his good sense.
And so, all he can manage is an incredulous stare, his heart pounding beneath his ribcage, his hand reflexively clenching into a fist when at the feast following the joust Rhaegar says—
“It is my great pleasure to announce my betrothal to Princess Elia of Dorne. House Targaryen holds House Martell in highest esteem, and I look forward to our union being forever fruitful.”
The announcement is met with applause and a fresh round of ale, because of course it must, yet it’s quite obvious to Arthur that he’s not the only one taken aback by the news. Though for different reasons. How terribly upsetting it must be for the people to have a Dornish crown princess, and a sickly one at that. Perish the thought.
He endures the spectacle long enough for the first course of supper to be served. But even his Kingsguard stoicism has its limits, and if he has to witness one more series of Rhaegar and Elia graciously accepting this lord or that’s insipid congratulations, he’ll vomit. He switches posts with Ser Oswell, who had been patrolling outside the Great Hall. The deafening sound of waves crashing against Durran’s Point is just as well, for it drowns out some of the gaiety behind the hall’s heavy oaken doors.
It works until he’s an hour in and is stopped not by the latest in an impressive string of drunken nobility but Rhaegar’s freshly minted betrothed. Elia. His Elia, who hasn’t been his for quite some time.
“Princess,” he greets with a bow. “Or perchance it is now ‘Your Grace.’”
“‘Your Grace’? That’s all you have to say?” she asks. “Four years of not a word since you left that note without so much as a warning, and now it’s pleasantries? You have some nerve.”
“By ‘nerve,’ do you mean delight that my closest friend and my countrywoman are to be married? I could no sooner fret over that than the marriage of Daeron the Good and his queen.”
“You lie as poorly now as you did when you were a boy.” Gods, he’s even missed her fury.
He could continue the ruse, but it would do no good. “What do you want me to say?”
“I suppose you don’t have to say anything,” she replies. “So long as we’re both aware that you’re the one to blame for this situation.”
“That’s not fair.”
“Oh?” She takes a step forward, oozing half a decade’s worth of resentment and arguments unhad. “We could have been many years wed by now. A babe, or two. Tywin Lannister slighting my mother was the best news of my life. Then you just left. To join the Kinsgsguard, pledged to a mad monarch growing madder by the day.”
The sound of a man retching nearby has Arthur lowering his voice and guiding Elia further down the dim hallway, away from prying ears. “It’s hardly that simple and you know it.”
“What I know is I was unpromised and you were the damned Sword of the Morning, as viable a suitor as it’s possible to me, and you didn’t even try. My mother—”
“Your mother would not have agreed,” he interrupts.  “She said as much when I asked her.”
Elia’s brow furrows, just slightly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like.” If someone had told him a week ago that he’d be having this conversation right now, he’d have sent them to Maester Pycelle for a medical examination. “After you returned from the Westerlands, I went to her. She’d cottoned on, of course. I’m not sure there’s anything within Dorne’s borders the Princess isn’t aware of. ‘Don’t start,’ she said. ‘The answer is no.’”
It’s clear that Elia had not been informed of any of this, and he can’t decide whether that works in his favor or not. But her confusion in short order gives way to renewed anger. “Since when did you care about my mother’s opinion?”
“I didn’t at first,” he replies. “But how could I sway her when she was right? A second son of a lesser house I was, the heir to nothing. She refused Baelor fucking Hightower. She aimed for no less than the future Lord of Casterly Rock. What could I have given you in comparison?”
“What comparison? You could have given me you! All I’ve ever needed is you, just as you are.” Elia seizes the golden circlet on her head, that which marks her as Dornish royalty, and tosses it at him. It skitters off his ivory breastplate into his hands. “How could you ever think that I wouldn’t have given this up without a moment’s hesitation? That I’d want the likes of Jaime Lannister or Rhaegar the silver prince?”
He doesn’t let doubt creep in. Because if he does, if he lets himself wonder whether he could have not cowed to the Princess, he couldn’t walk himself back.
“You didn’t even wait,” Elia continues. “Four years it took my mother to arrange this match. More than enough time for her to have changed her mind about us. Yet the minute Ser Harlan came along with his offer, you abandoned me. We could have run away together, if it came to that.”
“Run away where, exactly?”
“I don’t know, anywhere. My good-sister is of Norvos, my niece’s mother is of Volantis, there’s even that hidden tower in the Prince’s Pass you told me about. We had choices.” She crosses her arms across her chest protectively. “So, yes, Arthur, you are to blame for where we stand now.”
“Where is that? Where do we stand now, you and I?”
For the briefest of moments, Elia glances at his lips, and he can’t help but feel a frisson of anticipation. But then it’s gone.
“Nowhere. Not anymore.” She holds out her hand for the crown, and numbly he returns it, watching as she places it once more atop her head. “A princess and a knight. A tale for songs, not life.”
He grabs her wrist when she turns to leave, but no words come. Rhaegar’s the bard who can bend people to his will, not him.
Elia snatches back her hand, with one last cutting remark: “I’ll see you at the wedding.”
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