witekspicswroclaw · 9 months
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Wrocław, Poland - a church in GAJ city quarter in winter.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
The Gaja Kesari Yoga
It is covered separately to highlight the methodology used to analyse any yoga in a horoscope chart.
The terms "Gaja-Kesari" are a combination of the words "elephant" and "lion," respectively. The goal of this yoga is to give the local person the power of a lion and the significance of an elephant. Having the ability to ride a lion or an elephant also denotes extreme power and high prestige.
When Jupiter is in a Kendra's (i.e., the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth) house with respect to the Moon, a gaja-kesari yoga is created.
This Raja (royal) yoga, which is one of many types of yoga, is significant.
- According to Jataka Parijata, the resulting yoga belongs to Gaja-Kesari if the Moon is aspected by benefic planets (Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus), and if the participants are not burned or incapacitated.
Brihat Parashar According to the Hora Shastra, this yoga arises when Jupiter is in a Kendra from the Moon or Lagna.
Additionally, Jupiter must not be burnt, debilitated, or in the sixth house and must be aspected or conjoined with benefic planets.
- It is clear from the foregoing that, in addition to the Moon and Jupiter's mutual placement in the Kendra houses, which forms Gaja-Kesari yoga, there are other positive influences on the outcome of yoga.
The horoscope frequently contains this yoga, which needs cautious interpretation.
A person with Gaja Kesari Yoga will be well-known, successful, moral, wealthy, intellectual, and learned. They will also have royal manners and enjoy ongoing fame.
The monarch is meant to be introduced to the world through Gaja Kesari yoga.
This form of yoga results in the creation of the man who changes the course of history and helps confer fame that lasts forever.
The world will be ruled by monarchs if this is literally true.
This yoga is found in the extremely common horoscopes of persons who live in obscurity and poverty, as will be evident in practise.
This implies that the outcomes suggested for this yoga in the traditional texts need to be applied with the utmost care.
When the Moon and Jupiter are in the same Kendra, the Gaja Kesari Yoga is created.
Four different yoga styles are possible in this situation:
Moon-Jupiter Conjunction
Jupiter and the Moon are conjunct, and yoga is created in all signs and houses where Jupiter and the Moon are present. Jupiter is in the house along Moon.
Different outcomes are produced by this compound's presence in different houses:
- The first house.
attractive, fortunate to have friends, a wife, and children.
The native will be strong, honourable, and impressive when the benefic planets and the potent yoga they make are in the lagna.
When Jupiter, the best benefic planet, and Moon, the planet of beauty, are aligned in the lagna, they might increase a person's benevolence (generosity).
– The fourth house.
comparable to a minister, scientist, or king.
The Moon-Jupiter conjunction in the fourth house indicates a lot of familial comfort.
A contemporary democracy's parliament is also indicated by this house.
– The seventh house.
affluent, educated, skilled, and a merchant.
The seventh-house Moon-Jupiter conjunction is favourable for a happy marriage.
Trade and partnerships are also related to the seventh house; the Gaja-Kesari yoga that forms here brings prosperity through partnerships.
The ninth house.
renowned, successful, wealthy, and content.
The ninth house is concerned with the individual's fortune as well as virtue and spiritual endeavours.
Finding the Moon-Jupiter conjunction in this house is particularly fortunate.
10th house.
scholarly, wealthy, haughty, and respectable.
The Moon-Jupiter conjunction occurring in this house is very beneficial for future job opportunities, high social prestige, and financial security.
Moon in the fourth house with Jupiter
Issues with the mother and marital contentment are shown in the fourth house.
Comfort for the family will often be favourable.
Manasagari claims that this combination, however, robs one of the comforts of home, causes issues with mother respect, and places the burden of work on others.
Moon in the seventh house with Jupiter 
This combination grants respect among family members, longevity, good health, and a propensity for frugal spending.
Manasagari adds that the individual develops importance and experiences partiality.
The texts' formal language has to be given more latitude.
In general, marital peace benefits from Jupiter's placement in the seventh house, whether it be from the lagna or the moon.
Jupiter opposite the Moon in the tenth house
Generally speaking, this is a good combo for a career.
Manasagari asserts that a person with this mix of traits abandons his or her spouse and children and lives as a hermit.
Karma or personal functions are shown in the tenth house (from the lagna or the moon).
Jupiter's placement in this house imparts merit and goodness to a person's actions or karma.
Indifference to material things increases when Jupiter is strongly positioned.
This combination is excellent for spiritual endeavours.
Jupiter, the symbol of money, can sometimes bring a wave of self-earned prosperity to the tenth house.
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lyriakisser · 2 years
holyffucking shit Ultra Necrozma's theme is . agHEJABDBAGDBANDVAVDBANDNABDG
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diario-de-biancas · 1 year
Gymkana Javeriana (18 de julio de 2023)
Genuinamente me emocioné cuando se nos comentó que existía la posibilidad de hacer un proyecto junto con los chicos del Grupo Apostólico Juvenil (GAJ). Esto se debe a que, como alguien que forma parte del grupo juvenil Campamentos Ecuador Loyola (CEL), comprendo el sentimiento de predisposición a querer colaborar y participar activamente en la ayuda a la comunidad.
Comenzamos a soltar ideas de actividades que podíamos hacer al dividirnos en parejas, intentando apegarnos a temáticas relacionadas con lo espiritual del colegio, las fiestas patrióticas de la ciudad de Guayaquil que se celebran a lo largo de este mes, o a incentivar habilidades pertenecientes a la gama de grupos juveniles que se imparten como actividades extracurriculares del colegio.
Todo esto terminó uniéndose en la propuesta de una Gymkana en que, junto con mi compañero, montaríamos una estación dedicada a enseñar a los chicos el proceso de armar una carpa. Llegando el día de la verdad, hubieron momentos de desesperación pues parecía que se acabaría el tiempo antes de que llegase el turno de que los chicos pasen por nuestra estación. No obstante, contra todo pronóstico, si existió la posibilidad de que, al menos, armasen una gran parte de la carpa. Siendo lo más importante su disfrutar en el proceso.
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firapolemos05 · 4 months
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Gajeel: Okay the turtle I get, but why elephants?
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wedieunbl00med · 6 months
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my fav duo! fox mulder and dana scully from the good old x-files🛸
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Do you think Lute is cute without her mask? 😏
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"Of course I do, I tell her everyday so she doesn't forget!⚡"
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historicconfessions · 2 months
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witekspicswroclaw · 9 months
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Wrocław-Gaj - Poland - a tower with bells located nearby a church. Winter views.
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tiefighters · 11 months
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This Is the Way
Art by Malwina Gaj || IG
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pixalry · 1 year
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The Way - Created by Malwina Gaj
Prints available at the artist’s Etsy Shop. You can follow the artist on Instagram and Twitter.
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grayseyebrowscar · 9 months
i forget straight people ships exist and every day i die inside
if its not t4t or gay i dont want it
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royal-confessions · 1 year
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“It’s so sweet of (titular) Maharaja Gaj Singh II of Jodhpur to ask the British perfumery Penhaligon’s to create a bespoke perfume to celebrate his first granddaughter’s birth. Luckily the brand managed to mass release the perfume for everyone (although it’s just been discontinued this year). It’s such a lovely perfume & I’d be so happy if I had such a gorgeous scent named after me.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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wedieunbl00med · 2 years
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matthew mcconaughey as rust cohle from the first season of true detective – one of my first serious digital drawings. loved the first season so much!
“there wasn’t much to fucking do out there besides walk around and explore and look up at the stars and make up stories” – “like what?” – “I tell you, Marty, I’ve been up in that room looking out those windows every night here and just thinking it’s just one story. the oldest” – “what’s that?” – “light versus dark" – “well I know we ain’t in alaska but appears to me that the dark has a lot more territory” – “you know you’re looking at it wrong, the sky thing" – “how’s that?” – “well, once, there was only dark. if you ask me, the light’s winning”
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matovilkaspamsalot · 8 months
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Snow day in Zagreb.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Okay but illyrian movement 2, this time PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the orthography borrowed from Polish live on, I am so sick of differentiating č and ć
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