#Galahad (Kingsman)
spacecapart · 4 months
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Every so often I remember how much I enjoy Kingsman in general and Harry Hart in particular and end up watching the church fight sequence on loop for a while, so here's a couple of screencap redraws feat. some style experiments with coloured fineliners!
(Drawn with a combination of Ohuhu, Winsor & Newton and Copic markers, plus Pigma Micron fineliners and a tiny bit of white gel pen)
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renx01 · 2 months
Betrayed - part 2
Part 1
Prompt: Your father is the head of a criminal enterprise, one which has come onto the kingsman’s radar. Galahad has the task to get closer to said head, so he starts dating you. After a lot of apprehension on your side, you finally let your walls be broken down by him. That is until you find out that he’s been using you all along. Pairing: Harry Hart x (GN!)Reader Fandom: Kingsman Tags/Warnings: angst, manipulation, established relationship Word count: 2611
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You sit there in silence, tears streaming down your face. ‘Harry.’ The whisper would be inaudible to anyone but him. ‘Do it. It’s what I deserve.’ His left hand moves to hold the gun in place as you try to pull it away. ‘No, Harry.’ Your voice comes out strained. ‘I love you.’ There’s a brief pause. ‘I betrayed you, can’t you see that?’
‘If you really had, you would’ve killed me already.’
His grip on the gun loosens as he puts his forehead to yours and looks you in the eye. ‘Dear, you know I can’t do that.’ He sighs. ‘Now please, shoot me or I’ll do it myself.’ Pain is all you see in his eyes. ‘Harry, I-’
As you’re about to say something to him, your door bursts open, a young guy pointing a gun at you. ‘Drop the gun or I’ll blow your head off!’ He shouts at you as he walks around the table, so you quickly let it fall to the ground. ‘Harry, you alright bruv?’ Harry looks terribly confused as he stands up.
‘What are you doing here Eggsy?’
‘Saving your arse, isn’t that obvious?’ He looks the man over for any wounds. ‘Glad to see you’re okay. Now what’re we doing about this person?’ You still sit there, kneeling on the ground as you look at Harry who is pinching the bridge of his nose. He was obviously annoyed that things didn’t go as he’d planned. Swiftly, he grabs his glasses and puts them back on, it is as if a switch was flipped inside him. ‘Eggsy, please stop pointing your gun at my fiancé.’ The boy’s mouth almost drops onto the floor. Ignoring the obvious shock, Harry continues speaking. ‘Merlin, I need you to arrange for these bodies to be taken away and this mess to be cleaned up.’ He turns to you, his emotions unreadable once again. ‘Love, please stand up. I suppose I have some explaining to do.’
Harry had led you to his office before sitting you down. Getting out some tissues, he slowly started cleaning the blood off your hands and arms. It was silent, with Harry only giving a few instructions when he needed you to do something. The silence itself was calm, yet the tension had not dissipated. You were stiff as a board while he couldn’t bear to look you in the face. When he had almost fully cleaned the blood from your hands and arms, he finally spoke. ‘I’m sorry it had to come to this darling.’ His hands squeeze yours. ‘I’d hoped I would have more time to explain everything to you. To live a relatively normal life with you for a bit longer.’ You pull one of your hands out of his grip and stroke his hair trying to comfort him. Looking at the situation, it is awful all around.
He finally looks at you and you slowly put your hand on his cheek. ‘Please, don’t leave me.’ You whisper. ‘My love, I would but-’ ‘Harry, I need you. Now more than ever.’ A tear slowly starts falling down your face, but he reaches up and wipes it away. ‘I’m not sure if I can, but I’ll do everything in my power to stay with and protect you. Even if I have to move heaven and earth.’ Slowly, he stands up. ‘I’ll be back momentarily.’ The emotion which had laced his voice moments before disappeared suddenly. ‘Promise me, Harry.’
‘I promise.’
Minutes, which feel like hours, pass before anyone joins you again. The room is silent and the papers which hang on its walls feel almost suffocating. Silently, you stand up and leave the chair which is stood behind Harry’s desk. You need answers. Despite having noticed odd behaviours before this evening, you hadn’t expected this. Him not explaining everything to you before leaving the room didn’t help with the doubt you felt. You start looking in his dressers and around his desk. Everything seems normal; that is until you accidentally hit a button on the corner of his desk. It moves like a handle, and you find it opens a section of his wall to reveal an entire arsenal of guns and other weapons. A small gasp escapes you. Gathering yourself once more, you approach it and examine the various weapons. The guns were pretty familiar to you, as they were similar to what you grew up around, just more advanced. The same goes for the knives, which look to be pretty standard. What confuses you, however, are the several umbrellas and glasses which are on display. You grab an umbrella, which looks to be the same as the ones Harry often carries on him. Twisting and turning it, it doesn’t look to be any different from a normal one, that is until you open it, revealing a shield-like structure which allows you to look through. Quickly, you close and put it back. You decide it’d be wiser to look at the things which do not appear to be a weapon, like the glasses. Again, they look to be pretty normal, and you supposed they couldn’t be too dangerous as Harry wore them on an almost daily basis. You put them on, expecting to see how awful his vision was. What you didn’t expect was for it to show you a live feed of wherever Harry was and whoever he looked to be talking to.
‘Harry, you can’t be serious bruv.’ The young man you’re seeing through the glasses says before a scottish voice from an unknown source joins in. ‘Galahad, I knew of this mission, what it entailed, and how long it’d been going on, but you cannae tell me that you’ve fallen in love with a target.’ There’s a silence and you hold your breath, waiting for his response. ‘But I did and here we are. I cannot leave them, they’re the only person that’s ever made me some sort of way. It’s either you allow me to stay with and marry them or I’ll leave kingsman and marry them anyway.’ His voice cracks. You see how his hands move to cover his eyes, followed by hearing soft muffled sounds. ‘Harry, it’ll be alright. Just take your time and explain everything to them.’ He doesn’t reply but the muffled sounds continue. This is a side you’d never seen of him and hoped to never see again. At least not in this way, where you couldn’t go and comfort him. Slowly, you pull off the glasses and put them back into their designated spot. ‘I don’t know what to do; how to feel.’ You whisper to yourself as you sit back down.
For about half an hour, you continue to sit there in silence before someone opens the door. It’s a bald gentleman wearing glasses. ‘Hello there. Harry’s asked me to come get you.’ His voice seems hesitant, but you recognise the tone and Scottish accent from when you were wearing Harry’s glasses. You stand up and silently follow him out of the office and into the dining room. ‘I’m Merlin, a colleague of Harry’s.’ He looks at you and smiles. ‘He’ll explain everything to you momentarily. He just had to get some clearance to be able to do so.’ Merlin stops in front of the door which leads into the living room. ‘He does love you, dearly. Otherwise he wouldn’t be doing all this.’ Immediately after telling you, he opens the door, motioning for you to walk in. When you do, he closes the door behind you, leaving you and Harry alone. ‘Sit down dear. We have much to discuss.’
The rest of that evening was spent with Harry, which was in fact his real name, talking and you listening to him. He explained that while he did initially approach you because of your ties to your father, but as he got to know you he slowly started falling. You had won him over with your personality and intellect, and slowly, he started to feel guilty. But, he had hope and wanted to spend his life with you, which had resulted in him asking for your hand in marriage, despite the rules the kingsman had concerning relationships. The subject of your father and his business was one he had wanted to discuss, but life had caught up and your father ended up catching him before he could talk to you about it. It was difficult and you weren’t certain how your relationship would progress, but you knew that the both of you would try to make it work. The following weeks and months were spent with Harry showing you around Kinsman and introducing you to his colleagues. Merlin and Eggsy, who you’d met before, were his closest colleagues and friends. They were very close and he seemed particularly fond of Eggsy. He acted almost protective over him, as if he were his own son. He also looked to be quite fond of the younger agent Lancelot, who had actually beaten Eggsy in the recruitment process. Eggsy was able to join Kingsman eventually, with Harry being the main reason for it, though he wouldn’t explain how. He had been quite convinced of the young man’s skills and pulled some strings behind the scenes to make it possible. One of the nights, the two of you stayed at Kingsman HQ a bit longer and had dinner with Merlin and Eggsy. ‘So… you and Harry are staying together?’ The younger man enquires awkwardly and Harry, who had been having a casual conversation with Merlin, turns to him. ‘Yes Eggsy, we’ve been working things out amongst ourselves and we’re quite happy together.’ His gaze turns to you and he smiles. ‘Though we did have some serious conversations about the implications of our relationship and how it originally began.’ You nod. ‘We are taking our time, but I’m quite positive we’ll get out of this even stronger.’ Harry squeezes your hand in response and leans towards your ear. ‘I would like to get married at some point relatively soon; at least if you’re comfortable with that.’ He whispers. It had been over half a year since the incident with your parents had happened and you’ve slowly been building up each other’s trust. The initial months had been very difficult, but you understood that the person you love had done it to protect himself and his relationship with you. ‘I’d like that, agent Galahad.’ As he leans in to kiss you, you’re interrupted by Merlin making a coughing noise. ‘Now you lovebirds, we’re still at the dinner table and you aren’t alone.’
That night, the two of you lay in bed together. ‘My love.’ Harry says as he rolls over and looks at you. ‘I was thinking. Why don’t we get married in a small, closed ceremony? Nothing too fancy, just us and our closest friends.’ He pushes your hair out of your face. ‘Then run off to a far-away destination for a couple of weeks.’ You lean your forehead against his. ‘That actually sounds wonderful.’ The two of you kiss momentarily. ‘When?’ The smile on your face is positively mischievous. ‘How about next month? With how things are going, I should be able to get a few weeks off.’ ‘Sounds wonderful, mister Hart.’ He whispers in your ear before kissing you passionately. ‘I’ll talk to Merlin about it dear.’ So, he did. The following day he talked to Merlin and arranged for him to have some time off. Apparently, this was the first time in just over 10 years that he’s taken time off from Kingsman, so they were quite happy to oblige, especially since they have Eggsy to fill in for him during that time. You were quite surprised by that, while you knew he really loves his job, you didn’t know he was this committed. He had told you that he was in his early twenties when he had joined the organisation and the last time he’d taken some time off was when he’d caught the flu, about 5 years into having the job. With you in your early thirties, you couldn’t imagine not having had a proper holiday for so long. Despite this, he decided that he should be able to take time off for about a month and started organising your honeymoon, the destination of which remained a surprise to you on Harry’s insistence.
The day of your wedding had approached quickly. Despite only doing a civil ceremony, it was quite the celebration. Most of Harry’s colleagues and your friends had joined you for it, heading to the Kingsman estate for a small party afterwards. Now, you’re sitting at a table with your husband next to you holding your hand. Next to him sit Merlin and Eggsy, while your best friend and grandmother sit besides you. The rest of the room is filled with other friends, acquaintances, and a few family members who are sitting around several tables and talking amongst themselves. Your attention is diverted from Harry by someone tapping their glass with a spoon, something people usually do when they want to do a speech. It’s Eggsy, who looks quite nervous. ‘Excuse me.’ He hesitates momentarily before continuing. ‘I’d like to make a speech.’ He smiles at Harry. ‘I want to start off by saying that I am very happy for Harry. Over the past few years he’s helped me become a much better version of myself and I would like to thank him for that. However, that isn’t why we are gathered here today. My mentor has decided to marry his partner, which I am delighted about. Ever since they’ve been together, Harry has seemed more energetic and happier than ever before.’ He turns to you. ‘I want to thank you for being there for Harry, even in the darkest of times for the both of you, and for making him a better man.’ Eggsy sits back down quietly. The rest of the evening was spent listening to a few more speeches, followed by a relatively calm party where you and Harry talked, danced, and drank, like a lot. Towards the end of it, as the guests continued to drink and party, the two of you snuck off to your room. The night was still young and together you spent most of it enjoying it as a newly wed couple.
The following afternoon Harry took you to a small airport and Merlin was there, ready to fly you to wherever you were going. He greeted you with a smirk as Harry took your luggage up the stairs. Again, you had no clue where you were heading, but you trusted your husband. You decided to read a book while on the flight. It was quiet, but the silence was comfortable, you and your other half sitting next to each other. His hand rests on your knee while he himself reads the paper. The remainder of the, seemingly short, flight was spent in this manner. ‘Dearest,’ he pauses, ‘please close your eyes.’ You do and he leads you outside, the warm air hitting your face. ‘Now, where do you suppose we are?’ The air felt familiar, as if you’d been there many times. ‘Italy?’ You ask and he tells you to open your eyes. You recognise the airport quickly and you turn to him. ‘Tuscany, that’s lovely dear.’ ‘I’m glad you’re excited.’ He leans down to kiss you. ‘I arranged with your grandparents that we can stay in their estate for a week before we start travelling around.’ His hand, which is placed on your lower back, slowly pushes you towards the car which stands at the ready.
Taglist: @hereforthefandoms12
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jaygrahamns · 2 months
kingsman doodles from twt
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Total time: 9 hours (4 hours lining and sketching, 5 hours coloring and rendering)
Please feel free to zoom in and spot all of the tiny details. There are some easter eggs pertaining to the positioning of Merlahad & Percilot.
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poreyneel · 1 year
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there's no one to answer
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hamishoanvin · 8 months
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Harry Hart Harry Hart super spy super spy
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aljeensane · 9 months
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harry hart sketch because its colin firth's birthday!
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muiitoloko · 11 months
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Author's notes: Hey, guys! Just letting you know that in this one shot your character, you, uses the code name Bedivere. Any spelling errors please let me know as English is not my first language.
Summary: Harry Hart, the epitome of composure and chivalry, finds himself consumed by jealousy as he observes you gracefully dancing with Agent Tequila.
Pairing: Harry Hart ( Kingsman ) × Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealousy, Possessiveness, and Bad Language (maybe?)
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The grand hall of the Kingsman headquarters was elegantly adorned, transformed into a setting befitting a formal dinner. High-level agents from Kingsman and Statesman mingled, their conversations blending with the melodic tunes that filled the air. Among the guests, Harry Hart, the newly appointed head of Kingsman, codenamed Arthur, exuded an air of authority, his eyes surveying the room.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the attendees, Harry held a secret—a clandestine relationship with a fellow agent known as Bedivere. Their connection had quietly blossomed behind closed doors, fueled by stolen moments and shared passions. The age difference between them whispered constantly in their hearts, but their love transcended those trivial boundaries.
As the doors swung open, softly announcing the arrival of someone, a few eyes turned to the captivating figure that commanded attention wherever she went. Her entrance was elegantly late, her form exuding confidence, with mischief dancing in her eyes. Bedivere had just returned from a demanding mission, her weariness concealed beneath her seductive charm.
Searching the room for Harry, Bedivere's gaze fell upon Eggsy, known as Galahad, who was engaged in conversation at the bar with a Statesman agent, recognizable by his cowboy hat. A mischievous smile played on her lips as you approached, her steps graceful and magnetic.
"Eggsy," you greeted, your voice carrying a hint of playfulness. "You seem to be enjoying yourself tonight."
Eggsy turned, his eyes widening in surprise as he registered Bedivere's presence. "Well, well, look who's here, Bedivere. Allow me to introduce you to Agent Tequila," he said, gesturing to the Statesman agent.
Tequila's gaze fixed on Bedivere, his lips curving into a mischievous smile. He leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, attempting to mimic an English gentleman. Tequila couldn't help but tease, "Is that how the English do it?"
You chuckled, your eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, Tequila, you have much to learn about our customs," you replied, your tone laced with playful banter. Eggsy inclined his head slightly at the call through the earpiece of his glasses.
Seizing the opportunity, Eggsy excused himself, leaving Bedivere and Tequila alone. You turned to the bartender, ordering a glass of whiskey. Tequila's curiosity got the better of him, and he remarked, "I didn't know you were a whiskey girl."
Bedivere's smile grew, a touch of mystery coloring her gaze. "Well, there's more to me than meets the eye, Agent Tequila," you said, your voice filled with a mix of amusement and secrecy. Taking a sip, you savored the familiar warmth of the amber liquid.
The playful banter continued, a dance of humor and charm between Bedivere and Tequila. As the music filled the air, Tequila pointed to the dance floor, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Care to teach me how to dance like a true English gentleman?"
You hesitated for a moment, your thoughts briefly lingering on the fact that you hadn't spoken to Harry yet. But you pushed those concerns aside, assuming he was busy with his duties as Arthur and entertaining Agent Champ, the head of Statesman. With a nod and a smile, you placed your hand in Tequila's, allowing him to lead you to the dance floor.
Near the dance floor, Harry's eyes followed Bedivere with a mix of admiration and unease. Alongside Eggsy and Champ, his attention was divided between their conversation and the captivating sight of Bedivere gracefully swaying on the dance floor with Tequila. There was a twinge of jealousy in Harry's heart, a possessiveness he struggled to suppress.
His grip tightened around his martini glass, the cool glass offering a brief respite from the heat coursing through his veins. Harry took a deep breath, steadying himself, determined to maintain a facade of composure. He couldn't let his emotions get the best of him, not when the future alliance between Kingsman and Statesman was at stake.
Unaware of the internal battle Harry was waging, Champ continued their conversation, discussing the intricacies of their joint operations. Harry nodded and smiled, his responses automatic, his mind elsewhere. He discreetly activated his glasses, sending a private message to Bedivere, urging her to meet him in the serene gardens just beyond the corridor.
With a renewed determination, Harry excused himself from Champ's company, offering polite pleasantries before making his way towards the exit. The air outside was crisp and refreshing, a stark contrast to the bustling energy of the party. The moon cast a gentle glow upon the meticulously manicured gardens, providing a serene backdrop for their clandestine rendezvous.
Bedivere's heart raced as she received Harry's message through the glasses. Confusion momentarily took hold of her. What had you done this time to justify such urgency? You had been behaving impeccably, or so you believed. Nevertheless, duty called, and you knew shouldn't keep Harry waiting.
Stopping the dance, Bedivere turned to Tequila, a apologetic smile on her lips. "I'm sorry, duty is calling, and I must go," you explained, your tone sincere. Tequila nodded, lifting his cowboy hat in farewell, understanding the demands of your profession. "Until next time, Bedivere," he said with a tinge of regret.
With a sense of purpose, Bedivere quickly made her way through the crowd, her eyes scanning the room for Harry. The dimly lit corridor that led to the serene gardens beckoned, and you followed the path, hoping to locate him there.
Suddenly, you felt a firm grip on your wrist, and before you could react, you were pulled into a secluded corner. You collided with a solid chest and looked up, meeting Harry's annoyed gaze. Confusion swirled in your mind as he spun you around and pressed you against the wall, his hands on either side of your head, effectively trapping you between his body and the hard surface.
"What are you doing, Harry?" Bedivere questioned, her voice filled with surprise and anticipation. Her heart raced, intrigued by the unknown intensity in his eyes. This was a side of Harry you hadn't witnessed before, and it both thrilled and intrigued her.
Harry's tone was laced with a touch of jealousy as he asked, "Were you enjoying yourself with Agent Tequila?" Bedivere couldn't help but smile mischievously, realizing the source of his agitation. Harry's composed demeanor was slipping, and it was thrilling for you to witness him crumble in your presence.
Toying with the button of his suit jacket, you provocatively replied while undoing his jacket, "Oh, Harry, I must admit, I was having a splendid time." Your words elicited a low growl from him, his hand finding the back of your neck, guiding your gaze to meet his. The intensity in his eyes softened his resolve, and you found yourself melting under his touch.
You reassured him, your voice filled with warmth, "Tequila is just a colleague, nothing more." But Harry retorted, his voice husky with desire, "He wasn't looking at you like he wanted to be just a colleague. He was looking at you like he wanted to eat you alive." Bedivere couldn't resist teasing him further. With a playful smile, you said, "And isn't that how you look at me too, Harry?"
Harry's grip tightened around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His touch sent shivers down your spine as he whispered, "The difference is, I can look at you like that because you belong to me." Bedivere nodded, acknowledging his claim, feeling a sense of belonging and security in his possessiveness.
Their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss, the culmination of their hidden desires and the release of pent-up tension. When they pulled apart, Harry whispered in your ear, his voice filled with desire, "Go home and wait for me in my bed, Bedivere." You played with his tie, your voice teasing as you asked, "What? Are you planning to eat me tonight, Arthur?"
A smile graced Harry's lips as he took a step back, buttoning his jacket. "Count on it," he replied, his eyes filled with promises. With a final glance, he turned and walked away, leaving Bedivere yearning for more.
Watching him disappear back into the Kingsman mansion, Bedivere adjusted his attire, a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins. You walked confidently to where you had parked the car, ready to obey Harry's command and go home, knowing that your passion would ignite again behind closed doors. The night held promises of love, desire and a future intertwined with secrecy and adventure.
As you walked away from the garden, Bedivere couldn't help but smile. No matter what challenges they faced, their love remained unyielding, stronger than ever. And you looked forward to the moment when you would find yourself in Harry's arms, ready to explore the depths of their connection once more.
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be-loved-moon · 10 months
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judadisyourjudaddy · 5 months
they should've shown harry hart sobbing like an idiot after merlin sang his little sing song theres no way he didnt get even the slightest bit attached to the computer boy come on man he was disappointed when you didnt know his favourite singer HE THOUGHT YOU WOULD KNOW he wanted a connection with you he EXPECTED a connection with you you fucking asshole put your stupid umbrella down and make out with hamish mycroft right now
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Colin Firth as Harry 'Galahad' Hart
Kingsman: The Secret Service; Kingsman: The Golden Circle | dir. Matthew Vaughn
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renx01 · 2 months
Playing Along - part 2
Prompt: “Just play along, please” inspired this multiple part fic, in which agent Galahad and Kay are on a mission together in the French Alps. Here, they have to pretend to be a couple, despite the two of them being rivals and Kay always wanting to beat him at everything. Pairing: Harry Hart x Kingsman!Reader Fandom: Kingsman Tags/Warnings: fake dating, slowburn, rivals Word count: 1820
Part 1 Masterlist
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The dinner was quite awkward to say the least. While you and Harry usually could talk or banter about many different topics, the outburst earlier made it difficult to not immediately respond angrily. Before you got here, Harry had informed Merlin of the situation, who didn’t seem completely opposed to the idea of you spending some time with Angelo and his fiance. He said that he sees it as an opportunity to learn more about them, their interests, and their personal life. Even better, it will probably be an opportunity to gain their trust. Agent Galahad didn’t like that Merlin is very much open to executing your plan, but since the Scot is the one that coördinates certain aspects of the mission, he didn’t have much of a choice. Now he seems to want to avoid you altogether, still, you’re sitting in a fancy restaurant with the older man opposite of you.
You lean your head on your head as you wait for the main course to arrive. ‘Harry,’ he looks up, ‘perhaps we should talk this out?’ There’s no reply, which is unusual for him. ‘I’m being serious.’ Your voice stern, but he only scoffs. ‘Why am I to listen to an agent of inferior rank in the way I have to now?’ His voice is almost venomous. ‘I wouldn’t talk to agent Kay like this if I were you Galahad.’ Merlin warns, his voice sounding through your glasses. You were quite glad about the restaurant setting rather than having to have this conversation in the chalet, where there would be a high likelihood that you wouldn’t be wearing your glasses; meaning that Merlin, who is immensely respected by Galahad, wouldn’t have been able to jump in and defend you. ‘Inferior rank? Really Harry? Not very gentlemanly of you to have such reservations.’ You stand up, ‘Do excuse me for a moment.’ and you walk to the toilet. For agent Galahad to call your skill into question purely due to him thinking he has a higher rank was painful. It was something you hadn’t been particularly insecure about before, as he’d never given you a reason, but the comment stung. Besides, it wasn’t as if your ranks were different. You’ve recently been promoted by Arthur, making you one of the head agents, like Galahad. The problem here lies in that this mission was planned before that, and you suppose that Galahad hasn’t been informed of the promotion yet. What is more infuriating, however, is the fact that with his current behaviour, he’s endangering the mission as a whole. You were meant to be a couple, but right now you are acting very far from being one. After taking off your glasses, you splash some water from the sink into your face. When you look up, you see Guillia through the mirror in front of you. She smiles at you. ‘Good evening.’  You smile back. ‘Evening.’ After a short pause you speak again. ‘Aren’t you Angelo’s fiancée?’ She nods, confirming what you already knew. You hold out your hand. ‘Nice to meet you, I’m Cam.’ She smiles in recognition. ‘Oh yes, I think he’s told me about you. We’ll be showing you and your partner around the resort tomorrow, right?’ You nod, acknowledging and confirming her question. ‘I’m looking forward to it.’ She smiles but frowns shortly after. ‘Are you doing okay?’ The confusion on your face must’ve been obvious. ‘It’s your eyes. I know what it’s like not to be happy, so what’s going on between you and Harry?’ Obviously, you couldn’t tell her what was actually going on, but it’s of importance it’s believable enough. ‘We’re having a bit of a disagreement. I just…’ You look down. Silently, she puts her hand on your shoulder. Don’t worry about it too much, just try to talk it out.’ Her voice is soft and you nod. ‘Thanks.’ ‘I’ll see you later.’ She smiles at you and leaves. Moments after, you put your glasses back on. ‘Agent Kay, you alright?’ You confirm. ‘Of course Merlin. I just needed to take a moment, sorry about that.’ He sighs. ‘It’s very understandable. Galahad crossed a line there, so feel free to take your time.’ Your eyes shift toward your own form in the mirror. ‘I’m fine. It’s fine.’ Your breaths are slow and steady as you get back into the zone. Despite not actually believing your own words, your training kicks in and you push aside your feelings and emotions. ‘Galahad was wrong to say such a thing. I’ll talk to him later, Kay.’ As you’re about to leave the bathroom you reply. ‘Don’t, Merlin. It’s nothing, I really don’t care.’ But you did, and Merlin knew that, yet he didn’t pry any further in that moment.
‘Cameron.’ Harry greets you. ‘Harry.’ 
Despite the tension which is still palpable, you sit back down and smile at the agent. Before you’re able to say anything, another course arrives at your table. ‘The salmon… You didn’t take in anything else the waiter said, as your focus shifted to the table besides you. It’s a couple you don’t recognise, but they seem to be talking about some important business. Once you’re able to, you snap a picture of the couple and send it to Merlin so he can check it out. ‘Enjoy.’ Harry tells you before starting to eat. ‘You too.’ You say, turning back to him and quietly following his lead. It was quite enjoyable, despite seafood not usually tickling your fancy. The courses which followed varied greatly in style, yet in a way, they seemed to follow a theme and add to one another. Because of the type of restaurant this is, it has quite a few more experimental dishes or elements within the dishes. It isn’t really your cup of tea, but you can appreciate the work which goes into it.
As you ate it was mostly silent, only making a few comments about the food when it seemed necessary. Harry did, however, try to seem somewhat romantic by holding your hand or tucking your hair behind your ear as you conversed about everything yet nothing at the same time. You, of course, know better than that. All of it is with the goal of keeping up the charade of the two of you being a couple and in love. It was quite useful however, since Angelo and Guillia decided to come say hello shortly before they were meant to leave. 
‘Glad to see you took my recommendation seriously, Harry.’ Angelo smiles at your colleague. ‘I hope everything is as good as expected.’ ‘Everything is quite lovely. Thank you very much, Angelo.’ The conversation continues comfortably, exchanging opinions on the dishes you’d tried, but also ideas on how you’d be spending the following day. As the men converse, Guillia turns to you. ‘Hope it’s been resolved.’ You smile at her and nod, ‘Yes, we’ve cleared up our disagreement.’ lying through your teeth. ‘I’m glad.’ She sounds earnest. 
‘Why don’t you two join us for coffee?’ Your desert had been finished for a while and you craved an espresso; or something stronger. Angelo waves to the waiter to add two chairs to your table and they sit down, joining you. You decide to not drink anything stronger, as it’d be too risky, Harry on the other hand, does order a Scotch. The couple orders an espresso and schnapps for each of them. The previously tense atmosphere has calmed down now that you’ve been joined by others. Still, Harry is holding and caressing circles with his thumb on your left hand, as if he’s not even conscious of doing so. You shift your attention to Angelo, who’s sitting besides you. He proposes you meet around 10 near the gondolas so you’ll have plenty of time to explore the resort. You agree before looking at your “partner”. He follows suit and agrees. The smile he flashes doesn’t fully reach his eyes, though the only reason you notice is due to your training and the many hours you’ve spent with him. 
The night eventually comes to a close with Harry paying the bill and the four of you quietly leaving the restaurant, going your separate ways in the parking lot. Before you’re able to open your own car door, however, Galahad opens it for you, closing it once you’re sitting comfortably. He walks around the car and gets in on the driver’s side. The ride back was spent briefing the evening and Merlin informing you about the other guests you’d noticed during the dinner. They weren’t too important, but they might have useful information. This means that getting closer to them couldn’t hurt and might be profitable to the mission. Still, it’s something you’d have to consider carefully, especially when your colleague was already so apprehensive about getting closer to two of the targets despite it being a part of the mission. 
Once you arrive back at your chalet, you quietly get out of the car. Entirely ignoring agent Galahad trying to act gentlemanly and open the door for you, as you are still very much angry with him. Those few fake acts of affection didn’t take away the words he said to you earlier. ‘Cam, we need to talk.’ He says as he follows you inside. ‘Galahad, what is there to talk about? Your lack of professionalism?’ You turn to face him and he hesitates for a moment. ‘If we want this mission to be a success, I need you to get that stick out of your ass and at least pretend you enjoy spending time with me.’ The door to your room is on your right. You open it and start stepping inside. ‘And by the way, I got promoted by Arthur recently. We’re the same rank.’ He looks like he’s about to say something, but you slam the door in his face and lock it. Whatever he says after is muffled and you ignore it, taking off your glasses and quietly getting out of your suit. The muffles did continue for a couple of minutes, but eventually Harry gives up and leaves. Silently, you sit down on your bed, realisation hitting you. This week-long mission was going to be more difficult than you’d expected, especially when Harry’s acting the way he is. He’s more defensive than usual and does not seem like he wants to take any risks he deems unnecessary, despite the two of you being some of the most highly ranked and experienced agents within Kingsman. ‘What even is going on with him?’ There was nothing competitive about the way he has been acting. Perhaps, he was just done with you, done with working together as closely as you have been. After this mission, he’d probably request for the two of you not to work together in the foreseeable future. At least, that’s what you tell yourself before laying down to sleep.
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jaygrahamns · 2 months
Kingsman request if you are accepting: Harry Hart with a gun or his umbrella!
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pew pew
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Regret & Repentance
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belalugosiseyebrows · 4 months
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Kingscat? Kingscat.
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shmaptainwrites · 11 months
For your prompt-request thing—
Harry Hart, hurt/comfort prompt 1 :D (it was a rly difficult choice btwn 1 and 3 ngl)
hi bestie! i'm so sorry this took me ages to write, but i hope you enjoy it!
Pairings: Harry Hart x fem!Reader
Warnings: alcohol, drugging, death mention, attempted abduction, no use of (Y/N)
“Hey, Miss, you seem a little lonely there. Mind if I join you?” 
You looked up at your target, Alex Connor, with a polite smile and nodded your head. Step one was going according to plan. 
“Just keep your guard up, Guinevere,” you could hear Merlin’s voice warning you in your ear. “He seems quite innocent, but we all know what kind of things he’s capable of.”
You held your closed water bottle tightly and did a quick scan of the facility, making another note of your exits and seeing Harry’s position in a booth near the back so he could keep an eye on you. 
“Everything alright?” Alex asked and you nodded your head. 
“Just been a long day,” you mumbled. 
You knew he liked to work for his information, it was all a part of the game he played to take you off your guard. To make you trust him. But your goal was to do the opposite so you planned to play his game right back. 
“Really? Do you need someone to talk about it with?” he asked in one of the most convincing genuine voices you’d ever heard. 
“I-,” you shrugged. “Not really, I think I'd rather have a distraction.”
“I’m good at that too,” he chuckled. “Let’s get you a drink first and then we can see what we can do about that.”
You gave him a look of slight reluctance before ordering a cocktail which the bartender already knew to make a virgin. 
A few minutes later he placed the colourful drink in front of you and you took a sip. At least you could say it tasted good. 
“So if I want a distraction do I get to pick?” you asked. 
“Sure,” he nodded. 
“Alright then, tell me about yourself,” you started easy, making it seem as if you may have been interested in him. If he thought sex was on the table maybe he’d give you the information you were looking for. 
The conversation went on for some time, your drink mainly untouched, and it felt like a pair of eyes were burning into the back of your skull. 
Weirdly enough, that was your comfort in the situation. Knowing that Harry was right there in case anything went wrong settled the nervous feeling in your stomach that normally came with dealing with such a dangerous person alone. 
Eventually you managed to get him to crack, not without a little more flirting and light hand grazes here and there, and Merlin applauded you on the extraction. 
You turned your head for just a moment to signal to Harry that you’d be ready to get out soon and as a little treat to yourself you took another sip of your cocktail. 
You tried to close off the conversation with Alex, but you could feel your limbs growing heavier. Your mouth refused to move in the way you wanted, almost paralyzed by something and when you looked back down again at your drink in horror, you noticed a faint white powdery residue on the black straw. 
You had turned your head for less than two seconds and he had drugged you. 
“Oh you don’t look too good,” Alex said and now you could hear the disingenuousness in his voice. “Here let me get you some help.”
You wanted to protest, panicking, but you couldn’t bring it in you to move yourself from the position you were in. 
You tried to scream for help, but nothing came from your lungs. 
“Excuse me?” you could hear a voice behind you as your body wasn’t able to hold itself up anymore and you were fully relying on Alex not to fall off your chair. 
“Sorry I’m just trying to get my girlfriend-,”
“Your girlfriend?” 
Whose voice was that? It sounded so familiar, but all the things in your brain became a jumbled mess covered in a thick fog. 
“Yes my girlfriend,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“That’s my wife,” the voice said flatly. “And I’ll give you one chance to hand her to me before this situation gets any more complicated than necessary.”
Knowing better than to cause a scene Alex let the other man take you in his arms, and through the haze you managed to recognize the soft feeling of those arms wrapped around you. It was Harry. 
Alex quickly left the bar and  Harry gently turned you around, still able to see the frantic, worried look in your eyes. 
“Hey, hey, just look at me, okay? You’re gonna be fine.”
You could feel your heart beating out of your chest and you hated that you didn’t have any control over your body. Harry seemed to sense this and you could hear Merlin talking to you both, giving Harry instructions on what to give you to counteract the drug Alex had used. 
He took something small out of his pocket and grabbed your water bottle, placing the pill in your mouth before helping you drink and swallow. 
“It’ll take a little while to kick in okay?” he told you, taking your glasses off so you wouldn’t have to hear the cacophony of headquarters. You were overwhelmed enough. “Come on, let me get you out of here.”
You weren’t sure if it was whatever drug Alex had used or what you had taken to counteract its effects, but you could feel yourself drifting off, whether it was to sleep or something much more permanent you had no idea, but at this point, the effects were too strong for you to care and you let the quiet envelop you. 
When you opened your eyes your whole body felt like it weighed a ton and a half. You struggled to push yourself up into a seated position so you could assess your surroundings. You had last been at the bar with Harry and now it seemed like you were back in your hotel room. 
“Good, you’re awake.” 
You turned your head to the sound of the voice and saw Harry walking towards you with a bottle of water. He was still in his work suit which made you think that not too much time had passed. 
“How long was I out?” you asked. 
“A few hours. It’s within the symptoms of what I gave you. HQ might want to run some tests when we return but I suspect you’ll be in good health,” he explained. “Here drink this.” 
You noticed the bottle was unopened and you smiled a little to yourself, Harry did seem to know you well. If it had been a glass you probably would have refused to drink from it. The paranoia of the incident still made your heart beat a little faster than it should. 
“How are you doing?” he asked. 
“Just a little woozy-,” 
“That’s not what I meant,” he interrupted. “That experience must have been quite frightening. I can’t imagine what you were feeling.” 
You stayed quiet for a moment before taking another sip of water and whispering that you didn’t really want to talk about it. 
“I understand,” Harry nodded, “but if you ever just need someone to listen you can always come to me.” 
“Thank you, Harry,” you reached out your hand to hold his and give it a light squeeze. “Really, not just for this, but always looking out for me. Whenever we’re partnered on assignments I know I’m in good hands.” 
“Anytime, my dear,” he gave you one of his soft smiles and you could instantly feel the beat of your heart slow to a calm, regular rhythm. 
You knew even if it stayed just as that, gentle grazes of a hand against another, a soft smile and a reassurance, everything, in the end, would always be okay.
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