fashion-runways · 1 month
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SARA MRAD Fall/Winter RTW 2025 if you want to support this blog consider donating to:ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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ilmediogorizia · 1 year
GO2025: alberghi pronti... a Nova Gorica
Gorizia punta sulla Galleria Bombi     Il 2025 è dietro l’angolo; due scorregge ed un colpo di tosse e siamo lì. I compitini da fare sono tanti ed i pezzi grossi del palazzone di Piazza Municipio, hanno sempre più la tremarella al culo.     Tra le millemila preoccupazioni del Pezzogrosso e dei suoi Zibernauti c’è sicuramente la mancanza di strutture ricettive.     Un’angoscia ben evidenziata dal…
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captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
Leftists online: Both parties are exactly the same, why should I vote?
My coworkers, right now as I type this: Biden is a deep state pedophile and that's why when Trump wins this year the first thing he's going to do is completely take over the executive branch and kick out all the liberal elites so we can take our country back! Have you heard of Project 2025? There's a lot going on behind the scenes that we're going to find out about soon. That's why I've been stockpiling ammo,
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nataliesscatorccio · 5 months
yellowjackets not coming back until 2025. i know what it's like to suffer lost and hungry for 19 months too
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courfeyrec · 2 months
i keep coming back to 'i was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic' because i do distinctly remember conversations about how taylor seemed to be drinking a lot more and getting drunk at like every awards show she went to. and those conversations were coming from a place of concern and of hoping that she was alright and that this wasn't a problem.
so to then say 'ugh i can't believe no one noticed this problem i had' when i know that people definitely did, and on the same album say that fans who are genuinely concerned about a new relationship that you are in are just 'bitching and moaning'? what do you want from them? you're talking about so many people who do at least believe that they are coming from a place of care and concern, and you are totally dismissing them on both ends of a scale!
not to mention that her implying that since nobody (???) was noticing her ~aesthetic~ drinking problem she just stopped having it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to people who do have drinking problems and can't just stop having them, since that's not how it fucking works.
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lizziestudieshistory · 5 months
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Someone send help, this is my "currently reading" pile and I'm fearful it's going to topple over if I keep going at this rate! Worst part is this isn't a complete picture of how out of control I am because I'm reading two fantasy books on my Kobo!
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ladykyriaa · 3 months
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One of the rare times she didn't recoil in disgust after being touched by him. DEVELOPMENT
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hamstermicrowave · 6 months
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angelsdean · 1 month
society if. spnwin season 2 [sigh]
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toadallytickles · 1 month
NEST 2024 + Gatherings Going Forward (again)
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Attended my 4th NEST this year! This is just a quick point-form summary as I’m still dropping and wanted a write-up before I fly out this weekend to see my moms!
Perhaps I wore my “tickle me I’m cute!” shirt on Friday- and perhaps it got me pinned and gang tickled by 4 friends UGH- I haven’t been gang tickled since last June which is WILD honestly. Kinda hoping wishing this June it happens again 👀
Learning that it’s okay to let people touch me. 🙄😒 From my past writing “AUNT 2024 + Gatherings Going Forward,” I shared that I’ve denied myself from playing with friends until everything felt perfect, but recognized that I set the bar way too high and that maybe I just fear that “awkward first session” because I’m really awkward with touching and this fetish. At NEST this year I’ve allowed friends I’ve met and connected with at previous gatherings to tickle me in the con-spaces to break that touch barrier in a fun, familiar way for everyone. I also let myself engage in pick-up sessions with friends to get that “awkward first session” out of the way! I had to reassure myself throughout the weekend that it was okay that they were touching me, and they were touching me because they wanted to~.
My nesting partner is choosy about the gatherings he attends as he wants to focus on those he has connected with already, and can find gatherings overwhelming at times. This NEST made me feel similar- I want to continue attending gatherings, and I love meeting new people, though going forward I’m going to focus on regular attendees and friends I know from previous gatherings. There are a lot of regulars and mutuals I would love to get to know better and potentially play with- I’m just really awkward and don’t know how to approach people, and in turn I feel I accidentally give off a closed-off vibe. I would like to be part of my friends’ friend group, I just don’t know how to integrate! NEST going forward, I would love to volunteer and help out more to continue making the gathering the best it can be!
Oh, I had my first Wawa experience! I tried their Caramel Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino, IT WAS SO GOOD, Starbucks Frapps could never. definitely kept me up way past my bedtime! 😋 Also the mascot is a (Canada) Goose because Wawa was originally a dairy farm in Wawa, Pennsylvania, and the Ojibwe word “we’we” means “Snow Goose.” Now I need a Sheets experience~.
I got to try out @ticklingduck's vibrating tickling rods! @mister-ttt and I did record content including them! They are like a small Pursonic (without it stopping after 2 minutes~)! 😏 I also BOUGHT ONE!! 🎉 @ticklingduck's socials: Etsy, Twitter, Tumblr.
Wore my Geurdo Link cosplay on auction night, even though I was not participating in the auction, and I was extremely shy so I just sat in the audience and didn’t really show it off LMAO!! (Still editing the tickle video featuring this cosplay, previews are in the NEST Server and on my OF~).
I’ve had the literal pleasure of forming a play partner dynamic with a local friend, and he has really built up my confidence, self-esteem, and has helped me be more self-sex-positive. It was exciting to carry that sex-positivity into some sessions this weekend, and I learned that I really like being consensually sexually violated by friends.. 🥴💦 don't look at me.
This weekend really validated my growth and boundaries. Finding this gathering somewhat personally hard to navigate because I wasn’t meeting my exact wants (a me-issue, not NEST's), that helped me recognize that I’m not the same person I was at my first NEST and other 2019 gatherings, and that I’m truly growing. I wasn’t able to navigate NEST like I did in 2019, so now I know I’m on the right path and know what I’m exactly looking for.
And finally on the last day of the gathering, I’m sitting in the lobby in my lazy travel fit, not showered, sporty wind-breaker, capris, my glasses, pink paw print socks + sandals of course, and a guy I’m pretty sure was not part of the NEST group asked me if I was “Kyle-“ and there were other men around. I say no, and guy just wanders back to where he came from. Assigned Kyle at NEST. I have not felt gender euphoria in a long time. 🥹
anyway, the end. looking forward to the next gatherings~
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ilmediogorizia · 1 year
Gibelli sfankula Ziberna: il 2025 non si sposta
Gibelli sfankula Ziberna: il 2025 non si sposta
Niente giornata di 48 ore. Protestano le tardone che almeno per due anni, sarebbero invecchiate la metà.     Ad oggi, sono 717 i giorni che ci separano da uno dei più grandi eventi della storia di Gorizia: la Capitale Europea della Cultura 2025 o, come ormai tutti lo conoscono GO!2025.     717 giorni che sembrano già essere troppo pochi per riuscire ad attuare tutte quelle “manovre” utili a…
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vroomvroomsposts · 19 days
@ oracle redbull racing what are you playing at?
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vraisetzen · 8 months
forever thinking about how michikatsu joined the demon slayer corps, created moon breathing, and unlocked a mark in a brief period of time, and yet...
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his envy for yoriichi's abilities kept him blinded to his own talent – each time he spoke of himself, it was done so in comparison to his younger twin:
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this was something that stemmed from the time he was a child, and witnessed how yoriichi felled their tutor with a wooden sword.
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it isn't that he doesn't know how strong he is – i'm sure michikatsu, of all people, would be painfully aware of his own strengths and weaknesses. it was just that in the face of someone much stronger, a "one-of-a-kind prodigy"...
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and most of all: a twin – a spitting-image reminder of how that could have been him if yoriichi was never born – there seemed no other way for him to define his own abilities without comparison.
in the same way that the glow of the moon cannot exist without reflecting off the brilliant light of the sun.
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ysabelmystic · 22 days
Spent some time trying to see if there was any logical reasoning amongst the Americans refusing to vote for Biden and honestly, not seeing any. There seems to be a complete inability to think ahead.
Honestly, ask yourself:
1) is trump going to be better for Palestine than Biden?
The answer is no. Fuck no.
2) is there anything you can do personally to help Palestinians?
Donate money and protest. Are people being attacked for exercising their free speech on the matter? Yes, and that will continue to happen, possibly to a more extreme extent, under Trump. This country sucks ass.
So all they’re really doing by trying to punish the Democratic Party is convincing themselves that they will avoid having blood on their hands. Somehow, this same logic does not apply to them when it comes to the inevitable outcome, which, since there is no viable third party option, is that republicans win. I guess the republicans can do whatever they want to Americans, Palestinians, and people around the world, and these arrogant, “well read” fools will continue to pat themselves on the back, saying that America was already fascist anyways, that this couldn’t be prevented, that America deserves to fall actually, that voting does nothing, and aren’t they just so enlightened and moral for using “the real tools of the revolution” (which is almost always something that they aren’t willing to do themselves). If 2016 and 2020 taught them nothing, I suppose they’ll be harping on about it until the internet gets shut down.
It’s not a “Zionist take” to want my community to live. This isn’t a choice between Palestinians and Americans who aren’t cishet white men. This is a choice between shit staying the same amount of fucked and possibly improving, and full blown Christian nationalism. I’m guessing most of these people don’t know what that is. They probably didn’t grow up around it and they probably don’t live around it. They probably live in blue states or very blue cities and haven’t experienced right wing religious people consistently enough to really understand the extent of that threat. Or maybe they don’t care about themselves enough to feel like they have skin in the game at all (so fuck the rest of us I suppose).
Grit your teeth and vote for Biden, and if you think you’re too good for it and Trump wins, I hope you experience the fallout in the most direct way possible. If basic logic doesn’t work, maybe some personal experience will, that is, assuming you’ll still be able to vote in 2028.
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always-is-always · 7 months
Jimin & Jungkook- seeing is Believing 💜
The Vlive was far more helpful than I could have ever imagined. It was like good Medicine for the Heart..... you know?
To see Jiminie and Jungkookie, to see their energy, to hear the laughter, and to bear witness to their bond was all that many of us needed today. And, it is a clear message that they are okay, and that everything will be okay while they do their service in the military.
Good Medicine, indeed. 💜
That innate urge to touch will definitely be something that they will probably continue to have to curb. lol... It's like attempting to control the beat of one's Heart. Not easy to do.
Like many ARMYs, I feel much better at this point, after seeing and hearing them (all 4 of them, actually). Yes, it will be hard to move through the months, while we wait for them to return. Somehow it won't be quite so hard knowing that Jimin and Jungkook will navigate the experience together. How perfect is that?
I'm grateful that they all came together to go live, to say goodbye. It was a typical chaotic yet bittersweet time with them. Some how, it was not nearly as sad as I thought it would be.
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We have been blessed. Haven't we?
Yeah...... on the other side of 2025, I do believe that the best is yet to come. 💜
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rickybaby · 2 months
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Ricciardo confesses ‘I’m not naive’ to Red Bull pressure
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