ryaancreativeliving · 1 month
Guest Room Makeover: 9 Tips To Transform Your Space Effectively
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Are you planning to transform your guest room with modern interiors? Do you want to have a comfortable and functional guest room that attracts your visitors? There are many ways to increase the functionality and aesthetical appeal of your space. We have discussed expert tips to transform your space effectively.  Guest Room Makeover
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eyecan02 · 1 month
Charlastor Prompt
Plot I Hope Someone Will Write (Since my fanfic days are over due to me focusing on finishing and publishing a novel and due to not liking the formatting system for AO3): So there have been fake dating, fake marriage tropes...what about a fake soul contract?
Charlie disguises herself as a sinner to better understand her people, and as a way to come up with ways to help rehabilitate people with her hotel aspirations. In this fic, Charlie is already friends with Angel and Cherry. Cherry gives her a makeover to help disguise her as a sinner (she doesn't get out much so ppl fail to recognize her)
Angel informs her of a special event where sinners perform at a club in the hopes of getting picked for a potential soul contract (ones that guarantee protection, a home and food). Believing that being under a fake contract will help better understand the POV of a sinner, Charlie sings on stage at this event.
Vox gives her his business card after the show, telling her to consider his offer. Alastor sends her flowers and shows up in her dressing room. He proposes a contract with her, saying he knows she's the princess (saw her on the last extermination date tending to the wounded).
Alastor says he would love to have his own personal songstress, and that he'll agree to keep Charlie's identity a secret so long as she enters a contract with him. Charlie panics when she sees she's been discovered, and quickly tells him about her plans on a hotel to rehabilitate sinners and using her disguise to help understand sinners better in order to help them acend to heaven. She explains that entering a real soul contract would be impossible for her, and begs him not to tell anyone the truth about her.
Alastor proceeds to tell her that while the idea is ridiculous, that it gave him another idea. A fake soul contract for six months where he will agree to help her with her hotel dream, but only if she manages to get at least 3 hotel guests (not including niffty or husk as he will provide them for Charlie later), at least 3 sponsors and her father's approval for the hotel. But if she fails to meet Alastor's conditions, she will enter a real soul contract with him and be bound to him forever.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Little Duck's Tea Party (Little Duck AU🐥💛)
Pairing: Dad! Chris Evans x Arlie Mae (Little Duck)
Summary: Little Duck is having her weekly tea party, and this week’s special guest is her dad, I wonder what costume and makeover he’ll be getting today? 
Warnings: none, just very fluffy and sweet girl dad Chris, he and Arlie are just my favourites
A/N: Here is the first fic of the day, this idea was I think a suggestion by an anon and I really fell in love with it, so I wanted to write a little something, I hope you enjoy it, thank you for all the love on this page recently, I appreciate you guys so much
Word Count: 756
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Arlie was hard at work setting up her special tea table, laying out plates, cutlery mugs, she was pulling out the whole nine yards because today, her daddy would be the special guest at Arlie’s Tea House. To be completely honest neither you nor Chris could figure out where she thought of the name, but it was the cutest little concept she’d come up with recently. Her playroom was now set up, the table looking very beautiful with little flowers and sparkles intertwined between the utensils and plates. Arlie made sure to add Duckie to a seat as well as her stuffed brown bear named boobear, yes, she named him boobear, when she deemed the space perfect enough, she yelled down to Chris
“Daddy!!!! Come to tea party!!!”
Chris chuckled at the urgency in Arlie’s tone, kissing your forehead and making his way up the stairs to her party 
“I’m coming up little duck!”
Arlie giggled and as he reached the top of the stairs her head poked out behind the door 
“Hi daddy!”
“Hi baby, you all ready for our party?”
She nodded, smiling her famous megawatt smile 
“I am, but you not ‘weady yet!”
He crouched down to her level and swiped a piece of hair out of her eyes 
“Oh, I’m not?”
Chris could notice she was holding something behind her back, and he had an inkling of what it could be 
“No daddy, you need to put on special hat and makeup silly!”
Never in his years of living did he ever think he would find himself staring at what everyone, his wife included says is a carbon copy of him, his baby girl, in all her excitement as she waited for her favourite man in the world to let her dress him up. He would move mountains for Arlie, and if that included a makeover from the toddler, then he’d be dammed if he ever said no
“Alright then duck, help me get all ready for tea!”
Arlie pulled him further into the room, making him sit in a chair far too small for him, but he wouldn’t complain, especially if it was Arlie putting him in it. They spent some time laughing together as she mixed blues, purples, and pinks from her kiddie eyeshadow palette, using a small brush to put it on his eyes. Chris made sure to stay extra still so she wouldn’t mess up, a smile creeping up when he noticed her tongue poking out of her mouth as she concentrated on the colour of blush she was going to use. Her little eyebrows furrowing together in thought as every step and product of makeup was applied to Chris’s face
“Okay daddy, just lips then done!”
Chris chuckled before pouting gently so she could apply what he saw was a cherry red lipstick, yeah…cherry red
“Wow Daddy!! You so pwetty now!!”
“Was I not pretty before duck?”
Arlie shook her head no and he laughed, watching as she put the makeup away neatly, turning and clasping her hands together 
“Sit down fo’ tea now pwease daddy!”
Chris found his spot and Arlie got to work, setting out snacks, plastic of course, and filling their cups with water, there was absolutely nothing but joy radiating from his baby girl, and it was one of Chris’s favourite sights. They two of them were partners and crime, and when you snuck upstairs to check on them your heart warmed watching the two playing with Duck and Boobear, a slight chuckle slipping out noticing Chris’s amazing makeup job. When you snapped a quick photo both of their faces turned to you and Arlie waved
“Hi momma!!”
“Hi my love, look at how beautiful you made daddy!”
Chris narrowed his eyes playfully at you, a wink being sent back in his direction 
“Daddy so pwetty now, you want some tea momma?”
After pretending to think about you agreed, taking your spot next to Chris, Arlie pouring some water in your mug
“Arlie does momma get her makeup done too?”
You smiled getting yourself ready for all her makeup and artistic talent when she laughed 
“Daddy you so silly! Momma alweady’ pwetty without it!” 
You couldn’t hold in the laugh that escaped as you leaned over to kiss Chris on the cheek, his eyes rolling slightly before he joined you in laughing. If there was anything about your little duck, is that she was not afraid of honesty, she’d tell you the truth no matter what, and clearly, she wasn’t shy about it.
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zikadraws · 2 years
Saw something about a crack AU where Doug takes over the DD realms and screws everyone over. You think you could dive a little deeper into that idea? It seems very interesting to me! (I'm slightly scared bc no anon but I've been meaning to ask you thangs-)
Oh yeah this one ! Haha that was mostly a joke, but there's no arm in extrapolating a bit.
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Long story short after Bierce gets the complete ring and proceed to go mad with power, she's too absorbed to notice that Doug is currently screwing her over (he already secured his wish or he gave her a fake ring or smthg) and Malak is too busy dealing with Bierce to stop him.
So he makes his wish with the ring and manages to slingshot Tammy and Elise back to life (and in his hospital room), but by doing so the ring's power flows through him and he basically absorbs the ring's power, which a) makes the ring now useless and b) makes him the bearer of Malak's might, so now he's as powerful as him and better even, if they kill him Malak might lose all his power -since Doug has absorbed the souls and if he dies, they die too, this time not to leave anything. (I know that's a stretch but whatevs.)
Moreover, the souls trapped in the ring see there an opportunity to get revenge on their tormentors and side with him, giving him tips on how Malak does what he does. Like a speedrun tutorial and personal advice council.
Upon realising what happened, the monsters and Malak (and Bierce but let's consider she's dead by then) pretty much lose it and chaos ensues, everyone either wants to call it quits, brutally murder him or thread carefully, and it gives Doug some room to figure how to restrain them.
And once Doug is done doing that and be relatively safe, it is now up to him to do whatever he wants with them following either his might or the past victims's scornful requests ; be it trapping Malak in an item forever or dissolving him, giving the mascots a braaand new program/makeover, changing the twisted bear family into actual plushies, or pretty much whatever the hell he pleases ;
with or without the additional unforeseen side effects from either the spiteful monsters who would gladly kill him at the slightest drop of magic restraint ; or from the other demons, who of course notice the change, and who make a pleasure out of starting business with the peculiar overpowered mortal, or to force a deal out of Malak against helping him regain control over his realm...
Basically it's a very awkward scenario and Doug is first pretty hesitant but then eventually goes "Screw it" and mad with power. It can't possibly go well, in any form or manner.
Aaand that's globally the pitch. I'm personally not planning to do anything with it, but if you want to have fun with this concept, be my guest ! :D
It's not the AUs that lack~ 🤗🤗🤗
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kookyberry · 6 months
"Vase Hacks: Creative Ways to Repurpose and Revitalize"
Vases are much more than mere vessels for holding flowers. With a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of imagination, these versatile objects can be transformed into captivating decor pieces. In this blog post, we'll explore a collection of ingenious vase hacks that will breathe new life into your old vases. Get ready to unleash your artistic side and give those dormant vases a chance to shine!
1. Terrarium Magic:
Turn your vase into a miniature garden by creating a stunning terrarium. Start by layering small rocks at the bottom for drainage, then add a layer of activated charcoal to keep the soil fresh. Finally, top it off with a mix of potting soil and your favorite plants. Succulents, air plants, and mosses are excellent choices for low-maintenance terrariums. Place your creation in a well-lit spot and watch as your vase transforms into a mesmerizing green oasis.
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2. Illuminating Beauty:
Give your vase a luminous makeover by turning it into a unique lamp. Purchase a lamp kit from your local hardware store and follow the instructions to safely wire the socket and attach the bulb. Fill the vase with decorative items like seashells, marbles, or colorful beads. Then, simply insert the socket through the vase opening, and voila! You now have a stunning DIY lamp that will add a warm and cozy ambiance to any room.
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3. Seasonal Sensations:
Celebrate the changing seasons by transforming your vase into a seasonal centerpiece. Fill it with an assortment of seasonal items such as pinecones, colorful leaves, or delicate spring blossoms. For a festive touch, add some miniature ornaments during the holiday season. This simple hack allows you to effortlessly infuse the spirit of each season into your home decor.
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4. Artsy Brush Holders:
Give your artistic tools a stylish and organized home by repurposing a vase as a brush holder. Whether you're a painter, a makeup artist, or simply enjoy the occasional craft project, a vase can make the perfect storage solution. Fill it with glass beads, pebbles, or even colored sand to keep your brushes upright and easily accessible. This practical hack will not only keep your workspace tidy but also add a touch of elegance to your creative endeavors.
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5. Delightful Dining Accents:
Elevate your dining experience by using vases as unconventional table accents. Fill tall, slender vases with water, add floating candles, and scatter some flower petals for a romantic ambiance during dinner parties. Alternatively, use shorter vases to display cutlery or napkins creatively. The possibilities are endless, and these simple hacks will undoubtedly impress your guests and make mealtime an extraordinary affair.
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With these creative vase hacks, you can breathe new life into your old vases and unlock their hidden potential. From transforming them into lush terrariums to repurposing them as functional decor pieces, the versatility of vases knows no bounds. So, don't let those forgotten vases gather dust in the corner; instead, let your imagination run wild and explore the endless possibilities that await. Get ready to revitalize your space with these simple yet ingenious ideas and let your vases shine in all their newfound glory!
Check out this kooky face vase!
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donaidk · 8 months
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This was the first ever fic I posted here on Tumblr or anywhere else as a present for @x-lipstickstain-x. Always was one of my faves even if I abandoned it once I got myself way too deep into other fics as well. Now it's time to give it a makeover, rewriting every part and adding a few bits and bobs cause my style got better since and I'm not scared to admit it was rushed at a few bits. Hope you guys will enjoy it 🧡
Now reading: Part I (- | Part II)
Travelling to Monaco wasn’t exactly part of my plans, right until my invitation for the Laureus Sports Awards Ceremony. It wasn’t exactly unexpected as there has been chatter going around about a possible nomination for my performance in the last year. However, from the moment I had to miss out on a few dates in the championship calendar thanks to injuries and precautions it seemed like my chance faded away slowly but surely. Even after getting the invite the idea of getting to take the award home never crossed my mind, mostly thanks to my own brother. Julien being a well known name in the same sport on a lower level and loving to act like my manager meant our work was almost the only topic we seemed to discuss. He was always a strict person, more with keeping me in top shape than anything else in his own life, which often unfolded in using missed opportunities as a crude type of motivation. In this exact setting, he never let me forget that I would be missing out on a prestigious award because I just wouldn’t push through setbacks hard enough. His words for ‘you will get there next time around, don’t worry’ as I like to imagine.
That said, the invite was almost swept under the rug as I suspected it would just be a night of heartache and longing right until Julien caught a whiff of it. I could partially agree with him that not attending was a sore loser type of choice, but I wasn’t embarrassed to accept that it’s exactly how I was feeling. Like a sore loser. Even as I was getting ready for the evening my brain was struggling to understand how Julien managed to change my mind about attending. He tried using Charles being a guest of the event, someone who he was great friends with since they met a few years ago and who I tolerated but only considered as an acquaintance. It somehow worked in a way that we decided to accept the invite just for him to be my plus one, giving him a chance to spend some time with Charles who according to Julien was happy about the news during their next phone call.
My only relief was that Julien agreed to get a hotel room instead of staying with Charles, being crammed into a typical small Monaco flat being a nightmare of mine. Having our own rooms gave me the breathing space I sometimes needed from him and meant we could have our usual very different routines without them clashing and causing arguments like usual. It was almost a mystery how people could even guess we were siblings, with all the differences from our personality and mindset to how we looked. Patience levels being one of our biggest differences.
“ Are you finally ready? ” I heard Julien from the living room of the hotel room. He showed up half an hour ago, stating that we’re gonna be late even though we still had an hour to get into a car as we previously planned with the intention of arriving early.
“ You were the one who was too early. ” I rolled my eyes while clasping my earrings and standing up from the little desk that had all of my makeup and hair stuff on it. “ Does your patience really not exist or is it just me who doesn’t deserve any of it? ” I asked him as I stepped out of the bedroom only to get one of the bags that had my heels in them.
“ Don’t start it. Today should be a calm evening. ” He stood up, just missing my eye roll, stepping to the door while I slid my feet into the shoes and followed him outside as soon as I had my jacket in my hands. I wasn’t planning on catching a cold, even though Monaco was usually warm. It was February, and we were lucky enough to be met with quite cold weather for the weekend of the event. “ You look good. ” He added as I made sure the door was closed but then walked past him, without taking a look at him.
’ You’re not saving it with that. ’ I shook my head at my thoughts, rather just looking forward and calling the elevator as we got to it. Sometimes I hated how cold we could be to each other while just a second later we could joke around with grins on our faces. The rarer exchange between us. It was truly a strange siblingship we managed to build up. I couldn’t even call it a usual brother-sister situation. Even if on most days he truly acted like an older brother, looking out for me and making sure I wasn’t hurt by anything or anyone. There just should have been more of that than anything else he decided to add to our lives. “ Charles meeting us at the venue? ” I asked once the silence in the elevator took a toll on me.
„ I think so. ” He shrugged a little, stepping outside as we arrived and went to get us the car that was promised. “ He said he’s gonna text me if he arrives or decides to get a car with us. Which he didn’t do yet, so I’m guessing he will meet us there. ” He checked his phone again, letting me leave the building first after he opened the door. I got my jacket on my shoulders, as my dress was quite open, and followed Julien to the car that was parked next to the building.
He and Charles met at a sports event two years ago, becoming friends instantly. Since then they have spent quite some time together, visiting each other in Monaco or France, and even going on vacations when they had a break at the same time. It was quite rare, as the F1 winter break was the main part of our season, leaving only the summer break for them to travel together. Somehow I never really got close to Charles, even though I did spend time with them when they had a plan together or were spending time at our apartment while I still lived with Julien in France. I never had a problem with him, he was a great guy. We just never really connected and needed each other's company when we had the chance to be together.
Ten minutes later we were already at the venue, the opening of the car door yanking me back from my memories immediately. We managed to enter the building without any hold up, showing our passes at the entrance and deciding to walk around a bit so we could check out everything before we would have to sit down at our table. It wasn’t long before we both got a glass of champagne and found some skiing friends we stopped to talk to. Julien was in the middle of one of his interesting stories, that we probably already heard from him like four times when I spotted Charles coming our way from the other side of the room. I poked my brother on his shoulder to get his attention, almost getting a glare from him in exchange before he spotted his friend and a grin crept onto his face. He still quickly finished his story, before excusing us out of the conversation and leading both of us to Charles. I didn’t really plan on following him but he made it visible that he wanted me to be by his side so I won’t get lost in the crowd.
“ Welcome to Monaco, guys! How have you been? ” Charles grinned at us as we finally stood in front of him, greeting both of us with a short hug. He wasn’t alone though, a stranger standing next to him, with a glass in his hand. Although his face was familiar, I couldn’t really connect it to a name in my head. However, they didn’t really pay any attention to him as they started talking immediately. It was quite awkward to stand there looking at either each other or my brother and Charles. Luckily one of the hosts saved the moment, by requesting everyone to take their seat at a table, making us walk towards the sitting area. We walked next to each other, following Julien and Charles, not really knowing how to handle the situation, before getting brave enough to finally open my mouth.
“ I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Fleur, Julien’s sister. ” I turned to him when we had to wait for the queue to move. If it would have been on the two idiots in front of us, we would have ended the night not even knowing each other's names.
“ Pierre, Charles’s childhood friend. Although you wouldn’t be able to tell. ” He let out a laugh looking at his friend who was so deep in the conversation with my brother that he almost tripped on his own foot. The scene made me shake my head with a smile as we followed them through the crowd to an empty table with six chairs next to it in a half-circle shape.
The two of them straight away sat down on the farthest two of the chairs next to each other, not leaving space for Pierre who in the end chose the chair on my left as I got next to Julien. I was trying to get my jacket behind me, somehow getting it stuck every time I tried, when he took it from me and in a swift motion smoothed it onto the back of my chair. I thanked him with a quick smile, looking back forward as the hosts appeared on the stage to start the whole event.
“ I never thought I would feel such a third wheel in my life again. ” Pierre whispered to me almost ten minutes into it, as Charles and Julien were still talking between them, not even caring about us.
“ You haven't spent enough time with my brother yet. He can make you feel like that even if you are alone with him. ” I sighed, looking at him as it wasn’t even that interesting on the stage. “ I don’t really like spending time with the two of them if there isn’t someone else with us. ” I shrugged my shoulders, as I took a sip from my drink.
“ He sounds like great company. ” He chuckled, making me smile too, although it was actually sad how little he cared about anything outside of his own feelings. But that’s Julien. You either deal with it or just leave him behind. “ I think Charles already mentioned you once. You compete in skiing, right? ” His question left me stunned for just a second, his interest surprising from someone who didn't exactly plan on meeting new people tonight.
“ Yeah. Some might call me a professional adrenaline junkie though. ” I was relaxed enough to let out a chuckle at my own joke and he seemed to be on board, a smile taking over his face.
“ Think I might know a thing or two about how that feels. ” He added with a huff of air, making me finally remember where I have seen him before. His face finally connected to a few pictures I have seen of Charles and him, as well as his name was in almost every story I have heard from the other F1 driver from our few meetings.
I suspected his interest would quite soon fade as the night went on but he seemed to be an active partner, both of us falling into an easy conversation about our sports and the lives we were in a way subjected to outside of it. It was evident he was subjected to the downsides of fame as F1 took up an ever growing part of the entertainment business but he didn’t seem to be affected by it as much as I had imagined at first. It was captivating how he talked about racing and driving those cars, making me actually excited to maybe watch some races in the upcoming season. It wasn’t something I never did, as I already watched some of the races, but it was never something I paid much attention to, mostly just turning it on as background noise. It took us a moment to finally connect the dots, but once he mentioned the team he was driving for I couldn’t hold back my smile as I mentioned I just got sponsored by Red Bull at the start of my season. It was a coincidence we had a good laugh about, confused how we haven’t heard more about each other before tonight.
“ You should come out to a race if you have time. It’s a lot better in person. ” He offered with a little smile and I was about to respond when Julien chose the exact moment to finally remember they weren’t alone and started talking to me.
“ You know, you should be up there. ” He bumped my shoulder with his, making me look up and realise they were just talking about my category. Someone who didn’t know him would have thought it was sweet of him, but I just knew he wasn’t finished. “ Maybe if you would have actually pushed yourself, you know. ” He added, with a smirk on his face as my smile faded.
“ Says someone, who still didn’t get any awards either. ” I bit back at him, trying to hide how uncomfortable it made me feel that he’s doing this in front of other people. My head started to boil although I got myself together in seconds.
„ Well, the male categories are a lot harder. But getting into yours should be effortless. ” He shrugged, making my jaw visibly drop, as I couldn’t believe that my own blood would make a comment like this. I saw the surprise on Charles' face too, but he didn’t dare speak up and I just wanted to get out of this conversation before I would regret my next action. I only saw him act like this when he was tipsy, but even his champagne glass was sitting more than half full in front of him.
„ Talk to me if you come to your senses. ” I told him, standing up and leaving the table as soon as I could, choosing to sit at the bar alone rather than stay next to him. “ Calm evening my ass. ” I muttered as his words from before we left the hotel immediately came back to me.
Drinking wasn’t exactly on my list of activities tonight, as I liked to keep it light during the season, but I rather ordered a light cocktail just to give the bartender something else to do than stand and stare after hearing our exchanged words just seconds ago. With him walking to the other side of the bar to prepare the colourful drink I could finally let out the breath stuck in my lungs, holding myself back from turning on the bar chair. I knew Julien would be content enough to stay put and leave me be, inside feeling like he once again won an argument. It was easier to deal with emotions without each other. Sometimes I really didn’t know what I was waiting for when I knew quite well how he can be, and how much he doesn’t know the limits that shouldn’t be touched. These moments made me understand why I moved away from and why I wasn’t on the same team as him anymore.
“ You okay? ” Pierre wasn’t trying to sneak up on me, but still managed, my heart jumping when he appeared next to me, already occupying another chair.
“ Yeah, just the usual. I’ll just leave him to it. You can’t be next to him when he’s in that mindset. ” I swirled my drink as soon as it was placed in front of me, looking at how it went around the wall of the glass. “ Or at least I can’t. ” I huffed out, putting the glass down before I would accidentally break it.
„ He will probably realise what he said was wrong. ” Pierre sent a calming smile towards me, making me smile too although it still felt sour inside. With a little nod, I tried changing the topic back to where we left off, hoping it would make me forget the last two minutes of my life.
It actually helped, talking to him calmed me down and just minutes later I felt like nothing bad happened today, and everything was perfect since I woke up. Pierre did have this effect, probably on every person on this Earth and also on me, that you just focused on talking to him and forgot where you were and what happened before you started the conversation with him. We went over how I started ski jumping and my journey until now, but we also touched on his career and what he did since he started. I never knew people who were racing cars as a job, so it was the first time for me to learn about how their lives actually look like. It wasn’t at all as glamorous as one would think in quite a few aspects. The event was slowly approaching its end when I started feeling how tired I actually was. The only thing I was dreading was me having to travel back to the hotel in the same car as Julien. I really wasn’t looking forward to it.
“ Think I’m gonna run before it really ends. I don’t really care about sitting in the same car as him. ” I sighed, not even naming Julien as I knew he would know who I’m talking about. “ A nice walk to clear my head further. ” I sighed once I realised we came here in the same car and it would be contracted to take both of us, subjecting me to either walk to the hotel as a cab won't even be worth it.
“ I can take you back. I don’t mind leaving a little early and Charles has his own car here, so he won’t mind me leaving either. ” Pierre stood up after me, making me look up at him. I didn’t really react to him at first and I could see in his eyes that he was about to take back his offer, thinking he did bad.
„ I wouldn’t say no to that. ” I smiled at him gladly, taking my purse from the bar so we could go. “ Only if you truly don’t mind driving me and then getting yourself home. ” I added as I really didn’t want to be a burden on him.
“ I’m a driver, it won’t strain me. ” He let out a laugh, making me join in as we walked outside. It was a lot colder and even windier than when we arrived here. “ Oh, my jacket… ” I looked back as soon as it hit me that I left it inside. I was just about to go back, even though I hated the thought of having to talk to Julien as I had to take it from next to him, when my shoulders got covered with comfortable warmth and looking back forward I saw as Pierre let go of his own coat that was now on me.
“ Stay here, I’m gonna get my car and pick you up from here. ” He said before I could even react to him giving me his jacket, and the only thing I could do was wait while I watched him walk away, towards the parking lot. My surprise would have been evident for any onlooker, as I stood there clutching his jacket around myself and thinking about what was actually happening.
It wasn’t even five minutes later when he parked down in front of me and I got into the sportscar. I wasn’t really surprised that he had one but still, it took me off guard for a second before I shook myself out of it. He was a smooth driver, I didn’t have any problems with his style and he did get me to the hotel in one piece. I was actually sad when it was time for me to get out and say goodbye to him, but I really hoped we would meet sometime again, but couldn’t muster up the courage to ask for his number or offer mine to him. I would have gladly had a chat with him once in a while about anything though. He was a perfect conversation partner, next to whom you can easily mention anything without fearing his response.
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How to Design a Functional and Stylish Loft Retreat
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The attic is often one of the most underutilised spaces in a home, yet it offers immense potential for creative transformation. With thoughtful planning and a dash of creativity, an attic can be converted into anything from a tranquil retreat to a bustling playroom. This article explores a variety of imaginative and practical ideas for attic makeovers, helping you design a space that is not only functional but also stylish and personal. 1. Setting the Stage: Initial Planning Before diving into the aesthetic details, it's important to address the practical aspects of converting your attic: - Structural Integrity: Consulting with a structural engineer is essential to ensure your attic can handle the conversion, particularly the floor's ability to support additional weight. - Insulation and Ventilation: Proper insulation is crucial for maintaining comfort, while adequate ventilation will prevent moisture buildup and regulate temperature. 2. Choose Your Attic's New Purpose The function of your new attic space should reflect your household's needs. Here are a few ideas: - Home Office: With more people working from home, an attic office offers a secluded space away from daily distractions. - Guest Suite: Adding a guest bedroom and possibly a small bathroom can provide privacy and comfort for visitors. - Creative Studio: Artists or hobbyists can benefit from a dedicated space for painting, crafting, or music. 3. Creative Design and Layout Maximizing an attic's quirky layout can lead to truly creative design solutions: - Embrace Angled Ceilings: Instead of fighting the sloped ceilings, use them to your advantage. Install skylights for natural light or create built-in storage beneath them. - Open Floor Plan: Keep the space open to avoid a cramped feeling. Use furniture and rugs to define different areas without erecting walls. - Smart Storage: Utilise every nook for storage. Custom shelving and cabinets that fit into irregular spaces can hide clutter and maintain a sleek look. 4. Styling Your Attic Space Decorating your attic should be an expression of your personal style and the room's function: - Colour Palette: Light colours make a room feel bigger and brighter. Use soft shades on the walls and ceiling to create a sense of height and space. - Textures and Materials: Combine various textures to add interest and cosiness. Wood beams, plush rugs, and soft throws can make the space feel inviting. - Lighting: Layered lighting is crucial in attics, where natural light may be scarce. Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to enhance functionality and mood. 5. Overcoming Design Challenges Attics come with inherent challenges that can be turned into design features: - Eaves and Corners: Turn these into cosy reading nooks, play areas for kids, or bespoke storage units. - Access Solutions: If your attic access is limited, consider installing a spiral staircase or a more robust pull-down Fakro loft ladder to enhance safety and accessibility. - Temperature Control: Attics can be hot in summer and cold in winter. Invest in a good HVAC solution or consider portable heaters and fans for temperature regulation. 6. Adding Personal Touches Finalize your attic makeover with personal touches that reflect your interests and tastes: - Artwork and Decorations: Choose art that speaks to you; this can be an inspiring finishing touch for a workspace or a comforting element in a bedroom. - Functional Decor: Items like stylish baskets for storage or an ornate mirror can serve practical purposes while enhancing the decor. - Thematic Elements: If your attic has a specific theme (like a nautical-themed playroom), incorporate elements that bolster this theme, such as decor, textiles, and colours. A creative attic makeover not only adds valuable living space to your home but also offers a unique opportunity to design a room that perfectly suits your needs and aesthetic preferences. Whether you're crafting a serene escape or a vibrant play area, your attic can become one of the most cherished spaces in your home, combining style, functionality, and comfort. Read the full article
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beatricecrumplebottom · 10 months
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Only the Goth family has enough funds to move into their intended house immediately. I haven't found the intended home for the Brokes or if there is a home for the Oldies or Burbs.
So far, I'd done a little interior work on:
Summerdream home - The top floor is now mirrored, with Bottom's bedroom the same shape as Puck's (and has at least one window!)The larger bedrooms at the end got chopped in half to make way for two bathrooms.
Pleasant house - Lilith's bedroom got a slight enlargement and turned into a bedroom with ensuite for the Oldies, and Lilith is sharing her sister's room.
Caliente condo - The living room was chopped in half to give Dina a bedroom that was more private, and her old bedroom was turned into a more public space. Otherwise her sister and guests would wander through her bedroom to get to the hot tub and roof.
Now for makeovers and move ins, I guess?
Edit: Plonked down a little lot for makeovers and to give each family more money and this is what I'm greeted with. Still have absolutely no idea what causes the terrain to do that. And bits and pieces turn pink soup. Was the cause of pink soup ever discovered?
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augment-techs · 4 months
It's past midnight. Skull finds himself feeling a little cold, and his eyes open, and he realises his husband is missing, and his daily snuggle of bodily warmth is missing. That can not do. He NEEDS his Billy to be beside him to sleep, so Skull gets up, and off, and goes on a hunt through the house, looking for his husband. He finds him sitting on the living room couch, legs crossed, staring at a wall. "What happened, Bones?" he asks, and Billy raises his eyebrows, "ummm... couldn't sleep." Skull sits by his side, "and looking at a wall helps?" he asks, and Billy shakes his head, "i dunno what else to do. You'd have woken up if I'd have done anything else... i didn't want you to wake up" a small peck on the cheek has Skull blushing, "you know what? I firmly believe you cannot sleep if your tummy is empty and grumbling. I think we need a midnight snack". Billy looks at Skull, amused. They'd had thai takeout for dinner, he wasn't particularly hungry. But the way Skull drags him to the kitchen, hunting for the perfect midnight snack, Billy knows he can't help it. He's blushing. He'd eat anything Skull feeds him at this hour, to be honest.
Kim decides to paint their spare bedroom, one fine morning. "What do you mean paint the bedroom?" Bulk asks, when she puts the thought in front of him, the next morning, she tilts her head, "I mean, it's a long weekened, and the guests bedroom looks drab as fuck. i think it needs a makeover." Cue the both of them wearing smocks, bandanas on their hair, and bringing out cans of paint, big big big brushes, and painting the entire room pastel purple and pink. They also toss paint over each other, they also laugh and giggle and every time kim puts a dot of paint on Bulk's nose— it happens more often than you'd expect— he picks her up and spins her around because she's just so tiny its easy to pick her up. It's so cute. And then, once they're done, there's paint on them that wouldn't come off, and they need kerosene oil to rub it off of each other, and...well.. shenanigans ensue...
Javi and Amelia went shopping. They returned with like fifteen bags of dresses and stuff. ALL the stuff that they didn't need. They're trying it all out, Amelia's wearing dresses, checking fitting, how it looks on her, asking Javi for opinions, Javi is digging through the marshmallows, and in one particularly "sexy" dress, goes, "you look like a fish. i don’t like it". Amelia puffs up like a pufferfish, offended, absolutely. "Let's see you carrying this, then?" she asks, and Javi tilts his head, "why not". Few seconds later, he's wearing the dress, she's wrapped a towel around him, and Amelia goes... oh hot damn, because Javi in the dress looks... well... ;) and then, to hide these emotions, she starts laughing— and kabedon. Javi has her pinned, and in an absolutely husky voice, he whispers, "unzip my dress..."
...Gonna send more...
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-The ultimate win-win situation, having a husband who always notices when you've gone and who will just automatically feed you when stressed~
-I have no idea why, but this is making my brain flash to the stupid pottery scene in 'Ghost' because of the domestic-sexy balance here.
-....I feel like I should be more embarrassed at being perceived when it comes to men in dresses, but I accept that this is just part of my weaknesses now.
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keyrousse · 6 months
I FINALLY unpacked the last cardboard box that had been looking at me with pleading eyes from my office/storage room armchair since the makeover of the room in OCTOBER.
Just because I didn't want it to be looking at me with pleading eyes at the beginning of the new year.
The room is still messy (in the state of eternal untidiness), but it's the only storage space I can have and I don't invite guests here anyway.
Now can someone tell those idiots outside that there's still over 10 hours until midnight and can they please not fire their fireworks at 2 PM and make all neighbourhood dogs either bark or try to hide.
(Mrówka doesn't care. Balbina looks even more spooked than usual.)
Also, advice: if you need an idea for lunch or dinner for three days, soup (from frozen veggies for example; cooking some pieces of meat and bones you can get in grocery stores as a base is optional, but in my meat-eater case it helps) is always a good option. Spoken freom experience (I've forgotten about it until yesterday). Unless you don't like soup, then maybe some stew. If you don't like that either, then I can't help you.
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Hello! I'd want hate sex, but I have no idea who to have it between. I suppose I'll let you pick it.
Ace and Michinaga's horrendous vibes have captivated my very soul, so let's have some of them. extreme makeover: home edition
Michinaga spends the whole fucking morning batting away cameramen and muttering, "I do not consent to being filmed," like it's a mantra or a magic spell. He's got work to do, he doesn't have the time to let these guys hover at his elbow or listen to some talk show host's obnoxious patter.
Near midday, though, he's struck by a sense of intense foreboding, and he turns around to see the site foreman chatting all cozy with Ukiyo fucking Ace and pointing at him, seconds before they both turn and the foreman shouts, "Hey, Azuma!"
He suppresses the urge to roll his eyes. "Yeah?"
"Get over here." And then, when he's over there, "Mr. Ukiyo--"
"You can just call me Ace," with a pleasant smile that Michinaga wants to punch.
"Mr. Ace wants to take a look at some of the work we've done so far, wants you to show him around." The foreman's tucking something into his jacket that Michinaga is disgusted to realize is a signed headshot--but then right, yeah, he's got a teenage daughter, she's probably a fan. "And try not to be an asshole, ok?"
Michinaga makes a face at him and then says, almost mechanically at this point, "I do not consent to being filmed."
"Oh, don't worry about that." Ace beams at him. "The film crew's on lunch, this is just my personal interest in how the work's going."
"Well...good." Michinaga pinches the bridge of his nose. "So let's...get going, then."
As soon as they're in one of the mostly-finished rooms--a guest bedroom, from the notation in marker on the door frame--Michinaga grabs Ace by the lapels and shoves him into the unpainted wall. "What the fuck are you doing here? Did you know my crew was working here?"
"No, actually, it was just a nice surprise." Ace looks way too calm for someone pinned to a wall. "Did you know that this was my house?"
"Fuck no, they're all just buildings to me. Did you ask the boss for specifically me to give you this goddamn tour?"
"Of course."
"Pleasure of your company."
"I cannot fucking stand you."
There's a beat, and then Ace glances down between them, eyebrows rising. "You're not happy to see me at all?"
What's he fucking looking--oh, goddammit. "Hardly. It's just the adrenaline from how bad I want to kick your ass."
There's a long silence as they stare at each other, Michinaga angrily, Ace looking pleased, and then--Ace reaches out to the side and pushes the just-hung door closed, hinges silent as it swings shut.
Michinaga flicks a sidelong glance at the door as the latch catches and then says, "I don't fucking know why I keep letting you talk me into this shit."
Ace shrugs. "Not sure, but I appreciate it."
"Oh, shut up."
Michinaga's the one with his back to the wall now, but he's hardly pinned, because Ace is on his knees with one of Michinaga's hands in his no-longer-perfect hair. Manicured fingernails curl against Michinaga's stomach, one of Ace's hands shoved up under the hem of his t-shirt, and they have got to stop doing this. And they will, this is definitely going to be the last time, but right now Ace is making these little sighing noises like he couldn't want anything more than to be kneeling on the bare floor with Michinaga's cock in his mouth and all it makes Michinaga wants to do is grab his hair tighter and push his head down.
So he does, and Ace just shudders, eyes drifting closed like that's exactly what he wanted to happen, and Michinaga says, "Fucking hell, it always throws me off how much you get off on this."
A frustratingly elegant little shrug, a raised eyebrow--
"Don't fucking give me that look."
Ace pulls back and says, sounding a bit hoarse, "This is just what my face looks like, if you don't want me to look at you it's going to be difficult to keep this up." His cheeks are flushed, mouth bruised red, and his hair is falling in his eyes. "Do you want me to stop?"
Michinaga rolls his eyes. "Right, fine, you naturally look like an obnoxious asshole and I've just gotta run with it."
"Exactly. Now if you don't mind I'm going to get back to what I was doing."
"You fucking better."
He's somehow even more enthusiastic about it now, taking Michinaga so deep that his nose is buried in Michinaga's pubic hair. Michinaga's head thumps back against the wall. He feels like he's winding up, like the wet heat of Ace's mouth on his cock and the verging grip of his throat around the head are the entire world. And fuck, Ace is looking up at him again, which he knows because he's looking down at Ace and Ace's lips stretched around his cock.
Too much, he's going to fucking--
He tightens his grip, drags Ace's head back back, and comes all over that smug fucking face while Ace's mouth is still hanging open in surprise.
Ace blinks in what looks, gratifyingly, like actual shock. There are droplets of Michinaga's come clinging to his eyelashes, rolling down his left cheek, dripping from his upper lip into his mouth. After a moment he says, "Maybe I should have seen that coming."
Michinaga is already zipping up his pants and tugging his shirt back down. "I have work I should be doing." He steps over Ace's knees, reaches for the door knob, and then pauses and digs a half-empty package of tissues out of his jacket pocket and tosses them into Ace's lap. "I figure you know where the bathroom is if you want to clean up. After all, it's your house."
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victoria-writes · 2 years
Pls ur are like the only person who writes for all saints street I’m begging for more
Ask and you shall receive! Sorry this took so long. It was sitting in my drafts for forever
Bad First Impression, Lynn Angel x Reader (Gender-Neutral)
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Word Count: 1,706 Summary: Your first time meeting Lynn doesn’t go very smoothly.  
Read it on AO3 too
When you first met him, you thought he had a stick up his ass. 
You had been friends with Niel and Ira for a while. You’d met online while playing a video game together. After a while, the three of you started hanging out irl. Turns out you had a lot in common with them. You loved animals like Nini and would visit the shop he worked at. You’d play video games with them online. You even guest starred in one of Ira’s streams. Soon enough, the three of you were attached at the hip. One day, as the three of you wandered between shops, an idea came to mind.
“You should come over to our flat sometime”, said Ira in between slurps of his blood boba.
“Sure! I’d love to.” 
The next time the three of you met, you did exactly that. 
“Wooow your apartment’s so big!”
“Let us give you the grand tour”, said Nini excitedly.
First stop was Nini’s room. With a nostalgic smile on his face and his hands on his hips, Ira told you about how he gave it a “hell makeover” for him when he first moved in. Nini’s face scrunches up at the memory. 
After that, the three of you go room by room. You meet Damao and Abu. They both introduce themselves and chat with you for a bit, just basic small talk. The three of you head downstairs to the living room afterwards. It was video game time. You spend a few hours playing game after game, mario kart, street fighter, you name it. Time flew and it had been hours. You hadn’t even realized it was so late until the front door opened. 
Low and behold, there he was. Blonde hair, big white wings, sweatervest, suitcase in hand, and a scrunched up face. Niel and you both turned to face him while Ira kept his eyes on the TV screen, both of his feet propped up on the coffee table. 
“Oh, hi Mr. Lynn. Y/N this is Mr. Lynn. He’s our roommate and superintendent”, Niel said.
“Nice to meet you-”
“No guests after midnight. You should leave. Ira, take your feet off of the coffee table.”, Lynn said coldly, cutting you off before you could finish greeting him. 
“This place is a mess”, he mutters under his breath, loud enough for the three of you to hear. 
Ira slowly took his feet off of the table with a wide-eyed look.
“Is it already that late? Sorry, Mr. Lynn!”, Niel sheepishly replied. “Oh, I didn’t know that was a rule”, you said.
“It is. Please clean up the mess you made and leave”, Lynn’s stern voice hits your ears. He walks into his room and closed the door before you could say anything else.
“Sorry about that, Y/N. Mr. Lynn can be pretty strict about the flat rules”.
“Yeah, he’s not the nicest person when we break them”, Ira says as he puts his feet back up on the coffee table, but not before sparing a glance towards Lynn’s room. 
“It’s fine. It’s late and I should get going anyway. Thanks for inviting me over”, you say as you gather your things and clean up the bags of snacks scattered all over the table. You couldn’t deny you were a bit annoyed by the way Lynn had told you to leave so rudely. Niel grabs the the empty drink containers and throws them into the trash can.
“Sorry for keeping you so late. You’re welcome over any time”, Niel says nervously as he walks you to the front door.
“Yeah, mate, come over soon so I can kick your ass in smash bros again”, Ira gives a lazy wave from his spot on the couch.
You say your goodbyes and head home.
You felt awkward coming over again after that encounter. Niel and Ira told you that Lynn was usually busy and out of the apartment, but still. Niel insisted that Lynn really wasn’t that bad and that you should give him a chance. The next few times you hang out with Niel and Ira it’s at your apartment or places around town. Discord chats consisting of
“Hey, Y/N, wanna come over and play smash?” “I was actually gonna do some shopping downtown. Wanna join me?” “Sure”
“VR at our place??” “Sure, but how about we grab a bite to eat first?”.
Those “quick bite to eat”s would turn into chatting in a ramen shop for hours until it was too late to come over. You didn’t always do it on purpose! You swore it was a coincidence, but a part of you was glad. 
Eventually, your excuses would run out, like today.
“Y/N!! Come over and have dinner with us! We’re having hot pot :3”
You read the text chat and mull it over for a minute. Damn you, love of hot pot! You folded, like a chair. 
“Sure what time” Niel gives you the details and you come over. You’re not even halfway through the front door when the smell hits you. It’s heavenly. Maybe because Lynn threw in some special angel seasoning. 
“Hey, guys! Woah, food smells great”.
“Y/N! Thanks for coming!”, Niel smiles as he gives you a hug.
“Hey, Y/N. Glad you could make it”, Ira gives you a side hug once Niel’s done with his.
You take off your shoes and follow them into the dining room. The table is covered with plates of food with a huge hot pot in the center. The characters around the table are just as colorful, with some you haven’t met yet. You greet Abu and Damao. 
“You must be Y/N! Nice to meet you! I’m Lily. I like your outfit!”, a young blonde-haired angel enthusiastically shakes your hand. 
“Nice to meet you too. Thank you”, you reply nervously, not having expected the compliment. 
“Lily is my sister. It occurred to me that I never properly introduced myself. I apologize. I’m Lynn. It’s nice to meet you.”, Lynn awkwardly sticks out his hand for you to shake. It seems like he felt a bit guilty for scolding you last time. 
“No worries. It’s nice to meet you too”, you say with a smile as you shake his hand. 
It’s not exactly an apology, but hey, you’ll take what you can get. You did still break the rules after all (even thought you didn’t know about them beforehand). He seems to relax at this and cracks a small smile. That is, until he hears a familiar voice.
“Oh my god. Where have they been hiding you?”, a thick Australian accent hits your ears, but the voice is too deep to be Niel’s. An arm slings around your shoulder. Looking up, you see a demon with dark hair and red horns smiling at you.
“You’re gorgeous. My name’s Nick, but you can call me any time”, he says with a wink.
“Oh, uh, hi”.
“Nick, you weren’t invited. What are you doing here?”, Lynn calls out irritated. 
“Lynn! I’m offended!” “Then you should leave”
“I’ll forgive you if the apology is food”
“You’re not having dinner with us. I only made enough for- hey!” Nick pulls Lynn into a tight side hug, “Don’t worry about cooking more for me. I’ll survive”.
Lynn is getting more irriated by the second as Nick squishes him. 
“Go away, Nick”, Niel chimes in.
You look at him surprised. You’ve never seen Neil so annoyed before. He has such a gloomy aura about him…scary.
Nick gasps dramatically, “Et tu, Neil? So much for family love!”.
“You guys are family?”, you question.
“No”, Neil instantly replies. 
“Neil hasn’t told you about me? I’m his older brother.”, Nick ignores his comment. 
“Half-brother”, you hear Neil mutter. 
“I’m a very loving and nurturing figure in his life. I’m a provider. I provide.”, he smiles at you. The message is clear, “I can provide FOR YOU. You can swoon now.”. You’ve clearly bewitched him with your awkward, slouched figure. That or he’s a playboy. You’ll go with option B. 
“Oh, that’s very… nice of you”, you say slowly.
“Except he’s lying”, Neil spits out hatefully as he crosses his arms.  “We should grab another chair for Nick!”, Lily’s cheery voice cuts through the tension, like a butter knife. 
 Before anyone can stop him, Damao goes into the living room and returns with a chair that doesn’t match any of the others at the table. Whether he was as naive as Lily or if he just wanted the arguing to be over is anyone’s guess. 
Everyone takes a seat. Lynn, Lily, and Neil sit next to each other on one side of the table. Neil looks ecstatic about sitting next to Lily but Lynn looks like he wants to decapitate him. It doesn’t help that across from him is Nick. Who, of course, chose to sit next to you. Damao also sits next to you. Abu and Ira sit at either end of the table. Lynn tosses some meat and vegetables to cook into the hot pot. Lily starts chatting happily about school and others start to chime into the conversation. 
“How about you?”, Lily asks her older brother. 
“Good. My professor said that my thesis has a good foundation but needs more research”, Lynn responds.
“Are you a grad student, Lynn?”, you question.
“Yes, I’m getting my phD in anthropology”.
“That’s great! I’m considering going to grad school too. What do you think of it so far?” “It’s hard work, but rewarding. This isn’t my first time attending a grad school.” “Oh?” “Yes, I have 107 phDs”
“What! 107? That’s insane! That’s so cool!”, you praise him.
His cheeks turn red at the compliment, “Ah, it’s really no big deal”.
“No big deal? One phD is crazy hard, but 107! That’s a huge deal”, you continue.
He’s cracked a rather large smile and is blushing harder than he has in years. Hearing you praise him makes him happy. It doesn’t help that he thinks you’re attractive, not that he would admit that. 
“Would you like more broth, Y/N?”, he offers.
“Yes, please”, you hand him your bowl. 
Maybe the two of you can get along after all. 
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wil-is-done · 2 years
Blue Flashes - Chapter 1
Summary: Humans are weird. Their arms are too long and ungainly. Their legs are twice the length of frog legs, but they can only jump half the height. Their tongues look shriveled and fragile, like it's diseased. The town is rightfully wary, but the Plantars are learning to live with these oddities during the course of their human guest's stay in their household. But, even they can't get over how, sometimes, a human's eyes flashes blue.
Word Count: 1.407
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
"Um, Anne, what are you doing?"
Polly had just warded off yet another unsuccessful attempt by Hop Pop to bathe her and was hopping her merry way to the kitchen for a quick victory snack - she's thinking coco-covered maggots today - when she stumbled upon quite an odd sight. Anne was lying face down on the living room floor, her butt raised in the air, her arm shoved underneath a drawer, and her face scrunched up like she's taking a dump after a bowl of grub at pre-makeover Stumpy's. Whatever weird human ritual she's doing, it definitely took up all of her focus, since a solid five seconds passed before she mustered up a reply.
"Dropped my phone," she replied, followed by a grunt. Her arm was doing a lot of finagling around under that drawer. "Slid under this, ugh, stupid drawer."
Ah, okay, that made sense. Not some weird human ritual, then.
With a growl, Anne pulled her arm out and sat back on her knees. She made a face upon noticing the coat of dirt and dust on the hand that she stuck under the drawer, and hastily wiped it off on her skirt. "How deep did that stupid thing go?!" She leaned down again, peering into the small gap between the ground and the drawer. "And it's too dang dark to see anything!"
Polly nodded, a short hum leaving her lips. She'd been in that predicament a few times before, and each time it sucked. Her tiny little nubs didn't help matters any (Frog, she couldn't wait until she's all grown-up). "Well, good luck with that," she said, before turning around and hopping away, because this was none of her business. Her coco maggots await.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Polly was stopped in her tracks when one of Anne's gangly limbs blocked her path. Before she realized what was going on, Anne had scooped her off of the floor. "Here's an idea!"
"Wha- hey! I did not consent to this!" Polly cried, wriggling wildly in Anne's hands, but it wasn't enough to loosen Anne's grip. Polly's protests fell on deaf ears, too. Carelessly, Anne dropped her upside down beside the drawer. She glared daggers up - or, down - at Anne, but even that got ignored.
Anne knelt next to the drawer and pointed to the gap underneath it, wearing a too-wide smile. Was she not seeing an upside down polliwog in front of her? "I'll lift the drawer up just enough to make a bigger gap. Then, you can hop in there and grab my phone."
Polly righted herself, her glare softening into more of an annoyed frown. Her eyes went from Anne to the drawer. Even from looks alone, Polly could tell the it was heavy - too heavy to be lifted with your bare hands. It was made from solid ironwood, Hop Pop had told her once (not sure why she remembered), several inches thick, and six stacks tall. Heck, it's probably the sturdiest thing in the whole dang house. If Anne had noticed the issue, then it didn't stop her from squatting in front of the drawer and firmly gripping its underside with both hands.
Polly rolled her eyes. "Anne..."
"Ready? One, two, three!" With a heave, Anne pushed her legs against the floor, straining to actually lift the drawer. A for effort, but predictably, it didn't budge.
Polly stared in amusement, a small smirk on her lips. "Pretty sure that thing is bolted to the floor." It was either this one, or the one in Hop Pop's bedroom.
"I'm doing it!" Anne exclaimed, definitely not doing it, and definitely not hearing what Polly just said. "Just gotta lift with my back, and-!"
She cut herself off with a grunt, going for another attempt. Polly had to admit, the first minute was pretty amusing to watch. Anne makes the best faces when she felt like no one was looking. She even had almost forgotten about her coco maggots during that time. The second minute, not so much. It got a bit hard to just stand there while Anne was genuinely giving her all in trying to lift the drawer. Especially once it became very clear that Anne will hurt herself before the thought of stopping crossed her mind.
Fun's fun while it lasted.
"Anne, stop, that's not going to work," Polly said. This time, it looked like Anne heard her, because she paused. Froze, even. Her eyes slowly grew wider, distant, and genuinely fearful, and Polly was suddenly afraid she'd said something wrong.
"No, no, no!" Anne shook her head furiously. She clenched her eyes shut, restarting her attempt with twice the effort behind it. "I can't! I cannot lose my phone!"
Polly inched back, surprised. During the few weeks that Anne had stayed with them, Polly had never seen her act quite like this. It reminded her, almost, to the time Anne's phone died (even if she still wasn't sure exactly what that meant). Anne's breathing became short and clipped. Droplets of sweat began to soak her forehead and neck. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes. Her hands gripping the drawer started trembling, but she never let go. She never stopped trying to lift it. If anything, her next attempt was almost manic.
"Can't-! Have to-! Get it! Back!"
Polly was still only a polliwog, but she'd seen panic attacks before. And Anne's having it. Anne's having it bad.
Polly did the only thing she could think of. She hopped closer to Anne and started screaming in her ear, because she was still only a polliwog.
"Anne! Calm! Down!" she yelled with each hop. "Look, I'll find a broom and-"
Anne's eyes shot open. Her pupils flashed a bright blue.
Polly's words died in her throat.
Once again, Anne pulled. A guttural growl left her throat, and it grew into a harsh scream, and it grew into a terrifying roar. The legs of the drawer creaked like they're in pain, the wood bent nearly to the point of breaking. Apparently, this drawer was the one that was bolted to the floor. And those bolts flew out of place, one by one, shooting off wildly all over the living room. One nearly grazed Polly. As Anne's voice hit a crescendo, she had lifted the drawer up to her thigh, creating a more than enough gap for Polly to grab Anne's phone. Except Polly was rooted in place, her mouth hanging open, staring at Anne in shock and awe.
"Polly! Grab it! Quick!" Anne's words were harsh, like a slap in face, bringing Polly out of her reverie.
Polly hurriedly hopped under the drawer, picked up Anne's phone, and hopped out. "Got it!"
Anne lets go of the drawer with a cry, stumbling back and falling on her butt. The drawer landed with an echoing boom. Polly could've sworn the whole house shook for a moment. Anne shook her hands, hissing in pain and muttering softly to herself. Polly quietly let her take a moment to recover. She deserved it, after doing that. She held the phone out to Anne, for her to take when she was ready.
A moment passed. Anne's face lit up when she saw Polly holding up her phone. She snatched it out of Polly's nubs like it's a priceless jewel, and nuzzled it against her cheek. "Oh, my baby, sweetheart, I am so, so sorry!" she cooed, almost breathless, but at least she did it with a smile. A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Momma's never gonna treat you bad again, you hear me?"
Anne breathed a huge sigh of relief, collapsing onto her back. She closed her eyes, clutched her phone tight with both hands, and held it close to her heart. The sight almost made Polly forget that only moments ago she ripped a drawer of solid ironwood out of the floor with her bare hands. Almost.
Then, as if nothing crazy didn't just happen, Anne rose to her feet and walked away with a skip in her step. "Thanks a ton, Polly!"
Before Polly had a chance to say anything, Anne had already retreated into her cellar-bedroom. Polly was left alone to process what she just saw. Or, at least, attempt to. Her gaze wandered to the drawer, now lying half-sunken into the floor. No frog could've done that on their own.
"Y-yeah. Don't mention it."
Humans are weird.
So, Amphibia's pretty good so far, huh? I'm certainly enjoying myself with it. Decided to jump into the theorizing rabbit hole early with this one. Fingers crossed it's the right hole.
This was originally supposed to be a oneshot, but it ran a bit longer than I thought it would, enough to split it up into three chapters, so that's exactly what I did. Besides, I wanted to get something out about this theory before the season finale debunked it or something.
But seriously, if this theory does come true, then this show really is an isekai anime.
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clowncollectr · 2 years
Arknights - Won't you look at me? (Liang Xun / Lee) - Chapter 2
Rating: G (this chapter), E / M (whole story)
Word Count: 2888 (this chapter), 11117 (whole story)
Summary: The person he’s spent his entire life looking at has finally noticed him and returned his feelings. A lifelong dream come true. Lee should have already been satisfied with just this. There was no need to monopolize his attention. But he still wanted it.
AO3 Link
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Extra
Chapter 2 Honestly, I don’t feel any different.
Lee examined himself in the vanity mirror attached to the desk, looking over the items he’d bought today. He had purchased those spectacles he saw in the display window, which frankly he still felt was a little too much for his taste. He also purchased a couple other things, namely a simple red piece of cloth to tie his hair back with, a black Tangzhuang jacket with red accents, a plain white shirt, and a few loose pendants to wear around his neck. Overall, it wasn’t much of a makeover for him, but it was different enough from his usual attire without making him feel overdressed. He had put everything on already save for the red cloth, which he grabbed off the drawer table before pulling his hair back to tie it into a small high ponytail. While tying his hair with both hands, he tilted his head to the side, examining the hanging ornaments from the rim of his glasses. He thinks that this is the part where there should have been some kind of magical transformation already, like the kind in those movies his kids like to watch. But he only saw himself in the mirror. More or less the same person as before. Just a bit fancier.
Well, it doesn’t matter what he thinks. The goal is to see what that other person thinks right? He wonders when would be a good time to approach him. He thought about visiting him now, but it was already past dinner. Lee had eaten alone in the dining room earlier, being the mansion’s only guest at the moment. 
If Liang Xun is only back now, then he’s probably very tired.  
Lee sighed again and moved his hand to untie the cloth holding up his hair. Before he could do it, however, the sound of a knock came from his door.
“Come in.” Lee said tiredly, expecting one of the retainers who would frequently stop by and ask if he needed fresh sheets or something similar.
“Lee…um, sorry did I interrupt?”
Lee turned his head to see Liang Xun standing at the doorway to his room. The other man had a surprised look on his face, as if he wasn’t expecting the person he sees now when he opened the door. Lee was also surprised, but he smiled back at him and silently thanked the world for his good fortune.
“Liang Xun, even now you somehow found the time to see me. Aren’t you up to your eyeballs in paperwork right now?
“Of course. I really am sorry. You came all this way for me, but I can’t even find time to eat dinner with you.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve found other ways to kill time. Even if I like the idea of dinner with you a little more.”
It was a complete lie. He’s been aimlessly wandering around the streets for about 4 days now, uninterested and lonely. But this person didn’t need to know that. What Lee did want to know, however, was what Liang Xun thought of his current appearance. He wonders if he actually looked good in it. He doesn’t particularly feel one way or another about it. So Lee sets his elbow on the desk he currently sits in front of, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand as he tilts his head a little. The movement causes the charms hanging from his glasses to sway a little as they clank against the chains. He looks at Liang Xun expectantly. It was his turn to say something, and it would make sense for him to comment on his unusual appearance, right?
But that’s not what happens. Instead Liang Xun coughs awkwardly and looks away from him, barely maintaining eye contact as he speaks.
“I don’t want to make you any promises I can’t keep, so please wait a little longer.”
Lee appreciated his words. He really did. And it was sweet of him to visit him like this. But what’s with that reaction? He won’t even look at him. Isn’t this the opposite of what was supposed to happen? It’s confusing. If what he was wearing right now didn’t suit him, then surely it wouldn’t warrant such an extreme response. Lee wants to ask him about it, but he’s not sure his pride could take the answer. He wanted to surprise his lover by visiting him but got the timing completely wrong. Then, he went out of his way to dress nice to impress him but somehow failed so spectacularly that now he wouldn’t even look at him. He doesn’t think he could handle the emotional damage Liang Xun’s answer could cause to him. At that point, he thinks someone might knock on his door only to shake his hand and award him the title of “Most Pathetic Man on Terra”. So he doesn’t bring it up and instead continues the conversation as if nothing is wrong. Although his tail is a lot more honest than him, drooping sadly from the back of his chair.
“Of course, of course. The venerable Mr. Liang needs to look out for his people too. What kind of demon would I be to keep him all to myself?”
Liang Xun laughed softly and moved away from the door to approach Lee. His movements are slow but deliberate and it isn’t long before he reaches for Lee’s hand, the one the carp’s not currently leaning on. He brings it to his lips and places a small kiss on the front of his beloved’s hand before gently setting it back down.
“I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I need to go now. Sleep well, Lee.”
Without saying anything else, Liang Xun turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him. Caught off guard, Lee was frozen in place as his mind simultaneously thought of everything and nothing at all. Once he was finally able to move, all he could do was bury his face in his hands, which still felt a vague sense of tingling from a certain cool spot on the back of one. Lee grunted a bit and mumbled under his breath.
“Don’t think I’ll forgive your reaction earlier just because of this. Ugh, cheater. What a dirty trick…”
His face felt way too hot. He couldn’t tell if he was upset or happy. The best thing to do would be to get changed and go to bed. He needed a break from thinking.
Lee woke up in a daze. He still remembers the events of last night vividly. For the sake of his heart, he decided to focus on the first thing that happened and not the second. So his plan had failed. What now? He had spent his own money on the things he bought yesterday at least. He absolutely refuses to use Liang Xun’s money for something frivolous like this. Or if he thought about it another way, he would probably be using the people’s taxes, which is even worse.
Although it’d be payback in a way. They’re the ones keeping him from me. He thought in jest.
Regardless, he decided he’d still wear the things he bought so as to not be wasteful. It made him fit in with the other tourists better anyway. There wasn’t much for him to do today either. He walked around again for a little while but got bored quickly. Eventually, he settled for loitering at an obscure teahouse with outdoor seating. It was located far away from the popular locations, which gave him a quiet place to simply stare at the sky and get lost in his own thoughts while he sipped his tea. In hindsight it wasn’t such a good idea. Because all the thoughts that had been bothering him before began to resurface, like bubbles rising from the ocean. He thought about the way Liang Xun couldn’t look at him last night. Is his taste in fashion really that bad? Come to think of it, the last time he visited Shangshu didn’t someone tell him he looked like a sloppy man with the look of a swindler? Maybe everyone else has just been too nice to tell him about it. And Liang Xun…he’s an awful liar. Lee, Huai Tianpei, and Liang Xun used to play this card game that involved bluffing about what cards you had. He can’t think of a single time Liang Xun ever won. Whenever the Kuranta’s turn came up and he had to bluff about his hand, he’d start to sweat a little, his eyes would squint in focus, and his ears would twitch. It was hilarious. His body’s as honest as his morals. Lee smiled a little at the memory, but his smile quickly faded when he realized that maybe this was the reason Liang Xun chose to avoid the topic of his new look altogether.
Tch. Can’t even lie to call your lover pretty huh. Aaah, why do I feel like a teenage girl that’s been rejected by my crush. It shouldn’t bother me this much. All I have to do is just go back to what I usually wear. I’m too old to be acting like this.
Lee sighed. He’s been sighing a lot recently. It’s basically a new hobby for him now. His mind tries to change the topic, but it only brings him back to another depressing thought. Right now, Liang Xun is probably with all his coworkers again. He thinks about all the ones he identified as having a crush on him and wonders if they’ll try anything like that reporter did. Frowning, Lee absentmindedly rubbed that spot on the back of his hand as if to comfort himself a little.
“Huh. I didn’t think I’d run into you again.”
Lee’s eyes moved down from the clouds to the person standing in front of him. When he saw who it was, he thought the same thing. Currently, there’s a fierce-looking young woman in front of him with a slight pout permanently stuck to her face. She wears some traditional yet modern-looking clothes and boots that go a little past her knees. Looking at her tigerish yet young appearance and the orange, white, and black of her clothing, Lee is reminded of a certain other headstrong woman that wants to surpass her father and carve her own path.
“Miss Du Yaoye. What brings you to a deserted place like this?”
“I could say the same for you. Dressed like that while looking all sad in an empty teahouse. What’s the occasion anyways?”
“Do I need an excuse to dress nice? Wasn’t it you who said I had a gaudy sense of style?”
“Is it to impress your crush or something?”
Lee couldn’t help but wince a little at her words, which hit way too close to home.
“Seriously? I was joking when I said that. Wait. Are you moping around here because she rejected you?!”
Lee decides not to correct the parts of her assumptions that are wrong. There’s no reason to give her any more information. Still, the way she phrases her words is like salt on his wounds. She even makes him realize that perhaps he wouldn’t feel so upset about Liang Xun’s popularity if they didn’t have to keep their relationship somewhat of a secret. This thought made him upset, but it was really ridiculous. If his past self knew about his situation now, that is being in a romantic relationship with Liang Xun with the ability to see him frequently, his past self would rightly criticize him for being way too greedy. What was he so miserable for? It only made him feel more pathetic for feeling the way he does.
Du Yaoye notices that Lee is genuinely upset and changes her approach.
“Ahem. Well, it’s her loss. You shouldn’t be chasing after someone who won’t look back at you. Knowing you, I doubt you messed anything major up. If that’s her attitude, then she doesn't deserve you. It’s that simple.”
Lee smiled a little at her words, thinking back to how long it took for him and Liang Xun to confess to each other. She gave him sensible advice, but the development of their relationship had been exactly that. He’d been chasing after someone that didn’t look back at him for a long time, hoping that one day he would be noticed. He thinks to himself that he really is fortunate to get the happy ending he did. As Miss Du says, this typically isn’t how these things go. And perhaps in another world, he would have just been another fool wasting his time.
Du Yaoye observes the sentimental and smitten look on Lee’s face. She realizes that trying to convince this person to move on is pointless.
“It’s that serious?”
“Oh definitely. I’m completely hopeless when it comes to them.”
The young woman sighs and pulls back a chair to sit across from Lee. She waves at a server so she can order herself some tea before looking back at him.
“Hmph. Well, if it’s meant to be, then I’m sure she’ll notice you eventually. Just don’t let yourself get walked on. Have some confidence. Maybe you just need to wait a little longer?”
Lee chuckles a bit at her words.
“Don’t worry. I think I’m quite experienced at doing that.”
They spend another hour or two catching up and just enjoying each other’s company over some tea. Lee thinks it’s quite funny that he’s reached a point in his life where he’s getting relationship advice from a girl half his age. But to be honest, Miss Du’s encouragement lifted his spirits a lot. He was in a bad mood now, but it’s not like it was a permanent arrangement. And maybe hecould take another stab at the whole makeover thing. Even if the results weren’t what he wanted the first time, he had to admit that having a task and goal was a lot healthier than “looking all sad in an empty teahouse” as Miss Du puts it. Reluctantly, he asks her for some pointers on how to dress. Someone her age is probably more mindful of the latest trends after all. Du Yaoye’s response to this was to roar with hysterical laughter, commenting about the absurdity of this request while barely keeping herself together.
“D-do you…pfft…do you want me to tell you to go for a cute skirt that shows off your thighs? Ahaha!”
Lee pretends to be hurt by her reaction, but eventually he starts to laugh with her. Indeed, their unexpected friendship has taken an odd turn. To her, he’s basically asked Miss Du to play the part of the supportive best friend that helps him get the man of his dreams. Not that that was really the situation he was in right now. But imagining such a silly scenario, it honestly improved his mood a lot. Despite her initial reaction, Du Yaoye took Lee’s request completely seriously. After her laughter had died off, she began to list out all the shops in Shangshu that are likely to sell clothes fitting for Lee’s appearance and usual sense of style.
“Avoid this place. It’s a total rip off.”
“Not a lot of people know about this store, but you can find some great accessories here for a bargain if you look hard enough.”
“Go for something that shows off your figure a little better. If I see you wearing those baggy pants from last time, I swear to god I’m going to dropkick you right in front of your sweetheart!!!”
At some point, Lee took out the notepad that he always keeps on himself and started taking notes. Always good to have one when you’re investigating. Although he never thought he’d be using it to write down trendy shopping locations like he is right now. By the time Miss Du was done with her suggestions, Lee felt that he could probably write a comprehensive Shangshu shopping guide for tourists. She didn’t bring attention to it, but she looked clearly proud of her efforts and before saying her goodbyes, Du Yaoye made Lee swear that he would tell her whether her advice bore any fruit. Lee’s not sure how he would show her the results in person, so he decides that he’ll just write her a letter once he’s back in Lungmen. It’s good to have more contacts in different cities after all. 
Once he was alone again, Lee looked at the sky once more. He noticed that the sun was setting for the day and decided that he would try out her suggestions tomorrow. Even if what he’s doing is ridiculous, Miss Du’s encouragement and passionate advice makes him think that it could be fun. He certainly had more fun today than he’s had this entire trip so far. Sharing tea with a companion, it really is a completely different experience.
Lee walks with a slight skip in his step on his way back to Liang Xun’s residence. It’s unlikely that the other man can join him for dinner tonight either. But that’s alright. Miss Du was right in saying that he needed to be patient. And who knows? It might be fun to see it as a little challenge.
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coastdesignbuild · 13 days
House Remodel San Diego Professionals For An Excellent Result
Do you own a property that is too old or you want that to be improved? Maintenance, repair, and other services should be performed on a regular basis, if you want the best of your home. You can go with house remodelling services, that will help you to stay in your old home, but with a new feel.
If you really want your property appears great, strong, and as the way you want, you must go with the professionals. Call them and let them analyze what kind of services can help in uplifting your home. Just forget those days when property renovation wasn’t possible or was too much complex. But, today with the help of the experts, you can expect quick services.
Renovate Your Property As The Way You Want If you are seeking for renovating the property, not to worry as House Remodel San Diego professionals are here at your service. They will provide you an ultimate guidance, which will make your property, looks the best. Not only they will make your property beautiful, but at the same time, the functionality will also get improved.
As the professionals have the knowledge, abilities, and aptitude to transform a whole property without breaking the bank or causing damage, you must hire them to have an amazing property. Hiring them means you can always have the best options for your property to make it attractive and up to date with current trends. These professionals are highly knowledgeable to perform a total house makeover, bathroom makeover, kitchen remodeling, and even if you are seeking for adu construction, they are the best to hire.
ADU Construction Services By The Professionals If you feel your home too small or want to construct something new for your children, work, guests or amusement, contact the Adu San Diego experts. They are the best in constructing an additional unit, which won’t only help you to accommodate your needs, but at the same time the unit will complement to your existing home.
Yes, they will give you the best plan to complement your existing property. Only specialists know how to increase the value of your property, so seek their advice for more ideas. Apart from renovating the home, or constructing an additional unit, they can also help you in constructing extra rooms. Yes, if you are looking for any kind of extra room, consider professionals and they have amazing ideas for you.
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Searching for the best solutions on House Remodel San Diego can be easier for you, if you check up all the posts and reference website provided by the author. Must follow and grab great ideas.
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tlchome · 20 days
Easy and Affordable Home Improvement Ideas from Interior Designers
Are you ready to renovate your home without breaking the bank? TLC Home and Services blends Southern charm and contemporary style, providing plenty of inspiration for home improvements. Our team of interior designers has put together an assortment of cost-effective ideas that can transform your space. These tips can help transform it visually or functionally and makeover your space without breaking the bank!
1. Refresh with Paint
Introducing a fresh coat of paint can quickly transform any room and is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to inject new life into any space in your home. Whether you choose bold accent walls or subtle, neutral tones, painting can bring instantaneous change into any room in the house. For a theatrical transformational effect, consider giving your front door an eye-catching makeover with vibrant hues—an affordable project that will increase curb appeal significantly!
2. Install Updated Lighting Fixtures
Lighting can immensely affect how we perceive a space, setting its mood. Consider upgrading any outdated fixtures with modern designs that reflect your personal taste; pendant lights, chandeliers, or floor lamps could all make an impactful statement about who you are as an individual. Furthermore, adding dimmers may offer even more control for different times or activities during the day or week.
3. Add Greenery
Houseplants are inexpensive and effective in bringing color, texture, and life into any room. Affordable and easily found, houseplants improve air quality significantly. Luckily, in Charlotte, local nurseries and farmers' markets offer a selection of houseplants suitable for every home; those new to gardening should opt for low-maintenance succulents, snake plants, or pothos, which require less care and attention than their counterparts.
4. Revamp Your Furniture Layout
Sometimes, all it takes to refresh a room is a fresh perspective - rearrange your furniture for an instant facelift! Experiment with different layouts until you find one that meets both functionality and visual appeal; consider the flow of movement and natural lighting when planning where to begin.
5. Install a Backsplash
A backsplash in your kitchen or bathroom can create an eye-catching focal point. Thanks to peel-and-stick tiles available in different styles, this project can be both cost-effective and straightforward if done yourself. Choose an aesthetic that complements existing decor for maximum coherence.
6. Accessorize Deliberately
Subtle changes can have an enormous effect. New throw pillows, blankets, and area rugs can add vibrant colors and textures to your home - look for items that reflect current trends while complementing existing decor. Local shops in Charlotte offer handcrafted pieces that add personal touches that add personalization to any space.
7. Take Advantage of Open Shelving
Open shelving can make any kitchen or living area feel larger and more organized, offering an inexpensive way to display dishes, books, or decorative pieces that matter. Ensure the displayed items are neatly organized to prevent an unsightly cluttered appearance.
8. Make an Impression at Your Entryway
Your home's entryway is often the first impression guests receive upon visiting, so make it count by creating a welcoming and functional space with features like stylish benches, hooks for coats and bags, and an attractive doormat that sets the right tone. A welcoming entrance can set the stage for the rest of your home!
9. Replace Old Hardware
Replacing outdated cabinet and door hardware can instantly transform your home, adding modernity with chic designs in finishes like brushed nickel, matte black, or gold for an instantly updated look that won't break the bank.
10. Create a Gallery Wall
Personalize character and charm into any room with a gallery wall. Mixing frames of different sizes and styles together can create an eye-catching display of your photos, artwork, and mementos at an economical cost. It's sure to add charm!
Learn more about the Benefits of an Organized Home.
Final thoughts
Transforming your home doesn't need to be costly or time-consuming. With these easy and budget-conscious ideas, you can create an aesthetically pleasing space that meets all your functional needs.
Are You Ready To Transform Your Home?
Call today to arrange an initial consultation with one of our expert designers. Together, we can make your home improvement dreams a reality! For additional tips and personalized advice, visit our website.
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