#Galadriel imagine
ofstardustanddreaming · 7 months
well loved
preference summary: what they do to remind you you're loved.
content warnings: none
fandom: the lord of the rings
characters: frodo, sam, pippin, merry, boromir, faramir, aragorn, legolas, arwen, eowyn, eomer, galadriel, elrond (if other characters are wanted for future preferences, let me know!)
gender neutral reader
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Frodo: He always checks in on you, always wanting to make sure you were doing okay. He's one of those who is more in tune with emotions, and wanting to check in on emotional wellbeing. He wants you to know you'll always have someone to lean on, and he shows you love through his active listening of your problems.
Sam: He's the type to do small tasks around the house for you, wanting to make sure you don't have to worry about anything. He sets up a routine that's nice and homey. He wouldn't have you lifting a finger if he could, wanting to make sure you can be relaxed. You would have to step in at some points, saying you'd want to split the work.
Pippin: He makes you very well included on any inside jokes, wanting to you to know what it's like. He showed his love through humorous jokes, saying he always wanted to see your smile. His love may have been shown through jokes, but he made you feel truly seen, which was a wonderful way to be reminded you're loved by him.
Merry: He loves to give you parts of his food, wanting to make sure you were well fed. He feels wellbeing is tied to being well fed, so he wants to make sure you get a fair share. And I think that Merry himself likes to try cooking once in a while, and likes to give some cooking to you.
Boromir: He always carves out time in his schedule to spend quality time with you. He always loves to have meals together with you, wanting to make it romantic, with something as simple as bringing flowers for the vase in the middle. He shows his love through any amount of time spent with you, wanting to shower you with his compliments.
Faramir: He has subconscious movements to make sure you're okay and safe. Such as holding out a hand during hikes in an area that's heavily rooted, wanting to make sure of your safety to help you balance and find your way. He also loves to place a hand on your back in crowded areas. He always has a special look of love, reserved just for you.
Aragorn: He always likes to recite poetry or songs he comes across that reminds him of you. He always gives you the softest of looks during those moments, and these moments are usually done by the fires in your room. He usually has your back against him, as he whispers them into your ear.
Legolas: He finds a variety of plants that reminds him of you, always bringing them back for you to look at or put somewhere that you deem cool. It's gotten to the point where there's almost too many flowers in your living space, but you also don't have the heart to tell him to stop. It's really sweet to see the variety of flowers he hand picked for you.
Arwen: She loves to sneak kisses from you throughout the day. She's playful, so her showing her love is through playful ways. She loves to take you off guard of when she'll kiss you, and she always loves hearing your laugh afterwards. She loves to watch you get flustered, laughing as she rushes away.
Eowyn: She loves quality time to, wanting to spend time with you. Her favorite ways to showing you love is teaching you some of her favorite moves in training. She shows you what she has learned, and also wants to learn what you know. She wants to make sure the both of you are prepared for anything, and it's a nice way to spend time with each other.
Eomer: He loves to go horseback riding with you. It provides a time where the two of you can talk in peace, where he doesn't feel the pressure of the kingdom. He loves talking with you here, where the two of you don't feel watched. It's a sense of freedom to speak your minds, but the act of horseback riding allows you to go anywhere. He loves to explore with you that way.
Galadriel: She loves turning to you for advice. She may not always agree, but she loves to hear what you have to say. She finds that hearing a variety of perspectives helps her, and she feels that it helps her get closer to you. She always likes to hear what you have to say about some decisions in how she runs her kingdom.
Elrond: He likes to spoil you, simple as that. It doesn't even have to be buying you many things, although he loves doing that as well. It can be just as well showering you with praise, or giving you his full attention, even if it means ignoring his work for a little bit. He loves at his fullest, spoiling you with many things you love.
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wordbunch · 1 year
SFW Alphabet: Galadriel
a/n: @queenmeriadoc requested this and I hope you like it, but most of all i hope i did her justice because i, a mere mortal, was really nervous about writing for this absolute QUEEN. 🙌🏼♥️ please let me know was it good, and reblogs + comments always mean the most 🥰
+ this gif has my heart!!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) In private she’s quite affectionate because she feels relaxed enough with you to show her soft side. She will kiss you a lot and she likes to just touch your face or lean her forehead against yours. But in public she is really pretty reserved, but every now and then she will give you a look paired with a soft little smile, or graze your hand, and it’s so precious.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) we’re not here to be besties, we’re here to be IN LOVE with her. thank you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Galadriel is cuddlier than she looks! And she loves to be the big spoon, even if she is in the bad mood - feeling like she is protecting you makes her feel better. She loves to just drape herself over you, one leg over your hip or over your legs, and she buries her face in your hair, arms tightly wrapped around your middle.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Since we’re talking about young Galadriel, she isn’t so sure about settling down yet, but she loves to have you around for anything she does and wherever she goes. Regarding cooking and cleaning, she is notoriously bad, but she loves to be clean and have a clean space, so she sometimes gets frustrated with her habits. Luckily, you’re there to take away her frustration and give her a helping hand!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) I feel like she would be rather cold, not because she doesn’t care about you, but because she is protecting both her own feelings and yours - she doesn’t want to drag out hurting you any longer than absolutely necessary.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) This was kind of explained in the one with settling down… She is really committed to you, and once you’re hers, you’re hers, so it’s more up to you whether you want to get married or not. She is delighted beyond words if you mention it tho! She loves being loved by you and is all giddy at the thought of feeling that way for eternity. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Young Galadriel is one passionate elf, and it will show in the way she hugs you and how fervently she kisses you back, but she never ever hurts you. She is good at holding herself back if she needs to. Emotionally, she has a lot of inner turmoil which sometimes prevails and she can be a little bit distant or dismissive, but as soon as she sorts it out, she is back to loving you to the max. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Galadriel’s hugs are bone-crushing and so full of feeling because she just loves you so much and it means a lot to her to be physically close to you and unbothered. She likes to hug you from behind and kiss you on the cheek or the neck as well, or just nuzzle her face in the crook of your neck. She will hug the air out of you especially after not seeing you for some time, whether it was an hour or a day.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) You were the one who said it first during a particularly cuddly morning. She made the most adorable surprised face at you while her lips tried not to stretch into the biggest grin anyone in Middle-earth had ever seen before. She felt so safe and relaxed facing you in bed, your faces barely apart at all and your warm hand on her cheek - she was almost certain she was dreaming. When you kissed the shock off of her pretty face, she eagerly said it back.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Galadriel does get moderately jealous, and it’s like she has a sixth sense for when someone is getting too close or too flirty with her darling! She absolutely won’t hesitate to step in, wrap a slender arm around your waist and throw in a comment. In rare occasions, she will full-on kiss you to further prove her point, and so that no one would even dare to think of something romantic about her partner!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) For someone who can be so strong and fiery, her kisses at the beginning are surprisingly hesitant and gentle, as if she’s afraid of doing something wrong. This, however, is where you take control more often and kiss her as if your life depended on it, and oh my goodness, it makes her so weak in the knees! Her cheeks literally go slightly pink if you give her a proper makeout sesh. Besides those kisses, she loves it when you move her hair and kiss the back of her neck, whereas she loves to kiss you absolutely everywhere, and I mean, yeah, pretty much everywhere. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Not so good and a little tense, but she does have a certain weak spot for little girls who look at her in amazement and admiration.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) Galadriel loves mornings by your side, and she sometimes really tries to drag them out, even if the sun is already high in the sky. She loves figuring out new ways to make you stay in bed with her a little longer, and she is certain that pinning you down by the arms will do the trick in most cases. Because really, who could say no to that face when she hovers above you with a glint in her blue eyes?
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) For some reason I feel like she loves to run a bath for both of you, filled with the very best bath salts, scented soaps and all the best things she can find. She finds it so intimate and relaxing and she can just forget about everything when the two of you are skin to skin, surrounded by calming fragrances and flickering candles.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) She could be a little closed off at the beginning, until she feels like she can trust you and confide in you. From that point you become her biggest confidant, and she realizes she has a lot that she genuinely wants to share with you, but she tries to take it easy so as to not overwhelm you. Sometimes you have to nudge her a little bit and remind her that you really want to hear her out about anything she wants to say.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) Galadriel is certainly a little feisty during this phase of her life, but she’s a lady on a mission! Also she likes getting what she wants, so she might get a little angry if things aren’t turning out the way she wants them to, or at her desired speed. She isn’t the most patient person out there, that’s for sure, but she likes having you to gently remind her of that and comfort her when needed. Magically you always know how to make it better in those situations.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) She remembers a lot and she is also very observant; she doesn’t only memorize what you say and do, but also your little mannerisms and quirks, how your laughter sounds when it’s most genuine, how you scrunch your nose when you disapprove of something, or how you sigh when you read something that enchants you. She quickly “learns” your ways and it’s one of her love languages for sure.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) Waking up with you for the first time (even if she doesn’t really sleep). The night before was too wonderful, and she finally allowed herself to be vulnerable and let someone get so close to her. She thought it was just too nice to have someone that amazing wrapped in her arms, and to find it wasn’t all just a dream or a vision! Thereupon she never wanted to sleep on her own, ever again.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) She is very protective and a little bit possessive, and you’d be similar as well. She is quick to defend you in every and any way - with words she is convincing, and physically she is a skilled and agile fighter, so it’s a win-win. Maybe sometimes she will see danger where there is none, but you really cannot blame her. I cannot even express how grateful if you’re the one protecting her, she will look at you with so much love in her eyes, and later in private she will make sure that you know exactly how much it meant to her.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) I think this is one of the aspects of your relationship in which you take over a little bit more - she is strangely insecure in her gift choosing skills, so she will often outright ask you what you want her to get you, just to make sure she doesn’t go wrong. Galadriel always tells you numerous times how thankful she is when you plan a special outing for the two of you, or a dinner with some of your favorite foods, while she tries to do special little things on ordinary days, like running you a bath, or giving you a little flower in passing.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) She is extremely headstrong, and there are very, VERY few people whose advice she will take and listen to. It’s okay to not know everything all the time and to sometimes ask for someone else’s opinion, but she learns with you to take some friendly criticism, especially because she is well aware that you just want her to be safe and well. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) She likes to look nice and put together, but she doesn’t put some extreme effort into it. Also, she really is just naturally beautiful and mesmerizing! If you want to braid her hair in a more intricate way, or put a shimmering necklace around her neck, she certainly won’t object, and she will be quite proud of it as well. Also I bet she smells incredible, like, all the time.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) I don’t think she would, she’s pretty independent and headstrong, but it’s so SO much nicer to have someone to confide in, someone to hold and be held by them, and someone with whom she can let her guard down and just exist without having to prove anything or achieve anything.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) If she is certain that nobody is listening, she will quietly sing to herself sometimes. If you discover this accidentally, she will be very flustered, but you think it’s so cute and you encourage her to do it more. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) Galadriel isn’t the biggest fan of being told what (not) to do, and she hates being talked down to. It’s not that you do it, it’s just that she generally dislikes it.Z = Zzz(What is a sleep habits of theirs?) If she sleeps at all, she is very stiff and very quiet, breathing barely audible. At first this freaked you out, but slowly she became more cuddly and figured that she liked having you in her embrace during sleeping.
💕 taglist my beloved @lotrnonsense​ @starlady66​ @queenmeriadoc​ @thesolarangel​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate ​ @noldorinpainter ​ @asianbutnotjapanese ​ @fenharel-enaste ​ @starryeyedrogue ​ @lady-of-imladris ​ @suncran @asianbutnoteastasian @sweetpea-thoughts💕
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onegayastronaut · 2 years
Being Human and Dating Galadriel Would Include…
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Requested by anon
Galadriel showing up at Numenor and goes around demanding information
Being referred to you because the locals know you have the best chance of giving this rude elf information and getting her to leave
Spending time researching and having a huge crush on her
Watching her train the local students
She is impressed by how smart you are and finding herself coming back to talk to you
Eating together and neither of you really talking because both of you are too shy
The research takes years, and the two of you acting like a couple
She’ll surprise you with food, and will always take you to different places
Even though she tries to pretend to be tough, she likes to cuddle
Everyone pretty much assumes that you’re a couple at this point, and you don’t really correct them
Eventually you find out the information that Galadriel was here for in the first place, and she leaves
She’s gone for a long time, but she finds herself missing you every day while she’s gone
Coming back to tell you that she’s not going anywhere without you
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 9 months
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As soft as silk
Rating: M
Pairing: Erestor x Galadriel
Themes: Smut
Warnings: Kissing | Penetrative sex | Hand job | Oral sex | Bondage (hands and feet) | Creampie
Word count: 1k words
Summary: Erestor suggests something new to Galadriel for them to try after he heard members of the Edain gossip about such an act.
A/n: This is my final submission for Screw Yule. Hope you enjoy reading it. Text in italics is for communication via Ósanwe.
Minors DNI | 18+ | You are responsible for the media you consume
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Galadriel laughed merrily. “Come now, my lord Erestor. Have you lost your courage?”
Erestor writhed against the pelts beneath him and smiled all the same. “Of course not, my lady,” he returned, and he sighed wistfully when his companion freed herself from the robes she wore. “I am merely unaccustomed to being restrained in such a manner, that is all.”
Read the rest of the story here:
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sakasakiii · 23 days
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elrond through the ages based on one glorious panel from chapter 95 of Black Butler (hopefully i got that right....). in the context of this sequence, i always thought it was sad to think abt how many people elrond has lost throughout his life alongside how remarkable he is to remain "as kind as summer" still by the time the hobbit rolls around 🥺
i redrew elrond's poses based on ciel's in the original panels BUT i forgot what page exactly the original panel sequence is... however!! if you scroll down to the middle half of this blog post you can find the original reference pic :D warning that it includes heavy spoilers for the black butler manga so u could just alternatively google 'ciel phantomhive running' and it'd probably be one of the first results that pop up haha
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shady-swan-jones · 7 months
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- You would make me a Tyrant
- I would make you a Queen
Concept art by Julien Gauthier
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shirefantasies · 5 months
LoTR Characters + Pregnant Reader (Wife!Reader)
Back with more parent AU because it's some of my favorite fluff! Consider this a Part 1 to an anon request that’ll be on its way hehe (also an AU where something happens with Celebrían apparently 😥)
Warnings: conception, pregnancy-related illness and symptoms mentioned, very long post lol
✧ Neither of you had made any concrete plans. No set in stone hour of your marriage reserved for the growth of your family or dubbed too early. Thus, you are unsure how your husband will feel about your news, the fact that you got yourself checked out the first moment of illness, mother's intuition in full service already, it would seem. You cannot keep your smile to yourself, though, as you stroll in search of Aragorn, hand hovering about your own waist as if in disbelief. He had just returned from a hunting trip when you found him, smiling shakily at his amusement when you pulled him immediately aside into the next room over. "What troubles your heart?" The man had intuition of his own, years of silent observation- there was no lying to him. "I just learned that I am with child, Aragorn," you took his hand, seeing no point in being anything but direct, "due for the birth next spring if all goes well." "With blossom comes the next blessing of my kin," your husband replied, that wise look in his blue eyes causing you to shake your head fondly, "what could be more beautiful? What a gift you have given me and how could I ever repay it?" Shaking your head once more, you simply grinned and, sighing with relief and anticipation alike, replied that being the amazing father you know him to be will be all you need. Leaning forward, Aragorn laid his head against yours, brushing your noses as he held you.
✧ Looking out upon the kingdom, the realization that is is his kingdom still sinking in, and that he has made this place a home for new life as well. That this is the very reason he fought for a safe world. It brings such a rush to his heart that he goes off in search of you at once, kissing you warmly and caressing your still-small bump.
✧ Aragorn loves doing anything he possibly can to make your days easier, treating you like the queen you quite literally are! He pampers you with treatment like massages, washing your hair for you, drawing you baths, and the like.
✧ While you no doubt have many people at your disposal, quite similarly your husband enjoys cooking for you by hand and memorizes everything that makes you sick if anything as well as the random foods your cravings make you obsessed with, trying to creatively incorporate them into everything.
✧ You knew it already, but your pregnancy brings about the reminder that this man has such a way with encouraging words, his voice the only thing that cuts through the clouds of your changing moods.
✧ Aragorn is the one who tells you not to be so hard on yourself, that you are doing an amazing thing and you are desirable as yourself, no more and no less. No need to hide yourself, no need to perform, no need to feel anything less than the beautiful soul you have always been. Remember, he tells you, he is going nowhere, and you will endure all together.
✧ For so long had you and Legolas hoped for your little life, long enough of trial and hope that you’d all but given up until you felt a shift. Felt on the brink of illness at nearly all times, seeking healing for a mystery illness and leaving with news that had your husband holding you for minutes on end, tears sliding down his cheeks, and refusing to let go of your hand all day. Holding you like you might shatter, his other hand wrapped gently around your waist where his hand can brush the curve of your soon-to-be-growing belly. “We did it, my love. We will finally be three.”
✧ Your husband grows wistful, getting a distant look in his eyes before smiling and reminiscing on his younger days. “What demeanor shall our little one have, do you say? I would not mind having two of you,” he teases, while you say a child like him would be much easier!
✧ “Both of your little ones sound quite healthy.” “Both?” You are shocked, but Legolas’s grin never falters, nor does his surprisingly tight, hearty grip upon your shoulders. “Twins,” he keeps repeating in wonder throughout the day.
✧ You and Legolas have a bet running on the twins, if they are to be identical or not. You think they are both boys, while Legolas thinks he has a little girl waiting for him, too. “Wishful thinking,” you tease him. “Absolutely,” he agrees, smiling softly at you.
✧ As time passes, he does tease you about your waddle. “Shall I slow down a bit?” Cheeky prince, but that’s why you love him!
✧ Legolas’s eyes never fix you with anything but awe. He is simply amazed at all the wonders your body is capable of and what it endures. Even though that wonder also manifests as him almost constantly asking if you are alright, it is worth it when your husband looks at you as though captivated by a goddess.
✧ Boromir caught you with your eyes bulging out of your head, not a single chance of delaying your discussion. Such news as you have just received can only be considered a blessing, and yet you still are shaken to the core with the spiking precursor of excitement and hope, hope that your husband would be happy. Your words burst forth the moment he took your hands, asking you whatever was wrong and nodding faster and faster with each step of your detailed medical visit. His smile grew and grew until he could hardly help himself, taking your face in his hands and pulling you into a kiss that more than assuaged your worries. “Why do you look so worried? Such a wonderful blessing was beyond anything I could imagine,” he tells you, a hand reaching to rest gently upon you.
✧ He all but tackles you to bed that night, kissing again and again your lips, your cheeks, and down finally to your belly.
✧ Boromir’s appreciation of your body never ceases your entire wait. His hands always caressing you, his words always sweet upon your ears, especially to cut through the deprecating ones your own lips utter. It baffles your husband that you cannot see how utterly glowing you are.
✧ One hundred percent though will he be teasing you about the odd cravings you get; even as he goes to fetch them he’s making faces, asking if you’re sure, joking about what strange taste the little one has.
✧ You suspect you are carrying a son while Boromir’s guess is a little girl. After you remind him that a mother knows, he rests a hand over your bump and replies with a teasing grin “Why can’t a father know as well?” “Because you do not have to carry him for the better part of a year!”
✧ One of Boromir's favorite things in this world is the sight of how his lent garments fit you tighter and tighter, bringing a twinge to both the loving and the possessive sides of his heart...and his hands to wrap around you or cup your cheeks and pull you into a kiss!
✧ His intuition is off the proverbial charts. It is he who first makes any mention of your chances, stating you should not strain yourself in your condition. You are confused, you even protest, but in the end you have your little appointment and your husband has a smug little moment of ‘I told you so’ before the realization of just what he’d been sensing hits him, dropping his jaw and sending his arms flying about you, lifting you up into the air with a hearty laugh. “The mighty line continues! And thanks to such a beautiful lassie no less! You'll want for nothing, I promise you, and no harm'll come to either of you while I yet draw breath."
✧ Has strong opinions about how well you should be eating, so barring you being stricken with sickness Gimli will be making or otherwise providing for you the heartiest of meals, all the things he believes are necessary to raise up a strong little dwarfling. Thank the fortitude and solace of his people, but you are sick very little your entire journey with this and all other little ones you share!
✧ Given the strength of dwarven genetics, you both assume that you are expecting a boy; thus, your husband insists on crafting a tiny axe for him. “For when he’s older, of course!” Gimli assures you, waving his hands defensively.
✧ No worries about your pregnancy weight here- suffice it to say that a dwarf finds the extra pounds quite appealing and has no hesitation about showing you such!
✧ Any exhaustion you feel is the only thing that stops Gimli from taking you around to all his friends and loved ones and likely anyone else who will listen and announce that he has a child on the way!
✧ Nesting is a very strong instinct of his! Gimli builds and crafts by hand all of your baby's furniture and decor, even an adorable mobile of horses, little dwarves with pickaxes, and little effigies of your favorite animal all dangling above his crib! Leaning his head against your belly, he asks the baby "Well, what do you think? Only the finest for my little flame!"
✧ Your husband wasn’t sure at first. Not sure if he would feel whole enough after all he endured to bring a life into this world, but you, oh, you… The one who brought life vividly rushing back to his heart, color returning to his life and comfort to his pain. One day a pang struck his heart and he realized it would mean the world if after it all he was able to create life, and more importantly to have something so amazing come of your love. Soon after you both eagerly hoped for the signs, and it took but a few months. Frodo worried you would be sick, but confirmation comes after weeks without your cycle, nothing more. For once, no pain shall come to Frodo Baggins or those he loves.
✧ Your health is his greatest concern, so much so in fact that Frodo has soon befriended practically every midwife in the Shire, melting them with his endearing eagerness to know all he can about your possible afflictions and what you need. His concerns soon gather you the proverbial village of help should you ever send Frodo off for something beyond his breadth.
✧ It breaks Frodo's heart when his nightmares or moments of panic coincide with your own fragile emotions for the first time, for he should be caring for you, not the other way around, but when you hold each other, tears soaking into the opposite shirt, he realizes that what you two have is an understanding and trust strong enough to fortify each other even in darkness.
✧ In case you were not already aware, you are so lucky in your choice of husband! Discussing names soon emerges into your conversation and it almost takes you aback how quickly agreements on a girl and boy name are reached!
✧ The one time during your entire wait for your little one that brings tears to Frodo’s eyes is the day you bring home a bolt of fabric and when he asks what it is for, you answer to make him and your new arrival matching garments.
✧ You catch him smiling widely at you, love glowing in his bright blue eyes as he watches you do even the smallest things, your little waddle or the way you practice folding diaper cloth. All you can imagine is those same eyes fixed upon a babe in his arms, shooting Frodo the same look right back.
✧ It seemed that every other conversation you shared with your beloved Samwise revolved around babies, so much so that your few still-unmarried friends had grown sick of it. Anyone with a baby in the Shire, though, knew who to look toward for care! You and Sam gushed over little clothes, little hands, went on for goodness-knows-how-long about how much you'd like a little Sam and he wants a miniature version of the loveliest girl he'd ever seen followed of course by you saying why not both? Sam loved life so much, saw beauty in growth and creation and every joy in it, so of course he wanted a big family and all his infectious sunshine on the subject just made you fall in love with him more and more. Months of trying passed, though, before you came to Sam in a daze, before you cupped his precious face in your hands and whispered to him we did it. Before he tackled you to the soft grassy ground and held you, weeping tears of joy and kissing your hands, your cheeks, finally your lips once he'd spoken how much he loved you.
✧ Takes to sleeping a bit lower, his head nuzzled against your torso. In the night you can feel his nose and lips ghosting over it and even hear little whispers when you both can't sleep, but you say nothing, letting Sam have his moments with the little one.
✧ The worry he has about everything the first time around. "Are you sure you can eat that? I don't want you to get sick." "Is that too heavy?" "Don't trouble yourself a mite when I'm right here, I'll bend over for it." "Alright, only if you're certain nothing will happen to the baby, sweetheart." As much as you want to remind him that you are still a fully functional woman, you know that Sam is an action man and this is his way of showing he cares.
✧ The meals he cooks you. You will be eating like a queen all because Sam wants to keep the baby strong, of course! As a bonus, it truly is like he knows what sets you off and avoids those things without even having to ask.
✧ “Imagine all the wee feet running through here,” Sam muses in bed one night, your head tucked in the crook of his neck. “The little hands grasping ours,” you add. “All the little ribbons we can tie in a girl’s hair.” “Taking your little boy out to the garden!” Once again, your friends act positively sick of how sweet you are, but inside anyone can see how deliriously happy you and Sam are and feel warmed by it.
✧ “When the time comes,” Sam always assures you, your hand tightly in his, “I’ll be right here. Wild horses could hardly drag your Sam away.”
✧ Your reveal is made a bit anticlimactic thanks to your husband’s teasing ways. “You’re knitting.” Glancing down at your work, you simply nod. “Yes.” “You never knit.” Merry’s eyes narrow. “Is it for somebody?” “If you must know,” you set your needles carefully in your lap and tease back, “this is for your child. Any complaints now?” “My child?” Jaw dropping, Merry looks at you like you’d just offered him the whole of Middle Earth. “That’s right,” your voice softens, even cracking a bit with emotion at the sight of his smile, “you’re going to be a father, Merry.”
✧ Merry’s adorable little habit of making you a pillow pile to lay on during your time of the month carries right through to your pregnancy. And of course it continues even when you remind him you’ll not be able to stand up from in because he will be right there to help you up!
✧ Because you've taken up knitting, Merry wheedles with all his charm and love and kisses an additional creation from you: a sweater made from the same yarn as baby's. "You are lucky to be so adorable," you tease him, looking up from your work to kiss his lovely lips. Maybe, you thought, a whole matching set for three would be in order, though…
✧ Another one who teases you, joking about how he is finally able to outrun you!
✧ The type of father to chastise the baby whenever they kick you too hard, lecturing to the front of your dress about hurting your mother and how that simply won’t do, then looking up at you with a humored smile.
✧ Compliments increase at least twofold upon your revelation, Merry never sparing the kindest words about your strength, certainly, but mostly your beauty. Never once during any pregnancy do you feel unloved, unwanted, unattractive, for even when your eyes can find no light within your reflection there your husband is practically worshipping every corner of your form.
✧ Desire for a family was something that had drawn you two together as a couple, though you may have found yourself talking Pippin down from ten children! “Maybe start with five,” you would always tease him. So the moment your hypothesis is tested and confirmed, a grin you can’t remove spreads across your face and you run to collect everything for your surprise. Surprise is the only word you can use when Pippin opens his gift and sees the tiny knitted hat you’ve placed inside the box. “What is this for? Little small, is it not?” “If it was for us, perhaps.” It ended up taking you reaching out for his hand and resting it upon your lower belly for the massive grin to spread across his face, but once it does Pippin is laughing loudly and giddily, swinging you back and forth in ecstasy!
✧ Runs to get you whatever your need with barely an question. After all, who is he to say what it's like being with child, and if you want it, you shall have it. Hot water bottle? Certainly. A cup of tea? Of course. Three more pillows? Why, he'll strip your whole bed down. Panics a little if the request is to relieve pain, so prepare to hear a crash or the shuffle of a trip or two before you have the item in hand or on body.
✧ "What is this for?" "What are these?" Lucky you love him, your husband does have many a question of all the supplies you gather for after your new addition is welcomed. "Oh, to keep the hands safe? That makes sense." "Wait, you need to wear that... to catch the bloo- oh, my." He gulps. "I'm going out right now. I'm getting you a cake and some jewelry and some flowers and anything else you'd like."
✧ Can barely keep his hands to himself. Pippin was always the most affectionate husband you could ask for, but now? Now you two are practically a package set and nary can you travel without his arm around you, hand about your waist and gently running up and down over your little growing bump.
✧ Your baby seems to have inherited your husband’s personality, for even before the birth many signs of how active your little one is are present! Those poor ribs of yours will get kicked more than a few times with all the fluttering your little one stirs up inside of you! Pippin, of course, wants to feel it all and luckily he is never far from the scene. If he is, though, you bet he will run!
✧ Pippin is always laying with his cheek resting on your belly, talking to the baby about anything from how his day’s gone to how they have the most amazing and beautiful mother. Your heart can’t help fluttering every time.
✧ Faramir has the most uncanny way of reading you like a book, a habit endearing as it is frustrating. Thus the moment he catches you smiling to yourself he is smiling back, approaching you with teasing question of what has you so happy. For once, though, you have the satisfaction of catching your husband off guard, resting your head against his shoulder and a hand upon his chest as you tell him you just cannot wait to see him as a father. "Someday, my love," he takes your hand and kisses it, "if I am so blessed." Giggling, you shake your head against him. "Blessed indeed! Someday shall be this fall," you answer, and peeling back from him you receive another spike of satisfaction at his wide blue eyes, the drop of his jaw and the race of his heart beneath your hand. "Are you certain?" You nod. This time, he takes both of your hands in his and with tears in his eyes thanks the heavens for you even as he shakily laughs, your bright demeanor never failing to put a smile upon his face. "Our child will be so loved." "I know."
✧ Your husband finds himself lost in reverie more and more often, drifting out of reality into some distant, but nowhere near out-of-reach, dream of your family, seeing you as a mother the most beautiful sight he can conjure.
✧ Faramir adores holding you from behind, his hands curled gently over where your bump forms and his head resting gently upon your shoulder, flowing hair tickling your cheeks and neck lightly.
✧ "One for each of us," is Faramir's joke when one of Gondor's finest medics grants you the knowledge that you are not expecting one child, but two. Your husband is there in the storms, the waves of anxiety rolling within you over being there for your twins. "You are not alone," he always reminds you, a hand joined with yours right over the twins' little hearts.
✧ If you wanted a husband who actually does his due diligence learning all he can about growing babies, birth, and postpartum care, then Faramir is another excellent choice! He’ll be spouting off facts about the whole thing ranging from what size the babies currently are to why you might have contractions after giving birth. Your mood determines whether you listen in or tell him to kindly stop.
✧ Just as with you, Faramir’s insecurities sometimes get the better of him, but they also fuel him, bringing a fire you can see to his fair eyes as he speaks with determination how he will love all his children equally.
✧ Pride glows upon your countenance as you flit about the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the roast you'd made for dinner. A kingly feast is in order, for not only had you heard your husband performed exceptional drills this day, but you yourself are the host of something exceptional. Eomer and you have been enjoying each other's company much these days, so the news is not so much of a shock as it is a celebration, exuberance at a line enduring, two dreams fulfilled as one, especially for your husband, who speaks often of how he longs for a full, boisterous home. Six if he's lucky. Well, you can hardly wait to help him along, pulling Eomer into your arms for an enthusiastic kiss before he can even toe his boots off, and when he chuckles and asks what has taken hold of his beautiful wife you let your news fly. Shouting for joy with abandon, Eomer lifts you up into his arms bridal-style, kissing your lips again and again. Dinner is all but forgotten as he kneels before you, holding your waist and pressing kisses all over the bodice of your dress and thanking you for making his day, nay, his life, perfect.
✧ Eomer is always proud of you, but the moment he finds out you are with child that feeling swells and positively drips off of him, every outing with him suddenly seeming quite like a chance for him to show you off. An arm around you at all times, a smile of great joy and satisfaction, news shared to all who dare make conversation with you both, and even kisses in public! Eomer is simply on top of the world and not a thing will topple his spirits.
✧ As somebody who never much studied the workings of women, though, Eomer is… a bit out of his depth. You will have to teach him some things like why your emotions swing so or what to look out for to know when your water breaks. This man has been in battle, seen heads roll in the most literal sense, and yet when you describe the eventual passing of your placenta his entire face contorts in a look of horror that has you all but doubled over in laughter.
✧ “You look so beautiful with child,” Eomer purrs, “we’ll have to do this again sometime.” You smack his arm, but cannot resist giggling at the way your husband still gives you butterflies.
✧ Your new addition had not even arrived yet and Eomer is commissioning a child-sized saddle, unable to contain his excitement as he describes all their future rides to you!
✧ As you dream up names, Eomer has many suggestions from the great halls of his own people, ancestors and great warriors alike, but making considerations of your own background is equally important to him, so he is more than willing to go back and forth for the perfect solution.
✧ No one had thought it possible, but they should have known. Impossible was not in Eowyn’s lexicon, and that was exactly why you loved her, one part within many of why you became her wife. And now, the healer confirmed you were carrying her child. …Very well, technically her banner-bearer’s child as the two of you had been forced to get a bit creative, but to have support and help from those who had begun with such uncertainty meant the world. Even Eomer had come around, having offered similarly, but of course you had to remind him that Eowyn wanted a child of her own, not a niece or nephew! Without Guthláf’s, er, donation, you would never bear witness to the broad and beautiful smile on your wife’s face, the tears glistening in the gorgeous blue of her eyes. “A child…” “Our child,” you add, leaning forward until your foreheads touched and noses brushed, a tearful smile upon your own face as your wife gently held your waist.
✧ Having worked so many times as a nurse lends well at least to Eowyn, for she is firm and unrelenting in her urging, nay, forcing, you to rest. No ifs, ands, or buts are to be accepted from your strong-willed beauty, let her dote on you, for she does it with great pleasure. And besides, the harder you fight, the harder she'll work to keep you lain down.
✧ Understanding the pain and symptoms of your time of the month completely also translates; thus Eowyn is ready with remedies for your aches and pains, hot water and herbs awaiting you. She rarely snaps back at your moods, choosing to be silent in the worst of times because she knows. Really, she does.
✧ She cooks for you, and whether you say anything about that or not likely depends on how willing to hide your honesty behind the hormone excuse if it is not taken well.
✧ Reminds you constantly how strong you are. In your lowest of moments, the times you struggle to stand and straighten your aching spine, feeling massive and utterly useless, Eowyn is there to hold your hand and tell you that you are hosting and creating life as she so speaks. You have made the ultimate sacrifice of your body and the greatest of pain to bring just as great a blessing to yourself and your wife. Far from useless, you are divine.
✧ “What does it feel like?” Resting her head on her hand, the one that wasn’t lain against your fluttering belly, she questions you as the baby kicks. “For you?” Part of her wishes to have this experience herself someday, while another takes your descriptions with trepidation. She does not enjoy being restricted, after all.
✧ “Lie down, please, my love.” Haldir’s concern with your sickness increased daily as did the pain of seeing you feeling so weak and ill. You tried to push through and for as much as he loved your strength, your husband was not having it this time. Pride was not worth seeing you doubled over again, whether from pain or, arguably worse, illness. You relented in the end, resting and beneath the spinning of your head at the end of the day feeling not a seed of energy to protest an inspection. Healing herbs had you perking up a bit, and perked up you needed to be when the dark-haired, round-faced healer nodded sagely and with a wide smile told you you were with child, and these early days were likely to be the worst. For the first time in days the sobs that escaped you were accompanied by a smile, your face utterly breaking as Haldir held you against his chest, weeping too and thanking you for all you would endure for this blessing.
✧ Physically carries you places as often as he can be spared to do so. Lifts you up bridal-style to move you across your home and sits you up before he feeds you. Your illness brings out a tender, caring side you have never seen in your strong, stoic husband, but it makes your heart swell that much more for him and for the life you two are to have with your child.
✧ Another symptom you experience is the aching and swelling of your feet, but Haldir sits you down facing him and makes the best work of them he can, hands gentle as always as they soothe your skin.
✧ Even in the later months as your illness abates, though, your husband remains protective as ever, standing between you and any potential harm with the fiercest look upon his face and a hand upon your middle, even if the threat is an object you’ve hurt yourself on.
✧ The way shock melts into a wide, ecstatic smile unlike your husband’s typical demeanor when the healer repeats that yes, she could definitely hear two heartbeats beside yours is worth more than any gold in the world. Haldir pulls you into his arms, chuckling deeply. You feel his head shake slightly, slowly, atop yours in wonder.
✧ When you sleep, Haldir will always be holding you close, whether it is an arm draped over your bump loosely if you’re hot or need space or else you fully tucked into your husband’s warm embrace.
✧ Galadriel is actually the one who assuages your worries that your dream will not come true, having full faith in you as much as the magic of this world. And she is right, of course, confidence proven in the aid you receive from a member of her guard and even the way she knows it to be true before the healer even confirms the news. As much as she jokes about seeing a glow around you, the width of her beautiful blue eyes, the shine therein, tells you that your wife is as elated to hear it beyond a shadow of a doubt as you are: you are hosting a little life for you both to nurture.
✧ You being pregnant only aids in her mysterious nature. She can be convening in a council with the wisest of minds from afar and will use you as an excuse to step away at her will. "If you will excuse me. My wife is with child." They are not even aware she is married. Some of them may not understand how it all works, but before they can ask any clarifying questions Galadriel has already slipped away to be with you.
✧ One tendency you unwittingly adopt is falling asleep in the oddest of places, your exhausted body giving out upon its own terms. Always will you wake up draped in one of your wife’s shawls or blankets, however, no matter how odd the spot.
✧ Both of you can hardly resist the allure of tiny garments, smiling every time you see them. It also rings a bell of realization within your minds as you hold a tiny gown up to your midsection. Truly as you speak, there is a tiny body within you! What magic it is to be a woman!
✧ What magic indeed, you later reflect as another pain strikes your back not long after. Hosting tiny bodies came with all the assorted blessings and curses of your kind, one not long without the other. Sighing, you make to approach the chaise across the room and soon your wife is with you, moving its drapes aside and lowering you gently to its cushions, a soothing hand tracing up and down your aching spine.
✧ "I hope she looks like you," you both turn to each other and say simultaneously, mothers' intuition firmly aligned in your hearts, from which so much love for each other pours from, Galadriel immediately drawing you closer to press her lips to the crown of your head.
✧ Elrond had been quite hesitant about your relationship with his daughter at first- were you the best choice for her? Could someone like you keep her safe? And how, of course, would she be given the child she so desired? Questions you yourself had posed to her, but she refused to listen, telling you her mind, and heart, were sealed. Little do you know, however, that all of Rivendell would come to love you as their own, see and praise the way you cared for Arwen, and in Lindir’s case even provide the healers with a chance at you giving your wife the family you both yearned for. The moment you tell her the healers’ method worked and she is to he a mother, you both are, her features lighten, taking on the wondrous joy of youth again as she grabs your face, falling onto you with a kiss of pure love.
✧ So accusing if you've overexerted yourself, leaning in closer with a look of sometimes-teasing, sometimes-serious scrutiny. "Surely you did not carry that up the stairs all by yourself, right?"
✧ Do not even bother trying to fake feeling up to anything, whatever the task, for Arwen can see right through you and will insist you sit down, taking your hands in hers. "Rest. You have your burden- let me take the others. My heart bears no ill."
✧ Her affection gets softer, light touches to your waist and hands resting over yours. One hand upon your hip or belly and one on your shoulder as you two sway gently, foreheads pressed together.
✧ Arranging your nursery is one of Arwen's favorite pastimes: painting a gorgeous meadow mural upon the wall, stitching a soft toy to lay within the crib, asking you which fabric you prefer for blankets.
✧ Your bundle of joy can make sleep difficult, but one silver lining Arwen points out in a low whisper one morning is how many sunrises you’ve now gotten to share with each other.
✧ Reservations about having a fourth child so long after the others disappeared every time Lord Elrond caught sight of you holding a neighbor’s child or even just showing the loving care that had him convinced he would be well even marrying a second time at all. Every smile, every sweet thing you did, all of it came back to Elrond in a rush when you told him he was to become a father again. For once he did not feel too old, too tired, nothing but the elation of his every desire unfurling to him before his very eyes from your warm embrace. To be chosen as the father to your child was the greatest honor the lord of Rivendell could imagine.
✧ Your every ailment is minimal, for Elrond knows exactly what is best for each and every one. Nausea? The perfect tea blend awaits to calm the waves you feel. Aches and cramps? Your husband is happy to give you the most heavenly massage, his hands finding every needed spot as if by magic. A swell of emotion? He does not speak unless bidden to, simply holding you through sudden waves of tears, frustration, or both until he feels your body relax against his.
✧ Being married to an elf with the gift of foresight comes with the benefit of worries soothed, but also a joke shared between you both. For many a time you teasingly chastise him not to look too far and spoil the surprise of whether you have a son or daughter on the way!
✧ Standing behind you, Elrond rests his hands around your middle and presses a kiss to your cheek. Just when you think the bliss of this moment, of having your whole little new family all together within your husband’s arms, cannot increase is when Elrond shifts his hands, taking on the great weight you carry. Peering up into his soft blue eyes, your whole body deflates in a sigh of sweet relief as he holds you.
✧ He can never truly understand your experience, but Elrond has witnessed this process. All he wishes is to tell you all your pain shall pass, even the worst memories will fade and ease, but such words will sound insensitive, so all he does is continue to hold your hand and stand proudly at your side.
✧ One thing your husband cannot resist is showering your future little one with gifts, even jewelry for when they are a bit older and the tiniest circlet to place upon the beloved head, matching Adar's perfectly.
Want to meet the little ones? Part 2 coming soon 😉
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corsairspade · 14 days
you are a god's best friend. the world is young still, and you are yet younger. he rides with you and hunts with you, and teaches you how to speak to birds and beasts. you are a god's student. you ride in his train and care for a hound that he gifted to you. gods have taught others before. gods have been kindly to others before. your god is your best friend. he gifts you something of his self, a hound of his own hunt.
you are your father's son. your grandfather is dead. no one has ever called you wise, and you are, above all else, your father's son. he swears a terrible oath. you swear a terrible oath. you don't know if you really mean it, but your mother named you well- you are hasty to rise, hasty to run into things. the hunt teaches you patience but you cannot outrun yourself. you are your father's son.
you are a god's best friend and you have sworn a terrible oath, but it is an oath that you hope that your friend can understand. to hunt the murderer of your grandfather, is something that the god of the hunt can understand.
you are your father's son. the blood of elves on your hands does not feel different than the blood of a deer, except in the tight feeling of your throat. except in the thunderous beating of your heart. you tell your brother, who is trying not to throw up, that you need to think of them like deer. he looks at you like he's never seen you before. you are forever doomed.
you are a god's best friend. he does not say goodbye, but your dog comes with you. surely you can fix this, then, surely you are still a god's friend.
you are your father's son. he dies. he dies but before he does, he tells you to burn the boats. you do. you are your father's son. your father dies and, he tells you to swear that oath once more. it is a terrible oath. you have sworn it once. you swore to your best friend once. surely it will not tip the scales to swear once more, if in your mind, you dedicate this hunt to him.
you were a god's best friend, and it is not enough. you are your father's son, and you speak your father's oath. it proceeds to eat you alive.
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edges-of-night · 1 year
hi! i found your blog yesterday and i’m obsessed! i was wondering if you could do one where in Y/N’s culture give someone a hand-crafted object (like a wood carving), it’s a way of confessing without actually saying that they like that person, but only Gandolf and Aragorn know since they have traveled all around Middle Earth! Thanks so much for your time!
Thank you, I’m glad you like this blog! I hope you’ll enjoy your post!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Indeed, Aragorn knows exactly what you mean when you gift him the wooden amulet you crafted over the past few days. He smiles fondly, aware of what this means for you. He’d take it the exact same way as he would a verbal love confession, takes your hands in his and gives you a kiss ♡ He'd also ask you about the exact cultural implications of the symbols you used etc.!
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen has been kind to you ever since you started your work as a blacksmith in Rivendell. She is very impressed with your work and you soon start to fall for her. When her favourite bracelet breaks one day, you see your chance to use your newly-learned skills of Elven craftmanship to make her a new one. Though part of you wished she understood your gift’s meaning, Arwen’s unknowing reaction makes you just as happy: she’s beaming with joy and giving you a tight hug!
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir spends days wracking his brains about the hand-crafted sheath you made for him. Every time he turns it in his hands, he can feel the energy and affection you poured into his gift. Still, its true meaning stays a mystery to him… until one day, he’d not-so-casually ask you, “It doesn’t carry a deeper meaning, does it?”
・゚✧ Elrond.
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The day Elrond finds the artful bookmark you crafted for him on his table, wrapped in a gorgeous leaf, he starts researching your culture. He faintly remembers hearing of love customs from your home region but thinks this couldn’t be possibly true! After a whole day of reading, he’d ask you for a conversation and talks about it to you, always respecting your culture’s habit of not outright stating your feelings. He’d be very understanding.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer is convinced that the little horse figurine you carved out of the most gorgeous walnut wood is a present you gave him out of fascination and respect for Rohirrim culture. While he is happy about the kind gesture, he is entirely oblivious to its meaning. So one day, when you absolutely couldn’t take it anymore, you’d had to take him aside and break your culture’s customs – because otherwise, this man wouldn’t get it!
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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While Éowyn may be unaware of your culture’s custom, she does recognise how much gifting her handcrafted objects means to you. So, she soon starts making something for you in return – albeit clumsily – but still you can’t help but swoon! You start to develop a playful gift exchange that Éowyn partakes in so lovingly that in the end, it doesn’t really matter that she didn’t know of your specific custom. Since you get together anyway, you can just tell her afterwards!
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Whatever you craft for Faramir, be it a bookmark, a tool, or a piece of jewellery – he’d treasure it religiously. Maybe he’d even build a shrine around it, hidden away in his quarters, where he’d sit down and think of you. Imagine his shock when he learns (possibly through Gandalf) of your gift’s true meaning – the poor man would blush like a sunrise, unable to speak to you for the next few days. He is ashamed of his perceived ignorance toward you and overwhelms you with the most romantic love confession in return!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would be very casual about the notebook you crafted for him. He uses it as his journal, for flower pressing, and recipes. Everybody keeps asking about the gorgeous binding and covers, and he always redirects everyone to you with great pride. He is glad that your crafting skills finally find recognition in the Shire. However, since you only craft for those you love, you always have to send the other Hobbits away, until one day you admit to Frodo the truth behind your gift, which he takes with great joy.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Galadriel is convinced that the ring you made for her carries a deeper meaning, she just can’t quite put her finger on it, with you being so mysterious. It intrigues her, since usually everyone is an open book to her. When she asks you anew about your gift, you can’t help but give in to her warm telepathic voice, and confess your feelings to her. She’d light up with joy – “What a wonderful gift! The most precious anyone has to give!”
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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For Gandalf, you’d craft a new staff or wand. You don’t expect much when you gift it to him, so his sudden attention comes as a surprise to you: “You said you’ve made this yourself? It is an artful present…” His soft, loving glance would instantly tell you he understood. You share a blissful laugh, before he would deny any knowledge about your culture.
・゚✧ Gimli.
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You’d gift Gimli a precious stone or gem you found in the mines, having perfected it into a shape that’s perfect for his collection. When you gift it to him, his reaction puzzles you though: “No gem in this world is more precious than your presence in my life…” He wanted to confess to you too – what impeccable timing!
・゚✧ Haldir.
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Haldir is the worst person to make gifts for – while he trains his face not to show it, his confusion is still very much readable to you, now that you know him. The archery gloves you made for him are stored away deep in his travel bag, never to be seen again. It’s not until Aragorn secretly informs him of your region’s customs that Haldir finally understands your gesture – which leaves him even more irritated...! He is considerate enough to say “thank you” at least, with a timid kiss ♡
・゚✧ Legolas.
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Legolas would be thrilled that you made him an arrow, not meant for battle but prestigious decoration. The affection and care you poured into your hand-crafted gift do not escape his sharp attention, whenever he touches the glistening arrow and turns it in his hands. Intrigued by these feelings, he starts ‘investigating’ – meaning he teases you about a possible crush. He’d only stop when he sees how important this topic is too you, which is when he finally understands.
・゚✧ Merry.
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For Merry, you’d craft a new pipe. He is excited about your gift but oblivious to the deeper meaning behind it. That said, his sharp attention does catch your slight blush when you give it to him. It makes him think – and after days and days of pondering, he starts a courting offensive on his own, until the day you finally get together!
・゚✧ Pippin.
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The wood carving you’d gift Pippin is originally meant for decoration, but he carries it around his neck as an amulet. He proudly tells everyone who made it – and knowing how close the two of you are, it doesn’t take a genius to understand your gift’s true meaning. The situation would eventually solve by Pippin telling you, completely confused: “I thought we already were an item?! Of course I love you too!”
・゚✧ Sam.
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Out of all the Middle-Earth characters, Sam probably appreciates handcrafting and artisanship the most, being a craftsman himself. His reaction to your wood carving of a sunflower is appropriately flustered: “This must’ve taken quite some time to make, I’d say. Turned out so beautiful, too. Not that I expected anythin’ else from you! You are very skilled in many areas, after all…” His beautiful little speech charms you so much that you end up confessing your love unconventionally! Be it verbally or with a surprise kiss ♡
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mycaptainjones · 4 days
Just had a thought for next episode.
Adar could potentially going to be in a position where he has Sauron’s crown, Nenya (from Elrond) AND Galadriel as his prisoner lmaoooo
Adar: Yoo-hoo! Hi! Look what I’ve got! *points at the crown, the engagement ring & the fiancée enemy*
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violentfille · 3 days
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Obsessed with Adar's table spread. Serious question though: is this how he normally eats or was it because Galadriel was there?
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sesamenom · 11 months
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co-high kings galadriel & celeborn
since elrond doesn't want the kingship, galadriel & celeborn are the eldest in middle-earth of the lines of Olwe and Elmo respectively. olwe is older but hes the king of the teleri not specifically doriath sindar so there might be some dispute between which line the sindarin high kingship jumps to, but they very conveniently happen to already be married and so can skip all that and just be twice the headache for sauron
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queerofthedagger · 1 month
One thing I think about a lot is that when Nargothrond falls, it is heavily implied that as good as everyone perished or, if not, got captured. Like, unlike with the Fall of Doriath, there is no mention at all of any refugees removing to the Mouth of Sirion - and yet, I assume that is very likely where Celebrimbor, at least, went? I definitely think he would have fought, but clearly he survived and neither Doriath nor Gondolin really were an option for him, and I doubt even more that he would have gone back to his family.
And there are a lot of implications to all that, but maybe the one that keeps me up most is that this means he would have likely been there when the refugees of Doriath arrived, when they told of what his family did. That his father is dead. What would he have been thinking? What would the survivors of Doriath been thinking? Like, I know there were technically several different camps to some extent, but I doubt they would have been wholly separate, especially upon arrival. What kind of horror to find someone who looks just like one of those guys who just slaughtered your friends and family. What kind of horror to look like someone who just committed such horrors.
He also would have been there when the third kinslaying occurred, or at least very close to it. What an experience, to end up on the other side of it. To see exactly what might have become of him had he not foresworn his father years ago, and also to see yet again what became of his family. Like yeah, everything before/during the Nargothrond Disaster would have already been formative for him and his future choices, but I do feel even being in the vicinity of all of that would have been such a dire reinforcement of all those convictions and reasons that made him disavow them in the first place. And especially in terms of the third kinslaying, it's also why I personally really doubt that there is a chance at any kind of reconciliation with any of the brothers, whether it's his father or I don't know, Maedhros or Maglor. Like, I just don't think there is any coming back fromt hat, really, if there ever was.
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silvergeek · 2 years
Just shut up.
I'm trying to fantasize.
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Credit: grinxer via Instagram
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Autumn Thunderstorm | Chapter 1 - A way to break the ice
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series synopsis: Thranduil thought the recent attack of spiders on a periphery village was the only thing deserving of his attencion. If he could've imagined what he would found there, who he would found there, the Elvenking would wait a millenia in front of that river so he could see her sooner. Or: how Gandalf managed to keep a secret for 14 months.
first chapter synopsis: Thranduil traveled to a village that reported spider attacks with his army to protect those who need it, and accepted when a respected family offered their inn so his army could rest. He didn't expect to find a mage there. Or for the dam to break. [3K]
warnings: female!reader. lotr kinda of violence. pre-Smaug.
glossary: Lossëistar: Ice Mage┆Mithrandir: Grey Pilgrim┆
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Gandalf is a recurring face in the inn. In some months he appears twice, mostly by the end of the year when he does not have anything else to do, but he never goes more than a month without coming back. Even if he can stay only for a day or two, he always comes back.
Gandalf has been to so many places. Met so many people. Lived so many adventures. So why does he keep coming back? It is just a normal village filled with normal people living normal lives. A good place to live, but not the kind of place people want to visit.
"I will see you next month?" Helping him saddle the sorrel, you waited for the obvious answer. Goodbyes were never your forte. Hearing more, even if it is something you have heard before, is better than being silent for the whole time. You miss him already.
You led the horse out of the inn's stable, petting it. The cool breeze made your hair fly, autumn has begun to announce itself. The sorrel tried to run away, but you held him in place.
"There is someone I need to visit, a master who needs advice", he said. You know that tone of voice. Gandalf uses it whenever you do something stupid. Something as often as his presence at the inn. Someone is about to hear a stern lecture, and you are so relieved it is not you.
"Good luck to the poor person you will pay a visit," you say as he mounts the sorrel. Part of you is still surprised that someone so old would be able to ride a horse so easily, but looks can be deceiving. Gandalf is older than he looks, as well as more skilled.
Gandalf appreciated the river that cuts through the property, focusing on the sound of water lapping against rocks. It was one of the reasons for the inn to be so popular. The water was so calm there, higher on the mountain and away from the village. So crystalline. Gandalf could see the high wooden dam, ensuring the river would not run to the waterfall miles ahead crash against the village.
A familiar fear gripped your body. He always comes back, but you are always afraid that one day he will realize this is a waste of his time. And if one day he decides not to come back, you will be alone. "You will not forget about me, will you?"
Awakened by your voice, Gandalf faced you. His voice went softer. "Continuing to ask will not change the answer."
"But why do you keep coming back?" The sorrel stirred. You had to take a step back, and you could feel that Gandalf would use that to move away without answering. "You really do not know what happened to me before my awakening? Why do you keep on visiting me? Helping me?"
"Continuing to ask will not change the answer." Gandalf led the horse away. And so he goes, without giving you a proper explanation. As always. "Farewell, persistent girl, and do not cause troubles."
"I cannot promise you anything," you waved. Gandalf sighed, knowing you were honest just as much as he was not. "Good riddance, Gandalf!"
He disappeared into the ash trees, taking some of your fear with him. You took a deep breath and remembered that you had a lot to do. Aerin is a kind landlady, but she made clear your stay would not be paid with grateful smiles and friendly words.
"Breakfast!" You served each horse a mixture of fresh grass, hay and silage. With all of them distracted, you could prepare a new bedding for them. "Good morning, beauties."
Gandalf is always traveling, you never have an address to send letters. He usually sends you a letter a week, not that you have a way to respond him. But inside the stable, surrounded by horses in needed of your attention, work managed to override your concern. Everything would be fine. Everything always turns out fine.
So why does you feel like something bad will happen?
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Elrond called the Council.
Hundred years of peace. The enemy was dead. Sauron was dead. Such a long time most could forget about the danger, but something had awakened in Rivendell. Something dark and hungry. Something that none could ignore. Evil things did not come into that valley, but maybe something was born there.
"That is not enough to think something is happening", Saruman explained. Sitting in his armchair, Saruman's pearly tunic appeared to be floating as he moved his hand. "Orcs and spiders? Not enough."
Galadriel countered the room. Her white gown gleamed at every step, almost hurting the eyes of those who dared to look direct at it. The temptation to look at her was bigger than the discomfort.
"It would not." Galadriel whispered. "But we are not talking about occasional attacks. It is strategical. They are hunting something. Something south of Rivendell."
Gandalf glared at the wizard. He grabbed his staff, holding it closer to him. That subject was not on a good path. Not a good path for them both.
The Istari came in five. Not that anyone but Elrond, Cirdan and Galadriel knew what they really are. The rest of the world sees them as inopportune pilgrims, but they are so much more than that.
Saruman the White, a Maia of Aulë, leader of the White Council. The enemy of Sauron. The one who advices great lords, who is responsible for the biggest events, present whenever a important choice needs to be made. When the War of the Ring starts, he will be the one fighting Sauron.
Gandalf the Grey, a Maia of Manwë and Varda. The one to defeat evil by the lives of commons. The wiser. When the War of the Ring starts, Gandalf will be with the soldiers and squires.
Radagast the Brow, a Maia of Yavanna. The protector of Nature and its life. The avenger of animals and plants. When the War of the Ring start, he will not interfere. Saruman does not speak to him ever since he made his decision.
And there are the two blues. The ones who only purpose is to defend humans. Different than Gandalf, they don't organize humans. Different than Saruman, they don't empower them. They are the protective layer that ensures Gandalf and Saruman will be able to do their responsabilities. It has been long since Gandalf spoke their names.
Saruman looked into his tired eyes, and Gandalf understood what he was saying: "Do not".
Elrond was bewitched by the landscape in front of him. He could see the river, the mountains, the infinity of the sky. And he felt it. A shadow that grows in the dark. Elrond is still not sure if it is that same old evil, but he knows it is powerful. "Sauron have..."
"Do not even start with this!" Saruman nodded. "Sauron is dead. He is done."
At one point while Saruman and Elrond discussed, Saruman's only argument being the death of Sauron and Elrond trying to use some logic to explain his fear, Gandalf heard a voice on his head. "What are you hiding from us, Mithrandir?"
Gandalf smiled at Galadriel. His white long beard almost covered it, but she saw it. "Nothing."
"We were not summoned to argue about the Enemy's existence," Thranduil rose from his chair. It would take a fool to not perceive how, even simple and identical to those of the other council members, it looked like a throne. Thranduil was a king, his presence lived up to his reputation. "We are here to put an end to these vermin."
"Finally someone with an agile mind", Saruman intonate.
Elrond sat down. "This horde keep reproducing. Until we find the nest, spiders will keep coming back."
"Then we already know what to do." Thranduil decided to put an end to that endless discussion. "My guar..."
The door was flung open, shaking the council room. A sweaty, breathless messenger leaned against it, shaking with exhaustion. His eyes met Elrond's, who immediately rose and approached. "We found another litter."
"Where?" Galadriel asked.
"Above the tributaries of the Bruinen River, in the gorge of the last dam."
"Wake up the intendant," Elrond ordered. "Tell him to prepare my armor."
Saruman swallowed hard. It would be too close. If Elrond ever had a chance to... He glared at Gandalf, hoping he could think of an excuse. Elrond would need a mere glance to recognize her.
"In a token of gratitude for your hospitality," Thranduil made his way near Elrond. He touched his shoulder, squeezing it gently. Kind words, but attention would show that pride lurked among them. "Let me defeat these insects for you."
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
They rode in twenty. Led by the Elvenking, the little guard entered the mangrove with their golden armor lit by the midday sun. Protected from the rear by the Elvenking, the little guard came out of the mangrove with their bloody armor lit by the sunset.
Still twenty.
"Our mounts need to rest before our return", Gildor saddle his sorrel. One of Elrond's captains, he was the one that managed to map the nest and guided Thranduil and his guard to annihilate the spiders. "Just like your elk, your grace."
Thranduil caressed his brave elk. A longtime companion, that faced bigger threats than a nest of spiders. "We went through a village, did we not?"
"Yes, your grace", Gildor pointed to a trampled tail. "An inn favored by master Elrond would gladly welcome us, with comfort and food for us and our mounts. I took the liberty to send a letter to inform of our stay while we were organizing in Rivendell."
It was a long road. The trail ran along the mountain, climbing towards the setting sun. The sound of running water showed that they were arriving, but what really made them understand that the path had ended was the sound of chitchat. Coming out from amongs the trees, the Elvenking and his men were greeted by dozens of elves.
As the king descended from his elk, everyone bowed and thanked him for defeating the spiders. Leading the small crowd, a short, plump lady approached.
"Lady Aerin, the owner of the inn", Gildor whispered to Thranduil.
"I imagine it must have been a long and painful journey, your grace." Aerin used sweet words, but it was clear that she practiced it a few times. "All my employees shall respond to your orders, no matter what they are. I know my little inn is nothing compared to your castle, but I hope it brings you comfort."
It was obviously true, but it was modest to say that this was a small inn. It was an immense structure, perhaps six floors high, and the long stables were visible even from the entrance. Nothing compared to a castle, but it certainly was not small.
Aerin was kind, personally guiding the king to his chambers. While everyone bathed, supper was cooked and the horses tended. The sun had already set when they gathered.
"It's a very lovely inn", Thranduil tried to calm Aerin. Her nervousness was clear.
"Oh, your grace, that is very kind of you." The old lady smiled, now focusing on her food. The lull was marvelous, but it didn't last long. This time, Aerin was trying to whisper to her son. "Why is she taking so long? I am starting to worry."
Gildor took a sip from his wine. "You talk about the Lossëistar?"
Aerin was surprised he could hear her. After all, she was so subtle. "She was supposed to be back by now. It is a long way to the fair, but not that long."
"Lossëistar?" Thranduil was interested. "An elve mage lives here?"
Aerin and Gildor glared at one another. Gildor was one that responded. "Not exactly an elve, not exactly a mage."
"Explain yourself."
Aerin sighed. "She... Look, I do not mean to gossip.” She looked around the room, and began to whisper. "We do not really know what she is. Not sure if she is a human, but an elve... she is not tall enough to be one."
Thranduil laughed at Aerin's honesty. "What is the cause of such confusion?"
The younger boy, Aerin's son, responded before his mom could. "She is weird. Gandalf worries about her."
"Beren!" Aerin scolded him. "Keep yourself silent!"
Thranduil's interest turned into something else. Gandalf is not exactly a friend, as he often delivers bad news and forget who is the ruler, but Thranduil is wiser to not underestimate him. Elrond and Galadriel care for him, and Thranduil respect their wit. If Gandalf has someone under his wing, he has his reasons. Thranduil wonders why.
Before he could ask more, the creak of the entrance door was heard. "Lady Aerin," a female voice echoed to the hall. It was melodic, Thranduil could sense the happiness. "You will not believe what I found!"
You entered the hall holding a basket full of fabrics, herbs and pots. "Close your eyes, it's a surprise." You were looking for something inside the basket as you walked towards the hall, not even noticing that it was not empty.
Thranduil hesitated.
Your dress was wrinkled and muddy, the marks of a long, busy day of walking. Your loose hair, falling around your shoulders, framed your face with a sense of freedom. The smile on your lips, so simple and true, carried such lightness. Your crooked steps, balancing your weight with the heavy basket in order not to fall, were lit by candles. There were violets in your eyes. They glowed. You glowed.
"Lossëistar", Aerin called. "We are not alone."
Your smiled died before you rose your face. Lossëistar. It is been more than a year, but she never called you by your name. Do not matter what you say, they never hear you. What is the reason to keep trying? But then you rose your face, and you disappointment turned into shame.
"Your grace", you bowed. "Pardon for the interruption."
Thranduil took a deep breath. He could smell the salty scent, a mixture of earth and herbs, emanating from you. A shiver rose the Elvenking's spine. "Apparently you are late."
"You were supposed to be here two hours ago", said Aerin. "Are you fine, kid?"
"The horse you borrowed me were not obedient." Your eyes alternated between Thranduils's and Aerin's. You may be a fool on a few subjects, but you always know when your presence is not expected. With another bow, you walked towards the entrance. "Have a good night."
"Supper with us." Thranduil did not controlled his own tongue. There was something about you that intrigued him. He repeated to himself that he was only trying to find out what interested Gandalf, but he was too clever to be so easily deceived.
"Your grace is so kind, but she does not need to", Aerin thought it was the right thing to say. "I will bring you a plate when we are done. Thank him, Lossëistar, for his generosity."
Thranduil's voice was heard again. Less graceful, less friendly. It was the voice of a leader, and a tired one. "What makes you think that an invitation to dinner and a cold dish are equivalent?"
Aerin blinked. "I am sorry, your grace. I thought..."
"Join us, lady", the Elvenking looked into your eyes.
Unsure of how to proceed, you followed in silence to the empty armchair at the end of the table. Next to Aerin's son, who was staring at you in a way you could not identify, one of the employees served you a plate. Gildor launched into a subject that made the tension in the air dissipate, but you could feel the weight of the Elvenking's gaze.
"The last time we saw each other", Gildor smiled at you. "You still did not knew how to ride."
You smiled at him, but discomfort gripped your body. You were too dirty, too tired, to sit across from a king. You must have reeked of mud and riding horses. How was your face? And your hair? He's very kind, kinder than the stories about Mirkwood elves, but it was humiliating.
"I am still learning." You tried to sound comfortable on your own skin. "I am not the best, but also not the worst."
"Certainly a stimulant way of thinking, Lossëistar."
"I am sure you have a name, my lady." Thranduil did not bother smiling.
"I... I do." You bit your tongue. "People just do not use it."
"So it is about time we change this."
A warmth took over your cheeks. You told him your name, and only then you noticed how long it been since you last heard it. It felt nice to have the Elvenking saying it, testing how it sounded on his tongue.
But everything was forgotten after the explosion. The guards got up, not sure what was going on, but you knew that sound. It was the sound of work. The sound of letters and more letters of complaint being ignored. The sound of the dozens of times the village had to rebuild. It was the sound of water. And it was near.
You drank the rest of your wine before getting up.
You ran out of the inn. As imagined, the dam had broken. The second time this month. "That is what happens when you keep solving it," you murmured to yourself. "They know you are going to fix everything so they do not even bother doing something."
Mist dominated the river bank. You took a deep breath and ran closer to the forest, as far away as possible. You took a bow out of your pocket and tied your hair in a tight knot. The last thing you needed was something clinging to your face. You heard the screams of some of the guards, but did not allowed that to distract you.
It raced down the gorge, skipping the bank and destroying everything in its path. You could hear the trees bending, you could feel the cold, hard wind burning your face. When the trees behind you shuddered, you knew you could start. So you ran towards the river.
You ran and ran and ran. You stopped walking on leaves to step on land, then from stepping on land to run over the river. You just ran, a thin layer of ice forming with each step, towards the pouring water. And when it was so close it could crush you, knock the air out of your lungs and claim it as its own, you reached out and touched the wave. And as quickly as it started, it ended. It ended with you standing in the middle of the river, with tons of frozen water in front of you, and a speechless Elvenking.
[Second Chapter]
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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Nice to meet you
Warnings: First meetings, fluff
Word count: 1.6 K
Pairing: Cate Blanchett x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Meeting Cate (Based on a true story, only, I didn't meet Cate)
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Actors and actresses masterlist]
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When I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was that the sun was too bright and warm for ten o'clock in the morning. I lazily picked up my mobile phone and unlocked it, only to realise that I had not set my alarm and that it was in fact already 11:00 A.M.
As best I could, and literally running, I got out of my bed, put on a pair of jeans, my work t-shirt, and went into the bathroom. In less than 5 minutes I had brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair and grabbed my make-up bag. I grabbed my backpack, money, my keys and left the flat to run to the underground station.
The train arrived quickly and since it was no longer rush hour, it was practically empty, so I sat down and took off my make-up, knowing that I wouldn't get to work for another 30 minutes.
When I got to the station where I had to get off, I did so and ran to the nearby square in order to get to my work. I opened the door, dodged several customers and made my way to the counter of the bookshop.
"Look who deigned to show up," joked my cousin.
I had been working in the bookshop run by my aunt for months. It was a great advantage, since, with tardiness like today's, in any other job, I would have been fired by now, but here, I only received a disapproving look from my aunt and a silly smile from my uncle.
"Oh, T/N, now why were you so late?"
"I forgot to set my alarm"
My aunt just rolled her eyes.
"You should set an alarm to remind you to set an alarm," my uncle joked, making us all giggle.
"Well, since you're finally here, please mop the floor."
"Sure, hey auntie, remember I told you if you'd give me permission to get away for two or three hours here in the square?"
"You're late and you still want to go out?" joked my cousin.
"What do you want to go out for?" asked my uncle, as he brought down books from a Spanish publisher.
"There's going to be a premiere of Cate Blanchett's new film. And the cast is coming…"
"And T/N would rather die than lose the chance to meet that woman," my cousin finished.
"Sorry for appreciating what a good actress she is".
I was a lying whore. Sure, the woman was the greatest actress of the 21st century, but she was also the most sensual woman I had ever met. My gay ass was shaking just thinking about her.
"What time is that?"
"At 3:00 p.m."
"Where is it?"
"It's in the cinema in this very square".
And without further ado, he began to help my uncle with the Spanish books.
"Is that a yes?"
Out of nowhere, he stood up with a grimace of pain.
"Help your uncle with the books and then we'll see".
My aunt had a problem, and this was that she would regularly, if not always, forget that I had already left some task, and suddenly I would start doing another one that needed to be done more urgently, so it was not unusual for me to notice that, just when I had half the floor mopped, the clock in the shop already showed 3:10 PM.
"Auntie, it's already 3:10."
"So what?"
"I asked you that you would give me the opportunity to go out to the premiere of the film".
"Have you finished cleaning?"
"Almost there…
"Then it's over now"
I started mopping quickly to finish faster.
"Do it right, T/N!"
I felt my heart start to flutter as, outside the venue, I could hear the screams, the people starting to run. Shit, it was too late, there was probably already a big crowd on the red carpet, which was going to make it impossible for me to get an autograph or a picture.
After finishing my chores, I quickly set out to go to the storeroom, drop off the mop and bucket, and just as I was taking off my uniform shirt to put on a nicer one, I heard some pretty loud shouting and the front door slamming. For several minutes I listened to murmuring until suddenly my cousin shouted.
"Y/N, come"
I quickly put on my T-shirt, and grabbed my small bag. As I left, I noticed an excessive amount of people in front of the bookshop, which scared me.
"What's going on, why are there so many people outside…?
Before I could finish my sentence, I walked over to where my cousin was, to find her standing next to Cate Blanchett and her make-up artist Mary.
"Hello. Nice to meet you"
The blonde greeted me with a charming smile. But I froze. I literally didn't know what to do.
Part of me wanted to start screaming and jumping up and down with excitement, another part was about to cry and try to hug her, while another part wanted to make a fool of myself as little as possible and try to start a conversation about her films and what a great actress she is in my eyes.
"Excuse her, she's too gay to talk" my cousin scoffed, eliciting a giggle from both older women "she's literally in love with you. When she was like 15 she said she'd marry you."
Yep, it was definitely not in my plans to be humiliated like that by my own cousin.
What was my next action, just ignore my cousin and start with some of my actions, make believe that this is a joke?
"It's not true, I mean, I do want to kiss you, but not since I was fifteen".
NO. IT'S. I really told one of the best actresses in the world that I wanted to kiss her, I WANT TO DIE.
I covered my face with both hands, but through the gap between my fingers I could see Cate giggle and adjust her hair.
"Well… I'm flattered."
"But… but what are you doing here?" I tried to change the subject just to avoid further embarrassment.
"People started to crowd around and I needed to fix this," Mary said as she pointed to Cate's torn dress.
"You know, a torn dress can't break my aura of perfection…" Cate tried to joke, but, she didn't know my name. She was asking my name!
"T/N, my name is T/N"
"T/N" she whispered my name in such a sensual way that I felt my panties start to get wet. "That's a beautiful name."
"T…thank you"
She began to wander around the room, while Mary, behind her, tried to fix her dress. As my gaze followed them, I felt a nudge in my rib.
"Hey, I've got to go" my cousin spoke, "can you stay and look after the blonde while my aunt comes back from her office?" before I could answer, she laughed and tapped me on the shoulder "who am I kidding, you sure get wet at the thought of being alone with that woman."
"You know we're not alone, and there's her make-up artist, right?"
"We're going to pretend that wouldn't stop you, are we?"
She just laughed and left.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that my aunt was attending to an important call, while my uncle was arranging the diaries. So, I followed them, seeing that Cate was too focused on one section of the bookshop.
"Do you have a specific section for LGBT literature?"
She turned to look at me, while Mary was fixing her dress and make-up. It wasn't a question on the air.
"Yes, we have a wide variety.
"I've never read this one" as she could, she picked up Ruth Gogoll's 'Taxi to Paris' book. and leafed through it a little.
"That's a very good one, I've read it more than 3 times…"
"So I'm dealing with a stalker?" she joked, causing me to let out an involuntary laugh. I can't believe she just made a reference to her own joke.
"In my defence, it's part of a research project for my university".
"What are you studying?"
"I'm studying cinema. I'd like to make an adaptation of that book".
"That's wonderful, darling. Is that your first race?"
"You are so young…"
We were both silent, but with our eyes fixed on each other's, until Mary's throat clearing brought us out of our reverie.
"Cate, we have to go, it's already late."
"Oh, right."
She put the book back where she took it from, but just before she walked, I stepped forward and took the book, handing it to the blonde.
"Here, I'll give it to you"
"Oh darling, you're a sweetheart, but don't worry, I could pay for it…"
Fuck it, it's now or never.
"Yes, but, when you read it, you'll think of me."
I saw her eyes sparkle and she gave me a beautiful smile.
"Well, I guess I owe her the same treatment. Maybe a picture will make her think of me, sweet princess?" she joked.
"That would be wonderful, beautiful woman," I curtsied, causing her smile to grow.
I handed my mobile phone to Mary and just as I was smiling for the picture, I felt Cate's warm, soft lips on the corner of my mouth.
Mary took the picture and told Cate they had to leave, so she handed me my mobile phone and left, almost dragging Cate with her.
"I hope you remember me every time you see the picture".
"I hope you remember me every time you read the book".
I hope you enjoy it
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