testhelper-kk · 11 days
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world-yoyo · 2 years
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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kaoshiku · 7 months
當學生發現自己的本科學歷、實踐經歷等申請材料無法在申請學校時佔據優勢時,很多人都想到另辟蹊徑,尋找一個不需要自己努力就能取得不錯成績的考試方式,那就是GRE 替考。特別是當GRE在線考試的出現,gre在家考試作弊的流程更加簡單輕鬆。GRE遠程代考需要滿足哪些條件才能成功呢?雖然GRE代考更加方便,但仍然需要滿足一定的條件才能確保其成功的機率。比如,如何选一个合适的GRE代考機構?
惗要更快更輕松地通過GRE考試,甚gre在家考試作弊的方式有哪些? 那個的成功率更高?至系獲得更具優勢嘅gre成績單,嗰麼就需要對gre考試有一個非常全面和深入嘅咗解,知道其特徵,才能更掂嘅利用特徵搞掂考試。總嘅嚟話,gre考試非常嘅便捷靈活掂操作,並且其監考要求也比較高,惗要gre作弊唔被發現需要有多方面嘅保障。具體嚟話,gre考試嘅特徵包括以下幾點:
GRE考試可以喺全球範圍內嘅指定考試中心進行,除咗考試中心外,考生仲可以根據自己嘅時間和需求選擇考試地點參加gre online。GRE喺線考試界面易操作,考生系通過電腦進行gre考試,而gre考試嘅潔面皂包括答題、計時和提交答案等功能,對考生嚟話非常友掂,很掂上手操作,唔至於喺考試時因為複雜嘅上��操作導致無法按照自己嘅節奏進行答題。GRE online考試採用咗嚴格嘅身份驗證和監控措施,確保考試嘅公平性和安全性,成績報告會喺考試結束後嘅8-10天內公布。GRE成績嘅有效期為5年,相對較長,只要取得咗gre成績單就可以喺5年內靈活使用,唔用憂心其系否過期唔被學校認可。
GRE online風靡全球,有咗線上遠程考試,世界各地嘅考生哋都唔再為搶考位而苦惱。唔僅如此,線上考試嘅出現仲為gre作弊提供咗更有優勢嘅渠道。相較於常規嘅GRE作弊,GRE網考作弊嘅方式更加多樣,並且安全系數也更高,嗰麼個網考作弊成功率最高嘅方式系乜嘢??
我們了解GRE線上考試的監考方式和規則,因此我們找到了遠距監考的盲區,將高科技與安全流程結合,形成了可達到100%成功率的GRE online代考模式。 常見的普通遠端軟體已經被監考軟體發現,官方也直接點名如果考生電腦出現那些軟體將會直接取消考試。 因此考試庫使用我們獨家設計,並且經過反覆測試的遠端控制軟體,可以在考試開始後遠端控制考生的電腦,代考者能夠直觀地看到所有考試題目。 這個軟體不會顯示在桌面上,後台運行時也不會有任何的活動記錄,因此不會被監考官和監考系統偵測到。 透過這個高科技軟體,代考者第一時間看到題目後就會將正確的答案傳遞給考生。 考生只要按照我們的教導方式操作,就能輕鬆地獲得到答案並且不被發現。
GRE 在线考试不仅被真人全程监考,还会被ProctorU监考,所以考生必须要做好准备各种实现,考生需要确保通过身份验证,因为考生在GRE考试开始前需要提供有效的身份证明,并进行验证;考生需要确保躲过监考和监控,因为监考人员会严格执行考试规定,确保考试的公正性和安全性,考试全程考生都要注意自己的一举一动;GRE网考作弊需要确保工具不被技术监控发现,GRE使用Proctor技术手段来监控考试过程,例如监控考生的屏幕活动、录音等,以便发现任何作弊行为,所以必须要确保gre作弊的工具隐蔽性;GRE网考作弊需要确保数据分析没有异常,因为Proctor会对考生的答题数据进行分析,检测异常模式和作弊行为,所以要确保作弊工具不会在活动时有任何异常波动。
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ukessay5678 · 1 year
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elinplourde · 1 year
第一,                  GRE代考价格是多少?
第二,                  为什么有的代考机构报价如此昂贵?
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irislluan · 7 months
一.多邻国考试难吗? Duolingo 测试难吗? 自Duolingo考试形式实施以来,各国多所知名大学已将考试成绩作为国际学生的考核标准之一。 这么多机构重视这项考试,可见其难度之高。 熟悉 Duolingo 考试的人都知道,与其他英语考试不同,它是在线考试。 考试地点灵活,只要考试环境保证与实际考场同等的安静程度,考生就可以在舒适的家中参加考试。 因此,许多发现测试具有挑战性的考生都想寻求捷径,并且听说过使用 Duolingo 测试代理的选项。 在传统考场作弊是有风险的,而且很容易被监考人员发现,但有些人认为,在 Duolingo 等在线考试中作弊可能更容易。 那么,使用 Duolingo 测试代理可靠吗? 而为什么很多人需要Duolingo测试代理服务呢? 许多人付出了多年的努力,但仍然难以通过 Duolingo 测试。 这主要是因为 Duolingo 测试评估考生的英语语言水平,测试成绩具有重要价值,包括出国留学机会、职业发展和移民。 正是因为 Duolingo 测试的重要性,所以它的难度也很高。
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二.Duolingo 代考靠谱吗? 1、看代考方式。 Duolingo是否可靠这个问题的答案并不确定,并且会受到许多因素的影响,例如参加测试的方法。 有些人想找英语成绩好的朋友来帮助他们参加 Duolingo 考试。 这种考试方式存在一定的风险。 第一个是朋友考试可能不尽力,第二个是替你考试有被发现的风险。 另外,你也可以找专业的机构进行考试。 这种考试方式几乎没有风险,因为该机构经验丰富。 2. 检查代考的费用。 很多学生想知道Duolingo是否可靠,参加考试的费用与其可靠性之间存在一定的关系。 很多同学可能不明白Duolingo的代理考试和参加考试的费用之间的关系。 事实上,Duolingo 是一项服务。 如果费用很低,服务质量可能无法保证。 有能力通过Duolingo考试的人都是非常有价值的,不会为了一点点补偿而帮助别人参加Duolingo考试。 3. 阅读代考流程。 Duolingo 是否可靠需要考虑考试过程。 如今,互联网信息丰富。 当您在线搜索 Duolingo 考试时,会弹出许多页面和网站。 一些代理考试机构成立时间较短,运营模式还不够成熟。 因此,代考过程可能不科学,存在一定风险。 相反,一些经营时间较长的代考机构拥有许多英语成绩良好、参加Duolingo考试经验丰富的专业人员。 这样的代考机构更可靠、更值得信赖。 以上就是Duolingo的代考是否靠谱的答案。 学生在参加 Duolingo 考试之前需要做好充分准备。 如果您不确定是否能成功通过考试,可以考虑寻找代考服务。 在选择代考服务时,需要选择正规机构,以免后顾之忧。
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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essayxueba · 1 year
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justinciervo · 2 years
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tarachamplain · 2 years
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testhelper-kk · 28 days
Is it feasible to hire someone to take your gre?
Is it possible for me to hire someone to take your gre? Unfortunately, yes, it is. Cheating on the GRE test at home is not only possible; it can be done with minimal effort by anyone with a bit of creativity. How exactly does gre at home cheating work? More sophisticated methods, involving the use of technology and additional tools (easily obtainable at a low cost), may offer unethical test-takers a higher likelihood of success with minimal risks. Consistent practice is crucial for students, and in the event of difficulties, our experts are available to assist in taking the GRE exam.
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world-yoyo · 2 years
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gaichengji111 · 29 days
美国大学挂科成绩可以改吗?【telegram∶@SEP887】其实这办法是可行的,不管你找的教务处还是找的技术手,原理都一样都是改的教务系统,只是操作方式不一样而已数据库本身就是存储数据的并没有针对于成绩它是可以存成绩,资料,歌曲各种各样而数据库本身就给予调用的,调用数据就是原理. 并且教务系统一般都带有修改成绩的功能而且现在的大学都不会有纸质存档,除非试卷,但是试卷没有意义,有纸质存档的,是指在以前那个时候还没有教务系统,选课都得班长用笔登记.成绩都是纸质公布 现在档案馆里那些纸质都是以前没教务系统的毕业生.学校没那么多人力资源去核对成绩,现在毕业审核都是教务系统自动计算学分判断学分是否足够毕业了
Academic Probation(留校勘察)改成绩【telegram∶@SEP887】美国大学黑客改gpa在美国留学的申请路上GPA决定着一个学生的命运 1、在申请期间,它与标准化考试托福/GRE/GMAT有着同等重要的作用; 2、到美国留学期间,如果GPA达不到学校要求,会面临退学的风险;
  3、在找工作时,雇佣公司对GPA的侧重,远超过于毕业院校的名气!       美国留学条件GPA不达标,签证和学习资格不保   国际学生的F1签证合法性与GPA直接挂钩。本科GPA不足2.0,研究生不足3.0的学生会被勒令退学!这样的事情非常多,举一个例子,有一名本科学习生物的同学在进入药学院攻读研究生时,因为专业转换和英语写作技巧匮乏,即使自己万分努力成绩依然不理想,GPA不满3分,随即便被学校告知,如果不能提高成绩将被劝退。万幸的是,经导师推荐该同学转到生物系学习,回归本专业的他虽然逃脱了失学的危险,但也要重读研一,浪费了不少时间和学费。但这就是国外大学所谓“宽进严出”的机制。    美国留学条件GPA是升学就业敲门砖 (留学挂科被劝退 (开除)【telegram∶@SEP887】挂科成绩修改,GPA成绩修改)   一些到美国留学的学生为了获得更高的GPA费尽心思,甚至放弃一些不易拿A的课程,转而选修相对简单的科目,此举有投机取巧之嫌。要知道在申请美国大学时,所修课程的难度也是招生官要考查的因素之一。其实,一个近乎满分的GPA并不代表最高竞争力,GPA也只是众多参数中的一个。   即使GPA不占优势的学生也可以通过其他方面给自己加分,如论文、社团活动、实习经历、竞赛证书、老师推荐信等等。不过对于每一个留学生来说,维持高GPA是留学成功的根本,对待GPA的心态是万万不能放松的。    美国留学条件GPA是一切奖项荣誉的门槛 在美国,大部分学校的奖学金和荣誉称号对GPA都有门槛要求,没有3.4或是3.5的GPA,国际学生申请奖学金基本没有希望;毕业时,达到一定GPA才有 被授予荣誉毕业生的称号。比如著名的“phi beta kappa society”(美国优等生联谊会),会员包括17位美国总统在内的各类社会名流,该社团每年会从全美顶尖大学招聘优秀学生,GPA达3.75以上才有 机会入选。 另外.我有个学长,也是网上找人改成绩出国了,我当时得知后,我很好奇问他为什么当时会这样想,他说,他觉得没什么风险,因为留学中介教他的,中介把能改的人的联系方式给了他,貌似这个中介有回扣. 并且他改完后心理想着两个想法,他只是个学生,他不知道他的成绩被人改了,他什么都不知道, 学术缓刑/GPA低于2.0【telegram∶@SEP887】找黑客改成绩签证提高GPA成绩 很多学生很疑惑的问我成绩改完后会不会马上恢复过来?这里我有说明数据操作有两可能: 【1】.第一种是人工手动的情况下把你的成绩恢复过来。(前提是这个人必须记得你原来所有成绩!!) 【2】.第二种是教务系统很人性化的把你成绩恢复过来。(前提是教务系统能识别出该学号学生不可能考这么高分!没这么神奇的功能)以上两种情况,相信正常的,普普通通的学生都不会出现。也不现实。所以,不存在被恢复的可能性。 也许你会认为这种方法风险性很大这个世界上没有绝对零风险的事情。人生就是赌.博赌赢了你就赚了;但是你也要知道我是操作执行者所以风险最大的受害者是我 我自然是把风险降低到最小对我们彼此的影响也最低。美国大学gpa低于2.0【telegram∶@SEP887】改成绩/改学术缓刑/抄袭记录
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laoyangtutor · 2 years
Are Nonhuman Animals Moral Beings?
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     Protecting animals has become a globally recognized ideal. But what is the moral basis on which humans should do this? Are nonhuman animals moral creatures, or simply empty flesh? What exactly is the difference between humans and animals on a moral level? Philosophers and social ethicists have provided various theories for examining this issue. Among all the theories, animal rights theory is the most thorough and radical one. This theory argues that animals are also subjects of rights and have the same intrinsic value as humans do, and this concept is now widely supported. However, after an extensive review of both new and classic research studies, I still believe that animals are not moral beings and that they do not hold equal rights despite humans having the obligation to treat animals kindly.
What Does Moral Mean?
There are many definitions of morality and there are many areas of conflict. It can even be said that the concept of “morality” is the inherent negation of “human instinct” and all the selfishness it implies. “Morality” and “instinct” are not always in deep conflict or operating on the same level, but “morality” generally rejects the use of “instinct” as the sole criterion for action and obligation.
It must be admitted that even today, many human behaviors may still come from the same survival instincts as those of crickets, worms, and even more primitive organisms. However, a great deal of human behavior is not driven by natural instincts. The difference between human morality and animal instinct is that human morality, once it emerges, has its own vitality, it will be separated from its initial circumstances and limitations it had when it was born; it will have an independent influence on human subjects, and sometimes it will be anti-rational or violate survival behavior. An example of this would be loyalty to an abstract nation-state in times of war, when it might be more rational simply to flee in the face of danger, and any animal free to choose its own behavior would do so. This is the sort of definition that one might find in classic Veneer theory of all non-human animals being explicitly non-moral beings, although recent research on empathy and other ethical traits in primates would seem to have basically disproved this theory in itself (Kitcher, 121), few if any researchers claim that animals have higher moral functions or considerations, and thus animals are not fundamentally moral creatures, though some individual animal behaviors could be seen to be ethical acts.
This ties into the biological definition of altruism, to promote others’ reproductive success at a cost to one’s own reproductive success. Some animals, especially mammals with higher levels of brain function, display this behavior, but none other than humans on a systematic or expansive and consistent basis. This difference becomes even clearer if we use the psychological definition of altruism, which is a complex idea that involves the adjustment of desires, intentions, and emotions based on the perceptions and needs of others (Kitcher, 126), which de Waal notes are virtually impossible for animals to achieve, since even the most complex non-human mammals are only able to internalize other animals’ needs on a very limited basis (174).
In a basic state, the self may face simple economic and social pressures and simple survival issues. But as society develops and group pressures become more complicated, moral requirements to the group may provoke individuals to act in ways that do not directly benefit themselves, or even harmful to themselves at a benefit to the group. Other moral issues may be ones of simple obligation, and specific balances of benefit may vary from group to group. Thus, a group’s only fertile female may limit reproductive behavior out of obligations to an individual or remain chaste, or an individual may sacrifice themselves to save an abstract group of strangers. For animals, there is no “trolley problem,” even for animals that would be hypothetically capable of understanding such a dilemma. Constructing a proper model of morality makes it clear that only humans are qualified to be named as moral creatures, though evolutionary precedents obviously exist, as do basic behaviors which have indisputable ethical characteristics, as they act in violation of self-interest and seem to express a subjective internal obligation felt by the animal.
Some Theories and Debates
     Some support the idea that animals have rights. Regan refuted three different points of view concerning the rights and status of animals. The first is the indirect duty approach that believes that humans have no responsibility for animals at all. This theory is widely opposed nowadays since being cruel to animals might also hurt human interests. The second theory he raised popped is the cruelty kindness view, which only requires humans not being cruel to animals, and this is also not valid or sufficient. The third is the utilitarian theory. This method shows that animal interests should be consistent with human interests. It also believes that it is necessary to achieve the optimum balance between satisfaction and frustration (Regan, 2004). However, Regan considers this view flawed. It denies that individuals have inherent value. In this case, if the end result is good, any action can be justified. Regan used his own ideas to refute these ideas. He believes that everyone (including animals) has intrinsic value, and it is wrong to regard subjects of value as inanimate or passive resources. He also talked about the concept of correct behavior, which basically means respecting everyone and not using them for other interests or purposes.
     Another theory that could help us is de Waal’s three levels of morality (p. 166), and he notes that the first one and a half seem to basically exist in other primates:
     1. This level consists of moral sentiments (empathy, reciprocity, fairness), basically basic moral feelings and relationships. These exist in other primates, and occasionally show up in other mammals. De Waal gave the example of female chimps resolving disputes between males by engaging males in grooming behavior to resolve social conflicts in which they are not directly involved.
     2. Social pressure: insisting that everybody follow a set of rules, involving rewards and punishments, as well as reputations. In animals, this is much less systematic and not concerned with the big picture or general society. De Waal gave an example of a group of chimps beating up other chimps for not coming home on time, to encourage them to come inside earlier and not delay the group’s feeding time (p. 170).
     3. Judgment and reasoning: understanding others’ need and goals to judge our own behavior, including indirect behavior, and self-reflection. Often uses logic. Some animals may consider others’ needs and goals, but this is the total extent to which this occurs.
     De Waal also noticed the existence of “targeted helping” among other animals, especially dolphins, elephants, and other large-brained mammals, but noted that they display no real ethical behavior (p. 180). It seems clear that no animal can truly be compared to humans in moral terms; animal behaviors that seem to resemble moral codes are basically responses to environmental pressures. But morality is more than this; it is highly abstract, it can be communicated and transmitted, and its violations have consistent and meaningful consequences.
Moral Behaviors Not Equal to Moral Codes
So, how do we explain the "altruism" of animal behavior and other animal behavior that seems to be very moral?
Cohen (1986) believes that although there are such behaviors in animal groups as members who care about each other and help each other, they are far from “moral” because their behavior is not based on free will and self-consciousness but natural law (for example, pro-selection behavior). And an important element of morality is moral consciousness, just as "crime" is a combination of criminal behaviors and criminal intent. Therefore, just as animals cannot commit crimes, animals cannot be moral.
With regard to the current animal behavior research, many seemingly unreasonable "altruistic behaviors" in animals are still fundamentally based on genetic self-interest. A large number of higher altruistic behaviors, such as “helping to support future generations”, are mostly performed on close relatives of helper and assisting the weak still helps spread a genetic structure fundamentally similar to the subject. In the more extreme case of hymenoptera, a worker bee whose gene is identical to its sister is more than 25% identical to its daughter (if it has a daughter), and from the point of genetic self-interest, its infertility may be more conducive to their own genetic types than fertility (Ayala, 2010). In the end, this is a survival strategy, not a moral impetus.
Ultimately, animals have no rights and no intent, but we are obliged to animals. The view that animals have no rights but human beings have direct obligations to animals is seen as “weak anthropocentrism”, which is different from the belief that people live apart from or above animals. There is also a belief called contractualism or "strong anthropocentrism," where only owners of animals bear responsibility for any animal at all, and only humans have moral standing (Sapontzis, 1980). Rights and obligations do not correspond to each other: obligations are necessary conditions for rights, and rights are not necessary conditions for obligations. Rights require obligations, because rights owners need others to respect his rights, and it is an obligation for others to respect his rights. But obligations do not exist only when rights arise. For example, your son may not have the right to ask you to pay tuition for him, but you may be obliged to do so. The same applies to animals. We are obliged to treat animals humanely, but not because animals have rights. Therefore, we do not need to treat animals like subjects of rights.
     In short, a large part of this paradox comes from the controversy of moral autonomy itself, and the question whether it comes from human nature. In connection with the above studies, I tend to think that the possibility of human beings demonstrating moral competence is innate, and the realization of this possibility is acquired and socially constructed. Therefore, the "moral difference" between humans and animals is actually a difference in the display of the natural potential of moral competence. In other words, people have the potential to form moral concepts in addition to the emotional experience of morality. So human morality has some evolutionary roots, but nobody can really compete with us. They have some basic empathy and some occasional behaviors, but no real system or structured internalization.
     However, I also wonder whether it is possible to completely assert that this potential is unique to humans, and how we will recognize this potential in artificial intelligence. This debate actually involves the subject's ability to grasp language, as language and thinking are closely linked, and if the animal can master the language (there is such evidence: chimpanzees can learn North American sign language and spontaneously teach to future generations), it may develop the ability to form abstract concepts, and thus to some extent has potential for ethical standing. Even if animals conclusively never master language, we cannot exclude the possibility that some animals may form moral concepts through other means, because language only represents the communication of these concepts in human terms.
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