#Gabriel and his adopted cowboy son
tokillamockingbird427 · 8 months
I finally remembered to Mich post at a convenient time. (Get it? Mich post? Sounds like shit post?)
Mich is an OC I created with @callofdooty and he is a massive meme! Half of the shit we gave to him character-wise was done with the thought "This would be funny." and we were 1) Right 2) Also somehow added depth+feels to it.
Mich, pronounced like Mitch, is actually named Michael. Full name, Michael Rorke. And he is Gabriel Rorke's older brother. Oh no, there's two of them! *Screaming* (Credit to Doot for naming him, the genius.)
Read more insert/cut off due to length
Mich and Gabe grew up in a classically patriotic household, and were pretty close siblings, even with the latter having a temper for everyone. (Mich has a scar on his chin/side of his mouth because Gabe whipped a rock at him once.) Unfortunately, Mich was a bit of a black sheep and felt he didn't really fit in with his family, for various reasons. So once he could leave, he did, and just never really looked back. Which left Gabe feeling abandoned. (Mich's reasons range from not vibing with his parents authoritarian structure to being queer+trans and them not really being the best people to support that.)
After he was out of the house Mich went on to live his best life. He is best described as an anarchist weed-head woods-hermit survivalist. Quite the description! My favorite idea for him was that he'd live in "No Man's Land" post ODIN because the only government presence is the military, who doesn't really bother with random people in the woods.
Here's where the depth comes in: We decided the reason Gabe is the way he is, Americas ugliest lap-dog, is because he was upset with Mich for leaving and more or less rebelling against him for it. (I have a quote to sum it up "Rebellion for Mich was running away from their parents. Rebellion for Gabe was running away from Mich.") Mich didn't really intend to abandon Gabe, it's more or less something that happened and only tried to correct once they were both adults. (Which didn't really work out well. Gabe is very iffy with him.)
Now there's not a lot more to his "canon" because he just gets tossed into various scenarios and then reacts, but I do have a list of what are more-or-less "fun facts" about him.
Mich fun facts: -Isn't bald, unlike Gabe, but does keep his hair on the shorter side. -Regularly dyes his hair random colors and patterns, the latter of which he free hands. (Has never in his life set foot in a salon. Somehow hair hair isn't crunchy.) -Likes to use "Pal" and "Little buddy" whereas Gabe is always using "Jr" and "Kid" -Wrinklier and smilier version of his brother. They look hella alike, to the point that he wigs Hesh out when they first meet. -100% can and will adopt Hesh. That's his lil guy. Logan is not exempt from this either. -Has zero problem with Gabe joining the Federation. Is more upset about the whole "Murdering his homoerotic "best friend" and traumatizing both his sons" thing. -Fluent in Spanish+Portuguese. -Has no formal military training but finds no problem wielding firearms or finding himself in combat. (I mean, he lives in NML. That place always got some kinda battle. You gotta know some fighting skills.) -Bandannas and cowboy hats are his favorite headgear. -Keeps photos of him and Gabe on his person. -Constantly jokes that his full name is actually "Michigan" and that's what "Mich" is short for. -Performed his own top surgery. /J -Very laid back personality, though he's smart enough to know when/if he needs to be more serious/strict. -Incredibly annoyed that Rorke kinda stole their last name like it's his first name. -Very aware of whatever Elias and Gabe have/had going on. Very amused by it. -"Protect trans kids" flag in his front room. -Has multiple spouses. Romantically or just legally has yet to be decided. Not that he'd tell anyone. -Has kids. Mini Mich's causing chaos. (Just don't ask where the kids came from, mf made them from clay for all we know.) -Mich and Merrick are besties. (At the very least, Mich is the person Merrick tolerates the most. Outside Hesh.) -For all the quirks he really is just some fucking guy. -Daniel and The Cooler Daniel meme.
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macabrecabra · 7 years
Could I make a request please? Jesse and Gabe get into some sort of argument, and Jesse makes some sort of self-depreciating comment which makes Gabe freeze up bc his son shouldn't feel that bad about himself?
More family feels it is then!  Finally knocking a fic request out! Not taking any new ones until I get my current batch done, but progress is being made!Title:Self-Worth Rating: PG-13Relationship: Papa Gabriel and hisadopted cowboy sonTruth be told, Gabriel never did likegetting in arguments with people. Experience had taught him that nothing good ever came of anyargument ever had. There was only regrets and hurt feelings thatremained in the aftermath, building up resentment and poisoning everymoment of the relationship to come for a long time.
He might get angry at times, even comeoff as too blunt, but Gabriel never had been the one to try and incite afight and instead always tried to avoid the more explosiveconfrontations. With Jack, that was easy enough as the otherman wasn't too keen on getting into debates. At most they shared afew terse words and realized where things were headed and would optto come back later.
With Jesse though, once the boy wasriled up like an enraged bull, he came charging in again and againwithout hesitation, forcing Gabriel into a corner where all he coulddo was lash back out. “So that's it then? Just going totell me to do better and nothing more?” Jesse snap, “Just goingto give me that leering look of disapproval because every timesomething in a mission goes wrong, I'm the one to blame, that I'm thebiggest fuck up of my generation?!”
“I didn't say any of that Jesse!”Gabriel snapped back, “And I don't blame you every time. Maybe itseems like that because you are the one usually going to far duringthese missions! Always showboating and-”“Showboating amI?” Jesse snapped, “You mean doing exactly what you trained me todo?”Gabriel glared, “I didn't train you to do gun flipsand fancy draws like you are some sort of carnival gunslinger! Youadded that! You always are adding in stupid shit to training andnever taking it seriously!”
Jesse made a scoffing sound, “How canI take it seriously when you only use the kiddie gloves withme?”“Because it is clear enough I can't actually treatyou like an adult when you never act like one!” Gabriel  retortedharshly.He expected Jesse to fire back with some commentabout how he was mature for an eighteen year old, that as a youngadult he was far more grown-up than most people in Blackwatch. Thatwas the response that Gabriel had expected of the hot-blooded youth.Instead, Jesse merely looked aside, gritting his teeth as his handscurled into fists at his side. “Maybe I just act like onebecause I already grew up too fast and thought here at least, Iwouldn't just be another fucked up dirtbag,” he murmured.
The comment took Gabriel aback just abit and already the famliar guilt was creeping in. It was a bit of asurprise to hear Jesse talk like that. The boy had always talked abig game really, always posturing around like he had all theconfidence in the world. Maybe it was that attitude that made Gabrielforget at times that in reality, McCree was still a kid. A kid thathad had one fucked up childhood, had grown up to fast in a gang ofcutthroats and yet despite all that, still remained morally tied tohis own little code of ethics. McCree didn't need to grow up.He just needed to be allowed to grow.
Gabriel let out a soft sigh and movedto put an arm about McCree's shoulders, looking away, “You aren't adirtbag Jesse. Nor are you a fuck up. If anything, you are thesuccess story every Hollywood movie wants to tell. All the worldagainst you and somehow you still turned out all right,”Jessesnorted, “Yeah. Sure I did,”“Hey now, could be worse.You could be a racist ass, sitting and drinking yourself intooblivion, and have charges of murder against innocent bystanders, butyou don't,” Gabriel glanced down at McCree, “Even when with theDeadlock gang, you never killed anyone, did you?”Jesse gavea small shake o his head, “Never did. Aimed to wound, not kill.They... didn't like that,”“But it made you stronger tokeep doing it despite that. Just like you keep doing your own thingnow despite knowing it gets on my nerves,” he smiled a bit, “Youknow who you are and you don't change for anyone. You've got a lot ofcourage and a lot of spunk,”“Spunk? Good god Gabe, youare starting to sound like a sappy Hollywood movie now!” McCreeretorted, smiling just a bit now.“Heh, you bring out theworse emotional speeches I have to offer Jesse, and that's a fact,”Gabe retorted with a grin, pulling the young man's hat down a bit.Jesse just let out a soft laugh, pulling away with a shake ofhis head, “The worse and best I say! A little corny and all, butsometimes we still need those old tropes in life,”
“Maybe,”Gabriel chuckled, “Runoff then. I'll see you around dinner. Afterwards lets hang trainingand go out and get some fresh air. I think we all could use a littlebreak before we are at each other's throat again,”“Soundslike a plan to me,” Jesse gave a nod of his head, “Take care Gabeand....sorry about, you know, everything I said,”“You'refine kid. Think I had to hear a bit of what you had to say,” hesaid wit ha shrug.He watched Jesse scamper off and couldn'thelp but smile just a bit. Jesse  may be a brat at times, butat least, despite it all, he always remained true to who he was.
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otakv-trxsh · 2 years
My friend names (most) of the worst generation
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Pirate, he looks really emo like he hates everything, like those play ground bullies
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Gustav (goose-tavv)
He’s a pro gamer, and he hates women
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He’s a magician and a fancy boi very polite
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American boy
He drinks beer and hates son he’s also a cowboy business man, he came from Japan and he’s the owner of a mining business in America, and has adopted American customs
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Marine, very misunderstood very nice boi, likes to give children fish sticks he also fishes in his alone time
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He’s actually Oda’s self insert oc, no more needs to be said
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She’s a Russian spy, she does thirst traps on TikTok, and she thinks she’s hot and has lots of fanboys and fan girls, she’s also gay
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Jesus freaking Christ aka Gabriel, that’s the name he goes by
He secretly works for usopp bc he’s a god, hes his right hand angel and he actually simps for usopp and that’s why he’s so ripped bc he simps for usopp senpai
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I don't know why the fuck blizzard has been trying to insist that Gabriel Reyes is all dark and edgy and an actual threat
they've given him two skins referencing Edgar Allen Poe and one of them (the canon lore one) is a Phantom of the Opera (the musical) reference on top of that
I think blizzard's forgotten that his headless horseman skin is an in canon Halloween costume he made himself
his adopted son had a goth cowboy phase and only grew out of the goth part
so no, Gabriel Reyes is not a threat and I refuse to take him seriously
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mason-gaylord · 5 years
The Beginning
Kaaru huffed as she put her uncleaned gun part down.
“Kid, it was a long time ago.” She said to the dirty little alley boy she saved from a shifty man.
“Pwease Miss Mcada. I wanna know.” He pleads and she sighs. 
“Ya really wanna know?” She asks, an eyebrow quirked. 
He nods excitedly, sitting on the floor of the hotel room. She nods slowly, starting the story.
~story time~
It was a chilly day in Autumn, roughly two years after Overwatch was recalled and a year since they were made legal once more. Many of the people involved now had opportunities to have lives outside of work but many didn't; though the opportunities were there and available, many of the men and women involved never really needed any of those things. Some even found all the company and life they wanted and needed within their coworkers. Take, for example, Soldier 76 and his undead husband Gabriel Reyes, formerly known as Reaper before Talon was shut down and the agents were reformed. But even their love was expected. People even made bets on it, it was so expected. Including Gabriel’s son, Jesse Mccree, who was adopted at the ripe old age of 13 from an abusive foster home by the newly weds. He always knew they would end up back together. 
But there were many more bets made. The most expensive of which made by the Shimada brothers. They mainly were competing with each other to see how far the other would go for their side of the bets. The elder of the two, Hanzo, won. Sheerly because his boyfriend told him which side to bet on. 
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Hanzo. Dating? Impossible as it sounds, he made it work. His boyfriend just had to endure 3 break ups, 4 self harm attempts, Hanzo betting his engagement ring against his brother, and 37 drunken nights sobbing his heart out. He only was able to due to his impeccable patience and a whole lotta fuckin whiskey. But nevertheless, Hanzo was grateful. His boyfriend even more so when they finally got their asses in gear and got married. And it only took them 9 tries! After they got Hanzo’s engagement ring back was when the real fun began.
Some late October, early September they were finishing the planning up when a young agent joined the ranks. Her hair hidden in a hoodie and her only companion was a little white dog. She called herself Agent K-M-S-M and her dog was Toby. She was a damage healer; first of the kind. She was odd though, barely letting herself get close to anyone. Especially Hanzo and Mccree, the two unpredicted love birds. She hid herself, not talking to anyone. She was extremely young and solitary. But when she let herself go a little, she was a complete and utter nerd. 
It was late December before anyone knew her real name. She had let it slip when she was speaking of her family she left in a town nearby. Hanzo thought it fishy she had a Japanese name meaning Fire. She was getting too close to them and she was weakening. It showed too. Only her father knew what it was like to go soft. But she didn’t speak of him often. Mccree was the hardest working however to get to know and understand her. It wasn’t until the week of Mccree and Hanzo’s wedding that he had a breakthrough. 
They had been on a mission in Oasis, Iraq and while K-M-S-M was healing Mercy, she was shot, her gun being thrown from her while she clutched her broken left arm. She was helpless and Mccree, the softhearted idiot he was, ran to protect the two healers. Hanzo was too tied up in melee combat to notice until the cowboy used his Deadeye to wipe out the rest of the people. It confused his opponent enough to kill them thoroughly. But even he wasn’t sure why Mccree used it so quickly.
Once they all grouped up, the first to ask K-M-S-M if she was alright was Mccree. She had hunched herself over in a corner away from them, trying to reset her arm when he offered to help her up. 
“Come on kid. Lemme help ya up.” He smiled at her. 
“Bug off Mccree. I can get up myself.” She said, in very obvious pain.
“Kid. You’re hurt. Let us help ya.” Mccree tries to reason.
“I said I don’t want your help!” She pulls away from him.
“Just let me help you kid!” He says, shouting.
She whipped around so fast her hood dropped, revealing long locks of hair that was black fading into an alive galaxy that moved with her hair. And her glare put Hanzo’s father’s to shame. She was standing and glaring each one of them down. 
“I’m 16. I can make it on my own.” She grits her teeth.
“Who ever said you had to?” Jesse asks and her eyes widen.
“What happened next?” The boy asks Kaaru. 
She smiles and chuckles.
“It’s late kid. Ask again tomorrow and I might remember some more.” She says before putting him to bed in her bed and going to sleep in the chair for the night.
He cuddles up and goes to sleep quickly, eager for the day ahead. 
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is-that-mchanzo · 5 years
Just Another McHanzo Fic 😬
Jesse ran his hands through his hair, sitting on the side of the bed and wondering what the hell he was doing. He looked down at where his arm should have been, grabbing the cigar and lighter with the other. He rested the cigar between his lips, biting gently on the end as he lit it, throwing down the lighter to show his annoyance. He was still mad, still filled with resentment so much so that he had nightmares about losing the limb. He supposed it wasn't any one person's fault but he was just so mad about it and he never quite wanted to admit to it because, typically, he was smiling, happy, maybe borderline on childish.He dressed up like he was in the middle of New Mexico and his profession was farmer or ranch hand for fuck sakes, he had to ask himself when the hell he was going to grow up, Jesse already knew the answer, never.
There was too much about his childhood that was good that he couldn't let go of. It didn't start out so good but when he was fifteen he was adopted and Gabriel had been his hero. He had been his strength. Gabriel allowed him to just be himself and he wanted to be a cowboy, he wanted to save the world from injustice. Gabe had always supported that, he encouraged him to be whatever he wanted to be and without him, things had never been okay. He had nightmares all the time and losing his arm had only made it exasperated because Gabriel hadn't been there to smooth over his hair, hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright. He didn't care how old he was, he still needed the man that he had considered to be his father.
He sat on the edge of the bed in the darkness, the only light had haloed in from the moonlight glowing between the slats of the blinds across the large sliding doors that led out onto the terrace and the glowing red of his burning cigar each time he inhaled. He should have been able to get over it, through it. But it had been so hard and it had left him with this sick feeling of an unfilled void. He couldn't imagine a worse pain then losing someone he loved, with everything he had.
He placed the burning cigar in the glass ashtray and grabbed his phone. He couldn't lock it anymore because it was almost impossible to do so with one arm. Jesse looked through his phone book, resting on a name, he was hesitant to press it. It was late or rather, early but he'd said if he needed someone he was there, Jesse thought about it for a few more moments before calling the number and putting it on speaker.
Jesse frowned for a moment, the voice wasn't familiar to him but this was the right number, he had called it before.
He questioned, maybe he just had a cold or something? But it really didn't sound like his friend and he doubted that he would have given his phone to anyone, unless he had lost it?
"No, he left his phone behind. I am his brother. Hanzo"
He had heard Genji talk about his older brother a couple of times but he didn't know anything about him, only that he was older and his name was Hanzo, he was talking to a stranger and he wouldn't have been surprised, nor held it against him, if Hanzo hung up the call.
"Oh, howdy. Nice to meet you. He's told me only a little about you, are you just visiting the States?"
"I recently moved here. I am staying with Genji until I get situated. Your name came up on his phone as a symbol of a cow and a man. What does that mean?"
Jesse chuckled a little. Genji was even more cheerful and childish then he was, that was why they got along so well. Genji calling him cowman wasn't out of the ordinary, it was a nick name that he started calling him and it had just stuck.
"He calls me cowman 'cause I dress like a cowboy. The name's actually Jesse McCree. Most call McCree, actually I don't think anyone but my old man called me Jesse"
"Old man? Your father?"
He nodded his head as if Hanzo could see him before answering him, he supposed it was one of the reasons that he called.
"Was, he died 'bout six months ago. He died while I was in hospital, I didn't get to say goodbye to him or nothin'"
He wasn't sure why he was divulging all this to a stranger. Jesse felt weird but yet it was soothing, it didn't matter that Genji didn't answer, it really did feel good to talk to someone and he was sure if he was really bothering Hanzo, he would have ended the call.
"I am sorry about your father. What happened for you to be in hospital?"
"I had my arm ripped off at work. It got caught in a machine"
He wondered if he had said too much. There was nothing charming about telling someone that he had his arm ripped off especially someone he didn't know. Hanzo had a very soothing voice though, it was gravelly and almost monotone but it made him feel comfortable.
"I had my legs amputated so I know how it feels. I think I had nightmares for a year because of it"
"What happened to your legs, darlin'?"
He grabbed his cigar that had been slowly burning and puffed on it a few times. Hanzo told him that he had them cut off as a threat to their father because he worked in some underground things, illegal weapon and drug selling and trading. His factory accident seemed so vanilla compared to it.
Before he knew it, the sun was starting to rise. They had been talking for at least five hours. They just talked, about everything. Hanzo was only a year older then himself, the brothers were raised in a strict environment and he was an advanced archer. Hanzo had a full sleeve tattoo of a dragon, he loved dragons and he had escaped his duties in Japan to live in the States. He didn't tell his father, Shojiro, he just left. He wasn't sure he was entirely safe, if he really wanted to find his eldest son, a way would be found. It sounded terrifying.
He could hear Hanzo yawn on the other end. Jesse supposed it was time to go but he didn't want to, talking to Hanzo for as long as he did, it really felt like he'd not only made a friend but someone that understood him. They talked about what happen to their bodies and minds after they lost their limbs and he found a kindred spirit in Hanzo.
"Oh, damn. I'm sorry darlin' I kept you up all night. Would it be alright if I called you again some time?"
"I would like that Jesse. I will text you my number"
No one had called him Jesse and he wasn't used to it but when Hanzo said his name, it was nice, it didn't make him adverse to it at all. It was sweet and it made it sort of special because he was either McCree or Cowboy/man to most.
"Good night Hanzo"
"Good night Jesse"
The call was ended and Jesse found himself breathing again, though he didn't even know that he had been holding it in. There was no way that anything that happened could be described in words, there was just something about Hanzo that made everything clear, he had been stuck in the continuous loop of depression, anger and grief and he didn't really stop to think that it happened for a reason.
Maybe he had to lose his arm to connect with Hanzo on a personal level and maybe Gabriel dying was to get him to appreciate life was short and he had to make the most of it instead of drinking himself to sleep every night and wishing Gabe came back, when he knew it wasn't going to do anything.
He took a nap, waking up at ten and decided to clean out Gabriel's room. They had always lived together and it didn't feel weird that it had been the arrangement as he got older. It was just the way they did it and it worked for them both. After speaking to Hanzo, he knew that he needed to do something about it and he knew that there were things like photographs and stuff that could have a place. in other parts of the home.
Jesse took his phone with him as he made his way across the hall, opening the door to the musty bedroom. Everything inside had a layer of dust on it, and with none of the windows opened it looked like something that would be in a horror movie. Jesse opened the windows that had cobwebs on them and let some air and light into the room.
He had messaged Hanzo before he fell asleep but no doubt he had worn his new friend out to the point where it was possible he was still sleeping. Hanzo had been easy to talk to, he was just comfortable to Jesse, he wanted to talk to him again, maybe it was too soon though and he already talked his ear off, maybe he should have asked to have a drink with him or something, got to know him in person? He didn't want to overwhelm him, he decided. Jesse wasn't the easiest guy to get used to and he didn't want to drive Hanzo away already.
He cleaned out the room and though Jesse had been trying to accept the loss, he found himself crying, touching clothes and possessions of his dead parent. He wanted to get rid of it all albeit a few personal things. Jesse felt bad for that thought but the melancholy was too much and he didn't want to feel it anymore, he wanted to be okay again. He didn't intend on Hanzo being the one that became his support, Jesse was sure he was being a burden but they spoke for hours and Hanzo never said anything about wanting to go and he was half the conversation, unless he was too polite to say any thing different.
Hanzo seemed like an honest man, if he wasn't interested in their conversation earlier that morning he was sure that his new friend would have said so, he definitely seemed like the blunt, to the point kind of guy, something Jesse appreciated and found attractive.
His phone made him jump when it rang, he wasn't expecting it but when he saw the name on the screen, he smiled. He was trying his best not to sound like he had just been crying before he answered it, placing it on speaker.
"Hey there, darlin' I'm glad you called, everythin' alright?"
He tried to make sure his voice didn't shake at all. Jesse wasn't sure that it was working but he might have got away with it.
"Yes. Everything is alright. I was thinking about something you said last night. You said that you had never fallen in love before, even to this day. Is that true?"
It was accurate that he had told Hanzo that and the statement itself was true. Jesse hadn't experienced being in love. Sex was one thing but love was another and the two didn't necessarily coinside with one another. He had sex but there was nothing about it that was romantic or loving, he didn't feel that way about anyone he slept with and Jesse wasn't discriminate when it came to sex, if they were sober, of age and consenting then that had been the criteria. He didn't have a lot of sex but he had enough of it to know that there was a huge different between physical and emotional intimacy.
"I'm not exactly anyone's type Han' I ain't classy or even well dressed and I've been told I look a bit like a hobo. I ain't got money or family. I don't have much to offer someone else. I was serious"
"You have plenty to offer. It's not pleasant that you've never been in love, but it is comforting that I'm not the only one"
Jesse smiled, it was comforting to him that he had the same effect on Hanzo as Hanzo had on him. Having someone that meant they could be less alone, someone they could talk to without concern or worry that they'd say something out of place.
"I'm glad I can be the one to make you feel less alone in the world"
It made his heart less heavy. It was this tender moment that he could share with someone that was on the same level as he was. That had the same knowledge to things like losing a limb and not finding someone to share life, in all it's good and bad, with.
"Your voice, it sounds sad, Jesse. What's wrong?"
Fuck, he wasn't hiding it so well, but after last night there was no one else that knew Jesse like Hanzo did. He was friends with Genji but they didn't talk like he did with Hanzo. He wasn't sure if he should confess why he'd been upset or deny it, but when they did talk, he was safe and honest, Hanzo just made him feel confident he could talk about everything.
"I cleaned out Gabriel's room today. It's nothin' darlin', nothin' I can't handle, was just sad, that's all. I hope you got some sleep after I kept you up all night?"
He changed the subject to something else instead of denying that anything was wrong in the first place.
"Jesse. It's going to be alright. You are so resilient and you're a good man, and I enjoyed our night together, getting to know you"
It made Jesse's heart swell. Hanzo liked getting to know him, and it was mutual. He had a real friend in this man that he had never met. They got along well and conversation flowed between them so smoothly. They didn't have to force anything or have awkward silences. They just...worked. Jesse looked at the empty room he had cleared out, maybe this could be a win-win situation.
"I enjoyed gettin' to know you too darlin' say Hanzo..ah..I was just thinkin' you said you're stayin' with Genji 'til you get situated, I dunno how desperate you are to get out of there but I mean..I got a spare room here and it be mighty fine to be able to get you to know you more. Don't 'spose you'd consider comin' to live with me?"
There was silence for a moment, he could hear the soft breathing. Maybe this was too soon? Maybe he shouldn't have just jumped to the idea that they could live together? Jesse wanted to apologize, as he opened his mouth, Hanzo spoke up.
"You would do that? Allow me to come live with you?"
"Of course. We get along well and you need somewhere to live. Gabe's room would just go unused and...well..."
Jesse found himself blushing and rubbed the back of his neck. He was slightly flustered. He didn't know why it made him nervous to say it but it did.
"It'd be my pleasure to have you here, I mean I'd like it, very much, if you'd come live with me"
"Thank you Jesse. I appreciate your offer"
They arranged for Hanzo to move in that Saturday. He insisted that he didn't need help and that he and Genji would be able to handle it, Jesse didn't argue, he knew he'd be little help with only one arm but he could at least help him when he got there.
He had no idea what Hanzo even looked like. He assumed he'd look similar to Genji. He knew that having Hanzo there was going to help. He needed a friend and the eldest Shimada was his perfect companion and maybe he could be for him too.
Between Wednesday and Friday, he and Hanzo had continued to call and text. They were getting closer, the more they talked, the more intimate their conversation was becoming. They started to discuss things like sex and love. Though neither of them had been in love they spoke about how they saw it, how they felt about the idea. Things became very personal for them and Jesse and Hanzo were bonding and for the cowboy, he was starting to feel a few things that he wasn't sure he'd experienced before.
Firstly, he had a best friend that wasn't his father. He had never had a best friend before but Hanzo was definitely it. Secondly he was feeling protective over and attached to Hanzo, he wanted to keep him safe from his father and any associates that may want to harm him and thirdly, Jesse was lusting after him, they spoke about sex and there had been times where it could have led to them having phone sex. He wasn't sure what it was but it happened so naturally. Jesse didn't know what that exactly meant but it was apparent that he wasn't the only one feeling something from this.
When Jesse heard the car in his drive way, he felt nervous. He neatened his flannel and brushed drown his jeans, making sure his boots had a shine and the Stetson was straight on his head. He didn't know if this was going to be impressive by any means or if it was something Hanzo was going to like but this was Jesse, this was who he was. He was nervous, he wasn't sure what Hanzo was going to be like with him in person. Would he completely ignore what they had been doing the past few days?
Jesse exhaled and inhaled deeply, he couldn't believe he was actually meeting him. It was surreal and exciting but nerve wrecking. He didn't know if they were going to continue what they were doing or if now that they were in person, it would mean they were just friends and it would stay that way. They had the same appreciation for love, it was important for them and something sacred, that was meaningful and maybe it wouldn't be love between them, it was all up in the air.
He stepped outside, he looked to the silver blue car that was parked there. The trunk was opened up and boxes were being placed on the ground. Jesse moved down towards them and the trunk was being closed. His breath was taken from his lungs. Fuck.
He was staring at beautiful dark brown eyes and his own caramel ones were given the same attention. Hanzo was gorgeous, Jesse was speechless, he was sure he looked stupid just standing there, gawking like an idiot but he'd never seen someone so damn beautiful. That silken raven hair that was tied back in a ponytail. His skin was flawless and smooth, very few wrinkles showing, his eyes were serious but it was like drowning in a pool of molten chocolate and what a way that would be to go.
Jesse swallowed hard and low in his throat. He wasn't even thinking, he wasn't so sure he was even breathing, he was enamored.
"Careful cowman you'll get a boner"
Genji's voice broke his trance and he was properly introducing himself to Hanzo by shaking his hand and then doing the best he could to help take the boxes inside. It wasn't easy but he never said no to a challenge.
He hadn't been able to take his eyes off Hanzo and after only six small boxes, Genji was leaving and they were by themselves. Jesse wasn't sure what to say, since the first time they spoke, he was actually speechless.
"Lemme show you around darlin'"
That was a good start, he thought to himself. He led Hanzo through the house, taking him to every room, pointing out anything that didn't quite work to perfection. He took him through the back door to the large block of land that had a couple of horses on it. He clicked his tongue against his teeth, encouraging both the blazer and mustang to come over and say hello. They greeted him warmly.
"This is Billy and Patrick. Guys this is my very good friend Hanzo"
He could see the archer was a little nervous. Both the boys were harmless. Jesse gently took the smaller males wrist.
"Make sure your hand is nice a flat and what you want to do is run it over the length of his nose, just below the eye and just before his nostrils"
He was guiding Hanzo's hand down the path he said, as soon as he saw the archer was comfortable he released him and allowed him to get acquainted with both his pets. He just watched, mesmerized by him and how quickly he became friendly with the horses, and when he saw his friend smile, he felt like he had been struck in the heart with an arrow. He was...nothing short of perfect.
"They are wonderful, Jesse"
As soon as they were finished greeting the four legged members of the family, they were going back inside. It was getting late and he needed to think about dinner. He felt like he should do something nice. Jesse was so damn nervous, like this was all part of a date only the question was where he stood after it.
Hanzo was looking at all the photos on the wall and just taking his time getting acquainted with the space. Jesse couldn't help but watch him, his eyes drawing down to his legs. They were covered with slacks and he wore shoes but he knew, from their conversation that Hanzo had state of the art prosthetic legs. His arm, there was just a stump there, he might have felt jealous if he were a different man but he was more glad that Hanzo had that.
"Hey, darlin' do you think it be alright if I took you to dinner and we could do talk?"
Hanzo turned to face him, he smiled but so subtly that Jesse only barely saw that was what he was doing.
"Yes, I would like that, thank you"
He already knew what kind of things Hanzo liked. When they talked it had been about everything. Jesse was the perfect gentleman, holding open doors, pulling out a chair for his date and pushing it back in again. They were at a Japanese restaurant and he was out of his element here, he didn't know much about Japanese culture but he wanted to learn, he wanted to connect with Hanzo more.
"We can go elsewhere if you are uncomfortable here, Jesse. I don't want you to feel like you have to do this"
Hanzo distracted his eyes from looking at the decore. It was elegant that was for sure, they had a lot of simplicity in their artwork but it was somewhat breath taking and he did want to learn more about Japan and the difference about their two cultures, he was interested in Hanzo and he knew how infatuated he was becoming.
Jesse was holding back. Maybe that made it awkward but he wasn't about to go ahead and just fall in love with Hanzo and it not be reciprocated or it be something that was one sided. He had heard about unrequited love before and that was something he wanted nothing to do with. It sounded like pure torture and he couldn't do that to himself.
"No, Hanny Bee. It's alright, 'sides it be nice to learn 'bout Japan. Ah...I guess I brought you out though 'cause... Well...'cause you and I...we..I mean we're.."
Fuck. He couldn't even get his words out. He was too nervous. He didn't know what the hell Hanzo was going to say, especially with him fumbling his words and not making any clear sense what so ever.
"We are close now and you aren't sure how I think or feel about you because I haven't said anything or expressed my emotions?"
Hanzo hit the nail on the head with that one. It must have meant he had been thinking about it too.
"Yeah, that's 'bout it darlin'"
"I like you very much, Jesse"
He was waiting to hear a but. He waited a few seconds but there was no but, nothing bad, nothing to tell him that they could only remain friends. His heart was pounding out of control.
"The thing is Hanzo. I think I'm fallin' in love with you. When I looked at you the first time, I ain't ever felt anythin' like that and even talkin' to you. I'm worried that I'm gonna feel this way and you ain't, I guess it will just stop one day if it's one sided. Guess I'm hopin' that maybe you see somethin' more happenin' between us?"
He didn't want to interrupt Hanzo but he didn't want to put him on the spot and he didn't want him to feel like he had to say anything or force himself to feel anything that he didn't actually feel. It wasn't something that he could just stop himself from feeling but if it was unrequited he did not want to guilt Hanzo into anything.
"Hanzo, if you don't feel anythin' for me that's alright darlin'. I don't want you to pretend or feel forced. I just needed to lay it on the line. I've been honest with you all the way so I wanted to be now too"
Hanzo's cheeks were flushed with pink. He looked cute but embarrassed. Immediately he was regretting everything, he should have kept quiet, he shouldn't have gone and blurted all that out like some love sick asshole. He probably made Hanzo feel more uncomfortable, maybe it wasn't such a great idea for him to live with Jesse. It just felt so good and so right and now he was filled with apprehension. Maybe it was too much, maybe it was his missing arm and seeing it in person was too much, maybe his style and personality was just not Hanzo's type.
"I have fallen in love with you too and I have been reserved because I'm not sure how to act, or what is okay and what isn't"
He finally stopped panicking and was able to breathe again. Hanzo actually liked him? He genuinely didn't know what to say but he was so thrilled. This could actually be something. He didn't want to seem too eager but also make himself look like a dick by snuffing out the flames, so to speak.
"You don't need to do or be anythin' but you"
They shared a meal together. Hanzo tried to teach him how to use chopsticks and taught him some Japanese, simple phrases that he could use to say thank you for the food and hospitality. Jesse paid for everything and when they were leaving, walking back home, he made a bold move. He placed his hand against Hanzo's and interlocked their fingers. It was a silent walk back but no words had to be said.
Jesse unlocked the front door and opened it for Hanzo. The other brushed against him on purpose when he went by, Jesse bit his lip as a hand lightly touched his crotch. When the cowboy closed the door behind him and locked it. Hanzo was waiting for him only a few feet in front of him, Jesse slowly approached. He tipped Hanzo's head back by lifting his chin. He looked over the handsome face before pressing his lips to the others and kissing him.
They both moaned into the kiss, kissing Hanzo caused his stomach to flip and his heart to cinch, his erection strained in his jeans and the kisses had become more intense, more heated. He pressed his friend up against the wall roughly, Hanzo wrapped his hands around his shoulders, pulling him in closer.
Jesse moved his hand down, pressing it to Hanzo's hip and pushing their erections together before he was lifting Hanzo and those legs were around his waist. Hanzo held onto him tightly, they disconnected the kiss and he looked into dark eyes they were filled with lust and anticipation. Jesse pulled back his flannel, throwing it to the floor, he looked at Hanzo's body, he didn't know what was under those clothes but he was eager to find out.
"Fuck, I want you darlin', I want you so bad"
He popped the buttons slowly on Hanzo's shirt, it was difficult but he did it. Fingers sunk into the back of his hair and lips were against his ear.
"I want you too Jesse, now"
He opened the shirt, revealing a toned chest, he shoved it down his arms and it dropped to the floor. He admired the tattoo before carrying Hanzo to his bedroom. Jesse hadn't had anyone in his room, it was nothing spectacular but how it was decorated was hardly the concern right now. Next to go were their shoes and socks, pulled off in a speed he didn't know he was capable of.
He placed Hanzo on the bed, resting on his knees looking down at him. He had thought Hanzo was beautiful before but now, now he was really enchanted. He lowered himself towards him, kissing down Hanzo's body to the waist of his trousers. He could see that he was hard, both flattering and arousing. He had never been with anyone like this man before, he was stunning, intelligent, sweet and though he sounded a little stoic when he spoke, he found him to be alluring.
He released the button and pulled down the zipper but suddenly Jesse was self conscious. He stopped himself, sitting back. Hanzo showed his concern.
"Jesse, what's wrong?"
He had told Hanzo everything when they spoke and now he wasn't feeling so talkative, he already had insecurity about his missing limb and seeing Hanzo, that gorgeous face and body, he wasn't sure that he deserved this.
"My arm"
It didn't really need much of an explanation. He didn't know if it mattered or not, he didn't look right especially now, at least that was how Jesse felt. He was only in a tank top and that alone made him feel apprehensive about what they were about to do.
Hanzo didn't say anything, instead he was sitting up and taking down his trousers, they found the floor and Jesse watched as Hanzo released some well disguised latches on his cybernetic legs and they were put to the side. He looked at the limbs, they were amputated just below the knee. Now they were both vulnerable, both naked in the sense there was nothing left to hide.
Jesse removed his tank and released his jeans, they too found the floor and there was nothing left between them. Hanzo touched his hairy chest, and then down to his arm. Jesse had never touched it or allowed anyone else to but he let Hanzo do it.
"You are beautiful, Jesse"
Aaaaannnnd unfortunately that's all that I can post here. You can find my trashy McHanzo fics on AO3 (shamelessly most of it is smut)
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valgeristik · 6 years
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some mer au doodles + an old old comics that im too lazy to digitalize au ramblings under the cut:
as i already drew before, gabriel meets an angry teenager jesse while fishing. (jesse cuts his tail pretty badly while trying to steal the fish) And well. cant leave a kid to die in the ocean, right?  so he takes him home (with lots of screaming and cursing because jesse is a brat at that age) and mends the wound. Jesse ends up really LOVING westerns (because what else can a bored teenager do but watch the tv right? ) gabe buys him a cowboy hat off the internet and it becomes jesses absolute favourite posession
they start getting along really quickly bcs gabe has the patience of a saint and jesse isnt actually as angry as he wants to appear to be when he is well enough, gabe helps him back into the ocean but jesse still hangs around a lot and sometimes gabe takes him back to the house to watch movies and stuff its very chill it is absolutely NOT a romantic relationship and if i catch anyone tagging this as mcrey im going to kermit. also please dont reblog if you ship it because i hate it and i Will block you thanks!!!!!!!!!
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megsblackfirewrites · 6 years
Camping Adventures
Camping Adventures
Summary: Camp Wapiti is a favourite destination for children during the summer. Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes have kept the camp running smoothly for years, but there's a darker secret creeping through the forests at night. They can control it most days, but tonight, the monster has gotten the better of them.
Jack has to move fast if he wants to protect the kids.
Jack listened to the kids screaming as they jumped in the lake. He watched from a little further back, checking off a list of duties. His earpiece was going off as the other camp councillors sounded off their daily tasks. He nodded as Ana gave the checkpoint sound-off from where she had taken the older kids, checking the box and writing in the time beside it.
“Hey, Jack, that little McCree kid’s having a bit of a panic attack,” Liao said over the earpiece. “You’re great with his sister; can you go see what’s up?”
“Sure thing,” Jack said as he headed for the shore. “Can you make sure Reinhardt gets his chores done? He’s the only one that hasn’t reported in.”
“I think I saw him up in the mess hall trying to coax one of the little ones out from under the benches,” Liao said.
“That’s alright; I just want to make sure we have food dealt with before the truck heads out for supplies,” Jack said as he headed for the little figure huddled up the path. “Hello, bud; you’re Jesse McCree?”
The ten-year-old’s head snapped up and he swallowed. Jesse nodded and reached up to rub at his eyes. He had the same colour of eyes as his two older siblings, that beautiful shade of soulful brown that Vanessa always called ‘puppy-dog’. Jack sat down beside Jesse and set his clipboard off to the side; he didn’t want Jesse thinking that he was doing this because it was a box on a check list.
“You okay? Why aren’t you in the lake with the others?” he asked.
Jesse let out a whimper and looked away. “Scared.”
“Scared of the lake?” Jack asked. “It is deep, but if you aren’t comfortable, there’re life jackets that you can wear.”
Jesse shook his head and hugged himself. “No.”
“You sure?” Jack tilted his head to the side. “It’s pretty fun.”
Jesse shook his head more. Jack reached out and gently ran a hand over Jesse’s back.
“Or, is it the first time you’ve been away from Van?” he asked gently.
Jesse’s eyes teared up and he looked away. Jack kept rubbing his hand up and down Jesse’s back. Vanessa had been just as scared when she had been left alone while Thomas went with the older kids. Considering their dad had said that his kids did almost everything together, the fear was understandable.
“Do you want to spend the day with me instead?” Jack asked. “I’m a good friend of Van’s. And Ana will tell me when they’re heading back so you know when to go see your sister.”
Jesse sniffled and rubbed at his eyes. “Okay,” he whispered.
The signature McCree accent was already in full affect. Jack had laughed the first time he heard it because something that thick should not come out of young people’s mouths. Vanessa had threatened to fight him, which made him laugh harder because here was this little six year old bouncing out from around her father’s leg to fight him. Thomas had apologized while his father, Joel, just started laughing at his little spit-fire.
Jack offered his hand and Jesse took it. They rose and Jack showed him up the path. He let Moira know that he had Jesse with him so that she wouldn’t be a head short when she got the kids out of the water. She thanked him for the head’s up before shouting at someone not to run and jump off of ‘that’ dock. He smirked as he walked Jesse up towards his office.
“Are you the boss?” Jesse asked.
“There’s two head councillors; I’m in charge of people while Gabriel handles activities,” Jack said. “He also deals with food, which you can give us a kid’s insight if you want.”
“Okay,” Jesse smiled as they walked up the stairs to the office.
“Hey, Gabe!” Jack called as he pushed the door open. “I got…ooh, nope!”
He carefully pulled the door closed so that only his head was poking through. He gave his boyfriend a playfully glare as he made sure the innocent eyes could not see the massive dick currently flopped suggestively across his desk.
“Gabe, Jesse McCree is going to stay with us for the day,” he said, leaving the ‘please put your dick away’ unsaid.
“Oh,” Gabriel blinked before quickly yanking his shorts on. “Could have told me sooner.”
“Gabe. I just said it over the radio like, five minutes ago,” Jack rolled his eyes as he pushed the door open and let Jesse wander in.
“Was Gabe naked?” Jesse asked immediately. “Pa always reacts like that when he’s naked.”
Jack let out a snort of laughter and nodded. “Yes, Gabriel was naked,” he said. “And you have to call him ‘Gabriel’, okay? Only I get to call him ‘Gabe’.”
“Why?” Jesse wrinkled his nose.
“Because Jack’s my boyfriend,” Gabriel said as he dropped into his chair. “And only my boyfriend can call me cute nicknames.”
Jesse’s eyes widened before he looked at Jack. He hurried over to Gabriel and tugged on his hand. He leaned closer and whispered something in Gabriel’s ear. Gabriel grinned widely and winked at Jack.
“Oh, I agree, kiddo,” Gabriel said.
“I’d ask, but I’m not going to betray his trust,” Jack rolled his eyes as he sat down at his desk.
He immediately started typing up his reports, filling out the necessary forms for the owners of the camp. They liked daily updates on how everything was going, even if they only ever showed up once a season. It probably made them feel like their ‘precious baby’ was actually under their control. Jack was starting to get annoyed with the endless paperwork that kept getting dumped on him, but at least he had a pretty face to distract him.
“You think we need that many hot dogs?” Gabriel laughed.
“Yah!” Jesse laughed. “Hot dogs are the best!”
“What about material for s’mores?” Jack asked as he sent off a report.
“Yes!” Jesse squealed happily. “And cookies!”
“What kind?” Gabriel asked as he started typing on his computer.
His boyfriend shot him a small smile as Jesse excitedly started listing off a number of different cookies that he wanted. He knew that look and felt the same desire burning in his gut. He wanted nothing more than to have kids with Gabriel, to fill their modest home with happy little voices. They needed to get married first, though, or Gabriel’s mother would eat them alive. There was only so many things that Gabriel’s mother was willing to ignore about her unconventional son. Babies before marriage was not one, even if it was only adoption.
Jack had another report done and ready to be sent off when Moira poked her head into the office. She lifted an eyebrow at Gabriel and Jesse as they loudly and happily discussed which Western cowboy was better, John Wayne or Clint Eastwood, but didn’t say anything.
“Hello, Moira,” Jack smiled. “Problem?”
“Just letting you know that I’m going to be taking the kids up to the meadow for some bird watching,” she said. “The battery in my headset died, so I need a new one.”
“Of course,” Jack said as he got up and got her a new battery, taking the dead one and putting it to charge. “You think the kids are going to like bird watching?”
“I think they’re old enough to appreciate it; if not, it’s a great place for tag,” Moira shrugged. “Enjoy your afternoon, Jack.”
She left without another word, but she saw the look she shot Gabriel. Jesse glanced over at Jack as he sat back down and pulled nervously at the bottom of his shirt.
“Does she not like me?” he asked. “She was lookin’ at me weird.”
“She probably wanted to tease Gabe,” Jack smiled. “Everyone likes to tease Gabe about him having kids.”
“Hush,” Gabriel laughed and leaned back in his chair. “I’m not going to be ashamed of the fact that I love kids.”
“No reason to be, love,” Jack smirked. “You just tend to ‘steal’ some.”
Jesse let out a giggle. “You can’t steal me!” he laughed. “Tom will take me back!”
“I’m sure he would,” Gabriel chuckled before he brought up another form. “What you think of this, kiddo?”
“Gray, don’t swing that,” Jack glared at the ten-year-old. “That was just in the fire. You could burn someone.��
He watched the kid roll his eyes as he sank down onto his seat by the fire. Gray was pouting, but Jack ignored him as he checked to make sure the others were enjoying their hot dogs. Jesse was sitting right beside him, happily chomping his everything-on-it hot dog. He could hear Vanessa cackling a few fires over and Thomas’ gentle reminder to calm down so that she didn’t choke.
Jesse glanced up at him as Jack shifted forward. Jack winked at the adorable little kid before he lowered his voice.
“Do you know the story of the Monster of Camp Wapiti?” he asked.
The kids stared at him and a few of them shook their heads. The story was pretty infamous around the camp-goers and new versions were always cropping up. Jack loved telling the story and seeing the look of fear and intrigue on the young faces.
“They say that a long time ago, this place used to be a sacred place to the local native. They would come up here for visions and bring along special meats from their kills. Because of that blood and meat left behind, the wolves started coming to the area looking for easy food,” Jack said. “The wolves were hungry because the natives were over-hunting to satisfy the spirits that they were praying to. The wolves started attacking the people, dragging them off into the forest to eat. Their screams could be heard for miles around and people got scared.
“They started killing the wolves, but their numbers never seemed to shrink. There were whispers that the spirits were coming back as wolves to kill people as they were very unsatisfied with them. They started praying for forgiveness, offering masks and necklaces instead of meat so that the wolves didn’t come back.”
Jack leaned forward so that his face was highlighted by the fire. “The spirits started killing the people begging for forgiveness and raising them as wolves,” he said. “No one knows why, but soon, the tribe was no more. The only thing left were wolves, but the wolves weren’t the same as they used to be. They say that the wolves walked on two legs and ate anything that moved. And their favourite food is children.”
At that moment, something huge jumped out of the shadows. It howled loudly, scaring the kids so that they scampered over to Jack. Jack bit his lip to keep from laughing, holding tightly onto the two kids that had thrown themselves into his arms.
Gabriel laughed as he pulled the wolfman mask off of his face. “Aw, did I scare you?” he asked.
“Gabriel!” Jesse shouted before he bolted forward and hugged Gabriel around the waist. “That’s mean!”
“What do you expect from a scary story?” Gabriel laughed as he sat down. “We started s’mores yet?”
“Not yet; everyone was just finishing off their hot dogs,” Jack said. “If they are still hungry, that is.”
The kids squealed at the prospect of gooey treats and eagerly crowded around Gabriel as he started roasting marshmallows. The kids devoured every single s’more that Gabriel made, laughing and telling their own scary stories. Gabriel handed the last s’more to Jack, smiling as they sat close to each other on their bench.
The kids started nodding off around ten, huffing as Gabriel rounded them up to head for their cabins. Jack put out the fire, making sure it was good and doused before going to see the other age groups off. It took a little while to make sure all the kids were back in their cabins and that they weren’t going to try to sneak out. He said his goodnights to the other councillors and retreated to his and Gabriel’s cabin.
He was swept off his feet as soon as he closed the door. He laughed, hanging on as his full-moon enhanced boyfriend spun him around in circles. They smiled at each other, blue eyes staring into brown-turning-yellow, and kissed. The kiss quickly turned heated as Gabriel carried him to the bed, hands roaming over Jack’s body.
“You’re so hot when you’re protective,” Gabriel growled in his ear. “Can’t wait to see you with kids of our own.”
“Me neither,” Jack groaned as he was set on the bed. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, smiling as Gabriel’s hungry eyes roamed over. “Like what you see?”
“Always,” Gabriel said as he crawled over Jack.
They kissed, holding each other as Gabriel’s body twisted and bulged. Jack pushed his fingers through the emerging gray fur, smiling against hardened lips as a big, warm tongue brushing against his. He felt Gabriel flinch and wrapped his arms around Gabriel’s shoulders, holding him as the painful process reached its worst moment. Gabriel whimpered in his ear before slumping in exhaustion, his newly grown tail thumping lazily against the bed.
“Hey,” Jack murmured as he reached up to scratch behind Gabriel’s ears. “All good?”
“Mmm,” Gabriel murmured before nuzzling his cheek. “Want to mount you.”
“Just don’t knot in me,” Jack said. “I need to be able to walk tomorrow.”
“Will do,” Gabriel said as he nuzzled his neck.
It was a vigorous round of sex for them, just like it was every time Gabriel changed under the light of the full moon in Camp Wapiti. They didn’t know what had happened to him, but at some point, Gabriel started taking on the form of a wolf. He was never dangerous, still very much present when he changed, but it was still terrifying to see a werewolf running around at night. It never happened anywhere else; he never grew fur at home; but those three months at Camp Wapiti saw him turning into a wolf at least three times.
When they were finished, Jack slumped against the bed, thoroughly fucked and loving the afterglow. He snuggled into Gabriel’s warm fur, sighing softly as Gabriel’s warm hands pressed against his back. He passed out surrounded by his boyfriend’s familiar scent and the pleasant feeling between his legs.
He woke to a scream. He bolted upright, his brain stuttering as it struggled to comprehend what he was hearing. Gabriel was gone, but his scent was still fresh enough to let him know that he hadn’t left too long ago. He could hear other people screaming and scrambled to his feet, grabbing his pajama bottoms off the end of the bed and pulling them on.
“What’s happened?” he asked as he hurried out of his cabin with a flashlight.
“Jesse’s gone!” Thomas shouted as he came running over.
There was another scream and Jack’s head snapped around towards the woods. Dread filled his gut as he heard the screams continue. Gabriel couldn’t have done something, could he?
“Get the other kids and make sure they stay put,” Jack ordered. “Ana, Moira, Reinhardt, fan out. We’ll find him soon.”
He didn’t wait to hear for a confirmation from the other councillors before he took off running. He quickly outdistanced everyone, vaulting over brush and fallen logs as he tried to figure out where Gabriel would have gone. Jesse’s screams turned into sobs, carrying on the wind and directing Jack towards him. His gut sank as he realized where Gabriel had brought him; the plateau really had been a place of prayer and it was where they suspected that Gabriel had contracted his lycanthropy.
Jesse was lying on the plateau on his stomach, curled up in a ball and crying. Jack hurried forward, dropping to his knees beside the boy. He checked his body, hushing him as he looked for any signs of damage. There was drool around the scruff of his shirt and his arms and legs were torn up from the brush, but there was no signs of bites or scratches.
“I’m here, Jesse,” he soothed as he picked Jesse up. “It’s Jack.”
“Jack?” Jesse whimpered. “Jack, Jack, I’m scared! The Monster came and took me!”
“I know,” Jack said. “I know. But I’m here now; the Monster can’t hurt you now.”
“Why?” Jesse whimpered. “Why?”
“I don’t know, Jesse,” Jack said as he held Jesse close and turned around. “We’ll get you back, okay? Just….”
He fell silent and clutched Jesse to his chest. Gabriel was standing in his way, flanked by two wolves. They were as silent as graves, staring at him and Jesse as they stood on the plateau. Gabriel’s tail started wagging slowly and he looked expectantly at Jack.
“Don’t let go,” Jack said as he shifted the grip on his flashlight. “Okay?”
“Okay,” Jesse whispered. “What’s happening?”
“Nothing I want to be a part of,” Jack replied as he got ready to run. “Don’t let go.”
Jesse pushed his face into Jack’s chest and dug his nails into the flesh between his shoulders. Jack stared at Gabriel as he let out a low rumble. The two wolves took a step forward, moonlight illuminating the white of their mottled fur, but their yellow eyes looked dead and soulless in the dark. Jack took a few deep gulps before he twisted around and bolted for the edge of the plateau. He heard Gabriel yowl behind him and the heavy slam of his feet, but he had the headstart he needed.
His toes pushed down on the edge of the plateau and he launched himself off, holding Jesse close to his chest. He’d gotten just enough of a running start to propel him over the first few trees and get him level with the water below. He tilted himself back and felt himself slam into the shallow river. Stars erupted behind his eyelids as he did his best to keep Jesse’s head out of the water.
The river rushed them along down the side of the plateau and out into the lake. Jesse squealed as they went under, but he was already kicking his way towards shore when Jack surface. Jack kicked hard after him, diving under his little body to get him up on his back. Jesse accepted the piggy back ride without complaint, clinging to Jack’s shoulders as he panted heavily.
“You jumped,” Jesse whispered as Jack’s feet found bottom. “From that really high place!”
“I knew the river was there,” Jack said as he hauled Jesse up onto the shore and let him drop to the ground. “Gabe and I used to jump in there as kids. You need a good running start though or you hit the trees and drop like a rock. Broke my shoulder the first time. Let’s get you back to your brother; I’m sure he’s scared stiff.”
Jesse nodded and grabbed Jack’s hand. “That was Gabriel, wasn’t it?” he whispered. “That werewolf?”
Jack looked at Jesse for a long moment before he nodded his head. “Yes,” he said. “But he’s never done this before. I don’t know what happened. He’d never do this to anyone.”
Jesse held Jack’s hand close to his chest as they walked. “Pa’s a wolf too,” he whispered. “He said that sometimes you can’t stop instinct. Maybe Gabriel wanted to eat me? Like the Monster does?”
“The Monster of Camp Wapiti is just a story, Jesse,” Jack said. “There isn’t really a pack of wolfmen running around eating little kids. The camp wouldn’t have been open for long if there was.”
“But what if there really was a monster?” Jesse asked as he tugged on Jack’s hand. “What if that’s why there’s a story at all?”
“Jesse,” Jack turned and knelt down, gently taking Jesse by the shoulders. “That story is made up. It’s like any other campfire story. It’s just meant to scare you. There’s no truth about it. Whatever it is that turns people like Gabriel or your Pa into wolfmen during the full moon does not turn them into monsters. They’re still in there and in full control. I’ll find out why Gabriel did this and I will make sure he’s punished for it.”
Jesse nodded and rubbed at his eyes. “I want to go home,” he whispered. “I want my Pa.”
“I’ll call him in the morning, okay?” Jack said. “I’m sure he’ll come get you if you tell him you’re scared.”
“Jesse!” Thomas shouted as he came sprinting around the lake. “Jesse!”
“Tom!” Jesse shouted happily. “Tom, Jack saved me!”
Jack smiled as Jesse rushed to his brother and threw himself into his arms. Thomas clutched his brother close, whispering softly to him. Thomas’ eyes flicked up to Jack’s and he could see the relief and appreciation in his dark eyes. Jack nodded to him as he heard a long, mournful howl behind him. He and Thomas looked up towards the plateau before hurrying back towards the camps.
Gabriel ducked into the cabin shortly before sunrise. Jack was waiting for him, his fear from the night boiling over into rage.
“What were you thinking?” Jack demanded as he grabbed the front of Gabriel’s shirt and shook him. “You could have seriously hurt him! You could have gotten Jesse killed! Is that what you want on your conscious for the rest of your life? Huh? Is it?”
“I wasn’t thinking,” Gabriel hung his head. “Please…Jack….”
“You know damn well what you were doing! You brought him up to the plateau, Gabriel. That’s where all that Native American stuff happened. You can still see the lines carved into the rock. Don’t fucking lie to me!”
Gabriel looked away. “Jack….”
“You tell me what the fuck you were planning or so help me, Gabriel, I’ll…!”
“I want to make a pack,” Gabriel whispered.
His voice was so quiet that Jack almost missed what he said. Tears glimmered on Gabriel’s lashes as he hung his head, shoulders sinking as a broken sob pulled at his chest.
“I wanted a pack,” he repeated. “With you and…and a pup. I wanted a chance to have a pack with you, to finally get our babies. It was wrong. It was so fucking wrong and I can’t believe I let that sort of broken instinct control me.”
“You’re an idiot,” Jack whispered before he hugged his boyfriend close. “You’re such a fucking idiot and you’re so fucking lucky I love you. Don’t you ever fucking do that to me again, do you hear me? This is the last year we’re coming to this camp.”
“I know,” Gabriel whispered and clung to him. “I can’t…I can’t handle this anymore, Jack. It’s like the wolf is taking me over every full moon. I can’t…I don’t want to hurt you or anyone else, especially not any child. I get if you want to leave….”
“We’re in this together,” Jack snapped as he laced their fingers together. “No matter what. I’ll get this shit sorted out, get through one more month, and then leave. Jesse’ll go home to his Pa, Ana and Reinhardt will take over, and we can try to get on with our lives.”
Gabriel nodded and pushed his face into Jack’s shoulder. “I owe you,” he whispered. “I owe you so much.”
“Ssh,” Jack soothed as he cupped the back of Gabriel’s head and slowly started rocking him. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
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skele-bones · 7 years
Small Bump
This is the tenth chapter of Everyday Heroes.
When they decided to have a child, Hanzo never thought that he’d feel this sort of pain. Adoption was always on the table and the prospect of giving an unfortunate child a home was ideal. But their status as criminals wasn’t going to evaporate overnight and despite their aid in preventing the Second Omnic Crisis, the world wasn’t very forgiving. Jesse didn’t cry when they were rejected from the application process. He didn’t say a word on the way home either, the silence growing between them as they reflected on past mistakes which tarnished plans for the future.
That night, Hanzo looked at his husband and saw him looking back. Tears slid down his cheeks as he unraveled and pressed his face against the archer’s shoulder. It was the first of many nights that Hanzo fell asleep to his husband’s shaking body and quiet sobs. His tired smiles in the morning, longing as they passed couples in the street with their own children laughing and carrying on while they continued their quiet stroll.
Perhaps that’s why Moira offered her assistance. The thought was a bitter one and left a disgusting taste in his mouth. Her presence was uncomfortable and the air grew stiff as she looked down her nose at them. Jesse squeezed his hand when he grew rigid, a moment away from giving her a piece of his mind.
Think about our family, Hanzo told himself.
Think about Jesse, he reminded himself.
Moira spoke of an experimental procedure. Combining pieces of the two “parental units” as she put it, incubating them in an artificial womb, and allowing the child to be born in that manner.
It sounded mental to Hanzo.
A scientific breakthrough, yes, but one that could have dire consequences depending on the individual. While questions piled up in Hanzo’s head, he felt Jesse hold his hand tighter and looked up at the cowboy. For the first time in months since their rejection, Jesse’s smile reached his eyes and he looked hopeful.
Heart clenched and tongue in cheek, Hanzo nodded.
Angela reassured him that she’d be watching Moira like a hawk throughout the procedure. DNA samples were taken, explanations were given, and in a whirlwind that lasted a few months — a life was born. The incubator was kept in the med bay and the other members took turns coming to see the youth.
Ana and Reinhardt would read stories or sing songs to the unborn child.
Hana and Lucio would tell them about all the games they’d have to play when they were born.
Bastion weaved together flower crowns for them and while they would surely wilt before the child was born, the sentiment was noticed.
Torbjorn was excited to have a “wee little one” around the base, setting to the task of baby-proofing everything that a child could have access to. Brigitte helped him with the efforts and even brought some clothes that Ingrid kept from her own children’s infancy.
Gabriel Reyes was absent during the process, but Jack told them that he would try to finish his mission quickly as to be there for the child’s birth.
At that time, Hanzo felt as if he was on the top of the world. He’d come to the medbay and sit in a rocking chair near the incubator watching as the light became darker and lighter in intervals. The dragons taking their serpentine forms, resting against the cool glass to feel the artificial warmth. They told him about what they could see. Toes, tiny hands (that they absolutely adored), small nose, eyes, and a tuft of hair.
They were excited about the child, badgering Hanzo to allow them to name them.
“You don’t know whether the child is a boy or girl yet,” Hanzo grumbled one night.
Jesse laughed breathily and wrapped an arm around his waist pressing their bodies flush together. They laid in bed, watching a small monitor that allowed them to see the incubator without disturbing Angela’s all-nighter. Jesse kissed Hanzo’s cheek and rested his cheek against the pillow, thumb tracing circles and idle lines on the archer’s abdomen.
“I say let ‘em,” Jesse muttered.
Hanzo tilted his head slightly to look up at him. Mirth shined in the cowboy’s eyes and although he wasn’t looking in Hanzo’s direction, the smile on his face warmed his heart. “You know they will name the child something ancient,” Hanzo warned. “And there will be no going back.”
Jesse chuckled, “Darlin’. All I care ‘bout is what we got here,” he patted his hand against Hanzo’s chest where his heart was. “And the lil’ one in there.”
Hanzo smiled and stroked his hand through the gunslinger’s sleep-mused locks, taking a light hold and bringing him down for a kiss. It was wonderfully odd how nice kissing Jesse was after all this time. He hoped that feeling never faded and the light never disappeared from the gunslinger’s eyes. As they separated, the soft hum of the incubator whisked them into sleep —
A sleep that was interrupted by dreams of dark hair, hazel eyes, and an infectious smile. The dragons dancing in the breeze, surrounding a child who jumped around and chased them.
“Come soon, little one,” Soba cooed.
“We are waiting for you,” Udon sighed.
Hanzo couldn’t move within the dream but he wanted to rush forward. The child running and jumping out of his reach, turning to look back at him amidst a blinding light. The dream would end there and Hanzo would awaken trying to remember the child’s face or how wonderful it felt to hear them laugh.
And while he didn’t trust Moira with a single hair on the child’s head, he wanted them.
The laughter and joy they could bring to their lives.
He wanted, he prayed, and he thought about them while staring at the incubator. Pressing his hand to the glass, he leaned close and pressed his forehead to it.
“I am waiting for you, little one,” Hanzo whispered.
Angela didn’t say anything when she caught him talking to the unborn child. He’d seen her doing the same on occasion along with anyone else who visited. Everyone was excited and as the months went on, they asked what the child’s name was, intent on buying clothes and various other gifts.
Jesse wrapped his arm around Hanzo’s shoulder and the dragons wound themselves around the cowboy’s hat. They spoke but the sound was chirps which were unintelligible to the others. Giving his shoulder a squeeze, Jesse winked at him and Hanzo returned his smile with a satisfied one.
That would be a wonderful name.
“Shingen,” they said and the others broke out with questions.
It was late December when the child was brought in the world. Moira’s appearance on base was greeted with quiet animosity, anticipation, and surprisingly — thankfulness. She proceeded with Angela at her side and most of the other members pooled within the living area. Jack was arguing with Gabriel over aborting the mission and coming back as soon as possible. Lena was practically blinking everywhere with sheer excitement, Emily stopping her and pulling her to settle down on the couch.
But no one was more nervous than Jesse.
The cowboy wrung his hat in his hands, the brim taking a merciless beating as it was pulled this way then that. His gaze flickered to the doors and he paced back and forth, the jingling of his spurs creating a rhythmic torture for everyone in the room. Hanzo couldn’t say that he wasn’t nervous either. But he rose to his feet, took the cowboy’s hand and pulled him to sit down, the two of them curling up on the couch next to Genji and Zenyatta.
“Are you excited, brother?”
Hanzo looked at Genji and smiled. His little brother wasn’t wearing his visor for the occasion and removed the back of his helmet as well. His green hair was on full display, a broad smile on his face, his eyes shining.
“I am,” Hanzo replied.
His brother reached out to squeeze his hand then pulled away, allowing him to soothe Jesse’s anxiousness with soft whispers.
Moira entered the room with Angela behind her, a small bundle swaddled in a white blanket resting in the crook of her arm. Hanzo stood up abruptly staring at the woman as if she possessed two heads. His gaze lowered to the wriggling blanket and his heart leapt up to his throat. The room fell silent and everyone was honed in on the presence of a new life.
“Congratulations,” she smirked and gave the room a sweeping glance. “It’s a boy.”
Jesse slowly stood up and to his credit, he didn’t flinch as Moira walked closer and held the child at arms length. The gunslinger gently took the babe from her, nodding curtly and stepping away, turning to Hanzo.
“Hey there, kiddo..” Jesse whispered.
Hanzo’s hands haven’t shaken for a few nights but he feels the trembling anew as he reaches out to touch the child’s cheek. It was soft and plush beneath his fingertips but also warm. A tuft of black hair sat on top of his head and when he opened his eyes, hazel eyes looked up at him. Curiously, the child held out his hand and wrapped his fingers around Hanzo’s thumb. The archer brushed careful fingers through his son’s hair —
His son.
Looking up at Jesse, he saw watery brown eyes and a quivering smile.
Their son.
The dragons settled into the baby’s blanket, pressing kisses to his face, his hands and the top of his head.
“We’ve been waiting for you,” they said. “We’ve been dreaming of you.”
And now he was here.
“Welcome home, Shingen.”
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macabrecabra · 7 years
Gabriel getting those sneaker boots for McCree because McCree won't wear any other shoes than his worn out boots :)
Dunno if this was to be a prompt or not, butI'll put it in the prompt pile. Reaction to a post I made....monthsago. I am so damn behind on writing prompts/ask art ; w ;Title: Sneaky Sneakers
Rating: PGRelationship: Dad Gabrieland his adopted cowboy son McCree stared long and hard at theabomination of footwear that was being presented to him before slowlylifting his gaze to the commander of Blackwatch, lips pursed.“Andwhat in the hell am I suppose to do with those things you areholding?”“Well,this is just a guess mind you, but giventhese are shoes, in particular boots, I would say you wear them,”
The sarcastic response only had McCree rolling his eyes, “Iknow what shoes are for but those ain't shoes,”“Yes, youare right. They are boots. Well, sneaker boots really,” Gabrielgave a shrug, offering over the pair of bright white sneaker bootswith Velcro straps rather than laces along the front, “Given thatyou seem to not want to wear anything but boots, I figured that thesewould suit your tastes,”“Those aren't boots. They areugly ass joke shoes. Who would ruin a good pair of boots with,”McCree made a vague gesture towards the boots, as if he wasn't evensure how to convey the level of discuss he felt at beholding thesneaker boots, “With just all of that?”Gabriel smirked ashe shrugged, “I don't know, probably the same people who thoughtdressing like a cowboy in public made them bad ass or something.Seemed like a good idea when drunk at the bar but in theory? Not somuch,”The younger Blackwatch agent gave his commander awithering, tired glare, “I suppose so,” He retorted acidly, “ButI got my pride as a cowboy dressing embarrassment as you put it, andthose ain't no cowboy boots I'll be putting on,”“Maybeyou could just update your cowboy look from the eighteen century tothe eighties? These boots with some glam rock star look and you couldreally get people to look your way,” Gabriel teased wit ha widegrin, “You would never not be the center of attention again!”
“I would but Genji is alreadystealing the eighties eyeliner and dress style and I don't want toinfringe on his decade of fashion choices,” McCree drawled, “AndI'm not wearing those boots!”Gabriel shrugged, “Fine.Don't wear them, but you better be wearing some new boots or else I'mburning those worn out, falling about excuses for footwear and goingto leave these in their place,”“You do that and I'm goingfucking barefoot. No way in hell am I wearing those things!”
The two men glared each other downalthough McCree knew not to test Gabriel's patience. The Blackwatchcommander could put up with a lot sure, but when push came to shove,the man never did make idle threats. Eventually a heavy sigh escapedMcCree and his shoulders slumped forward, eyes dropping to the groundin reluctant defeat. “Fine. I'll go shopping for new bootsbut only if I can borrow your credit card,” The young man grumbled.“Deal, but if you wrack up charges beyond just boots, doremember I know where you sleep and live and eat and I will find youto have a chat about your purchases,” Gabriel Reyes warned.Heset the hideous sneaker boats down at last and pulled out his wallet,passing the plastic card over to McCree, “And if you lose it, I'llbe stringing you up by your damn boots,”“Dully noted,”McCree grumbled before turning on his heels to slink away. Atthe very least, he had avoided the fate of having to wear thoseeyesores and maybe, just maybe, he could find a pair of boots asreliable and comfortable as the pair he had now. Just maybe.
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kirsunee · 7 years
Okay Consider this McHanzo AU (re-posted because i couldn’t edit the original)
Its McCrees birthday and everyone is at his house for a the party, They are having a good time then Gabriel pulls out a Ouija board from his bag and tells everyone to gather round to play it. McCree, being the biggest scaredy cat when it comes to paranormal things reluctantly sits down in the circle. He’s the birthday boy so he HAS to join in.
Everyone except for Lena, Gabriel, McCree, Hana and Jack sit out because they all mutually agree that they’re gonna die if they join in
Gabriel, knowing full well McCree is scared of paranormal things gets him to ask the spirits if they are here. He’s only doing it because McCree and Hana played a prank on him and Jack earlier in a week where they mixed hair dye into Jack’s shampoo. Granted he’s not complaining about his boyfriends sexy black hair now (He likes it because his boyfriend looks edgy and it’s all he’s ever wanted for him). Though Gabriel would NEVER use a Ouija Board in his home, fuck that, it’s only okay to do it in his adopted sons home because he’s a demon of a son so it makes sense
McCree sucks it up and they all put their hands on the planchette (The Pointer thingy) and McCree squeaks out a greeting and asks for the Spirits name, and suddenly the pointer starts to move, everyone gasps and watches with baited breathe as it moves  to the “H”. McCree holds his breath and tries not to laugh at his friends moving the planchette because cmon how obvious. Eventually it spells our “Hanzo” and McCree, albeit still spooked about the idea of using a Ouija Board looks at Gabriel and says “Hanzo? Really, what a awfully stupid name, you could have at least made up something better to scare me” and then Gabriel just looks at McCree his face literally just says “I’m not moving it” then suddenly the pointer jerks out of everyone’s fingers off the desk into the wall and everyone SCREAMS.
McCree lets out a loud “Oh fuck this no” and quickly puts away the Ouija board, covering it in hopes that it would make whatever spirit that they were talking to go away
After a few minutes of everyone just being shocked and spooked Gabriel squeaks out “We didn’t say goodbye to end the contract” McCree says “Well boo hoo it’s gone now, get that Ouija Board outs of my house right now, I’m NEVER letting any of you do anything like that again in my house”
Few Hours Later after everyone’s gotten drunk and forgot about the incident they leave and McCree goes and curls up in bed with a smile on his face because what a good birthday. His peaceful sleep is suddenly interrupted when he dreams of pale skin blue skin and a snarl which makes him wake up with a shout, Breathing heavily he looks up to see a figure standing in his doorway and he lets out the loudest, manliest scream he could muster as he trips and falls out of bed reaching for Peacekeeper on his bedside table. Suddenly there’s a oddly warm hand over his mouth muffling his yelling and then he’s being pushed down onto his bed and he looks up and he’s greeted with the exact same blue skin he seen in his nightmare, swallowing while trying to gather himself he looks into his attacker’s eyes and for a second all time freezes as he looks into pale white eyes.
Coming back to his senses McCree closes his eyes and tenses his body as he tries to brace himself for being ripped to shreds by a demon, because, there’s a demon holding him down staring right at him with a scowl. That’s what he gets for messing with a Ouija Board.  
Then a husky heavily accented voice reaches McCrees ears as said Demon says “Cease your screaming, i am here to make you end out contract so i can leave, you didn't say bid me farewell”
McCree nods as the hand frees his mouth and he all but squeaks “You’re not going to kill me? You’re the Hanzo? The….. demon from earlier?’ and Hanzo replies with a “Yes i am, Though i want nothing more than to punish you for insulting me earlier, i promise i will not hurt you”
Then McCree passes out
Blah blah blah he wakes up thinking it was a dream but it wasn't then he freaks out again and Hanzo promises not to hurt him again and that all he wants to do is to end their contract but informs McCree he needs the Ouija board they used because like ritual magic seal bindings voodoo voodo stuff so McCree calls up Gabriel and asks from him to bring it over without explaining it and Gabriel is like “Oh yah we kinda threw out into the river because Jack was to scared to bring it home he said he would withhold sex if i didn't get it as far away from him as possible”
Upon hearing this Hanzo gets mad and shifts into a full on terrifying demon form and McCree closes his eyes and literally almost starts crying from seeing this and Hanzo looks at the human and feels guilty. So he shifts back into his human form. Hanzo says there’s no way to end the contract and that they’re stuck together unless McCree dies which McCree instantly freaks out over but Hanzo looks at him and says “Even though that’s the only way to end our contract, i cannot harm you in any way since i promised you never bring any harm to you." Damn Hanzos pride, he’s gonna have to suck it up being attached to this his scruffy cowman until he dies, it’ll only be a few decades. He can easily deal with that. Since he’s like a thousand years old.
McCree slowly comes to terms with being actually Haunted. He buys Garlic because he thinks it will help protect him against Hanzo but Hanzo laughs at him then puts an entire garlic bulb in his mouth and eats it as McCree watches on in horror.
Time passes. Hanzos annoying because he’s literally always watching McCree going “Ooo What’s this” “Ahhh” “What peculiar technology” and idk McCree shows him his TV and he spends hours watching it and it’s the only time McCree has been able to get away from him. Which he defiantly doesn’t spend jerking off to a certain pale blue demon with gorgeous glowing white eyes and rippling muscles.
McCree  contacts Zenyatta whos like a exorcist or something? Idk? He can’t help though. Lame.
Though to be far McCree is growing quite attached to this demon, What other human has their own demon? McCree 100% doesn't look at Hanzo as Hanzo stares into the TV in awe thinking he's cute. Hanzo on the otherhand is thrilled by this whole scenario because not only does he have a cute scruffy human but he has TV to watch.  
Bonus points if Hanzo is like the prince of the underworld and hes super strong so other paranormal creatures keep appearing around McCrees house and they try to harm him because he is absolutely covered in Hanzos scent. Hanzo protects him because if anything tries to harm his Jesse he will tear them to pieces.  
Also Hanzo gets mad jealous when McCree doesn’t pay him attention. Because he wants to be the only thing McCree thinks about.
But he likes to stay back and watch TV to learn about the human society. He likes to think he watches nature documentaries with McCree and one there's an Alligator and McCree says something like “He would die if he ever came across one” and Hanzo replies “I wouldn’t let any overgrown lizard hurt you” and it's the most loving thing McCree has ever heard him say.
Then he ruins it by saying “If anything is gonna eat you it's gonna be me” and McCree doesn’t know if he means it in a literal way or in the bedroom way.
Also Hanzo is really over protective over his human because he's been watching the news and there's so many people dying and getting hurt so he usually watches over him from the shadows when he goes because no one can harm his precious cowboy
You finish this AU. Bonus points if Hanzo is a succubus so he needs to have sex to feed or something and because he’s bound to McCree he’s the only person who he can be intimate with. Just as long as they “kiss kiss fall in love”  
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Segador|Soldado and Sharpshooter: Gifted
Happy Father’s Day!
Have some cute family fluff about two commander dads and their newly adopted cowboy son.
Fic Summary:
A side-story about how Gabriel was given his Blackwatch shotguns, and Jack was given a gift from the heart.
Overwatch's first year with the spitball known as Jesse McCree, and how two commanders with not enough time on their hands and too much room in their hearts adopted a tumbleweed of a cowboy.
And how they gave him a second chance at a family.
Fic Preview:
“Ah, nah,” Jesse says, shoving his hands in his pockets, scuffing the toe of a boot at the floor as he tries to smile back, “It really ain’t worth yer time, Commander -”
“Well, sure it is, Jesse,” Jack replies, giving him one of the most genuine, warm smiles Jesse thinks anyone’s ever turned towards him.  The commander tilts his head a li’l, chuckling, “I always like hearing what you have to say, kid.”
Oh no, Jesse thinks, feeling despair sink into the pit of his stomach.
Oh no, I trust him -
“It’s a dumb gift idea.”
The words are out of Jesse’s mouth before he can stop himself.
But Jack is hardly fazed by Jesse’s apparent shock and lack of tact - there’s a calm, firm hand on Jesse’s back, patting him reassuringly as Jack takes a step back into his office, saying cheerfully, “A gift for who?  Angela?”
“What - no, what, why,” Jesse states, giving Jack a quizzical, yet deadpan stare, and the commander shrugs, chuckling, “Just thought I’d take a guess - wait.”
Jack’s face deepens into a concerned and slightly skeptical scowl as he mutters, “It’s not a gift for Torbjörn, is it?  I’m still mad he got you that BAMF belt buckle for Christmas.”
“...What’s wrong with the belt buckle,” Jesse asks, squinting at Jack real hard as he steps into the office, pouting slightly as he squares up against the commander, muttering tartly, “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a li’l flair, Pops.”
“There’s ‘flair’ and then there’s ‘poor taste,’ Jesse,” Jack retorts, snapping the button on the door to slide it shut.  The commander sighs as he returns to his desk, plopping himself in the chair behind the monitors and holo-projections of his computer, “The assistant to the Commander of Blackwatch should try to look a little more presentable -”
“Papito wears a hoodie, Pops,” Jesse grumbles, tossing himself into one of the guest chairs across the desk, folding his arms as he adds with a slow, sugar contemplation, “And a beanie.”
“Look, I’ve never been able to control how Gabe dresses,” Jack admits, shrugging slightly, before he points at Jesse with a smirk, “But I’d hate for you to pick up on his bad habits.”
“Trust me,” Jesse chuckles, before gesturing at his chest and legs, saying smugly, “The unfashionable boss ain’t responsible for this avante garde freshness.”
Jack gives him a long, thousand-yard look before muttering, “So about this gift.”
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soft-butch-cassidy · 7 years
What if McCree is also a reincarnation of someone from Jack's past and he was Jack and Gabriel's son. Jack never got to see him grow up because the curse was put on him when little Jesse was like 7 or 8 so seeing McCree as an adult can make him emotional. But he won't tell anyone because he's afraid of how McCree would react but the shimadas end up spilling the beans
yes!! tho i bet he never could have predicted this. the reincarnation of his adopted son from half a millennia ago is a fucking cowboy. 
Jesse’s reaction is “whoa really? i wonder what past me was like. wow. i bet he didn’t have a hat this cool” and hanzo is like “why am i so in love with you”
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hotbugbot · 7 years
Overwatch HCs
Ana: straight. the otp with reinhardt. pretty shameless with her affection and probably embarrasses pharah with it sometimes. not vulgar, just old and open. somewhat motherly toward mccree, and is team advice grandma. voted most likely to share an embarrassing story about anyone giving her too much sass.
Bastion: beeps boops. sexuality and gender are not a thing. has made friends with nearly the entire crew of overwatch, including the anti-omnics, save for maybe anyone on team talon. voted most likely to have a collection of decorative flower pots.
D.va: pansexual trans girl. way more interested in vidya games than people. became quick bffs with lúcio, who is her transitioning buddy. her and genji are casual friends, who share a passion for classic arcade games. quietly thinks hanzo is hot but is Not About That stuffy personality. also likes the junkers, partly in an ironic way but also genuinely. voted most likely to make a meme out of stupid shit her teammates say.
Genji: bisexual. the otp with mccree, established before recall. after he overcomes his body dysphoria thanks to zenyatta’s guidance, genji regains confidence in his sexuality and becomes a giant flirt 2.0. polyamorous cyborg is much more respectful and less flighty in relationships than his younger self was. had a dragon tattoo mirroring hanzo’s own but in green down his right arm, before it got torn the fuck off. all that remains of his old body is bits of his face, his left arm, and a few vital organs. death by ryuu ga waga teki wo kurau. voted most likely to spew absolute filth in japanese around those he knows cannot speak it for kicks.
Hanzo: either bisexual with a slight female preference, or demi. thinks the team cowboy is hot hot hot, but has a much harder time coming to terms with his (gay) feelings than his brother does. has a friendship with satya based on their mutual appreciation for order and company in silence. his legs are prosthetic. voted most obnoxiously tidy room.
Junkrat: ?? gray asexual, probably. too preoccupied with blowing shit up to care much. when he isn’t blowing shit up, he actually puts in quite an effort to befriend his teammates, but to the point it is overbearing and invasive. voted most likely to lose more limbs by the end of the year.
Lúcio: bisexual, slight male preference. trans guy. became quick bffs with hana, who is his transitioning buddy. his lower half is partially prosthetic, with enhancements; unlike hanzo, synthetic pieces are built around his fleshy legs that allow him to not only walk but skate like a pro. also hangs around reinhardt a lot, but everyone loves reinhardt. voted most likely to disappear at night to satisfy a sweet tooth craving.
Mccree: bisexual. the otp with genji, established before recall. big on pet names and 100% shameless when it comes to using them in public. has a tattoo on his upper back from his deadlock days, which he now regrets. his relationship with reyes is complicated at best, largely thanks to gabriel having treated him much like a father would a son in his early recruit days. to say negative feelings have completely replaced any of appreciation and love would be a lie. still close to pharah and ana. voted most likely to whistle loudly in the shower.
Mei: bisexual or gay. probably gay. suffers from ptsd due to losing her friends in the cryostasis incident, just is, to her detriment, very good at hiding it behind a smile. has coping rituals to get by and generally gets along well with the recall team, but occasionally has to force herself to socialize. tracer, lúcio, and zarya have been particularly good at making this easier for her. voted most likely to describe memories in vivid detail like no one else can.
Mercy: bisexual. low on the angela hcs, but her hands are DIRTY, the pure angel persona is a lie. might’ve had a minor interest in ana romantically in her younger days, but never did anything about it. voted most likely to overwork herself.
Pharah: gay. thought she had a small crush on mccree when she was young, but came to realize she simply admired his confidence and companionship. has since formed a brother-sister relationship with him that’s lasted to present day. has complicated feelings toward mercy, namely, is Hella In Love with her while mercy felt more companionship with her mother in the older days, and sees fareeha like a sister. she wants to return the familial sentiment but just ends up sweating a lot and acting like a clumsy, lovesick fool. voted most likely to follow an insanely strict meal plan for health benefits.
Reaper: gay. gay and his relationship with morrison is so, so deliciously complicated. a great number of things fanned the fire that led to the incident at swiss HQ, and their personal (gaaay) relationship certainly didn’t help douse any flames. whatever happened, reyes was screwed just as much as jack, if not more. practically canon supported. voted most likely to have skull crushing thighs.
Reinhardt: straight. the otp with ana. the most affectionate partner out of all the heroes, hands down. will let you swing from his flexing biceps whether you are 4 or 40 and boisterously proclaim how he is loving every second of it. has a garden he tends to and harvests on base. fareeha’s adoptive father, but also kind of everyone’s adoptive grandfather. voted most likely to wake others with his snoring.
Roadhog: bisexual. has a natural talent for detail work, and can pick up just about any handicraft in a few attempts. if he isn’t blasting holes into things, he’s probably somewhere off in his own space sewing or baking. is polynesian, and can play a mean ukulele. vegetarian. voted most likely to liberate a herd of animals from the pound.
Soldier 76: bisexual. see: reaper. not a dad, but definitely team dad, likely against his will. i basically subscribe to the popular headcanon that jack was an overambitious golden poster boy in his younger years, and worked his ass off to get the respect and praise he thinks he deserves. things started to sour in overwatch before he was necessarily ready to deal with them or the position thrust upon him. voted most likely to say he won’t lift a finger for anyone who acts like a suicidal asshole in a skirmish, but ends up going above and beyond to save them if there’s trouble.
Sombra: gay. gets an absolute kick out of teasing/pissing everyone off. not even widowmaker is safe from her playful pestering, and honestly talon operatives must think she has a death wish because someone has ‘accidentally’ pointed a sniper rifle at her more than once. voted most likely to blackmail anyone’s ass into oblivion.
Symmetra: either gray asexual or aromantic. either way has an appreciative eye for the female form/femmes but is not interested in pursuing an actual relationship. has a friendship with hanzo based on their mutual appreciation for order and company in silence. she’s ocd and autistic, and likes winged things, such as birds and butterflies, but as something to be admired from afar rather than up close. voted best natural balance.
Torbjörn: straight. i don’t have a single torb headcanon that diverts from canon tbh. voted unexpectedly best dick game.
Tracer: CANON LESBIAN fully accepted into headcanon space, bless. also canonly fam with winston my tracer hc prayers have been answered. i don’t have much to add. voted most likely to be found napping randomly in strange places.
Widowmaker: doesn’t really have the emotional capacity for romance or sexuality since brainwashing, but thought she was straight pre-talon. ‘thought’ because she is actually bisexual, just never had a chance to explore that. still working on how her humanity eventually comes back to her. voted most likely to win a breath holding competition.
Winston: i draw the line at monkey shipping but him and tracer are great pals. voted most likely to binge watch future!netflix after a hard day and unintentionally empty out the entire kitchen by the second movie.
Zarya: gay as hell. the most she will ever admire about a man is his workout routine, and even then we know hers is more intense. has at some point arm wrestled everyone in overwatch and won. voted most likely to get hit by a truck and survive, with minimal injuries.
Zenyatta: asexual. i can’t seem to fit in any relationship that isn’t platonic for zen in my head space; he respects his brother mondatta deeply and genji as a friend and student. has an unexpectedly dry sense of humor and will deliver jokes in the flattest tone when it’s least expected. as a result, no one knows if he’s kidding or not and his punchlines are almost always followed by uncomfortable silence. voted most likely to be writing an epic in his spare time.
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sp00kworm · 8 years
Mr Reyes (Part 6)
Reaper76, SchoolAU in which Jack is a single dad and Gabriel the new hot Kindergarten teacher.
Part 5     Part 7
Gabriel rolled over with a groan, and yawned in the light of the mid-morning sun. The Latino didn't move for a moment, keeping his eyes closed against the sunlight streaming in through the small gap in the curtains. Placing a hand over his face, he scrubbed at the goatee with a scowl before trying to drag his hand through the curls on top of his head. His fingers got caught in a knot, and Gabriel wrestled with his nest of hair for a minute, untangling his fingers from it before managing to actually wake himself up. After another yawn, he was awake enough to remember what had happened the previous day. A smirk followed soon after as the memories of their activities on the couch that evening sounded in his head, or rather the cute noises Jack had made. Gabriel looked over at the bed side table, and grabbed his mobile, rubbing at his hair again as he squinted slightly in the harsh glare of the touch screen.
There were a few notifications from his cat game and the news app he had installed- apparently there was a new fashion show on for the latest model sensation known as 'Widowmaker', and Gabriel could guess the reason she chose that alias. The last few notifications were from Jack at around ten o'clock, when he had gotten home. Gabriel opened the messages, and smiled at the first clumsily typed message.
'Came home to find Jesse and Hana asleep on the beanbags in her room. Both covered in makeup and cheese chip stains. Hanzo apologised. Poor kid looked worn out.'
The next text was a picture message, and attached was a glorious picture of Hana and Jesse draped over beanbags, pink bows and tutus on, smeared in nail varnish and lipstick. Eyeshadow covered their eyelids and black mascara was stuck around their eyes rather than on their eyelashes. Gabriel snickered and thumbed through the various angles before reading the last message.
'Hanzo and Jesse headed back to your place. Hope that's not a problem? Enjoyed the night, see you again soon? Maybe at the talent show?' The kindergarten teacher scowled at that. A talent show? Gabriel couldn't for the life of him remember anything about a talent show. He shot back a message before heading to the shower, stripping off his sweat pants before hopping in to wash the evidence of yesterday off his body.
After a brisk warm shower, Gabriel wrapped a towel around his waist before returning to his room to dress. He thumbed his phone open again as he towelled his knotted curly hair dry. Jack had messaged him back a couple of minutes after his last text.
'There's a talent show taking place at the theatre in a couple of weeks. I've got a lot of work in between now and then because of the new company we're dealing with so that might be a nice way to wind down? Afterwards we could do something else, but Hana really wants to go, so it might be a nice thing for us three to do.”
Gabriel snickered to himself at this- Jack was such a sap. Despite his sniggering, Gabriel sent another message back confirming it and wandered out into his hall after shoving himself into underwear, a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt.
Quietly, he shut his door and eyed the door to Jesse's room with suspicious eyes. The youngster had come home last night, with the Shimada boy in tow. Instantly, his parental instincts kicked in, and he twisted the door knob to Jesse's room, opening the door quietly. The site was thankfully, a semi-decent one. They were both clothed from what Gabriel could tell, and they were both merely cuddled together in the bed, Jesse curled around Hanzo who had taken the majority of pillow and covers. With a smirk, Gabriel snapped a picture on his phone and sent it to Jack the caption 'Boys are safe and sound.' before closing the door and heading down the stairs in search of the coffee pot and his steaming cup of black coffee.
It was when Gabriel was frying pieces of bacon that Jesse poked his head around the door from the stairwell, Hanzo presumably in tow.
“Pa? Is it okay for you to make Hanzo some-” Jesse hissed as Hanzo shouldered past him.
“Mr Reyes, I am sorry for intruding like this but-” Hanzo was halted by Gabriel spinning around with an eye roll, his black and red 'kiss the cook' apron tied around his waist.
“Sit down you two. Do you really think I'm going to have a problem with someone finally whipping  Jesse into shape? Jesus. Come on Jesse, really? You think I'd have a problem with it, honestly?” Gabriel cocked a hip out and flipped a piece of bacon over with one hand, taking a drink of coffee with the other. “Honestly, I'm already sure as hell the two of you have sneaked in a quickie whilst I've been at work anyway.” The teacher shrugged with a grin and plated up the bacon with eggs, toast and beans before handing them to the two boys that had seated themselves at the table already.
Jesse squirmed in his seat at the stare he was receiving from his adopted father, and flushed red with a scowl, whilst Hanzo elegantly tucked into his food, glancing at Gabriel from under his eyelashes in an attempt not to talk to him.
“Pa I swear to god I'll- ouch!” The youngster clutched at his head indignantly as he received a smack to the back of it. Gabriel scowled at him waving a fork in Jesse's face.
“No swearing at the table. Especially, Jesse, when we have a guest.” He gave a smirk and apologised to Hanzo, who was wide eyed, before he told the two of them it did not matter with a chuckle. The rest of the morning antics, mainly including Gabriel teasing Jesse, had Hanzo, eventually snorting in laughter. Jesse had stopped growling at Gabriel for a minute to look at the Japanese teen, his mouth open like a goldfish.
Gabriel laughed loudly at this, and shed real tears at his son's gormless look. The two of them continued to laugh when Jesse stood up so fast that he tripped himself up on the chair leg. He fell dramatically to the floor, his cutlery clattered noisily beside his head. Hanzo stifled his laughter for a moment when the plate also slipped off of the table, smacking the cowboy on the backside, imprinting bean juice and grease all over his American flag pyjama bottoms. Hanzo was up in an instant to make sure Jesse was okay, still giggling like a girl every now and then. Gabriel, however, was thrown into even more intense laughter, and he howled with it, clutching his stomach as tears dripped down his cheeks. The latino began to wheeze when Jesse tugged his chair leg and pulled the chair out from under Gabriel. The teacher was sent sprawling across the floor and his laughter was cut off as he smacked his toe on the table with a crack.
“JESSE! HIJO DE PUTA!” Gabriel cried out and growled, clutching at his big toe protectively as Jesse laughed maliciously, wiping his backside with tissue paper provided by Hanzo. The other youngster's throat moved as though he was repressing laughter and Gabriel scowled at he two of them, hissing like a scalded cat.
“Come on Pa! It ain't that bad!” Jesse snorted and sat up prodding at Gabriel's protective hands curled around his toe.
“It hurts like a bitch Jesse! Don't fucking poke it pendejo!” Gabriel huffed and sat up before heaving himself to his feet and hissing at the pain that spiked through the entirety of his foot, all the way up to his ankle, which refused to remain stable, and shook with the pain.
“Shit! Pa I'm sorry! Oh gosh we've gotta get you to the hospital because you're gonna make it worse walking on it! Sit down pa! I'll ring Jack!” Gabriel was manhandled into a chair and offered a drink by an apologetic Hanzo as Jesse ran around looking for his mobile like a headless chicken. Gabriel tried to grab Jesse by the sleeve to tell him to not bother Jack, but the boy slipped through his fingers and was already dialling the blond's number before Gabriel could shout at him. Jesse began blubbering as soon as Jack answered the phone, and the blond seemed very worried on the other side of the line. Gabriel sighed and flushed a little, sighing into his hands at the fact that Jack was basically coming to his rescue here like a little prince. He supposed then, that that made him the princess.
Jack answered his jingling mobile fairly quickly and was shocked to hear a blubbering deep southern accent on the other end.
“Jack you've gotta take my pa to the hospital! Please! I think he's broken his foot and-and-”
Jack cut in baffled by the speed of the greeting, “Woah, slow down Jesse. What's happened?” He shouldered the phone for a moment, putting down his glass of water.
Jesse took a deep breath, “I, well, I tugged the chair out from under Pa and he's smacked his foot on the table and I think he's broken it?” He went higher at the end, probably cringing, as Jack heard muffled curses from the kitchen again and a softer voice telling Gabriel to sit down.
“Okay-alright. Give me ten minutes please? Unless you can look after Hana for me over there?” Jack was already shooing Hana upstairs to get her bag, and he grabbed his jacket as she jumped back down the stairs, her toys and colouring pencils in tow. Shoving his boots on he sighed and grabbed his keys. “Be there in ten Jesse. Try and keep him sat still until I get there please.”
“Sure thing boss.” Jesse chuckled and hung up just as he screamed something in Spanish to Gabe in the kitchen.
Jack drove just above the speed limit, trying to dodge lights as he sped over to Gabriel's house in a bit of a panic. He smacked the car door shut before grabbing Hana out of her seat and leading her up to the house quickly before knocking on the door, his foot tapping in worry.
“Daaaaaad. We were meant to go and see The Incredibles three today! Are we still going to go? Why are we at Mr Reyes' house?” Hana whined by his side, stomping her little booted foot with a pout.
“Mr Reyes needs some help sweetie. He's hurt his foot so daddy needs to take him to get it checked up okay?” He placed a soothing hand on top of Hana's dark chocolate coloured hair with a smile as the door opened, “I promise Jesse will take you okay?”.
Jesse opened the door and frowned, “Wait. What?” he looked down at the smirking Hana and frowned, “I'm taking her where?”.
“Can you take her to see a film while I take Gabe to the hospital, please?” Jack walked over the threshold and smiled taking Hana's shoes off on the stairs before opening the door and letting her run into the kitchen with a cheer of 'Mister Reyes'. Jack shook his head and followed her into the kitchen with a worried crinkle between his eyebrows.
In the kitchen, Hana was fussing over Gabriel with tears in her eyes, and nodded as he asked for a pillow for his foot and scampered back into the living room, a large fluffy purple pillow in tow when she returned. Her teacher took it off her with a ruffle of her hair, and winced as he lifted his foot, tucking it underneath to try and help ease the weight of the foot on itself against the hard wood of the chair. Jack eventually managed to shoo Hana away long enough in order to help Gabriel to his feet.
“Come on Jack, I swear I can walk on my own. I don't need you here to baby me like this.” Gabriel muttered as he tried to lean away from the blond, only to hiss in pain when he put his foot down, and almost collapse back onto Jack's shoulder to hold himself upright.
“Yeah alright Gabe. Keep telling yourself that and you'll make it worse than it already is.” Jack tutted and helped the latino towards the door, making sure he put at least one shoe, and was presentable, (he decided sweat pants and a sweat shirt would just have to do) before opening the door and helping a childish huffing Gabe into the front seat. Jack turned back after shutting the door to his car.
“Hana behave yourself. Or I'll see that you have your games taken away alright missy? No acting up for Jesse and Hanzo please.” Hana rolled her eyes but huffed a 'yes dad' before Jack got into the car and pulled away from the curb.
The hospital's minor injuries department was fairly quiet, with a few children clutching their arms and fingers and an elderly lady who also had her leg propped up on the seat opposite as her husband scolded her. Jack helped Gabriel into a seat before going to the reception and explaining the situation. He was handed a clip board with various forms on it for the insurance and documentation needed. He handed it to Gabriel when he returned and watched the crinkle in Gabriel's brow as he focused on writing in his details. Jack didn't realise he'd been caught staring until Gabriel clicked the pen and snorted, “Are you done staring yet boy scout?”.
“Wha- wait I wasn't- ah.” Jack flushed a little at having been caught staring, and Gabriel only chuckled, leaning in to nuzzle the red apple of Jack's cheeks with a pouting 'kissy' face.
“I don't get why you're all flushed. You've stared at much more than this.” Jack flushed more as Gabriel smirked, positively purring the words.
“Gabe. Give up you horn dog.” Jack swatted at the hand that had crawled up his inner thigh and scoffed before grabbing the pen and tapping the clip board. “Finish your paper work so we can get you fixed up.” Gabriel only snickered and continued writing.
They were quickly seen to, and Gabriel was put in a bed as they did an x-ray on his foot and assessed the results. He'd fractured a metatarsal bone connected to his big toe. This meant a cast was needed to hold the foot straight while they healed. Gabriel groaned at the news, and then cursed viciously at the six week period he would have it on for. Jack smacked his arm as he descended into muttered Spanish curses and nodded in understanding at the doctor who was attending to Gabriel. They quickly shoved the foot into a plaster cast, with some grunting from Gabriel, who had to have the bone pressed to the side slightly so it would heal properly. He grabbed Jack's hand and squeezed, the other arm over his eyes with the pain of the movement. All in all the process was over quick and Jack tentatively leaned over to press a kiss to Gabriel's temple once it was over.
Gabriel smiled and huffed, smacking his head against the pillows at the cute display of affection.
“Is it too early to tell you I love you Jack?” He softly ran a finger along Jack's jaw bone.
“Gosh you sap, the wrong place and the wrong time completely...” He smiled and kissed Gabriel's palm softly, “But I love you too.” The two grinned like children at one another before Gabriel sighed.
“Well...now I wont get to show you my entire leather heavy metal performance next week.” Jack flushed but broke out into laughter as Gabriel pouted.
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nievia-writes · 8 years
Like Father Like Son (Gabriel Reyes and Jesse McCree)
Title: Like Father Like Son: Calibrations Chapter: 2/4 Description:  Jesse has never been good at taking care of himself, much to Gabriel Reyes' annoyance. Pairing: Gabriel Reyes and Jesse McCree (father-son relationship) Word Count: 869 Rating: Mature
Jesse turned at the sound of Captain Reyes’ voice, holding his right hand against his left arm to pause the subtle twitches and shakes. It felt off, awkward, uncalibrated since the last mission he ran with his boss. This happened often since he’d joined Blackwatch and lost his arm. But Angela was off on a mission of her own, and so the gunslinger was left to deal with the annoyance of a malfunctioning prosthetic.
When he first lost his arm, it had left a strange emptiness in him, sometimes phantom pain or sometimes simply forgetting it wasn’t there anymore. But Gabriel Reyes had helped him through it, watched over him along with Dr. Ziegler, let him adjust. Yet, lo and behold, here he was again.
The captain had that look on his face, the one he got when recruits were misbehaving or when McCree was, yet again, in trouble. He strode towards the cowboy, like a creature stalking its prey, holding a small, opaque plastic box in his hands.
Jesse tipped his hat and gave his boss a charming smile, “Howdy, y’need somethin’ from me?”
Gabriel rolled his eyes, “More the other way around, cabrón,” he nodded towards the prosthetic, “Your arm isn’t calibrated.”
McCree shuffled his feet, smiling guiltily, “Well, well, well, seems like you do care about me, jefe.”
Huffing, the captain nudged McCree’s side with the edge of the box, “Don’t change the subject, I just don’t want you getting rusty before the next mission.”
The young gunslinger rolled his eyes, “Sure thing, dad.”
Gabe punched him in the side, but Jesse could see the beginning of a smile on his face, “Alright, alright. Let’s get that arm fixed up.”
They sat in the area in the back of the training room, surrounded by the various weapons used for recruits to practice with. Various agents (old, new, and upcoming) nodded at them as they passed by, but let the Captain and his protege go about their business. McCree propped his feet up on a nearby table and rolled up his sleeve to reveal his prosthetic while Gabriel began to open the small kit that held all the items needed to recalibrate his arm.
He motioned for Jesse to move closer, holding a small syringe in his hand. He prodded at the skin just above the prosthetic with his fingers before injecting him with the needle. McCree scowled as numbness took over what was left of his right arm, shivering.
Gabriel carefully placed the needle back in its place in the kit after cleaning it, and picked up a small screwdriver. Jesse watched him take off the plating systematically, saw the wires and metal and rubber that connected to his nerves and allowed him to move it. He swallowed thickly, watched Gabriel put gloves on, and reach into the limb, and Jesse had to look away.
Vaguely, McCree felt the captain poking around. It was a dulled sensation, even moreso with the injection, but it always made him sick to his stomach. He always imagined it was his real arm. Flesh and blood. He could see it now, Gabriel pressing his fingers in, shifting veins, pushing through muscle, blood squelching under his touch.
He wanted to vomit. He leaned away from Captain Reyes, turned his head, tried to keep the bile down.
“You alright?” Gabriel asked.
“Nah,” he grunted, “Hate gettin’ calibrated. Feels wrong, y’know?”
Gabriel hummed, but didn’t say anything. Jesse closed his eyes, focused on the sounds of recruits coming in and out and the vague thrum of pulse munitions. He wondered if the Strike-Commander was training with the newbies again.
Gabriel clicked something back into place within Jesse’s arm and the cowboy shuddered at the feel of nerves connecting, correcting themselves now that the wires and metal was nudged back into place by a careful touch. The captain slowly removed his hand, stained with the grease and oil that kept McCree’s prosthetic up and running, and then re-applied the oils in the needed spaces.
“Don’t gotta do all that, Captain.”
He scoffed, “It’ll wear down faster if I don’t. Now shut up and let me finish fixing it,”
Pressing the plating that covered the inside of McCree’s prosthetic, Gabriel clicked everything back into place, tightened a few screws, and then wiped some excess grease from the metal. He scowled at the grime that was in between the plates.
“Clean yourself up. That arm’s disgusting.”
McCree smiled and tipped his hat with his freshly-calibrated hand, “Sure thing,”
Gabriel swatted at him, scowling, but he looked oddly pleased with himself. McCree stood up, flexed his metal fingers in an attempt to get the feeling back into them as the injection wore off. “You up for a little sparring?”
Gabriel smirked, “If it means I get to beat you up in front of the recruits, I’m in, hijo.”
“Aww, so I am like a son to you.”
Gabriel’s face flushed a brilliant red. He scowled. “I adopted you, dumbass. Now, shut up and get to the sparring area.”
Laughing, McCree made his way out of the seating area, “Whatever you say, padre,” he teased.
*Translations* Cabrón -- bastard Jefe -- boss Hijo -- son
Here is the second installment!! Thanks so much for reading <3 I don’t have much to say but if you have any suggestions or see any errors please let me know!
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