#Gastroenterology Doctor
amri-hospital · 6 months
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shawnkhodadadian · 9 months
How to Ease Your Heartburn Without Pills
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Heartburn may be a symptom of GERD and should not be ignored, especially if it bothers you more than two times a week for a long time. However, if you’re only concerned about occasional heartburn, following these guidelines will help ease it. These tips will help reduce the chances of developing serious problems in the future.
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Your gastroenterologist is the doctor who specializes in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, including the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. There are a number of different fields that fall under this category including endoscopy, colonoscopy and even surgery on parts of your intestines. The gastroenterology specialist you choose should have the highest training possible so that they can provide you with care that will be most effective for your needs as an individual patient.
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gastroenterologist · 2 years
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One of the major digestive issues that result in loose, watery bowel movements is diarrhea. Although it is uncomfortable, one can hardly prevent it from happening if they do not pay attention to what one consumes.
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I had my GI appointment today.
He doesn’t think the throbbing aching chest/upper abdominal pain that flares up with activity is GI related. Neither do I but doctors love to make gastroparesis the scapegoat.
He also doesn’t think my nausea is GI related which really surprised me. He said you would expect GI related nausea to be more episodic and flare up with food related events. Not the constant state of nausea that I’m in that flares up with even the slightest movement or activity. He wasn’t willing to say what could be causing it if not GI but there are plenty of things like severe pain, cardiac problems, dysautonomia, medication side effects etc that could cause nausea. So idk but it’s new info to work with so that’s good.
He thinks my handfuls of ibuprofen three times a day is probably causing my stomach aches. Which…like…duh. I already know that but that’s why we’re going the methotrexate route instead. I’m scheduled for an endoscopy to check for ulcers the day after I’m scheduled for my chest CT + calcium score. If there’s damage he’s going to give me a Rx that’s supposed to help protect against the damage associated with NSAIDs
TMI warning. He thinks my lack of appetite is being exacerbated by my chronic pain and constipation but he agrees that most laxatives would make me more sick. He wants me to try a specific OTC medication called Docusate.
He was kind and understanding. He accepted that I have bad brain fog and gave me as much time as I needed to work through the conversation. He acknowledged that I probably knew a lot of this stuff already and that my medical issues are complicated. He understood how frustrating it was that everyone keeps pushing the GI route when it’s so obviously not the cause. He answered all my questions, sometimes multiple times and never labeled me as an anxious patient for being concerned about my health. I really appreciated having a good experience with a doctor. It’s been a while.
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beedeebee · 16 days
Finally getting in to see a doctor is great until you realize they’ll probably make you eat radioactive eggs
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awetistic-things · 2 years
tw: blood
had my first physical clinical check up in 2 1/2 years and i got a referral for autism but oh boy
- suspected obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- have to get labs done (so much 🩸)
- have to go to the cardiologist
- have to go to a gastroenterologist
- have to go to an allergist
- have to go to a something else doctor (i forgot 😞) (edit: it’s a rheumatologist (?))
- have to get an meningitis vaccine
pray 4 me 🤧
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sanarhospitals · 1 year
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F.D.A. Seeks More Authority to Oversee CBD Products
The agency wants Congress to intervene, saying it does not have adequate oversight powers to ensure the safety of the myriad cannabidiol products derived from hemp.
#weed #cannabis #pandemic
#children #patientsafety #patientcare #fda #health #children #PublicHealth #publicsafety #lobby #FDA
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amri-hospital · 6 months
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shawnkhodadadian · 9 months
What Is a Low FODMAP Diet?
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The low FODMAP diet is currently a well-known treatment for patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), but its use is controversial, difficult to follow, and not all IBS patients respond well to such treatment. Recent scientific studies have shown that this diet significantly reduces IBS symptoms in about half of the people who try it. The diet's success depends on individual food tolerance and the composition of the intestinal microbiota. To find out if a low FODMAP diet is right for you, you should consult with a gastroenterologist.
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startingover2108 · 2 years
Ended up in an emergency room.. Have serious stomach problems again.. have few emergency check ups..
For now I'm allowed to go home and have to gluten free again..
Sucks. Am really sad and it hurts a bunch idk..
Will have to take a full colonoscopy under anesthesia.. deathly scared of being under anesthesia.. idk. Positive thoughts I guess
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Looking for a Trusted Digestive Health Specialist in Arizona? Look No Further Than DIA!
At Digestive Institute of Arizona (DIA), we're passionate about providing exceptional gastroenterology care to patients throughout Arizona. Our team of experienced and board-certified doctors, nurse practitioners, and staff are dedicated to offering personalized treatment plans that address your unique needs. Here's what sets DIA apart:
Advanced Technology: We utilize the latest advancements in medical equipment to ensure accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
Comprehensive Care: We offer a wide range of services to address various digestive conditions, including Barrett's Esophagus, Crohn's Disease, Colonoscopy, ERCP, and more (list a few key services here).
Leaders in the Field: Our doctors are actively involved in research and education, staying at the forefront of gastroenterology advancements.
Comfort & Convenience: Our modern facility in Gilbert is designed for your comfort and features 9 spacious examination rooms. We offer flexible scheduling options.
Ready to take control of your digestive health?
Call us today at 602-541-1575 to schedule an appointment.
Visit our website: https://digestiveinstituteaz.com/ for more information about our services, doctors, and patient resources.
We are conveniently located in Gilbert, AZ: 3011 S. Lindsay Rd Bldg 6 Ste 115, Gilbert AZ 85295.
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midicalcare12 · 4 days
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I’m just going to ignore how physically grueling yesterday was and get to the point:
Rheumatologist wasn’t interested in ordering the abdominal ultrasound. I was hopeful but not surprised. I’ll have to wait until the end of October to meet with my GI doctor for the first time and go from there. She also thinks it might not be SLE/Lupus but she’s going to leave that as a possible dx bc it opens up more treatment options for me.
The Rheumatologist thinks I’m in too much pain and wants to put me on Methotrexate which is a low dose of chemo once a week. It could be revolutionary for my quality of life but it’s got a lot of side effect so I’m going to have to jump through a bunch of hoops before I can start it.
1) Skin biopsy is at the end of this month. Methotrexate is a risk factor for skin cancer so definitely need to be cleared by the Dermatologist before taking it.
2) GI doctor is at the end of October. Need to check on abdominal aorta stuff but also figure out the stomach pain, nausea and appetite issues I’m already having. Methotrexate mainly causes GI problems so I need to be as stable as possible going into it and have a game plan for dealing with the side effects with my GI Dr.
3) Try to get a handle on the oxygen stuff. I still haven’t received my sleep apnea test so hopefully that will show something. I really need to catch these episodes during a Pulmonologist apt so they can put me on supplemental oxygen to see if that will help. Methotrexate can cause really serious lung problems so I have to be completely cleared by the Pulmonologist before I can start it. She’s also the one who wanted me to look into the abdominal aorta inflammation stuff so idk if she thinks that is having an effect on my oxygen or if it’s just something she thinks I have that needs to be followed up on.
4) Wisdom teeth removal. I’ve been putting it off bc I wanted to get my oxygen more stable, in my situation it’s not super necessary and EDS can make dental procedures difficult due to less effective numbing. The problem now is that Methotrexate can cause mouth sores, makes you immunocompromised and can’t be used with some anasthesia due to increased toxicity. So I need to be stable enough for the surgery but it needs to be done and healed before I can start the medication.
My next Rheumatology apt is in December. I don’t think I can get all of this stuff done (and move!) before then but I guess it’s worth a shot
I also taught myself cross stitch last night and for a cheap sick-in-bed activity it’s not bad 🥲
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