corsairspade · 24 days
vision impaired celegorm (with guide dog huan) is great not only because “celegorm the fair” with granny miriel’s albinism but because he’s not scowling intimidatingly at you… he is squinting all the time cause he can’t see shit.
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reminder that it is quite possible the Titan’s first impression of Luz is her introducing herself as a crab maiden and later getting her aunt to punch Philip in the nose
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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all my TOH charms and buttons are back in stock + I made a ✨ lanyard ✨
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citrus-soda · 3 months
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I know that some players are seeing the correct "translation" of the message with proper words - but I was curious if Tidelord's glyphs themselves had any sort of secret. Looks like they're... Unicode characters used for drawing tables, charts, and boxes.
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cumulusbrume · 1 year
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(original screenshot under the cut)
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Wait crying again bc I was rewatching The Intruder today (episode 4 of season 1) and I realized that like. The glyphs represent a few things in the narrative but one thing that's consistent is they're always there when Luz doesn't feel like she's good enough on her own. They appear to her as comfort in moments of self depreciation or self doubt, or she coincidentally learns them in episodes where she faces her fear of rejection or makes a mistake (at least this is true in terms of the first four base glyphs she discovers). It's the titans way of saying "you may have to do things differently, but you can do anything they can do" to Luz bc he cares about her
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chronomally · 1 year
Themes of Chants of Sennaar:
You can learn a lot about a language just by paying attention to context clues and patterns
Languages have different grammatical structures and ways of expressing things, especially plurals and ways for the speakers of the language to refer to in groups vs. out groups
Cross-cultural communication is good and can help solve problems by sharing or trading knowledge and resources
Xenophobia is a powerful tool that those in power will use to keep people divided and weak and trying to overcome it will be met with resistance and violence
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Hello again, ThatNerd....Do you mind if I ask your top 5 (or top 10) favorite moments from any media that you love (books, anime/manga, tv series, movies, games, etc)? Thanks if you want to answer. Sorry if I ask too much and if I accidentaly send this ask twice....
Hi! Absolutely no worries asking, I find these really fun so always feel free to ask anything you like :)
I’m sorry for the delayed reply, I’ve had a few things to deal with from health issues playing up that put posting lower on my priorities list after essential stuff between being out of it from pain or pain meds. Also I haven’t had any spoons left consider coherency enough to share anything online without sounding insane. Please bear with me, I’ve still got really bad brain fog so this might not make the most sense but I’ll do my best.
Anyway, my number one favourite moment is in A Song Of Achilles, it’s the “Name one hero who was happy.” scene in chapter ten. I’ve probably said something about it before on here but it’s my all time favourite book and Madeline Miller is a fantastic author. It’s such a well written scene and I have a poster of the quote on my wall with watercolour art of their helmets behind it.
Second is Merlin and Arthur in the disir episode when they’re talking outside the cave. Merlin getting to talk about magic with Arthur was amazing, and I’ve also spent hours over analysing everything from that scene, writing multiple fix-it’s (I can’t remember if I managed to post one of them or not) I could probably do all of these about BBC Merlin so I’ll just leave that there before I start rambling about Lancelot and the knights or Morgana.
Third, the Aziracrow kiss scene at the end of Good Omens season 2, David Tenant and Michael Sheen did amazingly there with the acting and it’s replayed in my mind at least once every few days until season 3. I wasn’t crying but it was a near thing.
Fourth is when Gandalf convinces Bilbo that the adventure is worth it at the start of the hobbit. Pretty much from the start to just before he leaves the shire. The hobbit and Lord of the Rings are some of my favourite books so I’ve read it quite a few times since I was a kid and it’s one of those moments that’s always got me grinning like an idiot.
Fifth is when Luz learned the light glyph and Eda and King see her being amazed by magic. I honestly just think it’s a really sweet moment. I could also do all five from this show on its own, but this will stop making sense if I start rambling so I’m gonna stop now.
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outmaww · 1 year
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she's only a human.
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splynter · 1 year
heres your note to infodump about karma
Ough okay here we go. It got long so I’m putting it under a read more
For a lot of my stuff, I use this doc as a guide. Really useful
Anyways first of all, I have to talk about what I headcanon each main karma symbol means for any of this to actually make sense
Karma 1: this one is pretty easy. Harm, violence, obsession, death etc
Karma 2: lust, yes, but also desire, passion, etc
Karma 3: companionship, friendship,family, sharing, uhh community, all those
Karma 4: gluttony of course, fullness, having many, satisfaction maybe
Karma 5: life, survival, existing, other such things
Karma 6-9: I read one headcanon somewhere that said these contained all five other karmas and you were crossing them all out one by one to reach ascension. So I’m stealing that for this
Karma 10: ascension, enlightenment, all that stuff
Onto my weird headcanons. You see, I headcanon that those ten up there are all just “base karmas.” They are the center karma that you see in game in the circle. These ones are your center. The karmas that describe your center of being, like how Artificer’s karma is locked at 1 because of her violence obsession. THEN you’d have your attribute and aspect karmas surrounding your base. Aspect karmas are more specific and detailed, and describe more of what you do and how you react than your base instincts and desires and such
For example: dragon slayer, the friend, the scholar, etc
Combinations of certain karmas make new glyphs with new meanings. I’ve designed a couple before, like Seer’s symbol and the karma glyph for grief:
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I combined several glyphs for this one, mainly karma 1 and 5.
You can also see this combination thing in canon glyphs as well. The Hunter, or the glyph overseers use to warn you of predators, is a combination of karma 1 and karma 4.
When I make a karma glyph combination, the way it’s drawn and its rotation matters a lot. If the glyph is upside down, that usually indicates the opposite of that glyph, or a corruption of it. For example, upside down grief karma may be interpreted as a corruption of grief. Using it as a tool or an excuse for deliberate selfishness or wrong doing. Another simpler example would be upside down karma 3, which could mean being alone or being antisocial.
Sideways facing glyphs usually mean they’re partially unfulfilled, or that they haven’t reached the ending of that glyph’s purpose
Broken up glyphs mean an absence of or a need for that glyph. It can also mean something happened in the person’s life that messed up that glyph
If a glyph is on the top of the base karma, then it’s more dominant, while if it’s on on the bottom it’s more recessive but it’s more of the foundation. Karma glyphs on the side are add-ons
Base karmas are always 1-10
Here’s a couple examples :]
NRD’s karma:
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Lungs’ karma:
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And Rules’ karma:
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Andddd that’s about it lmao. I probably forgot something but yk oh well I’ll just reblog and add it if I do-
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irl-morros-account · 1 year
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songofsaraneth · 5 months
people clearly enjoying themselves at metal shows has to be much rarer than you'd think for not one but TWO band's members at two diff concerts this week to comment about the fact that i smiled a lot in the crowd
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A song came up on my shuffle that reminded me of Subject 16 and now I'm thinking about Clay Kaczmarek again.
I have played a LOT of Assassin's Creed and to this day, Clay is one of my all time favorite characters. I actually might like him even more than Desmond (don't kill me please). Everything about him is just so utterly tragic and I don't think the AC fandom (however tiny it is) appreciates him enough.
Like just think about this for a second and put yourself into his situation:
(TW for self harm and suicide. Honestly Clay should just be a TW in general)
Now for the sake of time, let's just breeze past the whole desperately searching for parental approval from someone who won't give it to you to the point that you give up on your dreams. Clay's childhood is lesser known since all of that is in The Lost Archive DLC, but regardless it's still pretty depressing.
So you're in college for something you don't want to do to appease a man that just makes you feel horrible. Then out of nowhere this guy comes up to you and says you can do something greater with your life, serve a good cause with bigger purpose. You join the Assassin Brotherhood and things are going good, great even! For once you're finally happy with your life.
But now you have to do the biggest, most important mission you've ever been sent on. You have to infiltrate the enemy in deep cover for an extended period of time. It will be fine. You've done infiltration missions before. There's already a mole planted. She will get you out. It will be fine. Lucy will get you out.
You allow yourself to be captured. Your kidnappers strap you into a machine that forces you to relive your ancestors memories for hours at a time. There will be long term effects. Your captors don't care. You aren't a person to them, just a number. Just 16. They put you back into the machine.
One day after being removed from the machine something feels off. Like you're not where you're supposed to be. You're supposed to be taller aren't you? Or are you supposed to be shorter? The buildings outside the window look wrong. It doesn't matter. You're out of the machine. You can finally be you instead of someone else, if not for just a little while.
But it gets worse.
Even outside of the machine you still aren't you. You experience memories that aren't yours even when you aren't strapped in. You can't remember the year. You catch yourself thinking its 1480 instead of 2012. You swear a horse almost ran you over but you're in a skyscraper forty stories up.
You're scared.
But it's okay. You have what you came for. Lucy will get you out.
Except she won't. She defected to the enemy side. No one knows to come for you. You're trapped, doomed to be forced into a machine that destroys your mind. You're alone with dead people who feel like they're you. But there is someone... something? A being calling herself Juno.
She might not be real.
She says the end of the world is coming.
She says you are going to die.
You believe her, when you're lucid enough to listen.
You are trapped. If not in the memories of someone else then in this infernal room. There's no point in fighting any more. You won't escape. You can't warn the brotherhood. But you could give whoever comes next a fighting chance. Lucy won't help Subject 17, but you can make sure they aren't alone like you. You can do it. You can stave off the bleeding effect and cling to your remaining sanity long enough to do this one thing. Juno says the world depends on it.
You code an AI of yourself into the machine, split it into encrypted glyphs for 17 to find. You aren't sure how coherent your messages are. Especially not the last ones. You barely remember your own name. It will be okay, though. All 17 has to do is unite the glyphs. You won't be here to help 17, exactly, but your digital memory will. Now you just need to make sure they know to look for them.
There isn't a quick way to do it. They want to keep you alive, even if they don't care about your wellbeing beyond that. You managed to steal a pen. The pen will have to do. Cutting your wrists with the ballpoint hurts, but it's a necessary sacrifice. You'll write your message on the walls and floors. Even after they clean it up 17 will be able to see it. 17 will have the eyes.
"She sees me... raise the knife..."
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jewishdainix · 2 years
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Happy Chanuka, stormlight fans :D
[Image ID: two pictures of pages of a notebook with vertical lines. The first one is an alethi glyph that reads "chanuka", the second is "chanuka sameach", which means "happy hanukkah" in hebrew, written in the alethi women's script. Both are written in a blue pen. End ID]
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rubberbandballqueen · 8 months
when at the library today i picked up a book abt typography to pick up some more theoretical skills there and to no one's surprise it pretended that european languages were the only languages in the world which like whatever i'll still learn what principles it has to teach and then try to reverse-engineer applications to cn font design based on what i know.
despite not trusting the english-language resources available online to be as in-depth or technical as i desire, i got curious and googled "chinese typographic design" anyway n scrolling through the introduction to the first result, you can kind of tell it's not written with a chinese-speaking audience in mind, or at the very least an audience with some semblance of chinese cultural sensitivities bc its section headed by the words "navigating the simplified and traditional divide" goes on to basically say it's an Aesthetic Decision which. well. is certainly a way to pretend you're avoiding politics.
#mostly you get the impression bc one of the first sections is like 'so how do chinese words work?'#and goes on to explain the idea of radicals and components n stuff and it's like If You Knew Literally Any Chinese#even as a foreigner starting to learn you'd understand the concept of semantic radicals#the worm speaks#phrasing that heading as 'navigating a divide' feels like it's alluding to An Awareness of the political implications n stuff#which most people in the west are not actually aware of!! so then to go on and be like#'oh yeah simplified is like swiftly efficient and ~modern~ while traditional holds fast to its cultural roots from a bygone era'#like. this is some stares straight into the camera type shit to me. like you really didn't have to call us bygone y'know.#like i'd have been fine if they were like 'simplified is what's used in the mainland china n is thus used much more frequently'#'whereas traditional is used in taiwan hk and with older communities' like that's Fine you did it you Navigated The Divide#but if you frame it in terms of an aesthetic choice based in how ~modern~ or ~bygone~ you want to feel#then you're going to end up with people who are merely curious abt cn typography bc it's a very foreign language to them#who take that at face value. good lord#AND ALSO they have separate encodings in unicode. like just saying. they are also encoded differently and that's an important thing#you do not know how many times i've downloaded allegedly traditional cn fonts only to discover they expect simplified input#in order to display the glyphs which Are still designed as traditional to be fair but anyway. it's a nuisance.
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zincbot · 8 months
just beat chants of sennaar! beautiful game
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