chrissdollie · 7 months
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gruviaa · 6 months
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good-morning-guys · 1 month
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abiiors · 11 months
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andhyssops · 23 days
i have moar dsmp edits for thee...
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(not sure what to make sapnaps sign? and its really hard 2 tell with him but hes bronze... might mess w/ him more BUT HERE ANYWAY)
fuchsiablood cdream real asf actually,,,these are epic I'm honored
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raijin-tribe · 1 year
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Exciting Ryuzetsu Land! - Chapter 298
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azriaann · 8 months
the gmg are so funny because why were people just allowed to literally torture and kill other contestants😭😭 what kind of tournament was that LMFAOOOO literally no rules
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fairydares · 2 years
One of my top hilarious moments in fairy tail is when Juvia uses that "wings of love" move in front of EVERYONE in the Grand Magic Games and Gray literally roars "STOOOOOOOPPPPP!!" 💀 She really did that to him lmaooo
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burstingdragons · 2 years
Zero Points [NaLu]
Natsu Dragneel knew something seemed off. He growled in increasing anger as he watched his best friend and partner be strung up and harassed by the fire wizard that was her opponent. She had seemed so strong moments ago, hell she had even been winning this battle at one point, but now it was like her strength had suddenly vanished.  
"Welcome back to GMG Broadcasting! Chapati Lola here, and joining me are Mr. Yajima and our guest, Jenny Realight. Incase you missed it, or for those just tuning in, THE TABLES HAVE TURNED FOLKS! Fairy Tail's Lucy Heartfilia who was dominating this fight just moments ago, is now being outclassed completely by Flare Corona from Raven Tail!" 
"Man, what gives? Did Lucy run out of power?" The dark spiky haired man standing next to Natsu questioned. 
"No, that's not it Gray." The redhead knight on the opposite side of the dragon slayer shook her head to the side. However, she too was wondering the same thing as her teammate. 
Natsu was thinking hard to himself what the case could be. He could sense she had plenty of magic remaining, so why did it seem as if Lucy was holding herself in check?
It's as if she is refusing to fight back. 
With a frustrated expression he began to fidget and try to break away from the group only for his shoulder to be grabbed by Erza which kept kept him in place. Her eyes met his.
"Natsu, you're not allowed to interfere with the match or Lucy will be disqualified." 
"Something suspicious is going on though Erza!" He argued, glaring at her.
"Maybe so, but there is nothing we can do about it. We must have faith in Lucy." Natsu growled frustratingly, but relented as he continued to watch the match intensely. His sharp canines revealed themselves momentarily once Flare had lit her hair ablaze as she continued harassing his partner. 
Dammit, come on Luce do something! He plead inside, hating seeing this chick burn her. He could tell a conversation was taking place, and so tuned everything out but the voices he was trying to hear. Erza noticed his eyes were shut and couldn't help but wonder what going through the dragon slayer's mind. 
"Then again, I'm feeling rather artistic today...and your body makes the perfect canvas!" Flare declared while giving her captive an evil grin. The burning hair materialized into her own guild's logo as Lucy began to tremble in fear. "I think I'll brand it with the Raven Tail emblem, would you like that? Think of it as a souvenir that you'll have for the rest of your days!" 
Lucy began struggling harder, trying to break free from her captivity. Flare began moving the fire emblem all around her. 
"So, where do you want me to put it?" She tauntingly asked watching the blonde before her shatter. "Oh, I know!" Her eyes lit up evilly. "You want it on top of your Fairy Tail emblem don't you!" 
That threat finally broke Lucy's obedience of silence. "No, please don't! Put it anywhere but there!" Slowly, the burning emblem began closing in increasingly near to Lucy's right hand, where her guild mark lay on the back of her hand. 
"I thought I told you to be quiet!" Flare shouted in anger as her fiery hair was directly above Lucy's hand.
"NO!" Lucy cried out in desperation, squeezing her eyes shut. "I'M BEGGING YOU!" Reopening them with tears about to fall from the impending doom. 
Seconds before, everything had finally clicked inside the pink haired dragon slayer. A sudden voice not long ago rang out through his mind. 
Asuka look out!
Before either Erza or Gray had time to process it, Natsu was racing down the stadium cobblestone pathway and to the steps where the rest of the Fairy Tail guild sat cheering.
"Natsu, wait!" Erza called out to her friend, but he was already long gone. 
The dragon inside of him angrily roared as he sprinted to his destination. He knew time was of the essence, he had saved Lucy countless times before, he would not let her down here!
"My ears don't lie to me!" His eyes caught sight of his mission. "I heard her loud and clear!" 
Lucy could feel the heat radiating off the burning hair as Flare sadistically smiled. She continued to shake waiting for the inevitable contact. Only, the contact never came.
Leaping over the guardrail separating them, Natsu spotted the family of three and landed right next to his target. The little dark green haired Connell daughter. Showing up unannounced, and surprising them, the mother wrapped her arms around the young child in protection. Angrily Natsu grabbed Flare's hair, that she had kept within striking distance of the girl beneath the ground, and lit his hand on fire incinerating it. 
"She was trying to protect Asuka!" Natsu roared with rage at the dirty trick. Flare felt the burn immediately as her hair extinguished and she looked over to Fairy Tail in surprise. Her stunned red eyes briefly met the coal black orbs of an infuriated dragon slayer. Lucy watched on in shock as she tried to figure out what had happened. He bent over the railing, his voice shouting as high as it could in order to reach his partner.
"You're in the clear Lucy!" 
That was all the Celestial Spirit summoner needed to hear as she grinned, brown eyes flashing alive once more. "Thanks Natsu!" Using the confusion to her advantage, she lowered her restrained arms towards her waist and grabbed the key she was looking for. Rapidly, her body began to glow in shades of bright gold.
"Piri-piri!" A voice cheered as two miniature blue spirits appeared in thin air. Each one shot out in a ball of light as one attacked Flare and sent her flying backwards while the other cut through the hair that had bound their master. Now free, Lucy looked up at her spirits. 
"We're doing the big one!" She announced causing one of them to wave their arms frantically. 
"But we haven't practiced enough!" The first revealed.
"We're not sure we can do it!" The other responded doing the same motion as the first.
Lucy extended her arm towards them, radiating in full confidence. "Don't worry just transform into me!" 
The two spirits combined their hands. "Piri-piri!" In a flash of white, Gemini transformed into a duplicate of Lucy, only this one was dressed in a bathing towel. Lucy took note of this as she embarrassedly yelled at her spirits. 
"Why are you dressed like that!" 
"It's not our fault, this is the outfit you had on the last time we copied you." Gemini explained nonchalantly as the crowd began going crazy. 
"There are now TWO Lucy Heartfilias on the battle field! Who could of ever seen this coming?" Chapati eagerly yelled into his microphone. 
"The Celestial Spirit she summoned must be Gemini, the twins of the Zodiac!" Yajami expressed.
Flare stared at the ground enraged. "I will kill that bimbo!" She stated in a whisper as she glanced back up at her opponent. Lucy and Gemini stood next to one another their palms held against one another as they closed their eyes and began speaking simultaneously. 
"Oh stars far and wide that embody the heavens. By thy radiance reveal thy form. I implore Tetrabiblos, eternal ruler of the stars above..." The golden tint once again formed around Lucy, and Gemini, as they began glowing brighter and brighter. 
Even with two of me here it's not going to be nearly as strong as last time. 
"I ask you that you lend your power to me." They continued chanting. But it will be enough to show her. 
Flare sat on the arena floor beginning to feel worried. "What sort of spell is she casting!" 
"Open the raging tumultuous gate!" Lucy and Gemini continued holding hands as they got back to back. Closing her eyes, Lucy could feel the power flowing between them. The power of Fairy Tail! This is it! I am placing all of the guild's pride into this one attack! 
"With all eighty-eight heavenly stars...shine!" She reopened them as a golden circle represented itself inside. Momentarily, the three competitors on the battle field imagined themselves in the sky as colorful stars began to illuminate themselves. 
"What? What's with the starry sky? This doesn't make any sense!" Flare shouted, shocked and frightened. 
Urano Metria! Lucy and Gemini cast their most powerful spell, bodies being shielded by the bright rays, as all the stars began their descent upon Flare. Golden beams of light shot every which way before merging and targeting one spot. 
Natsu stood grinning, lightly chuckling to himself as he watched Lucy's spell in amazement. Finish her off Luce!
It was Flare the one now trembling as she watched the oncoming stars rapidly race towards her at lightspeed. She held her arms out in front of her trying to defend herself in any way she could as the thunderous sounds came near...and then everything became quiet. The sand that had been picked up, courtesy of the extremely high winds made from the spell, flew up in the air before starting to disperse. Flare sat there in her defensive position while Lucy's arms were outstretched towards the sky in a frozen state. Gemini had disappeared. 
"What? What happened!" Natsu shouted as he noticed the immediate loss of power from his friend's spell. 
"Someone countered the spell..." Lucy muttered in a daze as she began to rock back and fourth uncontrollably. Hearing her words, Flare quickly turned around and looked to the booth where her own guild stood watching. The bird looking man simply nodded once. 
Obra! You saved me! 
No way...but how? Lucy could only wonder as she lost her footing and began plummeting toward the earth. 
"Well I expected something way more authoritative! But her spell was a complete dud! Mr. Yajami, any thoughts?" Chapati questioned his fellow commentator before jumping up in surprise. Yajami sported a rather dark glare in anger as he expected interference had been made. "Forget I asked!" 
With a small thud, Lucy finally hit the ground. All of her magic had been drained for that attack and it was futile. 
"And she's down! Looks like that's it for Lucy Heartfilia. You know what that means folks, the winner is Raven Tail's Flare Corona!"
Flare stood up smiling as the crowd began cheering all around her. "I told you I'd win, you never stood a chance against me blonde!" She taunted. "You are pathetic! How does it feel to be such a loser?" She laughed hysterically while slowly walking towards the downed mage. Before reaching Lucy, Flare felt someone watching her and turned her way back to the Fairy Tail side. She gasped and nearly stumbled as she encountered the menacing dagger from a certain fire dragon slayer's eyes.
He could feel the sear he was doing to the guardrail as his magic slowly wavered out of control. Keep yourself in check Natsu.
Having no other reason to stay as she had won the match, and a little alarmed by the boy's threatening aura, Flare turned and headed back for her guild. She did not turn back around until she had reached them. 
Seeing Flare had departed, Natsu gripped the railing and jumped over, landing on the arena floor. He could see his partner's broken state and could already hear her sobbing. He sighed as more anger resurfaced towards the redhead before he snuffed it out like a candle. Natsu slowly walked over as he stopped just behind her back. 
"Hey now." He lowered his voice to a soft whisper. "Don't cry." 
Hearing his concern brought a new wave of tears to Lucy as she continued sobbing on her side. "I...I can't help it...It's just not fair!" 
Natsu wanted to strangle the entire Raven Tail guild at that point, but knew he had to take control of the situation. Lucy's happiness came first. So, he smiled. "No it's not. We both know they cheated. Know what will make it more fun though?" 
"What?" Lucy wondered to his response as she slowly looked at him trying to ease her tears.
"When we pay these guys back tenfold and show them what happens when they mess with Fairy Tail." Lucy sat up on her knees as she held her head and tried drying her eyes. Natsu continued smiling. "I'm proud of you Luce, you were great out there." 
"Really?" She asked looking up at him in surprise.
"Yea, that was amazing. You proved that seven year gap means nothing. We still got a fighting chance." He stuck out his hand to which Lucy accepted it. Helping her up off the arena floor, Lucy couldn't help but notice his cheery smile had returned.
"Zero Points? Sounds great to me! This is our chance to make an epic comeback!" His sharp canines glinted in the sunlight as Lucy couldn't help but smile brightly despite her current overwhelming emotions. 
"Yeah...I'm fired up now." She declared as more waterworks made their way down her face. 
"Come on Lucy you really have gotta stop crying, you know I hate it when you do that." Natsu complained in a teasing manner as he kept looking down at his best friend in a supportive way. The two remained there for a time as Natsu let Lucy catch her breath and calm down. Not long after, once he was sure she was alright, he helped Lucy to her feet as the two stood up. 
"Ready to head out?" He asked and his answer was a shaky nod. "Then, come on lets go!" He grinned as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him back to meet up with the rest of their guild. Natsu could sense her restored liveliness and knew Lucy would be okay. Despite the smile on his face, the dragon inside of him was anything but pleased. Sabertooth, Raven Tail...I'm coming for you.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
my question is why is he yelling “TRUMAN BLACK” at us 😭
no literally. matty i am in a library use ur fuckin indoor voice pls <3
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gruviaa · 6 months
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good-morning-guys · 7 months
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gmgclothiers · 7 months
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New Items added daily checkout #GMG get-n-money gang site.
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chrissdollie · 7 months
this is SOSOSO random but if matt was a character in gilmore girls, he’d be richard. “rory, did you know that the blue macaw-”
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andhyssops · 2 years
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some screenshots :) this game has been way more art intensive, every scene has its own screen! I'm very close to done though
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gruviasilversblog · 2 years
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