myhouseidea · 1 year
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sadpearljhonny · 1 year
Astropus, Galamar and Cosmarina
The water types starters lines , based on octopus, a wizard and a astronomer.
They are for sale, Dm for more info.
Their Pokedex info will be realesed alongside their shiny forms. Stay tuned for more!
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almeriamovies · 5 months
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Rambla de Galamar (S-W of Guadix) in "Clash of the Titans" by Desmond Davis (1981): Pegasus captured by Perseus (Harry Hamlin)📽️
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eliadamar · 2 years
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ועוד קצת גראפיטי מהסיור המטורף של עמית מ״רעבים בלונדון״. אין דברים כאלה! טעים, מדהים ונעים (; מומלץ! @hungry.in.london @galamar @galpopart (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqL1lWXIZVq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bluesman56 · 4 years
Big Garden
Big Garden by Tony
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skyrim-said-that · 3 years
fuck, marry, kill: tullius, galmar stone-fist, elenwen
Ugh. Uh. Fuck tullius even tho I KNOW it’s gonna be boring af for everyone involved. Marry elenwen bc she’s a milf and could be my sugar mommy. Kill galamar bc he’s stinky
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linguisticalities · 4 years
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Italian-Americans and the language of food: How calamari became galamar and ricotta became rigott | Salon.com
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thywanderer · 4 years
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I’d like to share with you my OC for the Tangled series! Art is by @doompants_ Follow them over on Twitter or Instagram if you like their art style 💕
Her name is Lyra O’Gallagher. Age 16. Pronouns she/her.
She’s from the kingdom of Galamar which has a long history of magic, however all magic has been banned for almost a century after it became the source of a terrible war. Lyra is visiting Corona for the first time when she meets Varian. Although there is friction between the two at first, Lyra, who also shares an interest in science, becomes Varian’s assistant in the hopes that she may help him become a great inventor. She is very shy and timid around others, but with Varian she let’s her true spirit shine.
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clanzenith · 8 years
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“daylight/reflected dream”
Within the gleam of the stranger’s sword he saw despair and loneliness. A life lived nameless and full of regret. His sight showed him what could be, but not exactly what must. A single act of kindness was enough to change the reflection entirely, and he swore to stay around until he was sure it would never change back.
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momo-de-avis · 6 years
So, as per @insanityisfine ‘s wishes, here is the story of how a hardcore catholic member of the Opus Dei repressed his homoeroticism with sexism and plagiarized Harry Potter thus teaching me a valuable lesson about writing.
So, let’ call this guy C.
C, as I said, was a hardcore catholic. By that I mean, of course, that you couldn’t actually tell until you actually met him. Though he kind of dressed like your average beto (but not so much, since he was kind of poor), he kind of came off as a regular dude who you could have a conversation with. Except, of course, if you were a girl. In which case you’d get a huge creepy vibe just from engaging with him shortly. He touched a lot, he leaned in, he smiled way too much and he had a really, really weird way of going about women.
First of all, a little background. C was like, the sixth brother of like, I don’t even remember, 10? 12? His mom was a super, hyper devote catholic and his dad—surprise, surprise—was a locksmith atheist who he venerated. The two—MOST SHOCKING OF ALL—were actually divorced. I know. The scandal.
They weren’t really poor, but they weren’t middle class either. They were adrift, you know. Which makes you wonder—how the hell does a family of like, 10 children and one single and stay-at-home mom manage to get this entire progeny into private schools (so Private they didn’t follow the regular, state-issued high school program, they actually had a list of banned books: I cannot tell you how much he despised Saramago lmao) and into high-end universities (like Católica)? Well, that’s where Opus Dei comes in. I never really understood how the fuck that works, but if you’re a member, you basically got a green card to live as a king even though you gotta mend the holes in your socks yourself.
The thing was, this guy was peak Mommy Issues. His mother was a goddamn viper. From what I gathered, because of her religion and the fact that she was divorced with so many fucking children at home, she was desperate to control her children. So the way she found of doing it was by simply playing mind games with them. She pitied her kids against each other. She clearly had a favourite one, and she compared all others to him. C was treated like waste, like he would never achieve the primal status of perfection his older brother achieved, and his sisters were constantly getting into fights because she used hearsay to pity them against each other. I also vividly remember him saying things like a kiss were banned from his TV, and his grandmother would smack whoever if they even dared to glance at the television when something as dirty as that came on. Mommy here would particularly pick on C. She specifically had him share a room with his youngest brother, who always went to bed earlier, specifically so she could complain about how late he got home, and she often hid his laptop away from him. She never even gave them a single phone, they always had to buy it themselves, with their money.
So you see, lovely home already. Which I would have accepted as an excuse, if he hadn’t grown up to be a huge dick. But you know, trauma or not, life in the end is made of choices, and boy, C chose to be a spiteful, humongous dick.
I met him in my first year of college. He was in this group with two other girls and another guy (C on the list I mentioned, let’s call him Z, cause he will be important for the story as well). We got together first because we were all, in 2010, some of the few who had been born in 1989. We were the ’89 group. And damn bitch, that was one fucking weird group. It was like Friends on a budget: they all tried to sleep with each other like there were no cast members left to fuck.
Initially, I thought he was nice, easy-going. We bonded over our passion for writing, mostly. You know the snippets I’ve been sharing of my WIP, with Selena as the protagonist? At the time, I was working on it, it was my second draft, and he was helping me construct the story, along Z (actually, Z is an even bigger dick, but he was the one who provided me the key ingredients into shaping the story. Literally, if it wasn’t for him, that WIP wouldn’t exist). We would sit for hours at this local café talking about it, and let me tell you, I hesitated, yeah, but C was quick to share his WIP with me.
Now, that WIP? When I explain to you what it was about, it’ll throw you off because the premise is actually cool as fuck. Basically, it’s about a young man who finds himself a victim of a curse. The curse causes his skin to fall off, and the only way he can survive is by killing other people and perform a skin transfer so his own skin can regenerate.
Sound rad as hell, doesn’t it?! Except this is C. And C really has a way of masterfully destroying things that look cool to the eye of the beholder.
Well, this cool ass premise? This how it kicks off:
The protagonist is a young kid, I don’t know, of 17 or 18, who’s hanging out Cais do Sodré at 4AM and somehow—somehow—that is weird enough for a police guy to approach him. For those not Portuguese: let me tell you as a person who lives across the river form Lisbon. Cais do Sodré is a liminal space, and the shit that happens there between 3 and 5AM? It stops being weird after a couple of months. Literally no police come near you unless someone’s fighting or someone’s pissing in broad daylight. So I really don’t get wtf this guy was going on about, but moving on.
This dude’s skin’s falling off, so he kills the police guy. Then, he takes off and sees a guy sitting on a public bench wearing, and I quote, «the habit of a monk» (yes, I have the document open right now). That guy tells him, literally, ‘I am a wizard and you can’t hurt me, my name is Cedric’ and this begins the long line of plagiarizing HP. Wait for it, it gets better.
Also, if you’re wondering if this is set in Lisbon, despite there being exactly one Portuguese name? Yes it is. In Sintra, too.
THEN it skips to summer (I have no clue what the fuck that intro is supposed to tell you) and we’re in Sintra, specifically Galamares (the story gets oddly specific). This guy’s out partying with his beto friends and shit, and one night he meets a 25 year old French dude called Goulage who invites him over to his mansion for the weekend and what does our protagonist do? He goes, of course.
This already feels like a premise for a horror story that will inevitably turn into an erotic romance, but remember: this dude’s hyper catholic, and to him homosexuality was not just… a Sin. You see, for it to be a sin, you actually have to think about it. Thing was, this guy pushed it down so far he was deepthroating that denial. He avoided it at all costs. And naturally, what happens when you do this, is your story gets an unnaturally homoerotic subtext that jumps off like a dildo slapping you across the forehead. That’s exactly what happened here.
It gets obvious in the way he describes this French dude: he mentions that going over to one of his parties was ‘a privilege’ for merely ‘a lucky few like [protagonist]’. When he gets to his physical appearance, it gets really neat: he had a smile that went ‘from ear to ear’, ‘glistening eyes, dark and full’ and his hair ‘could be described with one word: confusion, or in another: revolt’ because he had hairs that ‘turned against each other like someone who doesn’t comb their hairs after getting off the shower’. And then, the exact next bit of text says some of the funniest things in this piece of shit: ‘if I were an aspiring psychologist I would say there is a very profound reason for his hairs to be like that, perhaps an inner confusion’. He also says he ‘moves with extraordinary lightness, seemed to be everywhere and spoke with great expression coordinating his words with his gestures. He would be a great professor, if he were ever up to that’.
Two paragraphs later, the love interest, a girl, shows up. Her description? ‘She would look great in a bikini’—a direct thought of the protagonist
There’s this incredible exchange where Goulage snaps his fingers and fire spits out of his finger and he does this to light the protagonist’s fucking cigarette and the protagonist is like ‘wow you gotta teach me that’ and the dude’s reply is ‘I can teach you many tricks’. So the French dude promises a class that night, and off they go to ‘the basement, that was entirely dark’ lmfao. Goulage then prepares a drink for him and the protagonist slams down on the floor, unconscious. Yes, date-rape drug. When he comes to—and by god, bear with me on this one cause I fought against this little shit for this scene—he touches his neck and realizes there are two small wounds there.
What does this genius think?
‘I was bitten by a snake’
I remember SO WELL the conversation I had with him about this bit, because at this point the snake comes off as very, VERY evident homoerotic symbolism because in no fucking world would it make sense for a snake to bite you in the fucking neck, what are you talking about, and I tried to make him see that but boy—lost time.
When summer ends, our protagonist realizes the date-rape thing was actually the French dude’s way of cursing him with his skin disease from hell and the two get into a fight.
Now, if you’ve been following me for a while, you know there is a maxim I live by: there are no bad ideas, just ideas that need working. C was actually the one who taught me that, because he actually had a really, REALLY fantastic idea for a story that he completely fucked up because he refused to do any work besides sitting at his laptop and shitting a few words together. He did no revision (he thought himself above that), did no research (he couldn’t understand why that was needed, when he could simply copy it from existing books) and he did no fucking work on his plot—and if you tried to show him, he would take your criticism to heart.
Because not only is this a story about a protagonist who lives under a curse that causes his skin to fall off and his only way of survival is killing so he manages to make a new skin transfer, this is actually the Friends to Enemies trope, which I fucking adore. But he fucked it up completely by somehow—somehow I have no clue how exactly—doing it in light of the entirety of Harry Potter. (My favourite sentence in this WIP is—and I remind you, I quoting this shit: “I am going to the suburbs, so many people disappear there they won’t notice my presence”. Absolute fucking poetry, this little gem. Love it.)
This is set in a wizardry school and this somehow relates to elves in Lisbon (lmfao). Cedric dude from the beginning? He’s from the Ministry of Magic (YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN). They teleport to some fucking city that is like, magically concealed behind a barrier or some shit in Sintra (LMAO). Also, wizards are divided in Orders like, First and second and shit, which I understand also comes from HP (remember I never read HP, these comparisons were actually made for me by an HP aficionado I used to know who pointed them out for me, yet even I could see the plagiarism lmao). And what’s even funnier, most of the names are lifted from somewhere obvious: Gorbachev is there, so is Oskar Koskoshka (yes, like the painter) or Gorbunov. And guess what non wizards are called lmfao.
Also, the spells are exactly like HP: stupefy, stritia maxima, accio fogo, incarcerous and invicta are some of the few I caught eye of here.
I remember there’s a Brolyk somewhere in there as well, and someone called Polidoro, even fucking FREEZER is here (if you’re not Portuguese: that’s our version of Frieza lmfaooo). Oh, and Marowak as well (that’s a pokemon isn’t it?) The protagonist at some point is recruited to work for the, idk, FBI of the wizardry world? Or the Wizard Police Department or Wizard CSI or some shit?
I remember the climax of the story is a sword fight between he two former friends, totally-not-gay-nope dudes and the way he did it… It was in a poem that sounds like a DDR recital. Like, first he gets this swarm of anger that, as it always goes, propels him to be the Best There Is and the weirdest fucking modern poetry ensues, and then the fight scene is like this: “Step forward, attack through the right / step left, attack forward” etc etc. Just this fucking SHIT.
So yeah, when this guy showed me this my reaction was pretty much
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Now, I TRIED to be critical in a constructive way. Because, as I said, his premise is actually super fucking original and, being well worked out, it could have been actually incredible. But C refused to take criticism. When he approached anyone with his ‘would you like yo read my story and tell me what you think’ mumbo-jumbo, he didn’t mean criticism, he meant praise.
So what happened was he did to me what he thought I was doing to him. He put me down constantly.
Joke was on him. He was so excited about my story, he actually went on google sketch to project some scenarios from my story. The School, where the story starts and introduces Selena to us, he actually fucking drew the whole thing, so I don’t really know what his problem was cause he was actually more excited about it than I was.
But he just couldn’t take the fact that I was being critical of his work. I started noticing that most people around him hesitated when it came to giving him real opinions. When he asked someone what they thought, he didn’t say ‘what do you think?’ He’d say ‘it’s good, isn’t it?’ and that left people cornered. But I just.. don’t take shit. And my friend back then, who knew HP back and forth, he jumped in as well because he could see that like, if this thing would ever see the light of day, JK Rowling would have a field day suing his ass (though it’s way too bad for it ever to reach publishing, trust me. He doesn’t know how to accent prepositions. He writes “fui áquela casa” or “vou á casa de banho” by fucking hand).
He constantly nit-picked my work. “Swords don’t wheeze, Ana” he said. “I know, C, it’s called a fucking metaphor”.
“This looks too much like the Chronicles of Narnia, I think you’re risking plagiarism, because of this Tiger symbolism”; “C, the Chronicles of Narnia has a Lion passing for Jesus, the Tiger is literally just a symbol of a god, what do you mean”.  
“This is too much like the Mists of Avalon”; “have you even read the Mists of Avalon?”, “no, but it’s celtic paganism all the same”, “???????????????”
Now, here’s another thing about C: he really had no fucking clue how to deal with women. They were alien concepts to him. And one thing he really believed (I mean he really believed this) worked wonders in conquering a girl’s heart was basically put her down and annihilate her self esteem. Call her ugly, say she’s fat, tell her she’s got ugly teeth—and then provide the compliments! So he was a professional sexist. And I remember when he started picking on me because I dared criticized his masterful magnus opus of a fucking piece of shit book, he went in for the looks. At the time, I was about to go on the table for my jaw surgery, and he actually said this to me: “Finally men will look at you, Ana, and you’ll look decent!” He would ell other people “Ana? She’s not a girl, to me she’s a guy—she’s even too ugly to be a girl”.
He really went fucking hard.
It didn’t take long for me to just… fuck off.
But I kept his fucking first and second draft
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What’s outstanding is how a hyper-catholic dude who wasn’t allowed to see kisses on TV and who was a virgin at 24 years old out of religious beliefs but bragged about getting a boner for his female friends on the beach managed to just… Become my prime example of everything you shouldn’t be as a writer. I am not kidding. C was my life lesson. Whenever I can’t write, I go back to his first draft and like… It’s so fucking bad, I get a boost. IT’s not just poorly written, everything about it is bad.
But then I remember what’s so bad about it: he made it bad by being a shit person. C thrived off of attention, negative or positive, it didn’t matter, so long as he was the subject of the conversation. He used others to aggrandize himself, by putting them down and treating them like shit in front of others—specifically, in an environment where others couldn’t control but he could (his brothers used to make jokes in front of me—as well as literally everyone else, whether I know them or not, about how C was fucking me—he wasn’t—and say things like ‘is she the one you’re eating?’ in public). He hated women because of his mother, his mommy issues were down to his marrow and man, he projected that onto every girl he ever met. He specifically sough women with little initiative, little impulsivity and who submitted so he wouldn’t be challenged. For friends and girlfriends.
But I challenged him, and that wouldn’t stick. So he treated me like shit, constantly. So much at one point I stopped showing up, stopped talking, just.. walked away.
But those shitty first drafts? Oh, my friends… you wouldn’t believe the shit I have here in my computer.
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sadpearljhonny · 1 year
Water type, the star child pokemon
They usually live near the coasts. And many times they can be seen observing the sky on starry nights, scientists believe that they follow the movement of the stars, so large groups of astropus often migrate following the constellations.
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Water/psychic type and the astronome pokemon.
When Astropus watch the stars for a long time, they evolve, which allows them to learn the secrets of the stars, giving them magical powers. They are pokemon with a gentle character and it is said in legends that they guide travelers when they get lost in the waters using their knowledge of the stars.
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Water / psychic type, and the magic Astronome pokemon.
It uses its limbs to visualize the stars. It is said that they know and have mastered the secrets of the stars, gaining a great power that allow them to create powerful prophecies, and attack with spells. Ancient sailors used to mistake these Pokémon for maidens who helped them navigate safely in the turbulent ocean, or lead them to their doom.
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radiographista · 6 years
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Radiographista n. 1097, #ArchitectureSaturday
Gallery North Vancouver by Jerónimo Cabezas Gallego 
Galamares House by Jacinto Monteiro & Francisco Koehler 
Visions of Future by Inty ++, Denis Nikitin & Daniel Kosinsky 
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444names · 2 years
portuguese, early quenya and altmer from tes names
Abria Abritar Adjector Adro Agna Aguilarrea Aica Aicands Aiwende Alareldimin Albuquenya Alcaril Alcil Aldarsart Altone Aminil Ancalira Ancar Andawinga Angainsano Angaril Angatança Angor Angwen Angélian Anil Antormilola Anya Aonurdurld Arethus Arne Arnine Arqinganir Arrimo Artilian Aruldire Aste Asterilende Athetista Auler Bathar Bene Bernaranyra Bernarion Birdwardalf Brie Brien Caemar Caeras Caeta Caldor Calinandire Cama Camareth Camartino Cambamin Camen Camirila Camo Canormindon Cantelda Carrion Caryanda Caryona Catales Catenwe Caval Ceryeril Chesinir Chil Chivia Cimarcus Cinna Cinturu Cira Ciran Cirtino Clarreatha Colelya Condilwe Conquese Conso Corada Core Corea Corion Corrie Corrinorne Corrirmarte Cout Cristira Cuina Cuinyia Cuiva Culaetarnen Cularran Culdhon Culdomawen Culu Culumder Curwunien Cymbaryafwe Cyreth Cássis Dana Dandalin Dantor Diocleril Domairen Dour Dwen Déborne Délicio Eaglenwe Ealerni Earangilda Eardalf Earetath Earrie Egunda Elaatelion Elan Elando Elanotistor Eldo Eles Elisage Elmo Elon Elpio Elsinti Elsinyeor Elwi Emen Endalf Endelmion Enuqáme Erion Eros Errowerin Erya Esaawen Esidore Espelina Estiness Esunie Eutia Evalus Faluudes Faneril Fanerymil Fanya Fara Faranyawen Farianorwe Farie Faril Farmil Farwe Fease Feliano Fenath Fendyeien Fenuntur Ferico Feril Fiire Filpion Firil Firtillimo Firtornaron Flowests Fragão Franya Gaeairenwe Galamar Ganme Ganne Garassor Gasta Gazolls Gazolly Gene Germa Giveira Giveril Glandréia Goddes Gome Grawen Grayircio Greyorian Gueryra Guim Hante Havest Heary Heca Heldo Helur Helurmerion Hena Henuurerda Heor Hind Houter Hyare Ilady Ilin Ilqingildil Ilvinwae Inderil Indil Indo Ingalimo Ingi Irion Jereldigna Jorase Joro Julio Junie Kalalin Kalauria Kalinwe Kindulonwe Koso Laisilver Laite Landadel Lanelurion Lanewen Larne Lary Laryainar Lauros Leniryehil Lenwen Lerata Lies Linoluma Logdradal Lonen Lorath Lories Loriverona Lornan Lovid Lovirwen Lucil Luire Lurangil Maginia Malho Mano Marola Matelekkion Matil Melike Mendaria Meno Meryenques Migues Minyon Miron Mith Molacelma Molayne Molirreira Morne Mounta Multuru Munil Munore Mônio Nama Namo Nandaril Narale Nemfarie Nenunenaria Niire Ninden Noldeira Norila Norona Notelely Nurada Nuranirfire Ohtar Ohtarias Oiomoko Olive Onda Oppres Ornath Orore Outerandur Palirnarril Pandreto Pathar Paulisse Pedralqa Pelle Pellilino Pelyme Penaldano Penicanil Pilkinóre Pinha Pirume Plurmion Pold Polinwe Pombarrel Pradil Pradoldor Prathar Priscimia Pómelin Quadriil Queromoko Quin Rambo Ramil Ranimundil Recia Region Reldir Rindarion Riven Romenarro Rulire Rulos Rume Runda Rávia Saksan Salmen Sand Sansano Sare Saretar Sauda Saural Saureldur Saurendwyan Saurlian Saurnan Shappy Silia Siliae Silith Silorimiwen Silvina Simpe Sinia Sinirye Sirdo Skyrimoisi Softpetar Solmo Sonlock Sortiril Stor Stormimn Storminwe Stormion Suel Sure Surie Taariel Taarion Talion Talusion Talwen Tand Tandar Tansão Tanto Tarian Taure Tela Telanwen Telisetel Telloe Telo Telorion Tenleytha Teodore Teodósi Terantel Terormo Thromarie Thundil Tildil Tilia Tilme Tilonwe Tindewen Tues Tuilion Tulis Tulkanendo Tuminora Twilion Táriondo Ulafary Ulce Undirwe Undwingil Ungwen Unwy Urdur Vairen Valdien Valentian Valiodor Valiza Valunte Vandana Vande Varnira Varufinwe Vast Vaster Vaulião Velys Vengues Veril Vicolcalano Vilawen Vilendil Vion Viroza Viveiraana Vora Wanwe Wartana Wear Ximirion Yandellinwe Yare Úmavo
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eliadamar · 2 years
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וקצת (ממש קצת כי יש הרבה יותר) מסיור הגרפיטי המטורף בשורדיץ עם עמית מרעבים בלונדון. היה וואו. @hungry.in.london @galpopart @galamar (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLzKhPID_u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bluesman56 · 5 years
Quintinha de Monserrate by Tony Via Flickr: An English merchant named Gerard de Visme built a neo-Gothic house over the ruins of a former chapel. In 1793-1794 the estate was subleased by William Thomas Beckford who started to design a landscaped garden. Though the property was still in ruins when Lord Byron visited in 1809, its magnificent appearance inspired the poet, who mentioned of the beauty of Monserrate in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.
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