gyubby99 · 4 months
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like “I think I want her back HEAR ME OUT—“
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xxjustshakeitupxx · 8 months
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Also Alastor:
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a back door
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings!
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hypnos333 · 8 months
Slowed to Anger
Alastor x reader
Synopsis: You loved the hotel and yet you risked your life for it
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“Omg! Alaster I can’t believe you’re doing this and it looks so nice, I can’t wait to decorate” You gushed looking everywhere around the hotel making him chuckle.
“I’m glad you find this Journey to find this exciting my dear, I wish I could say the same but i’m stuck on a leash” Alaster sigh still smiling but with a broken one. You wrap your arms around his neck forcing him to wrap his around your waist.
“We’ll break this deal so we can go back to living happily together” You said kissing his temple as he closed his eyes as your kisses. “We have been married for decades it’s nothing we can’t handle My love” You continued saying.
Little did you know this was gonna be very different from those decades.
A war broke out between heaven and hell and you were against Lute and keep in mind you weren’t the best in combat nor fighting but you did have powers and you were gonna try your best to survive for Alastor.
You are a doe it made you fast but you felt like a prey everywhere and every time.
You created multiple shadows to corner Lute making her struggle until she actually stabbed you making clueless before looking down at your heart.
“Oh fucking hell” You whispered until your eyes went wide realizing what’s happening. You held onto the sword before Lute pulled it out of you before this time stabbing you in the stomach making you instantly let the life leave from inside of you.
Lute was about to check your pulse until a shadow elopes you making you disappear within an instant.
“M-My dear?” He asked hesitantly in horror seeing you gone and dead. He quickly held you into his arms rocking back in forth trying to heal you he couldn’t because he was trapped.
“No, No No No No NO NONONONONO” He yells out his smile vanished as tears leaked down his face and onto your body.
“This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
My wife risked her life just to see the hotel thrive
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends while wife takes the fall"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings?” He sang before hiding your body somewhere safe to keep so when he gets your soul, you can come back home to him just like you wanted to do.
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decrepitdeer · 8 months
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"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends" Sorry to disappoint! That is not where this ends!
Slowly but surely working on more Hazbin art, there is just... so many things from the finale I want to draw so-
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cheetahspy · 8 months
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🎶"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"?
Sorry to disappoint... That is *not* where this ends!🎶
Bro’s tweaking‼️ I wanted to draw his mental breakdown, so I did, and it was fun 😂
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suni-buni · 8 months
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This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air And I barely escaped being killed by a hair "Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends" Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends I'm hungry for freedom like never before The constraints of my deal surely have a back door Once I figure out how to unclip my wings Guess who will be pulling all the strings!
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kyutushi · 8 months
Is Altruist really Alastor’s last name?
simple answer: no
but why? here’s my interpretation/analysis ,
Altruist: noun. a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others (opposed to egoist).
This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
to break this down, alastor said the bit highlighted as a way of saying what if i was just remembered as an altruist and didn’t come back? now this is my interpretation, i’m not good with words but i’m sure you know what i’m getting at.
he is mocking the idea of being an altruist, which he is not. he also says this is not where it ends because he doesn’t want to show weakness (as being remembered as an altruist.)
to sum this bit up; he heavily emphasized and mocked on the title of being an altruist, claiming that “this is not where it ends” because he doesn’t want to be remembered that way.
even so, we’ll have to wait until it is confirmed officially. it can still go both ways.
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lighttheghost · 8 months
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"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
Honestly a part of me thinks that Alastor and Vox WERE really good friends and Alastor is in denial about how important Vox had been to him. Maybe that partially factors into him playing down how much Vox irritates him. And a part of me feels like his love of attention outweighs his annoyance at Vox, even now, since Vox is ALWAYS willing to give Alastor his undivided attention.
(prev post)
ACTUALLY ACTUALLY this connects back to this rb. like about alastor's need to sever emotional attachments, "Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed." to ""Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"? Sorry to disappoint... That is not where this ends!" pipeline.
the juxtaposition of the vees' verse and alastor's verse being back to back. they're both villain verses, but one is a secure team (maybe a bit messy toxic and unhinged but. they're tight okay) whose members have one another to rely on, the other is a solo mental breakdown about having attachments, yet they both end about the need to eventually be in control and with evil laughter.
like I've seen this mentioned before but also alastor's part in stayed gone where he says "he'd be powerless without the other vees", he's making fun of vox for relying on others but at the same time it does speak volumes about his own view on seeing attachments as "relying on others", because in THIS department, vox has the fact that he's fine and secure having allies he can trust compared to alastor seeing it as a weakness.
we have like sooooo little information right now that anything goes, but I like the idea of alastor having thought of vox as a legitimate friend at least a little. made a post on that once even.
I also kind of like comparing it to like how alastor currently is with charlie/the hotel, like he started out spending time with him for entertainment but then he saw a semblance of sentiment and had to cut that out.
but at the same time I also like alastor stepping away because he started noticing things about vox he disliked (because like I've mentioned before, his insults in stayed gone seem to be legitimate jabs at vox's character/practices).
OR we could have it so that the initial falling out happened because alastor felt the need to cut out any risk of emotional attachments (and I want to STRESS that I see both of them being at fault in this situation, regardless of alastor's motives, vox couldn't take no for an answer and got pissy), but later on after they were split, he started to see parts of vox's attitude that he disliked, how much of a sellout he'd become and he thought in his mind that this only proved him right to cut him off, and so he learnt nothing, after all he was right to cut vox off so surely his idea of attachments being a weakness is completely and utterly correct right?
anyways idk if I got a bit off track here, but about alastor being in denial, I think to some level he would be simply because of him seeing attachments as a weakness. but at the same time he's the one who called vox "old pal" (albeit condescendingly) and vox was the one who got ultra super embarrassed about "he asked me to join his team" (of course this is framed in a mocking way, similarly to "he'd be powerless without the other vees", like "can you BELIEVE he wanted me to join him and start RELYING on him like how he relies on the other vees? HA! as if." but he's also not hiding the fact that they were at least on good enough terms for vox to want to ask him that, but then again he doesn't speak of sentiment on his own side, so it could easily just not count as a point against him downplaying it). but yeah um. I do think him downplaying shit is related to him hiding weaknesses, similarly to how he's always smiling. he downplays how much vox bothers him because showing so would be a weakness. which could also go into how he let that mask slip with lucifer but this post is getting LONG and others have pointed that out before.
and the other part, about alastor's love for attention outweighing his annoyance at vox? I mean I think both can be true, I do think he enjoys the attention he gets from vox's obsession but I do also think he does legitimately hate vox.
anyways this post got LONG sorry I ended up rambling about shit. tried to address contradictions with my past posts (which can happen a bit, cause sometimes my opinions change or there's multiple possibilities of something and I can see multiple of those possibilities even if they contradict one another). this is a long post so my brain is too lazy to read it over and proofread so sorry if it ends up being a mess ✌️
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alastor-artist-seren · 3 months
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This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings?!
Hey guys. I cooked.
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dangerouslyzanyperson · 8 months
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🎶Great Alastor Altruist died for his friends🎶
🎶Sorry to disappoint, this is not where this ends!🎶
I think a lot of people are misinterpreting the lines here. Alastor is not shaken by his care for others. He isn’t surprised by his love for Hazbin Hotel and its inhabitants.
He is mocking the idea that he would die for “his friends”.
And I fucking love it!
He is a cornered and caged animal looking for a way out. And he is plotting the absolute hell for everyone once he finds a loophole in his deal.
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imerkovich · 8 months
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This place reeks death, there's a chill in the air. And I barely escaped being killed by a hair. Great Alastor Altruist died of his friends. Sorry to disappoint! That isn't to where this ends! I'm hungry for freedom like never before the constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor. Once I figure out how to unclip my wings. Guess who will be pulling all the strings!!!
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ghost-missy · 6 months
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What if . . . . The female on the left is the creator of heaven and as some many think the female on the right is the root of evil and we will see her soon but as Roo you know. . . This person
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And some may believe that Alastor had made a deal with Lilith and Lilith made a deal with Roo or that Alastor had made a deal with Roo with the line that he said in the final song
'This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the Air And I barely escaped being killed by a hair"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends I'm hungry for freedom like never before The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor Once I figure out how to unclip my wings Guess who will be pulling all the strings?'
So think about it and tell me what you think because my phone is about to die
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rotsindots · 8 months
So yeah, I fell in love with Vox and Valentino duo, especially their verse in the Finale
This shit lives in my mind rent free:
and The deer part added by my bf:
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falling-star-cygnus · 8 months
"The great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends. Sorry to disappoint that is not where this ends."
all im hearing is that the hotel goers are his friends and no, i will not accept criticism, thank you for your time
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wee-chlo · 8 months
But also spoilers for Hazbin Hotel in general, specifically Alastor and His Whole Thing, What's His Thing?
Okay so, for everyone's pondering: An alternative interpretation of Alastor's Verse in the Finale song.
This place reeks of death
There's a chill in the air
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint
That is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a back door
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings?
I'm going to throw some stuff at the wall and see what sticks and in so doing, I'm going to write speculation as if it's fact. Bear with me.
Alastor craves power because in his experience, power is freedom. Power is having control over others, which means they don't have control over you. Alastor always, at all times, has to be the most powerful person in the room in some way, shape, or form, or at least feel secure in the feeling that he's the most powerful person in the room.
His pathologic need to smile at all times points to this too: he has to have the upper hand. He has to be in control. He can't show emotion, he can't let his enemies or his friends know exactly what's going on with him.
The only time we see him actually, legitimately losing control over himself is his verse in the finale. Right after he almost dies a second time. Right after he has to flee. Right after he loses the source of his power.
The second his microphone is destroyed, he's easily defeated. All his power is gone. That microphone is the source of it, the tool through which he channels either his power or the power given to him by his deal (I think the latter is more accurate). And the second it's destroyed, he's powerless. Possibly the weakest person on the battlefield. Everyone else is holding their own but him? Immediately struck down and forced to run. You could say "well, any other demon would have had to run or die too", and I'd say exactly. Alastor doesn't want to be the same as any other demon. He wants to be the most terrifying thing in the room, in the building, on the battlefield, in Hell.
And when he runs, everyone assumes what happened. Everyone has their own views on him, their opinions. He doesn't control anything about that situation. He doesn't control the fight, he doesn't control the narrative. When Vox was chattering away about him, it was a simple thing to take over and put him back in his place. When Husk disrespected him, he lashed out and made sure that Husk remembered who was the stronger of the two. Even Charlie's more positive view of him is largely orchestrated by him; she doesn't have a view that's counter to his own intentions, at any rate. Suddenly, and for a brief moment, everything about himself is out of his control.
I think this is why he looks so unhinged singing the line about how he's an altruist and died for his friends. Because he didn't, and it doesn't matter that that's a nice idea, a positive view, that it makes him look good. That's not what he wants. It's a story that's outside of his control and just the thought of that sets his teeth on edge.
I think when he sings about the constraints of his deal, he's singing about the loss of the microphone specifically, as well as the deal broadly. Because if I'm right and the majority of his power hinges on that microphone, it's broken and he's without that power. Which means that he's running on his reputation and little else, and it's only a matter of time before that facade is torn away.
So he's got to figure out a way to circumvent his deal, or at least the constraints of it, the details, or else it's all going to fall apart. The fact that he needs the microphone to use his powers is the proverbial "clipping" of his wings.
Alastor's Verse in the Finale is him on the borderline of a nervous breakdown because not only did he almost die, which is bad enough on it's own, but suddenly every little bit of his control over the situation, both figuratively and literally, is slipping away and he's scrambling to figure out how to put it right again.
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