#Gail Meyer
honey-intherock · 4 months
The clearest sign yet that our society is beyond redemption is the way y'all are letting The Fall Guy flop
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sunflower1274 · 5 months
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Hannah Waddingham, I'm desperately in love with you 💖
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multifandominfj · 4 months
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Gail Meyer (Hannah’s Version)
If these were all album cover variants of the same album, I’d buy them all.
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The Fall Guy cast appreciation - 2 of 4
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yesmaddyposts · 3 months
Thinking about the fact that when Gail talked to Colt in her trailer and gave him Ryder's patio door code, she fully expected that to be the last time she ever saw Colt alive. At that moment the plan was to drug him and plant his body with Henry's. She really was downright diabolical to do that to someone she had known for over a decade.
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redpool · 4 months
The Fall Guy is still the best movie to come out this entire year (so far).
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daisymintt · 4 months
Just saw the Fall Guy again and oh my gosh it’s even better the second time!! This movie is so phenomenal, a true masterpiece! I took my friend with me and she absolutely fell in love with t and is planning to take her parents to see it!! Can’t wait to buy this movie and watch it nonstop!!
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 3 months
Rebecca Welton/reader Title: Nine-ing Armor. sum: Rebecca goes to the psychic against her own wishes and it told the phrase ‘shite in nine-ing armor’. Little does she know that this ‘shite’ will surely sweep her off her feet.
Mother Witch (Morgana)/reader Title: To Grow Old is to Grow Fond. sum: r and Morgana never really got along, especially after growing up with rival covens, the covens made up and all was well. As time went on, Morgana had used Magicae Maxima. Now in the modern ages, how will the two adapt? Especially since they’ve been roomates for forever.
Emily Prentiss/reader From So Long, London: NOTHING’S GONNA STOP ME, NOT EVEN YOU (pt. 1) sum: since r’s come back, she’s taken a liking to the team, and they’ve taken a liking to her. Except Emily. Only a select few on the team knew of their History. So, when R takes a suspicious phone call after a fun night out. Emily turns curious.
Gail Meyer/reader Title: The One, The Only. sum: R and Gail seem to have the perfect…arrangement, that is until a certain blonde Actor ruins it. Gail considers Tom as a threat and plans for more than just a simple talk to make it stop.
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friendship-ditch · 3 months
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(Jody Moreno x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: Your and Jody's conversation after you "blew up" in Sydney Harbor.
Warnings/Notes: A few mentions of suicide and death and not totally canon compliant, but also lots of fluff
Word Count: 1813
  It was all over the news; The Explosion on Sydney Harbor.  
  An act of aggressive suicide, they called it, Y/N’s attempt at one final show before being arrested for her murder.  The news speculated you killed the other stunt worker to take their job, get yourself back on track in the Tom Ryder movies.  The media viewed you as a selfish asshole, who, when approached with a struggle you knew you couldn’t escape, decided to go out with a destructive bang and blow up a bunch of oil containers.
  The cameras caught the explosion pretty well.  You could see your flaming boat circle the oil, and then leap at it.  The quality diminished from how bright it was on screen, but the flames were licking tall into the sky.  
  You’d certainly died.  You’d blown up into pieces.  The last remnant was your Miami Vice jacket found floating in the water.  Boom.  Y/N was dead.
  But you weren’t.  You couldn’t be, you just couldn’t.
  Jody rewinded the video on her laptop for the seventh time in a row.  Her eyes were burning from how close she was to the screen, surveying every damn pixel for any hint of you.  
  She’d spent the whole night awake, the idea of sleeping making her feel sick.  Gail’s call had sent her into about two hours worth of tears until she remembered your previous work years ago of riding boats over flames constantly.  
  It took her a few hours to actually convince herself to watch the news once it came out, fearing the worst; your dead, burned body?  Or the fact that you survived and they caught you…  Both options terrified her.
  By some miracle, the result was neither.  All the news had to share was the explosion… and that was it.  Nobody had really gone out and investigated the waters yet, but the common assumption was you had died.
  Jody was the first, and likely only person to call bullshit on this.  The realization that you might still be alive was enough to keep her going.  And so, there she was, as close to her computer screen as she could be and rewatching it over, and over, and over.
  She was so engrossed in the video, that she didn’t notice her door cracking open, nor the alien-dressed-human stepping inside.
  Your body moved awkwardly, confined to the tight and uneven spaces of one variation of the Metalstorm alien costumes.  You moved with the grace of a newborn colt trapped in a sea of molasses.  It was a miracle you made it inside without Jody noticing you.
  You planned to take the helmet off once you got in… that part of the plan slipped your mind as after everything you’d been through, you were just so excited to see Jody.  You reached out a hand and touched her shoulder.
  And Jody beat the shit out of you.
  “It’s me!”  You exclaimed as she practically threw you around like you were weightless.  To your luck, the voice distorter was jacked and all it sounded like was a bunch of alienish mumbling.
  Jody nearly choked you.  When that didn’t work, she grabbed a pen and stabbed it into your leg.  Your cry of pain was distorted once more and soon you were on the ground.
  Aimed like a warrior about to slay her worst enemy, Jody held her pen up, most likely aiming for your chest.  Was she actually going to kill you?  At this point, probably.  Just another disaster on the Metalstorm set; Jody Moreno, new director, jailed for murder after death of girlfriend, insanity suspected.  Another one for the books.  Could Gail Meyer recover?  Could Tom Ryder?  
  You stopped her death blow, arms shaking from her sudden strength.  She wasn’t kidding about working out after you vanished.
  Jody’s eyes were filled with an almost scary ferocity, her body shaking too with the urge to implant the pen right into your chest.  What did she have to lose?
  That rage vanished from her face the second you managed to form your trembling hand into a thumbs up.  Jody gasped and threw the pen aside, then tore your helmet off.
  “Y/N!  I knew you weren’t dead, oh god…!”  Jody’s voice immediately went from fierce to breathless as reality set in on her.  She sat you up, ignoring how bulky your costume was, and how sweaty you were from the whole thing.  Her hands cupped your face in a frantic motion to keep you from disappearing again.  Jittery fingers ran through your hair, then back to your face, and finally down to the costume.  She didn’t know what to grab or hold, too excited and overwhelmed.  “Are you okay?”
  You chuckled weakly, propping yourself up against the couch with her help.  “I think…  You got the pen out before the ink poisoning could set in, that’s good.”
  The sparkle in Jody’s eyes was replaced with guilt and she frowned worriedly, her gaze turning to your leg.  “I’m sorry.  You scared the shit out of me, if I knew it was you…  I’m sorry.”
  “Don’t be.  It was cool.”  Your voice was a little raspy, and your leg felt like it was on fire, but you tried your best to push past it for Jody.  You tried to reach out and tousle her hair but all the obtuse gloves managed to do was sort of just poke her in the side of the face.
  “I knew you weren’t dead.”  Jody whispered again, setting her hands on your shoulders.  “The… the Miami Vice stunts..”
  “You remembered…”
  “Of course.”  She murmured.  “But… what happened to you?  Gail said she sent you off on a plane, you caused an explosion in the harbor, you murdered–”
  “I didn’t murder anybody.  Tom framed me.”
  “He what?”
  It turns out, once you actually explained the whole thing to Jody, she understood it a lot easier than with your movie analogies.  At the end of it, she was practically fuming.
  “Who else knows you're alive?”  Jody asked quietly once you finished.
  “You shouldn’t be here!  We have to burn your finger prints off and send you across the border right now!”  She exclaimed in a loud whisper, grabbing your hands.  
  “No, no!  That’s the point!  If they think I’m dead, they’ll come back and finish the movie.”  You squeezed her hands tightly in return.
  Furrowing her eyebrows, Jody sat back on her heels.  “The movie?  That’s not important, Y/N.  You’re more important.  We need to hide you until we can prove you’re innocent because I’m not losing you again.  It’s just a stupid movie.”
  A stupid movie?  WHAT?!  For all of the years that you knew Jody (around 3-ish, probably, you’d lost count), even before you dated her, all she could talk about was how badly she always wanted to make a movie of her own.  She had countless notebooks with ideas scribbled in even the margins, notes on her phone full of words that made sense only to her of assorted plots and endings to ideas that didn’t even relate, and always doodled on every piece of scrap paper she could get if it was big enough for her to draw up a new mock design.  Jody had poured her heart and soul into this movie and you knew damn well that letting her give up on it would crush her.  There had to be a way to keep Jody from going to directors jail and you out of the more general jail.
  “It’s not stupid!  It’s an amazing movie, Jody.”  You blurted out, cutting her off from her rambling.  “You’ve worked your whole life to get to this point, and you deserve this more than anybody.  Your story deserves to be told and the world deserves to see your work and your never ending dedication.”  
  Jody stared at you.
  “You have… a way of viewing the world that’s so extraordinary and creative and your stories are always gorgeous, whether they end happily or not.  I’m not letting you give up on your dreams because I know it’ll break your heart just as much as if I went to jail…  Maybe I couldn’t get us our happy ending, and I don’t know what you have planned for the end of the movie, but I’ll be damned if Space cowboy and Aliena don’t get to cross the big screens.”
  Out of breath from your rant, you dipped your head for a second to fill your lungs.  In the split second you looked away, you must’ve missed a thousand thoughts in Jody’s eyes, as when you looked at her again, soft tears were dripping down her face, and her eyes were so.. so big and staring at you as plucked the moon out of the sky and offered it to her on one knee.
  “Jody…?”  Your expression softened into a frown.
  Jody tried to respond, but words failed her as all she let out was a soft croak.  She wiped her face, then slipped her arms around your neck and kissed you.  It was like a movie, no… better than the movies.  
  She only broke away when there was a sputter of knocks at the door.  It was Gail, excitedly calling Jody out to talk.
  Jody rested her head against your costume and sighed.  “In a minute, Gail!”  She called, standing up and pulling you to your feet.  “We have to hide you.”
  Did you think it would be easy to hide a woman in a bulky, beaten up and firm alien costume?  Of course you didn’t, and you’d be right.  
  It took at least 5 minutes for Jody to eventually just hide you by her bed.  She threw your helmet at you and then dealt with Gail who neither of you were the biggest fans of anymore.
  Once the annoying woman finally left, Jody ran over to you again and grabbed your hand.  “I have a plan to fix everything and clear your name.”
  “Do I get to beat the shit out of Tom Ryder?”
  “Does it involve finishing Metalstorm?”
  When a soft smile pricked the corners of Jody’s lips, you couldn’t help but grin.  You’d both get what you wanted; Metalstorm to finish, and keep you out of jail.  It couldn’t get any better.  
  “I’m in.”
  “You’re sure?  It’ll be a little dangerous.”  Jody teased, as if you weren’t the one that survived an explosion less than 24 hours ago.  She slipped a hand onto your shoulder, finding the latch on the back of the costume.  “Let’s get this off of you.”
  You chuckled and nodded.  Once she helped you slide out of the bulky mess, she scooped you into the tightest hug.  You buried your face into her neck, inhaling her familiar scent and closing your eyes with a smile.  “I’m sure.  Let’s beat the shit out–let's save your movie, and me.”
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amelia-mariee · 4 months
(fall guy spoilers) when i was driving home from The Fall Guy talking to my dad, he mentioned how he knew pretty quickly that Gail was the one trying to make Colt take the fall for Henry’s death and i was like “oh that would make him..” and we both looked at each other and said “THE FALL GUY OMG” and i feel like that took us just a little bit too long to figure out
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jasonshoodie · 4 months
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bimbocoreblonde · 4 months
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Hi! I'm back on Tumblr for The Fall Guy content, and even though I haven't written any fan fiction in a while, but after watching the Fall Guy and falling in love with Colt Seavers, I'd really like to start again...only I have no idea what to write.
If anyone wants to see a ficlet written for Colt based off of the SFW alphabet (list below the cut) then please send me a message because I need some help getting back in the saddle here!
(I'm also loving Tom, Dan, Jody and also Gail tbh, so send me requests for any of the Fall Guy characters and I'd love to write something for them!)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
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The Fall Guy 2024
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yesmaddyposts · 4 months
Moth to a Flame
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Fandom: The Fall Guy (2024) Word Count: 5.7k Relationships: Colt Seavers X Jody Moreno Tags: Drug Addiction, Injury Recovery, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, During Canon Link
Description: Colt has a long road ahead of him in the journey to recovery after breaking his back. He falls into bad habits along the way, and ends up losing way more than he planned for.
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redpool · 4 months
Watching The Fall Guy for the second time, you have no idea how much I love this movie.
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daisymintt · 4 months
If anyone posts the extra 20 minutes of Fall Guy please share it with me! I’m waiting to buy it on DVD but really want to see these extras!
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