#GOD i need to write my little aro theory posts so bad. i need people to have a framework in place
knifearo ยท 10 months
beloved aro blog thank u for that response to the anon who didnt know how to tell if they were aro (it says asexual, but maybe that was a typo?). i generally use the aro label for myself because it fits 95% of the time but that 5% is when the doubt comes in and i feel like im "faking it." but that anon u answered has Cleared the Cobwebs of Doubt. youre Right. Amatonormativity is So Prevalent. the paragraph about wanting romance bc romance, or wanting romance bc society says u need a romantic relationship to get xyz thing from life Hit Me So Hard. i think i will come back to this post every time i feel Unsure about my label. so thank u for placing your words in that order for me. love loses. love wins. violence. have a great day homie
first of all. i'm ur beloved aro blog ๐Ÿฅบ nd yeah i do think it was a typo haha
second of all i'm so glad that it helped out for you :) the thing about amatonormativity is that you will constantly go "it can't be doing ALL of these things." but then it IS. EVERY TIME. you look up and amatonormativity is warping your ideas of self-worth and your plans for the future and your interactions with friends and family and holding society as a whole in a fucking vice grip and it's fucking. stealing your lunch money too. idk. that bitch. you know how it is. anyway that 5% is so real and you're so real for feeling it and it is NOT silly or cringe to take a few seconds in the bathroom mirror telling yourself "you ARE aromantic. and it's okay." if that's something that'll help. and also yada yada "aromanticism is not one uniform experience and arospec identities are valid and you can call yourself aromantic even if you experience romantic attraction sometimes as long as it feels like a label that's relevant to your experience" all the things that i'll say anytime someone is coming to me saying that they don't know if they're Really aro haha. just to get it out of the way. sounds like you've got stuff in a good place rn and i'm so glad that you're feeling that way :) hell yeah brother love loses!!!!! aromanticism forever and ever ๐Ÿ–ค
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imposerrosy-rose ยท 3 years
Kwami rant
(Okay this is probably gonna be a long post just also be aware it's been a long time since I write something like an essay so apologies in advance)
I don't like how the kwamis are written/used in the show. (Most of this will be Plagg and tikki based as they are the ones we see the most)
What I mean is how they all seem to have very distinct personalities or at the very least a slight personality but that can all be thrown away for the sake of a plot device most notably tikki. Where as Plagg seems to be quite consent through the show or at least he's shown different sides while keeping the base line.
Tikki however I feel like they can not decided who they want her to be, they push that she's very sweet and somewhat wise just a very happy go lucky person with a serious side and in season one that was pretty much the case and even shown to be a little playful. And when Marinette was upset she would attempt to comfort her.
But as the seasons went on that suddenly changed, like in season two and three she lost all of that playful side to her and just became very serious for no reason then what felt like to add to marinettes stressful life. Also went from trying to comfort Marinette when she was upset to just adding more stress to the situation. The problem is that sometimes she gets some of the old personally back when they are not trying to show how stressful Marinettes life is. So it always feels off.
On another point that really frustrating is kwamis on emotions. I can understand not understanding humans to an extent because they are not human. That makes sense if it wasn't for the fact they are shown to have all the emotions (except love,I'll get to that) so when Marinette is crying in season 4 three kwamis were looking down at her confused about what crying is but it has been shown in show Plagg and Duusu crying. So I feel it's safe to assume that all/most of them can cry.
(before rant about how I don't believe that kwamis don't fall in love is true and slip in to theory territory I feel like I need to say everything I have to say is nothing against aro people at all.everything is about the show and the show alone, absolutely 0 hate to aromentics ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ)
while we are on emotions then, the thing that has seem to have created yet another riff in the fandom the now very well know quote of "kwmais don't fall in love". I saw quite a lot of people just going with they are aromantic which would be cool and Amazing,also would've of fully accepted that being pretty much cannon if it wasn't for the fact they left it so long to tell us. They knew a lot of people shipped kwamis (Plagg and tikki mostly), and they even hyped it up. They never once hinted that it wasn't something that couldn't happen for 5 years. So I feel its a little fair for people to be a little upset about it or just dismiss the point.
On to theory territory, I don't think it's that they don't fall in love more they aren't aloud to because to me that makes more sense that It's just yet another rule they have to follow which really wouldn't be surprising as it's been shown time and time again they don't have much freedom. I would also like to point how sad all three kwamis looked, while it could be because of the scene it didn't look like a sympathetic sad look to me, it just looked sad at that line alone.
Which leads me to how the kwamis are treated with in the show. just how controled they are is uncomfortable, and them being trapped could be a cool side plot but it's never really mentioned in a 'thats bad' kinda way which is makes it worse.
We are shown they are basically tiny gods and told they are cosmic beings, but they are never treated as such. They are shoved in a box and left in there for possibly for some of them for centuries. So it makes sense that when they got out of the miracle box they all got very excited to see the world.
we are also shown just how much control a holder has over a kwami forcing them to stay with you with magic borders, forcibly shut them up by removing there mouths, so who knows what else can happen. Also the spell that stops then form saying there holders name so again it's not much stretch that there are other spells on them prevent something,And while it's shown they can kinda refuse to transform someone (in the season three Finally with Chloe) it looks like when they don't know the activation words. But if you have the activation words then the kwamis have no choice.
Now on the Order of the Guardians, I don't think anyone is arguing that it sounds the worse thing from what we learn in season 4, which also adds to now little freedom the kwamis have and how poor they are treated.
The guardian was met that isn't Fu is Su han and he has a book full of rule for the kwmais and guardian, he also said that "they are cosmic beings they must be controlled" showing that they don't see them as beings with thought and feeling just things/weapons only being used when something has gone wrong. Also would like to note not a single kwami looked happy to see him there and they all didn't make a move to go to him or the miracle box until he ordered for it to happen.
But he was also very upset and afraid about Plagg not being there, more upset about that then Marinette having the miracle box. So the order makes little sense really, if you are afraid of something being cruel to it is the last thing you would/should do to it. Because if it snaps one day it will be at you.
Also the renlins seem like they was treated a little better when they was being looked after but when they was deemed "to dangerous" they was locked in a cave. Like I have questions about that was they trapped the a pocket dimension like the miracle box, was they just trapped. (What happened there?/ What happens when things are dormant with miraculous and kwami?)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I think that's most of it off my chest, now don't get me wrong I love the show and season so far is really good, but I had to get this out.
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